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Exhibit ENT000003, Pilgrim Lr Proceeding, Declaration of Steven R. Hanna in Support of Entergy'S Pre-filed Testimony on Pilgrim Watch Contention 3
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/22/2010
From: Hanna S
Harvard School of Public Health, Entergy Nuclear Generation Co, Entergy Nuclear Operations
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML110030986 List:
RAS 19383, 50-293-LR, ASLBP 06-848-02-LR, ENT000003
Download: ML110030990 (16)


Exhibit No. ENT000003 Pilgrim LR Proceeding ENT - Hanna Declaration and Resume UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel In the Matter of Entergy Nuclear Generation Company and ) Docket No. 50-293-LR Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. ASLBP No. 06-848-02-LR


(Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) 1 DECLARATION OF STEVEN R. HANNA IN SUPPORT OF ENTERGY'S PRE-FILED TESTIMONY ON PILGRIM WATCH CONTENTION 3 I, Dr. Steven R. Hanna, do hereby state the following:

I am president of Hanna Consultants; I am also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Harvard School of Public Health. My business address is 7 Crescent Ave.

Kennebunkport, ME 04046-7235. I am an AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist with over 43 years of experience. I am a specialist in atmospheric turbulence and dispersion, in the analysis of meteorological and air quality data, and in the development, evaluation, and application of air quality models. I have 148 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including three in the past year. A statement of my professional qualifications is attached.

I provide this declaration in support of Entergy's pre-filed testimony on Pilgrim Watch Contention 3. I attest to the accuracy of those statements attributed to me (that material marked by my initials in Entergy's pre-filed testimony), support them as my own, and endorse their introduction into the record of this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury that those statements, and my statements in this declaration, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Executed on ?$L 21. a / o ( ~ a t e )

Steven R. Hanna

STEVEN R. HANNA, PH.D. Updated: December 2010 Hanna Consultants 7 Crescent Ave.

Kennebunkport, ME 04046-7235 office: 207 967 4478; cell: 207 408 6102; E-mail:; web site: Adjunct Associate Professor Exposure, Epidemiology, and Risk Program Dept. of Environmental Health Harvard School of Public Health Room 404J Landmark Center, 401 Park Dr.

P.O. Box 15677 Boston, MA 02215-0013 617-384-8807 E-mail: Ph.D., M.S., B.S., Meteorology, Penn State University (1967, 1966, 1964)

April 1997-Present: President, Hanna Consultants, Kennebunkport, ME April 2002-Present: Adjunct Associate Prof., Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA July 1997- July 2003 Research Professor, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA April 1997-Dec. 2000: Research Associate, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 1992-April 1997: Principal Meteorologist, Earth Tech, Inc., Concord, MA 1985-1992: Founder and Vice President, Sigma Research Corp., Westford, MA 1981-1985: Principal Meteorologist, Environmental Research & Technology, Inc.

(ERT), Concord, MA 1967-1981: Research Meteorologist and Acting Director (1979-1981)

USDOC/NOAA, Environmental Research Laboratories, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN AWARDS Dr. Hanna is the 1994 recipient of the American Meteorological Society's Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Advance of Applied Meteorology, and is a 1996 Centennial Fellow of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences of Penn State University. On June 2, 2003, he testified at a Congressional hearing on the subject of Following Toxic Clouds: Science and Assumptions in Plume Modeling. In January, 2005, he was named a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society. In January 2010, he received the AMS Helmut E. Landsberg award for Significant novel and insightful contributions in applied meteorology and urban studies, including field work, data interpretation, model development, and model evaluation.



Dr. Hanna is a specialist in atmospheric turbulence and dispersion, in the analysis of meteorological and air quality data, and in the development, evaluation, and application of air quality models. He is an AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist with over 40 years of experience. He has led several research and development projects involving, for example, the analysis of uncertainties of dispersion models, the statistical evaluations of hazardous gas dispersion models and regional ozone models, the development of models for the dispersion of emissions from tall power plant stacks, from offshore oil platforms, and from accidental and intentional releases of hazardous chemicals, and the analysis of data from large urban and regional field experiments. From 1988-1997, Dr. Hanna was Chief Editor of the Journal of Applied Meteorology, and has published 140 articles in refereed journals, six chapters in books, and five books in which he is the primary author.

RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Model Evaluation, Model Uncertainty, and Concentration Fluctuations Under support of the American Petroleum Institute, a statistical method for evaluating air quality models was developed and applied to many types of source scenarios, models, and field data sets. This method is now accepted as a standard in international research on dispersion model evaluation. The U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and the American Petroleum Institute supported the further development of a framework for evaluating and for estimating the uncertainty in environmental models. During the past few years, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Homeland Security have sponsored additional studies of model evaluation methods, with emphasis on scenarios where chemical or biological agents might be released.

From 1993 through 2006, the Electric Power Research Institute supported the development of uncertainty analysis methods for photochemical grid models. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has had Dr. Hanna review their uncertainty analysis methods for linked emissions-dispersion-exposure-risk consequence models. The American Petroleum Institute has had Dr.

Hanna lead a long-term study in which the uncertainties of dispersion models for toxic gases in urban areas were investigated. In November 2006, Dr. Hanna presented an invited talk on air quality model uncertainty at an EPA workshop on uncertainties in estimation of future changes in air quality due to changes in climate.

