ML13148A011 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Watts Bar |
Issue date: | 06/12/2012 |
From: | Dan Orr Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
2-PTI-068-03, Rev 0 | |
Download: ML13148A011 (208) | |
N WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 PREOPERATIONAL TEST TITLE: l's i _ex I-a'ex o0A Spomy Cord-oI Instruction No: 2- fl-4*-03 Revision No:
PREPARED BY: l*or'Ie *). O)e t *tutu .(OA, DATE: C*- 12-)7-PRINT NAME I SIGNATURE REVIEWED BY: JAIO4VN /4e----C DATE: 4,1 '
PREOPERATIONAL STARTUP MANAGER SMP-8.0 R7 Administration of Preoperational Test instructions, Appendix B
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 2 of 208 Revision Log Revision Affected or Change Effective Page Number Date Numbers Description of Revision/Change 0000 j,_ All Initial Issue based on Unit l's PTI-68-03 Rev 0.
Table of Contents
................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Test Objective ....................................................................................................... 5 1.2 S c o p e ............................................................................................................................ 5
.................................................... 6 2.1 Performance References ......................................... 6 2.2 Developmental References ...................................................................................... 6 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ..................................................................... 12 4.0 PREREQUISITE ACTIONS .................................................................................... 14 4.1 Preliminary Actions ................................................................................................. 14 4.2 Special Tools, Measuring and Test Equipment, Parts, and Supplies ...................... 20 4.3 Field Preparations .................................................................................................. 21 4.4 Approvals and Notifications ................................................................................... 24 5.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ...................................................................................... 26 6.0 PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................ 29 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks .............................................. 30 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks ............................................. 50 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks ............................................. 72 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks ................................................ 102 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements ............................................................ 133 6.6 That Operability of 2-PCV-68-340B, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY LINE IS O L.......................................................................................................................... 15 9 6.7 Operability of 2-PCV-68-340D, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL .................... 161 6.8 Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Valves, 2-BYV-68-552 and 2-BYV-68-555 ........................................................................................................... 163 6.9 Pressurizer Heater Effectiveness .............................................................................. 167 7.0 POST-PERFORMANCE ACTIVITY .......................................................................... 172 8.0 RECORDS ................................................................................................................ 173
Table of Contents (continued)
Appendix A: TEST PROCEDURES/INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCE R EV IEW ................................................................................................... 174 Appendix B: TEMPORARY CONDITION LOG ............................................................. 175 Appendix C: PERMANENT PLANT INSTRUMENTATION LOG .................................. 176 Appendix D: BREA KER LIN EUP .................................................................................. 177 Appendix E: SW ITC H LIN EU P ..................................................................................... 178 Appendix F: SSPS FIELD TERMINALS ON PLASTIC ................................................ 180 Appendix G: SUBSECTION 6.9 AS FOUND SWITCH LINEUP ................................... 181 Appendix H: SUBSECTION 6.9 AS LEFT SWITCH LINEUP ....................................... 182 Data Sheet 1: HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A ............................................................... 183 Data Sheet 2: HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A ............................................................... 185 Data Sheet 3: HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B ............................................................... 189 Data Sheet 4: HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B ............................................................... 191 Data Sheet 5: HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2C ............................................................... 195 Data Sheet 6: HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2C ............................................................... 197 Data Sheet 7: HEATER CONTROL GROUP 2D ............................................................. 200 Data Sheet 8: HEATER CONTROL GROUP 2D ............................................................. 202 Data Sheet 9: CONTINUOUS SPRAY FLOW RATE ADJUSTMENT ............................. 205 Data Sheet 10: PRESSURIZER HEATER EFFECTIVENESS .......................................... 207 Figure 1: NOMINAL PRESSURE RESPONSE TO ACTUATION OF ALL PRESSURIZER HEATERS .............................................................. 208
1.1 Test Objective To verify the effectiveness of Pressurizer Spray, Heater Logic and Capability, and to determine the throttled position for the manual spray bypass valves.
1.2 Scope A. To demonstrate proper operation of Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D 6.9KV Supply Breaker close and trip circuits.
B. To demonstrate proper operation of Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C 6.9KV Supply Breaker close and trip circuits.
C. To demonstrate proper operation of Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B 6.9KV Supply Breaker close and trip circuits.
D. To demonstrate proper operation of Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A 6.9KV Supply Breaker close and trip circuits.
E. To record voltage and amperage of the Heater Groups, and calculate power consumed.
F. To obtain the initial position for Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Valves, 2-BYV-68-552, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340D BYPASS, and 2-BYV-68-555, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340B BYPASS.
G. To verify operability of RCS LOOP 1 and 2 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOLATION Valves 2-PC V-68-340B and 2-PC V-68-340D.
2.1 Performance References A. SMP-9.0, Conduct of Test B. GOI-7, Generic Operating Guidelines 2.2 Developmental References A. Final Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 109
- 1. Section 5.5.10.
- 2. Section 7.7.1
- 3. Chapter 14 - Table 14.2-1 Sheets 77-79 of 89 B. Drawings
- 1. Flow Diagrams
- a. 1-47W813-1, Rev 44, Flow Diagram Reactor Coolant System
- b. 2-47W813-1, Rev 10, Flow Diagram Reactor Coolant System
- 2. Electrical
- a. 2-45W600-55-2A, Rev 2, Wiring Diagram Annunciator System Key Diagram Panel 1B
- b. 2-45W600-55-13, Rev 2, Wiring Diagram Annunciator System Key Diagram Panel 5A
- c. 1-45W600-57-1, Rev 54, Wiring Diagram Separation & Misc Aux Relays Schematic Diagrams
- d. 2-45W600-57-1, Rev 2, Wiring Diagram Separation & Misc Aux Relays Schematic Diagrams
- e. 2-45W600-57-7, Rev 4, Wiring Diagram Separation & Misc Aux Relays Schematic Diagrams, DRA 52671-073 Rev 0
- f. 2-45W600-57-14, Rev 3, Wiring Diagram Separation & Misc Aux Relays Schematic Diagrams
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 7 of 208 Date 2.2 Developmental References (continued)
- g. 2-45W600-57-15, Rev 1, Wiring Diagram Separation & Misc Aux Relays Schematic Diagrams, DRA 52378-242 Rev 0
- h. 2-45W600-57-20, Rev 5, Wiring Diagram Separation & Misc Aux Relays Schematic Diagrams.
- i. 2-45W600-57-21, Rev 3, Wiring Diagram Separation & Misc Aux Relays Schematic Diagrams
- j. 2-45W600-68-1, Rev 5, Wiring Diagrams Reactor Coolant System Schematic Diagrams
- k. 2-45B640-33 Rev 0, Contact Development of Control and Instrument Switches, DRA 52361-27 Rev 0
- 1. 2-45B640-34 Rev 0, Contact Development of Control and Instrument Switches, DRA 52361-28 Rev 0
- m. 2-45B640-220 Rev 0, Contact Development of Control and Instrument Switches, DRA 52361-52 Rev 0
- n. 1-45W724-1, Rev 27, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Board 1A-A Single Line
- p. 2-45W724-3, Rev 1, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Board 2A-A Single Line
- q. 2-45W724-4, Rev 1, Wiring Diagram 6900V Shutdown Board 2B-B Single Line
- r. 1-45W760-55-1, Rev 28, Wiring Diagram Annunciator System Schematic Diagrams
- s. 1-45W760-55-2, Rev 19, Wiring Diagram Annunciator System Schematic Diagrams
- t. 2-45W760-68-3, Rev 3, Wiring Diagram Reactor Coolant System Schematic Diagrams
- u. 2-45W760-68-4, Rev 3, Wiring Diagram Reactor Coolant System Schematic Diagrams, DRA 54103-044 Rev 0
Date 2.2 Developmental References (continued)
- v. 2-45W760-68-5, Rev 3, Wiring Diagram Reactor Coolant System Schematic Diagrams
- w. 1-45W760-211-12, Rev 17, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 1A-A Schematic Diagrams
- x. 2-45W760-211-12, Rev 1, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 2A-A Schematic Diagrams
- y. 1-45W760-211-14, Rev 13 Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 1A-A Schematic Diagrams, DRA 56336-107 Rev 12
- z. 2-45W760-211-13, Rev 0, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 2A-A Schematic Diagrams aa. 1-45W760-211-14, Rev 16, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 1B-B Schematic Diagrams.
bb. 2-45W760-211-14, Rev 0, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 2B-B Schematic Diagrams.
cc. 1-45W760-211-15, Rev 24, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 1B-B Schematic Diagrams, DCA 56336-108 Rev 21 dd. 2-45W760-211-15, Rev 0, Wiring Diagrams 6900V Shutdown Power 2B-B Schematic Diagrams ee. 45N2639-8, Rev 13, Wiring Diagrams Aux Control Board - Panel 2-L-1 1B Connection Diagram Sh 8, DRA 52357-09 Rev 0 ff. 2-45W2656-6, Rev 0, Wiring Diagrams Unit Control Board Panel 2-M-21 Connection Diagrams Sheet 6 gg. 45N2665-2, Rev 12, Wiring Diagram Process Instr Control Group 1 Connection Diagrams-Sheet 2, DRA 52378-318 Rev 0 hh. 45N2676-4,Rev 16, Wiring Diagrams Solid State Protection Sys Train-A Connection Diagram SH-4 ii. 45N2677-4, Rev 18, Solid State Prot Sys Trn B Conn Diag Sh4 jj. 45N2680-3, Rev 9, Wiring Diagrams NSSS Aux Relay Panel 2-R-54 Connection Diagrams
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 9 of 208 Date 2.2 Developmental References (continued) kk. 45N2681-3, Rev 11, Wiring Diagrams NSSS Aux Relay Panel 2-R-55 Connection Diagrams Sh-3, DRA 54703-169 Rev 0 I1. 45W2724-2, Rev 5, Wiring Diagrams Pressurizer Heaters Connection Diagrams, DRA 53760-033 Rev 0
- 3. Logic/Control
- a. 2-47W610-68-5, Rev 1, Electrical Control Diagram Reactor Coolant System, DRA 52378-477 Rev 0
- b. 2-47W610-68-6, Rev 2, Electrical Control Diagram Reactor Coolant System
- c. 2-47W611-68-1, Rev 2, Electrical Logic Diagram Reactor Coolant System
- d. 2-47W611-68-2, Rev 2, Electrical Logic Diagram Reactor Coolant System
- e. 2-47W611-68-3, Rev 3, Electrical Logic Diagram Reactor Coolant System
- 4. Vendor Drawings
- a. 08F802403-FD-2401 Sh 1, Rev 7, Pressurizer Pressure Controls
- b. 08F802403-FD-2401 Sh 4, Rev 5, Pressurizer Pressure Master H/A Hand Station Interface Faceplate Layout.
- c. 08F802403-FD-2401 Sh 5, Rev 5, Electrical Pressurizer Pressure Controls
- d. 08F802403-FD-2401 Sh 6, Rev 5, Pressurizer Pressure Controls
- e. 08F802403-FD-2401 Sh 11, Rev 5, Pressurizer Pressure Lpl & Lp2 Spray Valves Hand Station Interface Faceplate Layout.
- f. 08F802403-FD-2401 Sh 12, Rev 1, Pressurizer Pressure Lp2 Spray Valve Hand Station Interface
- g. 08F802403-FD-2404 Sh 6, Rev 7, Pressurizer Level Control To Charging Flow
Date 2.2 Developmental References (continued)
- h. 08F802403-FD-2404 Sh 8, Rev 6, Pressurizer Lp2 Spray Valve H/A Hand Station Interface
- i. 08F802403-FD-2404 Sh 10, Rev 8, Pressurizer Level Recorder Selection
- 5. Other
- a. 2-45B655-1 B, Rev 1, Main Control Room Annunciator Inputs Window Box XA-55-1 B
- b. 2-45B655-5A, Rev 0, Main Control Room Annunciator Inputs Window Box XA-55-5A
- c. 2-45B655-6F, Rev 0, Main Control Room Annunciator Inputs Window Box XA-55-6F
- d. 2-45B655-E1 B, Rev 0, Electrical Annunciator Window Box XA-55-1 B Engraving
- e. 2-45B655-E5A, Rev 0, Electrical Annunciator Window Box XA-55-5A Engraving
- f. 2-45B655-E6F, Rev 0, Electrical Annunciator Window Box XA-55-6F Engraving
- g. WAT/WBT-SU-2.1.5, Westinghouse Startup Test Procedure, Pressurizer Spray and Heater Capability and Setting Continuous Spray Flow
- h. 1-15E500-2, Rev 42, Key Diagram Station Aux Power Station, DCA 56336-002 Rev 39
- 6. Vendor Manuals None C. Documents
- 1. NPG-SDD-WBN2-68-4001, Reactor Coolant System Description, Rev 2
- 2. 2-TSD-68-3, Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control, Rev 2
Date 2.2 Developmental References (continued)
- 3. 2-PTI-068-01, HFT-Heatup and Cooldown, DRAFT
- 4. 2-PTI-068-15, Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control, DRAFT
- 5. 2-PTI-062-03, HFT Charging and Letdown, DRAFT
- 6. 2-PTI-999-01, Operational Vibration Testing, DRAFT
- 7. Technical Manual 1440-C257, Pressurizer Instructions for Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Unit No. 2, Rev 1
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 12 of 208 Date 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS A. Standard precautions shall be followed for working around energized electrical equipment in accordance with TVA Safety Manual Procedure 1021.
B. Steps may be repeated if all components cannot be tested in a step. However, if the test has been exited, prerequisite steps must be re-verified and a Chronological Test Log (CTL) entry made.
C. Discrepancies between component IDtags and the description in a procedure/instruction do not require a Test Deficiency Notice or TDN, in accordance with SMP-14.0, if the UNIDs match, exclusive of place-keeping zeros and train designators (e.g. 2-HS-31-468 vs. 2-HS-031-0468) and the noun description is sufficient to identify the component. If the component label needs to be changed, a Tag Request Form (TR Card) should be processed in accordance with TI-12.14. Make an entry in the CTL and continue testing.
D. All wires removed/lifted from a terminal shall be identified and taped or covered with an insulator to prevent personnel or equipment hazard and possible spurious initiations. The wires should be grouped together and labeled with the work implementing document number that required them to be lifted if left unattended.
E. All open problems are to be tracked by a corrective action document and entered on the appropriate system punchlist.
F. Problems identified during the test shall be annotated on the Chronological Test Log (CTL) from SMP-9.0 including a description of the problem, the procedure step when/where the problem was identified, corrective action steps taken to resolve the problem, and the number of the corrective action document, if one was required.
G. Observe all Radiation Protection (RP) requirements when working in or near radiological areas.
H. Control power for the 6900V breakers is 125V DC power. Use and observe proper safety practices while installing temporary jumpers in the control power circuit.
- 1. The 6900V Shutdown Boards 2A-A and 2B-B are ENERGIZED. Do NOT under any circumstances close the Pressurizer heater breakers 2-BKR-68-341 F, 2-BKR-68-341 H, 2-BKR-68-341 D, and 2-BKR-68-341A to the energized bus without specific authorization.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 13 of 208 Date 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS (continued)
J. The Pressurizer heaters must NOT be energized below the minimum Pressurizer level of 17% to assure heaters will always remain immersed in water. Iffor any unforeseen reason the Pressurizer heaters remain energized below a level of 17%, the breakers must be manually tripped prior to uncovering the heaters which occurs at a level of 14%.
K. Pressurizer spray should NOT normally be initiated if the temperature difference between the Pressurizer and the spray fluid is greater than 100°F, although higher differential temperatures are acceptable for a few cycles in the life of the plant. Under no circumstances shall Pressurizer Spray be initiated if the temperature difference between the Pressurizer and the spray fluid is equal to or greater than 2600 F. Any initiations where the temperature difference is greater than 260°F shall be reported to Engineering for evaluation and accounted for in thermal cycle monitoring in the licensing basis. Auxiliary spray flow from the charging pump should be initiated slowly.
L. Ensure there are no adverse effects to the operation of Unit 1 structures, systems, or components.
M. System water chemistry is within system specifiable parameters especially for fluids supplied from external sources.
N. During the performance of this procedure visual observation of piping and components is required. This includes steady state and transient operations with visual confirmation that vibration is not excessive.
- 0. If the vibration is determined to be excessive the Test Engineer shall initiate a Test Deficiency Notice (TDN).
P. A 6.9kV SD Bd breaker being fully racked down shall have seismic restraints installed, or be removed from its compartment. This ensures class 1E bkrs are maintained seismically qualified. This requirement is applicable anytime the Board is required by Tech Specs to be Operable.
Q. Care should be exercised to ensure that the transient imposed during the verification of heater effectiveness does not result in the RCS pressure reaching the setpoint of 2335 psig where the pressurizer power operated relief valves would be actuated.
Date 4.0 PREREQUISITE ACTIONS NOTE Prerequisite steps may be performed in any order unless otherwise stated and should be completed as close in time as practicable to the start of the instruction subsection to which they apply.
4.1 Preliminary Actions
[1] VERIFY the test/performance copy of this Preoperational Test Instruction (PTI) is the current revision including any change notices and as needed, each test person assisting in this test has the current revision including any change notices.
