L-2011-058, Duane Arnold and Point Beach, Units 1 & 2 - Status Reports Decommissioning Funding Status Report for the Listed Units

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Duane Arnold and Point Beach, Units 1 & 2 - Status Reports Decommissioning Funding Status Report for the Listed Units
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Seabrook, Turkey Point, Duane Arnold  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/2011
From: Larry Nicholson
Florida Power & Light Co, NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, Point Beach, NextEra Energy Seabrook
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML110840036 (43)


0 F=PL. Florida Power & Light Company, 700 Universe Boulevard, Juno Beach, FL 33408 MAR 2 3 2011 L-2011-058 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1)

Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 RE: Florida Power and Light Company St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC Seabrook Station Docket No. 50-443 NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC Duane Arnold Energy Center Docket No. 50-331 NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC Point Beach Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-266, 50-301 Decommissioning Funding Status Reports Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1), enclosed are the Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for the following units:

1. St. Lucie Units 1 and 2
2. Turkey Point Units 3 and 4
3. Seabrook Station
4. Duane Arnold Energy Center
5. Point Beach Units 1 and 2 Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) is the sole owner of Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 and St. Lucie Unit 1. FPL, Florida Municipal Power Agency, and Orlando Utilities Commission own St. Lucie Unit 2. The report for St. Lucie Unit 2 provides the status of decommissioning funding for all three owners of that unit.

NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC (Seabrook), Hudson Light and Power Department, Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, and Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant own Seabrook Station. The report for Seabrook Station provides the status of decommissioning funding for all four owners of that unit.

NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC (Duane Arnold), Central Iowa Power Cooperative, and Corn Belt Power Cooperative own Duane Arnold Energy Center. The report for Duane Arnold Energy Center provides the status of decommissioning funding for all three owners of that unit.

NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC is the sole owner of Point Beach Units 1 and 2.

an FPL Group company

L-2011-058 In light of NRC letter, St. Lucie Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Biennial Decommissioning Funding Report, dated November 26, 2008, (TAC Nos. MD9354 and MD9355), FPL and Seabrook will be reporting all funds within the external trust to the NRC as designated for radiological decommissioning purposes since FPL and Seabrook do not earmark each cost component of decommissioning within the trust. FPL and Seabrook provide a schedule that allocates each category of costs based on the most recent decommissioning cost study. Additionally, all units used NUREG 1307, Rev. 14, "Report on Waste Burial Charges," in determining decommissioning funding requirements.

This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

Should there be any questions, please contact Pamela Metz at (561) 691-2654.

Larry E. Nicholson Director of Licensing Enclosures (5)

L-2011-058 St. Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 Florida Power and Light Company (FPL),

Decommissioning Funding Status Report

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

Plant Owner (% Ownership) NRC Minimum (a)

FPL (100%) 439,235,100 (a) Refer to Attachment I for calculation assumptions

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the reoort.

I I Total' FPL 100% 696,049,692

3. Schedule of the projected amounts remaining to be collected.

FPL (100%) (see note (b)) I None (b) Pursuant to Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) Order No. PSC-05-0902-S-El, customer contributions to the decommissioning trust were suspended effective September 1, 2005.

4. Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation)

FPL (100%) 3.9% 2.84% 1.06%

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None
7. Any material changes to trust agreements.

None 1 NRC letter dated November 26, 2008, St. Lucie Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Biennial Decommissioning Funding Report (TAC Nos. MD9354 and MD9355), provides FPL should report all funds within the external trust to the NRC as designated for radiological decommissioning purposes since FPL does not earmark each cost component of decommissioning within the trust. Attachment 2 segregates the trust account amounts by license termination, spent fuel management and site restoration costs based on assumptions from the decommissioning cost study filed in December 2010 with the Florida Public Service Commission.

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT I ST. LUCIE NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $98.76 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$98.76 million is value for reference PWR23 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year E = Energy escalation factor to current year' B = LLRW escalation factor to current year5

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 20102 112.8 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1 307 1 1.98 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1 307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.23 5 Electric power escalation factor, 201 06 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1 307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 20107 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1 307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10 F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.58P(#9) + 0.42F(#1 0) per NUREG-1 307 2.26 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 5 12.28 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#11) + 0.22B(#12) 4.45 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for PWR 98.76 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 439.2 2 NUREG 1307, Rev 14, Table 3.2 3 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series CIU20100000002201 (South Region).

4 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

5 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.28 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

6 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #4) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

7 December 2010 value is 252.1 (See note #4) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 2 ST. LUCIE NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 Florida Power and Light Company Decommissioning Trust Fund - License Termination Funds As of December 31, 2010 TLG December 2010 Cost Study (millions) St. Lucie Unit I License Termination 534,825 Spent Fuel Management 188,629 Site Restoration 43,670 Total 767,124 Category %

License Termination 69.72%

Spent Fuel Management 24.59%

Site Restoration 5.69%

Total 100%

Total Decommissioning Trust Fund Balance as of 12/31110 696,049,692 10 CFR 50.2 Decommissioning Trust Fund Allocation based on TLG Study 485,273,276 10 CFR 50.75(c) NRC Minimum Amount as of 12/31/10 439,235,100

L-2011-058 St. Lucie Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 Florida Power and Light Company (FPL),

Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA),

Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC)

Decommissioning Funding Status Report

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

Plant Owner (% Ownership) NRC Minimum (a)8 FPL (85.10449%) 374,250,706 FMPA (8.806%) 38,417,786 OUC (6.08951%) 26,566,608 Total 439,235,100 (a) Refer to Attachment I for calculation assumptions

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report.

Total9 FPL (85.10449%) 577,370,861 FMPA (8.806%) 51,962,354 OUC (6.08951%) 36,378,222 Total 665,711,437

3. Schedule of the projected amounts remaining to be collected.

FPL (85.10449%) (see note (b)) None FMPA (8.806%) None OUC (6.08951%) None (b) Pursuant to Order No. PSC-05-0902-S-El, customer contributions to the decommissioning trust were suspended effective September 1, 2005.

8 An adjustment was necessary to allocate the decommissioning costs of Unit 2 among the participants. This is because the decommissioning costs of Unit 2 include the costs of decommissioning facilities common to both St. Lucie Units 1 and 2. FMPA's and OUC's contractual obligations provide that with respect to common facility costs, they pay only their ownership share of Unit 2 times one half of these costs. Therefore, multiplying FMPA's and OUC's respective ownership shares of Unit 2 by the total cost of decommissioning would overstate their cost obligations. This adjustment is reflected in the "St. Lucie Unit 2 - FPL Ownership Percentage" presented on page 39.of FPL's 1994 Decommissioning Study for St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 (Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) Docket No. 941350-EI). The adjusted percentages are as follows: FPL: 85.2051%, FMPA: 8.74682%, and OUC: 6.04838%.

