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Attachment 3, UHS Heat Load Calculation, LSCS Design Analysis L-002453, Revision 4 (Non-Proprietary)
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Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/2015
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15113B155 List:
RS-15-103 L-002453, Rev. 4
Download: ML15113B041 (93)


ATTACHMENT 3 UHS Heat Load Calculation LSCS Design Analysis L-002453, Revision 4 October 2, 2013 (Non-Proprietary) 92 pages follow

Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 CC-AA-309-1 001 Revision 8 ATTACHMENT I Design Analysis Cover Sheet Page 1 of I Design Analysis Last Page No. a Attachment F, Page F2 Analysis No.:'

L-002453 Revision: 2 4 Major [

Minor El


IUHS Heat Load EC/ECR No.:

389270 Revision: 1 0 Station(s):'

LaSalle County Station Component(s):

Unit No.:1 00 NI/A Discipline:

MEDC Descrip. Code/Keyword: o M10 Safety/QA Class:"

Safety-Related System Code: 52 ZZ Structure: '-


Document No.:

From/To Document No.:

From/To NSA-01-404 From BSA-L-97-02 From SEAG#12-000098 From L-003352 From L-003696 From SEAG#13-000074 From EC 392196 From L-002489 From L-002457 From/To Is this Design Analysis Safeguards Information? 1" Yes [] No Z If yes, see SY-AA-101-106 Does this Design Analysis contain Unverified Assumptions?"

Yes El No [

If yes, ATI/AR#:

This Design Analysis SUPERCEDES: "

N/A in its entirety.

Description of Revision (list changed pages when all pages of original analysis were not changed): "

Revision 4 adds Attachments D and E which establish the current design basis by calculating the time dependent heat rejection rate to the UHS considering a realistic operating scenario that maximizes the heat load (i.e., 2 x RHR heat exchangers in service) and includes the fuel pool decay heat load.

Pages revised: 1, la, 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 7, 28. Pages added: D1 - D48, El - E8, F1 - F2 Main Body (31 pages) + Attachment A (18 pages) + Attachment B (19 pages) + Attachment C (8 pages) +

Attachment D (48 pages) + Attachment E (8 pages) + Attachment F (2 pa 34 es Preparer: 20 Paul J. Szymiczek (S&L)



Print Name Date

/r bglnrName Method of Review: 21 Detailed Review [

Alternate Calculations (attached) El Testing El Reviewer: 22 Daniel W. Nevill (S&L)

(). &Ip.&

10.ll/2-11 Prirlnt m Sg Name Date Review Notes: 22 Independent review [

Peer review El (For Extemra Analyses Only)

External Approver: 24 Pawel Kut (S&L) o__

Print Nam e Si nNam e

4 e

Exelon Reviewer: 25 Sean Tanton

_t_ _

0 Print Name SnNam Independent 3rd Party Review Reqd? 10 Yes E No Exelon Approver: 1 9J9AJ' Sc-,/Mi-r 1_

Print Name Sign Name Date

CC-AA-103-1003 Revision 9 Page 7 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 Owner's Acceptance Review Checklist for External Design Analyses Page la alvsis No.: L-002453 Rev: 4 Design An No Question Instructions and Guidance Yes I No / N/A 1

Do assumptions have All Assumptions should be stated in clear terms with enough sufficient documented justification to confirm that the assumption is conservative.


For example, 1) the exact value of a particular parameter may not be known or that parameter may be known to vary over the range of conditions covered by the Calculation. It is appropriate to represent or bound the parameter with an assumed value. 2) The predicted performance of a specific piece of equipment in lieu of actual test data. It is appropriate to use the documented opinion/position of a recognized expert on that equipment to represent predicted equipment performance.

Consideration should also be given as to any qualification testing that may be needed to validate the Assumptions. Ask yourself, would you provide more justification if you were performing this analysis? If yes, the rationale is likely incomplete.

Are assumptions Ensure the documentation for source and rationale for the 2

compatible with the assumption supports the way the plant is currently or will be way the plant is operated post change and they are not in conflict with any operated and with the design parameters. If the Analysis purpose is to establish a licensing basis?

new licensing basis, this question can be answered yes, if the assumption supports that new basis.

3 Do all unverified If there are unverified assumptions without a tracking assumptions have a mechanism indicated, then create the tracking item either tracking and closure through an ATI or a work order attached to the implementing No unverified mechanism in place?

WO. Due dates for these actions need to support verification assumptions.

prior to the analysis becoming operational or the resultant plant change being op authorized.

4 Do the design inputs The origin of the input, or the source should be identified and have sufficient be readily retrievable within Exelon's documentation system.


If not, then the source should be attached to the analysis. Ask yourself, would you provide more justification if you were performing this analysis? If yes, the rationale is likely incomplete.

5 Are design inputs The expectation is that an Exelon Engineer should be able to El El correct and reasonable clearly understand which input parameters are critical to the with critical parameters outcome of the analysis. That is, what is the impact of a identified, if change in the parameter to the results of the analysis? If the appropriate?

impact is large, then that parameter is critical.

6 Are design inputs Ensure the documentation for source and rationale for the


El compatible with the inputs supports the way the plant is currently or will be way the plant is operated post change and they are not in conflict with any operated and with the design parameters.

licensing basis?

CC-AA-1 03-1003 Revision 9 Page 8 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 Owner's Acceptance Review Checklist for External Design Analyses Page l b alvsis No.: L-002453 Rev: 4 Design An No Question Instructions and Guidance Yes / No / NIA 7

Are Engineering See Section 2.13 in CC-AA-309 for the attributes that are 0-]

X Judgments clearly sufficient to justify Engineering Judgment. Ask yourself, No engineering documented and would you provide more justification if you were performing judgements justified?

this analysis? If yes, the rationale is likely incomplete, identified.

8 Are Engineering Ensure the justification for the engineering judgment 11 1:1 Judgments compatible supports the way the plant is currently or will be operated No engineering with the way the plant is post change and is not in conflict with any design judgements operated and with the parameters. If the Analysis purpose is to establish a new identified.

licensing basis?

licensing basis, then this question can be answered yes, if the judgment supports that new basis.

9 Do the results and Why was the analysis being performed? Does the stated 11 El conclusions satisfy the purpose match the expectation from Exelon on the proposed purpose and objective of application of the results? If yes, then the analysis meets the Design Analysis?

the needs of the contract.

10 Are the results and Make sure that the results support the UFSAR defined 1:

El conclusions compatible system design and operating conditions, or they support a with the way the plant is proposed change to those conditions. If the analysis operated and with the supports a change, are all of the other changing documents licensing basis?

included on the cover sheet as impacted documents?

11 Have any limitations on Does the analysis support a temporary condition or the use of the results procedure change? Make sure that any other documents been identified and needing to be updated are included and clearly delineated in transmitted to the the design analysis. Make sure that the cover sheet appropriate includes the other documents where the results of this organizations?

analysis provide the input.

12 Have margin impacts Make sure that the impacts to margin are clearly shown been identified and within the body of the analysis. If the analysis results in documented reduced margins ensure that this has been appropriately appropriately for any dispositioned in the EC being used to issue the analysis.

negative impacts (Reference ER-AA-2007)?

13 Does the Design Are there sufficient documents included to support the XL Analysis include the sources of input, and other reference material that is not applicable design basis readily retrievable in Exelon controlled Documents?


14 Have all affected design Determine if sufficient searches have been performed to El analyses been identify any related analyses that need to be revised along documented on the with the base analysis. It may be necessary to perform Affected Documents List some basic searches to validate this.

(ADL) for the associated Configuration Change?

15 Do the sources of inputs Compare any referenced codes and standards to the current and analysis design basis and ensure that any differences are reconciled.

methodology used meet If the input sources or analysis methodology are based on committed technical and an out-of-date methodology or code, additional reconciliation regulatory may be required if the site has since committed to a more requirements?

recent code

CC-AA-103-1003 Revision 9 Page 9 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 Owner's Acceptance Review Checklist for External Design Analyses Page Ic alvsis No.: L-002453 Rev: 4 Design An*--- j...............

No Question Instructions and Guidance Yes / No / NIA 16 Have vendor supporting Based on the risk assessment performed during the pre-job 11 El technical documents brief for the analysis (per HU-AA-1212), ensure that and references sufficient reviews of any supporting documents not provided None used.

(including GE DRFs) with the final analysis are performed.

been reviewed when necessary?

17 Do operational limits Ensure the Tech Specs, Operating Procedures, etc. contain support assumptions operational limits that support the analysis assumptions and and inputs?


Create an SFMS entry as required by CC-AA-4008. SFMS Number:



L-002453 REV. NO. 4 PAGE NO. 2 SECTION:










9 6.0 CALCULATIONS 11 7.0


AND CONCLUSIONS 12 8.0 ATTACHMENTS 28 Attachment A - GE Letter NSA-01-404, GE-LPUP-024, and GE-AI-A18 LPUP-204 (Removed)

Attachment B - SEAG #12-000098 (Removed)

B1I-B119 Attachment C - Excel Spreadsheet Formulas C1-C8 Attachment D - Calculation of Heat Rejection to UHS with 2 x RHR D 1-D48 Heat Exchangers and Including Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Load Attachment E - MATHCAD Printout (Removed)

EI-E8 Attachment F - Excel Formulas FI-F2 REVISION NO.

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 7PAGE NO. 3 1.0 PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE Revision 4 - Attachments D and E are added to establish the current design basis by calculating a profile of the heat rejection rate to the UHS as a function of time considering a realistic operating scenario that would maximize the heat load to the UHS.

Revision 3 of this calculation included consideration for both CLTP and EPU power levels. Since the previous revision, plans for EPU have been canceled and the current design basis for CLTP is documented in Attachments D and E. These attachments consider operation of two RHR heat exchangers and include consideration for the spent fuel pool cooling load.

This calculation determines the heat load to the Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) for current and power uprate conditions. The current analytical power level corresponds to reactor core power of 3559 MW, and power uprate at 120% corresponds to an analytical value for reactor core power of 4067 MW, (both values include calorimetric uncertainty). The power uprate is 120%

of the original licensed core power. The UHS is defined as the area of the lake (Core Standby Cooling System (CSCS) pond) that remains intact after the postulated event of a dike rupture.

The UHS serves both units.

This is a safety related calculation.

This is a thermal hydraulic calculation (M10).

The structure, system, or components addressed in this calculation is the Ultimate Heat Sink (ZZ).


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 4 2.0 METHODOLOGY AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 2.1 Methodology The heat load to the UHS is determined for Current Licensed Thermal Power (CLTP) and Extended Power Uprate (EPU) conditions. The UHS is defined as the area of the lake (CSCS pond) that remains intact after the postulated event of a dike rupture.

The basis for this calculation is one unit experiences a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) while the second unit is in normal shutdown from the analytical power limit.

In order to calculate the total heat load to the UHS, the individual heat loads are tabulated. The individual heat loads from each unit include the decay heat, the sensible heat, pump motors, diesel generator coolers and cubicle coolers.

The decay heat is ultimately dissipated to the UHS via the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) heat exchangers. The sensible heat is also dissipated to the UHS via the RHR heat exchangers. The sensible heat includes energy from the reactor pressure vessel, reactor internals and the primary system piping. The energy from the primary system steam and liquid is also included in the sensible heat total.

The heat load from the pump motors conservatively includes all of the CSCS pump motors. In addition, the Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) and RHR pump motor heat loads are included in the heat load total since the heat is added to the suppression pool and ultimately will be added to the UHS via the RHR heat exchanger.

The design heat transfer rate of the cooler is used to account for the heat removed by the CSCS coolers. These coolers include the diesel generator coolers and the cubicle area coolers. The cubicle area coolers remove heat generated in the ECCS pump corner rooms. This heat load includes equipment, piping, hangers and valves, and lighting. The heat released into the room air from the pump motor is actually accounted for twice. The pump motor heat load conservatively assumes that the entire heat load is added to the fluid. A small percentage of this heat load is actually lost into the air as heat. This heat load is a very small portion of the total heat load.

No fuel pool heat load is considered (See Assumption 3.2). Instead, the fuel pool emergency makeup pumps are modeled as providing required makeup flow to the fuel pools. Therefore, the CSCS Fuel Pool Emergency Make-up Pumps are in operation.



CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 5 2.2 Computer Programs and Software Microsoft Excel Version 5.Oc Program number 03.1.138-5.0 is used in the Revision 1 preparation of this calculation on PC #5121, which is attached to S&L file server SNL1.

Revision 2 used Microsoft Excel 97 Program number 03.2.081-1.0 on PC #6664, which is also attached to S&L file server SNLI.

The validation is implicit in the detailed review of the calculation and requires no additional documentation.

Revision 3 is done using Microsoft Excel 2003 [Ref. 5.23], which is commercially available.

The validation of Excel is implicit in the detailed review of all spreadsheets used in this analysis. All computer runs were performed using PC No. ZD6661 under the Windows XP operating system.

2.3 Acceptance Criteria There are no specific acceptance criteria for this calculation. The results of this calculation are used as input for the UHS temperature calculation.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 6 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS 3.1 Dike Rupture - After the postulated event of a dike rupture the initial water level is assumed to be at 690'-0" which is the design water level of the CSCS pond [Ref. 5.20]. Per the operating procedures [Ref. 5.19] the circulating water pumps and the non-safety Service Water pumps are isolated when the lake level drops to elevation 690'-0".

3.2 Fuel Pool Heat Rejection - The fuel pool cooling system is normally cooled by the non-safety Service Water System. The RHR heat exchanger and pump are used as a complete backup for the fuel pool cooling system. However, it is improbable that the required operation actions (RHR alignment) could be performed in the post-LOCA reactor building environment. It is also improbable that the RHR would be realigned from Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) makeup to fuel pool cooling following a Design Basis Accident-LOCA [Ref. 5.3]. Therefore, no fuel pool heat load is considered.

3.3 Fuel Pool Makeup - The fuel pool emergency makeup pumps are conservatively assumed to be in operation in order to provide makeup flow to the fuel pools [Ref. 5.3].

3.4 Pump Motor Heat - It is conservatively assumed that all energy generated by the operating pump motors is added to the UHS.

3.5 Seal Cooler Heat - The RHR pump seal coolers and the Low Pressure Core Spray (LPCS) pump motor cooler heat loads are not included in the total CSCS cooler heat load since the heat removed by these coolers is covered in the pump motor heat loads.

3.6 Pump Heat - The motor nameplate rating is conservatively assigned as the pump heat. Actual developed shaft horsepower is expected to be less than this rating.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 7 4.0 DESIGN INPUT 4.1 Decay Heat - The decay heat ratio for GE9 through GE14 fuel at Stretch Power Uprate (SPU)

(see Table 7.1) is used to determine the decay heat and is provided in GE Letter NSA-01-404

[Ref. 5.1]. In NEDC-33647P [Ref. 5.24], the design basis core decay heat is determined to not be affected by the introduction of the GNF2 fuel.

The decay heat ratio for EPU (see Table 7.2) is used to determine the decay heat and is provided in SEAG #12-000098 [Ref. 5.3]. SEAG #12-000098 gives several cautions in using the decay heat values. Specifically, Caution 2 (LOCA void feedback) is considered to be negligible and not included.

The heat released from Metal-Water reactions referenced in Caution 4 is considered to be negligible compared to the decay heat [Ref. 5.18, Table 6.2-6] and not included.

4.2 Core Thermal Power - The rated thermal power under SPU conditions is 3489 MW,. This is 105% of 3323 MWt, the original licensed core power [Ref. 5.2]. An additional 2% is added for calorimetric uncertainty for a thermal power of 3558.78 MW, (referred to as 3559 MW' throughout the remainder of this calculation). This analytical power level is unchanged by the Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Power Uprate (MUR PU), considered here as CLTP.

The rated thermal power under EPU conditions is 3988 MW1. This is 120% of 3323 MW,, the original licensed core power [Ref. 5.2]. An additional 2% is added for calorimetric uncertainty for a thermal power of 4067.76 MW, (referred to as 4067 MW, for the remainder of this calculation).

4.3 Unit Conversions - Unit conversions of 3.412 (Btu/hr)/W and 42.43 (Btu/min)/hp are found in Cameron Hydraulic Data [Ref. 5.4].

4.4 Pump Horsepower - The following list contains the horsepower ratings and references for each pump:

Motor Pump Equipment #

Rating Reference (hp)

RHR Service Water Pumps 1/2E12-C300A 200 5.1 la,e l/2E12-C300B 200 5.1 lb,f 1/2El2-C300C 200 5.1 lc,g 1/2E12-C300D 200 5.1 ld,h Diesel Generator (DG) Cooling 0DG01P 125 5.12 Water Pumps l/2DG01P 75 5.15 REVISION NO. 4 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 8 Pump High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) DG Cooling Water Pumps Fuel Pool Emergency Make-up Pumps HPCS Pumps Equipment #

1/2E22-C002 1/2FC03PA 1/2FC03PB 1/2E22-COO 1 1/2E2 I-COOl 1/2E12-COO2A 1/2E12-COO2B 1/2E12-COO2C Motor Rating (hp) 100 75 75 3050 Reference 5.13 5.14 5.14 5.22 LPCS Pumps RHR Pumps 1517 800 800 800 5.22 5.16 5.16 5.16 4.5 Area Cooler Heat Load - The following list contains the design heat transfer rate and reference for each cooler:

Equipment #

HPCS DG Cooler DG Cooler OA DG Cooler 1A NW Cubicle Area Cooler SW Cubicle Area Cooler SE Cubicle Area Cooler NE Cubicle Area Cooler 1/2E22-S001 ODGOIA 1/2DGO1A 1/2VYO1A 1/2VY02A 1/2VY03A 1/2VY04A Heat Transfer Rate (Btu/hr) 8.5005E+06 8.6000E+06*


7.5000E+05 7.5000E+05 1.1080E+06 1.1940E+06 Reference 5.5 5.17, 5.18 5.17,5.18 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10

  • See Calculations section 4.6 Sensible Heat - Data for the sensible heat from the reactor pressure vessel, reactor internals, primary system piping, fuel, and energy from the primary system is contained GE-LPUP-204

[Ref. 5.21] and is tabulated in Table 7.5.

SEAG#12-000098 [Ref. 5.3] confirms that the sensible heat provided in Table 7.5 is acceptable for EPU.

4.7 EPU Core Thermal Power - The rated core thermal power for EPU is increased by an additional 2% to account for measurement uncertainty [Ref. 5.6].



CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 9


5.1 GE Letter NSA-01-404, Rev. 1, dated 9/4/01, "Decay Heat Table for LaSalle County Station Power Uprate (Including Contributions from Additional Actinides and Activation Products and a Custom G-Factor)". (See Attachment A) 5.2 GE Letter GE-LPUP-024, dated 2/18/99, "LaSalle 1 and 2 Heat Balances at 105% Uprated Power". (See Attachment A) 5.3 SEAG# 12-000098, "DIR for LAS-EPU-U 1/2-DIR-T0608-1," 04/18/12. (See Attachment B) 5.4 Cameron Hydraulic Data, Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps, 19th Edition, 2002.

5.5 0 & M Mfg. Co. Heat Exchanger Specification Sheet, Reference No. F-64546-50583, Rev. B, dated 9/26/74.

5.6 10CFR50, Appendix K, Part I.A, "Sources of Heat During the LOCA", 4/12/2012.

