RA-14-033, TR-623, Rev. 0, Three Mile Island Generating Station, Development of Evacuation Time Estimates, Final Report. Page 11-1 Through Page E-53

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TR-623, Rev. 0, Three Mile Island Generating Station, Development of Evacuation Time Estimates, Final Report. Page 11-1 Through Page E-53
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/2014
KLD Engineering, PC
Exelon Generation Co, NRC/FSME, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RA-14-033, TMI-14-048 TR-623, Rev 0
Download: ML14101A187 (89)


11 SURVEILLANCE OF EVACUATION OPERATIONS There is a need for surveillance of traffic operations during the evacuation.

There is also a need to clear any blockage of roadways arising from accidents or vehicle disablement.

Surveillance can take several forms.1. Traffic control personnel, located at Traffic Control and Access Control points, provide fixed-point surveillance.

2. Roving patrols are undertaken along well-defined paths to ensure coverage of those highways that serve as major evacuation routes.3. Aerial surveillance of evacuation operations may also be conducted using helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft, if available.
4. Cellular phone calls (if cellular coverage exists) from motorists may also provide direct field reports of road blockages.

These concurrent surveillance procedures are designed to provide coverage of the entire EPZ as well as the area around its periphery.

It is the responsibility of the offsite response organizations to support an emergency response system that can receive messages from the field and be in a position to respond to any reported problems in a timely manner. This coverage should quickly identify and expedite the response to any blockage caused by a disabled vehicle.Tow Vehicles In a low-speed traffic environment, any vehicle disablement is likely to arise due to a low-speed collision, mechanical failure or the exhaustion of its fuel supply. In any case, the disabled vehicle can be pushed onto the shoulder, thereby restoring traffic flow. Past experience in other emergencies indicates that evacuees who are leaving an area often perform activities such as pushing a disabled vehicle to the side of the road without prompting.

While the need for tow vehicles is expected to be low under the circumstances described above, it is still prudent to be prepared for such a need. Consideration should be given that tow trucks with a supply of gasoline be deployed at strategic locations within, or just outside, the EPZ. These locations should be selected so that:* They permit access to key, heavily loaded, evacuation routes.* Responding tow trucks would most likely travel counter-flow relative to evacuating traffic.The county and state emergency plans discuss the provision of fuel and removal of traffic obstructions on main evacuation routes.Three Mile Island 11-1 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 12 CONFIRMATION TIME It is necessary to confirm that the evacuation process is effective in the sense that the public is complying with the Advisory to Evacuate.

Page E-1-5, Section (4), item I of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Emergency Operations Plan, Annex E, indicates that one of the response actions of the risk county emergency management agencies is to "[niotify the State EOC when the evacuation of the county risk EPZ has been completed." The EPZ county radiological emergency plans do not discuss a procedure for confirming evacuation.

Should procedures not already exist, the following alternative or complementary approach is suggested.

The suggested procedure employs a stratified random sample and a telephone survey. The size of the sample is dependent on the expected number of households that do not comply with the Advisory to Evacuate.

It is reasonable to assume for the purpose of estimating sample size that at least 80 percent of the population within the EPZ will comply with the Advisory to Evacuate.On this basis, an analysis could be undertaken (see Table 12-1) to yield an estimated sample size of approximately 300.The confirmation process should start at about 2Y2 hours after the Advisory to Evacuate, which is when approximately 90 percent of evacuees have completed their mobilization activities (see Figure 5-4). At this time, virtually all evacuees will have departed on their respective trips and the local telephone system will be largely free of traffic.As indicated in Table 12-1, approximately 711/2 person hours are needed to complete the telephone survey. If six people are assigned to this task, each dialing a different set of telephone exchanges (e.g., each person can be assigned a different set of Sub-areas), then the confirmation process will extend over a timeframe of about 75 minutes. Thus, the confirmation should be completed before the evacuated area is cleared. Of course, fewer people would be needed for this survey if the Evacuation Region were only a portion of the EPZ. Use of modern automated computer controlled dialing equipment or other technologies (e.g., reverse 911 or equivalent if available) can significantly reduce the manpower requirements and the time required to undertake this type of confirmation survey.If this method is indeed used by the offsite agencies, consideration should be given to maintain a list of telephone numbers within the EPZ in the EOC at all times. Such a list could be purchased from vendors and could be periodically updated. As indicated above, the confirmation process should not begin until 2Y 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> after the Advisory to Evacuate, to ensure that households have had enough time to mobilize.

This 2Y2-hour timeframe will enable telephone operators to arrive at their workplace, obtain a call list and prepare to make the necessary phone calls.Should the number of telephone responses (i.e., people still at home) exceed 20 percent, then the telephone survey should be repeated after an hour's interval until the confirmation process is completed.

Other techniques could also be considered.

After traffic volumes decline, the personnel manning TCPs can be redeployed to travel through residential areas to observe and to confirm evacuation activities.

Three Mile Island 12-1 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Table 12-1. Estimated Number of Telephone Calls Required for Confirmation of Evacuation Problem Definition Estimate number of phone calls, n, needed to ascertain the proportion, F of households that have not evacuated.


Burstein, H., Attribute Sampling.

McGraw Hill, 1971 Given: " No. of households plus other facilities, N, within the EPZ (est.) = 94,000" Est. proportion, F, of households that will not evacuate = 0.20" Allowable error margin, e: 0.05" Confidence level, a: 0.95 (implies A = 1.96)Applying Table 10 of cited reference, p=F+e=0.25; q=l-p=0.75 A 2 pq + e 3 n --308 e2 Finite population correction:

nN nF -= 307 n+N-1 Thus, some 300 telephone calls will confirm that approximately 20 percent of the population has not evacuated.

If only 10 percent of the population does not comply with the Advisory to Evacuate, then the required sample size, nF = 215.Est. Person Hours to complete 300 telephone calls Assume: " Time to dial using touch tone (random selection of listed numbers):

30 seconds" Time for 6 rings (no answer): 36 seconds" Time for 4 rings plus short conversation:

60 sec.* Interval between calls: 20 sec.Person Hours: 300[30 + 0.8(36) + 0.2(60) + 20]3600 7.6 3600 Three Mile Island 12-2 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 APPENDIX A Glossary of Traffic Engineering Terms A. GLOSSARY OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TERMS Table A-i. Glossary of Traffic Engineering Terms Term Definiio Analysis Network Link Measures of Effectiveness Node Origin Prevailing Roadway and Traffic Conditions A graphical representation of the geometric topology of a physical roadway system, which is comprised of directional links and nodes.A network link represents a specific, one-directional section of roadway. A link has both physical (length, number of lanes, topology, etc.) and operational (turn movement percentages, service rate, free-flow speed) characteristics.

Statistics describing traffic operations on a roadway network.A network node generally represents an intersection of network links. A node has control characteristics, i.e., the allocation of service time to each approach link.A location attached to a network link, within the EPZ or Shadow Region, where trips are generated at a specified rate in vehicles per hour (vph). These trips enter the roadway system to travel to their respective destinations.

Relates to the physical features of the roadway, the nature (e.g., composition) of traffic on the roadway and the ambient conditions (weather, visibility, pavement conditions, etc.).Maximum rate at which vehicles, executing a specific turn maneuver, can be discharged from a section of roadway at the prevailing conditions, expressed in vehicles per second (vps) or vehicles per hour (vph).Maximum number of vehicles which can pass over a section of roadway in one direction during a specified time period with operating conditions at a specified Level of Service (The Service Volume at the upper bound of Level of Service, E, equals Capacity).

Service Volume is usually expressed as vehicles per hour (vph).The total elapsed time to display all signal indications, in sequence.The cycle length is expressed in seconds.A single combination of signal indications.

The interval duration is expressed in seconds. A signal phase is comprised of a sequence of signal intervals, usually green, yellow, red.Service Rate Service Volume Signal Cycle Length Signal Interval Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate A-1 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 I TermDefiniio Signal Phase Traffic (Trip) Assignment Traffic Density Traffic (Trip) Distribution Traffic Simulation Traffic Volume Travel Mode Trip Table or Origin-Destination Matrix Turning Capacity A set of signal indications (and intervals) which services a particular combination of traffic movements on selected approaches to the intersection.

The phase duration is expressed in seconds.A process of assigning traffic to paths of travel in such a way as to satisfy all trip objectives (i.e., the desire of each vehicle to travel from a specified origin in the network to a specified destination) and to optimize some stated objective or combination of objectives.

In general, the objective is stated in terms of minimizing a generalized "cost". For example, "cost" may be expressed in terms of travel time.The number of vehicles that occupy one lane of a roadway section of specified length at a point in time, expressed as vehicles per mile (vpm).A process for determining the destinations of all traffic generated at the origins. The result often takes the form of a Trip Table, which is a matrix of origin-destination traffic volumes.A computer model designed to replicate the real-world operation of vehicles on a roadway network, so as to provide statistics describing traffic performance.

These statistics are called Measures of Effectiveness.

The number of vehicles that pass over a section of roadway in one direction, expressed in vehicles per hour (vph). Where applicable, traffic volume may be stratified by turn movement.Distinguishes between private auto, bus, rail, pedestrian and air travel modes.A rectangular matrix or table, whose entries contain the number of trips generated at each specified origin, during a specified time period, that are attracted to (and travel toward) each of its specified destinations.

These values are expressed in vehicles per hour (vph) or in vehicles.The capacity associated with that component of the traffic stream which executes a specified turn maneuver from an approach at an intersection.

Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate A-2 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 APPENDIX B DTRAD: Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Distribution Model B. DYNAMIC TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION MODEL This section describes the integrated dynamic trip assignment and distribution model named DTRAD (Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Distribution) that is expressly designed for use in analyzing evacuation scenarios.

DTRAD employs logit-based path-choice principles and is one of the models of the DYNEVII System. The DTRAD module implements path-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) so that time dependent Origin-Destination (OD) trips are "assigned" to routes over the network based on prevailing traffic conditions.

To apply the DYNEV II System, the analyst must specify the highway network, link capacity information, the time-varying volume of traffic generated at all origin centroids and, optionally, a set of accessible candidate destination nodes on the periphery of the EPZ for selected origins.DTRAD calculates the optimal dynamic trip distribution (i.e., trip destinations) and the optimal dynamic trip assignment (i.e., trip routing) of the traffic generated at each origin node traveling to its set of candidate destination nodes, so as to minimize evacuee travel "cost." Overview of Integrated Distribution and Assignment Model The underlying premise is that the selection of destinations and routes is intrinsically coupled in an evacuation scenario.

That is, people in vehicles seek to travel out of an area of potential risk as rapidly as possible by selecting the "best" routes. The model is designed to identify these"best" routes in a manner that realistically distributes vehicles from origins to destinations and routes them over the highway network, in a consistent and optimal manner, reflecting evacuee behavior.For each origin, a set of "candidate destination nodes" is selected by the software logic and by the analyst to reflect the desire by evacuees to travel away from the power plant and to access major highways.

The specific destination nodes within this set that are selected by travelers and the selection of the connecting paths of travel, are both determined by DTRAD. This determination is made by a logit-based path choice model in DTRAD, so as to minimize the trip"cost", as discussed later.The traffic loading on the network and the consequent operational traffic environment of the network (density, speed, throughput on each link) vary over time as the evacuation takes place.The DTRAD model, which is interfaced with the DYNEV simulation model, executes a succession of "sessions" wherein it computes the optimal routing and selection of destination nodes for the conditions that exist at that time.Interfacing the DYNEV Simulation Model with DTRAD The DYNEV II system reflects NRC guidance that evacuees will seek to travel in a general direction away from the location of the hazardous event. An algorithm was developed to support the DTRAD model in dynamically varying the Trip Table (O-D matrix) over time from one DTRAD session to the next. Another algorithm executes a "mapping" from the specified"geometric" network (link-node analysis network) that represents the physical highway system, to a "path" network that represents the vehicle [turn] movements.

DTRAD computations are performed on the "path" network: DYNEV simulation model, on the "geometric" network.Three Mile Island B-1 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 DTRAD Description DTRAD is the DTA module for the DYNEV II System.When the road network under study is large, multiple routing options are usually available between trip origins and destinations.

The problem of loading traffic demands and propagating them over the network links is called Network Loading and is addressed by DYNEVII using macroscopic traffic simulation modeling.

Traffic assignment deals with computing the distribution of the traffic over the road network for given O-D demands and is a model of the route choice of the drivers. Travel demand changes significantly over time, and the road network may have time dependent characteristics, e.g., time-varying signal timing or reduced road capacity because of lane closure, or traffic congestion.

To consider these time dependencies, DTA procedures are required.The DTRAD DTA module represents the dynamic route choice behavior of drivers, using the specification of dynamic origin-destination matrices as flow input. Drivers choose their routes through the network based on the travel cost they experience (as determined by the simulation model). This allows traffic to be distributed over the network according to the time-dependent conditions.

The modeling principles of D-TRAD include:* It is assumed that drivers not only select the best route (i.e., lowest cost path) but some also select less attractive routes. The algorithm implemented by DTRAD archives several"efficient" routes for each O-D pair from which the drivers choose." The choice of one route out of a set of possible routes is an outcome of "discrete choice modeling".

Given a set of routes and their generalized costs, the percentages of drivers that choose each route is computed.

The most prevalent model for discrete choice modeling is the logit model. DTRAD uses a variant of Path-Size-Logit model (PSL). PSL overcomes the drawback of the traditional multinomial logit model by incorporating an additional deterministic path size correction term to address path overlapping in the random utility expression.

  • DTRAD executes the TA algorithm on an abstract network representation called "the path network" which is built from the actual physical link-node analysis network. This execution continues until a stable situation is reached: the volumes and travel times on the edges of the path network do not change significantly from one iteration to the next. The criteria for this convergence are defined by the user." Travel "cost" plays a crucial role in route choice. In DTRAD, path cost is a linear summation of the generalized cost of each link that comprises the path. The generalized cost for a link, a, is expressed as ca = at, + I8'a + ys"s where c, is the generalized cost for link a, and a ,8, andy are cost coefficients for link travel time, distance, and supplemental cost, respectively.

Distance and supplemental costs are defined as invariant properties of the network model, while travel time is a dynamic property dictated by prevailing traffic conditions.

The DYNEV simulation model Three Mile Island B-2 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 computes travel times on all edges in the network and DTRAD uses that information to constantly update the costs of paths. The route choice decision model in the next simulation iteration uses these updated values to adjust the route choice behavior.

This way, traffic demands are dynamically re-assigned based on time dependent conditions.

The interaction between the DTRAD traffic assignment and DYNEV II simulation models is depicted in Figure B-i. Each round of interaction is called a Traffic Assignment Session (TA session).

