ML15261A529 | |
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Site: | Indian Point |
Issue date: | 03/31/2014 |
From: | NETCO Products & Services |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
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NL-15-089 | |
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Non-Proprietary Uncontrolled Copy INTRPND3:
Verification and Validation Verification and Validation Report, March 2014 Principal Investigators:
Matt Harris Charlie Rombough
950Sugarloaf Rd.
Manitou Springs, CO 80829 NETCO, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Service Corporation 731 Grant Ave Lake Katrine, NY 12449 CITATIONS This report was prepared by NETCO..
731 Grant Ave.
Lake Katrine, NY 12449 Principal Investigator M. Harris This report describes worked performed by NETCO and its Subcontractors.
The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner:
INTRPND3: Verification and Validation, NETCO, Lake Katrine, NY: 2014.
SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION INTRPND3 is a Fortran~' 1 program containing algorithms for performing automated burnup interpolation and decay time correction of nuclide isotopics for spent nuclear fuel from output files generated by the SCALE 6[21 TRITON depletion sequence.
Description The following report documents the verification and validation of[INTRPND3, which incorporates additional options for interpolating among multiple axial power shapes.
Benefits and Value INTRPND3 provides the user with an automated means for interpolating the spent fuiel isotopic concentrations for specific burnups and cooling times, rather than having to execute the SCALE 6.1 t5-depl depletion sequence via TRITON for each desired depletion state. Some of the advantages of an automated interpolation routine system for dry cask storage operations are:
- Ability to decay correct nuclide concentrations for cooling time.
- Ability to interpolate nuclide concentrations between assembly average burnups.
- Ability to interpolate nuclide concentrations between axial power shapes.
INTRPND3 can accomplish the above tasks without the time intensive requirement to execute TRITON each time to obtain these isotopic characteristics.
Platform Configuration The Verification and Validation of INTRPND3 was performed on an Intel Pentium PC running under the 64-bit Windows 7 operating system.
ABSTRACT The [NTRPND3 Fortran software program facilitates the interpolation of node specific isotopics between assembly average bumnup values and scales them for a depletion dependent axial power profile. A decay correction is performed to correct the nuclide number densities for a desired cooling time of interest. This report describes the independent methods used to verify and validate the interpolation and decay algorithms for selected isotopic concentrations output by INTRPND3.
A reference case was selected for execution with SCALE 6. 1.2 such that isotopic concentrations generated via an independent SCALE 6. 1.2 calculation were available for comparison with interpolated isotopics generated with INTRPND3. Comparisons via EXCEL spreadsheets confirmed the [NTRPND3 calculations. Evaluation of these comparisons provides the bases for concluding that, when used as intended, INTRPND3 software constitutes a reliable methodology to generate nuclide isotopic concentr'ations for input into the KENO V.a Monte-Carlo criticality code.
CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................I1-1 2 VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION METHOD ................................................... 2-I 3 INPUT FILE DEFINITION ........................................................................... 3-I 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......... *............................................................ 4-I 5 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................... 5-I 6 REFERENCES....................................................................................... 6-I A INTRPND3.FOR PROGRAM LISTING ........................................................... A-I B INPUT FILE LISTING .............................................................................. B-I C USER GUIDE........... ,............................................................................ C-I (NOTE: The non-proprietary version of this report does not contain Appendix A)
List of Tables Table 3-1 Design Basis Fuel Assembly Parameters............................................... 3-1 Table 4-1 INTRPND3 and SCALE 6.1.2 Nuclide Concentrations for EPRI Depletion Case 3 at 60GWD/MTU and 100hr Cooling Time .... '..................................... 4-2 vi
I INTRODUCTION TNTRPND3, developed by CTR Technical Services, is a user-friendly Fortran-based interpolation algorithm. The program is approximately 1100 lines long and is capable of reading a list directed input File to read in a library of standard depletion dependent isotopics, calculation parameters and axial power shapes. For the purpose of generating burnup and cooling time specific isotopics, INTRPND3 accepts user-supplied depletion parameters. These parameters may include burnup, cooling time, BPR burnup, axial power shape, spent fuel pool temperature and initial fuel enrichment. ]INTRPND3 algorithms allow the user to select from different axial power shape formats for interpolation (scaling) nodal burnup shapes as a function of assembly average burnup.
INTRPND3 supports the following basic operational tasks:
- Defining Axial Power Shape Files,
- Selecting SCALE 6.1 (TRITON) generated OPUS PLT files containing depletion isotopics
- , Specifying bumnup interpolation point,
- Specifying cooling time decay point,
- Specifying nuclides of interest and excluding others from the interpolation,
- Generating KENO V.a formatted isotopic input.