[2] OBTAIN copies of the applicable forms from the latest revision of SMP-9.0, and ATTACH to this PTI for use during the performance of this PTI.
[3] ENSURE changes to the references listed on Appendix A, have been reviewed, and determined NOT to adversely affect the test performance.
[4] VERIFY current revisions and change paper for referenced drawings has been reviewed and determined NOT to adversely affect the test performance, and ATTACH documentation of current drawing revision numbers and change paper that were reviewed to the data package.
[5] ENSURE special environmental conditions are available for testing if required.
[6] EVALUATE open items in Watts Bar Integrated Task Equipment List (WITEL), and ENSURE they will NOT adversely affect the test performance and results.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 15 of 208 Date 4.1 Preliminary Actions (continued)
[7] ENSURE required Component Testing has been completed prior to start of test.
[8] ENSURE outstanding Design Change Notices (DCN's),
Engineering Document Construction Release (EDCR's) or Temporary Alterations (TA's) do NOT adversely impact testing, and ATTACH documentation of DCN's, EDCR's and TA's that were reviewed to the data package.
[9] ENSURE a review of outstanding Clearances has been coordinated with Operations for impact to the test performance, and RECORD in Appendix B, Temporary Condition Log if required.
[10] VERIFY System cleanness as required for the performance of this test has been completed in accordance with SMP-7.0, Control of Cleanness, Layup, and Flushing, for piping systems.
[11] ENSURE all piping supports required for testing are installed and adjusted as required.
Civil Design
[12] ENSURE 2-PTI-68-01, Hot Functional Test is in progress.
A. SubSection 6.5, (Normal Operating Temperature and Pressure, NOP and NOT)
B. SubSection 6.8, (Temperature Plateau at 5570 F)
C. SubSection 6.9, (Temperature Plateau at 5570 F)
[13] VERIFY plant instruments, listed on Appendix C, Permanent Plant Instrumentation Log, are placed in service and are within their calibration interval.
A. SubSection 6.6 B. SubSection 6.7 C. SubSection 6.8 D. SubSection 6.9
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 16 of 208 Date 4.1 Preliminary Actions (continued)
[14] VERIFY Measuring and Test Equipment (M&TE) calibration due dates will support the completion of this test performance.
NOTE Any Annunciator points associated with 2-MUX-55-12 and 2-MUX-55-13 ONLY have master switches at the bottom of each terminal strip.
All points associated with 2-TBK-55-25, 2-TBK-55-26, 2-TBK-55-27, and 2-TBK-55-28 will not have individual switches or a master switch.
[15] ENSURE System 55, Annunciator and Sequential Events Recording System, FTA switch (in Panel 2-M-21) associated with the following Annunciator windows inputs are in the ON position.
ANNUNCIATOR TERMINAL SWITCH TEST INITIALS/DATE BLOCK SUBSECTION 149-A 06 07 6.1,6.4 150-A 06 09 6.2,6.3 14-E 00 31 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 10-E 00 19 6.1,6.4 11-E 00 20 6.2, 6.3 89-E 12 63 6.8
[16] ENSURE components contained within the boundaries of this test are under the jurisdictional control of Preoperational Startup Engineering (PSE) and/or Plant Operations.
[17] PERFORM a pretest walkdown on equipment to be tested to ensure no conditions exist that will impact test performance.
[18] CONDUCT a pretest briefing with test and operations personnel in accordance with SMP-9.0.
[19] ENSURE that communications are available for areas where testing is to be conducted.
[20] PERFORM the Switch Lineup listed in Appendix E.
Date 4.1 Preliminary Actions (continued)
[21] PERFORM the Breaker Lineup listed in Appendix D.
A. SubSection 6.1 B. SubSection 6.2 C. SubSection 6.3 D. SubSection 6.4
[22] ENSURE plastic screws and washers at the Field Terminals as listed in Appendix F are installed.
[23] ENSURE Panel 2-R-1, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM PROTECTION SET I RACK 1, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Eagle 21)
[24] ENSURE Panel 2-R-5, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM PROTECTION SET II RACK 5, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Eagle 21)
[25] ENSURE Panel 2-R-9, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM PROTECTION SET III RACK 9, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Eagle 21)
[26] ENSURE Panel 2-R-14, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP 1 RACK 14, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Foxboro I/A)
[27] ENSURE Panel 2-R-15, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP 1 RACK 15, is ENERGIZED and available, to support this test. (Foxboro I/A)
[28] ENSURE Panel 2-R-17, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP 2 RACK 17, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Foxboro I/A)
[29] ENSURE Panel 2-R-19, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP 2 RACK 19, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Foxboro I/A)
[30] ENSURE Panel 2-R-26, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM COMPUTER INPUTS 1-3 RACK 26, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Foxboro I/A)
Date 4.1 Preliminary Actions (continued)
[31] ENSURE Panel 2-R-28, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM PROTECTION SET IV RACK 28, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Eagle 21)
[32] ENSURE Panel 2-PNL-99-R54-A, AUXILIARY RELAY CABINET NO. 1 is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (SSPS)
[33] ENSURE Panel 2-PNL-99-R55-B, AUXILIARY RELAY CABINET NO. 2, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (SSPS)
[34] ENSURE Panel 2-PNL-99-R58, AUXILIARY RELAY CABINET NO. 3, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test.
[35] ENSURE Panel 2-R-76, Separation Auxiliary Relay Panel, is ENERGIZED and available to support this test. (Dwg.
[36] ENSURE the following Auxiliary Control Room (ACR) Panels are ENERGIZED and available to support this test:
A. 2-L-10 (Dwg. 45N2637 series)
B. 2-L-11A (Dwg. 45N2638-8)
C. 2-L-11B (Dwg. 45N2639-8, 45N2639-13)
[41] ENSURE Panel SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN B 2-PNL-99-R51-B is ENERGIZED and available to support this test.
Date 4.1 Preliminary Actions (continued)
[42] ENSURE Panel SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN A 2-PNL-99-R48-A is ENERGIZED and available to support this test.
[43] ENSURE the Piping Vibration Test Engineer is available to support the performance of this test.
A. Subsection 6.9.
[44] ENSURE correct bulb replacements which could affect the test performance are available.
[45] ENSURE the Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel are available to support operation of overcurrent relays:
A. Subsection 6.1.
B. Subsection 6.2.
C. Subsection 6.3.
D. Subsection 6.4.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 20 of 208 Date 4.2 Special Tools, Measuring and Test Equipment, Parts, and Supplies
[1] ENSURE the following equipment is available:
- Jumpers of 3 to 5 feet (22)
A. SubSections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4
- Temporary test switches (5)
B. SubSections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4
[2] ENSURE the following M&TE or equivalent is available and within their calibration due dates, AND RECORD the M&TE data on SMP-9.0, Measuring and Test equipment (M&TE) Log.
0 Keithly Digital Voltage Multimeter 197 (+/- 0.25% F.S.)
A. SubSections 6.5, 6.6, 6.7
- 0-1000 (+/- 1.2% F.S.)Amprobe B. SubSection 6.5
- Stopwatch (+/- 0.1 Sec.)
C. SubSections 6.3, 6.4
- Milliamp Source - Transmation 1040, 10-50 Milliamp Output D. SubSection 6.5
- 52 STA Test Link and Umbilical cord E. SubSections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4
Date 4.3 Field Preparations
[1] VERIFY Measuring and Test Equipment (M&TE) required for test performance has been (as required) filled, vented, place in service and recorded on Measuring and Test Equipment Log.
A. SubSection 6.3 B. SubSection 6.4 C. SubSection 6.5 D. SubSection 6.6 E. SubSection 6.7 F. SubSection 6.9 NOTE When test switch positions are referenced in the OFF position that is equivalent to being OPEN.
[2] INSTALL Test Switch #1 (simulate decreasing Pressurizer Level [Relay PH1A]) per the following instructions:
(SubSections 6.3, 6.4)
A. PLACE Test Switch #1 in the OFF position.
B. LIFT internal Wire PH1A1 at Terminal Board TB108, Terminal 10 of Panel 2-L-1 1A, Auxiliary Control Board Relay section. (Dwg. 2-45W600-57-7, 45N2638-8 DRA 52356-08) 1st Cv C. INSTALL Test Switch #1 from lifted lead PH1A1 to TB108, Terminal 9 (Wire PH1AX) of Panel 2-L-11A, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv
Date 4.3 Field Preparations (continued)
D. LABEL/TAG Test Switch #1, 2-PTI-68-03, Test Director Name and number.
[3] INSTALL Test Switch #2 (simulate increasing Pressurizer Level [Relay PH2B]) per the following instructions:
(SubSections 6.3, 6.4)
A. PLACE Test Switch #2 in the OFF position.
B. LIFT internal Wire PH2B1 at Terminal Board TB108, Terminal 12 of Panel 2-L-11 B, Aux Control Board, Relay Section. (Dwg. 2-45W600-57-7, DRA 52671-073, 45N2639-8) 1st Cv C. INSTALL Test Switch #2 from lifted lead, PH2B1 to TB1 08, Terminal 11 (Wire PH2BX) of Panel 2-L-1 1B, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv D. LABEL/TAG Test Switch #2, 2-PTI-68-03, Test Director Name and number.
[4] INSTALL Test Switch #3 (simulate decreasing Pressurizer Pressure [Relay PH2D]) per the following instructions:
(SubSections 6.3, 6.4)
A. PLACE Test Switch #3 to in the OFF position.
B. LIFT internal Wire PH2B2 from Terminal Board TB1 08, Terminal 10 of Panel 2-L-1 1B Aux Control Board, Relay Section. (Dwg. 2-45W600-57-7, 45N2639-8, DRA 52357-09 Rev 0) 1st Cv
Date 4.3 Field Preparations (continued)
C. INSTALL Test Switch #3 from lifted lead PH2B2 to TB108, Terminal 11 (Wire PH2BX) of Panel 2-L-11B, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv D. LABELITAG Test Switch #3, 2-PTI-68-03, Test Director Name and number.
[5] INSTALL Test Switch #4 (simulate the SI Lockout for Pressurizer Heater Backup Control Group 2D breaker) in the ON position at 2-PNL-99-R48-A, SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN A, Terminal Board 604 from Terminal 7 (Wire SA21C2) to Terminal 8 (Wire SA21C3). (Dwg.
2-45W760-68-4, 45N2676-4) (SubSection 6.1) 1st Cv
[6] LABEL/TAG Test Switch #4, 2-PTI-68-03, Test Director Name and number.
[7] INSTALL Test Switch #5 (simulate the SI Lockout for Pressurizer Heater Backup group 2C breaker) in the ON position at 2-PNL-99-R51-B, SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN B, Terminal Board 604 from Terminal 7 (Wire SB21CA) to Terminal 8 (Wire SB21C4). (Dwg.
2-45W760-68-4, 45N2677-4) (SubSection 6.2) 1st Cv
[8] LABEL/TAG Test Switch #5, 2-PTI-68-03, Test Director Name and number.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 24 of 208 Date 4.3 Field Preparations (continued)
[9] ENSURE Foxboro System Engineer or equivalent is available to support trending data in Subsection 6.9.
[10] ENSURE supports required for System 068 Pressurizer Spray Line testing are in place. (Subsections 6.8 and 6.9)
Engineering Signature Date
[11] ENSURE spring cans identified for System 068 Pressurizer Spray Line testing are installed, unpinned, and on scale with no visual indication of damage, loose parts or interferences.
(Subsections 6.8 and 6.9)
Mech Lead Signature Date
[12] ENSURE snubbers identified for System 068 Pressurizer Spray Line testing are installed with no visual indication of damage, loose parts or interferences. (Subsections 6.8 and 6.9)
Mech Lead Signature Date 4.4 Approvals and Notifications
[1] OBTAIN permission of the Preoperational Startup Manager to start the test.
Preoperational Startup Manager Date Signature
[2] OBTAIN the Unit 2 Supervisor's (US/SRO) or Shift Manager's (SM) authorization.
U2 US/SRO/SM Signature Date
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 25 of 208 Date 4.4 Approvals and Notifications (continued)
[3] OBTAIN the Unit 1 Supervisor's (US/SRO) or Shift Manager's (SM) authorization.
Ul US/SRO/SM Signature Date
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 26 of 208 Date 5.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 F) , at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21, for Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D:
- 1. Trips upon Blackout Signal (Loss of Offsite Power). (Steps 6.1[35]A, and 6.1 [35]B)
- 2. Trips and Locks out on Safety Injection Signal.(Steps 6.1[55]A, 6.1[59]A)
- 3. Trips and Locks out upon Pressurizer Low Level Signal. (Steps 6.1[62]A, 6.1 [66]A Foxboro).
- 4. Trips by 2-XS-68-341 F, PRZR HTR CONTROL HTR, at 6.9 KV Shutdown BD 2A-A Panel 21, in AUX. (Steps 6.1 [69]A and 6.1[69]B)
- 5. All logic, lights, indicators, switches, alarms, annunciators and monitoring systems respond to their appropriate inputs correctly. (Step 6.1 [111])
B. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 H), at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21, for Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C:
- 1. Trips upon Blackout Signal (Loss of Offsite Power). (Steps 6.2[36]A and 6.2[36]B)
- 2. Trips and Locks out on Safety Injection Signal. (Step 6.2[54]A, 6.2[54]B, 6.2[71]A and 6.2[71 ]B)
- 3. Trips and Locks out upon Pressurizer Low Level Signal. (Steps 6.2[74]A, 6.2[74]B, 6.2[78]A, and 6.2[78]B)
- 4. Trips by 2-XS-68-341 H, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR C, at 6.9KV SD BD 2B-B, Panel 21, in AUX. (Steps 6.2[81]A and 6.2[81]B)
- 5. All logic, lights, indicators, switches, alarms, annunciators and monitoring systems respond to their appropriate inputs correctly. (Step 6.2[122])
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 27 of 208 Date 5.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (continued)
C. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B-B XFMR (2-OXF-68-341D), at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, for Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B:
- 1. Can be RE-CLOSED automatically or manually after Load Shed Trip due to Blackout Signal (Loss of Offsite Power). (Step 6.3[71]A, 6.3[71]B, 6.3[81]A, 6.3[81]B, and 6.3[91])
- 2. Trips upon Blackout Signal (Loss of Offsite Power). (Step 6.3[86]A and 6.3[86]B)
- 3. Trips upon Pressurizer Low Level Signal with 2-XS-68-341 D-B, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, selected to AUX and 2-HS-68-341 DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, in AUTO. (Step 6.3[118])
- 4. Trips upon Safety Injection Signal. (Step 6.3[134])
- 5. Trips upon Pressurizer Low Level Signal with 2-XS-68-341 D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, selected to NOR and 2-HS-068-0341D, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, selected to AUTO. (Steps 6.3[141] and 6.3[146])
- 6. Responds to various logic combinations such as timers, handswitch positions for SI actuation, and breaker lockout conditions. )
(Subsection 6.3[196])
- 7. All logic, lights, indicators, switches, alarms, annunciators and monitoring systems respond to their appropriate inputs correctly. (Step 6.3[196])
D. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341A, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2A-AXFMR (2-OXF-68-341A), at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20, for Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A:
- 1. Can be Re-Closed automatically or manually after Load Shed Trip due to Blackout Signal (Loss of Offsite Power). (Steps 6.4[71]A, 6.4[71]B, 6.4[81]A, 6.4[81]B, and 6.4[91])
- 2. Trips upon Blackout Signal (Loss of Offsite Power). (Step 6.4[86]A and 6.4[86]B)
- 3. Trips upon Pressurizer Low Level Signal while 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PRZR HEATERS BACKUP HEATER 2A-A is in AUTO and 2-XS-68-341A-A, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, is in AUX. (Step 6.4[118])
- 4. Trips upon Safety Injection Signal. (Step 6.4[134])
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 28 of 208 Date 5.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (continued)
- 5. Trips upon Pressurizer Low Level Signal while 2-HS-68-341A-A, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, is in AUTO and 2-XS-68-341A-A, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A is in NOR. (Steps 6.4[141] and 6.4[146])
- 6. Responds to various logic combinations such as timers, handswitch positions for SI actuation, and breaker lockout conditions.
(Subsection 6.41196])
- 7. All logic, lights, indicators, switches, alarms, annunciators and monitoring systems respond to their appropriate inputs correctly. (Step 6.4[196])
E. Each individual heater element can consume 23.08 KW. (21.93-24.23 kW)
(Data Sheets 2, 4, 6, and 8) (Step 6.5[156])
F. All lights, indicators, switches, and breakers respond to their appropriate inputs correctly. (6.5[157])
G. The following alarms are operable:
H. Each of the following can be controlled from its associated control station:
I. Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Valves
- 1. Loop 1 spray temperature is maintained above Loop #1 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO Alarm for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> using valve 2-BYV-68-552, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340D BYPASS. (Step 6.8[12])
- 2. Loop 2 spray temperature is maintained above LOOP #2 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO Alarm for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> using valve 2-BYV-68-555, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340B BYPASS. (Step 6.8[17])
J. Pressurizer Heater Effectiveness
- 1. The recorded pressure response is within the limits specified on Figure 1.