A TA session is composed of multiple iterations, marked as loop B in the figure.The supplemental cost is based on the "survival distribution" (a variation of the exponential distribution).The Inverse Survival Function is a "cost" term in DTRAD to represent the potential risk of travel toward the plant: Sa =- 13 In (p), 0:< p <1; 13 >0 d, pdo dn= Distance of node, n, from the plant do =Distance from the plant where there is zero risk 13 = Scaling factor The value of d. = 15 miles, the outer distance of the shadow region. Note that the supplemental cost, sa, of link, a, is (high, low), if its downstream node, n, is (near, far from) the power plant.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate B-3 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Network Equilibrium In 1952, John Wardrop wrote: Under equilibrium conditions traffic arranges itself in congested networks in such a way that no individual trip-maker can reduce his path costs by switching routes.The above statement describes the "User Equilibrium" definition, also called the "Selfish Driver Equilibrium".

It is a hypothesis that represents a [hopeful]

condition that evolves over time as drivers search out alternative routes to identify those routes that minimize their respective"costs". It has been found that this "equilibrium" objective to minimize costs is largely realized by most drivers who routinely take the same trip over the same network at the same time (i.e., commuters).

Effectively, such drivers "learn" which routes are best for them over time. Thus, the traffic environment "settles down" to a near-equilibrium state.Clearly, since an emergency evacuation is a sudden, unique event, it does not constitute a long-term learning experience which can achieve an equilibrium state. Consequently, DTRAD was not designed as an equilibrium solution, but to represent drivers in a new and unfamiliar situation, who respond in a flexible manner to real-time information (either broadcast or observed) in such a way as to minimize their respective costs of travel.B-4 KLD Engineering, p.c.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate B-4 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Start of next DTRAD Session Set To = Clock time.Archive System State at TO I Define latest Link Turn Percentages

  • I B Execute Simulation Model from time, To to 1 T (burn time)!Provide DTRAD with link MOE at time, T 1 Execute DTRAD iteration; Get new Turn Percentages Retrieve System State at T;Apply new Link Turn Percents I DTRAD iteration converges?

No Yes Next iteration Simulate from To to T 2 (DTA session duration)Set Clock to T 2 Figure B-1. Flow Diagram of Simulation-DTRAD Interface B-5 KLD Engineering, P.C.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate B-5 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 APPENDIX C DYNEV Traffic Simulation Model C. DYNEV TRAFFIC SIMULATION MODEL The DYNEV traffic simulation model is a macroscopic model that describes the operations of traffic flow in terms of aggregate variables:

vehicles, flow rate, mean speed, volume, density, queue length, on each link, for each turn movement, during each Time Interval (simulation time step). The model generates trips from "sources" and from Entry Links and introduces them onto the analysis network at rates specified by the analyst based on the mobilization time distributions.

The model simulates the movements of all vehicles on all network links over time until the network is empty. At intervals, the model outputs Measures of Effectiveness (MOE)such as those listed in Table C-i.Model Features Include: " Explicit consideration is taken of the variation in density over the time step; an iterative procedure is employed to calculate an average density over the simulation time step for the purpose of computing a mean speed for moving vehicles." Multiple turn movements can be serviced on one link; a separate algorithm is used to estimate the number of (fractional) lanes assigned to the vehicles performing each turn movement, based, in part, on the turn percentages provided by the DTRAD model." At any point in time, traffic flow on a link is subdivided into two classifications:

queued and moving vehicles.

The number of vehicles in each classification is computed.

Vehicle spillback, stratified by turn movement for each network link, is explicitly considered and quantified.

The propagation of stopping waves from link to link is computed within each time step of the simulation.

There is no "vertical stacking" of queues on a link.* Any link can accommodate "source flow" from zones via side streets and parking facilities that are not explicitly represented.

This flow represents the evacuating trips that are generated at the source." The relation between the number of vehicles occupying the link and its storage capacity is monitored every time step for every link and for every turn movement.

If the available storage capacity on a link is exceeded by the demand for service, then the simulator applies a "metering" rate to the entering traffic from both the upstream feeders and source node to ensure that the available storage capacity is not exceeded.* A "path network" that represents the specified traffic movements from each network link is constructed by the model; this path network is utilized by the DTRAD model.* A two-way interface with DTRAD: (1) provides link travel times; (2) receives data that translates into link turn percentages." Provides MOE to animation software, EVAN* Calculates ETE statistics Three Mile Island C-1 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 All traffic simulation models are data-intensive.

Table C-2 outlines the necessary input data elements.To provide an efficient framework for defining these specifications, the physical highway environment is represented as a network. The unidirectional links of the network represent roadway sections:

rural, multi-lane, urban streets or freeways.

The nodes of the network generally represent intersections or points along a section where a geometric property changes (e.g. a lane drop, change in grade or free flow speed).Figure C-i is an example of a small network representation.

The freeway is defined by the sequence of links, (20,21), (21,22), and (22,23). Links (8001, 19) and (3, 8011) are Entry and Exit links, respectively.

An arterial extends from node 3 to node 19 and is partially subsumed within a grid network. Note that links (21,22) and (17,19) are grade-separated.

Table C-1. Selected Measures of Effectiveness Output by DYNEV II Mesr Unt Applies T Vehicles Discharged Vehicles Link, Network, Exit Link Speed Miles/Hours (mph) Link, Network Density Vehicles/Mile/Lane Link Level of Service LOS Link Content Vehicles Network Travel Time Vehicle-hours Network Evacuated Vehicles Vehicles Network, Exit Link Trip Travel Time Vehicle-minutes/trip Network Capacity Utilization Percent Exit Link Attraction Percent of total evacuating vehicles Exit Link Max Queue Vehicles Node, Approach Time of Max Queue Hours:minutes Node, Approach Route Statistics Length (mi); Mean Speed (mph); Travel Route Time (min)Mean Travel Time Minutes Evacuation Trips; Network Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate C-2 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table C-2. Input Requirements for the DYNEV II Model HIGHWAY NETWORK" Links defined by upstream and downstream node numbers" Link lengths" Number of lanes (up to 9) and channelization" Turn bays (1 to 3 lanes)" Destination (exit) nodes" Network topology defined in terms of downstream nodes for each receiving link" Node Coordinates (X,Y)" Nuclear Power Plant Coordinates (X,Y)GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 0 On all entry links and source nodes (origins), by Time Period TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS

  • Traffic signals: link-specific, turn movement specific* Signal control treated as fixed time or actuated* Location of traffic control points (these are represented as actuated signals)* Stop and Yield signs* Right-turn-on-red (RTOR)" Route diversion specifications" Turn restrictions" Lane control (e.g. lane closure, movement-specific)

DRIVER'S AND OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS" Driver's (vehicle-specific) response mechanisms:

free-flow speed, discharge headway* Bus route designation.


  • Candidate destination nodes for each origin (optional)" Duration of DTA sessions" Duration of simulation "burn time"" Desired number of destination nodes per origin INCIDENTS" Identify and Schedule of closed lanes" Identify and Schedule of closed links Three Mile Island C-3 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Entry, Exit Nodes are numbered 8xxx Figure C-1. Representative Analysis Network C-4 KID Engineering, P.C.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate C-4 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 C.1 Methodology C.1.1 The Fundamental Diagram It is necessary to define the fundamental diagram describing flow-density and speed-density relationships.

Rather than "settling for" a triangular representation, a more realistic representation that includes a "capacity drop", (I-R)Qmax., at the critical density when flow conditions enter the forced flow regime, is developed and calibrated for each link. This representation, shown in Figure C-2, asserts a constant free speed up to a density, kf, and then a linear reduction in speed in the range, kf ___ k __< kc = 45 vpm, the density at capacity.

In the flow-density plane, a quadratic relationship is prescribed in the range, kc < k _ k, = 95 vpm which roughly represents the "stop-and-go" condition of severe congestion.

The value of flow rate, Qs, corresponding to ks, is approximated at 0.7 RQmax. A linear relationship between ks and kj completes the diagram shown in Figure C-2. Table C-3 is a glossary of terms.The fundamental diagram is applied to moving traffic on every link. The specified calibration values for each link are: (1) Free speed, vf ; (2) Capacity, Qmax; (3) Critical density, kc =45 vpm; (4) Capacity Drop Factor, R = 0.9 ; (5) Jam density, kj. Then, vc = Q` , kf = -(Vf-VC) Setting k = k- kcu, then Q = RQmax RQmax R 2 for 0 _ k < ks = 50 .It can be Qmax 8333 shown that Q = (0.98 -0.0056 k) RQmax for ks --- k - kj, where ks = 50 and W, = 175.C.1.2 The Simulation Model The simulation model solves a sequence of "unit problems".

Each unit problem computes the movement of traffic on a link, for each specified turn movement, over a specified time interval (TI) which serves as the simulation time step for all links. Figure C-3 is a representation of the unit problem in the time-distance plane. Table C-3 is a glossary of terms that are referenced in the following description of the unit problem procedure.

Three Mile Island C-5 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Volume, vph Capacity Drop Qmax -R Qmax Speed, Vf R vc--Qs rivliweguneb

, mph : I Free , Forced'--I I ,,',I Density, vpm-* Density, vpm kf k k'j Figure C-2. Fundamental Diagrams Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate C-6 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Distance jL OQ OM OE YD Down 6 Qb Mb Qe L Up-o Time El E2 TI Figure C-3. A UNIT Problem Configuration with t 1> 0 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate C-7 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table C-3. Glossary The maximum number of vehicles, of a particular movement, that can discharge Cap from a link within a time interval.The number of vehicles, of a particular movement, that enter the link over the time interval.

The portion, ETI, can reach the stop-bar within the TI.The green time: cycle time ratio that services the vehicles of a particular turn movement on a link.h The mean queue discharge headway, seconds.k Density in vehicles per lane per mile.-The average density of moving vehicles of a particular movement over a TI, on a link.L The length of the link in feet.Lb, Le The queue length in feet of a particular movement, at the [beginning, end] of a time interval.The number of lanes, expressed as a floating point number, allocated to service a particular movement on a link.ILv The mean effective length of a queued vehicle including the vehicle spacing, feet.M Metering factor (Multiplier):

1.The number of moving vehicles on the link, of a particular movement, that are Mb, Me moving at the [beginning, end] of the time interval.

These vehicles are assumed to be of equal spacing, over the length of link upstream of the queue.The total number of vehicles of a particular movement that are discharged from a link over a time interval.The components of the vehicles of a particular movement that are discharged OQP0M 0O. from a link within a time interval:

vehicles that were Queued at the beginning of the TI; vehicles that were Moving within the link at the beginning of the TI;vehicles that Entered the link during the TI.The percentage, expressed as a fraction, of the total flow on the link that executes a particular turn movement, x.Three Mile Island C-8 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Qb ) The number of queued vehicles on the link, of a particular turn movement, at the ,Qe [beginning, end] of the time interval.The maximum flow rate that can be serviced by a link for a particular movement Qmax in the absence of a control device. It is specified by the analyst as an estimate of link capacity, based upon a field survey, with reference to the HCM.R The factor that is applied to the capacity of a link to represent the "capacity drop" when the flow condition moves into the forced flow regime. The lower capacity at that point is equal to RQmax.RCap The remaining capacity available to service vehicles of a particular movement after that queue has been completely serviced, within a time interval, expressed as vehicles.Sx Service rate for movement x, vehicles per hour (vph).tj Vehicles of a particular turn movement that enter a link over the first tj seconds of a time interval, can reach the stop-bar (in the absence of a queue down-stream) within the same time interval.TI The time interval, in seconds, which is used as the simulation time step.v The mean speed of travel, in feet per second (fps) or miles per hour (mph), of moving vehicles on the link.VQ The mean speed of the last vehicle in a queue that discharges from the link within the TI. This speed differs from the mean speed of moving vehicles, v.W The width of the intersection in feet. This is the difference between the link length which extends from stop-bar to stop-bar and the block length.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate C-9 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 The formulation and the associated logic presented below are designed to solve the unit problem for each sweep over the network (discussed below), for each turn movement serviced on each link that comprises the evacuation network, and for each TI over the duration of the evacuation.

Given = Qb, Mb, L, TI, Eo, LN, G/C,, h, Lv, Ro, LC, E,M Compute = 0, Qe, Me Define O=OQ+OM+OE

E=E 1+E 2 1. For the first sweep, s = 1, of this TI, get initial estimates of mean density, k 0 , the R -factor, Ro and entering traffic, E 0 , using the values computed for the final sweep of the prior TI.For each subsequent sweep, s > 1, calculate E = i Pi Oi + S where Pi, Oi are the relevant turn percentages from feeder link, i, and its total outflow (possibly metered) over this TI; S is the total source flow (possibly metered) during the current TI.Set iteration counter, n = 0, k = ko , and E = Eo .2. Calculate v (k) such that k _ 130 using the analytical representations of the fundamental diagram.Calculate Cap = Qmax(TI) (G/c) LN,in vehicles, this value maybe reduced 3600 due to metering SetR= 1.0if G/C< 1 orifk!kc; Set R=0.9onlyif G/C= land k>kc Calculate queue length, Lb = Qb LN L tN 3. Calculate t = TI-- L If tl <0, sett 1 = E= = 0 ; Else, E 1 = E t v TI 4. Then E 2=E-El ; t 2=TI-tj 5. If Qb Cap, then OQ = Cap,OM = OE = 0 If tj > 0,then Qe = Qb + Mb + E 1 -Cap Else Qe = Qb -Cap End if Calculate Qe and Me using Algorithm A (below)6. Else (Qb < Cap)OQ = Qb, RCap = Cap -OQ 7. If Mb !5 RCap,then Three Mile Island C-10 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0
8. If tl > 0, OM = Mb, OE = min(RCap -Mb, tl Cap > 0 TI Q'e = E 1 -OE If Q' > 0,then Calculate Qe, Me with Algorithm A Else Qe=0, Me=E 2 End if Else (t, = 0)OM= (v(T)-Lb)

Mb and 0 E = 0 ( L-Lb )Me Mb-OM+E; Qe=0 End if 9. Else (Mb > RCap)OE= 0 If tj>0, then OM = RCap, Qe = Mb -OM + El Calculate Qe and Me using Algorithm A 10. Else (tl = 0)Md = [v(T)-Lb Mb]If Md > RCap, then Om= RCap Qe =Md -OM Apply Algorithm A to calculate Qe and Me Else OM = Md Me= Mb-OM+E and Qe=0 End if End if End if End if 11. Calculate a new estimate of average density, kn = [ [kb + 2 km + ke], where kb = density at the beginning of the TI ke = density at the end of the TI km -density at the mid-point of the TI All values of density apply only to the moving vehicles.If Ikn -kn-ll > E and n < N where N = max number of iterations, and E is a convergence criterion, then Three Mile Island C-11 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0

12. set n = n + 1 , and return to step 2 to perform iteration, n, using k = kn *End if Computation of unit problem is now complete.

