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Calculation PM-1059, Revision 5, Eab, LPZ, and CR Doses Due to Fuel Handling Accident (FHA)
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/2014
From: Gita Patel
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CC-AA-309-1001, Rev. 8, PM-1059, Rev. 5
Download: ML14211A020 (212)


Attachment 3 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 NRC Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278 Revise Technical Specifications Definition for RECENTLY IRRADIATED FUEL Calculation PM-1 059, Revision 5, "EAB, LPZ, and CR Doses Due to Fuel HandlingAccident (FHA)"

Page 1 of 211 CC-AA-309-1001 Revision 8 ATTACHMENT 1 Design Analysis Cover Sheet Design Analysis Last Page No. 6 211 Analysis No.: PM-1059 Revision: 5 Major Z Minor E -


3 EAB, LPZ, and CR Doses due to Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) iCiECR No.: Revision: 5 Station(s): 7 Peach Bottom Component(s): ' 4 TJnit No.: 8 2 and 3 N/A Discipline: NMech Dcscrip. Code/Keyword: 10 EPU; AST Safeiy/QA Class: " SR System Code: 1.2 912

ýSircture: '3 N/A CONTROLLED DOCUMENT REFERENCES's D1ocuncnt No.: From/To Document No.: From/To PM-1U55 From UFSAR Section To

-PEAX1-EPU-63 From UFSAR Table 14.9.6 To I

PM-0982 From UFSAR Table 14.9.7 To PFAM-EPU-67 From PM-1170 -- From Is this Dc.*sign Analysis Safeguards Information? 16 Yes [] No [' If yes, see SY-AA-101-106 Does ihis l)esign Analysis contain Unverified Assumptions? ,7 Yes [ No If yes, M ATIIAR#:

Ths, Design Analysis SUPERCEDES: 't N/A in its entirety.

Description of Revision (list changed pages when all pages of original analysis were not changed): 14 lcvision 5 additionally evaluates the post-FHA doses due to releases from tie various ground hatches.

Preparer: Gopal J. Patel (NUCORE) 06/30/2014 Print Name Sign Ns ree- Date M\ithod of Review: 2 Detailed Review [ Alternate Calcu~lati*.(*atched) F1 Testing n Reviewer: " Mark I. Drucker (NUCORFE) . 06/30/2014 Print Name /Sign Name Date Review Notes: "' Independent review ED Peer review (For External Analyses Only) External Approver: 14 Print Name Sign Name Date f.xelon Review er: ""

Print Name Sign Name Date Independen, 3" Party Review Reqd'? 26 Yes t No "9 l.-:1 Arn * -71I'tIl~t l-xe.Io,, Approver: 7 7/t 2 Print Name Si d a Date MlR' tS1i..f- 5d (p9er +eirc*an QllhlJ",

Page 2 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 REVISION HISTORY Revision Description 0 Initial issue I This revision includes correction to normal control room intake (20,600 cfm) plus inclusion of an assumed inleakage of 1600 cfm. Editorial changes are made to Section 2. 1. The basis for the conclusion that a drop over the reactor well is bounding is included in Section 2.1, 2.4, and the new Attachment F.

2 This revision incorporates responses to NRC June 29, 2004 Request for Additional Information regarding justification for the conservatism of the Source Terms, and potential additional release pathways and their acceptability with respect to fuel decay times when the secondary containment is inoperable. Also, incorporation of the more conservative Tech Spec 3.7.7 minimum spent fuel pool water level for fuel movement instead of the previous minimum level for pool cooling operation with scuppers all the way down.

3 This revision incorporates year 2008 NRC Requests for Additional Information for Regulatory Guide 1.23 Revision I compliance and use of conservatively high meteorological tower IA based X/Q values.

4 This revision evaluates the effects of extended power uprate. This revision is a complete re-write. Attachments F and G are included as technically unchanged from the previous revision.

5 This major revision evaluates the post-FHA doses due to releases from the various ground hatches. This revision also credits the main control room emergency ventilation system for releases from ground hatches HI, H2, H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H33 and H34.

Page 3 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 SHEET REVISION INDEX SHEET REV SHEET REV 1 5 Attachment A 5 2 5 Attachment B 5 3 5 Attachment C 5 4 5 Attachment D 5 5 5 Attachment E 5 6 5 Attachment F 5 7 5 Attachment G 5 8 5 Attachment H 5 9 5 Attachment I 5 10 5 Attachment J 5 11 5 Attachment K 5 12 5 1"'Pass Attributes 5 13 5 2 W Pass Attributes 5 14 5 y_ Pass Attributes 5 15 5 16 5 17 5 18 5 19 5 20 5 21 5 22 5 23 5 24 5 25 5 26 5 27 5 28 5 29 5 30 5 1 31 5 1

Page 4 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No.

Section Cover Sheet 1 Revision History 2 Sheet Revision Index 3 Table of Contents 4 1.0 Purpose and Summary Report 5 2.0 Methodology 5 3.0 Acceptance Criteria 9 4.0 Assumptions 10 5.0 Design Inputs 15 6.0 Computer Codes & Compliance with Regulatory Requirements 20 7.0 Calculations 21 8.0 Results Summary/Conclusions 23 9.0 References 25 10.0 Tables 27 11.0 Figures 28 12.0 Affected Documents 32 13.0 Attachments 32 Attachment A- RADTRAD Output File "PBFHA02.oO" 33 Attachment B- RADTRAD Nuclide Inventory File "PBFHA 1_def.txt" 50 Attachment C- RADTRAD Release Fraction and Timing File "PBFHAlrft.txt" 59 Attachment D- RADTRAD Dose Conversion Factor File "PBFHAFG 1 & 12.txt" 60 Attachment E- RADTRAD Output File "PBFH1 8A24.o0" 72 Attachment F- PBAPS Fuel Handling Accident Assessment of Limiting Event 92

[4 pages, unchanged from Revision 3]

Attachment G - Evaluation of Worst-Case Control Room X/Q For Release from 97 Ground Hatches, Roof Scuttles Personnel Access Doors and Railroad Bay Doors Attachment H - RADTRAD Output File "PBFH19A24.oO" 136 Attachment I - RADTRAD Output File "PBFH20A288.oO" 155 Attachment J - RADTRAD Output File "PBFH21 A312.oO" 174 Attachment K- RADTRAD Output File "PBFH23A24.oO" 192 1s Pass Attributes - General Overview 209 2s1 Pass Attributes - Technical Review 210 3 rd Pass Attributes - Administrative 211

Page 5 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1.0 PURPOSE and



1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this calculation is to determine the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB), Low Population Zone (LPZ), and Control Room (CR) doses due to a Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) for the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) using Alternative Source Term (AST) methodology, the TEDE dose criteria of 10 CFR 50.67 (Ref. 9.9), and the extended power uprate (EPU) core inventory.

The consequences of a FHA are analyzed using the plant specific design and licensing bases inputs, which are compatible to the TEDE dose criteria. The FHA analysis is performed using the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.183, Appendix B (Ref. 9.1).

Revision 5:

The post-FHA doses due to releases from the ground hatches (GH) are additionally analyzed using the newly developed sets of x/Q values (Ref. 9.2, Section 8.0) for the as-built location of the CR air intake.

This revision removes conservatism from the modeled plant layout and resulting X/Q values. This revision also credits the main control room (MCR or CR) ventilation filters for releases from ground hatches HI, H2 H17, H18, H19, H20, H21, H22, H33 and H34.

1.2 Summary Report The resulting post-FHA doses are shown in Section 8.0 and comply with the applicable regulatory allowable dose limits.

2.0 METHODOLOGY Peach Bottom License Amendments 269 (Unit 2) and 273 (Unit 3) (Ref. 9.7, Safety Evaluation Section 3.2.3) approved AST methodology for the FHA event. With its approval, the previous accident source term in the Peach Bottom design basis FHA was superseded by the AST (Ref. 9.1, Appendix B). The previous offsite and control room accident dose criteria expressed in terms of whole body, thyroid and skin doses were superseded by a fraction of the TEDE criteria of 10 CFR 50.67, as defined in Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Table 6).

The source term nuclide inventory used for the FHA is from Reference 9.4, Appendix B. This inventory is considered to be bounding with respect to expected fuel types in use or expected to be used at PBAPS EPU.

Consistent with the Regulatory Guidance in RG 1.183, Section 3.1, for the DBA events that do not involve the entire core, like the FHA, the fission product inventory of each of the damaged fuel rods is determined by dividing the total core inventory by the number of fuel rods in the core. To account for differences in power level across the core, a radial peaking factor is applied in determining the inventory of the worst-case damaged rods.

The minimum spent fuel storage pool water level is maintained at 232.25 feet plant elevation (Ref. 9.6.1, PBAPS TS Section 3.7.7). Per Attachment F, this represents approximately 22 feet of water coverage over a dropped assembly lying on bails in the pool. Attachment F contains justification for acceptability of this water depth coverage (retained from previous Revision 3).

Page 6 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Because of radioactivity decay, the worst-case fuel handling accident is that associated with handling fuel that has recently been part of a critical core operating at full power immediately prior to the reactor shutdown.

Since movement of irradiated fuel will not occur sooner than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the associated reactor shutdown, a typical minimum time required for all BWR plant, a 24-hour decay period is assumed. This value continues to be a very conservative assumption for BWRs, given the extensive operations necessary with reactor disassembly before commencing fuel movement (Ref. 9.6.3 TS 1.1 Definition for Recently Irradiated Fuel). Fuel decay times greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are used with the post-FHA releases from ground hatches H20, H2 1, H22 and H34 due to their higher associated X/Q values and to bring the resulting doses within the allowable dose limits in Section 3.0.

Releases from the secondary containment hatches have not previously been reviewed by the NRC staff (Ref. 9.7, Section Therefore, the post-FHA doses due to releases through these ground hatches

- H18, H19, H20, H21 and H23 are calculated in this revision using the newly develop sets of CR X/Q values (Ref. 9.2, Section 8.0) for the as-built location of CR air intake and source term information (i.e.,

activity release rates to the environment) that is the same as used in previous revisions.

Hatches HI (Unit 2) and H2 (Unit 3) establish the Secondary Containment (SC) pressure boundary for the Unit 2 and Unit 3 HPCI rooms, respectively. These hatches are located in the ceiling of the HPCI rooms. The ceiling of the HPCI room is the floor for the (RBCCW room that is located on the 116' elevation). The RBCCW room is not part of the SC boundary. Hatches H19 and H20 are in the ceiling of the RBCCW rooms for Units 2 and 3, respectively. Hatches H19 and H20 open to the outside at grade-level (135' elevation) to the west-side of the Reactor Buildings (RBs). For HPCI maintenance that necessitates removing large components, Hatches HI and H 19 (Unit 2) or hatches H2 and H20 (Unit 3) would need to be opened to remove these large components from the Unit 2 or Unit 3 HPCI rooms. The Unit 2 FHA release pathway through H 19 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding HI hatch, and the Unit 3 FHA release pathway through H20 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding H2 hatch. Therefore, the discussions in the following sections about the post-FHA releases through ground hatches H 19 and H20 are directly applied to the releases from hatches H I and H2, respectively.

The post-FHA doses for the ground hatches bound the releases from the other surrounding hatches as follows:

Post-FHA doses from Unit 2 GH H18 release bound the Unit 2 releases from GH H17 & H33 due its shorter distance from CR air intake (Figure 1 & Ref. 9.2, Section 2.0).

Post-FHA doses from Unit 3 GH H21 release bound the Unit 3 releases from GH H22 & H34 due its shorter distance from CR air intake (Figure 1 & Ref. 9.2, Section 2.0).

Post-FHA doses from Unit 3 Ground Hatch H23 release bound the releases from Unit 3 GH H24 and Unit 2 GHs H15 & H16 because:

1. Unit 3 G14 23 is relatively located at a shorter distance to the CR intake than Unit 3 GH H24 (Figure 1).
2. Unit 3 GHs H23 & H24 are mirror images of Unit 2 GHs HI5 & H16 (Figure 1 & Ref. 9.2, Section 2.0).

Page 7 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

3. Unit 3 GHs are located in unfavorable wind sectors (Ref. 9.2, Section 2.0); therefore, the set of X/Q values for GH H23 conservatively bound the releases from Unit 2 GHs H 15 & H 16.

2.1 Fuel Source Term To maximize the activity release during an FHA it is conservative to model a fuel bundle type that maximizes both the number of damaged fuel bundles (i.e., maximizes the fraction of the core inventory released to the environment) and the radial peaking factor (PF).

The following table summarizes fuel bundle characteristics and calculates the number of damaged fuel bundles. Per this table, the maximum activity release during an FHA is associated with the failure of the GNF2 fuel bundle type, resulting in 2.009 damaged fuel bundles with a PF of 1.7.

Number Number of Radial Number Reference of Fuel Failed Pins Peaking of Damaged Flue Frel Pins in Factor Fuel Bundles Type Array Bundle (PF)

[A] [B] [C = B/A]

9.16, Section 2.13 Various 8x8 60 to 64 111 1.5 1.73 to 1.85 9.17, Section S. 9.20, Section 2.1 GEl I&GEI3 9x9 74 140 1.5 1.89 9.17, Section S. 9.20, Section 2.1 9.16. Section 2.13; 2..35 GEI2&GEI4 IWxlO 87.33 172 1.7 1.97 9.17, Section 9.17, Section S.2,2.3.5 GNF2 IxO , 85.6 172 1.7 2.009 9.21, Section 10.2 2.2 FHA in the Reactor Vessel A survey of the various conditions that could exist when the drywell is open reveals that the greatest potential for the release of radioactive material occurs when the drywell head and reactor vessel head have been removed (Ref. 9.17, Section S. In this case, radioactive material released as a result of fuel failure is available for transport directly to the secondary containment. It is concluded that the only accident that could result in the release of significant quantities of fission products to the secondary containment during this mode of operation is one resulting from the accidental dropping of a fuel bundle onto the top of the core.

A decontamination factor of 200 is assumed, per RG 1.183 and Reference 9.19, associated with water coverage of 23 feet. However, no additional decontamination factor credit is taken for water depth greater than 23 feet in order to maintain conservatism and consistency with the guidance in RG 1.183.

For the FHA occurring in the reactor well, the source could exit secondary containment (SC) directly to the atmosphere through building openings or penetrations without mixing and diluting in the SC unless secondary containment integrity is maintained.

2.3 FHA in Refueling Pool Per Attachment F, when a fuel handling accident occurs in the spent fuel pool, it is assumed that the dropped bundle will rest on the tops of the bail handles of the fuel in the storage racks. Therefore, for a drop over the spent fuel pool, coverage over a dropped assembly is slightly less than 23 feet, assuming

Page 8 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 that the dropped bundle is lying across the tops of fuel bundles within the spent fuel racks. There is always greater than 23 feet of water above top of active fuel for bundles within the racks.

Per Attachment F, the slight reduction in the refueling pool iodine decontamination factor (DF) due to having slightly less than 23 feet water coverage is offset by the reduction in fuel damage due to a much shorter drop (i.e., no more than approximately 4 feet) over fuel in the spent fuel pool relative to the 52-foot drop over fuel in the reactor vessel. Per the Technical Specification definition of Recently Irradiated Fuel (Ref. 9.6.3), when recently irradiated fuel is moved, secondary containment integrity is required to be maintained.

For the FHA occurring in the refueling pool, the source could exit secondary containment directly to the atmosphere through building openings or penetrations unless secondary containment integrity is maintained.

2.4 Maximum Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR)

Note 11 to Table 3 of RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1) requires that the maximum linear heat generation (LHGR) does not exceed 6.3 kw/ft peak rod average power for burnups exceeding 54 GWD/MTU. The PBAPS fuel management program has determined that there will be no fuel assemblies being exposed to a maximum LHGR that exceeds 6.3 k-4h at fuel burnups between 54 and 62 GWD/MTU (Ref. 9.18, Section 4.5.19. 1.B). K iJft A* 7",11114 2.5 RADTRAD Model The RADTRAD3.03 Code (Ref. 9.3) is used in this analysis. The same RADTRAD release models as depicted in Figures 2 through 4 are used to model the FHA occurring in either the spent fuel pool or in the refueling cavity, both being inside Secondary Containment.

The RADTRAD model considers a fictitious source small volume of 100 cubic feet (Compartment #1),

which initially contains all of the activity that is released from the damaged spent fuel assemblies to the SC air space. Any value of the source volume can be used, which will result in the same Ci/sec release rate. This source term considers 2.009 damaged fuel assemblies (172 fuel pins) that have decayed for a minimum of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, with a radial peaking factor of 1.7, fuel rod gap release fractions per RG 1.183, Table 3 (Ref. 9.1), and pool water iodine, noble gas and particulate decontamination factors per RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Appendix B).

Section 7.2 calculates a building release rate that will exhaust at least 99.9999% of the radioactive material present in Compartment #1 to the environment (Compartment #2) over a 2-hour time period.

Neither the Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) & CR Emergency Ventilation System (CREVS) filtration of the activity nor the elevated release via the main stack to the environment is credited for this release path (Figures 2 & 3).

The FHA events are analyzed using the EAB and LPZ atmospheric dispersion factors modeled in previous revisions (Sections 5.5.1., and 5.5.4, respectively). Since the SC integrity is not maintained during the refueling outage, the post-FHA activity could release to the atmosphere via open doors and various containment hatches including the GHs. The CR X/Qs from these potential release paths from open doors have been analyzed in Attachment G of the previous revision of this calculation (PM- 1059, Revision 3) and are listed in Table 1. The new sets of x/Q values are established in Reference 9.2, Section 8.0 to reflect the actual locations of the ground hatch releases and the asbuilt location of the CR

Page 9 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 air intake. The review of Table I indicates that the Unit 2 roof scuttle release results in the highest CR intake X/Qs for the containment openings except for the ground hatches, which are used for the revised portion of this analysis. The model for the control room (Compartment #3) is shown in Figures 3 & 4 and described in Section 5.4. The model for the EAB and LPZ dose receptors is described in Section 5.5.

The assumption of inoperable containment integrity during the refueling outage results in the post-FHA releases through various ground hatches shown in Figure 1. The ground hatches are grouped together in a conservative manner to calculate the limiting sets of x/Q values (Ref. 9.2, Sections 2.0 & 8.0) for the as-built location of the CR air intake. These sets of X/Q values are listed in Sections 5.4.8 through 5.4.12, The post-FHA doses are calculated for the releases through ground hatches GH H18, H 19, H20 & H21 crediting the CREVS initiation at 1 minute after the onset of a FHA with the charcoal and HEPA filtration efficiencies calculated in Section 7.4 (Figure 4). For the given fuel source term and CR response, the CR dose is proportional to X/Q values providing the dilution of post-FHA activity release from the containment. The different fuel decay times are used for the ground hatch releases due to varying severity of new set of x/Q values based on their locations from the as-built CR air intake and wind sector. The post-FHA doses are calculated for the releases through ground hatch GH H23 without crediting the CREVS initiation with the CR in a normal mode of operation (Figures 3 & 4).

2.6 CR Makeup Flow & Unfiltered Inleakage The MCREV System consists of two independent Trains, each consisting of one supply fan with a rated capacity of 3,000 +/- 10% cfm in the emergency mode and 20,600 cfm in the normal mode of operation (Ref. 9.8). The normal mode is designed to automatically maintain a comfortable temperature and a slightly higher than atmospheric pressure in the control room.

Air inleakage in the CR envelope (CRE) and the corresponding fresh air makeup flow rate are periodically measured with the CREVS operating in each of two Radiation/Pressurization modes (Trains A & B) (Ref. 9.23, Attached Final Report, Section 1.0). Therefore, the CR unfiltered inleakage is applied only when the CREVS is in operation after 1 minute.

The CR unfiltered inleakage of 500 cfm is used for the FHA cases that take credit for CREVS filtration.

This inleakage is modeled after CREVS initiation. The periodic tests confirm that the maximum unfiltered inleakage is less than the modeled 500 cfm. As an example, the maximum unfiltered inleakage measured during the year 2011 PBAPS tracer gas test is 66 cfm without any measuring uncertainty (Ref. 9.23, Attached Final Report, Table 1). U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.197, Section C. 1.4 (Ref. 9.24), requires that for a CRE with a low inleakage, the measuring uncertainty may be an artifact of the calculations and not representative of the CRE's integrity and it becomes optional and can be neglected.

For the FHA cases that do not take credit for CREVS filtration, a CR unfiltered inleakage of 1,600 cfm is used to be consistent with the licensing basis case (Figure 3) for releases via the Unit 2 roof scuttle and ground hatches HI5, H 16, H23 and H24. Inleakage in the normal ventilation mode is not required because the CR and surrounding structures are at the same pressure; therefore, there is no potential inleakage. Any assumed normal ventilation mode inleakage would only be extra margin in the calculation. Therefore, no normal ventilation mode inleakage will be assumed for ground hatch H17, H18, H1/H19, H2/H20, H21, H22, H33 and H34 releases, which are the limiting hatch releases (Figure 4). As previously stated, inleakage is considered for operation in CREV mode, as required.

Page 10 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 3.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The following NRC regulatory requirement and guidance documents are applicable to this PBAPS Alternative Source Term FHA Calculation:

" Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Table 6)

  • IOCFR50.67 (Ref. 9.9)

" Standard Review Plan section 15.0.1 (Ref. 9.15)

Dose Acceptance Criteria are:

Regulatory Dose Limits Dose Type Control Room EAB and LPZ (rem TEDE) (rem TEDE)

TEDE Dose 5 6.3


Regulatory Guide 1.183, Appendix B (Ref. 9. 1) provides guidance on modeling assumptions that are acceptable to the NRC staff for the evaluation of the radiological consequences of a FHA. The following sections address the applicability of these modeling assumptions to this PBAPS FHA analysis.

These assumptions are considered validated assumptions and are identified as design inputs in Sections 5.3 through 5.5 and are incorporated in this analysis. There are no unvalidated assumptions used in this calculation.

Source Term Assumptions 4.1 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183, Section 3.2 that the fractions of the core inventory assumed to be in the gap for the various radionuclides are as given in Table 3 of RG 1. 183. The release fractions from Table 3 are incorporated in Design Input in conjunction with the core fission product inventory in Design Input, with the maximum core radial peaking factor of 1.7 in Design Input 5.3. 1.10, and with the proposed core thermal power level of 4,030 MWt in Design Input 5.3.1. 1.

Fuel bundle peak burnup will not exceed the limits of RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1 Footnote 11). Exelon procedure NF-AB- 110-2210 (Ref. 9.18, Section, Core Loading Pattern Development, requires that the core loading be developed in accordance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.183, which is conservative in this matter. There are procedural steps to ensure that:

I) peak rod-average burnup of the fuel is less than 62 GWD/MTU,

2) that the maximum linear heat generation rate does not exceed 6.3 kW/ft for any bundle with a peak rod burnup exceeding 54 GWD/MTU,
3) that the cycle length does not exceed 711 EFPD, and
4) that the maximum radial peaking factor does not exceed 1.7.

4.2 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Section 1.1) that the number of fuel rods damaged during the accident should be based on a conservative analysis that considers the most limiting case. All of the fuel rods in 2.009 spent fuel assemblies are assumed to be damaged (see Design Inputs and Additionally, it is assumed consistent with Reference 9.1, Appendix B, Section 1.2, that the fission product release from the breached fuel is based on the fission product inventory in the

Page 11 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 T _

fuel rod gap (Ref. 9. 1, Table 3) and the estimate of the number of fuel rods breached (See Tables 1 and 2).

4.3 Fuel Activity It is assumed that all the gap activity in the damaged rods is instantaneously released to the pool water.

The radionuclides included are xenons, kryptons, and iodines. The fraction of fission product inventory in the gap is shown in Design Input It is further assumed that irradiated fuel shall not be removed from the reactor without containment integrity until the unit has been shutdown for at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (Ref. 9.6.3).

Movement of recently irradiated fuel will not occur sooner than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the fuel has occupied a critical reactor core. This value continues to be a very conservative assumption for BWRs, given the extensive operations necessary associated with reactor disassembly before commencing fuel movement.

As noted in Design Input, fuel decay times greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are used with the post-FHA releases from ground hatches H2/H20, H2 1, H22 and H34 due to their higher associated X/Q values and to bring the resulting doses within the allowable dose limits in Section 3.0.

Non-iodine halogen isotopes (e.g., Bromine) are not modeled due to their short half lives that leave little activity in the source term at 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (Ref. 9.3, Table 1). Alkali metal (i.e., particulate) isotopes are assumed to be retained by the water in the fuel pool or reactor cavity (i.e., infinite DF) (Ref. 9. 1, Appendix B, Section 3).

It is assumed that the curie per megawatt-thermal inventory of fission products in the reactor core and available for gap release from damaged fuel is based on the core thermal power level of 4,030 MWt including a 2% power level measurement instrument uncertainty. The fission product inventory is based on the current fuel enrichment of 3.8 w/o and 4.2 w/o U-235, and a core average burnup of 36,471 MWD/MTU (Design Inputs 5.3. .L1I and (Ref. 9.4, Appendix C).

4.4 Timing of Release Phase It is assumed consistent with Reference 9.1, Section 3.3 that for non-LOCA DBAs in which fuel damage is projected, the release from the fuel gap is assumed to occur instantaneously with the onset of the projected damage.

4.5 Chemical Form It is assumed consistent with Reference 9.1, Appendix B, Section 1.3, that the chemical form of radioiodine released from the fuel to the surrounding water should be assumed to be 95% cesium iodide (Csl), 4.85 percent elemental iodine, and 0.15 percent organic iodine (Design Input The Csl released from the fuel is assumed to completely dissociate in the pool water. Because of the low pH of the pool water, the iodine re-evolves as elemental iodine. The release to the pool water is assumed to occur instantaneously.

4.6 Water Depth It is assumed that if the depth of water above the damaged fuel is 23 feet or greater, the overall effective decontamination factor for iodine of 200 (i.e., 99.5% of the total iodine released from the damaged rods is retained by the water) (see Design Input; Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Section 2). Section 2.3 and Attachment F confirm that the DF of 200 is also applicable for water depths of as little as approximately 21 feet above damaged fuel in the PBAPS spent fuel pool. This iodine above the water is composed of 57% elemental and 43% organic species (Ref. 9. 1, Appendix B, Section 2) (see Design Input

Page 12 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 4.7 Noble Gases and Particulates It is assumed that the retention of noble gases in the water in the fuel pool or reactor cavity is negligible (i.e., decontamination factor of 1) (see Design Input Particulate radionuclides are assumed to be retained by the water in the fuel pool or reactor cavity (i.e., infinite decontamination factor) (Ref. 9. 1, Appendix B, Section 3) (see Design Input

Control Room Dose Consequences 4.8 Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Section 4.2) provides guidance to be used in determining the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) for persons located in the control room (CR). The following sections address the applicability of this guidance to the PBAPS FHA analysis. These assumptions are incorporated as design inputs in Sections 5.4.1 through 5.4.14.

4.9 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Section 4.2.1), that the CR TEDE analysis should consider the following sources of radiation that will cause exposure to control room personnel:

  • Contamination of the control room atmosphere by the intake or infiltration of the radioactive material contained in the post-accident radioactive plume released from the facility (via CR air intake),

" Contamination of the control room atmosphere by the intake or infiltration of airborne radioactive material from areas and structures adjacent to the control room envelope (via CR unfiltered inleakage),

" Radiation shine from the external radioactive plume released from the facility (external airborne cloud),

  • Radiation shine from radioactive material in the reactor containment (containment shine dose),
  • Radiation shine from radioactive material in systems and components inside or external to the control room envelope (e.g., radioactive material buildup in recirculation filters) (CR filter shine dose).

Note: The external airborne cloud shine dose due to a FHA is insignificant compared to those due to a LOCA (see the core release fractions for LOCA and non-LOCA design basis accidents in Tables 1 and 3 of Reference 9.1). Therefore, these direct dose contributions are not evaluated for a FHA.

4.10 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Section 4.2.3), that the models used to transport radioactive material into and through the control room, and the shielding models used to determine radiation dose rates from external sources, should be structured to provide suitably conservative estimates of the exposure to control room personnel. The radioactive material releases and radiation levels used in the control room dose analysis used in this calculation are determined using the same source term, transport, and release assumptions used for determining the EAB and the LPZ TEDE values. These parameters do not result in non-conservative results for the control room.

4.11 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Section 4.2.6), that the CR dose receptor is the hypothetical maximum exposed individual who is present in the control room for 100% of the time during the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the event, 60% of the time between I and 4 days, and 40% of the time from 4 days to 30 days. For the duration of the event, the breathing rate of this individual should be assumed to be 3.5 x 10-4 cubic meters per second. These assumptions are incorporated as design inputs in Sections 5.4.6 and 5.4.4, respectively.

Page 13 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 4.12 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Section 4.4 and Table 6), that the postulated CR doses should not exceed the 5 Rem TEDE criterion established in 10 CFR 50.67 (Ref. 9.9). This assumption is incorporated as a design input in Section 5.4.5.

CR Dose Acceptance Criteria: 5 Rem TEDE 4.13 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Section 4.2.4), that engineered safety features (ESF) that mitigate airborne radioactive material within the control room may be credited. No such features are credited in the analysis for releases via the Unit 2 roof scuttle, or ground hatches HI5, H16, H23 and H24.

OMlsite Dose Consequences Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Section 4. 1) provides guidance to be used in determining the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) for persons located at the exclusion area boundary (EAB) and at the outer boundary of the low population zone (LPZ). The following sections address the applicability of this guidance to the PBAPS FlA analysis. These assumptions are incorporated as design inputs in Sections 5.5.1 through 5.5.6.

4.14 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Section 4.1.1) that the dose calculation determines the TEDE, which is the sum of the committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE) from inhalation and the effective dose equivalent (EDE) from external exposure; and these two components of the TEDE consider all radionuclides, including progeny from the decay of parent radionuclides that are significant with regard to dose consequences and the released radioactivity. These isotopes are listed in Section

4.15 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Section 4.1.2), that the exposure-to-CEDE factors for inhalation of radioactive material are derived from the data provided in ICRP Publication 30, "Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers". This calculation models the CEDE dose conversion factors (DCFs) in the column headed "effective" yield doses in Table 2. I of Federal Guidance Report 11, "Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion, and Ingestion" (Ref. 9.10).

4.16 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Section 4.1.4), that Table 111. 1 of Federal Guidance Report 12, "External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and Soil" (Ref. 9.11), provides external EDE conversion factors acceptable to the NRC staff. The factors in the column headed "effective," yield doses corresponding to the EDE.

4.17 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Section 4.1.3), that for the first 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, the breathing rate of person offsite is assumed to be 3.5 x 10-4 cubic meters per second. From 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following the accident, the breathing rate is assumed to be 1.8 x 10-4 cubic meters per second. After that and until the end of the accident, the rate is assumed to be 2.3 x 10 4 cubic meters per second. This analysis conservatively models the EAB with only the conservative initial breathing rate of 3.5 x 10-4 cubic meters per second. These offsite breathing rate assumptions are listed in Sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3.

4.18 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9.1, Section 4.1.5), that the TEDE is determined for the most limiting person at the EAB. The maximum EAB TEDE for any two-hour period following the start of the radioactivity release is determined and used in determining compliance with the dose criteria in 10 CFR 50.67 (Ref. 9.9). For the FHA the postulated EAB doses should not exceed the criteria established in RG 1.183 Table 6. This assumption is incorporated as a design input in Section 5.5.5.

Page 14 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 EAB Dose Acceptance Criterion: 6.3 Rem TEDE The RADTRAD3.03 Code (Ref. 9.3) used in this analysis determines the maximum two-hour TEDE by calculating the postulated dose for a series of small time increments and performing a "sliding" sum over the increments for successive two-hour periods. The time increments appropriately reflect the progression of the accident to capture the peak dose interval between the start of the event and the end of radioactivity release.

4.19 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Section 4.1.6), that the TEDE is determined for the most limiting receptor at the outer boundary of the low population zone (LPZ) and is used in determining compliance with the dose criteria in 10 CFR 50.67 (Ref. 9.9). For the FHA the postulated LPZ doses should not exceed the criteria established in RG 1.183 Table 6. This assumption is incorporated as a design input in Section 5.5.6.

LPZ Dose Acceptance Criterion: 6.3 Rem TEDE 4.20 It is assumed consistent with RG 1.183 (Ref. 9. 1, Section 4.1.7), that no correction is made for depletion of the effluent plume by deposition on the ground.

Page 15 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 5.0 DESIGN INPUTS 5.1 General Considerations 5.1.1 Applicability of Prior Licensing Basis The Alternative Source Term methodology is the current licensing basis for PBAPS. The plant specific design inputs and assumptions used in the current facility's design basis FHA analysis were assessed for their validity to represent the as-built condition of the plant and evaluated for their compatibility to meet the AST and TEDE methodology. The analysis in this calculation ensures that analysis assumptions, design inputs, and methods are compatible with the AST and comply with RG 1.183, Appendix B requirements (Ref. 9.1).

5.1.2 Credit for Engineered Safeguard Features This analysis credits the initiation of CREVS filtration for the post-FHA releases from the ground hatches H 18, H19, H20 & H21. The charcoal and HEPA filtration efficiencies are calculated using the penetration test results and GL 99-02 requirements (Section 7.4).

H19 (Unit 2) and H20 (Unit 3) are for the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) rooms.

The RBCCW rooms are located above the respective High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) rooms for each PBAPS unit. The RBCCW rooms are actually not part of secondary containment. The HPCI room hatches (H I for Unit 2 and H2 for Unit 3) are located in the floor of the RBCCW rooms. The Unit 2 FHA release pathway through H19 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding HI hatch, and the Unit 3 FHA release pathway through H20 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding H2 hatch.

5.1.3 Meteorology Considerations The control room, EAB, and LPZ atmospheric dispersion factors (X/Qs) for the post-FHA release points were originally developed in Reference 9.12 for the plant operating license consistent with the guidance in RG 1.183, Section 5.3 and were accepted by the staff in the AST license amendment (Ref. 9.7, Section 3.3). Additional sets of X/Q values are calculated for the post-FHA ground hatch releases using the guidance in RG 1.194 (Ref. 9.2, Section 2.0).

5.2 Accident-Specific Design Inputs/Assumptions The design inputs and assumptions utilized in the post-FHA EAB, LPZ, and CR habitability analyses are listed in the following sections. The design inputs are compatible with the AST and TEDE dose criteria and assumptions are consistent with those identified in Section 4 and Appendix B of RG 1.183 (Ref.

9. 1). The design inputs and assumptions in the following sections represent the as-built design of the plant.

Page 16 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 5.3 Source Term and Transport Parameters Design Input Parameter Value Assigned Reference 5.3.1 Source Term Core Power 3,951 MW, Ref. 9.4, Section 1.1 Level 4,030 MWt (= 102% of 3,951 MW1 ) With 2% uncertainty Bounding Isotopic Core Inventory (Curies/MWt) @ 4,030 MW, Ref. 9.4, Appendix B Isotope Activity Isotope Activity Isotope Activity KR-83M 3.848E+03 1-132 3.901E+04 XE-133M 1.714E+03 KR-85 3.658E+02x2 1-133 5.564E+04 XE-135 2.140E+04

= 7.316E+02 KR-85M 8.555E+03 1-134 6.179E+04 XE- I35M 1.081E+04 KR-87 1.686E+04 1-135 5.198E+04 XE- 138 4.815E+04 KR-88 2.379E+04 XE-131M 3.024E+02 2.704E+04 x 1-131 1.6 XE- 133 5.488E+04

= 4.326E+04 The RADTRAD release fraction and timing (RFT) file is simplified by modeling gap inventory fractions of 0.05 for all iodine and noble gas isotopes. Therefore, KR-85 activity is multiplied by a factor of 2 (0.10/0.05) and 1-131 activity is multiplied by a factor of 1.6 (0.08/0.05) to account for their increased non-LOCA gap inventory fractions in Reference 9. 1, Section 3.2, Table 3, relative to the other noble gas and iodine isotopes. Fraction of Fission Product Inventory in Gap Group Fraction Ref. 9.1, Section 3.2, Table 3 1-131 0.08 Kr-85 0.10 Other Noble Gases 0.05 Other Halogens 0.05 Alkali Metals 0.12 Radionuclide Composition Group Elements Ref. 9. 1, Section 3.4, Table 5 Noble Gases Xe, Kr Halogens I, Br Alkali Metals Cs, Rb Number of Damaged 172 Ref. 9.2 1, Section 10.2 GNF2 Fuel Pins Number of Fuel Pins Per 85.6 Ref. 9.21, Section 10.2 Bundle Number of Damaged Fuel 2.009 Ref. 9.21, Section 10.2 Assemblies (172 / 85.6 = 2.009) Number of Fuel 764 Ref. 9.6.4 Assemblies In Core Irradiated Fuel Decay 24 hrs for all secondary Assumed Without CREVS Initiation containment openings including ground hatch GH H23 Irradiated Fuel Decay 24 hrs for ground hatches GH H 18 Assumed (See Section 2.0 for With CREVS Initiation & H I/H19 and > 24 hrs for ground discussion of GH H19 and H20) hatches GH H2/H20 & H21

Page 17 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Design Input Parameter Value Assigned Reference 5.3.1. 10 Radial Peaking Factor 1.70 Ref. 9.18, Section 4.5.19. I.D Fuel Enrichment w/o 3.8 w/o% and 4.2 w/o% U235 Ref. 9.4, Appendix C U-235 Fuel Cycle Burnup (EPU 36,471 MWD/MTU Ref. 9.4, Appendix C at EOC) Linear Heat Generation <6.3 kW/ft Ref. 9.18, Section .B Rate Iodine Chemical Form Released from Fuel to Water Iodine Chemical Form  %

Aerosol (CsI) 95% Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Section 1.3 Elemental 4.85%

Organic 0.15%

5.3.2 Activity Transportation Minimum Refueling >23 feet in the Reactor Cavity Ref. 9.6.2, Section 3.9.6 Cavity and Pool Water Depths -22 feet in SFP Ref. 9.6.1, Section 3.7.7 Attachment F Overall Effective Decontamination Factor (DF) for Iodine with > 23 feet water depth Total Iodine J7 200 Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Section 2 Chemical Form of Iodine Released From Pool Water Elemental 57% Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Section 2 Organic 43% DF of Noble Gas I Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Section 3 Duration of Release 2 hr Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Sections 4.1 and 5.3 Pool Node Volume 100 ft3 Assumed based on Section 2.5 Activity release rate 11.51 cfm See Section 7.2 DF of Particulates Infinite Ref. 9.1, Appendix B, Section 3 5.4 Control Room (CR) Parameters 5.4.1 CR Volume 1176,000 ft3 Ref. 9.5, Attachment 2, page 4 5.4.2 CR Normal Flow Rate 20,600 cfm Ref. 9.8 5.4.3 CREVS Charcoal and HEPA Filter Efficiencies Elemental Iodine 89% Section 7.4 Organic Iodide 89%

Particulate Aerosols 98%

5.4.4 CR Breathing Rate 3.5E-04 m'/sec Ref. 9.1, Section 4.2.6 5.4.5 CR Allowable Dose Limit 5 rem TEDE Ref. 9.9 5.4.6 CR Occupancy Factors Time (Hr)  % Ref. 9.1, Section 4.2.6 0-24 100 24-96 60 96-720 40

Page 18 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5S Design Input Parameter Value Assigned Reference 5.4.7 Unit 2 CR X/Qs For FHA Release Through Unit 2 Roof Scuttle (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) X/Q (sec/rnm) Attachment G, Table 4-1 0-2 1.90E-03 2-8 1.33E-03 8-24 5.96E-04 24-96 4.1 8E-04 96-720 3.27E-04 5.4.8 Unit 2 CR X/Qs For FHA Release Through Ground Hatch H 18 (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) X/Q (sec/m 3 ) Ref. 9.2, Section 8.1.1 0-2 1.48E-03 2-8 6.87E-04 8-24 2.45E-04 24-96 2.1 OE-04 96-720 1.65E-04 5.4.9 Unit 2 CR X/Qs For FHA Release Through Ground Hatch H 19 (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) X/Q (sec/m 3) Ref. 9.2, Section 8.1.2 0-2 1.75E-03 2-8 9.5 1E-04 8-24 3.05E-04 24-96 2.82E-04 96-720 2.44E-04 5.4.10 Unit 3 CR X/Qs For FHA Release Through Ground Hatch H20 (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) X/Q (sec/mrn) Ref. 9.2, Section 8.1.3 0-2 5.59E-03 2-8 4.61E-03 8-24 1.63E-03 24-96 1.55E-03 96-720 1.34E-03 5.4.11 Unit 3 CR /Qs For FHA Release Through Ground Hatch H21 (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) X/Q (sec/rn3 ) Ref. 9.2, Section 8.1.4 0-2 6.20E-03 2-8 5.35E-03 8-24 2.14E-03 24-96 1.84E-03 96-720 1.61E-03 5.4.12 Unit 3 CR x/Qs For FHA Release Through Ground Hatch H23 (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) X/Q (sec/rn3) Ref. 9.2, Section 8.1.5 0-2 1.58E-03 2-8 1.42E-03 8-24 6.25E-04 24-96 4.41E-04 96-720 3.86E-04 5.4.13 CREVS Intake Flow Rate 2700 to 3300 cfm Ref. 9.6.5, Section CR Unfiltered Inleakage Section 2.6 CR Normal Mode of Operation 1600 cfm CREVS Operation 500 cfm_

Page 19 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1 1 Design Input Parameter Value Assigned Reference 5.5 Site Boundary Release Model Parameters 5.5.1 EAB Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (x/Q) (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) X/Q (sec/m 3) Ref. 9.12, Table 5-1 0-2 9.1IE-04 2-8 4.67E-04 8-24 3.35E-04 24-96 1.64E-04 96-720 6.26E-05 0-720 9.1 IE-04 Used in the analysis 5.5.2 EAB Breathing Rate 3 3.5E-04 (m /sec) Ref. 9.1, Section 4.1.5 5.5.3 LPZ Breathing Rate (m3/sec)

Time (Hr) (m3 /sec) Ref. 9.1, Section 4.1.6 0-8 3.5E-04 8-24 1.8E-04 24-720 2.3E-04 5.5.4 LPZ Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (X/Qs) (Ground Level Release)

Time (Hr) y/Q (sec/m 3) Ref. 9.12, Table 5-1 0-2 1.38E-04 2-8 5.81E-05 8-24 3.77E-05 24-96 1.48E-05 96-720 4.15E-06 5.5.5 EAB allowable dose limit 6.3 rem TEDE for any 2-hour Ref. 9. 1, Section 4.4 and Table 6 period 5.5.6 LPZ allowable dose limit 6.3 rem TEDE for the event Ref. 9.1, Section 4.4 and Table 6 duration

Page 20 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 .[

6.0 COMPUTER CODES & COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 6.1 COMPUTER CODES RADTRAD 3.03 (Ref. 9.3): This is an NRC-sponsored code approved for use in determining control room and offsite doses from releases due to reactor accidents. This code was used by most of the AST license amendments that have been approved by the NRC. A rigorous high quality code qualification process was adopted to develop and procure the code by testing of the program elements, verification of input/output files, and examination of design specification. Therefore, the RADTRAD3.03 computer code is considered to be qualified to comply with the quality assurance requirements of 10 CFR50, Appendix B and it can be safely used to perform the design basis accident analyses.

The Exelon V&V of the RADTRAD3.03 code is documented as DTSQA Number EX0004754 and is classified as SQA Level AA per IT-AA- 101 (Ref. 9.13). Suitable acceptance test cases for the radiological analysis were incrementally selected, initially defining simplified cases that could verified against analytical solutions, then adding complexity (typically a control room) and comparing the results against the RADTRAD3.03 and HABIT code analyses, adding more complexity (e.g., removal by decay chain) and comparing the results with the RADTRAD3.03 and HABIT codes again. The selected code cases cover all essential characteristics of an FHA AST analysis, including transportation of activity within the compartment and in the atmosphere. All radiological features of the RADTRAD3.03 code were verified and validated by running the selected code cases in the Microsoft Windows XP environment. The results of V&V code cases were summarized in the DTSQA EX0004754 documentation submitted to IT and compared with the RADTRAD3.03 and HABIT code results, which showed an excellent agreement.

Therefore, the code is considered validated and qualified for use in this FHA AST analysis.


As discussed in Section 4.0, Assumptions, the analysis in this calculation complies with the line-by-line requirements in Regulatory Guide 1. 183 including its Appendix B (Ref. 9. 1).

Page 21 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 7.0 CALCULATIONS 7.1 PBAPS Plant Specific Nuclide Inventory File (NIF) For RADTRAD3.03 Input The parameter Ci/MW, in the RADTRAD3.03 default nuclide inventory file (NiF) BWRdef.NIF is dependent on the plant-specific core thermal power level, reload design, fuel burnup, and fuel cycle, therefore, the NIF is modified based on the PBAPS plant-specific isotopic Ci/MW, information developed in Tables 1 and 2. The newly developed RADTRAD nuclide inventory file "PBFHAl_def.txt" is used in the analysis.

The Release Fraction Timing File (RFT) "PBFHAIrft.txt" models iodine and noble gas with release fractions of 0.05 (per Design Inputs and The iodine release fraction is reduced by the water decontamination factor (DF) of 200 (per Design Input

Iodine = 0.05 / 200 (DF) = 2.50E-04 and Noble Gas = 5.OOE-02 The Dose Conversion Factor (DCF) File "PBFHA_FGI l& 12.txt" modeling FGR- 11and FGR-12 DCFs is used to support the FHA analysis.

7.2 Activity Release Rates A small fuel source volume of 100 ft3 is modeled to eliminate any mixing, dilution, and effect of holdup of the post-FHA activity released from the pool. The Reactor Building (Refuel Floor Area) is assigned a source node volume of 100 ft3 and 99.9999% of the post-FHA activity in this source node volume is postulated to release to the environment over two hours with the activity release rate calculated in the following section:

A = A0 eX Where; A0 = Initial Activity in Source Node A = Final Activity in Source Node X = Removal Rate (vol/hr) t = Removal Time (hr) = 2.0 hr Assuming that 99.9999% of activity is released into the environment, A/A 0 0.000001 Therefore, A / Ao = e'x I 0.000001 = e2?"

In (0.000001.) = - 2X In(e)

- 13.816=- 2 X X= - 13.816/-2 = 6.908 volume/hr Reactor Building Release Rate = 6.908 vol/hr x 100 fi 3/volume x I hr/60 min = 11.51 cfm 7.3 Core Thermal Power Level Modified Core Thermal Power Level =

4,030 MW, x 1.7 peaking factor x 2.009 damaged assemblies / 764 assemblies/core = 18.02 MW, A value of 18.2 MW,, is conservatively used in the RADTRAD Run PBFHA02.psf file

Page 22 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 7.4 CR Charcoal Filters Efficiencies Technical Specification 5.5.7, Ventilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP) (Ref. 9.6.5), requires routine testing of safety related filtration systems.

The VFTP requires that an in-place test of the HEPA filters show a penetration and system bypass

< 1.0% when tested in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2, Section 5c, and ASME N510-1989 at the specified system flow rate in TS 5.5.7.a (Ref. 9.6.5). Note that the TS 5.5.7.a acceptance criteria takes exception to the RG 1.52 value of <0.05% . This is compensated by a reduction in credited filtration efficiency as described below.

HEPA filter efficiency = 99% - 1% (bypass) = 98% credited in the analysis The VFTP requires that an in-place test of the charcoal adsorber shows a penetration and system bypass

< 1.0% when tested in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2, Section 5d, and ASME N510-1989 at the specified system flow rate in TS 5.5.7.b (Ref. 9.6.5). Note that the TS 5.5.7.b acceptance criteria takes exception to the RG 1.52 value of <0.05% . This is compensated by a reduction in filtration efficiency as described below.

