ML11314A105 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Idaho State University |
Issue date: | 10/29/2011 |
From: | Kunze J Idaho State University |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML11314A105 (8) | |
Idaho State UNIVERSITY Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics Nuclear Engineering - 921 South 8th Avenue, Stop 8060 - Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8060 Health Physics - 921 South 8th Avenue, Stop 8103
- Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8103 October 29, 2011 NRC Public Document Room U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001
Transmittal of Training Reactor Annual Report Enclosed are two copies of the Annual Report, for calendar year 2010, for the AGN-201 Reactor, License R-110.
Please forward a copy to Project Manager Duane Hardesty, Mail Stop 0-12 D 03.
Sincerely, Jay F. Kunze, PhD, PE, CHP Reactor Administrator Two attachments 4c~o vwLk Nuclear Engineering Phone: (208) 282-2902
- Fax: (208) 282-4538 Health Physics Phone: (208) 282-4308
- Fax: (208) 282-4649 ISU is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor Facility License R-1,10, Docket No. 50-284 Annual Operating Report for 2010 Calendar Year
- 1. Narrative Summary A. Changes in Facility Design, Performance Characteristics, and Operating Procedures:
There were no changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures relating to reactor safety or operations during the reporting period.
B. Results of Major Surveillance Tests and Inspections:
(1) Channel tests performed on all safety channels and scram interlocks were found to be satisfactory and within specifications.
(2) Power level and period check experiments were performed with satisfactory results.
(3) The shield water tank was inspected (6/28/2010) and no leaks or excessive corrosion were observed.
(4) The seismic displacement interlock was tested and found satisfactory (7/15/2010).
(5) (a) Control element capsules (cladding) were inspected (7/1/09) and found to be in good condition with no evidence of deterioration since the previous inspection.
(b) The control rod drive mechanisms were inspected (7/1/09) and tested with satisfactory results.
(c) Ejection times were measured for all SCRAM-able rods and found to be less than I seconds (d) The reactivity worth of all safety and control rods were measured, as well as the time required to drive each rod to its fully inserted position. Reactivity insertion rates were determined to be less than 0.042%Ak/k s' ($0.058 s-) for all rods.
(e) The shutdown margin was determined to be greater than 1.48%Ak/k ($2.0) with both the most reactive SCRAM-able rod and the fine control rod fully inserted.
(f) All surveillances were within the appropriate Technical Specification requirements.
- 2. Operating History'and Energy Output.
The reactor was operated at power levels up to 4.9 watts for a total of 55.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> generating 2.95 watt-days (70.8 watt-hours) of thermal energy during this reporting period.
A summary of monthly operations for 2010 is given in Table 1.
Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor 2008 Annual Report Page 2 of 7 Table I. Summary of Monthly Reactor Operations (1 January 2010 through 31 December 2010)
Month January February March April May June June August September October November December Total Energy (W-hr) 6.80 0.00308 2.77 4.21 0.0 0.00192 5.64 18.0 15.3 15.4 0.0 2.74 70.8
- 3. A. Unscheduled Shutdowns and Corrective Actions Taken.
B. Inadvertent Scrams and Action Taken.
There were 51 inadvertent scrams during this reporting period. Table I1 summarizes the inadvertent scrams, known or suspected cause, and action taken.
