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Engineering Change Package 75219, Rev 0; Reactor Building 28 Undated Delamination Repair - Phase 3 Concrete Removal
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/20/2010
Progress Energy Co
Office of Information Services
FOIA/PA-2010-0116 EC 75219, Rev 0
Download: ML102871019 (183)



- Aaron Mallner I~~ rn ocFls ~E !older*

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No Brown Text Insert 11x8 .5 Insert 11x17 Protect Docs Unprotect Docs Lock Controls A.1 EC Folder Contents i AOO 0 Contents doom A.1 EC Folder Contents 1 5 A.2 List of Hard Copy Only Pages 3 5 A.3 Revision Summary 3 5 A.4 Problem Statement 3 5 A.5 Solution Statement 3 5 A.6 Operating Experience 4 5 BOO 0 Design docx B.1 Design Specification 1 24 B.2 Scope Description 1 24 B.3 References 1 24 B.4 Design Inputs 4 24 B.5 Assumptions 11 24 B.6 Evaluation 11 24 B.7 Interfaces 23 24 B.8 Quality Class Determination 23 24 COo 0 Mark-up docx C.1 Document/Drawing and Equipment Database 1 2 C.2 Updates of Controlled Documents/Drawings 1 2 C.3 Other Required Updates 1 2 C.4 Equipment Parameter Notes 2 2 C.5 Equipment Document References 2 2 DOO 0 Install docx D.1 Installation Package 1 7 D.2 Installation Requirements 1 7 D.3 Label Requests 6 7 D.4 EC Parts List 7 7 EDO 0 Testing docx E.1 Testing Requirements 1 1 FOO 0 Turnover docx F.1 Turnover/Closeout Summary 1 1 GOD 0 Sketch docx G.1 Installation Sketches 1 1 G01 0 pdf SK-75219-Co01 1 1 HOD 0 Reviews docx H.1 Risk Management 1 25 H.2 Validation Plan 4 25 H.3 Reviewer Comments 5 25 100 0 DV docx 1.1 Design Verification 1 7 J00 0 Checklis docx J.1 Engineering Pre-Job Briefing 1 8 J.2 Engineering Change Checklist 3 8 ZOO 0 Attachme pdf Attachment A - ICRI TechGuide re surface prep 03732 1 43 Zol 0 pdf Attachment B - ICRI 03730 20080806 1 7 Z02 0 pdf Attachment C - ASTM D4580 Sounding - 1 4 Z03 0 pdf Attachment D - ACI 503R 1 28 Z04 0 docx Attachment E - Bond Testing Data Sheet 1 1 Z05 0 docx Attachment F - Intentionally Left Blank 1 1 AOO Contents Page 1 of 5

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO AOO Contents Page 2 of 5

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO A.2 List of Hard Copy Only Pages Section/Pages which have blank page place holders for hard copy only originals: None A.3 Revision Summary Original Revision.

A.4 Problem Statement Per AR 358724358724 during the hydro-demolition of the Reactor Building Containment Wall in preparation for Steam Generator Replacement, gaps were exposed between adjacent hoop (i.e.

horizontal) tendons within the boundaries of the temporary access opening. The gaps are generally in a vertical plane between the tendon sleeves and extend for an indeterminate length. This engineering change is part of an overall strategy that will evaluate and accept methods for returning the Reactor Building Containment Wall to its original design base configuration.

A.5 Solution Statement The goal of this EC and interfacing ECs is to ensure the final configuration of the Reactor Building Containment Wall is as good as the original design base configuration. Final analysis of the structure will be based on a new Finite Element model being developed by MPR Associates, Inc.

The repaired wall shall be able to withstand all applicable design conditions, normal and accident.

This EC is the third phase in a multi-phased approach to perform these repairs as follows.

1) Crack Arrest (EC 75000) - A series of cuts will be provided into the delaminated concrete.

These cuts will provide a path of stress relief during the detensioning process. Two horizontal cuts will be made, one above and one below, the steam generator replacement opening. The length of the cuts will not exceed the area of construction opening. In addition to horizontal cuts, vertical cuts will also be installed above and below the contstruction opening at Azimuth 1500. The cuts will run between the currently detensioned vertical tendons at a depth only to cut embedded rebar. This is to minimize cutting active hoop tendons which exist above and below the current containment opening.

2) Detensioning (EC 75218) - A Finite Element model developed by MPR Associates, Inc.

shall be completed to show the necessary detensioning and re-tensioning sequence as well as compliance with the appropriate bases. The detensioning implemented by this phase will ensure adequate prestress can be returned to the Reactor Building structure.

3) Concrete Removal (EC 75219) - This EC will address the removal of the existing delaminated concrete. Method will include a combination of hydro demolition as well as mechanical removal/saw cutting methods. Contract vendor SGT will be providing the implementation of the removal. This EC shall also review the depth of removal, rebar removal requirements, and necessary work platforms associated to perform the work.

Consideration shall be given to any stabilization required to support the delaminated concrete during removal activities.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

4) Concrete Placement (EC 75220) - This EC will address the replacement of the delaminated concrete with new concrete. Mix and installation shall consider criteria evaluated per EC 63016 to originally restore the containment opening. Critical concrete characteristics such as creep, aggregate type, testing requirements, etc. shall also be considered as a part of this phase.
5) Re-tensioning (EC 75221) - This EC will address the final re-tensioning sequence to restore prestress back into the concrete containment shell once the replaced concrete has adequately cured. Final MPR FE analysis results shall be incorporated to ensure the applicable design and licensing bases requirements have been met.

A.6 Operating Experience A search for Hydrodemolition and Concrete Removal under Operating Experience at INPO's website yielded the following items of interest to this EC:

OE 14720- Davis-Besse - Hydrodemolition - Safety Concern:



A Contract Worker was stationed in the annulus area between the containment vessel and the concrete shield building and was present to monitor any leakage into the annulus. The Contract Worker was installing a sump pump behind the backstop in the Auxiliary Building Annulus Wall when the hydrodemolition commenced operations. The noise & water from the hydrodemolition.startled the Contract Worker. He dove to the scaffolding decking and, crawled to the ladder. The Contract Worker injured both knees during this action. Radio communication had been established to inform all personnel involved when the machine was to start. This communication did not occur to prepare the worker in the annulus. As other utilities may consider using the hydrodemolition process, it is essential for personnel safety to have a rigid protocol of effective communications.

Causes: There were two causes that contributed to this event. The worker was new to the project and was not aware of what to expect in regards to noise level and slight water intrusion. Primarily however, the supervisor failed to contact the worker in the annulus prior to the hydrodemolition starting. The supervisor, having been involved for several days of hydrodemolition prior to the specific date of the incident, became lax in attention to detail.

How the issue is addressed by this EC:

A note will be added in the precautions and limitations section of the Installation Instructions that the containment coordinator is to be informed prior to starting the hydrodemolition machine. The coordinator must then inform all personnel in the immediate area of the opening that hydrodemolition activities are about to start and noise levels will increase dramatically.

OE 29756 - LaSalle - Hydrodemolition Hose Rupture



During hydrolazing of a floor drain header in the reactor building on 08/27/09, the pressure regulating valve return hose to the water reservoir tank ruptured at a local fitting. Water is routed through the return hose when the trigger on the wand is released. MC (clean and cycle condensate) water accumulated on hydrolazer skid for approximately 15 seconds until power to hydrolazer was secured. An RP (radiation protection) technician was on the scene when leak occurred and the spill was immediately cleaned up without further incident. No injuries to personnel occurred.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO Causes: Lack of a preventive maintenance program for the hydrolazer. The hydrolazer recirculation hose failed due to aging.

How the issue is addressed by this EC: While this OE most likely relates to hand operated hydrolazer, the maintenance implication still applies to any hydrodemolition equipment. A note will be added in the precautions and limitations section of the Installation Instructions that the hydrodemolition equipment is properly inspected prior to use.

OE 14942 - Wolf Creek - Concrete Cutting



As described in OE 14942, used concrete saw blades may develop cracks over time/usage. Continual usage of the crack blades can cause catastrophic failure and project shrapnel that may cause severe injury to personnel.

Causes: Lack of inspection of saw blades prior to their usage in the field.

How the issue is addressed by this EC: All concrete cutting saw blades shall be thoroughly inspected prior to use to prevent a similar event. Additionally, any activities which cut/bore into the CR3 containment structure have the potential to irreversibly damage the underlying post-tensioning system. As noted in NCR 364655, potential tendon damage occurred during core boring activities associated with condition assessment. As such consideration should be given to this NCR during pre-job briefing activities prior to commencing any work in the field.

Lesson Learned - EC 63016 - OTSG Replacement NCR 358636, Storm Drain Cover Removed - A storm drain cover was removed from a storm drain on the southwest corner of the berm. Some wasterwater resulting from hydrodemolition activities that was pooled up over the storm drain was released. Only Qualified or designated personnel are allowed to remove storm drain covers.

NCR 358653, Hydrodemolition Waste Water Release to Intake Canal - During Hydrodemolition activity at 0500, wastewater discharge became plugged with concrete debris which cause the chute to back up and allow water to Overflow onto the southwest bermed area. Water flowed to a nearby storm crain which was covered with a protective mat which was placed there for oil spill prevention measures. Water pooled up around the storm drain and a worker in the area lifted the mat which allowed approximately 500 gallons of this wastewater to enter the storm drain. The storm drain is connected to an outfall at the CR3 intake canal. Verbal and written notification of release was made to PEF environmental services. A call was then made by EHSS to the FDEP southwest district office at 0955. Contractor was instructed to place a small sump pump in the area of the storm drain to prevent on-going pooling of water in the area. The water was pumped to a drum which was then pumped to the hydrodemolition catch basin.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO B.1 Design Specification The details of the design change are specified below:

B.2 Scope Description This EC is the third phase in a series of five ECs in development for the repair of the CR3 RB Containment building delamination.

To facilitate the repair of the CR3 Reactor Building containment delaminated concrete removal will occur between RB Buttresses #3 and #4 located at the 1200 and 1800 azimuths. Removal of concrete will occur during plant no mode. Tendons will be detensioned as prescribed by EC 75218 prior to the removal of the concrete.

Removal of the delaminated concrete will require the removal of the rebar within the boundaries of the delaminated region. Rebar shall be discarded. Sufficient rebar will remain to allow for splicing of the original near face reinforcement and/or additional reinforcement required for final replacement concrete strength as required by interfacing EC 75220.

Based on requirements of the interfacing EC 75220, depth of removal and surface preparation requirements shall also be specified by this EC. The design evaluation will consider both cut and hydrodemolition removal methods.

B.3 References

1. Industry Standards:

1.1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Subsection IWA, IWE, and IWL of the 2001 edition through the 2003 Addenda, as amended by 10CFR50.55a.

1.2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 2, Code for Concrete Containments, 2001 edition through the 2003 Addenda 1.3. ANSI N45.2.11-1974, Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants 1.4. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section VIII, Unfired Pressure Vessels, 1965 Ed 1.5. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Nuclear Vessels, 1965 Ed 1.6. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 2, Appendix F, Rules for Evaluation of Service Loadings with Level D Service Limits, 1995 Ed 1.7. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NE, 1995 Ed 1.8. ICRI 03730 (#310.1 R), "Guide for Surface Preparation for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Corrosion" (Note: ACI 515.1R referenced in this document has been withdrawn on 1/1/1979) 1.9. ICRI 03732 (#310.2), "Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer Overlays" 1.10. ICRI 03737 (#310.3), "Guide for the Preparation of Concrete Surface for Repair Using Hydrodemolition Methods" 1.11. ICRI 03739 (#210.3), "Guide for Using In-Situ Tensile Pull-Off Tests to Evaluate Bond of Concrete Surface Materials" 1.12. ASTM D4580, "Standard Practice for Measuring Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks by Sounding" 1.13. ACI 503R, "Use of Epoxy Compounds with Concrete" 1.14. ACI 546R, "Concrete Repair Guide" 1.15. ACI/ICRI Concrete Repair Manual, Third Edition, Volume 1 BOO Design Page 1 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 1.16. ACI 318-63, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" 1.17. ASTM A421-65/98a, "Standard Specification for Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete"

2. Design Basis Documents:

2.1. DBD11, Design Basis Document for the Containment, Revision 7 (Tab 1/1) 2.2. DBD13, Design Basis Document for Major Class I Structures, Revision 5 (Tab 1/3)

3. Specifications:

3.1. SP-5209, Revision 0, CR-3 Seismic Qualification 3.2. RO 3040, Requirement Outline, Pre-stressing System Tendon Conduit, Date 06/12/1970 3.3. SP-5583, Dated 09/18/1968, Specification, Tendon and Associated Conduit, RB 3.4. GAI Specification SP-5844, Dated 10/21/1970, Specification, Installation of Pre-stressing System Tendon Conduit and Embedded anchorage 3.5. GAI Specification SP-5646, Fabrication and Delivery of Reinforcing Steel, Dated 04/25/1969 3.6. GAI Specification SP-5566, RB Liner and Penetrations and Personnel Access Locks, Dated 3/18/1981 3.7. CR3-C-0003, Rev. 5, "Concrete Work for Restoration of the SGR Opening in the Containment Shell"

4. Drawinqs:

4.1. 421-043, Revision 7, RB Equipment Access Shield Structure 4.2. 421-031, Revision 4, RB Exterior Wall - Concrete Outline 4.3. 421-032, Revision 8, RB Stretch-Out of Exterior Wall Buttress #2, #3, #4 and #5 4.4. 421-033, Revision 8, RB Stretch-Out of Exterior Wall Buttress #5, #6, #1 and #2 4.5. 421-036, Revision 10, RB Exterior Wall - Sections and Details 4.6. 421-039, Revision 5, RB Exterior Wall - Equipment Access Opening Reinforcement Details 4.7. 421-041, Revision 5, RB Ring Girder - Concrete Outline - Plan And Sections 4.8. 421-001, Revision 4, RB Tendon Access Gallery- Plan, Sections and Details 4.9. Prescon Drawings Series 5EX7-003, (CR3 Dwg Key #S-26 series and S1542'thru S1596)

5. Calculations:

5.1. 189-0013, Revision 8, "Containment Air Temperature Loop Accuracy" 5.2. S10-0001, Revision 0, "Tendon Tension Calculation" 5.3. S10-0002, Revision 0, "Finite Element Model Description" 5.4. S10-0003, Revision 0, "Conduit Local Stress Analysis" 5.5. S10-0004, Revision 0, "Detensioning" 5.6. S10-0005, Revision 0, "Bending Tension Interaction Diagrams for Selected Sections" 5.7. S10-0006, Revision 0, "Seismic, Wind, and Tornado Evaluation and Delamination Depth Evaluation for Detensioned State"

6. Nuclear Generating Group (NGG) Procedures:

6.1. EGR-NGGC-0003, Rev. 10, "Design Review Requirements" 6.2. EGR-NGGC-0005, Rev. 29, "Engineering Change" 6.3. EGR-NGGC-0011, Rev. 13, "Engineering Product Quality" 6.4. EGR-NGGC-0154, Rev. 5, "Single Failure Analysis" BOO Design Page 2 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 6.5. EGR-NGGC-0204, Rev. 6, "Evaluation and Selection of Material for Plant Components" 6.6. MNT-NGGC-0004, Rev. 11, "Scaffolding Control" 6.7. EGR-NGGC-0015, Rev. 3, "Containment Inspection Program" 6.8. FIR-NGGC-0003, Rev. 4, "Hot Work Permit" 6.9. CHE-NGGC-0045, Rev.14, "NGG Chemical Control Program"

7. Plant Procedures:

7.1. AI-1803, Revision 21, "Safety Standards for Ladders & Scaffolds" 7.2. SP-178, Revision 30, "Containment Leakage Test - Type 'A' Including Liner Plate" 7.3. Al-1000, Revision 42, "Housekeeping/Material Condition Program" 7.4. AI-2200, Revision 13, Guidelines for Handling, Use, and Control of Transient Combustibles 7.5. SP-300, Revision 219, "Operating Daily Surveillance Log" 7.6. ISIIWE, Rev 3, "Inservice Inspection Program/Containment Inspection Program -

IWE/IWL" 7.7. SP-736K, Rev. 0, "Reactor Building Hydrodemolition Release to the Settling Ponds" 7.8. OP-417, Rev. 111, "Containment Operating Procedure" 7.9. AI-1820, Rev. 3, "Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management" 7.10. A1-1816, Rev. 3, "Industrial Safety Signs and Tags"

8. Plant Change Documents:

8.1. EC 63016, Revision 31, "Containment Opening" 8.2. EC 74801, Revision 8, "Containment Structure - Extent of Condition Core Bores" 8.3. EC 75000, Revision 0, "CR3 Containment Delamination Repair, Phase 1 Crack Arrest" 8.4. EC 75218, Revision 0, "Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 2 - Detensioning (In Development) 8.5. EC 75220, Revision 0, "Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 4 - Concrete Placement (In Development) 8.6. EC 75221, Revision 0, "Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 5 - Retension/Test (In Development) 8.7. EC 63020, Revision 9, "SG replacement - Outside Erection Crane and Inside Auxiliary Crane" 8.8. EC 75497, Revision 0, "Containment Delamination Electrical Interference Removal" 8.9. EC 59400, Revision 0, "Identify the Source and Limitations for CRS Water Supply and Discharge for OTSG Outage RFO-16" 8.10. EC 63022, Revision 31, "Steam Generator Rigging and Transport" 8.11. EC 63021, Revision 11, "Temporary Material and Personnel Hoist Outside RB" 8.12. EC 70377, Revision 1, "Temporary Power outside the RB for SGR Project and Containment Repair"

9. Requlatory Documents:

9.1. FSAR, Revision 31.3 9.2. Improved Technical Specifications (Through Amendment 239 and Improved Technical Specifications Bases Revision 81)

10. Other


10.1. AR 00358724, Exposed Cracks During Hydro-Demolition 10.2. AR 00372472, 50.59 Screen for EC 75219 10.3. AR 00370853, Small Cracks Found Parallel to Liner BOO Design Page 3 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 10.4. AR 00358636, Storm Drain Cover Removed 10.5. AR 00358653, Hydrodcemolition Wastewater Release to Intake Canal 10.6. SAF-SUBS-00029, Rev. 3, "General Machine Guarding" 10.7. SAF-SUBS-00030, Rev. 3, "Hand and Power Tool Safety" 10.8. SAF-NGGC-2172, Rev. 12, "Industrial Safety" 10.9. EVC-CRNF-00002, "Crystal River Nuclear Plant Site-Specific Environmental Policies, Permits, Registrations, Certifications, and Plans" 10.10. State of Florida, Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit Number FLA16960, Crystal River Energy Complex 10.11. EVC-SUBS-00008, Rev. 5, "DOT Hazardous Materials" 10.12. EVC-SUBS-00016, Rev. 8, "Hazardous Waste Management" B.4 Design Inputs Following is a list of applicable design inputs specified to meet the requirements of ANSI N45.2.1 1.

1. Basic Functions of Each Structure, System and Component:

Reactor Building Containment Structure:

The containment is a Class I Structure as described in the FSAR Sections and 5.2.1 and the Design Basis Document for the Containment, (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1). The primary function of the reactor containment building and its steel liner is to house the primary nuclear system and to provide biological shielding from the fission products that could become airborne under accident conditions. Its failure could result in the uncontrolled release of radioactivity and its integrity is vital for the safe shutdown and isolation of the reactor.

Containment integrity is required in Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4, Ref. 9.5 (TS 3.6). There are no Improved Technical Specification (ITS) Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) for containment integrity during Modes 5, 6 and defueled (TS 3.6.1). The installation of this EC shall occur during No Mode. During No Mode there are no TS requirements for containment integrity or TS Actions that require containment closure, however the containment should not have catastrophic failure during the applicable design basis loads Basis: Design Basis Document for the Containment (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1),

ITS Sections 3.6 and 3.9, FSAR Sections 5.1 and 5.2

2. Performance Requirements such as Capacity, Rating, and System Output:

The reactor containment building is a Class I Structure designed as a passive barrier that is required to maintain its structural integrity during a design basis accident and for all normal and accident load cases and load combination. It was designed for an internal pressure of 55 psig and a temperature of 281 degrees F (accident condition); an internal pressure (external pressure drop) of 3 psig during a tornado; and an external pressure (internal pressure drop) of 2.5 psig during normal operation of the plant. Total suction pressure on interior of Containment of -6.0 psig is also considered. Additional consideration was given to BOO Design Page 4 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO the dead load, live load, temperature gradients, and effects of penetrations at accident and working conditions.

Basis: Design Basis Document for the Containment, (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1)

FSAR, Section 5.2.1

3. Codes, Standards, and Regulatory Requirements:

The post tensioned, reinforced concrete reactor containment building is designated as a Class I Structure (FSAR Section and Ref. 2.1) and by definition is therefore nuclear safety-related. Its design and construction predated the establishment of a concrete pressure vessel code. The primary design code for the concrete, tendons and steel reinforcement was ACI 318-63, Parts IV-B and Part V. The tendons conformed to the applicable portions of ASTM A421-65 for low relaxation wire (FSAR Section The liner plate conformed in all respects to the applicable Sections of ASA N 6.2-1965 "Safety Standard for Design, Fabrication and Maintenance of Steel Containment Structures for Stationary Nuclear Power Reactors".

Basis: Design Basis Document for the Containment, (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1)

FSAR Section 5.1.1

4. Design Conditions such as Pressure, Temperature, Fluid Chemistry and Voltage:


Normal Operation: +1 to -1 psig Accident pressure inside containment resulting from worst case LOCA: 55 psig Accidental RB Spray Actuation: -2.5 psig on interior of containment Total suction pressure (suction on interior of containment: -6.0 psig)

Tornado differential pressure (suction on outside of containment): -3 psig Temperatures:

Operating temperature inside containment: 60 to 1 150 F Operating temperature outside containment: 25 to 100°F Accident temperature: 281 OF Note: While the DBD is the document which describes design operating temperature, SP-300 and TS Section 3.6.1 require operating temperatures below 1 150 F during Modes 1-4.

Based on SP-300 and Calculation 189-0013, temperatures have routinely exceeded limit as described by the DBD and may approach 130 0 F.

Basis: Design Basis Document for the Containment, (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1)

FSAR Section 5.2 ITS Sections 3.6 and 3.9 SP-300 Calculation 189-0013 OP-417

5. Loads such as Seismic, Wind, Thermal, and Dynamic:

Loads to be considered in verifying the structural integrity of the containment building include both forces resulting from natural phenomena such as earthquake, tornado, wind, BOO Design Page 5 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO and hurricane in addition to those resulting from design basis accident conditions, material dead and live loads and forces resulting from tendon stressing. Also to be considered are loads associated with the hydrodemolition process and its interaction with the structure itself. Thermal gradients across the exposed unreinforced concrete section due to delamination removal shall also be considered and monitored to maintain acceptable value as outlined in MPR Analyses (CR3 Calc # S10-0001 thru S10-0006).

Basis: Design Basis Document for the Containment, (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1),

ACI 318-63, Parts IV-B and Part V S10-0001 thru S10-0006

6. Environmental Conditions:

Water requirements:

Concrete removal with hydrodemolition will require large amounts of clean water that must be delivered to the hydrodemolition equipment. Water specimens must be obtained to verify baseline chemical and radiological testing of the water prior to the start of any hydrodemolition. This shall be performed by CR3 chemistry. The resulting waste water and concrete debris that are generated must be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.

Waste water disposal requirements:

Samples for radiological testing and analysis shall be taken at the collection bins and tested at the on-site RP/Chemistry laboratory in accordance with existing site procedures.

Discharge of the water and rubble may continue uninterrupted while samples are being tested and analyzed.

The implementation vendor, SGT, is responsible for water delivery and the means of piping it to and from the containment and is outside the scope of this EC. They are also responsible for determining if the settling ponds have adequate storage for expected waste water. CR3 Chemistry will provide testing of necessary samples. Adjustment of pH will be via temporary storage of hydrochloric acid as required.' Water shall not be discharged to the setting ponds until these samples are cleared by Chemistry and RP. On-site tank storage is to be provided as required by Progress Energy. The details for water supply and disposal for concrete removal shall be included and approved per the associated Work Order Task.

Basis: Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Industrial Waste Water Permit (IWWP)

Chemical Control CHE-NGGC-0045 EC 63016

7. Interface Requirements:

This EC interfaces with the following ECs:

1. EC 63016, Containment Opening
2. EC 74801, Containment Structure - Extent of Condition Core Bores BOO Design Page 6 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

3. EC 75000, CR3 Reactor Building Delamination Repair, Phase 1, Crack Arrest
4. EC 75218, Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 2- Detensioning (In Development)
5. EC 75220, Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 4 - Concrete Replacement (In Development)
6. EC 75221, Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 5 - Retension/Test (In Development)
7. EC 63020, SG replacement - Outside Erection Crane and Inside Auxiliary Crane (for safe load path usage)
8. EC 75497, Containment Delamination Electrical Interference Removal Basis: NCR 358724
8. Material Requirements:

Not Applicable

9. Mechanical Requirements:

Tendon Gallery Sumps shall be tagged and protected during the hydrodemolition process to prevent damage to the pumps from laitance/debris that will be transported through the empty tendon sheaths to the gallery.

Basis: EC 63016

10. Structural Requirements:

This EC will provide for the removal of the delaminated concrete in the Reactor Building exterior wall. Tendons shall be removed at the discretion of SGT using ram detensioning, coiled, and have identification clearly attached. Spare tendons should be ordered to replace any tendon that is damaged during hydrodemolition. These spares shall account for those tendons which may be located in a flexible tendon sheath. Remaining tendon sleeves are to be inspected and repaired prior to containment restoration. The final configuration (reduced wall cross-section) shall be evaluated to show the structure meets all applicable design loads as identified in B.4.5 including but not limited to deadweight, thermal, seismic, and hydrodemolition.

Basis: Design Basis Document for the Containment, (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1)

FSAR Sections 5.1 through 5.2 Scope of EC

11. Hydraulic Requirements:

The pumps and associated piping supplied for the hydrodemolition operation must be capable of providing and recovering the water needed for operation of the hydrodemolition equipment.

Basis: Scope of EC

12. Chemistry Requirements:

Water requirements for hydrodemolition:

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO Clean water must be available for any hydrodemolition activities and must be supplied at a rate which meets the equipment requirements. Water specimens must be obtained to verify baseline chemical and radiological testing of the water prior to the start of hydrodemolition.

Waste water requirements:

Waste water from the hydrodemolition process will be tested before discharge to ensure it meets Plant and the State of Florida permit requirements including the Industrial Waste Water Permit (IWWP). Wastewater release shall be in accordance with SP-736K. Refer to Section B.6.6 for an evaluation of the water requirements. The details for water supply and disposal for concrete removal shall be included and approved per the associated Work Order Task.

Basis: Industrial Waste Water Permit Chemical Control per CHE-NGGC-0045 SP-736K

13. Electrical Requirements:

Conduit running just above the equipment hatch shall be relocated temporarily to allow for complete removal of the delaminated concrete.

Basis: EC 75497, Scope of this EC

14. Layout and Arrangement Requirements:

The location of removal shall be between Buttresses #3 and #4. Removal shall be such that sufficient rebar ties remain in place so code splice will be developed between the new rebar and the bars in the undisturbed concrete per concrete placement EC 75220. ACI 318 requires a minimum of 7" for cut #8 rebar. Rebar cuts shall consider future splices around horizontal tendon ducts and adjacent rebar (#11 near the equipment hatch, #18 near ring girder, #9 from Buttresses). EC 75220 shall be referenced for rebar replacement requirements prior to making any rebar cuts to ensure the design requirements are not invalidated. Depth and final surface preparation shall be such that placement conditions are optimized.

Basis: Scope of this EC ACI 318 Dwg. 421-032 Dwg. 421-036 EC 75220

15. Operational Requirements Under Various Conditions:

Removal shall only commence during the no mode condition so as to maintain the plant in a safe condition. Thermal gradients across the remaining unreinforced concrete wall shall be monitored and controlled based on a 7-day average differential to prevent adverse stress levels within the concrete.

Basis: Scope of EC, OP-417, MPR Analyses S10-0001 thru S10-0005, EC 75218 BOO Design Page 8 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

16. Instrument and Control Requirements:

Thermal gradients shall be monitored across the reduced concrete cross-section following removal. This shall be accomplished with remote instrumentation as required.

Basis: S10-0001 thru S10-0006

17. Access and Administrative Control for Plant Security:

Conduit running just above the equipment hatch shall be relocated temporarily to allow for complete removal of the delaminated concrete. This conduit provides power for plant security lighting. Temporary changes shall not adversely impact site security features.

Basis: EC 75497, Scope of this EC

18. Redundancy, Diversity, and Separation Requirements of Structures, Systems, and Components:

Not Applicable

19. Failure Effects on Requirements of Structures, Systems, and Components:

The primary function of the reactor containment building and its steel liner is to house the primary nuclear system and to provide biological shielding from the fission products that could become airborne under accident conditions. Its failure could result in the uncontrollable release of radioactivity and its integrity is vital for the safe shutdown and isolation of the reactor. Repair of the delamination will occur during no mode operation during which time containment Operability is not required (TS 3.6.1). The partially detensioned containment could possibly pose a threat to the adjacent Auxiliary Building (due to the presence of the spent fuel pools), during a seismic or tornado event (11/I relationship).

Basis: Improved Technical Specifications 3.6, 3.9 FSAR Section 5.0

20. Test Requirements:

Surface preparation of removed concrete shall be such that new concrete can adequately bond to the existing concrete. Surface preparation testing shall use ACI 503R, Appendix A as a guideline. Additional subsurface testing shall be performed in accordance with ICRI 03739.

Basis: ACI 503R-93 (Reapproved 2008)

ICRI 03739

21. Accessibility, Maintenance, Repair, and ISI Requirements:

Not Applicable

22. Personnel Requirements and Limitations:

Not Applicable BOO Design Page 9 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

23. Transportability Requirements:

Not Applicable

24. Fire Protection or Resistance Requirements:

Not Applicable

25. Handling, Storage, and Shipping Requirements:

Not Applicable

26. Other Requirements to Prevent Undue Risk to the Health and Safety of the Public:

Safe load paths shall be considered to offset potential load drop scenarios during movement of any required equipment over vital plant components.

Basis: EC 63020

27. Materials, Processes, Parts, and Equipment Suitability for Application:

Not Applicable

28. Safety Requirements for Preventing Personnel Iniury:

The removal process should utilize properly qualified mobile or suspended platforms and/or scaffolding as required. Hydrodemolition equipment should utilize enclosures which are capable of capturing all loose debris (i.e. high strength netting) in order to prevent falling objects on personnel or plant equipment below.

The project safety interface should ensure that proper and sufficient consideration is made of the requirements for fall protection and of the dangers involved in working at heights.

Pre-Job briefs shall incorporate any relevant OE prior to commencing work in the field.

Consideration should be given the dangers associated with utilizing concrete cutting equipment.

Basis: OSHA requirements SAF-NGGC-2172, "Industrial Safety" or SGT Equal Al-1 803, "Safety Standards for Ladders & Scaffolds" OE 14942, "Circular Concrete Saw Blade Cracking May Cause Personnel Injury"

29. (CR3) Circuits for systems with Improved Technical Specifications testing requirements:

Not Applicable

30. (CR3) Emergency Diesel Generator Loading Impact Assessment:

Not Applicable BOO Design Page 10 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO B.5 Assumptions None B.6 Evaluation

1. Basic Functions of Each Structure, System and Component:

Reactor Building Containment Structure:

The CR3 Reactor Building is similar in design to the containment buildings for the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1, the Turkey Point Plant, the Palisades Plant, the Point Beach Plant, and the Oconee Nuclear Station.

The containment is a concrete structure with a cylindrical wall, a flat foundation mat, and a shallow dome roof. The foundation slab is reinforced with conventional mild-steel reinforcing. The cylinder wall is prestressed with a post-tensioning system in the vertical and horizontal directions. The dome roof is prestressed utilizing a three-way post-tensioning system. The inside surface of the reactor building is lined with a carbon steel liner to ensure a high degree of leak tightness during operating and accident conditions. Nominal liner plate thickness is 3/8 inch for the cylinder and dome and 1/4 inch for the base.

The foundation mat is bearing on competent bearing material and is 12-1/2 feet thick with a 2 feet thick concrete slab above the bottom liner plate. The cylinder portion has an inside diameter of 130 feet, wall thickness of 3 feet 6 inches, and a height of 157 feet from the top of the foundation mat to the spring line. The shallow dome roof has a large radius of 110 feet, a transition radius of 20 feet 6 inches, and a thickness of 3 feet. The containment has been designed to limit the leakage rate to 0.25% by weight of contained atmosphere in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at the design pressure and temperature.

Per Section 5.2 of the FSAR and Ref. 2.1 the design of the containment building is based on:

" The containment of radioactive material which might be released from the reactor core following a Design Basis Loss-Of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA).

" Temperature and pressure generated from the LOCA, i.e. 281 degrees F and 55 psig.

(The design pressure is 55 psig but the DBA pressure is 54.2 psig (Ref. FSAR Section and TS B 3.6.1).

  • Severe weather phenomena, i.e. hurricane winds, tornado and tornado missile The post-tensioned, reinforced concrete containment building was designed by the ultimate strength methods in accordance with ACI 318-63, Part IV-B and Part V, Chapter 26 "Prestressed Concrete". The load capacity of members was reduced by a capacity reduction factor 0=0.90 for flexure in accordance with Section 1504 of ACI 318-63 (FSAR Section

Based on the no mode state of the plant during the removal of delaminated concrete, the normal design base requirements do not apply. The delaminated region will be removed and BOO Design Page 11 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO repaired prior to final start-up, as such, the Reactor Building containment is not adversely affected.

2. Performance Requirements such as Capacity, Rating, and System Output:

Since the reactor containment building acts as a passive barrier, it must be verified for all applicable Design Basis loads and load combinations, including all loads resulting from any necessary repair activities, to ensure its structural integrity during restoration and through end of plant life. Its failure could result in the uncontrollable release of radioactivity and its integrity is vital for the safe shutdown and isolation of the reactor. Since the containment is essentially returned to its original configuration after all phases of repair, there will be no changes to any performance requirement for capacity, rating or system output.

The delaminated concrete removal scope does not adversely impact the performance requirements of the current state of the Reactor Building containment in terms of the total repair methodology to restore design base function. This process will be credited as a repair aid only to allow new concrete placement and retensioning activities as described in EC 75220 and 75221, respectively. Refer to Sections B.6.5 and B.6.10 for review of concrete removal process.

3. Codes, Standards, and Regulatory Reguirements:

At the completion of all repair activities, the post tensioned, reinforced concrete containment building will comply with all applicable design basis loads, load combinations, codes and standards. Final Finite Element Model analysis will ensure the containment maintains this requirement before being returned to service.

4. Desigqn Conditions such as Pressure, Temperature, Fluid Chemistry and Voltage:

Removal of the delaminated region of the containment building wall will not change any of the design conditions for containment. The extent of repairs of all 5 interfacing ECs is to ensure the final configuration of the containment meets its original design base requirements.' Concrete removal is being credited only for preparing the degraded regidn for the final design repair only. As such, the removal is merely an aid in restoring the containment to its intended configuration.