Check for excessive inflow causing spillback.

13. If Qe + Me > (L-W) LN, then Lv The number of excess vehicles that cause spillback is: SB = Qe + Me L-W).L, where W is the width of the upstream intersection.

To prevent spillback, meter the outflow from the feeder approaches and from the source flow, S, during this TI by the amount, SB. That is, set SB M = 1 -> 0 ,where M is the metering factor (over all movements).(E+/-+S)-This metering factor is assigned appropriately to all feeder links and to the source flow, to be applied during the next network sweep, discussed later.Algorithm A This analysis addresses the flow environment over a TI during which moving vehicles can join a standing or discharging queue. For the case Qb shown, Qb -- Cap, with t 1 > 0 and a queue of Qe length, Q'e, formed by that portion of Mb and E that reaches the stop-bar within the TI, but could v + not discharge due to inadequate capacity.

That is, Mb Qb + Mb + E 1 > Cap. This queue length, V L3 Qe = Qb + Mb + El -Cap can be extended to Qe by traffic entering the approach during the current-t TI, traveling at speed, v, and reaching the rear of the tltqueue within the TI. A portion of the entering T I vehicles, E3 = E L3 will likely join the queue. This TI analysis calculates t 3 , Qe and Me for the input values of L, TI, v, E, t, Lv, LN, Qe *When t, > 0 and Qb !5 Cap: Define: Le = Q'e Lv .From the sketch, L 3 = v(TI -t, -t 3) = L -(Q'e + E 3) Lv e LN e LN Substituting E 3 = L- E yields: -vt 3 +/- E .v = L -v(TI -t 1) -LUe. Recognizing that TI TI LN the first two terms on the right hand side cancel, solve for t 3 to obtain: Three Mile Island C-12 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 t3=[V T Lf]e suchthat 0 <t 3 <TI-tj If the denominator, v -j < 0, set t 3 = TI -t 1.Then, Qe = Q'e + E (I M)e = E 1 --The complete Algorithm A considers all flow scenarios; space limitation precludes its inclusion, here.C.1.3 Lane Assignment The "unit problem" is solved for each turn movement on each link. Therefore it is necessary to calculate a value, LNx, of allocated lanes for each movement, x. If in fact all lanes are specified by, say, arrows painted on the pavement, either as full lanes or as lanes within a turn bay, then the problem is fully defined. If however there remain un-channelized lanes on a link, then an analysis is undertaken to subdivide the number of these physical lanes into turn movement specific virtual lanes, LNx.C.2 Implementation C.2.1 Computational Procedure The computational procedure for this model is shown in the form of a flow diagram as Figure C-4. As discussed earlier, the simulation model processes traffic flow for each link independently over TI that the analyst specifies; it is usually 60 seconds or longer. The first step is to execute an algorithm to define the sequence in which the network links are processed so that as many links as possible are processed after their feeder links are processed, within the same network sweep. Since a general network will have many closed loops, it is not possible to guarantee that every link processed will have all of its feeder links processed earlier.The processing then continues as a succession of time steps of duration, TI, until the simulation is completed.

Within each time step, the processing performs a series of "sweeps" over all network links; this is necessary to ensure that the traffic flow is synchronous over the entire network. Specifically, the sweep ensures continuity of flow among all the network links; in the context of this model, this means that the values of E, M, and S are all defined for each link such that they represent the synchronous movement of traffic from each link to all of its outbound links. These sweeps also serve to compute the metering rates that control spillback.

Within each sweep, processing solves the "unit problem" for each turn movement on each link.With the turn movement percentages for each link provided by the DTRAD model, an algorithm Three Mile Island C-13 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 allocates the number of lanes to each movement serviced on each link. The timing at a signal, if any, applied at the downstream end of the link, is expressed as a G/C ratio, the signal timing needed to define this ratio is an input requirement for the model. The model also has the capability of representing, with macroscopic fidelity, the actions of actuated signals responding to the time-varying competing demands on the approaches to the intersection.

The solution of the unit problem yields the values of the number of vehicles, 0, that discharge from the link over the time interval and the number of vehicles that remain on the link at the end of the time interval as stratified by queued and moving vehicles:

Qe and Me. The procedure considers each movement separately (multi-piping).

After all network links are processed for a given network sweep, the updated consistent values of entering flows, E;metering rates, M; and source flows, S are defined so as to satisfy the "no spillback" condition.

The procedure then performs the unit problem solutions for all network links during the following sweep.Experience has shown that the system converges (i.e. the values of E, M and S "settle down" for all network links) in just two sweeps if the network is entirely under-saturated or in four sweeps in the presence of extensive congestion with link spillback. (The initial sweep over each link uses the final values of E and M, of the prior TI). At the completion of the final sweep for a TI, the procedure computes and stores all measures of effectiveness for each link and turn movement for output purposes.

It then prepares for the following time interval by defining the values of Qb and Mb for the start of the next TI as being those values of Qe and Me at the end of the prior TI. In this manner, the simulation model processes the traffic flow over time until the end of the run. Note that there is no space-discretization other than the specification of network links.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate C-14 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure C-4. Flow of Simulation Processing (See Glossary:

Table C-3)Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate C-15 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 C.2.2 Interfacing with Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTRAD)The DYNEV II system reflects NRC guidance that evacuees will seek to travel in a general direction away from the location of the hazardous event. Thus, an algorithm was developed to identify an appropriate set of destination nodes for each origin based on its location and on the expected direction of travel. This algorithm also supports the DTRAD model in dynamically varying the Trip Table (O-D matrix) over time from one DTRAD session to the next.Figure B-i depicts the interaction of the simulation model with the DTRAD model in the DYNEV II system. As indicated, DYNEV II performs a succession of DTRAD "sessions";

each such session computes the turn link percentages for each link that remain constant for the session duration,[To ,T 2], specified by the analyst. The end product is the assignment of traffic volumes from each origin to paths connecting it with its destinations in such a way as to minimize the network-wide cost function.

The output of the DTRAD model is a set of updated link turn percentages which represent this assignment of traffic.As indicated in Figure B-i, the simulation model supports the DTRAD session by providing it with operational link MOE that are needed by the path choice model and included in the DTRAD cost function.

These MOE represent the operational state of the network at a time, T 1 ___ T 2 , which lies within the session duration, [T 0 , T 2] .This "burn time", T, -To, is selected by the analyst. For each DTRAD iteration, the simulation model computes the change in network operations over this burn time using the latest set of link turn percentages computed by the DTRAD model. Upon convergence of the DTRAD iterative procedure, the simulation model accepts the latest turn percentages provided by the DTA model, returns to the origin time, To, and executes until it arrives at the end of the DTRAD session duration at time, T"2 .At this time the next DTA session is launched and the whole process repeats until the end of the DYNEV II run.Additional details are presented in Appendix B.Three Mile Island C-16 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 APPENDIX D Detailed Description of Study Procedure D. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF STUDY PROCEDURE This appendix describes the activities that were performed to compute Evacuation Time Estimates.

The individual steps of this effort are represented as a flow diagram in Figure D-1.Each numbered step in the description that follows corresponds to the numbered element in the flow diagram.Step 1 The first activity was to obtain EPZ boundary information and create a GIS base map. The base map extends beyond the Shadow Region which extends approximately 15 miles (radially) from the power plant location.

The base map incorporates the local roadway topology, a suitable topographic background and the EPZ boundary.Step 2 2010 Census block information was obtained in GIS format. This information was used to estimate the resident population within the EPZ and Shadow Region and to define the spatial distribution and demographic characteristics of the population within the study area. Transient, employment, and special facility data were obtained from Exelon.Step 3 Next, a physical survey of the roadway system in the study area was conducted to determine the geometric properties of the highway sections, the channelization of lanes on each section of roadway, whether there are any turn restrictions or special treatment of traffic at intersections, the type and functioning of traffic control devices, gathering signal timings for pre-timed traffic signals, and to make the necessary observations needed to estimate realistic values of roadway capacity.Step 4 The results of a telephone survey of households within the EPZ were obtained from Exelon to identify household dynamics, trip generation characteristics, and evacuation-related demographic information of the EPZ population.

Snow removal question was taken from a survey conducted in 2008 of households in the Susquehanna Stream Electric Station (SSES) EPZ.This information was used to determine important study factors including the average number of evacuating vehicles used by each household, and the time required to perform pre-evacuation mobilization activities.

Step 5 A computerized representation of the physical roadway system, called a link-node analysis network, was developed using the UNITES software (see Section 1.3) developed by KLD. Once the geometry of the network was completed, the network was calibrated using the information gathered during the road survey (Step 3). Estimates of highway capacity for each link and other link-specific characteristics were introduced to the network description.

Traffic signal timings were input accordingly.

The link-node analysis network was imported into a GIS map. 2010 Census data were overlaid in the map, and origin centroids where trips would be generated Three Mile Island D-1 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 during the evacuation process were assigned to appropriate links.Step 6 The EPZ is subdivided into 46 Sub-areas.

Based on wind direction and speed, Regions (groupings of Sub-areas) that may be advised to evacuate, were developed.

The need for evacuation can occur over a range of time-of-day, day-of-week, seasonal and weather-related conditions.

Scenarios were developed to capture the variation in evacuation demand, highway capacity and mobilization time, for different time of day, day of the week, time of year, and weather conditions.

Step 7 The input stream for the DYNEV II model, which integrates the dynamic traffic assignment and distribution model, DTRAD, with the evacuation simulation model, was created for a prototype evacuation case -the evacuation of the entire EPZ for a representative scenario.Step 8 After creating this input stream, the DYNEV II System was executed on the prototype evacuation case to compute evacuating traffic routing patterns consistent with the appropriate NRC guidelines.

DYNEV II contains an extensive suite of data diagnostics which check the completeness and consistency of the input data specified.

The analyst reviews all warning and error messages produced by the model and then corrects the database to create an input stream that properly executes to completion.

The model assigns destinations to all origin centroids consistent with a (general) radial evacuation of the EPZ and Shadow Region. The analyst may optionally supplement and/or replace these model-assigned destinations, based on professional judgment, after studying the topology of the analysis highway network. The model produces link and network-wide measures of effectiveness as well as estimates of evacuation time.Step 9 The results generated by the prototype evacuation case are critically examined.

The examination includes observing the animated graphics (using the EVAN software which operates on data produced by DYNEV II) and reviewing the statistics output by the model. This is a labor-intensive activity, requiring the direct participation of skilled engineers who possess the necessary practical experience to interpret the results and to determine the causes of any problems reflected in the results.Essentially, the approach is to identify those bottlenecks in the network that represent locations where congested conditions are pronounced and to identify the cause of this congestion.

This cause can take many forms, either as excess demand due to high rates of trip generation, improper routing, a shortfall of capacity, or as a quantitative flaw in the way the physical system was represented in the input stream. This examination leads to one of two conclusions:

  • The results are satisfactory; or Three Mile Island D-2 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 e The input stream must be modified accordingly.

This decision requires, of course, the application of the user's judgment and experience based upon the results obtained in previous applications of the model and a comparison of the results of the latest prototype evacuation case iteration with the previous ones. If the results are satisfactory in the opinion of the user, then the process continues with Step 13. Otherwise, proceed to Step 11.Step 10 There are many "treatments" available to the user in resolving apparent problems.

These treatments range from decisions to reroute the traffic by assigning additional evacuation destinations for one or more sources, imposing turn restrictions where they can produce significant improvements in capacity, changing the control treatment at critical intersections so as to provide improved service for one or more movements, or in prescribing specific treatments for channelizing the flow so as to expedite the movement of traffic along major roadway systems. Such "treatments" take the form of modifications to the original prototype evacuation case input stream. All treatments are designed to improve the representation of evacuation behavior.Step 11 As noted above, the changes to the input stream must be implemented to reflect the modifications undertaken in Step 10. At the completion of this activity, the process returns to Step 9 where the DYNEV II System is again executed.Step 12 Evacuation of transit-dependent evacuees and special facilities are included in the evacuation analysis.

Fixed routing for transit buses and for school buses, ambulances, and other transit vehicles are introduced into the final prototype evacuation case data set. DYNEV II generates route-specific speeds over time for use in the estimation of evacuation times for the transit dependent and special facility population groups.Step 13 The prototype evacuation case was used as the basis for generating all region and scenario-specific evacuation cases to be simulated.

This process was automated through the UNITES user interface.

For each specific case, the population to be evacuated, the trip generation distributions, the highway capacity and speeds, and other factors are adjusted to produce a customized case-specific data set.Step 14 All evacuation cases are executed using the DYNEV II System to compute ETE. Once results are available, quality control procedures are used to assure the results are consistent, dynamic routing is reasonable, and traffic congestion/bottlenecks are addressed properly.Step 15 Once vehicular evacuation results are accepted, average travel speeds for transit and special Three Mile Island D-3 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 facility routes are used to compute evacuation time estimates for transit-dependent permanent residents, schools, hospitals, and other special facilities.

Step 16 The simulation results are analyzed, tabulated and graphed. The results were then documented, as required by NUREG/CR-7002.

Step 17 Following the completion of documentation activities, the ETE criteria checklist (see Appendix N) was completed.

An appropriate report reference is provided for each criterion provided in the checklist.

Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate D-4 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Step 1 Create GIS Base Map F Step 2 Gather Census Block and Demographic Data for Study Area IStep 3 Field Survey of Roadways within Study Area IStep 4 Analyze Telephone Survey and Develop Trip Generation Characteristics IStep 5 Create and Calibrate Link-Node Analysis Network Step 6 Develop Evacuation Regions and Scenarios F Step 7 Step 12 Establish Transit and Special Facility Evacuation Routes and Update DYNEV-11 Database'I Step 13 I Create and Debug DYNEV-II Input Stream I Step 8 0-I Execute DYNEV II for Prototype Evacuation Case Generate DYNEV-11 Input Streams for All Evacuation Cases Step 14 Use DYNEV-11 Average Speed Output to Compute ETE for Transit and Special Facility Routes IStep 15 Use DYNEV-II Results to Estimate Transit and Special Facilities Evacuation Time Estimates Step 16 DocumentationStep 17 Complete ETE Criteria Checklist Figure D-1. Flow Diagram of Activities Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate D-5 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 APPENDIX E Special Facility Data E. SPECIAL FACILITY DATA The following tables list population information, as of August 2013, for special facilities, transient attractions and major employers that are located within the TMI EPZ. Special facilities are defined as schools, preschools/day care centers, hospitals and other medical care facilities, and correctional facilities.