From 2004 through 2007, Dr. Hanna was a lead scientist in a Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) study involving improvements of methods to account for mesoscale and regional-scale uncertainties in transport and dispersion estimates.

Dr. Hanna is currently leading model evaluation efforts for the HPAC-Urban model and for Rockle-type urban models (supported by DTRA), for the JEM model (supported by DOD), and for the LATRA3D model (supported by the USAF).

Regional Air Quality Data Analysis and Model Evaluation

Dr. Hanna was the chief scientist for analysis of field data from several regional and urban-scale ozone experiments, including the South Central Coastal Cooperative Aerometric Monitoring Program (SCCCAMP), the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS), and the Gulf of Mexico Air Quality Study (GMAQS). He was the manager and chief scientist for the multi-agency Cross-Regional Model Evaluation (CReME) project, in which four regional air quality models were evaluated with field data from the LMOS, Northeast, and SARMAP domains. From 1999 through 2005, Dr. Hanna was the chief scientist on two DOI/MMS-sponsored studies involving boundary layers and air quality in the Gulf of Mexico.

Dr. Hanna led a ten-year effort in which the effects of uncertainties in input parameters on the uncertainties in predictions of regional air quality models were assessed using Monte Carlo methods. In 2005, Dr. Hanna completed a study of the uncertainties in the BEIS3 model, which is used to estimate biogenic emissions for input to photochemical grid models. He led a Monte Carlo uncertainty study of model predictions of benzene and 1,3-butadiene in the Houston area.

Modeling of Turbulence and Diffusion Dr. Hanna has developed applied diffusion models for several industrial and governmental clients, including a diffusion model for complex terrain (RTDM) for the Westvaco Corporation, a model for overwater diffusion (OCD) for the Minerals Management Service, a cooling tower plume model (ATCOOL) for the Department of Energy (DOE), a model for diffusion from tall stacks (HPDM) for EPRI, a hazardous gas model for chemical reactions and thermodynamics associated with UF6 releases, and a baseline urban dispersion model.

In the past five years, Dr. Hannas simple urban baseline dispersion model was further enhanced for use in estimating impacts of possible terrorist attacks with chemical and biological agents. It was evaluated with field data from Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City, and New York City. He is leading the evaluation of DTRAs HPAC-Urban model with field data from Oklahoma City and New York City. He was the chief scientist of the Madison Square Garden-2005 (MSG05) tracer experiment in New York City. He is currently leading analysis of the comprehensive set of urban field experiments and has developed and evaluated a simple urban dispersion model.

Hazardous Gas Model Development and Analyses The AIChE sponsored the writing of the Guidelines for use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models in 1987, and the preparation of greatly-enhanced second edition in 1996. The AIChE also sponsored preparation of the 2002 book entitled Wind Flow and Vapor Cloud Dispersion at Industrial and Urban Sites.

A USAF/API study was completed in which 15 hazardous gas models were evaluated with data from 8 field studies.

An industry-government consortium supported the five-year PERF 93-16 Dispersion Modeling Project, including field and laboratory experiments, in which dense gas models were improved so that they account for high surface roughnesses, short-duration releases, and stable ambient conditions. Dr. Hanna was responsible for the planning and coordination of the technical components of the project and carried out the analysis of the Kit Fox field data and

the evaluation of the HGSYSTEM 3+ model.

From 2005 through the present, Dr. Hanna has led DARPA, DHS, DTRA, and Chlorine Chemistry Council studies of emissions and dispersion of chlorine released from railcars. In the DTRA study, source emission model improvements have been made for Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) and the improved models will be employed in the HPAC modeling system.

Hazardous Gas Modeling for DTRA, DOE-CBNP, and DHS From 1997-2002, Dr. Hanna was the director and chief scientist of the Coordinated Hazardous Atmospheric Release Modeling (CHARM) project at George Mason University. The research, supported by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), was concerned with development and evaluation of mesoscale meteorological models and atmospheric dispersion models for releases of chemical and biological agents. Dr. Hanna is continuing this research while at Harvard. Also, from 2000 through the present, DHS is supporting studies focused on improvements in guidance given to emergency responders concerning transport and dispersion in urban areas.

Reviews of Diffusion Research Dr. Hanna has been requested to prepare written reviews of various aspects of diffusion research by many national and international agencies, industries, and universities. He is a member of peer-review panels for NRC, DOE, EPA, CDC, DHS, CARB, and DOD programs. In March, 1997, he chaired the Peer Review Panel for the Atmospheric Modeling Division of the EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory. In June, 2000, he was a member of the Peer Review Panel for the EPA research program on ozone and air toxics. In November, 1997, he chaired the Peer Review Panel for the U.S. modeling program for the Khamisiyah, Iraq, chemical releases. In 1998 he chaired the Peer Review Panel for the EPAs new AERMOD model. In 2000, he was member of the Peer Review Panel for the Army Research Offices Atmospheric Boundary Layer Program. In 2003, he was a reviewer of the DOE VTMX research program. In 2005, he was a reviewer of the DTRA Chemical/Biological Defense Science Program. In 2009, he gave a keynote address at the Workshop on Evaluations of IMAAC models (for DHS).