5. Loads such as Seismic, Wind, Thermal, and Dynamic:

The purpose of this EC is to remove the delaminated concrete in the CR3 RB containment as identified in NCR 358724. This delaminated region is located between buttresses #3 and

  1. 4 in a relatively symmetric hourglass shape surrounding the SGR construction opening created by EC 63016. The depth of the delamination varies from a few inches to an observed 11 " as shown on SK-72519-COO1. Removal of all unsound concrete is the only feasible method to ultimately restore the containment structure back to its design base condition.

Historically delamination had occurred during initial construction of the plant within a large portion of the containment dome. Similar to this EC, the delaminated region was removed via mechanical means, the surface prepared, radial rebar installed, and the concrete replaced. The latter portion of the repair approach shall be addressed in interfacing EC BOO Design Page 12 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 75220. This evaluation will focus primarily on the removal shape, the method of removal, surface preparation, and the interim condition of the containment structure prior to concrete replacement.

Both the American Concrete Institute and the International Concrete Repair Institute provide methods and guidelines for repairing degraded concrete structures. A review of ICRI 03730, Guide for Surface Preparation for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel Corrosion (Attachment Z01), shows that the basic shape for any removal should encompass any area of delamination in the most basic, rectangular shape possible.

Additional consideration should be given to all edges ensuring they are straight, square, and free of feathered edges. Based on the above, a stepped approach will be utilized as shown on SK-72519-C001 to remove the delamination. Only rectangular type joints will be utilized during removal to meet the ICRI guidelines. The depth of the removal is dictated by both existing MPR finite element analyses S10-0001 thru S10-0005 and ACI 318 code requirements for clear distance behind newly placed reinforcement. The analyses assume a uniform delamination between buttresses #3 and #4 of an average of 10". To prevent invalidation of this analysis, the typical removal depth shall be 10" (the centerline of the hoop tendons). It is understood that localized areas may need to be removed deeper than the 10" as the delamination extends deeper in some areas, particularly above the construction opening. To ensure the average of 10" used in the MPR analyses is not invalidated, localized areas exceeded the 10" were examined and deemed acceptable for the purpose of this removal EC (Reference S10-0006). Based on AREVA design engineering input, ACI 318 code requirements dictate that a minimum of 81/2" of delamination be removed to provide adequate bond development length for the proposed radial reinforcement ties being installed per EC 75220. The 10" removal depth bounds this requirement. To minimize a slight stepping approach, removal will allow a typical 10" of removal with localized areas exceeding slightly further.

Further review of ACI and ICRI documents reveals methods most associated with concrete removal. It should be noted that concrete removal directly impacts surface preparation techniques. Methods described by these documents include grinding, abrasive blasting, water jetting, milling, scarifying, needle scaling, and flame blasting. Based on previous installer work experience, hydrodemolition provides the fastest, most uniform method of removal. ICRI 03732 (Attachment ZOO), Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer Overlays, describes a series of recommended surface profile finishes as well as methods to attain those finishes.

Furthermore ICRI 03737, Guide for the Preparation of Concrete Surfaces for Repair Using Hydrodemolition Methods, describes the expected surface profile as a result of hydrodemolition removal. Based on both ICRI 03732 and ICRI 03737, a surface profile of at least CSP-6 could be expected but can approach CSP-9, levels which provide a good level of surface irregularity ideal for creating a mechanical bond. Based on ICRI 03732, only water jetting, milling, flame blasting, needle scaling, and scabbling provide surface profiles suitable to concrete replacement. It should be noted that mechanical impact methods have the highest tendency to create micro-cracking within the concrete surface. Therefore, based on the guidelines produced by ICRI, hydrodemolition is the preferred acceptable method for concrete removal. Further localized removal may occur with manual hydrodemolition or less invasive mechanical methods as described in ICRI 03732 and ICRI 03730. An exception should be noted that only hydrodemolition and saw cutting shall be permitted in the edge areas. This is to ensure no feathered edges occur at these critical construction joints.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO Once the majority of concrete has been removed and after ensuring that sound concrete exists beyond the removed concrete final surface finishing can commence. Guidelines require surfaces to be cleaned and free of loose aggregate. Particular attention is required for hydrodemolition as the removed slurry can harden on the concrete surface and interfere with creating an adequate mechanical bond. Consistent with ACI 546R, Concrete Repair Guide, and ACI 503R (Appendix A, Attachment Z03), Use of Epoxy Compounds with Concrete, a simplified field test for surface soundness will be implemented to ensure the surface is adequately prepared for the placement of new concrete. A small aluminum t-bar will be affixed to the concrete surface with epoxy and pulled off. The pull off force will be recorded via a dynamometer and compared to the design base document tensile stress value of 200 psi. This will ensure that any portion of the concrete is just as likely to crack as the newly formed bond. Frequency of the testing will be performed as per those guidelines per ACI 503R at the rate of 1 test per every 100 ft2 of prepared concrete surface. Should testing consistently show adequate preparation, the frequency of testing may be reduced at the discretion of the responsible civil engineer. It should be noted that radial rebar will be installed as part of the EC 75220 scope that alone will be capable of withstanding design stress across the repair interface; however, concrete preparation as outlined above will ensure that complete reliance on this radial rebar is minimized. To further ensure all delamination has been removed, concrete sounding techniques as described in ASTM D4580 (Attachment Z02) will ensure proper consideration is given to driving out all areas of loose concrete.

It should be noted that the root cause has not yet fully refuted the hydrodemolition process with respect to the creation of subsurface micro-cracking and induced vibrations in the concrete surface. However, surface preparation requirements dictate only a few methods will create the surface required for new concrete placement. Based on best industry practices hydrodemolition is the most highly- recommended for both removal and surface preparation. Other alternate methods which would provide the required surface profile such as shotblasting or scarifying have a higher tendency to create surface and subsurface micro-cracking. Therefore, in order to minimize the likelihood of micro-cracking, hydrodemolition is the most feasible method of removal as noted above. To ensure significant damage has not been sustained in the structure, in-situ pullout testing of the subsurface will show the necessary strength remains in the concrete subsurface. This testing will be in accordance with ICRI 03739 (Attachment Z07). This requires a core to be drilled and a metal disc affixed to the top of the core. The core is then pulled similarly as outlined above and the tensile stress recorded. While the primary intent of this test is to ensure a good bond between adjacent materials, it can also show whether or not micro-cracking has been created to the extent which allow additional delamination to propagate through the sound concrete sub-surface. The acceptance criteria would also be 200 psi as outlined above. Per the ICRI recommendations testing should occur at a frequency of 3 per 5000 ft2 of repair area. The devised pullout testing rig used for examining adequacy of the surface prep may be adjusted for this similar usage. The above testing techniques and adherence to the guidelines of the ACI/ICRI repair guidelines will ensure minimal adverse impact will occur to the containment structure. Additionally, the use of hydrodemolition may or may not induce vibrations through the delaminated surface which are capable of propagating the crack further into buttresses #3 and #4. To mitigate this risk as much as possible, a saw cut will be placed around the general removal area before hydrodemolition commences. This cut line will be offset 6" from the buttresses and top of the equipment hatch doghouse haunch. The cut will be a minimum of 11/2" or as deep as reasonable achievable to as to prevent the cutting of underlying rebar. This cut will allow a weakened path for any potential propagation while minimizing the likelihood of propagation into the BOO Design Page 14 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO buttresses or equipment hatch concrete. Any further required removal would be limited to less invasive hand chipping techniques as required. It should be noted that possible strategies were discussed with Root Cause team in order to alleviate some of the concerns regarding micro-cracking/crack propagation; however, the available condition assessment data and experience dictated this design as the best approach and the risk of potential crack propagation was accepted and mitigated as best as reasonable achievable. Furthermore, the intent of this EC is based on best, sound engineering judgment with industry guidance to minimize the likelihood of crack propagating into the buttresses, equipment hatch, and ring girder concrete.

Based on the previous usage of hydrodemolition during the creation of the construction opening, the water jets will impart a load on the reactor building containment wall.

Communication with the OTSG replacement Responsible Engineer indicates that these loads are minor based on industry guidelines, on the order of 500 lbs in a localized area.

When comparing those loads with the magnitude of the deadweight of the affected critical section as well as the design wind loads, it can be seen that the load is bounded and well within the design strength of the structure. It should be noted, however, that the Delamination Root Cause Evaluation team is examining specific failure modes associated with the hydrodemolition itself related to Induced Vibration, excessive jet pressure, excessive blasting rate, and fine micro-cracking. Those failures modes have yet to be completely refuted and thus hydrodemolition cannot be used without the aforementioned testing criteria to ensure the best achievable concrete preparation is achieved.

MPR analyses S10-0001 thru S10-0006 bound the interim condition of the CR3 RB containment structure in the no mode condition. In the interim condition, the structure is not required to meet design base requirements as the reactor is defueled. The assumption of the 10" loss of wall section will be maintained as described in those analyses so as not to create a condition that is outside the bounds of those calculations. Localized removal areas past 10" will only be allowed at the discretion of the responsible- civil engineer. This is described in the work installation instructions. Load conditions which may have an impact on the containment shell, dome, liner plate and base mat have been accounted for through element self weight in the MPR finite element models and associated ANSYS models as evaluated below.

Wind Loads:

While defueled there are no TS requirements for containment integrity or TS Actions that require containment closure, therefore, design basis wind loads are not applicable. While the containment is defueled and partially detensioned it could possibly pose a Il/I hazard to the adjacent Auxiliary Building due to the presence of the spent fuel pools. However, containment repair will occur prior to the start of hurricane season which normally starts in June, therefore, hurricane wind loads are not evaluated. It should be noted that the tornado wind load analysis bounds the normal and hurricane wind loading scenarios.

Tornado Wind Loads:

While defueled there are no TS requirements for containment integrity or TS Actions that require containment closure. Therefore, design basis requirements for Tornado Load are not applicable. However, while the containment is defueled it could possibly pose a Il/I (collapse) hazard to the adjacent Auxiliary Building due to the presence of the spent fuel pools. Accordingly, calculation S10-0006 has conservatively evaluated the partially detensioned containment shell for design basis tornado wind loads, with the delaminated BOO Design Page 15 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO concrete removed, for a tornado wind velocity of 300 mph and an external pressure drop of 3 psig (Ref. 2.1, 5.7 & Section of the FSAR)

Seismic Loads:

The appropriate seismic loads have been applied to the containment ANSYS finite element model generated by MPR and evaluated in Calculation S10-0006.

Per the Containment DBD (Ref. 2.1), and Section of the FSAR, the design basis seismic parameters are as follows:

  • Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) 0.05 g, maximum horizontal ground motion acceleration 0.033, 0.033g, maximum vertical ground motion acceleration
  • Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) 0.1 g, 0.1 g maximum horizontal ground motion acceleration 0.067, 0.067 g, maximum vertical ground motion acceleration While defueled there are no TS requirements for containment integrity or TS Actions that require containment closure. However, while the containment is defueled it could possibly pose a seismic Il/I hazard to the adjacent Auxiliary Building due to the presence of the spent fuel pools. MPR evaluated the effects of seismic loads on the partially detensioned containment shell with the delaminated concrete removed and concluded that the containment shell had sufficient strength to preclude any possible collapse mechanism (Ref.

calculation S10-0006).

Thermal Loads:

As outlined in the MPR analyses, temperature monitoring will have a significant role in the overall stability of the structure in the interim condition. Based on analysis, a thermal gradient differential between the interior and exterior faces of the containment wall could result in stresses that create and/or propagate cracks within the remaining unreinforced concrete cross-section.

The effects of thermal loads on the containment shell While detensioned have been evaluated for the following three items:

" Thermal loads due to restrained expansion of containment liner

  • Axial (average cross-sectional) temperature within the concrete
  • Temperature gradient through the thickness of the concrete sections Temperature inside containment during removal will be controlled by Operations so that the inside temperature does not vary from the outside temperature by more than 100 F.

Operations will use the RB ventilation cooling, heating and purge system per OP-417 making daily adjustments as required to maintain the delta as close to zero as possible based on a 7 day rolling average. Temperature Monitoring Requirements are outlined in B.6.16.

Polar Crane Loads:

The partially detensioned containment shell, with the delaminated concrete removed, has been evaluated by MPR (Refer to Calc. S10-0004) for the dead weight of the polar crane BOO Design Page 16 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO only. The polar crane cannot be used for any lifts prior to the completion of analysis as documented in EC 75220.

Pressure Loads:

During No Mode there are no accident pressure loads that need be evaluated.

6. Environmental Conditions:

Radiation decontamination of the concrete rubble and waste water, and any associated anchorage components may be required before disposal. Discharge of the water and rubble may continue uninterrupted while samples are being tested and analyzed. After the concrete rubble has been released by RP it will be hauled offsite to a landfill.

Implementation vendor, SGT, is responsible for water delivery, storage and the means of piping it to and from the containment and is outside the scope of this EC. They are also responsible for determining if the settling ponds have adequate storage for the expected waste water from hydrodemolition.

The details for water supply and disposal for concrete removal are outside the scope of this EC and will be included and approved per the associated Work Order Task.

Water requirements:.

EC 63016 and ECED 59400 identified the possible source of this water as the well fields located to the east of CR3, operated and maintained by the fossil group at Crystal River South (CRS). Well water could be diverted through existing CRS plant piping or temporary piping to one of the existing abandoned oil storage tanks (Cap. 8,000,000 gallons) which have been successfully used in the past by CRS and CR3 to satisfy requirements for bulk water storage for other high water demand projects. Water from this storage tank could then be pumped either via temporary piping to the hydrodemolition equipment located at the containment.

Water supplied to the hydrodemolition contractor should have total suspended solids of less than 45ppm and must undergo laboratory analysis to baseline radio nuclides and other chemical parameters as determined by RP and the chemistry department. Again, the details for water supply and disposal for concrete removal are outside the scope of this EC and will be included and approved per the associated Work Order Task.

Waste water disposal:

Samples for radiological testing and analysis shall be taken and tested at the on-site RP/Chemistry laboratory in accordance with existing site procedures. Discharge of the water and rubble may continue uninterrupted while samples are being tested and analyzed.

Specific details developed on radiological sampling and analysis of the waste generated during hydrodemolition will be addressed by the associated work package.

As per EC 63016 and communication with the Sr. Environmental Specialist, waste water could be discharged to the south percolation ponds which have been determined (by CR3 and corporate environmental) to be within the current definition of wastewaters under the Plant Industrial Waste Water Permit. Therefore, sending the pre-tested (Refer to B.6.12 for testing requirements) waste water to the ponds is currently allowed. However, no discharge BOO Design Page 17 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO shall take place until both site chemistry and RP have cleared samples as acceptable for discharge. Hydrodemoltion may continue provided all the waste is collected in temporary basins or tanks. Refer to ECED 59400 for an evaluation of the risks associated with using the percolating ponds for effluent disposal. The source and storage of supply water, the use of the existing plant piping/facilities, use of the percolating ponds, and the erection/support of tetnporary piping for the disposal of the waste water is outside the scope of this EC and will be addressed by the relevant work orders.

Additionally, based on the previous use of Mac & Mac as outlined in EC 63016, wastewater would need to be treated via a skid mounted treatment facility. The purpose of this facility is to capture suspended material (grease, oil, concrete, etc.) and provide pH adjustment prior to discharge. This facility would require the temporary storage of up to 1600 gallons of 17%

hydrochloric acid. This is acceptable as reviewed in Attachment Z63 of EC 63016 without further review based on its previous usage.

7. Interface Requirements:

This EC repair will coordinate final design repair with EC 63016, Containment Opening, EC 74801, Containment Structure - Extent of condition Core Bores, EC 75218 - Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 2- Detensioning (In Development), EC 75219 -

Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 3 - Concrete Removal (In Development), EC 75220 - Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 4 - Concrete Placement (In Development), and EC 75221 - Reactor Building Delamination Repair Phase 5 -

Retension/Test (In Development).

Safe load paths shall be considered per EC 63020, particularly when using the Manitowoc 2250 crane. Installation of any hydrodemolition equipment would require strict adherence to the safe load paths as identified in that EC.

8. Material Requirements:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

9. Mechanical Requirements:

During hydrodemolition of the concrete containment wall, water will drain down the exposed vertical tendon sheaths into the tendons gallery where it shall be collected in 55 gallon drums. However, it is expected that considerable overflow could occur (based on previous SGR experience) which will be collected in the tendon gallery sump. Since this waste water contains dissolved concrete (cement, sand and larger aggregate) it must be kept out of the plants waste water system. SGT mechanical workers shall establish sufficient boundaries or barriers that will prevent the concrete waste water from reaching tendon sump. The station gallery sumps, SDP-3A and SDP-3B will remain in normal operation. Sump pumps will be installed inside of the barrier, which will pump the waste water that collects in the sump to the portable water treatment plant located outside the protected area. Prior to the beginning of hydrodemolition activities, steps must be taken to confirm the proper operation and discharge volume of the temporary sump pump they supply. In the unlikely event that some water from the hydro-demolition process leaks past the barriers, it would be processed from the tendon gallery sump to the Turbine Building sump. This water would then be processed out with the normal station release process contained in OP-407N, Liquid Releases from the Secondary Plant. There is no need for additional testing the water that drains into the tendon BOO Design Page 18 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO gallery if the gallery is classified as being outside the RCA. If the gallery is classified as being inside the RCA then additional sampling is required by RP.

10. Structural Requirements:

Please reference B.6.5 for formal evaluation of the concrete removal.

11. Hydraulic Requirements:

Based on previous experience, the water requirements for the hydrodemolition activities are approximately 2,000,000 gallons of clean water and must be supplied at the rate of up to 360gpm.

12. Chemistry Requirements:

Water requirements for hydrodemolition:

ECED 59400 identified the possible source of this water (approximately 2,000,000 gallons) as the well fields located to the east of CR3, operated and maintained by the fossil group at Crystal River South (CRS). RP/Chemistry laboratory baseline testing of the water before it is delivered to the hydrodemolition contractor for radio nuclides and other chemical parameters is required to verify that TSS is within the vendor requirements.

Chemical requirements for discharging the waste water are within the scope of this EC and are discussed below under '"Waste Water'. The implementation vendor, SGT, is responsible for water delivery, storage and the means of piping it to and from the containment and is outside the scope of this EC. They are also responsible for determining if the settling ponds have adequate storage for the expected waste water generated from hydrodemolition.

The details for supply and disposal of the water for concrete hydrodemolition will be included and approved per the associated Work Order Task.

Waste water:

Samples for radiological testing and analysis shall be taken and tested at the on-site RP/Chemistry laboratory in accordance with SP-736K. Discharge of the water and rubble may continue uninterrupted while samples are being tested and analyzed.

Per EC 63016, the environmental/chemistry groups evaluated the current requirements of the Plant Industrial Waste Water Permit (IWWP) and concluded that waste water (non-radiological) treatment is required as a pre-requisite before discharging the water. The following waste water (non-radiological) tests will be performed as a pre-requisite for discharge:

  • Only PH samplinq will need to be performed as a pre-requisite for discharqe.

Contractor should strive to keep the pH between 6.0 and 9.0. Periodic sampling of pH will be needed. A "stop job" limit shall be established at pH less than or equal to 2, or pH greater than or equal to 12.5.

13. Electrical Requirements:

Temporary EC 75497 evaluates the necessary requirements for moving the interfering conduits located directly above the equipment hatch. More specific details concerning the BOO Design Page 19 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO temporary layout and/or necessary security compensatory actions will be found within that document. Please reference EC 75497 for additional details. EC 70377 addresses the availability of temporary power for-work associated with the repair ECs.

14. Layout and Arrangement Requirements:

The shape of removal as shown on SK-72519-CO01 is within best industry guidelines for concrete repair. The squared corners and minimization of feathered edges as recommended in ICRI 03730 (Attachment Z01) and ICRI 03737 are incorporated into the repair methodology. Coupled with proper surface preparation techniques and consideration for rebar splices/staggering, the layout will allow for successful concrete placement per EC 75220.

15. Operational Requirements Under Various Conditions:

As stated in the design input, the work shall only commence during shut down conditions.

This is to minimize potential adverse impact to the structure. Thermal gradients requirements and evaluation are as described in B.6.5.

16. Instrument and Control Requirements:

Temperature Monitoring Requirements:

Calculation S10-0004 has included a 100 F thermal gradient in the ANSYS FEM when evaluating the containment shell for reduced prestress and reduced concrete thickness.

The surface temperature of'the liner plate will be measured using thermocouples (As in Attachment Z06 or similar devices that can measure surface temperature) attached to the surface of the liner plate at a minimum of two representative locations. Similar devices will be attached to the inside surface of existing core bores located in the general vicinity of buttresses 3 and 4 as required to obtain representative internal concrete temperatures.

These devices will be placed so that they can measure internal bore surface temperature at 3 approximate depths; 4" inside the core bore, at mid-point and at the base of the core bore or at least 12". The temperature measuring instruments for the various depths may be combined in a single core bore' or spread among adjacent core bores as determined practical during installation. Once mounted, the core bore should be plugged with at least 2"-3" of insulating material at the outer face. In addition, two thermocouples will record ambient air temperature outside containment. The temperature devices shall be capable of recording temperatures at a sampling frequency of at least once every 10 minutes. If capability exists, the temperatures will be made available on the CR3 business network for display on OSI Pl.

At a minimum, the rolling 7 day average temperature will be trended and recorded for the inner liner surface and 4" concrete depth (in PI if available). It is desired to have indication from all devices in Pl. The seven day average is listed because of the latent affect that temperature has on a 42" thick (or 32" thick after delaminated concrete is removed) concrete wall.

Thermal measuring devices are not attached to the outside.face of the containment wall since un-conservatively high temperatures would be recorded if the measurements were taken at the surface of the containment wall due to solar radiation, i.e. the surface BOO Design Page 20 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO temperature is directly affected by the sun and would not be representative of the average temperature 2"-3" inside the wall (Reference Attachment Z29R0 of EC 75218).

The thermal gradient that will be managed will be the difference between the average of the two thermocouples attached to the liner and the average of the two thermocouples 4 inches from the face of the outside containment wall inside the core bores. Operations will use the RB ventilation cooling, heating and purge system per OP-417 making daily adjustments as required to maintain the delta as close to zero as possible based on a 7 day rolling average.

The limit on the ambient temperature inside containment is 60 degrees. If the delta between the thermocouples inside containment and 4 inches from outside face of containment inside the core bores reaches 8 degrees F, engineering will evaluate if additional actions need to be taken outside containment by SGT to increase the concrete temperature. These actions may include tents, blankets, heaters, and moisture. Based on a review of the stresses in the unreinforced section of concrete during the detensioned condition, the extent of protection outside containment is expected to be limited to an area about 10 feet beyond the perimeter of the steam generator opening.

Summary: Temperature gradient (4 inches subsurface to inner liner) will be managed as close to zero as practical based on a seven day rolling average. When the thermal gradient reaches 8 degrees F, an evaluation will be made by engineering with the intent of determining if forecasted temperatures could result in a sustained temperature gradient greater than 10 degrees F. If such a gradient is judged possible then appropriate actions will be taken. The action is to preclude a temperature gradient of 10 degrees taken as a 7 day rolling average.

17. Access and Administrative Control for Plant Security:

Temporary EC 75497 evaluates the necessary requirements for moving the interfering conduits located directly above the equipment hatch. More specific details concerning the temporary layout and/or necessary security compensatory actions will be found within that document. Please reference EC 75497 for additional details.

18. Redundancy, Diversity, and Separation Requirements of Structures, Systems, and Components:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

19. Failure Effects on Requirements of Structures, Systems, and Components:

The overall concrete removal will not adversely affect the final design base configuration of the Reactor Building Containment. This is due to the fact that the removed condition is not required to be credited for final design loading conditions as the repaired containment would need to meet. Based on the evaluation in B.6.5, the adjacent Auxiliary Building will remain unaffected as a result of the removal and the reduced section is stable for the applicable loading conditions. Subsequent interfacing ECs will restore the containment to meet its design base requirements.

20. Test Requirements:

The surface preparation testing requirements are in line with industry best practice standards. The testing as described in Appendix A of ACI 503R are easy to replicate on a BOO Design Page 21 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO large scale and will quickly discriminate between an adequately cleaned and prepared surface and an unacceptable surface for future bonded concrete. Based on its simplicity and its recommendation as a best industry practice, this testing is considered both prudent and acceptable for surface examination prior to concrete placement. Simple subsurface testing per ICRI 03739 will show if micro cracking has developed to a point at which would impact the structure. This testing is minimally invasive and requires only 3 points per 5000 ft2 of repair area. Any other required ASME Section Xl, Subsections IWE/IWL as well as ASME Section III inspections and testing shall be implemented under interfacing ECs 75218, 75220, and 75221.

21. Accessibility, Maintenance, Repair, and ISI Requirements:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

22. Personnel Requirements and Limitations:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

23. Transportability Requirements:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

24. Fire Protection or Resistance Requirements:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

25. Handlin., Storaqe, and Shippinq Requirements:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

26. Other Requirements to Prevent Undue Risk to the Health and Safety of the Public:

Safe load paths as described in EC 63020 shall be considered to minimize the likelihood of damaging critical plaint equipment during any necessary rigging activities. No further evaluation is required for this design input.

27. Materials, Processes, Parts, and Equipment Suitability for Application:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

28. Safety Requirements for Preventinq Personnel Iniury:

The concrete removal process will utilize properly qualified mobile or suspended platforms as used for the tendon activities being performed during Refueling Outage 16 and/or scaffolding as required. The project safety interface must ensure that proper and sufficient consideration is made of the requirements for fall protection and of the dangers involved in working at heights as well as falling objects and dropped items. Future revisions may be used to incorporate any other platform needs as they are determined by the SGT project team.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0

29. (CR3) Circuits for systems with improved Technical Specifications testing requirements:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

30. (CR3) Emergiency Diesel Generator Loading Impact Assessment:

There is no evaluation required for this Design Input.

B.7 Interfaces Progress Energy EC Proiect Team and Interfaces

  • Aaron Mallner - Responsible Engineer, CR3 Containment Design Base Analysis Team
  • Ron Knott - CR3 Containment Design Base Analysis Team

" Rick Pepin - CR3 Containment Repair Team Lead

  • Paul Fagan - CR3 Containment Condition Assessment and Engineering Team Lead
  • Charles Williams - CR3 Containment Root Cause Analysis Team Lead

" C. Glenn Pugh - RE EC 75220

  • Sid Powell - Licensing Support
  • John Holliday - Contract SGR EC 63016, Containment Opening RE
  • Keith Allen - CR3 Design Superintendent

" Rick Portmann - CR3 Containment IWE/IWL Program Owner

  • Paul Gosselin, SGT - Planner
  • Glen Maxwell, Ron Dufresne, Jim Clayborne, SGT - Installer
  • Scot Stewart - Scot Stewart
  • Casaba Ranganath - Lead Design Verification
  • Ron Tyrie - Operations
  • ALARA- Ken Young

" Craig Miller - CR3 Containment Root Cause Team Scott Mawhinney, P.E.


Engineering Supervisor BOP Structural and Engineering Mechanics Thomas J. Rowe, S.E.

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.

Principal Engineer B.8 Quality Class Determination Quality class of individual components and materials required for this EC are as follows:

1. The containment building is a Class I Structure (Safety Related) as described in the FSAR Sections and 5.2.1 and the Design Basis Document for the Containment, (Ref. 2.1, Tab 1/1). The primary function of the reactor containment building and its steel liner is to house the primary nuclear system and to provide biological shielding BOO Design Page 23 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO from the fission products that could become airborne under accident conditions. Its failure could result in the uncontrollable release of radioactivity and its integrity is vital for the safe shutdown and isolation of the reactor.

2. Tendons, tendon anchorage including stressing washers, shims and tendon grease are all Safety Related. These items ensure the structural integrity of the containment building.

Therefore, the overall quality classification of this EC shall be Safety Related.

BOO Design Page 24 of 24

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO CA1 Document/Drawing and Equipment Database Mark-Ups Controlled documents requiring revision are listed on the EC Affected Document List (ADL).

Drawings required for turnover are designated with the "OpSVc" flag on the ADL. Document changes may be indicated by document mark-ups or by "Description Of Change" provided in the tables below.

C.2 Updates of Controlled Documents/Drawings There are no design records that require updating as a result of this modification. Any evaluation or removal sketch shall be within the body of this EC.

C.3 Other Required Updates 0S1R~'foS ,- 4_

COO Mark-up Page 1 of 2

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO C.4 Equipment Parameter Notes CAUTION Parameter Notes are placed under Revision Tracking & Control beginning with the V1 0.0.4 upgrade of PassPort (installed on December 10, 2006). Prior to V10.0.4, special rules were required for processing EDB Parameter Notes. Prior to V1 0.0.4, since parameter notes are not part of the EC PassPort report which becomes a QA record, a parameter note with a pending change should be captured in the table below to preserve the QA record. Changes to parameter notes created after V10.0.4 should be processed in the same manner as any other EDB change under Revision Tracking & Control, and are not required to be captured in the table below.

(Select Table/Select/Table, copy Ctrl-C, and paste Ctrl-V the following table as many times as necessary.)

U Syte Tag # or Eqimn # Parameter


C.5 Equipment Document References I

Equipment document references in the Equipment database are not under PassPort revision tracking and control. They should be listed below (Title is optional):

I ~ Syte ~ Uni Ta . # orEupmn 4 .4. 4 4 -4.

4 I 4 I I I 4 +/- 4 4 +

COO Mark-up Page 2 of 2

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO D.1 Installation Package The following information is used to specify installation requirements to be used for planning the work package. Installation sketches are provided in the sketch section of the EC.

D.2 Installation Requirements Prerequisites and Precautions

1. Pre-job brief shall be conducted prior to commencing project in the field. Topics should include OE 14720, OE 29756, and Hydrodemolition Lessons Learned documented in NCRs 358636 and 358653.
2. Contact WCC prior to beginning work in the field.
3. Control of transient combustibles is to be maintained in accordance with AI-2200.
4. Housekeeping of the work areas shall be maintained in accordance with Al-1000 or approved SGT equivalent.
5. Erect any required scaffold in accordance with MNT-NGGC-0004 or approved SGT equivalent.
6. Any hazardous waste that is produced by activities implemented per this EC shall be handled and shipped in accordance with Procedures EVC-SUBS-00016, EVC-SUBS-00008 and AI-1820.
7. Any non-hazardous waste that is produced by activities implemented per this EC shall be handled and shipped in accordance with Procedure AM-1820.
8. Strain gauges have been installed by WO 1636782-04 and are functional.
9. Perform Hot Work in accordance with FIR-NGGC-0003.
10. Verify all detensioning work associated with EC 75218 has been completed prior to concrete removal.
11. Installer to verify dosimetry requirements with Radiation Protection prior to commencing work in the field.
12. Sensing Systems has verified that the original plant strain gauges, which are attached to the embedded reinforcement, are not functioning. They shall be removed as they are uncovered during the demolition process. Strain gauges 'installed for monitoring during detensioning shall be removed under the direction of Sensing Systems as the wall being prepared for removal.
13. Lesson Learned concerning hydrodemolition runoff as documented in NCRs 358636 and 358653 shall be reviewed prior to start of work. Only qualified or designated personnel are allowed to remove storm drain covers to adjust the flow of pooling water runoff.
14. All hydrodemolition equipments shall be tested prior to start of work.
15. A safety net or other similar device shall be erected around the hydrodemolition equipment to prevent debris from falling and injuring personnel
16. Discharge of hydrodemolition into settling ponds may not commence until both site chemistry and RP have cleared samples as being acceptable to do so.

Hydrodemolition may continue provided wastewater and rubble are collected in temporary bins/tanks until they can be cleared. Activities shall be in accordance with EVC-CRNF-0002.

17. Use of chemicals for this activity are subject to the requirements of CHE-NGGC-0045, NGG Chemical Control Program.
18. Dikes shall be installed around equipment, especially chemical storage, in accordance with WP-106, "Storm Water Discharge from Diked Petroleum, Chemical, DO0 Install Page 1 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO and Equipment Storage Areas." Barriers shall be specifically installed around tendon gallery sumps SDP-3A and SDP-3B to prevent potential hydrodemolition runoff from the tendon sheaths from entering into the pumps.

The pumps shall be tagged out at the discretion of site operations. Temporary sump pumps shall be installed to remove any runoff in the tendon gallery and carry to a portable collection facility. Water shall be examined by site chemistry and RP prior to disposal and/or discharge. Additional precaution shall be noted for the potentially open equipment hatch. Should the equipment hatch still be open, barriers shall be installed by SGT so as to prevent water and/or concrete slurry from entering into the CR3 RB during hydrodemolition activities.

19. The CR3 RB containment coordinator or project lead should be notified prior to the start of hydrodemolition activities. This person shall inform all personnel within containment in the immediate area that hydrodemolition activities will commence and noise levels may drastically increase.

Removal of Concrete

1. Overview of concrete removal is shown on SK-75219-COO1. Additional concrete may be removed as required to assure complete delamination removal. The sketch is to serve as a starting point for removal. The intent is for hydrodemolition to remove the general area while knocking loose any of the delaminated concrete. The hydrodemolition process should cease as the centerline of the hoop tendons is reached. Greater depths may be removed under the direction of the responsible PGN civil engineer under the guidance of the ACI concrete repair manual. In certain circumstances, hydrodemolition shall be discontinued and certain hand removal methods shall be used such as pneumatic or hydraulic impact breakers, needle guns, lance hydrolazing, or equivalent. The use of those tools and depths exceeding 10" shall be reviewed and approved by the PGN responsible civil engineer prior to their usage for localized removal.
2. Hydrodemolition shall be the primary method of concrete removal. No single pass of hydrodemolition shall remove more than 4" of delaminated concrete. Pressure shall be reduced as the depth of delamination is approached to minimize jets spraying the hoop tendon sheaths as well as sound concrete behind the delamination.

Hydrodemolition may be used at the reduced pressure to clean the surface and obtain the desired surface profile on the sound concrete but should not be used to significantly remove the concrete past the centerline of the horizontal hoop tendons.

3. The maximum depth of removal shall be a typical 10". This is the centerline of the hoop tendons. Spalling of localized areas behind the hoop tendons is expected.

Delamination extending beyond hoop tendons shall have a minimum of 2" excavation around., the tendon to ensure a good bond when the concrete is replaced. All obviously loose pieces of concrete shall be removed. When spalled areas pass beyond the 10" depth, refer to note 1 as hand methods may be required to complete the removal of unsound concrete. As before, all loose concrete shall be removed from the containment wall. Areas that require localized attention to provide further removal shall utilize a less invasive method which may include but is not limited to mechanical or hydraulic impact breakers, needle guns, or lance hydrolazing. The usage of alternate removal tools shall be approved by PGN civil engineering prior to their usage on the wall past 10".