Transient population data is included in the tables for recreational areas, lodging facilities, and other facilities.

Employment data is included in the tables for major employers.

Each table is grouped by county. The location of the facility is defined by its straight-line distance (miles) and direction (magnetic bearing) from the center point of the plant. Maps of each school, preschool/day care center, medical facility, major employer, recreational area, lodging facility, correctional facility, and other types of facilities are also provided.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-1 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table E-1. Schools within the EPZ I New Cumberland 1 9.3 1 WNW I Hillside Elementary School 1 516 Seventh St.I New Cumberland 1 445 1 49 1 New Cumberland 9.4 WW New Cumberland Middle School 331 8th St. New Cumberland 34 6 New Cumberland 9..6, WN St. Theresa's School / 12,00 Bridge St. New Cumberland 40 5 Lower Dauphin Conewago Elementary Conewago (Dauphin) 7.3 NE Lol 2809 Hershey Rd. Elizabethtown 256 32 School Derry 7.2 NNE Hershey Christian School 1525 Sand Hill Rd. Hummelstown 280 N/Al Derry 9.5 NNE Hershey High School 550 Homestead Rd. Hershey 1,158 121 Derry 9.8 NNE Hershey Middle School 500 Homestead Rd. Hershey 850 ill Derry 9.8 NNE Hershey Primary Elementary School 450 Homestead Rd. Hershey 1,035 160 Derry 9.5 NNE Milton Hershey School Homestead Ln. Hershey 1,875 1,825 Derry 9.5 NNE St. Joan Of Arc School 359 West Areba Ave. Hershey 340 30 Derry 11.1 NNE State Police Academy 175 Police Academy Dr. Hershey 200 50 Derry 9.2 NNE The Vista School 1021 Springboard Dr. Hershey 86 N/A Harrisburg 9.8 NW Foose Elementary School 1301 Sycamore St. Harrisburg 800 67 Harrisburg 10.0 NW Sylvan Heights Charter School 915 South 13th St. Harrisburg 220 N/A Hummelstown 7.6 N Elizabeth Z. Price Elementary School 101 East High St. Hummelstown 17 N/A Hummelstown 7.4 N Lower Dauphin High School 201 South Hanover St. Hummelstown 1,589 165 Hummelstown 7.6 N Lower Dauphin Middle School 251 Quarry Rd. Hummelstown 1,172 80 Hummelstown 7.5 N Nye Elementary School 200 South John St. Hummelstown 425 30 Londonderry (North) 3.5 NE Londonderry Elementary School 260 Schoolhouse Rd. Middletown 397 51 Lower Paxton 9.6 NNW South Side Elementary School 4525 Union Deposit Rd. Harrisburg 576 67 1Not available (N/A). Schools that do not have staff data have "N/A" in the Staff column. Enrollment data was found through internet searches.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-2 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Lower Swatara (North) 5.7 NNW John C. Kunkel Elementary School 2401 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 405 59 Lower Swatara (South) 4.0 NNW Middletown Area High School 1155 North Union St. Middletown 737 115 Lower Swatara (South) 4.1 N Middletown Area Middle School 215 Oberlin Rd. Middletown 541 N/A 777 West Harrisburg Lower Swatara (South) 3.6 NNW Penn State Harrisburg Pike Middletown 1,200 125 Lower Swatara (South) 4.1 NNW Robert Reid Elementary School 201 Oberlin Rd. Middletown 474 51 Middletown 3.0 N George Feaser Middle School 241 North Race St. Middletown 584 93 Middletown 2.9 N Lyall J. Fink Elementary School 150 North Race St. Middletown 196 42 Middletown 3.1 N Seven Sorrows Bvm School 360 East Water St. Middletown 233 15 Paxtang 9.2 NW Paxtang Elementary School 3530 Rutherford St. Harrisburg 258 34 Shadow Region 2 11.1 NW Capital Area School For The Arts 150 Strawberry St. Harrisburg 150 N/A South Hanover 9.7 NNE South Hanover Elementary School 15 West Third St. Hershey 463 51 Swatara 7.5 NNW Chamber Hill Elementary School 6450 Chambers Hill Rd. Harrisburg 201 34 Swatara 8.6 NNW Lawnton Elementary School 4400 Franklin St. Harrisburg 274 71 Swatara 8.8 NW Phase 4 Learning Center, Inc. 3601 Paxton Street Harrisburg 35 N/A Swatara 8.1 NNW Rutherford Elementary School 6500 Clearfield St. Harrisburg 352 55 Swatara 8.6 NW St. Catherine Laboure School 4020 Derry St. Harrisburg 418 36 Swatara 8.1 NW Steelton-Highspire Elementary School 250 Reynders St. Steelton 721 81 Swatara 8.0 NW Steelton-Highspire High School 250 Reynders St. Steelton 557 95 Swatara 7.7 NW Swatara Middle School 1101 Highland St. Harrisburg 541 69 Swatara 9.0 NW The Circle School 210 Oakleigh Ave. Harrisburg 40 10 Swatara 7.4 NW Tri-community Elementary School 255 Cypress St. Steelton 426 45 Conoy (South) 4.9 SE Bainbridge Elementary School 416 North Second St. Bainbridge 22 2 Elizabethtown 7.3 E East High Street Elementary School 800 East High St. Elizabethtown Elizabethtown 6.9 E Elizabethtown College 1 Alpha Dr. Elizabethtown 1,0 20 2 Although this facility is located outside the EPZ, it is listed as a risk school in the annual public information.

Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-3 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Elizabethtown Middle School & High School Elizabethtown 7.0 E 600 East High St.Elizabethtown 2,204 230 Elizabethtown 6.0 E Mill Road Elementary School 35 Elm Ave. Elizabethtown 303 30 Elizabethtown 6.4 E Mount Calvary Christian School 629 Holly St. Elizabethtown 321 30 Elizabethtown 6.5 E St. Peter's Parochial School 61 East Washington St. Elizabethtown 66 8 Mount Joy 7.8 E Bear Creek Elementary School 1459 Sheaffer Rd. Elizabethtown 941 71 West Donegal (South) 8.3 ESE Rheems Elementary School 130 Alida St. Rheems 463 57 Conewago East (York) 7.1 WW Conewago Elementary School 570 Copenhaffer Rd. York 5 49 East Manchester (West) 6.0 S Northeastern Middle School 4855 Board Rd. Mount Wolf 55 8 Fairview (West) 6.5 WW Crossroads Middle School 535 Fishing Creek Rd. Lewisberry 64 8 Fairview (West) 9.1 WW Fairview Elementary School 480 Lewisberry Rd. New Cumberland 27 2 Fairview (West) 6.2 1WW Fishing Creek Elementary 510 Fishing Creek Rd. Lewisberry 56 4 Fairview (West) 8.8 W Mt. Zion Elementary School 850 Lewisberry Rd. Lewisberry 214 25 Fairview (West) 6.7 WNW Red Land High School 560 Fishing Creek Rd. Lewisberry 1,222 148 Manchester Borough 6.2 5 Northeastern High School 300 High St. Manchester 1,023 103 Manchester Borough 6.6 5 Orendorf Elementary School 101 South Hartman St. Manchester 401 56 Manchester Borough 6.7 S Shallow Brook Intermediate School 213 South Hartman St. Manchester 412 61 Manchester Borough 6.6 5 Spring Forge Intermediate 100 South Hartman St. Manchester 505 63 Manchester Township (East) 10.3 5 Hayshire Elementary School 2801 Hayshire Dr. York 580 55 Manchester Township (East) 10.0 5 Roundtown Elementary School 570 Church Rd. York 582 55 Manchester Township (East) 9.9 5 Sinking Springs Elementary School 2850 Susquehanna TrH. York 704 70 Manchester Township (West) 11.3 SSW Christian School Of York 907 Greenbriar Rd. York 359 N/A Mount Wolf 6.6 5 Mount Wolf Elementary School 6th St. Mount Wolf 209 34 Newberry (Northeast) 3.8 W Red Mill Elementary School 700 Red Mill Rd. Goldsboro 596 64 Newberry (Southeast) 3.3 5 York Haven Elementary School 360 Cassel Rd. Manchester 284 47 Newberry (West) 4.4 WSW Newberry Elementary School 2055 Old Trail Rd. Goldsboro 380 S3 C-;- ÷-++ ,,-, 00 C ,r- l V r,, Iik CZrkh ihnnl KA1 ,nrlic Mill RA P Vnrlt 1 r7A 1 1 l Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-4 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table E-2. Preschools/Daycares within the EPZ New Cumberland 9.3 NW A Kidz Castle Childcare Center 608 Market St. New Cumberland 105 11 New Cumberland 8.8 WNW Best Friends Day Care Center 206 Bridge St. New Cumberland 98 12 New Cumberland 10.0 WNW Children's School Of New Cumberland 617 16th Street New Cumberland 115 13 New Cumberland 9.3 WNW Hillside Elementary Latch Key Program 516 Seventh St. New Cumberland 83 N/A'New Cumberland 8.7 WNW Learning & Sharing Child Development Center 335 Front St. New Cumberland 135 20 Derry 9.3 NE All Saints Christian Childcare 310 Elm Ave. Hershey64 1 1230 East Chocolate Derry 11.2 NE Caring Hands Learning Center Ave. Hershey 3 Derry 8.2 NE CCLC At Hershey 400 Center View Ln. Hershey 19 1 Derry 7.2 NNE Derry Preschool 850 Hill Church Rd. Hummelstown 66 8 Derry 8.8 NNE Fishburn Flock Christian Childcare 1215 Fishburn Rd. Hershey 128 22 Derry 7.8 N Grace Christian Child Care 433 East Main St. Hummelstown 229 41 Derry 8.0 NNE Hilltop Christian Nursery School 330 Hilltop Rd. Hummelstown 150 N/A Derry 8.8 NNE Kinder Care Learning Center 667 Cherry Dr. Hershey 126 20 50 East Chocolate Derry 9.9 NNE Tender Years -Hershey Ave. Hershey 136 9 Derry 5.8 N The Goddard School 1035 Middletown Rd. Hershey 150 16 Derry 7.7 NNE U-gro Hershey 1223 Research Blvd. Hummelstown 64 8 Harrisburg 9.8 NW Growing Center At Foose Elementary 1301 Sycamore St. Harrisburg 62 4 Highspire 4.5 NW All God's Children 533 2nd St. Highspire 22 3 Hummelstown 7.6 N Aa To Zz Child Care -Hummelstown Twp 40 South John St. Hummelstown 61 8 Hummelstown 7.7 N Learning Express 210 West Main St. Hummelstown 83 N/A 3 Not Available (N/A). Preschools/Daycares that do not have staff data have "N/A" in the Staff column. Enrollment data was found through internet searches.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-5 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Londonderry (North) 5.5 NNE Children's House Of Hershey 2446 Roundtop Rd. Middletown 29 16 Londonderry (North) 4.0 NNE Discovery Kids Child Care Center -Lauffer Road 290 Lauffer Rd. Middletown 107 12 Londonderry (South) 0.9 NNE Tomorrow's Children Day Care 2317 River Rd. Middletown 12 2 4341 Union Deposit Lower Paxton 9.7 NNW Little Treasures Rd. Harrisburg 62 8 Lower Swatara (North) 5.9 NNW Discovery Kids Child Care Center -Oberlin Road 1801 Oberlin Rd. Middletown 137 15 Lower Swatara (North) 6.0 NNW Ebenezer Christian Childcare 890 Ebenezer Rd. Middletown 139 10 Lower Swatara (North) 5.9 NNW Growing Adventures Child Care 1801 Oberlin Rd. Middletown 137 N/A Lower Swatara (South) 3.7 NNW PSU Harrisburg Child Learning Center 160 Alumni Dr. Middletown 91 10 Discovery Kids Child Care Center -Emmaus Middletown 2.8 N Street 135 East Emaus St. Middletown 100 N/A 100 Brown Street Middletown 2.7 N Little Rays Of Sunshine #13 Middletown 12 2 Middletown 3.3 N Loving Arms Day Care 455 Cedar Ave. Middletown 43 6 Middletown 3.9 N Middletown Christian School 1325 Vine St. Middletown 57 12 Royalton 2.3 N Sonshine Learning Station 500 Penn St. Middletown 71 15 South Hanover 10.1 N Sunny Day Child Care 304 Grandview Rd. Hummelstown 50 8 Steelton 8.3 NW Bright Futures Learning Centers 10 North Front St. Steelton 39 7 Steelton 7.1 NW Capital Area Head Start -Keystone Partnership 900 Cumbler St. Harrisburg 35 N/A Steelton 8.3 NW Grace Temple Child Care Center 300 Pine St. Steelton 33 13 Steelton 8.6 NW Turner Academic Academy 130 Watson St. Steelton 49 10 Swatara 8.3 NNW Aa To Zz Child Care -Swatara Twp 5120 Lancaster St. Harrisburg 96 N/A Swatara 8.3 NNW All About Kids Early Learning Center 5750 Derry St. Harrisburg 101 10 Swatara 8.7 NW Capital Area Head Start -Steelton 179 Watson St. Harrisburg 35 7 4801 Chambers Hill Swatara 7.6 NNW Faith In Children Rd. Harrisburg 43 9 Swatara 8.0 NNW God's Little Angels Daycare 2 6720 Derry St. Harrisburg 107 N/A Swatara 8.7 NW Kids World Early Learning Center 3869 Derry St. Harrisburg 45 6 Swatara 7.3 NW Theodore Mcnair's Childcare Center 900 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 31 N/A E-6 KID Engineering, P.C.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-6 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 S Swatara 1 7.5 1 NW I Trinitv EarIv Academic Learning 1 1182 Main St.I Harrisburg 1 41 1 6 I Swatara 8.9 NW Tyaira D. Mcnair Day Care 3350 Paxton St. Harrisburg 2 4 Swatara 8.4 S U-gro Learning Center At Tech Port 3880 Tecport Dr. Harrisburg East Donegal 9.4 Maytown Community Nursery School 14 West Elizabeth St. Maytown 777 South Mount Joy Elizabethtown 7.0 Elizabethtown Child Care Center St. Elizabethtown Elizabethtown 6.2 Gears Nazarne C hild Center 70 South Poplar St. Elizabethtown 10 Elizabethtown 6.0 Masonic Village Hildebrandt Learning Center One Masonic Dr. Elizabethtown 8 East Manchester (West) 7.2 W Sunbeam Station Child Care 4360 Board Rd. Manchester 7 4304 North George East Manchester (West) 7.3 S YWCA Early Learning Center Street Ext Manchester 5 Fairview (West) 6.6 WSW Ace Administration Bldg 507 Fishing Creek Rd. New Cumberland Manchester Township 2870 Haymeadow (East) 10.2 S Nanny's Kids Child Care Center Dr. York 7 Manchester Township (West) 10.6 S Stillmeadlow Nazarene Child Care Center 400 Stillmeadlow Ln. York 20 5 Mount Wolf 6.3 S Otterbein Day Care 1 North Main St. Mount Wolf 18 1 Newberry (Northeast) 4.2 W Billie Ort's Laugh-n-learn Day Care Center 360 Red Mill Rd. Etters 7 Newberry (Northeast) 3.8 WW Whales Snails & Puppy Dog Tail 2125 York Haven Rd. Goldsboro 10 1 Newberrv (t-estl 6-7 WW Munchkin Meadow 3555S Lewisberrv Rd. York Haven 4 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-7 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table E-3. Medical Facilities within the EPZ Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital 500 University Dr.Derry 8.0 NNE Hershey 436 200 165 71 999 West Lower Swatara (South) 3.3 NNW Middletown Home Harrisburg Pike Middletown 198 106 64 28 1020 North Middletown 3.7 N Frey Village Retirement Center Union St. Middletown 288 280 6 2 Swatara 9.1 NW Dauphin County Work Release 919 Gibson Blvd. Harrisburg 360 360 0 0 Grayson View Harrisburg Assisted 150 Kempton Swatara 8.4 Living Community Ave. Harrisburg 120 120 0 0 Swatara 9.2 Herbert A Schaffner Youth Center 911 Gibson Blvd. Steelton 63 63 0 0 Spring Creek Rehabilitation