5.7 Vendor Drawing, Carrier BBC-100-9, Revision 4 and BBC-100- 11, Revision 4.

  • 5.8 Vendor Drawing, Carrier BBC-100-10, Revision 2 and BBC-100-12, Revision 2.
  • 5.9 Vendor Drawing, Carrier BBC-100-13, Revision 2 and BBC-100-14, Revision 2.
  • 5.10 Vendor Drawing, Carrier BBC-100-15, Revision 3 and BBC-100-16, Revision 3.
  • 5.11 Motor Test Reports:

a) b)

c) d)

e) f)

g) h)

LaSalle Drawing #

LaSalle Drawing #

LaSalle Drawing #

LaSalle Drawing #

LaSalle Drawing #

LaSalle Drawing #

LaSalle Drawing #

LaSalle Drawing #

1XF-330659-Al, approved 2-17-76

  • IXF-330659-A3, approved 2-20-76
  • I XF-330659-A8, approved 3-15-76
  • 5.12 Motor Data, LaSalle Drawing # 2XF-330659, dated 6-17-74.*

5.13 VPF 3275-005, Pump Outline, Rev. 8.

5.14 Motor Data, LaSalle Drawing # 3YF-275644, dated 6-17-74.*


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 10 5.15 Motor Performance Curves:

a) LaSalle Drawing #SK-59501-1, test date 9-2-75.

  • b) LaSalle Drawing #SK-59501-2, test date 9-12-75.
  • b) LaSalle Drawing IE-2-4000M, Rev F.
  • 5.17 S&L Specification J-2544, Amd. 2, 1/27/78.

5.18 LaSalle County Station UFSAR, Table 6.2-6 and Section 9.5.5, Revision 19.

5.19 LaSalle County Station Unit 1, 2 and Common, Operating Abnormal Procedure, "Lake Dike Damage/Failure", LOA-DIKE-001, Revision 8, 9/28/2007.

5.20 LaSalle Drawing S-30, Revision W, 5/18/98.

  • 5.21 GE Letter, GE-LPUP-204, dated 6/22/99, "Response to Request for Sensible Energy Data".

(See Attachment A) 5.22 L-003352, "Evaluation for GE Safety Communication SC06-01 Containment System Response GEH 000 0-0069-6598-RO," Rev. 0.

5.23 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (11.8120.8122)

SP2, Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corporation.

5.24 NEDC-33647P, "GNF2 Fuel Design Cycle-Independent Analyses for Exelon LaSalle County Station Units I and 2," Rev. 0.

  • Checked in Passport on 5/15/2012 REVISION NO. 4 1


Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 11 6.0 CALCULATIONS 6.1 Decay Heat The decay heat load is the product of the decay heat fraction and the rated thermal power. Note that the analytical power level for MUR PU remains the same as the SPU power level of 3559 MW, (See Design Input 4.2).


Tables 7.1 and 7.2 contain the calculated decay heat load for CLTP and EPU, respectively.

6.2 Pump Motor Heat Load The heat load from the pump motor is calculated by conservatively assuming that all of the energy generated by the pump motors is added to the fluid. The motor rating in hp is converted to Btu/hr to determine the heat load. A sample calculation for the RHR Service Water pumps is determined below. The remaining motor heat loads are contained in Table 7.3.

Motor Heat Load = 200 hp

  • 42.43 (Btu/min)/hp
  • 60 min/hr = 5.09 x 105 Btu/hr 6.3 Diesel Generator Coolers The design heat load from the DG Coolers, 0/1/2DGOlA, is calculated from the energy absorbed by the cooling water and determined to be 2284 kW [Ref. 5.17]. In addition, the DG coolers are sized based on operation of 110% of the rated cooling load [Ref. 5.18, Section 9.5.5].

Energy Absorbed = 2284 kW

  • 3412 (Btu/hr)/kW = 7.8 x 106 Btu/hr Design Heat Removal Rate = 7.8 x 106 Btu/hr
  • 1.10 = 8.6 x 106 Btu/hr REVISION NO. 4 I

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 12 7.0


AND CONCLUSIONS The UHS is defined as the area of the lake (CSCS pond) that remains intact after the postulated event of a dike rupture. Tables 7.1 and 7.2 calculate the decay heat curve that is generated from the decay fraction and the analytical thermal power for CLTP (3559 MW,) and EPU (4067 MW,), respectively. The pump heat loads and the heat loads from the CSCS coolers in Btu/hr are tabulated in Tables 7.3 and 7.4, respectively.

Table 7.5 contains the sensible heat. A summary of the generated heat loads in Btu/hr is contained in Table 7.6 for CLTP and Table 7.7 for EPU.


Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014

[CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 13


Table 7.1 - CLTP Decay Heat Load (3559 MW 1) o Time hours days Decay 2


Rated Power Conversion (seconds)]

u ays Fraction2 Uncertainty (Wt) n((Btuhr)iW)

Decay Heat (Btu/hr) 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 1.00E-01L0 2.78E-05 1.50E-01 4.17E-05 2.00E-01 5.56E-05 4.00E-01 [ 1.11E-04 I 6.OOE-01 1.67E-04 8.00E-01 2.22E-04 1.00E+00 2.78E-04 1.50E+00 4.17E-04 2.00E+00 5.56E-04 4.00E+00 1.11E-03 6.00E+00 71.67E-03 8.002+00 [ 2.222-03 1.00E+01 2.78E-03 1.50E+01 4.17E-03 2.00E+01 5.56E-03 4.00E+01 1.11E-02 6.00E+01 1.67E-02 8.00E+01 2.22E-02 1.00E+02 2.78E-02 1.50E+02 4.172-02 2.00E+02 J 5.56E-02 4.00E+02 1.11E-01 6.00E+02 1.67E-01 8.00E+02 2.22E-01 1.00E+03 2.78E-01 1.50E+03 4.17E-01 2.00E+03 5.56E-01 4.00E+03 1.11E+00 6.00E+03 i1.67E+00 8.00E÷03 2.22E+00 1.00+E04 2.78E+00 1.50E+04 4.17E+00 2.00E+04 5.56E+00 1.2143E+10 1.2049E+10 1.1688E+10 1.1329E+10 9.0741E+09 7.1763E+09 5.9984E+09 4.1175E+09 2.9956E+09 1.8821E+09 8.9758E+08 7.4167E+08 6.9018E+08 6.3979E+08 5.9280E+08 5.5625E+08 4.8801E+08 4.5158E+08 4.2487E+08 4.0714E+08 3.7703E+08 3.5699E+08 3.1364E+08 2.8899E+08 2.7090E+08 2.5657E+08 2.3010E+08 2.1128E+08 1.7000E+08 1.5045E+08 1.3867E+08 1.3065E+08 I

1.1772E+08 1.0961E+08

..... 9.2502E+07 4.OOE+04 ]1.11E+01


Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014

[CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 14 Time Conversion Decay Heat Tm hor das Decay 2 2%

Rated Power1 (seconds) hou days Fraction2 Uncertainty (W)


(Btu/hr) 6.00E+04 1.67E+01 8.3225E+07 8.OOE+04 2.22E+01 7.6947E+07 8.64E+04

' 2.40E+01 1 day 7.5332E+07 1.OOE+05 2.78E+01 7.2333E+07 1.S0E+05 4.17E+01 6.4076E+07 1.73E+05 4.81E+01 2 days 6.1296E+07 iL 2.OOE+05 5.56E+01 5.8479E+07 2.59E+05 7.19E+01 3 days 5,3585E+07

ýi 3.46E+05 9.61E+01 4 days 4.8291E+07 4.OOE+05 1.11E+02 4.5680E+07 4.32E+05 1.20E+02 5 days 4.4345E+07 6.00E+05 1.67E+02 3.8880E+07 8.OOE+05 2.22E+02 3.4485E+07 8.64E+05 2.40E+02 10 days 3.3392E+07 1.00E+06 2.78E+02 3.1425E+07 S1.50E+06 4.17E+02 2.6556E+07 1.73E+06 4.81E+02 20 days 2.5050E+07 2.00E+06 5.56E+02 2.3544E+07 2.59E+06 7.19E+02 30 days 2.1055E+07 3.46E+06 9.61 E+02 40 days 1.8457E+07 4.OOE+06 1.11E+03 1.7230E+07 4.32E+06 1.20E+03 50 days 1.6623E+07 r6.0E+06 1.67E+03 1.4207E+07 8.00E+06 2.22E+03 1.2276E+07 1.O0E+07 2.78E+03 1.0848E+07 1.50E+07 4.17E+03 8.3941E+06 2.OOE+07 5.56E+03 6.8375E+06 I!-4.O0E+07 1.11E+04 3.9791E+06 J

6.OOE+07 1.67E+04 2.7649E+06 8.OOE+07 2.22E+04 2.0557E+06 1.OOE+08 2.78E+04 1.6150E+06 1.50E+08 4.17E+04 1.0677E+06 2.OOE+08 5.56E+04


8.4451E+05 REVISION NO. 4

Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 15 Time h

d Decay 2


Rated Power Conversion Decay Heat (seconds) hours days Fraction2 Uncertainty (W,)


(Btu/hr) 4.OOE+08 1.11E+05 5.8600E+05 6.00E+08 l1.27E*05 ti_.9ý7&05 8.OOE+081 2.22E+05 4.3495E+05 1.OOE+09 I 2.78E+05

1) This evaluation is valid for SPU and MUR PU power levels.
2) Ref. 5.1

))I3.8650E+05 REVISION NO.4 1


Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014

[CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 16 1

Table 7.2 - EPU Decay Heat Loa(

Time (se hours days (seconds)I d (4067 MW)__

RtdDcyHa 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 I 46


1.00E-01 2.78E-05 1.50E-01 4.17E-05 2.OOE-01 5.56E-05 4.00E-01 1.11E-04 6.OOE-01 1.67E-04 8.O0E-01 2.22E-04 1.OOE+O0 2.78E-04 1.50E+00 4.17E-04 2.OOE+0O 5.56E-04 4.OOE+O0 1.11E-03 6.O0E+00 1.67E-03 8.OOE+O0 j 2.22E-03 1.OOE+01 2.78E-03 1.50E+01 4.17E-03 2.OOE+01 5.56E-03 4.00E+01 1.11E-02 6.OOE+01 1.67E-02 8.OOE+01 2.22E-02 1.OOE+02 2.78E-02 1.50E+02 4.17E-02 2.00E+02 5.56E-02 3.00E+02 8.33E-02 4.OOE+02 1.11E-01 6.00E+-02 1.67E-01 8.OOE+02 2.22E-01 1.OOE+03 2.78E-01 1.50E+03 4.17E-01 1.80E+03 5.OOE-01 2.OOE+03 5.56E-01 3.OOE+03 8.33E-01 4.OOE+03 1.11E+00 4.80E+03 1.33E+00 6.OOE+03 1.67E+00 Decay


Rated Power Conversion Decay Heat Fraction1 Uncertainty (Wt)




1.3879E+10 1.3774E+10 1.3362E+10 1.2951E+10 1.0373E+10 8.2054E+09 6.8591E+09 4.7092E+09 3.4268E+09 2.1554E+09

'I 1.0298E+09 8.5177E+08 7.9292E+08 7.3532E+08 6.8147E+08 6.3969E+08 5.6169E+08 5.2005E+08 4.8938E+08 4.6939E+08 4.3511E+08 4.1249E+08 3.8279E+08 3.6294E+08 3.3463E+08 3.1409E+08 2.9757E+08 2.6731E+08 2.5343E+08 2.4552E+08 2.1679E+08 1.9847E+08 1.8779E+08 1.7613E+08


1.6280E+08 8.OOE+03 I2.22E+00 REVISION NO. 4 1


Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 17 Time (seconds) 1.OOE+04 1.50E+04 2.OOE+04 3.OOE+04 hours 2.78E+00 4.17E+00 5.56E+00 8.33E+00 days Decay



Rated Power Conversion Fractionl Uncertainty (Wt)

I ((Btulhr)/W)

J Ia 4.OOE+04 ° 1.11E+01 6.OOE+04 1.67E+01 8.OOE+04 2.22E+01 8.64E+04 2.40E+01 1 day 1.00E+05 I2.78E+01 1.50E+05 4.17E+01 1.73E+05 4.80E+01 2 days 1.80E+05] 5.00E+01 2.00E+05 5.56E+01 I 2.59E+05 j 7.20E+01 3days 3.46E+05 9.60E+01 4 days 3.60E+05.1

.OOE+02 4.00E+05 1.11E+02 4.32E+05 1.20E+02 5 days 6.OOE+05_I 1.67E+02 8.OOE+05 2.22E+02 8.64E+05 2.40E+02 10 days 1.00E+06 2.78E+02 1.50E+06 4.17E+02 1.73E+06 4.80E+02 20 days 2.00E+06 5.56E+02 2.59E+06 7.20E+02 30 days 3.46E+06 9.60E+02 40 days 4.OOE+06 1.11E+03 4.32E+06 1.20E+03 50 days 6.00E+06 1.67E+03 8.00E+06 2.22E+03 1.00E+07 2.78E+03 1.50E+07 4.17E+03 2.00E+07 5.56E+03 4.00E+07 1.11E+04]


Decay Heat (Btulhr) 1.5364E+08 1.3907E+08 1.2976E+08 1.1781E+08 1.1002E+08 9.9417E+07 9.2102E+07 9.0201E+07 8.6662E+07 7.6905E+07 7.3546E+07 7.2630E+07 7.0187E+07 6.4344E+07 5.7946E+07 5.7085E+07 5.4809E+07 5.3227E+07 4.6676E+07 4.1471E+07 4.0208E+07 3.7890E+07 3.2144E+07 3.0340E+07 2.8577E+07 2.5621E+07 2.2512E+07 2.1069E+07 2.0347E+07 1.7502E+07

.j 1.5253E+07 1.3625E+07 1.0840E+07 9.0590E+06 5.7085E+06 4.1374E+06 6.40E+07 1.67E+04 I REVISION NO. 4 1 1 I

Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014

[CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 18 Time (seconds) hours days Decay


Rated Power Conversio Fraction1 Uncertainty I (Wt)

((Btulhr)A 8.OOE+07

  • 1.OOE+08 1.50E+08 2.22E+04 2.78E+04 4.17E+04 2.OOE+08 5.56E+04 4.OOE+08 1.11E+05 J____ I 6.OOE+08 1.67E+05 8.OOE+08 2.22E+05 on Decay Heat (Btu/hr) 3.1603E+06 2.5191 E+06 1.6738E+06 1.3094E+06

-- 7.4392E+05" 6.4788E+05 5.7057E+05 1.OOE+09

1) Ref. 5.3 2.78E+05 I-REVISION NO. 4 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 19 Table 7.3 - Pump Heat Load -...

Pump Equipment #

Motor Rating (hp)1 Conversion


Motor Heat Load per Pump (Btu/hr)

Total Heat Load (Both Units)


RHR Service Water Pumps 1/2E12-C300A 200 42.43 5.09E+05 1.02E+06 1/2E12-C300Bj 200 42.43 5.09E+05 1.02E+06 1/2E12-C300C 200 42.43 j

5.09E+05 1.02E+06 1/2E12-C300D 200 42.43 5.09E+05 1.02E+06 DG Cooling Water ODG01P 125 42.43 3.18E+05 3.18E+05 Pumps I


/2DG1P75 42.43 1.91E+05 3.82E+05 HPCS DG Cooling 1/2E22-C002 100 42.43 2.55E+05 5.09E+05 Water Pumps Fuel Pool Emergency 1/2FC03PA 75 42.43 1.91E+05 3.82E+05 Make-up Pumps I __

1/2FC03PB 75 42.43 1.91E+05 3.82E+05 HPCS Pumps 1/2E22-CO01 3050 42.43 7.76E+06 1.55E+07 LPCS Pumps 1/2E21-CO01 1517 42.43 3.86E+06 7.72E+06 RHR Pumps 1/2E12-C002A 800 42.43 2.04E+06 4.07E+06 1/2E12-C002B 800 42.43 2.04E +06 4.07E+06 1/2E12-C002C 800 42.43 2.04E+06 4.07E+06 TOTAL 4.15E+07

1) See Design Input 4.4 REVISION NO. 4 1

1 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 20 Table 7.4 - Heat Load from CSCS Coolers f

Heat Removal CSCS System Equipment #

CSCS Cooler Rate per Cooler (Btu/hr)1 Total Heat Load (Both Units)

(Btulhr) 1/2E12-C002A RHR Pump Seal Cooler 1A included 1/2E12-C002B RHR Pump Seal Cooler 1B in pump 1/2E21-CO01 LPCS Pump Motor Cooler motor load 1/2E22-S001 HPCS DG Cooler 8.5005E+06 1.7001E+07 ODG01A DG Cooler OA 8.6000E+06 8.6000E+06 1/2DG01A DG Cooler 1A 8.6000E+06 1.7200E+07 1/2VY01A NW Cubicle Area Cooler 7.5000E+05 1.5000E+06 1/2VY02A SW Cubicle Area Cooler 7.5000E+05 1.5000E+06 1/2VY03A SE Cubicle Area Cooler 1.1080E+06 2.2160E+06 I1/2VY04A NE Cubicle Area Cooler 1.1940E+06 2.3880E+06 TOTAL I 5.0405E+07

1) See Design Input 4.5 REVISION NO.4 4II

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 21 Table 7.5 - Sensible Heat Load Heat Load per Unit1 (Btu)

Heat Load both Units (Btu)

Reactor Vessel 1.060E+08 2.12E+08 Reactor Internals 5.850E+07 1.17E+08 1: Primary System Piping 2.780E+07 5.56E+07 Fuel 2.770E+07 5.54E+07 Primary System

-Steam Energy 2.900E+07 5.80E+07

-Liquid Energy 3.330E+08 6.66E+08 Total 1.16E+09

+ margin 6.OOE+07

1) Ref. 5.2 Final Sensible Heat 1.22E+09 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 FPAGE NO. 22 Table 7.6 - CLTP Heat Load Summary' (3559 _MWt)2 Unit I Unit 2 Total Integrated Time Time Decay Heat Decay Heat Pump Cooler Heat Fuel Pool Generated Generated Tim Tie eca Hat ecy HatHeat Load Load Heat Load (seconds)


Load Load (Btu/hr)



Heat Load Heat Load (Btu/hr)



(Btu) 0 2.78E-11 1.2143E+10 1.2143E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.44E+10 1.OOE-01 2.78E-05 1.2049E+10 1.2049E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.42E+10 6.75E+05 1.50E-01 4.17E-05 1-.1688E+10 I'1.1688E+10 I 4.15E+07 I5.04E+07 0.00E+00 2.35E+10 1.01 E+06 2.00E-01 5.56E-05 1.1329E+10 1.1329E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00.2.27E+10 1.33E+06 4.00E-01 1-. 11 E-04 9.0741 E+09 9.0741 E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.82E+10 2.47E+06

-6.00E-01 1,67E-04 7.1763E+09 7.1763E+09 4.15E+07 50E7 0.E+0 1.44E+10 3.37E+06 8.OOE-01 2.22E-04 5.9984E+09 5.9984E+09-4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.21E+10


4.11E+06 1.OOE+00 2.78E-04 4.1175E+09 4.1175E+09 5.04E+07 1.50E+00 4.17E-04 2.9956E+09 2.9956 415E+

5.04E+07 O.OOE+0 6.08E+09 5.68E+06 2.00E+00 5.56E-04 1.8821E+09 1.8821E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 3.86E+09 6.37E+06 8

.9758E O.OOE+0O 1.89E+09 79E0 4.OOE+00 1.11E-03 8.9758E+08 8.9758E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07



7E+06 6.OOE+00 1.67E-03 7.4167E+08 J 7.4167E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.58E+09 8.93E+06 8.OOE+00 2.22E-03 6.9018E+08 6.9018E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.47E+09 9.77E+06 1.OOE+01 2.78E-03 6.3979E+08 1 6.3979E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.37E+09 1.06E+07 1.50E+01 4.17E-03 5.9280E+08 5.9280E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.28E+09 1.24E+07 2.OOE+01 5.56E-03 5.5625E+08 5.5625E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 j 1.20E+09 1.41 E+07 4.OOE+01 1.11E-02 4.8801E+08 4.8801E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.07E+09 2.04E+07 6.00E+01 1.67E-02 4.5158E+08 4.5158E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 I 0.OOE+00 9.95E+08 2.62E+07 8.OOE+01 2.22E-02 4.2487E+08 4.2487E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.42E+08 3.15E+07 1.OOE+02 2.78E-02 4.0714E+08 j 4.0714E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.06E+08 3.67E+07 1.50E+02 4.17E-02 3.7703E+08 3.7703E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 8.46E+08 4.88E+07