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

4. Rebar should be cut using saw-cut method only for those rebar that will utilize a lap or mechanical splice. Flame cutting is permissible to advance removal work in the field provided that cut is made no closer than 6" to the prepared end. The heat affected zone shall be removed before any final splicing/coupling takes place. Rebar shall be discarded and is not to be reused for work associated with EC 75220. Any original plant construction aids may be. removed as needed by SGT by any safe, reasonable method. Tailings for the embedded #8 rebar of a minimum 9" for an approved mechanical coupler shall remain for tie-in of new rebar as shown on SK-75219-COO1. Splices shall be planned around horizontal tendon ducts and adjacent rebar as required by EC 75220. Final lengths may be more than 9" so as to develop alternate code splice requirements and staggering requirements (Within 36 to 80 bar diameters may be cut to utilize a lap splice). Rebar coming up from the equipment hatch (#11 bars) as shown on Drawings 421-032/ 421-040 and rebar projecting downward from the ring girder (#18 x 24'-0" long) as shown on Drawing 421-036 SHALL NOT be cut unless prior authorization is obtained. Additional #9 hooked bars as shown on 421-036 extending from the buttresses shall also be preserved. If rebar other than the identified #8 requires cutting, stop work and notify Progress Energy design engineering to provide design review and requirements at that time. Should interferences prevent the use of saw cutting in some areas, SGT should contact PGN civil engineering for acceptable alternative on a case by case basis. The resolution shall not impact the ability to install necessary mechanical couplers as described in EC 75220, if needed.

Preparation of Concrete Surface

1. Concrete surface shall have a minimum surface profile of CSP-6 or greater as described by ICRI 03732 in Attachment ZOO. Based on ICRI 03732 and ICRI 03737, hydrodemolition methods achieve this minimum surface profile. Other methods may be used at the discretion of the PGN civil design engineering in accordance with the Concrete Repair Manual, Third Edition, to remove localized areas of unsound/delaminated concrete. Methods which have a high tendency to produce micro-cracking will not be allowed.
2. Prepare all edges as described in ICRI 03730 (page 7 of Attachment Z01) as applicable. Saw cut a minimum 11/22 along cut line as shown on SK-75219-COO1, however, cut shall be made as deep as reasonably achievable without cutting remaining rebar tailings. The use of mechanical impact breakers shall not be allowed to prepare the edges to minimize micro-cracking in these locations. Remove all feathered edges.
3. After all cutting/hydrodemolition the surface shall be cleaned of all dirt, oil, grease, laitance, slurry, and loosely bonded aggregates. As noted in ICRI 03730 and ICRI 03737, if hydrodemolition is used, cement and particulate slurry shall be removed before drying and hardening.
4. Concrete sounding shall be performed in all removed area locations using ASTM D 4580 as a guide (Reference Procedure B, Attachment Z02). All unsound concrete shall be removed. A typical grid spacing of 12"x12" (+3"/-6") should be utilized for sounding. A 16 oz ball peen hammer or long threaded rod is recommended for the DO0 Install Page 3 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO sounding process. The sounding object should be struck against the concrete surface at the predetermined spacing. The personnel performing the sounding should listen to and note the resulting "ringing" sound. A tone change more like a dull "thump" or "thud" would be indicative of a delaminated section of concrete. Those delaminated regions should be removed with less intrusive hand methods such as a needle gun or equivalent.

5. Any noticeable cracking at the surface should be mapped. PGN design engineering shall examine this mapping and as well as the concrete surface in order to communicate acceptance criteria for leaving, removing, or repairing. If the crack is unable to be removed or is determined to be left as-is, EC 75220 shall provide the repair and/or acceptance criteria for leaving the crack untouched. This includes those areas particularly around the area of the liner stiffeners as identified in NCR 370873. Any specific area of interest should be documented and captured as part of the mapping process to ensure it is correctly addressed. It should be noted that cracking is expected to form above and below the construction opening as a result of detensioning activities (reference EC 75218). Particular attention should be given to those areas during surface preparation in order to identify those cracks.
6. A cursory review of any remaining reinforcement shall be performed by the PGN responsible civil engineer to note any significant degradation/damage to the rebar prior to the implementation of EC 75220 to prevent any significant delay in the work schedule.

Surface Testinq Considerations:

Testing for adequate surface preparation shall be implemented by SGT field engineering under the direction of the PGN civil design engineering using ACI 503R, Appendix A as a guide (See Attachment Z03, Pages 27 and 28).

1. Cut 1" Aluminum T-bar into segments so as to create 1 in2 bonding surface area on the flange.
2. Drill a hole in the web portion of the T-bar for subsequent tension pull attachment
3. Abrade flange of T-bar with Crocus Cloth or equivalent
4. Using a fast setting epoxy, affix the T-Bar to the surface of the prepared concrete. Epoxy strength should meet or exceed the strength of the concrete, or 5000 psi compressive strength and 200 psi tensile strength
5. Score around the edge of the flange to ensure only 1 in2 of bonding surface area.
6. Allow epoxy to set per manufacturer's recommendations
7. Fabricate testing rig as shown in figure A.5 of Attachment Z03. Dillion Dynamometer may be substituted with equivalent tension type dynamometer with capacity of 500 lbs minimum. Resolution shall be such that values can be recorded in 10 lb increments.

Hardware may be substituted as required to allow fit up to bonded aluminum T-bars.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

a. Load bonded T-Bars at a uniform rate. Record the force value at which the T-bar debonds and note the type of failure on the Attachment Z04 data sheet.
b. Concrete bond strength should meet or exceed 200 psi.
c. Repeat steps 1 through 7 at a rate of 1 test for every 100 sq. feet of prepared concrete surface or as best as reasonably achievable. Tests shall be re-conducted for areas where inadequate bonding strength is determined.

Additional surface preparation may be required to obtain surface with adequate bonding strength.

d. Testing may be terminated at the discretion of PGN civil engineer if results show consistent adequate bond strength or testing is shown to not be practical.

Subsurface Micro-Cracking Test Considerations:

Testing for adequate subsurface strength shall be implemented by SGT field engineering under the direction of PGN civil design engeering using ICRI 03739 as a guide (See Attachment Z07).

1. Drill 2"corebores a minimum of 6" deep at 3 random locations throughout the prepared surface area.
2. Affix a metal disc as described in Attachment Z07 with the same epoxy used to affix the aluminum T-Bar above and allow to set per manufacturer's recommendation.
3. Using skill of the craft attach the rigid disc to the pullout rig created for the above testing.
4. Apply a load at a uniform rate and record the load at which the core breaks. Stress levels should meet or exceed 200 psi. Additional surface preparation/excavation may be required if testing shows inadequate strength.
5. Repeat the test as described in ICRI 03739 a minimum of three locations at the discretion of the PGN civil engineer. Testing may be terminated if conditions prove impractical.

Monitoring for Excessive Thermal Gradients across the Unreinforced Containment Wall Based on review of the MPR analysis S10-0004, a 100 F shall be accounted for and maintained during and after the concrete removal process.

1. Thermocouples per Attachment Z06 (or equivalent) shall be attached to the RB containment liner and exterior concrete wall at the discretion of CR3 operations and the CR3 Containment Design Basis Analysis team.
2. A rolling 7 day rolling average shall be observed by operations. The delta temperature difference between internal containment temperature to exterior temperature shall be maintained at less than 100 F by using OP-417. The limit on the ambient temperature inside containment is 600 F.
3. If the thermal gradient approaches 80 F, an evaluation will be made by engineering to determine if forecasted temperatures could result in a sustained gradient greater DOO Install Page 5 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO than 100 F. If such a gradient is judged possible then appropriate actions shall be taken and the affected organizations shall be notified at this time.

4. Internal containment temperature shall be maintained by site operations utilizing OP-417. Scaffold and sheeting shall be erected as needed to maintain temperature on the exterior surface. SGT shall be responsible for supplying heaters to maintain the temperature on the external surface within the "tented" area.

D.3 Label Requests Labels requiring change as a result of this EC include: NONE DOO Install Page 6 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO D.4 EC Parts List Parts or other materials required by this EC are tabulated below. Any unique or long lead procurement actions are indicated in the description.

Feet 2 TBD/ Epoxy, Fast-set, MFR, STD., Min bond strength = 200 psi and QL-4 QL-4 Each minimum compressive strength = 5,000 psi ,_,

TBD = To be determined 4 4 4 4- .4- L 1 t t1"_ _

d - &

DO0 Install Page 7 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO E.1 Testing Requirements Unique Prerequisites, Precautions, Limitations, Initial Conditions, and Outage Requirements:

In-situ surface preparation testing will be required prior to concrete placement per EC 75220. Surveillance may be required for to monitor surface final bonding surface conditions prior to concrete placement. Refer to Attachments ZOO and Z01 for industry guidance on surface preparation. Other required ASME Section XI, Subsections IWE/IWL as ASME Section III inspections and testing shall be implemented under interfacing ECs 75218, 75220, and 75221.

Test and Acceptance Criteria:

Reuire Tes Prcdr D i~ es U ign i EP ~

Inpt aram (Jeter/ Fuc 141C io Acetac Cr((.II.fUiteia i for V O Or Method Bonding surface preparation ACI 503R-93 Bond strength meets or exceeds 200 psi. 200 psi is the N (Reapproved 2008) minimum design tensile strength of the concrete as described by DBD for the Containment. At that stress level Reference the concrete anywhere-in the structure is just as likely to Installation crack as the bond interface between existing and new Instructions and concrete.

Attachment Z03, Pg 27-28.

Subsurface in-situ strength test ICRI 03739 Core strength meets or exceeds 200 psi. 200 psi is the N minimum design tensile strength of the concrete as described by DBD for the Containment. At that stress level the concrete anywhere in the structure is just as likely to crack as the bond interface between existing and new concrete.

EOO Testing Page 1 of 1

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO F.1 Turnover/Closeout Summary Based on a review of Section 9.3.4 of EGR-NGGC-0005 and the scope of this Engineering Change, turnover to operations SHALL NOT be required based on the following:

" No Priority 0 documents are affected

  • No POM procedures are affected
  • No impact to electronic equipment data
  • No Tech Spec Change is required
  • No impact to surveillance test schedules
  • No impact to Clearance software
  • No impact to Technical Specification tracking software
  • No training requirements
  • No testing requiring Engineering review of results identified
  • No labeling requirements Closeout Summary All Work Order Tasks are status FINISHED or COMPLETED Assure AR's are COMPLETED or CLOSED Prior to EC Closure, a "Post-Job Brief" will be held after EC 75000 has been installed to discuss and evaluate the various aspects of the EC. This briefing will be chaired by the Responsible Engineer or his designee and will be attended by representatives of the organizations with insights into how well the job was accomplished. The attendees will be determined by the RE based on input needed and availability of appropriate individuals. Reference AR 365187365187

Catalog and Bill of Materials Impact BOManufacturer: Model: Version:

NONE Prpsed-t I. +

FO0 Turnover Page 1 of 1

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO GA1 Installation Sketches S A-ueiaminaieu ., oncreie riemovai ueiaiis SK-SK-SK-SK-SK-SK-GOD Sketch Page 1 of 1



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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO H.1 Risk Management

,Scop ofWok EC 75219 is the third phase in a multi-phased approach in the repair of the CR3 RB containment building identified per NCR 358724 as follows:

1) Crack Arrest (EC 75000) - A series of cuts will be provided into the delaminated concrete.

These cuts will provide a path of stress relief during the detensioning process. Two horizontal cuts will be made, one above and one below, the steam generator replacement opening. The length of the cuts will not exceed the area of construction opening. In addition to horizontal cuts, vertical cuts will also be installed above and below the contstruction opening at Azimuth 1500.

The cuts will run between the currently detensioned vertical tendons at a depth only to cut embedded rebar. This is to minimize cutting active hoop tendons which exist above and below the current containment opening.

2) Detensioning (EC 75218)- A Finite Element model developed by MPR Associates, Inc. shall be completed to show the necessary detensioning and re-tensioning sequence as well as compliance with the appropriate bases. The detensioning implemented by this phase will ensure adequate prestress can be returned to the Reactor Building structure.
3) Concrete Removal (EC 75219) - This EC will address the removal of the existing delaminated concrete. This is to facilitate the placement of new concrete per EC 75220. The removal of the delamination will require the detensioning of vertical and horizontal tendons within the affected region as prescribed in EC 75218. All steel reinforcement (rebar) exposed within the opening must be cut and discarded. Once the delaminated region is removed, phase 4 EC 75220 may be implemented. Removal will be accomplished via a combination of hydrolazer and/or mechanical methods (chipping).
4) Concrete Placement (EC 75220) - This EC will address the replacement of the delaminated concrete with new concrete. Mix and installation shall consider criteria evaluated per EC 63016 to originally restore the containment opening. Critical concrete characteristics such as creep, aggregate type, testing requirements, etc. shall also be considered as a part of this phase.
5) Re-tensioning (EC 75221) - This EC will address the final re-tensioning sequence to restore prestress back into the concrete containment shell once the replaced concrete has adequately cured. Final MPR FE analysis results shall be incorporated to ensure the applicable design and licensing bases requirements have been met.

Risk Cr-ia 0v 0utons 0* 0 - -. - _

As noted above, this EC will address removal of the concrete only. Based on the available methods of removal, hydrolazing and mechanical chipping, risk of damage to the underlying reinforcement and tendon sheaths exists. While the conventional reinforcement will be removed as a result of this EC and ultimately replaced, damage to the tendons is possible and must be minimized, particularly to the flexible conduits in the region around the equipment hatch. Additionally, due to the scale of the removal, consideration must be given to all the personnel safety risks associate with removing such a large volume of concrete. It should be noted that this Risk Worksheet is preliminary awaiting final resolution of the Root Cause, particularly. Work shall be performed during plant No Mode to prevent adversely affecting the integrity of the structure while the removal takes place.

Probability: C1 rH.Em E.. EIL .

HOO Reviews Page 1 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO Consequence: E1 C2 [- 3 I

'Basis for P 0 0 *0  :


The activity mitigation/avoidance strategies as well as the basis for probability have been documented below, Each item as individually screened as medium risk or low risk, therefore, the overall risk of this EC shall be medium in accordance with EGR-NGGC-001 1.

Rik --ls-s S. - .

,Risk~* Ris RikRsos 0cin Parameter iýRsonse Infrequently Design and Construction Engineering Oversight - Using performed task hydrodemolition and other large scale equipment to create an related to opening in the RB wall is an activity that is infrequently performed at concrete CR3. However, using hydrodemolition equipment to create such an removal of RB opening has been successfully employed at numerous other nuclear containment plants in support of their SGRs and reactor vessel closure head wall. replacement projects. A majority of the CR3 Delamination repair team, both engineering and construction personnel have extensive prior experience working on SGRs and (RVHRs) and are cognizant of the potential problems associated with hydrodemolition and mechanical demolition. Final Root cause determination will be considered before proceeding with any one removal option.

r- Avoidance Previous Experience - The vendor performing the hydrodemolition (Mac and Mac, EXPECTED), has been in the business of r iAcceptance,, hydrodemolition for over 30 years and will be responsible for operating the equipment.


Installation Instruction Precautions: The installation instructions will contain a precaution for the hydrodemolition contractor to reduce water pressure as needed before exposing the underlying tendons.

This is to reduce the risk of penetrating the sheath. The consequences of further damage during the removal process are considered high, however, this phase of work is merely to allow the final repairs to occur. Proper engineering oversight during the removal process will ehsure removal is done in a safe, efficient manner. Additionally, damage that could occur during the removal will be evaluated and repairs made during the subsequent interfacing EC 75220. As such the likelihood of irreversibly damaging the structure is considered extremely low. Therefore this risk parameter is considered medium.

+/- +/-

Personnel Concrete removal and handling of associated equipment will involve safety due to the dangers of working at heights. Personnel access tothe various large volume of scaffolds and work platforms must be limited to those individuals that concrete have a need to actually be on the platforms. The pre-job brief should removed and also emphasize the potential danger from dropped objects, r Avoidance associated especially considering the heights involved when working on the working at rP Acceptance containment building roof or suspended on the work platforms.

heights. Adherence to Vendor Procedures and Training is critical.

F* Mitigation Incorporation of relevant OE shall also be incorporated into necessary pre-job briefs.

Adherence to CR3 Procedures - All work performed relating to this EC will be in accordance with SAF-NGGC-2172, "Industrial Safety" or HOO Reviews Page 2 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO SGT equivalent. All appropriate safety equipment is to be employed during the performance of this modification (e.g. eye, face, hearing,

,i.hand, foot protection, fall prevention / protection, respirators).

Personnel working on scaffolding must be familiar with the requirements for working at heights. All work controlled areas will be marked and tagged per AI-1816, "Industrial Safety Signs and Tags" or by equivalent SGT process.

While the consequences of the injury are high related to the removal work, the probability is considered extremely low provided all Site procedures are appropriately adhered to. As such this risk parameter r is considered medium.

Accelerated The various phases of the delamination repair project are ongoing in schedule could parallel to the root cause investigations. There are significant allow for consequences if the repair techniques would make the crack larger approval prior or not even solve whatever crack initiating event caused the to final root delamination. Surface preparation requirements dictate only a few cause methods will create the surface required for new concrete placement.

determination 17 Avoidance Best industry practices shall determine the recommended technique for both removal and surface preparation. The least invasive method rF Acceptance' which would damage the structure shall be considered. To ensure significant damage has not been sustained in the structure, in-situ pullout testing of the subsurface will show the necessary strength remains in the concrete subsurface. This testing will be in accordance with ICRI 03739. While the consequences of procedding without final root cause may be high, probability is considered extremely low as any additional areas of damage sustained during removal may be repaired before final concrete placement. Therefore this risk parameter is considered medium.

Multiple parties The containment team consists of both design and implementation involved such FJ_Avoidan ce individuals. These individuals are required to interact during pre-job that errors may and kick off meetings. Final EC review by members of both parties be introduced - Acceptance would prevent approval of product. Therefore, the consequences of via an overlooked design item may be high, however the constant review communication P. Mio process would make it an unlikely occurrence. Therefore this risk channels parameter is considered medium.

HOO Reviews Page 3 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO H.2 Validation Plan The Responsible Supervisor should complete the following validation plan with the Responsible Engineer at the initiation of the EC (see EGR-NGGC-001 1).

PrdctE Prcss/oo 6us e Inera Al ote Eg To Be Stag EC* EC! PoutSIpeetd I I At Initiation Validation Plan H H U NO Risk Determination R R 0 r7 Risk Response Planning R() R 0 F Project kick-off meeting X 0 0 r7 Pre-job briefing R R NA rV Formation of an EC Team X(b X*b) NA F Scheduling/Work Management X X 0 Development In-process review - 0% Design X 0 Waived Phase Challenge In-process review - 30% Design XXm 0 Challenge r_

In-process review - 70% Design XXb) 0 Waived Challenge In-process review - Final Design XX~b 0 Waived Challenge Source review 0 NA NA r Owner review X NA NA r Error Prevention Tools (STAR, 0 0 0 SAFE, OAQ-3, etc) ro Design Review Board - X X 0 Waived Conceptual Design Review Board - Final X X 0 r*

Engineering change checklist R R 0 Outsource management R 0 0 r checklist Procurement vendor oversight 0 0 0 r checklist Supervisor EC Approval R R NA Checklist r_

EC Implementation Checklist 0 0 NA r Post Post-job briefingý") X X 0 r_1 Implementation 4


This EC is considered medium risk as discussed in the Risk Management Section. A significant amount of work completed under EC 63016 will be reviewed an incorporated as applicable. This EC is one of several smaller EC's as a result of the containment delaminated repair plan. This EC is formed in part by taking information from EC 63016 and reusing it where possible as well as building upon EC 75000 for crack arrest. The EC scope will be reviewed by plant personnel in a Final DRB. Management has requested additional oversight by scheduling a 30% challenge with design team participants to ensure all technical requirements for the delamination removal are addressed. The final DRB is sufficient to address technical and plant concerns so the 100% Design Challenge will also be waived. Concurrence of the risk assessment and this validation plan will be performed by CR3 Design Superintendent, Keith Allen. Post Job Brief will be performed under NTM AR 377697377697


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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

1. Required use of processes/tools per this procedure apply to PCHG-DESG, PCHG-ALTR and TCHG-DESG ECs (except child ECs) only. These tools are optional for all other EC types
2. Outsourced ECs are ECs which are developed by vendors. Internal ECs are ECs developed in-house.
3. 0 - Optional, X - Required (unless waived and waiver basis documented), R - Required.
4. Design Superintendent approval is required for ECs screened as high risk or for waiving DRB not previously waived for this application.
5. For ECs determined to be high risk level.
6. Initiate an NTM for scheduling purposes when the validation plan is approved.
7. For ECs determined to be medium or high risk level.

H.3 Reviewer Comments Select, copy, and paste the table below into a WORD file and e-mail message to reviewers.

Select (Table/Select/Table), copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) tables from reviewer's responses below. Have reviewer sign EC milestone when comments are resolved.

Discpie/rga Re ie Scp ofRve j

I Im A IPla*A ml I f f U

1/VL.U b lj_=,VU'~E '/o u5esign Rleview-. -

I R. Portmann IIWE/IWL I 12/28/09 1 No I I~Ite1 *econ Comen

.*.]).*, ecu n r-1. 1. I). - -Ane secons nave Resolutionl~ak!

s.mplTleD. aeen I

Consider generalizing these paragraphs to eliminate future revision of this EC due to potential chanaes in EC 75000.

2 Section B.2, 2 nd para. - Delete "within the Removed.

boundaries of the delaminated region" 3  ? Cutting of rebar to be included in this Rebar will be cut and removed as EC? described in scope. Rebar tails will remain as required for replacement.

4  ? Inspection of the cut rebars to be Inspection of the rebar is not to be part of included in EC75220? this EC scope 5  ? Hydrodemolition and/or concrete Equipment set-up shall be included in chipping equipment set-up and tie in to either this EC or another EC based on site structures to be included in this EC? availability of info and status of potential EC.

6 Section E.1 Testing Requirements- Add Added.

a statement that the ASME Section Xl, Sub-section IWA and IWL and the ASME Section III inspection and testing requirements are to be addressed under EC's 75218, 75220 and 75221.

RP 30%

Ken Youn ALARA 01/06/10 1 RCA entries at hole will require EDs / Prerequisite added to installation section TLDs but no frisking should be required. to require craft to verify dosimetry RCA should be posted for dose rates requirements prior to commencing work HOO Reviews Page 5 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO only. This would require a sign-in and in the field.

sign-out process only.

2 3

4 5

o perations I 30% desi n review R on T nre Operations SRO 101/06/10 1 No 1 A - Incorporate CR3 LL from recent LL incorporated into A.6.

experience 2 B - In the RB design discussion, consider Incorporated listing the imposed lower temperature limit of 600 F for interior areas during shutdown conditions.

3 B - Page 5 item 5 - in the discussion of Added additional wording and bases thermal gradient, we must not just consider but monitor and control within design limitsas determined by the analysis for unreinforced concrete.

4 B - page 7 item 16 - consider adding the Added additional wording and temporary local temperature monitoring corresponding evaluation in B.6.16 instrumentation to be added (2 inside, 2 outside) with remote monitoring capability.

5 B - page 8 item 26 - Consider Added additional wording and mentioning the dropped load evaluations corresponding evaluation in B.6.26 to ensure RW flume capability (SF Pool cooling) is not lost during this EC execution 6 D - Nothing here? Added during completion of final product.

7 J - engineering checklist has not been Engineering Checklist to be completed completed prior to issuance for final review.

D e Rve S of Review Rick Curry x4215 ReiwrDscpieDt IMechanical -

T1 /6/10 -- S'froe Siecl Section D.5, EC Parts List, recommend Added parts based on surface testing adding "none" or "none required".

HO0 Reviews Page 6 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 2 Need to add Procurement Engineering as So added.

a milestone signoff.

1 EC 63020 should be included as Added.

reference for applicability of using the mobile crane for lifts and the associated loading calculations 2 References 9.2 -the current numbers are Incorporated.

235 for the License Amendment and 81 for the Bases revision. The bases revision will change on Jan 15, 2010 3 Design Inputs 1. -in describing the Incorporated containment the language that is used in the FSAR is 'uncontrolled release' vs.

'uncontrollable' 4 Design Inputs 19 -you include Removed statement describing LODHR references to modes 5 and 6 and LODHRt Throughout this EC we will remain in no Mode and there can be no LODHR event involving the containment.

5 it uncontrollable'tio incntaie Int thef angugentiht iu ine alse EC in desisn input 17 2 Is monitoring required during removal? Based on discussion, monitoring does not Dicpie/rga Reie add

-Sop an significant ofeve value to the de-stressed (detensioned) structure in the region of removal.I - T_

_1 noe Requred 3

4 5

Installer/SGT Design "30%Challene IBill Alumbau.lh 1/6/10 c

Section B.2,Te Para, 2ngCent. Rebarl pe states rebar will be discarded.

2 sberemoved and disposed, not reused.mBdo r o HOO Reviews Page 7 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO Recommend revise to agree with Section H.1.3 which states that the rebar will be discarded.

2 Section B.4.1, Last Para in section. Reworded.

Recommend rewording of sentence beginning "The function of the containment ... " to "The design function of the containment building will not be adversely affected and all code requirements and design margins will be maintained during the delamination removal and repair."

3 Section B.4.5, 1 st Para, 5 th Line. Loads Hydrodemolition loads are considered as associated with hydrodemolition are a result of evaluation in EC 63016/EC considered. Hydrodemolition is to be 75000 and are minor with respect to the used in the removal of the delaminated overall strength to the structure.

area. Do current analyses envelope the use of the same process in the MPR analyses?

4 Section B.4.5, 1 st Para, 5 th Line. Thermal The monitoring parameters have been gradients generate the higher stresses in discussed in B.6.16.

no mode with detensioning. Identify the design parameters and controlling construction provisions.

5 Section B.4.6, Water Requirements, 3 rd B.4.6 has been reworded to clarify Line. Clarify that SGT will provide access responibilites.

and water sample will be obtained and test performed by CR3.

6 Section B.4.6, Waste Water, 1st Para. 1 st B.4.6 has been reworded to clarify Line. Same comment as No. 5 responibilites.

7 Section B.4.6, Waste Water, 2 nd Para., B.4.6 has been reworded to clarify 1 st Line, Progress Energy provides water responibilites.

tanks for storage. SGT provides piping for delivery from wells to tank and from tank to work site.

8 Section B.4.10, 1 st Para, 2 nd Line. "No Removed.

additional damage." Crack arrest, chosen demolition method was selected because it was determined not to be a contributing cause, and inspections will be performed before and after demolition to assure that the delamination has be been removed.

But there is the potential that additional delamination may be encountered which would make this phrase incorrect.

Recommend deleting sentence, previous sentence states that the crack is removed should be sufficient. __

9 Section B.4.10, 1s' Para, 3nd Line. Reworded.

"Cutting of tendon sheaths..." Flex I HOO Reviews Page 8 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO tendon sleeves will most probably be damaged by hydrodemolition and with demolition there is always the possibility a sleeve will be damaged. Recommend rewording and mention that tendons will be removed from known sleeves containing flexible sections to minimize damage potential to the tendon.

Remaining tendon sleeves are to be inspected and repaired prior to containment restoration.

10 Section B14. 1 st Sentence. Boundaries Drawing SK-72519-CO01 shows the of the section to be removed is to be removal area.

identified to width, length and depth or as described on a drawing.

11 Section B14. 2 nd Sentence. Rebar will Added wording.

be excavated by hydrodemolition then cut to length to leave a tail. If configuration requires a shorter length or in the even the cut is adjacent to a splice where the bar is removed by demolition then drill and grout may be required. 2 nd sentence needs to be generalized stating that a code splice will be developed between the new rebar and the bars in the undisturbed concrete.

12 Section B4.19, 6t* line. Recommend So deleted.

deleting the phrase 'While defueled," The Containment structure creates the Il/I condition. If the containment meets code loading conditions, including seismic, with the tendons detensioned then it remains seismic cat 1 in the degraded state. IF it does not then RG 1.29 and 1.206 is going to drive a Il/I evaluation because of the adjacent Cat. 1 structures. Defueled state just means there are no Cat 1 components inside containment. Based upon previous statements the containment with detensioning is code qualified to dead + Live + seismic +

wind/tornado/hurricane as applicable.

Pressure is eliminated (no fuel) which is the controlling load for the containment.

HOD Reviews Page 9 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO I Procurement Enine Final Comments Rick Cur x4215 Mechanical 1/27/10 1 Section D.5, EC Parts List, see table Incorporated below for comments.

Installation Design ume ee I adVrso)o No. Unt 1 TBD/ T-BAR, 1" Aluminum, MFR. STD., Length as QL-4 QL-4 Feet _Required 2 TBD/ Epoxy, Fast-set, MFR, STD., Min bond strength QL-4 QL-4 Each = 200 psi and minimum compressive strength =

5,000 psi.

TBD = To be determined.

________ .j. ________ I _________ _____________________________________________

Dicil 0ePoa Reie Scop of Revie Environmental Ron Johnson/Lloyd Environmental Permits 1/27/10 Tardif 1 Section A.6; Operating Experience. We Lessons Learned added to A.6 and might want to add references CR3 NCRs references added to Section B. Additional 358636 and 358653, related to a release prerequisite added to installation section.

of industrial waste water to the canal associated with the SGR hydro-demolition activity.

2 Section B.3.6, NGG Procedures, add: Added CHE-NGGC-0045, "NGG Chemical Control Program".

3 Section B.3.7, Plant Procedures, add Added reference to SP-736K, "Reactor Building Hydro Demolition Release to the Settling Ponds"; this procedure was developed for SGR and should be used again.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 4 Section B.3.10, Other


add Added documents: EVC-CRNF-0002, "Crystal River Nuclear Plant Site-Specific Environmental Policies, Permits, Registrations, Certifications and Plans";

also add FLA016960, "CREC Industrial Waste Water Permit";

5 B4.12, I would reword section on waste Included water requirements to include reference to existing procedure SP-736K, "Reactor Building Hydro Demolition Release to the Settling Ponds".

6 B.6.5. typo on page 14; 2 nd paragraph, Corrected 5 th line down, change "10" will only be allowed only at the", to "10" will only be allowed at the" 7 Sections B.4.6 and B.6.6 (2 sections), it Incorporated and added additional needs to be clarified in both locations that installation prerequisite step "discharge" of the water cannot go to the settling ponds until samples are cleared by RP. Prior to clearance, hydro-demolition can proceed as long as the water and rubble are collected in temporary basins / tanks etc. (This is the same approach used during the SGR hydro-demolition.)

8 Section B.6.6, under 'Water Corrected requirements"; 2 nd sentence; revise:

"have been successfully used in the past by CRS to satisfy.." to "have been successfully used in the past by CRS and CR3 to satisfy..".

Same section and paragraph, 3 rd Corrected sentence: During the SGR hydro-demolition, no existing plant piping was utilized, due to reliability concerns. I suggest removing this option since the temporary piping option was very successful.

9 D.2, Installation Requirements, Added Prerequisites, suggest adding the following: "Use of chemicals for this activity are subject to the requirements of CHE-NGGC-0045, NGG Chemical Control Program."

10 Add a prerequisite to ensure that proper Added dikes are setup around equipment, especially chemical storage in accordance with WP-106, "Storm Water HOO Reviews Page 11 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO Discharge from Diked Petroleum, Chemical, and Equipment Storage Areas" Li'censinq Pre-DRB3 Design Review Sid Powell 11/28/10 no 1 B.4.1 - Discussion should focus on Reworded B.4.1 remaining in No Mode during this activity.

References to LCOs and Required Actions are unnecessary.

System Engineering I EC 75219 Final Review Scot Stewart IPenetration Sys Engineer I1/29/10 INo Item Co n Res 1 Drawing SK-75219-CO01 - Drawing SK-75219-CO01 has been revised, please see latest revision.

Typo in Note 3, "AMY" should be "MAY" Typos in Note 4,

1. Hydrodemolitiondamage should be Hydrodemolition damage.
2. Responsiblecivil should be responsible civil
3. "edces" should be "edges"
4. "descetion" should be "discretion" IWE/IWL EC 75219 Final Review R. Portmann IIWE/IWL 1/29/10 No 1 Need to add the addition of temporary Sump pumps SDP-3A and SDP-3B have Tendon Gallery Sump Pumps and to tag been addressed as well as the need for out SDP-3A & SDP-3B during temporary sumps in the tendon gallery.

hydrodemolition activities 2 Section B, B.4.10 - States that cutting of Design Input B.4.10 reworded.

tendon sheaths in not allowed. Be prepared to revise the EC during hydrodemolition if it occurs. It also states to remove tendons from known flexible sheaths, this I believe is a risk that needs to be discussed and decided in work HOO Reviews Page 12 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO order space. May want to consider deleting it from the EC since we are orderinq spare tendons.

3 Various locations reference ACI 503R for THE ACI and ICRI requirements for surface conditioning, have we validated surface preparation meet or exceed the the surface condition requirements of original requirements as outlined in Spec CR3-C-0003? Section 3.3 of CR3-C-0003. An additional note 5 was added to SK-75219-C001 to slope the top of the removal area to allow the escape of air as described in 3.3.4 during placement. The reference has been added to Section B.

4 The IWL Repair/Replacement plan does These documents are above and beyond not reference ACI 503R or ICRI 03739 for normal IWL requirements. Additional use in the repair. Have we made these testing as described by this documents required documents? If so then the IWL would merely give additional assurance of RPE needs to authorize this via the R&R sound repair without adversely impacting Plan in EC 75218. the information contained within the IWL repair plan.

5 6

7T L Sectations EC 75219 100% review

- -  : S - _ _0 e y_" eOperations SRO 101/30/10 No Section B, Page 7 - States to remove Design Input B.4.10 reworded.

tendons from known flexible sheaths, I have been lead to believe that they may be left in place at risk and that spare tendons have been ordered.

2 Section B, Page 15 / 18 - in the Section B.6.16 has been rewritten to discussion on thermal monitoring, the incorporate the latest monitoring plan as information to be gathered was revised by described by EC 75218.

the PE engineering team. The existing criteria is for continuous monitoring of 2" subsurface and the inner liner temperature. These are the locations that the 7 day rolling average are based.

Other locations (outside air temperature, 6" and 12") are monitored for use in evaluating changing conditions and other capability for measurement will be in place for local determination of internal concrete temperature as needed.

Redundancy is incorporated into this plan to allow continuous monitoring with potential instrument malfunction or 1-100 Reviews Page 13 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO physical damaae durina EC activities.

3 Z05RO - This text is an early exchange of Attachment Z05 was made intentionally monitoring and control ideas / plans that blank. Requirements for monitoring are should be updated per the note above, described in evaluation section, reference An accurate description can be copied to attachment Z05 has been removed.

from EC 75218 4 Z060RO - The test instruments originally The thermal monitoring has been proposed are not being used. I would rewritten in Section B.6.16. It assumes consider deleting this attachment and just that this thermocouple or another similar refer in section B to a methodology as device may be used. To prevent affecting approved by PE engineering within the readability of the entire document, the bounds described, attachment will remain as the evaluation assumes any other device may be used at the discretion of engineering.