& 1205 South 28th Swatara 9.1 NW Health Care Center St. Harrisburg 303 291 8 4 2760 Maytown 62 56 24 East Donegal 9.1 SE Longwood Manor Rd. Maytown Manorcare Health Services-320 South 87 80 2 5 Elizabethtown 6.4 E Elizabethtown Market St. Elizabethtown Elizabethtown 6.2 E Masonic Homes -Elizabethtown 1 Masonic Dr. Elizabethtown 1710 1530 54 126 Rheems Nursing & Rehabilitation 80 72 26 West Donegal (South) 8.2 E Center 155 Broad St. Elizabethtown Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-8 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table E-4. Major Employers within the EPZ 9.41 New Cumberland Middle WNW School 331 8th St.New Cumberland 61 43 43 New Cumberland New New Cumberland 96 WW St. Theresa's School 1200 Bridge St. Cumberland 50 36 36 1129 W Governor Derry 10.7 NE ARM Group Inc. Rd. Hershey 42 30 30 Derry 11.0 NNE Artisan Confections Co. 100 Crystal A Dr. Hershey 76 54 54 Derry 8.9 NNE Cocoa Court Club 1249 Cocoa Ave. Hershey 17 12 12 Derry 8.6 NNE Country Meadows 451 Sand Hill Rd. Hershey 53 38 38 Derry 8.7 NNE Country Meadows Of Hershey 451 Sand Hill Rd. Hershey 95 67 67 Derry 8.8 NNE H B Reese Candy Co. 925 Reese Ave. Hershey 600 421 421 Derry 11.0 NNE Hershey Co. 100 Crystal A Dr. Hershey 150 106 106 Derry 8.4 NNE Hershey Co. 1025 Reese Ave. Hershey 125 88 88 Derry 9.9 NNE Hershey Co. 14 E Chocolate Ave. Hershey 2,000 1,402 1,402 Hershey Entertainment

&Derry 9.9 NNE Resort 27 W Chocolate Ave. Hershey 4,720 3,309 3,309 Derry 9.5 NNE Hershey High School 550 Homestead Rd. Hershey 121 85 85 Hershey Lodge & Convention Derry 8.4 NNE Ctr. 325 University Dr. Hershey 560 393 393 Derry 9.8 NNE Hershey Middle School 500 Homestead Rd. Hershey 111 78 78 Derry 10.4 NNE Hershey Nursery Landscaping 25 Northeast Dr. Hershey 42 30 30 100 W Hershey Park Derry 10.2 NNE Hershey Park Dr. Hershey 1,600 1,122 1,122 Hershey Primary Elementary Derry 9.8 NNE School 450 Homestead Rd. Hershey 160 113 113 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-9 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Derrv 10.0 NNE Hersheypark Stadium & Star Dr.Hershey 208 146 146 Derry 9.7 NNE Hershey's Chocolate World 251 Park Blvd. Hershey 260 183 183 Derry 10.8 NNE Hotel Hershey 100 Hotel Rd. Hershey 480 337 337 Derry 9.9 NNE IATSE P.O. Box 66 Hershey 75 53 53 Derry 9.5 NNE Milton Hershey School Homestead Ln. Hershey 1,825 1,280 1,280 Penn State Hershey Children's Derry 8.1 NNE Hospital 500 University Dr. Hershey 1,680 1,178 1,178 Penn State Hershey Children's Derry 8.0 NNE Hospital 500 University Dr. Hershey 4,200 2,945 2,945 Pennsylvania-American Water 800 E Hershey Park Derry 11.6 NNE Co. Dr. Hershey 76 54 54 175 Police Academy Derry 11.1 NNE State Police Academy Dr. Hershey 50 36 36 Harrisburg 9.5 NW Ames True Temper 1500 S Cameron St. Harrisburg 126 89 89 Harrisburg 9.9 NW Dauphin County Counseling 1100 S Cameron St. Harrisburg 150 106 106 Harrisburg 9.9 NW E I Referrals 1100 S Cameron St. Harrisburg 126 89 89 Harrisburg 9.8 NW Foose Elementary School 1301 Sycamore St. Harrisburg 67 47 47 Harrisburg 10.2 NW Human Relations Commission 1101 S Front St. Harrisburg 60 43 43 Harrisburg 9.5 NW Jackson Manufacturing 1500 S Cameron St. Harrisburg 109 77 77 Harrisburg 10.2 NW Motor Vehicles Bureau 1101 S Front St. Harrisburg 747 524 524 Harrisburg 9.9 NW Pc Parts Inc. 1800 Paxton St. Harrisburg 42 30 30 Harrisburg 10.0 NW Penn Credit Corp. 916 S 14th St. Harrisburg 84 59 59 Harrisburg 10.2 NW Probation Board 1101 S Front St. Harrisburg 220 155 155 Harrisburg 10.2 NW Safety Administration 1101 S Front St. Harrisburg 1,200 842 842 Harrisburg 10.2 NW Unclaimed Property 1101 S Front St. Harrisburg 70 50 50 Workers Compensation Harrisburg 9.9 NW Bureau 1171 S Cameron St. Harrisburg 169 119 119 201 South Hanover Hummelstown 7.4 N Lower Dauphin High School St. Hummelstown 165 116 116 Hummelstown 7.6 N Lower Dauphin Middle School 251 Quarry Rd. Hummelstown 80 57 57 Londonderry (North) 5.0 N Alsi-analytical Lab Svc Inc. 34 Dogwood Ln. Middletown 118 83 83 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-10 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Londonderry Elementary School Londonderry (North)3.5 NE 260 Schoolhouse Rd.Middletown 51 36 36 Exelon Nuclear -Three Mile Londonderry (South) 0.3 NNE Island 2600 River Rd Middletown 627 440 440 Lower Paxton 9.4 NNW Pennsylvania Medical Society 777 E Park Dr. Harrisburg 100 71 71 4525 Union Deposit Lower Paxton 9.6 NNW South Side Elementary School Rd. Harrisburg 67 47 47 Lower Paxton 9.1 NNW Xerox Corp. 651 E Park Dr. Harrisburg 227 160 160 Advanced Conversion Lower Swatara (North) 5.6 NNW Technology 2001 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 97 68 68 Lower Swatara (North) 5.3 N Amercon International Inc. 181 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 84 59 59 Lower Swatara (North) 5.3 N Dallas Spring Corp. 181 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 45 32 32 Lower Swatara (North) 5.3 N FedEx Freight 300 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 50 36 36 Lower Swatara (North) 5.5 N FedEx National LTL 2030 N Union St. Middletown 189 133 133 Gulf South Medical Supply Lower Swatara (North) 5.7 NNW Inc. 1400 Aip Dr. Middletown 46 33 33 John C. Kunkel Elementary Lower Swatara (North) 5.7 NNW School 2401 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 59 42 42 Mid-Atlantic Corporate Lower Swatara (North) 5.4 NNW Federal 1201 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 147 104 104 Lower Swatara (North) 5.4 NNW Pennsylvania Lottery 1200 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 160 113 113 Lower Swatara (North) 5.3 NNW Phillips Group 501 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 193 136 136 Lower Swatara (North) 5.3 NNW Phoenix Contact Inc. 586 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 168 118 118 Lower Swatara (North) 5.3 N Pratt & Whitney 181 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 101 71 71 Lower Swatara (North) 5.3 N Quaker Oats Co. 201 Fulling Mill Rd. Middletown 63 45 45 Lower Swatara (South) 4.1 NNW Acs State Local Solutions Inc. 1100 Rosedale Ave. Middletown 50 36 36 Lower Swatara (South) 2.9 NNW Air National Guard 76 Constellation Ct Middletown 350 246 246 2286 W Harrisburg Lower Swatara (South) 4.1 NW Cheung Enterprises LLC. Pike Middletown 168 118 118 Harrisburg International Lower Swatara (South) 3.6 NW Airport 1 Terminal Dr. Middletown 200 141 141 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-11 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Lower Swatara (South) 4.0 NNW J & D Associates 600 Hunter Ln. Middletown 67 47 47 Lower Swatara (South) 2.9 NNW Librandi's Machine Shop Inc. 93 Airport Dr. Middletown 84 59 59 Lower Swatara (South) 5.3 NW Mack Trucks Remanufacturing 2800 Commerce Dr. Middletown 84 59 59 700 S Eisenhower Lower Swatara (South) 5.5 NW Michael Baker Jr Inc. Blvd. Middletown 336 236 236 1155 North Union Lower Swatara (South) 4.0 NNW Middletown Area High School St. Middletown 115 81 81 999 West Harrisburg Lower Swatara (South) 3.3 NNW Middletown Home Pike Middletown 80 57 57 2751 Spring Garden Lower Swatara (South) 5.5 NW Novamerican Steel Dr. Middletown 55 39 39 777 West Harrisburg Lower Swatara (South) 3.6 NNW Penn State Harrisburg Pike Middletown 125 88 88 Robert Reid Elementary Lower Swatara (South) 4.1 NNW School 201 Oberlin Rd. Middletown 51 36 36 Frey Village Retirement 1020 North Union Middletown 3.7 N Center St. Middletown 120 85 85 Middletown 3.0 N George Feaser Middle School 241 North Race St. Middletown 93 66 66 Middletown 2.7 N Univar USA 532 E Emaus St. Middletown 84 59 59 South Hanover Elementary South Hanover 9.7 NNE School 15 West Third St. Hershey 51 36 36 Steelton 8.0 NW Arcelor Mittal 215 S Front St. Steelton 588 413 413 Dura-bond Protective Steelton 5.7 NW Coatings 2716 S Front St. Steelton 50 36 36 Steelton 7.1 NW Hempt Brothers Inc. 1001 S Front St. Steelton 42 30 30 Steelton 8.2 NW Nrg Controls Inc. 48 S Harrisburg St. Steelton 42 30 30 Steelton 8.5 NW Thoma Thomas & Hafer 305 N Front St. Steelton 67 47 47 Swatara 8.8 NNW Advantage Pezrow 359 E Park Dr. Harrisburg 56 40 40 4031 Executive Park Swatara 8.0 NW AFSCME Dr. Harrisburg 79 56 56 Swatara 7.7 N Arcus 8170 Adams Dr. Hummelstown 46 33 33 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-12 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Swatara 8.8 NW I Bass Pro Shops 3501 Paxton St.Harrisburg 58 41 41 Swatara 8.0 NNW Central Fill Inc. 4415 Lewis Rd. Harrisburg 267 188 188 Swatara 7.3 NNW Central Pennsylvania 4801 Lindle Rd. Harrisburg 97 68 68 Central Pennsylvania Blood Swatara 7.7 N Bank 8167 Adams Dr. Hummelstown 67 47 47 Cleveland Brothers Swatara 7.9 NNW Equipment 5300 Paxton St. Harrisburg 273 192 192 Swatara 8.6 NW Computer Aid Inc. 470 Friendship Rd. Harrisburg 168 118 118 Swatara 7.9 NNW Cummins Power Systems 4499 Lewis Rd. Harrisburg 55 39 39 Dauphin County Adult Swatara 9.0 NW Probation 917 Gibson Blvd. Steelton 200 141 141 Swatara 9.0 NW Dauphin County Prison 501 Mall Rd. Harrisburg 140 99 99 Swatara 8.9 NW Dauphin Electric Supplies Co. 1830 S 19th St. Harrisburg 42 30 30 Swatara 8.0 NNW Electronic Service & Design 5885 Grayson Rd. Harrisburg 42 30 30 Swatara 9.6 NW Faulkner Buick Pontiac GMC 2060 Paxton St. Harrisburg 94 66 66 Swatara 9.6 NW Faulkner Honda 2020 Paxton St. Harrisburg 84 59 59 Swatara 8.1 NNW Feesers Inc. 5561 Grayson Rd. Harrisburg 378 265 265 Swatara 8.9 NW Five Star Idealease 1810 S 19th St. Harrisburg 71 50 50 4391 Chambers Hill Swatara 7.8 NW G R Sponaugle Svc Co. Rd. Harrisburg 378 265 265 Swatara 8.6 NW GTS Technologies Inc. 441 Friendship Rd. Harrisburg 42 30 30 4180 Chambers Hill Swatara 7.9 NW H & S Gulf Rd. Harrisburg 42 30 30 Swatara 8.5 NW Health America Pennsylvania 3721 Tecport Dr. Harrisburg 840 589 589 Herbert A Schaffner Youth Swatara 9.1 NW Ctr. 911 Gibson Blvd. Steelton 76 54 54 Swatara 8.8 NNW Herbert Rowland & Grubic 369 E Park Dr. Harrisburg 101 71 71 Swatara 7.3 NW Holiday Inn-Harrisburg East 4751 Lindle Rd. Harrisburg 88 62 62 Swatara 8.5 NNW Home Depot 4200 Derry St. Harrisburg 48 34 34 Swatara 7.3 NW Hospital & Health Assn 4750 Lindle Rd. Harrisburg 60 43 43 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-13 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Swatara 9.0 NW Inclinator Manufacturing 601 Gibson Blvd. Harrisburg 50 36 36 449 Eisenhower Swatara 8.2 NW ITT Technical Institute Blvd. Harrisburg 84 59 59 Swatara 7.9 NW JPL Productions 471 Jplwick Dr. Harrisburg 84 59 59 Swatara 9.2 NW JSTHPEC 421 Amity Rd. Swatara 50 36 36 469 Eisenhower Swatara 8.1 NW Lancaster Brewing Co. Blvd. Harrisburg 50 36 36 Swatara 8.6 NNW Lawnton Elementary School 4400 Franklin St. Harrisburg 71 50 50 Swatara 8.6 NW Metro Bancorp Inc. 3801 Paxton St. Harrisburg 67 47 47 Swatara 8.9 NW Mid Atlantic Lighting Co. 1830 S 19th St. Harrisburg 84 59 59 Swatara 7.9 NNW Mold-base Industries 7501 Derry St. Harrisburg 70 50 50 Swatara 9.5 NW National Recovery Agency 2491 Paxton St. Harrisburg 88 62 62 Pennsylvania Employees Swatara 8.3 NNW Benefit 150 S 43rd St. Harrisburg 165 116 116 Swatara 8.1 NNW Plouse Machine Shop 4510 Paxton St. Harrisburg 42 30 30 Power Component Systems Swatara 9.2 NW Inc. 1601 S 19th St. Harrisburg 83 59 59 Swatara 9.2 NW Rentokil Ehrlich 1539 Bobali Dr. Harrisburg 42 30 30 Residential Warranty Corp Swatara 8.2 NNW LLC. 5300 Derry St. Harrisburg 101 71 71 Swatara 7.8 NNW Road & Rail Svc Inc. 7150 Grayson Rd. Swatara 60 43 43 Swatara 8.1 NNW Rutherford Elementary School 6500 Clearfield St. Harrisburg 55 39 39 Swatara 7.8 NNW Sam's Club 6781 Grayson Rd. Harrisburg 65 46 46 Swatara 8.5 NW Schaedler Yesco Distribution 3982 Paxton St. Harrisburg 81 57 57 449 Eisenhower Swatara 8.2 NW Skelly & Loy Blvd. Harrisburg 84 59 59 Swatara 9.3 NW Spring Creek Rehab & Health 1205 S 28th St. Harrisburg 168 118 118 Spring Creek Rehabilitation