Table II. Summary of Inadvertent Scrams (1 January 2010 through 31 December 2010) 6-Jan Channe12 Suspected Power Transient Restart 1
12-Jan Period Inserting SR1 caused period SCRAM Restart 1
20-Jan Channel 3 Operator in Training Error Restart 2
20-Jan Period Full FCR insertion Restart 1
3-Feb Channel 3 Trip low as FCR pulled out Shutdown 1
4-Feb Channel 3 Suspected Power Transient Shutdown 1
31-Mar Channel 2 Raise detector Restart 1
31-Mar Period "Low period when detector raised" Restart 2
Reduce planned power, 31-Mar Channel 2 Channel 2 out of calibration Restart 3
31-Mar Channel 2 Electrical Transient Shutdown 1
7-Apr Period
'Sample removal caused high period Restart 1
14-Apr Channel 3 Operator Error in range shift Restart 1
16-Apr Channel 1 Raise detector Restart 1
16-Apr Channel 3 Raise detector Shutdown 1
29-Jun Channel 3 Operator Error Restart 2
Idaho State University AGN-201 M Reactor 2008 Annual Report Page 3 of 7 20-Jul Channel2 Channel 2 out of calibration Restart 2
11-Aug Channel 3 Operator Error Restart 1
11-Aug Channel 3 Negative Reactivity due to Cd cover Restart 1
12-Aug Channel 1 Operator in Training Error Restart 1
16-Aug Channel 3 Operator Error in range shift Restart 1
16-Aug Channel 3 Operator in Training Error Restart 1
17-Aug Channel 3 Operator in Training Error Restart 2
17-Aug Period Source Removal Restart 1
18-Aug Channel 3 Operator Error in range shift Restart 1
19-Aug Channel 3 Operator Error in range shift Restart 2
26-Aug Channel 1 Operator Error in range shift Restart 1
27-Aug Channel 3 Suspected Power Transient Restart 1
1-Sep Channel 1 Operator in Training Error Restart 1
13-Sep Channel 3 Operator error in range shift Restart 1
13-Sep Period Swift rod insertion Shutdown 1
17-Sep Period FCR full insertion Shutdown 1
27-Sep Channel 2 Sample insertion Restart 1
27-Sep Channel 2 Ch 2 range needs to be recalibrated Restart 1
28-Sep Channel 3 Operator in Training Error Restart 1
11-Oct Channel 3 Operator Error in range shift Restart 1
22-Oct Channel 1 Trip low after detector raised Shutdown 1
14-Dec Channell Attempted to reach very low power Restart 3
14-Dec Channel 3 Attempted to reach very low power Restart 1
20-Dec Channel 1
. Range switch between settings Restart 1
20-Dec Channel l Glory hole detector negative reactivity Restart 2
Total inadvertent SCRAMS 51
- 4.
Safety-Related Corrective Maintenance 2/5/2010: During start up the reactor scramed and all rods dropped out, but the SR-i magnet chassis did not drive down. After significant trouble shooting it was found that the magnet collar was worn and that the grub screws were adjusted slightly off from each other. The SR-I magnet had become weak and developed a short in the system, so it had to be replaced. In order to accommodate the replacement AGN magnet the brass collar was slightly modified to allow for wiring. The last of the problems with SR-I were addressed on 4/14 when the rod indication micro-switches were slightly adjusted to engage with the rod drive chassis.
3/3/2010: One of the fuses in Channel 2 was found to be blown. When the fuse was replaced, the V-12 6BW4 vacuum tube in Channel 2 was found to be arcing. The vacuum tube was replaced and the channel tested successfully.
4/21/2010: The Channel I detector release solenoid was malfunctioning and temporarily the release was accomplished mechanically. The solenoid was found to have a weak solder joint
Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor 2008 Annual Report Page 4 of 7 that was repaired.
6/9/2010: It was found that a number of the Channel 2 & 3 potentiometers were weakened from age. Appropriate replacements were found and installed on the Channel 2 internal calibration, Channel 3 10-7, 1011, infinity, and + period potentiometers. Calibration procedures were preformed on both channels the following day.
8/19/2010: The fine control rod was driven up into the full up position but could not be driven back down. The rod drive chassis was removed and tested in the experiment stand. The situation could not be reproduced and the drive was re-installed in the reactor. The drive tested successfully multiple times in core.
- 5.
A. Changes in Facility Design.
B. Changes to Procedures.
C. Experiments.
There were no changes to the facility design to the extent that changed a description of the facility in the application for license and amendments thereto during 2010.
D. Reactor Safety Committee.
As of the end of the reporting period, membership of the Reactor Safety Committee (RSC) consisted of the following individuals:
Frank H. Just - Chair (retired)
Jay F. Kunze - Reactor Administrator Adam L. Mallicoat - Reactor Supervisor Richard R. Brey - Radiation Safety Officer Thomas F. Gesell (Emeritus)
Robert Boston, PE, CHP (DOE-ID)
Kermit Bunde (DOE-ID)
Richard E. McCracken (retired)
- 6.
Summary of Changes Reportable under 10 CFR 50.59.
- 7.
Radioactive Effluents.
A. Liquid Waste - Total Activity Released: None.
B. Gaseous Waste - Total Estimated Activity Released: 1.18 tCi of Ar-41.
Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor 2008 Annual Report Page 5 of 7 The AGN-201 Reactor was operated for 94 hours0.00109 days <br />0.0261 hours <br />1.554233e-4 weeks <br />3.5767e-5 months <br /> at power levels up to approximately 4.9 watts.
At this power level Ar-41 production is negligible and substantially below the effluent concentration limit given in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table 2. The total activity of Ar-41 released to the environment was conservatively estimated at 6.88 [tCi. This activity corresponds to the total activity of all gaseous radioactive effluent from the facility. A monthly summary of gaseous releases is given in Table IV.