(Step 6.9[25])
- 1) This procedure is performed per the flow diagram below:
6.6 6.9 ESJD
- 2) SubSections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 may be performed when the Pressurizer is either completely empty of water or filled. These Subsections functionally test 6900V breakers which supply the Pressurizer heaters; however, the breakers will NOT be closed to the bus.
- 3) SubSections 6.6 and 6.7 may be completed with or without water in the pressurizer and before drawing a bubble in the pressurizer.
- 4) SubSections 6.5, 6.8, and 6.9 are performed during Hot Functional Test.
- 5) The Pressurizer must be partially filled with water, and the heaters submerged. The 6900V breakers will be connected to the bus, and electrical power measurements of each individual heater will be performed. (Subsection 6.5, 6.8, 6.9)
Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.1 have been completed.
[2] ENSURE the following sets of fuses are INSTALLED for breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 F) in compartment 21 of 6.9 kV Shutdown Board 2A-A:
1st CV
Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
1st Cv NOTE In the following step, the breaker will be placed in the TEST position to facilitate breaker logic testing. While placing the breaker in the TEST position, lift the breaker interlock mechanism while installing the electrical DC test coupler. Raise the breaker elevator fully and install the switch operating link. Refer to GOI-7, Generic Equipment Operating Guidelines, for guidance.
[3] PLACE breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 F), in panel 21 of 6.9 kV Shutdown Board 2A-A in the TEST position in accordance with GOI-7, Generic Equipment Operating Guidelines.
1st CV
[4] ENSURE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341 F, PRZR HTR CONTROL at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21 in NOR, AND VERIFY:
A. 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21, BREAKER CLOSE Red light OFF.
B. 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21, BREAKER OPEN Green Light ON.
[5] VERIFY 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, indicating lights:
A. Red Light OFF.
B. Green Light ON.
C. White Light OFF.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 32 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
[9] PLACE handswitch 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light ON.
B. Green Light OFF C. White Light OFF.
[10] VERIFY 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21 PZR HTR CONTROL indicating lights:
A. Red Light ON.
B. Green Light OFF.
[11] PLACE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341F, PZR HTR CONTROL at 2-BD-21 1-A-A to AUX AND VERIFY:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-BD-211-A-A.
C. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
D. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
E. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 149-A, 6.9 SD BD 2A-A, at 2-XA-55-6F, is in ALARM.
G. Unit 2 Events Display indicates 149-A (Window 2-XA-55-6F), 6.9 SD BD 2A-A XS in AUX is in Alarm.
[12] PLACE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341F, PZR HTR CONTROL, at 2-BD-21 1-A-A to NOR AND VERIFY:
A. Green Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A.
C. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
D. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
E. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 149-A, 6.9 SD BD 2A-A, at 2-XA-55-6F, is CLEAR.
G. Unit 2 Events Display Legend 149-A (Window 2-XA-55-6F) 6.9 SD BD 2A-A XS in AUX Alarm is Clear.
[13] ENSURE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4 is OFF (spring return to P-AUTO).
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 34 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[14] INSTALL a jumper across Points 2 and 2B on Test Switch 43TC (BG) GROUP C TEST RELAYS, in 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4. (Dwg. 1-45W760-211-12, E3619E Sh. 4) 1st Cv
[15] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4 to ON.
[16] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, to TEST.
[17] VERIFY Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C), is ON at 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 4.
- 1) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Heaters Control Group 2D Undervoltage Trip Relay PHCD UVY does NOT make up the required 2/2 Breaker Trip logic.
- 2) C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
C. Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C), is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
[19] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 35 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Heaters Control Group 2D breaker lockout on Blackout from relay PHCD BOY.
[20] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F does NOT CLOSE:
A. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
[21] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 4, to RESET, THEN to NOR.
[22] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON.
[23] REMOVE the jumper across Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, Contact Points 2 and 2B.
1st CV
[24] INSTALL a jumper across Points 6 and 6B on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS (BG), 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 4.
1st CV
[25] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, to TEST.
[26] VERIFY Amber Light, A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is ON at 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 4.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 36 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
- 1) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Heaters Control Group 2D Undervoltage Trip Relay PHCD UVX does NOT make up the required 2/2 Breaker Trip Logic.
- 2) A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
C. Amber Light, A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
[28] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF.
[29] VERIFY 2-BKR-68-341 F is OPEN.
NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Heaters Control Group 2D breaker lockout from Blackout Relay PHCD BOX.
[30] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F does NOT CLOSE:
A. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 37 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[31] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, to RESET THEN to NOR.
[32] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON.
A. VERIFY Red Light is ON at 2-M-4.
[33] REMOVE the jumper across Test Switch 43TC GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, Contact Points 6 and 6B.
1st CV
[34] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 4 to TEST.
NOTE The next step demonstrates the 2/2 PHCD UVX and PHCD UVY Black-Out Trip of Pressurizer Heaters Control Group 2D breaker.
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D. (ACC CRIT)
B. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D. (ACC CRIT)
[36] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, to RESET THEN to NOR.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 38 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
- 1) Actuation of Foxboro Controls during this subsection will close 2-FCV 62-70, 2-FCV-62-72, 2-FCV-62-73, and 2-FCV-62-74 REGEN HT EXCH LETDOWN ISOL VALVES, if OPEN.
- 2) Foxboro I/A workstations will be used to help perform some of the following steps.
Ensure Foxboro I/A System Engineer or a qualified individual is available for this portion of the test.
- 3) When Foxboro logical points change state, some annunciator windows will alarm and events display legends will indicate they are in ALARM.
[37] NOTIFY Operations of the actuation of the valves listed in NOTE 1 prior to this step.
[39] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[40] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate Pressurizer Low Level)
[41] VERIFY the following Annunciator Status:
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 92C, PZR LEVEL LO-HTRS OFF & LTDN CLOSED is in ALARM.
[42] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F does NOT CLOSE at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[43] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF.
Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[44] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[45] VERIFY the following:
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend 92C, PZR LEVEL LO-HTRS OFF& LTDN CLOSED, is CLEAR.
[46] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[47] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[48] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (demonstrate Breaker Close Lockout from Pressurizer Low Level)
[49] VERIFY the following:
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend 92C, PZR LEVEL LO-HTRS OFF& LTDN CLOSED, is in ALARM.
[50] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F does NOT CLOSE at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 40 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[51] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[52] VERIFY the following:
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend 92C, PZR LEVEL LO-HTRS OFF& LTDN CLOSED, is CLEAR.
[53] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[54] PLACE Test Switch #4 to OFF at 2-PNL-99-R48-A, SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN A, to demonstrate Breaker Close Lockout from a Safety Injection Signal.
[55] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F does NOT CLOSE at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4. (ACC CRIT)
[56] PLACE Test Switch #4 to ON.
[57] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON.
A. VERIFY Red Light ON.
[58] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper at 2-PNL-99-R48-A on the field side of TB-604 across Terminals 5 (SA21T1) and 6 (SA21T3), to simulate a Safety Injection Signal.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 41 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[59] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341F OPEN at 2-BD-21-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4. (ACC CRIT)
[60] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[61] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[62] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position AND THEN immediately to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation to simulate Pressurizer Low Level AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F Trips at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D. (ACC CRIT)
[63] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[64] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS d, at 2-M-4, to ON, AND VERIFY Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[65] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 42 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[66] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position AND THEN immediately to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (demonstrate Breaker Close Lockout from Pressurizer Low Level) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341F Trips at 2-BD-21 1.-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D. (ACC CRIT)
[67] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[68] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON, AND VERIFY Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[69] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341 F, PZR HTR CONT HTR, to AUX AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is OPEN:
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4. (ACC CRIT)
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21. (ACC CRIT)
[70] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F does NOT CLOSE:
A. Green Light ON, at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21.
[71] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341F, PZR HTR CONT HTR, to NOR.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 43 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[72] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON, at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[73] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1 B-14E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT, is CLEAR.
NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
[74] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21.
[75] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F TRIPS at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
D. 2-XA-55-1B-14E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT, is in ALARM.
E. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
F. Motor Tripout Buzzer (MTB) at Panel 2-M-2 is AUDIBLE.
[76] ENSURE relay 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[77] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF AND VERIFY:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
C. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
D. 2-XA-55-1 B-1 4E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT, is CLEAR.
E. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M1 THRU M6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is RETURN TO NORMAL.
F. MTB is SILENT at Panel 2-M-2.
[78] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON, at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4
[79] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21.
[80] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341F TRIPS at 2-BD-211-A-A Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
[81] ENSURE relay 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 45 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[82] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON.
[83] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F remains OPEN, A. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
B. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
[84] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[85] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[86] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21.
[87] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F TRIPS at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D.
[88] ENSURE relay 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[89] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF, AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[90] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21.
[91] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21.
[92] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[93] ENSURE relay 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[94] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21.
[95] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF AND VERIFY White Light OFF
Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[96] PLACE Handswitch, 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341F CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21.
[971 MANUALLY ACTUATE 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21.
[98] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4.
[99] ENSURE relay 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[100] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21.
[101] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4 to OFF AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[102] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1 B-10 E, 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 48 of 208 Date 6.1 Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D Logic Checks (continued)
[103] PLACE AND HOLD a handheld jumper across CONTROL BOX Terminals 4 and 5 at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341 F PZR CONTROL HTR GRP ID TRANSFORMER, 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 21 (Dwg.
1st Cv
[104] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1B-10E, 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI, is in ALARM.
[105] VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 10-E 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI is in ALARM.
[106] REMOVE Handheld jumper across Terminals 4 and 5 at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341 F.
1st Cv
[107] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1B-10E, 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
[108] VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 10-E 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI is RETURN TO NORMAL.
CAUTION If the breaker closing springs are charged, they will discharge when the breaker is removed from the compartment.
[109] REMOVE the breaker 2-BKR-68-314F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 F), from the TEST Position in accordance with GOI-7.
1st CV
[110] RACK UP circuit breaker 2-BKR-68-341F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 F), to the CONNECTED position in accordance with GOI-07.
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[111] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.1 (ACC CRIT).
NOTE Test Switch #4 will remain installed, and in the ON position until SubSection 7.0 removal to permit continued operation of Pressurizer Heaters.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.2 have been completed.
[2] ENSURE the following sets of fuses are INSTALLED for breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 H) in compartment 21 of 6.9kV Shutdown Board 2B-B:
1 st CV C. 2-FU-211-B21/2N, PRES HTR BACKUP 2C NOR CLOS.
1st CV E. 2-FU-211-B21/3N, PRES HTR BACKUP 2C.
1 st CV F. 2-FU-211-B21/3A, PRES HTR BACKUP 2C AUX ELEV.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 51 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE In the following step, the breaker will be placed in the TEST position to facilitate breaker logic testing. While placing the breaker in the TEST position, lift the breaker interlock mechanism while installing the electrical DC test coupler. Raise the breaker elevator fully and install the switch operating link. Refer to GOI-7 for guidance.
[3] PLACE breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 H), in compartment 21 of 6.9 kV Shutdown Board 2B-B in the TEST position in accordance with GOI-7, Generic Equipment Operating Guidelines.
1st Cv
[4] ENSURE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341 H, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR C at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21 in NOR, AND VERIFY:
A. 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21, BREAKER CLOSE Red light OFF.
B. 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21, BREAKER OPEN Green light ON.
[5] VERIFY 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C, 2-M-4, indicating lights:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
C. White Light OFF at 2-M-4 NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
[6] ENSURE A-PHASE OVERCURRENT RELAY 50/51 at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21, FLAGS are RESET.
[7] ENSURE C-PHASE OVERCURRENT RELAY 50/51 at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21 FLAGS are RESET.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 52 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[9] PLACE handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, at 2-M-4, to ON AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light ON.
B. Green Light OFF C. White Light OFF.
[10] VERIFY 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21 PZR HTR CONTROL indicating lights:
A. Red Light ON.
B. Green Light OFF.
[11] PLACE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341 H, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR C at 2-BD-21 1-B-B to AUX AND VERIFY:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-B-B.
C. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 H, CONTROL HEATERS C, at 2-M-4.
D. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 H, CONTROL HEATERS C, at 2-M-4.
E. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 H, CONTROL HEATERS C, at 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 150-A, 6.9 SD BD 2B-B, at 2-XA-55-6F, is in ALARM.
G. Unit 2 Events Display indicates 150-A (Window 2-XA-55-6F), 6.9 SD BD 2B-B XS in AUX is in Alarm.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 53 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[12] PLACE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341H, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR C, at 2-BD-21 1-B-B to NOR AND A. Green Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B.
C. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341H, CONTROL HEATERS C, at 2-M-4.
D. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, CONTROL HEATERS C, at 2-M-4.
E. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341H, CONTROL HEATERS C, 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 150-A, 6.9 SD BD 2B-B, at 2-XA-55-6F, is CLEAR.
G. Unit 2 Events Display Legend 150-A (Window 2-XA-55-6F) 6.9 SD BD 2B-B XS in AUX Alarm is Clear.
[13] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, at 2-M-4 to OFF (spring return to A-P AUTO).
[14] INSTALL a jumper across Points 2 and 2B on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS (BG) in 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4. (Dwg. 1-45W760-211-14, E3620E Sh. 4) 1st CV
[15] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, at 2-M-4 to ON.
[16] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4, to TEST.
[17] VERIFY Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) !s ON at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 54 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
- 1) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Backup Heaters 2C Undervoltage Trip Relay PHBC UVY does NOT make up the required 2/2 Breaker Trip Logic.
- 2) C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
[18] MOMENTARILY DEPRESS GROUP C BLACK-OUT BO, TEST Pushbutton at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4 AND VERIFY Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT TRIP:
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2C UV RELAYS is OFF at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
D. Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
[19] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, at 2-M-4 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Red Light OFF.
B. Green Light ON.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Heaters Backup Group 2C breaker Lockout on Blackout from relay PHBC BOY.
[20] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT CLOSE:
A. Green Light ON.
B. Red Light OFF.
[21] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4, to RESET THEN to NOR.
[23] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light ON at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light OFF at 2-M-4.
[24] REMOVE the jumper across Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4, Contact Points 2 and 2B.
1st Cv
[25] INSTALL a jumper across Points 6 and 6B (3rd point from front on left, top and bottom) on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS (BG) in 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
1st Cv
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 56 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[26] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4, to TEST.
[27] VERIFY Amber Light, A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is ON at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4.
- 1) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Backup Heaters 2C Undervoltage Relay, PHBC UVX does NOT make up the required 2/2 Breaker Trip Logic.
- 2) A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2C UV RELAYS is OFF at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
D. Amber Light, A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
[29] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Red Light OFF.
B. Green Light ON.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 57 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C breaker Lockout from Blackout Relay PHBC BOX.
[30] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT CLOSE:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
[31] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4, to RESET THEN to NOR.
[33] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light ON at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light OFF at 2-M-4.
[34] REMOVE the jumper across Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, Points 6 and 6B, 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
1st Cv
[35] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS to TEST at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
- 1) The next step demonstrates the 2/2 PHBC UVX and PHBC UVY Black-Out trip of Pressurizer Backup Heaters 2C breaker.
- 2) A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
.[36] MOMENTARILY DEPRESS GROUP C BLACK-OUT BO, TEST Pushbutton at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2C UV RELAYS is ON when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4
[37] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4 to RESET THEN to NOR.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 59 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
- 1) Actuation of Foxboro Controls during this subsection will close 2-FCV 62-70, 2-FCV-62-72, 2-FCV-62-73, and 2-FCV-62-74 REGEN HT EXCH LETDOWN ISOL VALVES, if OPEN.
- 2) Foxboro I/A workstations will be used to help perform some of the following steps.
Ensure Foxboro I/A System Engineer or a qualified individual is available for this portion of the test.
- 3) When Foxboro logical points change state, some annunciator windows will alarm and events display legends will indicate they are in ALARM.
[39] NOTIFY Operations of the actuation of the valves listed in NOTE 1 prior to this step.
[40] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H, is CLOSED at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[41] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[42] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate Pressurizer Low Level)
[43] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H, is OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21.
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[44] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT CLOSE at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[45] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF.
[46] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[47] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[48] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[49] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (demonstrate Breaker Close Lockout from Pressurizer Low Level)
[50] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT CLOSE at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[51] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[52] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[53] PLACE Test Switch #5 to OFF at 2-PNL-99-R51-B, SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN B, to demonstrate Breaker Close Lockout from a Safety Injection Signal.
[54] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT CLOSE at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21. (ACC CRIT)
[55] PLACE Test Switch #5 to ON.
[56] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H OPEN:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[57] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[58] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation to simulate Pressurizer Low Pressure AND THEN immediately to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H CLOSES:
A. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[59] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[60] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[61] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate Pressurizer Low Level)
[62] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS:
A. Red light OFF at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Green light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
C. Red light OFF 2-HS-68-341H, at 2-M-4.
D. Green light ON 2-HS-68-341H, at 2-M-4.
[63] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[64] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation (simulating Pressurizer Pressure Low).
[65] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT CLOSE:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21.
D. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 90B, PZR PRESS LO-DEVN BACKUP HTRS ON (2-PS-68-340G/F).