&Swatara 9.1 NW Health Care Center 1205 South 28th St. Harrisburg 120 85 85 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-14 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Steelton-Highspire Elementary School 250 Reynders St.Swatara 8.1 NW Steelton 81 57 57 Steelton-Highspire High Swatara 8.0 NW School 250 Reynders St. Steelton 95 67 67 Steelton-Highspire School Swatara 8.0 NW System 250 Reynders St. Steelton 100 71 71 Swatara 7.7 NNW Stephenson Equipment Inc. 7201 Paxton St. Harrisburg 101 71 71 Swatara 8.5 NW Stroehmann Bakeries 3996 Paxton St. Harrisburg 210 148 148 Swatara 7.7 NW Swatara Middle School 1101 Highland St. Harrisburg 69 49 49 Swatara 8.4 NW Trane 3909 Tecport Dr. Harrisburg 50 36 36 Swatara 7.9 NNW Trans Core 7611 Derry St. Harrisburg 101 71 71 Swatara 7.7 N Trans Core 8158 Adams Dr. Hummelstown 59 42 42 Swatara 7.8 NNW Triple Crown SVC Co. 7150 Grayson Rd. Harrisburg 54 38 38 Swatara 7.7 NNW Verdelli Farms Inc. 7505 Grayson Rd. Harrisburg 420 295 295 Swatara 78 NW Walmart 6781 Grayson Rd. Harrisburg 167 118 118 Swatara 73 NW Witf Inc. 4801 Lindle Rd. Harrisburg 126 89 89 765 Eisenhower Swatara 7. W Wyndham Blvd. Swatara 24 17 17 Elizabethtown 6.0 E Agri-basics Inc. 54 Brown St. Elizabethtown 42 30 30 Elizabethtown 6.8 E Continental Press Inc. 520 E Bainbridge St. Elizabethtown 84 59 59 1595 S Mount Joy Elizabethtown 7.6 E Cutting Edge Media Inc. St. Elizabethtown 42 30 30 East High Street Elementary Elizabethtown 7.3 E School 800 East High St. Elizabethtown 65 46 46 Elizabethtown 6.9 E Elizabethtown College 1 Alpha Dr. Elizabethtown 200 141 141 Elizabethtown Middle School Elizabethtown 7.0 E & High School 600 East High St. Elizabethtown 230 162 162 Elizabethtown 6.8 E Itp Of USA Inc. 520 E Bainbridge St. Elizabethtown 101 71 71 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-15 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Elizabethtown 6.2 E Mars Snackfood U S 295 Brown St. Elizabethtown 234 165 165 Masonic Homes -Elizabethtown 6.2 E Elizabethtown 1 Masonic Dr. Elizabethtown 800 561 561 Mount Joy 7.8 E Bear Creek Elementary School 1459 Sheaffer Rd. Elizabethtown 71 50 50 Mount Joy 6.2 E Engle Business Systems Inc. 910 N Hanover St. Elizabethtown 67 47 47 Mount Joy 9.2 E Greiner Industries Inc. 1650 Steel Way Mount Joy 84 59 59 Mount Joy 9.1 E Kinsey's Archery Products Inc. 1660 Steel Way Mount Joy 50 36 36 Mount Joy 7.4 E Kmart 1605 S Market St. Elizabethtown 51 36 36 Mount Joy 8.1 E Leo Kob Co. Inc. 303 Jonlyn Dr. Elizabethtown 42 30 30 Messick's Farm Equipment Mount Joy 8.7 E Inc. 187 Merts Dr. Elizabethtown 71 50 50 Mount Joy 9.2 E Nemf 1362 Cloverleaf Rd. Mount Joy 43 31 31 Norlanco Health Ctr. Med.Mount Joy 8.7 E Svc. 418 Cloverleaf Rd. Elizabethtown 100 71 71 919 Buckingham Mount Joy 6.8 E WQXA Blvd. Elizabethtown 48 34 34 West Donegal (North) 3.4 E American Air Filter 33 Industrial Rd. Elizabethtown 76 54 54 West Donegal (North) 3.4 E Das Inc. 1875 Zeager Rd. Elizabethtown 109 77 77 West Donegal (North) 3.6 E Lasco Bathware Inc. 40 Industrial Rd. Elizabethtown 126 89 89 West Donegal (North) 3.5 E S & T Insulation Co. Inc. 22 Blackhawk Ln. Elizabethtown 84 59 59 West Donegal (South) 7.0 E Longenecker's Hatchery Inc. 1110 S Market St. Elizabethtown 52 37 37 West Donegal (South) 8.3 ESE Rheems Elementary School 130 Alida St. Rheems 57 40 40 156 E Harrisburg West Donegal (South) 8.0 E Unilink LLC. Ave. Elizabethtown 55 39 39 101 W Harrisburg West Donegal (South) 8.3 E Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ave. Rheems 260 183 183 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-16 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Conewago East (York) 5.2 SSW Adesa Pennsylvania 30 Industrial Rd. York 420 295 295 5230 N Conewago East (York) 5.6 SSW Henkels & Mc Coy Inc. Susquehanna TH. York 252 177 177 East Manchester (East) 8.2 S Americold Logistics 60 Steam Boat Blvd. Manchester 84 59 59 105 Steam Boat East Manchester (East) 8.1 S Navistar Parts Blvd. Manchester 109 77 77 East Manchester (East) 3.5 SSE PPL Electric Utilities Wago Rd. York Haven 126 89 89 245 Beshore School East Manchester (West) 7.8 S Flinchbaugh Kurtz Co. Inc. Rd. Manchester 42 30 30 515 Willow Springs East Manchester (West) 7.5 S Motor Technology Inc. Ln. York 67 47 47 East Manchester (West) 6.0 S Northeastern Middle School 4855 Board Rd. Mount Wolf 83 59 59 East Manchester (West) 7.4 S Quigley Motor Co. Inc. 100 Sunset Dr. Manchester 49 35 35 East Manchester (West) 7.3 S Starbucks Roasting Plant 3000 Espresso Way York 277 195 195 405 Willow Springs East Manchester (West) 7.5 S York Label Ln. York 189 133 133 New Fairview (East) 8.4 WNW Allied Cleaning Technologies 47 Fairview Rd. Cumberland 63 45 45 Allied Maintenance Systems New Fairview (East) 8.4 WNW Inc. 45 Fairview Rd. Cumberland 63 45 45 New Fairview (East) 8.2 WNW Benatec Associates Inc. 200 Airport Rd. Cumberland 67 47 47 New Fairview (East) 7.1 WNW Defense Distribution Center Normandy Dr. Cumberland 3,100 2,174 2,174 New Fairview (East) 8.8 WNW Harrisburg Storage Co. 165 Lamont St. Cumberland 67 47 47 New Fairview (East) 8.9 WNW Johnson Controls Inc. 195 Limekiln Rd. Cumberland 67 47 47 New Fairview (East) 7.8 WNW Never Quit Enterprises 2001 Mission Dr. Cumberland 68 48 48 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-17 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 New Cumberland Fairview (East)8.7 WNW New Cumberland Federal Cu 345 Lewisberrv Rd.67 47 47 New Fairview (East) 9.0 WNW Simplex Grinnell LP 145 Limekiln Rd. Cumberland 66 47 47 Us Geological Water New Fairview (East) 8.8 WNW Resources 215 Limekiln Rd. Cumberland 63 45 45 New Fairview (West) 9.2 WNW Association Of Baptists-world 522 Lewisberry Rd. Cumberland 56 40 40 Fairview (West) 6.1 W Clean Venture-cycle Chem 550 Industrial Dr. Lewisberry 42 30 30 535 Fishing Creek Fairview (West) 6.5 WNW Crossroads Middle School Rd. Lewisberry 81 57 57 Fairview (West) 5.7 W Integrated Biosciences Inc. 637 Lowther Rd. Lewisberry 42 30 30 560 Fishing Creek Fairview (West) 6.7 WNW Red Land High School Rd. Lewisberry 148 104 104 Manchester Borough 6.2 S Northeastern High School 300 High St. Manchester 103 73 73 101 South Hartman Manchester Borough 6.6 S Orendorf Elementary School St. Manchester 56 40 40 Shallow Brook Intermediate 213 South Hartman Manchester Borough 6.7 S School St. Manchester 61 43 43 100 South Hartman Manchester Borough 6.6 S Spring Forge Intermediate St. Manchester 63 45 45 Manchester Township (East) 7.9 S American Products Inc. 45 Leigh Dr. York 84 59 59 Manchester Township (East) 9.4 S Architectural Testing Inc. 130 Derry Ct York 134 94 94 Manchester Township (East) 9.1 S Beard Printing & Publishing 3627 Sandhurst Dr. York 50 36 36 Manchester Township (East) 8.0 S Bell Sports Inc. 55 Grumbacher Rd. York 63 45 45 Manchester Township (East) 8.4 S C-p Flexible Packaging 15 Grumbacher Rd. York 126 89 89 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-18 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Manchester Township (East)8.1 S Engel Machinery Inc.3740 Board Rd.York 101 71 71 Manchester Township (East) 8.7 S FES Systems Inc. 3475 Board Rd. York 227 160 160 Manchester Township 3290 N (East) 9.1 S GA & FC Wagman Inc. Susquehanna TH. York 336 236 236 Manchester Township (East) 8.7 S Gea Fes Inc. 3475 Board Rd. York 168 118 118 Manchester Township (East) 9.3 S Ggs Information Svc 3265 Farmtrail Rd. York 126 89 89 Manchester Township (East) 10.3 S Hayshire Elementary School 2801 Hayshire Dr. York 55 39 39 Manchester Township (East) 8.5 S Manchester Industries Inc. 10 Grumbacher Rd. York 42 30 30 Manchester Township 480 Willow Springs (East) 7.5 S Maple Press Co. Ln. York 420 295 295 Manchester Township Military & Commercial (East) 8.5 S Fastener 11 Grumbacher Rd. York 50 36 36 Manchester Township (East) 10.6 S Newark Paperboard Products 2510 N George St. York 63 45 45 Manchester Township (East) 9.7 S Priority Post Co. Inc. 95 Aberdeen Rd. York 84 59 59 Manchester Township 20 Willow Springs (East) 7.5 S Red Lion Controls Cir. York 169 119 119 Manchester Township Roundtown Elementary (East) 10.0 S School 570 Church Rd. York 55 39 39 Manchester Township (East) 9.4 S Shearer Industrial Supply Co. 3100 Farmtrail Rd. York 84 59 59 Manchester Township (East) 10.3 S Shiloh Nurseries Inc. 3100 N George St. Emigsville 46 33 33 Manchester Township Sinking Springs Elementary 2850 Susquehanna (East) 9.9 S School TrI. York 70 50 50 E-19 KLD Engineering, P.C.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-19 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Manchester Township (East)8.3 S Souriau USA Inc.25 Grumbacher Rd.York 84 59 59 Manchester Township (East) 9.8 S Southwire Co. 495 E Locust In. York 50 36 36 Manchester Township (East) 8.2 S Strine Printing Co. 30 Grumbacher Rd. York 336 236 236 Manchester Township (East) 8.0 S Thysenn Krupp Elevator 56 Grumbacher Rd. York 42 30 30 Manchester Township (East) 8.2 S Voith Turbo Inc. 25 Winship Rd. York 67 47 47 Manchester Township (East) 8.9 S Westfalia Technologies Inc. 3655 Sandhurst Dr. York 71 50 50 Manchester Township (East) 9.2 S York Barbell Co. 3300 Board Rd. York 126 89 89 Manchester Township (East) 8.0 S York Distribution Ctr. 60 Grumbacher Rd. York 84 59 59 Manchester Township 3487 N (East) 8.6 S York PB Truss Inc. Susquehanna TrI. York 46 33 33 Manchester Township (East) 9.2 S York Sheet Metal Inc. 255 Church Rd. York 47 33 33 Manchester Township Stillmeadow Nazarene Child (West) 10.6 S Care Center 400 Stillmeadow Ln. York 52 37 37 Mount Wolf 6.4 S Georgia-Pacific Corp. 25 Walnut St. Mount Wolf 101 71 71 Mount Wolf 6.2 S New York Wire 152 N Main St. Mount Wolf 336 236 236 Newberry (Northeast) 4.9 W FCI Usa Inc. 825 Old Trail Rd. Etters 210 148 148 Newberry (Northeast) 2.9 WNW Lew Equipment Co. Inc. 220 Yocumtown Rd. Etters 126 89 89 Newberry (Northeast) 3.8 W Red Mill Elementary School 700 Red Mill Rd. Goldsboro 64 45 45 Newberry (Southeast) 3.1 S James Craft & Son Inc. 2780 York Haven Rd. York Haven 160 113 113 Newberry (West) 5.3 WSW Daisy Data Inc. 2850 Lewisberry Rd. York Haven 50 36 36 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-20 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Newberry (West) 4.1 WSW Die Tech Inc. 1295 Sipe Rd. York Haven 42 30 30 Newberry (West) 4.4 WSW Newberry Elementary School 2055 Old Trail Rd. Goldsboro 53 38 38 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-21 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table E-5. Recreational Areas within the EPZ Conewago (Dauphin)6.9 ENE Con Valley Mini Golf 1688 Hershey Rd.Conewago 100 42 Conewago (Dauphin) 6.9 ENE Hershey Conewago Campground 1590 Hershey Rd. Conewago 500 207 Derry 11.0 NNE Hershey Country Club 1000 E. Derry Rd. Hershey 60 25 Derry 10.7 NNE Hershey Gardens 170 Hotel Rd. Hershey 150 62 Derry 10.2 NNE Hershey Park 100 W. Hersheypark Dr. Hershey 30,000 12,397 Derry 10.9 NNE Hershey Parkview Golf 600 West Derry Rd. Hershey 90 38 Derry 8.3 N High Meadow Camp 1200 Matlack Rd. Hershey 1,500 620 Derry 9.8 NNE Indian Echo Caverns 368 Middletown Rd. Hershey 100 42 Derry 10.5 NNE Outlets At Hershey 46 Outlet Square Hershey 2,400 992 Derry 10.4 NNE Spring Creek Golf 450 E. Chocolate Ave. Hershey 30 13 Highspire 5.0 NW Highspire Boat Club 291 Industrial Rd. Highspire 60 25 Londonderry (North) 3.8 ENE Parline Golf Course 4545 East Harrisburg Pike Conewago 100 42 Londonderry (North) 3.4 NE Saturdays Market 3751 E Harrisburg Pike Middletown 300 124 Londonderry (South) 1.6 N Canal Lock Boat Launch 1885 Water St. Middletown 60 25 Londonderry (South) 1.1 NE Sunset Golf Course 2601 Sunset Dr. Middletown 90 38 Londonderry (South) 1.1 N Tri-county Boat Club Inc. 2229 River Rd. Middletown 60 25 Lower Swatara (North) 6.1 NW Harrisburg East Campground 1134 Highspire Rd. Middletown 300 124 South Hanover 10.0 N Deer Valley Golf Course 101 Stoudt Rd. Hummelstown 90 38 South Hanover 10.9 N Hershey Links 101 Hanshue Rd. Hummelstown 90 38 Steelton 5.5 NW Steelton Boat Club Charles St. Highspire 60 25 Swatara 6.8 NW Dauphin Highlands Golf 650 S Harrisburg St. Harrisburg 90 38 Swatara 7.6 NW High Pointe Commons 4640 High Pointe Blvd. Harrisburg 2,400 992 Swatara 7.9 NNW Swatara Square 6301 Grayson Rd. Harrisburg 450 186 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-22 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 I Mount Jov 1 8.4 1 E I Ridge Run Campground 1 867 Schwanger Rd.I MountJov 1 100 1 42 1 West Donegal (North) 3.7 EE Rustic Meadows Camp 1980 Turnpike Rd. Elizabethtown 360 149 Newberry (Northeast) 3.1 W Valley Green Golf Course 1227 Valley Green Rd. Newberry 281 116 Newberry (West) 7.6 W The Frosty Putter 475 Rosstown Rd. Lewisberry 100 42 Warrington 9.8 WW G. Pinchot State Park 2200 Rosstown Rd. Lewisberry 1,620 670 Table E-6. Lodging Facilities within the EPZ Conewago (Dauphin) 6.9 EE Conewago Valley Inn 1688 Hershey Rd. Conewago 42 21 Derry 11.1 NE Best Western Hershey 1151 W Chocolate Ave. Hershey 246 123 Derry 11.7 NNE Chocolatetown Motel 1806 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 52 26 Derry 11.5 NNE Cocoa Country Inn 1518 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 62 31 Derry 9.2 NNE Cocoa Motel 914 Cocoa Ave. Hershey 30 15 Derry 9.9 NNE Comfort Inn 1200 Mae St. Hershey 250 125 Derry 9.5 NNE Days Inn Hershey 350 West Chocolate Ave. Hershey 200 100 Derry 9.8 NNE Econo Lodge Hershey 115 Lucy Ave. Hershey 96 48 Derry 10.7 NNE Hampton Inn & Suites 749 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 220 110 Derry 8.4 NNE Hershey Lodge 325 University Dr. Hershey 1,330 665 Derry 10.8 NNE Hershey Travel Inn 905 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 30 15 Derry 8.1 NNE Holiday Inn Express 610 Walton Ave. Hummelstown 154 77 E-23 KLD Engineering, P.C.Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-23 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Ditac Dire-.Derry 10.8 NNE Hotel Hershev 100 Hotel Rd.Hershey 464 232 Derry 10.8 NNE Howard Johnson 845 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 104 52 Derry 11.7 NNE Milton Hotel 1733 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 62 31 Derry 9.1 NNE Red Carpet 210 Hockersville Rd. Hershey 84 42 Derry 9.7 NNE Rodeway Inn & Suites 43 West Areba Ave. Hershey 44 22 Derry 9.5 NNE Simmons Motel 355 West Chocolate Ave. Hershey 54 27 Derry 10.6 NNE The Suites At Hershey 176 East Hershey Park Dr. Hershey 108 54 Derry 11.0 NNE Travelodge Hershey 1043 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 40 20 Derry 11.0 NNE White Rose Motel 1060 East Chocolate Ave. Hershey 50 25 Highspire 5.4 NW Wingate Inn 1344 Eisenhower Blvd. Highspire 96 48 Hummelstown 7.7 N The Cocoa Flats 7 West Main St. Hummelstown 36 18 Lower Paxton 9.9 NNW Country Inn Suites 1025 Peiffers Ln. Harrisburg 88 44 Lower Paxton 9.9 NNW Fairfield Inn 1018 Briarsdale Rd. Harrisburg 107 54 Lower Paxton 10.0 NNW Holiday Inn Airport 4021 Union Deposit Rd. Harrisburg 308 154 Lower Paxton 10.0 NNW Holiday Inn Express 4021 Union Deposit Rd. Harrisburg 129 65 Lower Paxton 9.8 NNW Motel 6 1006 Briarsdale Rd. Harrisburg 34 17 Lower Swatara (North) 5.6 NW Best Western Plus 815 S. Eisenhower Blvd. Middletown 196 98 Lower Swatara (North) 5.8 NW Hollywood Motel 155 Richardson Rd. Middletown 23 12 South Hanover 10.3 N Country Inn Suites 195 Hershey Rd. Hummelstown 156 78 South Hanover 9.6 NNE Hilton Garden Inn 550 East Main St. Hershey 198 99 South Hanover 10.2 N Spring Hill Suites 115 Museum Dr. Hershey 160 80 Swatara 7.7 N Comfort Inn Suites 360 Milroy Rd. Hummelstown 160 80 Swatara 8.0 NW Econo Lodge 495 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 34 17 Swatara 8.3 NW Homewood Suites 3990 Tecport Dr. Harrisburg 141 71 Swatara 8.1 NW Howard Johnson Inn 473 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 196 98 Swatara 7.2 NW La Quinta Inn & Suites 990 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 125 63 Swatara 7.6 NW Marriott Courtyard 725 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 144 72 Swatara 7.3 NW Red Roof Inn-south 950 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 124 62 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-24 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Swatara 8.0 NNW Residence Inn 4480 Lewis Rd. Harrisburg 13/ b9 Swatara 7.7 NW Rodeway Inn 631 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 35 18 Swatara 7.4 NW Sheraton Inn 4650 Lindle Rd. Harrisburg 392 196 Swatara 7.7 NW Sleep Inn & Suites 631 Eisenhower Blvd. Harrisburg 83 42 Swatara 8.0 NW Super 8 Motel 4131 Executive Park Dr. Harrisburg 54 27 Swatara 8.6 NW Town Place Suites 450 Friendship Rd. Harrisburg 120 60 Swatara 7.5 NW Wyndham Gadn 75Esnoer Blvd. Harrisburg 188 94 Mount Joy 8.8 E Holiday Inn Express 147 Merts Dr. Elizabethtown 164 82 Fairview (East) 9.1 WNW Comfort Inn 130 Limekiln Rd. New Cumberland 99 50 Fairview (East) 8.7 WNW Days Inn 353 Lewisberry Rd. New Cumberland 70 35 Fairview (East) 9.0 WNW Holiday Inn 148 Sheraton Dr. New Cumberland 219 110 Fairview (East) 9.2 WNW Quality Inn 175 Beacon Hill Blvd. New Cumberland 116 58 Fairview (East) 8.7 WNW Red Carpet Inn 351 Lewisberry Rd. New Cumberland 56 28 Fairview (East) 9.1 WNW Rodeway Inn 110 Limekiln Rd. New Cumberland 66 33 Fairview (West) 9.2 WNW BW Plus 702 Limekiln Rd. New Cumberland 73 37 Fairview (West) 9.3 WNW Knights Inn 300 Commerce Dr. New Cumberland 132 66 Fairview (West) 9.3 WNW Motel 6 200 Commerce Dr. New Cumberland 113 57 MIKahorrvi Inrfthactl r' n %A Frnnnindrlp 7n Rnhinhnnd Ifr Fttpr, 113 57 Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-25 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Table E-7. Correctional Facilities within the EPZ Table E-8. Other Facilities within the EPZ Conewago (Dauphin)7.7441 NE Adventuresports Conewago Conewago 200 83 Derry 10.009 NNE Giant Center Hershey Hershey 10,500 4,339 Lower Swatara (South) 2.9174 NNW Harrisburg International Airport Middletown Middletown 1,200 496 Derry 10.156 NNE Hershey Park Arena/Stadium Hershey Hershey 16,000 6,612 Three Mile Island E-26 Evacuation Time Estimate KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 See Figur\Yok:Cunt Three ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q Mil Island E-2KDEniergP.