Teaching Experiences at Universities Dr. Hanna has been an adjunct professor and/or research professor at several universities during his career (Vanderbilt University from 1969 through 1973, University of Tennessee from 1974 through 1981, Harvard School of Public Health from 1983 through the present, and George Mason University from 1997 through 2002). Approximately once each year throughout this period, he has taught graduate-level courses in atmospheric turbulence and dispersion. The Vanderbilt and UT lectures were used as the basis for the textbook by Hanna, Briggs, and Hosker (1982), which has been widely adopted as a basic text at other universities. In addition, three or four times a year from 1987-1997, Dr. Hanna taught a two-day short course entitled Vapor Cloud Dispersion as part of AIChE conferences. Since 2002, he has taught 8 to 16 lectures a year in Air Quality Meteorology graduate-level courses at HSPH in Boston and in their International Institute in Cyprus.

From 1997 through 2003, Dr. Hanna organized and ran the annual GMU July Workshop on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling.

Business Experience In 1985, Dr Hanna was a cofounder of Sigma Research Corporation, which carried out basic and applied research on meteorology and air quality issues for a variety of clients. The company grew successfully and was purchased by Earth Tech in 1992. Since 1997, Dr. Hanna has continued his consulting under Hanna Consultants, and spends half-time on that effort. The other half of his time was spent at George Mason University (from 1997-2002) and at Harvard School of Public Health (from 2003-present). Hanna Consultants projects are sponsored by government agencies, chemical industries, environmental consulting companies, industrial associations, and universities.

Expert Witness Dr. Hanna has provided testimony in depositions in several litigation cases and has testified in two trials. In most of these cases, he was required to apply and interpret atmospheric transport and dispersion models. He has modeled releases of methyl mercaptan, ammonia and chlorine from rail cars, oleum from valve ruptures, ammonia from a tank rupture, sulfuric acid from a stack, hydrogen sulfide from a missile spill, water vapor and particulates from paper mills and cooling towers, small particles and ozone from power plants over the eastern U.S., and wind flows in Manhattan street canyons.

On June 2, 2003, Dr. Hanna was one of seven scientists invited to testify at a hearing before the U.S. Congress Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, on the subject of Following Toxic Clouds: Science and Assumptions in Plume Modeling.

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Sigma Xi, AAAS, AWMA AMS: Chief Editor, J. Appl. Meteorol., 1988-1997 Chairman, Atmos. Turb. and Diff. Committee, 1977-1978 Member, AMS/EPA Cooperative Work Group, 1979-1981 Member, AMS Board on Urban Meteorology, 2002-2009 Co-Chairman of Urban Environment Conference in 2004 (Vancouver) and 2006 (Atlanta)

Chairman, 1974 Atmos. Turb. and Diff. Conference, Santa Barbara Recipient of 1994 AMS Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Advance of Applied Meteorology AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist (Number 361)

Fellow, 2005 Co-Chairman of 2006 Forum on Managing our Physical and Natural Resources:

Successes and Challenges, Annual Meeting, Atlanta Chairman of F.A. Gifford Memorial Session at AMS Annual Meeting, 2008 Recipient of 2010 AMS Helmut E. Landsberg Award for Significant novel and insightful contributions in applied meteorology and urban studies, including field work, data interpretation, model development, and model evaluation


1. Hanna, S.R., 1982: Review of Atmospheric Diffusion Models for Regulatory Applications.

World Meteorological Organization Technical Note No. 177, WMO No. 581, Geneva, Switzerland.

2. Hanna, S.R., G.A. Briggs and R.P. Hosker, 1982: Handbook on Atmospheric Diffusion.

DOE/TIC-11223, Department of Energy, 102 pp.

3. Hanna, S.R. and P.J. Drivas, 1987: Guidelines for the Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models.

Published by CCPS/AIChE, 345 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017, 178 pp.

4. Hanna, S.R., and D.G. Strimaitis, 1988: Workbook of Test Cases for Vapor Cloud Source Emission and Dispersion Models. Published by CCPS/AIChE, 345 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017, 103 pp.
5. Hanna, S.R., P.J. Drivas, and J.C. Chang, 1996: Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models (Second Edition). Published by AIChE/CCPS, 345 East 47th St.,

New York, NY 10017, 285 pages + diskette.

6. Hanna, S.R. and R.E. Britter, 2002: Wind Flow and Vapor Cloud Dispersion at Industrial and Urban Sites. ISBN No: 0-8169-0863-X, CCPS/AIChE. 3 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5901, 140 pages + CD-ROM.


