ML103620135 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05200016 |
Issue date: | 12/27/2010 |
From: | Office of New Reactors |
References | |
Download: ML103620135 (3) | |
1 CCNPP3eRAIPEm Resource From:
Arora, Surinder Sent:
Monday, December 27, 2010 1:21 PM To:
'Poche, Robert'; '' Cc:
CCNPP3eRAIPEm Resource; Colaccino, Joseph; Raione, Richard; Steckel, James; Jones, Henry
DRAFT RAI 288 RHEB 5329 Attachments:
DRAFT RAI 288 RHEB 5329.doc
- Rob, Attached is DRAFT RAI No. 288 (eRAI No. 5329) on Section 2.4 of CCNPP3 COL Application. You have until January 14, 2011** to review it and decide whether you need a conference call to discuss the questions in the RAI before the final issuance. After the phone call or after January 14, 2011, the RAI will be finalized and sent to you for a response. You will then have 30 days to provide a technically complete response or an expected response date for the RAI.
- Thedraftreviewperiodstatedhereprovidesaboutanextraweektoaccountfortheholidaysandreducedstaff availability.
SURINDER ARORA, PE PROJECT MANAGER, Office of New Reactors US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Phone:3014151421 FAX:3014156406
Hearing Identifier:
CalvertCliffs_Unit3Col_RAI Email Number:
69 Mail Envelope Properties (B46615B367D1144982B324704E3BCEED45122112A4)
DRAFT RAI 288 RHEB 5329 Sent Date:
12/27/2010 1:20:57 PM Received Date:
12/27/2010 1:20:58 PM From:
Arora, Surinder Created By: Recipients:
"CCNPP3eRAIPEm Resource" <>
Tracking Status: None "Colaccino, Joseph" <>
Tracking Status: None "Raione, Richard" <>
Tracking Status: None "Steckel, James" <>
Tracking Status: None "Jones, Henry" <>
Tracking Status: None
"'Poche, Robert'" <>
Tracking Status: None
"''" <>
Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 874 12/27/2010 1:20:58 PM DRAFT RAI 288 RHEB 5329.doc 30714 Options Priority:
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Recipients Received:
1 Request for Additional Information No. 288 (eRAI 5329)
DRAFT 12/27/2010 Calvert Cliffs Unit 3 UniStar Docket No.52-016 SRP Section: 02.04.11 - Low Water Considerations Application Section: FSAR Section 2.4.11 QUESTIONS for Hydrologic Engineering Branch (RHEB) 02.04.11-1 To meet the requirements of GDC 2, 10 CFR 52.17, and 10 CFR Part 100, estimates of the probable maximum hurricane (PMH) and the probable maximum storm surge (PMSS) are needed to address the effects of low water on the intake structure and pump design bases. In response to RAI 249 Question 02.04.05-6, the applicant performed SLOSH model simulations to estimate the PMSS in the Chesapeake Bay near the site.
However, in FSAR Section 2.4.11, the applicant uses an empirical equation to predict low water conditions during a PMH event. Upon further review, the staff has determined that the methods for estimation of low water conditions in FSAR Section 2.4.11 should be consistent with those used for estimation of high water conditions in FSAR Section 2.4.5.
Provide an updated estimate of low water conditions during a PMSS event that (a) accounts for antecedent water levels appropriate for low water conditions, (2) uses a conservative approach such as a storm surge model (e.g., SLOSH) with input from appropriate PMH scenarios, and (3) accounts for any concurrent wind-wave activity.