[66] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[67] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[68] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Pagle 63 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[70] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[71] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper at 2-PNL-99-R51 -B on the field side of TB-604 across Terminals 5 (SB21T1) AND 6 (SB21T3), to simulate a Safety Injection Signal, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B Panel 21. (ACC CRIT)
[72] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[73] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[74] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position AND THEN immediately to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation to simulate Pressurizer Low Level AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, CONTROL HEATERS C. (ACC CRIT)
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21. (ACC CRIT)
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 64 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[75] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[76] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[77] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[78] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position AND THEN immediately to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (demonstrate Breaker Close Lockout from Pressurizer Low Level) AND VERIFY:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21. (ACC CRIT)
[79] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[80] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 65 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[81] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341H, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR C, to AUX AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS:
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C. (ACC CRIT)
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21. (ACC CRIT)
[82] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H does NOT CLOSE, A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[83] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-HS-341H, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR C, to NOR.
[84] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED, A. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
[86] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[87] VERIFY the following:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
D. 2-XA-55-1B-14E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT, is in ALARM.
E. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
F. Motor Tripout Buzzer (MTB) at Panel 2-M-2 is AUDIBLE.
[88] ENSURE relay 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[89] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF AND VERIFY:
A. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is RETURN TO NORMAL.
C. MTB is SILENT at Panel 2-M-2.
[90] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED, A. Red Light ON.
[91] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 67 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[92] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341H OPEN at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
[93] ENSURE relay 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[94] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341H remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[95] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[96] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[97] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21.
[98] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341H OPEN at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 68 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[99] ENSURE relay 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[100] PLACE 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF AND VERIFY the White Light OFF.
[101] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[102] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[103] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H TRIPS:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
[104] ENSURE relay 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[105] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[106] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF, AND VERIFY White Light OFF
[107] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-63-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[108] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
[109] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 21:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C.
[110] ENSURE relay 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B, Panel 21 has been manually reset.
[111] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341H remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[112] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to OFF, AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[113] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1 B-i 1E, 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[114] PLACE AND HOLD a handheld jumper across Control Box, Terminals 4 and 5, at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341 H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C TRANSFORMER, 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 21, (Dwg 45W2724-2).
1st CV
[115] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1 B-11E, 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI, is in ALARM.
[116] VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 11-E 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI is in ALARM.
[117] REMOVE Handheld jumper across Terminals 4 and 5 at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341 H.
1st CV
[118] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1 B-1I E, 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
[119] VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 11-E 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI is NORMAL.
CAUTION If the breaker closing springs are charged, they will discharge when the breaker is removed from the compartment.
[120] REMOVE breaker 2-BKR-68-341H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 H), from the TEST position in accordance with GOI-7.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 71 of 208 Date 6.2 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C Logic Checks (continued)
[121] RACK UP circuit breaker 2-BKR-68-341H to the CONNECTED position in accordance with GOI-07.
[122] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.2 (ACC CRIT).
NOTE Test Switch #5 remains installed and is in the ON position until Subsection 7.0 removal to permit continued operation of Pressurizer Heaters.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.3 have been completed.
[2] ENSURE the following sets of fuses are INSTALLED for breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B-B XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 D), in compartment 20 of 6.9kV Shutdown Board 2B-B:
1st CV
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE In the following step, the breaker will be placed in the TEST position to facilitate breaker logic testing. While placing the breaker in the TEST position, lift the breaker interlock mechanism while installing the electrical DC test coupler. Raise the breaker elevator fully and install the switch operating link. Refer to GOI-7 for guidance.
[3] PLACE breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B-B XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 D), in compartment 20 of 6.9 kV Shutdown Board 2B-B in the TEST position in accordance with GOI-7.
1st Cv
[4] ENSURE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341 D, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20 in NOR, AND VERIFY:
A. 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20, BREAKER CLOSE Red light OFF.
B. 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20, BREAKER OPEN Green light ON.
[5] VERIFY 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B, at 2-M-4, indicating lights:
A. Red Light OFF.
B. Green Light ON.
C. White Light OFF.
NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
[6] ENSURE A-PHASE OVERCURRENT RELAY 50/51 at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, FLAGS are RESET.
[7] ENSURE C-PHASE OVERCURRENT RELAY 50/51 at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20, FLAGS are RESET.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[9] PLACE handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, at 2-M-4, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY:
A. Red light ON.
B. Green light OFF.
C. White light OFF.
[10] VERIFY 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20 PZR HTR CONTROL indicating lights:
A. Red light ON.
B. Green light OFF.
[11] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, at 2-BD-21 1-B-B Panel 20 to AUX, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPENS:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
C. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B at 2-M-4.
D. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B at 2-M-4.
E. White light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B at 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 150-A, 6.9 SD 2B-B, at 2-XA-55-6F, is in ALARM.
G. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 150-A, 6.9 SD 2B-B XS IN AUX is in ALARM.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[12] PLACE handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, at 2-M-4, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D will NOT CLOSE:
A. Red light OFF at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Green light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[13] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341 D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B at 2-BD-21 1-B-B to NOR AND VERIFY:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
C. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B at 2-M-4.
D. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B at 2-M-4.
E. White light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B at 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 150-A, 6.9 SD 2B-B, at 2-XA-55-6F, is in CLEAR.
G. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 150-A 6.9 SD 2B-B XS INAUX is CLEAR.
[14] PLACE handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, at 2-M-4, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSES:
A. Red light ON.
B. Green light OFF.
C. White light OFF.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 76 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[15] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF THEN to A-P AUTO, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
[16] LIFT and TAPE orange wire of SB20T3 at Terminal 5 of TB207 at NSSS AUX PANEL 2-PNL-99-R55-B.
1st CV
[17] LIFT and TAPE Wire AT4C at terminal block CC, Point 1 at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20. (Dwg. 0126D4519) 1st CV
[18] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper at 2-PNL-99-R51-B, Output Cabinet, TB-604 across Terminals 3 (SB20C2) and 4 (SB20S1), to energize the interlock relay.
(Dwg. 45N2677-4, 7246D11-17) 1st CV NOTES
- 1) Foxboro I/A workstations will be used to help perform some of the following steps.
Ensure Foxboro I/A System Engineer or a qualified individual is available for this portion of the test.
- 2) When Foxboro logical points change state, some annunciator windows will alarm and events display legends will indicate they are in ALARM.
[19] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[20] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation to simulate PZR Low Pressure, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D does NOT CLOSE, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D.
[21] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND THEN A-P AUTO, to reset the SSPS permissive interlock Relay 3, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, GREEN Light ON.
[22] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSES.
[23] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[24] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
NOTE Actuation of Foxboro Controls during this subsection will close 2-FCV 62-70, 2-FCV-62-72, 2-FCV-62-73, and 2-FCV-62-74 REGEN HT EXCH LETDOWN ISOL VALVES, if OPEN.
[25] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[26] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level)
[27] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPENS on PZR low level, Green light on at 2-HS-68-341 D.
[28] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[29] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY that the breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D remains OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D.
[30] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D.
[31] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[32] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[33] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[34] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[35] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level)
[36] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPENS on PZR low level, Green light on at 2-HS-68-341 D.
[37] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[38] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY the breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D remains OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[39] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D.
[40] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[41] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[42] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[44] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[45] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR High Level) AND VERIFY the following:
A. 2-XA-55-5A-92B, PZR LEVEL HI-DEVN, is in ALARM.
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 92-B PZR LEVEL HI-DEVN (2-LS-68-339E/F) is in ALARM.
[46] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[47] VERIFY the following:
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 92-B PZR LEVEL HI-DEVN (2-LS-68-339E/F) is CLEAR.
[48] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 80 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[49] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND THEN A-P AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON.
[50] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper at 2-PNL-99-R51-B, SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN B, TB-604 across Terminals 3 (SB20C2) and 4 (SB20S1) (to simulate a Safety Injection Signal to energize the interlock Relay 3).
1st CV
[51] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSES, Red Light ON.
[52] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND THEN A-P AUTO, to reset the SSPS permissive interlock Relay 3, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON.
[53] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSES.
[54] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[55] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate a PZR Low Level)
[56] VERIFY the breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, at 2-M-4.
[57] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[58] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[59] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[60] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[61] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate a PZR Low Level)
[62] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON.
[63] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D.
[64] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[65] INSTALL a jumper across Points 2 and 2B on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS (BG) in 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4.
1st CV
[66] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, to TEST at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
[67] VERIFY Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is ON at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
- 1) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Heaters Backup Group 2B-B Undervoltage Trip Relay PHBB UVY will NOT make up the required 2/2 Breaker Trip Logic.
- 2) Steps 6.3[68] through 6.3[70] must be performed in less than 90 seconds after the Depress of the BO pushbutton in 6.3[68].
- 3) C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the biackout button is depressed.
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
D. Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
[69] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 83 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Heaters Backup Group 2B-B breaker lockout on Blackout from relay PHBB BOY.
[70] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D does NOT CLOSE:
A. Green Light ON.
B. Red Light OFF.
[71] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341D AUTO CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B. (ACC CRIT)
M&TE Cal Due Date
[72] VERIFY Red Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2B-B PHBB ST-1 B is ON (inside) at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4 AND RESET the stopwatch.
[73] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS (BG), to RESET AND THEN to NOR at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
[74] REMOVE the temporary jumper at Test Switch 43TC GROUP C TEST RELAYS, Points 2 and 2B at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
1st CV
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[75] INSTALL a jumper across Points 6 and 6B, on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, in 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
1st Cv
[76] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, to TEST at Panel 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4.
[77] VERIFY Amber Light A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is ON at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4.
- 1) Step 6.3[78] through 6.3[80] must be performed in less than 90 seconds after the Depress of the BO pushbutton in step 6.3[78]
- 2) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Backup Heater 2B-B, Undervoltage Relay PHBB UVX does NOT make up the 2/2 breaker trip logic.
- 3) A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2C UV RELAYS is OFF at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
D. Amber Light, A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[79] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4 NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Backup Heaters 2B-B breaker lockout from Blackout Relay PHBB BOX.
[80] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D does NOT CLOSE:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4 B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4 NOTE Wait until 90 seconds has elapsed as indicated by the stop watch before performing the next step.
[81] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341D AUTO CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341D BACKUP HEATERS B-B. (ACC CRIT)
M&TE Cal Due Date
[82] VERIFY Red Light PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2B-B PHBB ST-1B is ON (inside) at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4 AND RESET stopwatch.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 86 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[83] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4, to RESET AND THEN to NOR.
[84] REMOVE the temporary jumper across Point 6 and 6B, on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4.
1st Cv
[85] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4, to TEST.
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B. (ACC CRIT)
B. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B. (ACC CRIT)
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2B-B UV RELAYS, is ON when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
[87] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 4, to RESET AND THEN to NOR.
[88] VERIFY Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2B-B UV RELAYS, is OFF at 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4.
[89] INSTALL Test Switch #6 in the OFF position at 2-PNL-211-B-B, Panel 2, across Terminal 9F of Relay PHBB BOX and Terminal 9C of PHBB UVX. (Dwg. E3620E Sh. 2) 1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 87 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE A stopwatch is required for performing the following step.
[90] SIMULTANEOUSLY START stopwatch, AND PLACE Test Switch #6 to ON AND PERFORM the following:
A. STOP stopwatch when Red Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2B-B PHBB ST-1B, is ON inside 2-PNL-21 1-B-B, Panel 4 (approximately 90 seconds).
B. RECORD time for Relay PHBB ST-IB.
seconds M&TE Cal Due Date
[91] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, Red Light ON. (ACC CRIT)
[92] PLACE Test Switch #6 to OFF.
[93] REMOVE Test Switch #6.
1st CV
[94] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF THEN to A-P AUTO, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[95] ENSURE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20 is OFF.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[96] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341 D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, to AUX.
[97] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, Red Light ON.
[98] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D does NOT TRIP at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, Red Light ON.
[99] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, Green Light ON.
[100] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[101] PLACE Test Switch #2 at 2-L-11B to ON, to simulate PZR Level High, 2-LS-68-326C A/B contact 9-10 CLOSED, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
[102] PLACE Test Switch #1 at 2-L-1 1A to ON, to simulate PZR Low Level, 2-LS-68-325C B/A contact 12-13 CLOSED.
[103] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON.
[104] PLACE Test Switch #1 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
[105] PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[106] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to OFF AND THEN to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON.
[107] PLACE Test Switch #3 at 2-L-11B to ON, to simulate PZR Low Pressure, 2-PS-68-337 B/A contact 12-13 CLOSED AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
[108] PLACE Test Switch #1 to ON.
[109] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341D OPEN, Green Light ON.
[110] PLACE Test Switch #1 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
[111] PLACE Test Switch #2 to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
[112] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON.
[113] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341 D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to NOR.
[114] LAND wire AT4C at terminal board CC, point 1 at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
1st CV
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[115] LIFT and TAPE Wire AT3C at terminal board BB, point 10 at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20, to deactivate the breaker auxiliary closing circuit while on AUTO TRIP. (Dwg. 0126D4519) 1st Cv
[116] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341 D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to AUX.
[117] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to ON AND THEN AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[118] PLACE Test Switch #1 to ON, to simulate PZR Low Level, 2-LS-68-325C B/A contact 12-13 CLOSED, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341DC-B. (ACC CRIT)
[119] PLACE Test Switch #1 to OFF.
A. VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[120] PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF, to simulate PZR Level NOT High, 2-LS-68-326C A/B contact 9-10 OPEN, AND VERIFY the following:
A. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D remains CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
[121] PLACE Test Switch #3 to OFF, to simulate PZR Pressure Normal, 2-PS-68-337C B/A contact 12-13 OPEN AND VERIFY the following:
A. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[122] PLACE Test Switch #2 to ON.
[123] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to ON AND THEN to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[124] PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 DC-B.
[125] PLACE Test Switch #2 to ON.
[126] PLACE Test Switch #3 to ON.
[127] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 DC-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to ON AND THEN to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[128] LAND Orange Wire of SB20T3 at Terminal 5 of TB207 at NSSS Aux Panel 2-PNL-99-R55-B.
1st CV
[129] LIFT and TAPE Wire SB20C3 at TB-207, Terminal 6 at 2-PNL-99-R55-B, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.2, to deactivate the breaker normal closing circuit while on AUTO TRIP. (Dwg.
45N2681-3) 1st CV
[130] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[131] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 92 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[132] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to NOR.
[133] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[134] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper across TB-604 Terminals 1 (SB20T3) and 2 (SB20T2) at 2-PNL-99-R51 -B, OUTPUT CABINET, to simulate a Safety Injection Signal AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[135] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[136] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341 D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to AUX.
[137] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper across TB-604 Terminals 1 (SB20T3) and 2 (SB20T2) at 2-PNL-99-R51-B, OUTPUT CABINET, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D does NOT TRIP at 2-BD-211-B-B, at Panel 20.
1st CV
[138] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341D-B, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B, to NOR.
[139] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341DC-B, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR B-B to OFF.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 93 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[140] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[141] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[142] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[143] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[144] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[145] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[146] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[147] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[148] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[149] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[150] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation to simulate Pressurizer Pressure Greater Than Pressurizer Low Pressure.
[151] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341D does NOT TRIP at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[152] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[153] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
[155] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[156] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
D. 2-XA-55-1 B-1 4E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
E. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
F. Motor Tripout Buzzer (MTB) at Panel 2-M-2 is AUDIBLE.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 95 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[157] ENSURE relay 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[158] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND VERIFY:
A. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
C. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is NORMAL.
D. MTB is SILENT at Panel 2-M-2.
[159] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[160] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[161] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS-B-B.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
D. 2-XA-55-1B-14E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
E. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is ALARM.
[162] ENSURE relay 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[163] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[164] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to OFF, AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[165] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
[166] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
[167] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATER B-B.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
[168] ENSURE relay 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[169] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF, AND VERIFY the White Light OFF.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 97 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[170] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
[171] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
[172] VERIFY the following:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
[173] ENSURE relay 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[174] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[175] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[176] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON AND VERIFY Breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[177] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
[178] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-B-B, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B.
[179] ENSURE relay 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[180] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[181] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF, AND VERIFY the White Light OFF.
[182] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1B-11 E, 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
[183] PLACE AND HOLD a handheld jumper at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341 D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B TRANSFORMER, across CONTROL BOX, Terminals 4 and 5, (Dwg. 45W2724-2).
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 99 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[184] VERIFY the following:
A. 2-XA-55-1B-11 E, 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI, is in ALARM.
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 11-E 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI is in ALARM.
[185] REMOVE Handheld jumper across Terminals 4 and 5 at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341 D-B.
1st Cv
[186] VERIFY the following:
A. 2-XA-55-1B-11E, 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 11-E 480 TR-B XFMR TEMP HI is CLEAR.
[187] ENSURE breaker 2-BKR-68-341D is OPEN by placing 2-HS-68-341 D to the OFF position.
CAUTION If the breaker closing springs are charged, they will discharge when the breaker is removed from the compartment.
[188] REMOVE breaker 2-BKR-68-341D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B-B XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 D), from the TEST position in accordance with GOI-7.
[189] RACK UP circuit breaker 2-BKR-68-341D to the CONNECTED position in accordance with GOI-07.
[190] LAND Wire AT3C at terminal board BB, point 10 at 2-BD-211-B-B, Panel 20.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 100 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[191] LAND Wire SB20C3 at TB-207, Terminal 6 at Panel 2-PNL-99-R55-B, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.2.