!2.OOE+02 5.56E-02 3.5699E+08 3.5699E+08 4.15E+E+07 0.OOE+00 8.06E+08 6.03E+07 4.OOE+02 1.11E-01 3.1364E+08 3.1364E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 7.19E+08 1.03E+08 6.OOE+02 1.67E-01 2.8899E+08 2.8899E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 6.70E+08 1.41E+08 8.OOE+02 2.22E-01 2.7090E+08 2.7090E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 6.34E+08 1.77E+08 1.OOE+03 2.78E-01 2.5657E+08 2.5657E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 6.05E+08 2.12E+08 1.50E+03 4.17E-01 2.3010E08 2.10E+08 4.15E 5.04E+07 O.OOE+O0 5.52E+08 2.92E+08 2.OOE+03 5.56E-01 2.1128E+08I 2.1128E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.0E+00 514E+08 3.66E+08 4.OOE+03 1.11E+00 1.7000E+08 1.7000E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 ".00E+00 4.32E+08 6.29E+08 6.OOE+03 1.67E+00 1.5045E+08 1.5045E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+O0 3.93E+08 8.58E+08 8.OOE+03 2.22E+00 1.3867E+08 1.3867E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 3.69E+08 1.07E+09 1.OOE+04 2.78E+00 1 1.3065E+08 1.3065E+08 J 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 3.53E+08 1.27E+09 1.50E+04 4.17E+00 1.1772E+08 4.5E07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 3.27E+08 1.74E+09 i


[CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 23 Time (seconds)

Time (hours)

Unit I Decay Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Unit 2 Decay Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Pump Heat Load (Btulhr)

Cooler Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Fuel Pool Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Total Generated Heat Load (Btulhr)

Integrated Generated Heat Load (Btu) 2.OOE+04 5.56E+00 f1.0961 E+08 1.0961 E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 3.11 E+08 2.19E+09 4.OOE+04 +/-1.11Ei-01 9.2502E+07 9.2502E+07 4.15Ei-07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+0O 2.77E+08 3.82E+09

-6.OOE+04 1.67E+01 8.3225E+07 8.3225E+07

4. 15E+07 5.04E+07 O.O+O 2.58E+08 [5.31 E+09 8.010E+04 2.22E+01 7.6947E+07 7.6947E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.O+O 2.46E+08 6.71 E+09 8.64E+04 2.40E+01 7.5332E+07 7.5332E+07 4.15E__07 5.04E+07 I

2.43E+08 7.14E+09 1.OOE+05 2.78E+01 I7.2333E+07 7.2333E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 rO.OOE+0O 2.37E+08 8.05E+09 1.50E+05 J4.17E+01 i6.4076E+07 j6.4076E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.20E+08 1.12E+10 1.73E+05-4.81 E+01 L6.1296E+07

.1296E+07 4.15E+07 f5.04E+07 __

.OOE+0O 2.15E+08 f1.26E+s10

  • 2OOE05.5E+01.584E+7

.8 47E0 j_415 E +'7 5.04E+07 j.OOE+OO 2.09E+08 1.42E+10 2.59E+05 {7.19E+01 5.3585E+07 5.3585E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07[

0.OOE+00 1.99E+08 1.75E+10 3.46E+05 9.61 E+01 4.8291E+07 j4.8291E+O7 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+OO 1.89E+08 1-2.22E+10 4.OOE+05 1.1+2 4.5680E+07 4.60+7 I4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+O0 1.83E+08 2.50E+10 24.32E+05 1.20E+02 4.4345E+07 4.4345E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.81E+08 2.66E+10 6.OOE+05 1.67E+ 2 I3.8880E+07 3 8880E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+OO 1.70E+08 3.48E+10 8.OOE+05 j2.22E+02 13.4485E+07 3.4485E+07 I4.15E+07

-5.04E+07 f.OOE+00 1.61 E+08 4.40E+10 8.64E+05 j2.40E+02

.392E +07 13.3392E+07 4.15E+07

-5.04E+07 jOOEO

.9+8 46E1 1.OOE+06 I2.78E+02 I~ 3.1425E+07 3.1425E+07 I4.15E+07

5. 04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.55E+08 5.27E+10 1.50E+06 4.17E+02 2.6556E+07 2.6556E+07 4.15E+07 5.04Ei-07 fO.OOE+OO 1.45E+08 [7.36E+10 1.73E___06 4.81 E+02 j2.5050Ei-07 2.5050E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.42E+08 82E1 2.OOE+06 5.56E+02 2.3544E+07 2.3544E+07 4.15E+07 5.4+0

.OOE+0O 1.39E+08 9.33E+10 2.59E+06 j7.19E+02 2.1055E+07f 2.1055E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 1 0.OOE+00 1.34E+08 1.16E+1 1 3.46E+06 {9.61 E+02 1.8457E+07 1.8457E+07 [4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.29E+08 1.47E+11I 4.OOE+06 1.I11E+03 1.7230E+07 1.20 7

4.15E+07 50E 07

.OOE+00 12E0 4.32E+06 1.20E4-03 1.6623E+07 162E0

.5+7 50E0

.O+0 12E0


1.7E0 1.4207Ei-07 1.4207E+07 4.15E+07 5.4E0 0.OOE+00 1.20E+08 2.35E+1 1 OOE+___06 2.22E+03 1.2276E+07 1.2276E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.16E+08 3.01 E+1 1 1.OOE+07 2.78E+03 1.0848E+07] 1.0848Ei-07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.14E+08 3.65E+1 1 1.50E+07 4.17E+03j 8.3941 E+06 8.3941 E+06 ~*4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.09E+08 5.19E+i1 1 2.OOE+07 I5.56E+03 6.8375E+06 6.8375E+06 j4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0O.OOE+0O 1.06E4-08 6.68E+1 1 4.OOE+07 1.11E+04 3.9791 E+06 3.9791 E+06 4.15E+07 j__5.04E+07_ [.OOE+00 9.99E+07 1.24E+12 6.OOE+07 1,67E+04 2.7649E+06 2.7649E+06 4.15E+07 R.04E+07

.OOE+On 9.75E+07 1 179E+12 I.OE0 2.2E 04 5E0 2.0557E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+O0 9.60E+07 2.32E+12 1.OO+08[ 278E+04 1.6150E+06 1.6150E+06 4.15E+07 [5.04Ei-07 0.OOE+00 9.2+7j

.8E1 ii 1.50E+08 4.17E+04 I 1.0677E+06 1.0677E+06 I4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+O0 9.41 E+07 4.17E+12 REVISION NO, 4I

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 24 Time (seconds)

Time (hours)

Unit I Decay Heat Load (Btulhr)

Unit 2 Decay Heat Load (Btulhr)

Pump Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Cooler Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Fuel Pool Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Total Generated Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Integrated Generated Heat Load (Btu) 2.00E+0815.56E+04 8.4451E+05 8.4451E+05 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+0[

9.36E+07 5.47E+12 4.OOE+08 1.11E+05 5.8600E+05r 5.8600E+05 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 9.31E+07 1.07E+13 6.00E+08 1.67E+05 4.9627E+05 4.9627E+05 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+O0 9.29E+07 1.58E+13 8.OOE+08 2.22E+05 4.3495E+05 4.3495E+05 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 { O.OOE+00 9.28E+07 2.10E+13 1.OOE+09 2.78E+05 3.8650E4-05 I 3.8650E+05 I4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 9.27E+07 2.61E+13

1) This summary does not include the sensi be heat load.
2) This summary is valid for SPU and MUR PU power levels.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 7PAGE NO 25 Table 7.7 - EPU Heat Load Summary*'(4067 MW)

Time (seconds)

Time (hours)

Unit 1 Decay Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Unit 2 Decay Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Pump Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Cooler Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Fuel Pool Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Total Generated Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Integrated Generated Heat Load (Btu) h 0

2.78E-11 1.3879E+10 1.3879E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 2.79E+10 l1.00E-01 2.78E-05 1.3774E+10 1.3774E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 2.76E+10 f 7.71E+05 1.50E-01 4.17E-05 1.3362E+10 1.3362E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.68E+10 1.15E+06 2.OOE-01 5.56E-05 1.2951E+10 1.2951E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.60E+10 [1.52E+06 4.00E-01 1.11E-04 1.0373E+10 1.0373E+10 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 2.08E+10 2.82E+06 6.OOE-01 1.67E-04 8.2054E+09 8.2054E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.65E+10 3.85E+06 8.OOE-01 2.22E-04 6.8591E+09 6.8591E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.38E+10 4.70E+06 1.OOE+00 2.78E-04 4.7092E+09 4.7092E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 9.51 E+09 5.34E+06 1.50E+00 4.17E-04 3.4268E+09 3.4268E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 6.95E+09 6.49E+06 2.00E+00 5.56E-04 2.1554E+09 2.1554E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 4.40E+09 7.27E+06 4.OOE+00 1.11E-03 1.0298E+09 1.0298E+09 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 2.15E+09 9.10E+06 6.OE-+00 1.67E-03 8.5177E+08 8.5177E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.80E+09 1.02E+07 8.OOE+00 2.22E-03 7.9292E+08 7.9292E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.68E+09 1.12E+07 1.OOE+01 2.78E-03 7.3532E+08 7.3532E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.56E+09 1.21E+07 1.50E+01 4.17E-03 6.8147E+08 6.8147E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.45E+09 1.42E+07 2.OOE+01 5.56E-03 6.3969E+08 6.3969E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.37E+09 1.61 E+07 4.OOE+01 1.11E-02 5.6169E+08 5.6169E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.22E+09 2.33E+07 6.00E+01 1.67E-02 5.2005E+08 5.2005E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.13E+09 2.98E+07 8.00E+01 2.22E-02 4.8938E+08 4.8938E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.07E+09 3.59E+07 1.00E+02 2.78E-02 4.6939E+08 4.6939E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.03E+09 4.18E+07 1.50E+02 4.17E-02 4.3511EE+08 4.3511E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 9.62E+08 5.56E+07 2.00E+02 5.56E-02 4.1249E+08 4,1249E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.17E+08 6.87E+07 3.OOE+02 8.33E-02 3.8279E+08 3.8279E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 8.58E+08 9.33E+07 4.00E+02 1.11E-01 3.6294E+08 3.6294E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 8.18E+08 1.17E+08 6,00E+02 1.67E-01 3.3463E+08 3.3463E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+O0 7.61_E+08 1.60E+08 8.00E+02 2.22E-01 3.1409E+08 3.1409E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 7.20E+08 2.02E+08 1.00E+03 2.78E-01 2.9757E+08 2.9757E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+0 6.87E+08,,

2.41 E+08 1.50E+03 4.17E-01 2.6731EE+08 2.6731E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 OOOE+O0 6.27E+08 3.32E+08 1.80E+03 5.OOE-01 2.5343E+08 2.5343E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 5.99E+08 3.83E+08 2.OOE+03 5.56E-01 { 2.4552E+08 2.4552E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 5.83E+08 4.16E+08 3.00E+03 8.33E-01 j2.1679E+08 2.1679E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 5.26E+08 5.70E+08 4.OOE+03 1.11E+00-- 1.9847E+08 1.9847E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 4.89E+08 7.11E+08 4.80E+03 1.33E+00 1.8779E+08 1.8779E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 4.67E+08 8.17E+08 REVISION NO.4 I

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 PAGE NO. 26 Unit I Unit 2 Cooler Heat Fuel Pool Total Integrated Pump CoeHetFePolGenerated IGenerated Time Time Decay Heat Decay Heat Heat Load Load Heat Load HeateLoad nHeatLd (seconds)


Load Load Heat Load Heat Load (Btulhr)






(Btu) 6.00E+03 1.67E+00 J 1.7613E+08 1.7613E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 4.44E+08 9.69E+08 8.OOE+03 2.22E+00 1.6280E+08 1.6280E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 4.18E+08 1.212E+09 1.OOE+04 2.78E+00 ! 1.5364E+08 1.5364E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 3.99E+08 1.44E+09 1.50E+04 4.17E+00 1.3907E+08 1.3907E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 3.70E+08 1.97E+09 2.OOE+04 5.56E+00 1.2976E2+08 4.155.04E


0.OOE+00 3.51E+08 { 2.47E+09 3.OOE+04 8.33E+00 1.1781E+08 1.1781E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 3.28E+08 " 3.41E+09 4.00E+04 1.11E+01 j 1.1002E+08 1.1002E+08 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 3.12E+08 4.30E+09 6.00E+04 1.67E+01 19.9417E+07 9.9417E+07 4.15E+07


0.00E+00 2.91E+08 5.98E+09 8.OOE+04 2.22E+01 J 9.2102E+07 9.2102E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 2.76E+08 7.55E+09 8.64E+04!

2.40E+01 j 9.0201E+07 9.0201E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.72E+08 8.04E+09 1.005+05 2.78E+01 8.6662E+07 [8.6662E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 2.65E+08 9.05E+09 1.50E+05 4.17E+01 7.6905E+07 f 7.6905E+07 { 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 j 2.46E+08 1.26E+10 1.73E+05 4.80E+01 7.3546E+07 7.3546E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 2.39E+08 1.41E+10 1.80E+05 50ooE+01 7.2630E+07 7.2630E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 2.37E+08 1.46E+10 2.00E+05 J 5.56E+01 7.0187E+07 7.01875+07 ' 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.32E+08 1 1.59E+10 2.59E+05 7.20E+01 {6.4344E+07 6.4344E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 2.215+08 1.96E+10 3.46E+05 9.60E+01 5.7946E+07 5.7946E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 2.08E+08 2.48E+10 3.60E+05 1.OOE+02 T5.7085E+07 5.7085E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.06E+08 2.56E+10 4.OOE+05


111E+02 5.4809E+07 5.48095+0714.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 2.02E+08 2.79E+10 4.322+05 1.20E+02 J5.3227E+07 5.3227E+071 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 o.oo0+00 1.98E+

2.97E+10 6.00E+05 1.67E+02 4.6676E+07 4.6676E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.85E+08 3.86E+10 8.OOE+05 2.22E+02 4.1471E+07 4.1471E+07 f 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.75E+08 4.86E+10 8.64E+05 2.40E+02 4.0208E+07! 4.0208E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.72E+08 1 5.17E+10 1.00E+06 2.78E+02 3.7890E+07 3.7890E+07 i, 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.68E+08


5.81E+10 1.50E+06 4.17E+02 3.2144E+07[ 3.21445+07]

4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.56E+08 8.06E+10 1.73+06.4.80E+02 3.0340E+07 3.0340E+07 -

4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00i 153+084+10 2.005+06 5.562+02 2.8577E+07 2.8577E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.49E+08 1.02E+11 2.59E+06


2.5621E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.43E+08 1.26E+11 2.59506 720E+02 2 *.562 E07 21+0 3.46E+06 9.60E+02 2.2512E+07 2.2512E+07 4.152+07 5.04E+07 0.00E+00 1.37E+08 1.59E+11 4.E+06 1.11E+03 2.10692+07 2.1069E+07 4.15E+07 J 5.04E+07

[ 0.OOE+i00 1.34E+08 1.80E+11 4.32E+06 1.20+03 2.0347E+07 2.0347E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.33E+08 1.92E+11 6.00E+06 1.67E+03 "1.7502E+07 1.7502E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.27E+08 2.52E+1 1 8.002+06 2.22E+03 I 1.5253E+07 1.52532+07[ 4.152+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.22E+08 3.222+11.

=!OOE+07 {

2.78E+03 _1_.3625E+07 1.3625E+07 4.15E+07.

5.04E+07 ] O_._E+00 1.19E+08 3.891+11 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 I Project No: 11333-297 1 PAGE NO. 27 Time (seconds)

Time (hours)

Unit I Decay Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Unit 2 Decay Heat Load (Btulhr)

Pump Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Cooler Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Fuel Pool Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Total Generated Heat Load (Btu/hr)

Integrated Generated Heat Load (Btu) 1.50E+07 4.17E+03 1.0840E+07 1.0840E+07 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.14E+08 5.50E+11 2.OOE+07 5.56E+03 9.0590E+06 9.0590E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.10E+08 7.06E+11 4.OOE+07 1.11E+04 5.7085E+06 5.7085E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 1.03E+08 1.30E+12 6.OOE+07 1.67E+04 4.1374E+06 4.1374E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 1.OOE+08 1.86E+12 8.OOE+07 2.22E+04 3.1603E+06 3.1603E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 O.OOE+00 9.82E+07 2.42E+12 1.OOE+08 2.78E+04 2.5191E+06 2.5191E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.70E+07 2.96E+12 1.50E+08 4.17E+04 1.6738E+06 1.6738E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.53E+07 4.29E+12 2.OOE+08 5.56E+04 1.3094E+06 1.3094E+06 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.45E+07 5.61E+12 4.OOE+08 1.11E+05 8.8563E+05 8.8563E+05 4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.37E+07 1.08E+13 i'*6.00E+08 1.67E+05 7.4392E+05 7.4392E+05 4.15E+07 5.04E+07t 0.00E+00-9.34E+07 1.60E+13 220 67E5 48 5

4.15E+07 5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.32E+07 2.12E+13

, 8,00E+08 J2.22E+05 6.4788E +05 6.4788E+05 4.5+0 5.04E+07

.OE0 9.2+7 21E1 1.OOE+09 2.78E+05 5.7057E+051 5.7057E+05

1) This summary does not include the sensible heat load
4. 15E+07 j5.04E+07 0.OOE+00 9.31 E+07 2.64E+13 Summary Tables 7.6 and 7.7 give the total generated heat load as a time dependent function.

When determining the total heat load to the UHS, the sensible heat load given in Table 7.5 should be added to the total generated heat load over an appropriate time interval.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Project No: 11333-297 I

PAGE NO. 28 (FINAL) 8.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A - GE Letter NSA-01-404, GE-LPUP-024, and GE-LPUP-204 (Removed)

Attachment B - SEAG #12-000098 (Removed)

Attachment C - Excel Spreadsheet Formulas Attachment D - Calculation of Heat Rejection to UHS with 2 x RHR Heat Exchangers and Including Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Load Attachment E - MATHCAD Printout (Removed)

Attachment F - Excel Formulas REVISION NO. 4

Attachment A removed due to proprietary content

Attachment B removed due to proprietary content

Attachment C Excel Spreadsheet Formulas L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page Cl of C8

Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 Table 7.1 Equations I




_C I




H Time ho Decay


Rated Power Conversion Decay Heat I

hours days (seconds) i Fraction Uncertainty (W th)


(Btulhr) 2 0 1 =A2/3600

__"__a 3 0.1

=A3/3600 4 0.15


_ 0.2-

!=A5/3600 ______

6 :'0.4 j=A6/3600 7 !0.6

=A7/3600 8 '!0.8

=A8/3600 9 _,1 I=A9/3600 10,1.5

=A10/3600 11.2

=A11/3600 12,4 I=A12/3600 13 :'6

=A13/3600 14.8

.j=A14/3600 15.10


-1 16.15

=A16/3600 1"-_-_--

17 20 J=A17/3600 18 40

=A18/3600 j

19 60 I=A19/3600 20 80 t=A20/3600 j

21 100

.=A21/3600 I

22 150

=A22/3600 j

23 200

=A23/3600 I

24 400 I=A24/3600 25 600 I=A25/3600 26 800 j=A26/3600 27 '1000 I=A27/3600 I

2 1500 I=A28/3600 I

29 2000 I=A29/3600 J

30.:4000 I =A30/3600 31 6000

=A31/38007 32:8000

=A32/3600 33 10000 I=A33/3600 I_.,.