The VFTP requires that a laboratory test of a sample of the charcoal adsorber, when obtained as described in Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2, Section 6b, shows the methyl iodide penetration less than 5% when tested in accordance with the laboratory testing criteria of ASTM D3803-1989 at a temperature of 30 degrees C [86 degrees F], face velocity, and the relative humidity specified in TS 5.5.7.c (Ref. 9.6.5)

Testing methyl iodide penetration (%) = (100% - rl)/safety factor = (100% - TI)/2 (Ref. 9.22)

Where rl = MCREV charcoal filter efficiency to be credited in the analysis MCFREF Charcoal Filter 5% = (100% - ril)/2 10% = (100% - TI) 71= 100% - 10% = 90%

Crediting 1% system bypass ii = 90% - 1%= 89% credited in the analysis

Page 23 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 8.0 RESULTS


/CONCLUSIONS 8.1 Result Summary:

The post-FHA EAB, LPZ, and CR doses are summarized in the following table:

Post-FHA Release Point Fuel Decay Post-FHA Dose RADTRAD Run No Time EAB LPZ CR (hrs) (Rem TEDE) (Rem TEDE) (Rem TEDE)

Unit 2 Roof Scuttle (Note 2)

CLB Release Case Applicable to 24 2.99E+00 4.53E-0I 4.30E+00 All Openings Except Ground Hatches PBFHA02.oO Ground Hatches H17, H18 & H33 (Note 1) 24 2.99E+00 4.53E-01 3.17E+00 PFH 18A24.oO Ground Hatches H1, H19 (Notes 1, 3) 24 2.99E3+00 4.53E-01 3.75E+00 PFH19A24.oO Ground Hatches H2, H20 (Notes 1, 3)

F2A8oO288 FH20A288.o0 8.04E-01 l.22E-01 4.52E+O00 Ground Hatches H21, H22, & H34 (Note 1) 312 7.35E3-01 1.Il E-0l 4.59E3+00 PFH21A312.o0 Ground Hatches H23, H24, H15, HI6 (Note 2) 24 2.99E+00 4.53E3-01 3.58E3+00 PFH23A24.oO Allowable Dose Limit (Rem TEDE) 6.3 6.3 5.0 Note 1: MCREV initiation is credited with CR unfiltered inleakage of 500 cfm Note 2: MCREV initiation is not credited with CR in normal mode of operation Note 3: H19 (Unit 2) and H20 (Unit 3) are for the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) rooms. The RBCCW rooms are located above the respective High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) rooms for each PBAPS unit. The RBCCW rooms are actually not part of secondary containment. The HPCI room hatches (HI for Unit 2 and H2 for Unit 3) are located in the floor of the RBCCW rooms. The FHA release pathway through H19/H20 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding H I/H2 hatch.



The results of analysis in Section 8.1 indicate that the EAB, LPZ, and CR doses are within allowable dose limits for a FHA occurring either in the reactor vessel or the SFP without containment integrity with the limited ground level hatches H15, H116, H17, H18, HI/H19, H2/H20, H21,H23, H24, H33, and H34 remain open during irradiated fuel movement after given fuel decay times. Ground hatches H17, H18, H33, H I/H19, H2/H20, H21, H22, and H34 require the MCREV to be operational when these hatches are opened during irradiated fuel movement. Fuel decay times greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are used with the post-FHA releases from ground hatches H20, H2 1, H22 and H34 due to their higher associated x/Q values and to bring the resulting doses within the allowable dose limits in Section 3.0.

H19 (Unit 2) and H20 (Unit 3) are for the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) rooms.

The RBCCW rooms are located above the respective High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) rooms for

Page 24 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 each PBAPS unit. The RBCCW rooms are actually not part of secondary containment. The HPCI room hatches (H I for Unit 2 and H2 for Unit 3) are located in the floor of the RBCCW rooms. The Unit 2 FHA release pathway through H 19 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding H hatch, and the Unit 3 FHA release pathway through H20 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding H2 hatch.

Page 25 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5


1. U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.183, "Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors", July 2000.
2. PBAPS Calculation PM- 1170, Revision 0, PBAPS Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (X/Qs) for post-FHA Ground Hatch Releases.
3. S.L. Humphreys et a]., "RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal and Dose Estimation," NUREG/CR-6604, USNRC, December 1997.
4. PEAM-EPU-63; GEH Project Task Report 0000-0 117-7472-R2 (DRF 0000-0105-2456 Revision
2) for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3; Extended Power Uprate Task T0802, Revision 2, "Core Source Term", January 2011.
5. Bechtel Letter No. BLP 22066, 05/18/1982, "Design Review of Plant Shielding."
6. PBAPS Units 2 & 3 Technical Specifications:

6.1 Specification 3.7.7, Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water Level.

6.2 Specification 3.9.6, Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Water Level.

6.3 Definition 1.1, Rated Thermal Power (RTP); Recently Irradiated Fuel.

6.4 Specification 4.2.1, Fuel Assemblies.

6.5 Specification 5.5.7, Ventilation Filter Testing Program (VFTP).

7. Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Amendment Nos. 269 and 273 to Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-44 and DPR-56 for the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS), Units 2 and 3. RE: Application Of Alternative Source Term Methodology; September 5, 2008 (ADAMS Accession Number ML082320257).
8. PBAPS Drawing M-884, Sheet 2, "QAD Diagram Control Room HVAC', Revision 2.
9. 10 CFR 50.67, "Accident Source Term"
10. Federal Guidance Report 11, EPA-5201/1-88-020, Environmental Protection Agency.
11. Federal Guidance Report 12, EPA-402- R-93-081, Environmental Protection Agency.
12. PBAPS Calculation PM-1055, Revision 1, Calculation of Alternative Source Term (AST) Onsite and Offsite X/Q Values.
13. Exelon DTSQA Number EX0004754, per Procedure IT-AA-101, Revision 7.
14. PBAPS UFSAR Sections & Tables:

14.1 PBAPS UFSAR Section, Refueling Accident.

14.2 PBAPS UFSAR Table 14.9.6, Integrated Dose in the Control Room.

14.3 PBAPS UFSAR Table 14.9.7, Design Basis Accident Radiological Doses - Exclusion Area Doses & Low Population Zone Doses.

15. NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan, "Radiological Consequence Analyses Using Alternative Source Terms," SRP 15.0.1, Revision 0, July 2000.
16. NEDC-32868P, "GE 14 Compliance With Amendment 22 of NEDE-2401 I-P-A (GESTAR 11)",

Rev. 1, September 2000.

17. GESTAR II, NEDE-2401 I-P-A-15-US, Class II, September 2005, General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (Supplement for United States).

Page 26 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

18. Exelon Procedure NF-AB-110-22 10, Revision 12; Core Loading Pattern Development.
19. G. Burley, "Evaluation of Fission Product Release and Transport for a Fuel Handling Accident",

NRC Staff Technical Paper, October 5, 1971.

20. Global Nuclear Fuel NEDE-31152P, Revision 7, Class III, June 2000, General Electric Fuel Bundle Designs.
21. GEH Letter No. GEH-HE0WX20N-026,


PBAPS GNF2 Fuel Transition: Fl 104 fuel Transition Report- Final, R I, September 3, 2010 (this letter transmits Report GEH-0000-0 107-7348, Revision 1, "GNF2 Fuel Design Cycle-Independent Analysis for Exelon Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3," September 2010).

22. USNRC, "Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal," NRC Generic Letter 99-02, June 3, 1999.
23. PBAPS ProcedureiT&RM Number ST-M-40D-915-2, Revision 1, "Tracer Gas Testing for CRE Habitability." This includes attached CRE Inleakage Testing at PBAPS Final Report LAT w/o 3448, dated March 21, 2011.
24. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.197, "Demonstrating Control Room Envelope Integrity At Nuclear Power Reactors", May 2003.

Page 27 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 10.0 TABLES Table 1 Summary of Control Room Intake X/Qs for Various Potential Post-FHA Releases ARCON96 Control Room Intake )/Qs (s/mi3 )

Release Point 0-2 hour 2-8 hour 8-24 hour 1-4 day 4-30 day Ground Hatch H 18(l) 1.48E-03 6.87E-04 2.45E-04 2.1OE-04 1.65E-04 Ground Hatch H19(1)(3) 1.75E-03 9.5 1E-04 3.05E-04 2.82E-04 2.44E-04 Ground Hatch H20( )(3) 5.59E-03 4.61E-03 1.63E-03 1.55E-03 1.34E-03 Ground Hatch H21() 6.20E-03 5.35E-03 2.14E-03 1.84E-03 1.61E-03 Ground Hatch H23") 1.58E-03 1.42E-03 6.25E-04 4.41E-04 3.86E-04 2

Unit 2 Roof Scuttle(- ) 1.90E-03 1.33E-03 5.96E-04 4.18E-04 3.27E-04 Unit 3 Roof Scuttle(2-) 1.30E-03 6.1OE-04 3.18E-04 2.19E-04 1.54E-04 Unit 2 Personnel Access Doors(' 2 7.54E-04 5.09E-04 2.16E-04 1.46E-04 1.06E-04 Unit 3 Personnel Access Doors(2) 1.04E-03 6.39E-04 2.72E-04 1.87E-04 1.64E-04 2

Unit 2 Railroad Bay Doors(' ) 4.54E-04 3.48E-04 1.53E-04 1.06E-04 7.95E-05 Unit 3 Railroad Bay Doors(2) 4.36E-04 2.38E-04 1.07E-04 7.62E-05 5.59E-05 (1) X/Q Information From Reference 9.2, Sections 8.1.1 through 8.1.5 (2) X/Q Information From Attachment G. Bolded x/Q values for Unit 2 Roof Scuttle are limiting.

(3) H19 (Unit 2) and H20 (Unit 3) are for the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) rooms. The RBCCW rooms are located above the respective High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) rooms for each PBAPS unit. The RBCCW rooms are actually not part of secondary containment. The HPCI room hatches (HI for Unit 2 and H2 for Unit 3) are located in the floor of the RBCCW rooms. The Unit 2 FHA release pathway through H 19 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding HI hatch, and the Unit 3 FHA release pathway through H20 is conservative for the evaluation of the FHA for the corresponding H2 hatch.

Page 28 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 11.0 FIGURES:

Figure 1: Physical Location of Ground Hatches With Respect to CR Air Intake (See Section 2.0 for discussion of GH H19 and H20)

H 15/H116 (RHR2A) H 17/HI-S (RHR 2B) 24 (RHR 3B)

H19 (RBCCW) R3)

H33 (Torus U2) 1H20 (RBCCW) 4 (Torus U3) f, 7jzx K. -

t.~!lII1 a.-

.K I



)I 40 J m A a I C -



__LI II II ta2l; CR Outside Air Inlet Duct Location (EL 177'-6")

Page 29 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Fuel Source Volume Node Volume V = 100 ft1 Figure 2: FHA Occurring In Reactor Cavity or Spent Fuel Pool RADTRAD Nodalization

Page 30 of 211 I Calculation No. PM.1059 I Rev. No. 5S CR Unfiltered Intake CONTROL ROOM 20,600 cfm normal inflow

+ 1,600 cfm inleakage V = 176,000 ft3 22,200 cfm HEPA 11= 0%

Charcoal 11 = 0%

Figure 3 - PBAPS Post-FHA CR Response - Unit 2 Roof Scuttle & GH H15, H16, H23 and H24 Releases

Page 31 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Figure 4 - PBAPS Post-FHA CR Response - GH H17, 1118, HI/H19, H2/H20, H21, H22, H33 and H34 Releases

Page 32 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 12.0 AFFECTED DOCUMENTS:

Upon approval of the Licensing Change Request, the following documents will be revised or superseded:

12.1 PBAPS Calculation PM-1059, Revision 4, Reanalysis of Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) Using Alternative Source Term.

12.2 PBAPS UFSAR Section, Refueling Accident (152-Meter Release).

12.3 PBAPS UFSAR Table 14.9.6, Integrated Dose in the Control Room.

12.4 PBAPS UFSAR Table 14.9.7, Design Basis Accident Radiological Doses - Exclusion Area Doses &

Low Population Zone Doses.


Attachment A- RADTRAD Output File "PBFHA02.oO" Attachment B- RADTRAD Nuclide Inventory File "PBFHA 1_def.txt" Attachment C- RADTRAD Release Fraction and Timing File "PBFHAlrft.txt" Attachment D- RADTRAD Dose Conversion Factor (DCF) File "PBFHAFGI l&12.txt" Attachment E- RADTRAD Output File "PBFH 18A24.oO" Attachment F- PBAPS Fuel Handling Accident Assessment of Limiting Event [4 pages, unchanged from Revision 3]

Attachment G - Evaluation of Worst-Case Control Room X/Q For Release from Ground Hatches, Roof Scuttles Personnel Access Doors and Railroad Bay Doors Attachment H - RADTRAD Output File "PBFH 19A24.oO" Attachment I - RADTRAD Output File "PBFH20A288.oO" Attachment J - RADTRAD Output File "PBFH2 IA312.oO" Attachment K - RADTRAD Output File "PBFH23A24.oO" 1St Pass Attributes - General Overview 2" Pass Attributes - Technical Review 3 rd Pass Attributes - Administrative

Page 33 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment A RADTRAD Output File "PBFHA02.oO"

                                                                                1. i###########i##################

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/13/2011 at 8:41:59

                                  1. f#####################################################

File information

                                                                                                  1. i###f###################

Plant file = F:\Radtrad 3.03\Input\PM-1059 R4\PBFHA02.psf Inventory file = f:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Release file = f:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt Dose Conversion file = f:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt

          1. i #44 #44 if 44 # if 44 if #44 4
  1. f i if # if 4
  1. f i if if 4 #f # if 4#4 i##f if if####4 4 #4 if if 4 if ft if if 44 # # if # ##
  1. #t if if
  1. f ####fi # if if if Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 Peach Bottom EPU FHA AST Analysis Using Rg-l.183 Guidance - No SGTS Charcoal Filtration Credited and CR In Normal Mode of Operation.

Nuclide Inventory File:

f:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Plant Power Level:

1.8200E+01 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

Fuel Pool 3

1.OOOOE+02 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

Environment 2

O.O000E+00 0

0 0


Page 34 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 0

Compartment 3:

Control Room 1

1.7600E+05 0

0 0

0 0


3 Pathway 1:

FHA Release to Environment 1

2 2

Pathway 2:

Environment to Control Room 2

3 2

Pathway 3:

Control Room to Environment 3

2 2

End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name:

Plant Model Filename:

Source Term:

1 1 1.0000E+00 f:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt f:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt 2.4000E+01 1

0.OOOOE+00 5.7000E-01 4.3000E-01 1.OOOOE+00 Overlying Pool:

0 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

1 1

0 0


Page 35 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 I 0

0 0

0 Compartment 2:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 3:

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathways:

3 Pathway 1:

0 0

0 0

0 1

2 2 .4000E+01 1. 1510E+01 o.OOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00 O.O000E+O0

2. 6000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+O0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 2:

0 0

0 0

0 1

2 2 .4000E+01 2.2200E+04 O.OOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.O000E+O00

7. 4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

Page 36 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 0

0 0

Pathway 3:

0 0

0 0

0 2

2 .4000E+01 2.2200E+04 1.0000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Dose Locations:

3 Location 1:

Exclusion Area Boundary 2

1 2

2 .4000E+01 9. 1100E- 04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 1

2 2 .4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0

Location 2:

Low Population Zone 2

1 6

2 .4000E+01 1.3800E-04

2. 6000E+01 5.8100E-05 3 .2000E+01 3.7700E-05 4 .8000E+01 1.4800E-05 1.2000E+02 4. 1500E-06 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 1

4 2 .4000E+01 3.50OOE-04 3.2000E+01 1.8000E-04 4.8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.000OE+00 0

Location 3:

Control Room 3


Page 37 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1

2 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 1

4 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 6.OOOOE-01 1.2000E+02 4.0000E-01 7.4400E+02 O.OOOOE+00 Effective Volume Location:

1 6

2.4000E+01 1.9000E-03 2.6000E+01 1.3300E-03 3.2000E+01 5.9600E-04 4.8000E+01 4.1800E-04 1.2000E+02 3.2700E-04 7.4400E+02 0.00OOE+00 Simulation Parameters:

6 2.4000E+01 1.0000E-01 2.6000E+01 5.0000E-01 3.2000E+01 1.0000E+00 4.8000E+01 2.0000E+00 1.2000E+02 5.0000E+00 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Output Filename:

F:\Radtrad 3.o17 1

1 1

0 0

End of Scenario File

Page 38 of 211 Calculation No. PNM-1059 Rev. No. 5

              1. 4#*###############################*#########################4#####

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/13/2011 at 8:41:59

      1. 4#############*######################################################

Plant Description Number of Nuclides = 60 Inventory Power = 1.OOOE+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 1.8200E+01 MWth Number of compartments = 3 Compartment information Compartment number 1 (Source term fraction = 1.OOOOE+00 Name: Fuel Pool Compartment volume = 1.0000E+02 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Exit Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Inlet Pathway Number 3: Control Room to Environment Exit Pathway Number 2: Environment to Control Room Compartment number 3 Name: Control Room Compartment volume = 1.7600E+05 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 2: Environment to Control Room Exit Pathway Number 3: Control Room to Environment Total number of pathways = 3

Page 39 of 211 F Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/13/2011 at 8:41:59 Scenario Description Time between shutdown and first release = 2.4000E+01 (Hours)

Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE RELEASE MASS 0.000001 hr 0.0000 hrs 0.0000 hrs (gin)

NOBLES 5.0000E-02 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1. 982E+00 IODINE 2.5000E-04 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1. 906E-03 CESIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 TELLURIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 S TRONT I UM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 BARIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 RUTHENIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 CERIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 o .OOOE+00 LANTHANUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Inventory Power = 18. MWt Nuclide Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Name Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)

Kr-83m 1 3.848E+03 6. 588E+03 1.500E-18 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr -85 1 7.316E+02 3. 383E+08 1.190E-16 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-85m 1 8.555E+03 1. 613E+04 7.480E-15 0. O00E+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-87 1 1.686E+04 4. 578E+03 4.120E-14 0. OOOE+00 0. 000E+00 Kr-88 1 2.379E+04 1. 022E+04 1.020E-13 0. OOOE+00 0. 000E+00 1-131 2 4.326E+04 6. 947E+0S 1.820E-14 2. 920E-07 8. 890E-09 1-132 2 3.901E+04 8. 280E+03 1.120E-13 1 740E-09 1. 030E-10 1-133 2 5,564E+04 7. 488E+04 2. 940E-14 4 860E-08 1.580E-09 1-134 2 6.179E+04 3. 156E+03 1.300E-13 2 880E- 10 3.550E-11 1-135 2 5.198E+04 2 .380E+04 8.294E-14 8.460E-09 3.320E-10 Xe-131m 1 3.024E+02 1. 028E+06 3.890E-16 0. OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Xe-133 1 5.488E+04 4.532E+05 1.560E-15 0. OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Xe-133m 1 1.714E+03 1. 890E+05 1.370E-15 0. OOOE+00 0. OOOE+00 Xe-135 1 2.140E+04 3. 272E+04 1.190E-14 0. OOOE+00 0. OOOE+00 Xe-135m 1 1.081E+04 9. 174E+02 2.040E-14 0. OOOE+00 0. OOOE+00 Xe-138 1 4.815E+04 8. 502E+02 5.770E-14 0. OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Nuclide Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Kr-85m Kr-85 0.21 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr -87 Rb-87 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-88 Rb-88 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-131 Xe-131m 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-133 Xe-133m 0.03 Xe-133 0.97 none 0.00

Page 40 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1-135 Xe-135m 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00 Xe-133m Xe-133 1.00 none 0.00 none 0. 00 Xe-135 Cs-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135m Xe-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-138 Cs-138 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol = 0.0000E+00 Elemental = 5. 7000E-01 Organic = 4 . 3000E-01 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: Fuel Pool Compartment number 2: Environment Compartment number 3: Control Room PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: FHA Release to Environment Pathway Filter Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 1.1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.6000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 2: Environment to Control Room Pathway Filter Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 2.2200E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Control Room to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 2.2200E+04 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 LOCATION DATA Location Exclusion Area Boundary is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s

  • m'-3) 2.4000E+01 9.11OOE-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00

Page 41 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 i Rev. No. 5 1 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3

  • sec^-l) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Low Popula tion Zone is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
  • m^-3) 2.4000E+01 1.3800E-04 2.6000E+01 5 .8100E-05 3.2000E+01 3.7700E-05 4.8000E+01 1.4800E-05 1.2000E+02 4. 1500E-06 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Location Breath ing RaPte Data Time (hr) Br eathing Rate (m^3
  • sec'-l) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+01 1.8000E-04 4.8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Contrc 1i Room is in compartment 3 Location X/Q DEata Time (hr) X/Q (s
  • m^-3) 2.4000E+01 1.9000E-03 2.6000E+01 1. 3300E-03 3.2000E+01 5.9600E-04 4.8000E+01 4 . 1800E- 04 1.2000E+02 3.2700E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Breat- hing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3 sec^-l) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Occupaincy Factor Data Time (hr) Occupancy Factor 2 .4000E+01 1.0000E+00 4.8000E+01 6.0000E-01 1.2000E+02 4.0000E-01 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA - SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step 0.0000E+00 1.0000E-01 2.0000E+00 5.0000E-01 8.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 2.4000E+01 2.0000E+00 9.6000E+01 5.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 O.OOOOE+00

Page 42 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

                          1. 44#################4###########4############################

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/13/2011 at 8:41:59 4###4#######4###t##4####4###44#4#4#########44##.##########################

        1. # # 4#4## #4### 4 it #444#4
  1. ## # # # # # # 4
  1. # # # # i# # # # #
  1. it# ## # #4## #4 #it # #4 ##
  1. 4## # # ## ##44# #
  1. 4###################### 44#####################4#################4#4##

Dose, Detailed model and Detailed Inventory Output

          1. 4##444##### i##* #######################################4######

Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1.5721E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1.5721E-06 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2288E-12 1.8782E-09 5.8823E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2288E-12 1.8782E-09 5. 8823E-11 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 3.9477E-01 1.9134E-11 1.3883E+14 5.2583E+07 Kr-85 6 .6571E+02 1.6968E-03 1.2022E+22 8.8672E+10 Kr-85m 1.8993E+02 2.3079E-08 1. 6351E+17 2. 5299E+10 Kr-87 3.1959E-02 1.1283E-12 7.8100E+12 4 .2570E+06 Kr-88 6. 1876E+01 4.9346E-09 3 3769E+16 8 2418E+09 1-131 1.8057E+02 1.4565E-06 6.6958E+18 2 .4052E+10 1-132 1.2823E-01 1.2423E-11 5.6677E+13 1. 7081E+07 1-133 1.1378E+02 1.0044E-07 4 5478E+17 1.5155E+10 1-135 1.9092E+01 5.4364E-09 2.4251E+16 2. 5430E+09 Xe-131m 2.8308E+02 3.3796E-06 1.5536E+19 3 . 7706E+10 Xe-133 4.8094E+04 2.5694E-04 1.1634E+21 6.4061E+12 Xe-133m 1.4051E+03 3. 1315E-06 1.4179E+19 1. 8716E+lI Xe-135 1.3276E+04 5. 1986E-06 2. 3190E+19 1. 7683E+12 Xe-135m 6.6589E+02 7.3101E-09 3.2609E+16 8 .8697E+10

Page 43 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3238E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0897E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0852E+18 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 7.0652E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.5072E-05 Total I (Ci) 3. 1357E+02 FRA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 24.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.5711E+16 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4122E+13 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.0653E+13 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.7856E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4.5301E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4.5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.7094E-02 1.3753E+02 4 .3041E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7094E-02 1.3753E+02 4. 3041E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1.8573E-07 9.0018E-18 6. 5314E+07 5. 014 1E+12 Kr-85 6.6805E-04 1.7028E-09 1. 2064E+16 8. 9371E+15 Kr-85m 1.3987E-04 1.6997E-14 1.2042E+11 2.4919E+15 Kr-87 1.0782E-08 3 .8063E-19 2.6347E+06 3 .9652E+11 Kr-88 3.8111E-05 3 .0394E-15 2. 0799E+10 8. 0128E+14 1-131 1. 7991E-04 1.4512E-12 6. 6713E+12 2 .4229E+15 1-132 7. 0431E-08 6. 8233E-18 3.1130E+07 1.6469E+12 1-133 1.0682E-04 9.4293E-14 4.2695E+11 1.5198E+15 1-135 1.5534E-05 4 .4234E-15 1. 9732E+10 2. 5233E+14 Xe-131m 2.8271E-04 3 .3752E- 12 1. 5516E+13 3. 7989E+15 Xe-133 4 . 7751E-02 2 .5510E-10 1. 1551E+15 6.4513E+17 Xe-133m 1.3734E-03 3 0609E-12 1.3859E+13 1. 8827E+16 Xe-135 1.1457E-02 4 .4864E-12 2. 0013E+13 1. 7626E+17 Xe-135m 5.6538E-06 6 .2066E-17 2.7687E+08 6.3297E+15

Page 44 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3268E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0572E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0607E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6.9973E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.4076E-11 Total I (Ci) 3.0233E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 26.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.3978E-07 1.1407E-03 3 . 5601E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7094E-02 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1.9138E-08 9. 2757E- 19 6. 7301E+06 5 014 1E+12 Kr-85 6.6802E-04 1.7027E-09 1. 2063E+16 8.9376E+15 Kr-85m 5.5281E-05 6.7174E-15 4 .7592E+10 2.4920E+15 Kr-87 4. 0960E-10 1.44602-20 1.0009E+05 3 .9652E+11 Kr-88 8.8120E-06 7.0275E-16 4.8092E+09 8.0130E+14 1-131 1.7608E-04 1.4203E-12 6. 5290E+12 2 .4230E+15 1-132 1.1547E-08 1.1187E-18 5 1036E+06 1.6469E+12 1-133 8 7458E-05 7 . 7205E-14 3 .4958E+ll 1.5199E+15 1-135 8 .2802E-06 2.3578E-15 1. 0518E+10 2 . 5234E+14 Xe-131m 2 .7865E-04 3.3268E-12 1. 5293E+13 3.7992E+15 Xe-133 4.6245E-02 2.4706E-10 1. 1187E+15 6.4517E+17 Xe-133m 1 .2691E-03 2.8283E-12 1.2806E+13 1. 8828E+16 Xe-135 7.2547E-03 2.8408E-12 1.2673E+13 1.7626E+17 Xe-135m 1.4758E-06 1.6202E-17 7.2272E+07 6. 3297E+15

Page 45 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3223E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.9268E+12 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.9623E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 7406E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7. 0680E-11 Total I (Ci) 2.7183E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 32.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4.5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.0759E-27 2.0894E-23 6.4872E-25 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7094E-02 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) 48.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 4 .4662E-11 2.1647E-21 1.5706E+04 5. 0141E+12 Kr-85 6 .6794E-04 1.7025E-09 1.2062E+16 8.9391E+15 Kr-85m 4 .6501E-06 5 .6506E-16 4.0033E+09 2 .4920E+15 Kr-88 1. 7747E-07 1.4153E-17 9.6856E+07 8.0130E+14 1-131 1. 6624E-04 1.3409E-12 6. 1643E+12 2 .4234E+15 1-132 9.2971E-11 9. 0070E-21 4. 1092E+04 1.6469E+12 1-133 5. 1314E-05 4.5298E-14 2. 0511E+II 1.5201E+15 1-135 1. 5466E-06 4 .4039E-16 1.9645E+09 2.5235E+14 Xe-131m 2 .6811E-04 3.2009E-12 1.4715E+13 3 .7998E+15 Xe-133 4 .2447E-02 2 .2677E-10 1. 0268E+15 6 .4526E+17 Xe-133m 1 .0278E-03 2 .2907E-12 1. 0372E+13 1.8830E+16 Xe-135 2 .1442E-03 8.3962E-13 3. 7454E+12 1.7627E+17 Xe-135m 7. 1780E-07 7.8799E-18 3. 5151E+07 6.3297E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Page 46 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Time (h) = 48.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3117E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.6317E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.7397E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 1740E-II Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 6.3597E-11 Total I (Ci) 2. 1910E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 48.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9590E-79 1.0668E-75 3.2885E-77 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7094E-02 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6759E-04 1.7016E-09 1. 2055E+16 8.9455E+15 Kr-85m 6.7528E-Il 8.2056E-21 5 .8135E+04 2.4920E+15 1-131 1.2836E-04 1.0353E-12 4. 7595E+12 2.4248E+15 1-133 4.6581E-06 4 .1120E-15 1. 8619E+10 1. 5202E+15 1-135 8.1354E-10 2 .3166E-19 1.0334E+06 2. 5235E+14 Xe-131m 2.2538E-04 2 .6908E-12 1. 2370E+13 3.8021E+15 Xe-133 2.8771E-02 1.5371E-10 6. 9597E+14 6.4560E+17 Xe-133m 3.9764E-04 8.8620E-13 4.0126E+12 1. 8836E+16 Xe-135 8.8640E-06 3 .4710E-15 1. 5484E+10 1. 7628E+17 Xe-135m 3 .7758E-10 4 1450E-21 1.8490E+04 6. 3297E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2768E+16 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.7235E+12 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.0546E+12 0.OOOOE+00

Page 47 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4. 5602E-II Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4. 5768E-II Total I (Ci) 1.3301E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 120.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3 . 0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1189-316 1.1485-312 3.5193-314 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7094E-02 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6452E-04 1.6938E-09 1. 2000E+16 9. 0008E+15 1-131 1.3644E-05 1.i00SE-13 5. 0592E+11 2.4290E+15 Xe-131m 4.9904E-05 5. 9579E-13 2. 7389E+12 3. 8118E+15 Xe-133 9.3537E-04 4.9971E-12 2.2627E+13 6.4628E+17 Xe-133m 1.0531E-07 2.3469E-16 1.0626E+09 1.8840E+16 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2025E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.8837E÷II 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.1755E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4.8183E-12 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4.8183E-12 Total I (Ci) 1.3644E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 744.0000 Filtered Transported

Page 48 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Noble gases (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 1. 3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) o0.0000E+-00 4. 0677E+18 o .OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 3. 0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 837

            1. "####4###########-####S###m###################################

1-131 Summary

                          1. 4#####################################*#################

Fuel Pool Environment Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 24 .000 1.8057E+02 6 .2352E-04 1.2412E-05 24.400 1.1385E+01 1. 6907E+02 5.5002E-01 24 .700 1.4325E+00 1. 7901E+02 1.1032E-01 25.000 1.8024E-01 1. 8026E+02 1.8122E-02 25.300 2.2679E-02 1. 8042E+02 2.7176E-03 25.600 2.8535E-03 1. 8044E+02 3.8707E-04 25.900 3.5904E-04 1. 8044E+02 5.3357E-05 26.000 1..7991E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.7417E-05 26.300 1.7972E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.8282E-06 26.600 1.7953E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.9174E-07 26.900 1.7933E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.0094E-08 27.200 1.7914E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.1043E-09 27.500 1.7895E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.2022E-10 27.800 1.7875E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.3032E-11 28.100 1.7856E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.4074E-12 28.400 1.7837E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.5149E-13 28.700 1.7818E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.6258E-14 29.000 1.7798E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.7401E-15 29.300 1.7779E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.8581E-16 29.600 1.7760E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.9798E-17 29.900 1.7741E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.1053E-18 30.200 1.7722E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.2348E-19 30.500 1.7703E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.3683E-20 30.800 1.7684E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.5061E-21 31.100 1.7665E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.6482E-22 31.400 1.7646E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.7948E-23 31.700 1.7627E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.9461E-24 32.000 1.7608E-04 1. 8044E+02 5.1021E-25 32.300 1.7589E-04 1. 8044E+02 5.2630E-26 32 .600 1.7570E-04 1. 8044E+02 5.4290E-27

32. 900 1.7551E-04 1. 8044E+02 5.6002E-28 33.200 1 .7532E-04 1. 8044E+02 5.7768E-29 33.500 1. 7513E-04 1. 8044E+02 5.9590E-30 33.800 1. 7494E-04 1. 8044E+02 6.1470E-31 34.100 1 7475E-04 1. 8044E+02 6.3409E-32 34.400 1. 7457E-04 1. 8044E+02 6.5408E-33 48.000 1. 6624E-04 1. 8044E+02 1.2366E-77 120.000 1 .2836E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.0876-314 744.000 1.3644E-05 1. 8044E+02 0.0000E+00
        1. C########aD#####################################################

Cumulative Dose Summary

Page 49 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Exclusion Area Bounda Low Population Zone Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24.000 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 24.400 6 .4536E+01 2. 8048E+00 9. 7761E+00 4 .2487E-01 1.0588E+02 3.3145E+00 24.700 6.8328E+01 2. 9673E+00 1. 0350E+01 4 .4950E-01 1.3183E+02 4.1261E+00 25.000 6 .8805E+01 2. 9876E+00 1. 0423E+01 4 5257E-01 1.3664E+02 4.2763E+00 25.300 6. 8865E+01 2. 9902E+00 1.0432E+01 4 . 5295E-01 1.3740E+02 4.3001E+00 25.600 6. 8872E+01 2. 9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5300E-01 1.3751E+02 4.3036E+00 25.900 6. 8873E+01 2 .9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3041E+00 26.000 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3041E+00 26.300 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 26.600 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 26.900 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 27.200 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 27.500 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 27.800 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 28.100 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 28.400 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 28.700 6 .8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 29.000 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 29.300 6 .8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 29.600 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 29.900 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 30.200 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 30.500 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 30.800 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 31.100 6 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00

31. 400 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 31.700 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 32.000 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 32 300 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 32.600 6 8873E+01 2. 9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 32.900 6 8873E+01 2. 9905E+00 1 .0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 33.200 6 8873E+01 2. 9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 33.500 6 8873E+01 2. 9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 33.800 6 8873E+01 2 .9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 34.100 6 8873E+01 2. 9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 34.400 6. 8873E+01 2 .9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 48.000 6. 8873E+01 2 .9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 120.000 6. 8873E+01 2 .9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4.3042E+00 744.000 6. 8873E+01 2 .9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 ,5301E-01 1.3753E+02 4-3042E+00
        1. Wo###############################H##############################

Worst Two-Hour Doses

                      1. Iu##4#########u#############################################

Exclusion Area Boundary Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24.0 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00

Page 50 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Attachment B RADTRAD Nuclide Inventory File "PBFHAldef.txt" Nuclide inventory Name: Peach Bottom 2 & 3 F1-A Nuclide Inventory File - PBFHAIDEF Normalized MACCS Sample 3412 MWth PWR Core Inventory Power Level:

0.1000E+01 Nuclides:

60 Nuclide 001:

Co-58 7

0.6117120000E+07 0.5800E+02 Q.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.00007E+00 Nuclide 002:

Co-60 7

0.1663401096E+09 0.6000E+02 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 003:

Kr-83m 1

0.6588000000E+04 0.8300E+02 3.8480E+03 none 0.0000+E00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 004:

Kr-85 1

0.3382974720E+09 0.8500E+02 7.3160E+02 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000+/-E00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 005:

Kr-85m 1

0.1612800000E+05 0.S500E+02 8.5550E+03 Kr-85 0.2100E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 006:

Kr- 87 1

0.4578000000E+04 0.8700E+02 1.6860E+04

Page 51 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Rb-87 0.1000E+01.

none 0.OOOOE400 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 007:

Kr-88 1

0.1022400000E+05 0.8800E+02 2.3790E+04 Rb-88 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 008:

Rb-86 3

0.1612224000E+07 0.86007+02 0.OOOOE÷00 none 0.OOOE+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 009:

Sr-89 5

0.4363200000E+07 0.8900E+02 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000+E00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 010:

Sr-90 5

0.9189573120E+09 0.9000E+02

0. 0000E00 Y-90 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 011:

Sr-91 5

0.3420000000E+05 0.9100E+02

0. 0000E00 Y-91m 0.5800E+00 Y-91 0.4200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 012:

Sr-92 5

0.9756000000E+04 0.9200E402 0.0000E+00 Y-92 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 013:

Y-90 9

0.2304000000E+06 0.9000E+02 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E-00

Page 52 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 none 0.OOOE+00 Nuclide 014:

Y-91 9

0.5055264000E+07 0.9100E+02 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000CE00 none O.0000E+00 Nuclide 015:

Y-92 9

0.1274400000E+05 0.9200E+02 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 016:

Y-93 9

0.3636000000E+05 0.9300E+02 0.0000E+00 Zr-93 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 017:

Zr-95 9

0.5527872000E+07 0.9500E+02 0.0000E+00 Nb-95m 0.7000E-02 Nb-95 0.9900E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Niuclide 018:

Zr.97 9

0.6084000000E+05 0.9700E+02 0.OOOOE-+00 Nb-97m 0.9500E+00 Nb-97 0.5300E-01 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 019:

Nb 95 9

0.3036960000E+07 0.9500E+02 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000+/-E00 Nuclide 020:

Mo-99 7

0.2376000000E+06 0.9900E+02 0.0000E+00 Tc-99m 0.8800E+00 Tc--99 0.1200E+00 none 0.0O000+00 Nuclide 021:

Page 53 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Tc-99M 0.2167200000E+05 0.9900E+02 o.0000E+00 Tc-,99 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 022:


.7 0.3393792000E+07 0.1030E+03 0.0000E+00 Rh-103m 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000+/-E00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 023:


'7 0.1598400000E+05

0. 1050E+03 0.0000E+00 Rh-105 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 024:

Ru,106 7

0.3181248000E+08 0.1060E+03 0.0000E+00 Rh-106 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 025:

Rh-105 7

0.1272960000E+06 0.1050E+03 0.0000E+00 none O.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E400 Nuclide 026:

Sb-127 4

0.33264000002E06 0.1270E+03 0.00002E00 Te-127m 0.18002E00 Te-127 0.8200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 027:

Sb-129 4

0.1555200000E+05 0.1290E+03 0.0000E+0C Te-129m 0.2200E+00 Te-129 0.7700E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 028:

Te-127 4

Page 54 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 0.3366000000E+05 0 . 1270E+03 o.0000E+00 none 0.0000E*00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 029:

Te- 127m 4

0.9417600000E+07 0.1270E+03 0.0000E+00 Te-127 0.9800E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 030:

Te-129 4


0. 1290E+03 0.0000E+00 1-129 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 031:

Br-83 2

0.8604040000E+04 0,8300E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Kr-83m 1.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 032:

Br-84 2

0.1908000000E+04 0.8400E+02 0.000OE.00 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 033:

1-130 2


0. 1300E+03 0.O000O#00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 034:

1-131 2


0. 1310E+03 4.3260E+04 Xe-131m 0.1100E-01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.O000E+00 Nuclide 035:

1-132 2

0.8280000000E+04 0.1320E+03

Page 55 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5

3. 9010E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 036:

1-133 2

0.7488000000E+05 0.1330E+03 5.5640E+04 Xe-133m 0.2900E-01 Xe-133 0.9700E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 037:

1-134 2

0.31.56000000E+04 0.13405E-03 6.1790E+04 none 0.O000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 038:

1-135 2

0.2379600000E+05 0.1350E+03 5.1980E+04 Xe-135m 0.1500E+00 Xe-135 0.8500E+00 none 0.0000+/-E00 Nuclide 039:

Xe-131m 1.

0.10281600005+07 0.1310E+03 3.0240E+02 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 040:

Xe-133 1

0.4531680000E+06 0.1330E+03 5.4880E+04 none O.0000E.+.00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 041:

Xe-133m 1

0.1890432000E+06 0.13305E03 1.7140E+03 Xe-133 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 042:

Xe-135 1

0.3272400000E405 0.1350E+03 2.1400E+04 Cs-135 0.1000E501

Page 56 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 0443 Xe-135m 1

0.9174000000E+03 0.1350E+03 1.0610E+04 Xe-135 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 044:

Xe-138 1

0.8502000000E+03 0.1380E+03 4.8150E+04 Cs-138 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 045:

Cs-134 3

0.6507177120E+08 0.1340E+03 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none O.O0000+00 none O.O000E+00 Nuclide 046:

Cs-136 3

0.1131840000E+07 0.1360E+03 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 047:

Cs 137 3

0.9467280000E09 0.1370E+03 0.0000E+00 Ba-137m 0.9500E400 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 048:

Ba-139 6

0.4962000000E+04 0.1390E+03 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000+E00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 049:

4 Ba-1 0 6

0.1100736000E+07 0.1400E+03 0.0000+E00 La-140 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00

Page 57 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Nuclide 050:

La-140 9

0.1449792000E+06 0.1400E+03 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 051:

La-141 9

0.1414800000E+05 0.1410E403 0.0000E+00 Ce-141 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 052:

La-142 9

0.5550000000E+04 0.1420E+03 0.0000+E00 none 0.00005+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 053:

Ce-141 8

0.2808086400E+07 0.1410E+03 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 054:

Ce-143 8

0.1188000000E+06 0.1430E+03 0.0000E+00 Pr-143 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 Nuclide 055:

Ce-144 8

0.2456352000E+08 0.1440E+03 0.0000E+00 Pr-144m 0.1800E-01 Pr-144 0.9800E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 056:

Pr-143 9

0.1171584000E+07 0.1430E+03 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 057:


Page 58 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 [ 1 0.9486720000E+06 0.1470E+03 0.0000E400 Pm-147 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 058:

Np-239 8

0.2034720000E+06 0.2390E+03 0.OOOOE+00 Pu-239 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOE+00 Nuclide 059:

Pu-241 8

0.4544294400E+09 0.2410E+03 0.0000E+00 U-237 0.2400E-04 Am-241 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 060:

Cm-242 9

0.1406592000E+08 0.2420E+03 0.0000E+00 Pu-238 0.1000E+01 none 0.OOOOE+00 none 0.OOOOE+00 End of Nuclear Inventory File

Page 59 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment C RADTRAD Release Fraction and Timing File "pbfhal-rft.txt" Release Fraction and Timing Name: Iodine only NUREG 1465 BWR - PBAPS - FHA RFT File Duration (h):

0. 10OOE-05 0 OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 o.OOOOE+00 Noble Gases:

5.OOOOE-02 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Iodine:

2.5000E-04 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Cesium:

0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Tellurium:

0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Strontium:

0.OOOOE+00 0 .OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 Barium:

0.OOOOE+00 0. OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 Ruthenium:

o.OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 Cerium:

0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 Lanthanum:

0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 Non-Radioactive Aerosols (kg):

0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 End of Release File

Page 60 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 ,.

Attachment D RADTRAD Dose Conversion Factor (DCF) File "PBFHAFGI &12.txt PBFHA FGRII& 12 added 8 nuclides; deleted Tel29m,Tel3lm,Te132,Cm244,AM-242,Pu238-240 2/2001 Implicit daughter halflives (m) less than 90 and less than 0.100 of parent 9 ORGANS DEFINED IN THIS FILE:


Co-58 Y Co-60 Y Kr-83m data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 Rb-86 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Including:Y-91m Sr-92 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr- 97 Including:Nb-97m , Including:Nb-97 Nb-95 Mo-99 Tc-99m Ru-103 Including:Rh-103m Ru-105 Ru-106 Including:Rh-106 Rh-105 Sb-127 Sb-129 Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Br-83 data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE Br-84 data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE 1-130 data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Including:Xe-135m Xe-131m data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE Xe-133 Xe-133m data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE

Page 61 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Xe-135 Xe-135m data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE Xe-138 data entered by Gopal J. Patel NUCORE Cs-134 D Cs-136 D Cs-137 D Including:Ba-137m Ba-139 D Ba-140 D La-!40 W La-141 D La-142 D Ce-141 Y Ce-143 Y Ce-144 Y including:Pr-144m, Including:Pr-144 Pr-143 Y Nd-147 Y Np-239 W Pu-241 Y Cm-242 W CLOUDSHINE GROUND GROUND GROUND INHALED INHALED INGESTION SHINE 8HR SHINE 7DAY SHINE RATE ACUTE CHRONIC Co-58 GONADS 4.660E-14 2.867E-11 5.828E-l0 9.970E-16-1.000E+00 6.170E-10 1.040E-09 BREAST 5.300E-14 2.737E-11 5.565E-10 9.520E-16-I.OOOE+00 9.370E-10 1.790E-10 LUNGS 4.640E-14 2.617E-11 5.319E-10 9100E-16-!.000E+00 1.600E-08 8.530E-11 RED MARR 4.530E-14 2.671E-11 5.430E-10 9.290E-16-1.OOOE+00 9.230E-10 2.600E-10 BONE SUR 7.410E-14 3.795E-11 7.716E-10 1.320E-15-I.OOOE+00 6.930E-10 1.250E-10 THYROID 4.770E-14 2.720E-11 5.530E-10 9.460E-16-1.OOOE+00 8.720E-10 6.310E-11 REMAINDER 4.440E-14 2.585E-11 5.255E-10 8.990E-16-I.OO0E+00 1.890E-09 1.580E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.760E-14 2.732E-11 5.553E-10 9.500E-16-1.OOE+00 2.940E-09 8.090E-10 SKIN(FGR) 5.580E-14 3.278E-I1 6.664E-10 1.140E-15-1.000E+00 O.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 Co-60 GONADS 1.230E-13 7.056E-11 1.480E-09 2.450E-15-1.OOOE+00 4.760E-09 3.190E-09 BREAST 1.390E-13 6.739E-11 1.413E-09 2.340E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.840E-08 1.100E-09 LUNGS 1.240E-13 6.537E-11 1.371E-09 2.270E-15-1.OOOE+00 3.450E-07 8.770E-10 RED MARR 1.230E-13 6.710E-11 1,407E-09 2.330E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.720E-08 1.320E-09 BONE SUR 1.780E-13 8.956E-11 1.879E-09 3.11OE-15-1.OOOE+00 1.350E-08 9.390E-10 THYROID 1.270E-13 6.480E-11 1.359E-09 2.250E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.620E-08 7.880E-10 REMAINDER 1.200E-13 6.508E-1I 1.365E-09 2.260E-15-1.OOOE+00 3.600E-08 4.970E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.260E-13 6.768E-11 1.419E-09 2.350E-15-1.OOOE+00 5.910E-08 2.770E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.450E-13 7.948E-11 1.667E-09 2.760E-15-1.OOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Kr-83m GONADS 1.710E-18 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BREAST 5.050E-18 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOEE00 LUNGS 1.640E-19 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 RED MARR 3.830E-19 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 2.250E-18 O.OOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 THYROID 6.430E-19 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 5.300E-19 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 o.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 EFFECTIVE 1.500E-18 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E00 SKIN(FGR) 3.560E-17 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Kr-85 GONADS 1.170E-16 8.121E-14 1.704E-12 2.820E-18-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BREAST 1.340E-16 7.891E-14 1.656E-12 2.740E-18-l.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 LUNGS 1.140E-16 7.056E-14 1.481E-12 2.450E-18-l.000E+00 O.O00E+O0 0.000E+00 RED MARR 1.090E-16 6.998E-14 1.469E-12 2.430E-18-I.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 2.200E-16 1.287E-13 2.702E-12 4.470E-18-I.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 THYROID 1.180E-16 7.459E-14 1.565E-12 2.590E-18-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00

Page 62 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 REMAINDER 1.090E-16 6.941E-14 1.457E-12 2.410E-18-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 EFFECTIVE 1.190E-16 7.603E-14 1.596E-12 2.640E-18-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 SKIN(FGR) 1.320E-14 2.304E-11 4.835E-10 8.000E-16-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Kr-85m GONADS 7.310E-15 2.S94E-12 3.653E-12 1.570E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOE+00 BREAST 8.410E-15 2.527E-12 3.560E-12 1.530E-16-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 LUNGS 7.040E-15 2.379E-12 3.351E-12 1.440E-16-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 .OOOE+00 RED MARR 6.430E-15 2.346E-12 3.304E-12 1.420E-16-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 1.880E-14 5.286E-12 7.446E-12 3.200E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 THYROID 7.330E-15 2.395E-12 3.374E-12 1.450E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 6.640E-15 2.313E-12 3.257E-12 1.400E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 EFFECTIVE 7.480E-15 2.S11E-12 3.537E-12 1.520E-16-1.OOOE+00 Q.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 SKIN(FGR) 2.240E-14 2.247E-1I 3.164E-11 1.360E-15-1.OOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Kr-87 GONADS 4.OOOE-14 4.962E-12 5.026E-12 7.610E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 BREAST 4.500E-14 4.740E-12 4.802E-12 7.270E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 LUNGS 4.040E-14 4.603E-12 4.663E-12 7.060E-16-1.OOOE+00 O0OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 RED MARR 4.OOOE-14 4.708E-12 4.769E-12 7.220E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 6.020E-14 6.514E-12 6.598E-12 9.990E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 THYROID 4.130E-14 4.473E-12 4.531E-12 6.860E-16-I.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+OO REMAINDER 3.910E-14 4.590E-12 4.650E-12 7.040E-16-1.OOOE+00 O0OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 EFFECTIVE 4.120E-14 4.773E-12 4.835E-12 7.320E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 SKIN(FGR) 1.370E-13 8.802E-11 8.916E-11 1.350E-14-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Kr-88 GONADS 9.900E-14 2.278E-11 2.655E-11 1.800E-15-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 BREAST 1.110E-13 2.177E-11 2.537E-11 1.720E-15-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 LUNGS 1.010E-13 2.139E-11 2.493E-11 1.690E-15--.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 RED MARR 1.OOOE-13 2.190E-11 2.552E-11 1.730E-15-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 1.390E-13 2.886E-11 3.363E-11 2.280E-15-1.000E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOOE+00 THYROID 1.030E-13 2.012E-11 2.345E-1I 1.590E-15-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 9.790E-14 2.139E-11 2.493E-11 1.690E-15-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 EFFECTIVE 1.020E-13 2.202E-11 2.567E-11 1.740E-15-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 .OOOE+00 SKIN(FGR) 1.350E-13 5.607E-11 6.534E-11 4.430E-15-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 .OOOE+00 Rb-86 GONADS 4.710E-15 2.788E-12 5.187E-11 9.740E-17-1.OOE+00 1.340E-09 2.150E-09 BREAST 5.340E-15 2.662E-12 4.953E-11 9.300E-17-1.OOIE-00 1.330E-09 2.140E-09 LUNGS 4.710E-15 2.553E-12 4.750E-11 8.920E-17-1.OOOE+00 3.300E-09 2.140E-09 RED MARR 4.640E-15 2.619E-12 4.873E-11 9.150E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.320E-09 3.720E-09 BONE SUR 7.050E-15 3.635E-12 6.764E-11 1.270E-16-1.OOOE+00 4.270E-09 6.860E-09 THYROID 4.840E-15 2.S99E-12 4.836E-1I 9.080E-17-1.000E+00 1.330E-09 2.140E-09 REMAINDER 4.520E-15 2.542E-12 4.729E-11 8.880E-17-1.OOOE+00 1.380E-09 2.330E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.810E-15 2.665E-12 4.958E-11 9.310E-17-1.OOOE+00 1.790E-09 2.530E-09 SKIN(FGR) 4.850E-14 2.210E-10 4.1l1E-09 7.720E-15-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 Sr-89 GONADS 7.730E-17 7.155E-14 1.436E-12 2.490E-18-1.OOOE+00 7.950E-12 8.050E-12 BREAST 9.080E-17 7.212E-14 1.447E-12 2.510E-18-1.000E+00 7.960E-12 7.980E-12 LUNGS 7.080E-17 5.689E-14 1.142E-12 1.980E-18-1.OOOE+00 8.350E-08 7.970E-12 RED MARR 6.390E-17 5.345E-14 1.073E-12 1.860E-18-1.OOOE+00 1.070E-10 1.080E-10 BONE SUR 1.940E-16 1.560E-13 3.131E-12 5.430E-18-1.OOOE+00 1.590E-10 1.610E-10 THYROID 7.60EO-17 6.063E-14 1.217E-12 2.110E-18-1.000E+00 7.960E-12 7.970E-12 REMAINDER 6.710E-17 5.603E-14 1.124E-12 1.950E-18-1.OOOE+00 3.970E-09 8.250E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.730E-17 6.523E-14 1.309E-12 2.270E-18-1.000E+00 1.120E-08 2.500E-09 SKIN(FGR) 3.690E-14 1.914E-10 3.841E-09 6.660E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Sr-90 GONADS 7.780E-18 9.590E-15 2.014E-13 3.330E-19-1.000E+00 2.690E-10 5.040E-11 BREAST 9.490E-18 1.008E-14 2.116E-13 3.500E-19-1.000E+00 2.690E-10 5.040E-11 LUNGS 6.440E-18 6.307E-15 1.324E-13 2.190E-19-1.000E+00 2.860E-06 5.040E-11 RED MARR 5.440E-18 5.558E-15 1.167E-13 1.930E-19-1.OOOE+00 3.280E-08 6.450E-09