1st Cv
[192] PERFORM the following:
A. TOGGLE W2PZRA 068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
B. PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
C. PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF.
D. PLACE Test Switch #3 to OFF.
NOTE If SubSection 6.4 has been completed, Perform the following steps to remove Test Switches #1, #2, and #3. Otherwise Mark the steps N/A.
[193] REMOVE Test Switch #1 per the following instructions:
A. ENSURE Test Switch #1 is placed to the OFF position.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #1 from lifted lead PH1Al and Terminal 9 of Terminal Board TB108 at Panel 2-L-11A, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st CV C. LAND Lead PH1A1 to Terminal 10 of Terminal Board TB108 at Panel 2-L-1 1A.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 101 of 208 Date 6.3 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B Logic Checks (continued)
[194] REMOVE Test Switch #2 per the following instructions:
A. PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #2 from lifted lead PH2B1 and Terminal 11 of TB108 at Panel 2-L-11 B, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv C. LAND Lead PH2B1 to Terminal 12 of TB108 at Panel 2-L-11B.
1st Cv
[195] REMOVE Test Switch #3 per the following instructions:
A. PLACE Test Switch #3 to OFF.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #3 from lifted lead PH2B2 and Terminal 11 of TB1 08 at Panel 2-L-1 1B, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv C. LAND Lead PH2B2 to Terminal 10 of TB108 at Panel 2-L-11B.
1st Cv
[196] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.3 (ACC CRIT).
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.4 have been completed.
[2] ENSURE the following sets of fuses are INSTALLED for breaker 2-BKR-68-341A, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 1A-A XFMR (2-OXF-68-341A), in compartment 20 of 6.9kV Shutdown Board 2A-A:
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 103 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE In the following step, the breaker will be placed in the TEST position to facilitate breaker logic testing. While placing the breaker in the TEST position, lift the breaker interlock mechanism while installing the electrical DC test coupler. Raise the breaker elevator fully and install the switch operating link. Refer to GOI-7 for guidance.
[3] PLACE breaker 2-BKR-68-341A, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 1A-A XFMR (2-OXF-68-341A), in compartment 20 of 6.9 kV Shutdown Board 2A-A in the TEST position in accordance with GOI-7.
1st CV
[4] ENSURE transfer switch 2-XS-68-341A, PRZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20 in NOR, AND VERIFY:
A. 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20, BREAKER CLOSE Red light OFF B. 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20, BREAKER OPEN Green light ON
[5] VERIFY 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, 2-M-4, indicating lights:
A. Red Light OFF.
B. Green Light ON.
C. White Light OFF.
NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[9] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, at 2-M-4 to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light ON B. Green Light OFF.
C. White Light OFF.
[10] VERIFY 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20 PZR HTR CONTROL indicating lights:
A. Red light ON.
B. Green light OFF.
[11] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, at 2-BD-21 1-A-A Panel 20 to AUX, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPENS:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
C. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A at 2-M-4.
D. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A at 2-M-4.
E. White light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A at 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 149-A, 6.9 SD 2A-A, at 2-XA-55-6F, is in ALARM.
G. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 149-A 6.9 SD 2A-A XS IN AUX is in ALARM.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[12] PLACE handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, at 2-M-4, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A will NOT CLOSE:
A. Red light OFF at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Green light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
[13] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, at 2-BD-21 1-A-A to NOR, AND VERIFY:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Red Light OFF at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
C. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A at 2-M-4.
D. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A at 2-M-4.
E. White light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A at 2-M-4.
F. Annunciator Window 149-A, 6.9 SD 2A-A, at 2-XA-55-6F, is CLEAR.
G. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 149-A 6.9 SD 2A-A XS INAUX is CLEAR.
[14] PLACE handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, at 2-M-4, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSES:
A. Red light ON.
B. Green light OFF.
C. White light OFF.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[15] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF, AND THEN A-P AUTO, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
[16] LIFT and TAPE orange wire of SA20T3 at Terminal 7 of TB 109 at 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No. 1.
1st CV
[17] LIFT and TAPE wire AT4C at terminal block CC, point I at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20. (Dwg. 0126D4460) 1st CV
[18] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper at 2-PNL-99-R48-A, Output Cabinet, TB-604 across Terminals 3 (SA20C2) and 4 (SA20S1), to energize the interlock relay.
(Dwg. 45N2676-4, 7246D11-17) 1st CV NOTES
- 1) Foxboro I/A workstations will be used to help perform some of the following steps.
Ensure Foxboro I/A System Engineer or a qualified individual is available for this portion of the test.
- 2) When Foxboro logical points change state, some Annunciator windows will alarm and events display legends will indicate they are in ALARM.
[19] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[20] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation to simulate PZR Low Pressure, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A does NOT CLOSE, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A.
[21] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF AND THEN A-P AUTO, to reset the SSPS permissive interlock Relay 3, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, GREEN Light ON.
[22] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSES.
[23] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[24] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
NOTE Actuation of Foxboro Controls during this subsection will close 2-FCV-62-70, 2-FCV-62-72, 2-FCV-62-73, and 2-FCV-62-74 REGEN HT EXCH LETDOWN ISOL VALVES, if OPEN.
[25] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[26] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level)
[27] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPENS on PZR low level, Green light on at 2-HS-68-341A.
[28] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[29] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY that the breaker 2-BKR-68-341A remains OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A.
[30] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 A.
[31] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[32] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[33] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[34] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[35] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level)
[36] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPENS on PZR low level, Green light on at 2-HS-68-341A.
[37] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[38] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY that the breaker 2-BKR-68-341A remains OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A.
[39] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[40] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[41] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[42] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[44] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[45] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR High Level) AND VERIFY the following:
A. 2-XA-55-5A-92B, PZR LEVEL HI-DEVN, is in ALARM.
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 92-B PZR LEVEL HI-DEVN (2-LS-68-339E/F) is in ALARM.
[46] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[47] VERIFY the following:
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 92-B PZR LEVEL HI-DEVN (2-LS-68-339E/F) is CLEAR.
[48] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[49] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF AND THEN A-P AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[50] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper at 2-R-48, SS PROTECTION SYS OUTPUT PNL TRAIN A, TB-604 across Terminals 3 (SA20C2) and 4 (SA20S1) to simulate a Safety Injection Signal (to energize the interlock Relay 3).
1st CV
[51] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSES, Red Light ON.
[52] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF AND THEN A-P AUTO, to reset the SSPS permissive interlock Relay 3, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON.
[53] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND THEN A-P AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSES.
[54] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[55] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level)
[56] VERIFY the breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, at 2-M-4.
[57] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[58] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[59] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 A, 2-M-4.
[60] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[61] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate a PZR Low Level)
[62] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON.
[63] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A.
[64] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[65] INSTALL a jumper across Points 2 and 2B (left front top and bottom, on Test Switch 43TC (BG) GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4. (Dwg. 1-45W270-211-12, E3619E Sh. 4) 1st CV
[66] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, to TEST at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
[67] VERIFY Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C), is ON at 2-PNL-211-A-1, Panel 4.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
- 1) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Heaters Backup Group 2A-A Undervoltage Trip Relay PHBA UVY does NOT make up the required 2/2 Breaker Trip Logic.
- 2) Steps 6.4[68] through 6.3[68] must be performed in less than 90 seconds after the Depress of the BO pushbutton in 6.4[68].
- 3) C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2A-A UV RELAYS is OFF at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
D. Amber Light, C PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 113 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Heaters Backup Group 2A-A breaker lockout on Blackout from relay PHBA BOY.
[70] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON (spring return to A-P Auto) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A does NOT CLOSE:
A. Green Light ON.
B. Red Light OFF.
[71] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A AUTO CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
B. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A. (ACC CRIT)
M&TE Cal Due Date
[72] VERIFY Red Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2A-A PHBA ST-1A is ON (inside) at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, AND RESET the stopwatch.
[73] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS to RESET AND THEN to NOR at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
[74] REMOVE the temporary jumper at Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, Points 2 and 2B at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
1st Cv
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 114 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[75] INSTALL a jumper across Points 6 and 6B (3rd point from front on left, top and bottom) on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 4.
1st Cv
[76] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS to TEST, at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
[77] VERIFY Amber Light, A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is ON at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
- 1) Steps 6.4[78] through 6.4[80] must be performed in less than 90 seconds after the Depress of the BO pushbutton in step 6.4[78].
- 2) The next step demonstrates that deenergizing Pressurizer Backup Heaters 2A-A, Undervoltage Relay PHBA UVX does NOT make up the 2/2 Breaker Trip Logic.
- 3) A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) Amber light status should be observed while the blackout button is depressed.
A. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
B. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2A-A UV RELAYS is OFF at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
D. Amber Light, A PH UV RELAYS (GROUP C) is OFF when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 115 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[79] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A to OFF AND VERIFY:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
NOTE The next step demonstrates Pressurizer Backup Heaters 2A breaker lockout from Blackout Relay PHBA BOX
[80] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A does NOT CLOSE:
A. Red Light OFF at 2-M-4.
B. Green Light ON at 2-M-4.
NOTE Wait until 90 seconds has elapsed as indicated by the stopwatch before performing the next step.
[81] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A AUTO CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
B. Green Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A. (ACC CRIT)
M&TE Cal Due Date
[82] VERIFY Red Light PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2A-A, PHBA ST-1A is ON (inside) at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, AND RESET stopwatch.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 116 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[83] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, to RESET AND THEN to NOR.
[84] REMOVE the temporary jumper across Points 6 and 6B, on Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
1st Cv
[85] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS, 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, to TEST.
A. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A. (ACC CRIT)
B. Red Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A. (ACC CRIT)
C. Amber Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2A-A UV RELAYS, is ON when the Test Pushbutton is depressed at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4.
[87] PLACE Test Switch 43TC, GROUP C TEST RELAYS at 2-PNL-21 1-A-A, Panel 4, to RESET AND THEN to NOR.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[89] INSTALL Test Switch #7 in the OFF position at 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 2, across Terminal 9C of Relay PHBA UVX and Terminal 9F of PHBA BOX. (Dwg. 2-45W760-68-3, E3619E Sh. 2) 1st Cv NOTE A stopwatch is required for performing the following step.
[90] SIMULTANEOUSLY START stopwatch, AND PLACE Test Switch #7 to ON AND PERFORM the following:
A. STOP stopwatch when Red Light, PRESSURIZER HTR BACKUP GROUP 2A-A PHBA ST-1A, is ON inside 2-PNL-211-A-A, Panel 4 (approximately 90 seconds).
B. RECORD time for Relay PHBA ST-1A.
seconds M&TE Cal Due Date
[91] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20, Red Light ON. (ACC CRIT)
[92] PLACE Test Switch #7 to OFF.
[93] REMOVE Test Switch #7.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 118 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[94] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF AND THEN to A-P AUTO, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
[95] ENSURE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20, is OFF.
[96] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A-A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20 to AUX.
[97] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20, Red Light ON.
[98] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A does NOT TRIP at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20, Red Light ON.
[99] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20, Green Light ON.
[100] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[101] PLACE Test Switch #2 at 2-L-1 1B to ON, to simulate PZR Level High, 2-LS-68-326C A/B contact 9-10 CLOSED AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 AC-A.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 119 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[102] PLACE Test Switch #1 at 2-L-11A to ON, to simulate PZR Low Level, 2-LS-68-325C B/A contact 12-13 CLOSED.
[103] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON.
[104] PLACE Test Switch #1 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341AC-A.
[105] PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF.
[106] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP A-A, to OFF AND THEN to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON.
[107] PLACE Test Switch #3 at 2-L-1 1B to ON, to simulate PZR Low Pressure, 2-PS-68-337 B/A contact 12-13 CLOSED AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red light ON at 2-HS-68-341 AC-A.
[108] PLACE Test Switch #1 to ON.
[109] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON.
[110] PLACE Test Switch #1 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 AC-A.
[111] PLACE Test Switch #2 to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[112] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON.
[113] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A-A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to NOR.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[114] LAND Wire AT4C at terminal block CC, point 1 at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
1st Cv
[115] LIFT and TAPE Wire AT3C at terminal block BB, point 10 at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20, to deactivate the breaker auxiliary closing circuit while on AUTO TRIP. (Dwg. 0126D4460) 1st Cv
[116] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A-A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to AUX.
[117] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to ON AND THEN AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[118] PLACE Test Switch #1 to ON, to simulate PZR Low Level, 2-LS-68-325C B/A contact 12-13 CLOSED AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341AC-A. (ACC CRIT)
[119] PLACE Test Switch #1 to OFF A. VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[120] PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF, to simulate PZR Level NOT High, 2-LS-68-326C A/B contact 9-10 OPEN, AND VERIFY the following:
A. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341A remains CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341AC-A.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 121 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[121] PLACE Test Switch #3 to OFF, to simulate PZR Pressure Normal, 2-PS-68-337C B/A contact 12-13 OPEN AND VERIFY the following:
A. Breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341 AC-A.
[122] PLACE Test Switch #2 to ON.
[123] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to ON AND THEN to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[124] PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN, Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341AC-A.
(125] PLACE Test Switch #2 to ON.
[126] PLACE Test Switch #3 to ON.
[127] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to ON AND THEN to AUTO AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[128] LAND Orange wire of SA20T3 at Terminal 7 of TB 109 at 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No. 1.
1st Cv
[129] LIFT and TAPE wire SA20C3 at TB 109, Terminal 8 at 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.1, to deactivate the breaker normal closing circuit while on AUTO TRIP. (Dwg.
45N2680-3) 1st Cv
[130] PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[131] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[132] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A-A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to NOR.
[133] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[134] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper across TB-604 Terminals 1 (SA20T3) and 2 (SA20T2) at 2-PNL-99-R48-A, OUTPUT CABINET, to simulate a Safety Injection Signal, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
[135] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[136] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A-A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to AUX.
[137] MOMENTARILY PLACE a handheld jumper across TB-604 across Terminals 1 (SA20T3) and 2 (SA20T2) at Panel 2-PNL-99-R48-A OUTPUT CABINET, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A does NOT TRIP at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
1st CV
[138] PLACE Transfer Switch 2-XS-68-341A-A, PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A, to NOR.
[139] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341AC-A, RCS PZR HTR BACKUP HTR A-A to OFF.
[140] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[141] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
[142] TOGGLE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[143] PLACE W2PZRLVL_068:2LS0680339D to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[144] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[145] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to MANUAL in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 124 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[146] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation. (simulate PZR Low Level) AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
[147] TOGGLE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[148] PLACE W2PZRLVLA_068:2LS0680335E to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[149] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[150] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation to simulate Pressurizer Pressure Greater Than Pressurizer Low Pressure.
[151] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A does NOT TRIP at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
[152] TOGGLE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to the CLOSED position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[153] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
NOTE The Plant Relay Group (PRG) or qualified electrical test personnel shall be available to operate the overcurrent relays
[155] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 125 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[156] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
D. 2-XA-55-1E 14E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
E. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
F. Motor Tripout Buzzer (MTB) at Panel 2-M-2 is AUDIBLE.
[157] ENSURE relay 51 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[158] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF AND VERIFY:
A. White Light OFF at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is NORMAL.
D. MTB is SILENT at Panel 2-M-2.
[159] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[160] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 126 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[161] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
D. 2-XA-55-1E 14E, M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
E. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 14-E M-1 THRU M-6 MOTOR TRIPOUT is in ALARM.
[162] ENSURE relay 50 A-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[163] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[164] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF, AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[165] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
[166] MANUALLY ACTUATE 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 127 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[167] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
[168] ENSURE 51 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[169] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF AND VERIFY the White Light OFF.
[170] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
[171] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
[172] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
[173] ENSURE 50 C-Phase Overcurrent Relay on 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 128 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[174] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
[175] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF AND VERIFY White Light OFF.
[176] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is CLOSED:
A. Red Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
B. Red Light ON at 2-BD-211-A-A, Panel 20.
[177] MANUALLY ACTUATE 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
[178] VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A OPEN at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20:
A. Green Light ON at 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20.
B. Green Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
C. White Light ON at 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A.
[179] ENSURE relay 50G Ground OVERCURRENT Relay on 2-BD-21 1-A-A, Panel 20 has been manually reset.
[180] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A remains OPEN, Green Light ON.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 129 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[181] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF, AND VERIFY the White Light OFF.
[182] VERIFY 2-XA-55-1B-10E, 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
[183] PLACE AND HOLD a handheld jumper at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341A, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2A TRANSFORMER, across Control Box Terminals 4 and 5, (Dwg. 45W2724-2).
1st CV
[184] VERIFY the following:
A. 2-XA-55-1B-10E, 480 TR-AXFMR TEMP HI, is in ALARM.
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 10-E 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI is in ALARM.
[185] REMOVE Handheld jumper across Terminals 4 and 5 at Transformer 2-OXF-68-341 A.
1st CV
[186] VERIFY the following:
A. 2-XA-55-1B-10E, 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI, is CLEAR.
B. Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 10-E 480 TR-A XFMR TEMP HI is CLEAR.
[187] ENSURE breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is OPEN by placing 2-HS-68-341A to the OFF position.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 130 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
CAUTION If the breaker closing springs are charged, they will discharge when the breaker is removed from the compartment.