9 NRC letter dated November 26, 2008, St. Lucie Plant,. Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Biennial Decommissioning Funding Report (TAC Nos. MD9354 and MD9355), provides FPL should report all funds within the external trust to the NRC as designated for radiological decommissioning purposes since FPL does not earmark each cost component of decommissioning within the trust. Attachment 2 segregates the trust account amounts by license termination, spent fuel management and site restoration costs based on assumptions from the decommissioning cost study filed in December 2010 with the Florida Public Service Commission.


4. Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation) (Weighted Avg)

FPL (85.10449%) 3.9% 2.97%

FMPA (8.806%) 5.9% 2.97%

OUC (6.08951%) 4.8% 2.97%

1_ 1 1.16%

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None
7. Any material changes to trust agreements.


L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 1 ST. LUCIE NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $98.76 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$98.76 million is value for reference PWR 10 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year 11 E

B= = Energy escalation factorfactor toto current currentyear13 year12 LLRW escalation

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 2010 11 112.8 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1307 10 1.98 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.23 5 Electric power escalation factor, 201014 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 2010 15 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10 F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.58P(#9) + 0.42F(#10) per NUREG-1307 2.26 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 13 12.28 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#11) + 0.22B(#12) 4.45 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for PWR 98.76 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 439.2 10NUREG 1307, Rev 14, Table 3.2 11 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series CIU20100000002201 (South Region).

12 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities,

. Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

13 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. Inthe October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.28 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

14 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #12) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

15 December 2010 value is 252.1 (See note #12) Information was preliminary as of 01/08/11.

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 2 ST. LUCIE NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 Florida Power and Light Company Decommissioning Trust Fund - License Termination Funds As of December 31, 2010 I I Total St.Lucie TtLG Cost Study thouands of $2010t Loense Termination

. Lucie Unit 21 FPL I FMPA OUC Unit 2 517,410 Spent Fuel Management 142,476 Site Restoration 51,744 Total 71163_0 Cateanory License Termination 72.71%

Spent Fuel Management 20.02%

Site Restoration 7.27%

Total 100%

Total Decommissioning Trust Fund Balance as of 12/31110 577,370,861 51,962,354 36,378,222 665,711,437 10 CFR 50.2 Decommissioning Trust Fund Allocation based on TLG Study 419,793,231 37,780,646 26,449,778 484,023,656 10 CFR 50.75(c) NRC Minimum Amount as of 12131110 374,250,706 38,417,786 26,566,608 439,235,100

L-2011-058 Turkey Point Nuclear Plant - Unit 3 Florida Power and Light Company (FPL),

Decommissioning Funding Status Report

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

Plant Owner (% Ownership) NRC Minimum (a)

FPL (100%) 423,579,900 (a) Refer to Attachment I for calculation assumptions

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report.

16 II Total FPL (100%) 583,819,707

3. Schedule of the projected amounts remaining to be collected.

FPL (100%) (see note (b)) I None (b) Pursuant to FPSC Order No. PSC-05-0902-S-EI, customer contributions to the decommissioning trust were suspended effective September 1, 2005.

4. Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation)

FPL (100%) 3.9% 2.95% 0.95%

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None
7. Any material changes to trust agreements.

None 1r NRC letter dated November 26, 2008, St. Lucie Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Biennial Decommissioning Funding Report (TAC Nos. MD9354 and MD9355), provides FPL should report all funds within the external trust to the NRC as designated for radiological decommissioning purposes since FPL does not earmark each cost component of decommissioning within the trust. FPL is utilizing the same reporting assumptions for both Turkey Point and St. Lucie. Attachment 2 segregates the trust account amounts by license termination, spent fuel management and site restoration costs based on assumptions from the decommissioning cost study filed in December 2010 with the Florida Public Service Commission.

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 1 TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 3 NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $95.24 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$95.24 million is value for reference PWR17 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year 18 E = Energy escalation factor to current year219 B = LLRW escalation factor to current year °

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 2010 18 112.8 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1 307 17 1.98 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.23 5 Electric power escalation factor, 2010 21 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 201022 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10 F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.58P(#9) + 0.42F(#10) per NUREG-1 307 2.26 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 20 12.28 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#1 1) + 0.22B(#12) 4.45 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for PWR 95.24 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 423.6 17 NUREG 1307, Rev 14, Table 3.2 18 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series CIU20100000002201 (South Region).

19 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

20 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.28 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

21 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #19) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

22 December 2010 value is 252.1 (See note #19) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 2 TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 3 Florida Power and Light Company Decommissioning Trust Fund - License Termination Funds As of December 31, 2010 Turkey Point Unit 3 TLG December 2010 Cost Study (millions)

License Termination 449,543 Spent Fuel Management 169,113 Site Restoration 35,047 Total 653,703 Cateaory %

License Termination 68.77%

Spent Fuel Management 25.87%

Site Restoration 5.36%

Total 100%

Total Decommissioning Trust Fund Balance as of 12/31/10 583,819,707 10 CFR 50.2 Decommissioning Trust Fund Allocation based on TLG Study 401,485,174 10 CFR 50.75(c) NRC Minimum Amount as of 12/31/10 423,579,900

L-2011-058 Turkey Point Nuclear Plant - Unit 4 Florida Power and Light Company (FPL),

Decommissioning Funding Status Report

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

Plant Owner (% Ownership) NRC Minimum (a)

FPL (100%) 423,579,900 (a) Refer to Attachment I for calculation assumptions

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report.

II Total 2 FPL (100%) 657,399,673

3. Schedule of the projected amounts remaining to be collected.

FPL (100%) (see note (b)) I None (b) Pursuant to FPSC Order No. PSC-05-0902-S-EI, customer contributions to the decommissioning trust were suspended effective September 1, 2005.

4. Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation)

FPL (100%) 3.9% 2.95% 0.95%

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None
7. Any material changes to trust agreements.

None 23 NRC letter dated November 26, 2008, St. Lucie Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Biennial Decommissioning Funding Report (TAC Nos. MD9354 and MD9355), provides FPL should report all funds within the external trust to the NRC as designated for radiological decommissioning purposes since FPL does not earmark each cost component of decommissioning within the trust. FPL is utilizing the same reporting assumptions for both Turkey Point and St. Lucie. Attachment 2 segregates the trust account amounts by license termination, spent fuel management and site restoration costs based on assumptions from the decommissioning cost study filed in December 2010 with the Florida Public Service Commission.

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 1 TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 4 NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $95.24 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$95.24 million is value for reference PWR24 25 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year 26 E = Energy escalation factor to current year27 B = LLRW escalation factor to current year

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 2010 25 112.8 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1307 24 1.98 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1 307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.23 5 Electric power escalation factor, 2010 28 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 201029 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10- F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.58P(#9) + 0.42F(#10) per NUREG-1307 2.26 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 27 12.28 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#11) + 0.22B(#12) 4.45 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for PWR 95.24 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 423.6 24 NUREG 1307, Rev 14,.Table 3.2 25 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series CIU20100000002201 (South Region).