5 6

7 Design Basis Analy EC 75219 100% review John Holliday Civil/Structural 01/30/10 No 1 Section B.2, Fu paragraph: Change EC Paragraph correctly references EC 75218 72518 to EC 75218. as prescribing the detensioning requirements.

2 Section B.4.10: State those tendons that Input B.4.10 reworded. The intent is for have to be removed must be ram SGT to leave tendons in sheaths and detensioned, coiled, and identification perform removal. Spares have been clearly attached to the tendon. Are these ordered, so any damage to a flexible tendons going to PSC for refurbishment? sheath would require the tendon be Where is the repair detail for the tendon removed and replaced vs. removing a ducts? Has material been ordered for the much larger number of tendons which repair? Will PSC have sufficient grease if may or may not be damaged. Repair additional tendons are removed? Have details for tendons, grease, anchor we ordered replacement anchor heads? heads, etc. are outside the scope of this Engineering Change.

3 B.4.14: The EC should state what the B.4.14 reworded. Minimum Splice is splice length is for the #8's. Are the mentioned as 7". Installation sketch will splices going to be staggered, if so adjust require a minimum of 9" with no the cut lines for the existing #8s maximum which will allow for either lap accordingly. splicing or splicing under the direction of EC 75220.

4 B.4.15: The thermal gradient will be Deleted monitored so as to maintain the delta as close to zero as possible based on a rolling 7 day average. Delete reference to the controlling within 10 degrees.

5 B.4.28: State that the hydrodemolition Incorporated equipment must be enclosed within an HOO Reviews Page 14 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO enclosure that is designed to capture all loose debris resulting from hydrodemolition, i.e. high strength netting.

6 Is the equipment hatch going to be Additional precautions were added into installed during hydrodemolition. If not, installation section along with the tagging what precautions are going to be taken to of the tendon gallery sumps.

prevent water from going into containment?

7 B.4.12: Discuss requirement for adding Added requirement and evaluation if hydrochloric acid. Refer to EC 63016. B.4.6 and B.6.6 as was captured in EC (Evaluated effects on control room 63016. Hydrodemolition vendor has not habitability). Has sufficient acid been yet been finalized (Mac & Mac is still ordered? under negotiation). Acid would have to be ordered at the discretion of SGT once all contracts are completed.

8 Page 15, Thermal Loads: Delete all Incorporated.

reference to historical records and 60 and 70 degree temperatures. State that "Operations will use the RB ventilation cooling, heating and purge system per OP-417 making daily adjustments as required to maintain the delta as close to zero as possible based on a 7 day rolling average".

9 B.6.16, Temperature Monitoring: 1 st B.6.16 has been rewritten based on the sentence, delete "based on an inside latest revision of EC 75218.

temp of 70 and an outside temp of 60.

Re-write the rest of this section based on EC 75218 Section B.6.10.

10 D.2, Removal of concrete, #4: Are you Paragraph has been reworded based on going to use standard lap splices? If so, the known requirements of EC 75220 at need to re-word this paragraph. this time. A minimum of 9" tails are required with no maximum to allow for staggering as based on splice details per EC 75220.

11 D.2, Thermal gradient monitoring: Re- Thermal gradient monitoring has been write as described in EC 75218. Delete reworded based on the write up in EC reference to 10 degree delta. Monitoring 75218.

is to maintain a delta as close to zero as possible. Contact engineering is it is 8 degrees.

12 Parts list: Tendon grease, anchor heads, This as a whole will be addressed in EC shims, longer cans, contingency for 75220. This EC requires SGT to consider tendons to be removed due to flex potential damage to tendons that could conduit, or will this be addressed in result from excavating through flexible concrete placement EC? tendon sheaths.

13 Add a Caveat that work cannot begin until A caveat was in place, however the the root cause (PII) has established decision was made to remove this caveat whether hydrodemolition was a after discussion with P11 and engineering HOO Reviews Page 15 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO contributor to the original delamination. If lead (P. Fagan). It is understood that the it is, this EC must be revised to address portion of the root cause dealing with any concern raised by P11. micro-cracking was reintroduced.

However, after careful discussion, P11 acknowledged that methods for surface preparation other than hydrodemolition could also cause micro-cracking at a much higher frequency. Based on the necessity for surface preparation, hydrodemolition was left in as the least likely to produce adverse affects. A root cause review was added to the EC package to ensure all additional requirements before releasing hydrodemolition for work.

14 I believe there is a strong possibility that Additional wording was added to B.6.5 the crack may propagate due to vibration about possible risks of propagating crack at the perimeter of the delamination if into buttresses and equipment hatch hydrodemolition is allowed within several concrete. Description of saw cutting was feet of the outer edge of the delamination. added as one mitigating strategy.

Once the hydrodemolition is past the #8 Additional wording concerning risk rebar cage, this problem is probably acceptance based on best engineering greatly reduced due to the condition of judgment using industry guidance was the concrete (badly fractured and also added.

broken). I was under the impression that P11 was going to address this during their root cause evaluation, it now appears that this may not be so. If hydrodemolition is allowed to progress to the edge of the delamination then there should be a discussion in the EC concerning the associated risks, i.e crack Drooaaation.

15 Add requirement to map cracks around Mapping activities added to surface the opening that result from tendon preparation section of installation section.

detensioning as required in EC 75218 I i~tle ln-r- _EC 7519 Fia-Rve GlnMxelISG Intle 1/91 SNS 1 B10 - Remove tendons that have flexible Section B.4.10 has been reworded to say duct. Can we distress the tendon, leave it removal of tendons is now at the in the sleeve, remove the concrete, then discretion of SGT. Damaged sleeves will evaluate the sleeve? The depth of the require replacement (not in the scope of concrete removed will vary. The removal this EC) as needed. Spare tendons may

_ of the tendon afterwards will not be a be used or the tendon sent for HOO Reviews Page 16 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO problem if it is damaged. For reuse of the reconditioning again at SGT discretion.

tendon even if done prior to demolition, it would have to be sent to PSC for reconditioning. (Jim Clayborn 208-680-6592) 2 D2 - Removal of concrete. 2. States 4" It is understood that some sections may max on demo - Note that delamination "chunk" and separate out sections may come out larger than 4".

(Jim Clayborn 208-680-6592) 3 This EC does not speak very much about The installation instructions now account cutting reinforcing or the need for for this based on the requirements of staggered mechanical or welded rebar interfacing EC 75220. Per our discussion, splices. During the course of concrete a note was added to notify PGN design demolition it would be prudent to consider engineering of the need to cut any rebar that some reinforcing will have to be cut, other than the #8 for further evaluation especially in tightly congested places at and disposition.

the bottom and top of the affected area.

(Jim Clayborn 208-680-6592) 4 Section B: Acceptable amount depends on the

5. The 10" depth removal maximum limit underlying surface conditions. This is why has some conflicting requirements. sounding is required with a hammer, etc.

Should give acceptable amount past the as described by ASTM 4580. Any 10" limit. degraded concrete shall be removed at

5. Should have method to address wind the discretion of the responsible PGN loading if it goes into hurricane season. Civil Engineer. This is specifically
26. Does EC 63020 cover all de- described in the Installation Section.

tensioning work? (Larry Davis 704-618-2568) 5 Section D: See resolution above. The preparedness Same comment as above for 10" removal of SGT for potential actions required for limit. thermal gradients is at their discretion and SGT will need to be prepared for required outside of the scope of this EC the 100 Delta-T contingency (heaters within monitoring of the 7-day average tented area). (Larry Davis 704-618-2568) temperature is already being performed.

Operations is required to adjust the containment interior temperature under OP-417.

6 50.59 Screen: Please reference REG AR 377913377913for 11 a discusses stress relief cuts, should final 50.59 Screen. Draft has been also address including concrete/rebar removed from EC folder.


(Larry Davis 704-618-2568) 7 Z05: Attachment Z05 is now intentionally left Acceptance criteria given is 50 F, EC blank. The monitoring requirements were gives limit as 10°F. (Larry Davis 704-618- updated in the evaluation section as was 2568) required in EC 75218. The installation section also incorporates the latest monitoring plan.

8 SK-75219-CO01, Rev A: Please see revised Sketch in Section See comments above for acceptable GO1.

HOO Reviews Page 17 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO depth. Drawing notes centerline of hoop tendon.

Drawing needs to specify removal area from specific reference points so that cut lines can be laid out by SGT Field Engineers.

Recommend extraneous information be deleted from drawing for clarity.

Should provide contour requirements at top to allow concrete pour. This may also apply to containment opening.

Reference dimensions need to be specified.

(Larry Davis 704-618-2568) 9 Sketch G01RO SK-75219-CO01 Please see revised Sketch in Section

<< Typos in Notes 2, 3, and 4 >> GO1.

10 Note: Testing requirements throughout Any necessary mock-ups may be EC are beyond the typical requirements completed at the discretion of SGT that SGT performs regularly. Extra time will be needed for planning, mock-up, implementation, etc.

11 ASTM D 4580 is not applicable to this Procedure B of ASTM 4580 is quite project. The sounding equipment and grid applicable. The intent is to use the layout cannot be achieved through rebar instructions contained in the standard as for obvious reasons. (Paul Gosselin xt a guide for using a hammer to sound 1824) concrete after the major delamination is removed. This will ensure no secondary pockets of delamination remain in the wall before concrete replacement.

Civil/Structural/RE EC 75219, Revision 0, final review C. Glenn Pugh Civil/Structural/RE 701/2-8/10 N te- co S m mS_ A7 1 PassPort Screen has "outage" checked The outage checkbox is grayed out and no. It should be checked yes will not allow to be checked. This is the same as EC 75000.

2 Under Section B.3.8 add EC 63020 for Added Safe Load Paths 3 Under Section B.4.7 add EC 63020 for Added Safe Load Path when using the Manitowoc 2250 crane 4 Section B.5 has no assumptions or A caveat was in place, however the caveats noted. However, the Risk decision was made to remove this caveat assessment, Section B.6.5 and other after discussion with PII and engineering sections indicated the root cause needs lead (P. Fagan). It is understood that the to be completed prior to start of work. portion of the root cause dealing with Need to indicate this in the Assumptions micro-cracking was reintroduced.

HOO Reviews Page 18 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO section, check the caveat box on the However, after careful discussion, P11 PassPort screen. Agree, that hydro- acknowledged that methods for surface demolition needs to be ruled out as a preparation other than hydrodemolition contributing cause, or at least justifiy that could also cause micro-cracking at a no further cracking into the buttresses is much higher frequency. Based on the expected due this method of removal. necessity for surface preparation, hydrodemolition was left in as the least likely to produce adverse affects. At this time the additional testing for subsurface microcracking was included. A root cause review was added to the EC package to ensure all additional requirements before releasina hvdrodemolition for work.

5 Under Section B.6.7 add EC 63020 for Added Safe Load Path when using the Manitowoc 2250 crane. This would apply if a chipping platform is reinstalled. Also would apply for hydro 6 Section B.7 needs to be revised to show Updated current project team and interfaces as outlined in Aaron Mallner's email dated 1/26 and as amended by Emin Ortalan's email dated 1/27/10 7 A comment from 30% challenge was to B.4.10 was updated to leave the removal consider the need to pull back the of tendons at the discretion of SGT based tendons from the flexible tendon sleeves on various comments. They shall be because of possible damage from the responsible for ordering replacements as hydro-demolition process. There are no required for this at risk activity.

instructions in the EC to do this.

8 Currently Section D.2 and the sketch Rebar Tail is now specified as 9" says to cut all #8 bars leaving an 8" (+/- minimum based on Scott Mawhinney's 1") tail. Conversations with installers input. No maximum is provided as cuts indicate they would like an option of are to be made with respect to interfacing leaving more of a tail if possible to do lap EC 75220 with consideration given splices instead of mechanical splices, adjacent rebar, tendons. Lengths are Need to have an option of 8" or 40" specifically called out as potentially (40db) See AREVA comments below for needing longer than 9" based on further information on this staggering and code splice requirements.

9 It appears the "Subsurface Mirco- Based on conversation with P11, it was Cracking Test" per ICRI 3739 is a pullout determined a test should show whether test for repaired concrete. Should this significant micro-cracking would occur in test be in EC 75220 instead of this one? the subsurface. This test would require pullout of in-situ cores. It is understood that this intent of the test is to normally test across the layers of repair, but this EC implements it a little differently to check the soundness of the underlying concrete. The instructions for use are the same as it would be for checking a repaired surface and is cleaner than HOO Reviews Page 19 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO creating a new test. It may also be implemented in EC 75220 for further evaluation of the repaired conditions.

10 Section E.1 has the in-situ strength test See above resolution which is the same as above. Same question, should this be in 75220 instead.

11 30% Comment 11 from Bill Alumbaugh is See Comment #8 resolution similar to comment 8 above and is not included in Section D.2 12 Consider deleting Sections J.3 and J.4. Deleted Not used 13 The ACI 503R-93 included as an The document has been scanned in attachment has no EC, Attachment, or again and appropriate header added.

page number identification required for an EC attachment.

Dicpie/rga Reiw--- Bc-p_ o'Re-s v-ew I

Scott Mawhinney 01/28/10 N (AREVA Engineerin CvlSrcua I General comment on SK 75219-C001 reieplaese aetreiin 1 Line weight in color do not print as a hard Drawing SK-75219-C001 has been solid line revised, please see latest revision.

2 . Why is the first elevation call Fig. 3 when Drawing SK-75219-COO1.has been the second elevation has no Fig. revised, please see latest revision.


3 No ledged for concrete removal limits Drawing SK-75219-CO01 has been revised, please see latest revision.

4 Hatch pattern comes all the way to the Drawing SK-75219-CO01 has been buttress; it should stop 6" before buttress. revised, please see latest revision.

5 Extraneous delamination information Drawing SK-75219-CO01 has been should be removed from the second revised, please see latest revision.

elevation view and the hatch pattern should cove the entire area (less dense pattern).

6 The "construction opening section should Drawing SK-75219-CO01 has been be called B-B and shown on the elevation revised, please see latest revision.

view; also a 90 degree cut should show a similar detail.

7 The 8" plus or minus 1" is not generous Drawing SK-75219-CO01 has been enough, the book says 7" min for # 8, I revised, please see latest revision.

would say 9" min and add a note to say that HOO Reviews Page 20 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO splice must be planned around obstructions such as horizontal tendon ducts, length will vary. Also it is my understanding that near the "dog house" the #8 @12" transition to

  1. 11 @ 9". Therefore, # 11 will require more than the minimum 7".

8 Section A-A should not say 10" max Drawing SK-75219-C001 has been removal, it should say 10" typical, see note revised, please see latest revision.

3 9 Section A-A please show center line of Drawing SK-75219-C001 has been buttress for clarity and the buttress itself is revised, please see latest revision.

not drafted in the proper proportion.

10 Detail A, I thought 10" deep was to the Drawing SK-75219-C001 has been centerline of hoop tendon, it is not show revised, please see latest revision.

that way. Also surfaces should be shown rough and delineated "see EC 75220 D.2 "preparation of concrete surface" Section D Comments 13 In Section D.2 add: If a survey is required prior to and just

13. Conduct survey before detensioning, after detensioning it needs to be included after detensioning, and establish in EC 75218 which implements work construction control so that formwork can around the detensioning schedule. This be properly placed so as to verify required EC assumes all that work is completed minimal membrane thickness as well as the and work is ready to commence on the alignment of reinforcingsteel. removal. Please contact Ken McEwan to incorporate this EC comment as needed into EC 75218.

14 Removal of concrete

[below is also note 1 on drawing C001]

1. SK-75219-CO01 depicts the Additional wording was added to step, approximate limits and depths of however, no specific tool weight shall be delaminated concrete, limits of specified based on, the variety of unsound concrete will vary, potential circumstances which may arise.

however, limits of concrete removal ICRI documents recommend no greater are expressly shown. When than 30 lb equipment to prevent micr-unsound concrete is discovered cracking. As such it is left at the beyond the limits of removal the discretion of the RE using the Concrete Responsible Engineer shall be repair manual as a guide.

contacted prior to its removal. In certain areas/circumstances hydrodemolition shall be discontinued and hand methods of removal shall used with chipping tools less than 60 pounds in weight.

[see note 4 on drawing C001]

2. [last part of section], add the word Added "horizontal" hoop tendon
3. when spalled areas pass beyond Added the 10" depth, refer to note 1 and I HOO Reviews Page 21 of 25 JI

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO hand methods may be required to complete the removal of unsound concrete.

4. Within 36 & 80 bar diameters of the Reworded.. Holdpoint was incorporated concrete removal limit reinforcement to prevent cutting of rebar greater than may be cut to utilize a lap splice #8 without prior approval to ensure

[alternate splices] or. the bar May be proper lengths will remain in place.

trimmed no closer than 9" from the Reference to EC 75220 is also added.

edge of demolition for the use of an approved mechanical coupler. The saw cut/friction blade reinforcement removal is the only recommended preparation for the mechanical coupler installation. However, for safety reasons, flame cutting within 6" of a prepared end is permissible.

The only reinforcement that may be cut and spliced are #11 reinforcement and smaller. Also only # 8 reinforcement and smaller may utilize a lap splice of a minimum of 36 bar diameters.

[Revise note 2 on drawing C001]

15 1 Preparation of Concrete Surface

1. I would suggest saw cut between 1" Saw cut is only prescribed method now.

and 1 1/2" deep, they should saw cut Drawing shows 6" offset vertically 6" away from edge of 6"

2. no comment No resolution req'd
3. no comment No resolution req'd
4. this should go in the category below Cleaning is part of the surface preparation and is acceptable in the current section. Testing will not commence until all surface prep is completed
5. rebar inspection and preparation of This inspection is a cursory review by the splice should either be its own site engineering to ensure any significant section or omitted from EC 75219 issues are identified up front before IWL and placed in 75220 inspections take place per EC 75220.

This is above and beyond what is required and is able to commence while the civil engineer is already up on necessary work platforms overseeing sounding/surface prep.

16 Surface test

1. no comment [N/C No resolution req'd
2. N/C No resolution req'd HOO Reviews Page 22 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO

3. N/C No resolution req'd
4. Call out the epoxy brand Epoxy procured is at the discretion of SGT. It was left open with the BOM

[General comment: this test should be requiring minimum characteristics so performed now to make sure it is whatever was quickly attainable could successful, due to the relative lack of be ordered.

tensile strength of this concrete (aggregate) as compared to other mix designs you may Mock-ups are at the discretion of want to verify the test is achievable] SGT. This testing is again above and beyond what is required by IWL for concrete surface preparation and may be discontinued at the discretion of the responsible civil engineer based on circumstance.

Dicpie/rga Reie Scp of- Revie Mech. Maint. EC 75219 Final Review Reiee -isciplinea- D - -. i Rick Pepin 1/30/10 No 1 Section D.2, #4 - remove AI-1000, SGT Added "or approved SGT equivalent" to is not using this procedure, they have ensure traceability of any potential their own procedure (say lAW approved procedure usage, even potentially outside procedure) of SGT's current scope of work.

2 D.2, #5 - Scaffold is lAW approved Added "or approved SGT equivalent" to procedure ensure traceability of any potential procedure usage, even potentially outside of SGT's current scope of work.

3 Removal of Concrete, #4 - Rebar cannot Saw cutting is required for using the be saw cut in many areas, do not use this mechanical couplers based on discussion restriction, we are guessing by drawings with the EC 75220 responsible engineer.

on the rest of this line and we cannot put Added wording to say to contact PGN the "shall not" in here because we may civil engineering for acceptable have issues, leave more should and as alternative methods within the bounds of allowable and not "shall not EC 75220 (in-development) so as not to invalidate the rebar replacement design.

4 Preparation of surface, #1 - I think the Wording changed to PGN civil design "responsible Engineer" making all the engineering. Civil engineering will be field decisions is a hold that we are staffed on dayshift/nightshift with setting ourselves up for. The RE will not mandatory turnovers once work has be here round the clock. Field Engineers commenced. There will be no "sitting on will be. We need to be careful of titles so hands" while waiting for the morning. At when we go round the clock I am sitting least one civil engineer will have received on my hands waiting for the next dayshift. turnover about the previous shifts work and can direct work in the field as required.

5 Preparation of surface, #5 - Sounding will There seems to be a general be done by "who and who will make this misunderstanding of the sounding contract, is this team around the clock process. Sounding in this case refers to HOO Reviews Page 23 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO group that can support a restart of a hitting the wall with a hammer or other unit that is off line. Is this group properly long metallic object and listening to a tone staffed to do this work in a schedule change. The tone change indicates an basis? area of delamination that needs to be removed. The intent is to remove secondary delamination that is not visible to the naked eye. ASTM 4580 was added to provide guidance on how this works (See procedure B, ASTM 4580). No special equipment or personnel is required.

6 Section B.6.6 These requirements and associated evaluation are exactly as per EC 63016 Water requirements when Mac & Mac provided the The samples for radioactivity are clear to hydrodemolition services. If Mac & Mac is us. The base line chemical requirements again the hydrodemolition vendor, then to us are not clear for what is required for they would best know what works with hydro blasting. We need to ensure their equipment. This EC was generalized disposal requirements and waste water based on the final hydrodemolition vendor but on up front requirements that are not being unknown (Be it Mac & Mac or real clear here. American Hydro). More specific requirements can be included if and when Waste water requirements I believe we they are required as determined by the can deal with. vendor. As noted in the EC the details for the water supply are outside the scope of this EC and may be processed in the associated WO task as was the case with EC 63016.

7 Surface Testing Considerations: Wording changed to under the direction of PGN civil design engineering. EC's do Pre statement. "Testing will be not prescribe how work is to be implemented under the direction of the scheduled, they merely provide the RE." How do I schedule that? design requirements for any given project and why they are acceptable.

1. If this testing is a standard procedure I suggest referencing Attachments Z03 and Z07 give step by step instructions on how to perform the We can go a long ways doing this testing testing. A brief overview was written in without putting in concrete, This section is the installation instructions so as to not able to schedule or deliver to the prevent rewriting the ICRI documents in vendor the extent of what is going to be the installation section. For the surface done, somehow we have to better define testing, assuming 50 tests are conducted what we are looking for here, "...To scheduling would be the time it takes to ensure significant damage has not been "glue" 50 1 in2 aluminum T-bars to the wall sustained..." and pull them off. Once the pull of rig is developed it will not take more than a few minutes to conduct a test at each location plus the time to access those locations.

The frequency now includes a practicality statement, however 50 would be the most one should expect. As for the Pae subsurface 24of 2 HOO evies HOO Reviews Page 24 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO testing a maximum of three 2" cores at least 6" deep spaced evenly over the entire repair area would be needed" those cores stay in place during testing and again pull as before on the cores. As noted above, PGN civil engineering will be working day/nightshift to support any and all work in the field. Mock-up testing can and should be scheduled/performed at the discretion of SGT. There would also be PGN civil support as required

+ +

durina that time.

8 No less than two and no greater than Again, these are the requirements directly 12.5, the rest of this needs to go related to hydrodemolition work performed under EC 63016 by Mac &

Only pH sampling will need to be Mac. The requirements states the performed as a ore-reouisite for contractor "should strive" for those limits discharge. Contractor should strive to based on previous SGR experience.

keep the pH between 6.0 and 9.0. Merely asserting that the contractor Periodic sampling of pH will be needed. A should strive for those limits does not "stop job" limit shall be established at pH prevent the job from being implemented.

less than or equal to 2, or pH greater than As such, the requirement will remain as or equal to 12.5. written as changing the wording does not Drevent work in the field.

9 The surface prep is pretty unique and As noted, these are in-situ tests meaning might end up being a huge point of it is field testing, not lab testing. It is discussion, the manual referenced notes understood there are a number of no embedded materials in the technical construction aids, but the vast majority of guidelines for in-situ testing referenced, the testing is at the surface on a very there are many construction aids in our localized area < 2in 2. The instructions wall that might prevent us getting good allow for testing to be ceased based on samples, not sure how we are going to practicality or if the results show meet this lab testing requirements on the consistent meaningful data. Reference wall. comment #7 resolution.

10 There is a lot of detail that is based on lab Review comment #7 and #9 resolutions.

testing and lab practices referenced that A practicality statement was added to the will most likely not apply to work that is installation instructions for such cases as taking place on the wall. The pull off test was described. A statement allowing and the surface requirements and amount termination of testing of detail for lab testing may not be applicable on most places on the containment. The amount of steel down by the doghouse and the bottom of the delamination will preclude most of this testing.

11 12 13 14 HOO Reviews Page 25 of 25

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 1.1 Design Verification (Select, copy, and paste the table below into a WORD file and e-mail to Lead DV. Select, copy and paste table from DV response below. Have Lead DV agree that all comments are resolved prior to advancing EC status to H/APPR.)

The signature of the Lead Reviewer records that:

- the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;

- appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;

- the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.

IScope of Reie 1i~ngReviewv~

Eng.ineersm M we'sRve EC 75219, Rev.0 1 tecuon A.0, t'age j: uoncrete memovai vYOrK piatrorm usage nas yet to De (EC 75219): In the scope it indicates that finalized. Once all necessary platforms this EC will review the necessary work are identified they may be included in a platforms associated to perform the work. revision to either this EC or EC 75000 There is no discussion in the EC in under the direction of Paul Fagan.

Section B or Section D about the work Changed wording as noted. Currently, platforms. Need to provide information only the tendon platforms are identified as on the work platforms. Also in the last being used for repair activities which were sentence under this title change "slab" to qualified previously for work per EC "delaminated concrete". 63016.

2 Section A.6, Page4: OE 14720: It is Included as a requirement of the pre-job mentioned that a note will be added in brief precautions and limitations. that the containment coordinator to inform all personnel in the immediate area about the start of hydro-demolition. This instruction is not in Section DOO.

3 Section A.6, Page 5: OE 29756: Under Included as a requirement of the pre-job how the issue is addressed in this EC, it brief is mentioned a note will be added in precautions and limitations installation instructions regarding proper inspection of the hydro-demolition equipment, however it is not mentioned in DOO Section Precautions and Limitations.

4 Section B.2, Page 1: in the second Sentence correctly reads "75218" paragraph 72518 should be 75218.

In the fourth paragraph add concrete after depth of.

5 Section B.3, Page 1: References ICRI 100 DV Page 1 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 03730, 03732, 03737, and 03739 are now Incorporated as noted.

called as # 310.1R, # 310.2, # 310.3, and

  1. 210.3. I do not have the revised copies.

I do not know if any information has changed. Suggest adding these numbers in parenthesis. Also note that ACI 515.1R referenced in ICRI 03732 has been withdrawn on Jan 01, 1979.

Reference 1.11: Change 'to" to "for" and "Bon' to "Bond" Reference 1.14: parenthesis missing before Concrete.

Reference 9.2: Change Amendment #229 to 235 and Revision 73 to 81.

6 Section B.3: Add the following additional References Added references: ACI 318-63, ASTM 421-65 and 98a, CHE-NGGC-0045, SP-736K, Al

-1816, OP-417, AI-1820, EVC-SUBS-00008, EVC-SUBS-00016, EC ED 59400, EC 75497, EVC-SUBS-00107, EVC-CRNF-00002 and FLAO 16960 at the respective locations. The above references are used in the body of the EC at different places.

7 Section B.3, Page 3, Reference 9.2 Revision Level Updated change Amendment 229 to 239 and Revision 73 to 81.

8 Section B.4.1, Page 4: Delete the LCO Design Input reworded and simplified requirements and rest of the paragraph suggest changing it to state that "during No Mode there are no TS requirements for containment integrity or TS Actions that require containment closure, however the containment should not have catastrophic failure during the applicable design basis loads".

9 Section B.4.3, Page 4: add FSAR Section Added Basis 5.1.1 under Basis.

10 Section B.4.4, Page 5: Add OP-417 under OP-417 added. Note was left about the Basis. OP-417 mentions that the optimum maximum temperature approaching average temperature during full power 130°F based on input from system operation is approximately 1150 F (Page engineer. However normal limit was 8). In lieu of this should we use 1 150 F changed to 60-115 0 F.

instead of 1300 F.

11 Section B.4.6, Page 6: The last sentence WO was providing reference/basis so in the second paragraph mentions the new WO could be completed. To prevent details for water supply and disposal for confusion, WO order was removed and concrete removal shall be included and Basis just references EC 63016.

approved per the associated Work Order Task and references EC 63016 WO 100 DV Page 2 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 1165094-03 under basis. Note that this work order is closed under EC 63016.

Need to develop new work order task for this work.

12 Section B.4.7, Page 6: Add EC 75497. Added interfacing EC 13 Section B.4.1 1, Page 7: Discuss about Added as per EC 63016 pumps and piping for hydro-demolition process as mentioned in EC 63016 Section B.4.11.

14 Section B.4.19, Page 8: Add 3.9 to Added Improved Technical Specifications under Basis.

15 Section B.4.26, Page 9: Change "of" to Basis added. Reworded to read more "under" in the second line and add EC clearly.

63016 under Basis.

16 Section B.4.28, Page 9: Need to discuss Added discussion about prevention of debris falling on personnel during concrete cutting or hydro-demolition.

17 Section B.6.1, Page 11: In the first line in Corrected this page change "installation of the cuts" to "removal of delaminated concrete" and add after removed in the second line "and repaired" 18 Section B.6.2, Page 11: In the second Corrected paragraph first line add after "The" "delaminated concrete" and change describe to described in the last sentence and change cut installation in the last line to removal process.

19 Section B.6.5, Page 12: It is mentioned This was based on Input from AREVA that 8 1/22" minimum delamination should design engineering in regards to the be removed to get adequate bond proposed radial reinforcement. ACI 316 development length as per ACI 316. The was corrected to read 318. Paragraph development length is dependent upon was reworded to say this was based on concrete strength and bar diameter. AREVA design engineering input (Scott Without the radial reinforcement design, Mawhinney). The removal depth is now how is the 8 1/2" length determined. Is stated as a 10" typical removal which ACI 316 the right code number, should it encompasses those design requirements.

be 318, Verify. It is also mentioned in the same paragraph that ACI 316 requirements for clear distance behind newly placed reinforcement should be followed. This clear distance should in front of newly placed reinforcement and also the code ACI 316 should be 318.

20 Section B.6.5, Page 13: First line revise Reworded as follows: Once the majority of concrete has been removed and after ensuring that sound concrete exists beyond the 100 DV Page 3 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO removed concrete final surface finishing can commence.

In the fourth sentence add after affixed "to Reworded the concrete surface". Delete separate after bond. After guidelines add as per ACI 503R in the next sentence.

In the second paragraph in the line after (Attachment Z07) change end to top.

21 Section B.6.5, Page 14: Delete the Corrected second "only" in the line that says 10" will only be allowed only.....

22 Section B.6.5, Page 14: Wind Loads: A Note added.

sentence can be added here to say that the wind load is enveloped by the Tornado Wind Loads.

23 Section B 6.5, Page 14: Tornado Wind As described in EC 75218, those areas Loads: The reference to Calculation S10- are acknowledged to have those high 0004 is not correct, it should be S10- stress levels and cracking is expected 0006. Calculation S10-0004 evaluates and considered acceptable. As a result of delaminated and detensioned concrete that EC mapping of those cracks in for dead load including equipment and required particularly above and below the thermal loads. It is also mentioned in this construction opening. That mapping calculation (Page 6) that at the final requirement was added into the detensioned state, some tensile and installation section. Additionally, EC shear stresses around the opening 75218 requires that those cracks be exceed the stress acceptance criteria, repaired with grouting per EC 75220.

This calculation also states that justification of these high-stress areas is outside the scope of this calculation.

Where is this justification provided and this should be referenced to indicate that the containment structure meets the acceptance criteria for thermal loads.

24 Section B.6.5, Page 14: Seismic Loads: Corrected Seismic loads are addressed in Calculation S10-0006 and not in S10-0004. Revise accordingly in two locations.

25 Section B.6.5, Page 15: Pressure Loads: Revised Change "Defueled "to "During No mode" since during defueled, it is required to consider LODHR pressure loads.

26 Section B.6.12, Page 17: Waste Water: So referenced Reference Procedure SP-736K for Waste Water removal requirements.

27 Section B.6.16, Page 18: In the first Reworded entire section based on sentence after prestress add "and aligning monitoring requirements as reduced concrete thickness" and add 0 F written in EC 75218.

after 70.

In the second paragraph it is mentioned The temperature is already being 100 DV Page 4 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO that device should be placed 2"-3" inside recorded in this fashion without any the core bore, this may interfere with 2"-3" difficulty. Changing it would describe the of polystyrene that will be used to plug measurement in a way it is not taking the core bore, consider changing the place.

dimension to 3"-4".

In the last paragraph, one sentence before the last sentence add after "outside containment" "temperature greater than 50°F and less than 60 0 F".

In the last line add after "Removal" "of concrete can start and" 28 Section B.6.26, Page 20: After EC 63020 All safe load paths from 63016 were add EC 63016. Since EC 63016 covers included in latest rev of 63020 per E.

safe load paths for movement of Ortalan.


29 Section B.6.28, Page 20: Add after may Added.

in the last sentence "be". I 30 Section D.2, Page 1: Suggest adding the Additional prerequisites added.

following additional Prerequisites and Precautions:

a) Test all hydrodemoltion equipment before start of work.

b) A safety net or other devices must be erected around the hydrdemolition equipment to prevent debris from falling and injuring personnel c) Ensure that all applicable environmental permits are obtained and in place before implementation of activities associated with this EC.

d) Ensure that activities associated with this EC are in accordance with the applicable portions of EVC-CRNF-0002, "Use of Crystal River Nuclear Plant Site Specific Environmental Compliance Manual" e) All chemicals and other consumables shall be approved and properly labeled per CHE-NGGC-0045.

f) The containment coordinator is to be informed prior to start of hydro-demolition equipment. The coordinator must inform all personnel in the immediate area that the hydro-demolition activities will start and noise levels will increase dramatically.

100 DV Page 5 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 31 Section D.2, Page 1: The work order Added.

listed in Item 8 under Prerequisites and Precautions is not identified in X-ref.

32 Section D.2, Page 3: In item 7.b. delete Incorporated exceed after should.

In Item 3 under Subsurface Micro-Cracking Test Considerations, delete "to" after craft and in Item 5 minimum of three times should be three locations, clarify.

In Item 1 under Monitoring ... add after attached "to".

33 File G01- SK-75219-CO01: Editorial Drawing has been revised.

Note 1: Change 1CR1 to ICRI and AC1 to ACI. Drawing 421-032 is the proper drawing Note 3: Change AMY to MAY and and references the layout of the #8 bars.


Note 4: Provide space between Legend and Delamination depth is a HYDRDEMOLITION and DAMAGE. general guide prepared by the condition Change C to G in third line and provide assessment team. A noted in the space after RESPONSIBLE and change installation instructions, the drawing is to DSCETION to DESCRETION in the provide a guideline/starting point.

fourth line. Sounding will ensure any are which may Drawing 421-032 referenced in Note 2 exceed the limits shown on that figure are should be 421-351 verify, properly removed.

Some locations that are shown to have delamination depths not greater than 8.5" under LEGEND have depths greater than 8.5" verify.