[188] REMOVE breaker 2-BKR-68-341A, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 1A-A XFMR (2-OXF-68-341A), from the TEST position in accordance with GOI-7.
[189] RACK UP circuit breaker 2-BKR-68-341A to the CONNECTED position in accordance with GOI-07.
[190] LAND Wire AT3C at terminal block BB, point 10 at Panel 20, 2-BD-21 1-A-A.
1st CV
[191] LAND Wire SA20C3 at TB-109, Terminal 8 at Panel 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.l.
1st CV
[192] PERFORM the following:
A. TOGGLE W2PZRA 068:2PS0680340G to the OPEN position using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
B. PLACE W2PZRA_068:2PS0680340G to AUTO in FoxSelect using a Foxboro I/A workstation.
C. PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF.
D. PLACE Test Switch #3 to OFF.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 131 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
NOTE If SubSection 6.3 has been completed, Perform the following steps to remove Test Switches #1, #2, and #3. Otherwise Mark the steps N/A.
[193] REMOVE Test Switch #1 per the following instructions:
A. ENSURE Test Switch #1 is placed to the OFF position.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #1 from lifted lead PH1A1 and Terminal 9 of Terminal Board TB-1 08 at Panel 2-L-11A, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv C. LAND lead PH1A1 to Terminal 10 of Terminal Board TB-108 at Panel 2-L-1 1A.
1st Cv
[194] REMOVE Test Switch #2 per the following instructions:
A. PLACE Test Switch #2 to OFF.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #2 from lifted lead PH2B1 and Terminal 11 at TB-1 08 at Panel 2-L-1 1 B, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv C. LAND lead PH2B1 to Terminal 12 at TB-108 at Panel 2-L-11B.
1st Cv
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 132 of 208 Date 6.4 Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A Logic Checks (continued)
[195] REMOVE Test Switch #3 per the following instructions:
A. PLACE Test Switch #3 to OFF.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #3 from lifted lead PH2B2 and Terminal 11 of TB-1 08 at Panel 2-L-1 1B, Aux Control Board, Relay Section.
1st Cv C. LAND Lead PH2B2 to Terminal 10 of TB-108 at Panel 2-L-11B.
1st Cv
[196] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.4 (ACC CRIT).
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements CAUTION This section will be performed with a bubble in the Pressurizer at normal operating pressure and temperature (NOP and NOT) during hot functional. Refer to 2-PTI-68-1, Hot Functional Test, for establishing a bubble. Maintain Charging and Letdown flows and monitor surge line temperature (2-TI-68-318) during performance of this section. Suspend testing if surge line temperature increases 100 F. Resume testing when surge line temperature returns to the original temperature observed at the beginning of this section or as directed by the US/SRO.
NOTE SubSection 6.5 will deenergize one group of Pressurizer Heaters at a time. The Test Engineer should closely coordinate with the US/SRO (or his designee) the Energizing and Deenergizing of equipment such that Operations is aware of which groups can be utilized for Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control during the performance of this section.
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.5 have been completed.
[2] VERIFY 2-PTI-068-01, HOT FUNCTIONAL TEST, is in progress.
[3] NOTIFY the US/SRO that Pressurizer Backup Heater Group 2A-A will be unavailable for Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control after performance of the next step.
U2 US/SRO/SM Signature Date
[4] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, at 2-M-4, TO OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is OPEN, Green Light ON.
[5] LIFT and TAPE Orange wire SA20T3 at Terminal 7 of TB109 at NSSS AUX PANEL 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No. 1 (Dwg. 45N2680-3) 1st CV
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[6] OPEN cover for 2-DPL-68-341A, PRESS HTR BACKUP GRP 2A DIST PNL (A5W, EL 782) (Dwg. 2-45W724-3).
NOTE The following steps take electrical measurements for Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A.
[7] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341A, PRESS HTR BACKUP GRP 2A DIST PNL (A5W, EL 782), to OPEN:
A. 2-BKR-68-341A/A1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/Al).
1st Cv B. 2-BKR-68-341A/A2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A2).
1st Cv C. 2-BKR-68-341A/A3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A3).
1st Cv D. 2-BKR-68-341A/A4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 A/A4).
1st Cv E. 2-BKR-68-341A/A5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A5).
1st Cv F. 2-BKR-68-341A/A6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A6).
1st Cv
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 135 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
G. 2-BKR-68-341A/A7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A7).
1st Cv CAUTION The Pressurizer heaters must NOT be energized below the minimum Pressurizer level of 17% to assure heaters will always remain immersed in water. If for any unforeseen reason the Pressurizer heaters remain energized below a level of 17%, the breakers must be manually tripped prior to uncovering the heaters which occurs at a level of 14%.
[8] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-M-4.
CAUTION The following steps will be performed while Panel 2-DPL-68-341A is energized. The door will remain open while testing and only one breaker shall be closed at any given time.
[9] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/Al) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 22, 24, and 26).
[10] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A1) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[11] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A1) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[121 PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A1) to OPEN.
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[13] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A2) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 28, 30, and 32).
[14] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A2) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[15] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A2) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[16] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A2) to OPEN.
[17] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A3) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 34, 36, and 38).
[18] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A3) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[19] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A3) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[20] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A1A3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A3) to OPEN.
[21] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A4) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 42, 40, and 44).
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[22] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A4) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[23] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A4) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[24] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A4) to OPEN.
[25] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A5) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 5, 3, and 7).
[26] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A5) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[27] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A5) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[28] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A5) to OPEN.
[29] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A6) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 11, 9 and 13).
[30] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A6) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 138 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[31] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A6) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[32] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A1A6) to OPEN.
[33] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A7) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 17, 15, and 19).
[34] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A7) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[35] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341A/A7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A7) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 1.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[36] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341A/A7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A7) to OPEN.
[37] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A is OPEN, Green Light ON.
[38] LAND Orange Wire SA20T3 at Terminal 7 of TB109 at 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No. 1.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 139 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[39] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341A, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2A DISTRIBUTICLOSED PANEL (A5W, EL 782), to CLOSE:
A. 2-BKR-68-341A/A1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 A/A).
B. 2-BKR-68-341A/A2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A2).
C. 2-BKR-68-341A/A3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 A/A3).
D. 2-BKR-68-341A/A4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 A/A4).
E. 2-BKR-68-341A/A5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A5).
F. 2-BKR-68-341A/A6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341A/A6).
G. 2-BKR-68-341A/A7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 A/A7).
[40] CLOSE cover for Panel 2-DPL-68-341A PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2A DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A5W, EL 782).
[41] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A to ON AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341A CLOSED, Red Light ON.
[42] NOTIFY US/SRO that Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2A-A is available for service, and that Pressurizer Backup Heater Group 2B-B will be unavailable.
U2 US/SRO/SM Signature Date
[43] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, at 2-M-4 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is OPEN, Green Light ON.
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[44] LIFT and TAPE Orange Wire SB20T3 at Terminal 5 of TB207 at NSSS AUX PANEL 2-PNL-99-R55-B (Dwg. 45N2681-3) 1st CV
[45] OPEN cover for Panel 2-DPL-68-341 D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A15W, EL 782). (Dwg.
NOTE The following steps take electrical measurements for Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B.
[46] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341 D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B DISTRIBUTION PANEL, (A15W, EL 782) to OPEN:
A. 2-BKR-68-341D/B1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B1).
1st CV B. 2-BKR-68-341D/B2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B2).
1st Cv C. 2-BKR-68-341D/B3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B3).
1st Cv D. 2-BKR-68-341D/B4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B4).
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 141 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
E. 2-BKR-68-341D/B5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B5).
1st Cv F. 2-BKR-68-341D/B6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B6).
1st Cv G. 2-BKR-68-341D/B7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B7).
1st Cv CAUTION The Pressurizer heaters must NOT be energized below the minimum Pressurizer level of 17% to assure heaters will always remain immersed in water. If for any unforeseen reason the Pressurizer heaters remain energized below a level of 17%, the breakers must be manually tripped prior to uncovering the heaters which occurs at a level of 14%.
[47] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light ON at 2-M-4.
CAUTION The following steps will be performed while Panel 2-DPL-68-341D-B is energized. The door will remain open while testing and only one breaker shall be closed at any given time.
[48] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B1) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 23, 25, and 27).
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[49] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B1) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[50] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B1) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[51] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B13) to OPEN.
[52] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B2) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 29, 31, and 33).
[53] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 D/B2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B2) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[54] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B2) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[55] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B2) to OPEN.
[56] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B3) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 35, 37, and 39).
[57] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B3) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 143 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[58] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B3) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[59] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B3) to OPEN.
[60] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B4) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 43, 41, and 45).
[61] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B4) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[62] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B4) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[63] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B4) to OPEN.
[64] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B5) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 4, 2, and 6).
[65] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B5) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[66] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B5) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 144 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[67] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B5) to OPEN.
[68] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B6) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 10, 8, and 12).
[69] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B6) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[70] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B6) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[71] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B6) to OPEN.
[72] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B7) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 16, 14, and 18).
[73] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B7) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[74] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341D/B7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B7) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 3.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[75] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341D/B7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341D/B7) to OPEN.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 145 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[76] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to OFF AND VERIFY the breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is OPEN, Green Light ON.
[77] LAND Orange Wire SB20T3 at Terminal 5 of TB207 at NSSS AUX PANEL 2-PNL-99-R55-B.
1st Cv
[78] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341 D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A15W, EL 782), to CLOSED:
A. 2-BKR-68-341D/B1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B13).
B. 2-BKR-68-341D/B2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B2).
C. 2-BKR-68-341D/B3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B3).
D. 2-BKR-68-341D/B4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B4).
E. 2-BKR-68-341D/B5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B5).
F. 2-BKR-68-341D/1B6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B6).
G. 2-BKR-68-341 D/B7 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 D/B7).
[79] CLOSE cover for Panel 2-DPL-68-341 D, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A15W, EL 782).
[80] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON AND VERIFY the breaker 2-BKR-68-341 D is CLOSED, Red Light On.
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[81] NOTIFY US/SRO that Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2B is available for service, and that PRESSURIZER BACKUP HEATER GROUP 2C will be unavailable.
U2 US/SRO/SM Signature Date
[82] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, at 2-M-4 to OFF AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is OPEN, Green Light ON.
[83] OPEN cover for 2-DPL-68-341 H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A15W, EL 782).
NOTE The following steps take electrical measurements for Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C.
[84] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341 H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C, DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A15W, EL 782), to OPEN:
A. 2-BKR-68-341 H/Cl PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/Cl).
1st CV B. 2-BKR-68-341H/C2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C2).
1st CV C. 2-BKR-68-341H/C3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C3).
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 147 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
D. 2-BKR-68-341H/C4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C4).
1st Cv E. 2-BKR-68-341H/C5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C5).
1st CV F. 2-BKR-68-3411H/C6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C6).
1st CV CAUTION The Pressurizer heaters must NOT be energized below the minimum Pressurizer level of 17% to assure heaters will always remain immersed in water. If for any unforeseen reason the Pressurizer heaters remain energized below a level of 17%, the breakers must be manually tripped prior to uncovering the heaters which occurs at a level of 14%.
[85] VERIFY/PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C, at 2-M-4 to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 H is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
CAUTION The following steps will be performed while Panel 2-DPL-68-341 H is energized. The door will remain open while testing and only one breaker shall be closed at any given time.
[86] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341H/C1) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 1, 21, and 48).
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 148 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[87] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341H/Cl PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/Cl) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[88] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 H/Cl PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/Cl) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[89] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341 H/Cl PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C1) to OPEN.
[90] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C2) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 50, 53, and 55).
[91] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 H/C2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C2) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[92] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 H/C2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C2) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[93] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C2) to OPEN.
[94] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C3) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 58, 60, and 63).
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 149 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[95] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 H/C3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C3) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[96] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 H/C3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C3) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[97] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341H/C3) to OPEN.
[98] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341 H/C4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341H/C4) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 65, 68, and 70).
[99] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 H/C4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C4) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[100] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341H/C4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C4) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[101] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C4) to OPEN.
[102] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C5) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 73, 75 and 77).
[103] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341H/C5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C5) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[104] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341H/C5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C5) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[105] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341 H/C5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C5) to OPEN.
[106] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C6) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 20, 46, and 78).
[107] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341H/C6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C6) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[108] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341H/C6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C6) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 5.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[109] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341H/C6, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341H/C6), to OPEN.
[110] OPEN breaker 2-BKR-068-0341H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 H) using handswitch 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C AND VERIFY Green Light is ON at 2-M-4.
1st CV
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[111] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A15W, EL 782), to CLOSED:
A. 2-BKR-68-341H/Cl, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/Cl).
B. 2-BKR-68-341H/C2, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C2).
C. 2-BKR-68-341H/C3, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C3).
D. 2-BKR-68-341H/C4, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C4).
E. 2-BKR-68-341 H/C5, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C5).
F. 2-BKR-68-341H/C6, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 H/C6).
[112] CLOSE cover for Panel 2-DPL-68-341H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A15W, EL 782).
[113] CLOSE breaker 2-BKR-068-0341 H, PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C XFMR (2-OXF-68-341 H), AND VERIFY Red Light is ON.
1st CV
[114] NOTIFY US/SRO that Pressurizer Heater Backup Group 2C is available for service, and that Pressurizer Control Heater Group 2D will be unavailable.
U2 US/SRO/SM Signature Date
[115] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is OPEN, Green Light ON.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit2 Rev.0000 Page 152 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[116] LIFT Wire 15E7 from Terminal 7 of TB-1 5E at 2-R-1 5, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP 1, RACK
[117] LIFT Wire 15E8 from Terminal 8 of TB-1 5E at 2-R-1 5, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP 1, RACK
- 15. (Dwg. 45N2665-2, DRA 52378-318) 1st CV NOTE The Milliamp source is necessary for the test in order to achieve desired amperage to the heaters to fully test the heater power output capability.
[118] CONNECT the positive Milliamp source lead to Wire 15E7 and the negative lead to Wire 15E8 at 2-R-1 5.
[119] OPEN the cover for 2-DPL-68-341 F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A5W, EL 782).
NOTE The following steps take the electrical measurements for Pressurizer Heater Control Group 2D.
[120] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A5W, EL 782), to OPEN:
A. 2-BKR-68-341 F/D1, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D1).
B. 2-BKR-68-341 F/D2, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D2).
C. 2-BKR-68-341F/D3, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D3).
D. 2-BKR-68-341F/D4, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D4).
E. 2-BKR-68-341F/D5, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D5).
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
F. 2-BKR-68-341F/D6, PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D6).
CAUTION The Pressurizer heaters must NOT be energized below the minimum Pressurizer level of 17% to assure heaters will always remain immersed in water. If for any unforeseen reason the Pressurizer heaters remain energized below a level of 17%, the breakers must be manually tripped prior to uncovering the heaters which occurs at a level of 14%.
[121] VERIFY/PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-314F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4 to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
CAUTION The following steps will be performed while Panel 2-DPL-68-341F is energized. Use extreme caution while working inside this energized panel. The door will remain open while testing and only one breaker shall be closed at any given time.
[122] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D1) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 47, 49, and 51).
NOTE The next 3 steps may be performed concurrently and repeated as necessary to achieve desired reading.
[123] ADJUST Milliamp Source Output to obtain the highest heater element amperage readings AND RECORD the Milliamp output value from M&TE mADC (4-2OmA)
M&TE Cal Due Date
[124] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D1) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 7 M&TE Cal Due Date
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 154 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[125] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D1) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[126] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D1) to OPEN.
[127] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D2) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 52, 54, and 56).
[128] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D2) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[129] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D2) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[130] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D2) to OPEN.
[131] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D3) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 57, 59, and 61).
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[132] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D3) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[133] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 F/D3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D3) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[134] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D3) to OPEN.
[135] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D4) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 66, 64, and 62).
[136] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341 FID4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D4) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[137] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D4) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[138] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D4 to OPEN.
[139] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D5) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 67, 69 and 71).
[140] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D5) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[141] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D5) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[142] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D5) to OPEN.
[143] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D6) to CLOSED (to energize Heater Elements 72, 74, and 76).
[144] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D6) phase to phase voltages on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[145] RECORD 2-BKR-68-341F/D6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D6) each phase amperage on Data Sheet 7.
M&TE Cal Due Date
[146] PLACE 2-BKR-68-341F/D6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341F/D6) to OPEN.
[147] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D, at 2-M-4, to OFF, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is OPEN, Green Light ON.
[148] REMOVE the positive Milliamp source lead from Wire 15E7 and the negative lead from Wire 15E8 at 2-R-1 5.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 157 of 208 Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[149] LAND Wire 15E8 at Terminal 8 of TB-15E at 2-R-15, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP, RACK 15.
1st CV
[150] LAND Wire 15E7 at Terminal 7 of TB-15E at 2-R-15, PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL GROUP, RACK 15.