1. Hanna SR. A method of estimating vertical eddy transport in the planetary boundary layer using characteristics of the vertical velocity spectrum. J Atmos Sci 1968; 25:1026-1032.
2. Hanna SR. The thickness of the planetary boundary layer. Atmos Environ 1969; 3:519-536.
3. Hanna SR. Roll-vortices in the boundary layer. J Appl Met 1970; 9:630-640.
4. Hanna SR, Swisher SD. Meteorological effects of the heat and moisture produced by man. Nuclear Safety 1971; 12:114-122.
5. Hanna SR, Hoecker WH. The response of constant-density balloons to sinusoidal variations of vertical wind speeds. J Appl Met 1971; 10: 601-604.
6. Hanna SR, Gifford FA. Summary of meeting on mesoscale atmospheric modeling. Bull Am Met Soc 1971; 52:993.
7. Hanna SR. Simple methods of calculating dispersion from urban areas sources. J Air Poll Control Assn 1971; 21:774-777.
8. Hanna SR. Depth of boundary layer. Discussion. Atmos Environ 1971; 5:67-69.
9. Hanna SR, Swisher SD. A method for calculating the size of cooling tower plumes. Atmos Environ 1972; 6:587-588.
10. Hanna SR. Rise and condensation of large cooling tower plumes. J Appl Met 1972: 11:793-799.
11. Hanna SR. Comments on a comparison of wet and dry bent-over plumes and rebuttal. J Appl Met 1972; 11:1386-1387.
12. Gifford FA, Hanna SR. Modeling urban air pollution. Atmos Environ 1973; 7:131-136.
13. Hanna SR. Description of ATDL computer model for dispersion from multiple sources. In: Noll KE, Duncan JR,eds. Industrial Air Pollution Control: Chapter 4, 1973:23-32.
14. Hanna SR. Book review: Fundamentals of Air Pollution, Williamson S. Bull Am Met Soc 1973; 54:957-958.
15. Hanna SR. A simple model for the analysis of chemically reactive pollutants. Atmos Environ 1973; 7:803-817.
16. Barton CJ, Moore RE, Hanna SR. Radiation doses from hypothetical exposures to Rulison gas.

Nuclear Technology 1973; 20:30-50.

17. Hosker RP, Nappo CJ, Hanna SR. Diurnal variation of vertical thermal structure in a pine plantation.

Agric Met 1974; 13:259-265.

18. Hanna SR. Meteorological effects of the mechanical draft cooling towers of the Oak Ridge gaseous diffusion plant. Cooling Tower Environment 1974; ERDA Symposium Series, CONF 740302:


19. Hanna SR. Fog and drift deposition from evaporative cooling towers. Nuc Saf 1974; 15:190-196.
20. Hanna SR. Conference summary. Cooling tower environment--1974. Bull Am Met Soc 1974; 55:598.
21. Hanna SR, Gifford FA. Meteorological effects of energy dissipation. Bull Am Met Soc 1975; 56:1069-1076.
22. Hanna SR, Gifford FA. Part III. Dispersion of sulfur dioxide emissions from area sources. In: Noll K, Davis W, eds. Power Generation, Air Pollution Monitoring and Control. Ann Arbor Science, 1975:71-81.
23. Hanna SR, Gifford FA. Discussion of paper by Goumans and Clarenburg, a simple model to calculate the SO2 concentrations in urban regions. Atmos Environ 1975; 10:564.
24. Hanna SR. Book review: Atmospheric Diffusion, 2nd Edition, Pasquill F. Bull Am Met Soc 1975; 56:693-694.
25. Hanna SR. A comparison of observed and predicted cooling tower plume rise and visible plume length. Atmos Environ 1975; 10:1043-1052.
26. Hanna SR. Relating emissions to air quality in Tennessee. Noll KE, Davis WT, eds. Power Generation. Ann Arbor Science, 1976:107-118.
27. Hanna SR. Relative dispersion of tetroon pairs during convective conditions. J Appl Meteorol 1976; 15:588-593.
28. Hanna SR. Predicted and observed cooling tower plume rise and visible plume length at the John E.

Amos power plant. Atmos Environ 1976; 10:1043-1052.

29. Hanna SR. Comments on observations of an industrial cumulus. J Appl Met 1976; 15:1232-1233.
30. Hanna SR. Symposium review: Third symposium on atmospheric turbulence, diffusion, and air quality. Bull Am Met Soc 1977; 58:242-245.
31. Hanna SR. Predicted climatology of cooling tower plume types from energy centers. J Appl Met 1977; 16:880-887.
32. Hanna SR. Modeling smog along the Los Angeles-Palm Spring trajectory. Soffet I,ed. Fate of Pollutants in the Air and Water Environments. New York: Wiley J & Sons, 1977:209-295.
33. Hanna SR, Briggs GA,

Deardorff J,

Egan BA, Gifford FA, Pasquill F. AMS workshop on stability classification schemes and sigma curves. Bull Am Met Soc 1977; 58:1305-1309.