26 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

27 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.28 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

28 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #26) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

29 December 2010 value is 252.1 (See note #26) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 2 TURKEY POINT NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 4 Florida Power and Light Company Decommissioning Trust Fund - License Termination Funds As of December 31, 2010 Turkey Point TLG December 2010 Cost Study (millions) Unit 4 License Termination 483,444 Spent Fuel Management 204,893 Site Restoration 44,176 Total 732,513 Category %

License Termination 66.00%

Spent Fuel Management 27.97%

Site Restoration 6.03%

Total 100%

Total Decommissioning Trust Fund Balance as of 12131/10 657,399,673 10 CFR 50.2 Decommissioning Trust Fund Allocation based on TLG Study 433,870,699 10 CFR 50.75(c) NRC Minimum Amount as of 12131/10 423,579,900

L-2011-058 Seabrook Station NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, Hudson Light and Power Department, Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant Decommissioning Funding Status Report3 °

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

Plant Owner (% Ownership) NRC Minimum (a)

NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC. (88.22889%) 425,283,984 Hudson Light and Power Department (.07737%) 372,942 Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (11.5934%) 55,882,912 Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant (.10034%) 483,662 Total 482,023,500 (a) Refer to Attachment I for calculation assumptions

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report.

Total31 NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC. (88.22889%) 366,725,239 Hudson Light and Power Department (.07737%) 366,858 Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (11.5934%) 35,589,403 Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant (.10034%) 478,741 Total 403,160,241

3. Schedule of the projected amounts remaining to be collected.

FAll owners (see note (b)) I (b) Attachment 2 provides the funding schedule to complete funding in 2030. This attachment provides the overall composite funding schedule and related information and provides the corresponding information applicable to each of the Seabrook Joint Owners.

30 The New Hampshire Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee (NDFC) was established under New Hampshire law (to provide assurance of adequate funding of nuclear generating facilities) "to ensure proper and safe decommissioning and subsequent surveillance of nuclear reactor sites to the extent necessary to prevent such sites from constituting a hazard to future generations." RSA 162-F:1. NDFC is responsible for determining the appropriate amount of money that needs to be set aside and maintained in a trust fund, and periodically updated, for the purpose of decommissioning any nuclear facilities located in the state of New Hampshire.

31 Attachment 2 was developed based on the Decommissioning Trust and funding assurance balances as of December 31, 2010, minus the estimated expenses applicable to both for purpose of developing a fund schedule for 2010 as ordered by the NDFC. Attachment 3 segregates the trust account amounts by license termination, spent fuel management and site restoration costs based on assumptions from the most recent decommissioning cost study available.


4. Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation) (Projected)

All owners (see note (c))

(c) Attachment 2 details earnings by fund and owner, and general inflation determined by Prime Buchholz & Associates Inc. and approved by the New Hampshire Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee. Decommissioning costs are assumed to escalate at 4.2% per year and core inflation rates are assumed to escalate at 3.00% per year.

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None
7. Any material changes to trust agreements.

Effective April 16, 2009, the name was changed on the qualified and non-qualified trusts from FPL Energy Seabrook, LLC to NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC to reflect a corporate name change. Also, the name of the trustee was changed from "Mellon Trust of Delaware, National Association" to "BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware", to reflect a name change that followed the merger of Mellon Trust of Delaware with the Bank of New York (Delaware). See Letter from P. Freeman, NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC to NRC, "Seabrook Station: Proposed Amendment to Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Agreement," June 28, 2010.

See Response

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 1 SEABROOK STATION NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $105 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$105 million is value for reference PWR32 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year 33 E = Energy escalation factor to current year35 34 B = LLRW escalation factor to current year

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 2010 33 113.6 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1 307 32 2.16 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1 307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.45 5 Electric power escalation factor, 2010 36 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 2010 37 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10 F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.58P(#9) + 0.42F(#10) per NUREG-1307 2.26 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 35 12.28 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#11) + 0.22B(#12) 4.59 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for PWR 105 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 482.0 32 NUREG 1307, Rev 13, Table 3.2 33 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, and Series CIU20100000002101 (Northeast Region).

34 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

35 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.28 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

36 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #34) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

37 December 2010 value is 252.1 (See note #34) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.


L-2011-058 SUBR-KSTA-1H 374.37.74 4430393. ~ ~ ý M-17437/006 8437.721.00 127310984 53444.244 54,A8'4.2 ' O,,,*er~z,*" 00o .

1273142"N 126.141.774 - 126,19.,747 4ha C 3.= 11%mn11 294.74493 1724.790.347.

1273173484 2.471.229 31,1.929.B7 12l/0*3249.20 443.441.725 4.984.571 449.404.274 127.3401/2 .

1273124. 7l 84473732 4.19 3 0. 37.2140.122 844772 5.0045840 440.0940.147.*

181731229 184173209 474574 4 1 007411 347 3.1.1 7.7745 .7.11.-t32.17 00 20.0 4 974%

7273373219 437.571.29 2.371.473 37379

  • 4784.023 410.0o4072 472847.34:

4035 74.702 45 04,08 4447.30.78 20357&2.0 1.00 7.043574745 . 1,:..72.4737 7e .845.314.712 1817?32£J114.441044 1.403.344 74444 4.7471314 27*37.849 12731033 4.164674 . 43.843742 I.97 4747 432 3 21.437 76204 84.44442. 4440524 4.416847 44.470.944 44450 -4444..77 0 .4244.3709 1.79 4- -1% .1O .o*/

1.341r . 31.409.4 4035 98 227 177.7 ".8455423.457 4 3333 47084444 4733475 574.734048 . 37.78.104. ,1,81.737.3 . . 7,145.181.

12I-11 . 3.37.2; 3787.7 34.7U 722 34.784.74 4 - 4. 4 -3 .17997974 7720214 I.1.215 . 30.377 303 393440 3995394 48434840 43344404 87.0247 1 ,7.244.377 3;.,332 1.444 539,.34 I- -1721 . 4,0177.80 4077030 47 - 104252 75 50,12,147 50.142147 01 47.284 4.24.,3.,94 01.147.73 1 434- 4 1. E- o ,

38431013 4.1732010 4.17l.1. 4,54.844 4 529.0U3 4 71.213 34.41213 711.77424 777.447.0497,48.44.344- 1,3 73.. 84 783901 3404.

m= 4334.3 432512 4825.212 40534

- 53.84. 3478474474 7M9.744.1794.364.484.7001.748453764 7841711 3.0.7,473 4 7.142-004 27040.0 - 84470.840 44104449 W4.470 338.4331434 1.4. ,58430.3,2*

834.53 70.0 0.3413 4334,01317 1,1 1.453 0 .02 34.37.444 "YENIr -i* , /1 10rftnd 5i E-184314232 3.327.373 430.32.7 44.430;g 3.441.144 017J31321 3.840.384 4.3 94.3 3.B4%4.1 3 44.7 033974 4.203977 - 072.544447 - 972.1 ,.97 4.307.87..47 - , 7.,00 7841. -04 4.7 ,230 44.7.0 4.249 64 .549 047 2142 .214.028 1.44.317 .444.3420378,434.37.722 71,3447.0822 31-033 .47 .070

.384 677.612 2..43.012 04.00 327102.4444.437.0 . 43.0. 712 ,4. ,4.34- 8,7.241 184328 I . 3.413 3. 03540 74413 104.239.450 93.63474 747.244.010


1.446.* .70 0 . .200,0* 4,70 04.844 0.002 03 4724335444 45334

22 03325985.20 173 *52722.* .27242O 07,1.84 0.3071.032 .