Evcutin im Etmater- aev.0 Figure E-2. Cumberland County Schools within the EPZ Three Mile Island E-28 Evacuation Time Estimate KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 I Ca ptal Ame School For The Artswe 2 Chamnber Hill Eleretry School 3 El izabeth L- Price ementarnr School&4Fooselilenentary School 6 Hershey Christian School -22 7Hershey High School 8 Hershey Middle School .9 Hershey Prinmary Elemnentary School Ad 10 John C. Kunkel E] erenta ry School ¢IAO1 Hanover 13 Lower Dauphin Conewago Elernentary School d . 14 Lower Dauphin High School 17 rea HighSchool Lowe 18 Middleiown Mlddle School "7 19 Millon Hersheyf School Patn1 20 Px Nve Elementar PSchool25 -e3 35 Ph9s 4 V4 Roer P 41d Bemnt Sf Shoo 21 Sateetn-hg sElemnerd ary 24 Robtert oReid Fementa iy School 3 28 South Side Sernernlary School Conewago 29 St Catherine Laboure Schooll tetn1 (Dauphin)30 St Joan OfAmcSchool 2 31 State Police Acade rpy b o w 32 StetnhgsieEennar colHgi r wtr Londonderry 34 Swatara Middle School ik~de 35 Sylvan Charter School 2 36 1The Ci rcle School 37 The Vista School Legend (East) / -miles-4? Sub-areaS~°l Lo L %mhaaaj2, a6.10 Mile Rings n, e--Figure E-3. Dauphin County Schools within the EPZ Three Mile Island E-29 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Figure E-4. Lancaster County Schools within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-30 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 I CenraYosrokd Highl Schoollln 5 Fairviewiernentary School (W* 4 !6 FishingCreek IElernentary a Mount Wol IF Eernentary School 9 14 9Mt. Zi on El ementa ry School /(10 Newberry Elemnentary Scho Fairvew 11 iNortheastern HighSchool

  • v t m?12 iNortheastern Middleschol East 13 Orendorf School am N 3V -heater Manchester 14 Red Land Highl School (East), 15Re Ml Ser etar ,. .School '17 Shallow Brook Intermnediate School 18 iSinking Springs Elerenvery School 19 Spring Forge lInter miedlate w t 220 EWt York, 77 ...Legend-te mP School O Sub-are colwl Key Me, School.Y rkC u t Sh os ihn h P Three Mile Island E-31 KILD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Figure E-6. Overview of Preschools/Daycares within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-32 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure E-7. Cumberland County Preschools/Daycares within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-33 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 I I AaToZzChildCare-_HumestownT 32 PSUHarrisburg Child(LSorninCue located at the same a~da dIm t 3 l AboutKids Early Learning Centr 3L SunnyDayChi dCare 4 All God's Children 35 Tender Years -Hershey 5 All Saints Christian Chlldcare 36 The Goddard School 6 Brght Futures Learninter 37 TheodoreCMcnaiseChildcareCenter 9 Caring Hands LearninSCesns e 40 Turner Academic Academy A. W 9 10 CCLC At Hershey 411 Tyaira D. Mohair Day CareRd3 11 Children's HouseOf Hershey 42 1-roHershey 12 Derry preschool 43 1U-itro Learning Center tTechPort Rd" 29 Dtisoe~rysKrds Cyhild CaeCne mesSre ~14 DiscoveryKids Child Care Center -Lauffer Road Lower Derr 15 1Discovery Kids Child Care Center -Oberlin Road oRuf W 16 Eleueter Christi an Chlldca re Hmelstbvm

.i 198 Rshburn Flock Christian ChildcareodsLte s yar2Pjg, wn 19 GlodinsentArurn s DayC are 2 -n , 20 Kirace" are iamn Cild Carter ~lve.31 MlddletoeeC.drlstiankShool

