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Comment (17) of Melissa Antrim on Behalf of Self Opposing Limerick License Renewal
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/2011
From: Antrim M
- No Known Affiliation
To: Lisa Regner
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch, License Renewal Projects Branch 2
2011-0166, 76FR53498 00017
Download: ML11291A155 (2)


Mendiola, Doris From: Melissa Antrim []

Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:18 PM To: Regner, Lisa Cc: Antrim, Melissa home)


Docket 2011-0166 - Limerick License Renewal

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Via email: Lisa. Regqner(U@NRC.qov

.. /7Lc i /K 7L U.S. NRC .-

Ms. Lisa Regner Mailstop TWB-05-BO1 M -/

Washington, D.C. 20555 /.


Request for Denial of Limerick License Renewal - NRC I.D. Docket 2011-0166

Dear Ms. Regner:

I attended the recent meeting on the possible renewal of Limerick Nuclear Plant's license for 20 years past its current 2024 and 2029 expiration dates. I strongly believe, as do many of my local friends and family, that the Limerick Nuclear Plant must be closed, not relicensed. Approving Limerick Nuclear Plant to be relicensed until 2049 would be jeopardizing the health of thousands and thousands of people in neighboring communities. There is substantial evidence readily available which justifies closing Limerick. Renewing this license could lead to a catastrophic meltdown.

Limerick was built to last 40 years. The older any facility gets, the more likely breakdowns and equipment failure will occur. When it's a nuclear power plant, meltdown could result from corroding, deteriorating, and aging pipes, cables, and equipment - honestly, a number of things. Miles of deteriorating underground buried pipes and cables are a major concern - how and how often are these inspected? Signs of mechanical damage and breakdown already exist -

three unplanned shutdowns June 2011, preceded by many others since 2007, one with loss of cooling water. While some parts can be replaced, by the nuclear industry's own admission, some equipment is too big and expensive to replace. Limerick is showing signs of stress and no one knows just how bad this will be by the time the current license is up. To add 20 more years to that, without having a clue as to what the condition will be, would be beyond careless.

Over eight million people live within 50 miles of Limerick Nuclear Plant. Safe evacuation is not possible, even within the seriously flawed and inadequate current 10-mile evacuation plan. Until Limerick closes, NRC should expand the evacuation plan (to 50 miles) and be sure there are enough shelters and supplies available to accommodate the over 8 million people within that radius. Exelon should pay for the supplies.

It doesn't take an accident or disaster for Limerick to poison the region's residents with radiation. Radiation from Limerick's routine and accidental emissions alone for the past 26 years is reason enough to deny Exelon's request. It's not credible for NRC to claim continuous radiationlevels are safe for me and my family when there is no safe level of exposure according to the National Academy of Sciences and Physicians for Social Responsibility.

NRC never did any radiation monitoring or testing at Limerick. Evidence shows testing done by Exelon and DEP cannot be trusted. Exposure to radiation is known to cause cancer. It should be obvious to NRC that Limerick played a major role in our tragic, well documented cancer crisis after Limerick started operating in the mid 198.0s to the late 1990s.

Four cancer studies based on PA Cancer Registry and CDC data showed skyrocketing rates for several cancers far higher than national and state averages, especially in children. Our children had the highest levels of Strontium-90 radiation in their baby teeth of any group near any nuclear plant studied. Limerick Nuclear Plant released SR-90 into our air and water that got into the milk, vegetation, and food since Limerick started operating.

Thyroid cancer increased by 128% from 1985 to 1997 - was a side note, with no family history or other obvious risk factors in my life, I was recently treated for thyroid cancer. Since my diagnosis, I have learned of many other locals like me. It's scary to think the choice of where we live could kill us.

It would be careless, unethical and immoral for NRC to approve Exelon's requested license extensions for Limerick Nuclear Power Plant. Limerick Nuclear Plant must be closed by 2029.

Sincerely, Melissa Antrim 1008 Reading Ave Boyertown, PA 19512 The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.