Decay constants and daughter products are hard coded into the INTRPND3 algorithms.
2VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION METHOD The verification of INTRPND3 consisted of the inspection and code tracing of the 1100+ lines of code contained in Appendix A. The method employed to validate 1NTRPND3 followed these basic steps to define a depletion case for an Indian Point Unit 2 fuel assembly following EPRI depletion benchmark case 3:
- Create a TRITON depletion case for EPRI Depletion Benchmark, Case 3 at 60 GWD/MTU and 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> cooling.
- Deplete with the t5-depl sequence in TRITON.
- Extract depletion dependent isotopics with OPUS.
- Define INTRPND3 input file "".
- Define Axial Power Shape File.
- Execute 1NTRPND3 2-1
3INTRPND3 INPUT FILE The input parameters defined for the verification and validation case were based on EPRI Depletion Case 3 from Reference X. Table 3-1 below lists the parameters for each line of input defined in "" used in the validation of INTRPND3 which is contained in Appendix B.
Table 3-1 Design Basis Fuel Assembly Parameters Line Parameter Value 1 Axial Shape File shapeslI .txt 2 Output File Name INTRPND3VALIDATION.kno 3 Number of PLT Files to read 1 from, n 4 PLT File Names(n of these) case3ipepri2.00000000000000000.plt 5 Lower Burnup Boundaries for 0 PLT files(n of these) 6 Assembly enrichment(w/o) 4.'25 7 Power Density(W/gm) 38.1l 8 Temperature of Keno lnput(K) 293.00 9 Cooling Time to Decay (Time, 100 hour0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> Units) 10 Assembly Average Burnup 60000 (max)(MWD/MTU) i1 Unit No. for Keno Material 10 12 Shape Interpolation Flag 0 13 Nuclides to omit Xe-135 3-I
[14 [Nuclides to omit [Np-239 All of the parameters above were defined directly in the ASCII INTRPND3 input file. File lengths may vary if the number of PLT files varies and/or the number of nuclides to omit varies.
4f RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The [NTRPND3 and TRITON results of the nuclide interpolation and cooling time correction for the nuclide concentrations are listed below in Table 4-I. Column one contains the isotope, while columns 2 and 3 contain the decay-time-corrected nuclide concentrations from INTRPND3 and TRITON respectively. Column 4 contains the percent difference between the two methods (i.e.,
([(NTRPND3-OPUJS)/INTRPND3 x 100%]). Highlighted percent differences shown in the table exceeded 4-1%.
Table 4-1 INTRPND3 and SCALE 6.1.2 Nuclide Concentrations for EPRI Depletion Case 3 at 60GWDIMTU and l00hr Cooling Time.
te-129m 5.8435E-08 5.880E-08 -0.625%
eu-152 4.9441E- 10 4.944E-10 0.002%
eu-151 6.8003E- 10 6.800E-10 0.004%
se-76 9.4460E- 10 9.467E-10 -0.222%
pm- 151 9.7315E- 10 9.808E-10 -0.786%
gd- 152 1.4510E-09 1.452E-09 -0.069%
cd-115m 1.5175E-09i 1.518E-09 -0.034%
la-138 1.5550E-09 1.555E-09 0.000%
ge-73 2.7910E-09 2.792E-09 -0.036%
er-166 2.9750E-09 2.987E-09 -0.403%
rb-86 2.9542E-09 2.953E-09 0.040%
ru-99 3.2287E-09 3.233E-09 -0. 132%
sb-124 4.1195E-09 4.120E-09 -0.011%
xe-129 3.9450E-09 3.949E-09 -0.101%
dy- 164 4.6790E-09 4.679E-09 0.0000/