34 Section H.1, Page 1: Under EC 75219 Deleted scope, delete "and removal" after detensioning in the third line.

35 Section H.2, Page 4: the fifth line requires Reworded some rewording. Should this be plant personnel and Final DRB.

36 Section J.1, Page 1: Job Objectives: Last Incorporated sentence change This to The.

Page 2: Under Error Precursor, suggest checking Repetitive actions, Unexpected equip conditions, Adverse physical conditions, illness and under Error Prevention Techniques "Tests".

37 Attachment Z02: Does not have header Header was added and footer.

38 Attachment Z05, Page 1: change removal Attachment Z05 is now intentionally left to removed in the third line under blank based on it containing outdated Purpose. monitoring requirements. This was based Page 2: Item 6, delete r from strand in the on review comments by Operations.

first line.

Note: The Lead Reviewer signature on the EC DV milestone panel signifies that a lead review has been performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003 and that errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed) have been resolved and included in the EC package.

100 DV Page 6 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO 100 DV Page 7 of 7

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO J.1 Engineering Pre-Job Briefing Responsible Engineer: Aaron Mallner Date: 12/23/09 Job Obiectives: (Clearlydefine the task and what the task entails (scope). Discuss how the scope of the task was validated.)

The main objective of this EC is to remove the delaminated concrete as documented in AR 358724358724 This will be accomplished via hydro demolition and/or mechanical removal/cutting. Underlying traditional reinforcements will be cut and removed as a result of this EC. Removal method will be such that tendon sheaths sustain minimal damage so their reuse is possible. The end state of this EC shall provide necessary input into the interfacing EC 75220 for concrete placement.

Job Expectations: (Clearly define Roles and Responsibilities (performer,preparer,checker, independence of verifier, project coordinator,corporate, Non Station Personnel, etc.).

Aaron Mallner will act as Responsible Engineers for this EC. A specific verifier, third party reviewer, etc.

have not been identified at this time. Careful interface and oversight by RE and Supervision will be required since this EC will also involve many consultants, contractors, and in-house engineering staff.

Other plant personnel from the Root Cause team, Maintenance, Radiation Protection, etc will have an opportunity to review and comment on the EC package.

Other Expectations include:

" Perform evaluations and analysis of acceptable repair options.

  • Follow applicable procedures.
  • Maintain communication with assigned personnel.

" Review and incorporate applicable OE.

" Effectively communicate issues that impact success of product or established schedule.

  • Notify supervision if conditions change that alter the scope of this pre-job brief or the validation planning. Maintain focus on risk planning established in validation plan.
  • Target date for EC approval to meet project schedule needs.

Skill Sets Required (including impacted organization reviewers): (Review personnel qualifications.Establish appropriatementoring and oversight if appropriate.)

This is a civil/structural design modification. Civil/Structural design engineer qualifications are required.

All anticipated personnel assigned to this modification are experienced and do not require mentoring.

CR3 Design engineering supervision and management will provide oversight on the EC.

Specific skill set requirements include:

  • Knowledge of the ACI Building Code and Concrete Design techniques.
  • Knowledge of CR3 Design and Licensing Basis
  • Knowledge of finite element plate and beam analysis, and seismic analysis techniques.
  • Coordination with team members to evaluate ongoing activities
  • Remain cognizant of plant personnel safety during concrete placement.

" Knowledge of heavy load lifting activities J00 Page 1 of 8

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 Error Precursors (TWIN analysis)

Task Demands Work Environment IndividualCapabilities Human Nature Time/Schedule Pressure Distractions Unfamiliarity with task Stress - Work/ Home High Workload rJ Changes from routine .r Lack of knowledge Health patterns Multiple simultaneous tasks r, Confusing displays/Controls New techniques not used jy- Assumptions Repetitive actions/monotony Workarounds/OOS before Complacence Unrecoverable / Irreversible actions equipment Lack of proficiency Overconfidence Interpretation requirements "j Hidden system responses Unsystematic problem r7 Mind Set Unclear goals, roles, responsibilities I Unexpected equip solving skills Inaccurate risk perceptions Lack of/or unclear standards conditions "Unsafe" attitude for [7 Mental shortcuts r7, Activity inputs inadequate Adverse physical conditions critical tasks r7 Limited short term memory r- Vague or incorrect guidance Illness/ Fatigue/ General Apparent emotional health Health First day back from days off Wo ý First time evolution Error Prevention Techniques W-1 Self Check / STAR r*..i Checklists r-o Peer Check F,.5 Step Problem Solving Process r7 OAQ-3 Pass (Att. 13) p Communication r-f Mentoring Task Planning Review r.i Procedure adherence 17pTests Reviews r- SAFER F Time out Prioritization/Budget Required F1 Yes lNo

[Sponsor identified F Parts identified Project prioritized & budgeted - Elements for estimate identified rT Capital/ O&M 17 Maintenance to implement Contractor to implement Additional Checklist Items J00 Page 2 of 8

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 Roles/Responsibilities/Reviews ro Work assignment made, roles defined, key interfaces identified jv Required internal reviews (including an independent verifier), Required third party reviews Jr' Expectations and makeup of EC Teams and DRB rv Individual accountability made clear Plant Interface Plant Walkdown needs I- ALARA rv Personal safety (heat stress, electrical, safety equipment) rV Review plant scheduling and plant interface considerations Product Quality Considerations ro Risk management worksheet and Validation plan completed, mitigating strategies discussed Utilize the Product Quality Checklists r Formalized design inputs (for Outsourced products and vendor supplied inputs) f Need for a formal FMEA r For digital upgrades, consider EGR-NGGC-0157 requirements

r. Design basis and margin considerations identified IV Validating assumptions Human Performance Tools rv Lessons leamed / CE items - Include feedback on recent product quality concerns from CAP roll-up, EPR, EC, Team implementation roll-up and EC reviews [Significant NCR 105197]

For EC (Permanent Design/Commercial Change, Alternate Replacements and Temporary Design/Commercial Change) reviews: Review the last 6 months of NCRs related to Engineering Change by running a text search report using "Engineering Change" or "EC."

Methods of communicating and coordinating actions r Emphasis on doing the job right vs. schedule Miscellaneous r Review appropriate programs/ procedures to be used Schedule of milestones (design inputs, reviews, etc.)

f Implementation of work management tool to schedule reviews r Implementation of project management tools (including need for a project plan) per NGGM-PM-001 8 Comments:

J.2 Engineering Change Checklist The following engineering change checklists address the design specification, administrative items, implementation, and testing. Use this checklist to ensure all important aspects of the engineering change have been captured.

Adminlstralliv/ASSPORT C derawe Y NA 1 Problem statement is adequately documented in the Contents section of the EC. r, F 2 Solution statement is adequately documented in the Contents section of the EC. Options are evaluated and the 7' reasons for selection and elimination have been provided.

3 The history/root cause of the issue that has necessitated the EC has been provided. Applicable NCRs and OE w r have been incorporated.

4 EC Team members are listed in the Contents section. An NIT SME has been included on the EC team for plant r I' J00 Page 3 of 8

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 AdministrativelPASSPORT Considerations Y NA digital SSC-related products.

5 If EC is a Commercial Change, the Commercial Change Screening Criteria (Attachment 1 of EGR-NGGC-0005) _-

has been completed.

6 The revision levels of applicable documents utilized to develop the EC have been verified. R 7 The accuracy of the Table of Contents has been verified. Ensure page numbers in the Table of Contents match F the page numbers in the sections.

8 "Track changes", if used, has been set to display revision bars only. R 9 Validation plan is included in the review section of the EC package (if required). rF 17 10 DRB comments/resolutions are included in the review section of the EC package [e-(

11 All information is legible so that QA records can be made. "

12 EGR-NGGC-0005, Attachment 7 screening criteria has been used to determine required reviews. FT 13 The required discipline inputs and outputs have been design verified or engineering reviewed as required. Lead i'

  • reviews and concurrent reviews have been completed.

14 The applicable Discipline, Program, and 50.59 reviewers are qualified in PQD. I r 15 If EC is a Master, the Master EC field is checked. If EC is a Child, Child is in the KW4 field and the Master EC is i R on the Xref panel.

16 For concurrent modifications, the Adv Wk Appvd field is checked. ni We 17 "Cavet Outst" field is checked if caveats or exclusions (future details, missing documentation, vendor outputs, .

etc.) are identified in the scope of the EC.

ADL is complete. All affected documents are included. Reviewed field is checked. If a Turnover is required to  ;

18 Operations, the "Ops Svc" field is checked for each document that is required to be updated prior to turnover.

Compare ADL to Section C (Markup) to ensure affected document lists match.

19 For temporary changes, the appropriate incorporation code has been identified for documents on the ADL.  !-W 20 AEL is complete. All affected tags are included. Minor revisions have been initiated and reviewed. F F 21 Reason for Revision attribute has been added and completed if EC is being revised FT 22 "VALIDATION PLAN APPROVED" and "50.59 APPROVED AND ON XREF" attributes have been added and Fr completed if applicable. Document Validation Plan approvals in notes.

23 The correct quality class has been included on the Attributes Panel in accordance with EDB and the Quality W0 i Classification of Section B.

24 Turnover to Operations is checked Y or N on the Attributes panel (and agrees with Turnover/Closeout Summary

  • F and Testing requirements).

25 All required reviews and approval signoffs have been included on the Milestone Panel. R 1 26 For EC's that require turnover, the 'RE T/O RELEASE' and 'OPS T/O ACCEPT' milestones are included. These 11 R-i milestones are not included for EC's not requiring turnover (including Master EC's). The 'DOC REV RELEASE' milestone is not included for Master EC's.

27 For Child EC's, the N050.59 IMPACT1 and N050.59 IMPACT2 milestones are included. r-i 28 Work Orders (required for turnover), Action Requests (NCR, OPEX, REG, NTM, etc.) are included in the Xref R Panel. Delete Work Package and Work Request references. Ensure no WO tasks are on Xref panel for Master EC's.

29 An NTM AR has been initiated if a post-job briefing and/or post-job critique has been specified on the validation R 17 plan 30 A.1.1. The basis for the initial risk level has been re-evaluated during the Engineering product development F7 process when new information is available, and for modified or new scope.

J00 Page 4 of 8

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 Design Section Yý NA 1 Design Specification scope is clearly defined with specific detail and for software applications meets EGR-NGGC- F rF 0157 requirements. Caveats or exclusions that will be included in a future EC revision (e.g. future details, missing documentation, vendor outputs, etc.) are identified.

2 Codes, specifications and standards applicable to the design are consistent with the plant commitments (e.g.  !' -


3 All design inputs identified in EGR-NGGC-0005, Attachment 2 and EGR-NGGC-0157, Attachment 6 have been r reviewed for applicability.

4 Design inputs indicate the basis and source of each input. rF_ F 5 Design inputs are in accordance with the sources identified in Attachment 2 of EGR-NGGC-0005. WI 6 Design inputs clearly address required operating conditions for equipment (normal, transient, and accidents) and r the expected performance requirements under these conditions.

7 Interfaces with other SSCs are clearly identified in design inputs. rr 8 All assumptions are clearly identified and bases for assumptions (or method of validation) are provided. IT 9 Evaluation considers and dispositions each identified design input. Evaluations are provided in the "Evaluation" F section, and not in the "Design Inputs" section.

10 Impacts on PSA modes, assumptions and success criteria are identified. rr.

11 Relative internal (plant specific) and external (nuclear and non-nuclear) operating experience is considered in the W!, F design and is evaluated.

12 Evaluation includes a failure modes and effect discussion for new and modified equipment. V7 F 13 Evaluation identifies changes to margins and considers mitigation for reduced margins. W r 14 Evaluation considers in-process Engineering Changes to interfacing SSCs. Potential impacts based on possible F rF cumulative effects are evaluated. Required sequencing of implementation and document updates is considered.

15 Vendor-supplied technical data has been validated against design inputs. FIT'!

16 lndividualsNendors who provided input (excluding EC Team members) are identified in the Interfaces section. F7 r7 17 The applicable quality classifications are identified based on EC scope and boundaries are established. W IT-,

18 Constructability walkdowns have been completed, if possible, to verify actual plant configuration and YI F' constructability of the design. Where constructability walkdowns are not possible, the modification clearly identifies the possible risk that field changes based on actual as-builts may be required.

19 Modifications that involve interface agreements have responsibilities (including engineer of record) and testing r 1'-

requirements defined by responsible groups.

20 The impact to Preventive Maintenance program has been considered and reviewed. This includes: r F

" establishing or revising the scope of PM activities, including material requirement changes (Note: Model Work Order may have staged Material Requests that require revision) (PM Planner)

" establishing or revising the frequency of PM performance (System Engineer or Program Engineer)

" planning to reset schedule for PM performance based on modification activities (PM Program Manager) 21 Software and databases used meet the benchmarking and verification procedural requirements. -'! rI7 22 Increased rigor used when modifying daisy-chained electrical circuits. (CAPR 292232) F, 117 23 Wire segment numbers are changed wherever a discontinuity is introduced or recognized within a control circuit. ' WF (CAPR 292232)

Document/Database Impact Considerations Y NA 1 Design record document (Drawings, Calculations, DBD's, Specifications, etc.) impacts have been identified. Fr r-J00 Page 5 of 8

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 Document/Database Impact Considerations Y NA 2 Non-Design record document (POM Procedures, System Descriptions, Operator Aids, etc.) impacts have been r1 V, identified.

3 Vendor Manual changes for addition or deletion of information have been identified. F r1 4 EDB change information is clearly identified. Review EDB requirements for affected or new equipment tags and F, P ensure Maintenance Rule and ZTEF codes have been entered. Minimum required data fields for new equipment tags have been included per EGR-NGGC-0012. A Manufacturer Model Version (MMV) has been identified for any procured component subject to maintenance. For calibrated devices, setpoint parameters have been identified. If installing new equipment, consider if an EDB tag number(s) should be assigned. Ensure software components receive EDB tag numbers, when required by EGR-NGGC-0157.

5 Electrical cable management impact has been identified and input provided by the cable management r 17 coordinator if wires, cables or conduits are added, removed or spared.

6 The applicable load lists in Operations procedures are considered for impact if adding, removing, or modifying r-P electrical characteristics of a component fed from an electrical panel, bus or MCC.

7 Markups are provided for each impacted document or a precise description of the impact to each document is F rP7 provided. Consider preparation of a sketch list to aid in document update, particularly for large projects and when multiple sketches impact the same drawing.

8 Other tracking items (PMR AR's, NTM AR's, etc.) are identified. I-11 rP,,

9 Ifthe EC is a Master, no minor revisions are created. F Re I 10 Changes potentially impacting a regulatory commitment (BNP RRIL, RG 1.97, EP, ISI, ASSD, SBO, T/S, etc.) are F P1 adequately reviewed for updating of the calibration program (Ref. BNP procedure ENP-33.4) [BNP only]

Implementation Section V NA 1 A succinct description of the EC implementation instructions has been included in the "Installation" section. 1 1 2 The Precautions and Limitations applicable to the instructions are included. Caveats or exclusions that will be f included in a future EC revision (e.g. future details, missing documentation, vendor outputs, etc.) are identified.

3 Implementation instructions have been written to ensure that design requirements are achieved and maintained r -

throughout implementation.

4 The installation instructions clearly identify ALL installation sketches to be used and, encompass the entire Pr F installation scope of the mod. For software components, installation instructions are provided.

5 For concurrent modifications, the requirements of EGR-NGGC-0005, Attachment 3 have been met. F 6 For temporary changes, requirements for temporary change tagging have been developed and documented. rF P, 7 For temporary changes, an expiration date has been established and specific removal requirements have been F R considered and documented.

8 The EC Parts List includes the necessary parts for.the design, including software components. P F 9 The "Use" column of the EC Parts List is filled in correctly for the quality class of parts to be used in the design. r, 10 Elimination of inventory has been considered, including budget impact. F rI 11 QC Holdpoints currently not included in existing procedures needed for implementation of the EC are identified. r7rlF Refer to NUA-NGGC-1530.

12 For ECs requiring turnover, a request for the planner to initiate an AD type Work Order Task has been included in r 7W the instructions [BNP only]

13 A Turnover/Closeout Summary is included that identifies:  ! ,

" (for Master ECs) Scope of Child ECs including identification of affected SSCs and boundaries

" Known activities to be verified in the turnover process, specifically, required Operation's and Maintenance training J00 Page 6 of 8

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 Implementation Section 7'Y NA

  • Identification of post-turnover testing requirements

" Justification if no turnover is required

" Identification of known exceptions and caveats for turnover

  • Identification of closure activities and schedule
  • Identification of any tracking mechanisms for turnover or closeout activities
  • Spare parts are identified and M&CS notified Testing Considerations Y NA It has been verified that the test will demonstrate satisfaction of all performance criteria, including software functions, of the modification in addition to verifying the operability of the affected components and systems.

2 It has been verified that the modification will be tested in all its operating configurations. It has been verified that the test determines the modification has not adversely affected the unmodified portions of the component or I system.

3 A.1.2. It has been verified that the proposed test demonstrates proper functioning of the component or systems over its entire range of operation and can be performed under both current and anticipated plant conditions.

4 The test should verify that any substituted components or equivalency engineering was accurate and complete.

5 It has been verified that modifications to redundant equipment and components are tested identically and that subsequent testing receive the same level of review, verification, and validation as the initial test.

6 If the proposed test will cause plant parameters to change, it has been verified that all administrative and operating requirements are met for the anticipated changes.

7 Responsibility and authority to intervene or terminate the test if problems are encountered during testing have been established and communicated.

8 The test termination criteria are specified. It has been verified that the test termination criteria do not conflict with N guidance contained in normal, off-normal, or emergency operating procedures. Methods for resolving discrepancies have been identified.

9 It has been verified and documented that any procedure or document referenced by the test procedure is the most current revision.

10 Consideration has been giving to whether or not this test is an infrequently performed test or evolution or requires heightened level of awareness procedures. The basis for this determination has been developed and documented. [BNP - OPLP-017, CR3- AI-550, HNP- PLP-1 00, RNP- PLP-037]

11 If senior managers are required to be present during the test, the appropriate managers and their responsibilities have been identified.

12 It has been verified that station personnel required to conduct the test are trained and qualified to perform the f test.

13 Post modification testing includes plant mode required for testing and any special requirements.

14 Electrical and I&C post modification testing is specified per EGR-NGGC-0155. F W 15 If an SSC has been disturbed and then returned to original state, appropriate testing is specified. 1 F 16 If separate testing is performed on different portions of the affected SSCs (e.g., an electrical circuit), the overall r test plan ensures that no portions of affected SSCs that are required to be tested are omitted.

17 Plant digital SSC-related testing has been implemented per criteria in EGR-NGGC-0157. Software functionality has been validated prior to installation using test systems, simulations, or mockups.

18 A special procedure has been developed for PMT if an adequate procedure does not currently exist.

J00D Page 7 of 8

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219RO Testing Considerations Y NA 19 Post' modification testing includes design parameter/function to be tested and acceptance criteria. ot rF 20 Failure modes and effects analysis results are used as input to modification test planning and software r N validations.

JO0 Page 8 of 8

Section ZOO EC 75219 Pagel1 f43 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES Prepared by the International Concrete Repair Institute January 1997 Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer Overlays Guideline No. 03732 Technical Director:Lawrence Hagan Graphic designer: Karen Morey Copyright © 1997 International Concrete Repair Institute All rights reserved.

( 1323 Shepard Drive, Suite D, Sterling, Virginia 20164-4428 Phone 703-450-0116 Fax 703-450-0119 Email

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 2 of 43 CONCRETE REPAIR I)

I NVEF-NATIONAL N S T I1 ) T I-About ICRI guidelines Producers of this guideline The InternationalConcreteRepair Institute (ICR1) was founded to improve the durabilityof concrete repairand Task Group Members enhance its value for structureowners. The identifica- Rick Toman (chairman) tion, development, andpromotion of the most promising Wayne Benitz methods and materials areprimary vehiclesfor accel-Norm Gill erating advances in repairtechnology. ICRI members Keith Pashina working through a variety offorums have the opportu-nity to address these issues and to directly contribute Robert Traylor to improving the practice of concrete repair. Doug Wendler A principalcomponent of this effort is to make carefully selected information on criticalsubjects readily acces-sible to decision makers. During the past several de- Acknowledgements cades, much has been reported in the literatureon con- The members of the task group thank the many ICRI crete repairmethods and materials as they have been members who, through their review of this guideline, developed and refined. Nevertheless, it has been diffi- offered helpful suggestions. For their friendly yet rigor-cult to find criticallyreviewed information on the state ous critique, we particularly acknowledge the special of the art condensed into easy to use formats. contributions from the following:

To thatend, ICRI guidelines arepreparedby sanctioned Bryant Mather task groups and approvedby the ICRI TechnicalActivi- Sara Ramsdell ties Committee. Each guidelineis designed to address a Richard Reese specific area of practice recognized as essential to the achievement ofdurable repairs.All ICRI guideline docu-James Warner Mark Wileczek 7) ments are subject to continual review by the membership and may be revised as approved by the Technical Activi-ties Committee.

Technical Activities Committee Jack A. Morrow (chairman)

Samson Bandimere David Barton Eric Edelson Peter H. Emmons Robert Gaul Robert Gulyas Peter Harwood Ken Lozen James E. McDonald Dennis Pinelle Randall W. Poston Jeff Small



Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 3 of 43 INTERNATIONAL CONCRETE REPAIR N S T '1 1. 1 S Contents About this guideline ............................................................................. 2 Selecting surface preparation methods ................................................ 2 Mechanics of concrete removal ........................................................... 3 Specifying with concrete surface profiles ............................................. 6 M ethod selector ................................................................................... 7 Method descriptions Detergent scrubbing ........................................................................ 8 Low-pressure water cleaning ........................................................... 10 Acid etching ................................................................................... 12 Grinding ........................................................................................... 14 Abrasive (sand) blasting ................................................................ 16 Steel shotblasting ........................................................................... 18 Scarifying ........................................................................................ 20 Needle scaling ................................................................................. 22 High and ultra high-pressure water jetting ..................................... 24 Scabbling ........................................................................................ 26 Flame blasting ................................................................................ 28 Milling/rotomilling .......................................................................... 30 Appendix A: Method selection process ............................................. 32 Checklist: Substrate conditions ..................................................... 34 Checklist: Ow ner requirements ............................................................ 35 Checklist: Application conditions .................................................. 36 Appendix B: Sealers and coatings ..................................................... 39 Appendix C: Safety .............................................................................. 40 References and related material ........................................................... 41 This document is intended as a voluntary guidelinefor the owner, design professional and concrete repaircontractor. It is not in-tended to relieve the professional engineer or designer of any responsibility for the specification of concrete repair methods, materialsor practices. While we believe the informationcontained herein representsthe propermeans to achieve quality results, the InternationalConcrete RepairInstitute must disclaimany liability or responsibilityto those who may choose to rely on all or any part of this guideline.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 4 of 43 INTlERNATIONAL CONCRETE REPAIR I N S T I T U T E About this guideline This guide provides designers, specifiers, contractors, Substrate Coating


and manufacturers with the tools needed to select and conditions requirements specify the methods for preparing concrete surfaces prior to the application of sealer, coating and polymer over-lay systems. For the purposes of this guideline, surface project objectives preparation is the process by which sound, clean, and suitably roughened surfaces are produced on concrete substrates. This process includes the removal of un- Project Owner Application sound concrete and bond-inhibiting films, strength Analysis conditions verification, opening the pore structure, and establish-ing profiles suitable for the application of the speci- L Determine fied protective system. and prioritize Although many of the method summaries included in performance criteria this document contain data on removal capabilities, a full discussion of methods for the removal of encrusta-tions, stains, embedded contaminants, or existing coat-ings is beyond the scope of this guideline. Identify methods which will Guideline tools provide required 1 Method Selection Process: A workbook designed Preparation performance to organize and prioritize information needed for good Strategy selection decisions is located in Appendix A. Sample checklists and examples are included.

2 Method selector: This chart identifies methods ca-Select method(s) that provides optimum balance of


pable of producing the profile(s) typically recom- performance, risk, and cost factors mended for each coating type.

3 Method summaries: Capabilities, limitations, oper-ating requirements, environmental factors, and safety considerations for each method are presented.

1 Substrate condition: The strength of the substrate, 4 Surface profile chips: These replicas of typical sur- and the presence of unsound or bond-inhibiting ma-faces produced by one or more of the methods pro- terials help define the nature and volume of prepara-vide a visual standard for purposes of specification, tion needed.

execution, and verification. 2 Owner requirements: Noise, vibration, dust, and wa-ter are effects generated by various preparation meth-Selecting surface ods. The owner's need for uninterrupted use of the structure, concerns about operating environment or preparation methods property damage potential will limit the choices.

3 Material requirements: Surface preparation require-ments will vary with the protective coating system Determine project objectives h requirements selected. The properties and application requirements Most coating or sealing projects will have unique con- of the selected system should be determined before ditions and special requirements that must be evaluated or during this phase.

to determine which method(s) will best meet the engi- 4 Application conditions neers' and owners' objectives. The sample checklists Generation of dust, slurries, or water may require con-may be used to gather data needed to identify and pri- tainment and safe disposal. Mechanical ventilation, oritize performance requirements (pages 34 - 36). They available power sources, the size of door openings, will help ensure that important issues will be resolved at and minimum clearance will affect surface prepara-the optimum time-before the project is underway. tion decisions.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 5 of 43 NkI'EFIRNAT ION At.,


Establish performance priorities Performance criteria which best satisfy project objec-Mechanics of tives and requirements are developed and prioritized (see Appendix A, p. 37).

concrete removal Example: Deck coating installation In addition to project-specific requirements, method se-A parking structure providing 240 spaces for hospital lection must also be guided by the following principles of sound practice:

employees is to be protected by a traffic bearing mem-brane. Surface preparation will remove all deteriorated 1 The structure to be coated should not be damaged.

concrete, bond-inhibiting contaminants, and achieve a 2 The reinforcing steel should not be damaged nor its profile of CSP 3 -4. Structure has a common shear wall bond with the concrete loosened.

with patient rooms for two of its four levels. The hospi- 3 Vibration, impact, or thermal loads applied should tal requires that 85% of parking capacity remain in ser-not weaken the concrete, vice throughout project.

This section describes the cutting mechanisms used by Priorities: (ranked in order of importance) the methods summarized herein. This information will I Dust-free preparation to prevent finish damage to help users assess the relative potential of each prepara-parked vehicles tion method to damage or weaken the substrate.

2 Low noise/vibration to minimize patient discomfort Two methods, low-pressure water cleaning and de-3 Achieve profile CSP 3 or 4 to provide optimum sur- tergent scrubbing, do not remove sound concrete and do face for bonding not noticeably alter the profile of concrete surfaces.

4 Fast turnaround to minimize inconvenience Cleaning is accomplished through one or a combination of the following: the surfactant effect of detergents, the Evaluate surface preparation methods solvent effect of water, and the shearing force of brushes Selecting the method(s) which optimize project objec- or high velocity water. A third method, acid etching, tives requires a good knowledge of the available options. chemically dissolves calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH) 2 crys-The method selector chart may be used to make a pre- tals and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) which make liminary identification of the methods capable of pro- up the hydrated solids in cement paste. The dissolution ducing the required surface profiles. The method sum- of these reaction products causes a slight loss of cement maries compare data on the capabilities, limitations, paste, to produce a very light profile on the exposed sur-operating requirements, and environmental consider- face. The remaining nine methods summarized in this ations for each surface preparation method. guideline will utilize one or a combination of the fol-lowing cutting actions.

Select and specify surface preparation methods Erosion Final selection is based on the relationship between cost, Erosion causes the wearing away or progressive disin-project objectives, and risk. The selection process work- tegration of concrete surfaces. Abrasive force applied book (Appendix A) provides a systematic framework for through grinding with stones, abrasive discs, or blocks organizing project data and assessing method suitabil- with embedded diamonds wears away the cement paste, ity. More than one method may be capable of producing fines, and coarse aggregate at a uniform rate to produce the desired results. Further, more than one method may a nearly flat surface having little or no profile (Figure1).

be required to produce those results economically. Un-acceptably rough profiles on existing or prepared sur-Abrasion faces may be reduced through additional passes using properly selected surface preparation equipment. On oc-casion, the application of a resurfacing mortar may be required to achieve the profile and appearance desired.

The nine concrete surface profile chips provide bench-mark profiles to aid in achieving the desired result.



,0 I N S T I T U T IE A stream of water projected onto the surface under high Pulverization pressure is another form of erosion in which cavitation The cutting effect is derived from the collision of small and the friction generated by water velocity combine to particles traveling at a high velocity with the concrete wear away the cement paste. Unlike grinding, water jet-surface (figure 4). Because the mass of the particles is ting will not produce a smooth, uniform surface. As ex- comparatively small, their impact is not known to pro-posure to water jetting increases, so will the profile as duce bruising. Hard, sharp-edged media can produce fast the softer paste and embedded fines erode leaving be- cutting rates. As with water jetting, the cement paste is hind "islands" of the harder coarse aggregate. Under pro- reduced at a faster rate than is the coarse aggregate. This longed exposure to water jetting, coarse aggregate will be difference in cutting rate has the effect of exposing and undercut and washed away (figure 2). Applicable Meth-undercutting the coarse aggregate to produce a surface ods: grinding, high and ultra high-pressure water jetting. that will become highly profiled as exposure time is in-creased. Applicable methods: steel shotblasting, abra-sive blasting.

hCavitation (water erosion) high and ultra high-pressure water jetting Figure 2 abrasive blasting


Impact shot blasting Several preparation methods strike the surface repeat-edly with hardened points to produce momentary me- Figure 4 chanical loads which, at the points of impact, exceed Expansive pressure the tensile and compressive strength of the concrete, Two forms of expansive pressure are used to modify causing it to yield. The force of the impact pulverizes and fractures the structure of both cement paste and ag- concrete surfaces: steam and water.

gregate at and adjacent to the point of contact (figure 3). Steam: Energy from a high-temperature heat source rap-Some of the cracks and loosened aggregate may remain idly heats the capillary and adsorbed water present in leaving a "bruised" layer at the surface. Applicable the cement paste to produce steam. This sudden increase methods: scarifying, scabbling, milling/rotomilling, in vapor pressure generates tensile stresses near the sur-needle scaling. face fracturing both matrix and aggregate, causing con-crete material to scale or pop off in thin, flake-like chips (figure 5). Because the water heats more rapidly than Impact the surrounding concrete phases, concrete temperatures in the top 2 mm typically do not exceed 2500 C at rec-ommended travelrates. At this exposure level, substrate temperatures at a depth of 7 mm do not rise above 70' C. Best results are achieved when surfaces to be prepared are soaked with ponded water for several hours prior to flame scaling.

scarifying milling Although the mechanical properties of cement paste scabbling needle scaling in compression are not significantly altered at tempera-tures below 300' C, the fracturing produced by this Figure 3 03732-4 SELECTING FOR SEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS ANDSPECIFYINGCONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 7 of 43 CON1EtTh IU\PA1R A0% 1* HRN AT-r 0 N-A Bruising Expansive pressure Several of the preparation methods described are likely to reduce the tensile strength of the prepared substrate.

Field studies have shown that bond strengths achieved on surfaces prepared using high-impact mechanical methods are frequently lower than those on surfaces pre-pared using non-impact methods. This reduction in bond strength is caused by fracturing of the cement paste and flame blasting loosening of aggregate without fully separating from the surface. This creates a weakened or "bruised" surface Figure 5 layer of interconnecting micro-cracks typically extend-method of cutting may introduce additional micro-crack- ing to a depth of 1/8 - 3/8 inch (3 - 10 mm). Under mi-ing near the free surface of the substrate to cause some croscopy, the cracks are frequently seen to initiate at the reduction in tensile strengths. The limited test data avail- surface at approximately a 450 angle and propagate hori-able on the effects of this preparation method on the zontally to produce a weakened plane (figure 3). It is mechanical and durability properties of concrete are generally accepted that the extent of the damage increases inconclusive. Further investigation into the condition with the weight and power of the equipment used.How-of substrates prepared using this technique is needed. ever, the use of sharp, fine toothed cutters contacting Applicable methods: flame blasting (flame scaling) the surfaceat a shallow angle may reduce or prevent the development of bruising. The relative risk of introduc-Water: Working at higher pressures, 15,000 - 45,000 ing bruising or micro-cracking into the substrate is indi-psi (100- 300 MPa), water jetting can produce a cutting cated for each method (figure7).

effect similar to that of steam. An initial pass over hori-zontal concrete surfaces to be prepared using this method

( is sometimes taken with milling or scarifying equipment to remove 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6 - 13 mm) of the original sur-Risk of Introducing Micro-Cracking face. The purpose is to introduce the cracks and micro- 0 very low (I moderate 0 high cracks needed to create numerous avenues of entry be-neath the surface. The expansive pressure generated by Abras ive (sand) blasting C) water subsequently penetrating the fissures at high ve-locity will cause tensile failure along these planes of weak- Steel shotblasting Q ness (figure6). Applicable methods: high and ultra high- Scarifying O pressure water jetting Needle scaling High and ultra high-presssure water jetting Q Scabbling

  • Milling/rotomilling
  • Flame blasting (

Figure 7 high and ultra high-pressure water jetting Figure6



tion ZOo EC 75219 Page 8 of 43 A INTERNATIONAL SIc-iL CONCRETE REPA. R 1 N sT I T U I*

Specifying concrete method summaries. Molded replicas of these profiles are included with this guideline to provide clear visual stan-A) surface profiles (CSP) dards for purposes of specification, execution and veri-fication. These benchmark profiles may be referenced in specifications, material data sheets, application guide-Several of the methods summarized are capable of pro- lines, and contract documents to effectively communi-ducing a range of profiles on concrete surfaces. Com- cate surface preparation requirements. When these pro-munication of project requirements may be improved files are used in conjunction with specifications for by using CSP profiles to define surface roughness. thicker coating and overlay systems, it is probable that ICRI has identified nine distinct profile configura- more than one profile will produce acceptable results.

tions which may be produced by the methods summa- When applicable, the range of suitable profiles should rized herein. As a set, these profiles replicate degrees of be specified.

roughness considered to be suitable for the application The concrete surfaces shown below were produced of one or more of the sealer, coating, or polymer overlay using a variety of preparation methods. Although each systems, up to a thickness of 1/4 inch (see Appendix B). numbered CSP plaque bears the characteristic pattern Each profile carries a CSP number ranging from a base and texture of the specific preparation method used, line of CSP 1 (nearly flat) through CSP 9 (very rough). each plaque is representative of the profile height ob-The profile capabilities for each preparation method are tainable with all methods identified with the same CSP identified by CSP number in the "Profile" section of the number.