1 st CV
[151] PLACE the following breakers at 2-DPL-68-341F, PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D DISTRIBUTION PANEL (A5W, EL 782), to CLOSE:
A. 2-BKR-68-341F/D1 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D1).
B. 2-BKR-68-341F/D2 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D2).
C. 2-BKR-68-341F/D3 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D3).
D. 2-BKR-68-341F/D4 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D4).
E. 2-BKR-68-341 F/D5 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D5).
F. 2-BKR-68-341 F/D6 PRESSURIZER HTR (2-HTR-68-341 F/D6).
[153] PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D to ON, AND VERIFY breaker 2-BKR-68-341 F is CLOSED, Red Light ON.
Date 6.5 Pressurizer Heater Electrical Measurements (continued)
[154] NOTIFY Shift Operations Supervisor that Pressurizer Control Heater Group 2D is available for service.
U2 US/SRO/SM Signature Date
[155] CALCULATE the individual heater power consumed AND RECORD the values at Data Sheets 2, 4, 6, and 8.
[156] VERIFY each individual heater element power usage is between (21.93-24.23 kW). (ACC CRIT)
[157] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.5 (ACC CRIT).
Date 6.6 That Operability of 2-PCV-68-340B, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.6 have been completed.
[2] ENSURE the Integrated Computer System (ICS) point PD2035 is in scan.
[3] ENSURE 2-PIC-68-340B, LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 is in MANUAL.
[4] VERIFY Fuse 2-FU-278-M4/1 1, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY CONT VLV POS IND CONT FU, at 2-M-4 (SP-1) is INSTALLED. (Dwg. 2-45W600-68-1)
[5] VERIFY Fuse 2-FU-278-M4/12, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY CONT VLV POS IND CONT FU, at 2-M-4 (SP-1) is INSTALLED. (Dwg. 2-45W600-68-1)
[6] VERIFY Control Air is available for 2-PCV-68-340B, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL.
[7] DEPRESS RAMP and << pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340B, LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL at 2-M-4, until output indicator reads approximately 0 AND VERIFY:
A. 2-PCV-68-340B, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL, is FULLY CLOSED (locally, 702/AZ1 17).
B. Green Light ON, 2-XI-68-340B, PZR SPRAY LOOP 2 at 2-M-4.
C. Red Light OFF, 2-XI-68-340B, PZR SPRAY LOOP 2.
D. ICS point PD2035 displays CLOSED.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 160 of 208 Date 6.6 That Operability of 2-PCV-68-340B, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL (continued)
[8] SLOWLY DEPRESS RAMP and >> pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340B, LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 until the Red Light at 2-XI-68-340B, PZR SPRAY LOOP 2 is ON AND VERIFY:
A. ICS point PD2035 displays NOT CLS.
C. Green Light OFF at 2-XI-68-340B, PZR SPRAY LOOP 2.
[9] SLOWLY DEPRESS RAMP and >> pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340B, LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL at 2-M-4, until output indicator reads approximately 100 AND VERIFY (locally) Valve 2-PCV-68-340B, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL, is FULLY OPEN.
[10] SLOWLY DEPRESS RAMP and << pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340B, LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 until output indicator reads approximately 0, AND VERIFY:
B. Green Light ON at 2-XI-68-340B, PZR SPRAY LOOP 2.
C. ICS point PD2035 displays CLOSED.
D. Red Light Off at 2-XI-63-340B, PZR SPRAY LOOP 2.
[11] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.6.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 161 of 208 Date 6.7 Operability of 2-PCV-68-340D, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.7 have been completed.
[2] ENSURE the Integrated Computer System (ICS) point PD2036 is in scan.
[3] ENSURE 2-PIC-68-340D, LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 is in MANUAL.
[4] VERIFY Fuse 2-FU-278-M4/9 at 2-M-4 (SP-1) is INSTALLED.
(Dwg. 2-45W600-68-1)
[5] VERIFY Fuse 2-FU-278-M4/10 at 2-M-4 (SP-1) is INSTALLED.
(Dwg. 2-45W600-68-1)
[6] VERIFY Control Air is available for 2-PCV-68-340D RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL.
[7] DEPRESS RAMP and << pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340D, LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 until output indicator reads approximately 0 AND VERIFY:
A. 2-PCV-68-340D, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL, is FULLY CLOSED (locally, 702/AZO91).
B. Green Light ON, 2-XI-68-340D, PZR SPRAY LOOP 1 at 2-M-4.
C. Red Light OFF, 2-XI-68-340D, PZR SPRAY LOOP 1.
D. ICS point PD2036 displays CLOSED.
Date 6.7 Operability of 2-PC(V-68-340D, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL (continued)
[8] SLOWLY DEPRESS RAMP and >> pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340D, LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 until the Red Light at 2-XI-68-340D, PZR SPRAY LOOP 1 is ON AND VERIFY:
A. ICS point PD2036 displays NOT CLS B. 2-PCV-68-340D, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL, is NOT FULLY CLOSED (locally).
C. Green Light OFF at 2-XI-68-340D, PZR SPRAY LOOP 1.
[9] SLOWLY DEPRESS RAMP and >> pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340D, LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 until output indicator reads approximately 100 AND VERIFY (locally) Valve 2-PCV-68-340D, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY LINE ISOL, is FULLY OPEN.
[10] SLOWLY DEPRESS RAMP and << pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340D, LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 until output indicator reads approximately 0, AND VERIFY:
B. Green Light ON at 2-XI-68-340D, PZR SPRAY LOOP 1.
C. ICS point PD2036 displays CLOSED.
D. Red Light OFF AT 2-XI-63-340D, PZR SPRAY LOOP 1.
[11] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.7.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 163 of 208 Date 6.8 Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Valves, 2-BYV-68-552 and 2-BYV-68-555 CAUTION Pressurizer spray should NOT be initiated if the temperature difference between the Pressurizer and the spray fluid is greater than 260'F.
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.8 have been completed.
NOTE Pressurizer Spray Valves must remain closed during the adjustment of the respective continuous spray flow valves. If needed for Pressure Control, use the Spray Valve for the Loop NOT under test at the time.
[2] ENSURE valves 2-BYV-68-552, and 2-BYV-68-555 are FULL OPEN.
[3] VERIFY the plant is at the 5570 F plateau per 2-PTI-068-01, Hot Functional Test with all RCP's running.
[4] ENSURE 2-PIC-68-340D, LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 is in MANUAL.
[5] DEPRESS RAMP and << pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340D, LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 until output indicator reads approximately 0.
[6] ENSURE 2-PIC-68-340B, LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL, at 2-M-4 is in MANUAL.
[7] DEPRESS RAMP and << pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340B, LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL at 2-M-4, until output indicator reads approximately 0.
[8] OBTAIN the total number of valve stem turns from the FULL CLOSED position to the FULL OPEN position for Continuous Spray Flow Valves 2-BYV-68-552 and 2-BYV-68-555 from 2-PTI-068-01, Section 4.1.2, Reactor Coolant System, AND RECORD on Data Sheet 9.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 164 of 208 Date 6.8 Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Valves, 2-BYV-68-552 and 2-BYV-68-555 (continued)
NOTE Allow spray line to cool below RCS temperature. Steps 6.8[9] and 6.8[10] will verify spray line temperature low alarms at approximately 5301F.
[9] FULLY CLOSE Valve 2-BYV-68-552, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340D BYPASS (733/ICQ2).
[10] PERFORM the following:
A. VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 89-E LOOP #1 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO (TS-68-317) is in ALARM. (ACC CRIT)
B. RECORD Loop 1 spray line temperature from 2-TI-68-317, LOOP 1 SPRAY TEMP, 2-M-5.
2-TI-68-317 OF CAUTION Pressurizer Spray should NOT be initiated if the temperature difference between the Pressurizer and the spray fluid is greater than 2600 F.
[11] OPEN Valve 2-BYV-68-552, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340D BYPASS per Data Sheet 9 until Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 89-E LOOP #1 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO (TS-68-317) is NORMAL.
A. RECORD the temperature at which the Unit 2 Events Display Legend returns to NORMAL.
2-TI-68-317 OF
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 165 of 208 Date 6.8 Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Valves, 2-BYV-68-552 and 2-BYV-68-555 (continued)
[12] MONITOR spray line temperature for approximately 60 minutes, AND VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 89-E LOOP
- 1 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO (TS-68-317) is NORMAL.
A. RECORD the temperature at which the Unit 2 Events Display Legend returns to NORMAL.
2-TI-68-317 OF
[13] RECORD Valve 2-BYV-68-552, RCS LOOP 1 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340D BYPASS, final valve position.
2-BYV-68-552 Number of turns OPEN
[14] FULLY CLOSE Valve 2-BYV-68-555, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340B BYPASS, (702/AZl 74).
[15] PERFORM the following:
A. RECORD Loop 2 spray line temperature from 2-TI-68-316, RCS LOOP 2 SPRAY TEMP, 2-M-5.
2-TI-68-316 OF B. VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 89-E LOOP #2 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO (TS-68-316) is in ALARM. (ACC CRIT)
CAUTION Pressurizer Spray should NOT be initiated if the temperature difference between the Pressurizer and the spray fluid is greater than 2600 F.
[16] OPEN Valve 2-BYV-68-555, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340B BYPASS per Data Sheet 9 until Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 89-E LOOP #2 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO (TS-68-316) is NORMAL.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 166 of 208 Date 6.8 Pressurizer Continuous Spray Flow Valves, 2-BYV-68-552 and 2-BYV-68-555 (continued)
[17] MONITOR spray line temperature for approximately 60 minutes AND VERIFY Unit 2 Events Display Legend indicates 89-E LOOP
- 2 PZR SPRAY TEMP LO (TS-68-316) is NORMAL.
[18] RECORD Valve 2-BYV-68-555, RCS LOOP 2 PZR SPRAY 2-PCV-68-340B BYPASS, final position.
2-BYV-68-555 Number of turn(s) OPEN
[19] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.8.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 167 of 208 Date 6.9 Pressurizer Heater Effectiveness CAUTION Monitor Reactor Coolant Pump seal flow throughout this section.
- 1) This Subsection will be performed during Hot Functional Test, when plant conditions are established at 2235 psig and approximately 5571F with a normal pressurizer level of 25%.
- 2) Pressurizer heaters will be manually operated as necessary to raise or lower Pressurizer pressure for transients which occur during this Subsection. The Charging and Letdown System will be operated as required to maintain Pressurizer level constant at approximately 25%.
- 3) During the performance of this Subsection, piping vibration data will be collected. The TE is responsible for performance of piping vibration activities in accordance with 2-PTI-999-01 and shall make an entry in the Chronological Test Log.
[1] VERIFY prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 for SubSection 6.9 have been completed.
[2] VERIFY the plant is at the 5571F plateau per 2-PTI-068-01, Hot Functional Test with all RCP's running.
[3] RECORD switch status on Appendix G, AS FOUND SWITCH LINEUP, SubSection 6.9.
[4] LIFT and TAPE Wire SA20T2 at TB-1 09, Terminal 10 (internal) at 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.l.
(Dwg. 2-45W760-68-3, 45N2680-3) 1st CV
[5] LIFT and TAPE Wire SB20T2 at TB-207, Terminal 8 (internal) at 2-PNL-99-R55-B, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.2. (Dwg.
2-45W760-68-3, 45N2681-3) 1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 168 of 208 Date 6.9 Pressurizer Heater Effectiveness (continued)
[6] LIFT and TAPE Wire SB21 C2 at TB-207, Terminal 11 at 2-PNL-99-R55-B, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No. 2 (Dwg.
2-45W760-68-3, 45N2681-3) 1st CV
[7] ENSURE the Piping Vibration Test Engineer has test equipment and personnel in place to support vibration testing.
Vibration Engineer Signature Date
[8] OPEN Pressurizer trend display in FoxView at a Foxboro I/A workstation.
[9] MAINTAIN PZR Level between 22 to 28% and PZR Pressure between 2235 to 2255 psig, AND RECORD:
2-LI-68-335A, PZR LEVEL 2-PI-68-340A PZR Pressure psig
[10] ENSURE Controller 2-LIC-68-339, CHRG FLOW/PZR LEVEL CONTROL, is in MANUAL.
[12] ENSURE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A is OFF at Panel 2-M-4.
[13] ENSURE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B is OFF at Panel 2-M-4.
[14] ENSURE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D is OFF (spring return to P AUTO) at Panel 2-M-4.
[15] ENSURE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341H, BACKUP HEATERS C is OFF (spring return to P AUTO) at Panel 2-M-4.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 169 of 208 Date 6.9 Pressurizer Heater Effectiveness (continued)
[16] DEPRESS RAMP and << pushbuttons at 2-PIC-68-340A, PZR PRESS MASTER CONTROL, to MINIMUM (to reduce output demand signal).
- 1) Trend display used during the performance of this test must be labeled with the following information:
- 1. Test being performed, procedure # and step #
- 2. Date
- 3. Scale used if applicable
- 2) The sign-offs shall be performed following the completion of transients.
[17] RECORD values required by Data Sheet 10.
[18] ENSURE Pressurizer Spray is minimized by:
CAUTION Do not exceed pressure of 2335 psig when performing the following step.
[19] MANUALLY INCREASE PZR Pressure by energizing the following:
A. PLACE 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO).
B. PLACE 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B, to ON (spring return to A-P AUTO).
C. PLACE 2-HS-68-341 F, CONTROL HEATERS D, to ON (spring return to P AUTO).
D. PLACE 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C, to ON (spring return to P AUTO).
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 170 of 208 Date 6.9 Pressurizer Heater Effectiveness (continued)
CAUTION Pressurizer pressure may continue to increase during de-energizing, but should NOT exceed 2400 psig.
[20] PERFORM the following when RCS pressure reaches 2300 psig. as indicated on 2-PI-68-340A.
A. PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341A, BACKUP HEATERS A-A to OFF.
B. PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341D, BACKUP HEATERS B-B to OFF.
C. PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341F, CONTROL HEATERS D to OFF (spring return to P AUTO).
D. PLACE Handswitch 2-HS-68-341 H, BACKUP HEATERS C to OFF (spring return to P AUTO).
E. RECORD Values on Data Sheet 10.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 171 of 208 Date 6.9 Pressurizer Heater Effectiveness (continued)
NOTE Retain Pressurizer Trend Display with active regions as part of Test Package. Make an Attachment to the test package.
[21] DEC REASE/MAI NTAI N PZR Level between 22 to 28% and PZR Pressure between 2215 to 2255 psig, AND RECORD:
2-LI-68-335A, PZR LEVEL 2-PI-68-340A PZR Pressure psig
[22] LAND Wire SA20T2 at Terminal 10, TB-109 at 2-PNL-99-R54-A, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.1.
1st CV
[23] LAND Wire SB20T2 at Terminal 8, TB-207 at 2-PNL-99-R55-B. Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No.2.
1st CV
[24] LAND Wire SB21C2 at TB-207 Terminal 11 at 2-PNL-99-R55-B, Auxiliary Relay Cabinet No. 2.
1st CV
[25] COMPARE Data Sheet 10 with Figure 1 AND VERIFY it is within the limits shown. (ACC CRIT)
[26] VERIFY the successful completion of this Subsection 6.9.
[1] NOTIFY the Unit 2 US/SRO of the test completion and system alignment.
[2] NOTIFY the Unit 1 US/SRO of the test completion and system alignment
[3] VERIFY that Post-test calibration of the M&TE used to record quantitative acceptance criteria has been satisfactorily performed, AND RECORD the results on Measuring and Test Equipment (M&TE) Log.
[4] VERIFY that Post-test calibration of permanent plant instruments used to record quantitative acceptance criteria has been satisfactorily performed AND RECORD the results on Appendix C, Permanent Plant Instrumentation Log.
[5] REMOVE Test Switch #4 per the following instructions:
A. VERIFY/PLACE Test Switch #4 in OFF.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #4 from Terminals 7 and 8 of Terminal Board 604 at Panel 2-PNL-99-R48-A, SS Protection Sys Output Pnl Train A.
1 st CV
[6] REMOVE Test Switch #5 per the following instructions:
A. VERIFY/PLACE Test Switch #5 in OFF.
B. REMOVE Test Switch #5 from Terminals 7 and 8 of Terminal Board 604 at Panel 2-PNL-99-R51-B, SS Protection Sys Output Pnl Train B.
1st CV
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 173 of 208 Date 8.0 RECORDS A. QA Records Completed Test Package (PTI)
B. Non-QA Records None
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 174 of 208 Appendix A (Page 1 of 1)
- 1) Additional copies of this table may be made as necessary.
- 2) Initial and date indicates review has been completed for impact.
INSTRUCTION (N/A for no change)
FSAR Section 5.5.10 Section 7.7.1 Table 14.2-1 Shts 77-79 of 89 WBN2-68-4001 2-TSD-68-3 GOI-7
Appendix B (Page 1 of 1)
- 1) Additional copies of this table may be made as necessary.
- 2) These steps will be N/A'd if no temporary condition existed.
___No. CV By/Date No. CV By/Date
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 176 of 208 Appendix C (Page 1 of 1)
PERMANENT PLANT INSTRUMENTATION LOG Date INSTRUMENT CAL DUE FILLED AND PLACED IN USED FOR POST-TEST POST-TEST OR DATE VENTED 1 SERVICE 1 QUANTITATIVE CAL DATE 2 CALIBRATION 2 INSTRUMENT ACC CRIT ACCEPTABLE LOOP # INITIAL/DATE INIT/DATE INIT/DATE YES NO 2-LPL-68-339 2-LPL-68-335A 2-LPP-68-340B 2-LPP-68-340D 2-LPT-68-319 2-LPT-68-316 2-LPT-68-317 1 These items may be initialed and dated by personnel performing the task. Instrumentation not required to be filled and vented may be identified as Not Applicable. (N/A) 2 May be identified as Not Applicable (N/A) if instrument was not used to verify/record quantitative acceptance criteria data.