Page 63 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 BONE SUR 2.280E-17 2.393E-14 5.025E-13 8.310E-19-1.000E+00 7.090E-08 1.390E-08 THYROID 7.330E-18 7.171E-15 1.506E-13 2.490E-19-1.000E+00 2.690E-10 5.040E-11 REMAINDER 6.110E-18 6.422E-15 1.348E-13 2.230E-19-1.000E+00 5.730E-09 6.700E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.530E-18 8.179E-l5 1.717E-13 2.840E-19-1.OOOE+00 3.510E-07 3.230E-09 SKIN(FGR) 9.200E-15 4.032E-12 8.465E-11 1.400E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Sr-91 GONADS 4.819E-14 2.155E-11 5.062E-11 1.026E-15-1.000E+00 5.669E-11 2.520E-10 BREAST 5.477E-14 2.059E-11 4.838E-11 9.806E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.775E-11 3.676E-11 LUNGS 4.803E-14 1.970E-11 4.626E-11 9.376E-16-1.000E+00 2.170E-09 1.055E-1I RED MARR 4.691E-14 2.011E-11 4.722E-11 9.570E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.275E-11 5.659E-11 BONE SUR 7.674E-14 2.852E-11 6.709E-11 1.360E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.306E-11 2.070E-11 THYROID 4.938E-14 2.035E-11 4.782E-11 9.693E-16-1.000E+00 9.930E-12 1.968E-12 REMAINDER 4.610E-14 1.948E-11 4.573E-I1 9.268E-16-1.OOOE+00 5.802E-10 2.557E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.924E-14 2.057E-I1 4.832E-11 9.793E-16-1.OOOE+00 4.547E-10 8.455E-10 SKIN(FGR) 9.938E-14 1.748E-10 3.987E-10 8.080E-15-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Sr-92 GONADS 6.610E-14 1.593E-11 1.830E-11 1.300E-15-1.000E+00 1.020E-11 8.180E-11 BREAST 7.480E-14 1.520E-11 1.745E-11 1.240E-15-1.OOOE+00 6.490E-12 1.700E-11 LUNGS 6.670E-14 1.483E-11 1.703E-11 1.210E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.050E-09 7.220E-12 RED MARR 6.620E-14 1.520E-11 1.745E-11 1.240E-15-1.000E+00 6.980E-12 2.290E-11 BONE SUR 9.490E-14 2.010E-11 2.308E-11 1.640E-15-1.OOOE+00 4.360E-12 8.490E-12 THYROID 6.820E-14 1.446E-11 1.661E-11 1.180E-15-1.000E+00 3.920E-12 1.300E-12 REMAINDER 6.450E-14 1.471E-11 1.689E-11 1.200E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.900E-10 1.720E-09 EFFECTIVE 6.790E-14 1.532E-11 1.759E-11 1.250E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.180E-10 5.430E-10 SKIN(FGR) 8.560E-14 2.280E-11 2.618E-11 1.860E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Y-90 GONADS 1.890E-16 1.586E-13 1.601E-12 5.750E-18-1.000E+00 5.170E-13 1.430E-14 BREAST 2.200E-16 1.578E-13 1.593E-12 5.720E-18-1.000E+00 5.170E-13 1.270E-14 LUNGS 1.770E-16 1.313E-13 1.326E-12 4.760E-18-1.OOOE+00 9.310E-09 1.260E-14 RED MARR 1.620E-16 1.261E-13 1.273E-12 4.570E-18-1.000E+00 1.520E-11 3.700E-13 BONE SUR 4.440E-16 3.228E-13 3,259E-12 1.170E-17-1.000E+00 1.510E-11 3.670E-13 THYROID 1.870E-16 1.385E-13 1.398E-12 5.020E-18-1.000E+00 5.170E-13 1.260E-14 REMAINDER 1.680E-16 1.291E-13 1.303E-12 4.680E-18-1.000E+00 3.870E-09 9.680E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.900E-16 1.468E-13 1.4822-12 5.320E-18-1.000E+00 2.280E-09 2.910E-09 SKIN(FGR) 6.240E-14 2.897E-10 2.924E-09 1.050E-14-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Y-91 GONADS 2.560E-16 1.756E-13 3.546E-12 6.110E-18-1.000E+00 8.200E-12 3.540E-12 BREAST 2.930E-16 1.713E-13 3.459E-12 5.960E-18-1.000E+00 8.920E-12 5.540E-13 LUNGS 2.500E-16 1.526E-13 3.082E-12 5.310E-18-1.000E+00 9.870E-08 2.020E-13 RED MARR 2.410E-16 1.521E-13 3.070E-12 5.290E-18-1.000E+00 3.190E-10 6.590E-12 BONE SUR 4.560E-16 2.903E-13 5.862E-12 1.010E-17-1.000E+00 3.180E-10 6.130E-12 THYROID 2.600E-16 1.564E-13 3.157E-12 5.440E-18-1.000E+00 8.500E-12 1.290E-13 REMAINDER 2.390E-16 1.509E-13 3.047E-12 5.250E-18-1.000E+00 4.200E-09 8.570E-09 EFFECTIVE 2.600E-16 1.650E-13 3.332E-12 5.740E-18-1.000E+00 1.320E-08 2.570E-09 SKIN(FGR) 3.850E-14 1.989E-10 4.016E-09 6.920E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Y-92 GONADS 1.270E-14 3.855E-12 4.872E-12 2.650E-16-1.000E+00 2.610E-12 1.960E-11 BREAST 1.440E-14 3.680E-12 4.652E-12 2.530E-16-1.000E+00 1.500E-12 3.550E-12 LUNGS 1.270E-14 3.535E-12 4.468E-12 2.430E-16-1.000E+00 1.240E-09 1.390E-12 RED MARR 1.250E-14 3.608E-12 4.560E-12 2.480E-16-1.000E+00 2.070E-12 4.910E-12 BONE SUR 1.950E-14 5.091E-12 6.435E-12 3.500E-16-1.000E+00 1.510E-12 1.750E-12 THYROID 1.300E-14 3.579E-12 4.523E-12 2.460E-16-1.000E+00 1.050E-12 1.770E-13 REMAINDER 1.220E-14 3.506E-12 4.431E-12 2.410E-16-1.000E+00 2.030E-10 1.700E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.300E-14 3.680E-12 4.652E-12 2.530E-16-1.000E+00 2.110E-10 5.150E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.140E-13 2.022E-10 2.556E-10 1.390E-14-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Y-93 GONADS 4.670E-15 2.108E-12 4.989E-12 9.510E-17-1.000E+00 5.310E-12 2.200E-11 BREAST 5.300E-15 2.026E-12 4.794E-12 9.140E-17-1.000E+00 1.740E-12 3.130E-12

Page 64 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 LUNGS 4.680E-15 1.937E-12 4.585E-12 8.740E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.520E-09 8.670E-13 RED MARR 4.580E-15 1.972E-12 4.669E-12 8.900E-17-1.OOOE+00 4.040E-12 4.930E-12 BONE SUR 7.580E-15 2.948E-12 6.977E-12 1.330E-16-1.OOOE+00 3.140E-12 1.730E-12 THYROID 4.790E-15 1.908E-12 4.516E-12 8.610E-17-1.OOOE+00 9.260E-13 1.260E-13 REMAINDER 4.510E-15 1.9192-12 4.543E-12 8.660E-17-1.OOOE+00 9.250E-I0 4.090E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.800E-15 2.021E-12 4.784E-12 9.!20E-17-1.000E+00 5.820E-10 1.230E-09 SKIN(FGR) 8.500E-14 2.726E-10 6.452E-10 1.230E-14-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Zr-95 GONADS 3.530E-14 2.182E-11 4.421E-10 7S590E-16-1.000E+00 1.880E-09 8.160E-10 BREAST 4.010E-14 2.084E-1I 4.223E-10 7.250E-16-1.000E+00 1.910E-09 1.050E-10 LUNGS 3.510E-14 1.989E-11 4.030E-10 6.920E-16-1.000E+00 2.170E-09 2.340E-I1 RED MARR 3.430E-14 2.030E-I1 4.112E-10 7.060E-16-1.000E+00 1.300E-08 2.140E-10 BONE SUR 5.620E-14 2.875E-11 5.824E-10 1.000E-15-1.000E+00 1.030E-07 4.860E-10 THYROID 3.610E-14 2.076E-I1 4.205E-I0 7.220E-16-1.000E+00 1.440E-09 8.270E-12 REMAINDER 3.360E-14 1.963E-II 3.978E-10 6.830E-16-1.000E+00 2.280E-09 2.530E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.600E-14 2.078E-lI 4.211E-10 7.230E-16-1.000E+00 6.390E-09 1.020E-09 SKIN(FGR) 4.500E-14 2.561E-1i 5.190E-10 8.910E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Zr-97 GONADS 4.331E-14 2.179E-1I 7.799E-lI 9.253E-16-1.000E+00 1.840E-I0 6.228E-10 BREAST 4.928E-14 2.083E-li 7.455E-Il 8.846E-16-1.000E+00 4.706E-1I 8.137E-II LUNGS 4.322E-14 1.992E-II 7.127E-Il 8.456E-16-1.000E+00 4.108E-09 1.770E-I1 RED MARR 4.224E-14 2.034E-II 7.279E-II 8.634E-16-1.000E+00 6.376E-il 1.302E-10 BONE SUR 6.897E-14 2.881E-1I 1.031E-10 1.224E-15-1.OOOE+00 3.504E-II 4.5585E-I THYROID 4.443E-14 2.061E-1I 7.377E-II 8.755E-16-1.000E+00 2.315E-li 2.671E-12 REMAINDER 4.139E-14 1.966E-1I 7.035E-1i 8.345E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.041E-09 6.990E-09 EFFECTIVE 4.432E-14 2.078E-II 7.438E-lI 8.824E-16-1.000E+00 1.171E-09 2.283E-09 SKIN(FGR) 9.835E-14 2.281E-10 8.148E-10 9.587E-15-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Nb-95 GONADS 3.660E-14 2.253E-Il 4.435E-I0 7.850E-16-1.000E+00 4.320E-10 8.050E-10 BREAST 4.160E-14 2.150E-11 4.231E-10 7.490E-16-1.000E+00 4.070E-i0 1.070E-10 LUNGS 3.650E-14 2.055E-II 4.045E-l0 7.160E-16-1.000E+00 8.320E-09 2.740E-lI RED MARR 3.560E-14 2.101E-Il 4.135E-I0 7.320E-16-1.000E+00 4.420E-10 1.990E-10 BONE SUR 5.790E-14 2.957E-lI 5.819E-10 1.030E-15-1.000E+00 5.130E-10 2.940E-10 THYROID 3.750E-14 2.144E-Il 4.220E-10 7.470E-16-1.000E+00 3.580E-10 1.180E-lI REMAINDER 3.490E-14 2.032E-il 4.OOOE-10 7.080E-16-1.000E+00 1.070E-09 1.470E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.740E-14 2.147E-11 4.226E-10 7.480E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.570E-09 6.950E-10 SKIN(FGR) 4.300E-14 2.598E-Il 5.112E-10 9.050E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Mo-99 GONADS 7.130E-15 4.282E-12 4.403E-I1 1.550E-16-1.000E+00 9.510E-1l 2.180E-10 BREAST 8.130E-15 4.116E-12 4.233E-1I 1.490E-16-1.000E+00 2.750E-I1 3.430E-lI LUNGS 7.060E-15 3.867E-12 3.977E-11 1.400E-16-1.000E+00 4.290E-09 1.510E-lI RED MARR 6.820E-15 3.923E-12 4.034E-il 1.420E-16-1.OOOE+00 5.240E-11 8.320E-I1 BONE SUR 1.240E-14 6.I05E-12 6.278E-II 2.210E-16-1.OOOE+00 4.130E-Il 6.320E-11 THYROID 7.270E-15 4.033E-12 4.147E-lI 1.460E-16-1.000E+00 1.520E-II 1.030E-II REMAINDER 6.740E-15 3.812E-12 3.920E-lI 1.380E-16-1.000E+00 1.740E-09 4.280E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.280E-15 4.061E-12 4.176E-II 1.470E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.070E-09 1.360E-09 SKIN(FGR) 3.140E-14 1.039E-10 1.068E-09 3.760E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Tc-99m GONADS 5.750E-15 2.334E-12 3.877E-12 1.240E-16-1.000E+00 2.770E-12 9.750E-12 BREAST 6.650E-15 2.258E-12 3.752E-12 1.200E-16-1.000E+00 2.150E-12 3.570E-12 LUNGS 5.490E-15 2.127E-12 3.533E-12 1.130E-16-1.000E+00 2.280E-II 3.140E-12 RED MARR 4.910E-15 2.070E-12 3.439E-12 1.100E-16-1.000E+00 3.360E-12 6.290E-12 BONE SUR 1.630E-14 5.383E-12 8.942E-12 2.860E-16-1.000E+00 2.620E-12 4.060E-12 THYROID 5.750E-15 2.145E-12 3.564E-12 1.140E-16-1.000E+00 5.010E-II 8.460E-I1 REMAINDER 5.150E-15 2.070E-12 3.439E-12 1100E-16-1.OOOF+00 1.020E-11 3.340E-II EFFECTIVE 5.890E-15 2.277E-12 3.783E-12 1.210E-16-1.000E+00 8.800E-12 1.680E-I1 SKIN(FGR) 7.140E-15 2.710E-12 4.502E-12 1.440E-16-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Ru-103

Page 65 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 GONADS 2.191E-14 1.404E-11 2.783E-10 4.892E-16-1.OOOE+00 3.070E-10 5.720E-10 BREAST 2.512E-14 1.350E-1I 2.677E-10 4.705E-16-1.OOOE+00 3.110E-10 1.200E-10 LUNGS 2.180E-14 1.273E-11 2.522E-10 4.432E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.561E-08 7.310E-1I RED MARR 2.100E-14 1.287E-11 2.551E-10 4.483E-16-1.OOOE+00 3.190E-10 1.660E-10 BONE SUR 3.892E-14 1.958E-11 3.882E-10 6.823E-16-1.000E+00 2.370E-10 9.631E-11 THYROID 2.241E-14 1.331E-11 2.639E-10 4.638E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.570E-10 6.250E-11 REMAINDER 2.080E-14 1.248E-11 2.472E-10 4.346E-16-1.000E+00 1.250E-09 2.11OE-09 EFFECTIVE 2.251E-14 1.332E-11 2.641E-10 4.642E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.421E-09 8.271E-10 SKIN(FGR) 2.774E-14 1.785E-11 3.543E-10 6.229E-16-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0 000E+00 Ru-105 GONADS 3.720E-14 1.327E-11 1.861E-11 8.070E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.590E-11 9.670E-11 BREAST 4.240E-14 1.271E-11 1.783E-1I 7.730E-16-1.000E+00 6.610E-12 1.590E-11 LUNGS 3.700E-14 1.210E-11 1.697E-11 7.360E-16-1.000E+00 5.730E-10 6.210E-12 RED MARR 3.590E-14 1.230E-11 1.725E-11 7.480E-16-1.000E+00 7.700E-12 2.350E-11 BONE SUR 6.280E-14 1.809E-11 2.537E-11 1.100E-15-1.000E+00 4.620E-12 8.890E-12 THYROID 3.800E-14 1.260E-11 1.766E-11 7.660E-16-1.000E+00 4.150E-12 1.820E-12 REMAINDER 3.540E-14 1.189E-11 1.667E-11 7.230E-16-1.000E+00 1.610E-10 8.540E-10 EFFECTIVE 3.810E-14 1.265E-11 1.773E-11 7.690E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.230E-10 2.870E-10 SKIN(FGR) 6.730E-14 7.368E-11 1.033E-10 4.480E-15-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Ru-106 GONADS 1.010E-14 6.411E-12 1.340E-10 2.230E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.300E-09 1.640E-09 BREAST 1.160E-14 6.152E-12 1.286E-10 2.140E-16-1.OOE+00 1.780E-09 1.440E-09 LUNGS 1.010E-14 5.836E-12 1.220E-10 2.030E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.040E-06 1.420E-09 RED MARR 9.750E-15 5.893E-12 1.232E-10 2.050E-16-1.000E+00 1.760E-09 1.460E-09 BONE SUR 1.720E-14 8.883E-12 1.856E-10 3.090E-16-1.000E+00 1.610E-09 1.430E-09 THYROID 1.030E-14 6.066E-12 1.268E-10 2.110E-16-1.000E+00 1.720E-09 1.410E-09 REMAINDER 9.630E-15 5.721E-12 1.196E-10 1.990E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.200E-08 2.110E-08 EFFECTIVE 1.040E-14 6.095E-12 1.274E-10 2.120E-16-1.QOOE+00 1.290E-07 7.400E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.090E-13 4.082E-10 8.531E-09 1.420E-14-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Rh-105 GONADS 3.640E-15 2.127E-12 1.411E-11 7.980E-17-1.000E+00 2.110E-11 5.800E-11 BREAST 4.160E-15 2.063E-12 1.369E-11 7.740E-17-1.OOOE+00 5.610E-12 8.970E-12 LUNGS 3.570E-15 1.935E-12 1.284E-11 7.260E-17-1.000E+00 9.580E-10 3.860E-12 RED MARR 3.380E-15 1.946E-12 1.291E-11 7.300E-17-1.OOOE+00 7.770E-12 1.470E-11 BONE SUR 7.530E-15 3.332E-12 2.210E-11 1.250E-16-1.000E+00 4.460E-12 6.750E-12 THYROID 3.680E-15 1.983E-12 1.316E-11 7.440E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.880E-12 2.910E-12 REMAINDER 3.390E-15 1.885E-12 1.250E-11 7.070E-17-1.000E+00 4.530E-10 1.270E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.720E-15 2.031E-12 1.347E-11 7.620E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.580E-10 3.990E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.070E-14 4.691E-12 3.112E-11 1.760E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Sb-127 GONADS 3.260E-14 1.985E-11 2.441E-10 7.100E-16-1.000E+00 2.520E-10 6.140E-10 BREAST 3.720E-14 1.904E-11 2.341E-10 6.810E-16-1.000E+00 9.120E-11 7.600E-11 LUNGS 3.240E-14 1.809E-11 2.224E-10 6.470E-16-1.000E+00 6.940E-09 1.570E-11 RED MARR 3.140E-14 1.834E-11 2.255E-10 6.560E-16-1.OO0E+00 1.610E-10 1.330E-10 BONE SUR 5.520E-14 2.720E-11 3.345E-10 9.730E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.340E-10 5.240E-11 THYROID 3.330E-14 1.884E-11 2.317E-10 6.740E-16-1.OO0E+00 6.150E-II 4.640E-12 REMAINDER 3.090E-14 1.775E-11 2.183E-10 6.350E-16-1.000E+00 2.330E-09 5.870E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.330E-14 1.890E-11 2.324E-10 6.760E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.630E-09 1.950E-09 SKIN(FGR) 5.580E-14 7.967E-11 9.799E-10 2.850E-15-1.000E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Sb-129 GONADS 6.970E-14 2.336E-11 3.231E-11 1.440E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.150E-11 1.510E-10 BREAST 7.910E-14 2.222E-11 3.074E-11 1.370E-15-1.000E+00 1I280E-11 2,560E-11 LUNGS 6.980E-14 2.141E-11 2,962E-11 1.320E-15-1.OOOE+00 8.980E-10 9.390E-12 RED MARR 6.860E-14 2.190E-11 3.029E-11 1.350E-15-1.000E+00 1.700E-11 3.670E-11 BONE SUR 1.070E-13 3.033E-11 4.196E-11 1.870E-15-1.000E+00 1.460E-11 1.340E-11 THYROID 7.160E-14 2.174E-11 3.007E-11 1.340E-15-1.OOOE+00 9.720E-12 1.470E-12 REMAINDER 6.710E-14 2.125E-11 2.939E-11 1.310E-15-1.000E+00 1.870E-10 1.450E-09 EFFECTIVE 7,140E-14 2.238E-11 3.096E-11 1.380E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.740E-10 4.840E-10

Page 66 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 T Rev. No. 5 1 1 SKIN(FGR) 1.050E-13 8.273E-11 1.144E-10 5.100E-15-I.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OODE+00 Te-127 GONADS 2.370E-16 1.191E-13 2.661E-13 5.480E-18-1.O0OE+00 2.020E-12 4.020E-12 BREAST 2.730E-16 1.158E-13 2.588E-13 5.330E-18-I.OOOE+00 1.880E-12 3.000E-12 LUNGS 2.320E-16 1.060E-13 2.370E-13 4.880E-18-I.OOOE+00 4.270E-10 2.890E-12 RED MARR 2.210E-16 1.058E-13 2.365E-13 4.870E-18-I.OOOE+00 4.090E-12 6.570E-12 BONE SUR 4.650E-16 1.862E-13 4.162E-13 8.570E-18-I.000E+00 4.090E-12 6.460E-12 THYROID 2.400E-16 1.106E-13 2.472E-13 5.090E-18-1.OOOE+00 1.840E-12 2.860E-12 REMAINDER 2.210E-16 1.036E-13 2.316E-13 4.770E-18-1.000E+00 1.11OE-10 6.130E-10 EFFECTIVE 2.420E-16 1.125E-13 2.515E-13 5.180E-18-I.OOOE+00 8.600E-11 1.870E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.140E-14 1.173E-11 2.622E-11 5.400E-16-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Te-127m GONADS 1.900E-16 4.689E-13 9.642E-12 1.630E-17-1.OOOE+00 1.100E-10 1.250E-10 BREAST 2.690E-16 5.150E-13 1.059E-11 1.790E-17-IOOOE+00 1.100E-10 9.740E-11 LUNGS 7.620E-17 1.602E-13 3.295E-12 5.570E-18-I.OOOE+00 3.340E-08 9.620E-11 RED MARR 6.430E-17 1.249E-13 2.567E-12 4.340E-18-I.OOQE+00 5.360E-09 5.430E-09 BONE SUR 3.940E-16 9.005E-13 1.852E-11 3.130E-17-I.OOOE+00 2.040E-08 2.070E-08 THYROID 1.500E-16 2.779E-13 5.714E-12 9.660E-18-.OOOEO00 9.660E-1I 9.430E-11 REMAINDER 8.640E-17 1.999E-13 4.111E-12 6.950E-18-I.OOOE+00 1.660E-09 2.980E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.470E-16 3.251E-13 6.684E-12 1.130E-17-I.OQOE+00 5.810E-09 2.230E-09 SKIN(FGR) 8.490E-16 1.496E-12 3.076E-11 5.200E-17-I.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Te-129 GONADS 2.710E-15 3.889E-13 3.922E-13 6.510E-17-I.OOOE+00 5.050E-13 1.590E-12 BREAST 3.120E-15 3.800E-13 3.832E-13 6.360E-17-I.000E+00 5.390E-13 6.050E-13 LUNGS 2.640E-15 3.298E-13 3.326E-13 5.520E-17-1.000E+-00 1.530E-10 4.910E-13 RED MARR 2.540E-15 3.298E-13 3.326E-13 5.520E-17-1.OOOE+00 6.190E-13 7.640E-13 BONE SUR 4.880E-15 5.753E-13 5.802E-13 9.630E-17-.OOOE+00 6.220E-13 5.400E-13 THYROID 2.740E-15 3.525E-13 3.555E-13 5.900E-17-I.OOOE+00 5.090E-13 3.360E-13 REMAINDER 2.520E-15 3.262E-13 3.289E-13 5.460E-17-1.000E+00 7.280E-12 1.790E-10 EFFECTIVE 2.750E-15 3.590E-13 3.621E-13 6.010E-17-.OOOE+00 2.090E-11 5.450E-ii SKIN(FGR) 3.570E-14 3.429E-11 3.458E-11 5.740E-15-l.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Br-83 GONADS 3.740E-16 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-I.000E+00 3.280E-12 2.420E-10 BREAST 4.290E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 3.290E-12 1.664E-l0 LUNGS 3.690E-16 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 1.500E-10 1.593E-10 RED MARR 3.540E-16 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 3.300E-12 3.500E-09 BONE SUR 6.750E-16 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.OOOE+00 3,200E-12 7.990E-09 THYROID 3.800E-16 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-I.000E+00 3.290E-12 1.572E-10 REMAINDER 3.520E-16 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-I.OOOE+00 1.130E-11 7.196E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.820E-16 0.000E+00 0.000+E00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 2.330E-11 2.925E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.850E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Br-84 GONADS 9.160E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.OOOE+00 2.840E-12 7.415E-10 BREAST 1.020E-13 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 3.310E-12 1.361E-10 LUNGS 9.270E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.OOOE+00 1.560E-10 6.335E-11 RED MARR 9.260E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00-2.OOOE+00 3.270E-12 2.435E-10 BONE SUR 1.280E-13 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 2.990E-12 3.248E-10 THYROID 9.500E-14 0.000R+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 3.120E-12 4.383E-08 REMAINDER 8.990E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-I.000E+00 1.870E-11 3.153E-09 EFFECTIVE 9.410E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.OOOE+00 2.610E-11 2.514E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1,880E-13 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-l.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1-130 GONADS 1.010E-13 0.0005+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-l.000E+00 2.810E-11 5.410E-10 BREAST 1.160E-13 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-.I000E+00 4.870E-11 3.500E-10 LUNGS 1.010E-13 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-I.000E+00 6.0305-10 3.300E-10 RED MARR 9.820E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 4.550E-11 4.440E-10 BONE SUR 1.680E-13 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-I.000E+00 4.030E-11 8.300E-10 THYROID 1.040E-13 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 2.990E-08 5.950E-08

Page 67 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 REMAINDER 9.660E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 8.020E-11 1.490E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.040E-13 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 7.140E-10 2.540E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.360E-13 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 1-131 GONADS 1.780E-14 1.119E-11 1.789E-10 3.940E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.530E-11 4.070E-11 BREAST 2.040E-14 1.082E-11 1.730E-10 3.810E-16-1.OOOE+00 7.880E-11 1.2102-10 LUNGS 1.760E-14 1.016E-11 1.626E-10 3.580E-16-1.000E+00 6.570E-10 1.020E-10 RED MARR 1.680E-14 1.022E-11 1.635E-10 3.600E-16-1.OOOE+00 6.260E-11 9.440E-11 BONE SUR 3.450E-14 1.675E-11 2.679E-10 5.900E-16-1.000E+00 5.730E-11 8.720E-11 THYROID 1.810E-14 1.053E-11 1.685E-10 3.710E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.920E-07 4.760E-07 REMAINDER 1.670E-14 9.908E-12 1.585E-10 3.490E-16-1.000E+00 8.030E-11 1.570E-10 EFFECTIVE 1.820E-14 1.067E-11 1.707E-10 3.760E-16-1.000E+00 8.890E-09 1.440E-08 SKIN(FGR) 2.980E-14 1.825E-11 2.920E-10 6.430E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 1-132 GONADS 1.090E-13 2.523E-11 2.771E-11 2.320E-15-1.000E+00 9.950E-12 2.330E-11 BREAST 1.240E-13 2.414E-11 2.652E-11 2.220E-15-1.000E+00 1.410E-11 2.520E-11 LUNGS 1.090E-13 2.305E-11 2.532E-11 2.120E-15-1.000E+00 2.710E-10 2.640E-11 RED MARR 1.070E-13 2.360E-11 2.592E-11 2.170E-15-1.000E+00 1.400E-11 2.460E-11 BONE SUR 1.730E-13 3.327E-11 3.655E-11 3.060E-15-1.000E+00 1.240E-11 2.190E-11 THYROID 1.120E-13 2.381E-11 2.616E-11 2.190E-15-1.000E+00 1.740E-09 3.870E-09 REMAINDER 1.050E-13 2.283E-11 2.509E-11 2.100E-15-1.OOOE+00 3.780E-11 1.650E-10 EFFECTIVE 1.120E-13 2.403E-11 2.640E-11 2.210E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.030E-10 1.820E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.580E-13 8.199E-11 9.007E-11 7.540E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1-133 GONADS 2.870E-14 1.585E-11 6.748E-11 6.270E-16-1.000E+00 1.950E-11 3.630E-11 BREAST 3.280E-14 1.519E-11 6.468E-11 6.010E-16-1.000E+00 2.940E-11 4.680E-11 LUNGS 2.860E-14 1.446E-11 6.156E-11 5.720E-16-1.000E+00 8.200E-10 4.530E-11 RED MARR 2.770E-14 1.466E-11 6.242E-11 5.800E-16-1.000E+00 2.720E-11 4.300E-11 BONE SUR 4.870E-14 2.161E-11 9.202E-11 8.550E-16-1.000E+00 2.520E-11 4.070E-11 THYROID 2.930E-14 1.502E-11 6.393E-11 5.940E-16-1.000E+00 4.860E-08 9.100E-08 REMAINDER 2.730E-14 1.418E-11 6.038E-11 5.610E-16-1.OOOE+00 5.000E-11 1.550E-10 EFFECTIVE 2.940E-14 1.509E-11 6.425E-11 5.970E-16-1.000E+00 1.580E-09 2.800E-09 SKIN(FGR) 5.830E-14 1.150E-10 4.897E-10 4.550E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1-134 GONADS 1.270E-13 1.200E-11 1.202E-11 2.640E-15-1.000E+00 4.250E-12 1.100E-11 BREAST 1.440E-13 1.145E-11 1.147E-11 2.520E-15-1.000E+00 6.170E-12 1.170E-11 LUNGS 1.270E-13 1.100E-11 1.102E-11 2.420E-15-1.000E+00 1.430E-10 1.260E-11 RED MARR 1.250E-13 1.127E-11 1.129E-11 2.480E-15-1.000E+00 6.080E-12 1.090E-11 BONE SUR 1.960E-13 1.568E-11 1.571E-11 3.450E-15-1.000E+00 5.310E-12 9.320E-12 THYROID 1.300E-13 1.127E-11 1.129R-11 2.480E-15-1.000E+00 2.880E-10 6.210E-10 REMAINDER 1.220E-13 1.091E-11 1.093E-11 2.400E-15-1.000E+00 2.270E-11 1.340E-10 EFFECTIVE 1.300E-13 1.150E-11 1.152E-11 2.530E-15-1.000E+00 3.S50E-11 6.660E-11 SKIN(FGR) 1.870E-13 4.477E-11 4.485E-11 9.850E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1-135 GONADS 8.078E-14 3.113E-11 5.489E-11 1.599E-15-1.000E+00 1.700E-11 3.610E-11 BREAST 9.143E-14 2.971E-11 5.240E-11 1.526E-15-1.000E+00 2.340E-11 3.850E-11 LUNGS 8.145E-14 2.886E-11 5.089E-11 1.482E-15-1.000E+00 4.410E-10 3.750E-11 RED MARR 8.054E-14 2.965E-11 5.228E-11 1.523E-15-1.000E+00 2.240E-11 3.650E-11 BONE SUR 1.184E-13 3.983E-11 7.024E-11 2.046E-15-1.000E+00 2.010E-11 3.360E-11 THYROID 8.324E-14 2.852E-11 5.030E-11 1.465E-15-1.000E+00 8.460E-09 1.790E-08 REMAINDER 7.861E-14 2.883E-11 5.084E-11 1.481E-15-1.000E+00 4.700E-11 1.540E-10 EFFECTIVE 8.294E-14 2.989E-11 5.271E-11 1.535E-15-1.000E+00 3.320E-10 6.080E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.156E-13 9.826E-11 1.733E-10 5.047E-15-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-131m GONADS 4.570E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BREAST 6.020E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 LUNGS 2.670E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 RED MARR 2.270E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

Page 68 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 BONE SUR 1.060E-15 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 THYROID 3.910E-16 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 2.710E-16 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OQOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 EFFECTIVE 3.890E-16 O.OE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 SKIN(FGR) 4.820E-15 O.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 Xe-133 GONADS 1.610E-15 1,465E-12 2.052E-11 5.200E-17-1.OOOE+00 O.QOOEC00 O.OOOE+00 BREAST 1.960E-15 1.505E-12 2.107E-11 5.340E-17-1.OOOE+00 O.000E+00 0.000E+00 LUNGS 1.320E-15 1.045E-12 1.464E-11 3.710E-17-1.000E+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 RED MARR 1.070E-15 8.791E-13 1.231E-11 3.120E-17-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 5.130E-15 4,254E-12 5.958E-11 1.510E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 THYROID 1.510E-15 1.181E-12 1.653E-11 4.190E-17-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 1.240E-15 1.042E-12 1.460E-11 3.700E-17-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 EFFECTIVE 1.560E-15 1.299E-12 1.819E-11 4.610E-17-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 SKIN(FGR) 4.970E-15 1.953E-12 2.734E-11 6.930E-17-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Xe-133m GONADS 1.420E-15 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 BREAST 1.700E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 LUNGS 1.190E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 O.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 RED MARR 1.100E-15 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 3.230E-15 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 THYROID 1.360E-15 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 1.150E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 EFFECTIVE 1.370E-15 O.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E÷00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 SKIN(FGR) 1.040E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Xe- 135 GONADS 1.170E-14 5.455E-12 1.194E-11 2.530E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BREAST 1.330E-14 5.325E-12 1.166E-11 2.470E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 LUNGS 1.130E-14 4.959E-12 1.086E-11 2.300E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 RED MARR 1.070E-14 4.959E-12 1.086E-11 2.300E-16-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 BONE SUR 2.570E-14 9.120E-12 1.997E-11 4.230E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 THYROID 1.180E-14 5,023E-12 1.100E-11 2.330E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 1.080E-14 4.829E-12 1.058E-11 2.240E-16-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 EFFECTIVE 1.190E-14 5.217E-12 1.142E-II 2.420E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 SKIN(FGR) 3.120E-14 4.506E-11 9.867E-11 2.090E-15-1.o000E00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Xe-135m GONADS 2.000E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BREAST 2.290E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 LUNGS 1.980E-14 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 RED MARR 1.910E-14 0,000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BONE SUR 3.500E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 THYROID 2.040E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.O00E+00-1.O00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 REMAINDER 1.890E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 EFFECTIVE 2.040E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 SKIN(FGR) 2.970E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-138 GONADS 5.590E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 BREAST 6.320E-14 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 LUNGS 5.660E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000+E00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 RED MARR 5.600E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 BONE SUR 8.460E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00-1.000+E00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 THYROID 5.770E-14 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 REMAINDER 5.490E-14 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00-1.000E÷00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 EFFECTIVE 5.770E-14 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.O0OE+00-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 SKIN(FGR) 1.070E-13 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Cs-134 GONADS 7.400E-14 4.607E-11 9.646E-10 1.600E-15-1.000E-00 1.300E-08 2.060E-08 BREAST 8.430E-14 4.406E-11 9.224E-10 1.530E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.080E-08 1.720E-08

Page 69 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 LUNGS 7.370E-14 4.204E-11 8.802E-10 1.460E-15-1.OOIE+00 1.180E-08 1.760E-08 RED MARR 7.190E-14 4.262E-11 8.922E-10 1.480E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.180E-08 1.870E-08 BONE SUR 1.200E-13 6.105E-11 1.278E-09 2.120E-15-1.000E+00 1.100E-08 1.740E-08 THYROID 7.570E-14 4.377E-11 9.163E-10 1.520E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.110E-08 1.760E-08 REMAINDER 7.060E-14 4.147E-11 8.681E-10 1.440E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.390E-08 2.210E-08 EFFECTIVE 7.570E-14 4.377E-11 9.163E-10 1.520E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.250E-08 1.980E-08 SKIN(FGR) 9.450E-14 6.249E-11 1.308E-09 2.170E-15-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Cs-136 GONADS 1.040E-13 6.223E-11 1.102E-09 2.180E-15-1.000E+00 1.880E-09 3.040E-09 BREAST 1.180E-13 5.966E-11 1.056E-09 2.090E-15-1.OOE+00 1.670E-09 2.650E-09 LUNGS 1.040E-13 5.710E-11 1.011E-09 2.OOOE-15-1OOOE+00 2.320E-09 2.620E-09 RED MARR 1.010E-13 5.824E-11 1.031E-09 2.040E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.860E-09 2.950E-09 BONE SUR 1.660E-13 8.422E-11 1.491E-09 2.950E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.700E-09 2.710E-09 THYROID 1.070E-13 5.852E-11 1.036E-09 2.050E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.730E-09 2.740E-09 REMAINDER 9.950E-14 5.652E-1I 1.001E-09 1.980E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.190E-09 3.520E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.060E-13 5.966E-1I 1.056E-09 2.090E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.980E-09 3.040E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.250E-13 7,251E-11 1.284E-09 2.540E-15-1.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 Cs-137 GONADS 2.669E-14 1.669E-11 3.530E-10 5.840E-16-1.000E+00 8.760E-09 1.390E-08 BREAST 3.047E-14 1.596E-11 3.376E-10 5.585E-16-1.OOOE+00 7.840E-09 1.240E-08 LUNGS 2.649E-14 1.517E-11 3.209E-10 5.309E-16-1.OOOE+00 8.820E-09 1.270E-08 RED MARR 2.583E-14 1.542E-11 3.260E-10 5.394E-16-1.OOOE+00 8.300E-09 1.320E-08 BONE SUR 4.382E-14 2.238E-11 4.734E-10 7.832E-16-1.OOOE+00 7.940E-09 1.260E-08 THYROID 2.725E-14 1.588E-11 3.358E-10 5.556E-16-1.OIOE+00 7.930E-09 1.260E-08 REMAINDER 2.536E-14 1.490E-11 3.152E-10 5.215E-16-1.OOOE+00 9.120E-09 1.450E-08 EFFECTIVE 2.725E-14 1.585E-11 3.353E-10 .5546E-16-1.OOOE+00 8.630E-09 1.350E-08 SKIN(FGR) 4.392E-14 5.253E-11 1.11OE-09 1.836E-15-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Ba-139 GONADS 2.130E-15 3.368E-13 3.429E-13 4.790E-17-1.OQ0E+00 2.560E-12 1.560E-12 BREAST 2.450E-15 3.297E-13 3.357E-13 4.690E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.460E-12 5.170E-13 LUNGS 2.030E-15 3.002E-13 3.057E-13 4.270E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.530E-10 3.890E-13 RED MARR 1.870E-15 2.932E-13 2.985E-13 4.170E-17-1.OOE+00 3.410E-12 8.590E-13 BONE SUR 5.290E-15 6.841E-13 6.965E-13 9.730E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.490E-12 4.380E-13 THYROID 2.130E-15 3.044E-13 3.100E-13 4.330E-17-1.OOOE+00 2.400E-12 2.660E-13 REMAINDER 1.920E-15 2.932E-13 2.985E-13 4.170E-17-1.OOOE+00 4.820E-11 3.570E-10 EFFECTIVE 2.170E-1S 3.227E-13 3.286E-13 4.590E-17-1.OOOE+00 4.640E-11 1.080E-10 SKIN(FGR) 6.160E-14 7.241E-11 7.373E-11 1.030E-14-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Ba-140 GONADS 8.410E-15 5.451E-12 9.607E-11 1.910E-16-1.OOOE+00 4.300E-10 9.960E-10 BREAST 9.640E-15 5.280E-12 9.305E-11 1.850E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.870E-10 1.590E-10 LUNGS 8.270E-15 4.852E-12 8.550E-11 1.700E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.660E-09 6.630E-11 RED MARR 7.930E-15 4.880E-12 8.601E-11 1.710E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.290E-09 4.390E-10 BONE SUR 1.550E-14 8.020E-12 1.413E-10 2.810E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.410E-09 5.530E-10 THYROID 8.530E-15 5.109E-12 9.003E-11 1.790E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.560E-10 5.250E-11 REMAINDER 7.890E-15 4,766E-12 8.399E-11 1.670E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.410E-09 7.370E-09 EFFECTIVE 8.580E-15 5.137E-12 9.053E-11 1.800E-16-1.000E+00 1.010E-09 2.560E-09 SKIN(FGR) 2.520E-14 5.565E-11 9.808E-10 1.950E-15-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 La-140 GONADS 1.140E-13 6.027E-11 4.425E-10 2.240E-15-1.OOOE+00 4.540E-10 1.340E-09 BREAST 1.290E-13 5.758E-11 4.228E-10 2.140E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.450E-10 1.800E-10 LUNGS 1.1SOE-13 5.596E-11 4.109E-10 2.080E-15-1.OOOE+00 4.210E-09 4.010E-11 RED MARR 1.140E-13 5.731E-ii 4.208E-10 2.130E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.140E-10 2.810E-10 BONE SUR 1.690E-13 7.776E-11 S.709E-10 2.890E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.410E-10 9.770E-11 THYROID 1.180E-13 5.462E-11 4.010E-10 2.030E-15-1.OOOE+00 6.870E-11 6.400E-12 REMAINDER 1.110E-13 5.569E-11 4.089E-10 2.070E-15-1.OOOE+00 2.120E-09 6.260E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.170E-13 5.812E-11 4.267E-10 2.160E-15-1.OOOE+00 1.310E-09 2.280E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.660E-13 2.217E-10 1.628E-09 8.240E-15-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 La-141

Page 70 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 GONADS 2.330E-15 7.315E-13 9.675E-13 4.740E-17-1.000E+00 1.010E-11 3 .770E-12 BREAST 2 640E-15 7 .007E-13 9.267E-13 4.540E-17-1.000E+00 9. 840E-12 7 .070E-13 LUNGS 2. 340E-15 6 .713E-13 8. 879E-13 4.350E-17-1.000E+00 6.460E-10 2 .720E-13 RED MARR 2 .310E-15 6 .852E-13 9.063E-13 4.440E-17-1.000E+00 2 .930E-11 1.070E-12 BONE SUR 3 .490E-15 9 .923E-13 1.312E-12 6.430E-17-1.000E+00 1 .200E-10 6 .060E-13 THYROID 2 .390E-15 6 .590E-13 8.716E-13 4.270E-17-1.000E+00 9. 400E-12 5.290E-14 REMAINDER 2 .260E-15 6.682E-13 8. 838E-13 4.330E-17-1.000E+00 2 .280E-10 1 .240E-09 EFFECTIVE 2.390E-15 7. 007E-13 9.267E-13 4.540E-17-1.000E+00 1.570E-10 3 .740E-10 SKIN (FGR) 6 580E-14 1 .667E-10 2.204E-10 1.080E-14-1.000E+00 0 .000E+00 0 .000E+00 La-142 GONADS 1.400E-13 1.978E-11 2.034E-11 2.540E-15-1.000E+00 1.660E-11 6 .990E-11 BREAST 1. 570E-13 1.885E-11 1. 938E-11 2.420E-15-1.0002+00 1. 130E-11 1.540E-11 LUNGS 1.420E-13 1 .846E-11 1.898E-11 2.370E-15-1.000E+00 3 .010E-10 8 .400E-12 RED MARR 1.420E-13 1.900E-11 1.954E-11 2.440E-15-1.000E+00 1.360E-11 1.930E-11 BONE SUR 1.950E-13 2 484E-I1 2. 554E-11 3.190E-15-1.000E+00 1.110E-11 7.400E-12 THYROID 1.450E-13 1.768E-11 1.818E-11 2.270E-15-1.000E+00 8 .740E-12 1. 160E-12 REMAINDER 1. 380E-13 1.853E-11 1. 906E-11 2.380E-15-1.000E+00 8.070E-11 5. 200E-10 EFFECTIVE 1.440E-13 1. 916E-11 1. 970E-11 2.460E-15-1.000E+00 6.840E-11 1. 790E-10 SKIN (FGR) 2. 160E-13 9. 1IE-11 9.368E-11 1.170E-14-1.0002+00 0.000E+00 0 .000E+00 Ce-141 GONADS 3.380E-15 2. 213E-12 4.332E-11 7.710E-17-1.000E+00 5 .540E-11 1.080E-10 BREAST 3.930E-15 2. 170E-12 4 247E- 11 7.560E-17-1.000E+00 4.460E-11 1.110E-11 LUNGS 3.170E-15 1 .951E-12 3 .820E-11 6.800E-17-1.000E+00 1 .670E-08 1.430E-12 RED MARR 2.830E-15 1.860E-12 3. 641E-11 6.480E-17-1.000E+00 8. 960E-11 3 .390E-11 BONE SUR 9.410E-15 5 .166E-12 1.011E-10 1.800E-16-1.000E+00 2 .540E-10 2 .300E-11 THYROID 3 .350E-15 2. 003E-12 3 922E-11 6.980E-17-1.000E+00 2. 550E-11 1 800E-13 REMAINDER 2. 980E- 15 1.894E-12 3 .708E-11 6.600E-17-1.000E+00 1.260E-09 2 .500E-09 EFFECTIVE 3.430E-15 2. 118E-12 4. 146E-11 7.380E-17-1.000E+00 2.420E-09 7. 830E-10 SKIN (FGR) 1.020E-14 3.788E-12 7.416E-11 1.320E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0 .000E+00 Ce-143 GONADS 1.280E-14 7 .900E-12 4. 958E-11 2.980E-16-1.000E+00 7.530E-11 2 .120E-10 BREAST 1.470E-14 7. 688E-12 4. 825E-11 2.900E-16-1.000E+00 1.660E-11 2 320E-11 LUNGS 1. 230E-14 6.893E-12 4 .325E-11 2.600E-16-1.000E+00 3 .880E-09 3 .820E-12 RED MARR 1. 170E- 14 6. 787E-12 4 .259E-11 2.560E-16-1.0002+00 2. 960E-11 5. 070E-11 BONE SUR 2. 520E-14 1.323E-11 8. 302E-11 4.990E-16-1.000E+00 1.640E-11 1.610E-11 THYROID 1.280E-14 7.211E-12 4 .525E-11 2.720E-16-1.000E+00 6 .230E-12 4. 350E-13 REMAINDER 1. 170E-14 6. 734E-12 4.226E-11 2.540E-16-1.000E+00 1.420E-09 3. 890E-09 EFFECTIVE 1.290E-14 7. 396E- 12 4. 642E-11 2.790E-16-1.000E+00 9. 160E-10 1.230E-09 SKIN (FGR) 3. 960E-14 1.058E-10 6. 638E-10 3.990E-15-1.0002+00 0 .000E+00 0 .000E+00 Ce- 144 GONADS 2.725E-15 6 .328E-13 1.319E-11 6.088E-17-1.000E+00 2 .390E-10 6. 987E-11 BREAST 3.129E-15 6.274E-13 1.307E-11 5.922E-17-1.000E+00 3 .480E-10 1.223E-11 LUNGS 2.639E-15 5. 228E-13 1. 089E-11 5.362E-17-1.000E+00 7 .911E-07 6 .551E-12 RED MARR 2.507E-15 4 .755E-13 9 907E-12 5.247E-17-1.000E+00 2 .880E-09 8 .923E-11 BONE SUR 5.441E-15 1 .646E-12 3. 429E-11 1.127E-16-1.000E+00 4. 720E-09 1.280E-10 THYROID 2. 753E-15 5. 529E-13 1 152E-11 5.418E-17-1.OOOE+00 2. 920E-10 5. 154E-12 REMAINDER 2.534E-15 5.086E-13 1.060E-11 5.283E-17-1.000E+00 1.910E-08 1 .890E-08 EFFECTIVE 2. 773E-15 5.909E-13 1.231E-11 5.766E-17-1.000E+00 1.010E-07 5. 711E-09 SKIN (FGR) 8 . 574E- 14 7.648E-13 1.594E-11 1.250E-14-1.000E+00 0 .000E+00 0 .000E+00 Pr-143 GONADS 2.130E-17 2. 264E-14 4 .032E-13 7.930E-19-1.000E+00 4 .370E-18 8 990E-18 BREAST 2.550E-17 2.330E-14 4. 149E-13 8.160E-19-1.000E+00 2. 220E-18 1.090E-18 LUNGS 1.860E-17 1. 642E- 14 2. 923E-13 5.750E-19-1.000E+00 1 .330E-08 1 .910E-19 RED MARR 1.620E-17 1.493E-14 2. 659E-13 5.230E-19-1.000E+00 1.480E-11 1.030E-12 BONE SUR 5.930E-17 5.454E-14 9. 711E-13 1.910E-18-1.000E+00 1.490E-11 1 .030E-12 THYROID 2.050E-17 1.802E-14 3.208E-13 6.310E-19-1.000E+00 1 .680E-18 2 .660E-20 REMAINDER 1.760E-17 1.642E-14 2 .923E-13 5.750E-19-1.000E+00 1 .970E-09 4 .220E-09 EFFECTIVE 2.100E-17 2. 002E-14 3. 564E-13 7.010E-19-1,000E+00 2. 190E-09 1.270E-09