444*.0/ 27024.0* 73.324.470714.334,0777.243).604 1 Ie14*33,27,42.7.418 19079*,1 44437444474 184310344 2,77,685.333 7433 97.671,05 3.277.710 . 74t0,3.044.44 476404*33 7,544tt3.4444 1.544t,133,446 2.043 444,.0 404944aB3.0 1841031 274.41,42 3.007.3


-3390.3244192826342244o2004 2,7749779 3,T043 174.13.75 4.,18.415 7727444234 110442.234 7.41 0 .

.643.031 1 4.847.*.3 ,04.78470.444 184341244J

. 4.1 . 11 42-I 14"1

  • 4* 1.- . .

47.92,543.044 7.44.05 .*O270 0 E.474 279 74O1 . 8 9111 744,794912 744.74.4750 I.

17454,229 39 .704,.0442 181195 '597.1-072 14.)24.33 704204.3157.7177,4731 76.717.747.37 2.0105.737.7 172.4 . 47150037974 479033943302K 171.4..545.2321 2 330 4 3499 18019 .012.3840

' .472 .. 2*

4.4.3727147.324 322.4 31423 3.

  • 18712 E04410739374482701".

29.957.454 474.942075 . 470.442.934 78494 1.3; - 70437.031.4-

. - 7373275.473 2 53 29.354643 0. 4 84 .0 7 30 I.7045, ,70. 4 184741920 18473 93 . . .; 594.7149 -3*3,6.3407 673334323 43,042,70 3* 5)978, 4.

343.224 424.78730 2 44.797 711294144 . 77424458441

.. 7043254,71 70.3.43712 . 30..2.444 10 4.44.45 J384741 1,473 929 . . 2 7761 .370 33.6077334 . 4445.02 3 4 75.7.4* 84.*

7,11877 - 1 4.0 7.13773 7074* .76343 0 74'42 . 2. 747943 51

. . 44442.744 24.140444 . 43.734.222 84754.44240. 4842.-

184041343 2347. 24417.09 3744,1784 . 7.44.412440 . 757 335434 38470392 .O.17 . 23842033 227 18T 052.4044 1 7 133 * . 8. 1 1 473146 3 4 4 429

. 474334 2974 .775 444.74 7134 . 310 74.72t34 7484)71 434 . 7454439 .464 18401231 .

77032743377.1544 47721 7.1070.7.12

.. 0 544.577 32.342377 . 04.334.225 00474.345777. 27 18431*035 1 24 4.06 79.79 32 54..

7 8.7 2 6 2775 .70 376. 267.06 . 00732. 78045 17 0247 7

.347. . 7.247.481.773 187 031 924 . .

. 28 748.137 34.274)07 . 04.7942 0 32 7734.06 744.3034 0 78.470.2429 587 C737.392 4 . C7.4 70 .0)41 324031£204 .

. 002 607 33 .304 74*. 724124 712242709 73727245437 .. 17178.34.4 3 184 01* 04 . - . *09. 1 4. . 4

  • .34 33.05.442 .

122443 0024737430)37.47947.0744440 3444.4100.0 102.il 4 7.04.97

.247.5 184009254 . . - 20.437 3 84 01.013 09 1.43.73 7.33 .74*

0.3432 .. 7.13 04. ,4827 7.040443270.

3843031 -18.


. 2


0079.32 24.1034728 284.0.3932 . 2 4.844370 40.355974 977370,2 7744343324 3.74.304.323 1.4.4447 737. 1 707 5428. . 7.301 .47.72 18410393 18* 0

  • O430 42 84.774 22.44 .3 .458-04,8 33478 14 0453 77 0492847 3 084207 943 2 .0.348 3g* . 97.4124
  • 0.147 4*4217.0 22 4844 022. 40.34 4.20734 7142.901.4 .. 1.399005,4 2.47737.-W51 0

184 0359 . . 0.

2434 58.734.1 847744 ,4.404 753847044 72.4730348 1841/31297 .

. . . 2 407.127 44.9477.37 . 390027327 3945 742349 840.30344 260)04.3540g 704142 73941 .4 7 6.04230 .54 38431344331

. 7.371.-31 4701 17)3 707 147372

. .32 2 550,139 99.9342,7 4.84.4 3754,6 .4430 .. 6754,82485 78 7.47434244. 64D.24 4.44 04,2 751377321433

.37 6464,244 2 20 2- 3 2.42.37 .243070 . 7,754 1843472 184173984 18400399 1 109 38 34 4 1.8970.1 1 .3 4 . 1I4. 1 71267.3.. _07.126 4:11234 37 3.4. 242374 . '-0 57342733.

111.480 .1 7. 7. 2 3 0 0479 .754 1744 76 94.700 33.741.784 . 24.377.027 94377.024 7. 047.319 4 3604 .8319 700 7070.477784 7 7913 7 .70, 1810384 . .

384034 . . .. 434443 727.147 3484.7543.131,40, . 725 5;4 M.24277.070 7411430 1255'10 737.344.357.37 &7,2472737 233)4 1. 2 47.477 17904440314 D47-.491 14301'3 314 5.07.67457 4 9 ,07. 4 . 84463.764 504.64700 7 S24 .542 .775.427.573 2.1.24704.784 . 21 4.41 2 4704.

3 52 1810J . .

. 723.7" 47 7 0 4. 47032428.39 14775.04.2 1,35.5 18410492 7 3. 3.3 9300534 .1 7 74 4 03. 7 03 77 7.032 0 7 07 4480 6. 624 44 7 2. 0 3 9 7 .84 1. 45 73.12 78 184141r034 . 4.333344 1,40.2

. 784403214 7427440353 4.4 .0400 7.1,1444.0214.23400.21 13310399$] . .,1248471,442.501.11 22054. 2.240.731 1.724011 7 124.83712 777.734.713 727300 70.3-0 4 1330 N 235,5 I.9  : 97,$48 11/037 -. 1 ,2 1. 4 .42.472 4.710).343 2709040.301.5 14724784 7.44.184 7.140)2 744 847.97

.0410393 744. 444D 94.130.909 . 74.404331 144.24.372 ' 2.7 72137 . .771 3 7.*33 43773020 , 3502.45 28.

1843733113 .. 1* 1/2

. l; 11,1* .159 11,1B ,1* 1O 8 -. 20 15 1.1910 ;1,2* .1325 1.£2 M* . 5 . 2 , 4 4 0.- 1.51 -. '4 . " I 15.077 12 54 .0842 20334.44 4004341.447

. 74.74.435 70240.443 100757 1831*

7.043376 3 0t G t4,04 4.4.1l 248 07.434,.0 . .1 41.870 41140 2 .17.0.342 184141 13. 12*31/20S . 700734, 1.22 135.22.1142 33.10.7 44,1

.1142 . 74033071 t5 143204 .7a4 740326.07%

17)1934 2 1.0 t.