34 -15000

=A34/3600 I

35"'20000 j'=A35/3600 36.40000

=A36/3600 7

37 60000 I =A37/3600


38,80000 I=A38/3600 I


=A39/3600 I 1 day 40 iI 100000 1=A4013600 1

41 1150000 1=A41/3600 J,

42 173000 I=A42/3600 I 2 days It 43 200000

=A43/3600 F I 44 259000

=A44/3600 I 3 days 45 "346000 I =A45/3600 4 days r 46 400000 i=A46/3600 I



!=A47/3600 R

5 days I 48 600000 i=A48/3600 II -

4`900000 I =A49/3600 I

50 864000 i=A50/3600 1 0-da'ys 51.1000000 l

=A51/3600 52 :1500000

'=A52/3600 53,1730000 I=A53/3600 I 20 days 54,2000000 l=A54/3600 I.

55q2590000 j=A55/3600 I 30 days 56,3460000 "1=A56/3600 I 40 day.s]


L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page C2 of C8

Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 Table 7.1 Equations (cont.)








G G_

Time huDecay


Rated Power Conversion Decay Heat (secondFraction Uncertainty (W th)


(Btu/hr) 58 4000000



59 4320000

=A59/3600 50 days I 60 6000000 t=A60/3600 61 8000000 I=A61/3600 62 10000000

=A62/3600 6315000000 f=A63/3600 64 20000000 j=A64/3600 65,40000000

!=A65/3600 66 60000000 I=A66/3600 I


=A67/3600 I

68 10000000 I=A68/3600 I

69 150000000


_I 70 200000000 I=A70/3600 I

71 400000000 I=A71/3600 I.

F72 600000000 i=A72/3600 73 800000000 I=A73/3600 74 1000000000 j=A74/3600 f--'-__"


L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page C3 of C8

Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 Table 7.2 Equations k

I..I I



H Time hor da Deyys2 Rated Power conversion Decay Heat 1


Fraction Uncertainty (W th)


(Btulhr) 2 0



3 '0.1

=A3/3600 4 0.15 j=A4/3600 T

5 0.2

=A5/3600 6 0.4

=A6/3600 7 "-

0.6=A7/3600 8


=A8/3600 I_

9 1 i=A9/3600 10.1.5 I=A10/3600 11'2

]=A11/3600 I

12 4 I=A12/3600 I

I 13.6



14 8

{=A14/3600 _

1510 t=A15/3600 I

16 15 I=A16/3690 0" 17 20

=A17/3600 1840

!=A18/3600 L..----

19i60 f=A19/3600 I

I 20 180 I=A20/3600 I

21 100 I=A21/3600 I

22 150 I=A22/3600 23;200

.=A23/3609 24 300

=A24/3600 T


!=A25/3600 26 600 1 =A26/3600 I

27 T800

  • =A27/3600 28 1000 I=A28/3600 f T

29 1500 I=A29/3600 f

30 1800

=A30/3600 31 12000

=A31/3600 32 3000

=A32/3600 33 4000 1=A33/3600 34,4800 l=A34/3600 35.6000

=A35/3600 36.8000

=A36/3609 f 37',1oooo J=A37/3600 38 15000

=A38/3600 39 20000 1=A39/3600 I"

40 i30000 I=A40/3600 I 41 1400_00

=A41/3600 T

42 60000 1 =A4213600 -I-F 43,80000 I=A43/3600 I.

1' 44"'=24"60"60 I=A44/3600 1 day 45 '100000




=A46/3600 4

=24*60*60*2 I =A47/3600 2 daysI 48 !;180000 1=A48/3690 49 200000

!=A49/3600 50 =24"3600"3 l=A50/3600 3 days 51,=24*36004 l=A51/3600

__4 days 52 360000 j=A52/3690 0 I'

53 400000 f=A53/3600 54. =24"3609"5 I =A5413690 5 days. I 55 600000 I =A55/3600 Il 56 1800000 1=A56/3600 f __

L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page C4 of C8

Non-proprietary Information-Class I (Public)

Ref. GEH letter 7491-318563-HAO-1 R2, "Requested Documents with Revised Marking of GEH Proprietary Information", dated December 4, 2014 Table 7.2 Equations (Cont.)







58 =24*300f10 1 =A58/3600 10days I!

59 1000000

-=A5-- 60 1

I 60 1sooooo I=A6-03600---

l 61 =24"3600*20

=A61/3600 20 days L 62 2000000 J=A62 600 I

63 =24*3600*30

=A63/3600-30 days-*

64 =24-3600*40 J=A64/3600 40 days I 65 4000000 I=A65/3600

'-7 66 =243600"50

=A66/3600 5days 67 6000000 I=A67/3600 L..

68 8000000 I=A68/3600 I

I 69 1-0000000

= A69/3600 70, 15000-00 I=A70/3600 71 20000000

-=A7-/36-o-72 40000000 I=A72/3600I 73 60000000

-=A733600 I

74 80000000 1 =A74/3600 75 100000000 i=A75/3600 76 T5-06000

=A76/3600 I

0 77 200000000 I=A77/3600 78 40_0000000 1-A78/3600 L

79 '6000006000 A79/060-0-I 80 800000000

=A80/3600 I


81 1000000000

)=A81/3600 I


L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page C5 of C8

Table 7.3 Equations A



T _



Pump Equipment #

Motor Rating Conversion Motor Heat Load Total Heat Load PumpEqupmet

  1. per Pump (Both Units) 1, _RHR Service (hp)




RHR Service 2 Water Pumps 1/2E12-C300A 200 42.43


=E2"2 3

1/2E12-C300B 200 42.43


=E3"2 4 _

1/2E12-C300C 200 142.43 J=C4"D4"60

=E4*2 5

1/2E12-C300D 200 142.43

=C5*D5"60 I=E5"2 DG Cooling 6 1,Water Pumps ODG01P 125 42.43

=C6*D6*60 E6"1 7

1/2DG01 P 75 142.43


=E7"2 HPCS DG42.43 8 *Cooing Water Pumps 1/2E22-C002 100



-Fuel Pool Emrgcy 9 1 Make-up Pumps 1/2FC03PA 75 42.43


=E9"2 101:

1/2FCO3PB 75 42.43


=E10"2 11 HPCS Pumps 1/2E22-CO01 3050 42.43


=E11"2 12 !LPCS Pumps 112E21-C001 1517 42.43


=E122 13 RHR Pumps 1/2E12-C002A 800 42.43


=E13"2 14, 1/2E12-CO02B 800





1/2E12-C002C 800 42.43


=E15"2 16ý TOTAL


L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page C6 of C8

Table 7.6 and 7.7 Equations A






_I H


J Time Unit I Unit 2 Pump Cooler Fuel Pool Total Generated Integrated Generated Heat (Seconds)

Time (hours)

Decay Heat Load Decay Heat Load Heat Load Heat Load Heat Load Heat Load Load (Btu/hr)






(Btu) 2 li0.0000001

=A213600 I='decay heat'!H2 j='decay heat'!H2 I='motor loads'1F$17

=coolers!D$14 0

I=SUM(D2:H2) 3 0.1

=A3/3600 jndecay heat'!H3 I='decay heat'!H3 1='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10 I=SUM(D3:H3)

=(12+I3)/2*(B3-B2)+J2 4 -'=decayhheat'A4

=A4/3600 I=decay heat!H4 1_='decay heat'!H4 I='motor loads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10


--(I3+I4)/2*(B4-B3)+J3 5 '='decayheat'A5 I=A5/3600 I='decay heat'!H5 I='decay heat'!H5 I='motor loads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 FO


I=(14+I5)/2*(B5-B4)+J4 6'

decay heat'!A6 I=A6/3600

='decay heat!H6 j='decay heat'VH6

='motor loads'!F$17

'=colers!g$14 "I=SUM(D6:H6) l=(I+6)/2*(B6-B5+J 7

='decay heat'A7 yA7/3600 n'decayheat'!H7 I--decay heat'!H7

='motor loads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0

!=SUM(D7:H7) j=(16+I7)/2*(B7-B6)+J6 8 :='decay heat'!A8

=A8/3600 I='decay heat'!H8

='decay heat'!H8

='motor Ioads'lF$1 7 1=coolers!D$14 0


I=(17+18)/2*(B8-B7)+J7 9.'decay heat*A9

=A9/3600 j='decay heat!H9

'decay heat'!H9 j='motor Ioads'!F$17 j=coolers!D$14 0


=(18+19)/2(B9-B8)+J8 10 ='decay heat' 0 l


='decay heat'!H10 1='decay heat!H10 1='motor Ioads'!F$17 J=coolers!D$14 JO J=SUM(D10
H10) j=(19+I10)/2*(B1O-B9)+J9 11 j='decay heat'!A1 1

=A 1/3600 J='decay heat'HI 1 1='decay heat'!HI 1 1='motor loads'IF$17 I=coolers!D$14 0

I=SUM(D1t:H 1) 7

=(I10+I11)/2*(B11-B10)+J10 12 -'decay h~eatA12


{='decay hear!H12 I='decay heat'!H12 l='motor Ioads'!F$17 l=coolers!D$14 0

I=SUM(D12:H1 2) j=(111+I12)/2*(B12-Bl1)+Jt 1 13 ='decay heat'!A13 I=A13/3600 I='decay heat!H13 l='decay heat'!H13

='motor Ioads'!F$17 l=coolers!D$14 10

!=SUM(D1 3:H13) 1(l12+11 3)/2*(B13-B12)+J12 14 '='decay heat'!Al4

=A14j300J'decay heat'!H14

=decay heat'!H14

!='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 0.

ISUM(D1 4:H14)

-(1113+I14)/2*(B1 4-813)+J13 15,'decay heat'Al 5 j=A1 5/3600

='decay heat!H15 1='decay heat'!H1 5

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0


  • S1S

=(Il 4+115-*

)ý2 B1 5-11 4)+J1 4 16 -'decay-heat'*A*

=A 16/3600 1='6 -ý='decay heat!H1. 6

='motor loads'!F$17

!=coolers!D$14 10


.=(Q1 5+116)/2*(B1 6-B1 5)+J1 5 17

'deýcy heat'A7


-_decay heat'H 17 ='decay heat'!HI 7 i='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10 I =S-UM(*D17:1H 17)

I=(Il 6+117)/2*(B1 7-16)+J1 6 18,deX hea l

=A`18/3600 j='decaheat*'"8-

'dec-y heat'IH-8

=motor Ioads18F17

"=coolers~o*l4 0

I=SUM(D1 8:H 1-8)--

=(17+118)/2*(Bl 18-B17)+J17 19 '='decay heat'!Al 9


='decay heat!H19 J='decay heat'!HI9 H='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10 I=SUM(D1l9:H1 9)

=(I18+I19)/2"(B19-Bl18)+J18 20 decay heat'!A20 j=A20/3600

='decay heat'!H20 j='decay heat'!H20 1"='motor Ioads'IF$17 F=coolers!D$14 10


=(I-9+120)**(20EýB19)+J 9

21 "='de-cay heat'!A21

=A21/3600 1='decay heafIH2 1'decay heatH*!21 I ='motor Ioads'!F$t7 I=coolers!D$14 0


=(*20+121"/;2(B-21-120)+J20 22 ='decay heat 'A22-

=22/3600 1-='decay heaf!H22 1='decay heat'!H22 1='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0


=(121+122)/2*(B22-B21)+J21 23 ='decay heat'A23


='decay heat'IH23 1='decay heat'!H23 r='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers.D$14 0


=(122+123)/2*(l23-B22)+J22 24 -='decay heat'A24

!=A24/3600 n='decay heat'!H24 1 ='decay heat'!H24 In'motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0


=(123+I24)/2*(B24-B23)+J23 25 '='decay heat' A25 l=A25/3600 1='decay heaf!H25

='decay heat'!H25

-mot oaýdosFl-o 7 I=coolers!D$14 0


=(124+I25)/r@25-B24L+424 26 ='decay heat'!A26 I =A26/3600

--'decay heat!H26

='decay heat'!H26 J='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 0


"=(125+I26 B2*(I326-I25)+J25 27" 'dey heat')A27.=A27/3-0 In'decay heat'!H27

='decay heat'!H27 1n'mator Ioads'!F$7

=coolers!D$4 0


=(126+I27)/2*(B27-826)+J26 "2 decayheat'A2-j A=8/3600j

='decay heaV!H28 f='decay heat'!H28 I='motor Ioads"F$l7 I=coolers'g$l4 0


J=(127+I28)/2*(B28-B27)+J27 29 'decay heat'!A29 j=A29/3600 I='decay heat'!H29j'decay heat'!H29

='motor Ioads'!F$17 1=coolers!D$14 0

j=SUM(D29:H29) jf-*28+129),2*(B29-B328)+ J28 301* decay hejat 'A3

=A30-3600 1n'decay heat'!H30 l='decay heat'!H30

='motor Ioads'!F$17

.=coolers!D$14 0

I=SUM(D30:H30) j=(129+I30)/2*(B30-B29)+J29 31 -='decay heat"A31 1=A31/3600

='decay heat!H31 f='decay heat'!H31 I='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 0

IJ=SUM(D31 :H31) j=(130+I31)/2*(B31 -B30)+J30 T2 'deca heat'!A32 I=A32/3600 1='decay heat'!H32 I='decay heat'!H32

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14


-=SUM(D32:H32) f=(131+I32)/2*(B32-B31)+J31 33

'decay -heata33-3/3600 0

='decay heatIH33 f-'decay heat'!H33

='motor Ioads'!F$17 f=coolers!D$14 16 l=SUM(D33:H33) f(132+13 )/2( B33-132)+J32 34 *='decay heat'!A34*-=A34-/3600

[='decay heat'!H34 I ='decay heat'!H34

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10 J=SUM(D34:H34) V 133+I34)/2*(B334-B33)+J33 35 -='decay heat'!A35


[='decay hearIH35 1n'decay heat'!H35

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 0


=(134+I35)/2*(a35-B34)+J34 36-'='decay_ heat'!A36

=A36/3600 In'decay heat'!H36 1n'decay heat'!H36 l='motor Ioads'!F$17

'=coolers!D$14 0

"I=SUM(D36:H36) j=(135+136)/2*(B36-B35)+J35 37.='decay heat" 37

=A37/3600 j='decay heat'1H37

='decay heat'!H37

"='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10 I=SUM(D37:H37)

"=(136+137)/2*(B37-836)+J36 38='decay heat!A38


  • ='decay heaftiH38

='decay heat'!H38 1='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10

=SUM(D38:H38) 1=(137+I38)/2*_(B38-B37)+J37 39 !='decay heat'!A39

=A39/3600 1='decay heat'?H39

[='decay heat'!H39

='motor Ioads'!F$17

!=coolers!D$14 10 j=SUM(D39:H39) j=(138+I39)/2*(B39-B38)+J38 40 !,='decay heat"A40 I =A40/3600 1 ='decay heat'!H40 1 ='decay heat'!H40

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10 I=SUM(D40:H40)

=(139+140-/2)40-B39+J39 L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page C7 of C8

Table 7.6 and 7.7 Equations (Cont.)




_I I

J Unit I Unit 2 Pump Cooler Fuel Pool Total Generated Integrated Generated Heat Time ieos Time (hours)

Decay Heat Load Decay Heat Load Heat Load Heat Load Heat Load Heat Load Load (seconds)







(Btu) 41 I

42 'decay heatfA41


='decay heat'!H41 _=decay heat'!H41

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10


-(140+142)12(B42-B40)+J40 43 :='decay heatV1A42


='decay heat-!H42 l'decay heat'!H42

='motor Ioads'!FS17

=coolers!D$14 0

=SUM(D43H43) 1=(142+143)/2*(B43-B42)+J42 44 '


=A44/3600 Ipdecay heaV!H43 I='decay heat'!H43

='motor Ioads'!F$17







decy heat'!A44

"=A45/3600 decay h.e 14 d

y heat'!H44

='motor loads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 I0



--(44.I45ý2(5--544)+J44 46'decay heat"A45 I=A46/3600

='decay heat'!H45 I='decay heat'!H45

='motor Ioads'!F$17 j=coolers!D$14 10



4)/2(B4-5)+J45 47.decay heatA46


= decay heat!H46

-='decay heat'!H46

='motor loads'!FS17 I=coolers!De14 10 I=U D47 H47)

-(146+-47')/K(-47-B46)+J46 48 ='decay heat'!A47 I=A48/3600

='decay heat'!H47

"=deca heat'!H47

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0


-ý (147-148)/2*1(B48-B47)+J47 49 =decay heatr'A48

=A49/3600 I='decay heat'!H48

='decay heat'!H48

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10 I-S-UM(1D49 H49) _

-(148+149)/2(B9-13848J48 50 d-ecayeA A---3-0 decay hea'!H49 j=decay heatA"H49

=dmotor loads'!F$17




-decay heat'!A50 1=A51/3600

'decay heat'!H50 l='decay heat'!H50

='motor loads'!F$17 n=coolers'D$14 10 F=SUM(D51 :H51)

I -(-50+(51)2*(S1-B50)+J50 52-

-'decayhea -'A51 I=A52/3600 i decay-hea!H51 I='decay heat'!H51

='motor loads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10 1--SUM(D52:H52)

-(1(51+-52)/2-(B-5"i251)+J51 53 ='decay heat'!A52 l=A53/3600 I='decay heat'!H52 1='decay heat'!H52

='motor loads'!F$1 7

=coolers!D$14 10 1=SUM(D53:H53)

(152+153)/2*(B53-B52)+J52 54 decay heat'!A53-=A54/3600 i='decay heat!H53

='decay heat11-53

='motor loads'!F$17 j=coolers!O$14 0


= (153+I54)/2*(B54-B53)+J53 55 -decay heat"A54 l=A5513660 I=decay heat'!H54 I='decay heat!H54

='motor Ioads'F$17

=coolers!D$14 y0


=---(I5I=t)/-(B55'B4)+J54' 56

'deca heatyA55=A5613600 1 ='decay heat!H55 I='decay heat'!H55

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10


  • (155+156)/2*(856-M5)+J55 57 decay heat'A56 l=A57/3600

[='decay heat!H56

='decay heat'!H56

='motor Ioads'!F$17

coolers!0$14 0


)+J56 58 ":=decay heat'! A57 I=A58/3600

.='decay heat'!H57

='decay heat'IH57

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10


I=(157+158)/2*(B58-B57)+J57 59 decay hea*tA58 I=A5913600

='decay heat!H58

='decay heat'!H58

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10 SUM(D59:H59)

=(158+159)/2*(B59-158)+J58 60 ='decay heat'A59

!=A6013600 L=-decay heat'!H59

='decay heat'1H59

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 0


I=(159+160)/2*(B60-859)+J59 61 ='decay heat'!A60 I=A61/3600

='decay heat'!H60 1='decay heat'!H60

='motor loads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 i0 W=SUM(D6t:H61)

I=(160+161)/2*(B61-B60)+J60 62 =decay heat'A61"ý

=A62/3600 I='decay heat!H61

='decay heat'!H61

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14

0 l=SUM(D62

(161 +62)/2*(62-61 )+361 631 ='decay heat'A62_J =A63/3600

='decay heat'!H62

_ ='decay heat'9H62

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10 1=S-M(3 H 63--)

-(162+13)/2(63-B"2).+J62 64 -='decay heat'A63 I=A64/3600

='decay heat'!H63 I='decay heat'!H63

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0


=(163+I64)/2*(B64-B63)+J63 65-decay heat'fA64 i=A65/3600 I-'decay heat'!H64 1 'decay heat'!H64 1='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 J0

"=UM(065 H6 5)

ý-ý-165*/2(165--* 36)J64 66 '='decay heat'!A65 I=A66/3600 I='decay heat'!H65 i='decay heat'!H65

=motor Ioads!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10

=SUM(D66:H66) j=(165+166)/2-(B66-I65)+J65 67 " ='decay heat'A66 A67/3600 B

='decay heat'!H66 decay heat!H66

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 10 J=SUM(D67-H67)

!=(166+167)/2*(B67-B66)+J66 68 deca


!='decay heat'!H67

.='decay heat'!H67

='motor Ioads'!F$17 j=coolers!D$14 10 SUM(D68 H68 (167+I68)/2*(B68-B67)+J67 69 '='decay heat'!A68 I=A69/3600 I='decay heat'H6LJ ='decay heat'!H68

=motor Ioads'!F$17

-=coolers'D$14 10 I=SUM(D69_H69)

!=(68+I69)/2(B69-B68)+368 70

'decay heatA69

=A70/3600 1-'decay heat"H69

-'deýcay heat!H69 motor Foads!F$17 I=coolers!D$14


=S-UM(D70 H--70)


)+J69 71 decay heat'A70 I=A71/3600 1='decay heat'!H70

]='decay heat'!H70

='motor loads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 j0

=SUM(.D71 :H71) j=(170+171)/2*(B71-IB70)+J70 72 ='decay heat'A71 I=A7213600

!='decay heatVIH71

-'decay heat'9H71

='motor loads'!F$17 I=coolersOD$14 0


I(171+72)/2(B72-B71)+J71 73 -decay heat"A72 I=A73/3600

'decay heat'!H72

='decay heat!H72

='motor oads'!F17 0

U 1373:H73)



-13B73-B37)+J72 74 " decay heatf'A73 I=A7413600 1='decay heat!H73

='decay heatH73

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0

=SLUM(D74: H74)

=(173+174)2-(B74-B73 )+J73 75ý decy heat'!A74


]='decay heat'!H74

"='decay heat'H74 j='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 0


=(17-4+175)/L(B75-B74)-J74 76 decay hea*t*'A75

!=A7613600 L='decay heat'!H75 J-'decay heat'!H75

='motor Ioads!F$17 1=coolers!D$14 10 1=SUM(D7.. 6:H76) 1=(175+176)/2*(B76-B75)+J75 77 -'decay heat'!A76


='decay heat'!H76

='decay heat'!H76

='motor Ioads!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 t0 I=SUM(D77:H77) _

=(176+I77)/2*(B77-B76)+J76 78",-'ecay heat'!A77


='decay heat'!H77

-='decay heat'!H77

='motor loads'!F$17 _=coolers!D$14 10 I=SUM(D78:H78).