CSP I CSP 2 CSP 3 (acid etched) (grinding) (light shotblast)

Images generated using video density imaging techniques are courtesy of David Lange, CSP 4 CSP 5 CSP 6 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana- (light scarification) (medium shotblast) (medium scarification)



Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 9 of 43 INTERNATIONAL t COPWCRETE REPAIR I N S T I T L T F Method selector Coating to be applied Sealers 0-3mils (0- 75 pm)

Thin-Film 4-10 mils (100- 250 pm)

High-Build 10-40 mils (250-o1000 ;1m)

Self-Leveling 50 mils - 1/8Inch (1250 gmr- 3 MmTI)

Polymer Overlay ý/s -1/4inch (3- 6MITI)

Preparation methods

(/ Detergent scrubbing Low-pressure water cleaning Acid etching Grinding Abrasive (sand) blasting Steel shotblasting Scarifying Needle scaling High/ultra high-pressure water jetting Scabbling Flame blasting Milling/rotomilling SELECTING ANIJSPECIFYINGCONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION FORSEALERS, COATINGS,AND POLYMEROVERLAYS 03732-7

EC 75219 Page 10 of 43 INTERNATIONAL wi(111 CONCRETE REPAIR EC 75219 Page 10of43 r E glIN o3 T I T U scrubbed to a depth of 6-10 mils (150-250 gm).

Pattern. Detergent scrubbing will not produce any no-ticeable pattern effect on sound concrete surfaces.

Profile. ICRI CSP 1 A clean surface devoid of oil, grease, buildup, and loose debris. The scrubbing process should not alter surface texture.

Accessibility. With the variety of portable and maneu-verable equipment available, most surfaces are acces-sible. Access to corners, recesses, and between penetra-tions is restricted by the reach and arc of the brushes. These areas may be addressed manually.

Inoto: iennant uompany Environmental factors. Moderate to heavy contamina-Detergent Scrubbing tion may produce significant amounts of sludge or other debris. Some debris may be considered hazardous or oth-erwise unqualified for discharge into sewer systems.

Chemical removal of oil, grease, and other Debris produced by detergent scrubbing will contain par-deposits on concrete surfaces by scrubbing ticles of material or contaminants being removed. Any special requirements for containment and disposal will


with a detergent solution. depend on the specific materials or contaminant being removed. Materials likely to require special handling in-Method summary clude tile mastics, which may contain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs which may have been absorbed This method can be used indoors or outdoors on hori- by concrete in the vicinity of electrical equipment.

zontal concrete surfaces to remove dirt, oil, and grease.

Comer and edge cleaning can be detailed manually. The Suitable measures for the containment, collection, and scrubbing process should produce clean surfaces, devoidt proper disposal of debris and rinse water should be con-of dirt, oil, grease, and loose debris without altering sur- sidered. Though nontoxic, some citric acid-based clean-face texture. ing solutions have a pervasive odor.

Purpose. Detergent scrubbing is frequently used to pre- Execution pare concrete for acid etching. It may also prepare con- , Apply chemical detergent solution.

crete surfaces for the application of sealers or surface

  • Scrub in chemical solution with stiff-bristled broom hardeners, or for adhesive bonding.

or scrubbing machine.

Limitations. This method is limited to the removal of Collect and dispose of solution.

water-soluble or detergent-emulsifiable contaminants. (De-

  • Repeat process as needed to achieve acceptable results.

bris which is readily loosened may be removed by light mechanical action by the scrubbers). Equipment Removal. Suitable for superficial removal of oil, grease, Manual method:

organic or inorganic residues, some acrylic, wax, or rub- " mop ber membranes, rust, and other oxidation deposits from " stiff broom concrete surfaces. Absorbed fluids such as oils and grease "pressure washer may require several treatments to achieve acceptable re-

-squeegee sults. Bugholes and open pores at the surface may be .


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 11 of 43 1N4TV R1NA T N'A L.


~~I r ; I -T Lý Mechanical method: "Manual with wet/dry vacuum recovery: 500 ft2

" Automatic scrubbing machine (walk-behind or self-pro- (50 m2 ) per hour.

pelled). Available in gas, electric, propane, or diesel-pow- "Manual with electric disc machine with wet/dry ered models. Brush rotation speeds up to 300 rpm. vacuum recovery: 1,000 ft2/hr (100 m2 /hr)

" Brushes (disc or cylindrical pad). Nylon bristle brushes "Small walk behind scrubber: 5,000 ft2/hr (500 m/hr) are relatively soft. Polyethylene bristles are stiffer, more "Medium or large riding scrubber: 50,000 ft2/hr aggressive. Polyethylene/abrasive composite bristles (5,000 m2/hr) will provide the most aggressive mechanical cleaning.

Sizes range from 18 -. 60 inch (0.5 - 1.5 m) brush path. Standards i specifications

" Solution tanks range from 3 - 365 gallons (11 - 1,380 L) As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or with recovery tanks to hold scrubbing residue. customer.

Materials Surfaces scrubbed in preparation for etching must be

" Industrial detergent rated to remove heavy oil and clean enough to allow chemical etching solutions to bite grease into cement paste. Inspection may consist of one or a "Water source combination of the following methods:

" Visual inspection should show no dirt, oil, grease, or Labor. Low skill for manual scrubbing method. Medium debris on the surface.

skill to operate automatic scrubber and mix chemical

( solutions.

Down time. (The time considerations which follow are "The prepared surface should be free of bond-inhibit-ing barriers and demonstrate sufficient strength for the proposed application.

applicable to automatic scrubber machines). Mixing "Gloss meter, slip tester/traction recorder.

chemicals, filling tanks, and removing soilage from re-

"A solution hand scrubbed across area to be tested. Re-covery tanks will involve some down time. For example, covered solution should be clear.

a 100 gallon (380 L) tank may take 20 - 30 minutes to fill. Changing brushes is quick and infrequent. Replace- ACI 515. IR describes methods and criteria for judging ment frequency for pickup squeegees will depend .on surface cleanliness and strength (see ref. page 41).

wear factors.

Safety Cleanup. Scrubbing manually with brooms or mechani-cally with electric single disc machines will generate a - Eye protection: Required.

liquid residue which must be removed by squeegee and - Personal protective equipment: Latex gloves, boot vacuum to obtain a clean surface. Automatic scrubbers protection.

have an internal squeegee/vacuum system to remove the "Respiratory protection: Not required.

liquid residue immediately behind the scrubbing brushes. "Hearing protection: Recommended if automatic scrub-Production rates. The following rates are approximate. bers are used.

Actual rates will vary considerably with the severity of soil, size of machine, and effectiveness of chemical so-lution being used.


ton ZOO EC 75219 Page 12 of 43 IN- ETNATIONAL



Pattern. Low-pressure water cleaning will not introduce any noticeable pattern effect on sound concrete surfaces.

Profile. ICRI CSP I Accessibility. With the wide variety of portable and ma-neuverable equipment available, most surfaces are eas-ily accessible. Tight spaces can be accessed with a hose and hand-held lance. Presence of goods or equipment that cannot be adequately protected from mist or spray may restrict use of this method.

Environmental factors. This process produces loud noise similar to sandblasting. Mist and a large volume of wa-ter will be introduced into the work area.

Debris produced by low-pressure water cleaning will contain particles of material or contaminants being re-Low-Pressure moved. Any special requirements for containment and disposal will depend on the specific materials or con-Water Cleaning taminant being removed. Materials likely to require spe-cial handling include tile mastics, which may contain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs which may have -y Water is sprayedat pressures less than 5,000 been absorbed by concrete in the vicinity of electri-psi to remove dirt and loose, friable material. cal equipment.

Environmental regulations may require containment and This method does not remove any significant regulated disposal of the liquid waste generated.

amount of concrete.

Execution Method summary " A water jet is methodically moved back and forth over the surface until the desired results are achieved. If au-This method may be used outdoors to remove dust, fri- tomated equipment is used, the operator typically makes able materials, debris, or water-soluble contaminants parallel passes. If hand-held lances are used, the pro-from concrete surfaces and surface cavities. It may be cess will be slower, but similar, used in interior spaces where mist, noise, and severe pud-dling can be tolerated. The method is suitable for hori- " Standing water may need to be pumped, vacuumed, or squeegeed off the surface.

zontal, vertical, and overhead applications. This method does not produce any significant texture, profile, or pat- " Solid debris and water residue are disposed of as re-tern. For surface preparation applications, low pressure quired by local regulations or project restrictions.

water cleaning should supplement other methods. Equipment Purpose. Low-pressure water cleaning is used to rinse away "Booster pump (to increase pressure) dirt, dust, loose scale or debris generated by more aggres- "Pressure rated hoses sive surface preparation methods.

  • Water jet: wheeled equipment for horizontal surfaces; Limitations. This method is not suitable for the removal hand-held lance for vertical and overhead applications, of sealers, coatings, curing membranes, or any signifi- corners, or other difficult-to-reach locations cant volume of concrete. *Suitable nozzle tip Removal. Low-pressure water cleaning will not produce "Runoff protection to catch debris flowing off site or any measurable removal of sound concrete. toward drains 03732-10 SELECTING FORSEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS ANDSPECIFYINGCONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 13 of 43 I NT R N A'T ON A L RvAK411p CONCREiTE REPAIR 14,00I*

Materials. Water source may be provided by tanker, hy- Standards Et specifications drant connection, industrial spigot, or pump.

Visual inspection should find no obvious dirt, laitance, Labor. Generally requires a two or three-person crew. or debris on the surface. The prepared surface should be Work may be performed with unskilled labor. Skilled free of bond-inhibiting barriers and demonstrate suffi-supervision may be needed if complex equipment is used. cient strength for the proposed application. Beads of wa-Down time. Setup time is typically two to four hours to ter indicate a surface contaminant that may need to be protect surfaces and install runoff protection to catch removed by other means. ACI 515.1R describes meth-loosened materials. Production may shut down periodi- ods and criteria for judging surface cleanliness and cally if water must be transported to the work area. strength (see ref. page 41).

Cleanup. Several hundred gallons of water per hour may Safety need to be drained away. The volume of debris trapped "Eye protection: Anti-fog goggles or face shield.

by collectors is usually small.

  • Personal protective equipment: Rugged rubber or plas-Production rates. The rates below are approximate. Ac- tic gloves, steel-toed boots, and waterproof outer-tual rates will vary with the efficiency of equipment layers.

employed and preparation objectives.

"Respiratory protection: Not required.

  • 1,000 - 2,000 ftfhr (100 -200 m2 /hr) for flat surface.

"Hearing protection: Recommended.

  • 250- 1,000 ft/hr (25 - 100 m2 /hr) for hand-held equip-( ment on vertical surfaces.



EC 75219 Page 14 of 43

,ytion ZOO


" Solution is highly corrosive. Electronic equipment, machines and other metal components should be pro-tected or removed.

"Thorough removal of etching debris requires large quantities of rinse water, mechanical scrubbing, and vacuum removal. (Incomplete removal will leave bond-inhibiting contaminants on the surface.)

" Hydrochloric acid may not be used on metallic hard-ened surfaces.

" Oils, grease, and other surface deposits must be re-moved prior to etching

" Not recommended for use on green concretes. Mini-mum age is six weeks.

" The etching process will saturate the substrate. When innoo: iennanm mompany used in preparation for moisture-sensitive coatings, Acid Etching time restrictions may not allow for sufficient drying.

" Environmental considerations may require full contain-ment and recovery of spent acid and rinse water.

Chemical removal of cement paste to clean Removal. The acid in the etching solution attacks the and condition concrete surfacespriorto Ca(OH) 2 and C-S-H in the cement paste causing rapid deterioration at the surface. The concentration and vol-


applicationof thin-film sealers or coatings. ume of solution applied are controlled to limit the depth of chemical attack. Typical depth of removal is 4 to 10 mils (100-250 gim).

Method summary Pattern. Etching should not introduce any noticeable pat-Acid etch is a mixture of water-soluble solvents, sur- tern effect on sound concrete surfaces.

face-active agents, and suitable acids designed to remove (etch) cement paste from the surface and pores of con- Profile. ICRI CSP 1 - 3 crete. It also aids in dislodging slight traces of oils, Surface should feel like fine sandpaper with no residue grease, or fats remaining after detergent scrubbing. Etch- or grit. Surface should have a dull, even appearance. If ing produces a clean, lightly-profiled concrete surface surface is stillsmooth or glossy, repeat procedure.

to promote penetration and adhesion of sealers and coat-ings. The process will almost always be used to prepare Accessibility. The equipment used for this method is por-concrete surfaces for the application of thin-film coat- table and maneuverable. Access may be restricted by ings. The process can be used inside or outside on most the presence of non-portable machinery or equipment concrete, quarry tile, or stone surfaces. subject to damage from corrosive mist or splash.

Purpose. Etching is used to remove weak cement paste and Environmental factors. Applied as an acid wash, the mix-to slightly profile the surface by exposing fine aggregate. ture may corrode metals on contact. Debris produced by This process is used to prepare concrete surfaces for the acid etching will contain particles of material or con-application of concrete sealers or thin-film epoxy, urethane, taminants being removed. Any special requirements for acrylic, and alkyd coatings. containment and disposal will depend on the specific materials or contaminant being removed. Materials likely Limitations to require special handling include tile mastics, which "Not suitable preparation for systems greater than 10 mils. may contain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs "Thorough removal of etching debris requires the use which may have been absorbed by concrete in the vi-of vacuuming equipment. cinity of electrical equipment. Spent acid and rinse wa-03732-12 SELECTING ANDSPECIFYINGCONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION FOR SEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 15 of 43 401kINTL NNA TION A l 0MCETE REPAIR Cit OM,.

tN F; T IT U T F_

ter should be disposed of as required by local regula- Down time. Minimal. Chemical mixing requires only a tions or project restrictions. Careful control of the etch- short period of time. Filling and emptying scrubber and ing process can produce a residue solution having a wet-vac tanks should take ten to twenty minutes. Addi-slightly alkaline pH of 8 or 9. tional time required to remove portable machinery from etch area and to place plastic sheeting on non-portable Execution machinery for protection.

"Dilute acid mixture according to floor type and strength Cleanup. While the surface is still wet, squeegee and of concentrate. For standard concrete, use manufacturer's vacuum acid solution and slurry debris. Immediately ratio. The usual concentration is approximately 10%. flood surface with alkaline detergent solution, scrub and Dense or chemically-hardened floors may require vacuum. Some acid etching solutions produce a white higher concentrations and/or multiple passes. residue which helps identify locations requiring addi-

  • Thoroughly wet concrete surfaces. Any standing wa- tional scrubbing, rinsing, and removal. Flood etched sur-ter must be removed prior to application of acid. face with clear rinse water, scrub, and vacuum dry.

"Apply mixed solution uniformly at an approximate rate of 100 square feet (9 m2 ) per gallon. Production rates. The rates shown below are approxi-

"Agitate acid solution with stiff bristle broom or power mate. Actual rates will vary with the method used, den-brush for five to ten minutes. Do not allow surface to sity of surface, dilution ratio, and size of machines.

dry. Vacuum residue. "Manual with wet/dry vacuum recovery:

"Thoroughly scrub with an alkaline detergent and 1,600 ft2/hr (150 m2 hr).

vacuum residue. Repeat as necessary to completely "Medium scrubber: 8,000 ft/hr (740 m2/hr).

remove etching debris.

  • Rinse with clean water, scrub and vacuum dry. Standards E specifications
  • Allow floor to dry for a minimum of 12 - 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />.

As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or Equipment customer.

" Container to mix etching solution Visual inspection should show a fine-grained surface pro-

  • Applicator: Low pressure sprayer, plastic sprinkling file with no white residue, dirt or debris remaining on sur-can, or mop face. Dry surface check using a moisture meter. The pre-
  • Floor scrubber or disc machine equipped with an abra- pared surface should be free of bond-inhibiting barriers sive bristle brush and demonstrate sufficient strength for the proposed appli-

" Power washer or hose to apply rinse water cation. ACI 515.1R describes methods and criteria forjudg-

  • Vacuum system or scrubber for recovery ing surface cleanliness and strength (see ref. page 41).

The use of automaticscrubbingequipment to apply acid etching solution is not generally recommended. How- Safety ever, this equipment is often used to recover etching so- " Eye protection: Splash shield recommended.

lution after it has been diluted with rinse water Consult " Personal protective equipment: Gloves, aprons, and equipment manufacturer to determine suitability. boot protection required. Recommended materials for Materials these items are neoprene or rubber.

" Acid etch solution. Typical solutions include muriatic

  • Respiratory protection: Use of respirators equipped (hydrochloric), sulfamic, phosphoric, and citric acids. with acid-gases canister is recommended for acid etch-
  • Alkaline detergent for cleanup scrub ing in poorly ventilated or confined space.

"Water source " Hearing protection: Required if automatic scrubbers

  • Plastic sheeting for machine protection are used for cleanup.

Labor. Medium to above medium skill level required to " Alkaline detergent can be used to neutralize concen-safely handle and mix hazardous materials and to oper- trated acid spills.

ate equipment.


onZOO EC 75219 Page 16 of 43 F

TRNAT! ONAL EC 75219 Page 16 of43 QcR) ONCRETE REPAIR E IN S' Tu -r (i

"Removal of tile or carpet adhesives.

" Occupied work space (unless rigorous dust control methods are used).

S.Surfaces of unknown composition.

Removal. Removal is practically restricted to surface pro-trusions and coatings less than 6 mils (150 jim) thick. May be used to remove noncombustible or non-heat degen-erating coatings. Method will successfully remove rigid epoxy, polyurethane, and methacrylate coatings. Grind-ing may also be used to remove efflorescence, rust, and other oxidized deposits.

Pattern. Small hand-held grinders are likely to produce rao: rquipmeni ueveiopmeni Lo., Inc. gouging and a circular, grooved pattern. Large walk-behind units fitted with aggressive media should elimi-Grinding nate gouging, but are likely to impart a circular pattern.

Larger units using fine stones should not produce any detectable pattern.

The rotationof one or more abradingstones Profile. ICRI CSP 1-3 or discs applied underpressure at right Grinding produces a smooth surface. Other methods may angles to the concrete surface. be used in conjunction with grinding to produce required profile.

Accessibility. Most surfaces, including edges, are acces-Method summary sible. Portable equipment ranges from small hand-held This method may be used on horizontal, vertical and grinders to walk-behind units with multiple discs. Ac-overhead surfaces to remove deposits or coatings, and cess to corners and tight configurations is restricted by to reduce or smooth surface profile. The grinding stone the arc ofthe grinding disc.

or disc is applied under pressure and moved across the surface until the desired effect is achieved. Grinding may Environmental Factors. Dry grinding will produce a fine be used on almost any substrate and is suitable for both airborne dust which may be minimized with dust con-'

interior or exterior applications. Efficiency consider- trol attachments. Debris generated by this method will ations may limit coating iemoval applications to film contain fine particles of any material or contaminant thicknesses less than 6 mils (150 gim). being removed. Materials likely to require special pro-tective measures and handling include tile mastics, which Purpose. Grinding is used on concrete surfaces to re- may contain asbestos; lead-based paints; and PCB's duce or smooth slight surface irregularities and to re- which may have been absorbed by concrete in the vicin-move mineral deposits and thin coatings. ity of electrical equipment. Wet grinding, which may be Limitations. Grinding is not recommended for the fol- selected to eliminate airborne dust, will produce a slurry lowing applications: residue. Slurry constituents from some materials may be considered toxic. Plans to collect and properly dis-

" Preparation of previously sealed or coated surfaces for pose of slurry and rinse water must be considered. Grind-recoating-unless followed by acid etching or ing soft, easily charred materials will generate smoke shotblast.

which may be considered hazardous.

"Surface profile is required. Preparation should include plans to adequately protect "Removal of chlorinated rubber, acrylic, or other soft occupants and workers. Noise and vibration levels are coatings or finishes. considered to be low.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 17 of43 IN S 1- U T 1-1 Execution removed. Estimated rates are:

Equipment. Appropriate selection of a grinder depends "Hand-held units: 20 ft2 /hr (2 m2/hr) on the location and size of the area, specific removal re- " Walk-behind units: 800 ft2 /hr (75 m2 /hr) quirements, and accessibility. They are available in elec-tric, pneumatic, or gas-driven models. Sizes range from Standards h specifications hand-held grinders to walk-behind machines. Rotation As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or speeds vary from 1,000 to 9,000 rpm. customer.

Materials. The grinding medium (stone or disc) is the Visual inspection to verify profile objectives. The pre-consumed material, and will vary with job specific ap- pared surface should be free of bond-inhibiting barriers plication requirements: and demonstrate sufficient strength for the proposed "Size: diameter ranges from 4-18 inches (100-450 mm). application. ACI 515. 1R describes methods and criteria for judging surface cleanliness and strength (see ref.

"Composition: varies from very fine polishing media to page 41).

aggressive cutting media with wet or dry diamonds.

"Shape: flat, cone-shaped, or cup disc. Safety Labor. Low to medium skill required. "Eye protection: Required.

Down time. Minimal. Setup requires very little time un- " Personal protective equipment: Heavy gloves, steel-less dust protection includes draping and taping. Chang- toed boots. Skin should be protected by clothing and ing stones or discs is quick. Frequency of replacement barrier creams. Dust may produce alkali burns or al-will depend on the composition of the stone or disc, sub- lergic skin reaction.

strate, and material being removed.

  • Respiratory protection: Required. Process will gener-ate airborne dust. Mask should be approved for silica Cleanup. Grinding will leave a fine powdered residue of and other airborne dusts, and fit tightly to contours of the removed material. The residue generated can be face. If material being ground contains toxic substances, swept, rinsed with water, or vacuumed.

additional protection may be required.

Production rates. Productivity will vary depending on

  • Hearing protection: Recommended.


ction ZOO EC 75219 Page 18 of 43 SINTERNATIONAL OPCRETE K

00tB REPAIR IN S T 1T U 7r E

" thin-film coatings: 4 - 10 mils (100 - 250 gim)

"high-build coatings: 10 - 30 mils (250 - 750 jim)

" broadcast systems: 30 mils - 'A inch (750 im - 6 mm)

" monolithic toppings: 1/s - 'A inch (3 - 6 mm)

Limitations. Abrasive blasting typically generates a large volume of airborne dust. Increased profiles may become visible through concrete sealers and thin or clear coat-ings, producing an unsightly finish.

Abrasive blast is not recommended for the following applications:

"Removal of resilient coatings, uncured coatings or ad-hesives, and tar-based materials.

Abrasive (Sand) "It should not be used when occupied space, goods, or equipment cannot be adequately protected from dust infiltration.

Blasting "High volume concrete removal.

Removal. Removal is accomplished by the eroding ef-This method uses compressed air intermixed fect of the blast media impacting the surface at high ve-with an abrasivemedium to clean concrete or locity. Depth of removal may range from a minimum of 1 - 2 mils (25 - 50 gtm) to a practical maximum of steel surfaces. The air stream is channeled 30 mils (750 jim).

through a nozzle directly at the surface. Pattern. Abrasive blasting should not introduce any no-ticeable pattern effect.

Method summary Profile. ICRI CSP 2 - 4 Profile achieved is dependent upon duration of expo-Abrasive blasting is used to clean and profile concrete sure to blast stream and size and cutting efficiency of surfaces in preparation for the application of sealers, coat- blast media used.

ings, and polymer overlays. The process can provide a light cleaning profile, often referred to as a "brush blast," Accessibility. The small size and portability of hose and or it can be used to achieve a much heavier surface lin- blast nozzle provide virtually unrestricted access to all eation for deep cleaning and profiling. It may also be surfaces including edges, corners, and recessed spaces.

used to remove surface contaminants and thin, brittle Environmental Factors. Abrasive blasting will produce coatings, or adhesive films. Water may be introduced airborne dust containing silica, concrete constituents and into the blast process to reduce airborne dust. Vacuum particles of any material being removed. Special provi-recovery systems may also be used with abrasive blast sions are often needed to protect people, property, and units to reduce dust and cleanup. This method may be the environment. Blast curtains and containment areas used on horizontal, vertical, and overhead surfaces, and may be used to isolate the blast process. Blast media is suitable for both interior and exterior applications. substitutes such as sodium bicarbonate are sometimes Purpose. Abrasive blasting is a highly flexible process used to reduce the dust hazard or volume of debris.

capable of producing a range of profiles suitable for the Any special requirements for containment and disposal application of the following systems: will depend on the specific contaminants or materials /

- sealers: 0 - 4 mils (0 - 100 tm) being removed. Materials likely to require special han-03732-16 SELECTING CONCRETE ANDSPECIFYING FORSEALERS, COATINGS, SURFACE PREPARATION OVERLAYS ANDPOLYMER

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 19 of 43 I~NTER~NATIONr'AL K~I1IJP CONCRETE REPAIR t1 1 dling include tile mastics, which may contain asbestos; process. Water soluble blast media, which can be flushed lead-based paint; and PCBs which may have been absorbed into conventional drainage systems, may substantially by concrete in the vicinity of electrical equipment. Noise reduce the volume of debris to be collected and removed.

levels are likely to exceed 85 dB.

Production rates. Productivity is highly variable and is dependent upon the strength of the concrete, any surfac-Execution The blast media stream is directed at the surface using a ing materials or contaminants, accessibility, capacity of M blast media hopper and compressor, and type of blast controlled sweeping motion. The duration of exposure media used.

to the blast stream depends on the strength of substrate Production rate estimates range from 1,000 - 6,000 and the degree of cleaning and profiling required.

square feet (100 - 600 m2 ) per eight hour shift per unit.

Equipment "Air compressor of sufficient capacity to drive the equip- Standards &Specifications ment and blast media selected As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or

  • Blast media hopper (meters the media into the air stream customer.

passing through the hose and nozzle) Visual inspection to verify profile. The prepared sur-

  • Moisture and oil separators to insure clean, dry air face should be free of dust, debris, bond-inhibiting bar-supply riers, and demonstrate sufficient strength for the pro-posed application. ACI 515. 1R describes methods and "Blast nozzle and hose criteria for judging surface cleanliness and strength (see Materials. The blast medium, e.g. silica sand, slag (black ref. page 41). Laboratory testing may be required to beauty), etc. is the consumed material. verify complete removal of specified contaminants.

Labor. Medium to above-medium skill level required.

Special training in safe operation and related environ- Safety mental issues is recommended for crew members. Two " Eye protection: Required.

workers per blast unit is standard-one to operate the

  • Personal protective equipment: Helmet, hood, and blast nozzle, the other to support the blast media.hopper heavy gloves, boots and clothing are recommended for and compressor and to manage the hoses. blast nozzle operator. Skin should be protected by cloth-Down time. Hours needed for setup and removal of work ing and barrier creams. Dust may produce alkali burns area protection may be significant. Time required for or allergic skin response.

mobilization, setup, and maintenance of blast equipment

  • Respiratory protection: Required. Supplied air system and compressor is minimal. is routinely used for blast nozzle operator.

Cleanup. Dust, fine particles of concrete or other pul- " Hearing protection: Required.

verized materials, and a relatively large volume of ex-

  • Safety devices: Blast nozzle must be equipped with an pended blast media are generated by the abrasive blast automatic shut-off device.


_ection ZOO EC 75219 Page 20 of 43 INTE R N AT IONA .



hesives, and tar-based materials. The pattern and profile of shotblasted surfaces may be visible through concrete sealers and thin or clear coatings.

Removal. Removal is accomplished by the pulverizing effect of steel shot impacting the surface at high veloc-ity. Depth of removal is controlled by shot size, ma-chine setup, and rate of travel. Generally, the maxi-mum recommended depth of removal for a single pass is 114inch (6 mm).

Pattern. The "double exposure" that occurs at the point of overlap between successive passes produces a paral-lel striping effect at intervals determined by the width of cut. Skilled operation of equipment can minimize striping effect.

Steel Shotblasting Profile. ICRI CSP 2 - 8 As the depth of cut increases, the profile will be increas-ingly dominated by the size and shape of the coarse Steel shot is centrifugally propelled at high aggregate.

velocity onto the surface. This process is Accessibility. Shotblasting equipment is available in a confined in an enclosed blastchamber which range of sizes to provide ready access to most surfaces.

Edges and corners may be detailed to within 11/44inch recovers and separatesdust and reusableshot. (6 mm) of the vertical surfaces with specialty edging machines or hand-held units. Access to tight configura-Method summary tions, such as around and in between pipes, is restricted by the width of the machine used.

Shotblasting is principally used to roughen horizontal surfaces in preparation for the application of sealers, coat- Environmental Factors. Shotblast systems produce very ings, or polymer overlays. This method is also used to little airborne dust or contamination. Most models can remove some existing coatings, adhesives, and surface be fitted with a filter to further lower the level of air-contaminants. Hand-held machines are available for use borne dust produced.

on vertical surfaces. Shotblasting is suitable for use in Debris produced by shotblasting will contain particles both interior and exterior applications. of material or contaminants being removed. Any spe-Purpose. Cleaning and profiling concrete surfaces by cial requirements for containment and disposal will de-removing dirt, laitance, curing compounds, sealers, or pend on the specific materials or contaminant being re-other superficial contaminants in preparation for the ap- moved. Materials likely to require special handling in-plication of protective materials.

clude tile mastics, which may contain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs which may have been absorbed Shotblasting is suitable for the removal of polyurethane by concrete in the vicinity of electrical equipment.

coatings up to 10 mils (250 jim) thick, tile mastics, and brittle coatings such as epoxy or methyl methacrylate Special ventilation provisions may be required when systems up to /8 inch (3 mm) thick. Removal of thicker operating gasoline, diesel, or propane-powered units materials may require multiple passes. indoors.

With the exception of some large machines, noise levels Limitations. This method is generally not suitable for will usually be below 85 dB. Vibration is not consid-removing uncured resin systems, resilient coatings, ad-ered to be a factor.


Section ZOO EC 75219 EC 7219Page 21 of 43 IN T LF.R N AT 10C N AL._

I T Li T F.

Execution Down time. Surfaces must be dry and broom cleaned prior to shotblasting. A test area is required to insure The machine is steered in a straight line across the sur-that media size and machine adjustment will achieve face. At end of each pass, the machine is turned around desired performance. Replacement of worn blasting and steered parallel to the previous path with minimum wheels and liners is required every 20 to 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> and overlap. Some overlap is required to prevent the devel-will take 20 to 45 minutes. Equipment is shut down ev-opment of unprepared strips between passes.

ery 30 to 60 minutes to remove debris from collection Equipment system.

" Shotblasting machine: available in gasoline, diesel, Cleanup. Steel media may remain on the surface, in edges propane, or electricaily-powered units or corners, or trapped in cracks. It may be recovered by "Power source: requirements for electric powered units using magnets, magnetic broom, air blast, vacuum, or will vary from 110/120 V @ 26 A to 460 V @ 60 A stiff bristle broom.

"Brooms and shovels Production rates. The following rates are approximate

" Spare parts for blaster maintenance and assume sound, 5,000 psi (35 MPa) concrete. Actual "Magnets or magnetic broom to retrieve production rates will vary considerably and will depend fugitive steel shot on the strength of the concrete, the type of material be-ing removed, preparation objectives, operator skill, and Materials. Steel shot is the consumed material. Con-efficiency of equipment employed.

sumption ranges from 10 to 20 lbs/hr. Commonly used sizes of steel shot are shown below: Small units: 150 - 250 ft2/hr (14 - 23 m2/hr)

Medium units: 350 - 1,500 ft2/hr (33 - 140 m2/hr)

T-p- i -PrIle Large units: 2,000 - 4,500+ ft2 /hr (190 - 420+ m2/hr)

S-1 701 0.017 in. (0.43 mm) CSP 32 S-230 0.023 in. (0.58 mrm) CSP 3 Standards h specifications As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or S-280 0.028 in. (0.71 Trim) CSP 3 customer.

S-330 0.033 in. (0.84 mm) CSP 5 Visual inspection to verify profile. The prepared sur-face should be free of dust, debris, bond-inhibiting bar-S-390 0.039 in. (1.0 mm) CSP 5 riers, and demonstrate sufficient strength for the pro-posed application. ACI 515.IR describes methods and S-460 0.046 in. (1.17 mm) CSP 7 criteria for judging surface cleanliness and strength (see S-5501 0.055 in. (1.40 mm) CSP 7 ref. page 41). Laboratory testing may be required to verify complete removal of specified contaminants.

1 Use of this size is not recommended by all manufacturers.

2 Association of profile with shot size is not precise as profile obtained is Safety also influenced by machine set up and rate of travel, Eye protection: Required.

Labor. Experienced or well-trained personnel to operate Personal protective equipment: Skin protection may be equipment is recommended. One worker with interme- required during removal of hazardous materials and han-diate mechanical skills can operate and maintain most dling of debris.

shotblast systems. Large, electrically-powered machines Respiratory protection: May be required during removal require connection to a three-phase, high-voltage power of hazardous materials and handling of debris.

source which may require a licensed electrician, Hearing protection: Recommended.


EC 75219 Page 22 of 43 0 ion ZOO

~l C0NTICRETE REPAIR QI N S T I T UJ T E tion, and size and power of the machine.

"Removal of high spots in order to level slabs.

"Profiling of concrete surfaces in preparation for the application of high-build coatings greater than 15 mils (375 jim), self-leveling systems, broadcast, thin over-lays or placement of other repair materials.

"Removal of adhesives may be accomplished by the ad-justment of spacers and the selection of appropriate cutters.

Limitations. Scarification is not recommended for sur-face preparation for sealers or coatings less than 15 mils (375 gm) or the removal of heavy elastomeric Photo: Restruction Corporation membranes.

This method may cause micro-cracking in substrate. (It Scarifying has been demonstrated that micro-cracking will reduce the strength of the bond between the substrate and ma-terials placed over it.) The deleterious effects of micro-The rotary action of the cutters (toothed cracking may be reduced or eliminated by following washers) impacts the surface at a right angle initial removal with steel shotblasting, abrasive blast-ing, or high and ultra high-pressure water jetting. The to fracture or pulverize the concrete. The use of sharp, fine-toothed cutters may prevent the de-cutters are assembled on tempered steel rods velopment of micro-cracking.

mounted at the perimeter of a drum which Removal. Removal depth may economically range from rotates at high speeds. light surface profiling to 1/4 inch (6 mm) for smaller equipment, and V2 - 3/4 inch (13 - 19 mm) for larger equipment. Removal depth greater than VI8 inch (3 mm)

Method summary is accomplished in multiple passes.

Scarification is used primarily on horizontal surfaces for Pattern. Scarifying will produce a parallel, striated pat-the removal of concrete or brittle coatings up to 1/8 inch tern. The deepest striations will be produced at surface (3 mm) thick. It may also be used to profile concrete high points.

surfaces. Hand-held units are available for vertical, and Profile. ICRI CSP 4 - 9 overhead applications. Scarifying may be used on al-most any substrate and is suitable for both interior or Accessibility. With portable equipment ranging in size exterior applications. This method is also known as con- from small hand-held scarifiers to large self-propelled crete planing. units most surfaces are accessible to. within 1/4inch (6 mm) of the edge. Access to corners and tight configu-Purpose rations such as around and in between pipes is restricted

" The removal of brittle coatings such as epoxy, poly- by the dimensions of the drum housing. The smaller urethane, or methyl methacrylate systems up to 1/8 inch walk-behind machines are able to pass through .standard (3 mm) in preparation for the application of replace- door openings.

ment coatings.