sn-125 3.5340E-09 3.535E-09 -0.028%
tb-160 .5.T/66E-09 5.777E-09 -0.007%
gd-155 S.8245E-09 5.826E-09 -0.025%
cd-113 7.7870E-09 7.956E-09 -2.170 gd-1S7 7.3240-09 8.287E-09 -319 ho-165 8.7500E-09 8.754E-09 -0.046%
ce-143 1.0315E-08 1.033E-08 -0.149%
te-127m 3.7337E-08 3.890E-08 -4.185%
sm-153 1.1749E-08 1.183E-08 -0.687%
rh-lO5 1.2928E-08 1.308E-08 -1.176%
y-90 1.3245E-08 1.373E-08 -3.658%
pm-149 1.4788E-08 1.514E-08 -2.379%
as-75 1.6210E-08 1.621E-08 0.000%
dy-163 1.6540E-08 1.654E-08 0.000%4 np-238 1.6714E-08 l.671E-08 0.027%
ag-ill 1.8872E-08 l.890E-08 -0.148%
dy-162 2.0640E-08 2.064E-08 0.000%/
dy- 160 2.0795E-08 2.079E-08 0.026%
sn-115 2.2240E-08 2.229E-08 -0.225%
cm-243 2.5713E-08 2.571E-08 0.012%
am-242m 2.6199E-08 2.619E-08 0.033%
dy-161 2.7210E-08 2.743E-08 -0.809%
te-124 3.2542E-08 3.254E-08 0.008%
sn-123 1.0424E-08 l.042E-08 0.042%
pm-148 3.1578E-08 3.172E-08 -0.450%
cs-136 3.7996E-08 3.799E-08 0.015%
te-122 4.1460E-08 4.162E-08 -0.386%
ge-76 4.2840E-08 4.284E-08 0.000%
te-126 5.3520E-08 5.361E-08 -0.168%
cm-246 5.9890E-08 5.989E-08 0.000%
pm-148m 6.5263E-08 6.526E-08 0.004%
ba- 135 7. 1970E-08 7. 199E-08 -0.028%
mo-99 7.6199E-08 7.624E-08 -0.053%
te-132 8. 1766E-08 8.053E-08 1.511%
gd- 160 8.0460E-08 8.046E-08 0.000%
se-77 9.6550E-08 9.668E-08 -0.135%
sr-86 9.5305E-08 9.530E-08 0.005%
ag-ilbm 1.0271E-07 1.027E-07 0.006%
kr-82 1.0570E-07 1.061E-07 -0.378%
la-140 1.0247E-07 1.084E-07 -5.*
in-l15 1L1830E-07 1.1.93E-07 -0.844%
sm-149 1.3934E-07 1.402E-07 -0.616%
tb-159 1.8430E-07 1.846E-07 -0.163%
sn-116 2.0940E-07 2.094E-07 0.000%
u-237 2. 1180E-07 2. 118E-07 0.001%
nd-147 2.3092E-07 2.311E-07 -0.077%
gd-154 2.3817E-07 2.381E-07 0.031%
1-131 2.4794E-07 2.574E-07 -3.817%
eu-156 2.5487E-07 2.553E-07 -0.170%
xe- 133 2.5347E-07 3.063E-07 -20.843%
te-125 3.5535E-07 3.554E-07 -0.013%
sb-121 3.6980E-07 3.703E-07 -0.135%
sn-119 3.9860E-07 3.987E-07 -0.025%
sn-120 4.0570E-07 4.057E-07 0.000%
xe-128 3.8120E-07 3.812E-07 0.000%
cm-245 4.0670E-07 4.067E-07 0.000%
sn-118 4.1650E-07 4.165E-07 0.000%
sn-117 4.4820E-07 4.484E-07 -0.045%
sb-123 4.7214E-07 4.721E-07 0.008%
cd-116 4.9960E-07 4.996E-07 0.000%
sn-122 5.0820E-07 5.082E-07 0.000%
eu-155 5.7774E-07 5.778E-07 -0.010%
sm-151 6.2675E-07 6.268E-07 -0.008%1 sb-125 6.4608E-07 6.461E-07 -0.003%
ba-140 7.2898E-07 7. 290E-07 -0.003%
pr-143 7.2804E-07 7.291E-07 -0.145%
xe-130 7.3050E-07 7.312E-07 -0.096%
cm-242 7.5518E-07 7.591E-07 -0.518%
s n-124 7.8730E-07 7.873E-07 0.000%
cd-112 1.2710E-06 1.273E-06 -0.157%
cd-114 1.4330E-06 1.433E-06 0.000%
sr-89 1.4478E-06 1.448E-06 -0.012%
se-SO 1.5470E-06 1.547E-06 0.000%
gd-158 1.6140E-06 1.614E-06 0.000%
s n-126 1.7010E-06 1. 701E-06 0.000%
am-241 1.7282E-06 1.728E-06 0.009%
eu-154 1.9262E-06 1.927E-06 -0.040%
ce-141 1.9974E-06 2.009E-06 -0.582%
ba-136 2.0663E-06 2.067E-06 -0.033%
nd- 142 2. 1750E-06 2. 178E-06 -0.138%
nb-95 2.2636E-06 2.264E-06 -0.018%
y-9l 2.2930E-06 2.309E-06 -0.700%
br-81 2.4410E-06 2.441E-06 0.000%
cd-ill 2.5429E-06 2.543E-06 -0.004%
sm-154 2.6440E-06 2.644E-06 0.000%
ru-103 2.8477E-06 2.848E-06 -0.011%
kr-85 2.6121E-06 2.613E-06 -0. 035%
u-234 3.2759E-06 3.276E-06 -0.002%