=(l77+I78)/2*(_78-B77)+J77 79',=-decay heat'!A78


='decay heat'"H78

!='decay heat'!H78

='motor Ioads'!F$17 I=coolers!D$14 10 I=SUM(D79:H79)

]=(178+179)/2*(B79-B78)+J78 80 ';decay ýeat,'79


='decay heat'!H79

='decay heat'!H79

='motor Ioads'!F$17

=coolers!D$14 J0 =SUM(D80:H80).

T(79+180)/2(B80-B79)+J79 81 ='decay heat'!A80 l=A81/3600

='decay heat'8HS0 1='decay heat'!H80 I='motor Ioads"F$17

'=coolers!D$14 1,0 I=SUM(D81 :H81)

=1818 )2(

80)+J80 L-002453, Rev. 4 Attachment C Page C8 of C8

I CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. D1 of D48 I Attachment D Calculation of Heat Rejection to UHS with 2 x RHR Heat Exchangers and Including Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Load IREVISION NO. 4 1

1 1


L-002453 REV. NO. 4 SECTION:







1 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. D3 of D48 D1.0 PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE The purpose of this attachment is to calculate a profile of the heat rejection rate to the UHS as a function of time considering an operating scenario that would maximize the heat load to the UHS. The analysis is based on the current licensed thermal power (CLTP) level of 3559 MWt, which includes calorimetric uncertainty.

The NRC suggests that the calculation of the heat load rejected to the UHS should consider all operating alignments allowed by the procedures which would maximize the heat input to the UHS and consider the heat load from the spent fuel pool on the basis of the maximum number of spent elements that can be stored on-site at any one time, with appropriate consideration of plant configuration and allowances for post-shutdown time for all fuel [Ref. D5. 11].

The scenario evaluated in this attachment considers a DBA LOCA on one unit and a reactor SCRAM on the non-LOCA unit coincident with a UHS design event (loss of the cooling lake) occurring 100 days after refueling of the non-LOCA unit. Loss of off-site power (LOOP) is assumed for the LOCA unit, which requires all diesel generator divisions to provide power to the ECCS for that unit. The non-LOCA unit maintains off-site power such that the two RHR trains feeding the RHR heat exchangers remain fully powered.

Both RHR heat exchangers are in service to remove reactor heat on the LOCA unit. At the non-LOCA unit, one RHR heat exchanger is placed into suppression pool cooling mode (and later shutdown cooling mode), while the other RI-IR heat exchanger is placed into fuel pool cooling assist mode 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after the initiation of the event. Unit 1 and 2 fuel pools are connected, so the RHR heat exchanger in fuel pool cooling assist mode cools the fuel pools for both units. In order to maximize the calculated heat rejected to the UHS, the RHR heat exchangers are taken to be operating at maximum performance.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D4 of D48 D2.0 METHODOLOGY AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA D2.1 Methodology D2.1.1 Heat Load Calculation for LOCA Unit The heat load rejected to the UHS via both RHR heat exchangers is calculated utilizing the MATHCAD calculation from Calculation BSA-L-97-02 [Ref. D5.3], which was used to calculate a profile for the suppression pool temperature as a function of time. Inputs to the MATHCAD calculation are:

" Decay heat fractions as a function of time (Design Input D4. 1)

" Core thermal power (Design Input D4.2)

" UHS water temperature (Assumption D3.5)

  • RHR system pump heat input (Design Input D4.3)

" Initial suppression pool temperature when RIHR system turns on (Design Input D4.11)

  • Maximum RHR heat exchanger heat removal rate (Design Input D4.6)
  • Suppression pool volume (Design Input D4.7)

The MATHCAD file from Calculation BSA-L-97-02 [Ref. D5.3] is benchmarked to the suppression pool temperature profile in Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4] by evaluating a scenario with the inputs taken from Calculation L-003352 and adjusting the initially released sensible heat so that the temperature profile matches Figure 3 in Calculation L-003352 [Ref.

D5.4]. The calculation is then run with the inputs appropriate for this analysis to determine the suppression pool temperature profile for operation with two RHR heat exchangers.

The suppression pool temperature is calculated at each time step by conducting an energy balance based on the heat into the suppression pool and the heat rejected by the RHR heat exchangers. The heat rejected by the RHR heat exchangers is the heat load into the UHS and is calculated based on the heat removal rate (k), the UHS water temperature, and the suppression pool temperature.

Q = k. (Tp - TtHs)

Eqn. D2-1

where, Q

= Heat rejected by RHR heat exchanger k

= heat removal rate (Btu/sec-°F) (Design Input D4.6)


= Suppression pool temperature ('F)


= UHS temperature ('F)

In order to conservatively maximize the calculated heat load rejected to the UHS, a minimum UHS temperature is assumed based on Calculation L-002457 [Ref. D5.6] and Assumption D3.5.

Furthermore, the suppression pool analysis in Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4] assumes a 10 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D5 of D48 minute delay in placing the RHR heat exchangers into service. However, for the purposes of this analysis, it is more conservative to assume they are in service immediately. Thus, for the first 10 minutes the heat load to the UHS is calculated using Eqn. D2-1 and the suppression pool temperature from Figure 3 in Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4]. This is conservative as the calculated temperature in the first 10 minutes in Figure 3 of Calculation L-003352 does not account for any heat rejection during this time, resulting in a bounding high value for the suppression pool temperature.

After the initial 10 minutes, the MATHCAD file described above is used to calculate the heat rejected to the UHS.

The calculation of the service water system heat load (from pumps and CSCS coolers) to the UHS is the same as in Section 7.0 of the main body of this calculation. Table D2-1 documents the contributing pump and cooler heat loads for the LOCA unit.

Table D2-1: Pump and Cooler Contributing Heat Loads - LOCA Unit Description.

Time Turned On

" Where Tabulated (in Table 16-6)

RHR Pump (x3) 0 hr RHR HxR HPCS Pumps 0 hr RHR HxR LPCS Pump 0 hr RHR HxR RHR SW Pumps (x4) 0 hr Pump Heat Load DG CW Pump (Single Unit) 0 hr Pump Heat Load DG CW Pump (Common Unit)1 0 hr Pump Heat Load HPCS DG CW Pump 0 hr

__Pump Heat Load HPCS DG Cooler 0 hr Cooler Heat Load DG Cooler 0A1 0 hr Cooler Heat Load DG Cooler 1A 0 hr Cooler Heat Load NW Cubicle Area Cooler 0 hr Cooler Heat Load SW Cubicle Area Cooler 0 hr Cooler Heat Load SE Cubicle Area Cooler 0 hr Cooler Heat Load NE Cubicle Area Cooler 0 hr Cooler Heat Load

1) Common unit heat load is split between both units.

D2.1.2 Heat Load Calculation for non-LOCA Unit The non-LOCA unit is shut down normally following a reactor SCRAM coincident with the LOCA and loss of cooling lake. The suppression pool temperature profile for this scenario is taken from Figure 6 of L-002489 [Ref. D5.7] (results from Design Basis Case 3 - MSIV Closure Coincident with Reactor SCRAM).

Off-site power is maintained so that both RHR trains for heat removal remain fully powered and in operation for the event. The non-LOCA unit operates with one RHR heat exchanger in suppression pool cooling mode for the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> after the reactor SCRAM, and then in shut REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D6 of D48 down cooling mode while maintaining the technical specification RPV cool down rate of 100°F/hr [Ref. D5.8]. The other RHR heat exchanger is in fuel pool cooling assist mode.

The heat rejected to the UHS via the RHR heat exchanger in suppression pool cooling mode is calculated using Eqn. D2-1 and the suppression pool temperature profile from Figure 6 of L-002489 [Ref. D5.7]. The temperature curve from Figure 6 of L-002489 [Ref. D5.7] is curve fitted in Microsoft Excel [Ref. D5.9] and the resulting formula is used along with Eqn. D2-1 to generate an equation which calculates the heat rejected to the UHS for each time step for the first two hours. As described in Assumption D3.4, the heat rejection to the UHS for the first 10 minutes is conservatively calculated using the suppression pool temperature from Figure 6 of L-002489, which does not account for any heat rejection during that time, resulting in a bounding high value for the suppression pool temperature.

After 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, the RHR system is in shutdown cooling mode and, per Figure 6 of L-002489

[Ref. D5.7], the suppression pool temperature remains constant. During this time, the heat rejected to the UHS is equal to the heat input to the suppression pool. The contributing factors to the heat load during this time are: 1) decay heat 2) ECCS pumps, and 3) sensible heat. The calculation of these values is documented in Section D6.2.1.

The heat rejected by the RHR heat exchanger in fuel pool cooling assist mode is calculated per the methodology in Section D2.1.3.

The heat loads from the service water system are based on the pump heat loads in Table 7.3 in the main body of this calculation and the CSCS cooler heat loads in Table 7.4 in the main body of this calculation. Table D2-2 documents the contributing pump and cooler heat loads for the non-LOCA unit.

Table D2-2: Pump and Cooler Contributing Heat Loads - Non-LOCA Unit VDescription Time Turned On Where Tabulated (in Table D6-6)

RHR Pump 1A 0 hr RHR HxR RHR Pump 1B 16 hr Fuel Pool Cooling HPCS Pumps 0 hr RHR HxR LPCS Pump 0 hr RHR HxR RHR SW Pumps (x2) 0 hr Pump Heat Load RHR SW Pumps (x2) 16 hr Pump Heat Load "O DG CW Pump (Single Unit) 16 hr Pump Heat Load DG CW Pump (Common Unit)'

0 hr Pump Heat Load HPCS DG CW Pump 0 hr Pump Heat Load DG Cooler 0A1 0 hr Cooler Heat Load NW Cubicle Area Cooler 0 hr Cooler Heat Load

SW Cubicle Area Cooler 0 hr Cooler Heat Load REVISION NO. 4

I CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D7 of D48 Description Time Turned On jWhere Tabulated (in Table D6-6)

SE Cubicle Area Cooler 16 hr I Cooler Heat Load NE Cubicle Area Cooler j

0 hr Cooler Heat Load RHR Pump 1C f

Not in Operation DG Cooler 1A Not in Operation HPCS DG Cooler Not in Operation

1) Common unit heat load is split between both units.

D2.1.3 Heat Load Calculation for Spent Fuel Pools The MATHCAD calculation file from BSA-L-97-02 [Ref. D5.3] is also used to calculate the fuel pool temperature as a function of time. Inputs to the fuel pool MATHCAD calculation are:

  • Decay heat into fuel pool water (Design Input D4.8)
  • UHS water temperature (Assumption D3.5)

" Initial fuel pool temperature when RHR fuel pool cooling assist mode is placed into service (16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after event initiation) (Design Input 4.8)

Maximum RHR heat exchanger heat removal rate (Design Input D4.6)

  • Fuel pool volume (Design Input D4.7)

The heat load rejected by the RHR heat exchanger to the U1-S is then determined using Eqn.

D2-1. It takes 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> to place the "B" train of the RHR system into fuel pool cooling assist mode [Ref. D5.5c]. Thus, this heat load from the fuel pools is added to the UHS at 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after the event initiation.

D2.2 Computer Programs and Software MathCAD [Ref. D5.10] is a Microsoft Windows based, general purpose calculation package that uses standard mathematical notations with built-in mathematical functions, operators, units, and constants that can be used to perform calculations. MathCAD was run using S&L PC No.

ZL7922 under the Windows XP operating system. The short form audit trail for MathCAD is given below.

Controlled File Summary - MATHCAD (S&L Program No. 03.7.548-1435)

Type: 2 Status: 0 Effective Date: 05-11-2010 Executed 05-10-2013 13:37 Controlled File Path: C:\\program files\\Mathcad\\Mathcad 14\\


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D 7PAGE NO. D8 of D48 Calculations are also conducted using Microsoft Excel 2003 [Ref. D5.9], which is commercially available.

The validation of Excel is implicit in the detailed review of all spreadsheets used in this analysis. All computer runs were performed using PC No. ZL7922 under the Windows XP operating system.

D2.3 Acceptance Criteria There are no specific acceptance criteria for this calculation.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. D9 of D48 D3.0 ASSUMPTIONS D3.1 Fuel Pool Cooling Load - The fuel pool cooling load taken from EC 394792 [Ref. D5.5b]

decays with time. However, for the purpose of this analysis, the heat load 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after the accident is conservatively held constant for the remainder of accident scenario in order to maximize the calculation of heat rejected to the UHS.

D3.2 Pump Motor Heat - It is conservatively assumed that the appropriate ECCS, CSCS, and ESW pumps are running throughout the event and that all the energy generated by the pump motors is added to the UHS. The motor nameplate rating is conservatively assigned as the pump heat.

Actual developed shaft horsepower is expected to be less than this rating.

D3.3 Seal Cooler Heat - The RHR pump seal coolers and the LPCS pump motor cooler heat loads are not included in the total CSCS cooler heat load since the heat removed by these coolers is covered in the pump motor heat loads.

D3.4 RHR Heat Exchanger Operation and Performance - In order to maximize the heat rejected to the UHS via the RHR system from the LOCA unit, it is assumed that both the "A" and "B" trains of the RHR system are operating in parallel and that both RHR heat exchangers are utilized when rejecting heat to the UHS after a LOCA.

It is assumed that the RHR heat exchangers are operating at maximum performance for both the suppression pool cooling and fuel pool cooling assist modes.

Maximum performance is defined as operation with the maximum heat removal rate from Design Input D4.6.

The suppression pool analyses in Calculations L-003352 [Ref. D5.4] and L-002489 [Ref. D5.7]

assume the RHR heat exchangers are placed into service 10 minutes after the accident or SCRAM.

The suppression pool temperature profiles from these calculations are used in this analysis (see Section D2.1.1 and D2.1.2). However, in order to maximize heat rejection to the UHS, it is assumed that the RHR heat exchangers are rejecting heat immediately after the UHS design event initiation. Thus, the heat rejected in the first 10 minutes is calculated using Eqn.

D2-1 and the suppression pool temperature from Calculations L-003352 [Ref. D5.4] and L-002489 [Ref. D5.7]. This is conservative as the referenced calculations do not account for any heat rejection during this time, resulting in a bounding high value for the suppression pool temperature, which maximizes the calculated heat load in Eqn. D2-1.

D3.5 UHS Temperature - The heat rejected to the UHS is calculated by Eqn. D2-1, which simplifies the heat exchanger performance by relating the heat rejected to the difference between the suppression pool temperature and the UHS temperature. In order to maximize the calculated heat rejection to the UHS, it is conservative to use a minimum UHS temperature. Although higher UHS temperatures result in a slightly higher peak suppression pool temperature in the MATHCAD calculations, a lower UHS temperature results in a higher heat rejection rate and is conservative for the purposes of this calculation.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Atachment D I PAGE NO. D10 of D48 The minimum UHS temperatures assumed are tabulated below.

These minimum UHS temperatures are confirmed in Calculation L-002457 Rev. 8 [Ref. D5.6].

Table D3-1 presents the data points entered into the MATHCAD calculations for the minimum UHS temperature as a function of time. Intermediate values used in MATHCAD are linearly interpolated (see calculation files in Attachment E).

Table D3-1: Minimum UHS Temperature Time Time UHS Temperature (S)


(°F) 0 0

100 14364 4

100 14400 4

99 18000 5

98 21600 6

97 25200 7

96 28800 8

95 79200 22 95 82800 23 94 86400 24 93 90000 25 92 262764 73 92 262800 73 90 435564 121 90 435600 121 85 521964 145 85 522000 145 75 1817964 505 75 1818000 505 70 2851200 792 70 REVISION NO. 4 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. Dll of D48 D4.0 DESIGN INPUT D4.1 Reactor Core Decay Heat - The reactor core decay heat values used for the LOCA unit are taken from Section 3.0 of Calculation L-003696 [Ref. D5.1] and are based on the decay heat parameters from the GNF2 full-core equilibrium cycle, which is representative of long term operation with GNF2 fuel. The decay heat fractions conservatively include + 2F uncertainty.

The GE14 fuel design decay heat fractions are also taken from Section 3.0 of Calculation L-003696 [Ref. D5.1] and are used to benchmark the MATHCAD calculation to the original suppression pool temperature response in Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4].

The reactor core decay heat values for the non LOCA unit (which are based on 100 days of operation after re-fueling) are taken from EC 394792 (transmitted in Attachment B of SEAG 13-000074 [Ref. D5.5]). The analysis in EC 394792 considers several operating scenarios and finds that the combined heat load from both the reactor core and the fuel pool is maximized in the scenario evaluated 100 days after re-fueling.

D4.2 Core Thermal Power - The rated thermal power (including 0.3% calorimetric uncertainty) is 3559 MW, and is the power level used for both units when calculating decay heat.

D4.3 Pump Horsepower - The values for pump horsepower are taken from Design Input 4.4 of the main body of this calculation.

D4.4 Area Cooler Heat Load - The values for cooler heat loads are taken from Design Input 4.5 of the main body of this calculation.

D4.5 MATHCAD Calculation File -

Calculation BSA-L-97-02 [Ref. D5.3] determined the suppression pool temperature using a MATHCAD calculation file.

That methodology and calculation file is used in this attachment to determine the temperature profile of the suppression pool and the fuel pool in order to ultimately calculate the resulting heat rejected by the RHR heat exchangers.

D4.6 RHR Heat Exchanger Heat Removal Rate - The heat exchanger heat removal rate (k) is used in the MATHCAD calculation to model the heat removal as a function of the suppression pool temperature and the UHS (service water) temperature.

Per EC 394581 (transmitted in Attachment A of SEAG 13-000074 [Ref. D5.5]), the maximum heat removal rate for suppression pool cooling mode is 605 Btu/s-°F. The maximum heat removal rate for fuel pool cooling assist mode is 622 Btu/s-OF.

D4.7 Minimum Suppression Pool and Fuel Pool Volume - The initial suppression pool volume used in this analysis is 128,800 ft3, which is consistent with the analysis Calculation L-003352 [Ref.


This volume corresponds to the low water level in the suppression pool, which maximizes the suppression pool temperature response [Ref. D5.4].