Environmental factors. Scarifying will produce airborne

" Removal of deteriorated or contaminated concrete to dust containing concrete constituents and particles of the depths ranging from 1/8 to 3/4 inch (3 - 19 mm) depend- material being removed. Any special requirements for ing on the strength of the substrate, cutter configura-containment and disposal of dust and debris will depend 03732-20 SELECTINGANDSPECIFYINGCONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION FOR SEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 23 of 43 1h 11-1 EC 1-C AT ILON A L 10CONCRETET REPAIR IN S, T TrI F on the specific contaminants being removed. Materials less dust protection includes draping and taping.

likely to require special handling include tile mastics, Drum changes will take approximately five minutes. (See which may contain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs "materials" and "equipment" above to assist in estimat-which may have-been absorbed by concrete in the vicin- ing frequency of drum change). Rebuilding drums is usu-ity of electrical' equipment. ally an off-site activity..

Noise levels are likely to exceed 85 dB. Vibration levels Cleanup. Scarifying will generate dust and larger debris.

are moderate. Special ventilation arrangements will be While most scarifiers are not equipped to pick up de-required when operating gasoline or diesel-powered units bris, many units have adapters which may be used with indoors. industrial vacuum cleaners to contain dust. Sweeping and removal of the rough debris will be required.

Execution Production rates. The rates shown below are estimates.

With the exception of hand-held units, most scarifiers Productivity will vary considerably depending on equip-are operated by pushing the machine forward over the ment size, depth of removal, and the type of material surface, advancing at a slow walk. The depth and rate of being removed.

cutting are adjusted by raising or lowering the drum to increase or decrease the impact of the cutters. Several "Hand held units: 20 ft2/hr (2 m2 /hr) passes may be required to achieve the desired profile.

  • Walk-behind units: 800 ft2/hr (75 mr/hr)

Debris must be removed after each pass.

Standards h specifications Equipment As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or "Scarifier: available in electric, pneumatic, or gasoline customer.

powered models in sizes ranging from hand-held to self-propelled ride-on units. Path widths range from Visual inspection to verify profile. The prepared sur-4 - 36 inches (100 - face should be free of dust, debris, bond-inhibiting bar-riers, and demonstrate sufficient strength for the pro-

"Replacement drums: plan on four drums per machine posed application. ACI 515.1R describes methods and for each eight hours of continuous operation criteria for judging surface cleanliness and strength (see

" Air compressor or other air supply (pneumatic models ref. page 41). Laboratory testing may be required to only) verify complete removal of specified contaminants.

"Industrial vacuum cleaner to be used with vacuum adapter attachments to limit airborne dust Safety Materials. The cutters are the consumed material. Rate " Eye protection: Required.

of consumption depends on the following: "Personal protective equipment: Skin should be pro-

"Cutter configuration tected by clothing and barrier creams. Dust may pro-duce alkali burns or allergic skin reaction.

"Cutter composition (hardened steel, tungsten carbide)

  • Respiratory protection: Mask should be approved for
  • Substrate hardness silica and other airborne dusts, and fit tightly to contours "Composition of materials to be removed of face. If materials being removed contain toxic sub-Labor. Low to medium skill required. stances, additional protection may be required.

" Hearing protection: Recommended.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 24 of 43 NI\


" Preparation of large surface areas

" Removal of sound concrete Removal. Removal is accomplished by the superficial fracture and pulverization of concrete surfaces to which the unwanted material is adhered. Depth of concrete removal will typically be in the range of'/ 1 6 to 1/8 inch (1.5 - 3 mm) and is dependent on aggregate size and composition.

Needle scaling is generally suitable for the following removal applications:

" Soft or flexible coatings to 30 mils (750 gm) r(IVtu; ýq qjiunII[I U -U P11IUI{Il UV,, JIM1G

" Brittle deposits to 1/4inch (6 nmm)

Needle Scaling Pattern. Needle scaling will produce random, evenly dis-tributed impact craters around larger aggregate, impart-ing a heavy "orange peel" texture to the surface.

Impacting the surface with pointed tips of Profile. ICRI CSP 5 - 8 a bundle of steel rods containedby a steel ,'./

Accessibility. Hand-held needle scalers are available in sev-tube andpulsed by compressed air eral sizes providing virtually unrestricted accessibility.

Environmental factors. Debris produced by needle scal-Method summary ing will contain particles of any material or contami-nants being removed. Any special requirements for con-This method can be used on concrete surfaces indoors, tainment and disposal will depend on the specific con-outdoors, or underwater, to remove efflorescence, brittle taminants being removed. Materials likely to require encrustations, and rigid coating systems. It is frequently special handling include tile mastics, which may con-used for work on edges and other tight spaces which tain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs which may cannot be accessed by larger, more automated equip- have been absorbed by concrete in the vicinity of elec-ment. It may be used underwater to remove barnacles trical equipment. Noise and vibration levels are low to and other marine shell fish attached to submerged sur- medium.

faces. It is suitable for use on horizontal, vertical, and overhead surfaces. Execution Purpose. Needle scaling is used to remove coatings or Rod (needle) points are held against the surface with brittle encrustations in preparation for the application light to medium pressure. The pneumatically driven rods of protective coatings or other repair work. It is an ex- are activated by a trigger located in the unit's handle.

cellent method for detailing corners, edges, and most recessed areas. It is suitable for preparing concrete sur- Equipment faces for high-build coatings, self-leveling and broad- "Needle gun: several sizes of pneumatic, hand-held units cast applications, and thin overlays. are available which vary in weight from 2/2 - 15 lb.

(I - 7 kg). Size of rod bundle will vary from 12 to Limitations. Needle scaling is not recommended for the more than 30 rods.

following applications:

"Replacement rod bundles: plan for six bundles per gun "Preparation for coatings less than 15 mils (375 pin) for each eight hours of continuous operation.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 25 of 43 R1411 ONC85UTE 5ni1-PAIn

_f I iI i F.

  • Air compressor or other air supply producing 3 - 15 Visual inspection to verify profile. The prepared sur-cfm @ 80 - 120 psi. face should be free of dust, debris, or bond-inhibiting Materials. The hardened steel rods are the consumed barriers, and demonstrate sufficient strength for the pro-material. posed application. ACI 515.1R describes methods and criteria forjudging surface cleanliness and strength (see Labor. Low skill required. ref. page 41). Laboratory testing may be required to Down time. Approximately five minutes per hour to verify complete removal of specified contaminants.

change needle bundles. Rebuilding needle bundles is usu-ally an off-site activity.

Safety "Eye protection: Required.

Cleanup. Needle scaling will generate dust, small granu-lar particles or flakes. The tools are not equipped to col-

  • Personal protective equipment: Skin should be pro7 lect debris, which may be vacuumed or swept up for tected by clothing and barrier creams. Dust may pro-proper disposal. duce alkali bums or allergic skin response.

" Respiratory protection: Process will generate airborne Production rates. Productivity will range from 10 - 50 dust. Mask should be approved for silica and other air-ft2 /hr (1 - 5 m2/hr). Rate is dependent on size of needle borne dusts, and fit tightly to contours of face. If mate-gun, number of needles per bundle, strength of substrate, rials being removed contain toxic substances, additional and hardness of material being removed.

protection may be required.

Standards Et specifications " Hearing protection: Recommended.

As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or customer.


_Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 26 of 43 41*11, 1N'r r iNATIO N A L he CONCRETE REPAIR

N S T I T U T E freeze/thaw damaged, or otherwise weakened material from concrete surfaces.

Limitations. High and ultra high-pressure water jetting is not recommended for the following applications:

"Removal of sound concrete.

"It should not be used where goods or equipment may be damaged by impact from water jets; or where they can-not be protected from heavy mist or flooding.

Removal. Unsound concrete may be removed to depths of 1/4/- 3/4 inch (6 - 19 mm) and is dependent on the depth of deterioration.

Pattern. Properly done, high and ultra high-pressure wa-

,"noLU; M115MV[UU0 l0K, InG.

ter jetting should not produce any noticeable pattern in High and Ultra High- durable concrete. However, poor operator technique or inappropriate selection of pressure and nozzle tips may severely etch sound concrete.

Pressure Water Jetting Profile. ICRI CSP 6 - 9 The surface profile of durable concrete may remain un-Water is sprayedat pressuresbetween affected by this process' Pressure and nozzle tips may 5,000 and 45,000 psi (35 - 300 MPa) to be adjusted to produce the desired profile. The use of high and ultra high-pressure water jetting on low-strength remove heavy encrustationsof dirt and or deteriorated surfaces will produce a much more ag-loose,friable material.This method can gressive profile as surface defects are removed.

also remove some coatings. Accessibility. With the wide variety of portable and ma-neuverable equipment available, most surfaces are eas-ily accessible. Tight spaces can be accessed with a hand-Method summary held lance.

This method may be used outdoors to remove heavy The presence of goods or equipment that cannot be ad-encrustations of efflorescence, scale, dirt, or water equately protected from mist or spray may restrict use soluble contaminants from concrete surfaces and sur- of this method.

face cavities. It may also be used in some interior spaces Environmental factors. This process produces loud noise, where heavy mist, spray, high noise levels, and severe similar to sandblasting. Heavy mist and a significant vol-puddling can be tolerated. Water jetting, at the higher ume of water will be introduced into the work area. The pressures, effectively removes some coating systems. volume of water introduced will range from 2 - 10 gal-Suitable for horizontal, vertical, and overhead applica- lons per minute (3 - 38 liters per minute) and is deter-tions. This method is not economically suitable for the mined by the requirements of the equipment selected.

removal of sound concrete. The possibility that environmental regulations may re-Purpose. High and ultra high pressure jetting may be quire containment and regulated disposal of the liquid used to remove laitance, efflorescence, scale, dirt, or waste generated should be considered.

other water-soluble contaminants. With suitable pres- Execution sures and nozzle tips, high-strength epoxy, urethane, or methacrylate coating and thin overlay systems may be The concrete surface is prepared by methodically mov-removed. It may also be used to remove carbonated, ing the water jet back and forth over the surface until 03732-24 SELECTINGANDSPECIFYINGCONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION FOR SEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 27 of 43 I N1: NI" 1 NrAI _

'3. CONCRE'V'E REPAIR I- " r U I" E-

.14' the desired results are achieved. If automated equipment Production rates. The rates shown below are approxi-is used, the operator typically makes parallel passes. If mate and assume sound, 5,000 psi (35 MPa) concrete.

hand-held lances are used, the process will be slower, Actual production rates will vary considerably and will but similar. Standing water may need to be pumped or depend on the strength of the concrete, hardness and bond squeegeed off the surface. Units that clean and recycle strength of any coating being removed, preparation ob-jetting water are available. Dispose of solid debris, slurry, jectives, operator skill, and efficiency of equipment and water residue as required by local regulations or employed.

project restrictions. "Horizontal surfaces: 125 - 300 ft2 /hr (12 - 28 m2 /hr)


  • Vertical surfaces: 50 - 250 ft/hr (5 - 23 m2 /hr)

- Water pump with desired pressure capability

- Compressed air source producing a minimum of 85 Standards h specifications cfm @ 120 psi As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or customer.

- High-pressure hoses Visual inspection should show no dirt, laitance or debris

- Water jet: wheeled equipment for horizontal surfaces; on the surface. The prepared surface should be free of hand-held lance for vertical and overhead applications, bond-inhibiting barriers and demonstrate sufficient corners, or. other difficult to reach locations. Robots strength for the proposed application. Beads of water may be used on horizontal and vertical surfaces.

indicate a surface contaminant that may require increased

" Suitable nozzle tip depth of removal to achieve suitably clean surfaces. ACI a Runoff protection to catch debris flowing off site or 515.1R describes methods and criteria for judging sur-toward drains face cleanliness and strength (see ref. page 41). Labora-tory testing may be required to verify complete removal Materials of specified contaminants.

  • Water source: Potable water is recommended and may be provided by tanker, hydrant connection, industrial Safety spigot, or pump The operator must be protected from high velocity re-Labor. Two or three person crew per machine. Medium bound. Hands and feet require additional protection as to above medium skill level with appropriate training they might inadvertently contact the water jet.

required. Must be able to assemble high pressure com- " Eye protection: Anti-fog goggles meeting ANSI re-ponents and safely operate equipment capable of caus- quirements for high impact, and face shield.

ing sudden, severe injury. Skilled supervision may be "Personal protective equipment: Metal-mesh gloves are needed if complex equipment is used. strongly recommended, steel-toed boots, metatarsal Down time. Setup time is variable depending on the size guards, helmet, and waterproof outer-layers.

of the work area and specific protective measures required. "Respiratory protection: May be required in areas where Time to cover and protect surfaces and install runoff pro- high impact could cause an accidental release of toxic tection to catch debris may be estimated at 6 to 10 man- substances, hours for typical applications. "Hearing protection: Process will generate noise levels Cleanup. Large volumes of water may need to be drained in excess of 85 dB. Earmuff type protectors strongly away. The volume of debris trapped by collectors is usu- recommended.

ally small. High and ultra high-pressure jetting of dete-riorated surfaces may produce much more debris.


Ition ZOO EC 75219 Page 28 of 43 k IA~NTIE FlNATION AL

  • lil, JI N S TI I U T E Limitations
  • Scabbling frequently causes micro-cracking in concrete substrates. (It has been demonstrated that micro-crack-ing will reduce the strength of the bond between the substrate and most materials placed over it.) The del-eterious effects of micro-cracking may be reduced or eliminated by following initial removal with steel shotblasting, abrasive blasting, or high and ultra high-pressure water jetting.
  • Scabbling is not recommended for the removal of elas-tomeric membranes or gummy materials such as tile or carpet adhesives.

Removal. Depth of economical concrete removal is de-rilviv; 1UPIUI lVlU~lll'.. it pendent on aggregate size and strength of the substrate Scabbling and may range from 1/s to 3/4 inch (3 - 19 mm).

Pattern. Scabbling will produce a very irregular surface dominated by fractured coarse aggregate. There should Impacting the substrateat right angle be no discernible tool pattern.

with piston-driven cutting heads to create Profile. ICRI CSP 7 - 9 a chipping andpowderingaction. The Accessibility. With portable equipment ranging in size driving mechanism is compressed air from small hand-held to large walk-behind units, most surfaces are accessible to the edges. Corners, recesses, and tight configurations are generally accessible with Method summary properly-sized bits fitted to hand held, single piston units.

Scabbling is used primarily on horizontal surfaces to Care should be taken to avoid damage to adjacent walls remove concrete or brittle coatings up to 1/4 inch (6 mm) or equipment.

thick. It may also be used to deeply profile concrete sur- Walk-behind units will pass through standard door open-faces. Hand-held units, some of which are commonly ings and will require a minimum vertical clearance of 4 known as "bush hammers," are available for light ser- feet (1.2 m).

vice on vertical and overhead surfaces. This method is suitable for use in interior and exterior applications. Environmental factors. Scabbling will produce airborne dust containing concrete constituents and particles of any Purpose other materials being removed. Any special requirements

" The removal of brittle coatings such as epoxy, poly- for containment and disposal of dust and debris will de-urethane, or methyl methacrylate systems up to 1/4inch pend on the specific materials or contaminants being re-(6 mm) in preparation for overlays over 1/8 inch (3 mm) moved. Materials likely to require special handling in-thick. clude tile mastics, which may contain asbestos; lead-

  • Removal of deteriorated or contaminated concrete to based paint; and PCBs which may have been absorbed depths ranging from 18 to 3/4 inch (3 - 19 mm) depend- by concrete in the vicinity of electrical equipment. Noise ing upon the strength of the substrate, size and power levels are likely to exceed 85 dB. Vibration levels are of the machine, and bit configuration. moderate to severe. Work area enclosures and special ventilation provisions may be required indoors to pre-

"Deep profiling of concrete surfaces in preparation for placement of overlays or other repair materials.

vent dust intrusion into nearby occupied work space.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 29 of 43 iN s, -v i r t -Trý i-i Execution mm) in diameter will be generated from the impact of the bits. Scabblers are rarely equipped to pick up this Scabblers are operated by manually pushing the units debris. Sweeping and vacuuming will be continuously across the surface in a back and forth motion at slow required to remove the rough debris and fines.

speed. The area being scabbled will require continuous sweeping to allow the operator to see the removal Production rates. Productivity will vary considerably progress. depending on size of machine, strength of substrate, depth of removal, and the type of material being re-Equipment moved. For heavy removal, estimated rates range from

" Scabbler: manually-operated machines range from 20 ftWhr (2 m/hr) to 100 ft2/hr (9 m2/hr).

single-head, hand-held units to walk-behind units hav-ing up to twelve heads Standards i specifications

  • Air compressor or other air source producing a mini- As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or mum of 180 cfm @ 120 psi. Cfm requirements are customer.

likely to increase with larger equipment and multiple Visual inspection to verify profile. The prepared sur-heads. (Disregard air requirements if hydraulic face should be free of dust, debris, or bond-inhibiting scabblers are used.)

barriers, and demonstrate sufficient strength for the pro-

  • Air hose: V2 - 2 inches (13 - 50 mm) I.D. posed application. ACI 515.1R describes methods and Materials. Impact bits are the consumed material. These criteria for judging surface cleanliness and strength (see are available in varying configurations of tungsten car- ref. page 41).

bide inserts.

Safety Labor. Operator skill requirements are considered low. " Eye protection: Required.

Down time. Minimal. Setup requires very little time, un- " Personal protective equipment: Skin should be pro-less dust protection includes draping and taping. Setup tected by clothing and barrier creams. Dust may pro-of air hoses and changing bits is required once per day. duce alkali burns or allergic skin response.

Bit changes will take anywhere from 10 minutes for "Respiratory protection: Required. Mask should be ap-single-head units to as much as 35 minutes for large, proved for silica and other airborne dusts, and fit tightly multi-head units. Scabbler machines require little main- to contours of face. If materials being removed contain tenance. toxic substances, additional protection may be required.

Cleanup. Dust and larger particles up to /2 inches (13 "Hearing protection: Recommended.


EC 75219 Page 30 of 43 I0~\NTERNATIONAL "on ZOO CONCRETE REPAIR INS I TU T 1 insufficient to be conclusive. (It has been demonstrated that micro-cracking will reduce the strength of the bond between, the substrate and most materials placed over it.) The deleterious effects of micro-cracking may be re-duced or eliminated by following initial removal with steel shotblasting, abrasive blasting, or high and ultra high-pressure water jetting.

Removal. Removal is accomplished by the superficial fracturing of the substrate induced by the expansive force of superheated pore water. Depth of removal ranges from VI - 1/4inch (3 - 6 mm) per pass.

Pattern. Flame blasting will produce an irregular, chipped surface with no discernible pattern.

rijULU; % t,1I.Ul[U .IdU IIIIJ Ito.

Profile. ICRI CSP 8 and higher Flame Blasting Sharp angular surface with a profile amplitude ranging from 1/s - 11/44 inch (3 - 6 mm).

The combination of oxygen and acetylene to Accessibility. The equipment is relatively small and produce aflame which is passed at a given highly maneuverable. A hand-held torch connected to the fuel source with flexible hoses provides unrestricted height and rate over the substrate. access to include edges, corners, and recessed spaces.

However, access may be restricted by the presence of combustible adjacent surfaces, or non-portable machin-Method summary ery or equipment.

Flame blasting is used on horizontal, vertical, and over-Environmental factors. Flame blasting will generate hot, head surfaces to remove contaminated concrete, mas-flying debris capable of igniting combustible materials tics, or other high-build coatings. The applicability of in the vicinity of the process. The acetylene-oxygen com-this method is restricted by the presence of a 3,2000 C bustion products are not hazardous. However, the heat (5,8000 F) open flame, and the generation of toxic fumes of the flame may generate smoke and fumes which may which may accompany the removal of some materials.

be respiratory irritants or toxic, depending upon con-This process does not generate dust and is suitable for taminants present in the substrate or materials being re-interior and exterior applications.

moved. Materials likely to pose a respiratory hazard and Purpose. To remove elastomeric membranes, paints, require special handling include tile mastics, which may coatings up to '14 inch (6 mm) in preparation for the ap- contain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs which may plication of overlays over 1/o inch (3 mm) thick. Flame have been absorbed by concrete in the vicinity of elec-blasting may also be used to remove grease and oil trical equipment. It is probable that the risk factors posed contaminants. by the vaporization of contaminants or materials being removed cannot be reliably accessed in every instance.

Limitations. This method may not be used in the vicinity In these circumstances, the prudence and utility of using of flammable or combustible materials. It will generate this method would need to be very carefully considered.

a heavy volume of smoke and fumes when used to re-move membranes, coatings, and other hydrocarbons from the substrate. Flame blasting may produce micro-crack-Execution ing. Although some bond strength testing suggests that Concrete surfaces to be cleaned and profiled by this the process does not cause micro-cracking, the data are method must be presoaked for one to two hours to pro- ii 03732-28 SELECTINGANDSPECIFYING CONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION FOR SEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 31 of43 SsINFR3fN.ATIONAL I N1 S; T 1 U "

duce saturated, surface dry conditions. This step is re- Standards I specifications quired to insure that the substrate contains enough mois-ture to generate the expansive force required to fracture As required by the specifications of the manufacturer or customer.

the surface.

Visual inspection to verify profile. The prepared sur-Equipment face should be free of dust, debris, bond-inhibiting bar-

"Specialized equipment designed to shape the flame, riers, and demonstrate sufficient strength for the pro-positively control fuel sources, and project the flame posed application. ACI 515.1R describes methods and onto the substrate is required criteria for judging surface cleanliness and strength (see

" Sufficient hose to transport fuel from the storage loca- ref. page 41). Laboratory testing may be required to tion to the work area verify complete removal of specified contaminants.

Materials. Acetylene and oxygen are the consumed mate- Safety rials. These industrial gases must be available in appropri-Flame blasting will induce the explosive fracture of ag-ate containers.

gregate which may propel hot, airborne fragments as far Labor. Operators must be trained by the manufacturer of as 20 feet (6 m).

the equipment and-skilled and knowledgeable in the " Eye protection: Goggles and face shield meeting ANSI handling of oxygen-acetylene mixtures. Operators must requirements for high impact resistance are required.

know when and how to use high temperature open flames Radiant energy shading as recommended by flame and which materials are hazardous when they bum or equipment manufacturers.

decompose under heat.

"Personal protective equipment: Helmet and heavy, heat Down time. Minimal. Some time is required for setup resistant insulating gloves are required. Skin should and changing tanks. be protected by heavy, noncombustible clothing and Cleanup. Flame blasting produces debris consisting of steel-toed boots.

concrete chips. If the substrate was protected by a coat-

  • Respiratory protection: May be required depending ing or other barrier system, the chips may be covered upon the composition of materials being removed. It is with a charred polymer residue. Debris may be removed probable that, at a minimum, the use of masks fitted with oil-free air blast or by mechanical or manual sweep- with organic vapor canisters will be required during ing with stiff-bristled brushes. the removal of materials containing polyurethane, methacrylate or epoxy compounds.

Production rates. Rates depend on the thickness and composition of the materials being removed, the num-

  • Hearing protection: Recommended.

ber of flames, and the rate of travel. Estimated rates range from 50 - 600 ft?/hr (5 - 55 mlfhr).


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 32 of 43 INNRT NTION N A? 1 AI-CONCRETE REPAIR I N S T I T U T E Removal. The cutting teeth strike the surface with great force, fracturing material into chips and dust. Depth of concrete removal ranges from 11/4 - 4 inches (6 - 100 mm). Removal depth is determined by the number and size of teeth. Smaller teeth in greater numbers are used when shallow removal depths are desired. Most machines are equipped with depth gauges which allow the opera-tor to limit the depth of cut.

Pattern. Milling will produce a very irregular surface dominated by fractured coarse aggregate. A tool pattern will range from linear striations to deep grooving.

Profile. ICRI CSP 9 rnoio: Lammororoiners uompany, inc.

Extremely rough, chipped surface with a profile ampli-tude ranging from 1/414 - 1/2 inches (6 - 13 mm). Profile Milling/Rotomilling obtained is determined by the number and size of teeth.

Accessibility. Most milling equipment will reach to within 6 inches (150 mm) of walls, and 12 inches (300 An aggressive methodfor removing the upper mm) of corners. A vertical clearance of approximately 6 level of a concrete substrate by "clawing" or feet 8 inches (2 m) is required. Turning radii will need grooving using a large machine with cutting to be plotted to determine if there is sufficient space for maneuver around columns, wall, and corners. Shoring teeth attached to a rotating drum. of supported levels may be required.

Environmental factors. Milling will produce airborne Method summary dust containing concrete constituents and particles of any Milling is used on horizontal surfaces to remove unsound other materials or contaminants being removed. Any spe-concrete, mastics or other high-build coatings, and as- cial requirements for containment and disposal of dust phaltic overlays. It may used to deeply profile and debris will depend on the specific materials or con-concrete substrates. This method is suitable for use in taminants being removed. Materials likely to require spe-interior and exterior applications.

cial handling and disposal include tile mastics, which may contain asbestos; lead-based paint; and PCBs which Purpose. Heavy-duty removal of deteriorated concrete may have been absorbed by concrete in the vicinity of and virtually any overlay, coating, or mastic materials electrical equipment. Work area enclosures to prevent in preparation for the placement of protective overlays. dust intrusion into occupied work space may be needed.

Limitations. Slabs must be structurally able to support Special ventilation provisions may be required when op-large, heavy equipment. This method will produce high erating gasoline or diesel powered units indoors.

levels of noise, dust, and severe vibration. If water is used to control dust or clean the substrate, the Milling operations will probably cause micro-cracking. run off will have a high pH and may contain regulated (It has been demonstrated that micro-cracking will re- substances. Filtration systems or settlement tanks may duce the strength of the bond between the substrate and be needed in conjunction with drainage systems to meet most materials placed over it.) The deleterious effects environmental requirements.

of micro-cracking may be reduced or eliminated by fol- Noise levels will exceed 85 dB. Vibration levels are lowing initial removal with steel shotblasting, abrasive severe.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 33 of 43 I RNAT!1?NA

- -IIF ACnt 8 1 1T 1.)T E Execution maintain specified cutting depth and profile. Replace-ment of cutting heads is generally needed every 20 "Milling equipment is driven in a straight path. hours of operating time.

"Depth is controlled by observing depth gauge. Mul-tiple passes may be required. Cleanup. Chips and dust may be removed with water, air, brooms, or shovels. Self-propelled sweepers are com-

"Each pass must overlap the adjacent pass.

monly used.

  • Debris is removed from the site.

Production rates. Estimated rates are listed below:


  • 1000 ft2 /hr (90 m2 /hr) for small machines

" Milling machine (transported by tractor and low-bed

  • 3000 - 4000 ft2 /hr (280 - 370 m2 /hr) for mid-range trailer with ramp) machines

" Debris removal equipment may include dump trucks,

  • 15,000 ft/hr (1400 m2 /hr) for large highway machines loader, conveyor system, shovels and brooms "Shoring devices may be required to support machine Standards &specifications weight on elevated slabs Milled substrates are visually inspected to confirm com-Materials. Milling heads or "teeth." pliance with specifications for profile and depth of re-moval. The prepared surface should be free of dust, de-Labor. Experienced, trained machine operators are

.Cr- bris, bond-inhibiting barriers, and demonstrate sufficient needed to operate equipment and perform periodic main-strength for the proposed application. ACI 515.IR de-tenance or replacement of cutting heads. Additional scribes methods and criteria for judging surface cleanli-Workers with appropriate skills are needed to operate ness and strength (see ref. page 41). Laboratory testing the support equipment such as conveyors, dump trucks, may be required to verify complete removal of speci-and for general clean up.

fied contaminants.

Down time

" Job site must be prepared to receive equipment. Elec-Safety trical hazards, structural capacity analysis, environmen- " Eye protection: Required.

tal requirements, and safety issues must be addressed " Personal protective equipment: Skin should be pro-prior to machine operation. tected by clothing and barrier creams. Dust may pro-

" Mobilization of the equipment onto the surface, instal- duce alkali burns or allergic skin response.

lation and adjustment of cutting heads, and dust/de- " Respiratory protection: Required. Process will gener-bris control equipment. ate airborne dust. Mask should be approved for silica

" Smaller work areas may require equipment to be shut and other airborne dusts, and fit tightly to contours of down at 30 minute intervals for debris removal. face. If materials being removed contain toxic sub-stances, additional protection may be required.

" Periodic inspection, adjustment, or replacement of cut-ting heads or drive train components is required to "Hearing protection: Required.



Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 34 of 43


f CONCRETE REPAIR I N s t T U T E Appendix A The Method Selection Process The initial step in the selection process is to determine project objectives and requirements. Consistently good Method Selection Process J preparation decisions cannot be achieved without a thor-ough understanding of the material requirements, sub-strate conditions, and the owner's objectives and oper- CoSabtrat ating needs. Because the surface preparation method(s) conditions requirements used will determine the substrate profile, consideration of methods should be deferred until after the coating Detercine system has been selected and film thickness requirements are known. It is only after performance requirements have been identified and prioritized, and selection crite- Project Owner Application ria have been defined, that the selection of specific meth- Analysis requirements ods of surface preparation can be made.

The checklists which follow in Section I help ensure Determine that critical information is identified and considered on and priorltize every project. The data generated in the evaluation phase performance criteria are analyzed to identify project priorities and to develop criteria for the selection of surface preparation meth-ods. This phase is discussed in Section 2. Examples of need prioritization are included to underscore the fact Identify that selection decisions will be driven by a series of trade- methods which will offs. Once project requirements, priorities and selection provide required criteria have been determined, the Method Summaries Preparation performance and Method Selector (pages 7 - 31)'may be used to iden- Strategy tify the method, or combination of methods, most likely to produce the desired results for that project. The Select method(s) that Method Selector may be used to quickly match typical provides optimum balance of coating system requirements and methods capable of performance, risk, and cost factors producing the required profile. The factors which should shape the selection decision are reviewed in Section 3.


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 35 of 43

  • , I N* T E R1 N A'f' 101 NA LaI NA Ind 'JTEcq.rN AL, PAIR

-,Mý INS TI T 13 T E


Appendix A Section 1 Determine project objectives and requirements The information gathered in this phase is needed to de- -

velop specific criteria for determining which method or Method Selection Process combination of methods will best meet the engineer's and owner's objectives. Checklists on the following pages provide examples of the data needed to identify OwnerMaterial and prioritize performance requirements. requirements requirements 1 Substrate condition- The strength of the substrate 7 -

and the presence of unsound or bond-inhibiting ma-

[ J terials help define the nature and volume of prepara-tion needed. Although a discussion of the various techniques and test methods used to evaluate the con- Substrate Application dition of concrete is beyond the scope of this guide- ConditionsI line, the checklists provide examples of the types of information which should be considered. Determine 2 Owner requirements: Noise, vibration, dust, and wa- and prioritize ter are among the possible effects generated by vari- performance criteria ous preparation methods. These can disrupt routine use of the structure or damage its contents. The owner's need for uninterrupted use of the structure, concerns about the operating environment, or prop- Identify erty damage potential will often limit the choices. methods provide which requiredwill 3 Material requirements: Good decisions about sur- performance face preparation cannot be made without knowing the properties and application requirements of the se-lected material. Surface preparation, and profile re-quirements in particular, will vary with the protec- Select method(s) that tive system selected. Ideally, the protective coating provides optimum balance of system to be applied should be selected before or performance, risk, and cost factors during this phase. The short description of these broad coating categories provided in Appendix B help il-lustrate the effect substrate profile may have on the performance and appearance of these systems.

4 Application conditions The generation of dust, slurries, or large volumes of water may introduce requirements for their contain-ment and safe disposal. The type and capacity of me-chanical ventilation and available power sources, the size of door openings and minimum vertical clear-ance are all examples of application conditions which will affect surface preparation decisions.

The checklists will help ensure that the most important issues will be considered and resolved at the optimum time-before the project is underway.



IN S T I T U T E Appendix A Substrate Condition Method Selection Process SurfaceCotn Irequirements Soill/Efflorescence/Encrustation Determine Type project objectives Thickness Owner Application Bond strength requirements conditions Surface imperfections Dr and prioritize O laitance 3 bugholes El ridges [3'exposed aggregate 173abrasion performance criteria O other I Bond-breaking contaminants El oil 0 membranes [3 coatings El curing films 17]latex modifiers methods which will provide required C3 other performance Soundness Son s Select method(s) that Deteriorated concrete depth provides optimum balance of performance, risk, and cost factors Cause Pull-off test results Chloride content Hazardous materials present 13 PCB 0 asbestos mastic El pesticides C3 chemicals 13 heavy metals C3 other Special containment or disposal required General observations Permeability (inhibit penetration)

Section thickness Required depth of removal Moisture content I


Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 370of43 RigfIN 'ST I U TE


Appendix A Owner Requirements Project objectives Appearance of applied system Texture: r smooth 0 slip-resistant 0 reflect substrate contours Opacity: C clear 0 translucent 0 solid color Structure utilization needs Work period methods which will hours _duration hoursduraion erfomanc provide required


Negative effects noise water/slurry dust vibration smoke & fumes flying debris Select method(s) that provides optimum balance of performance, risi, and cost factors OMMM.M..10 I

Material Requirements Substrate Tensile strength (ICRI No. 3735 ACI 503 Appendix A)

Surface profile acceptable range (CSP numbers)

Material Film thickness wet: dry:


EC 75219 Page 38 of 43 INTEFINATIONAL 1otBSCONCRETE REPAIR (N i ir0 N S TI T uIF'-

Appendix A Application Conditions Accessibility Surface orientation 0 horizontal (3 vertical E overhead turning radius __ door openings __ min. vertical clearance load-bearing capacity non-portable equipment/machinery notes Environmental considerations containment of airborne debris containment and disposal of liquid/slurry debris drainage system restrictions on use containment and disposal of solid debris hazardous waste containment and disposal Mechanical data Electricity types available locations Air maximum pressure available cfm locations Ventilation natural mechanical 03732-36 SELECTING ANDSPECIFYING CONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION FORSEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS

Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 39 of 43 tt,rI FiN AT O N A L N CONCRETE R1PAIR IF I INrTITL)TE Appendix A Section 2 Establish performance priorities Surface preparation methods should not be specified until the performance criteria which best satisfy project ob-jectives are identified. Information on existing condi-tions, requirements, and project objectives collected in the evaluation phase is used to develop performance cri-teria, which are then prioritized. These should be ranked in descending order of importance. Objectives and re-quirements that are not essential should not be listed.

This process allows competing demands to be carefully weighed to ensure that the performance criteria most critical to the success of the project become the selec-tion criteria. Two sample lists are shown below:

Example 1: Interior floor replacement A 30 x 70 foot (9 x 22 m) room in a large production facility is to be converted from shipping into an elec-tronic components assembly area. The existing 1/8 inch (3 mm) aggregate-filled MMA floor is to be replaced Identify with an epoxy, antistatic conductive floor coating. The methods which will conductive floor will be installed during a 96 hour0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> facil- provide required ity shut down. Dust must not circulate in the climate- performance controlled building. A surface profile of CSP 2 - 3 is required to ensure fiber continuity in the base coat.