-127 3.5390E-06 3. 549E-06 -0.283%
se-82 3.8590E-06 3.859E-06 0.000%
zr-95 3'.9545E-06 3. 955E-06 -0.012%
kr-83 4.0270E-06 4.028E-06 -0.025%
ba-137 4.3955E-06 4.395E-06 0.012%
cm-244 4.4790E-06, 4.479E-06 0.001%
sm-147 4.5378E-06 4.538E-06! -0.005%
pd-l10 5. 2210E-06 5. 221E-06: 0.000%
s m-152 5. 3620E-06 5. 362E-06 0.000%
cd-l10 5.4802E-06 5.480E-06 0.004%
mo-96 6.6650E-06 6.665E-06 0.000%
ba-134 6.8359E-06 6.836E-06 -0.002%
te-128 7.4750E-06 7.476E-06 -0.013%
e u-153 7.5168E-06 7.516E-06 0.010%
ag-109 7.5170E-06 7.530E-06 -0.173%
pm-147 8.2317E-06 8.232E-06 -0.003%
am-243 8. 2250E-06 8. 233E-06 -0.097%
gd-156 8.5303E-06 8.530E-06 0.004%
pu-238 1.0551E-05 1.055SE-05 0.012%
rb-85 1.0632E-05 1.063E-05 0.018%
sm-148 l.1737E-05 1.174E-05 -0.024%
nd-i5O l.2050E-05 1.205E-05 0.000%
i-129 1.1950E-05 1.195E-05 0.000%
cs-134 1. 2482E-05 1. 248E-05 0.017%
kr-84 1.2690E-05 1.269E-05 0.000%
ru-106 1.3723E-05 1.372E-05 0.023%
ce-144 1.5739E-05 1.574E-05 -0.003%
pd-108 1.5760E-05 1.576E-05 0.000%
ru-lO0 1.6260E-05 1.626E-05 0.000%
kr-86 2.0050E-05 2.005E-05 0.000%
sm-i50 1.9260E-05 1.926E-05 0.000%
np-237 1.9623E-05 1.962E-05 0.016%
3d-107 2.3380E-05 2.338E-05 0.000%
nd-148 2.4630E-05 2.463E-05 0.000%
rb-87 2.6020E-05 2.603E-05 -0.038%
xe-131 2.6327E-05 2.633E-05 -0.010%
pu-242 2,6720E-05 2.672E-05 0.000%
pd-106 2.7587E-05 2.759E-05 -0.012%
te-130 2.9220E-05 2.922E-05 0.000%
cs-135 2.9661E-05 2.966E-05 0.004%
pd-104 3,1050E-05 3.105E-05 0.000%
sr-88 3.4870E-05 3.488E-05 -0.029%
rh-103 3.6897E-05 3.689E-O5 0.020%
pd-lO5 4.0288E-05 4.029E-05 -0.005%
nd-145 4.0900E-05 4.091E-05 -0.024%
y-89 4.4875E-05 4.488F-O5 -0.011%
nd-143 4.5308E-05 4.531E-05 -0.005%
pu-241 4.7674E-05 4.767E-05 0.008%
nd-146 5.0320E-05 5.032E-05 0.000%
st-90 5.3356E-05 5.336E-05 -0.008%
zr-9i 5,7306E-05 5.731E-05 -0.007%
ru-104 5.7510E-05 5.,751E-05 0.000%
mo-95 6.7128E-05 6.712E-05 0.012%
zr-93 7. 1410E-05 7. 144E-05 -0.042%
tc-99 7.3842E-05 7.38SE-OS -0.011%
pr-141 7.4196F-OS 7.41SE-OS 0.008%
ru-l01 7.4280E-05 7.42SF-OS 0.000%
cs-133 7,5646E-05 7.567E-05 -0.031%
pu-240 7.6112E-05 7.611E-05 0.002%
ce-142 7.6790E-05 7.679E-05 0.000%
nd-144 7.9331E-05 7.933E-05 0.001%
zr-96 8.0510E-05 8.051E-05 0.000%
mo-97 8.0160E-05 8.021E-05 -0.062%
ru-102 8.1900E-05 8.190E-05 0.000%
mo-98 8.3150E-05 8.315E-05 0.000%
ce-140 8,4369E-05 8.437E-05 -0.001%
la-139 8,5030E-05 8.504E-05 -0.012-%
cs-137 8.5087E-05 8.609E-05 -0.003%
xe-132 8.8887E-05 8.889E-05 -0.004%
ba-138 9.2170E-05 9.21SE-O5 -0.011%
mo-100 9,2290E-05 9.229E-05 0.000%
xe-134 1.1140E-04 1.114E-04 0.000%
u-235 1.2690E-04 1.269E-04 0.000%
u-236 1.3880E-04 1.388E-04 0.000%
rpu-239 1.5542E-04 1.547F-04 0.466%
xe-136 i.6740E-04 i.674E-04 0.000%
u-238 2.1020E-02 2.102E-02 0.000%
o-16 4.6140E-02 4.614E-02 0.000%
For the nuclide concentration calculations performed, [NTRPND3 and SCALE 6.1.2 were in general agreement to less than 1% for all but 10 of the 185 selected Actinides and Fission Products. Differences for the primary percentage differences for Actinides were typically close to 0% except for Pu-239 for which the INTRPND3 interpolated value was high by 0.5%.