1 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4

]Attachment D PAGE NO. D12 of D48 The water volume in the spent fuel pools (accounting for displacement by the assemblies) is 92,071.54 ft3 for both units per Section 6.3 of EC 392196 [Ref. D5.2].

D4.8 Fuel Pool Decay Heat Load - The fuel pool decay heat load is taken from EC 394792 (transmitted in Attachment B of SEAG 13-000074 [Ref. D5.5b]). The analysis in EC 394792 considers several operating scenarios and finds that the combined heat load from both the reactor core and the fuel pool is maximized in the scenario evaluated 100 days after re-fueling.

Thus, the fuel pool decay heat load used in this calculation is based on 100 days after re-fueling.

This gives a conservative heat load when combined with the reactor core decay heat for the non-LOCA unit [Ref. D5.5b].

It takes approximately 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after the UHS event to align the "B" train of the RHR system at the non-LOCA unit to fuel pool cooling assist mode [Ref. D5.5c]. Thus, the fuel pool heat load is added to the UHS heat load 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after time zero.

D4.9 Non-LOCA Unit Suppression Pool Temperature Profile - The suppression pool temperature profile for the non-LOCA unit is taken from Figure 6 of L-002489 [Ref. D5.7] (results from Design Basis Case 3 - MSIV Closure Coincident with Reactor SCRAM). The results of Case 3 are applicable to this analysis as they represent a reactor SCRAM, a 600 second delay before initiation of the RHR cooling, and one RHR division cooling the suppression pool based on a cooldown rate of 100lF/hr [Ref. D5.7].

When the RPV pressure reaches 150 psia (-2 hours after reactor SCRAM) the RHR system is placed into shutdown cooling mode and, per Figure 6 of L-002489 [Ref. D5.7], the suppression pool temperature remains constant.

D4.10 Technical Specification Limit on Normal Cool Down Rate - The T/S limit on the normal cool down rate is 100°F/hr in the RPV [Ref. D5.8]. This value is applied to the cool down of the non-LOCA unit.

D4. 11 Initial Suppression Pool and Fuel Pool Temperatures - The LOCA unit suppression pool temperature and the fuel pool temperature are calculated using the MATHCAD file from Calculation BSA-L-97-02 [Ref. D5.3] (per Design Input D4.5). An input to the calculation is the temperature at the time the RHR heat exchangers are placed into service (600 seconds into the event in the original suppression pool response calculations).

The LOCA unit suppression pool temperature at 600 seconds is taken as 160'F based on Figure 3 of Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4]. Per EC 392196 [Ref. D5.2], the fuel pool temperature is allowed to naturally heat up to 200'F prior to any heat removal via the RHR system.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. D13 of D48 D


D5.1 L-003696 Rev. 1, "NEDC-33647P GNF2 Fuel Design Cycle-Independent Analyses for Exelon LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2," 2/15/2012.

D5.2 EC 392196 Rev. 0, "Spent Fuel Pool Uncovery Time for Outage and Online Scenarios."

D5.3 BSA-L-97-02, Rev. 3, "LaSalle Suppression Pool and Drywell Response Sensitivity to Delayed Suppression Pool Cooling," 6/6/2012.

D5.4 L-003352, Rev. OA, "Evaluation for GE Safety Communication SC06-01 Containment System Response GEH 0000-0069-6598-RO," 6/18/2012.

D5.5 TODI SEAG 13-000074, "LaSalle County Station Transmittal of Design Information for UHS Analyses," 8/20/2013.

a) Attachment A: EC 394581 Rev. 0, "RHR Heat Exchanger K Factor for Heat Rejection to the UHS."

b) Attachment B: EC 394792 Rev. 0, "Decay Heat Scenarios for UHS LAR."

c) Attachment C: CSCS Flow Rates D5.6 L-002457, Rev. 8, "LaSalle County Station Ultimate Heat Sink Analysis" D5.7 L-002489, Rev. 3C, "Suppression Pool Temperature Transient Analysis," 6/15/2012.

D5.8 Technical Specifications for LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2, through Amendments 206/193 D5.9 Microsofit Excel 2003, S&L Program No. 03.2.286-1.0.

D5.10 MathCAD v14.35, S&L Program No. 03.7.548-1435.

D5.1 1 NRC Request for Additional Information, Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374, "LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 - Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Technical Specification 3.7.3 Ultimate Heat Sink (TAC Nos. ME9076 and ME 9077)," ADAMS Accession No. M13099A206, 6/27/2013.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. D14 of D48 D6.0 CALCULATIONS D6.1 LOCA Unit Heat Rejection to UHS This unit experiences a LOCA and LOOP coincident with a UHS design basis event. All diesel generator divisions provide power to the ECCS, which is assumed to be operating immediately upon accident initiation. The core decay heat is based on 100% heat load and the GE14 fuel.

Both RHR heat exchangers are in service and operating at maximum performance in order to maximize the calculated heat load to the UHS.

The suppression pool temperature profile is calculated using the MATHCAD file from Calculation BSA-L-97-02 [Ref. D5.3]. Prior to calculating the suppression pool temperature while operating with two RHR heat exchangers, the MATHCAD calculation is benchmarked to match the expected temperature profile (from Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4]) based on operation with one RHR heat exchanger.

D6. 1.1 MATHCAD Calculation Benchmark In order to ensure that the MATHCAD calculation agrees with the previous suppression pool response calculated in Calculation L-003352, Rev. 0 [Ref. D5.4], the inputs from L-003352 are used to run a case in which the sensible heat rejected to the suppression pool at the start of the event is adjusted so that the calculated temperature profile matches Figure 3 in Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4]. The inputs to the MATHCAD calculation that result in the appropriate benchmark are documented below:

Table D6-1: Benchmark Case MATHCAD Inputs Parameter Value Reference Decay Heat Fractions Based on GE14 fuel D5.1 ECCS Pump Heat 4.925x10 3 Btu/s (Table 7.3 of main body)

RHR Heat Exchanger K-value 417 Btu/s-°F D5.4 Initial Sensible Heat Load (1.245 x 108) / 7200 Btu UHS Temperature 104°F D5.4 Reactor Core Power 3559 MWt D5.4 Suppression Pool Temp at 600s 160°F D5.4 Suppression Pool Volume 128,800 ft3 D5.4 Results for this benchmark case are documented in Attachment E as 'Templ' in the Suppression Pool Analysis MATHCAD file. The temperature plot and the calculated peak suppression pool temperature of 197.0°F match Figure 3 in Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4]. Thus, the initial REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D15 of D48 sensible heat load determined in this benchmark is applied to the case with two RHR heat exchangers in service.

D6.1.2 Heat Load from Sunnression Pool r r As discussed in Section D2. 1.1, the benchmarked MATHCAD file is used to calculate the suppression pool temperature profile 10 minutes after the event initiation. During the first 10 minutes, the heat load to the UHS is calculated based on the suppression pool temperature taken from Figure 3 in Calculation L-003352 [Ref. D5.4] (see Assumption D3.4) and the UHS temperature from per Assumption D3.5). The calculation of the heat load during the first 10 minutes is documented in Table D6-2.

Table D6-2: Calculation of Heat Load from Suppression Pool at LOCA Unit (Time < 600s)

Time Suppression Pool Temp

[Ref. D5.4]

UHS Temp (Assumption D3.5)

Heat Load1 (Eqn. D2-1)


°F 0


105 100 6.05E+03 60 140 100 4.84E+04 120 150 100 6.05E+04 180 150 100 6.05E+04 240 150 100 6.05E+04 300 150 100 6.05E+04 360 150 100 6.05E+04 420 150 100 6.05E+04 480 150 100 6.05E+04 540 160 100 7.26E+04 600 160 100 7.26E+04

1) Heat load is calculated based on operation of two RHR Heat Exchangers (K = 2 x 605 Btu/s-°F)

The heat load from the suppression pool for the remainder of the accident scenario is calculated in MATHCAD and reported via the 'Heat2' variable (see attached MATHCAD calculations in Attachment E). The inputs to the calculation are documented below in Table D6-3.



CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D IPAGE NO. D16 of D48 Table D6-3: 2x RHR Heat Exchangers (LOCA Unit) MATHCAD Inputs Parameter Value Reference Decay Heat Fractions Based on GNF2 fuel D5.1 ECCS Pump Heat 4.925x10 3 Btu/s (Table 7.3 of main body)

RHR Heat Exchanger K-value 2 Hxrs x 605 Btu/s-°F D5.5a Initial Sensible Heat Load (1.245 x 108) / 7200 Btu UHS Temperature Varies (see Assumption D3.5)

D5.6 Reactor Core Power 3559 MWt D5.8 Suppression Pool Temp at 600s 160'F D5.4 Suppression Pool Volume 128,800 ft3 D5.4 The results of this calculation are exported to Microsoft Excel [Ref. D5.9] and tabulated in Table D6-6.

D6.1.3 Heat Load from Pumps and Coolers The contributing heat loads for the ECCS and service water pumps are taken from Table 7.3 in the main body of this calculation.

The CSCS cooler heat loads included in this calculation are taken from Table 7.4 of the main body of this calculation. The pump heat from the ECCS pumps is included in the MATHCAD calculations documented above. All the service water pumps and coolers listed in Tables 7.3 and 7.4 are considered to be in operation on the LOCA unit and thus, the contributing heat loads (which are held constant for the entire duration of the accident) are added to the tabulated total in Table D6-6.

Table D2-1 documents each contributing source of heat and the time at which it is included.

D6.2 Non-LOCA Unit Heat Rejection to UHS The non-LOCA unit experiences normal shutdown upon loss of the cooling lake. Off-site power is maintained so that the two RHR trains feeding the RHR heat exchangers remain fully powered. One RHR heat exchanger is placed into suppression pool cooling mode and when the RPV pressure reaches -150 psia, switches to shutdown cooling mode [Ref. D5.7]. The cool down rate is taken to be 1 00°F/hr (see Design Input D4. 10). The other RHR heat exchanger is aligned for operation in fuel pool cooling assist mode which provides fuel pool cooling to both units. The heat load from fuel pool cooling is calculated in Section D6.3.


[ CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D17 of D48 D6.2.1 Heat Load from Suppression Pool Suppression Pool Cooling Mode As described in Section D2.1.2, the heat load rejected by the RHR train in suppression pool cooling mode is calculated utilizing Eqn. D2-1 and the suppression pool temperature profile from Figure 6 of L-002489 [Ref. D5.7] (results from Design Basis Case 3 - MSIV Closure Coincident with Reactor SCRAM), which is presented below in Figure D6-1. Suppression pool cooling mode lasts -2 hours, during which the UHS temperature is taken to be 100°F (see Assumption D3.5).

220 200 2 180 a,

E 16 140 0



-t 1200

-Suppression Pool Temperatre0 RPV Pressure 600 a.



luty ou..

__trato ca a m


N MSrV closure Wllh reactor scram at time=O 10 minute delay before initiation of RHR pool cooling Strain of RHR pool cooting Operator cooldown rate of 1 00"FRr for RPV






120 100 r

.400 200 0

0 5000 15000 Time (-)

Fig. D6-1: Suppression Pool Temp. Profile for Non-LOCA Unit [Ref. D5.71 The suppression pool temperature for the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (7200 seconds) is characterized by the following curve fit equation (generated in Microsoft Excel [Ref. D5.9]).

y = -4.70681E-14x4 + 9.49019E-10x3 - 7.07826E-06x2 + 3.15846E-02x + 1.05000E+02 for 0 < x < 7200

where, y = suppression pool temperature (OF) x = time (seconds)


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D18 of D48 The heat rejected by the RHR heat exchanger is then calculated per the following equation for each time step in the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. The results are included in the tabulated totals documented in Table D6-6.

Qrej =(y-100.0°F)* 605 Btu


where, Qrj. = heat rejected via the RHR heat exchanger at time x (0 < x < 7200) (Btu/s)

Shutdown Cooling Mode After 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, the RPV pressure reaches -150 psia and the RHR system operates in shutdown cooling mode at the cool down rate of 100°F/hr [Ref. D5.8]. Thus, after 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and until the remainder of the event, the heat rejected via the RHR heat exchanger in shutdown cooling mode on the non-LOCA unit is calculated as the sum of core decay heat, ECCS pump heat, and sensible heat.

Qre; = (Core Decay Heat) + (ECCS Pump Heat) + (Sensible Heat) 2 54 5 Btu / hr 2545 Btu / hr 2545 Btu/ hr Q,Ye =HDecm, +800hp hp

+ 3050hp hp

+ 1517hp hp

+ Hs,,sibl, 3600-3600-3600-hir hr hr)

where, Qre,

= heat rejected via the RHR heat exchanger at time x (x > 7200) (Btu/s)

HDecay = core decay heat at time x [Ref. D5.5b]

Hsensible= sensible heat load (Btu/s)

The sensible heat load at the applicable RPV temperature is determined based on interpolation of the sensible heat loads documented in Table 7.5 of the main body of this calculation (taken from Reference 5.2 of the main body and included in Attachment A). The reported sensible heat loads are calculated based on a 327F datum (except for the fuel sensible energy, which is based on a 285°F datum). The RPV temperature is calculated as the saturation temperature at the RPV pressure (determined from Figure D6-1). The following table summarizes the data points used to calculate the sensible heat rejected during the shutdown cooling phase from an RPV temperature of 358°F (saturation temperature at 150 psia) to 194°F (the suppression pool temperature per Figure D6-1).


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D19 of D48 Table D6-4: Sensible Heat at Various RPV Temperatures RPV Pressure RPV Sensible Heat Fuel Sensible Heat Total Sensible Temperature Heat (psia)




(Btu) 1040.0 549.4 5.54E+08 2.77E+07 5.82E+08 150.0 358.4 3.50E+08 7.69E+06 3.57E+08 53.2 285.0 2.71E+08 O.OOE+00 2.71E+08 34.2 258.4 2.43E+08 O.OOE+00 2.43E+08 10.2 194.0 1.74E+08 O.OOE+00 1.74E+08 32.0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 At a cool down rate of 100 0F/hr (starting at a temperature of 358.4°F) it takes -1.5 hrs to cool from 358.4°F to 194°F. Thus, the rate at which the sensible heat is rejected to the suppression pool is calculated to be:

Hsensible (3.57 x10' - 2.43x108 )Btu 1.14x 108Btu

3. 17 x 10 4 Btu for 7200 <x < 10800 lhr lhr.3600s s

lhr Hsensl =(2.43x10 8 -1.74x10 8 )Btu 0.69xlOSBtu 3.83x104 Btu for 10800<x< 12600 0.5hr 0.5hr. 3600s s

lhr These values are included in the equation for Qr,, listed above and contained in the tabulated results in Table D6-6.

D6.2.2 Heat Load from Pumps and Coolers The heat loads for the ECCS and service water pumps are taken from Table 7.3 in the main body of this calculation.

Table D2-2 documents each contributing source of heat and the time at which it is included.

D6.3 Fuel Pool Cooling Load to UHS The "B" train of the RHR system at the non-LOCA unit is placed into fuel pool cooling assist mode, which takes 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after event initiation to align [Ref. D5.5c]. The Unit 1 and 2 fuel pools are typically cross-tied during normal operation and one RHR heat exchanger can cool both pools.

The heat rejected to the UHS by the fuel pools (via the RHR heat exchanger) is calculated using the MATHCAD calculation file from BSA-L-97-02 [Ref. D5.3] based on the methodology REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D20 of D48 documented in Section D2.1.3. The inputs to the MATHCAD calculation for the fuel pool cooling load are documented below in Table D6-5.

Table D6-5: Fuel Pool Coolin Load Calculation Inputs Parameter Value Reference Decay Heat Unit 1 and 2 Fuel Pool Heat Load D5.5b (100 days after refueling of one unit)

Tabulated in EC 394792 RHR Pump Heat 565.568 Btu/s (Table 7.3 of main body)

RHR Heat Exchanger K-value 622 Btu/s-0 F D5.5a UHS Temperature Varies (see Assumption D3.5)

D5.6 Initial Fuel Pool Temperature 200'F D5.2 Fuel Pool Volume (both units) 92,071.54 ft3 D5.2 The heat load rejected by the heat exchanger is calculated in MATHCAD and reported via the

'Heat' variable (see attached MATHCAD calculations in Attachment E). The results of this calculation are exported to Microsoft Excel [Ref. D5.9] and tabulated in Table D6-6. Note that the fuel pool cooling loads are added to the total heat load 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> after the event initiation.



CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D21 of D48 D6.4 Results Table D6-6 documents each source of heat to the UHS for both the LOCA and non-LOCA units and provides a value for the total heat rejected to the UHS as a function of time.


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D22 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)








O.OOE+00 6.05E+03 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.59E+03 O.OE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 1.97E+04 6.OO0E+01 4.84E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 4.72E+03 O.OE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 6.32E+04 1.200E+02 6.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 5.82E+03 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.64E+04 1.800E+02 6.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 6.89E+03 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.76E+04 2.400E+02 6.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 7.94E+03 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.86E+04 3.OOOE+02 6.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.95E+03 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.96E÷04 3.600E+02 6.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.94E+03 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 8.06E+04 4.200E+02 6.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.09E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 8.16E+04 4.800E+02 6.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.18E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 8.24E+04 5.400E+02 7.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.27E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 9.54E+04 6.OOOE+02 7.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.36E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 9.63E+04 3.451E+03 7.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.81E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 1.23E+06 6.301E+03 6.86E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 5.27E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 1.31E+06 9.152E+03 6.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 7.51E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 1.47E+06 1.200E+04 5.55E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 7.87E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 1.44E÷06 1.485E+04 5.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.82E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 9.98E+04 1.770E+04 4.76E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.65E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 9.42E+04 2.055E+04 4.44E+04 7,33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.50E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 8.96E+04 2.340E+04 4.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.37E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 8.57E+04 2.626E+04 4.OOE+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.25E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 8.26E+04 2.911E+04 3.83E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.15E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.99E+04 3.196E+04 3.63E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 3.06E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.69E+04 3.481E+04 3.47E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.98E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.46E+04 3.766E+04 3.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.90E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.26E+04 4.051E+04 3.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 2.84E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 7.08E+04 4.336E+04 3.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.78E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 6.94E+04 4.621E+04 3.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.72E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 6.81E+04 4.906E+04 3.03E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.67E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 6.71E+04 5.191E+04 2.98E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.63E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 6.61E+04 5.476E+04 2.93E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.59E+04 O.OOE+00 3.98E+02 1.94E+03 6.53E+04 5.761E+04 2.89E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.55E+04 6.53E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 1.30E+06 6.046E+04 2.85E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.52E+04 4.89E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 1.13E+06 6.331E+04 2.81E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.49E+04 3.71E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 1.01E+06 6.616E+04 2.78E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.46E+04 2.85E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 9.16E+04 6.901E+04 2.75E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.43E+04 2.22E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 8.47E+04 7.186E+04 2.72E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 2.41E+04 1.77E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 7.97E+04 7.472E+04 2.70E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.38E+04 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 7.69E+04 7.757E+04 2.67E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.36E+04 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 7.30E+04 8.042E+04 2.68E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.34E+04 1.04E+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 7.13E+04 8.327E+04 2.72E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.32E+04 9.51 E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 7.06E+04 REVISION NO. 4 I

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 I Attachment D PAGE NO. D23 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (s)



) (B/s)