34. Hanna SR. Diurnal variation of the stability factor in the simple ATDL urban dispersion model. J Air Poll Control Assn 1978; 28:147-150.
35. Hanna SR. Accuracy of dispersion models: A position paper of the AMS 1977 committee on atmospheric turbulence and diffusion. Bull Am Met Soc 1978; 59:1025-1026.
36. Chen N, Hanna SR. Drift-modeling and monitoring comparisons. Atmos Environ 1978; 12:1725-1734.
37. Hanna SR, Pike M, Seitter K. Observations of vortices in cooling tower plumes. J Appl Met 1978; 17:7, 1068-1071.
38. Hanna SR. Urban modeling of inert substances. Morris A, Barras R, eds. Air Quality Meteorology and Atmospheric Ozone; ASTM STP 653. Am Soc for Testing and Mat 1978:262-275.
39. Hanna SR. Some statistics of Lagrangian and Eulerian wind fluctuations. J Appl Met 1979; 18:518-525.
40. Hanna SR. Measured turbulence in complex terrain near the TVA Widows Creek, Alabama Steam Plant. Atmos Environ 1980; 14:401-408.
41. Hanna SR. Lagrangian and Eulerian time scale relations in the daytime boundary layer. J Appl Met 1981; 21:242-249.
42. Hanna SR. Diurnal variation of horizontal wind direction fluctuations in complex terrain at Geysers, CA. Bound Lay Meteorol 1981; 18:207-213.
43. Hanna SR. Applications in air pollution modeling. Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Pollution Modeling. Boston: D. Reidel 1981:275-310.
44. Hanna SR, Briggs GA, Hosker RP. Handbook on Atmospheric Diffusion. DOE/TIC-11223, Department of Energy 1982:102pp.
45. Hanna SR. Turbulent diffusion: Chimneys and cooling towers. Ch 10 In: Plate E (ed.), Engineering Meteorology. Elsevier NY: 1982:429-480.
46. Hanna SR. Review of atmospheric diffusion models for regulatory applications. World Meteorological Organization Technical Note No 177, WMO No 581. Geneva, Switzerland: 1982.
47. Hanna SR. Natural variability of observed hourly SO2 and CO concentrations in St. Louis. Atmos Environ 1982; 16:1435-1441.
48. Hanna SR. Review of Dense Gas Dispersion by Britter and Griffiths. Bull Am Met Soc 1983; 64:645.
49. Hanna SR. Lateral turbulence intensity and plume meandering during stable conditions. J Clim and Appl Meteorol 1983; 22:1424-1430.
50. Hanna SR, Paine RJ, Schulman LL. Overwater dispersion in coastal regions. Bound Lay Meteorol 1984; 30:389-411.
51. Hanna SR, Egan BA, Vaudo CJ, Curreri AJ. A complex terrain dispersion model for regulatory applications at the Westvaco Luke Mill. Atmos Environ 1984; 18:685-699.
52. Hanna SR. The exponential PDF and concentration fluctuations in smoke plumes. Boundary Layer Meteorology 1984; 29:361-376.
53. Hanna SR. Concentration fluctuations in a smoke plume. Atmos Environ 1984; 18:1091-1106.
54. Hanna SR. Atmospheric effects of energy generation. In: Randerson D, ed. Chapter 15 in Atmospheric Science and Power Production. DOE/TIC-27601, 1984:652-684.
55. Hanna SR. Air Pollution. Encyclopedia of Science and Technology: McGraw-Hill, 1984.
56. Hanna SR, Schulman LL, Paine RJ, Pleim JE, Baer M. Development and evaluation of the Offshore and Coastal Diffusion Model. J Air Poll Control Assoc 1985; 35:1039-1047.
57. Hanna SR. Ground-level concentration fluctuations from a buoyant and a non-buoyant source within a laboratory convectively-mixed layer. Atmos Environ 1985; 19:1210-1212.
58. Hanna SR. Air quality modeling over short distances. In: Houghton D, Wiley, J and Sons, eds.

Handbook of Applied Meteorology. New York,1985:712-743.

59. Schulman LL, Hanna SR. Evaluation of downwash modifications to the Industrial Source Complex (ISC) model. J Air Poll Control Assoc 1986; 36:258-264.
60. Hanna SR. Spectra of concentration fluctuations: The two time scales of a meandering plume. Atmos Environ 1986; 20:1131-1137.
61. Hanna SR. Lateral dispersion from tall stacks. J Clim and Appl Met 1986; 25:1426-1433.
62. Hanna SR. Reply to comments by D. Netterville. Bound-Lay Meteorol 1986: 34: 209.
63. Hanna SR, Paine RJ. Convective scaling applied to diffusion of buoyant plumes from tall stacks.

Atmos Environ 1987; 21:2153-2160.

64. Hanna SR, Drivas PJ. Guidelines for the Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models. Published by CCPS/AIChE: 1987:178 pp.
65. Hanna SR. Reply to comments on lateral dispersion from tall stacks. J Clim and Appl Met 1987; 26:1781.
66. Hanna SR. The effect of line averaging on concentration fluctuations. Boundary Layer Meteorology 1987; 40:329-338.
67. Hanna SR. An empirical formula for the height of the coastal internal boundary layer. Boundary Layer Meteorology 1987; 40:205-207.
68. Hanna SR, Strimaitis DG. Workbook of Test Cases for Vapor Cloud Source Emission and Dispersion Models: CCPS/AIChE, 1988; 103 pp.
69. Hanna SR. Air quality model evaluation and uncertainty. J Air Poll Control Assoc 1988; 38:406-412.
70. Hanna SR, Paine RJ. Hybrid Plume Dispersion Model (HPDM) development and evaluation. J Appl.

Met 1989; 28:206-224.

71. Hanna SR, Insley EM. Time series analyses of concentration and wind fluctuations. Boundary Layer Meteorology 1989; 47:131-147.
72. Hanna SR. Confidence limits for air quality models, as estimated by bootstrap and jackknife resampling methods. Atmos Environ 1989; 23:1385-1395.
73. Hanna SR. Plume dispersion and concentration fluctuations in the atmosphere. In: Cheremisinoff, ed.

Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology, Chapter 14, Volume 2. Air Pollution Control, Gulf Publishing Co, Houston: 1989:547-582.