2'155 = 81.27.= 5g )2 81.273* 7.04423 3.02 18410319* . .,126030420. 739,840.4441 24344 '. 41 7. 74453.

1l 41032 . 12.91.92 743.617.07243 70~.77377427733.174 . 74400 300 4.7543.842 14129.

  • 9744340400 .2432440459 497774300 7.07 .1822 2.79 0.022224.534 .477.744 11.045. -0.1245120002."U2 1843038 ~44, 7.7-.543. 64.474 1.814 1234.44 7.247.247,740 7107737'74

- 7330.34452 89,80,43 330.764545 1I.743324 .31255 ,GN.7712.M5U.93."8.3 1.53318.03 3843120393 1 ?Jlr*D: 16,630438 t372.24,561( 13.7215 t4 I,£68 1 2 .* 1 *2

  • 1/ 6,~~1

. - ..7 4I. W0 , 27.9 74 3 . 2- 1 4.9. 3 .1.2 2 0 , 1ý, 4 .M.l 0M l*6 .8 . * . 1,8 7.4 4 3610 5

17.39 ,1 77 - . I34 8Q 4 .S 4-

1. 2.78

.3 N732 9.T 263 1,753.614,975 1 3.91. 6 76 1 ?J21/'Z01. .126*9 .51.

7 78135.08 4127.87 2 1 14744.7

.7 )7 I734 41 14101..00.

.0 *.3.

7, 2.0734.94104. 2.0 73 .0 O

1841r0399 . 3.3 0342 14402 1.1240332 9744.03301 .

1817301 18431/039 . .

. . 404. 2423 733.244.244 . 484.004 20 1 335 4.0* 7*

.3531.5 0340 7.32*7 310.43 2.71 0.007.6140 . . 04 7.412 1 V ..,72 13.;. ý729 2 1.4-113? 10. ;1.21  : ., *3 *a 48 e- I] 96 4B1 I *J31*091 2*.641.*D3 1. 1.

2 2 64 2.413456.482 024 70 7)460027. 7143.94. I.26., - .17 .413.- 452.

77.474 443 777

39. 78 44 747737.

324.0.144 . 712077.319 15277.8 7.0 4 .723 20 222,43.*74 4 4.42241 2137 33.6 5703 471034 018,51 184120399 .

113JN311/24121 7,05,55 22 11r3203445 3.84 2 7.7.3 7,24 -5,. -4 37810 9,24MOO 378 184 -.

1.4. W 1144 13 1 44.2 35 74.74 .1003 - 1 4437,974 32 7047.3193 1.37076. ) - ,3 72.0.33 227.3 73.7 141 47. 3.0*t9 18410393).

0737 72.3O 20744 4 31e 2 .000 408.3771524 70 4 49 .72 1.410 . 3748 1 444 1 .704247.53 445 - 3.7.5 3 2.5 18410393n . .1.744

11. 3 7 7 7 4 7 0 g747134 1 741. 4 41 .4 1 31 706.754I, 3 , 2470 ,1227141.4 4 7 .7754, 0. 104 43 941 78.2 184131 9301 .,

L-2011-058 SEABROOK STATION DECOMMISSIONINGCOST PROJECTIONS Summary Page for Totals of All Owners Year End Equities Bonds Cash Dacom Cash Casht+ Bonds Ownership 106.06%

12/31 Total Total Total Expense Multiple Multiple Share of necommissioning Cost 2030 429.275.492 429.275,492 858.550.984 131,771,353 2.8 4.2 413.376.981 826.753.962 307,537,473 2.3 3.5 .1273120606 0601,121,6000 2031 246,523.667 2032 297.649.703 297,649.703 595.299.406 354.323,127 2.7 4.1 2033 256.797,975 256.797,975 513,595,950 216.516.532 2.5 3.7 2034 181.756.496 227,056.128 454.112,256 209,375,171 2.3 3.5 Pre-Tax Tax 2035 175.996.467 175.996.467 351,992,934 194.618.987 2.4 3.5 Fund Return Rate 2039 146,324,421 146.324.421 292.649841 145,267.649 2.9 4.2 1A 6.00% 20.00%

2037 126,955.033 126.955.033 253.910,067 1.3.443.362 3.1 4.7 1B 9.56% 26.00%

2039 112,405,319 112,400.319 224,800.637 . 96,987.200 9.1 12.1 1C 3.50% 20.00%

2039 110,784.045 1150784,045 221.568,09 27.903,563 15.1 22.7 2 6.00% D.60%

2094 147.796,490 122.234,975 19022.23244 14.652852 11.9 19.9 3 6.00% 0.00%

2041 186,736.369 134.611,962 137.720.713 10,226,917 9.7 17.2 4 3.50% 0.00%

2042 228,126,358 148,066.037 94.048.599 15.866.447 5,7 14.6 5 9.50% 6060%

2043 272.598.931 162.609,152 48.378,676 16.532.836 2.8 12.2 6 9.50% O.O60%

2044 320.849.995 179.059.252 17,274.005 00 10.0 '0% Earnings for 12/10 for Funds 18, 5 and 6 2045 333.112.467 185.900,706 17,950.760 6.0 9.9 2048 345.792.329 192,971.519 19,704.692 0.0 9.9 inflation Rates 2047 3589.03.296 200.293,438 19.490.299 0.0 9.9 2548 372.451,143 207.852.956 20,364.039 0.0 9.6 Core 3.00%

2949 386,510,025 215.696.797 21,161.854 0.0 9,9 Decommissinning420 2990 451,056,712 223,813.099 22,050,652 0.6 9.7 2901 416,110,206 232.209.029 22.976,780 0.0 917 2052 431,633,888 240,867,501 24.606.828 0,0 9,7 Scenario 8 - Contribution Formula Update 2053 447,726,553 249,842,241 24.947.360 0.0 9.6 2030 Decommissioning, 2101 Liability Extansion 2904 464,3609582 259,117.805 25.995,149 0.0 9.6 Increased equity in tail period 2055 481.548,512 268,701,070 27.086,946 0.0 9.5 4.20% Escalation Rate, 0.25% Escrow Net Earnings 2056 499,251.231 278,570,199 28.301.253 6.0 9.5 D0J Proceeds Excluded 2057 517,579,599 298,786,699 29,410,030 0.0 9.4 Funding Ends 2030 2059 536,497,552 299.330.393 30.645,252 0.0 9.4 Decom Begins 2030 2059 556,016,098 310,207,270 31.932,352 0.0 9.3 2080 576.065.657 321,369,290 - 33,363,679 0.0 6.3 TLG Estimate based on TLGstudy approved bý tDFC (0851.1 milgon in 2006 dollars) 2081 596,630.728 332.946.511 34,670,999 0.0 9.2 Target Cost = TLG Estimate 2062 618205,863 344,852,476 36,127.181 0.0 9.2 2063 640.218.342 357,111,384 37,644,522 0.0 9.1 YE 2010 Balance = 11130110Sal + Cents + Earn - Exp 2064 662.803,507 369.687,101 39,332,125 0.0 9.0 2005 696,164.314 382,658.866 40,873,067 0.0 90 Escalating annual contributions 2068 710.0058,671 395.991.921 42,589,736 0.0 8.9 5 Year phaseout prior to shutdown 2057 734,688.976 409,687.347 44,378,505 0.0 6.8 Final payment in 2101 2069 759.851.572 423,698.377 46.367,992 0.0 8.9 2069 785,766,968 438.113.930 49,184.583 0.0 8.7 -Run on 121302010 2070 812.333.324 452,988.190 50,266,335 0.0 8.7 2971 839.544,151 469,017.211 522,317.085 9.6 8.6 Equity Allocations as of 11/30110:

2072 867,290,784 483.440.237 54.662,459 0.0 8.5 NentEra 66.4%

2073 895,751,804 491,256.6,25 56.804,008 0.0 8.4 Hudson 30.2%

2074 924,818,455 515.424,026 59.189.776 0.0 8.4 MWEC 48.6%

2075 954.471.096 531,872.545 " 61,675,747 0.0 7.0 Taunton 30.2%

2076 976,754,455 044,240,163 76.062.570 5.0 8.1 2077 1,006,875.548 560,958.927 66.965,305 0.0 7.4 2078 1,033,205,387 575,563,946 76.107.506 0.0 7.0 2679 1,057,226,625 588.879,791 82.582.027 0.0 6.8 2080 1,080,627,095 601,644.176 866.276.812 0.0 7.0 2081 1,105,954,916 615.872.670 86.105,452 0.0 6.9 2062 1.130,826.150 629.636,164 89,721.891 00 7.3 2063 1,166,300,219 645,955.961 895.714.869 0.0 5.7 2064 1,173,194.490 653.048,538 113,838,891 0.0 7.0 2065 1,201,006.611 668,424.257 93.066,119 0.0 5.6 2096 1,213.623,306 675.343,799 118,940.422 0.0 6.7 2087 1,239 203,390 689.458,863 101,047,842 0.0 5.3 2086 1,247,729,632 694.083.840 129,427,192 0.0 5.6 2089 1,260,1206061 700.846,621 124.612.820 6.6 5.6 2090 1,273,411,964 708.099.375 124.692.439 0.0 5.9 2091 "1,291.462,205 717.981.653 - 119.123.630 0.0 4.5 2092 1,027,739,627 571.237,513 399,744.285 158.209,445 2.5 6.1 2693 759,119.572 421.67.959 787,325,626 15.638.,41 4.6 7.3 2094 491.397,236 273,060,204 1,146,686,161 165.299,360 6.9 8.6 2095 235,626,381 130.929.806 1,466,224,749 165,872,511 7.9 56 2096 - 1.712,884,109 186.010,499 9.2 9.2 2097 1,572,986,335 187,014,113 8.1 8.1 2098 1,421,578,105 194,868,706 7.6 7.6 2899 91272,319.024 188,035.529 7.1 7.1 2100 180,331.467 1.0 1.0 2101 1.137,635.563 2102

L-2011-058 SOlbookStaon7N0207667 D60 n lon0lft Tnt P n ol FMndg To)651o76q0ui670n1 F. 1A F.lIB -IC F.2 -* I. I..I F- E. E. '. r loY -. IA F.. 1. -1.e _F-.2 F- 3 F..4. -6

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L-2011-058 Ooob-ok S3tt NuclearI l0m DIeomissnng Tost Projclion,f Frd'lW Roquiemntl, TOTAL

-und 1. 1.. F.

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o - 21577 ID.177.110 1 71 -17 391.779 12- 1 2-7.0. ,17 11.13 1. 211 1. 1. '2::3. - .l. 151 27.11- 171.1! 1173;ýI 'I I 1.11

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?17.3102 1.13-00303-2. 03043000232100 1-.3003037.230.

1.3111. OO1O1 _______________________________________ I ____ L ___I_

L-2011-058 S Plojok 7 Stst Nu,1r, o3 i323184T0 t Proj.-o .1 Fund,rgRaquim-ni ell=

N.x.Mr S.,e..ook 72317.3244  !. 4 3 0O 582 4 0 0 2505 2.50 460578.% 5.582

-30332 478n

.. 48 0 3 3782214 2 34 0- 0F32321 224217.1 7337722 1 4 4 07 04412 0 4 2.053.0. 2.54213. 52227 5.2% 2.352.573885.17 012 0 532282 0 07.02 0 1.3243 412. 730.43.12 12221723 2 4 4 37228804 0 2e.482.00 0 2 305038763e.4508888437 30.4a.7322784857* 0 0 378.151 0 *437.75.043 1.182.755 7144.105 1021030 2l 0 0 0 D =2*40 4 .7 03572 0 2 554.2 854

.72553 5% 38824.074

  • 17 253.450 3 2 81818s. 253510280 3n 3 12.e4302237303303 711308 4O4 0 4 3 0 214 0 0 0 4 23.7% 3.10575 7207 2 2 )034 0 732.50 0 0 *70.51e44 7.521 11037)3 4 2 0204 0 0 4 . 3 0 3 0=87 4.9 2325.

4 22.42.3512)88013 3 0 2)78.7 07283 470.5200 4 0 10.0

  • 5206 10J3721 5 0,J 3 0 e .312 7 0 4 .7 41 0 2 0a2 4S2* 333.% 2 43334*835 27400 8.4 4 444420 587.04.3 75

. *703 4 1)020

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L-2011-058 S oookStioo Nof Fo rdo m g Trmt Projection If Fnding Requiremet:

1-md -u~In. 11.d NoolEos Sobocok I0510 05008 - -oo

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.311 I-,1. Z 171 W2.1 I D M

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L-2011-058 SoobrooSOtWoo Noobar llo n T-1mm

,0r Prooiion of F R

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0 -3. _ 311 12::: '1:!a 1

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L-2011-058 Secbrok StationNuce DDcomncijonrng Tr-t ProjelionofF.non. Requiremenl 1j=-_2

,-_ ,'=I-o; KOas hu..t. MftioipalWholekseEleotrio roosorlbo_*o, I eI 7.F1o. c...o .. "

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o 1 :7%*I`2 B4* 21:-.4'9 0

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'D D I I3,45I 433 14,3585 0 1.

1 3- 211 0 3.11 11 i:, 1 27.3 17 .8* ID 144*

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L-2011-058 303br3k ftation NuclOar Deolmslorono Tmt PlJodoOon of Flnl2ngR3qu21o3n3 MsochUsl.l-Mu.i...a. W o..a.Electrk F FEBFF .Lr I T.1 33231003 -331C 03 033 F.0 F.0 G0312 70130 IC _E.. 2 F- 2 1 TI-30 .0-2JE S o . .. 3l :2' 221 o I 1'3 1 ;1 "I", 17 1

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o .1 i"711.-1e 0 0 1 "1.2 .1. 1 o  :;.1 1 71.1,1.11 11.1 iZz o o -211 1 1 D 1. 1.