Appendix D (Page 1 of 1)
BREAKER LINEUP Date Breaker Identification Breaker Nomenclature Breaker Location Test Position Verified By Initials/Dat e
2-BKR-68-341A PRZR HTR BACKUP GRP 2A 6900-V Shutdown Board 2A-A, Panel 20, OPEN/ /
(SubSection 6.4) 2-OXF-68-341A-A A4-T 757 Elev. Racked-Down 2-BKR-68-341 F PZR CONTROL HTR GRP 2D XFMR 6900-V Shutdown Board 2A-A, Panel 21, OPEN/ /
(SubSection 6.1) (2-OXF-68-341F) A10-T 757 Elev. Racked-Down 2-BKR-68-341 D PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2B-B XFMR 6900-V Shutdown Board 2B-B, Panel 20, OPEN/ /
(SubSection 6.3) (2-OXF-68-341D) A12-T 757 Elev. Racked-Down 2-BKR-68-341 H PZR BACKUP HTR GRP 2C XFMR 6900-V Shutdown Board 2B-B, Panel 21, OPEN/ /
(SubSection 6.2) (2-OXF-68-341 H) Al 1-T 757 Elev. Racked-Down 2-BKR-235-0003/31-F AUX CONT PNL A RELAY BUS 120V AC VITAL INSTR PWR BD 2-111 ON /
(SubSection 6.3, 6.4) 2-L-1 1A 2-BD-235-0003-F Al 1-R 757 Elev.
(SubSection 6.3, 6.4) 2-L-1 1B 2-BD-235-0004-G A12-R 757 Elev.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 178 of 208 Appendix E (Page 1 of 2)
2-XS-68-341H 6.2 2-BD-211-B-B 125V DC CONTROL BUS TRANSFER NOR /
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 179 of 208 Appendix E (Page 2 of 2)
Panel 4 43TC 6.1 2-PNL-21 1-A-A 43TC GROUP C TEST RELAYS NOR .
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 180 of 208 Appendix F (Page 1 of 1)
2 2-PNL-99-R48-A /
3 2-PNL-99-R48-A /
4 2-PNL-99-R48-A /
5 2-PNL-99-R48-A /
6 2-PNL-99-R48-A /
7 2-PNL-99-R48-A /
8 2-PNL-99-R48-A /
TB604 1 2-PNL-99-R51-B /
2 2-PNL-99-R51-B /
3 2-PNL-99-R51-B I 4 2-PNL-99-R51-B I 5 2-PNL-99-R51-B /
6 2-PNL-99-R51-B /
7 2-PNL-99-R51-B I 8 2-PNL-99-R51-B I
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 181 of 208 Appendix G (Page 1 of 1)
2-HS-68-341A 2-M-4 BACKUP HEATERS A-A /
2-HS-68-341 H 2-M-4 BACKUP HEATERS C /
2-HS-68-341 D 2-M-4 BACKUP HEATERS B-B /
2-PIC-68-340B 2-M-4 LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL /
2-PIC-68-340D 2-M-4 LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL /
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 182 of 208 Appendix H (Page 1 of 1)
2-HS-68-341A 2-M-4 BACKUP HEATERS A-A /
2-HS-68-341 H 2-M-4 BACKUP HEATERS C /
2-HS-68-341 D 2-M-4 BACKUP HEATERS B-B /
2-PIC-68-340B 2-M-4 LOOP 2 SPRAY CONTROL /
2-PIC-68-340D 2-M-4 LOOP 1 SPRAY CONTROL /
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 183 of 208 Data Sheet I (Page 1 of 2)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A Date Heater Group 2A. Element(1 ) Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 2-HTR-68-341A/A1 22 2PL6400A 2-BKR-68-341A/A1 6.5.10 A-B volts 6.5.11 A amps /
24 B-C volts B amps /
26 A-C volts C amps I 2-HTR-68-341A/A2 28 2PL6401A 2-BKR-68-341A/A2 6.5.14 A-B volts 6.5.15 A amps /
30 B-C volts B amps I 32 A-C volts C amps I 2-HTR-68-341A/A3 34 2PL6402A 2-BKR-68-341A/A3 6.5.18 A-B volts 6.5.19 A amps /
36 B-C volts B amps /
38 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341A/A4 42 2PL6403A 2-BKR-68-341A/A4 6.5.22 A-B volts 6.5.23 A amps /
40 B-C volts B amps /
44 A-C volts C amps I 2-HTR-68-341A/A5 5 2PL6404A 2-BKR-68-341A/A5 6.5.26 A-B volts 6.5.27 A amps I 3 B-C volts B amps /
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 184 of 208 Data Sheet 1 (Page 2 of 2)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A Date Heater Group 2A. Element(1 ) Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 7 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341A/A6 11 2PL6405A 2-BKR-68-341A/A6 6.5.30 A-B volts 6.5.31 A amps /
9 B-C volts B amps /
13 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341A/A7 17 2PL6406A 2-BKR-68-341A/A7 6.5.34 A-B volts 6.5.35 A amps /
15 B-C volts B amps /
19 A-C volts C amps /
(1) Element No's. listed on these data sheets are listed only to provide correlation between data recorded on Sheet 1 and calculations recorded on Sheet 2 and are not intended to match the exact Element No.
Data Sheet 2 (Page 1 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A Date Heater Group 2A Element [ExIx Vlts x Ampsx.577 Vo-1 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER (KW) x3 -1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified L Performed By: By:
2-HTR-68-341A/A1 22 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
24 -volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
26 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]_..I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341A/A2 28 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] I/
1000 [21.93-24.23]
30 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
32 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341A/A3 34 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 186 of 208 Data Sheet 2 (Page 2 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A Date Heater Group 2A Element__ (KW) f E x_Ix_./,r3-l Volts x Amps x 0.5771 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW)= 1000x3 f 1000 j Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
36 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
38 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]____
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341A/A4 42 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
40 volts x = amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]_ /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
44 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341A/A5 5 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 187 of 208 Data Sheet 2 (Page 3 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A Date Heater Group 2A Element {Exlxr3Il Volts xAmpsx 0.577 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) 1000x3 f 1000 " Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
3 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]____
1000 [21.93-24.23]
7 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]____
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341A/A6 11 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
9 volts x _ amps x 0.577 23.08 [AC]
1000 KW [21.93-24.23]
13 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]___I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341A/A7 17 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]_ /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
Data Sheet 2 (Page 4 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2A Date Heater Group 2A Element PE xx = Volts x Amps x 0.577 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation ePOWER(KW) 1000 x3 - 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
15 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]...I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
19 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]_ I/
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 189 of 208 Data Sheet 3 (Page 1 of 2)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B Date Heater Group 2B Element(1 ) Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 2-HTR-68-341D/B1 23 2PL6420B 2-BKR-68-341D/B1 6.5.49 A-B volts 6.5.50 A amps /
25 B-C volts B amps /
27 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341 D/B2 29 2PL6421 B 2-BKR-68-341 D/B2 6.5.53 A-B volts 6.5.54 A amps I 31 B-C volts B amps /
33 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341D/B3 35 2PL6422B 2-BKR-68-341D/B3 6.5.57 A-B volts 6.5.58 A amps /
37 B-C volts B amps /
39 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341D/B4 43 2PL6423B 2-BKR-68-341D/B4 6.5.61 A-B volts 6.5.62 A amps /
41 B-C volts B amps /
45 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341 D/B5 4 2PL6424B 2-BKR-68-341 D/B5 6.5.65 A-B volts 6.5.66 A amps /
2 B-C volts B amps /
Data Sheet 3 (Page 2 of 2)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B Date Heater Group 2B Element(1 ) Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 6 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341D/B6 10 2PL6425B 2-BKR-68-341D/B6 6.5.69 A-B volts 6.5.70 A amps /
8 B-C volts B amps /
12 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341D/B7 16 2PL6426B 2-BKR-68-341D/1B7 6.5.73 A-B volts 6.5.74 A amps /
14 B-C volts B amps /
18 A-C volts C amps /
(1) Element No's. listed on these data sheets are listed only to provide correlation between data recorded on Sheet 1 and calculations recorded on Sheet 2 and are not intended to match the exact Element No.
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 191 of 208 Data Sheet 4 (Page 1 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B Date Heater Group 2B Element Exix Jr1 Volts x Amps x 0.5771 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) = 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
2-HTR-68-341D/B1 23 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
25 volts x - amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
27 volts x _ amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341 D/B2 29 volts x __ amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
31 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
33 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341D/B3 35 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
Data Sheet 4 (Page 2 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B Date Heater Group 2B Element E x I x -v31 Volts x Amps x 0.5771 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) = 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
37 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]___I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
39 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]_I__
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341 D/B4 43 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] I__
1000 [21.93-24.23]
41 volts x __ amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]_
1000 [21.93-24.23]
45 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]____
1000 *K[21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341D/B5 4 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]____
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 193 of 208 Data Sheet 4 (Page 3 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B Date Heater Group 2B Element E xIx IF3 fvoltsxAmpsx 0.5771 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) =- 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
2 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
6 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341D/B6 10 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
8 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
12 -volts x - amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341D/B7 16 volts x - amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] I 1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 194 of 208 Data Sheet 4 (Page 4 of 4)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2B Date Heater Group 2B Element E xIx__3;= Volts x Ampsx 0.5771 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) = 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
14 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].../
1000 [21.93-24.23]
18 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]____
1000 [21.93-24.23]
Data Sheet 5 (Page 1 of 2)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2C Date Heater Group 2C Element(1 ) Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 2-HTR-68-341 H/Cl 1 2PL6430B 2-BKR-68-341H/Cl 6.5.86 A-B volts 6.5.87 A amps /
21 B-C volts B amps /
48 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341H/C2 50 2PL6431B 2-BKR-68-341H/C2 6.5.90 A-B volts 6.5.91 A amps /
53 B-C volts B amps /
55 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341 H/C3 58 2PL6432B 2-BKR-68-341 H/C3 6.5.94 A-B volts 6.5.95 A amps /
60 B-C volts B amps /
63 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341H/C4 65 2PL6433B 2-BKR-68-341H/C4 6.5.98 A-B volts 6.5.99 A amps /
68 B-C volts B amps /
70 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341H/C5 73 2PL6434B 2-BKR-68-341H/C5 6.5.102 A-B volts 6.5.103 A amps /
75 B-C volts B amps /
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 196 of 208 Data Sheet 5 (Page 2 of 2)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2C Date Heater Group 2C Element(') Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 77 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341H/C6 20 2PL6435B 2-BKR-68-341H/C6 6.5.106 A-B volts 6.5.107 A amps /
46 B-C volts B amps /
78 A-C volts C amps /
Element No's. listed on these data sheets are listed only to provide correlation between data recorded on Sheet 1 and calculations recorded on Sheet 2 and are not intended to match the exact Element No.
Data Sheet 6 (Page 1 of 3)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2C Date Heater Group 2C Element E xi rVolts x Amps x 0.577 }
=__3 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) = 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
2-HTR-68-341H/C1 1 volts x _ amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] I/
1000 [21.93-24.23]
21 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
48 volts x amps x 0.577_- KW 23.08 [AC]_ /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341 H/C2 50 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
53 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
55 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341H/C3 58 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
Data Sheet 6 (Page 2 of 3)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2C Date Heater Group 2C Element E xIx Ix31 =Volts x Amps x 0.577 1 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) = 1000*x-3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
60 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]____
1000 [21.93-24.23]
63 volts x - amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] I/
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341H/C4 65 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] //
1000 [21.93-24.23]
68 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] II 1000 [21.93-24.23]
70 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]_.__
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341H/C5 73 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 199 of 208 Data Sheet 6 (Page 3 of 3)
HEATER BACKUP GROUP 2C Date Heater Group 2C Element E x1 rVolts x Amps x 0.577 Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) = 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified 100 x 3 1Performed By: By:
75 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
77 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341 H/C6 20 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
46 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
78 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC].
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 200 of 208 Data Sheet 7 (Page 1 of 2)
HEATER CONTROL GROUP 2D Date Heater Group 2D Element(1 ) Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 2-HTR-68-341F/D1 47 2PL6410 2-BKR-68-341F/D1 6.5[124] A-B volts 6.5[125] A amps /
49 B-C volts B amps /
51 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341F/D2 52 2PL6411 2-BKR-68-341F/D3 6.5[128] A-B volts 6.5[129] A amps /
54 B-C volts B amps /
56 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341F/D3 57 2PL6412 2-BKR-68-341F/D5 6.5[132] A-B volts 6.5[133] A amps /
59 B-C volts B amps /
61 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341F/D4 66 2PL6413 2-BKR-68-341F/D6 6.5[136] A-B volts 6.5[137] A amps /
64 B-C volts B amps /
62 A-C volts C amps /
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 201 of 208 Data Sheet 7 (Page 2 of 2)
HEATER CONTROL GROUP 2D Date Heater Group 2D Element(') Cable Breaker (Step #) Volts (Step #) Amps Initial/Date 2-HTR-68-341 F/D5 67 2PL6414 2-BKR-68-341 F/D4 6.5[140] A-B volts 6.5[141] A amps /
69 B-C volts B amps /
71 A-C volts C amps /
2-HTR-68-341F/D6 72 2PL6415 2-BKR-68-341F/D2 6.5[144] A-B volts 6.5[145] A amps /
74 B-C volts B amps /
76 A-C volts C amps /
(1) Element No's. listed on these data sheets are listed only to provide correlation between data recorded on Sheet 1 and calculations recorded on Sheet 2 and are not intended to match the exact Element No.
Data Sheet 8 (Page 1 of 3)
HEATER CONTROL GROUP 2D Date Heater Group 2D Element E x IxIr3l = r Volts x Amps x 0.577* Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) =j 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
2-HTR-68-341F/D1 47 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
49 volts x - amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
51 volts x - amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]. /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341 F/D2 52 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]_
1000 [21.93-24.23]
54 volts x - amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
56 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341F/D3 57 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 203 of 208 Data Sheet 8 (Page 2 of 3)
HEATER CONTROL GROUP 2D Date Heater Group 2D Element P = E xIx *[-3 FVolts x Amps x 0.577 ] Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER(KW) = 1000 x 3 1000 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
59 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]_ //
1000 [21.93-24.23]
61 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]._./
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341 F/D4 66 _ volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
64 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]._./
1000 [21.93-24.23]
62 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341F/D5 67 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 204 of 208 Data Sheet 8 (Page 3 of 3)
HEATER CONTROL GROUP 2D Date Heater Group 2D Element E x I x Vý13 FVolts x Amps x 0.577" Acceptance Step 6.5.152 Calculation POWER 1000(xW3 L
[ 1 10 Criteria (KW) Calculation Verified Performed By: By:
69 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC]- //
1000 [21.93-24.23]
71 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
2-HTR-68-341 F/D6 72 volts x amps x 0.577 KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
74 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC]._./
1000 [21.93-24.23]
76 volts x amps x 0.577= KW 23.08 [AC] /
1000 [21.93-24.23]
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 205 of 208 Data Sheet 9 (Page 1 of 2)
Step 6.8[111 LOOP 1 STEP 6.8[16] LOOP 2 Time 2-BYV-68-552 2-TI-68-317 INIT/DATE Time 2-BYV-68-555 2-TI-68-316 INITIDATE Turns Open Temp Turns Open TEMP
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev. 0000 Page 206 of 208 Data Sheet 9 (Page 2 of 2)
Step 6.8[11] LOOP 1 STEP 6.8[16] LOOP 2 Time 2-BYV-68-552 2-TI-68-317 INIT/DATE Time 2-BYV-68-555 2-TI-68-316 INIT/DATE Turns Open Temp Turns Open TEMP
/ /
/ /
/ /
(1) Repeat the following sequence until spray line LO TEMP ALARM is CLEAR.
- 1. OPEN valve approximately 1 turn every 15 minutes.
- 2. RECORD the total number of valve turns.
- 3. RECORD spray line temperature every 30 minutes until temperature appears stable for approximately 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
Data Sheet 10 (Page 1 of 1)
PRESSURIZER HEATER EFFECTIVENESS Date PRESSURIZER SPRAY LINE Pressurizer INITIAL/DATE TEMPERATURE Water Temp. TIME PRESSURE LEVEL Loop 1 Loop 2 2-PI-68-340A 2-LI-68-335A 2-TI-68-317 2-TI-68-316 2-TI-68-319 Before Pzr Htr Transient Step _ psig % OF OF OF /
6.9[17] TIME:
After Pzr Htr Transient Step .psig % OF OF °F /
6.9[20]E TIME:
WBN Pressurizer Heater and Spray Control 2-PTI-068-03 Unit 2 Rev.0000 Page 208 of 208 Figure 1 (Page 1 of 1)
-'-4 U
2310 to Response N
P-I / .00, cc /
2290 /
04 2270 2250 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 TnIM (seconds)