74. Hanna SR, Strimaitis DG. Rugged terrain effects on diffusion. Blumen, ed. In: Atmospheric Processes over Complex Terrain, Meteorological Monographs Series, AMS, 45 Beacon St, Boston: 1990:Chapter 6.
75. Hanna SR. Lateral dispersion in light-wind stable conditions. Il Nuovo Cimento 1990; 13:889-894.
76. Hanna SR, Chang JC, Strimaitis DG. Uncertainties in source emission rate estimates using dispersion models. Atmos Environ 1990; 24A:2971-2980.
77. Hanna SR, Strimaitis DG, ChangJC. Evaluation of 14 hazardous gas models with ammonia and hydrogen fluoride field data. J Hazardous Materials 1991; 26:127-158.
78. Hanna SR. Characteristics of ozone episodes during SCCCAMP-1985. J Appl Met 1991; 30:534-550.
79. Hanna SR, Strimaitis DG, Scire JS, Moore GE, Kessler RC. Overview of results of analysis of data from the South Central Coast Cooperative Aerometric Monitoring Program (SCCCAMP). J Appl Met 1991; 30: 511-533.
80. Schulman LL, Hanna SR. A decision system for selecting a site-specific air quality dispersion model.

Ecological Modelling 1992; 64:205-219.

81. Hanna SR, Chatwin P, Chikhliwala E, Londergan R, Spicer T, Weil J. Results from the Model Evaluation Panel. Plant Operations Progress 1992; 11(1):2-5.
82. Hanna SR, Chang JC. Boundary layer parameterizations for applied dispersion modeling over urban areas. Bound Lay Meteorol 1992; 58:229-259.
83. Hanna SR, Chang JC. Representativeness of wind measurements on a mesoscale grid with station separations of 312 m to 10000 m. Bound Lay Meteorol 1992; 60:309-324.
84. Hanna SR, Chang JC, Strimaitis DG. Hazardous gas model evaluation with field observations. Atmos Environ 1993; 27A:2265-2285.
85. Hanna SR, Drivas PJ. Modeling VOC emissions and air concentrations from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. J Air and Waste Management Assoc 1993; 43:298-309.
86. Hanna SR, Chang JC. Hybrid Plume Dispersion Model (HPDM) improvements and testing at three field sites. Atmos Environ 1993; 27A:1491-1508.
87. Hanna SR. Uncertainties in air quality model predictions. Bound Lay Meteorol 1993; 62:3-20.
88. Hanna SR (ed.), Chatwin P, Van Dop H, Poreh M, Sawford B, Stull R. The round table discussion:

Interactions and feedback between theory and experiment. Bound Lay Meteorol 1993: 62: 435-448.

89. Wolfe DA, Hameedi MJ, Galt JA, Watabayashi G, Short J, O'Clair C, Rice S, Michel J, Payne JR, Braddock J, Hanna SR, Sale D. Fate of oil spilled from the T/V Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Environ Sci and Tech 1994; 28:560A-569A.
90. Hansen DA, Dennis RL, Ebel A, Hanna SR, Kaye J, Thuillier R. The quest for an advanced regional air quality model. Environ Sci and Tech 1994; 28:70A-77A.
91. Hanna SR. Mesoscale meteorological model evaluation techniques, with emphasis on needs of air quality models. In: Pearce R, Pielke R, eds. Chapter in Aspects of Mesoscale Modeling.

Meteorological Monographs Series No. 47, AMS, 45 Beacon Street, Boston. 1994.

92. Hanna SR. Hazardous gas model evaluations. Is an equitable comparison possible? J Loss Prev in the Process Ind 1994; 7:133-138.
93. Hanna SR, Chang JC, Strimaitis DG. Reply to discussion by J. Davies and D. Heinold et al. on hazardous gas model evaluation with field observations. Atmos Environ 1995; 29:455-460.
94. Hanna SR, Chang JC. Relations between meteorology and ozone in the Lake Michigan region. J Appl Met 1995; 34:670-678.
95. Hanna SR, Chang JC. Comparisons of the Hybrid Plume Dispersion Model (HPDM) with observations at the Kincaid Power Plant. Int J Environ and Pollution 1995; 5:4-6, 323-330.
96. Hanna SR, Fernau ME, Moore GE. Evaluation of photochemical grid models (UAM-IV, UAM-V, and the ROM/UAM-IV Couple) using data from the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS). Atmos Environ 1996; 30:3265-3279.
97. Hanna SR, Drivas PJ, Chang JC. Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models. 345 East 47th St., New York: AIChE/CCPS . 1996:285 pages
98. Hanna SR, Chang JC, Zhang JX. Modeling accidental releases to the atmosphere of a dense reactive chemical (uranium hexafluoride). Atmos Environ 1997; 31:901-908,
99. Hanna SR, Chang JC, Fernau ME. Monte Carlo estimates of uncertainties in predictions by a photochemical grid model (UAM-IV) due to uncertainties in input variables. Atmos Environ 1998; 32:3619-3628.

100. Hanna SR, Briggs GA, Chang JC. Lift-off of buoyant plumes released at ground-level. Journal of Hazardous Materials 1998; 59:123-130.

101. Hanna SR, Davis JM. Use of Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis to evaluate differences in observed and predicted ozone concentrations. Int J Environ and Poll 1999.

102. Hanna SR, Egan BA, Purdum J, Wagler J. Evaluation of the ADMS, AERMOD, and ISC3 Dispersion Models with the OPTEX, Duke Forest, Kincaid, Indianapolis, and Lovett Field Data Sets. Int J Environ and Poll 1999; 16; 301-314.

