Jocassee Overtopping Notes NRC Data Using 1940 - 2000 data of all types and sizes of dams with inadequate flow out of spillways:
0 There were 134 failures in 1.37 x 106 dam-years producing a rate of 9.78 x 10- per year.
a Of the spillway failures, 5 were in earthen dams.
0 No spillway failures seen in rockfill dams.
e There were 17 gate failures for all dams with 2 of them resulting in dam failure producing a failure rate of 1.46E-6 per year.
" Cameras monitor level staff gage and forebay.
" Monitoring in Jocassee control room and at the Charlotte, NC office.
" The dam has sufficient freeboard. Top of dam is at 1125-ft msl.
" The dam has regular inspections with weekly visual checks of gate mechanism.
- Spillway design would allow spillover before the main dam overtops.
- During a PMF event, the spillway Tainter gates are required to be fully opened with 3-out-of-4 hydro-turbines for adequate relief.
- Tainter gates have backup motive power from portable air compressors.
FE R Identified conservatism in 18 CFR 12D repord (b)(7)(F)
- Dam failure data is too sparse to make decisions on constituent failure modes.
- Statistically overtopping cannot be completely ruled out but, given the above information, it appears to have a low likelihood as a major contributing failure mode for Jocassee.
" Piping and foundation failures still need to be addressed.
[1]. Operation Report, "Jocassee Development of Keowee-Toxaway Project", Federal Energy-Regulatory Comrmission,".August 23, 2007_
WI. Supporting Technical Information Document, "Jocassee Pumped Storage Project", STI No. 2503-JO-03, Duke Power, December 3, 2004.
[3]. Part 12 Inspection Report, "Jocassee Development of Keowee-Toxaway Project",
NATDAM ID# SC00529, Findlay Engineering Inc., December 2004.
[4]. Emergency Action Plan Dam Failure Inundation Study, "Jocassee Hydro Project",
Duke Power Company, December 10, 1992.
[5]. Letter from D. Baxter (Duke Energy) to J. Gilter (US NRC), "Response to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Request, September 26, 2008.