(BTU/s) 8.612E+04 2.74E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.30E+04 8.86E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 7.00E+04 8.897E+04 2.75E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.29E+04 8.34E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.94E+04 9.182E+04 2.69E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.28E+04 7.77E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.81E+04 9.467E+04 2.62E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.26E+04 7.17E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.68E+04 9.752E+04 2.57E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.25E+04 6.74E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.67E+04 1.004E+05 2.54E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.24E+04 6.42E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.49E+04 1.032E+05 2.51E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.23E+04 6.20E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.43E+04 1.061E+05 2.48E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.22E+04 6.03E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.37E+04 1.089E+05 2.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.20E+04 5.91E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.33E÷04 1.118E+05 2.45E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.19E+04 5.82E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.29E+04 1.146E+05 2.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.18E+04 5.76E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.26E+04 1.175E+05 2.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.17E+04 5.72E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.23E+04 1.203E+05 2.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.16E+04 5.68E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.20E+04 1.232E+05 2.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.14E+04 5.66E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.17E+04 1.260E+05 2.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 2.13E+04 5.64E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.14E+04 1.289E+05 2.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 2.12E+04 5.63E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.12E+04 1.317E+05 2.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.11E+04 5.62E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.09E+04 1.346E+05 2.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.10E+04 5.61E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.07E+04 1.374E+05 2.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.08E+04 5.61E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.04E+04 1.403E+05 2.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.07E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.02E+04 1.431E+05 2.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.06E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.99E+04 1.460E+05 2.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.05E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.97E+04 1.488E+05 2.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.04E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.94E+04 1.517E+05 2.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.02E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.92E+04 1.545E+05 2.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.01E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.89E+04 1.574E+05 2.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 2.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.87E+04 1.602E+05 2.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.99E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.865+04 1.631E+05 2.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.97E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.83E+04 1.659E+05 2.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.96E+04 5.59E+03 7-33E+02 2.25E+03 6.80E+04 1.688E+05 2.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.95E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.78E+04 1.716E+05 2.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.94E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.76E+04 1.745E+05 2.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.93E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.74E+04 1.773E+05 2.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.92E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.73E+04 1.802E+05 2.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.91E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.71E+04 1.830E+05 2.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.91E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.69E+04 1.859E+05 2.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.90E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.68E+04 1.887E+05 2.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.89E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.66E+04 1.916E+05 2.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.88E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.665E+04 1.944E+05 2.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.88E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.63E+04 1.973E+05 2.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.87E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.62E+04 2.001E+05 2.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.86E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.60E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D24 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTURs)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTUI' (BTURs)




(BTUIs) 2.030E+05 2.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.85E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.68E+04 2.058E÷05 2.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.85E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.67E+04 2.087E+05 2.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.84E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.66E+04 2.115E+05 2.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.83E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.64E+04 2.144E+05 2.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.82E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.63E+04 2.172E+05 2.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.82E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.61E+04 2.201E+05 2.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.81E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.60E+04 2.229E+05 2.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.80E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.48E+04 2.258E+05 2.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.79E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.47E+04 2.286E+05 2.04E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.79E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.46E+04 2.315E+05 2.03E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.78E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.44E+04 2.343E+05 2.03E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.77E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.43E+04 2.372E+05 2.02E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.76E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.41E+04 2.401E+05 2.01E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.76E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.40E+04 2.429E+05 2.01E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.75E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.39E+04 2.458E+05 2.OOE+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.74E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.37E+04 2.486E+05 1.99E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.73E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.36E+04 2.515E+05 1.99E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.73E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.34E+04 2.543E+05 1.98E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.72E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.33E+04 2.572E+05 1.98E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.71E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.32E+04 2.600E+05 1.97E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.70E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.30E+04 2.629E+05 2.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.70E+04 6.13E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.69E+04 2.657E+05 2.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.69E+04 6.51E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.63E+04 2.686E÷05 2.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.69E+04 6.26E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.44E÷04 2.714E+05 2.01E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.68E+04 6.08E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.37E+04 2.743E+05 1.98E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.68E+04 5.94E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.33E+04 2.771E+05 1.97E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.67E+04 5.85E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.29E+04 2.800E+05 1.95E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.67E+04 5.78E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.27E+04 2.828E+05 1.94E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.66E+04 5.73E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.26E+04 2.857E+05 1.93E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.66E+04 5.69E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.23E÷04 2.885E+05 1.92E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.65E+04 5.66E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.21E+04 2.914E+05 1.92E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.65E+04 5.64E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.20E+04 2.942E+05 1.91E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.64E+04 5.63E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.19E+04 2.971E+05 1.91E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.63E+04 5.62E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.18E+04 2.999E+05 1.90E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.63E+04 5.61 E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.16E+04 3.028E+05 1.90E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.62E+04 5.61 E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.16E+04 3.056E+05 1.89E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.62E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.14E+04 3.085E+05 1.89E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.61 E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.13E+04 3.113E+05 1.88E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.61E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.12E÷04 3.142E+05 1.88E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.60E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.11E÷04 3.170E+05 1.87E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.60E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.10E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Atachment D PAGE NO. D25 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTUIs)


) (BTU)



(BTUIs) 3.199E+05 1.87E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.59E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.09E+04 3.227E+05 1.86E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.59E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.08E+04 3.256E+05 1.86E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.58E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.07E+04 3.284E+05 1.85E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.58E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.06E+04 3.313E+05 1.85E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.57E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 5.06E+04 3.341E+05 1.85E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.57E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6,04E+04 3.370E+05 1.84E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.56E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.03E+04 3.398E+05 1.84E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.55E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.02E+04 3.427E+05 1.83E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.55E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.01E+04 3.455E+05 1.83E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.54E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.002+04 3.484E+05 1.82E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.54E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.99E+04 3.512E+05 1.82E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.54E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.99E+04 3.541E+05 1.81E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.53E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.98E+04 3.569E+05 1.81E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.53E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.97E+04 3.598E+05 1.81E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.52E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.96E+04 3.626E+05 1.80E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.52E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4,95E+04 3.655E+05 1.80E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.52E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.96E+04 3.683E+05 1.79E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.51E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.94E+04 3.712E+05 1.79E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.51E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.93E+04 3.740E+05 1.79E+04 7.33E+02 7.CCE+03 1.51E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.92E+04 3.769E+05 1.78E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.50E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.92E+04 3.797E+05 1.78E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.50E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.91E+04 3.826E+05 1.78E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.49E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.90E+04 3.854E+05 1.77E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.49E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.89E+04 3.883E+05 1.77E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.49E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.89E+04 3.911 E+05 1.76E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.48E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.88E+04 3.940E+05 1.76E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.48E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.87E+04 3.968E+05 1.76E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.47E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.86E+04 3.997E+05 1-75E+04 7.33E+02 7.,0E+03 1.47E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.86E+04 4.025E+05 1.75E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.47E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.86E+04 4.054E+05 1.75E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.46E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.84E+04 4.082E+05 1.74E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.46E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.83E+04 4.111E+05 1.74E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.46E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.83E+04 4.139E+05 1.74E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.45E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.82E+04 4.168E+05 1.73E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.45E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.81E+04 4.196E+05 1.73E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.44E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.80E+04 4.225E+05 1.73E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.44E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.80E+04 4.253E+05 1.72E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.44E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.79E+04 4.282E+05 1.72E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.43E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.78E+04 4.310E+05 1.72E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.43E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.78E+04 4.339E+05 1.72E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.43E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.77E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D26 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)








(BTU/s) 4.367E+05 2.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.42E+04 7.39E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.44E+04 4.396E+05 2.03E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.42E+04 7.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.28E+04 4.424E+05 1.91E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.42E+04 7.06E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.11E+04 4.453E+05 1.84E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.41E+04 6.65E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.99E+04 4.481E+05 1.79E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.41E+04 6.37E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.91E+04 4.510E+05 1.75E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.41E+04 6.15E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.86E+04 4.538E+05 1.73E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.41E+04 6.OOE+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.81E+04 4.567E+05 1.72E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.40E+04 5.89E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.78E÷04 4.595E+05 1.71E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.40E+04 5.81E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.76E+04 4.624E+05 1.70E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.40E+04 5.75E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.74E+04 4.652E+05 1.69E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.39E+04 5.71E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.73E+04 4.681E+05 1.69E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.39E+04 5.68E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.72E+04 4.709E+05 1.68E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.39E+04 5.65E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.71E+04 4.738E+05 1.68E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.39E+04 5.64E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.70E+04 4.767E+05 1.68E+04 7.33E+02 7.OaE+03 1.38E+04 5.62E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.69E÷04 4.795E+05 1.68E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.38E+04 5.62E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.69E+04 4.824E+05 1.67E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.38E+04 5.61E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.68E+04 4.852E+05 1.67E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.37E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.68E÷04 4.881E+05 1.67E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.37E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.67E÷04 4.909E+05 1.66E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.37E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.66E÷04 4.938E+05 1.66E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.36E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.66E+04 4.966E+05 1.66E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.36E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.66E+04 4.995E+05 1.66E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.36E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.66E+04 5.023E+05 1.65E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.36E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.64E÷04 5.052E+05 1.65E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.35E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.64E+04 5.080E+05 1.65E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.35E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.63E+04 5.109E+05 1.65E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.35E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.63E+04 5.137E+05 1.64E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.34E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.62E+04 5.166E+05 1.64E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.34E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.62E+04 5.194E+05 1.64E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.34E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.61E+04 5.223E+05 2.77E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.34E+04 7.35E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.91E+04 5.251E+05 2.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.33E+04 1.OOE+04 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.77E+04 5.280E+05 2.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.33E+04 8.80E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.38E+04 5.308E+05 1.93E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.33E+04 7.94E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 6.13E+04 5.337E+05 1.82E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.33E+04 7.29E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.96E+04 5.365E+05 1.75E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.33E+04 6.83E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.83E+04 5.394E+05 1.70E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.32E+04 6.49E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.76E+04 5,422E+05 1.67E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.32E+04 6.25E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.69E+04 5.451E+05 1.65E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.32E+04 6.07E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.66E+04 5.479E+05 1.64E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.32E+04 5.94E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.62E÷04 5.508E+05 1.63E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.32E+04 5.84E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.60E+04 I


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D27 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)


) (BTU)



(BTU/s) 5.536E+05 1.62E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.31E+04 5.77E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.68E+04 5.565E+05 1.61 E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.31 E+04 5.72E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.67E÷04 5.593E+05 1.61E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.31E+04 5.69E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.66E+04 5.622E+05 1.60E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.31E+04 5.66E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.66E÷04 5.650E+05 1.60E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.30E+04 5.64E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.64E+04 5.679E+05 1.60E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.30E+04 5.63E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.63E+04 5.707E+05 1.59E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.30E+04 5.62E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.53E+04 5.736E+05 1.59E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.30E+04 5.61E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.62E+04 5.764E+05 1.59E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.30E+04 5.61E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.62E+04 5.793E+05 1.59E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.29E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.61E+04 5.821E+05 1.58E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.29E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.61E+04 5.850E+05 1.58E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.29E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.60E+04 5.878E+05 1.58E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.29E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.60E+04 5.907E+05 1.58E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.28E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.49E+04 5.935E+05 1.57E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.28E+04 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.49E+04 5.964E+05 1.57E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.28E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.48E+04 5.992E+05 1.57E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.28E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.48E+04 6.021E+05 1.57E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.28E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.47E+04 6.049E+05 1.56E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.27E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.47E+04 6.078E+05 1.56E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.27E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.46E÷04 6.106E+05 1.56E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.27E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.46E+04 6.135E+05 1.56E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.27E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.46E+04 6.163E+05 1.56E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.27E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.46E÷04 6.192E+05 1.55E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.26E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.46E+04 6.220E+05 1.55E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.26E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.46E+04 6.249E+05 1.55E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.26E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.44E+04 6.277E+05 1.55E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.26E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.44E÷04 6.306E+05 1.55E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.26E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.44E+04 6.334E+05 1.55E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.26E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.43E+04 6.363E+05 1.54E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.25E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.43E+04 6.391E+05 1.54E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.25E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.43E+04 6.420E+05 1.54E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.25E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.42E+04 6.448E+05 1.54E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.25E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.42E+04 6.477E+05 1.54E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.25E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.42E+04 6.505E+05 1.54E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.25E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.41E+04 6.534E+05 1.53E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.24E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.41E+04 6.562E+05 1.53E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.24E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.41E+04 6.591E+05 1.53E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.24E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2,25E+03 4,40E+04 6.619E+05 1.53E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.24E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.40E+04 6.648E+05 1.53E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.24E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.40E+04 6.676E+05 1.53E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.24E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.39E+04 I


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D28 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)


) (B/s)



(BTUIs) 6.705E+05 1.52E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.23E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.39E+04 6.733E+05 1.52E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.23E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.38E+04 6.762E+05 1.52E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.23E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.38E+04 6.790E+05 1.52E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.23E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.38E+04 6.819E+05 1.52E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.23E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.37E+04 6.847E+05 1.52E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.23E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.37E+04 6.876E+05 1.51E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.22E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.37E+04 6.904E+05 1.51E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.22E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.36E+04 6.933E+05 1.51E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.22E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.36E+04 6.961E+05 1.51E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.22E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.36E+04 6.990E+05 1.51E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.22E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.36E+04 7.018E+05 1.50E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.22E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.36E+04 7.047E+05 1.50E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.21E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.36E+04 7.075E+05 1.50E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.21E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.36E+04 7.104E+05 1.50E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.21E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.34E+04 7.132E+05 1.50E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.21E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.34E+04 7.161E+05 1.50E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.21E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.34E+04 7.190E+05 1.49E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.21E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.33E+04 7.218E+05 1.49E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.21E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.33E+04 7.247E+05 1.49E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.33E+04 7.275E+05 1.49E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.32E+04 7.304E+05 1.49E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.32E+04 7.332E+05 1.49E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.32E+04 7.361E+05 1.48E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.31E+04 7.389E+05 1.48E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.31E+04 7.418E+05 1.48E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.31E+04 7.446E+05 1.48E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.20E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.30E+04 7.475E+05 1.48E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.19E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.30E+04 7.503E+05 1.48E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.19E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.30E+04 7.532E+05 1.47E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.19E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.29E+04 7.560E+05 1.47E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.19E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.29E+04 7.589E+05 1.47E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.19E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.29E+04 7.617E+05 1.47E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.19E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.29E+04 7.646E+05 1.47E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.19E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.28E+04 7.674E+05 1.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.18E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4,28E+04 7.703E+05 1.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.18E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.28E+04 7.731E+05 1.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.18E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.27E+04 7.760E+05 1.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.18E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.27E+04 7.788E+05 1.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.18E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.27E+04 7.817E+05 1.46E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.18E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.26E+04 7.845E+05 1.45E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.18E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.26E+04 REVISION NO. 4 1111

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Atachment D PAGE NO. D29 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)







(BTU/s) 7.874E+05 1.45E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.26E+04 7.902E+05 1.45E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.26E+04 7.931E+05 1.45E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.26E+04 7.959E+05 1.45E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.25E+04 7.988E+05 1.45E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.25E+04 8.016E+05 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.24E+04 8.045E+05 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.24E+04 8.073E+05 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.24E+04 8.102E+05 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.17E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.24E+04 8.130E+05 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.23E+04 8.159E+05 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.23E+04 8.187E+05 1.44E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.23E+04 8.216E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.23E+04 8.244E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.22E+04 8.273E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.22E+04 8.301E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.22E+04 8.330E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.22E+04 8.358E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.16E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.21E+04 8.387E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.21E+04 8.415E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.21E+04 8.444E+05 1.43E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.21E+04 8.472E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.20E+04 8.501E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.20E+04 8.529E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.20E+04 8.558E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.20E+04 8.586E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.15E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.20E+04 8.615E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.19E+04 8.643E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.19E+04 8.672E+05 1.42E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.19E+04 8.700E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.19E+04 8.729E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.18E+04 8.757E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.18E+04 8.786E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.18E+04 8.814E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.18E+04 8.843E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.18E+04 8.871E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.14E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.17E+04 8.900E+05 1.41E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.17E+04 8.928E+05 1.41EE+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.17E+04 8.957E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.17E+04 8.985E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.17E+04 9.014E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D30 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (BTU/s)

Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)





(BTU/s) 9.042E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 9.071E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 9.099E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 9.128E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 9.156E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.13E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.15E+04 9.185E+05 1.40E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 9.213E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 9.242E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.16E+04 9.270E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.14E+04 9.299E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.14E+04 9.327E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.14E+04 9.356E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.14E+04 9.384E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.14E+04 9.413E+05 1.39E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.13E+04 9.441E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.12E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.13E+04 9.470E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.13E+04 9.498E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.13E+04 9.527E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.12E+04 9,556E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4,12E+04 9.584E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.12E+04 9.613E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.12E+04 9.641E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.12E+04 9.670E+05 1.38E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.11E+04 9.698E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.11E+04 9.727E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.11E+04 9.755E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.11E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.11E+04 9.784E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.11E+04 9.812E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.10E+04 9.841E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.10E+04 9.869E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.10E+04 9.898E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.10E+04 9.926E+05 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.10E+04 9.955E+05 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.09E+04 9.983E+05 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.09E+04 1.001E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.09E+04 1.004E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.09E+04 1.007E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.09E+04 1.010E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.10E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.09E+04 1.013E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.08E+04 1.015E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.08E+04 1.018E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.08E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D31 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)





(BTUIs) 1.021E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.08E+04 1.024E+06 1.36E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.08E+04 1.027E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E+04 1.030E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E+04 1.033E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E+04 1.035E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E+04 1.038E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E÷04 1.041E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.09E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E÷04 1.044E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E+04 1.047E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E÷04 1.050E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E÷04 1.052E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E÷04 1.055E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.058E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.061E+06 1.35E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.064E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.067E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E÷04 1.070E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E÷04 1.072E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.075E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.078E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.COE+03 1.08E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.081E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.06E+04 1.084E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.04E+04 1.087E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.04E+04 1.090E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.04E÷04 1.092E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.04E+04 1.095E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.04E+04 1.098E+06 1.34E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.04E+04 1.101E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.03E+04 1.104E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.03E÷04 1.107E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.03E÷04 1.109E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.03E÷04 1.112E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.03E+04 1.115E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.07E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.03E+04 1.118E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.03E+04 1.121E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.02E+04 1.124E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.02E+04 1.127E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.02E+04 1.129E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.02E+04 1.132E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.02E+04 1.135E+06 1.33E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.02E+04 REVISION NO. 4 1

I CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D32 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL PupHatCoe RRHR (via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)

Load Heat Load (BTUIs)

(v TURs)

Load Load (BTU/s)







(BTU/s) 1.138E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.01E+04 1.141E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.01E+04 1.144E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.01E+04 1.147E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.01E+04 1.149E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.01E+04 1.152E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.01E+04 1.155E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.06E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.01E+04 1.158E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.00E+04 1.161E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.00E+04 1.164E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.OOE+04 1.166E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.00E+04 1.169E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.00E+04 1.172E+06 1.32E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.00E+04 1.175E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.OOE+04 1.178E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.99E+04 1.181E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.99E+04 1.184E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.99E+04 1.186E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.99E+04 1.189E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.99E+04 1.192E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.99E+04 1.195E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.05E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.99E+04 1.198E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.98E+04 1.201E+06 1.31*E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.98E+04 1.204E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.98E+04 1.206E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.98E+04 1.209E+06 1.31E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.98E+04 1.212E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.98E+04 1.215E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3,97E+04 1.218E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.97E+04 1.221E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.97E÷04 1.224E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.97E+04 1.226E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.97E+04 1.229E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.97E+04 1.232E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.97E+04 1.235E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.97E+04 1.238E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.04E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.241E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.243E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3,96E+04 1.246E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.249E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.252E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D33 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (via RHR HxR)

Load Load (s)








(BTUIs) 1.255E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.258E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.261E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.263E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.266E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.269E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.272E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.275E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.278E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.94E+04 1.281E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.94E+04 1.283E+06 1.29E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.03E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.94E+04 1.286E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.94E+04 1.289E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.94E+04 1.292E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.94E+04 1.295E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.94E+04 1.298E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.93E+04 1.300E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.93E+04 1.303E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.93E+04 1.306E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.93E+04 1.309E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.93E+04 1.312E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.CCE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.93E+04 1.315E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.93E+04 1.318E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.92E+04 1.320E+06 1.28E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.92E+04 1.323E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.92E+04 1.326E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.92E+04 1.329E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.02E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.92E+04 1.332E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.92E+04 1.335E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.92E+04 1.338E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1.340E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1.343E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1.346E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01 E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1.349E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1.352E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1.355E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1.357E+06 1.27E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.91E+04 1,360E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.902+04 1.363E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01 E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.90E+04 1.366E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.90E+04 1.369E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.902+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D34 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL

) (BTUs)

Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)



() (BTU (BTUIs)


(BTU/s) 1.372E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.90E+04 1.375E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.90E+04 1.377E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.01E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.90E+04 1.380E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.00E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.90E+04 1.383E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E+04 1.386E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E+04 1.389E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E+04 1.392E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 1.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E+04 1.395E+06 1.26E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E÷04 1.397E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E+04 1.400E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.OOE+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E÷04 1.403E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.00E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.88E+04 1.406E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 1.00E+04 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.88E+04 1.409E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.99E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.88E+04 1.412E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.99E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.88E+04 1.414E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 9.98E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.88E+04 1.417E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.98E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.88E+04 1.420E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.97E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.88E+04 1.423E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.96E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.426E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.96E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.429E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.95E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.432E+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.95E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.434E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.94E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.437E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.94E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.440E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.93E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.443E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.93E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.87E+04 1.446E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.92E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.449E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.91E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E404 1.452E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.91 E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86+E04 1.454E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.90E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.457E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.90E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.460E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.89E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.463E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.89E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.466E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.88E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.469E+06 1.24E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.88E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.472E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.87E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.474E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.87E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.477E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.86E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.480E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 9.86E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.483E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.85E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 1.486E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.84E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.86E+04 REVISION NO. 4 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D35 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)





(BTU/s) 1.489E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.84E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.491E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.83E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.494E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.83E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.497E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.82E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.500E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.82E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.503E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.81E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.506E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.81E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.509E+06 1.23E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 9.80E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.84E+04 1.511E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.80E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.514E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.79E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.517E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.79E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.520E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.78E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.523E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.78E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.526E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.77E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.529E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.77E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.531E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.76E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.534E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.76E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.537E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.75E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.540E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.75E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.543E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 9.74E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.546E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.73E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.548E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.73E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.551E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.72E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2-25E+03 3.82E+04 1.554E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.72E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.557E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.71E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.560E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.71E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.563E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.70E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.82E+04 1.566E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.70E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.568E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.70E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.571E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.69E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.574E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.68E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.577E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.68E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.580E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.67E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.583E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.67E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.586E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.66E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.588E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.66E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.591E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 9.66E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.594E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.65E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.81E+04 1.597E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.64E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.600E+06 1.21 E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.64E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.603E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.63E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D36 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)






(BTU/s) 1.605E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.63E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.608E+06 1.21 E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.63E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.611E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.62E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.614E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.62E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E÷04 1.617E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.61E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.620E+06 1.21E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.61E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.623E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.60E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 1.625E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.60E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.628E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.59E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.631E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.59E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.634E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.58E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.637E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.58E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.640E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.57E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.643E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.57E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.645E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.56E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.648E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 9.56E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E+04 1.651E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.55E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.79E÷04 1.654E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.55E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.657E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 9.54E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.660E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.54E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.662E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 9.53E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E÷04 1.665E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.53E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.668E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.52E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.671E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.52E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E÷04 1.674E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.51E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.677E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 9.51E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.680E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.50E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.682E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.50E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E÷04 1.685E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.50E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.688E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.49E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.691E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.49E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.694E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.48E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E÷04 1.697E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.48E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.700E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.47E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3,77E÷04 1.702E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.47E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.705E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.46E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.708E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.46E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.711E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.45E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.77E+04 1.714E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.45E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.717E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.44E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E÷04 1.720E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.44E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3,76E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Atachment D PAGE NO. D37 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)


U (BTU/s)s)




(BTUIs) 1.722E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.44E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.725E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.43E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.728E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.43E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.731E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.42E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.734E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.42E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.737E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.41E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.739E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.41E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.742E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.40E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.745E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.40E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.748E÷06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.40E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.751E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.39E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.754E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.39E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.75E+04 1.757E÷06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.38E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.759E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.38E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.762E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.37E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.765E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.37E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.768E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.36E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.771E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.36E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.75E+04 1.774E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.35E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.777E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.35E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.779E-06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OE+03 9.35E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.782E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.34E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.785E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.34E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.788E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.33E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.791E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.33E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.794E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.32E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.796E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.32E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.799E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.32E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.802E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.31E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.805E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.31E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.73E+04 1.808E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.30E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.73E+04 1.811E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.30E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.73E+04 1.814E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.29E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.73E+04 1.816E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.29E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.73E+04 1.819E+06 1.67E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.29E+03 6.77E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.34E+04 1.822E+06 1.49E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.28E+03 7.53E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.24E+04 1.825E+06 1.37E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.28E+03 7.01E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 4.07E+04 1.828E+06 1.30E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.27E+03 6.63E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.96E+04 1.831EE+06 1.25E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.27E+03 6.35E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.89E+04 1.834E+06 1.22E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.26E+03 6.08E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.83E+04 1.836E+06 1.20E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.26E+03 6.OOE+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.80E+04 REVISION NO. 4 I

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Atachment D PAGE NO. D38 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)







(BTUs) 1.839E+06 1.19E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.26E+03 5.89E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.78E+04 1.842E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.25E+03 5.81E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.845E+06 1.18E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.25E+03 5.75E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.76E+04 1.848E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.24E+03 5.70E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.74E+04 1.851E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.24E+03 5.67E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.73E+04 1.853E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.23E+03 5.65E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.73E+04 1.856E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.23E+03 5.64E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.72E+04 1.859E+06 1.17E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.23E+03 5.62E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.72E+04 1.862E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.22E+03 5.61E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.72E+04 1.865E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.22E+03 5.61E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.72E+04 1.868E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.21E+03 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.72E+04 1.871E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 9.21E+03 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.72E+04 1.873E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.21E+03 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.876E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.20E+03 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.879E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.20E+03 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.712E04 1.882E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.19E+03 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.885E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.19E+03 5.60E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.888E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.18E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.891E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.18E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.893E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.18E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.896E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.17E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.899E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.17E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.71E+04 1.902E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 9.16E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.905E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.16E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.908E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.15E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.911E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.15E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.913E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.15E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.916E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.14E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.919E+06 1.16E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.14E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.922E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.13E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.925E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.13E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.928E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.13E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.930E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.12E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.70E+04 1.933E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.12E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.936E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.11E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.939E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.11E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.942E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.11E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.945E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.10E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.948E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 9.10E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.950E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.09E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.953E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.09E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 REVISION NO. 4 1


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D39 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTUIs)

(BTUIs) s) (




(BTUls) 1.956E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.09E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.959E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.08E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.962E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.08E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 1.965E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.07E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E÷04 1.968E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.07E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E÷04 1.970E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.07E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 1.973E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.06E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E÷04 1.976E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.06E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E÷04 1.979E+06 1.15E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.05E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 1.982E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.05E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 1.985E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.05E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E÷04 1.987E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.04E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E÷04 1.990E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.04E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 1.993E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.03E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 1.996E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.03E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 1.999E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 9.03E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.002E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.02E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E204 2.005E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.02E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E÷04 2.007E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.02E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.010E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.01E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.013E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.01E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.016E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.OOE+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.019E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.,OE+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.022E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 9.OOE+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.025E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.99E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.027E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.99E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.030E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.98E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.033E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 8.98E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.036E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.98E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.039E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.97E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.042E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.97E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.044E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.97E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.047E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.96E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.050E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.96E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.053E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.95E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.056E+06 1.14E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.95E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.059E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 8.95E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.062E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 8.94E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.064E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.94E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.067E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.93E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.070E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.93E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 REVISION NO. 4 1

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Atachment D PAGE NO. D40 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)





(BTU/s) 2.073E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 8.93E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.076E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.92E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E÷04 2.079E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.92E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.082E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.91E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.084E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.91E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.087E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.91E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.090E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.90E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.093E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.90E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.096E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.90E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.099E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.89E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.101E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.89E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.104E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.89E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.107E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.88E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.11OE+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.88E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.113E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.87E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.116E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.87E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.119E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.87E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.121E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.86E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.124E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.86E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.127E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.86E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.130E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 8.85E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E÷04 2.133E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 8.85E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.136E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.85E+03 5.59E+03 7-33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.139E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.84E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.141E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.84E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.144E+06 1.13E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.84E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.147E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.83E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.150E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.83E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.153E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.82E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.156E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.82E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.159E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.82E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.161E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.81E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.164E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.81E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.167E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.81E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.170E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.80E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.173E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.80E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.176E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.79E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.178E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.79E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.181E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.79E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.184E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.78E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.187E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.78E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Atachment D PAGE NO. D41 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTUls)







(BTU/s) 2.190E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.78E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.193E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.77E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.196E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.77E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.198E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.77E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.201E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.76E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.204E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.76E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E÷04 2.207E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.76E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.210E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.75E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.213E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.75E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.216E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.75E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.218E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.74E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.221E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.74E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.224E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.74E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.227E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.73E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.230E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.73E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E÷04 2.233E+06 1.12E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.72E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E÷04 2.235E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.72E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.238E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.72E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.241E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.71E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.244E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.71E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.247E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.71E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E÷04 2.250E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.70E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E÷04 2.253E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.70E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.255E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.70E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.258E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.69E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.261E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.69E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.264E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.69E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.267E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.68E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.270E+06 1.11EE+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.68E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.273E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.68E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.275E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.67E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.278E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.67E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.281E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.67E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.284E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.66E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.287E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.66E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E÷04 2.290E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.66E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.292E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.65E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.295E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.65E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.298E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.65E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.301E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.64E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E÷04 2.304E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.64E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 REVISION NO. 4

I CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D I PAGE NO. D42 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTUls)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTUIss)





(BTUIs) 2.307E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.64E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.310E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.63E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.312E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.63E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.315E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.63E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.318E+06 1.11E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.62E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.321E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.62E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.324E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.62E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.327E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.61E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.602+04 2.330E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.61E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.332E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.61E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.335E+06 1-10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.60E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.338E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.60E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.341E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.60E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.344E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.59E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.347E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.59E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.349E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.59E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.352E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.58E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.355E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.58E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.59E+04 2.358E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.58E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.361E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.57E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.59E+04 2.364E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.57E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.367E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.57E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.369E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.56E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.372E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.56E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.69E+04 2.375E+06 1.1OE+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.56E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.378E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OaE+03 8.55E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.381E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.55E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.384E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.55E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3,68E+04 2.387E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.54E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.389E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.54E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.392E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.54E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.395E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.54E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.398E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.53E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.401E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.53E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.404E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.52E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.407E+06 1.10E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.52E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.409E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.52E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.412E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.52E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.415E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.51E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.418E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.51E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.68E+04 2.421E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.51 E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2-25E+03 3.67E+04 i


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D43 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UJHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (s)


Load Heat Load (BTUIs)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTUIs)





(BTU/s) 2.424E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.50E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.426E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.50E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.429E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.50E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.432E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.49E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.435E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.49E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.438E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.49E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.441E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.48E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.444E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 8.48E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.446E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.48E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3,67E+04 2.449E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.48E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.452E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.47E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.455E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.47E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.458E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.47E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E+04 2.461E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.46E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E÷04 2.464E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.46E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.67E÷04 2.466E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.46E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.469E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.45E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.472E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.45E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.475E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.45E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.478E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.44E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.481E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 8.44E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.483E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.44E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.486E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.44E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.489E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.43E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.492E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.43E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.56E÷04 2.495E+06 1.09E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.43E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E÷04 2.498E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.42E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.501E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.42E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.503E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.42E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.506E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.41 E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.509E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.41E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.512E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.41 E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.515E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.40E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.56E+04 2.518E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.40E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.521E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.40E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.523E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.40E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.526E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.39E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.529E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 8.39E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.532E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.39E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.535E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.38E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.538E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.38E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 REVISION NO. 4 I


CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. D44 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (BTU/s)

Load Heat Load (via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)



) (B/s)




(BTU/s) 2.540E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.38E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.543E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.37E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.546E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.37E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.549E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.37E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04

.2.552E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.37E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.555E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.36E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.66E+04 2.558E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.36E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.560E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.COE+03 8.36E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.563E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.35E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E÷04 2.566E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.35E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.569E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.35E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E÷04 2.572E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.34E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.575E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.34E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.578E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.34E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.580E+06 1.08E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.34E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.583E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.33E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.586E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.33E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.589E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.33E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.592E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.32E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.595E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.32E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E+04 2.597E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.32E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E÷04 2.600E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.32E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.64E÷04 2.603E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.31E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.606E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.31E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.609E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.31E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.53E+04 2.612E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.30E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.615E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 8.30E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E÷04 2.617E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.30E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.620E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.30E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.623E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.29E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.626E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.29E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E÷04 2.629E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.29E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.632E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.28E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.635E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.28E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.637E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.28E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E÷04 2.640E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.28E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.643E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.27E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.646E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.27E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 2.649E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.27E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E÷04 2.652E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.26E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E÷04 2.655E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.26E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.63E+04 REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D45 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL Load Heat Load (BTU/s)

(via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)








(BTU/s) 2.657E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.26E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.660E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.26E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.663E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.25E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.666E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.25E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.669E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.25E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.672E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.24E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.674E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.24E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.677E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.24E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.680E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.24E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.683E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.23E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.686E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.23E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.689E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.23E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.52E+04 2.692E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.22E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.694E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.22E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.697E+06 1.07E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.22E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E÷04 2.700E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.22E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.703E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.21E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.706E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.21E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.709E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.21E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.712E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.21E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.62E+04 2.714E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.20E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.717E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.20E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.720E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.20E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.723E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.19E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.726E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.19E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.729E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.19E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.731E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.19E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.734E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.18E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.737E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.18E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.740E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.18E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.743E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.18E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.746E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.17E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.749E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.17E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.751E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.17E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.754E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.16E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.757E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.16E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.760E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.16E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.763E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.16E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.766E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.15E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.769E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.15E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.61E+04 2.771E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.00E+03 8.15E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 REVISION NO. 4 1111

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 1 Attachment D PAGE NO. D46 of D48 Table D6-6: Summary Table for UHS Heat Load LOCA Unit Non-LOCA Unit Combined Time RHR HxR Pump Heat Cooler RHR HxR Fuel Pool Cooling Pump Heat Cooler Heat TOTAL (BTU/s)

Load Heat Load (via RHR HxR)

Load Load (BTU/s)

M (BTU/s)






(BTU/s) 2.774E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.15E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.777E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.14E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.780E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.14E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.783E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.O0E+03 8.14E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.786E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.13E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.788E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.13E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.791E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.13E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.794E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.13E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.797E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.12E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.800E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.0OE+03 8.12E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.803E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.12E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.806E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.12E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.808E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.11E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.811E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.11E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.814E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.11E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.817E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.11E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.820E+06 1.06E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.10E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.823E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.10E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.60E+04 2.826E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.10E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 2.828E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.10E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E÷04 2.831E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.09E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 2.834E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.09E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 2.837E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.09E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 2.840E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.08E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 2.843E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.08E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 2.845E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.08E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 2.848E+06 1.05E+04 7.33E+02 7.OOE+03 8.08E+03 5.59E+03 7.33E+02 2.25E+03 3.49E+04 Figure D6-2 presents a plot showing the individual contributions of the LOCA unit, the non-LOCA unit, and the fuel pool cooling to the total heat load. Figure D6-3 shows the total heat load to the UHS. These plots only show the first 500,000 seconds so that there is fidelity in the plot for the peak values (which occur at the beginning of the event).


3.5E+08 3.OE+08 LOCA Unit


-s Pe Pool cooig 2.5E+08 1 5E+08 1,0E+08 c.GE+00 5ODE+04 1 E0 1,5F+05 2,OE*05 2,5E+05 3.OE.05 3.5E+()5 4.OE.5 4E05 5E0 Tin" (cI Fig. D6-2: Individual Heat Loads to UHS 6.OE+08 Total Heat Load 4,OE+08 2 OE+08 2.0E+08 1 OE+08 aDOE+00 2Q+5 25+5 3G+54tE0


+0E40 5OE0F+4,.OE+t5 1 5E.0



.E)6 3~O 3.5E+05 4O+5 45+3 E0 Tie'. (s)

Fig. D6-3: Total Heat Loads to UHS REVISION NO. 4

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment D PAGE NO. D48 of D48 D7.0


AND CONCLUSIONS The heat load rejected to the UHS is calculated in this attachment for a scenario in which the cooling lake is lost with a coincident LOCA and LOOP at one unit and normal shutdown plus fuel pool cooling via the RHR system at the other unit. Heat rejection to the UHS is maximized by taking credit for maximum RHR heat exchanger performance and operation of all available RHR divisions.

The results of this calculation are documented in Table D6-6, which presents the total heat load to the UHS as a function of time.


Attachment E removed due to proprietary content

CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment F: Excel Equations PAGE NO. F1 of F2 A





Heat Into Suooression Pool:

Pumps RHR Pumps HPCS Pumps LPCS Pump Total Additional Heat to UHS Pumps RHR SW Pumps (4x)

DG CW Pump (Single Unit)

DG CW Pump (Common Unit)


  • Fuel Pool Emegency Makeup Pumps not in service Pump Total Service Water Heat Exchangers HPCS DG Cooler DG Cooler OA*

DG Cooler 1A NW Cubicle Area Cooler SW Cubicle Area Cooler SE Cubicle Area Cooler NE Cubicle Area Cooler Cooler Total Motor Rating (hp) 800 3050 1517 BTU/s




=3*C3+C4+C5 Time hr LOCA UNIT lime From SP Pumps s



=$C$16 60


=$C$16 120


=$C$16 1

1 Coolers BTU/S



=$C$27 180



=$C$27 Motor Rating (hp) 200 75 125 100 BTU/s

=B11 *2545/3600




=Cll*4+C12+C13/2+C14 Design Heat Transfer (BTU/hr)

BTU/s 8500500



=B21/3600 8600000

=822/3600 750000

=823/3600 750000

=824/3600 1108000

=825/3600 1194000


=SUM(B20:B26) =SUM(C20:C26)

=FLOOR(E1 8/3600,1)







=FLOOR(E25/3600, 1)


=FLOOR(E27/3600,1) 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 3451 6301 9152 12000 14850 17700 20550 23400 26260 29110 31960


=(G1 1-F1 1)605"2




=(G15-F15)*605*2 72600 74550 68640


















=$C$27 61730 55460 51530 47600 44410 41910 39970 38310 36290



















CALCULATION NO. L-002453 Rev. 4 Attachment F: Excel Equations PAGE NO. F2 of F2 Excel Equations for Non-LOCA Unit K

4 From SP 5



105)-F6)*605+$C$3,VLOOKUP(E6,'Non LOCA Unit'!$A$35:$E$1034,5, FALSE))


0 4

Pumps Coolers TOTAL BOTH UNITS 5





Tabulation of Non-LOCA unit heat load during shutdown cooling A


33 seconds Sensible Heat ECCS Pumps

__4 s

btu/s btu/s 35]9152 31907.9956364018

=SUM('Heat Calc'!$C$3,'Heat Calc'!$C$4:$C$5)

E16 10800 31907.9956364018

=SUM('Heat Calc!$C$3,'Heat Caic'I$C$4:$C$5) 12000 38332.295326285

=SUM('Heat Calc'I$C$3,'Heat Calc'!$C$4:$C$5) 38 12600 38332.295326285

=SUM('Heat Calc'!$C$3,'Heat Calc'I$C$4:$C$5) 3914850 0

=SUM('Heat Calc'!$C$3,'Heat Calc'!$C$4:$C$5)

D 33 Core Decay 34 Btu/s 35

=FORECAST(A35,OFFSET('Decay Heat'!$R$4:$R$97,MATCH('Non LOCA Unit'A35,'Decay Heat'!$P$4:$P$97,1)-1,0,2),OFFSET('Decay Heat'!$P$4:$P$97, MATCH('Non LOCA Unit' !A35,'Decay Heat'!$P$4:$P$97,1)-1,0,2))

E 33 TOTAL 34 btu/s 35 =SUM(B35:D35)