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  • D o I -"oI.' I'l'-o 171.212.-'

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L-2011-058 SoobmokStatos N321r DNmW,,

Nw on0l2T1 ProjectonofFundingRoquh.mes Tlno


  • l LightlngPlWnt T*I* T* *T-= T-I*r*1 0F- o I0 2n 0 41 1 1 . 1,* F- 1. 1 1- 1. F0 Fu 3n F-1 4ý 1*1*~0 5 ~ 1.104 .5 .5 1- .1 .1 00 .1 . O .. 50 1 1 .1 12.31 .,00 .0 0. 1 .1* 0 o 4
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L-2011-058 SOotrk SbUonNmxhr00com*.0rlondT-t TPaoeosofFMunicia RUqutlant TU-ton MunkicpaUghtingPfan Fo1A - 410 7F.12 IC -24 723I 04 I22 F..d1 OF. T0.W2 77 FFo11) IC F1I -I F - .. T 1 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 0 1 1 3 . l 03 1o.2 . 0 ~~ 004 0 301 002 0008 042 .000 0 20 i1=1301 0 0 0211.8 0. 0 455 2 512 3.81 0 0 0 31 2 0 0 10010 1-':3 .21.1 Z4.100812 2 10.3


11210015 111121 0 0

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12.30 0'loll20 01

.0 3.

01 01 0 0 2102 3

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L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 3 SEABROOK STATION NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC Decommissioning Trust Fund - License Termination Funds As of December 31, 2010 TLG Cost Study (thousands of $20061 beabrook Nextlra I Hudson I MMWE. i Tauton I 1Otal License Termination 508,677 Spent Fuel Management 135,648 Site Restoration 31 ,450 Total 675,775 Component %

License Termination 75.27%

Spent Fuel Management 20.07%

Site Restoration 4.65%

Total 100%

Total Decommissioning Trust Fund Balance as of 12/31/10 366,725,239 366,858 35,589,403 478,741 403,160,241 10 CFR 50.2 Decommissioning Trust Fund Allocation based on TLG Study ) 276,045,569 276,146 26,789,258 360,363 303,471,336 10 CFR 50.75(c) NRC Minimum Amount as of 12/31110 425,283,984 372,942 55,882,912 483,662 482,023,500 (t)Refer to Schedule 2 for summary of funding requirements

L-2011-058 Duane Arnold Energy Center NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC (NextEra),

Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO),

Corn Belt Power Cooperative (Corn Belt)

Decommissioning Funding Status Report

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

Plant Owner (% Ownership) NRC Minimum (a)

NextEra (70%) 387,320,164 CIPCO (20%) 110,662,904 Corn Belt (10%) 55,331,452 Total 553,314,520 (a) Refer to Attachment 1 for calculation assumptions.

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report.

Plant Owner (% Ownership) Total NextEra (70%) 213,176,089 CIPCO (20%) 39,485,852 Corn Belt (10%) 19,391,909 Total 272,053,850

3. Schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected.

Plant Owner (% Ownership) Annual Annuity Projected Funds at Shutdown NextEra (70%) (see notes (b)) $0 CIPCO (20%) (see note (b)) (c)

Corn Belt (10%) (c)

Total (b) Refer to Attachment 2 for Decommissioning Funding Plan, SAFTSTOR Alternative.

(c) Actual annual contributions to the external sinking fund will vary based upon reassessment of owner's decommissioning funding obligations in light of NRC requirements, actual inflation, actual fund earnings, and other factors. Attachment 3 provides the funding schedules applicable to each of the Duane Arnold Energy Center Owners.

L-2011-058 4.

Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Plant Owner (% Ownership) Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation) (Projected)

NextEra (see note (d)) (70%) 2%

CIPCO (see note (e)) (20%) 4%

Corn Belt (see note (f)) (10%) 3%

Basis for Allowance:

(d) The real rate of return allowed by 10 CFR 50.75 is 2%.

(e) Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) is a public corporation incorporated under Chapter 499 Iowa Code (2009). CIPCO has the authority and is required to fix, establish, and collect adequate rates and other charges for electrical energy or services sold or furnished by it. CIPCO is accordingly authorized to establish its own rates and other charges through which it can recover its cost of service.

CIPCO is governed by a 13 member Board of Directors that are elected by the CIPCO members. The Board of Directors is the rate making authority for CIPCO.

CIPCO rates are not regulated by any state or federal authority. In a Board Resolution dated October 27, 2009, the CIPCO Board of Directors resolved that the rates and other charges for electrical energy services and the decommissioning fund be established assuming a real rate of return on the decommissioning fund of four percent.

(f) Corn Belt Power Cooperative is a public corporation incorporated under Chapter 499 Iowa Code (2009). CIPCO has the authority and is required to fix, establish, and collect adequate rates and other charges for electrical energy or services sold or furnished by it. Corn Belt is governed by an 11 member Board of Directors who are elected by its members. The Corn Belt Board of Directors is accordingly authorized to establish its own rates and other charges through which it can recover its cost of service and is the rate making authority for the Cooperative.

The Cooperative's rates are not regulated by any state or federal authority. In a Board Resolution dated October 30, 2009, the Corn Belt Board of Directors resolved that the rates and other charges for electrical energy services and the decommissioning fund be established assuming a real rate of return on the decommissioning fund of three percent.

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. See response

L-2011-058 On April 7, 2010 NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC. (NextEra) notified the NRC of its intent to terminate the existing $93 million Parent Guaranty 120 days after the NRC's receipt of the notice (ADAMS Accession No. ML101040713). Subsequently, the Parent Guaranty was terminated in August 2010. On August 22, 2010 the NRC sent NextEra acknowledgement of the termination (ADAMS Accession No. ML101620393) indicating no objection to the termination of the Parent Guaranty.

7. Any material changes to trust agreements.


L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT I DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $121.2 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$121.2 million is value for reference BWR38 39 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year E = Energy escalation factor to current year 40 B = LLRW escalation factor to current year 41

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 2010 39 111.3 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1 307 38 2.08 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.32 5 Electric power escalation factor, 2010 42 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 2010 43 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10 F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.54P(#9) + 0.46F(#10) per NUREG-1307 2.32 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 41 12.54 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#11) + 0.22B(#12) 4.57 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for BWR 121.2 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 553.3 38 NUREG 1307, Rev 14, Table 3.2 39 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series CIU20100000002301 (Midwest Region).