Table IV. Summary of Monthly Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Releases (.0219)
(1 January 2010 through 31 December 2010)
Ar-41 Month (pCi)
January 0.66 February 0.00 March 0.27 April 0.41 May 0.00 June 0.00 June 0.55 August 1.75 September 1.48 October 1.49 November 0.00 December 0.27 Total 6.88 C.
Solid Waste - Total Activity: None.
- 8. The latest environmental radiation surveys, performed at the facility boundary while the reactor was operating at 80% of full licensed power (4.0 watt), measured a maximum combined neutron and gamma dose equivalent rate of less than 0.45 mrem hr-I at the outside walls of the building proximal to the reactor. The total equivalent dose rate at 100% power at these locations was less than I mrem hr-1.
- 9.
Radiation Exposures.
The Radiation Safety Officer reviews personnel radiation exposures quarterly.
Annual reports of ionizing radiation doses are provided by the Radiation Safety Officer to all monitored personnel as required under the provisions of 10 CFR 19.
Personnel with duties in the reactor laboratory on either a regular or occasional basis have been issued radiation dosimeters by the Idaho State University Technical Safety Office.
The duty category and whole body exposure for the 2010 monitoring period of personnel are summarized in Table V:
Idaho State University AGN-201 M Reactor 2006 Annual Report Page 6 of 7 Table V. Personnel Radiation Monitored for 1/1/2010-12/31/2010 Name Duty Exposure by Type (mrem)
Category Deep Lens Shallow Baker, Ben A Regular 7
7 7
Blight, Derreck S Occasional, 2
1 2
Bonebrake, Eric M Regular
< 1 2
7 Burgett, Eric A Occasional
< 1
< 1 1
Burrows, Ian J Occasional 2
4 6
Chaczko, Malwina A Occasional 3
3 5
Cleaver, James D Unused Finkes, Amanda E Occasional 11 10 13 Gaines, Mark B Regular 50 51 55 Gorham, Mackenzie L Occasional 2
2 1
Haddox, Micheal A Occasional 2
< 1
< 1 Hart, Kenyon P Unused Hart, Paul R Occasional
< 1
< 1 4
Heath, Bradley K Occasional 2
5 9
Holzmer, Greg A Unused 25 25 26 Imel, George Occasional 6
4 4
Junod, Marcus K Occasional
< 1 1
3 Kunze, Jay F Regular 3
1 3
Langbehn, Adam Occasional 3
3 4
Loveland, Ryan K Occasional 1
1 5
Lum, Edward S Occasional
< I
< 1
< 1 Mallicoat, Adam Regular 6
7 15 Miyasako, Stuart Occasional 2
3 6
Nelson, Marcus Occasional
< 1
< 1
< 1 Riley, Tony R Occasional 2
3 5
Russell, Trey E Occasional 2
2 2
Silver, Isador J Unused Sundar, Jesse C Unused Sundby, Alex J Unused Syme, Dayton J Occasional 3
2 10 Turnbull, James Regular 10 10 13 Wendt, Brycen L Occasional 2
2 4
Whiting, Miles L Occasional 20 20 20 The 10 CFR 20.1201 occupational dose limits to adults are: total 5 rem, lens of eye 15 rem, shallow 50 rem, and deep 50 rem. The doses received for all reactor laboratory personnel during 2008 are well below the dose limits of 10 CFR 20.1201, and well below ISU ALARA limits.
Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor 2006 Annual Report Page 7 of 7 Anytime a member of the public visits the reactor pin dosimeters are issued for the extent of the tour. A minimum of I dosimeter to every 5 people is issued for a representative group dose. During the 2010 calendar year there were 448 recorded visitors to the facility.
A summary of the public dose exposure is presented in Table VI.
Table VI. Summary Whole-Body Exposures to the Public (1 January 2010 through 31 December 2010)
Estimated whole-body Number of individuals exposure range (mrem):
in each range:
No Observable Dose 527 1.0 mrem*
16 Greater than 1.0 but below 5.0 mrem 8
Total number of individuals reported 448
- Below 1.0 mrem is considered un-measureable None of the 448 visitors to the facility during 2010 received a measurable dose that would exceed the annual 0.5 rem dose limit of 10 CFR 20.1301.
Therefore, the average and maximum doses received by personnel and the public are well within NRC guidelines.
Report prepared by:
Adam Mallicoat, Reactor Manager/Supervisor July 15, 2011