Page 71 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 SKIN(FGR) 1.760E-14 5.711E-11 1.017E-09 2.QOOE-15-1.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Nd-147 GONADS 6.130E-15 4.218E-12 7.235E-11 1.480E-16-1.OOOE+00 8.410E-11 1.790E-10 BREAST 7.120E-15 4.132E-12 7.088E-11 1.450E-16-1.OOOE+00 3.450E-11 1.870E-11 LUNGS 5.820E-15 3.648E-12 6.257E-11 1.280E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.060E-08 2.440E-12 RED MARR 5.400E-15 3,505E-12 6.013E-11 1.230E-16-1.000E+00 9.190E-11 5.050E-11 BONE SUR 1.320E-14 8.265E-12 1.418E-10 2.900E-16-1.OOOE+00 3.260E-10 2.220E-11 THYROID 6.120E-15 3.876E-12 6.648E-11 1.360E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.820E-11 2.640E-13 REMAINDER 5.530E-15 3.562E-12 6.111E-11 1.250E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.760E-09 3.760E-09 EFFECTIVE 6.190E-15 3.961E-12 6.795E-11 1.390E-16-1.OOOE+00 1.850E-09 1.180E-09 SKIN(FGR) 1.950E-14 3.135E-11 5.377E-10 1.100E-15-1.OOOE+00 .OOOE+00 0.000E+00 Np-239 GONADS 7.530E-15 4.691E-12 4.380E-1I 1.710E-16-1.000E+00 7.450E-11 1.620E-10 BREAST 8.730E-15 4.636E-12 4.329E-11 1.690E-16-1.000E+00 1.630E-11 1.720E-11 LUNGS 7.180E-15 4.115E-12 3.842E-11 1.500E-16-1.OOOE+00 2.360E-09 2.400E-12 RED MARR 6.500E-15 4.005E-12 3.740E-11 1.460E-16-1.000E+00 2.080E-10 4.660E-11 BONE SUR 2.000E-14 1.001E-11 9.349E-11 3.650E-16-1.000E+00 2.030E-09 3.590E-11 THYROID 7.520E-15 4.197E-12 3.919E-11 1.530E-16-1.000E+00 7.620E-12 2.070E-13 REMAINDER 6.760E-15 4.005E-12 3.740E-11 1.460E-16-1.000E+00 9.590E-10 2.770E-09 EFFECTIVE 7.690E-15 4.471E-12 4.175E-11 1.630E-16-1.OOOE+00 6.780E-10 8.820E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.600E-14 7.215E-12 6.737E-1I 2.630E-16-1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Pu-241 GONADS 7.190E-20 6.653E-17 1.396E-15 2.310E-21-1.000E+00 2.760E-07 5.660E-11 BREAST 8.670E-20 7.229E-17 1.517E-15 2.510E-21-1.000E+00 2.140E-11 2.790E-15 LUNGS 6.480E-20 4.090E-17 8.584E-16 1.420E-21-1.OOOE+00 3.180E-06 4.480E-15 RED MARR 5.630E-20 4.003E-17 8.403E-16 1.390E-21-1.000E+00 1.430E-06 2.780E-10 BONE SUR 2.190E-19 1.385E-16 2.908E-15 4.810E-21-1.000E+00 1.780E-05 3.480E-09 THYROID 6.980E-20 4.522E-17 9.491E-16 1.570E-21-1.OOOE+00 9.150E-12 1.010E-15 REMAINDER 6.090E-20 4.291E-17 9.007E-16 1.490E-21-1.000E+00 6.020E-07 1.850E-10 EFFECTIVE 7.250E-20 5.558E-17 1.167E-15 1.930E-21-1.OOOE+00 1.340E-06 2.070E-10 SKIN(FGR) 1.170E-19 2.033E-16 4.268E-15 7.060E-21-1.OOOE+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Cm-242 GONADS 7.830E-18 4.893E-14 1.013E-12 1.700E-18-1.000E+00 5.700E-07 5.200E-09 BREAST 1.480E-17 6.159E-14 1.275E-12 2.140E-18-1.000E+00 9.440E-10 8.950E-12 LUNGS 1.130E-18 3.022E-15 6.257E-14 1.050E-19-1.000E+00 1.550E-05 8.840E-12 RED MARR 1.890E-18 6.562E-15 1.359E-13 2.280E-19-1.000E+00 3.900E-06 3.570E-08 BONE SUR 1.060E-17 4.231E-14 8.759E-13 1.470E-18-1.OOOE+00 4.870E-05 4.460E-07 THYROID 4.910E-18 1.261E-14 2.610E-13 4.380E-19-1.000E+00 9.410E-10 8.820E-12 REMAINDER 2.270E-18 1.079E-14 2.235E-13 3.750E-19-1.OOOE+00 2.450E-06 4.020E-08 EFFECTIVE 5.690E-18 2.751E-14 5.697E-13 9.560E-19-1.000E+00 4.670E-06 3.100E-08 SKIN(FGR) 4.290E-17 2.700E-13 5.589E-12 9.380E-18-1.000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0.000E+00

Page 72 of 211 Calculation No. PM.1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment E RADTRAD Output File "PBFH18A24.oO"

                1. 4##4#########44 ## ###4*444*4*4*44444*##4#4##############

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:20:22 File information

  1. 4*4########################################4 ########################4####

Plant file = G:\Radtrad 3.03\Input\PM-1059 R6\PBFHl8A24.psf Inventory file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Release file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt Dose Conversion file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfha-fgll&12.txt

    • 4 #* #* 4 # #* #* #* * #* #*
        1. #*## 4## #4*# # 4#### # #4 #
  1. 4*44 #*4448* 4 ## 44 4 4* #***4 4* 4* 4 44 4*4*# ### 44# 44 4* 4
    • #44#44 4 # #* 4* 44 4#4# #*

Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 PBAPS EPU FHA AST Analysis With Ground Hatch #18 Open After 24 hrs Fuel Decay, No SGTS Filtration Credited, CR UL = 500 cfm, MCREV Initiated @ 1 Minutes After Onset of FHA, and MCREV Filteration Credited @ 89%

Nuclide Inventory File:

g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Plant Power Level:

1.8200E+01 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

Fuel Pool 3

1.0000E+02 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

Environment 2

0.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

Page 73 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Ij 0

0 Compartment 3:

Control Room 1

1.7600E+05 0

0 0

0 0


4 Pathway 1:

FHA Release to Environment 1

2 2

Pathway 2:

Control Room Filtered Intake 2


-2 Pathway 3:

Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage 2

3 2

Pathway 4:

Control Room Exhaust to Environment 3

2 2

End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name:

Plant Model Filename:

Source Term:

1 1 1.OOOOE+00 g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt 2.4000E+01 1

0,0000E+00 5.7000E-01 4.3000E-01 1.OOOOE+00 Overlying Pool:

0 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:


Page 74 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 Compartment 1:

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 2:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 3:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathways:

4 Pathway 1:

0 0

0 0

0 1

2 2.4000E+01 1. 1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.6000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 2:

0 0

0 0

0 1

Page 75 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 3

2 .4000E+01 2.0600E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 o.0000E+00 2 .4017E+01 2.7000E+03 9. 8000E+01 8. 9000E+01 8. 9000E+01 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 o.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 3:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 2.4000E+01 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 O. 000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 O.O000E+O0 2.4017E+01 5.0000E+02 0.0000E+00 7.4400E+02 o.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 o.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 4:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 2.4000E+01 2.0600E+04 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 2.4017E+01 3.2000E+03 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Dose Locations:

3 Location 1:

Exclusion Area Boundary 2

1 2

2 .4000E+01 9. 1100E-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 1


Page 76 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 2 .4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0

Location 2:

Low Population Zone 2

1 6

2 44000E+01 1.3800E-04 2 6000E+01 5. 8100E-05 3 .2000E+01 3.7700E-05 4 .8000E+01 1.4800E-05 1 .2000E+02 4. 1500E-06 7 .4400E+02 o.0000E+00 1

4 2 .4000E+01 3.50OOE-04 3 .2000E+01 1.8000E-04

4. 8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0

Location 3:

Control Room 3

0 1

2 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 1

4 2.4000E+01 1.0000E+00 4.8000E+01 6.OOOOE-01 1.2000E+02 4.OOOOE-01 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Effective Volume Location:

1 6

2.4000E+01 1.4800E-03 2.6000E+01 6.8700E-04 3.2000E+01 2.4500E-04 4.8000E+01 2.1000E-04 1.2000E+02 1.6500E-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Simulation Parameters:

6 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE-01 2.6000E+01 5.OOOOE-01 3.2000E+01 1.0000E+00 4.8000E+01 2.OOOOE+00 1.2000E+02 5.0000E+00 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Output Filename:

G:\Radtrad 3.o12 1

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0 0

End of Scenario File

Page 78 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:20:22

                                                                                                                                        1. 4###
                                                              1. ru########################################

Plant Description

                                1. 4################################################-#ý-####

Number of Nuclides 60 Inventory Power = 1.OOOOE+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 1.8200E+01 MWth Number of compartments 3 Compartment information Compartment number 1 (Source term fraction 1.OOOOE+00 Name: Fuel Pool Compartment volume = 1.OOOOE+02 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Exit Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: FRA Release to Environment Inlet Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Exit Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Exit Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Compartment number 3 Name: Control Room Compartment volume = 1.7600E+05 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Inlet Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Exit Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Total number of pathways = 4

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RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:20:22

                                                                                                            1. 4#################

Scenario Description Time between shutdown and first release = 2.4000E+01 (Hours)

Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE RELEASE MASS 0.000001 hr 0.0000 hrs 0.0000 hrs (gm)

NOBLES 5. OOOOE-02 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 1.982E+00 IODINE 2. 5000E-04 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 1.906E-03 CESIUM 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 TELLURIUM 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.000E+00 STRONTIUM 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0. OOOE+00 BARIUM 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 RUTHENIUM 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0. 000E+00 CERIUM 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.000E+00 LANTHANUM 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Inventory Power = 18. MWt Nuclide Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Name Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)

Kr-83m 1 3.848E+03 6. 588E+03 1. 500E-18 0. OOOE+00 O.OOOE+00 Kr-85 1 7.316E+02 3 .383E+08 1. 190E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Kr-85m 1 8.555E+03 1.613E+04 7.480E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Kr-87 1 1.686E+04 4.578E+03 4. 120E-14 0. 000E+00 0.000E+00 Kr-88 1 2.379E+04 1.022E+04 1.020E-13 0. OOOE+00 0.000E+00 1-131 2 4.326E+04 6. 947E+05 1. 820E-14 2.920E-07 8.890E-09 1-132 2 3.901E+04 8. 280E+03 1. 120E-13 1.740E-09 1.030E-10 1-133 2 5.564E+04 7.488E+04 2. 940E-14 4 .860E-08 1.580E-09 1-134 2 6.179E+04 3. 156E+03 1. 300E-13 2. 880E- 10 3.550E-11 1-135 2 5.198E+04 2.380E+04 8 .294E-14 8 .460E-09 3.320E-10 Xe-131m 1 3.024E+02 1. 028E+06 3. 890E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-133 1 5.488E+04 4 .532E+05 1. 560E-15 0.O00E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-133m 1 1.714E+03 1. 890E+05 1. 370E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-135 1 2.140E+04 3.272E+04 1. 190E-14 O.O00E+00 0.OOOE+00 Xe-135m 1 1.081E+04 9. 174E+02 2. 040E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-138 1 4.815E+04 8. 502E+02 5 770E-14 0.000E00 0.000E+00 Nuclide Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Kr-85m Kr-85 0.21 none 0.00 none 0. 00 Kr-87 Rb-87 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-88 Rb-88 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-131 Xe-131m 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00

Page 80 of 211 Calculation No. PM.1059 Rev. No. 5 1-133 Xe-133m 0.03 Xe-133 0 .97 none 0.00 1-135 Xe-135m 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00 Xe-133m Xe-133 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135 Cs-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135m Xe-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-138 Cs-138 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol 0.0000E+00 Elemental = 5. 7000E-01 Organic = 4.3000E-01 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: Fuel Pool Compartment number 2: Environment Compartment number 3: Control Room PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: FH-IA Release t o Environment Pathway Filter Removal Dat a Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 1.1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.6000E+01 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Pathway Filter Removal Dat a Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 2.0600E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4017E+01 2.7000E+03 9.8000E+01 8.9000E+01 B.9000E+01 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Pathway Filter Removal Dat a Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies M%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4017E+01 5.OOOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data

Page 81 of 211 Calculation No. PM.1059 I Rev. No. 5 Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2 .4000E+01 2.0600E+04 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 2.4017E+01 3.2000E+03 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 LOCATION DATA Location Exclusion Area Boundary is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s

  • m^-3) 2.4000E+01 9.1100E-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m'3
  • sec'-l) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Location Low Populaation Zone is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
  • m'-3) 2 .4000E+01 1.3800E-04 2 .6000E+01 5. 8i00E-05 3 .2000E+01 3.7700E-05 4 .8000E+01 1.4800E-05 1.2000E+02 4. 1500E-06 7 .4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
  • sec^-1) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+01 1.8000E-04 4.8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Control Room is in compartment 3 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/C (s
  • m^-3) 2 .4000E+01 1.4800E-03 2 .6000E+01 6.8700E-04 3 .2000E+01 2.4500E-04 4 .8000E+01 2. 10OOE-04 1.2000E+02 1.6500E-04 7 .4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rat :e Data Time (hr) BrEaathing Rate (m'3
  • sec^-l) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Occupancy Facztor Data Time (hr) Occ:upancy Factor 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 6.0000E-01

Page 82 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 51 1.2000E+02 4. OOOOE-01 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA - SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step 0.OOOOE+00 1 .OOOE-01 2.OOOOE+00 5. 0000E-01 8.OOOOE+00 1. 0000E+00 2 .4000E+01 2. OOOOE+00 9.6000E+01 5. OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0. 0000E+00

Page 83 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5

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RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:20:22

                  1. 141####4#################4#######################################

1418#1 14 4 #8###44 #####41 # 14 1# # 14 1 #1 # 1#

  1. 414 14 14 #4 # #4
  1. 4 # ####


  1. 1 4#
        1. 14 ####41 ####1 14
        1. 4###############14##81#41414#############8############8######8###

Dose, Detailed model and Detailed Inventory Output

                            1. 84####4############################################4##

Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1.5721E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1.5721E-06 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.8818E-13 1.3576E-09 4.2518E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.8818E-13 1.3576E-09 4.2518E-11 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 3.9477E-01 1.9134E-11 1. 3883E+14 5.2583E+07 Kr-85 6.6571E+02 1.6968E-03 1.2022E+22 8.8672E+10 Kr-85m 1.8993E+02 2 .3079E-08 1. 6351E+17 2.5299E+10 Kr-87 3.1959E-02 1.1283E-12 7.8100E+12 4.2570E+06 Kr-88 6.1876E+01 4.9346E-09 3.3769E+16 8.2418E+09 1-131 1.8057E+02 1.4565E-06 6. 6958E+18 2.4052E+10 1-132 1.2823E-01 1.2423E-11 5.6677E+13 1.7081E+07 1-133 1.1378E+02 1.0044E-07 4.5478E+17 1.5155E+10 1-135 1. 9092E+01 5.4364E-09 2.4251E+16 2.5430E+09 Xe-131m 2.8308E+02 3.3796E-06 1.5536E+19 3 .7706E+10 Xe-133 4.8094E+04 2.5694E-04 1.1634E+21 6.4061E+12 Xe-133m 1.4051E+03 3.1315E-06 1.4179E+19 1.8716E+11 Xe-135 1.3276E+04 5.1986E- 06 2.3190E+19 1.7683E+12 Xe-135m 6.6589E+02 7.3101E-09 3.2609E+16 8.8697E+10 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Page 84 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Time (h) = 24.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3238E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0897E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0852E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 7.0652E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.5072E-05 Total I (Ci) 3. 1357E+02 FRA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 24.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4,5711E+16 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4122E+13 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.0653E+13 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.8806E-02 7.6339E+00 3 .3290E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.8809E-02 7.6341E+00 3 .3291E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4967E-02 1.1564E+00 5.0428E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4968E-02 1.1564E+00 5.0430E-02 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.5779E-04 6.9978E-01 2.1917E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.5779E-04 6.9978E-01 2.1917E-02 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 3 .4879E-01 1.6905E-11 1. 2266E+14 7 9547E+11 Kr-85 5 . 9197E+02 1.5088E-03 1.0690E+22 1. 3457E+15 Kr-85m 1. 6845E+02 2.0469E-08 1.4502E+17 3. 8345E+14 Kr-87 2 .8157E-02 9.9405E-13 6. 8808E+12 6 .4309E+10 Kr-88 5 .4794E+01 4.3698E-09 2. 9904E+16 1. 2482E+14 1-131 1 .6056E+02 1.2951E-06 5. 9537E+18 3. 6502E+14 1-132 1. 1345E-01 1.0991E-11 5. 0142E+13 2. 5857E+11 1-133 1. 0112E+02 8.9262E-08 4. 0417E+ 17 2. 2994E+14 1-134 1 .4157E-06 5. 3070E-17 2.3850E+08 3. 2402E+06 1-135 1. 6947E+01 4.8256E-09 2. 1526E+16 3. 8560E+13 Xe-131m 2 5171E+02 3.0051E-06 1.3815E+19 5. 7224E+14 Xe-133 4 .2763E+04 2.2846E-04 1. 0344E+21 9. 7217E+16 Xe-133m 1. 2492E+03 2.7840E-06 1.2606E+19 2. 8402E+15 Xe-135 1. 1791E+04 4.6170E-06 2. 0596E+19 2 .6820E+16 Xe-135m 5. 6550E+02 6.2080E-09 2. 7693E÷16 1. 3156E+15

Page 85 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.1772E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.6363E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.7432E+18 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) O.OOOOE+O0 O.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 2819E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 6.6747E-05 Total I (Ci) 2.7874E+02 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 24.0170 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4663E+21 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.5300E+17 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.4174E+17 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7868E-01 6.1236E+01 2.6564E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1796E-01 9.2762E+00 4 .0240E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9. 1073E-02 8.7492E+01 2.7736E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1531E-02 8.8192E+01 2.7955E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1.8573E-07 9. 0018E-18 6. 5314E+07 5.3484E+12 Kr-85 6. 6805E-04 1.7028E-09 1.2064E+16 9.502 8E+15 Kr-85m 1.3987E-04 1.6997E-14 1.2042E+II 2.6531E+l5 Kr-87 1.0782E-08 3 . 8063E-19 2.6347E+06 4 .2355E+11 Kr-88 3 .8111E-05 3 . 0394E-15 2. 0799E+10 8.5375E+14 1-131 1 .7991E-04 1.4512E-12 6. 6713E+12 2 .5763E+15 1-132 7.0431E-08 6. 8233E-18 3. 1130E+07 1.7556E+12 1-133 1.0682E-04 9 ,4293E-14 4. 2695E+11 1.6165E+15 1-135 1. 5534E-05 4 .4234E-15 1. 9732E+10 2 6854E+14 Xe-131m 2. 8271E-04 3.3752E-12 1. 5516E+13 4. 0395E+15 Xe-133 4 .7751E-02 2.5510E-10 1. 1551E+15 6 8599E+17 Xe-133m 1. 3734E-03 3.0609E-12 1.3859E+13 2 .0020E+16 Xe-135 1. 1457E-02 4 .4864E-12 2.0013E+13 1.8753E+17 Xe-135m 5 6536E-06 6.2065E-17 2.7686E+08 6. 8828E+15

Page 86 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3268E+16 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0572E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0607E+12 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 9973E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.4076E-11 Total I (Ci) 3.0233E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 26.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) O.0000E+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 O.O000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4.5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1628E-02 1.1798E+01 3 .7318E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0316E-01 9.9990E+01 3 .1687E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1.9138E-08 9.2757E-19 6. 7301E+06 5. 3485E+12 Kr-85 6.6802E-04 1.7027E-09 1. 2063E+16 9. 5033E+15 Kr-85m 5. 5281E-05 6.7174E-15 4 .7592E+10 2. 6531E+15 Kr-87 4. 0960E-10 1.4460E-20 1.0009E+05 4. 2355E+11 Kr-88 8.8120E-06 7.0275E-16 4.8092E+09 8.5376E+14 1-131 1.7608E-04 1 .4203E-12 6. 5290E+12 2.5765E+15 1-132 1. 1547E-08 1 1187E-18 5. 1036E+06 1.7556E+12 1-133 8.7458E-05 7.7205E-14 3.4958E+11 1.6166E+15 1-135 8.2802E-06 2. 3578E-15 1. 0518E+10 2. 6855E+14 Xe-131m 2.7865E-04 3.3268E-12 1. 5293E+13 4. 0397E+15 Xe-133 4.6245E-02 2.4706E-10 1. 1187E+15 6.8603E+17 Xe-133m 1.2691E-03 2.8283E-12 1.2806E+13 2.0021E+16 Xe-135 7.2547E-03 2 .8408E-12 1. 2673E+13 1. 8754E+17 Xe-135m 1.4758E-06 1. 6202E-17 7.2272E+07 6. 8828E+15

Page 87 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3223E+16 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.9268E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.9623E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6.7406E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7. 0680E-11 Total I (Ci) 2. 7183E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 32.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2545E-05 1.6365E-02 5.1346E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0317E-01 1.0001E+02 3. 1692E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 4 .4662E-11 2.1647E-21 1.5706E+04 5.3485E+12 Kr-85 6.6794E-04 1.7025E-09 1.2062E+16 9. 5047E+15 Kr-85m 4.6501E-06 5.6506E-16 4.0033E+09 2.6532E+15 Kr-88 1.7747E-07 1.4153E-17 9.6856E+07 8.5377E+14 1-131 1.6624E-04 1.3409E-12 6. 1643E+12 2. 5768E+15 1-132 9.2971E-11 9. 0070E-21 4. 1092E+04 1. 7556E+12 1-133 5.1314E-05 4 .5298E-14 2. 0511E+11 1.6167E+15 1-135 1.5466E-06 4 .4039E-16 1.9645E+09 2 . 6856E+14 Xe-131m 2.6811E-04 3 .2009E-12 1.4715E+13 4 .0403E+15 Xe-133 4.2447E-02 2 .2677E-I0 1. 0268E+15 6. 8613E+17 Xe-133m 1.0278E-03 2 .2907E-12 1. 0372E+13 2.0024E+16 Xe-135 2. 1442E-03 8.3962E-1.3 3. 7454E+12 1.8755E+17 Xe-135m 7. 1780E-07 7.8799E-18 3. 5151E+07 6 .8828E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Page 88 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 Time (h) = 48.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3117E+16 0.O0OOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.6317E+12 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.7397E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 1740E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 6. 3597E-11 Total I (Ci) 2. 1910E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 48.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2897E-13 2.5961E-10 8. 0592E-12 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0317E-01 1.0001E+02 3 . 1692E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6759E-04 1. 7016E-09 1.2055E+16 9. 5111E+15 Kr-85m 6.7528E-II 8 .2056E-21 5.8135E+04 2.6532E+15 1-131 1.2836E-04 1.0353E-12 4. 7595E+12 2 . 5782E+15 1-133 4.6581E-06 4. 1120E-15 1. 8619E+10 1.6169E+15 1-135 8. 1354E-10 2 .3166E-19 1.0334E+06 2 . 6856E+14 Xe-131m 2.2538E-04 2. 6908E-12 1. 2370E+13 4. 0427E+15 Xe-133 2. 8771E-02 1 .5371E-10 6. 9597E+14 6. 8646E+17 Xe-133m 3.9764E-04 8 .8620E-13 4.0126E+12 2. 0030E+16 Xe-135 8.8640E-06 3 .4710E-15 1.5484E+10 1.8755E+17 Xe-135m 3.7758E-10 4 . 1450E-21 1.8490E+04 6.8828E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2768E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.7235E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.0546E+12 0.0000E+00

Page 89 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 Aerosols (kg) O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4.5602E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4. 5768E- 11 Total I (Ci) 1.3301E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 120.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2889E-48 9.8866E-45 3. 0441E-46 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0317E-01 1.0001E+02 3.1692E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6452E-04 1.6938E-09 1.2000E+16 9.5665E+15 1-131 1.3644E-05 1.1005E-13 5. 0592E+ll 2. 5825E+15 Xe-131m 4.9904E-05 5. 9579E- 13 2. 7389E+12 4. 0523E+15 Xe-133 9.3537E-04 4. 9971E-12 2. 2627E+13 6. 8714E+17 Xe-133m 1. 0531E-07 2.3469E-16 1.0626E+09 2. 0034E+16 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2025E+16 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.8837E+11 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.1755E+Il 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4.8183E-12 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4 .8183E-12 Total I (Ci) 1.3644E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 744.0000 Filtered Transported

Page 90 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) o.0000E+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) O.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 838

              1. S############################################################

1-131 Summary Fuel Pool Environment Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 24.000 1.8057E+02 6.2352E-04 8.9717E-06

24. 017 1.6056E+02 2.0001E+01 2.7096E-01 24.400 1.1385E+01 1.6907E+02 2.4045E-01 24 .700 1.4325E+00 1.7902E+02 1.7762E-01 25.000 1.8024E-01 1.8027E+02 1.2847E-01 25.300 2.2679E-02 1.8043E+02 9.2585E-02 25.600 2.8535E-03 1.8045E+02 6.6680E-02 25.900 3.5904E-04 1.8045E+02 4.8018E-02 26.000 1.7991E-04 1.8045E+02 4.3040E-02 26.300 1.7972E-04 1.8045E+02 3.0994E-02 26 .600 1.7953E-04 1.8045E+02 2.2319E-02 26.900 1.7933E-04 1.8045E+02 1.6072E-02 27.200 1.7914E-04 1.8045E+02 1.1574E-02 27.500 1.7895E-04 1.8045E+02 8.3343E-03 27.800 1.7875E-04 1.8045E+02 6.0016E-03 28.100 1.7856E-04 1.8045E+02 4.3218E-03 28.400 1.7837E-04 1.8045E+02 3.1122E-03 28.700 1.7818E-04 1.8045E+02 2.2411E-03 29.000 1.7798E-04 1.8045E+02 1.6139E-03 29.300 1.7779E-04 1.8045E+02 1.1622E-03 29.600 1.7760E-04 1.8045E+02 8.3688E-04 29.900 1.7741E-04 1.8045E+02 6 .0265E-04 30.200 1.7722E-04 1,8045E+02 4.3397E-04 30.500 1.7703E-04 1.8045E+02 3.1251E-04 30.800 1.7684E-04 1.8045E+02 2.2504E-04 31.100 1.7665E-04 1.8045E+02 1.6205E-04 31.400 1.7646E-04 1.8045E+02 1.1670E-04 31.700 1.7627E-04 1.8045E+02 8.4035E-05 32.000 1.7608E-04 1.8045E+02 6.0514E-05 32.300 1.7589E-04 1.8045E+02 4.3577E-05 32.600 1.75702-04 1.8045E+02 3.1380E-05 32.900 1.7551E-04 1.8045E+02 2.2597E-05 33.200 1.7532E-04 1.8045E+02 1.6273E-05 33.500 1.7513E-04 1.8045E+02 1.1718E-05 33.800 1.7494E-04 1.8045E+02 8.4383E-06 34 .100 1.7475E-04 1.8045E+02 6.0765E-06 34.400 1.7457E-04 1.8045E+02 4.3757E-06 48.000 1.6624E-04 1.8045E+02 1.5013E-12 120.000 1.2836E-04 1.8045E+02 8.9594E-47 744.000 1.3644E-05 1.8045E+02 0 .0000E+00

Page 91 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5 1 Cumulative Dose Summary

                    1. 4##########################################################

Exclusion Area Bounda Low Population Zone Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24.000 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 24.017 7. 6341E+00 3.3291E-01 1. 1564E+00 5. 0430E-02 6.9978E-01 2.1917E-02 24.400 6. 4533E+01 2.8036E+00 9.7756E+00 4 .2470E-01 3.1962E+01 1.0109E+00 24.700 6. 8325E+01 2. 9662E+00 1. 0350E+01 4 .4932E-01 5.0847E+01 1.6107E+00 25.000 6. 8802E+01 2. 9865E+00 1. 0422E+01 4 .5239E-01 6.4612E+01 2.0477E+00 25.300 6. 8862E+01 2. 9890E+00 1.0431E+01 4 .5278E-01 7.4537E+01 2.3627E+00 25.600 6. 8869E+01 2. 9893E+00 1. 0432E+01 4 5283E-01 8.1681E+01 2.5892E+00 25.900 6.8870E+01 2. 9893E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 8.6822E+01 2.7521E+00 26.000 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 8.8192E+01 2.7955E+00 26.300 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.1506E+01 2.9005E+00 26.600 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5283E-01 9.3890E+01 2.9759E+00 26.900 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 9.5606E+01 3.0302E+00 27.200 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 9.6840E+01 3.0692E+00 27.500 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.7728E+01 3.0973E+00 27.800 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5283E-01 9.8367E+01 3.1175E+00 28.100 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.8827E+01 3.1320E+00 28.400 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9158E+01 3.1425E+00 28.700 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1 . 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9396E+01 3.1500E+00 29.000 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9567E+01 3.1554E+00 29.300 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9690E+01 3.1593E+00 29.600 6. 8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9779E+01 3.1621E+00 29.900 6.8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 9.9843E+01 3.1641E+00 30.200 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9889E+01 3.1655E+00 30.500 6.8870E+01 2. 98945+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5283E-01 9.9922E+01 3.1665E+00 30.800 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5283E-01 9.9945E+01 3.1673E+00 31.100 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5283E-01 9.9962E+01 3.1678E+00 31.400 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9975E+01 3.1682E+00 31.700 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 9.9984E+01 3.1685E+00 32.000 6.8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9990E+01 3.1687E+00 32.300 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 9.9995E+01 3.1688E+00 32.600 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 9.9998E+01 3.1689E+00 32.900 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5283E-01 1.0000E+02 3.1690E+00 33.200 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1.0000E+02 3.1691E+00 33.500 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1.0000E+02 3.1691E+00 33.800 6. 8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 1.0000E+02 3.1691E+00 34.100 6.8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4.5283E-01 1.0000E+02 3.1692E+00 34.400 6.8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5283E-01 1.0001E+02 3.1692E+00 48.000 6.8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1.0001E+02 3.1692E+00 120.000 6. 8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 1.0001E+02 3.1692E+00 744.000 6. 8870E+01 2.9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 1.0001E+02 3.1692E+00 Worst Two-Hour Doses Exclusion Area Boundary Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24.0 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00

Page 92 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5S Attachment F PBAPS Fuel Handling Accident Assessment of Limiting Event

[4 pages, unchanged from previous revisions]

Page 93 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 A 1 8 1 C I D I E I F I G H I I J I K I L PBAPSFuel Handling Accident Assessment of Limitlinng Eventi -.

This Aflachment:

[a] Evaluates water coverage for FHAs over the Reactor Well and aver the Spent Fuel Pool.

[b] Evaluates impact of water coverages of less than 23 feet for pur1 poses of pool OFdetermination.

[c] Justifies that a FHA over the Reactor Well is the limiting event.

......... 7-S.........

Baseline R.G. 1.183 based

-f of*DFso 1 .1 Water i RG 1.183 RG 1.1 V nocganic Analysis

. 'G1.183! RG 1A831

.. Organic I iE.. ....................

. .T. .

. I. . .

- ~

i . . .. . ...... ..

ICovage;_iorganic g..,r*:: F gari*..

Ife) Iodine 5F Iodine OF Fraction odlne Iodine DF Fraction Overall OF 1

__----_T K

u S.X3 500 . 0.85 O. i286.0

-15 Case 1: In-raiclo-ie. .FGui dance ConlrolIn C-ase 2: Overall tF Guidance Co .- ..I ... .............

"23 - 23 .. 1 9§§85I 0.0015 200.0 Sntroli ,ng -r ". -. .4..............

____ 1 __. .... ...

Ds determined per Burley Paperwith R.G. 1.183 Case I assumptions ............

Rd 1R .183 F FRG 11831 I

  • I ...

.Water O..!*.3 Organicj - . ....

Coverage Inorganic Organic odine Iodine OF Overall .

lfeet) 23 '

Iodine OF Iodine F 500 G .1 rractior-0.. 95 Fraction I 0015 OF 286.0.capped at!200 To 22.5 I436.8 1 l o0.9985 0.0015 264.1 capped at 200

- 1II.2*.2 21.5

...... 301.6 3334 1

1 0.9985 1 0.0015 i 242.9 0.9985 0.0015 i 222.5 cppe capped at 200 at 200 21 291.3 " 0.985 0.0015 29 capped at200 . ..................

20.5 . 254.5 1 0.9985 0.0015 184.4 20..... 1222.3 __ 1 0.9g9.../....5 ot5i160.0

.-~~0 60015 1 166._ _____

19*95 194.2 1 0.9985 0 00o15, 150.8. ................ ......................--

%..............,..16.7 ~ 98' 00 "!1i4-.... ..--...............

All water coverages .19

- ---71~~~ .....

169.7 are more1 than 210.9985 i.......... 0.0015 the:135.4 feet Therefore. .

200 OF is conservahve for all cases.

WaFsdetermined per Burly_1apr with R.G. 1.183 Case 2-assurelion.

Water I.11 RR 83 ilnorganic, Organic -...

~ ~ IIodine~ OF; Overall I__ ___ . .................... .

_Lov ruageI nqrAanic Organic (feet9 lIodine .......

OF Iodine - 01F Fractlont

  • 1Iodine g2** ~....

Fraction OF:

.J*.**6- .- ............

TI 2 I .eS. 1. 0.9985 001am 20.0 22i.

225 152.3 3.1i

~ I 1

.9985 0.9985 0.0015 0.0015 183.2 167.4 21.5 i 197.3 1 0_9985.i 005 152.4 18................

1~74.5... . . .*... 0*005

... 2..

20.5 154.3 1 0.9985 00015 125*.5 0 13.5 , 09985 00015 113.4......

1. 127 1 0.9905 00015 102.3 . .

19 10.7 I 09985 0.0015 92.1 21.181 182.4 I 0.9 98 1 010015 :143.4 22.35233.243.31 1 O .0.9985 .000. 178.5 Overall OF weighted..y .n rack vs.drop ase i 50.7 j For Case 2, overall % of 200 DF 803%

i ~~~ * . ...... '.-- ~ ........

Fuel failure over SFP vs. over the reactor well. - 70%

based on recent Fermi 2 assessments of a 6t1oo drop (and a similar Mark I configuration).

therefore, the drop over ihe reactor welie boundinoiren a OF-of sed...............

Bounding FHA Assessment PM-I059, Rev. 2, Attachment F. I of 4

Page 94 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

- I A I a I C I D I E I F 1 G 1 H i 1. I K 1 1 PBAPS Damaged Fuel Water Coverage Assessment for Fuel Handling Accidents ......... .

2 .. ............. - .... . . . ....

3 __ Refere.n~ce P.oi.nts.-... . . . . . . .

4 M3L Reactor 0 R P. Inst. 0 SPF Bottom 5 (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) 232.542 84.292 39.458i 37.292 Minimum Fuel Pool Level for SPF Cooling Operation Iscuppers ail the way.down, 7 232.250 84.000 39.167i 37.000 TS 3.7.7 Minim.umSpent Fuel Pool Level for fuel movement ._............................

8 231.250 83.000 38.117i 36.000 TS 3.9.6 Minimum Water Level During Refeling ..... I

... 869 .4 .o........... e........... 7.1B to o S e t F l....... o. . ..... -419_7 . .............

0 21.9 6.19_ 1.851 15.819,Top ofAssembly Lyin.0 on Ba!ilHandle ___

-1 2- .23 62.373 17.5"0j 1 Top ofAssem-lyBait Handle in Spent Fuel Pool when assembly is in rac-ks 12 210.333. 62.083 17.250, 15.083 -top of Vessel Ran . ......

13 210.126 81.876 17.043 14.8761 o of pentFuel Pool 14 209.098 681.48 "6" 14.* 14.848 Top of Fuel Rod Plenum in Spent Fuel Rack I......

15 .077 60.827 -15.94 . Top..Ac.e Fuel in S FtFelRack .

16 19 8.12 5 4 7 87 5 3.0 42- 0 7 5 S e a t i ng S u rfa c e i n Ra ck s

.8 ---....

17 195.945 47.695 2.861 0.695 Bottom of Assembly Seated in Racks 1

10 185.250 47.000 2.187, . 0 000 tom __ of Fupen ... .................. . ............... . .......... ..............

19 193.083 44.833 6,0O0l -2.167.Reactor Instrument Zero __

20 179.069 31.7191 -13.115W -15.281: Fuel Channel Top Surface 21 148.250 O.O00 -_,4.833, .. Reactor Vessel Zero . . ....

22 ............... ........ ...............

73 2.181 Coverage (at TS 3.7.7 limit) over Assembly Lying on Bails (in SFP) .... . ..... ...... ...

24 23.173 Cov (tS 3._7,imit)over Active Fuel (in SFP) _ _ _ .

25 26 2.2*352.**overage (at TS 3.7.7 limit) over Plenum Alrsae in SFP.) ....

32.900 Drop Distance over Reactor Well [Lass than GESTAR 34 ft drop assumption] I 27 2.743.DrpW Distance over S*lFiuel Racks -i 2 2..................

5.2 8 .......... ...... ... ... . . .. .. . ane ..... 1 . .............

  • . !n Re ct r * ...........

20 52.281.Cvera (at TS 3.7.7 limit) over Fuel Channel Top Surface tin Reactor Vessel) ____I___

29 Referenc as: ....... __i ...............

30 (1) Fuel Assembly Oimensions (inches) Based on GE14 Fuel per GE DWG No. 107E1593. Rev.

31 176.14 Maximum Fuel Assembly. . .ngth 32 5.96 MinimumBail Handle Length i .... ... . .

33 1.06 5 -U erTIe Pla teThickness 3 1.563 Scaled Box Expansion S en .. -S--pring--

-- . 0.015 Scaled Top cladThickness.

30 167.437.engthfromnBottom of' Assembly toto~ of Plenum (calculated) 37 18.55 Length from at of Bail to To of Active Fuel (Part 2 from Table[ . . .............

38 157 59 Length from Bottom of Assembly to top of Active Fuel' _ _

39 2.165 Distance.from Bottom of assembly to estimate-d seatin .a.........

40 . 5 U48Assembly~thickness, lyin on its side 1 .........

41 (2) Drawing S-232, Rev. 5, "Reactor Building Skimmer Surge Tank Sections and Details" _

42 .rawing n. M-352, Sheet 2, Rev. 61, Sheet 4, Rev. 56. "P&ID Nuclear Boiler Vessel Instrumentation' .......

43 4 Calculation ME-325, Rev. 0, "Calculate the Maximum Distance through which a Fuel Assembly Could Conceivabtl _

44 Fall at PBAPS from the Refeling Platorm Grapple to Fuel Assemblies in the Reactor Vessel' 45 5 Technical Specifications (TS) 3.7.7 and 3.9.0 - -_-_----_-

Water Coverage Assessment PM-1059, Rev 2, Attachment F. 2 of4

Page 95 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 A I B C D E 1 PBAPS Damaged Fuel Ware _

2 1 - - ...... .............

3 Reference Points _


_ Reactor 0 Rx. Inst. 0 SPF Bottom 5 (feet) (fteet (feet) (feet) ..................

6 =232-6.5/12 =A6-'B7-A7) =B6+(C7-B7) =C6+(D7-C7) Minimum Fuel 7 =232+3/12 __- .=A7.(88-A8) =B7+(C8-B8) =C7+(D8-C8) TS 3.7.7 Mini 8 =B8+(A10-B1O) =C8-(B1O-C1o) =458/12 =C8+(D10-C10) TS 3.9.6 Mini 9 =212+10.43/12 =A9+(B21-A21) =B9(C21-B21 =C9(021-C21) B-ottomo 0 f pe 10 =A1lI$A40/12 =B11+$A40/12 =C11$SA40112 =D11+SA40112 Top of Assemb 11 =A17+$A31/12 i=Bi7+SA31/12 =C17+$A31/12 =D17+SA31/12 Top of Assemb 12 = 1.A 1B 1-~?,2. 2


. B12+(C21-6211

. . . ............. . =C12+(021-C21)

Top of Vessel 13 =A14-SUM(SA33:SA35)112 ,=814+.SUMl$A33:SA35-)12 ZC14+SUM(SA33:$A35)1/12 = $A35)l 2 Top of Assemb

4+SUMISA33 14 =A17+SA36/12 !A36/12 -12 17+AA3612 . =D.1A36/ 12 Top of Fuel Ro 15 =A17÷SA38/12 l=B17+SA38/12 =C17+SA38/12 =D17+$/12 Top of Active F 16 =A18+10.5/12 1=B18+10.5/12 C18+10.5/12 =D18,10.5/12 Seating Surfac 17 =A1-A39/12. .. =B16-$A39112 =C16-$A39/12 =D16-SA39/12 Bottom of Asse 18 195.25 =A18-148.25 ...... .... =B18-538/12 0 Bottom of Spar 19 =148.25+B19 . =5381120-C18 Reactor Instrur 20 =380.625612+A21 I=A20+(B1 9-Al 9) =B20+(C19-B19) -=C.20+(D19-Cl191 . Fuel Channel I 21 148.25 0 .538112 =A21-A18 Reactor Vesse 22 23 =D7-010 ,Coverage (at TS 3.7.7 limit) a 24 D7-D015 [Coverage (at TS 3.7.7 limit) o:

25 =D7-D14 j Coverage (at TS 3.7.7 limit)I o .

26=A-ODstance over Rencto 27 =A -A13 IDrop Distance over Spent Fu___...............

28 A7-A20 Coverage (at TS 3.7.7 limit) o 29 R eferences: ............... ........

30(11 Fuel Assembly Dimensions (i_

31 176.14 Maximum Fuel Assembly Len .................

32 33 5.96 1.065 Minimum 1Upper Tie Bail Handle Plate Length Thickness F ............

34 1.663 Scaled Box Expansion Spring . .......... ...........

35 0.015 Scaled Top clad Thickness . ....................

36 =A31-SUM(A32:A35) Lenngth from Bottom of Assert . ....

37 18.55 1.Length from top of Bail to Top .................

38 =A31-A37 Length from Bottom of Asserr ........ .. ._._.............

39 =1.51+0.655 Distance from Bottom of asse 40 =5.226+(5.47-5.226)/2 .Assembly thickness, lying on ........

41 (2) 1Drawing S-232. Rev. 5, "Reat 42 (31 i Drawing M-352, Sheet 2, Rev 43 (4) iCalculation ME-325, Rev. 0,............................

4451(5) 1Technical____TS 45 {5) . Te~chnical Specifications (TSI ____________- ____________

Water Coy Assess (Formulas) PM-1059, Rev. 2, Attachment F, 3 of 4

Page 96 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 A I B C D E F I G PBAPS Fuel This Attachn R._

Baseline RG 11.1,RG 1.18 __

Water I G1.1 83 RG I Inorgan Orq anic . .... .. . ..............

Co.v.Yerag.e.. norganic Orga Iodine Iodine D Overall .

F................ ...... ........

(feet) Iodine DF iodini Fractior - ractio n D 23 0.9985 0.0015 =1I(D131B13+E13/C13L .Casee 1: Ino 23 ' 0.9985 00.1.5 . "./(.l4/B!4+E14c14 ... Ca~se2 Ov4 j.......

DFs determi 500 _


28573 3/$~ Organic -- S.............................

Covera e 4/.A.....

................ 2.... Iodine Iodine _ Overall (feet) I 'lodini Fractior Fraction


.0......0 .........

!.[.... 2B 2 22 .. icapp~ed at2(

23 .. Rd525L52 0.9985 0.0015 =1/D22/B22+E223C22)

=A22-0.5 0.9985 .:0.0.5.. =1(D231B23+E23/C25 0.0015 fL..

... 2......

( 2 tE .4/- ). .. ... _

..... *ca pped at 21

=A23-05  : 0.0015 =11(D246B24+E241C2-)- "capped at 2(

=A24-0.5 =BS22A(A23/A$22)_ 0.9985 0_0015 =-iA(D2-5IB25+ E2-5IC25 -

ica ped at 2(

=B$22h(A24/A$22) 0.9985 0.0015 =1/(D26/B26+E26IC26)

A25-0.5 -

=A26-0.5 005 =i(27B27+ E27/C27) .. ..


=B$22A(A29,A$22) 0 9985 0-0015_ =1/(5D2/B28+E28/C28. -.......

=B$2A (A27/A$22)

=A28-0.5 00015 j=1/(D0291B29+E293C23) __

=A29-0.5 - ... 0ý9985 600015 11/(D30/B30+E-330/3) -___

All water cov

...........I - -- .- - --- . __ . __ - --

DFs detemi RG 1.11 RG 1.1 8 Water RýG 1.183 fRGt Coverage Inorganic 'O rgai Iodine Iodine 0 Overall __

(feet) 1odine OF ______ i Fractior Fraction DF 23 285.3 -1 0.9985 0.0015 =11(D38tB38+E381C38 _

=A38-05 1-1B..38A(A-39/AS38) -1 0.9985 0.0015 =11(039/B39+E39/C39) +

=A39-0 5 0*9985.0.0015 =lI D401B40+E401C40) . . .......

=A40-0.5  :=BS38(A42IA38) 1 998500015 =1/D41/B41'+E41)C41

=A41-0.5 =B$38AL(A43I/A$38)_- I 9985 =11/(D42/B42+E42/C42)

!= 42-0.5  :=B$38A(A42/A$38) 1 0.9.985.0.0015 =11(D43/B43+E43tC43 ___ ___


B$38A (A45/A$38) 1 0.998512.0015 =1/(D44/B44+E44/C44)

=A44-0.5 =B$3681(44IA$38) 1i 0.9985 09985 0.0015 0.0015... =11(D45/B45+E45/C45) / 46.......

=A45-0.5  :-B$38A (A451A$38) 1 21.181 -

0.9985 0.0015 s-11.D471B47+E471C47.)___.

=B$38V(A461A$38) ,1 0.9985 0.0015 !=1/(D48/B48+E48/C48) 22.35233 Overall =.(87(.*F47_+ (i1-87.33)F*48)/1721....

. . ~....

.. ..... ...... For Cas!PF49/200 Vi*uel ailure 6 j .

0.7 based on r .. ..............