/ .. .rg 12 Legend 1 FR Preschool

/ Daycare Ij Sub-area 2, 5, 10 Mile Rings IN D.3.: 3/6/M64 CV.IR MU0 6'Wft Noi. 6.,wrar 38 Londonderry (South)Ký Map e- -I 0 2 4 Figure E-8. Dauphin County Preschools/Daycares within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-34 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure E-9. Lancaster County Preschools/Daycares within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-35 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure E-1O. York County Preschools/Daycares within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-36 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 22 sy&r,, Map M. Facility Name Q4 I Country Meedcrwý Of Hershey 2 Dauphin County Work Release 3 Frey Village Red rerrent Center South 4 Grayson Vim Harrisburg Assisted LivingCornnunitV 22 Hanover 5 Herbert A Schaffner Youth Center 6 Latilwood Manor 7 Manorcare Health Servicm-elizabethtown pftslk ason c -Elizabethtcwn lie' 9 Middletown Now Derry 10 Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital Lo** 11 Rheerrm Nursing& Rehabilitation Center Zion 12 Spring Creek Rehabilitation&

Health Care Cen Pax ng 126, 4 NUMM I.W.Swatara TIbr te-y- 6 5 2 Lower Cr.p ewlýdfn' a 136d Swatara (North)ow r Allen ondeLrry Conewag cp tv-,-orth) (Dauphin)

So'uth L war Londonde S stalra Highp- (Sod1h) 3 J Fa'71ew R yalton (East)Londonderry F= w Goll 9bo/O (Soutg) I Mount I West oy C- Donegal il im. n I ýonoy (North)ewisberry Newberry 711 (Northeast) (North)Newbe West try Newberry Donegal (West) (Southeast) (South)East Legend Donegal I TMI East C-ncholiter I 0)0 Medical Conewago Me 6 "'d-[11 Hospital East (Yort) East Key Map Man r Sub-area Conewago (E Manchester "Wough 0 2 2,5,10Mileffings Township (9 (ii) ----------

-Figure E-11. Medical Facilities within the EPZ Three Mile Island E-37 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Dauphinu e-FiguSee E-iu" re See iue-E2M ~ 6C. Ma Figurey H-12. Ovevie ofM jo=mloeswihnth Three~No Mieoslnder 3 L niernP Evacuatio Tim Estmat Rev.0 Figure E-13. Cumberland County Major Employers within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-39 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Map No.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Fak Nanve Ames True Temper Dauphin County Counsel Ing E Referrals Foose Elementary Schoool Clinic Humnan Relations Convntsslon Jackson Manufacturing Motor Vehicles Breaun Pe Parts Inc Penn CredIt Corp.Probation Board Safety AdmIrnistration UndialniedProwety ar 10 3Swatara,/ 21 th /21 Legen..-'d Xi/.<--y Employer Sub-area g .gn.,2, 5, 10 Mile Rings ;X, mei/N" Curhberltind]'

X Di.60- 11ý, jal' i6 6ast)Ste 035"4--I -Figure E-14. Dauphin County Major Employers within the EPZ (Map 1 of 5)Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-40 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure E-15. Dauphin County Major Employers within the EPZ (Map 2 of 5)Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-41 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure E-16. Dauphin County Major Employers within the EPZ (Map 3 of 5)Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-42 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0

.Mapnumbers4, 6,and 26 are located Map NO. Faciity Nomeat at the same address. 1 Acs State Local Solutions inc.2Advanced Conversion Technology Swatara3 AirNaitonai Guard SwaOr 4 n'at Antercon international Inc.ow 5'a Cl'uung Enterprises LLC.A11 ( 6 Dallas Spring Corp.SýLta Fade National MTI I- .1 p / Lower 9 FreyVillageRtetirementCeeter Swatara 25 24 7 27 4 26 -10 George Feaser Middle Sch~oolll A (North) 6 .1 GutfSouthMedtcalSupply Inc., -23 _t122 Harrisburg IntenatIonal Airport F ! ... -_.... 13 J &D Associattas 14 Johsn C. Itunkelf ElemuneAftary School-15 Ubrandl'sMachine ShoplInc.14- 19 Mack Tracks Remanufacturing 17 Michael Baker JrlInc.18 Mid-antlantc Corporate Federal I- 19 Middletowe Arem High School-j 20 Middletowe Homne 22 Parn State Harrisburg 23 Pennsylvanlia Lottery 24 Phillips Group 25 Phoenix Contact Inc-Steelton26 Pratt & Whitney 1 (South) "'-27 QuakerOats Co.28 Robert Raid Elemeantary School t" ....... ... ' aMiddletown 2,5,10 Mile Rings semAoe_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Figure E-17. Dauphin County Major Employers within the EPZ (Map 4 of 5)Three Mile Island E-43 IKLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 MWpNo 7// ..+ .' _ Map No. FaclityName 1 Advmant e .." C J- 'r ' "... 29 IttrechnicallInstitute 2

30 JPLProductions 3Arcus * +"]31 JSTHPEC 4 Bass Pro Shops d~ T +.. ..32 Lancaster Bewing Co.6 Central Pennsylvania

.. -- .-."34 Meto'oBanlcorp Inc.7 Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank :35 Mid Atlantic 9+ Cle-land Brthr Equp 36 1Mold-base Industries S~~~3 Naeteland Brother 9 Com puter A id Inc. _7U". .. .-8 sl nl m lye eei 10 Cuffmi ns Powin Systems 38 Penylai Emlye Benefit 11- Cont AdlPoato 39 PloutseMachiinniShop 12 Dauphin CountAdu Proison K" MW Pow 12 aupin oun Prson K ...* ".+- __ ....._+ 40 PowerComptonentSvsterms nc.14 Electronic Srvice Aesign /IS Fa ulknlm ll utck Pontiaicý 16 Faulkner + Hond--a' 24. --4J+ -20 GTSTechnololle; Inc. 17.. + .. ++ -~ + .. ".... ++C;5.5 ,+ ... 1 "Mapnubm5nIaeNR 23 4 -" '- i 9 22 + 2 -- .. ... ..41 Rentokld Ehrlich"'- ~19 + -",-._. 42 Res identialIWanra nty Corp UC.2143 Road & Rail Svc Inc.* " I 6" + .L- 45 Sam's Club 39 1_ .0 48 Spring Creek Rehab & HwMlf map No.] Facf NIt n ah" s... L+' 'i': +v 49 Spring Rehabilitation,&

Helth Care Center 24 HiretRowland

& mrubic +" 51 Staelton-hig~hspire High School 25 Hoia5n-arsugEs 2 Staelton-highspire School Syst 2 6 o i a l n h r r s a t 5 3 S t e p h e s o n E q u i p m e n t lI n c .27 Hospital & Health Assn +']54 5troehmann Bakeries 28 Inclinator Manufacturing SS + 5 Swaltara Middle SchoolTe?;/ ) Trasoe"',, lr + ,57 Trans Core TMI


Crw SVC T.. Co+.Sc Employe 62 ' + Walmart% 2, 5, 10 Mile Rns F. 1 Jua.Figure E-18. Dauphin County Major Employers within the EPZ (Map 5 of 5)Three Mile Island E-44 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Map No, Facility Name 1 Agri-basics Inc. tn I.- 7"ý'2 Anwican Air Filter Rd 3 Bear Creek Elenxýntary School 4 Continental Press Inc.5 Cutfinit Edge M01a Inc. Conewago 6 Des Inc. (Dauphin)7 Easti-Ilith Street Sewntary school se, 8 Elimbethtown College 9 Elizabethtown Middle School & ýIffh School 10 EnSfellusiness Systems]-

K -11 Grelner Industries Inc.12 Itp Of Usa Inc.13 KInseV's Archery Products Inc. FA_14 Kmart 07, 15 Lasco Bathýre Inc.Mount'A..J Joy L 2 Y, 15ý4 7 West 2' 21 pwweý" Donegal 4 (North) 4ý\Conoy ý7 20 13ýnun, as -I"t at um nd 12 am address.Facillity Naine Map N-1 16 Leo Kob 6. inc.17 Longenecker's Hatchery Inc. "-o 7 --nid 18 Mars Snacklood U S 19 Masonic Hornes -Sinbethtown 14 20 Messicles Farm EquIpnx"tInc.

21 Nemf 2;5 22 w:ay 22 Wdanco Health Ctr. Med. Sw.23 litheems Elerne ry School t 24 S&TInsulationCo.inc.

25 UnilinkI.I.C.

23 26 Wenger's Feed Mi I I Inc. "C Rh__27 WQXA C-1107 Legend TMI Eas Employer Done, Sub-area 0 \ , I , I West 2, 5, 1.0 Mile Rings atoý:ý 7? Donegal 2 (South)Figure E-19. Lancaster County Major Employers within the EPZ Three Mile Island E-45 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 3 Architectural Testin 4 Beard Printing & Pu S Bell o Inc.7 Central York High Sc 6 C-p Flemible Packaoi S Ete Machiry Inc 9 FE Systems Inc.10 Flinchbaug Kurtz C 11 GA & FC Warnn Ins 12 Gea Fes Inc.13 Georgia-Pacific Cor 14 Ggs InforrmationSnc 15 Hayshlre Elementary 16 Manchester Industri 17 MapiePress Co.18 Mllita &Conmerc 19 Motor Technology In 20 Navlstar parts 21 NewYork Wire 22 Newark Paperboard 23 Northeastern High S 24 Northeastern Middle 25 Orendorf Etementan 26 PPLElectric Utilities 27 Priority Post Co. Inc 28 Quigley Motor Co. In 29 Red Uon Controls 30 Roundbown Etaments 31 Shallow Brook Inter 32 Shearer Indus lral S 33 Shiloh Nurseries Inc 34 Snlnkd!! Spr'ing I 35 Sourlas Ua Inc.36 Sosthrsare Co.i~eNo. Faclt Knees A nc. 44 York Barbell Co. (No 45 York Distribution Cit.Inc. 46 YorkLabel s.Ishing 47 York PS Truss Inc. v24 e, n 48 York StheetMh I Inc hocMap.nu bers 9 andl12 are C ed at the ads s Newberryaddre Mountý (Southeasit)

East Wolf/ n.In. M heater 6 ] EEatt).Mast Manchestr ItIT, School 3 l 4E t es Inc East+ ;, Y, I 7 40 ,al Fatene (West) 4 MCI, c. 17 8 -. .. .. ..4 29/ Easte~ ,no nue ie ho ++o a. r School ....a4 vtt ...C.an 2 F..m hldatre Scehter 47 +l"_: /

--l Co. 12 Ton A3p ,eto r Sch ol -' -(4s5: S d g ts uy ..: +-,.44 -UP < .: " w+ne .hild roe~ ai Ma".........

t/,, 32t,+ ....ip 42+. + , 3g ..c2orrng teb ry4 K es 4 m e r +E l ~ l i rr -.. ./. i÷M I 37 1Spring Forgle Interme 40 IStrne Printing Co.Legend TTMI a Employer Sub-area 2, 5, 10 M ile Ri Figure E-20. York County Major Employers within the EPZ (Map 1 of 2)Three Mile Island E-46 Evacuation Time Estimate KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Rdes Pennsylvaniawý

,o e Nlled~~~~Ale Manen e Ss* Ictaive E18 UV I James Crat&Son Inc Nee utEt Rprse (West)\1)

.Ne er" 111 ery Faclityntarne 21oo Ke hka 1RAes esLvand i ahSho 2 e MillEed meingtarchnologs1 3Aliege d Maneac SytnsIc. Five Eas Asoiainofork)swol (et 6. Clea 2, 5,10 Mile Chin '2 Rd so ro Fi ur Daisy Data ount M a orE pl y rs ih nthe E PZ( ap2 of2 Three~~ Defens Dslandio CenterEgnerig PC 12cato Harrisbutima t org Rev. 0

  • 1 Canal Lock BoatLaunch Cie 2 Con ValleyrMinieGolf 0 3 Dauphin Highlands GolfD4 DnerValleyGolfCourse 171 5 G.PLnchot StateuPark 15-1 Colnial6 Harrisburg East Campground 7 Hershey Conewago Campground Low H 8 11 Hershey CountryClub m9 Hershey Gardens 10 Hershey Links k11 HersheyPark a12 Hershey PaMrkiin Golf.S -ea 13 High Meadow Camp 14r 14 High Pointe Commeons CubCiaa waar 15 MlhslreBoat Club Threeon At 6I(Northland16 Indian Echo Caverns (DauphEi)

T17 Outets At Hershey wrlenLaondonerry Seouth 1B Parline Golf Course 6- s 'stara (North)t 2 Londo'nderr 19 Ridge Ran Campground Sub-area0Ruti eaow Cm~~~~~~Mdltw 21,1 Mileday RigMarket______________

Figure~~ 2222 Receatona Areas wihiotefP Three Mil Rsan E-4 oLD Enieeig 23StetoC.aCu Evacatio Tim Estimate Rev. 0e Figure E-23. Overview of Lodging Facilities within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-49 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 mapNo. Fcit am Ma No. Failt ___-Mp o FediftyNamse 1 BestWestern Hershey 19 Holiday Inn Arport 37 Simmons Motel 2 BestWesternPlus 21 HolldaylnnExprss 38 SleepInn&Suites (j)3 Chocolatetown Motel __20 Holiday Inn Express 39 Sring Hill Suites 4 Cocoa Country Inn 22 HOilywoodMotel 40 Super 8 Motel 5 Cocoa Motel 23 Homewood Suites 41 TheCocoa Flats 0 6 Comfort Inn 24 Hotel Hershey 42 TheSuites AtHershey 7 Comfort Inn Suites 25 Howard Johnson 43 Town Place Suites 9 Conewago Valley Inn 26 Howard Johnson Inn 44 Traveilodp 10 Country Inn Suites 27 La Quinta Inn & Suites 45 White Rose Motel ,-13 Econo Lodge Hershey 31 Red Carpet -South 4 14 Fairfiled Inn 32 Red RooflInn-south

-3 Hao4r 9S Hamptron Inl uites 33 MRrsiottcoutye 46n Wint4n 16, Hershey Lodge 34 RoFideway Inn 51 17 HersheyTravetl4nn 3S Rodewaylnn&Suitns .u 13 18 HiltonGardenlnn 36 Sheraton Inn -37 1 5.N./ ,y.3"*4 3L 3 R 5 Is"ltn (Dauphin)Leen IV Ldf..r Hig Irein / t Iii II Sub-area I ,: In 1201A "n I D 2, 5,10 Mile Rings uLO o, a ., Figure E-24. Dauphin County Lodging Facilities within the EPZ Three Mile Island E-50 KLD Engineering, P.C.Evacuation Time Estimate Rev. 0 Figure E-25. Lancaster County and York County Lodging Facilities within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-51 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure E-26. Correctional Facilities within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-52 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0 Figure E-27. Other Facilities within the EPZ Three Mile Island Evacuation Time Estimate E-53 KLD Engineering, P.C.Rev. 0