40 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

41 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.54 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

42 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #40) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

43 December 2010 value 252.1 (See note #40) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

L-2011-058 Attachment 2 Duane Arnold Energy Center Decommissioning Funding Plan 2034 Shutdown, SAFBTORAltemadve (Thousands of Dollars)

Basis Year 2010 Fund Balance as of 12131110:(Thousands of Dollars)

Next Era 213,176 70% uwnership CIPCO 309,486 20% ownership Corn Belo 19,392 10% ownership Total Trust Fund Balance 272,054 2006 Enoaladon 2.7%

2010 Eonalaun 1.%

Annual EarnIngs - Next Era 2%

Annual Earnings - CIPCO 4%

Annual Earnings -Corn Belt 3%

A 0 C D E F G H CIPCO CornBell Next Era Decommissioning Decommissioning Decommissioning Trust Fund Balano. TrustFund Balanco Trust Fund Balanco escalated at 4% esoalatod at 3% Total CIPCO Corn Belt 2009 escalated at 2% minus 20% of minus 10% of Decommlsioning Decommissioning Decommissioning

.5Cost 2010 IE scalaion I Etscalagon minus 70%of expenses+ expenses + Trust Fund minus Trust Fund Trust Fund Contibutions Contributors, expenses Conrfrbufgons Condrbugons Year (2008 Dollars) I at 2.7% 1 at 1.0% 1 expenses 1,000 1,000 700 1,000 ADO 1.000 Calculaton,,

ColumnEu (Column E (Praurous arsfund balanc) (1 .02)) - (Column D 0.70 (70%o, cu-nt years dcmmiooning expendinuret)

ColumnF = (ColumnF(Prooiousyaurs fund boalnc)u (1 .04)) - (Column D*0 20)1(20%of cfrnt years doirmmseoning axpend~uros)+ Column I (crent yonrescontibutiors)

ColumnG = (ColumnG (Prious year's fundbalance) (1 .03)) -(Column D*0.10) (10% of.u.nont yearsdocommimoning openditures)+ ColumnJ (current year's contobulons)

ColumnH = Column E + ColumnF + ColumnG

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 3 CIPCO and Corn Belt Decommissioning Trust Fund Contributions (In thousands of dollars)

Year CIPCO Decommissioning Corn Belt Decommissioning Trust Fund Contributions Trust Fund Contributions 2011 1,000 0 2012 1,000 550 2013 1,000 700 2014 1,000 850 2015 1,000 0

L-2011-058 Point Beach Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC (NextEra),

Decommissioning Funding Status Report

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

NRC Minimum (a)

NextEra (100%) 398,528,276 (a) Refer to Attachment I for calculation assumptions.

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report.

I I Total NextEra (100%) 260,164,914

3. Schedule of the projected amounts remaining to be collected.

Projected Funds at Shutdown NextEra (100%) (see notes (b) (c)) 413,488,047 (b) Projection includes a pro-rata credit during the dismantlement period pursuant to 10CFR 50.75(e)(1)(ii).

(c) Assumes no annual contributions to the fund.

4. Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation) (Projected)

NextEra (see note (d) 2%

Basis for Allowance:

(d) The real rate of return allowed by 10 CFR 50.75 is 2%.

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None


7. Any material changes to trust agreements.

Effective April 16, 2009, the name was changed on the qualified and non-qualified trusts from FPL Energy Point Beach, LLC to NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC to reflect a corporate name change. Also, the name of the trustee was changed from "Mellon Trust of Delaware, National Association" to "BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware", to reflect a name change that followed the merger of Mellon Trust of Delaware with the Bank of New York (Delaware). See response

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $88.55 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$88.55 million is value for reference PWR 44 45 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year 46 E = Energy escalation factor to current year47 B = LLRW escalation factor to current year

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 2010 45 111.3 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1307 44 2.08 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.32 5 Electric power escalation factor, 2010 48 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 2010 49 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10 F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.58P(#9) + 0.42F(#10) per NUREG-1307 2.26 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 47 12.28 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#11) + 0.22B(#12) 4.50 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for PWR 88.55 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 398.5 44 NUREG 1307, Rev 14, Table 3.2 45 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series CIU20100000002301 (Midwest Region).

46 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation Using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

47 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.28 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

48 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #46) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

49 December 2010 value is 252.1 (See note #46) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

L-2011-058 Point Beach Nuclear Plant - Unit 2 NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC (NextEra),

Decommissioning Funding Status Report

1. The minimum decommissioning fund estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c).

NRC Minimum (a)

NextEra (100%) 398,528,276 (a) Refer to Attachment I for calculation assumptions.

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report.

I Total NextEra (100%) 245,135,466

3. Schedule of the projected amounts remaining to be collected.

Projected Funds at Shutdown NextEra (100%) (see notes (b)(c)) 408,653,331 (b) Projection includes a pro-rata credit during the dismantlement period pursuant to IOCFR 50.75(e)(1)(ii).

(c) Assumes no annual contributions to the fund.

4. Assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rate of earnings on decommissioning funds and rates of other factors used in funding projections.

Rate of Earnings Escalation Real Rate of (Nominal Rate Of Factor Return Return) (Inflation) (Projected)

NextEra (see note (d)) 2%

Basis for Allowance:

(d) The real rate of return allowed by 10 CFR 50.75 is 2%.

5. Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v). None
6. Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report. None

L-2011-058 ATTACHMENT 1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 NRC Minimum Decommissioning Cost Determination NRC Minimum = $88.55 million X (0.65L + 0.13E + 0.22B)


$88.55 million is value for reference PWR 50 in 1986 dollars L = Labor escalation factor to current year 51 E = Energy escalation factor to current year53 52 B = LLRW escalation factor to current year

  1. Item Description Value 1 Labor escalation factor for Quarter 4, 2010 51 111.3 2 Base adjustment factor from NUREG-1 307 50 2.08 3 Escalation factor from NUREG-1307 100 4 L = #1 times #2 divided by #3 2.32 5 Electric power escalation factor, 2010 54 191.3 6 Electric power escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1307 114.2 7 Fuel escalation factor for 2010 55 252.1 8 Fuel escalation factor for Jan., 1986 from NUREG-1 307 82 9 P = #5 divided by #6 1.68 10 F = #7 divided by #8 3.07 11 E = 0.58P(#9) + 0.42F(#10) per NUREG-1307 2.26 12 Value of B from Table 2.1 of NUREG-1307 53 12.28 13 0.65L(#4) + 0.13E(#11) + 0.22B(#12) 4.50 14 1986 minimum-millions of dollars for PWR 88.55 15 2010 minimum-millions of dollars: #13 times #14 398.5 50 NUREG 1307, Rev 14, Table 3.2 1 NUREG 1307 specified that source is Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Employment Cost Index, Series CIU20100000002301 (Midwest Region).

52 NUREG 1307 specifies that source is a weighted calculation using Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, Producer Price Index-Commodities, Series wpu0573 (light fuel oils) and wpu0543 (industrial electric power).

53 NUREG 1307 provides a value for B in Table 2.1. In the October 2010 revision (Rev. 14) of the NUREG, the value is 12.28 for Generic LLW Disposal Site assuming 85% of the total LLW volume is dispositioned using waste vendors and the Clive, Utah facility and the remaining 15% is dispositioned by direct disposal at one of the two full-service disposal facilities.

54 December 2010 value is 191.3. (See note #52) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.

55 December 2010 value is 252.1 (See note #52) Information was preliminary as of 01/18/11.