  • I" r Bounding FHA Assess. (Formulas) PM-1 059, Rev. 2, Attachment F, 4 of 4

Page 97 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment G Evaluation of Worst-Case Control Room X/Qs for Release from Roof Scuttles, Personnel Access Doors and Railroad Bay Doors G.1 Purpose/Objective An analysis was performed for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 to calculate the worst-case Control Room X/Q results for releases from roof scuttles, reactor building personnel access doors, and railroad bay doors using the same methodology as in PM- 1055 (Reference 1).

G.2 Methodology The NRC recommended model, ARCON96 (Reference 2), is used as applied in Calculation PM-1055. The ARCON96 methodology is described in Section 2.1 of Calculation PM-1055.

G.3 Design Input G.3.1 Meteorological Data The onsite Meteorological Tower IA data was selected as most representative for the release/intake scenarios described in Section 3.2. The 1984-1988 onsite meteorological database supplied by Exelon (Reference 3) was utilized by ARCON96. This database consists of wind measurements at 34 ft and 92 ft above tower grade and stability class derived from the delta temperature measurement between 33 and 89 ft above grade. Calculation PM-1055, Section 2.2.3 contains additional information describing the meteorological data.

G.3.2 Release/Intake Scenarios and Configurations The subject releases are as follows:

" Two (2) roof scuttles The roof scuttles are located on the northern edge of the Unit 2 Reactor Building roof and the southern edge of the Unit 3 Reactor Building roof. Their release height is 48.5 m (i.e., 159.15 ft above the 135 ft msl grade elevation).

" Two (2) reactor building personnel access doors The two personnel access doors have a grade-level release height (i.e. 0 ft above the 135 ft msl grade) and are located at the southwest and northwest corners of the Unit 2 and Unit 3 Reactor Buildings, respectively.

" Two (2) railroad bay doors.

The railroad bay doors have a grade-level release height (i.e. 0 ft above the 135 ft msl grade elevation) and are located on the southern and northern face of the Unit 2 and Unit 3 Reactor Buildings, respectively.

Page 98 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Figure 3-1 shows the location of all subject release points. The ground hatch release locations are superseded and provided in Reference 9, Figures 1 through 6.

Figure 3-1 Release and Intake Locations Fxcerpt of Drawing M-3 (Reference 4)


1 Htc 2 -g -J" -

Grou d Hatcht Unit ro l .-..

'-! [C 2 Ground Hatch 3 Access Doors o, Intake
  • _V .. I li  : l :,.,q,i l .

't114J~l Ar1

'1'P Unit 3 Roo K-- '-WIi*tý4 L Unit I Railroad By Doors P.

I ' Cl ARCON96 was executed in ground release mode for each release point to Control Room Intake scenario.

The Intake, defined in Calculation PM- 1055, is centered on the west face of the Radwaste Building as shown above in Figure 3-1. The vertical center of the Intake is 50 ft above the 135 ft msl west plant face grade elevation.

Input to ARCON96 requires a horizontal release/intake distance, which is defined in RG 1.194, Section 3.4, as "the shortest horizontal distance between the release point and the intake". However, for releases in building complexes, a "taut string length" can be utilized as justifiable. This taut string length was utilized for the roof scuttle, personnel access door, and railroad bay door scenarios to account for the intervening Reactor and Radwaste Buildings. Per phone conversation with Mr. Steve Lavie of NRC on May 17, 2004, when the taut string length is utilized, the intake and release height should be set equal to each other so as not to also take undue advantage of the slant distance that ARCON96 internally calculates. Therefore, the intake height was set equal to the release height above grade of 48.5 m for the roof scuttles, and 0 m for both the personnel access doors and railroad bay doors.

Page 99 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 - I Figure 3-2 Taut String Length Unit 2 Roof Scuttles*

Elevation View Looking West (not to scale)

Unit 2 Roof Scunlc x Aerial View Unit 2 Reactor y' (not to wcailc) Unit 3 Reactor Buildingz Building Control Rorn Intake x Sa Unit 2 Reactor Radwaste Unit 3 Reactor Building Building Building *Cuonrol I oom Intake Unit 2 Radwaste Roof Sc ijil_ Building Plant North

1) Horizontal distance from Unit 2 roof scuttle to the edge of the Radwaste Building (nearest the CR Intake)

= x = 130 ft (measured from Drawing A-9, Reference 5)

2) Height of the Unit 2 Reactor Building = 294 ft msl - 135 ft msl (west face grade) = 159 ft Height of Radwaste Building = 190 ft msl - 135 ft msl (west face grade) = 55 ft (Drawing M-5, Reference 6) y = 159 ft - 55 ft = 104 ft = Height difference between Unit 2 Reactor Building and Radwaste Building
3) Slant Distance, z, from the Unit 2 roof scuttle to the edge of the Radwaste Building (nearest the CR Intake):

- = f*3 + y z = /130 +104.:

= ,r7716

= 166.5fl

4) Vertical distance from the top of the Radwaste Building to the Control Room Intake = a = 5 ft (Drawing M-19, Reference 7)

Total taut string length = z + a = 166.5 + 5 = 171.5 ft = 52.3 m tUnit 3 is a mirror image of Unit 2

Page 100 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Figure 3-3 Taut String Length Unit 2 Reactor Building Personnel Access Doors*

Elevation View Looking West (not to scale)

Aerial View (not it) scale) 2 Reactor UnitBuilding 3 Reactor UnitBuilding Control l(nnm MnIAk.

Unt qIW Radwaste Unrsit2 ~ I Building i::/ Unit 2Reactoruldn Radwasteuidg Unit 3 Reactoruiig* ll C ... -m ftak¢ In'.1 Unit2 X M~ant Norah 'role Doonrs

1) Horizontal distance from Unit 2 personnel access doors to southwest corner of the Unit 2 Reactor Building 8.1 ft (measured from Drawing Bid-3)
2) Slant Distance, z, from the personnel access doors to the control room intake at 50 ft above west face grade of 135 ft msI (Drawing M-19):

.- x+ +y x = 223.4.ft (rneasurcd from Drawing M -3)

Y = 50.ft

- = -223.42+ 50"

= 52407.6

- 228.9f1 Total taut string length = 8.1 ft + 228.9 ft = 237 ft

  • Unit 3 is a mirror image of Unit 2

Page 101 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Figure 3-4 Taut String Length Unit 2 Railroad Bay Doors*

Elevation View Looking West (lin to scale)

Aerial View Unit 2Reactor Unit 3Rea (not to Scale) Building Buildinc.

.......... b.............. ".L C rci,RoomIni.kc

~Radwaste Building Unit 2 Reactor Radwaste Unit 3 Reactor Conrol Iom hntke Unit 2-"1 Building Building Building Z I.ailro.Id BWy Doo. l y A. A a-b Ni.'l1 North Un.it2 Rnlwroad Bay Uoors

1) Horizontal distance from Unit 2 railroad bay doors to southwest corner of the Unit 2 Reactor Building

= a = 103.6 ft (Measured from Drawing M-3)

2) Horizontal distance from the southwest corner of the Reactor building to the Control Room Intake

= b = 223.4 ft (Measured from Drawing M-3)

3) Slant Distance, z, from the railroad bay doors to the control room intake height, with horizontal distance, a + b, interpreted as the effective base of triangle for calculation purposes:

S X/-2+ y:

x = u + b = 103.6ft + 223.4ft = 327fi Y = 50Ji V 327 2 + 502

= .109429 z= 330.8fr Total taut string length = 330.8 ft

  • Unit 3 is a mirror image of Unit 2

Page 102 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 The smallest vertically projected area of the Reactor Building, 2583.6 m2 (based on References 7 and 8), is utilized for each scenario. All releases are also conservatively assumed to have a zero (0) vertical velocity, exhaust flow and radius.

Table 3-1 contains a summary table of all input parameters utilized by ARCON96 and certain meteorological data statistics for each scenario.

Page 103 of 211

¢ I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Table 3-1 ARCON96 Control Room Intake Analysis Data Summary Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 2 Unit 3 Roof Roof Personnel Personnel Railroad Railroad Scuttle Scuttle Access Door Access Door Bay Door Bay Door Number of meteorological data files 5 5 5 5 5 5 Height of lower wind instrument (m) 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 Height of upper wind instrument (m) 28 28 28 28 28 28 Release height (m) 48.5 48.5 0 0 0 0 Building area (mA2) 258316 2583.6 2583.6 2583.6 2583.6 2583.6 Effluent vertical velocity (m/s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vent or stack flow (mA3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vent or stack radius (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Direction.. intake to source (deg) 96 32 152 336 129 359 Wind direction sector width (deg) 90 90 90 90 90 90 Wind direction window (deg) 051 -141 347-077 107- 197 291 -021 084- 174 314-044 Distance to intake (m) 52.3 52.3 72.2 72.2 100.8 100.8 Intake height (m) 48.5 48.5 0 0 0 0 Terrain elevation difference (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum wind speed (m/s) 0.2 0.2 0,2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Surface roughness length (m) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Sector averaging constant 4 4 4 4 4 4 Initial value of sigma y 0 0 0 0 0 0 Initial value of sigma z 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total hours of meteorological data processed 43800 43800 43800 43800 43800 43800 Hours of missing data 464 464 464 464 464 464 Hours direction in window 11502 4381 7910 10376 10230 7225 Hours elevated plume w/ dir. in window 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hours of calm winds 432 432 385 385 385 385 Hours direction not in window or calm 31402 38523 35041 32575 32721 35726

Page 104 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 G.4 Calculations Table 4-1 below presents the Control Room Intake X/Q results.

Table 4-1 ARCON96 Control Room Intake X/Q Results (sec/m 3) 0-2 hour 2.8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 8-24 hour 1-4 day 4-30 day Unit 2 Roof Scuttle") 1.90E-03 1.33E-03 5.96E-04 4.18E-04 3.27E-04 Unit 3 Roof Scuttle*') 1.30E-03 6.1OE-04 3.18E-04 2.19E-04 1.54E-04 Unit 2 Personnel DoorsolA Access 7.54E-04 5.09E-04 2.166E-04 1.46E-04 1.06E-04 UntPrsonelAces o

Unit 3 Personnel Access 1.04E-03 6.39E-04 2.72E-04 1.87E-04 1.64E-04 Doors*1" Unit 2 Railroad Bay 4.54E-04 3.48E-04 1.53E-04 1.06E-04 7.95E-05 Doors"1 )

Unit 3 Railroad Bay 4.36E-04 2.38E-04 1.07E-04 7.62E-05 5.59E-05 Doorsf1o (1) x/Q Values Cosnservative for As-built Location of CR Air Intake

Page 105 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 G.5 References

1) Calculation of Alternative Source Term (AST) Onsite and Offsite X/Q Values, Calculation PM-1055, Rev. 0, March 2003.
2) Atmospheric Relative Concentrationsin Building Wakes; NUREG/CR-633 1, PNNL- 10521, Rev. 1; prepared by J. V. Ramsdell, Jr., C. A. Simmons, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; May 1997 (Errata, July 1997).
3) Peach Bottom 1984-1988 Meteorological Tower data; provided on behalf of Exelon by Pat Brennen of MES under cover letter "PBAPS Tower I A Meteorological Data, 1983-1992", November 13, 2002.
4) Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Drawing No. M-3, Rev. 21; General Arrangement Plant at El.

135'-0", Sheet 1.

5) Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Drawing No. A-9, Rev. 11, Roof Plan.
6) Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Drawing No. M-5, Rev. 13, General Arrangement Plan at El.


7) Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Drawing No. M-19, Rev. 9; Equipment Location-Reactor and Radwaste Building Unit No. 2, Sec. C-C.
8) Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Drawing No. M-18, Rev. 11; Equipment Location-Reactor and Radwaste Building Unit No. 2, Plan at 234'.
9) PBAPS calculation No. PM-1 170, Revision 0, "PBAPS Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (X/Qs) for post-FHA Ground Hatch Releases."

Page 106 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 G.6 ARCON 96 Input and Output Files G.6.1 DELETED G.6.2 DELETED G.6.3 DELETED G.6.4 DELETED G.6.5 Unit 2 Roof Scuttle to Control Room Intake 5


1 48.50 2583.60 0.00 0,00 0.00 96 90 52.29 48.50 0.00 2RHtoCRI. log 2RHtoCR1. cfd

.1 0.22 4.00 1 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 1 2 4 8 12 22 87 152 324 648 0.00 0.00 n

Page 107 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5S X/Q CU14ULATIVE FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS XOQ 1. 2 4 8 XOQ 12 24 96 168 360 720 Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

9.120E-03 0. 0, 0. 0. 9.120E-03 0, 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

8. 318E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 8.318E-03 0, 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

7.586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 7.586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6.918E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 6.9188-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6.310E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 6.310E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5. 754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 5.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.248E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 5.248E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4.786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4.365E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 4 .365E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.981E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.981E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.631E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.631E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.311E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.311E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2.754E-03 24. 6. 3. 0. 2.754E-03 0, 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2. 512E-03 100. 37. 16. 12 2.512E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2.291E-03 391. 197. 90. 39. 2.291E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0.

2.089E 03 872. 632. 352. 190. 2.089E-03 13. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1 . 90SE-03 2247. 1530. 937. 518. 1.906E-03 79. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.738E-03 3177. 2334. 1628. 1006. 1.738E-03 216. 0. 0. 0. 0.

I .585F-03 3941. 3173. 2344. 1613. 1.585E-03 557. 46. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.445E-03 4489. 3726. 3076. 2275. 2.445E-03 990. 150. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.318E-03 5890. 4604, 3839. 3006. 1.318E-03 1564. 291. 7. 0. 0. 0.

1.202E-03 6566. 5190. 4533. 3741. 1.202E-03 2208. 563. 39. 0. 0. 0.

1 .096E-03 7146. 5860. 5274, 4518. .096E-03 2922. 867 60. 0. 0. 0.

1. 000E- 03 7611. 6611. 6051. 5351 1.000E-03 3701. 1266. 73. 0. 0. 0.

9.120E 04 7865. 7431. 6881. 6253. 9.120E-04 4523. 1900. 96. 41. 0. 0.

8.318E-04 8137. 7979. 7731. 7195. 8.318E-04 5467. 2689. 200. 73. 0. 0.

7.586E-04 9868. 9490. 98,19. 8153. 7.586E-04 6424. 3567. 356. 97. 0 0.

9865. 9200. 6.918E-04 7387. 4471. 644. 127. 0. 0.

6.918E-04 11102. 10782.

6.310E-04 11481. 11529. 10614. 10190. 6.310E-04 8445. 5509. 2050. 256 . 26. 0.

5.754E-04 11786. 13966. 11409. 11134. 5.754E-04 9505. 6548. 1470. 531. 124. 0.

5.248E-04 11835. 12500. 12272. 12006. 5.248E-04 10527. 7666. 2312. 964 . 283. 0.

4.786E-04 11884. 12755. 12908. 12962. 4.786E-04 11602. 8836. 3168. 1562. 619. 22.

4 .365E-04 11906. 12940. 13432. 13807. 4.365E-04 12585. 10111 4397. 2461. 1152. 270.

3.981E-04 11918, 13581. 14091. 14683. 3 .981E-04 13465. 11509. 6168. 3871. 1831. 536.

3.631E-04 11926. 14063. 14674. 15434 3.631E-04 14377. 12839. 7986. 5935. 3042. 1620.

16054. 3.311E-04 15306. 14138. 10047. 8095. 5033 3458.

3.311E-04 11931. 4.544. 15382.

3 .020E-04 11932. 14644. 15813. 16668. 3.020E-04 16130. 15401. 12487. 10723. 8124 6114.

2.754E-04 11933. 14676. 16213. 17340. 2.754E-04 16991. 1663"7. 14914. 13567. 12007. 9554.

2.512E-04 11934. 14686. 16511. 17940. 2.512E-04 17757. 17829. 17485. 26639. 15618. 14873.

2.291E-04 11934. 14689. 16697. 18440. 2.291E-04 18460. 18910. 19717. 19634 . 19222. 19870.

18764. 19065. 19953. 21895. 22568. 22718. 23742.

2.089E-04 11934. 14690. 16896. 2.089E-04 1.905E-04 11934. 14690. 17557. 19441. 2.905E-04 19703 20995. 23986. 25387. 26783. 28396, 1.738E-04 11934. 14690. 18055. 20008. 1.738E-04 20309. 21949. 26004. 28222. 30343. 32054.

1.585E-04 11934. 14691. 18287. 20446. 2 .585E-04 20914. 22853. 27754. 30297. 33262. 35538.

21385. 23607 29302. 32459. 35575. 37924.

2 .445E--04 11934. 14691. 18222. 20728. 1.445E-04 1.318E-04 11934. 14691. 18237. 21077. I .318E-04 21847. 24434 30823. 34066. 37073. 39281.

1.202E-04 11934. 14691. 18242. 21256. 1.2028-04 22425. 25102. 32172. 35478. 38377. 43149.

1.096E-04 11934. 14691. 18243. 21467. 1.096E-04 22919. 25698. 33112. 36629. 39207. 40531.

1 .000E-04 11934. 14691. 18244. 22000. 1.000E-04 23313. 26410. 34242. 37592. 40031. 41040.

9.120E-05 11934. 14691. 18244. 22357. 9.120E-05 23628. 27007. 35337. 38612. 40666. 41531.

8.318E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22665. 8.318E-05 23982. 27550. 36157. 39426. 41186. 41709.

7.586E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22732. 7.586E-05 24265. 28049. 37069. 39862. 41708. 41816.

6.918E-05 11934. 14691. 28245. 22750. 6.918E-05 24521 28328. 37797. 40326. 41987. 41964, 6.310E-05 12934. 14691. 18245. 22760. 6.310E-05 24937. 28795. 38409. 40662. 42192. 41983.

5.754E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22761. 5.754E-05 25265. 29250. 38795. 42133 . 42242. 41983.

393'79. 41530. 42284 41983.

5.248E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22762. 5.248E-05 25435. 29595.

41753. 42302. 41983.

4.786E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22762. 4 .786E-05 25531. 29858. 39648.

4 .365E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22762. 4 .365E-05 25600. 30056. 39998, 42005. 42343 41983.

3.981E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 3.981E-05 25958. 30486. 40232. 42161. 42343. 41983.

3.631E-05 11934. 24692. 18245. 22763. 3.631E-05 26054. 30652. 40450. 42267. 42343. 41983.

3.311E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 3.311E-05 26103. 31.025. 40628. 42322. 42343. 42.983.

3.020E-05 11934. 1.4691. 182,15. 22763. 3.020E-05 26119. 33215. 40772. 42355. 42343. 41983.

2 .754E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 2.754E-05 26126. 31495. 40921. 42372 . 42343. 41983.

2.512E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 2.512E-05 26130. 32603. 41066. 42438. 42343 42983.

2.291E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 2.291E-05 26131. 31697. 41272. 42458. 42343 41983.

2.089E-05 11934 14691. 1.8245. 22763. 2 .089F-05 26132. 32083. 41372. 42472. 42343 41983.

26132. 32260. 41479. 42474. 42343. 41983.

1.905E-05 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 2 .905E-05 1.738E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 1. 738E-05 26132. 32314. 41547. 42484 42343. 41983.

1.585E-05 .11934. 34691, 38245. 22763. 21.585E-05 26132. 32341. 41622. 42487. 42343. 41983.

1.445E-05 11934. 14691. 26132. 32346. 41723. 42489. 42343. 41983.

18245. 22763. 2.445E-05 1.318E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 2 .3188E05 26132. 32354 41797. 42513. 42343. 41983.

1.202E-05 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 1.202E-05 26132. 32354 41840. 42514. 42343. 41983.

Page 108 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1.096E-05 11934 14691 18245. 22763. 1.096E-05 26132. 32355. 41855. 42515. 42343. 41983

12. 000E-05 2.1934 14691. 18245. 22763. 1.000E-05 26132. 32355. 41917. 42519. 42343. 41983 9.120E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 9.120E-06 26132. 32355. 41925. 42523. 42343. 41983
8. 318E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 8.318E-06 26132. 32355. 41945. 42523. 42343. 41983
7. 566E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 7.586E-06 26132. 32355. 41999. 42523. 42343. 41983.
6. 918E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 6.919E-06 26132. 32355. 42021. 42523. 42343. 41983.

6 .310E-06 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 6. 310E-06 26132. 32355. 42021. 42524. 42343. 41983 5.754E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 5,754E-06 26132. 32355. 42025. 42524. 42343. 41983 5.248E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 5.248E-06 26132. 32355. 42117. 42524. 42343. 41983 4.786E-06 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 4.7866E-06 26132. 32355. 42123. 42524. 42343 41983.

4.365E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 4.365E-06 26132. 32355. 42126. 42524. 42343. 41983 3 . 981.E-06 11934 1.4691. 18245. 22763. 3.981E-06 26132. 32355. 42127. 42524 42343. 41983 3.631E-06 11934. 14691. 18245, 22763. 3. 633E-06 26332. 32355. 42127. 42524. 42343. 41983 3.311E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 3.3311E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42524. 42343. 41983.

3.020E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 3.020E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983 2 .754E-06 11934. 1.4691 18245. 22763. 2.754E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.512E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 2.512E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.291E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 2.291E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.089E-06 11934 1.4691. 18245. 22763. 2.089E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.905E-06 11934. 1.4691. 18245. 22763. 1.905E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.738E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 1.738E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983 1.585E-06 11934. 14691 18245. 22763. I .585E-06 262.32. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41963 1.445E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 1.445E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.318E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 1.318E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.202E-06 11934 14691. 18245. 22763. 1.202E606 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.096E-06 11934. 14691. 18245. 22763. 1.096E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1. DO0E-06 11934. 14693. 18245. 22763. I .000E-06 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538. 42343. 41983.

Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Page 109 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 T Rev. No. 5 Program



Developed For: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Reactor Program Management Date: June 25, 1997 11:00 a.m.

NRC Contacts: J. Y. Lee Phone: (301) 415 1080 e-mail: J. J. Hayes Phone: (301) 415 3167 e-mail: L. A Brown Phone: (301) 415 1232 e-mail: Code Developer: J. V. Ramsdell Phone: (509) 372 6316 e-mail: j ramsdell'pnlgov Code Documentation: NUREG/CR-6331 Rev. 1 The program was prepared for an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibilities for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any portion of this program or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

Program Run 12/ 9/2004 at 13:48:39

..***.-ARCON INPUT *---

Number of Meteorological Data Files = 5 Meteorological Data File Names C:\TRAC1':-l\PEACHB.I\ARCON\TlAA84-l.MET C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-1\ARCON\TIAA85-I.MET C:\TRACI~I-\PEACH5B-I\ARCON\TIAA86-I.MET C:\TRACI'-1\PEACHB.I\ARCON\TlA.A87-1.MET C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHB--l\ARCON\TIAA88-l.MET Height of lower wind instrument (m) = 10.4 Height of upper wind instrument (m) = 28.0 Wind speeds entered as miles per hour Ground-level release Release height (m) 48.5 Building Area (m^2) 2583.6 Effluent vertical velocity (m/s) .00 Vent or stack flow fm^3/s) .00 Vent or stack radius (m) .00 Direction .. intake to source (deg) 096 Wind direction sector width (deg) 90 Wind direction window (deg) 051 - 141 Distance to intake (m) 52.3 Intake height (m) 48.5 Terrain elevation difference (m) .0 Output file names 2RHtoCRI.log Minimum Wind Speed (m/s) .2 Surface roughness length (m) .10 Sector averaging constant 4.0 Initial value of sigma y .00 Initial value of sigma z .00 Expanded output for code testing not selected Total number of hours of data processed = 43800 Hours of missing data = 464 Hours direction in window 11502 Hours elevated plume w/ dir. in window 0 Hours of calm winds 432 Hours direction not in window or calm = 31.402

Page 110 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 DISTRIBUTION SUMM4ARY DATA BY AVERAGING INTERVAL AVER. PER. 1 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 UPPER LIM. 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E -02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00R-02 1.00E-02 1. DOE-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 LOW LIM. 1.OOE-06 1.00E-06 1.00E -06 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1 .OOE-06 1.OOE-06 1.00E-06 1,00E-06 1.00E-06 ABOVE RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

IN RANGE 11934. 14691. 182' 45. 22763. 26132. 32355. 42128. 42538.

42343. 41983.

BELOW RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

ZERO 31402. 28585. 249: 12. 20158. 16851. 10347. 428. 0.

0. 0.

TOTAL XIQs 43336. 43276. 431!57. 42921. 42983. 42702. 42556. 42538.

42343. 41983.

% NON ZERO 27.54 33.95 42 .28 53.03 60.80 75.77 98.99 100.00 100.00 100.00 95th PERCENTILE X/Q VALUES 1.90E-03 1.77E-03 1.62E -03 1.47E-03 1.21E-03 8.88E-04 5.368-04 4.52E-04 3.90E-04 3.55E-04 95% X/Q for standard averaging intervals 0 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 1.90E-03 2 to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 1.33E-03 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 5.96E-04 1 to 4 days 4.18E-04 4 to 30 days 3.27E-04 HOURLY VALUE RANGE MAX X/Q MIN X/Q CENTERLINE 2.90E-03 2.64E-04 SECTOR-AVERAGE 1.82E-03 1.65E-04 NORMAL PROGRAM COMPLETION

Page I11 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 G.6.6 Unit 3 Roof Scuttle to Control Room Intake 5


1 48.50 2583.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 90 52.29 48.50 0.00 3RHtOCRI.Ilog

.1 0.22 4.00 1 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 1 2 4 8 11 22 87 152 324 648 0.00 0.00

Page 112 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 X/Q CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS XOQ 1 2 4 8 XOQ 32 24 96 168 360 720 Abv. Lim. 0. 0, 0. 0. Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

9.120E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 9.120E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

8.319E-03 0. 0, 0. 0. 8.318E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

7.586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 7.586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6.938E-03 0. 0. 0. 0, 6.918E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6,310E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 68330E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 5.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.248E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 5,2486-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4 . 786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4 .365E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.365E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.981E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.981E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.631E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.631E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3 311.E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3 .311E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2.754E--03 8. 1. 0. 0. 2.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2. 512E-03 15. 4. 0. 2.512E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


2.291E-03 196. 89. 27. 7. 2.291E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2 . 089E-03 409. 244. 98, 25. 2.0899-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1. 905E-03 968. 594. 321. 132. 1.905E-03 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1,738E-03 1316. 825. 517. 265. 3.738E-03 22 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.585E-03 1532. 1051. 696. 435. 1,585E-03 128. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.445E-03 1661. 1170. 924. 598. 1 .445E-03 274 4. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.318E-03 2340. 1430. 1323. 777. 1.318E-03 407. 52. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.202E-03 2348. 1584. 3298. 951. 1.202P.03 537. 95. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.096E-03 2528 , 1869. 1525. 1169. 1.096E-03 702. 175. 0. 0. 0. 0.

893. 282. 3..7. 0. 0. 0.

1. 000E-03 2656. 2131. 1784. 1424 1.000E-03 2053. 1.641. 9.120E-04 401. 32. 0. 0. 0.

9.120E-04 2731. 2553. 1079.

8.318E-04 2793. 2770. 2315. 3938. 8.319E-04 1303. 551. 46. 0. 0. 0.

7. 586E-04 7,586E-04 1548. 695. 74. 0. 0. 0.

3514. 3266. 2635. 2250.

6. 918E-04 4266. 3901. 2978,. 2569. 6.916E-04 1.847. 848. 134 . 0. 0. 0.

3275. 2195. 1.079. 146. 40. 0. 0.

6.310E-04 4453. 4258. 2882. 6.310E-04 5.754E-04 4573. 4522. 3693. 3245. 5.754E-04 2544. 2366. 171. 95 0. 0.

5. 248E-04 4658. 4760. 4267, 3690. 5.248E-04 2893. 1707. 226. 11., 0. 0.

4 ,786E-04 4738. 3279. 2086. 411. 215. 0. 0.

4706. 4873. 4143. 4.786E-04 4 .365E-04 4738, 4991. 5141. 4589. 4.365E-04 3660. 2440. 530. 265. 0. 0.

3.981E-04 4097. 2948. 621. 321. 0. 0.

4766, 5424, 5564. 4992. 3.981E-04 4582 33282. 877. 419. 141. 0.

3.631E-04 4760. 5781. 5942. 5407. 3.631E-04 3 .311E-04 4792. 6423. 6621, 5947. 3.311E-04 5082. 3867. 1204. 533 269. 0.

3 .020E-04 6506. 6933. 6367. 3.020E-04 5585. 4359. 1.655. 813 500. 0.


2 .754E-04 4806. 6567. 7262. 6953. 2,754E-04 6102. 4996. 2287. 1287. 614. 36.

2. 512E-04 4810. 6600. 7468. 7613. 2 .512E-04 6639. 5534. 2884. 1627. 809. 251.

2.291E-04 4813. 6623 7611. 8292. 2.291E-04 7283. 6155. 3588. 2276. 1165. 542.

2.089E-04 481.3. 6641 7732. 8673. 2.089E-04 7806. 8802. 4491. 3046. 1496. 2237.

1.905E-04 4813. 6654 8382, 9328. 3.905E-04 8395. 7481. 5555. 3932. 2363. 1424.

1.738E-04 4813. 6658. 9226. 1.0112. 1.739E-04 9079. 6494 5198. 2994, 2003.

1 .5856E-04 4813. 6661. 9357. 10586. 1.585E-04 9768. 8960. 7626. 6566. 4313. 2568.

1.445E-04 4813. 6666. 9409. 11019. 1.445E-04 10406. 9880. 8807. 7941. 5738. 3526.

1. 318E-604 4813. 6667. 9461. 31377. 1,319E-04 10986 10435. 10237. 9458. 7890. 5403.

1.202E-04 4813. 6667. 9485. 11526. 1.202E-04 11564 11248. 11645. 11167. 9698. 7593.

1.096E-04 4813. 6667. 9506. 11769. 1.096E-04 1.2356 12131 . 12919. 12911. 12149. 9734.

1 . O00E-04 4813. 6667. 9522. 12392. .1000E-04 13005. 12998. 14197. 14788. 14521. 13127.

9. 120E-05 4813. 6667. 9524. 12946. 9.120E-05 13505. 13933 . 15619. 16784. 16725. 16780.
8. 318E-05 4813. 6667. 9525. 13839. 8.318E-05 13976. 14691. 17083. 18567. 19376. 20166.
7. 586E-05 4813. 6667. 9531. 13927. 77.586E-05 14305. 15530. 18206. 20479. 21909. 2353G.

6,918F-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 13976. 6.918E-05 14712 16255. 19523. 21830. 24723. 27169.

6.310E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14011. 6.310E-05 15589 17140.

2802S. 20807. 23254. 27061. 29892.

5. 754E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14034. 5.754E-05 16624 18077. 22424. 24646. 29471. 32855.

5.248E-05 4813. 6667. 9533, 14052. 5.248E-05 16830. 29609. .

18735 23766. 26095. 31135. 35166.

4 .786E-05 4813. 6667. 9533, 14063. 4.786E-05 16963. 19600. 25048. 27621 32993. 36706.

4 .336E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 1.4063. 4 .365E-05 17074. 20109. 26404. 28888 34229. 38161.

3 .981E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14064. 3.981E-05 17661. 20998. 27739. 30364 35252. 39040.

3. 631E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14074. 3.633E-05 1.7893 23427. 28830. 331917 36350. 40272.

3 .311E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 3.3 11E-05 1"7970 22249. 29875. 33463 37394. 40881.

3 .020E-05 4913. 6667. 9533. 14075. 3 .020E-05 17992. 23034. 30954. 34580. 38394. 41249.

2. 7546E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 2.75,1E-05 18021. 23738. 32894. 35428 39285. 41433.
2. 512E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 2 .512E-05 18047. 23898. 32839. 36314 39938. 41710.

2.291E-05 4813. 6667, 9533. 14075. 2.2912-05 18059. 24201. 33667. 37139 40436. 41890.

2.089E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 2.089E-05 18066. 34469. 37878. 40814 41927, I. 905E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 1.40"/5. 1.905E-05 18066. 25853. 35122 . 38558 41123 41938.

1,738E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 3.738E-05 18066. 35890. 39128. 41399. 41983.

1.585E-05 4813. 6667. 9532. 14075. 1.585E-05 18070. 26173 . 36248. 39513. 41584. 41983.

1.445E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.445E-05 18070. 26205. 38691. 39889. 41830. 41983.

1 .319E-05 6667. 9533. .4075. 1.31SE605 18070. 16232. 37102. 40248. 42019. 41983, 1.202E-05 482.3. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.202E-05 18070. 26283. 37473. 40571 ,'21.55. 41983.

Page 113 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1.096E-05 4813. 6667, 9533. 14075. 1.096E-05 18070. 26268. 37754. 40775. 42257. 41983.

1.000E-05 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.000E205 18070. 26275. 38451. 40953. 42285. 41983.

9.120E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 9.120E-06 18070. 26275. 38685. 41093. 42285. 41983.

8.318E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 8.318E-06 18070. 26275, 38933. 41.382. 42285. 41983, 7.586E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 7.586E-06 18070. 26291. 39160. 41553. 42295. 41983.

6.918E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 6.918E-06 18070. 26291. 39317. 41594. 42296, 41983.

6.310E-06 481.3. 6667. 9533. 14075. 6.310E-06 18070. 26291. 39602. 41639. 42297. 41983.

5.754E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 5.754E-06 18070. 26291. 39842. 41894. 42298. 41983.

5.248E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 5.248E-06 18070. 26291. 40303. 41956. 42310. 41983.

4.786E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 4.786E-06 18070. 26291. 40545. 41986. 42310. 41983.

4.365E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 4.365E-06 18070. 26291. 40619. 42033. 42311. 41983.

3.981E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 3.981E-06 18070. 26291. 40633. 42092. 42311. 41983.

3.631E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 3.631E-06 18070. 26291. 40633. 42122. 42312. 41983.

3.311E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075, 3.311E-06 18070. 26291. 40633. 42200. 42312. 41983.

3.020E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 3.020E-06 18070. 26291. 40656. 42270. 42312. 41983.

2.754E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 2.754E-06 1.8070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42312. 41983.

2.512E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 2.512E-06 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42312. 41983.

2.291E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 2.291E-06 18070. 26291.. 40657. 42465. 42312. 41983.

2.089E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 2.089E-06 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42312. 41983.

1.905E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.905E-06 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42312. 41983.

1.738E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.738E-06 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42312. 41983.

1.585E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.585E-06 18070. 26291. 40657, 42465. 42312. 41983.

1.445E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.4452-06 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42312. 41983.

1.318E-06 4813. 6667. 9533, 14075. 1.318E-06 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42343. 41983.

2.202E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1,2022-06 18070. 262913 40657. 42465. 42343. 41983.

1.096E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.096E-06 3.8070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42343. 41983.

1.000E-06 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 1.000E-06 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465. 42343. 41983.

Bel.w. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. Be].w. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Page 114 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Program



Developed For: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Reactor Program Management Date: June 25, 1997 11:00 a.m.

NRC Contacts: J. Y. Lee Phone: (301) 415 1080 e-mail: J. J. Hayes Phone: (301) 415 3167 e-mail: L. A Brown Phone: (301) 415 1232 e-mail: Code Developer: J. V. Ramsdell Phone: (509) 372 6316 e-mail: Codo Documentation: NUREGiCR-6331 Rev. 1 The program was prepared for an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibilities for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any portion of this program or represents that its use by such third party would riot infringe privately owned rights.

Program Run 12/ 9/2004 at 13:52:29

....*** ARCON INPUT -*-**

Number of Meteorological Data Files = 5 Meteorological Data File Names C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHB-l\ARCON\TIAA84-I.MET C:\TRACI~I-\PEACHB~-\ARCON\TlAA85-~.MET C:\TRACI -I\PEACHB~I\ARCON\TIAA86-I.MET C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHBH-\ARCON\TlAA87-1.MET C:\TRACI'~I\PEACHH.-l\ARCON\TIAA88-I.MET Height of lower wind instrument (m) = 10.4 Height of upper wind instrument (m) = 28.0 Wind speeds entered as miles per hour Ground-level release Release height (m) 48.5 Building Area (m'2) 2583.6 Effluent vertical velocity (m/s) = .00 Vent or stack flow (m^3/s) .00 Vent or stack radius (m) .00 Direction .. intake to source (deg) 032 Wind direction sector width (deg) 90 Wind direction window (deg) 347 - 077 Distance to intake (m) 52.3 Intake height (m) 48.5 Terrain elevation difference (m) .0 Output file names 3R~toCRI. log Minimum Wind Speed (m/s) .2 Surface roughness length (m) .10 Sector averaging constant 4.0 Initial value of sigma y .00 Initial value of sigma z .00 Expanded output for code testing not selected Total number of hours of data processed = 43800 Hours of missing data 464 Hours direction in window 4381 Hours elevated plume w/ dir. in window 0 Hours of calm winds 432 Hours direction not in window or calm 38523

Page 115 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 DISTRIBUTION


DATA BY AVERAGING INTERVAL AVER. PER. I 2 4 12 24 96 168 360 720 UPPER LIM. 1.O0E-02 1.00E-02 1.OOE-02 1.00E-02 1. OOE-02 1.00E-.02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 LOW LIM. 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1.OOE-06 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1. 0OE-06 1.OOE-06 1.00E-06 ABOVE RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0, 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

IN RAI4GE 4813. 6667. 9533. 14075. 18070. 26291. 40657. 42465.

42343. 41983.

BEZOW RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

ZERO 38523. 36609. 33624. 28846. 2491.3. 16411. 1899. T73.

0. 0.

TOTAL X/Qs 43336. 43276. 431.57, 42921. 42983. 42702. 42556. 42538.

42343. 41983.

% NON ZERO 11.11 15,41 22.09 32.79 42.04 61.57 95.54 99.83 100.00 100,00 95th PERCENTILE X1Q VALUES 1.30E-03 9.932-04 8.80E-04 7.83E-04 G.392-04 4.73E-04 2.82E-04 2.34E-04 1.92E-04 1.71E-04 95% X!Q for standard averaging intervals 0 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 1.30E-03 2 to B hours 6.10E-04 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 3.18E-04 I to 4 days 2.19E-04 4 to 30 days 1.54E-04 HOURLY VALUE RANGE MAX X/O MIN X/Q CENTERLINE 2.90E-03 2.38E-04 SECTOR-AVERAGE 1. 82E-03 1,49E-04 NORMAL PROGRAM COMPLETION

Page 116 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 T Rev. No. 5 G.6.7 Unit 2 Reactor Building Personnel Access Doors to Control Room Intake 5


10. 36 28.04 2

1 0.00 2583.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 152 90 72.24 0.00 0.00 2PDtoCR1.log

.1 0.22 4.00 1 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 1 2 4 8 11 22 87 152 324 648 0.00 0.00 n

Page 117 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5S X/Q CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS XOQ 1 2 4 8 XOQ 12 24 96 168 360 720

0. 0. Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Abv. Lim. 0. 0.

9. 120E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 9.120E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 8.318E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

8.318E-03 0. 0.

0. 7.586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

7.586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0. 0. 6.918E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 6.918E-03
0. 0. 6.310E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6.310E-03 0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0. 0. 5.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.754r-03 0.

5.248E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 5.248E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


4. 786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 4 .365E-03 0. 0. 0. 4.365E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
3. 981E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.981E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3 .6316-03 0. 0. 0,

0. 0. 3.631E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3 .311E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.311E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2 754E-03 0. 0. 0. 2.754;-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2 .512E-03 0. 0. 0. 2. 512E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2 291E-03 0. 0. 0.

0. 2 .291E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2 089E-03 0. 0. 0. 2.089E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1. 905E-03 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 1.905P-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


1. 738E-03 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 1.738E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
1. 585E-03 0. 0. 0. 02. 1.585E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.445E-03 0. 0. 0. 50. 1 .445F-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1. 318E-03 7. 3. 0.

814. 1.318E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1.202E-03 99. 54 31. 13.

013. 1.202E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1 .096E-03 177. 144 101. 42. 1.096H-03 2. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1 .000E-03 737. 526. 313. 175. 1.000E-03 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

9 120E-04 1.134. 874 603. 329. 9.120E-04 46. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

8.318E-04 1551. 1271. 890. 403.

530. 8.318E-04 157. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0.

7 .586E-04 2117. 1688. 1235. 814. 7.586E-04 299. 4. 0. 0. 0. 0.

506. 0.

6 918E-04 2880. 2254 1677. 1135. 6.918E-04 475. 40. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6 310E-04 3421. 2746. 2210. 680.

1590. 6.310E-04 740. 98, 0. 0. 0. 0.

5. 754E-04 3877. 3275. 2729. 2091. 5.754E-04 1074 190. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.248E-04 4619. 3907. 3313. 2654. 5.248E-04 1465. 326. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4 .786E-04 5025. 4385. 3966 . 3288. 4.786E-04 1952. 554. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4 .365E-04 6651. 5470. 4761. 4031. 4. 365E-04 2549, 863. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3 . 981E-04 7525. 6202. 5567 . 4";25. 3.981E-04 3223. 1261. 10. 0. 0. 0.

3.631E-04 8108. 6805. 6121. 5406. 3.631H-04 3922. 1661. 54 0. 0. 0.

3 311E-04 8222 7124 6739. 6144. 3.311E-04 4630. 2190. 113. 0. 0.

3 .020E-04 8277 7480. 7304. 6810. 3.020E-04 5375. 2747. 198. 29. 0. 0.

2 .754E-04 8287. 7950. 7756. 7525. 2.754:-04 614V7. 3422 354. 72. 0. 0.

2. 512E-04 8291. 8287. 8203. 8178. 2.512E-04 6909. 4177. 614. 154. 0. 0.
2. 291E- 04 8763. 8843. 2,291E-04 7711, 5030. 931. 261. 0. 0.

8292. 8918.

2 089E-04 8294. 9761. 9460. 9556. 2.089E-04 8446. 6038. 1553. 514. 36. 0.

1 .905E-04 8294. 10093. 9791. 10100. 1.905E-04 9221. 6987. 2224 990. 156. 0.

1.738E-04 8295. 10468. 10230. 10733. 1. 738E-04 9927. 8033. 3100. 1429. 395. 0.

1 .585E-04 8295 10512 10509. 11.368. 1.585E-04 10665. 9104 4114. 2104. 754 0.

11756. 11389. 10224. 5376 3176. 1372 11.

1 .445E-04 8295. 10517. 10779. 1.445E-04 464.

1 .318E-04 8295. 10517. 11259. 12243. 1,318E-04 12108. 11341. 7104. 48O2. 2263.

12402. 8815. .003. 4016 1688.

1. 202E-04 8295. 10517 11589. 12688. 1.202E-04 12753, 1.096E-04 10517. 12532 . 134149. 1.096E-04 13371. 13447. 10792. 9196. 6000. 7237.


1. 000E-04 8295. 10517. 13018. 13878. 1.000E-04 13926. 14540. 12859. 13561. 8506. 5993.
9. 120E-05 8295. 10518. 13416. 1431.2. 9.120E-05 14473. 15514 14790. 13935. 11273 8201.

15015. 16409. 1.6850. 15559. 14962.

8. 318E-05 8295. 10518. 13496. 14575. 8.318E-05 16836.

14836. 15620. 17248. 18942. 19933. 20241.

7 .586E-05 8295. 10518. 13508. 7.586E-05 19464.

6. 918E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 15275. 6.918E-05 16109. 1.8197 20930. 21969. 23530. 25457.

6 310E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 15601. 6,310E-05 16561. 18878 22749. 24305. 26631. 29786.

5 .754v-05 8295. 10518. 13513 16232. 5,754E-05 1698'7. 19656. 24474. 26149. 29523. 32805.

5.248E-05 8295. 10518. 13533. 16972. 5.248E-05 17339. 20396. 26236. 282;3 . 31895. 35361.

4.786E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17237, 4 .786-05 17693. 21003. 27757. 30178. 33788 37446, 4.365E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17573. 4 .365E-05 18265. 21.568. 29036. 31756. 35281. 38905.

3.981E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17604. 3 .981E-05 18574. 22095. 30108 33387. 36763 39621.

3.631E-05 8295. 1.0518. 13513. 17613. 3.631E-O5 19319. 22684. 31239. 34696. 37922. 39758.

3.3112,05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 3.3116-05 19597, 23217. 32203. 35726. 38774 40127.

3.020E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 3.020E-05 19903. 23632. 33135. 36715. 39492 40175.

2.754v-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 2 .754E-05 20186. 24085. 13929. 37672 . ,10296 40506.

2. 512E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 2 .512E-05 20305. 24456. 34672. 38300 40851. 40989.

2.291E-05 8295. 10518. 13523. 17613. 2.291E-05 20618. 24990. 35489. 38790. 41251. 41538.

2. 089E-OS 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 2.089E-05 20841. 25295. 36131. 39241. 41507. 41724.

1.905E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.905E-05 20947. 25721. 36638. 39634. 41662 41960.

1.739E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.7386-05 20962. 26070. 37146. 39966 . 41850 41983.

1.585E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.585E-05 20968. 26303. 37512. 40162. 41.973. 41983.

1.,145E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.445E-05 20968. 26618. 37865. 40394. 42042. 41983.

1. 318E-05 8295, 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.318E-05 20968, 26950. 38360. 40652. 42165. 41983.

1.202E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.202E-05 20968. 27166. 38584. 40938. 42197. 41983.

Page 118 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1,096E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613, 1.096E-05 20968. 27549. 38865. 41233. 42202. 41983.

20968. 27677. 39011. 41343. 42237. 41983.

1 . 000E-05 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.000E-05 17613. 9.120E-06 20968. 27819. 39240. 41551. 42342. 41983.

9. 120E-06 8295. 1.0518. 13513.

8.318E-06 20968. 27824 39347. 41580. 42343, 41983 8.318E-06 8295. .10518. 13513. 17613.

7.586E-06 20968. 27826. 39494 41778. 42343. 41983

7. 5866E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

20968. 27826. 39748 41807. 42343. 41983.

6. 918E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 6.918E-06 6.310E-06 20968. 27826. 39807. 41924. 42343. 41983.
6. 310E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

5.754E-06 20968. 27826. 39944 41938. 42343. 41983

5. 754E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

5.248E-06 20968, 27826. 39983 42057. 42343. 41983 5.248E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

17613. 4 .786E-06 20968. 27826. 40187. 42060. 42343. 41983 4.786E-06 8295. 10518. 13513.

17613. 4 .365E-06 20968. 27826. 40350. 42081. 42343. 41983.

4.365E-06 8295. 10518. 13513.

3.981.E-06 20968. 27826. 40382 42102. 42343. 41983.

3.981E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

3.631E-06 20968. 27826. 40461. 42105. 42343. 41983.

3.631E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

3.311E-06 20968. 27826. 40556. 42107. 42343. 41983.

3.311E.-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

3.020E-06 20968. 27826. 40577. 42107. 42343. 41983.

3.020E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

17613. 2.754E-06 20968. 27826. 40697. 42113. 42343. 41983.

2 .754E-06 8295. 10518. 13513.

2.512E-06 20968. 27826. 40841. 42163. 42343. 41983.

2.512E-06 8295. 10518, 13513. 17613.

2.291E-06 20968. 27826. 40939. 42163 42343. 41983.

2 .291E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

2.089E-06 20968. 27826. 40939. 42171 42343. 41983.

2 .089E-06 8295. 30518. 13513. 17613.

17613. 1.905E-06 20968. 27826. 40939. 42171 42343. 41983 1.905E-06 8295 10518. 13513.

1.738E-06 20968. 27826. 40939. 42171. 42343. 41983.

1.738E-06 8295. 1051.8. 13513. 17613.

20968. 27826. 40939. 42244 42343. 41983.

1. 585E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613. 1.585E-06 1.445E-06 20968. 27826. 40939 42265. 42343. 41983.

1.445E 06 8295 10518. 13513. 17613.

17613. 1.318E-06 20968. 27826. 40939. 42341. 42343. 41983.

1.3189-06 8295. 10518. 13513.

1.202H-06 20968. 27826. 40939. 42341. 42343. 41983 1.202E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

1.096E-06 20968. 27826. 40939. 42341. 42343. 41983 1.096E-06 8295. 10518. 13513. 17613.

17613. 1.000E-06 20968. 27826, 40939. 42341. 42343. 41983.

1.000E-06 8295. 10518. 13513.

0. Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0.

Page 119 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 Program



Developed For: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Reactor Program Management Date: June 25, 1.997 11:00 a5m.