103. Hanna SR, Yang R, Yin X. Evaluations of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models from the point of view of inputs required by atmospheric dispersion models. Int J Environ. and Poll 2000; 14:98-105.

104. Hanna SR, Franzese P. Along wind dispersion - a simple similarity formula compared with observations at 13 field sites and in one wind tunnel. J Appl Meteorol 2000; 39:1700-1714.

105. Hanna SR, Lu Z, Frey HC, Wheeler N, Vukovich J, Arumachalam S, Fernau M. Uncertainties in predicted ozone concentration due to input uncertainties for the UAM-V photochemical grid model applied to the July 1995 OTAG domain. Atmos Environ 2001; 35:891-903.

106. Briggs GA, Britter RE, Hanna SR, Havens JA, Robins AG, Snyder WH. Dense gas vertical diffusion over rough surfaces: results of wind-tunnel studies. Atmos Environ 2001; 35:2265-2284.

107. Hanna SR, Chang JC. Kit Fox dense gas dispersion field experiments and HEGADAS model testing.

Atmos Environ 2001; 35:2231-2242.

108. Hanna SR, Steinberg KW. Overview of Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF) dense gas dispersion modeling project. Atmos Environ 2001; 35:2223-2230.

109. Hanna SR, Yang R. Evaluations of mesoscale model predictions of near-surface winds, temperature gradients, and mixing depths. J Appl Meteorol 2001; 40:1095-1104.

110. Hanna SR, Davis JM. Evaluation of photochemical grid models using estimates of concentration probability distributions. Atmos Environ 2002; 36:1793-1798.

111. Hanna SR, Tehranian S, Carissimo B, Macdonald RW, Lohner R. Comparisons of model simulations with observations of mean flow and turbulence within simple obstacle arrays. Atmos Environ 2002; 36: 5067-5079.

112. Hanna SR and Britter RE. Wind Flow and Vapor Cloud Dispersion at Industrial and Urban Sites.

ISBN No: 0-8169-0863-X, CCPS/AIChE. 3 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5901, 140 pages +

CD-ROM 2002.

113. Chang JC, Franzese P, Chayantrakom K, Hanna SR. Evaluations of CALPUFF, HPAC, and VLSTRACK with two mesoscale field data sets. J Appl Meteorol 2003; 42: 453-466.

114. Britter RE, Hanna SR, Briggs GA, Robins AG. Short-range vertical dispersion from a ground-level source in a turbulent boundary layer. Atmos Environ 2003; 37: 3885-3894.

115. Song CH, Chen G, Hanna SR, Crawford J., Davis DD. Dispersion and chemical evolution of ship plumes in the marine boundary layer. J Geophys Res 2003; 108 (D4): 4143-4153.

116. Britter RE and Hanna SR. Flow and dispersion in urban areas. Ann Rev of Fluid Mech 2003; 35:


117. Hanna SR, Britter RE and Franzese P. A baseline urban dispersion model evaluated with Salt Lake City and Los Angeles Tracer data. Atmos Environ 2003; 37: 5069-5082.

118. Dabberdt W, Carroll M, Baumgardner D, Carmichael G, Cohen R, Dye T, Ellis J, Grell G, Grimmond S, Hanna S, Irwin J, Lamb B, Madronich S, McQueen J, Meagher J, Odman T, Pleim J, Schmid HP, Westphal D. Meteorological research needs for improved air quality forecasting. Bull Amer Meteorol Soc 2004; 85 (4): 563-586.

119. Chang JC and Hanna SR. Air quality model performance. Meteorol and Atmos Physics 2004; 87:


120. Chang JC, Hanna SR, Boybeyi Z and Franzese P. Use of Salt Lake City Urban 2000 data to evaluate the Urban-HPAC model. J Appl Meteorol 2005; 44 (5): 485-501.

121. Hanna SR, Hansen OR and Dharmavaram S. FLACS air quality CFD model performance evaluation with Kit Fox, MUST, Prairie Grass, and EMU observations. Atmos Environ 2004; 38: 4675-4687.

122. Hanna SR, Wilkinson J, Russell AG, Vukovich J and Hansen DA. Monte Carlo estimation of uncertainties in BEIS3 emission outputs and their effects on uncertainties in Chemical Transport Model predictions. J Geophys Res 2005; 110, D01302, doi: 10.1029/2004JD004986.

123. Hanna SR, MacDonald CP, Lilly M, Knoderer C and Huang CH. Analysis of three years of boundary layer observations over the Gulf of Mexico and its shores. Estuarian, Coastal and Shelf Science 2006; 70: 541-550.

124. Dharmavaram S, Hanna SR and Hansen OR. Consequence analysis - Using a CFD model for industrial sites. Process Safety Progress 2005; 24(4): 316-327.

125. Ma Y, Boybeyi Z, Hanna S and Chayantrakom K. Plume dispersion from the MVP field experiment.

Analysis of surface concentration and its fluctuations. Atmos Environ 2005; 39: 3039-3054.

126. Irwin JS and Hanna SR. Characterizing uncertainty in plume dispersion models. Int J Environ and Poll 2005; 25 (1/2/3/4): 16-24 127. Hanna SR, Paine R, Heinold D, Kintigh E and Baker D, Uncertainties in air toxics calculated by the dispersion models AERMOD and ISC in the Houston Ship Channel area. J Appl Meteorol and Climatol 2007: 46; 1372-1382.