For the 10 number densities that were different by more than 1%, nine of the concentrations were conservatively low when interpolated by INTRPND3. The single exception was Te- 132 which was high by approximately 1.5%. Accordingly and importantly, the Keno V.a keff calculations using the number densities fr'om both INTRPND3 .exe and from the direct TRITON calculated isotopic number densities differed by less than 0.O004A~k (except at 25 years cooling with INTRPND3 was conservative by 0.0007Ak). Thus, computed differences in isotopic number densities are not obs~rved to have meaningful influence on corresponding calculated k values.
Furthermore, this allowed validation of the fact that INTRPND3 output files can be read by KENO V.a and used to successfully complete a keff calculation.
5 CONCLUSIONS Based on the calculations above, FNTRPND3a is performing its designed function in calculating interpolated number densities for intermediate burnup points and cooling times. In addition, the program is calculating nodal isotopics for selected axial power profiles consistent with the methodology.
I.Leestma, S. and L. Nyhoff, Fortran 90 For Engineers and Scientists, 2 nd Edtion, M~acN~illian Publishing Co., New York, 1988.
- 2. Scale: /1 comprehensive Modeling and Simulation Suite for Nuclear Safety Analysis"and Design, ORNL/TM-2005/39, Version 6.1I, June 2011. Available from Radiation Safety Information Computational Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as CCC-785.
[ Source code removed for Non-Proprietary Version]
case3 ipepri2.00000000000000000.plt 0
4.25 38.1 293.00 100 hour0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> 60000 lO 0
xe-135 np-239 B3-I
INTRPND3 can be executed from the DOS command line via the command:
"C:\path\intrpnd3" where path is the directory or folder containing the executable file. has the format shown in Appendix B. Several files must be located in the current directory, namely:
- The Axial Power Shape file, (e.g., "Shapes.txt")
- Opus *.PLT files PLT files The number of PLT files will vary for each case. For example, if the assembly depletion involves using BPRs, then a single PLT file will be generated for depletion to the point of BPR removal and a separate PLT file will be generated for depletion through end of cycle. Line 4 of the input file will contain the burnup at which BPR removal occurs (or 0 if no BPRs are used).
Axial Power Shapes A single ASCII file containing axial relative power shapes must be present in the same directory as the executable. The file can contain a single power shape, or a series of power shapes as a function of burnup. The format should be as shown below:
SI F BURNUPi NODES RPO-RPNODES BURNUPn NODES RPO-RPNODES (NOTE: Comments are indicated with a $ card)
SIF is the Shape Information Flag for interpolating (0= histogram, 1= interpolate between profiles in a conservative manner, 2 = interpolate between burnup step mid-points). For options 1 and 2, the number of axial nodes must be the same for each profile.
The sample format below assumes all profiles are at a flat (average) power distribution (single axial node).
o $ shape interpolation flag (0=histogram, 1=interpolate betw profiles
$ in a conservative manner, 2=interpolate betw mid points)
$ for 1 and 2,'the number of nodes must be the same for each profile 6000 $ burnup end point of first profile (MWD/MTU)
$ for each profile, the first integer is the number of nodes in the profile 1 1.0 10000 $ burnup end point of 2nd profile (MWD/MTU) 1 1.0 14000 $ end point of 3rd profile 1 1.0 Omitting Nuclides Nuclides may be omitted by entering their alphanumeric ID as shown in Appendix B.
IF the nuclide is Promethium-I149 (pm-149), then an additional entry must be entered following the nuclide ID's. The entry is a decimal multiplier by which the Pm-149 concentration will be adjusted C-2