NRC Contacts J. Y. Lee Phone: (301) 415 1080 e-mail: J. J. Hayes Phone: (301) 415 3167 e-mail: L. A Brown Phone: (301) 415 1232 e-mail: Code Developer; J. V. Ramsdell Phone: (509) 372 6316 e-mail: j.ramsdell; Code Documentation: NUREG/CR-6331 Rev. 1 The program was prepared for an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibilities for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any portion of this program or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

Program Run 12/ 9/2004 at 13:42:35

....... ARCON INPUT **********

Number of Meteorological Data Files = 5 Meteorological Data File Names C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TlAA84-l.MET C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TIAA85~I.MET C: \TRACI'-.I\PEACHB- I.\ARCON\T1AA86-. PIET C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-~\ARCON\TIAA87~I.MET C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-1\ARCON\T!AA88-I.MET Height of lower wind instrument (m) = 10.4 Height of upper wind instrument (m) = 28.0 Wind speeds entered as miles per hour Ground-level release Release height (m) .0 Building Area (m'2) 2583.6 Effluent vertical velocity (m/s) .00 Vent or stack flow (m^3/s) = .00 Vent or stack radius (m) - .00 Direction .. intake to source (deg) 152 wind direction sector width (deg) 90 Wind direction window (deg) 107 - 197 Distance to intake (m) 72.2 Intake height (m) .0 Terrain elevation difference (m) .0 Output file names 2PDtoCRl.log Minimum Wind Speed (m/s) .2 Surface roughness length (m) .10 Sector averaging constant 4.0 Initial value of sigma y .00 Initial value of sigma z .00 Expanded output for code testing not selected Total number of hours of data processed = 43800 Hours of missing data 464 Hours direction in window 7910 Hours elevated plume w/ dir. in window 0 Hours of calm winds 385 Hours direction not in window or calm 35041

Page 120 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 DISTRIBUTION



AVER. PER. 1 2 4 12 24 96 168 360 720 UPPER LIM. 1.00E..02 1.00E-02 1.OOE-02 I.0OE-02 1.OOE-02 1 .00E-02 1.00E-02 1.OOE-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 LOW LIM. 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1,00E-06 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 1.005-06 1.00E-06 1.OOE-06

0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

ABOVE RANGE 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

IN RANGE 8295. 10518, 13513. 17613. 20968. 27826. 40939. 42341.

42343. 41983.

BELOW RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

ZERO 35041. 32758. 29644. 25308. 22015. 14876. 1617. 197.

0. 0.

TOTAL X/Qs 43336. 43276. 43157. 42921. 42983. 42702. 42556. 42538.

42343. 41983.

% NON ZERO 19.14 24.30 31.31 41.04 48.78 65.16 96.20 99.54 100.00 100.00 95th PERCENTILE X/Q VALUES 7.54E-04 7.02E-04 6.37E-04 5.70E-04 4.65E-04 3.34E-04 1.93E-04 1.58E-04 1.34E-04 1.17E-04 95% X/Q for standard averaging intervals 0 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 7.54E-04 2 to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 5.09E-04 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 2.16E-04 1 to 4 days 1.46E-04 4 to 30 days 1.06E-04 HOURLY VALUE RANGE MAX X/Q MIN X/Q CENTERLINE 1.44E.03 1.88E-04 SECTOR-AVERAGE 9.02E-04 1.18E-04 NORMAL PROGPRA4 COMPLETION

Page 121 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1 G.6.8 Unit 3 Reactor Building Personnel Access Doors to Control Room Intake 5


1 0.00 2583.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 336 90 72.24 0.00 0.00 3PDtoCR1.log

.1 0.22 4.00 1 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 1 2 4 8 11. 22 87 152 324 648 0.00 0.00 n

Page 122 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 .

X/Q CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTrONS XOQ 1 2 4 8 XOQ 12 24 96 168 360 720 Abv. Lim. 0. 0, 0. 0. Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

9. 12.0E-03 0. 0.ý 0. 0. 9. 1206-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
8. 31E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 8.318E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

7.586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 7. 586E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6. 918E-03 0. 0. 0. 6. 918E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6.310E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 6 . 310E -03 0. 0. 0. 0, 0. 0.

5.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 5.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.248E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 5.248E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4 . 786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 4 .786E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4.365E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 4 .365E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


3. 981E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.981E.03 0 0. 0. 0. 0.


3.631E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3,631E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

3.311E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.311E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.020E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


2.754E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 754E- 03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


2. 512E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.512E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


2.291E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 2 .291E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


2.089E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 2 .089E-03 0. 0. 0. 0.


1. 905E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 905E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.


1.738E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 738E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

1.585E-03 0. 0. 0. 1. 585E-03 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

1.445E-03 4. 0. 1.445E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0.

3.338E-03 44. 7. 1.318E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

60. 8. 0.

1.202E-03 422. 180. 1.202E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

I .096E-03 738. 551. 297. 104. 1.096E-03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

1. QOOE- 03 3122. 2028. 1075. 465. 1.0 00E-03 16. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

9.120E-04 3943. 2701. 1641. 876. 9. 120E-04 144. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

8. 318E-04 4381. 3373 . 2200. 1387. 8. 318E-04 384. 0. 0. 0. 0.


7.5866E-04 5089. 3841 . 3009. 1967. 7.586E-04 741. 15. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6. 918E-04 5898. 4339. 3672, 2579. 6.918E-04 1226. 88 0. 0. 0. 0.

6.310E-04 6312. 4687. 4220. 3328. 6. 310E-04 1797. 232. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5. 754E-04 6624. 5334. 4881. 4035. 5.754E-04 2446. 540. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.248E-04 6901. 6416. 5773. 4865. 5.248E-04 3190. 879. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4.786E-04 7031. 7170. 6596. 5714 4.786E-04 3979. 1373. 0O. 0. 0. 0.

4.365E-04 7917, 7942. 7416. 6578 4.365E-04 4816. 1974. 0. 0. 0.

3.981E-04 8526. 6638. 8161. 7533 3 .981E-04 5740. 2691. 128 0. 0.

3.631E-04 9043, 5467. 8808. 8571. 3.631E-04 6668. 3529. 311. 4. 0. 0.

3.311E-04 9490. 10153. 9509. 9497. 3.311E-04 766B. 4530. 540. 68. 0. 0.

3. 020E-04 9983. 10790. 10257. 10394. 3.020E-04 8711. 5638. 793. 219. 0. 0.

2.754E-04 10261. 11339. 10947. 11224. 2.754E-04 9742. 6742. 1214. 441. 0 0.

2. 512E-04 10502. 11696 . 12130. 12218. 2. 512E-04 10743. 7892. 1961. 1025. 74 0.

2.291E-04 10626, 12331. 12850. 13049. 2.291E604 11718. 9075. 2979. 16S2. 463. 0.

2 .089E-04 10715. 12846 . 13480. 13817. 2.089E-04 12683 . IC287. 4270. 2648. 1000. 25.

1.905E-04 10745. 13053. 13937. 14311. 1.905E-04 13540. 11617. 6182. 4007. 2176. 477.

1. 738E-04 10753. 33263. 14444. 14939. 1.738E-04 34490. 13043. 8289. 5861. 4124. 2252.

1.585E-04 10755. 13303., 14778. 15450. 1. 585E-04 15316. 14433. 10824. 8441. 6606. 5434.

1.445E-04 10758. 13332 . 15073. 16028. 1.445E 04 16188. 15846. 13373. 11152. 9790. 9090.

1. 318E-04 10761. 13346. 15499, 16828. 1.318E-04 16898. 17198. 16101. 14390. 33200. 12830.

1.202E-04 10761, 13350. 15"128 17512. 1.202E-04 17482. 18446. 18522. 18005. 16743. 16486.

1.096E-04 10761. 13361 . 16544. 18278. 1.096E-04 16148. 19671. 21172. 21536. 20978. 20633.

1.000E-04 10761. 1.3351. 16857. 18780. 1.000E-04 1B801. 20828. 23458. 24836. 24924. 25542.

9.120E-05 10761. 13352 . 17109. 19319. 9.120E-05 19488. 21926. 26014. 27702. 29138. 29380.

8.318E-05 10761. 13352. 17182. 19792. 8.318E-05 20326. 22917, 27821. 29745. 31961. 33386.

7.586E-05 10761. 13352. 17210. 20191. 7.5656E-05 20953 . 23766. 29681. 31823. 34583. 36150.

6.918E-05 10761. 13352 . 17234. 20713. 6.918E-05 21574. 24629. 31354. 33669. 36597. 37997.

6.310E-05 10761. 13352. 17236. 21045. 6.310E-05 22 107. 25335. 32969. 35269. 38054. 38909.

5.754E-05 10761, 13352. 17239. 21767. 5. 754H-05 22703. 26003. 34276, 36436. 39273. 39788.

5.248E-05 10761. 13352 . 17240. 22346. 5.248E-05 23342. 26637. 35482. 37645. 40370. 41072.

4.786E-05 10761. 13352. 17241. 22613. 4.786E-05 23832. 27280. 36398. 38637. 40903. 41812.

4.365E-05 10761. 13352. 17241. 22859, 4 .365E-05 24309. 27927. 37291. 39615. 41348. 41921.

3.981E-05 10761. 33352 . 17241. 22898. 3.981E-05 24686. 28491. 37919, 40334 . 41804 41983.

3.631E-05 10761, 13352. 17241. 22919. 3.631E-OS 25623. 29047, 384333 40869. 42014 41983.

3.311E-05 10761.. 13352. 17241. 22922. 3.311E6-05 25956. 29621. 39000. 41336 . 42280. 41983.

3,020F-05 10761. 13352. 17241. 22924. 3,020E-05 26297. 30009. 39405. 41661. 42327. 41983.

2.754E-05 10761, 13352, 17241. 22925. 2.754E-05 26725. 30688. 39776. 41863. 42333. 41983.

2.512E-05 10761. 13352. 17241 22925. 2 .512E-05 26905. 31095. 40077. 41962. 42337. 41983.

2.291E-05 10761. 33352. 17241. 22926, 2. 291E-05 27146. 31641. 40406, 42007. 42339. 41983.

2.089E-05 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926, 2.089F-05 27299. 32021. 40608. 42080. 42343 41983.

1.905E-05 10761. 13352. 17241 22926. 1.905E-05 27425. 32402, 40809. 42146. 42343 41983.

1.738E-05 10761., 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.738E 05 27465. 32838. 41035. 42199. 42343. 41983.

1.585E-05 10761. 13352. 17241 22926. 1.585E- 05 27467. 33208. 41220. 42305. 42343 41983, 1.445E-05 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.445E-05 27473. 33622. 43362, 42360. 42343 41983.

1.318E-05 10761. 13352 . 17241. 22926. 1.318E-05 27475. 34076. 41.522. 42458. 42343. 41983.

1.202E-05 10760. 13352. 27241, 22926. 1.202E-05 27475. 34362. 41604. 42460. 42343 42983.

Page 123 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1.096E-05 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.096E-05 27475. 34762. 41649. 42470. 42343. 41983.

1.o0oo-05 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.OOE-05 27476. 34921. 41758. 42472. 42343. 41983.

9.120E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 9.120E-06 27476. 35036. 41816. 42473. 42343. 4.983.

8.316E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 8.318E-06 27476. 35038. 41903. 42474, 42343. 41983.

7.586E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 7.586E-06 27476. 35039. 41920. 42534. 42343. 41983.

6.918E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 6.918E-06 27476. 35039. 41965. 42534. 42343. 41983.

6.310E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 6.310E-06 27476. 35039. 42063. 42534. 42343. 41983.

5.754E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 5.754E-06 27476. 35039. 42074. 42537. 42343. 41983.

5.248E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 5.248E-06 27476. 35039. 42167. 42537. 42343. 41983.

4.786E-06 2.0761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 4.786E-06 27476. 35039. 42168. 42537. 42343. 41983.

4.365E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 4.365E-06 27476. 35039. 42214. 42537. 42343. 41983.

3.981E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 3.981E-06 27476. 35039. 42240. 42537. 42343. 41983.

3.631E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 3.631E-06 27476. 35039. 42296. 42537. 42343. 41983.

3.311E-06 30761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 3.311E-06 27476, 35039. 42305. 42537. 42343. 41993.

3.020E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 3.020E-06 27476. 35039. 42305. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.754E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 2.754E-06 27476. 35039. 42327. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.512E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 2.512E-06 27476. 35039. 42342. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.291E-06 10761. 13352. 17241, 22926, 2.291E-06 27476, 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.089E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 2.089E-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.905E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.905E-06 27476, 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1,738E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.738E-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.585E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926, 1.585E-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.445E-06 1.0761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.445E-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.318E-06 30761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.318E-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.202E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.2029-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.096E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.096E-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

3.000E-06 10761. 13352. 17241. 22926. 1.000E-06 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538. 42343. 41983.

Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Page 124 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Program



Developed For: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Reactor Program Management Date; June 25, 1997 11:00 a~m.

NRC Contacts: J. Y. Lee Phone: (301) 415 1080 e-mail: J. J. Hayes Phone: (301) 415 3167 e-mail: L. A Brown Phone: (301) 415 1232 e-mail: Code Developer: J. V. Ramsdell Phone: (509) 372 6316 e-mail: Code Documentation: NUREG/CR-6331 Rev. 2 The program was prepared for an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibilities for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any portion of this program or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

Program Run 12/ 9/2004 at 16:03:54 ARCON*** INPUT ........ *.

Number of Meteorological Data Files = 5 Meteorological Data File Names C:\TRACI -I\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TlAA84-l.MET C:\TRACI'I-\PEACHB-l\ARCON\TlAA85-l.MET C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TIAA86-I.MET C:\TRACI~I-\PEACHB-~\ARCON\TIAA87-l.MET C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-~\ARCON\TIAA88~-.MET Height of lower wind instrument (m) = 10.4 Height of upper wind instrument (m) = 28.0 wind speeds entered as miles per hour Ground-level release Release height (m) - .0 Building Area (mA2)= 2583.6 Effluent vertical velocity (m/s) = .00 Vent or stack flow (m^3/s) = .00 Vent or stack radius (m) = .00 Direction .. intake to source (deg) = 336 Wind direction sector width (deg) = 90 Wind direction window (deg) = 291 - 021 Distance to intake (m) = 72.2 Intake height (m) = .0 Terrain elevation difference (m) = .0 Output file names 3PDtoCRl.]log Minimum wind Speed (m/s) - .2 Surface roughness length (m) = .10 Sector averaging constant = 4.0 Initial value of sigma y .00 Initial value of sigma z .00 Expanded output for code testing not selected Total number of hours of data processed = 43800 Hours of missing data 464 Hours direction in window = 10376 Hours elevated plume w/ dir. in window = 0 Hours of calm winds - 385 Hours direction not in window or calm = 32575

Page 125 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 DISTRIBUTION


DATA BY AVERAGING INTERVAL AVER. PER. 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 UPPER LIM. 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E--02 1.OOE-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 LOW LIM. 1,00E-06 1.00E-06 1.00E -06 1.OOE-06 1.00E-06 1. OOE-06 1.00E-06 1.OOE-06 1.OOE-06 1.00E-06 ABOVE RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

IN RANGE 10761. 1.3352. 172' I1. 22926. 27476. 35039. 42343. 42538.

42343. 41983.

BELOW RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

ZERO 32575. 29924. 259: 16. 19995. 15507. 7663. 213. 0.

0. 0.

TOTAL X/Qs 43336. 43276. 431J57. 42921. 42983. 42702. 42556. 42538.

42343. 41983.

% NON ZERO 24.83 30.85 39 .95 53.41 63.92 82.05 99.50 100.00 00o.00 100.00 95th PERCENTILE X/Q VALUES 1.04E-03 9.82E-04 8.38E -04 7.39F-04 6,OIE-04 4.28E-04 2.48E-04 2.19E-04 1.91E-04 1.75E-04 95% X/Q for standard averaging intervals 0 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 1.04E-03 2 to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 6.39E-04 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 2.72E-04 I to 4 days 1.87E-04 4 to 30 days 1.64E-04 HOURLY VALUE RANGE MAX X/Q MIN X/Q CENTERLINE 1.52E-03 I.34E-04 SECTOR-AVERAGE 9.52E-04 8. 41E-05 NORMAL PROGRAM COMPLETION

Page 126 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 G.6.9 Unit 2 Railroad Bay Doors to Control Room Intake 5


1 0.00 2583.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 129 90 100.80 0.00 0.00 2R~toCR1.1og

.1 0.22 4.00 1 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 1 2 4 8 1i 22 87 152 324 648 0.00 0.00 n

Page 127 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 X/Q CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS XOQ 1 2 4 8 XCQ 12 24 96 168 360 720 Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

9.120E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 9.120E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

8.318E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 8.318E-04 0. 0, D. 0. 0. 0.

7.586E-04 6. 1. 0. 0. 7.5866E04 0, 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

6. 918E-04 26. 7 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
17. 6.918E-04 0. 0.
6. 310E-04 217, 143. 92 39. 6.310E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0, 0.
5. 754E-04 543. 381. 270. 149. 5.754E-04 11. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.249E-04 1271. 1001 728. 437. 5.248'-04 48. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4.766E-04 1854 1567. 1229. 815. 4.786E-04 210. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4 .365E-04 2392 2136. 1718. 1230. 4 , 365E-04 459. 22. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3 . 981E-04 3589. 2940. 2340. 1738. 3 .981E-04 795. 75. 0. 0. 0, 0.

3.631E-04 4343. 3704 2986. 2342. 3 .631E-04 1179. 231. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.311E 04 5120. 4290. 3671. 2955. 3.313E-04 1707. 434. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3. 020E-04 6375 5324 4471 3693. 3.020E-04 2256. 659. 12. 0. 0. 0.

2.754E-04 6878 6019. 5298. 4478. 2.754E-04 2903. 964. 35. 0. 0. 0.

2.512E-04 71.53 6436. 61.39 5457. 2.512E-04 3670. 1469. 47. 0. 0. 0.

2.291E-04 9549. 8112. 7428. 6541. 2.291E-04 4512. 2052, 127. 0. 0. 0.

2.089E-04 10281. 8843. 8318. 7437. 2.089E-04 5478. 2701. 200. 49. 0. 0.

1. 905E-04 10473 9361. 8921. 8278. 1.905E-04 6474. 3455. 349. 96. 0. 0.

I.738E-04 10565. 9072. 1.738E-04 7446. 4279. 680. 182. 0.

9764. 9646 0.

1.585E-04 10594. 10265. 10396. 9770. 1,585E-04 8376. 5190. 1044. 274. 8. 0.

1.445E-04 10604 11140, 10765. 10557. 1.445E-04 9284. 6136. 1675. 465. 96, 0.

1.318E504 10610. 11409. 11264 11219. 1.318E-04 10132. 7218. 2344. 933. 355. 0.

1,202E504 10612. 11807. 31540. 11863. 1.202E-04 10929. 8332. 3168. 1527. 623. 0.

1.096E-04 10614. 12681. 12178. 12628. 1.096E-04 11664, 9524. 4261. 2482. 967. 141.

1.000E-04 10615. 127111. 12435. 13194. 1.000E-04 12440. 10684 5794. 3732. 1701. 685.

9.120E-05 10615. 12747. 32797. 13634. 9.120E-05 13170. 11956. 7374 - 5220. 2676. 1496.

8.318E-05 10615. 12748. 13183. 14361. 8.318S-05 13961. 13228. 9283. 7470. 4404 . 2644.

7. 586E-05 10615. 12748. 13972 14973. 7.586E-05 14663. 14435. 11222. 9873. 7301. 4704.

6.918E-05 10615. 12748. 14380. 15427. 6.918E-05 15297. 15540. 13455. 12585. 10650. 7924 .

6 .310E-05 10615. 12748. 14659. 15813. 6.310E-05 15986. 16681. 15621. 15044. 13738. 11503.

5.754E-05 10615. 12748. 15525. 16435. 5.754E-05 16529. 17760. 18017. 17645, 17025. 16820, 5.248E-05 10615. 12748. 15694. 16646. 5.248E-05 171.35. 18721. 20030. 20460. 23107. 22556.

4 .786E-05 10615. 12748. 15727. 16973. 4 .786E-05 17721. 19667. 21975. 23120. 24534. 27004 .

4 .365E-05 10615. 12748. 15736. 17289. 4.365E-05 18261. 20470, 23821. 25393 . 27750. 30258.

3.989E-05 10615. 12748. 1.5736. 17699. 3.981F 05 1,8653. 21251. 25673. 27720. 30696. 33451.

3.631E-09 10615. 12748. 15736. 18452. 3.631E-05 19224. 21945. 27083. 29722. 32801. 35620.

3.311E-05 1061.5. 12'748. 15736. 18798. 3.311E-05 19599. 22715. 28827. 31709. 34703. 37489, 3.020E-05 10615. 12748. 15736. 19006. 3.0205-05 19960. 23333. 30139. 33427. 36335. 38703.

2.754E-05 10613. 12748. 1 5736 19938. 2.754E-05 20330. 23909. 31533. 34864 37466. 39532.

2. 512E-05 1061.5. 12748. 13736. 19962. 2 .51.2E-05 20870. 24561. 32580. 36033. 38502. 39775.

2 .291E-05 10615 12748. 15736. 19994. 2.291E-05 21447. 25119. 33825. 37060. 39269. 40100.

2 .089E-05 10615. 12748. 15736 19994. 2.089E-05 21745. 25504. 34924. 38033. 40323. 40829.

1.905E-05 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.905E-05 22250. 25895, 35661. 38752. 41074. 41337.

1. 738E-05 30615. 12748. 15736. 1.9994 I.738E-05 2251.7. 26450. 36200. 39284. 41501. 41676.

1.585E-05 30615. 12748, 75736. 19994. 1.585E. 05 22678, 26844. 36995. 39912. 41720. 41772.

I .445E-05 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.445E-05 22818.8 27223. 37469. 40285. 41860. 41953.

1.318E-05 10615. 12'748. 15736. 19994 1.318E-05 22907. 27514 38026. 40884. 42053. 41983.

1.202E-05 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994 1.202E-05 23341. 28062. 38349. 41098. 42231. 41983.

1 .096E5 05 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1,096E-05 23427. 28288. 38784 41228. 42263. 41983, 1,00DE-05 10615. 1.2748. 15736. 19994. 1.000E-05 23449. 28548. 39214 41366. 42297. 41983.

9.120E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 9. 120P.-06 23452. 28974. 39548. 43484. 42308. 41983.

8.318E506 10615. 3.2748. 15736. 19994. 8 . 318E-06 23452. 29122. 39717. 41582. 42328. 41983.

7. 586E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 7.586E 06 23452. 29335. 39931. 41822. 42330. 411983.

6.9185-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 6.918E-06 23452 . 29492. 40126. 41869. 42332. 41983.

6.310E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 6.310E-06 23452. 29581. 40331. 41933. 42335. 41983.

5.754E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 5.7545-06 23452. 30134. 40572. 42061. 42336. 41983.

5.248E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 5.248E-06 23452. 30157. 40629. 42132. 42337. 41983.

4.786E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994, 4.786E-06 23452S 30168. 40713. 42142 42342. 41983.

4 .365E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 1.9994 4.365E-06 23452, 30168. 40879. 42174. 42342. 41983.

3.981E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 39994. 3.981E-06 23452. 30168. 4091.0. 42271. 42343. 41983.

3.631E-06 10615. 32748. 15736. 19994 3.631E-06 23452. 30168. 41134. 42301. 42343. 41983.

3.311E-06 10615. 12748 35736. 19994 3.311E-06 23452. 30168. 41181 42350. 423143. 41983.

3 . 020E-06 10615. 12748 15736. 19994 3.020E-06 23452. 30168. 41251. 42374. 42343. 41983, 2 . 754E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994 2.754E-06 23452. 30168. 41276. 42403. 42343. 41983.

2 .512E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994 2.512E-06 23452. 30168. 41299. 42406. 42343. 41.983.

2 .293E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994 2.291E-06 23452. 30168. 41337. 42414. 42343 41983 2.089E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994 2.089:-06 23452. 30168. 41.372. 42460. 42343 41983 1 . 905E-06 10635. 12748. 15736. 19994 1.905E-06 23452 30168 . 41383. 42460. 42343. 41983.

1.738E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.738E-06 23452 301,68. 41398. 42466. 42343. 41983.

1.585E-06 10615. 1.2748. 15736. 19994. 1.585E-06 23452 30168. 41444 42468. 42343. 41983.

1,445E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.445E-06 23452. 30168. 416'70. 42468 42343. 41983.

1.316E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1,318E-06 23452. 30.168. 41670. 42468. 42343. 41983 .

1.202F-06 1061.5. 12748. 15736. 19994. I.202E-06 23452. 301.68. 41670. 42468, 42343. 41983.

Page 128 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1.096E-06 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.096E.-06 23452. 30168. 41670. 42468. 42343. 41983.

1.000E-06 10615. 12748. 1.5736. 19994. 1.000E-06 23452. 30168. 41670. 42469. 42343. 41983.

9.120E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 9.120E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42469. 42343. 41983.

8.318E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 8.318E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 7.586E-07 10615, 12748. 15736. 19994. 7.586E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

6.918E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 6. 918E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

6.310E-07 10615. 12748 15736 19994. 6.310E-07 23452. 30168. 41.670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

5.754E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994 5.754E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490 . 42343. 41.983.

5 .248E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 5.248E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

4.786E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 4 786E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 4.365E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 4 .365E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983

3. 981E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 1.9994. 3. 981E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 3.631E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 3 .631E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 3.311E"07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 3 311E-07 23452, 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983
3. 020E-07 10615. 12748 15736. 39994. 3 .020E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 2.754E-07 1.0615. 12748 15736. 1.9994, 2 .754E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 2.512E-07 10615. 12748 15736. 19994. 2 .512E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

2.291E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994 2 .291E-07 23452. 30168. 41670 42490. 42343. 41983.

2.089E-07 10615. 12748. 15736 19994, 2 .089E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

1.905E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 1.9994. 1 .905E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 1.738E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.738E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343 41983 1.585E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1 .585E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

I .445E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1 .445E-07 23452. 30168- 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

1 .318E.-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. I 318E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

1,202E-.07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.202E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490 . 42343. 41983 1 .096E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.096E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983 1 .000E-07 10615. 12748. 15736. 19994. 1.000E-07 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490. 42343. 41983.

Relw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Page 129 of 211 Calculation No. PM.1059 Rev. No. 5 Program



Developed For: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Reactor Program Management Date: June 25, 1997 11:00 a.m.

NRC Contacts: J. Y. Lee Phone: (3012 415 1080 e-mail: J. J. Hayes Phone: (301) 415 3167 e-mail: L. A Brown Phone: (301) 415 1232 e-mail: lab23ý Code Developer: J. V. Ramsdell Phone: (509) 372 6316 e-mail: Code Documentation: NUREG/CR-6331 Rev. 1 The program was prepared for an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibilities for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any portion of this program or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

Program Run 12/10/2004 at 12:03:15

.... ' -ARCON INPUT *-- ...

Number of Meteorological Data Files = 5 Meteorological Data File Names C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TlAA84-I.MET C:\TRACI'~I\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TIAA85~-.MET C: \TIRACI'-l\PEACNFBPI\ARCON\TlAAB6-I.t4ET C:\TRACI'-l\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TIAA87-l.MET C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TIAA8S-I.MET Height of lower wind instrument (m) = 10.4 Height of upper wind instrument (m) = 28.0 Wind speeds entered as miles per hour Ground-level release Release height (m) = .0 Building Area (m^2) = 2583.6 Effluent vertical velocity (m/s) .00 Vent or stack flow (m^3/s) = .00 Vent or stack radius (m) = .00 Direction .. intake to source (deg) = 129 Wind direction sector width (deg) = 90 Wind direction window (deg) 084 - 174 Distance to intake (m) 100.8 Intake height (m) = .0 Terrain elevation difference (m) = .0 Output file names 2RDtoCR1.Iog 2RDtoCR] Minimum Wind Speed (m/s) = .2 Surface roughness length (m) .10 Sector averaging constant 4.0 Initial value of sigma y .00 Initial. value of sigma z .00 Expanded output for code testing not selected Total number of hours of data processed 43900 Hours of missing data - 464 Hours direction in window 10230 Hours elevated plume w/ dir. in window 0 Hours of calm winds= 385 Hours direction not in window or calm 32721

Page 130 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 DISTRIBUTION


DATA BY AVERAGING INTERVAL AVER. PER. 2 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 UPPER LIM. I.OOE-03 1.OOE-03 1.00E -03 1.00E-03 1.0OE-03 1.00E-03 1.00E-03 1.00E-03

!.OOE-03 1.OOE-03 LOW LIM. I.OOE-07 I,OE-07 L.ODE -07 3.OE-07 I.OOE-07  !.DOE-07 1.OOE-07 1. ODE 07 1.OOE-07 1.00E-07 ABOVE RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

IN RANGE 10615. 12748. 157: 36. 19994. 23452. 30168. 41670. 42490.

42343. 41983.

BELOW RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

ZERO 32721. 30528. 274 21. 22927. 19531. 12534. 886. 48.

0. 0.

TOTAL X/Qs 43336. 43276. 431*57. 42921. 42983. 42702. 42556. 42538.

42343. 4.983.

% NON ZERO 24.49 29.46 36 .46 46.58 54.56 70.65 97.92 99.89 100.00 100.00 95th PERCENTILE X/Q VALUES 4.54E.04 4.35E-04 4.09E -04 3.74E-04 3.08E-04 2.27E-04 1.36r-04 1.14E-04 9.62E-05 8.70E-05 95% X/Q for standard averaging intervals 0 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 4.54E-04 2 to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 3.48E-04 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 1.53E-04 1 to 4 days 1.06E-04 4 to 30 days 7.95E-05 HOURLY VALUE RANGE M*AX X/Q MIN X/Q CENTERLINE 7.65E-04 1.02E-04 SECTOR-AVERAGE 4.79E-04 6.37E-05 NORMAL PROGRAM COMPLETION

Page 131 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 G.6.10 Unit 3 Railroad Bay Doors to Control Room Intake 5


1 0.00 2583.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 359 90 100.80 0.00 0.00 3RDtoCR1 . log 3RDtoCR. cfd

.1 0.22 4.00 3 2 4 8 12 24 96 168 360 720 1 2 4 8 11 22 87 152 324 648 0.00 0.00

Page 132 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 .]1 X/Q CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS XOQ 1 2 4 8 XOQ 12 24 96 168 360 720 Abv. Lirm. 0. 0. 0. 0. Abv. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

9. 120F-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 9.120E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

8.318E-04 0. 0. 8.338E-04 0. 0. 0.

0. 0, 0. 0. 0.
7. 5862 04 5. 0. 0, 0. 7.586E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
6. 918E-04 17. 6. 0. 0. 6.918E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
6. 310E- 04 223 . 114. 61. 14. 6.310E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

5.754E-04 677. 386 . 196. 79. 5.754E-04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0, 0.

5.2468-04 1472. 879. 438 200. 5.248E-04 21. 0. 0, 0. 0. 0.

4.786E-04 3.879. 1235, 691. 360. 4.786E-04 83. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

4 .365E-04 2247. 1585. 987. 564. 4,365E-04 264. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0, 3.981E-04 2903. 1961. 1389. 819. 3.981E-04 299. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.631P-04 3327. 2261. 1762. 1101. 3.631E-04 47"7 30. 0. 0. 0. 0.

3 .31.1 -04 3644. 2514. 2131. 1484 3.311E-04 719. 74 . 0. 0. 0. 0.

3.020E-04 4300. 3104 . 2563, 1894. 3.020E 04 1000. 147. 0, 0. 0. 0.

2.754E 04 4458. 3793. 33.28. 2363. 2.754E-04 1342. 256. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2 .512F-04 4552. 4247. 3614 . 2876. 2.512E-04 1767. 456. 0. 0. 0. 0.

2.292F-04 5315. 41917 . 41351. .3478 . 2.291E-04 2246. 706. 2. 0. 0. 0.

2.089E.04 5887. 5482. 4963. 4160. 2.089E-04 2802. 1002. 28. 0. 0. 0.

1.905E.04 6248. 6226. 5524. 4951. 1.905E-04 3385. 1422. 55. 0. 0. 0.

1.738Z-04 6659. 6802. 6091. 5650. 1.738E-04 4093. 1891. 147. 0. 0. 0.

1.585E-04 7033. 7340. 6682. 6310. 1.585E-04 4785. 2463. 256, 0. 0. 0.

358, 40.

1 .445E-04 7250. 8212 . 7507. 7021. 1.445E-04 5593. 3101. 0. 0.

1. 318E-- 04 7422. 8498. 8254 7726. 1. 31.8E-04 6425. 3856. 542. 165. 0. 0.

1.202E.-04 7533 - 8703. 8694 8366. 1.202E-04 7A45. 4662. 809. 371. 0. 0.

1.096E-04 7578. 9227. 9208. 9212. 1.096E-04 79033 5454 , 1279. 624. 65 0.

1.000E-04 7596. 9390. 9659. 9727. 1.000E-04 8693. 6302. 2023. 940. 201.

9.320E-05 7602. 9477. 10088. 10151. 9.1.20E-05 9418. 7236. 2904 . 1372. 379. 0.


8.318E--05 "7604. 9535. 10451 - 10686. 8.318E--05 10154. 8299. 4086. 2329. 699.

7.5866-05 7609, 9596. 11325 33546. 7.586.E-05 31002. 9339, 5231. 3459. 1289. 239.

6. 918F-05 7610. 9643. 11646. 12255. 6.918E-05 11655. 10472. 6672. 4764. 1877. 1009.

6.3100-05 /610 . 9657. 11824. 12843. 6.31.0E-05 12253. 11663. 8150. 6376. 3674. 1691.

5.754E-05 7610. 9673. 12300. 13438. 5.754E-05 12867. 12811. 10124 . 8465. 5576. 3263.

5,248E-05 7610. 9680. 12608 13775. 5.248E-05 13607. 13977. 11886. 10393. 8389. 5653.

4.786E-05 7610. 9682. 1.2697. 14312. 4.786E-05 14411, 15113. 13792. 12755. 10919. 8862.

4 . 365E-05 7610. 9682. 12752. 14798. 4.369E-05 IS109. 36022. 15722. 15371. 14434. 22880.

3.981E-05 '7610. 9682. 12811 15263. 3.98]E-05 15692. 16908. 17613 18063. 17806. 17061.

3.631E-05 7610, 9682 . 12848 16271. 3.631E-05 16361. 17966. 19568 20394. 21304. 22475.

3,3112-05 7610. 9682. 12872. 16649. 3.311E-05 16905. 18773. 21549. 22789. 24789. 26951.

3.020E-05 7610. 9682. 12878. 16754. 3.020E-05 17424. 19495. 23391. 25162. 27683. 30607, 2.754E-05 7610. 9682. 12890. 17526. 2.754E-05 17996. 20383. 25012. 27469. 305667. 33778.

2 .512Z-05 7610. 9682. 12892. 17759. 2.512E-05 18863. 21227, 26762. 29558. 33432. 36102.

2 .291E-05 7610. 9682 . 12892. 17837. 2.291E-05 19372. 22123. 28629. 31414. 35293. 38497.

2 .089P-05 7610. 9682. 12892. 17876. 2.089E-05 19756. 22764 30082. 32905. 37269. 39862.

1 . 905E-05 7610. 9682. 12892 . 17916. 1.905E-05 20402. 23368. 31748. 34187. 38903. 40718.

1.738E--05 7610. 9682. 12892. 17961. 1.738E-05 21068. 24078. 32888. 35628. 39710. 41316.

1 . 585E-05 7610. 9682. 12892. 17973. 1.585E-05 21358. 24743. 33908. 36846. 40397. 41599.

1.445E-05 7610. 9682 . 12892 1.7975. 1.445E-05 21.601. 25450. 34770. 38110. 41061. 41940.

1.319E-05 7610. 9682. 12892 17982. 1,318E-O5 21766. 26056. 35468. 38943. 41505. 41983.

1.202E-05 "7610. 9682. 12892, 17984 1.202E-05 22006. 26878. 36310. 39641. 41641. 41983.

1.096r-05 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 1.096E-05 22237. 27291. 36979. 40144. 41881. 41983.

I. 000E-05 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984 E.0005-O5 22294. 27690. 37649, 40450. 42099. 41983, 9.120E-06 7610. 9682 . 12892, 17984 9.120E-06 22317. 28589. 38055. 40756. 42182. 41983.

8.3180-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984 8.318E-06 22340. 29058. 38484 40988. 42256. 41.983 7.586E-06 7610. 9682. 12892 17984. 7.586E-06 22360. 29577. 38824. 41377. 42322. 41983.

6. 918E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 6.918E-06 22375. 29956. 39347. 41637. 42343. 41983.

6 .310E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984 6.310E-06 22376. 30130. 39558. 41762. 42343 41983.

5 . 754E-06 7610. 9682. 12892 . 17984. 5.754E-06 22379. 30669. 40018. 41989. 42343. 41983.

5. 248E-06 7610 . 9682. 12892. 17984 5.248E-06 22381. 30898. 40238. 42093. 42343. 41.983.

4 .786P-06 7610. 9682. 12892 17984 4 .786E-06 22381. 30922. 40441. 42106. 42343. 41983.

4 . 365E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984 4 .365E-06 22381. 30933 40607. 42241. 42343. 41983.

3.981.P-06 "7610. 9682. 12892 . 17984 3 .9813.-06 22381. 30947. 407413. 42270. 42343 . 43983.

3.631E-06 7610. 9682 12892. 17984 3. 631E-06 22381. 30986. 41018. 42337. 42343. 41983.

3.311E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 3 311E-06 22381. 30988. 41.394. 42389. 42343. 41983.

3 .020E-06 76.0. 9682. 12892. 37984 3.0200-06 22381. 30988. 41448. 42422. 42343. 41983.

2 .754E- 06 7610. 9682 12892. 17984 2 754E-06 223812 30989 41473. 42444. 42343. 41983.

2.512E-06 76.1.0. 9682. 12892. 17984 2. 512E-06 22381 30999. 41511. 42449. 42343 41983.

2.291E-06 7610. 9682. 12892 17984 2 .291E-06 22381. 30989. 41607. 42449. 42343. 41.983.

2.089E-06 7610. 9682. 3.2892. 17984. 2 .089E-06 22381. 30989. 41639. 42453. 42343. 41983.

I. 905v--06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 1 .905E-06 22381. 30989. 41707. 42515. 42343. 41983.

1 . 738E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 1.738E-06 22381., 30989. 4173.2. 42515, 423,13 41983.

1.5850-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 1.585E-06 22381. 30989. 41.774. 42515. 42343. 41983.

2.4450-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 1.4459-06 22392. 309,R9. 41905. 42515. 42343. 421983.

Page 133 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1.318E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 1.318E-06 22381. 30989. 41957. 42515. 42343. 41983.

1.202E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 1.7984. 1.202E-06 22381. 30989. 41958. 42515. 42343. 41983.

1.096E'06 7610. 96B2. 12B92. 17984. 1.096E-06 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343, 41983.

1.000E-06 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 1.000E.06 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

9.120E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 9.120E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

8.3186-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 8.318E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

7.586E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 7.5866-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

6.918E-07 7610. 9682, 12992. 17984. 6.918E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

6.310E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 6.310E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

5.754E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 5.754E607 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

5.248E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 5.248E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

4.786E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 4.786E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

4.365E-07 7610. 9662, 12892. 17984. 4.365E-07 22381, 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

3.981E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 3.981E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343, 41983.

3.631E-07 7610. 9682. 12992. 17984. 3.631E-07 22381.. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

3.311E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 3.311E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

3.020E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 37984. 3.020E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343, 41983.

2.754E-07 '7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 2.754E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.512E-07 7610. 9682, 12892. 17984. 2.532E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

2.2916-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984.

2.291E-07 22381. 30989. 41.961. 42538. 42343, 41983.

2.089E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984 2.089E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.905E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984.

1.905E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.738E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984, 1.7386E07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1,585E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984.

1.585E.07 22381. 30989, 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.445E-07 7610. 9682. 128992. 17984.

1.318E-07 1.445E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

7610. 9682. 12892. 17984.

1.318E-07 22381. 30989. 41.961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.202E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984.

1.202E-07 2238]. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

1.096E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984.

1.096E607 22381. 30989. 41961. 425389 42343. 41983.

1.0006E-07 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984.

1.0006E-07 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538. 42343. 41983.

Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. Belw. Lim. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Page 134 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 Program



Developed For: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Reactor Program Management Date: June 25, 1997 11:00 a.m.

NRC Contacts: J. Y. Lee Phone: (301) 415 1080 e-mail: jyll; J. J. Hayes Phone: (301) 415 3167 e-mail: L. A Brown Phone: (301) 415 1232 e-mail: Code Developer: J. V. Ramsdell Phone: (509) 372 6316 e-mail: jramsdell,, Code Documentation: NUREG/CR-6331 Rev. 1 The program was prepared for an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibilities for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any portion of this program or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

Program Run 12/10/2004 at .12:03:54

      • .... ARCON INPUT **
  • Number of Meteorological Data Files = 5 Meteorological Data File Names C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHB-l\ARCON\TIAA84-I.MET C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHB-1\ARCOH\TlAA85-1.MET C:\TRACI'-I\PEACHB-I\ARCON\TIAA86-I.MET C:;\TR.ACI'-I\PEACHB-I\ARCCON\TIAA87-~.MET C:\TRA.CI'-I\PEACHB-l\ARCON\TiAA88-I.MET Height of lower wind instrument (m) = 10.4 Height of upper wind instrument (m) ý 28.0 Wind speeds entemed as miles per huur Ground-level release Release height (m) - .0 Building Area (m'2) = 2583.6 Effluent vertical velocity (m/s) .00 Vent or stack flow (m^3/s) .00 Vent or stack radius (m) - .00 Direction .. intake to source (deg) = 359 Wind direction sector width (deg) = 90 Wind direction window (deg) = 314 - 044 Distance to intake (m) = 100.8 Intake height (m) = .0 Terrain elevation difference (m) = .0 Output file names 3RDtoCRl.log Minimum Wind Speed (m/s) - .2 Surface roughness length (m) = .10 Sector averaging constant = 4.0 Initial value of sigma y .00 Initial value of sigma z .00 Expanded output for code testing not selected Total number of hours of data processed 43800 Hours of missing data . 464 Hours direction in window 7225 Hours elevated plume wi dir. in window = 0

Page 135 of 211 I Calculation No. PM- 1059 IRev. No. 5 1 Hours of calm winds 385 Hours direction not in window or calm 35726 DISTRIBUTION


DATA BY AVERAGING INTERVAL AVER. PER. I 2 4 8 12 24 96 268 360 720 UPPER LIM. 1.00E-03 1.00E-03 1.00F-03 1.00E-03 1.00E-03 1.00E-03 1.00E-03 1.0OE-03 1.00E-03 1.00E-03 LOW LIM. 1,00E 07 1.00E-07 1.OE- 07 1.00E-07 1.00E-07 I .00E-07 1.00E-07 1.00E-07 1.00E-07 1.00E-07 ABOVE RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

IN RANGE 7610. 9682. 12892. 17984. 22381. 30989. 41961. 42538.

42343. 41983.

BELOW RANGE 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0.

ZERO 35726. 33594. 30265. 24937. 20602. 11713. 595. 0.

0. 0.

TOTAL X/Qs 43336. 43276. 43157. 42921. 42983. 42702. 42556. 42538.

42343. 41983.