128. Hanna SR, Brown MJ, Camelli FE, Chan S., Coirier WJ, Hansen OR, Huber AH, Kim S. and Reynolds RM. Detailed simulations of atmospheric flow and dispersion in urban downtown areas by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models - An application of five CFD models to Manhattan. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 2006: 87; 1713-1726.

129. Hanna SR. A review of uncertainty and sensitivity analyses of atmospheric transport and dispersion models. Developments in Environmental Science 6, Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XVIII, Edited by Carlos Borrega and Eberhard Renner, Series Editor: S.V. Krupa, Elsevier Publishing Company, 2007, Chapter 4, 331-351.

130. Hanna SR, White J, Zhou Y. Observed winds, turbulence, and dispersion in built-up downtown areas in Oklahoma City and Manhattan. Bound-Layer Meteorol 2007: 125; 441-468.

131. Zhou Y, Hanna SR. Along-wind dispersion of puffs released in built-up urban areas. Bound-Layer Meteorol 2007: 125; 469-486.

132. Huq P, Carrillo A, White L, Redondo J, Dharmavaram S, Hanna S. Flow within urban canopies. J Applied Meteorol and Climatol 2007: 46; 368-376.

133. Greco SL, Wilson AM, Hanna SR, Levy JI, Factors influencing mobile-source particulate matter emissions-to-exposure relations in the Boston urban area. Environ Sci Tech 2007: 41; 7675-7682.

134. Hanna, SR. Franklin A. Gifford Obituary. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 2007: 88; 1651-1654.

135. Hanna SR, Zhou Y. Space and time variations in turbulence during the Manhattan Midtown 2005 field experiment. J Applied Meteorol and Climatol 2009: 48; 2295-2304.

136. White JM, Bowers JF, Hanna SR, and Lundquist JK. Importance of using observations of mixing depths in order to avoid large prediction errors by a transport and dispersion model. J Atmos and Oceanic Tech 2009: 26; 22-32.

137. Hanna SR, Dharmavaram S, Zhang J, Sykes I, Witlox H, Khajehnajafi S, Koslan K, Comparison of six widely-used dense gas dispersion models for three recent chlorine railcar accidents, Process Safety Progress 2008: 27; 248-259.

138. Hanna SR, Hansen OR, Ichard M, Strimaitis DG, CFD model simulations of dispersion from chlorine railcar releases in industrial and urban areas. Atmos Environ 2009: 43; 262-270.

139. Hanna SR, Baja, E, A simple urban dispersion model tested with tracer data from Oklahoma City and New York City. Atmos Environ 2009: 43; 778-786.

140. Hanna SR, Reen B, Hendrick E, Santos L, Stauffer D, Deng AJ, McQueen J, Tsidulko M, Janjic Z, Jovic D, Sykes RI, Comparison of observed, MM5 and WRF-NMM model-simulated, and HPAC-assumed boundary-layer meteorological variables for three days during the IHOP field experiment. Bound-Layer Meteorol 2010: 134 (2); 285-306.

141. Levy JI, Hanna SR, Spatial and temporal variability in urban fine particulate matter concentration. To appear in Environ Poll 2010.

142. Dennis R, Fox T, Gilliland A, Hanna S, Hogrefe C, Irwin J, Scheffe R, Schere K, Steyn D, Venkatram A, A framework for evaluating regional scale numerical photochemical modeling systems.

Environ Fluid Mech 2010: 4; 312-329.

143. Britter RE, Weil J, Leung J, Hanna SR, Toxic Industrial Chemical (TIC) source emissions model improvements for pressurized liquefied gases. Atmos Environ 2011:45; 1-26.

144. Marciotto E, Oliveiro A, Hanna S, Modeling study of the aspect ratio influence on urban canopy energy fluxes with a modified wall-canyon energy budget scheme. Building and Environ 2010:

45, 2497-2505.

145. Hanna S, Marciotto E, Britter R, Urban energy fluxes in built-up downtown areas and variations across the urban area, for use in dispersion models. To appear in J Applied Meteorol and Climatol 2011 146. Hanna S, Weil J, Venkatram A, Hosker R, Briggs A, Gary A. Briggs Obituary. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 2010: 91; 506-507.

147. Hanna SR, White J, Troiler J, Vernot R, Brown M, Kaplan H, Alexander Y, Moussafir J, Wang Y, Williamson C, Hannan J, Hendrick E, Comparisons of JU2003 observations with four diagnostic urban wind flow and Lagrangian particle dispersion models. Submitted to Atmos Environ 2010.

148. Grimmond CSB, Roth M, Oke T, Au YC, Best M, Betts R, Carmichael G, Cleugh H, Dabberdt W, Emmanuel R, Freitas E, Fortuniak K, Hanna S, Klein P, Kalkstein L, Liu CH, Nickson A, Pearlmutter D, Sailor D, Voogt J, Climate and more sustainable cities: Climate Information for improved planning and management of cities (producers/capabilities perspective). Proceedings World Climate Conference 3, Geneva, 31 August-04 September 2009 (ed: M.V.K. Sivakumar) Procedia Environmental Sciences 2010: 1; 247-274.