% NON ZERO 17.56 22.37 29.87 41.90 52.07 72.57 98.60 100.00 300.00 100.00 95th PERCENTILE X/Q VALUES 4.36E.04 3.74E-04 3.29E-04 2.88E-04 2,34E-04 1.67E604 9.90E-05 8.49E-05 6.84E-05 6.17E-05 95% X/Q for standard averaging intervals 0 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 4.36E-04 2 to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 2.38E-04 8 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 1.07E-04 1 to 4 days 7.62E-05 4 to 30 days 5.59E-05 HOURLY VALUE RANGE MAX X/Q MIN X/Q CENTERLINE 7.65E-04 7.24E-05 SECTOR-AVERAGE 4.79E-04 4.54E-05 NORMAL PROGRAM COMPLETION

Page 136 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment H RADTRAD Output File "PBFH19A24.oO"

                1. f#################t################f#tt#################ft###t####

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:21:45

                    1. f ################ftf#####t####t###########################


File information

                                            1. 4#####f###ftff##ftft##f### ###########################

Plant file = G:\Radtrad 3.03\Input\PM-1059 R6\PBFH19A24.psf Inventory file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Release file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt Dose Conversion file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfha fgll&12.txt

  1. t## #### ####
  1. # f#### 4 # #####
  1. ## # # ## # # ft# # # #

ft #f # # ft## ft f #f # f# f

  1. # # #f# ## # # # #
  1. t ft ft # # ##f ft ft ft ft ##f## #t #t f ft ft ####

Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 PBAPS EPU FHA AST Analysis With Ground Hatch #19 Open After 24 hrs Fuel Decay, No SGTS Filtration Credited, CR UL = 500 cfm, MCREV Initiated @ 1 Minutes After Onset of FHA, and MCREV Filteration Credited @ 89%

Nuclide Inventory File:

g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhal def.txt Plant Power Level:

1.8200E+01 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

Fuel Pool 3

1.OOOOE+02 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

Environment 2

0.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 3:

Control Room 1


Page 137 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 0

0 0

0 0


4 Pathway 1:

FHA Release to Environment 2

2 Pathway 2:

Control Room Filtered Intake 2

3 2

Pathway 3:

Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage 2

3 2

Pathway 4:

Control Room Exhaust to Environment 3

2 2

End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name:

Plant Model Filename:

Source Term:

1 1 1.OOOOE+00 g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt 2.4000E+01 1

0.0000E+00 5.7000E-01 4.3000E-01 1.0000E+00 Overlying Pool:


o. 0000E00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

1 1

0 0

0 0


Page 138 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 0

0 Compartment 2:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 3:

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0


4 Pathway .:

0 0

0 0

0 1

2 2 .4000E+01 1. 1510E+01 o.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 o00000E+00 2.6000E+01 0,0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E00 O.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 2:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 2.4000E+01 2.0600E+04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.4017E+01 2.7000E+03 9. 8000E+01 8. 9000E+01 8.9000E+01 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 o.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0


Page 139 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 i Rev. No. 5 Pathway 3:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 2.4000E+01 o.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 o.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00 2.4017E+01 5.0000E+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.4400E+02 o.OOOOE+00 0..OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 o.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 4:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 2.4000E+01 2.0600E+04 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 2.4017E+01 3.2000E+03 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Dose Locations:

3 Location 1:

Exclusion Area Boundary 2

1 2

2 .4000E+01 9. 1100E-04 7.4400E+02 o.OOOOE+00 1

2 2 .4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 o.OOOOE+00 0

Location 2:

Low Population Zone 2

1 6

2 .4000E+01 1.3800E-04 2 .6000E+01 5. 8100E-05 3.2000E+01 3.7700E-05

4. 8000E+01 1.480OE-O5

Page 140 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1.2000E+02 4. 1500E-06 7.4400E+02 o.0000E+00 1

4 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 3 .2000E+01 1.8000E-04 4.8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 o.OOOOE+00 0

Location 3:

Control Room 3

0 1

2 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 1

4 2.4000E+01 1.0000E+00 4.8000E+01 6. 0000E-01 1.2000E+02 4 .0000E-01 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+O0 Effective Vol ume Location:

1 6

2.4000E+01 1.7500E-03 2.6000E+01 9.5100E-04 3.2000E+01 3.05OOE-04 4.8000E+01 2.8200E-04 1.2000E+02 2.4400E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Simulation Parameters:

6 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE-01 2.6000E+01 5.o0000E-01 3.2000E+01 1.0000E+00 4.8000E+01 2.0000E+00 1.2000E+02 5.0000E+00 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Output Filename:

G:\Radtrad 3.o13 1

1 1

0 0

End of Scenario File

Page 141 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:21:45

                                                                                                                                1. 4#######

Plant Description Number of Nuclides = 60 Inventory Power = 1.OOOOE+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 1.8200E+01 MWth Number of compartments = 3 Compartment information Compartment number 1 (Source term fraction = 1.OOOOE+00 Name: Fuel Pool Compartment volume = 1.OOOOE+02 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Exit Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Inlet Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Exit Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Exit Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Compartment number 3 Name: Control Room Compartment volume 1.7600E+05 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Inlet Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Exit Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Total number of pathways = 4

Page 142 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 ] I RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:21:45

                                                                                                                    1. S######c#####
                                                                                                                      1. 4#######4#4##

Scenario Description Time between shutdown and first release = 2.4000E+01 (Hours)

Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE RELEASE MASS 0.000001 hr 0.0000 hrs 0.0000 hrs (gm)

NOBLES 5.OOOOE-02 0. 0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1. 982E+00 IODINE 2.5000E-04 0 OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 1. 906E-03 CESIUM 0.0000E+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0. 000E+00 TELLURIUM 0.0000E+00 0 OOOOE+00 O.O000E+00 0. 000E+00 STRONTIUM O. 000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0. 000E+00 BARIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0 OOOE+00 RUTHENIUM 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0. 000E+00 CERIUM 0.0000E+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0. 000E+00 LANTHANUM 0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 000E.-+00 Inventory Power = 18. MWt Nuclide Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Name Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)

Kr-83m 1 3.8482+03 6. 588E+03 1.500E-18 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-85 1 7.316E+02 3 383E+08 1. 190E-16 0. 000E+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-85m 1 8.5555+03 1 613E+04 7.480E-15 0.000E+00 0 .000E+00 Kr-87 1 1.686E+04 4 .578E+03 4. 120E-14 0.OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-88 1 2.379E+04 1.022E+04 1. 020E-13 0. 0OOE+00 0. 000E+00 1-131 2 4.326E+04 6.947E+05 1 .820E-14 2. 920E-07 8. 890E-09 1-132 2 3.901E+04 8 .280E+03 1. 120E-13 1.740E-09 1.030E-10 1-133 2 5.564E+04 7 .488E+04 2. 940E-14 4. 860E-08 1.580E-09 1-134 2 6.179E+04 3 156E+03 1.300E-13 2.880E-10 3. 550E-11 1-135 2 5.198E+04 2 .380E+04 8.294E-14 8.460E-09 3. 320E-10 Xe-131m 1 3.024E+02 1. 028E+06 3 .890E-16 0.000E+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-133 1 5.488E+04 4 532E+05 1. 560E-15 0. 000E+00 0. 000E+00 Xe-133m 1 1.714E+03 1. 890E+05 1.370E-15 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-135 1 2.140E+04 3.272E+04 1.190E-14 0. 000E+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-135m 1 1.081E+04 9.174E+02 2.040E-14 0. 000E+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-138 1 4.815E+04 8.502E+02 5.770E-14 0. 0OOE+00 0. 000E+00 Nuclide Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Kr-85m Kr-85 0.21 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-87 Rb-87 1 .00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-88 Rb-88 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-131 Xe-131m 0. 01 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-133 Xe-133m 0 .03 Xe-133 0.97 none 0.00 1-135 Xe-135m 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00

Page 143 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Xe-133m Xe-133 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135 Cs-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135m Xe-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-138 Cs-138 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol 0.0000E+00 Elemental = 5.7000E-01 Organic = 4.3000E-01 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: Fuel Pool Compartment number 2: Environmer It Compartment number 3: Control Rc om PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: FHA Release to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 1.1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.6000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 2: Control Room F5iltered Intake Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 2.0600E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4017E+01 2.7000E+03 9.8000E+01 8.9000E+01 8.9000E+01 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 3: Control Room Ur ifiltered Inleakage Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 0,OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.4017E+01 5.OOOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 4: Control Room E>chaust to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 2.0600E+04 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 2.4017E+01 3.2000E+03 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.OOOOE+02

Page 144 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+/-00 O.OOO0E+00 0.OOOOE+00 LOCATION DATA Location Exclusion Area Boundary is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s

  • m--3) 2.4000E+01 9. 11OOE-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (mW3
  • sec'-1) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Low Population Zone is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s
  • m'-3) 2.4000E+01 1.3800E-04 2.6000E+01 5. 8100E-05 3.2000E+01 3.7700E-05 4 . 8000E+01 1.4800E-05 1.2000E+02 4. 1500E-06 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m'3
  • sec^-1) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+01 1.8000E-04 4.8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 O.OO00E+00 Location Control Room is in compartment 3 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/ D (s
  • m^-3) 2.4000E+01 1.7500E-03 2.6000E+01 9. 5100E-04 3.2000E+01 3.0500E-04 4.8000E+01 2.8200E-04 1.2000E+02 2.4400E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rat te Data Time (hr) BrEeathing Rate (m^3
  • sec^-1) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Occupancy Facctor Data Time (hr) Oct cupancy Factor 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 6.0000E-01 1.2000E+02 4.OOOOE-01 7.4400E+02 O.OOOOE+00 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA - SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step 0.0000E+00 1.OOOOE-01

Page 145 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 2.OOOE+00 5 .OOOOE-01 8.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 2 .4000E+01 2.OOOOE+00

9. 6000E+01 5.0000E+00 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00

Page 146 of 211

[ Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5

        1. A###########A########i#####5############5####a##2################1 RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:21:4S
                      1. 4##################################################*#####*####
        1. 4 #t 4 ### ### # #####
  1. t #4 # 4 # #t If
  1. t 4 # 4 it it itit # it it $tit#*t# it #t #
  1. #4 # it #
  1. t # #
        1. t i#ttft Dose, Detailed model and Detailed Inventory Output
                                            1. 4###############t############## #it################

Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1.5721E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1. 5721E-06 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0502E-12 1.6052E-09 5. 0274E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0502E-12 1.6052E-09 5.0274E- 11 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) 24.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 3.9477E-01 1.9134E-i1 1. 3883E+14 5.2583E+07 Kr-BS 6 .6571E+02 1.696BE-03 1.2022E+22 8 .8672E+10 Kr-85m 1.8993E+02 2.3079E-08 1. 6351E+17 2.5299E+10 Kr-87 3.1959E-02 1 1283E-12 7. 8100E+12 4.2570E+06 Kr-88 6. 1876E+01 4.9346E-09 3.3769E+16 8.2418E+09 1-131 1.8057E+02 1.4565E-06 6. 6958E+18 2.4052E+10 1-132 1.2823E-01 1.2423E-11 5.6677E+13 1. 7081E+07 1-133 1. 1378E+02 1.0044E-07 4. 5478E+17 1.5155E+10 1-135 1. 9092E+01 5.4364E-09 2.4251E+16 2.5430E+09 Xe-131m 2. 8308E+02 3 .3796E-06 1. 5536E+19 3 .7706E+10 Xe-133 4 .8094E+04 2.5694E-04 1.1634E+21 6.4061E+12 Xe-133m 1 .4051E+03 3 1315E-06 1.4179E+19 1.8716E+11 Xe-135 1 .3276E+04 5.1986E-06 2.3190E+19 1.7683E+12 Xe-135m 6. 6589E+02 7. 3101E-09 3.2609E+16 8.8697E+10

Page 147 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3238E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0897E+18 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0852E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 7.0652E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.5072E-05 Total I (Ci) 3o.1357E+02 FKA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 24.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.5711E+16 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4122E+13 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.0653E+13 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.8806E-02 7.6339E+00 3.3290E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.8809E-02 7.6341E+00 3.3291E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4967E-02 1.1564E+00 5.0428E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.4968E-02 1.1564E+00 5.0430E-02 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4130E-04 8.2745E-01 2. 5915E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 5.4130E-04 8.2745E-01 2 .5915E-02 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 3 .4879E-01 1 .6905E-11 1.2266E+14 7. 9547E+11 Kr-85 5.9197E+02 1.5088E-03 1.0690E+22 1. 3457E+15 Kr-85m 1.6845E+02 2 .0469E-08 1.4502E+17 3.8345E+14 Kr-87 2 .8157E-02 9.9405E-13 6.8808E+12 6.4309E+10 Kr-88 5 .4794E+01 4. 3698E-09 2. 9904E+16 1.2482E+14 1-131 1.6056E+02 1 .2951E-06 5. 9537E+18 3. 6502E+14 1-132 1,1345E-01 1.0991E-11 5. 0142E+13 2. 5857E+11 1-133 1.0112E+02 8 .9262E-08 4.0417E+17 2.2994E+14 1-134 1 .4157E-06 5.3070E-17 2.3850E+08 3.2402E+06 1-135 1.6947E+01 4 .8256E-09 2. 1526E+16 3. 8560E+13 Xe-131m 2. 5171E+02 3 .0051E-06 1.3815E+19 5. 7224E+14 Xe-133 4 .2763E+04 2 .2846E-04 1. 0344E+21 9. 7217E+16 Xe-133m 1 .2492E+03 2 .7840E-06 1.2606E+19 2. 8402E+15 Xe-135 1.1791E+04 4 .6170E-06 2. 0596E+19 2 . 6820E+16 Xe-135m 5.6550E+02 6 .2080E-09 2. 7693E+16 1. 3156E+15

Page 148 of 211 I Calculation No. PM4-1059 IRev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0170 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.1772E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.6363E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.7432E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6 .2819E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 6. 6747E-05 Total I (Ci) 2. 7874E+02 F-A Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 24.0170 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.4663E+21 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 4.5300E+17 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3.4174E+17 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.7868E-01 6.1236E+01 2.6564E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.1796E-01 9.2762E+00 4 .0240E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4 . 5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0769E-01 1.0345E+02 3.2796E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0823E-01 1.0428E+02 3.3055E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1.8573E-07 9. 0018E- 18 6.5314E+07 5.3484E+12 Kr-85 6.6805E-04 1.7028E-09 1. 2064E+16 9.5028E+15 Kr-85m 1.3987E-04 1.6997E-14 1.2042E+11 2.6531E+15 Kr-87 1.0782E-08 3 .8063E-19 2.6347E+06 4.2355E+11 Kr-88 3 .8111E-05 3 . 0394E-15 2. 0799E+10 8.5375E+14 1-131 1.7991E-04 1 .4512E-12 6. 6713E+12 2.5763E+15 1-132 7.0431E-08 6.8233E-18 3 .1130E+07 1.7556E+12 1-133 1.0682E-04 9.4293E- 14 4 .2695E+11 1.6165E+15 1-135 1.5534E-05 4.4234E- 15 1. 9732E+10 2.6854E+14 Xe-131m 2 .8271E-04 3 .3752E-12 1. 5516E+13 4.0395E+15 Xe-133 4.7751E-02 2. 5510E-10 1. 1551E+15 6.8599E+17 Xe-133m 1.3734E-03 3. 0609E- 12 1. 3859E+13 2.0020E+16 Xe-135 1.1457E-02 4 .4864E-12 2 . 0013E+13 1.8753E+17 Xe-135m 5.6536E-06 6.2065E- 17 2.7686E+08 6.8828E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Atmosphere Sump

Page 149 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 IJ Noble gases (atoms) 1.3268E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0572E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0607E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 9973E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7 .4076E-11 Total I (Ci) 3.0233E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 26.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 i.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3749E-02 1. 3951E+01 4.4126E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2198E-01 1. 1823E+02 3.7468E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1. 9138E-08 9. 2757E-19 6. 7301E+06 5.3485E+12 Kr-85 6.6802E-04 1.7027E-09 1.2063E+16 9.5033E+15 Kr-85m 5.5281E-05 6 .7174E- 15 4. 7592E+10 2 .6531E+15 Kr-87 4 .0960E-10 1.4460E-20 1.0009E+05 4 .2355E+ll Kr-88 8.8120E-06 7 .0275E-16 4.8092E+09 8.5376E+14 1-131 1 .7608E-04 1 .4203E-12 6. 5290E+12 2 5765E+15 1-132 1.1547E-08 1. 1187E-18 5.1036E+06 1. 7556E+12 1-133 8 .7458E-05 7.7205E-14 3. 4958E+11 1.6166E+15 1-135 8 2802E-06 2.3578E-15 1. 0518E+10 2. 6855E+14 Xe-131m 2 .7865E-04 3 .3268E-12 1.5293E+13 4. 0397E+15 Xe-133 4 .6245E-02 2 .4706E-10 1.1187E+15 6 .8603E+17 Xe-133m 1 .2691E-03 2.8283E-12 1.2806E+13 2. 0021E+16 Xe-135 7 .2547E-03 2 .8408E-12 1. 2673E+13 1. 8754E+17 Xe-135m 1 .4758E-06 1.6202E-17 7.2272E+07 6 .8828E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) - 32.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gasEýs (atoms) 1.3223E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.9268E+12 0.OOOOE+00

Page 150 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Organic I (atoms) 2.9623E+12 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 7406E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7. 0680E-11 Total I (Ci) 2. 7183E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 32.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 O.DOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.O000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.4834E-05 1.9350E-02 6. 0713E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2199E-01 1.1825E+02 3.'7474E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) 48.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 4 .4662E-I1 2. 1647E-21 1. 5706E+04 5.3485E+12 Kr-85 6.6794E-04 1.7025E-09 1.2062E+16 9.5047E+15 Kr-85m 4.6501E-06 5.6506E-16 4.0033E+09 2. 6532E+15 Kr-88 1.7747E-07 1.4153E-17 9.6856E+07 8. 5377E+14 1-131 1.6624E-04 1.3409E-12 6 1643E+12 2 .5768E+15 1-132 9.2971E-11 9.0070E-21 4 1092E+04 1.7556E+12 1-133 5.1314E-05 4.5298E-14 2.0511E+11 1.6167E+15 1-135 1.5466E-06 4 .4039E-16 1.9645E+09 2.6856E+14 Xe-131m 2.6811E-04 3.2009E-12 1 .4715E+13 4 .0403E+15 Xe-133 4.2447E-02 2 .2677E-10 1.0268E+15 6. 8613E+17 Xe-133m 1.0278E-03 2.2907E-12 1.0372E+13 2. 0024E+16 Xe-135 2.1442E-03 8.3962E-13 3 .7454E+12 1. 8755E+17 Xe-135m 7.1780E-07 7.8799E-18 3.5151E+07 6. 8828E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3117E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.6317E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.7397E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 1740E-11

Page 151 of 211 I Calculation No. PMI.1059 IRev. No. 51 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 6. 3597E-11 Total I (Ci) 2. 1910E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 48.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) O.OOOOE+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) o.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) o.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.5250E-13 3.0697E-10 9. 5295E-12 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2199E-01 1.1825E+02 3.7474E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6759E-04 1.7016E- 09 1.2055E+16 9.5111E+15 Kr-85m 6.7528E-11 8. 2056E-21 5. 8135E+04 2. 6532E+15 1-131 1.2836E-04 1 .0353E-12 4 . 7595E+12 2.5782E+15 1-133 4 .6581E-06 4 .1120E-15 1. 8619E+10 1. 6169E+15 1-135 8. 1354E-10 2 3166E-19 1.0334E+06 2. 6856E+14 Xe-131m 2.2538E-04 2 .6908E-12 1. 2370E+13 4. 0427E+15 Xe-133 2 .8771E-02 1 .5371E-10 6.9597E+14 6 .8646E+17 Xe-133m 3.9764E-04 8 8620E- 13 4 . 0126E+12 2 .0030E+16 Xe-135 8.8640E-06 3 .4710E-15 1. 5484E+10 1. 8755E+17 Xe-135m 3 .7758E-10 4 .1450E-21 1.8490E+04 6. 8828E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2768E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.7235E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.0546E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4. 5602E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4.5768E-11 Total I (Ci) 1. 3301E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:


Page 152 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Time (h) = 120.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.O000E+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3292E-01 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5283E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.8889E-48 1. 1690E-44 3.5994E-46 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2199E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7474E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6452E-04 1.6938E-09 1.2000E+16 9. 5665E+15 1-131 1.3644E-OS 1. 1005E-13 5.0592E+11 2. 5825E+15 Xe-131m 4.9904E-05 5. 9579E-13 2. 7389E+12 4 .0523E+15 Xe-133 9.3537E-04 4. 9971E-12 2. 2627E+13 6.8714E+17 Xe-133m 1. 0531E-07 2 .3469E-16 1.0626E+09 2. 0034E+16 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2025E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.8837E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.1755E+i1 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4. 8183E-12 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4.8183E-12 Total I (Ci) 1.3644E-05 FPA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 744.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3191E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0728E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3.0725E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 838 1-131 Summary

                                                                            1. f~###4#4#############*###########

Page 153 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Environment Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 24.000 1. 8057E+02 6.2352E-04 1.0608E-05 24 .017 1. 6056E+02 2.0001E+01 3.2039E-01 24.400 1. 1385E+01 1.6907E+02 2.8432E-01 24.700 1 .4325E+00 1.7902E+02 2.1003E-01 25.000 1. 8024E-01 1.8027E+02 1.5191E-01 25.300 2. 2679E-02 1.8043E+02 1.0948E-01 25.600 2. 8535E-03 1.8045E+02 7.8845E-02 25.900 3. 5904E-04 1.8045E+02 5.6778E-02 26.000 1. 7991E-04 1.8045E+02 5.0892E-02 26.300 1. 7972E-04 1.8045E+02 3.6648E-02 26.600 1. 7953E-04 1.8045E+02 2.6391E-02 26.900 1. 7933E-04 1.8045E+02 1.9004E-02 27.200 1. 7914E-04 1.8045E+02 1.3685E-02 27.500 1. 7895E-04 1.8045E+02 9.8548E-03 27.800 1. 7875E-04 1.8045E+02 7.0965E-03 28.100 1. 7856E-04 1.8045E+02 5.1103E-03 28.400 1.7837E-04 1.8045E+02 3.6800E-03 28.700 1. 7818E-04 1.8045E+02 2.6500E-03 29.000 1. 7798E-04 1.8045E+02 1.9083E-03 29.300 1 .7779E-04 1.8045E+02 1.3742E-03 29.600 1. 7760E-04 1.8045E+02 9.8956E-04 29.900 1. 7741E-04 1.8045E+02 7.1259E-04 30.200 1. 7722E-04 1.8045E+02 5.1314E-04 30.500 1. 7703E-04 1.8045E+02 3.6952E-04 30.800 1. 7684E-04 1.8045E+02 2.6610E-04 31.100 1.7665E-04 1.8045E+02 1.9162E-04 31.400 1.7646E-04 1.8045E+02 1.3799E-04 31.700 1.7627E-04 1.8045E+02 9.9365E-05 32.000 1.7608E-04 1.8045E+02 7.1554E-05 32.300 1.7589E-04 1.8045E+02 5.1527E-05 32.600 1.7570E-04 1.8045E+02 3.7105E-05 32.900 1.7551E-04 1.804SE+02 2.6720E-05 33.200 1.7532E-04 1.8045E+02 1.9241E-05 33 .500 1.7513E-04 1.8045E+02 1.3856E-05 33 .800 1.7494E-04 1. 8045E+02 9.9777E-06 34.100 1.7475E-04 1. 8045E+02 7.1850E-06 34 .400 1.7457E-04 1. 8045E+02 5.1740E-06

48. 000 1.6624E-04 1. 8045E+02 1.7752E-12 120. 000 1.2836E-04 1. 8045E+02 1.0594E-46 744 .000 1.3644E-05 1.8045E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Cumulative Dose Summary Exclusion Area Bounda Low Population Zone Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24 .000 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 24 .017 7.6341E+00 3 .3291E-01 1. 1564E+00 5.0430E-02 8. 2745E-01 2 .5915E- 02 24.400 6.4533E+01 2.8036E+00 9. 7756E+00 4 .2470E-01 3. 7793E+01 1. 1953E+00 24.700 6. 8325E+01 2.9662E+00 1. 0350E+01 4 .4932E-01 6. 0124E+01 1.9045E+00 25.000 6. 8802E+01 2.9865E+00 1. 0422E+01 4.5239E-01 7. 6399E+01 2 .4213E+00 25.300 6.8862E+01 2.9890E+00 1. 0431E+01 4.5278E-01 8. 8135E+01 2.7937E+00

Page 154 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 25.600 6.8869E+01 2.9893E+00 1.0432E+01 4 . 5283E-01 9. 6583E+01 3. 0615E+00 25.900 6.8870E+01 2. 9893E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5283E-01 1.0266E+02 3.2542E+00 26.000 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5283E-01 1.0428E+02 3.3055E+00 26.300 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5283E-01 1.0820E+02 3.4296E+00 26.600 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 5283E-01 1. 1102E+02 3. 5188E+00 26.900 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1305E+02 3.5830E+00 27.200 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5283E-01 1. 1451E+02 3.6292E+00 27.500 6.8870E+01 2 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1556E+02 3.6624E+00 27.800 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1631E+02 3.6862E+00 28.100 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5283E-01 1. 1686E+02 3.7034E+00 28.400 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4.5283E-01 1. 1725E+02 3. 7158E+00 28.700 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1753E+02 3.7246E+00 29.000 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5283E-01 1. 1773E+02 3. 7310E+00 29.300 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1788E+02 3.7356E+00 29.600 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5283E-01 1. 1798E+02 3.7389E+00 29.900 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1806E+02 3. 7413E+00 30.200 6.8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1811E+02 3.7430E+00 30.500 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1815E+02 3.7442E+00 30.800 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1818E+02 3. 7451E+00 31.100 6 .8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5283E-01 1. 1820E+02 3.7457E+00 31.400 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1821E+02 3.7462E+00 31.700 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5283E-01 1. 1822E+02 3.7465E+00 32.000 6 .8870E+01 2 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 1. 1823E+02 3.7468E+00 32.300 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5283E-01 1. 1824E+02 3.7469E+00 32.600 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5283E-01 1. 1824E+02 3. 7471E+00 32.900 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1824E+02 3.7472E+00 33.200 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7472E+00 33.500 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7473E+00 33.800 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7473E+00 34 .100 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7473E+00 34.400 6. 8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7473E+00 48.000 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 . 5283E- 01 1. 1825E+02 3.7474E+00 120.000 6.8870E+01 2. 9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7474E+00 744.000 6.8870E+01 2 .9894E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5283E-01 1. 1825E+02 3.7474E+00

              1. r############################################################

Worst Two-Hour Doses Exclusion Area Boundary Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24 .0 8.7749E-01 6.8870E+01 2.9894E+00

Page 155 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment I RADTRAD Output File "PBFH20A288.oO" 11########1##441#######14#14#####1##1#1##1#1##4#141#########1##14##41###1#######14##4#####

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:18:26

  1. 1###4########4#######14414#############################################

File information

                      1. 1###########################################################

Plant file = G:\Radtrad 3.03\Input\PM-1059 R6\PBFH2OA288.psf Inventory file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Release file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt Dose Conversion file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfha fgll&12.txt

          1. 14 14 14 #### 1
        1. 14 #41 # # #14 ##### 14 #1 14
  1. 1 Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 PBAPS EPU FRA AST Analysis With Ground Hatch #20 Open After 288 hrs Fuel Decay, No SGTS Filtration Credited, CR UL = 500 cfm, MCREV Initiated @ 1 Minutes After Onset of FHA, and MCREV Filteration Credited @ 89%

Nuclide Inventory File:

g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Plant Power Level:

1.8200E+01 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

Fuel Pool 3

1.0000E+02 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

Environment 2.

0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

Page 156 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Compartment 3:

Control Room 1

1.7600E+05 0

0 0

0 0


4 Pathway 1:

FHA Release to Environment 1

2 2

Pathway 2:

Control Room Filtered Intake 2

3 2

Pathway 3:

Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage 2

3 2

Pathway 4:

Control Room Exhaust to Environment 3

2 2

End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name:

Plant Model Filename:

Source Term:

1 1 1.OOOOE+00 g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhal rft.txt 2.8800E+02 1

0.0000E+00 5.7000E-01 4.3000E-01 1.OOOOE+00 Overlying Pool:

0 o.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

1 1


Page 157 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 2:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 3:

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathways:

4 Pathway 1:

0 0

0 0

0 1


2. 8800E+02 1. 1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00
2. 9000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00 o.O0OOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 2:

0 0

0 0

0 1


2. 8800E+02 2.0600E+04 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OO00E+00
2. 8802E+02 2.7000E+03 9. 8000E+01 8. 9000E+01 8. 9000E+01
1. 0080E+03 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0


Page 158 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 0

0 0

0 Pathway 3:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 2 .8800E-402 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 o.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00

2. 8802E+02 5.OOOOE+02 o.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00
1. 0080E+03 o.OOOOE+00 0.O0OOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 4:

0 0

0 0

0 1


2. 8800E+02 2.0600E+04 1.OOOOE+02 1.0000E+02 1.OOOOE+02
2. 8802E+02 3.2000E+03 1.OOOOE+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02
1. OOBOE+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Dose Locations:

3 Location 1:

Exclusion Area Boundary 2

1 2

2.8800E+02 9. 1100E-04 1.0080E+03 0.OOOOE+00 1

2 2.8800E+02 3.5000E--04 1.0080E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0

Location 2:

Low Population Zone 2

1 6

Page 159 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 2.8800E+02 1.3800E-04 2.9000E+02 5. 8100E-05 2.9600E+02 3.7700E-05 3 .1200E+02 1.4800E-05 3.8400E+02 4 . 1500E-06 1.0080E+03 o.OOOOE+00 1

4 2.8800E+02 3.50OOE-04 2.9600E+02 1.8000E-04 3 .1200E+02 2.3000E-04 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 0

Location 3:

Control Room 3

0 1

2 2.8800E+02 3.5000E-04 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 1

4 2.8800E+02 1.0000B+00 3.1200E+02 6.0000E-01 3.8400E+02 4.0000E-01 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Effective Volume Location:

1 6

2.8800E+02 5.59005-03 2.9000E+02 4.6100E-03 2.9600E+02 1.6300E-03 3.1200E+02 1.5500E-03 3.8400E+02 1.3400E-03 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Simulation Parameters:

6 2.8800E+02 1.OOOOE-01 2.9000E+02 5.0000E-01 2.9600E+02 1.0000E+00 3.1200E+02 2.0000E+00 3.8400E+02 5.0000E+00 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Output Filename:

G:\Radtrad 3.oll 1

1 0

0 End of Scenario File

Page 160 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5

                                      1. 4##################4##################################

RADTRAfl Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:18:26

                                                        1. tu#####u######################################

Plant Description Number of Nuclides = 60 Inventory Power = 1.OOOOE+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 1.8200E+01 MWth Number of compartments = 3 Compartment information Compartment number 1 (Source term fraction = 1.OOOOE+00 Name: Fuel Pool Compartment volume = 1.OOOOE+02 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Exit Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Inlet Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Exit Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Exit Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Compartment number 3 Name: Control Room Compartment volume = 1.7600E+05 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Inlet Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Exit Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Total number of pathways = 4

Page 161 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

                                  1. 4######################################################

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:18:26 Scenario Description Time between shutdown and first release 2.8800E+02 (Hours)

Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE RELEASE MASS 0.000001 hr 0.0000 hrs 0.0000 hrs (gm)

NOBLES 5.OOOOE-02 0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 1.982E+00 IODINE 2.50OOE-04 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 1.906E-03 CESIUM 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 0.000E+00 TELLURIUM 0.O000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 O.O000E+00 STRONTIUM 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.000E+00 BARIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0.000E+00 RUTHENIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0.000E+00 CERIUM 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0. 000E+00 LANTHANUM 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 0.000E+00 Inventory Power = 18. MWt Nuclide Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Name Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)

K:r-83m 1 3.848E+03 6. 588E+03 1.500E-18 0. 000E+00 0.000E+00 Kr-85 1 7.316E+02 3. 383E+08 1.190E-16 0 000E+00 0.000E400 Kr -8 5m 1 8.5S5E+03 1. 613E+04 7.480E-15 0. 000E+00 0.O00E+00 Kr-87 1 1.686E+04 4. 578E+03 4.120E-14 0. 000E+00 0.OOOE00 Kr-88 1 2.379E+04 1. 022E+04 1.020E-13 0. OOOE+00 0.O00E+00 1-131 2 4.326E+04 6. 947E+05 1.820E-14 2.920E-07 8.890E-09 1-132 2 3.901E+04 8 .280E+03 1.120E-13 1. 740E-09 1.030E-10 1-133 2 5.564E+04 7.488E+04 2.940E-14 4.860E-08 1. 580E-09 1-134 2 6.179E+04 3 156E+03 1.300E-13 2. 880E-I0 3. 550E-11 1-135 2 5.198E+04 2.380E+04 8.294E-14 8.460E-09 3.320E-10 Xe-131m 1 3.024E+02 1.028E+06 3.890E-16 0.O00E+00 0. 000E+00 Xe-133 1 5.488E+04 4. 532E+05 1.560E-15 0.000E+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-133m 1 1.714E+03 1.890E+05 1.370E-15 0. 000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe- 135 1 2.140E+04 3.272E+04 1.190E-14 0.O00E+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-135m 1 1.081E+04 9.174E+02 2.040E-14 0.000E+00 0. 000E+00 Xe-138 1 4.815E+04 8.502E+02 5.770E-14 0.OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Nuclide Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Kr-85m Kr-85 0.21 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-87 Rb-87 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-88 Rb-88 1. 00 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-131 Xe-131m 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-133 Xe-133m 0.03 Xe- 133 0.97 none 0.00 1-135 Xe-135m 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00

Page 162 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Xe-133m Xe-133 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135 Cs-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135m Xe-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-138 Cs-138 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol = 0.0000E+00 Elemental = 5.7000E-01 Organic = 4.3000E-01 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: Fuel Pool Compartment number 2: Environmei nt Compartment number 3: Control Reoom PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: FHA Release to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.8800E+02 1.1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.9000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 2: Control Room F.iltered Intake Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.8800E+02 2.0600E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 2.8802E+02 2.7000E+03 9.8000E+01 8.9000E+01 8.9000E+01 1.0080E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Control Room Uinfiltered Inleakage Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.8800E+02 0.0000E+00 0.000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 2.8802E+02 5.OOOOE+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.0080E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 4: Control Room E:<haust to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 2.8800E+02 2.0600E+04 1.0000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 2.8802E+02 3.2000E+03 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02

Page 163 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1.0080E+03 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 LOCATION DATA Location Exclusion Area Boundary is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s

  • m^-3) 2.8800E+02 9. 1100E-04 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m'3
  • sec^-l) 2.8800E+02 3.5000E-04 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Location Low Population Zone is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/ (s
  • m^-3) 2.8800E+02 1.3800E-04 2.9000E+02 5.8100E-05 2.9600E+02 3.7700E-05 3.1200E+02 1.4800E-05 3.8400E+02 4.1500E-06 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rat te Data Time (hr) BrEeathing Rate (m^3
  • sec^-1) 2.8800E+02 3.5000E-04 2.9600E+02 1.8000E-04 3.1200E+02 2.3000E-04 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Location Control Room is in compartment 3 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/ Q (s
  • m^-3) 2 .8800E+02 5.5900E-03 2 .9000E+02 4.6100E-03
2. 9600E+02 1.6300E-03 3.1200E+02 1.5500E-03
3. 8400E+02 1.3400E-03 1.0080E+03 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rat te Data Time (hr) BrEeathing Rate (mW3
  • sec'-l) 2.8800E+02 3.5000E-04 1.0080E+03 0.OOOOE+00 Location Occupancy Fa ctor Data Time (hr) Occcupancy Factor 2.8800E+02 1.0000E+00 3.1200E+02 6.0000E-01 3.8400E+02 4.0000E-01 1.0080E+03 0,0000E+00 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA - SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step 0.0000E+00 1.0000E-01

Page 164 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 2.0OOOE+00 5. OOOE-01 8.OOOOE+00 1.OOOOE+00 2 .4000E+01 2.OOOOE+00

9. 6000E+01 5.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00

Page 165 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1

                              1. 4#########################ft###############################

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:18:26

                            1. 444*##################################################
    • 4*#### 4* 4* 4*4*###
    • - 4* ## 4* 4*
    • #4 #* 4* 4*4*

4 #4*4*4*4* 4*

4* 4* 4*

44## #### #*

                                1. 4##444*# #4*4*4*########## #################################

Dose, Detailed model and Detailed Inventory Output

                                              1. 4##############################################

Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4494E-07 8. 3212E-05 2.7783E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.4494E-07 8.3212E-05 2.7783E-06 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.7104E-08 1.2605E-05 4.2087E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.7104E-08 1.2605E-05 4.2087E-07 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 288.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6674E-13 1.7929E-09 5.4852E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6674E-13 1.7929E-09 5.4852E-11 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 288.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6442E+02 1.6935E-03 1. 1998E+22 8.8500E+10 1-131 6.9952E+01 5. 6424E-07 2. 5938E+18 9.3176E+09 1-133 1.7191E-02 1.5175E-11 6. 8712E+13 2.2898E+06 Xe-131m 2 6462E+02 3 .1592E-06 1 .4523E+19 3. 5248E+10 Xe-133 1 .2508E+04 6 .6821E-05 3.0256E+20 1.6660E+12 Xe-133m 5 6297E+01 1.2547E-07 5. 6810E+17 7.4988E+09 Xe-135 4. 2577E-05 I .6673E-14 7.4374E+10 5. 6713E+03 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 288.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2316E+22 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.4785E+18 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 1.1154E+18 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00

Page 166 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2.4704E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2,4705E-05 Total I (Ci) 6 .9969E+01 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 288.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 4.2527E+16 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 5.1054E+12 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3.8514E+12 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 288.0200 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.1506E-03 3.1087E+00 1. 0380E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.1508E-03 3.1088E+00 1. 0380E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 288.0200 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3861E-03 4.7091E-01 1.5723E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3862E-03 4.7092E-01 1.5723E-02 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 288.0200 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8639E-04 1.2528E+00 3.8328E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8639E-04 1.2528E+00 3.8328E-02 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 288.0200 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 5.7871E+02 1 .4750E-03 1.0450E+22 1.5478E+15 1-131 6 . 0924E+01 4. 9142E-07 2. 2591E+18 1. 6296E+14 1-133 1.4963E-02 1.3209E-11 5 9808E+13 4 . 0034E+10 Xe-131m 2.3047E+02 2 . 7516E- 06 1 2649E+19 6.1645E+14 Xe-133 1.0893E+04 5 8194E-05 2. 6350E+20 2. 9136E+16 Xe-133m 4 . 9022E+01 1. 0925E-07 4. 9468E+17 1. 3113E+14 Xe-135 3.7028E-05 1 .4500E-14 6. 4681E+10 9. 9114E+07 Fuel Pool Transport Gr cup Inventory:

Time (h) = 288.0200 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.0727E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.2877E+18 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 9.7143E+17 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2. 1516E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2.1516E-05 Total I (Ci) 6 .0938E+01 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 288.0200 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.5887E+21

Page 167 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 .

Elemental I (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 1. 9073E+17 Organic I (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 1.4388E+17 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 290.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1743E-02 2.0980E+01 7.0049E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0894E-02 2. 4089E+01 8.0429E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 290.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.3530E-03 3.1781E+00 1.0611E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0739E-02 3.6491E+00 1.2184E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 290.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0645E-02 1.2850E+02 3.9429E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 3. 0831E-02 1.2975E+02 3.9812E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 290.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6675E-04 1.6994E-09 1.2040E+16 9. 5559E+15 1-131 6.9696E-05 5 6218E- 13 2. 5844E+12 1.0056E+15 1-133 1.6139E-08 1.4247E-17 6.4508E+07 2 .4609E+11 Xe-131m 2.6427E-04 3.1551E- 12 1.4504E+13 3 .8046E+15 Xe-133 1.2415E-02 6 .6325E-11 3. 0031E+14 1.7975E+17 Xe-133m 5.5024E-05 1.2263E-13 5. 5525E+11 8. 0819E+14 Xe-135 3. 6684E-11 1 .4365E-20 6.4079E+04 6.0586E+08 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 290.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2356E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.4731E+12 0.0000+E00 Organic I (atoms) 1.1113E+12 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2.4614E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2.4614E-11 Total I (Ci) 6. 9712E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 290.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2275E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1,4730E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.1112E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 296.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0894E-02 2. 4089E+01 8.0429E-01

Page 168 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 1 1 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 296.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0739E-02 3.6491E+00 1.2184E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 296.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.3972E-03 1.7397E+01 5. 3405E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.522BE-02 1.4715E+02 4. 5153E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 296.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6672E-04 1.6994E-09 1.2040E+16 9.5565E+15 1-131 6 .8210E-05 5. 5019E- 13 2. 5292E+12 1.0056E+15 1-133 1. 3214E-08 1. 1665E-17 5.2818E+07 2. 4610E+11 Xe-131m 2.6046E-04 3. 1096E-12 1.4295E+13 3 .8048E+15 Xe-133 1. 2013E-02 6.4179E-11 2. 9060E+14 1.7976E+17 Xe-133m 5.0834E-05 1. 1329E-13 5.1297E+11 8 0823E+14 Xe-135 2.3215E-I1 9. 0907E-21 4. 0552E+04 6. 0589E+08 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 296.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2345E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.4417E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 1.0876E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2. 4089E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2.4089E-11 Total I (Ci) 6.8223E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 296.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2275E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4730E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.1112E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0894E-02 2.4089E+01 8.0429E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0739E-02 3. 6491E+00 1.2184E-01 Control Room Doses:

Page 169 of 211 F Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5S Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 6.1268E-06 2.4505E-02 7.5220E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5234E-02 1.4717E+02 4 .5160E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6 .6664E-04 1.6992E-09 1.2038E+16 9. 5579E+15 1-131 6 .4400E-05 5. 1946E- 13 2.3880E+12 1. 0058E+15 1-133 7 .7531E-09 6 .8441E-18 3. 0990E+07 2.4612E+11 Xe-131m 2 .5057E-04 2.9915E-12 1. 3752E+13 3.8054E+15 Xe-133 1. 1004E-02 5 .8787E-11 2.6618E+14 1. 7978E+17 Xe-133m 4 .1156E-05 9.1721E-14 4. 1531E+11 8. 0833E+14 Xe-135 6. 8534E-12 2 .6837E-21 1. 1972E+04 6. 0591E+08 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2319E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.3612E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 1.0268E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2. 2743E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2.2743E-11 Total I (Ci) 6.4407E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 312.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2275E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4730E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.1112E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0894E-02 2.4089E+01 8.0429E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0739E-02 3.6491E+00 1.2184E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 384.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.7267E-14 4.0020E-10 1.2282E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5234E-02 1.4717E+02 4 .5160E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 384.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6629E-04 1.6983E-09 1. 2032E+16 9. 5643E+15 1-131 4.9723E-05 4.0108E-13 1. 8438E+12 1. 0063E+15

Page 170 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1-133 7. 0380E-10 6 .2128E-19 2. 8131E+06 2 .4615E+11 Xe-131m 2. 1050E-04 2 .5131E-12 1. 1553E+13 3 .8076E+15 Xe-133 7 .4107E-03 3 .9591E-11 1. 7926E+14 1. 7987E+17 Xe-133m 1.5911E-05 3.5459E-14 1. 6055E+i1 8. 0858E+14 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 384.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2223E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.0509E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 7.9282E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 1.7560E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1. 7560E-11 Total I (Ci) 4.9724E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 384.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2275E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4730E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.1112E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) =1008.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.0894E-02 2.4089E+01 8.0429E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) =1008.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0739E-02 3.6491E+00 1.2184E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) =1008.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.4008E-48 1.5921E-44 4 . 8813E-46 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.5234E-02 1.4717E+02 4 .5160E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) =1008.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6323E-04 1.6905E-09 1. 1977E+16 9. 6195E+15 1-131 5.2854E-06 4.2633E-14 1. 9599E+ll 1. 0080E+15 Xe-131m 4.6424E-05 5. 5425E-13 2 . 5479E+12 3. 8166E+15 Xe-133 2.3894E-04 1.2765E-12 5. 7799E+12 1. 8005E+17 Xe-133m 4. 2126E-09 9.3883E-18 4.2509E+07 8. 0874E+14 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) =1008.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.1985E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.1171E+11 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 8.4274E+I0 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00

Page 171 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. S Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 1.8665E-12 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.8665E-12 Total I (Ci) 5.2854E-06 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) =1008.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2275E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.4730E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.1112E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 838

                                                                                                                                    1. u#

1-131 Summary

                                                                                          1. U#######################

Fuel Pool Environment Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 288.000 6.9952E+01 2.4154E-04 1.3127E-05 288.020 6.0924E+01 9. 0234E+00 4. 5677E-01 288.400 4.4104E+00 6. 5497E+01 3.9070E-01 288.700 5.5494E-01 6. 9350E+01 2.8789E-01 289.000 6.9824E-02 6 .9834E+01 2.0814E-01 289.300 8.7854E-03 6. 9895E+01 1.4999E-01 289.600 1.1054E-03 6. 9903E+01 1.0802E-01 289.900 1.3909E-04 6. 9904E+01 7.7788E-02 290. 000 6.9696E-05 6 .9904E+01 6.9724E-02 290.300 6.9621E-05 6.9904E+01 5.0209E-02 290.600 6.9546E-05 6.9904E+01 3.6156E-02 290.900 6.9471E-05 6.9904E+01 2.6036E-02 291.200 6.9396E-05 6.9904E+01 1.8749E-02 291.500 6.9321E-05 6.9904E+01 1.3501E-02 291.800 6.9246E-05 6.9904E+01 9.7224E-03 292.100 6.9172E-05 6.9904E+01 7. 0012E-03 292.400 6.9097E-05 6.9904E+01 5.0417E-03 292.700 6.9023E-05 6.9904E+01 3.6306E-03 293.000 6.8949E-05 6.9904E+01 2.6144E-03 293.300 6.8874E-05 6.9904E+01 1.8827E-03 293.600 6.8800E-05 6.9904E+01 1.3557E-03 293.900 6.8726E-05 6.9904E+01 9.7627E-04 294.200 6.8652E-05 6.9904E+01 7.0302E-04 294.500 6.8578E-05 6.9904E+01 5.0625E-04 294 .800 6.8504E-05 6.9904E+01 3.6456E-04 295.100 6.8430E-05 6.9904E+01 2.6252E-04 295.400 6.8357E-05 6.9904E+01 1.8905E-04 295.700 6.8283E-05 6.9904E+01 1.3613E-04 296.000 6.8210E-05 6.9904E+01 9.8031E-05 296.300 6.8136E-05 6. 9904E+01 7.0593E-05 296.600 6.8063E-05 6. 9904E+01 5.0835E-05 296.900 6.7989E-05 6 .9904E+01 3.6607E-05 297.200 6.7916E-05 6. 9904E+01 2.6361E-05 297.500 6.7843E-05 6. 9904E+01 1.8983E-05 297.800 6.7770E-05 6 .9904E+01 1.3670E-05 298.100 6.7697E-05 6. 9904E+01 9.8437E-06

Page 172 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 298.400 6.7624E-05 6. 9904E+01 7.0886E-06 312.000 6.4400E-05 6. 9904E+01 2 .4321E-12 384.000 4.9723E-05 6. 9904E+01 1.4514E-46 1008.000 5.2854E-06 6. 9904E+01 0.OOOOE+00

                1. 4#*##4#u##########m#####u#o#s##################r############

Cumulative Dose Summary

                      1. 4###*################4#########4#########*#################

Exclusion Area Bounda Low Population Zone Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 288.000 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 288.020 3 1088E+00 1. 0380E-01 4.7092E-01 1. 5723E-02 1.2528E+00 3.8328E-02 288.400 2. 2570E+01 7. 5358E-01 3 .4190E+00 1. 1415E-01 4.7252E+01 1.4487E+00 288.700 2. 3898E+01 7. 9791E-01 3.6201E+00 1. 2087E-01 7.4951E+01 2.2988E+00 289.000 2 .4065E+01 8 .0349E-01 3.6454E+00 1. 2171E-01 9.5131E+01 2.9184E+00 289.300 2 .4086E+01 8. 0419E-01 3.6486E+00 1. 2182E-01 1.0969E+02 3.3654E+00 289,600 2. 4089E+01 8.0428E-01 3.6490E+00 1. 2183E-01 1.2018E+02 3.6874E+00 289.900 2 .4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3.6490E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.2774E+02 3.9193E+00 290.000 2. 4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3.6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.2975E+02 3.9812E+00 290.300 2 .4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.3463E+02 4.1309E+00 290.600 2 .4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.3814E+02 4.2387E+00 290.900 2. 4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 . 6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4067E+02 4.3163E+00 291.200 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3. 6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4249E+02 4.3722E+00 291.500 2. 4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4380E+02 4.4124E+00 291.800 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4475E+02 4.4414E+00 292.100 2. 4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4543E+02 4.4623E+00 292.400 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4591E+02 4.4773E+00 292.700 2 4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3. 6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4627E+02 4.4882E+00 293.000 2 .4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 649!E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4652E+02 4.4960E+00 293.300 2 .4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4670E+02 4.5016E+00 293 .600 2 .4089E+01 8 .0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4684E+02 4.5056E+00 293.900 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4693E+02 4.5085E+00 294.200 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4700E+02 4.5106E+00 294.500 2 4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4705E+02 4.5121E+00 294.800 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1. 2184E-01 1.4708E+02 4.5132E+00 295.100 2. 4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4711E+02 4.5140E+00 295.400 2. 4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4713E+02 4.5146E+00 295.700 2. 4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4714E+02 4.5150E+00 296.000 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1 .2184E-01 1.4715E+02 4.5153E+00 296.300 2.4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4716E+02 4.5155E+00 296.600 2.4089E+01 8 .0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4716E+02 4.5156E+00 296.900 2 .4089E+01 8.0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5157E+00 297.200 2. 4089E+01 8 .0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5158E+00 297.500 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5159E+00 297.800 2.4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5159E+00 298.100 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5159E+00 298.400 2 .4089E+01 8. 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5159E+00 312.000 2 .4089E+01 8 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5160E+00 384 .000 2. 4089E+01 8 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 2. .2184E-0.1 1.4717E+02 4.5160E+00 1008.000 2 .4089E+01 8 0429E-01 3 .6491E+00 1.2184E-01 1.4717E+02 4.5160E+00 Worst Two-Hour Doses

                  1. 4#############*#############################################

Page 173 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. S 5 1 --

Exclusion Area Boundary Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 288.0 7.0894E-02 2.4089E+01 8. 0429E-01

Page 174 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment J RADTRAD Output File "PBFH21A312.oO"

  1. f##tftt####tff##### ft###########t#######tf#########fttf~ttttffff#####ftf##f#f#######

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:23:55

                      1. t###################f#####################################
        1. ftft ####### ##f############ft############################################

File information

                                                                                1. f####ft########################

Plant file = G:\Radtrad 3.03\Input\PM-1059 R6\PBFH2lA312.psf Inventory file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Release file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhal rft.txt Dose Conversion file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt

        1. tf# ftf## ##f### 1* ft ft ft### ft # f##f##

ft # # # # ## # # # # # #

ft #f ft# # ft# #f # ## # ft S# #

  1. f f # #t# # # # #

ft ft# # # ## # ft t ft 4 #### # # # # # #### #

Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 PBAPS EPU FHA AST Analysis With Ground Hatch #21 Open After 312 hrs Fuel Decay, No SGTS Filtration Credited, CR UL = 500 cfm, MCREV Initiated @ 1 Minutes After Onset of FHA, and MCREV Filteration Credited @ 89%

Nuclide Inventory File:

g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Plant Power Level:

1.8200E+01 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

Fuel Pool 3

1.OOOOE+02 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

Environment 2

0.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 3:

Control Room 1

Page 175 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1.7600E+05 0

0 0

0 0


4 Pathway 1:

FHA Release to Environment 1

2 2

Pathway 2:

Control Room Filtered Intake 2

3 2

Pathway 3:

Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage 2

3 2

Pathway 4:

Control Room Exhaust to Environment 3

2 2

End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name:

Plant Model Filename:

Source Term:

1 1 1.0000E+00 g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhalrft.txt 3.1200E+02 0.0000E+00 5.7000E-01 4.3000E-01 1.OOOOE+/-00 Overlying Pool:

0 o.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

1 1

0 0

0 0

Page 176 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 3:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathways:

4 Pathway 1:

0 0

0 0

0 1


3. 1200E+02 1. 1510E+01 0.0000E+00 o.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00
3. 1400E+02 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 o.OOOOE+00 0.O0OOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 2:

0 0

0 0

0 1


3. 1200E+02 2.0600E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3 .1202E+02 2.7000E+03 9. 8000E+01 8. 9000E+01 8. 9000E+01 1.0320OE+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.

0 0

0 0

Page 177 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 0

Pathway 3:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 3.1200E+02 O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOE+00 3.1202E+02 5.OOOE+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 4:

0 0

0 0

0 1

3 3.1200E+02 2.0600E+04 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 3 .1202E+02 3.2000E+03 1.OOOOE+02 1..OOOOE02 1.OOOOE+02 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Dose Locations:

3 Location 1:

Exclusion Area Boundary 2

1 2

3. 1200E+02 9. 11OOE- 04 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 1


3. 1200E+02 3.50OOE-04 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 0

Location 2:

Low Population Zone 2

1 6

3.1200E+02 2.3800E-04 3 . 1400E+02 5. 8100E- 05 3.2000E+02 3.7700E-05

Page 178 of 211 I Calculation No. PM.1059 Rev. No. 5 3.3600E+02 1.4800E-05 4.0800E+02 4 . 1500E-06 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 1


3. 1200E+02 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+02 1.8000E-04 3.3600E+02 2.3000E-04 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 0

Location 3:

Control Room 3

0 1

2 3.1200E+02 3.5000E-04 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 1

4 3.1200E+02  !.0000E+00 3.3600E+02 6.OOOOE-01 4.0800E+02 4.OOOE-01 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 Effective Volume Location:

1 6

3.1200E+02 6.2000E-03 3.1400E+02 5.3500E-03 3.2000E+02 2.1400E-03 3.3600E+02 1.8400E-03 4.0800E+02 1.6100E-03 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 Simulation Parameters:

6 3.1200E+02 1.OOOOE-01 3.1400E+02 5.0000E-01 3.2000E+02 1.0000E+00 3.3600E+02 2.OOOOE+00 4.0800E+02 5.0000E+00 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 Output Filename:

G:\Radtrad 3.014 1

1 1

0 0

End of Scenario File

Page 179 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5

                                                                                                            1. 4######*####*######

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:23:55

                              1. 44####~######################################4#4##########

Plant Description

    1. 4###################*#######################*###*#####g#############*###

Number of Nuclides = 60 Inventory Power = 1.0000E+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 1.8200E+01 MWth Number of compartments = 3 Compartment information Compartment number 1 (Source term fraction = 1.0000E+00 Name: Fuel Pool Compartment volume 1.OOOOE+02 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Exit Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: FRA Release to Environment Inlet Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Exit Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Exit Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Compartment number 3 Name: Control Room Compartment volume = 1.7600E+05 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 2: Control Room Filtered Intake Inlet Pathway Number 3: Control Room Unfiltered Inleakage Exit Pathway Number 4: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Total number of pathways = 4

Page 180 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

                    1. 4##4##*####4###########################4###*#####*##############

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:23:55

                                                            1. 4############################-f#############
                      1. 4###4##*#########*############################################

Scenario Description Time between shutdown and first release = 3.1200E+02 (Hours)

Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE RELEASE MASS 0.000001 hr 0.0000 hrs 0.0000 hrs (gin)

NOBLES 5.0000E-02 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 1. 982E+00 IODINE 2.5000E-04 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 1. 906E-03 CESIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 TELLURIUM 0.0000E+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 STRONTIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 BARIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 RUTHENIUM 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0 OOOE+00 CERIUM 0.0000E+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 LANTHANUM O.OOOOE+00 0 OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0. OOOE+00 Inventory Power = 18. MWt Nuclide Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Name Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)

Kr-83m 1 3.848E+03 6.588E+03 1.500E-18 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-85 1 7.316E+02 3.383E+08 1.190E-16 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-85m 1 8.555E+03 1.613E+04 7.480E-15 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-87 1 1.686E+04 4. 578E+03 4.120E-14 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Kr-88 1 2.379E+04 1.022E+04 1.020E-13 0.OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 1-131 2 4.326E+04 6.947E+05 1.820E-14 2. 920E-07 8. 890E-09 1-132 2 3.901E+04 8.280E+03 1.120E-13 1.740E-09 1. 030E-10 1-133 2 5.564E+04 7 .488E+04 2.940E-14 4. 860E-08 1. 580E-09 1-134 2 6.179E+04 3 .156E+03 1.300E-13 2. 880E-10 3. 550E-11 1-135 2 5.198E+04 2 380E+04 8.294E-14 8 .460E-09 3. 320E-10 Xe-131m 1 3.024E+02 1. 028E+06 3.890E-16 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-133 1 5.488E+04 4 532E+05 1.560E-15 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-133m 1 1.714E+03 1. 890E+05 1.370E-15 0. OOOE+00 0. O00E+00 Xe-135 1 2.140E+04 3. 272E+04 1.190E-14 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-135m 1 1.081E+04 9.174E+02 2.040E-14 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Xe-138 1 4.815E+04 8.502E+02 5.770E-14 0. OOOE+00 0 OOOE+00 Nuclide Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Daughter Fraction Kr-85m Kr-85 0.21 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-87 Rb-87 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-88 Rb-88 1. 00 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-131 Xe-131m 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-133 Xe-133m 0. 03 Xe-133 0.97 none 0.00 1-135 Xe-13Sm 0. 15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00 Xe-133m Xe-133 1. 00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135 Cs-135 1. 00 none 0.00 none 0.00

Page 181 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 Xe-135m Xe-135 1.00 aone 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-138 Cs-138 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol - 0.0000E+00 Elemental 5.7000E-01 Organic = 4 .3000E-01 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: Fuel Pool Compartment number 2: Environment Compartment number 3: Control Room PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: F-1A Release to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 3.1200E+02 1.1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.1400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 2: Cc)ntrol Room Filtered Intake Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 3.1200E+02 2.0600E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.1202E+02 2.7000E+03 9.8000E+01 8.9000E+01 8.9000E+01 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Ccntrol Room Unfiltered Inleakage Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 3.1200E+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 3.1202E+02 5.0000E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 4: Cc)ntrol Room Exhaust to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) Aerosol Elemental Organic 3.1200E+02 2.0600E+04 1.OOOOE+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.0000E+02 3.1202E+02 3.2000E+03 1.OOOOE+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E.02 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00

Page 182 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 LOCATION DATA Location Exclusion Area Boundary is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s

  • m^-3) 3.1200E+02 9. 1100E-04 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
  • sec'-1) 3.1200E+02 3.5000E-04 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 Location Low Population Zone is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/ (s
  • m^-3) 3.1200E+02 1.3800E-04 3.1400E+02 5.8100E-05 3.2000E+02 3.7700E-05 3.3600E+02 1.4800E-05 4.0800E+02 4 . 1500E-06 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 Location Breathing Rat :e Data Time (hr) Breeathing Rate (m'3
  • sec'-1) 3.1200E+02 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+02 1.8000E-04 3.3600E+02 2.3000E-04 1.0320E+03 0.OOOOE+00 Location Control Room is in compartment 3 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/ ý (s
  • m'-3) 3 .1200E+02 6.2000E-03 3 .1400E+02 5.3500E-03 3 .2000E+02 2. 1400E-03 3 .3600E+02 1.8400E-03
4. 0800E+02 1.6100E-03
1. 0320E+03 O.OOOOE+00 Location Breathing Rat :e Data Time (hr) BrEeathing Rate (m'3
  • sec^-1) 3.1200E+02 3.5000E-04 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 Location Occupancy Facctor Data Time (hr) Occcupancy Factor 3.1200E+02 1.0000E+00 3.3600E+02 6.0000E-01 4.0800E+02 4.0000E-01 1.0320E+03 0.0000E+00 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA - SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step 0.0000E+00 1.0000E-01 2.OOOOE+00 5.0000E-01 8.0000E+00 1.0000E+00

Page 183 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 i Rev. No. 5 2 .4000E+01 2.OOOOE+00 9.6000E+01 5.OOOOE+00 7.2000E+02 0.OOOOE+00

Page 184 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1

                            1. 4#4#*4#####4*## *###############################4*4###

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/05/2014 at 10:23:55

                • 4#####################4*##4#########4###4###4##4#4###4###*##
  1. 4*4*4* 4* #4*#4*4* 4*4*4*4*4* #*

41 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* #*

  1. 4 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* #*

4# 4* 4* 4* 4*4*4*4*4*

  1. 1 #* 4*
  1. 1 #* 4*

44#4*###########*#######*###4*#4##4*************4444#**1*4#**444444##4*4*4* ###4*****#4###4*#

Dose, Detailed model and Detailed Inventory Output 4*4**#4*4*4*4*4*##4**4*#*4*4#4*44*4*4*4**4*44*4**4*44*4**4*#*4*#4*4**4(#l#4**4*#t4*4#4*4#tt4 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.1544E-07 7.6337E-05 2.5395E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.1544E-07 7.6337E-05 2.5395E-06 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.2635E-08 1. 1564E-05 3.8469E-07 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.2635E-08 1. 1564E-05 3.8469E-07 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.6022E-13 1.8242E-09 5. 5800E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 2.6022E-13 1.8242E-09 5. 5800E-11 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6430E+02 1.6932E-03 1.1996E+22 8.8484E+10 1-131 6.4 174E+01 5.1763E- 07 2 3796E+18 8.5479E+09 1-133 7.7259E-03 6.8201E-12 3. 0881E+13 1.0291E+06 Xe-131m 2.5799E+02 3. 0801E-06 1 .4159E+19 3.4364E+10 Xe-133 1.0965E+04 5.8582E-05 2. 6525E+20 1 .4606E+12 Xe-133m 4 . 1030E+01 9.144 OE-08 4. 1403E+17 5.4651E+09 Xe-135 6.8301E-06 2 .6746E-15 1.1931E+10 9.0977E+02 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 312.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2276E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.3564E+18 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 1.0232E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00

Page 185 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 IRev. No. 5 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2.2663E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2.2663E-05 Total I (Ci) 6.4181E+01 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 312.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) o.0000E+00 4.2389E+16 Elemental I (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 4.6836E+12 Organic I (atoms) o.OOOOE+00 3.5332E+12 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 312.0200 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.0485E-03 2.8518E+00 9.4873E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.0487E-03 2.8519E+00 9.4876E-02 Low Population Zone Doses:

rime (h) = 312.0200 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.2192E-03 4.3200E-01 1.4372E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.2192E-03 4 .3201E-01 1.4372E-02 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 312.0200 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.8183E-04 1.2747E+00 3.8990E-02 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.8183E-04 1.2747E+00 3.8990E-02 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 312.0200 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 5.7861E+02 1.4748E-03 1.0449E+22 1.5476E+15 1-131 5.5891E+01 4.5083E-07 2. 0725E+18 1 .4950E+14 1-133 6 .7247E-03 5. 9363E-12 2. 6879E+13 1 .7992E+10 Xe-131m 2 .2470E+02 2.6826E-06 1.2332E+19 6 .0100E+14 Xe-133 9.5499E+03 5. 1019E-05 2. 3101E+20 2 .5544E+16 Xe-133m 3. 5727E+01 7.9623E-08 3.6053E+17 9.5571E+13 Xe-135 5.9400E-06 2.3260E-15 1. 0376E+10 1.5900E+07 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 312.0200 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.0692E+22 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.1813E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 8.9118E+17 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 1.9738E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.9738E-05 Total I (Ci) 5. 5898E+01 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 312.0200 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.5836E+21

Page 186 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 Elemental I (atoms) o .OOOOE+00 1. 7497E+17 Organic I (atoms) o .OOOOE+00 1. 3200E+17 Aerosols (kg) o0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 314.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.4307E-02 1.9247E+01 6. 4028E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2356E-02 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 314.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.2265E-03 2. 9156E+00 9. 6991E- 02 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4457E-03 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 314.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.9864E-02 1.3075E+02 4.0105E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0046E-02 1.3202E+02 4.0495E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 314.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-8S 6.6663E-04 1.6991E-09 1.2038E+16 9. 5542E+15 1-131 6.3939E-05 5.1574E-13 2 3709E+12 9 .2250E+14 1-133 7.2532E-09 6 .4028E-18 2.8992E+07 1.1060E+11 Xe-131m 2.5765E-04 3.0760E-12 1.4140E+13 3.7092E+15 Xe-133 1.0884E-02 5. 8147E-11 2.6328E+14 1.5759E+17 Xe-133m 4. 0101E-05 8. 9371E-14 4 0467E+11 5. 8901E+14 Xe-135 5 .8847E-12 2.3044E-21 1.0279E+04 9. 7191E+07 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 314.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2316E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.3514E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 1.0195E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 O.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2.2580E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2.2580E-lI Total I (Ci) 6.3946E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 314.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2235E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3513E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.0194E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 320.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2356E-02 2. 2099E+01 7.3516E-01

Page 187 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 320.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4457E-03 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 320.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.2848E-03 1. 7701E+01 5. 4320E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4331E-02 1.4972E+02 4.5927E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 320.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6660E-04 1.6991E-09 1. 2038E+16 9. 5548E+15 1-131 6.2575E-05 5.0474E-13 2.3203E+12 9 .2256E+14 1-133 5.9387E-09 5 .2425E-18 2.3738E+07 1. 1060E+11 Xe-131m 2.5393E-04 3 .0316E-12 1.3937E+13 3 . 7094E+15 Xe-133 1.0532E-02 5.6264E-11 2.5476E+14 1.5760E÷17 Xe-133m 3.7048E-05 8 .2566E-14 3. 7385E+11 5.8904E+14 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 320.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2307E+16 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.3226E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 9.9775E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2. 2099E- 11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2 .2099E-11 Total I (Ci) 6.2581E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 320.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2235E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3513E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.0194E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2356E-02 2.2099E+01 7.3516E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4457E-03 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 336.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE

Page 188 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Delta dose (rem) 5.9706E-06 2.4934E-02 7.6509E-04 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4337E-02 1.4975E+02 4.5935E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 336.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6652E-04 1.6989E-09 1.2036E+16 9.5562E+15 1-131 5.9080E-05 4 .7655E-13 2. 1907E+12 9. 2268E+14 1-133 3.4844E-09 3 .0759E-18 1.3928E+07 1.1061E+11 Xe-131m 2.4429E-04 2 . 9165E-12 1.3407E+13 3. 7100E+15 Xe-133 9.6462E-03 5.1534E-II 2. 3334E+14 1. 5762E+17 Xe-133m 2.9995E-05 6 .6847E-14 3. 0268E+11 5.8911E+14 Fuel Pool Transport Gr cup Inventory:

Time (h) = 336.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2283E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.2487E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic T (atoms) 9.4202E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 2. 0864E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 2. 0864E- 11 Total I (Ci) 5.9084E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 336.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.2235E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3513E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.0194E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2356E-02 2.2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4457E-03 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 408.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 9.4800E-14 4.0721E-10 1.2492E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4337E-02 1.4975E+02 4.5935E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 408.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6617E-04 1.6980E-09 1.2030E+16 9. 5626E+15 1-131 4.5616E-05 3.6795E-13 1. 6915E+12 9. 2318E+14 1-133 3.1630E-10 2.7922E-19 1.2643E+06 1.1063E+ll Xe-131m 2.0521E-04 2.4500E-12 1. 1263E+13 3.7121E+15

Page 189 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Xe-133 6 .4951E-03 3.4700E-1l 1. 5712E+14 1.5769E+17 Xe-133m 1.1596E-05 2.5843E-14 1. 1701E+11 5. 8930E+14 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 408.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2198E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 9.6414E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 7.2733E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 1.6109E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.6109E-11 Total I (Ci) 4. 5616E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 408.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.2235E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3513E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.0194E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) =1032.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 6.2356E-02 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) =1032.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 9.4457E-03 3.3476E+00 1.1136E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) =1032.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.3169E-48 1.6200E-44 4.9653E-46 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.4337E-02 1.4975E+02 4.5935E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) =1032.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6 .6311E-04 1.6902E-09 1. 1975E+16 9. 6178E+15 1-131 4.8488E-06 3. 9111E-14 1.7980E+11 9. 2470E+14 Xe-131m 4.5252E-05 5.4025E-13 2.4835E+12 3.7209E+15 Xe-133 2.0936E-04 1. 1185E-12 5.0645E+12 1.5785E+17 Xe-133m 3 . 0701E-09 6 .8422E-18 3.0981E+07 5.894 1E+14 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) =1032.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.1982E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 1.0248E+11 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 7.7313E+10 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 1.7124E-12 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 1.7124E-12

Page 190 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Total I (Ci) 4.8488E-06 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) =1032.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.2235E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3513E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.0194E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00

          1. 1##############################################################

1-131 Summary Fuel Pool Environment Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 312.000 6 .4174E+01 2.2159E-04 1.3357E-05 312.020 5. 5891E+01 8.2780E+00 4.6477E-01 312.400 4 . 0461E+00 6.0087E+01 3.9754E-01 312 .700 5. 0910E-01 6.3621E+01 2.9293E-01 313.000 6.4056E-02 6.4066E+01 2.1178E-01 313.300 8.0598E-03 6.4122E+01 1.5261E-01 313 .600 1. 0141E-03 6.4129E+01 1.0991E-01 313.900 1. 2760E-04 6.4130E+01 7.9150E-02 314 .000 6. 3939E-05 6.4130E+01 7.0944E-02 314 .300 6 .3870E-05 6.4130E+01 5.1088E-02 314 .600 6. 3801E-05 6.4130E+01 3.6789E-02 314 .900 6.3732E-05 6.4130E+01 2.6492E-02 315.200 6.3664E-05 6.4130E+01 1.9077E-02 315.500 6.3595E-05 6 .4130E+01 1.3738E-02 315.800 6.3527E-05 6.4130E+01 9.8927E-03 316 .100 6.3458E-05 6.4130E+01 7.1238E-03 316.400 6.3390E-05 6 .4130E+01 5.1299E-03 316.700 6.3322E-05 6.4130E+01 3.6941E-03 317.000 6.3253E-05 6.4130E+01 2.6602E-03 317.300 6.3185E-05 6.4130E+01 1.9156E-03 317.600 6.3117E-05 6.4130E+01 1.3795E-03 317.900 6.3049E-05 6 .4130E+01 9.9336E-04 318.200 6.2981E-05 6.4130E+01 7.1533E-04 318.500 6.2913E-05 6.4130E+01 5.1512E-04 318.800 6.2846E-05 6.4130E+01 3.7094E-04 319.100 6.2778E-05 6 .4130E+01 2.6712E-04 319.400 6.2710E-05 6.4130E+01 1.9236E-04 319 700 6.2643E-05 6.4130E+01 1.3852E-04 320.000 6.2575E-05 6.4130E+01 9.9748E-05 320.300 6.2508E-05 6 .4130E+01 7 .1829E-05 320.600 6.2441E-05 6.4130E+01 5.1725E-05 320.900 6.2373E-05 6.4130E+01 3.7248E-05 321.200 6.2306E-05 6.4130E+01 2.6823E-05 321.500 6.2239E-05 6.4130E+01 1. 9315E-05 321.800 6.2172E-05 6.4130E+01 1.3909E-05 322.100 6.2105E-05 6.4130E+01 1 .0016E-05 322.400 6.2038E-05 6.4130E+01 7.2127E-06 336.000 5.9080E-05 6.4130E+01 2 .4747E-12 408.000 4.5616E-05 6.4130E+01 1.4768E-46 1032.000 4.8488E-06 6.4130E+01 0.0000E+00

Page 191 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

                                  1. C###Dsu################r##########################y Cumulative Dose Summary
                        1. 4##########################################*##f###########

Exclusion Area Bounda Low Population Zone Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 312.000 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 312.020 2. 8519E+00 9.4876E-02 4 .3201E-01 1.4372E-02 1.2747E+00 3.8990E-02 312.400 2. 0705E+01 6. 8881E-01 3. 1365E+00 1. 0434E-01 4.8079E+01 1.4736E+00 312.700 2.1924E+01 7. 2933E-01 3.3210E+00 1 1048E-01 7.6261E+01 2.3383E+00 313.000 2.2077E+01 7. 3443E-01 3.3442E+00 1. 1125E-01 9.6795E+01 2.9685E+00 313.300 2.2096E+01 7. 3507E-01 3.3472E+00 1. 1135E-01 1.1161E+02 3.4231E+00 313.600 2. 2098E+01 7. 3515E-01 3.3475E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.2229E+02 3.7507E+00 313.900 2 .2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.2997E+02 3.9866E+00 314. 000 2. 2099E+01 7.3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1 1136E-01 1.3202E+02 4.0495E+00 314.300 2 .2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1.1136E-01 1.3698E+02 4.2017E+00 314.600 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1 1136E-01 1.4056E+02 4.3114E+00 314 .900 2 .2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4313E+02 4.3903E+00 315.200 2 2099E+01 7 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1.1136E-01 1.4498E+02 4.4472E+00 315.500 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4632E+02 4.4881E+00 315.800 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E- 01 3.3476E+00 1 1136E-01 1.4728E+02 4.5176E+00 316.100 2. 2099E+01 7 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1.1136E-01 1.4797E+02 4.5388E+00 316.400 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4847E+02 4.5541E+00 316.700 2 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1 1136E-01 1.4883E+02 4.5651E+00 317.000 2 2099E+01 7.3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4908E+02 4.5731E+00 317.300 2 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4927E+02 4.5788E+00 317.600 2 .2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4940E+02 4.5829E+00 317.900 2 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4950E+02 4.5858E+00 318.200 2 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1 1136E-01 1.4957E+02 4.5880E+00 318.500 2 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4962E+02 4.5895E+00 318.800 2 .2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4966E+02 4.5906E+00 319.100 2 .2099E+01 7.3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1 1136E-01 1.4968E+02 4.5914E+00 319.400 2. 2099E+01 7.3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1 .1136E-01 1.4970E+02 4.5920E+00 319.700 2 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4971E+02 4.5924E+00 320.000 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E- 01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4972E+02 4.5927E+00 320.300 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4973E+02 4.5929E+00 320.600 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4974E+02 4.5931E+00 320.900 2 .2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4974E+02 4.5932E+00 321.200 2 . 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3. 3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4974E+02 4.5933E+00 321.500 2. 2099E+01 7.3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4974E+02 4.5933E+00 321. 800 2 .2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3 .3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4974E+02 4.5934E+00 322. 100 2 . 2099E+01 7.3516E-01 3 .3476E+00 1 1136E-01 1.4975E+02 4.5934E+00 322.400 2.2099E+01 7.3516E-01 3.3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4975E+02 4.5934E+00 336.000 2.2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3 .3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4975E+02 4.5935E+00 408.000 2. 2099E+01 7. 3516E-01 3. 3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4975E+02 4.5935E+00 1032.000 2.2099+/-+01 7. 3516E-01 3. 3476E+00 1. 1136E-01 1.4975E+02 4.5935E+00

                                                                                        1. W########Tu#############

Worst Two-Hour Doses Exclusion Area Boundary Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 312 .0 6.2356E-02 2.2099E+01 7. 3516E-01

Page 192 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 Attachment K RADTRAD Output File "PBFH23A24.oO"

      1. 44#f#####4##############141414 ýt##4#######4 #########################

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/16/2014 at 12:02:32

          1. 4#################4#########4######1414 ####4######14#############
                                      1. 4141441 4###4#####14###### ########################

File information

                                                            1. 4########################################

Plant file = G:\Radtrad 3.03\Input\PM-1059 R6\PBFH23A24.psf Inventory file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhaldef.txt Release file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhal rft.txt Dose Conversion file = g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhafgll&12.txt

  1. 44### 141##1 #####1 14 4 4 #44*14 4 14 #4144##
  1. # # # # #4 # # # # # #

4 # # #4 # # # # # #

  1. # # #4 #

1# # # #

  1. #### # # #4 #### #

Radtrad 3.03 4/15/2001 PBAPS EPU FHA AST Analysis With Ground Hatch #23 Open After 24 hrs Fuel Decay, No SGTS and CR Charcoal Filtrations Credited, and CR Normal Flow Rate = 22,200 cfm Including Unfiltered Inleakage of 1,600 cfm Nuclide Inventory File:

g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhal def.txt Plant Power Level:

1.8200E+01 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

Fuel Pool 3

1.0000E+02 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 2:

Environment 2

0.O000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 3:

Control Room

Page 193 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1

1.7600E+05 0

0 0

0 0


3 Pathway 1:

FHA Release to Environment 1

2 2

Pathway 2:

Control Room Normal Intake 2

3 2

Pathway 3:

Control Room Exhaust to Environment 3

2 2

End of Plant Model File Scenario Description Name:

Plant Model Filename:

Source Term:

1 1.0000E+00 g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfha_fgll&12.txt g:\radtrad 3.03\defaults\pbfhal_rft.txt 2.4000E+01 1

0.0000E+00 5.7000E-01 4.3000E-01 1.0000E+00 Overlying Pool:

0 o.OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 Compartments:

3 Compartment 1:

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Compartment 2:

Page 194 of 211 I Calculation No. PM.1059 I Rev. No. 5 I o

1 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Compartment 3:

0 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathways:

3 Pathway 1:

0 0

0 0

0 1

2 2 .4000E+01 1. 1510E+01 0.OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 o0.0000E+00 2.6000E+01 0.OOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 o OOOOE+00 o .OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 2:

0 0

0 0

0 1

2 2 .4000E+01 2.2200E+04 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 O.O000E+00 0.0000E+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Pathway 3:

0 0


Page 195 of 211 I Calculation No. PNI-1059 I Rev. No. 5 0

0 1

2 2 .4000E+01 2.2200E+04 1.O000E+02 1.0000E+02 1. OOOOE÷02 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+0O 0. OOOOE+00 0

0 0

0 0

0 Dose Locations:

3 Location 1:

Exclusion Area Boundary 2

1 2

2.4000E+01 9. 110OE-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 1

2 2 .4000E+01 3.50OOE-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 0

Location 2:

Low Population Zone 2

1 6

2 .4000E+01 1.380CE-04

2. 6000E+01 5. 8100E-05 3.2000E+01 3.7700E-05
4. 8000E+01 1.4800E-05 1.2000E+02 4 . 1500E-06 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 1

4 2 .4000E+01 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+01 1.8000E-04 4.8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0OOOE+00 0

Location 3:

Control Room 3

0 1


2. 4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 1

4 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 6.OOOOE-01 1.2000E+02 4. 0OOOE-01

Page 196 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 7.4400E+02 O.OOOOE+00 Effective Volume Location:

1 6

2.4000E+01 1.58OOE-03 2.6000E+01 1.4200E-03 3.2000E+01 6.2500E-04 4.8000E+01 4.4100E-04 1.2000E+02 3.8600E-04 7.4400E+02 O.OOQOE+00 Simulation Parameters:

6 2.4000E+01 1.OOOOE-01 2.6000E+01 5.0000E-01 3.2000E+01 1.OOOOE+00 4.8000E+01 2.OOOOE+00 1.2000E+02 5.0000E+00 7.4400E+02 O.OOOOE+00 Output Filename:

G:\Radtrad 3.o16 1

1 1

0 0

End of Scenario File

Page 197 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5

                    1. I~#############*####4####*##############################*#######

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/16/2014 at 12:02:32

                                                                              1. 4##################4##############

Plant Description

                                                                                                    1. 4#####################

Number of Nuclides = 60 Inventory Power = 1.OOOOE+00 MWth Plant Power Level = 1.8200E+01 MWth Number of compartments = 3 Compartment information Compartment number 1 (Source term fraction = 1.OOOOE+00 Name: Fuel Pool Compartment volume = 1.0000E+02 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Normal Pathways into and out of compartment 1 Exit Pathway Number 1: FRA Release to Environment Compartment number 2 Name: Environment Compartment type is Environment Pathways into and out of compartment 2 Inlet Pathway Number 1: FHA Release to Environment Inlet Pathway Number 3: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Exit Pathway Number 2: Control Room Normal Intake Compartment number 3 Name: Control Room Compartment volume = 1.7600E+05 (Cubic feet)

Compartment type is Control Room Pathways into and out of compartment 3 Inlet Pathway Number 2: Control Room Normal Intake Exit Pathway Number 3: Control Room Exhaust to Environment Total number of pathways = 3

Page 198 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 " I

              1. 4#################0#######################################4#######

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/16/2014 at 12:02:32

                                  1. S####################################################c
                    1. 4#############################################################

Scenario Description Time between shutdown and first release = 2.4000E+01 (Hours)

Radioactive Decay is enabled Calculation of Daughters is enabled Release Fractions and Timings GAP EARLY IN-VESSEL LATE RELEASE RELEASE MASS 0.000001 hr 0.0000 hrs 0.0000 hrs (gin)

NOBLES 5.0000E-02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.982E+00 IODINE 2. 5000E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.906E-03 CESIUM 0. 0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.000E+00 TELLURIUM 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.000E+00 STRONTIUM 0 D000E+00 0.O0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOE+00 BARIUM 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0. 0000E00 0.000E+00 RUTHENIUM 0. 0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.000E+00 CERIUM 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.000E+00 LANTHANUM 0. 0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.000E+00 Inventory Power = 18. MWt Nuclide Group Specific half Whole Body Inhaled Inhaled Name Inventory life DCF Thyroid Effective (Ci/MWt) (s) (Sv-m3/Bq-s) (Sv/Bq) (Sv/Bq)

Kr-83m 1 3.848E+03 6.588E+03 1.500E-18 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Kr-85 1 7.316E+02 3.383E+08 1.190E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Kr-85m 1 8.555E+03 1.613E+04 7.480E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Kr-87 1 1.686E+04 4 .578E+03 4.120E-14 0.000E+00 0. 000E+00 Kr-88 1 2.379E+04 1.022E+04 1.020E-13 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 1-131 2 4.326E+04 ,6. 947E+05 1.820E-14 2.920E-07 8.890E-09 1-132 2 3.901E+04 8 .280E+03 1.120E-13 1.740E-09 1.030E-10 1-133 2 5.564E+04 7.488E+04 2.940E-14 4.860E-08 1.580E-09 1-134 2 6.179E+04 3 .156E+03 1.300E-13 2.880E-1.0 3 .550E-11 1-135 2 5.198E+04 2.380E+04 8.294E-14 8.460E-09 3.320E-10 Xe-131m 1 3.024E+02 1.028E+06 3.890E-16 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-133 1 5.488E+04 4 .532E+05 1.560E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-133m 1 1.714E+03 1.890E+05 1.370E-15 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-135 1 2.140E+04 3.272E+04 1.190E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-135m 1 1.081F+04 9. 174E+02 2.040E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Xe-138 1 4.815E+04 8.502E+02 5.770E-14 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Nuclide Daughter Fraction Daughter Fractior Daughter Fraction Kr-85m Kr-85 0.21 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr- 87 Rb-87 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Kr-88 Rb-88 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-131 Xe-131m 0.01 none 0.00 none 0.00 1-133 Xe-133m 0.03 Xe-133 0.97 none 0.00 1-135 Xe-135m 0.15 Xe-135 0.85 none 0.00

Page 199 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5S Xe-133m Xe-133 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135 Cs-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-135m Xe-135 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Xe-138 Cs-138 1.00 none 0.00 none 0.00 Iodine fractions Aerosol = O.OOOOE+00 Elemental = 5.7000E-01 Organic = 4.3000E-01 COMPARTMENT DATA Compartment number 1: Fuel Pool Compartment number 2: Environment Compartment number 3: Control Room PATHWAY DATA Pathway number 1: FHA Release to Env: ironment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) A erosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 1.1510E+01 0.0' O00E+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.O000E+00 2.6000E+01 0.OOOOE+00 0.0( 0O0E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Pathway number 2: Control Room Norma: 1 Intake Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) A erosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 2.2200E+04 0.0' OOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 O.OOOOE+00 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0' 000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Pathway number 3: Control Room Exhau*st to Environment Pathway Filter: Removal Data Time (hr) Flow Rate Filter Efficiencies (%)

(cfm) A erosol Elemental Organic 2.4000E+01 2.2200E+04 1.0' 000E+02 1.OOOOE+02 1.0000E+02 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 0.0' OOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 LOCATION DATA Location Exclusion Area Boundary is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s

  • m'-3 2.4000E+01 9.110OE-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rat e(m'3
  • sec^- 1)

Page 200 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.OOOOE+00 Location Low Population Zone is in compartment 2 Location X/Q Data Time (hr) X/Q (s

  • m'-3) 2 .4000E+01 1.3800E-04 2 .6000E+01 5. 8100E-05 3 . 2000E+01 3.7700E-0S 4 .8000E+01 1.4800E-05
1. 2000E+02 4 . 1500E-06 7 .4400E+02 0.0O0OE+00 Location Breathing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (mW3
  • sec^-l) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+01 1.8000E-04 4.8000E+01 2.3000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 Location Contro 21 Room is in compartment 3 Location X/Q Da ta Time (hr) X/Q (s
  • m^-3) 2 .4000E+01 1.5800E-03
2. 6000E+01 1.4200E-03 3 .2000E+01 6.2500E-04
4. 8000E+01 4.4100E-04
1. 2000E+02 3.8600E-04 7 .4400E+02 0.000OE+00 Location Breathiing Rate Data Time (hr) Breathing Rate (m^3
  • sec'-l) 2.4000E+01 3.5000E-04 7.4400E+02 0.O0000E+00 Location Occupa ncy Factor Data Time (hr) Occupancy Factor 2.4000E+01 1.0000E+00 4.8000E+01 6.0000E-01 1.2000E+02 4.0000E-01 7.4400E+02 0.0000E+00 USER SPECIFIED TIME STEP DATA - SUPPLEMENTAL TIME STEPS Time Time step 0 OOOOE+00 1.0000E-01 2 .0000E+00 5.0000E-01
8. 0000E+00 1.0000E+00 2 .4000E+01 2.0000E+00
9. 6000E+01 5.0000E+00 7 .2000E+02 0.0000E+00

Page 201 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5

                                                                                                    1. 1######4#############

RADTRAD Version 3.03 (Spring 2001) run on 5/16/2014 at 12:02:32

  1. 1##########1###1#1#####114####14####11#####4#4###4########14###1#######14#######41#######114##
        1. # # ###4# ##### # #4 1414#1#
  1. # # # # # #1# 14
  1. # # # # ## #4 4 14 14 14
  1. # # # # # 4 14 #
  1. #4 # # # # # 14 #
  1. 41##1 14114# 14 14 4##141 #
                      1. 4#########4####################14####1 #141414########1##########

Dose, Detailed model and Detailed Inventory Output

                                              1. 1###########################################1 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 3.0805E-06 2.3798E-04 1.0378E-05 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1.5721E-06 Accumulated dose (rem) 4.6664E-07 3.6049E-05 1 .5721E-06 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.0218E-12 1. 5618E-09 4.8916E-11 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.0218E-12 1.5618E-09 4.8916E-11 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 3. 9477E-01 1. 9134E-11 1.3883E+14 5.2583E+07 Kr -85 6. 6571E+02 1.6968E-03 1.2022E+22 8.8672E+10 Kr-85m 1.8993E+02 2.3079E-08 1.6351E+17 2.5299E+10 Kr-87 3.1959E-02 1.1283E-12 7.8100E+12 4.2570E+06 Kr-88 6. 1876E+01 4.9346E-09 3.3769E+16 8.2418E+09 1-131 1.8057E+02 1.4565E-06 6. 6958E+18 2.4052E+10 1-132 1.2823E-01 1.2423E-11 5. 6677E+13 1. 7081E+07 1-133 1. 1378E+02 1.0044E-07 4.5478E+17 1. 5155E+10 1-135 1.9092E+01 5.4364E-09 2.4251E+16 2.5430E+09 Xe-131m 2.8308E+02 3. 3796E-06 1. 5536E+19 3.7706E+10 Xe-133 4.8094E+04 2. 5694E-04 1.1634E+21 6.4061E+12 Xe- 133m 1.4051E+03 3 .1315E-06 1.4179E+19 1.8716E+11 Xe-135 1.3276E+04 5 1986E-06 2.3190E+19 1 . 7683E+12 Xe-135m 6.6589E+02 7 3101E-09 3.2609E+16 8. 8697E+10

Page 202 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Transport Gr oup Inventory:

Time (h) = 24.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3238E+22 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0897E+18 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0852E+18 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 7.0652E-05 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.5072E-05 Total I (Ci) 3. 1357E+02 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 24.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.5711E+16 Elemental I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.4122E+13 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.0653E+13 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 8.7856E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 26.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.2425E-02 1.1436E+02 3.5792E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2425E-02 1.1436E+02 3.5792E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) 26.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1.8573E-07 9. 0018E- 18 6.5314E+07 5 0141E+12 Kr-85 6.6805E-04 1.7028E-09 1.2064E+16 8 .9371E+15 Kr-85m 1.3987E-04 1 6997E-14 1.2042E+11 2.4919E+15 Kr-87 1.0782E-08 3. 8063E-19 2.6347E+06 3. 9652E+11 Kr-88 3.8111E-05 3. 0394E-15 2.0799E+10 8.0128E+14 1-131 1.7991E-04 1 .4512E-12 6.6713E+12 2 4229E+15 1-132 7. 0431E-08 6. 8233E-18 3 .1130E+07 1.6469E+12 1-133 1.0682E-04 9.4293E-14 4.2695E+11 1.5198E+15 1-135 1.5534E-05 4 .4234E-15 1.9732E+10 2. 5233E+14 Xe-131m 2 .8271E-04 3 .3752E-12 1. 5516E+13 3.7989E+15 Xe- 133 4 .7751E-02 2. 5510E-10 1. 1551E+15 6.4513E+17 Xe-133m 1.3734E-03 3. 0609E-12 1.3859E+13 1. 8827E+16 Xe-135 1.1457E-02 4.4864E-12 2. 0013E+13 1. 7626E+17 Xe-135m 5.6538E-06 6.2066E-17 2 .7687E+08 6.3297E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Page 203 of 211 Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 -j Time (h) = 26.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3268E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 4.0572E+12 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 3.0607E+12 0.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 9973E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.4076E-11 Total I (Ci) 3.0233E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 26.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 5.3203E-07 9.4855E-04 2.9605E-05 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2426E-02 1.1437E+02 3.5792E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 1.9138E-08 9.2757E-19 6.7301E+06 5.0141E+12 Kr-85 6.6802E-04 1.7027E-09 1.2063E+16 8. 9376E+15 Kr-85m S.5281E-05 6.7174E-15 4 .7592E+10 2 .4920E+15 Kr-87 4.0960E-10 1.4460E-20 1.0009E+05 3.9652E+11 Kr-88 8. 8120E-06 7 .0275E-16 4. 8092E+09 8. 0130E+14 1-131 1.7608E-04 1.4203E-12 6 5290E+12 2.4230E+15 1-132 1.1547E-08 1.1187E-18 5.1036E+06 1. 6469E+12 1-133 8.7458E-05 7.7205E-14 3.4958E+11 1. 5199E+15 1-135 8.2802E-06 2.3578E-15 1.0518E+10 2. 5234E+14 Xe-131m 2.7865E-04 3 .3268E-12 1.5293E+13 3 .7992E+15 Xe-133 4.6245E-02 2 .4706E-10 1.1187E+15 6 .4517E+17 Xe-133m 1.2691E-03 2.8283E-12 1 .2806E+13 1.8828E+16 Xe-135 7.2547E-03 2.8408E-12 1.2673E+13 1. 7626E+17 Xe-135m 1.4758E-06 1.6202E-17 7.2272E+07 6. 3297E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 32.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3223E+16 0.OOOOE+00

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Elemental I (atoms) 3.9268E+12 0.0000E+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.9623E+12 O.0000E+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 7406E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 7.0680E-11 Total I (Ci) 2. 7183E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 32.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 7.5473E-27 1.7375E-23 S.3946E-25 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2426E-02 1.1437E+02 3.5792E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-83m 4.4662E-11 2.164 7E-21 1.5706E+04 5. 0141E+12 Kr-85 6.6794E-04 1.7025E-09 1.2062E+16 8.9391E+15 Kr-85m 4.6501E-06 5. 6506E- 16 4 .0033E+09 2 .4920E+15 Kr-88 1.7747E-07 1.4153E-17 9.6856E+07 8. 0130E+14 1-131 1.6624E-04 1 .3409E-12 6.1643E+12 2 .4234E+15 1-132 9.2971E-11 9. 0070E-21 4 1092E+04 1.6469E+12 1-133 5.1314E-05 4 .5298E-14 2. 0511E+11 1.5201E+15 1-135 1.5466E-06 4 .4039E-16 1. 9645E+09 2. 5235E+14 Xe-131m 2.6811E-04 3.2009E-12 1.4715E+13 3.7998E+15 Xe-133 4.2447E-02 2 .2677E-10 1.0268E+15 6.4526E+17 Xe-133m 1.0278E-03 2.2907E-32 1.0372E+13 1. 8830E+16 Xe-135 2.1442E-03 8. 3962E-13 3.7454E+12 1. 7627E+17 Xe-135m 7. 1780E-07 7.8799E-18 3.5151E+07 6.3297E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 48.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.3117E+16 0.0000E+00 Elemental I (atoms) 3.6317E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.7397E+12 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00

Page 205 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 6. 1740E-11 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 6. 3597E-11 Total I (Ci) 2.1910E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 48.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.0000E+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) O.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.0000E+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1.0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 2.4607E-79 8.8712E-76 2.7346E-77 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2426E-02 1.1437E+02 3.5792E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 120.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6759E-04 1.7016E-09 1.2055E+16 8.9455E+15 Kr-85m 6.7528E-11 8 .2056E-21 5. 8135E+/-04 2 .4920E+15 1-131 1.2836E-04 1.0353E-12 4. 7595E+12 2 .4248E+15 1-133 4 .6581E-06 4 .1120E-15 1.8619E+10 1.5202E+15 1-135 8.1354E-10 2 .3166E-19 1.0334E+06 2 5235E+14 Xe-131m 2.2538E-04 2.6908E-12 1 2370E+13 3.8021E+15 Xe-133 2 .8771E-02 1.5371E-I0 6.9597E+14 6 .4560E+17 Xe-133m 3.9764E-04 8 .8620E-13 4 . 0126E+12 1.8836E+16 Xe-135 8.8640E-06 3.4710E-15 1.5484E+10 1.7628E+17 Xe-135m 3.7758E-I0 4.1450E-21 1.8490E+04 6.3297E+15 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 1.20.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2768E+16 0.0000E+0 0 Elemental I (atoms) 2.7235E+12 0.0000E+0 0 Organic I (atoms) 2.0546E+12 0.0000E+0 0 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+0 0 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4. 5602E-II Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4. 5768E-11 Total I (Ci) 1.3301E-04 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Page 206 of 211 1 (?akolntinn No. Pl~A-IOS9 Rev. j II I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No.

No. 55 I Pathway Time (h) = 120.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.0000E+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 Exclusion Area Boundary Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 Low Population Zone Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Accumulated dose (rem) 1.3309E-01 1. 0433E+01 4.5301E-01 Control Room Doses:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Whole Body Thyroid TEDE Delta dose (rem) 1.7621-316 9.5507-313 2.9265-314 Accumulated dose (rem) 7.2426E-02 1. 1437E+02 3.5792E+00 Fuel Pool Compartment Nuclide Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Ci kg Atoms Decay Kr-85 6.6452E-04 1.6938E-09 1.2000E+16 9. 0008E+15 1-131 1.3644E-05 1.1005E-13 5. 0592E+II 2 .4290E+15 Xe-131m 4.9904E-05 5. 9579E- 13 2. 7389E+12 3.8118E+15 Xe-133 9.3537E-04 4.9971E-12 2.2627E+13 6 .4628E+17 Xe-133m 1.0531E-07 2.3469E- 16 1.0626E+09 1.8840E+16 Fuel Pool Transport Group Inventory:

Time (h) = 744.0000 Atmosphere Sump Noble gases (atoms) 1.2025E+16 0.OOOOE+00 Elemental I (atoms) 2.8837E+11 0.OOOOE+00 Organic I (atoms) 2.1755E+I1 0.OOOOE+00 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.0000E+00 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (Thyroid) 4.8183E-12 Dose Effective (Ci/cc) 1-131 (ICRP2 Thyroid) 4. 8183E-12 Total I (Ci) 1.3644E-05 FHA Release to Environment Transport Group Inventory:

Pathway Time (h) = 744.0000 Filtered Transported Noble gases (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 1.3174E+22 Elemental I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 4.0677E+18 Organic I (atoms) 0.OOOOE+00 3.0686E+18 Aerosols (kg) 0.OOOOE+00 0.OOOOE+00 837

                                                1. 1###########################################

1-131 Summary

Page 207 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 Fuel Pool Environment Control Room Time (hr) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 1-131 (Curies) 24.000 1.8057E+02 6.2352E-04 1.0322E-05 24.400 1.1385E+01 1. 6907E+02 4.5738E-01 24.700 1.4325E+00 1. 7901E+02 9.1739E-02 25.000 1,8024E-01 1. 8026E+02 1.5070E-02 25.300 2,2679E-02 1. 8042E+02 2.2599E-03 25.600 2.8535E-03 1. 8044E+02 3.2188E-04 25.900 3.5904E-04 1. 8044E+02 4.4371E-05 26.000 1.7991E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.2800E-05 26.300 1.7972E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.3519E-06 26.600 1.7953E-04 1 .8044E+02 2.4261E-07 26.900 1.7933E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.5026E-08 27.200 1.7914E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.5815E-09 27.500 1.7895E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.6629E-10 27.800 1.7875E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.7469E-11 28.100 1.7856E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.8335E-12 28.400 1.7837E-04 1. 8044E+02 2.9229E-13 28.700 1.7818E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.0151E-14 29.000 1.7798E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.1102E-15 29.300 1.7779E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.2083E-16 29.600 1.7760E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.3095E-17 29.900 1.7741E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.4139E-18 30.200 1.7722E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.5215E-19 30.500 1.7703E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.6326E-20 30.800 1.7684E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.7472E-21 31.100 1.7665E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.8654E-22 31.400 1.7646E-04 1. 8044E+02 3.9873E-23 31.700 1.7627E-04 1. 8044E+02 4 .1130E-24 32.000 1.7608E-04 1. 8044E+02 4 .2428E-25 32.300 1.7589E-04 1.8044E+02 4 .3766E-26 32 .600 1.7570E-04 1.8044E+02 4 .5146E-27

32. 900 1.7551E-04 1.8044E+02 4 .6570E-28 33.200 1.7532E-04 1.8044E+02 4.8039E-29 33.500 1.7513E-04 1.8044E+02 4 .9554E-30 33.800 1.7494E-04 1.8044E+02 5. 1117E-31 34 .100 1.7475E-04 1.8044E+02 5 .2729E-32 34.400 1.7457E-04 1.8044E+02 5.4392E-33 48.000 1.6624E-04 1.8044E+02 1 .0284E-77 120.000 1.2836E-04 1.8044E+02 1.7360-314 744.000 1.3644E-05 1.8044E+02 0.0000E+00 Cumulative Dose Summary Exclusion Area Bounda Low Population Zone Control Room Time Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24.000 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 O.O000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 24.400 6 .4536E+01 2.8048E+00 9.7761E+00 4 .2487E-01 8.8050E+01 2.7562E+00 24.'700 6 . 8328E+01 2.9673E+00 1.0350E+01 4 .4950E-01 1.0963E+02 3.4312E+00 25.000 6. 8805E+01 2.9876E+00 1.0423E+01 4 5257E-01 1.1362E+02 3.5560E+00 25.300 6 .8865E+01 2.9902E+00 1.0432E+01 4 .5295E-01 1.1426E+02 3.5759E+00 25.600 6 8872E+01 2.9905E+00 1.0433E+01 4 .5300E-01 1.1435E+02 3,5788E+00

Page 208 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1. .

25.900 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1436E+02 3. 5792E+00 26.000 6 .8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1436E+02 3 .5792E+00 26.300 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 26.600 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 26.900 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1 .0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 27.200 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 I. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 27.500 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1 .0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 27.800 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 5792E+00 28.100 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 28.400 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 28.700 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 29.000 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1.143 7E+02 3 .5792E+00 29.300 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 29.600 6 . 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1 .0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 29.900 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 30.200 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 30.500 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4. 5301E-01 1.143 7E+02 3 .5792E+00 30.800 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 31.100 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 31.400 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 31.700 6 .8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 32.000 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 32.300 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 32.600 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4.5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 32.900 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1 0433E+01 4 . 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 33.200 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1.14378+02 3. 5792E+00 33 .500 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00 33.800 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 34 .100 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 34.400 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 48.000 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 I. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 120.000 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3. 5792E+00 744.000 6. 8873E+01 2.9905E+00 1. 0433E+01 4 .5301E-01 1. 1437E+02 3 .5792E+00

    1. W##o#####rT################################o#o####################

Worst Two-Hour Doses

                                                                                    1. 4##*########################

Exclusion Area Boundary Time Whole Body Thyroid TEDE (hr) (rem) (rem) (rem) 24.0 8.7857E-01 6.8873E+01 2.9905E+00

Page 209 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 Rev. No. 5 I 1st Pass Attributes - General Overview Yes No Attribute The purpose/scope is clear and well defined. You should be able to Z L[I understand the purpose without resorting to consultation with the preparer.


Z El The reason or need for the product is clearly discussed. (4.3.2)

You possess the proper knowledge and skill sets needed for the review. If Z E:1 additional expertise is needed, those reviews have been scheduled to ensure that appropriate knowledgeable "experts" are utilized for reviews.

is appropriate for the purpose and scope of the document, and Methodology The is clearly documented.

Page 210 of 211 I

I Calculation No. PM-1059 No. 55 Rev. No.

Rev. I tion No. PM-1059 2nd Pass Attributes - Technical Review Yes No Attribute

[] El Input Parameters are clearly listed, defined with source documentation.

[] El The Inputs are valid and are referenced to a quality documented reference.

[] El Assumptions are reasonable and well documented.

The Methodology is appropriate and Equations Used have been verified-Ensure proper methodology & units If an Alternate Calculation Tools or Methods was used as the review method, that analysis has been attached to the final document The Numerical calculations and computations have been verified correct-validate the numbers The acceptance criteria is consistent with the Design Basis, Design Standards and applicable codes.

Does the analysis consider new potential failure modes and disposition them as appropriate? If none are indicated, is this appropriate?

basis Does the product consider the most limiting or bounding design conditions?

L ElAre the results consistent with actual plant response and do they appear reasonable?

[K El Does the conclusion clearly support the purpose as described?

Page 211 of 211 I Calculation No. PM-1059 I Rev. No. 5 1 1 3rd Pass Attributes - Administrative Yes No Attribute IZ E3 Check references- are they the correct rev 0 E3 Check procedures used- are they the correct rev Z M3 Assumptions are reasonable and well documented

" E3 Check for Spelling Errors, Punctuation and Grammar

" 13 Check for simplicity and readability Z E3 Are the proper forms included in the document and filled out correctly

" E3 Check Page and Attachment Numbering

" 13 Right Boxes Checked on Forms

" El Proper process has been used, Major Rev, Minor Rev, EC/ECR etc.

Z E3 Appropriate boxes are signed off or marked N/A Reviewer: Mark Drucker Print Signature Date 06/30/2014 Print /I Signature Date