Priorities: (ranked in order of importance) 1 Achieve CSP 3 or lower to meet floor system require-ment to ensure conductive function.

2 Dust-free preparation in order to preclude product quality problems Select method(s) that provides optimum balance of performance, risk, and cost factors I 3 Fast turn-around to complete project within shut down window mon shear wall with patient rooms for two of its four 4 Low vibration to maintain calibration of sensitive in- levels. The hospital requires that 85% of parking capac-strumentation ity remain in service throughout project.

Priorities: (ranked in order of importance)

Example 2 Deck coating installation 1 Dust-free preparation to prevent finish damage to A 240 stall structure providing employee parking for parked vehicles general hospital is to be protected by a traffic bearing 2 Low noise/vibration to minimize patient discomfort membrane. Surface preparation must remove all dete-riorated concrete, bond-inhibiting contaminants, and 3 Achieve profile CSP 3 or 4 to provide optimum sur-leave deck surfaces with a profile within a range de- face for bonding fined by CSP 3 - 4. The parking structure has a com- 4 Fast turn around to minimize employee inconvenience SELECTING ANDSPECIFYINGCONCRETESURFACE PREPARATION FOR SEALERS, COATINGS,ANDPOLYMEROVERLAYS 03732-37

  • on ZOO EC 75219 Page 40 of 43 (k INTrEF*NATIONAL JI[CONCRET RPAIR EC 75219 Page 40 of 43 IN S T1 TU T N Appendix A Section 3 Selecting and specifying methods of surface preparation Most coating or sealing projects will have unique con-ditions and special requirements that must be carefully evaluated before the selection criteria can be established.

Selecting the method(s) which optimize project objec-tives requires a good knowledge of the available options.

The Method Summaries and Method Selector contained in this guideline (pages 7 - 31) allow users to readily compare data on the capabilities, limitations, operating requirements, and environmental considerations for each surface preparation method. Using the performance cri-teria developed earlier (Sections I and 2), the number of suitable methods is likely to be quickly narrowed to 1 - 3 potential selections. The Method Selector (page 7) may be used make a preliminary identification of the methods capable of producing the required surface pro-files. In some cases, however, specific project conditions may preclude the use of the methods suggested.

Careful evaluation of competing priorities will be re-quired to determine the best selection. Selection criteria


provide a systematic framework for assessing method suitability and guide decisions when compromise is r

needed to ensure achievement of the most important project objectives.

In some instances, more than one method may be Selectoptimum method(s) that of provides balance needed to produce the desired results. For example, high performance, risk, and cost factors impact' mechanical methods which produce surface "bruising" may sometimes provide the most efficient means of achieving the required degree of cleaning. In these circumstances, subsequent treatment with shot or surface depressions caused by profiling. If necessary, abrasive blasting, fine scarification or high and ultra unacceptably high or rough profiles on existing or pre-high-pressure water jetting may be used to restore sub- pared surfaces may be reduced by means of additional strate soundness. In another example, the most cost ef- passes usifig properly selected surface preparation equip-fective approach to surface preparation may include the ment. On occasion, the application of a resurfacing mor-use of a method which produces a high profile in the tar or leveling film of a coating material compatible with substrate. Material consumption on prepared concrete the system to be applied may be required to achieve the surfaces is influenced by several factors including sub- profile and appearance desired.

strate surface area, porosity, waste, uniformity of film Final selection is based on the relationship between thickness, and the volume of material needed to fill in cost, project objectives, and risk.


  • f,.* .-7 *, *,*4 t-I P~nA d1 nfA*

Section ZOO - - . -.

A, N/W_-. .,1'*

,. 1 C E,-?NA' rT1 -0N.A.

, 9145tl" CNCRETC RI.PAKI1 Appendix B Sealers and coatings Concrete sealers 0 - 3 mils (0- 75 gtm) dry Penetrating sealers such as silanes or siloxanes will have little or no effect on the appearance of the treated sur-faces. Any surface defects, contaminants, or profile will be visible. Film-forming sealers such as epoxies, ure-thanes, and acrylics, in unpigmented formulations may substantially darken concrete and impart a sheen. Lack Penetrating sealer of hiding power is comparable to that of the penetrating sealers. Pigmented formulations may hide stains and impart a degree of light reflectivity; however, surface irregularities and profile will not be altered.

Thin-film coatings 4- 10 mils (100-250p m) dry

.- These products may be formulated to achieve high hid-

,I ing power. However, even relatively minor surface im-perfections and all but the lowest of profiles produced by surface preparation equipment will show through.

Thin-film coating High-build coatings, self-leveling coatings, and polymer overlays 10 mils - 1/4/inch (250 gxm - 6 mm) dry The selection of these materials for application provides the specifier with many more preparation options. These materials will have both high hiding power and some ability to fill in irregularities and level prepared surfaces.

The contractor's ability to produce a smooth finish over H-ldcai or higher profiles improves with increasing thickness of the applied coating system.


.SlectionINNrEnNATION/AL ZOO EC 75219 Page 42 of 43 f CONCRETE REPAIR SI N ST I T U TE Appendix C Safety Safety implications anticipated for each method are in-cluded in the Safety section of the method summaries.

The information is intended only to alert users to the nature and magnitude of the safety issues associated with the method described.

Referenced OSHA regulations apply to typical haz-ards that may reasonably accompany a selected method of surface preparation. Additional regulations may ap-ply depending on the work area conditions and jurisdic-tion. Consult a safety professional or OSHA about ap-plicable regulations.

For further information, refer to the OSHA regu-lations that pertain to each of the protection catego-ries referenced in the method summaries. Included therein are detailed references to safety protocols equipment standards, personnel training, and docu-mentation needed to meet OSHA requirements.



Section ZOO EC 75219 Page 43 of 43

/N01ý~ N' F I 011A1FýN Appendix D References and grinding equipment; Water blast cleaning: using a high pressure water blasting unit and fresh potable water; Related Material Abrasive blast cleaning: including wet or dry open-blast cleaning with nozzles and self-contained recirculating blast-cleaning apparatus.

American Concrete Institute. Annual. Manual of Concrete ASTM D 4260 Standard Practice for Acid Etching Practice,Five Parts, Detroit, MI, "Guide to the use of Concrete The intent of this practice is to prepare concrete Waterproofing, Damp-proofing, Protective, and Decorative surfaces prior to the application of coatings by altering the Barrier Systems for Concrete," ACI 515.IR, Chapter 3, surface profile and removing foreign materials, such as Concrete Conditioning and Surface Preparation. (note in weak surface laitance. All grease, oil and other penetrating particular: Section 3.5 "Tests for surface quality prior to contaminants should be removed prior to acid etching. Fins application") and protruding surface irregularities are to be removed by ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials. mechanical means. Typical acid solutions covered by this Annual. Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Philadelphia, method include: muriatic (hydrochloric), sulfamic, PA. Note: Use the latest available issue of each ASTM phosphoric and citric acids. Note: Hydrochloric acid shall standard. not be used where chlorides are prohibited. The acid solutions are applied to a surface that has been pre-wetted ASTM D 4258 Standard Practice for Surface Cleaning with potable water. After scrubbing with a stiff-bristle Concrete for Coating This practice defines methods of brush, the surface is flushed with fresh potable water to cleaning concrete to remove grease, dirt, and loose material remove reaction products.

prior to the application of coatings. The procedures outlined in the standard include: broom cleaning, vacuum ASTM D 4262 Standard Test Method for pH of Chemi-cleaning, air blast cleaning, water cleaning, detergent water cally Cleaned or Etched Concrete Surfaces This test cleaning, and steam cleaning of concrete surface for method is used when chemical cleaning or acid etching has applying coatings for light duty service. Broom cleaning: been employed to prepare concrete surfaces for coating.

is to remove most surface dust and other loosely adherent The acidity or alkalinity of the final rinse water is measured solid contaminants. Vacuum cleaning: removes dust and using pH test paper with a minimum range of from 1 to 11 other debris by the use of a heavy duty industrial vacuum. pH. Measurement of at least two areas in each 500 square Air blast cleaning: uses compressed air and abrasive at 80 feet at random locations is required. The final pH reading to 100 psi through a blast nozzle held approximately 2 feet shall not be more than 1.0 lower or 2.0 points higher than from the substrate. Water cleaning: uses a stream of clean the original pH of the rinse water unless otherwise potable water of sufficient pressure to remove debris. Hand specified.

scrubbing with stiff-bristled brush may also be required.

ASTM D 4263 Standard Test Method For Indicating Detergent water cleaning: the removal of water-soluble Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sheet Method surface contaminants, oils, grease, and other emulsifiable This test method indicates the presence of capillary materials using a detergent or non-solvent emulsifier and moisture in concrete by taping a plastic sheet 18 inches stiff-bristled brush. Steam cleaning: uses a jet of high-square to the surface to be coated. The test should be pressure steam to remove contaminants. Detergents or non-conducted when the ambient conditions and surface solvent emulsifying agents may be added to aid in removal.

temperature are within the established parameters for Areas where detergents or non-solvent emulsifying agents application of the specified coating system. The plastic is to are used must be flushed with potable water to meet an remain on the substrate for a minimum of 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. Upon acceptable criteria for pH. An acceptable surface after removal, the area is inspected for the presence ( or absence) cleaning of concrete by one or more of these methods shall of moisture.

be a substrate free of oil, grease, loosely adhering concrete, and other contamination. ASTM D 4285 Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil ASTM D 4259 Standard Practice for Abrading Concrete or Water in Compressed Air This test method uses either This is a standard practice to provide a clean and roughened an absorbent or nonabsorbent collector that is positioned 24 surface that is free of laitance, form release agents, curing inches in front of the discharge air after any in-line oil and agent, oil, grease, and other penetrating contaminants. The water separators. After a period of not less than 1 minute, surface shall be free of fins, projections and loosely the collector is inspected for indications of oil discoloration adhering concrete, dirt, and dust particles. Suitable methods or water, include: using rotary impact, vertical impact, and circular SELECTINGANDSPECIFYING CONCRETESLURFAr.F PFP*nA.TInN FnR RFAIFS, rnATIKIe' Ahin PniVRAg* nAca Ir miv) At A

Section Z01 EC 75219 Page 1 of 7 TECHNICAL.

.GUIDELINES Prepared by the International Concrete Repair Institute (reissued March 1995). .

October- 1989 Guide for Surface Preparation 1*

for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel Corrosion Guideline No. 03730 k.

Copyright © 1995 International Concrete Repair Institute All rights reserved.

International Concrete Repair Institute 3166 S. River Road, Suite 132, Des Plaines, IL 60018.

Phone: 847-827-0830 Fax: 847-827-0832 Web: E-mail: 917 i~.

,91.8 Section ZO1 CONCRETE EPA ANUAL Page 2 of 7 Technical Guidelines Committee Committee members during the preparationof the 1989 edition:

Peter H.Emmons, Chair Don Gardonio Structural Preservation Systems, Inc. Facca Constructionln'c:-

Baltimore, Maryland, Maidstone, Onpafio, Canada Kermit D. Bright Robert Tracy B Structural Engineering Associates Kansas City, Missouri, Richard P. Delargey Structural Maintenance Systems, Inc.

Tracy Restoration Engineers Ann Arbor, Michigan Douglas G.White Thomas Downey, Ltd.

Exton, Pennsylvania Arlington, Virginia Current committee members who providedfurther inputfor the 1995 edition:

Peter H. Emmons, Chair Jack A. Morrow Structural Preservation Systems, Inc, Jamor Engineering Baltimore, Maryland Calgary, Alberta, Canada Tom Kline Ken Lozen.

Structural Preservation Systems, Inc. NTH Consultants, Ltd.'

Gilberts, Illinois' Farmington Hills, Michigan James E. McDonald Robert R.Cain Waterways Experiment Station KRC Associates Vicksburg, Mississippi Milford, Ohio

  • 1


Section Z01 SURFACE IFI ATION GUIDE Page 3 of 7 919 Introduction This document is the result of a process of distribution, commentary, and revision by the Technical Guidelines Committee and the member-ship of the International Concrete Repair Institute. It was submitted to the voting members of the Association for approval on August 1, 1989, and approved by over 95% of the respondents.

Several of the comments of the voting members, both from those who voted for approval and those who voted against approval, are worth noting and are reprinted below.

0 Even though a guideline exists for determining the amount of allowable corrosion before replacing or supplementing a reinforcing bar, it is always wise to consult a structural engineer if any corrosion exists.

. Special caution should be taken to locate and avoid buried electrical conduits or prestressing or post-tensioning tendons when performing removals. Cutting into either can be a life threatening situation.

. Undercutting the reinforcing bar should not be counted on to secure the repair structurally in lieu of proper methods of bonding a repair to the existing substrate.

  • A sawcut can and, possibly should, be greater than the 1/2 in. (13 mm) noted, as long as the reinforcing steel is not cut into.

This document is intended as a voluntary guideline for the owner, design professional, and concrete repair contractor. It is not intended to relieve the professional engineeror designer of any responsibility for the specification of concrete repair methods, materials, or practices.

While we believe the information contained herein represents the proper means to achieve quality results, the International Concrete Repair Institute must disclaim any liability or responsibility to those who may choose to rely on all or any part of this guideline.

920 Section Z01 CONCRETE~f9EUM ANUAL Page 4 of 7I'

,.Removal Geometry Section Elevation Beam or Rib Elevation Column Corner 4

Slab or Wall Partial Depth

ý.:ý ..............

Slab or Wall Full Depth

mu ~ I-r Section Z01 SURFACE PREPAPJION GUIDE Page 5 of 7 921 Exposing and Undercutting of",Reinforcing Steel, These details are applicable to horizontal, vertical, and overhead locations. They are also applicable to removal by hydro-demolition, hydro-milling, and elec-tric, pneumatic or hydraulic impact breakers.

0 Remove loose or delaminated concrete above cor-roded reinforcing steel.

0 Once initial removals are made, proceed with the undercutting of all exposed corroded bars. Under-cutting will provide clearaice for-under bar clean-ing and full bar circumference bonding to surrounding concrete kaid will secure the repair structurally. Providý minimum .3/4 inch (19 mm) clearance between exposed rebars and surrounding concrete or 1A inch (6 mm) larger than largest aggregate in repair material, whichever is greater, 0 Concrete removals shall extend along the bars to locations along the bar free of bond inhibiting to corrosion, and where the bar is well bonded surrounding concrete.

o If non-corroded reinforcing steel is exposed.dur-ing the undercutting prpcess, care shall be taken not totdamage ihe bar'.sbond to surrounding concrete. If bond between bar. and boncrete is broken, undercutting of the bar shall be required.

0 Any reinforcement which is loose shall be secured in place by tying to other secured bars or by other approved methods.

922 Section Z01 CONCRETE?&?NWIANUAL Page'6 of 7 Cleaning and Repair of Reinforcing Steel Cleaning of Reinforcing Steel All heavy corrosion and scale should be removed from the bar as necessary to promote maximum bond of replacement material. Oil free abrasive blast is the preferred method. A tightly bonded light rust build-up on the surface is usually not detrimental to bond, unless a protective coating is ................

being applied to the bar'surface, in which case the coating manufacturer's recommendations for sur-face preparation, should be followed.

Reinforcing \

~Steel * *-Abrasive

  • ~Nozzle
  • Abrasive cc o Paths corroded Bars Repair of Reinforcing Steel Due to Loss of Section If reinforcing steel has lost significant cross section, a New bars may be mechanically spliced to old bars structural engineer should be consulted. If repairs are or placed parallelrto and approximately '/4 in. (19,mm) required to the reinforcing steel, one of the following from existing bars. Lap lengths shall be determnined repair methods should be used: in accordance with ACI 318; also refer to CRSI and
  • Complete bar replacement, or AASHTO manual.

" Addition of supplemental bar over affected section.

SI Affected Length Loss of Section I Supplemental Bar Required Lap

  • Required Lap Affected Length R


Section ZO0 SURFACE PREP/IAT$ON GUIDE Page 7 of 7 923 Edge and Surface Conditioning of Concrete

'These details are applicable:.to0horhzntal, vertical, and overhead locatiIns. They ae also applicable to removal by hydro-dernolition,;hydromilling, and elec-tric, 'pheimatic or hydraulic impact breakers.

Do not use these detailsforshoterete applications-for shotcrete repairsrefer toACi 506Edge Prepara-tion Guidelines.

  • Removeý delamninated concrete, undercut rein-

-forcintg steel (refer to "Exposing.'a*id, Undercut- Kj~; 0_~~

ting of Reinforcing Steel"'on p-age 3), remove additional "concrete as re.uired'toprjovide mim-mumniequired thickness of repi material.

0. At edge locations, .provide right angle cuts to the concrete surface with either. of the following methods:

Sawcut 1/2X" .(13,mm)..or less as required to

ýavoid.cutting reinforcing steeL.

" .USe power equipment such as hydrodemolition or: impact bre akers.:Avoid feather edges.

O Repair configurations shoutd be kept as simple as possiblej-,prf~rably with*squared corners.

S.After remhovals. and edge conditioning are com- Boundary of loose Recommended and delaminated Layout plete, remove. bond: inhibiting materials (dirt, concrete slurrvy, loosely -bonded aggregates) by abrasive blasting or high pressure waterblasting Wih or Without abrasive. Check the concrete surfaces after cleaning to insure thiat surface is free from additionalLoose a-ggregate, or that ad-ditionail delaminations are not present. * '0 ".

(?Jý If hydrodemofitioni is used, cement and particulate - 1'?i!:i f:iii i?.;;i:.?

  • ?:.i:::;

slurry must be removedfm the prepared surfaces

.'before slurry hardens.

Section Z02 - Attachment C EC 75219R0 Page 1 of 4 INTERNATIONAL Designation: D 4580- 03 Standard Practice for Measuring Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks by Sounding' This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 45 80; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lasrreappioval. A supirsciipt epsilon (y)' indicates an editorial ch.*igc since the las revision or-rcapprovail.

1 'Scope percussive force caused by the tappingwheels will create either 1I This practice covers procedures for surveying concrete a dull or hollow sound indicating any, delamination.

bridge decks by sounding to determine delaminations in the 1.3 This stdndard does not purport to address all of the concrete. It is not intended that the proccdures described herein safety concerns, if any, associated with ilts use. It is the are to be used on bridge decks that have been overlaid with responsibility of whoever uses this *andard to consult and bituminous, mixtures. The procedures may be used on bridge establish appropriatesaf.,ty and health practices and deter-decks that have been overlaid with portland cement concrete inine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

mixtures: however, areas indicated tobe delaminated may have

2. Significance and Use a lack of bond between the overlay and the underlying bridge deck (Note 1). 2.1 This practice may be used in conjunction with other methods in determining the general condition of concrete Nors I-The influence of variable field conditions such as traffic noise, 'bridge decks:

vibration, moisture content of the concrete, and the like. are not com-2:2 This practice may be used in determining specific areas pletely known ani additional investigation may be needed. It is generally agreed that the practice should not be used on frozen concrete. of delamination requiring repair.

1.2 The following three procedures are covered in this PROCEDURE A-ELECTRO-MECHANICAL practice: SOUNDING DEVICE 1E2.1 Procedure A, Electro-MechanicalSouhding Device-...

This procedure uses an electric powered tapping deviice, sonic 3. Summary of Procedure receiver, and recorder mounted on a cart. The cart is pushed 3.1 Longitudinal lines at a predetermined spacing are estab-acros* the, bridge deck and delaminations are recorded on the lished on the bridge deck.

recorder. 3.2 After calibration, the sounding device is pushed along 1.2:2 procedure B, Chain Drag--Thisprocedure consists of the established lines. Electrically powered-tapping wheels emit dragging a chain over the bridge deck surface. The detection of vibrations into the deck that are sensed by sonic receivers.

delaminations is accomplished by the opei'ator noting dull or Areas of delamination are indicated by deflections on a strip hollow sounds. Tapping the biidge deck surface with asteel rod chart recorder.

or ha .asner may be substituted for the chain drag. 3.3 All portions on the strip chart indicating delaminations 1.2.3 Procedure C, Rotary Percussion2-This procedure are plotted on a scaled map of the bridge deck. An outline is consists of rolling a dual-wheel, multi-toothed apparatus at- made showing the areas of delamination.

tached to an-extension pole over the bridge deck surface. The

4. Apparatus Nom 2-The apparatus described here has been found suiiable and is the most common iype commercially available. Other apparatuses that do

'This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road and not exactly conform to these requirements such as sounding device, Paving 'Materials and is the dir&i responsibility of Subcommittee D04.32 on

'tapping rate, or sonic receivers may also be accepted.

Bridges and Structures.

Current edition approved July 10, 2003. Published September'2003. Originally 4.1 Electro-MechanicalSounding Device-A small, three-approved in 1986. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 458.0 - 02. wheeled cart upon which is mounted a 12-V battery, two 2-The rotary sounid detecting device. for concrete and procedur aie patent pending in the US ,Patent and Trademark Office by Philip K. Clark "Company, Inc.,

tapping wheels, two sonic receivers, a two-channel-strip re-503 Central Drive, Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Interested parties are 'corder, and associated connectors afid cables.

invited to submit informatibn regarding the identificationof an alternaiive(s) to this 4.1.1 Tapping Wheels-.- Two rigid-steel-tapping wheels ca-patent pending item to ASTM Intermational llcadqtiartcrs, 100 Barr Harbor Drive.

PO BoxC700. West Conshohocken. PA 19428-2959. Your comment* Will receive pable of tapping the bridge deck surface at the rate of 33 careful consideration at .a meciing of the responsible technical subcommittee,' times/s. The tapping wheels shall be located approximately 6 which you may attend. in. (152 mam) apart .

Copyrght © ASTM Internatianal, 100 Barr Harbor Drivo,'PO Box C700, West Conshnhocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

cary-IgM ASTMtetaietioala PravidedbyIH5undaer liesae wit ASTM

'Norepreaiaen or beN~o~kInj ireandurd.,"i~.I 1-bwerm 5,HSir Nat iResple; 011112051007,43749 MST

Section Z02 - Attachment C EC 75219R0 Page 2 of 4 0-D 4580 - 03 4.1.2 Sonic Receivers- Two sonic receiVers consisting of 7T Test Procedure oil-filled soft tires, inside each of which a receiving transducer 7.1 Stretch the stringline between corresponding marks on is mounted in nonrotating proximity'to the concrete surface. each end of the bridge.

The transducers shall be piezo-electric hydrophones that are 7.2 With the switch in the operate position and the power coupled to the concrete surface through the'soft tires and the oil and transmitter switches on, push the sounding. device at a within the wheels: Each receiving wheel shall be. located nonral walking speed over the bridge deck. The device must

-approximately 3 in. (76 mm) outside of and parallel to its be centered over the stringline. Continue in this manneruntil corresponding tapping wheel. the entire deck has been surveyed.

4.1:3 Strip Chart Recorder-A two-channel-strip chart re- 7.3 Mark the ends of the bridge, expansion devices, and so corder shall be capable of receiving the signals from the sonic forth, by activating the event marker.

receivers.'The electronics unit shall accept only those portions of the signal that occur during ihe first 3 ms after the 'S. Data Interpretation and Plotting occurrence of a tap and further limit the recdider 'to respond only to those frequency components of the, signal that lies in 8.1.. Construct a scaled map of the deck surface.

the range of 300 to 1200 lIz; The processed signals shall be 8:2 Plot the limits of all portions of each trace indicating a rectified and integrated to produce a visual record on the delamination. A delamination is considered a trace 'deflection respective channels of the record chart. The chart shall be of four -or more minor chart divisions above the nonnal driven in proportion to the distance traveled so that the length background response.

of the record represents a predetermined length of trayel. The 8.3 Connect the limits of these plots and outline, the indi-recording pen on one channel shall be capable of acting as'an vidual delaminated areas.

event marker. 8.4 Determine the total area contained in the individual 4.1.4 Cables and Connectors-There shall be sufficient dcelaminated areas.

cables and connectors for connection of the left-tapping wheel 8.5 Divide the total delaminated area by the total bridge sonic-receiver system to the left channel of the strip chart deck area and multiply 'times 100 to yield the. percent of deck recorder and the right-tapping wheel sonic-receiver system to area delaminated.

the right channel of the strip chart recorder.

4.2 Measuring Tape, Markers, Stringline -- A measuring PROCEDURE B-CHAIN DRAG tape, markers, and stringline shall be provided for establishing lines on the bridge deck that will serve to keep the sounding 9. Summary of Procedure device positioned properly while making the 'survey. 9.1 A grid system is laid "out on the bridge deck, 4.3 Calibrator-Asolid bar capable of checkihg 9:2 Chains are dfagged'"ver the deck surface. Delaminated the operational system of the 'sounding device. ,areas are those where a dull or- hollow 'sound from the chain dragging operation is apparent.

5. Calibration 9:3 Delaminated areas are outlined on the. deck surface. A.

5.1 Place the device on the calibrator bar in the on position map is prepared indicating thelocation of delaminations with with the chart drive operating. This will establish the electrical respect to the grid lines, zero line.

10.. Apparatus 5.2 With the,calibration switch in the calibrate position, turn on the power, transmitter, and chart drive switches. Eac h of the 10.1 Chains, Steel Rods, or Hammers-Acceptable sizes recorder pens should trace a rather erratic line approximately and configurations of chains, steel rods, or hammers ate those half way between the maximum pen movement and the that produce a clear ringing sound when dragged or tapped electrical zero line. This line may vary one or two major oyer nondelaminated concrete and'a dull or hollow sound over divisions due to norinal variations in the resp6nse of the system 'delaminated concrete. A common chain drag configuration to the aluminum bar. If the response line does not fall as consists of four or five segments of 1-in. (25-mm) link chain of described, then each channel shall be adjusted with the (6-mm) diameter steel approximately 18. in. (45.7 cm) appropriate:calibration adjustment control. long, attached to a 2-ft (61-cm) piece of aluminum or copper tube to which a 2- to 3-ft (61- to 91.4-cmn) piece of tubing, for

6. Bridge Deck Layout the. handle, is attached to the midpoint, forming a T. Steel rods 1/ in. by 4 ft (16 mm by 121.9 cm), or largeri have been found 6.1 Any accumulation of debris on the deck must be to produce satisfactory results.


6.2 Beginningat a curb face, mark each end of the bridge at NorE 4-Heavier chains have generally been shown to.produce a more.

the interval chosen -for making the survey. definitive sound under heavy traffic conditions.

10.2'Measuring Tape, Markers, and Stringline-A measur-NO'T. 3-Various spading intervals such asi 5 in. (38.1 6m), 18 in. (45.7 cm), and 3 ft .(91.4 cm) have been used. The closer spacings are ing tape,' markers, and stringline shall be provided for estab-recommended For an in-depth analysis of the bridge 'deck. The wider lishing a grid system on the bridge deck.-Markers such as spray spacing intervals are suitable for generalrcondition surveys of bridge paint or lumber crayon' shall be used to outline delaminated decks. areas..on the deck surface.

COPYI'lghASIM itnooa PioOCle bV,IHSundw56,k Ijvith 6 ASTM 2

Limn"r~mg FmerNScow Co LLC1094200510

1. 1JA-MaIinor. A-,,

Na fTdosauct0janoratwingpaa55,,u 11,00,IS. Nmf. R kale,51 ~:3441' MS121

Section Z02 - Attachment C EC 75219R0 Page 3 of 4 D 4580 - 03 ii. Bridge Deck"Layout the concrete surface to generate the hollow sound indicative of 11.1 Any accumulation of debris on the deck must be, delaminated concrete.

remroVed. 15.3 Extension Pole --The rotary percussion de'ice is at-1I2 Construct a grid system on the deck surface with 1a tached to a telescoping extensionmpole to reach the surface-to be lumber crayon so that. delaminated areas marked on the deck tested, either the top slab deck or an overhead structural can be plotted easily on a-map by referencing the areas to the, member.

grid. 15.4 Measuring Wheel, Markers, anid String Line-A mea-suring Wheel adapted to fit a telescoping extension pole.

12. Test Procedure Lumber crayons, sprayýpaint markers, and string line shall be 12.1 Survey the entire bridge deck by dragging The chains or used, to establish a grid system so that the delaminated areas tapping' with the steel rod or hammer over. the entire surface. caIn be accurately recorded.

On nondelaminated concrete,"aý clear ringing sound will be 16. -Bridge Deck Layout heard. A dull or hollow sound isemitted When delaminated 16.1 Any accumulation of debrisý on the deck inust be concrete is encountered.


12.2 Mark the areas of delamination on the deck surface 16.2 Constiruct a grid system on the deck surface, vertical with the spray paint or lumber crayon.

structure member, or the underside of the bridge deck with

.chalk line, lumber crayon, or -by the test area's proximity to

13. Plotting fixed structural components. Plot the areas on the field sheet.

13.1 Construct a scaled map of the deck surface.

13.2 By referencing to the established grid system on the 17. Test Procedure deck,,plot the areas of delamination on the map. 17.1 Survey the entire deck surface or overhead-structural 13.3 Determine the total area contained in the individual member by rolling the rotary percussion device ovqer-the entire delamrinated areas. surface. On non-delaminated concrete, a clear ringing sound 13.4 i)ivide the total delaminated area by the total bridge will be heard. A dull or.hollow sound will'indicate delaminated deck area and -100 'to yield.thepercent of deck area concrete.

delaminated. 17.2 Mark the areas of delamination 6n the deck surface with spray paint or lumber crayon: Mark the areas of delami-PROCEDURE C-ROTARY PERCkUSSION nation on the vertical structureal members or the underside of the deck structure with an up-spraying spray paint device or

14. Summary ofProcedure lumber crayon.

14.1. A grid system is laid, out on the bridge deck, vertical structural support or the, underside of the bridge structure. 18. Plotting 14.2 A rotary percussive device is rolled: over the bridge 18.1 Construct a scale map of'the surface to be tested.

deck, vertical structural member or the undersideof the -bridge 18.2 By referencing-the established'grid system on the deck deck. Delaminated areas~aYe those areas where a dull or hollow or overhead surface, plot the areas of delamination on,the map.

sound is created from the rotary percussion units, striking the 18.3 Determine the total delaminaied area within the grid surface. system.

14.3 Delaminated areas are outlined on the bridge, deck's 18.4 Divide the total delaminiated area by the total. bridge surface, vertical structural surface or on the underside of the deck area (or overhead structural element) and multiply by 100 bridge deck surface. A map (or field schematic) is prepared to yield the ipercent:of deck area oroverhead structural element indicating the l6cations of the delaminations with respectto the 'found to be delaminated.

grid lines or with respect to their proximity to permanent structural elements. 19. Report 19.1 The report shall include the following information:

15. Apparatus 19.1.1 Bridge location and description, 15.1 Rotary Percussion Sounding DLevice-A "T" shaped 19.1.2 Survey method used, device with two rotary percussion units, which spin when 19.1.3 Date of test, rolled over a concrete surface. The-device iseither hand-held or 19.14 Spacing of interval if Procedure A is used, attached to an extension pole to reach- the overhead surfaces-of 19.1.5 Percent of deck delaminated, and structural membersor thedtindersid0of the bridge deck surface. 19.1L6 Remarks.

As the rotary percussion sounding device: is rolled over the -20. Precision and Bias surface, the two percu.ssion units strike the surface with sufficient force to create either a clear ringing sound when 20.1 The nature of the, methods do not allow for a- round--

passing over solid concrete-.or a-dull or hollow sound when robin testing program. Practices do not provide test results, therefofe, no precision. and bias statemenit has been made.

passing over delaminated concrete.

15.2 Rotary Percus.sion Units-Two hardedehed steel, 15- .Nom 5-Availabie data siiggests that the chain drag prbcedureeis mpre point percussion unitslare fit onto an axle and -are capable of precisk in locating dclarnihations than is the elctfmniagietic. soinding being rolled over the sUrface to be: tested to, sufficiently :'strike device.

'Cwp,6qk,ASiM InI.M01- 3 PVr6,dýOa IHS vw fic&49s A AZTM Lono"P~o~~~ooAoorgy SeniopCoLLc4?0tt1y1~Uoo,=MoyoAOoo 0,yov0 p,,plp ,oo Noopoa-y,,, c PopIoI - NMfo~RO0a~:uJ2~toJ4~-A9MaT

Section Z02 - Attachment C EC 75219R0 Page 4 of 4 D 4580- 03:

ASTMUlntematiohal takes no position the' validity.of'any patent rights asseitedin connection with any item mentioned inthis standard.U)sers.oif hisstandardare,expressly advied that deterination of the validity ofany such paterit rights; and the risk of infringement of such rights,,are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard,is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical corrimiteeandmust be reviewed every five years and if not revised,eitherreapprovedor withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this'standardor for additionalstandardS:

andshould be' addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful considerationat a meeti*gof the responsibie tdchnicar committee, which you ,may Iattend. ffyou feel thatyour comments'have,not received a fair hearingyou should maketyouir view known to .the'ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below

-thisstandardis copyrighted by AST7M lrternational.100 Bair HarborDrive. PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States,. Individual reprints (siogle or multpe copies) of this standardmay be obtained by' contactng ASTM at the abrve, address or atl 610-832-9585 (phone), 610,832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (,

'Copight ASTM In*onnoione 4 Provideo bIyoono u orerkiA5[M ho-Poolooo on 5elljy Sofooo Co ((C1054255,lO1* UoooMor, AaMoS No n~p~ouo:5ion00 0eto* rin 5 5.0p e~ie 0 INS" oto*oJO000sefotn Not tot IIOS~lt,01tn2I2* O 0'/ 3:40 MOT

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 1 of 28 ACi 503R 93 Reapproved 2008 USE OF EPOXY COMPOUNDS WITH. CONCRETE Reported by Committee 503 H. Akdrige Gillespie Leonard Pepper Chairman Secretary, Russell H. Brink, James D7 Kriegh Raymond J. -Schutz Belmon" U: Duvall William H. Kuenning George Sil~dein Robert W. Giul Leonard" J. Mitchill' Frank, Sftiger Robert F. Kemphues Myles A. Murray George W. Whitesides Harold C. Klassen G. Michael Scales Members?.of- committee v-oting on the 1993 revisions:

Raymond J. Schutz Myles A. Murray

'Chairman Secretary Milton D; Atidrsoni Scott "W. Harper Richard Montani Craig A, Ballinger Paul- R. Ho611ib'ach Richard B' Paimere.

Roger W. Black David' P. f-lu Hamid Saadatmanesh F*ank _J Cotntantino T.; Michael Jackson W. Gen~n- Srnok John P. Cook- Troy D. Madeley Joe, Solomon Floyd E, bDimmick Albert Mayer Michael M. Sprinkel Wolfgang Q.Eisenhut' JosePh A. McElroy Robert J., Van Eppsý Jack i. Fontana, Paul F.. McHale D: Gerry Walters, ARobert W: Gaul Peter Mcfidis Epoxy compounds have found'a :wide .varietyof uses in ihe concrete: indus- Keywords: abraslon reststant coatligs; abiasive blstliig 'acid treatrnt (oon-

.tryai'oatings, grouts,. binde-sY, sealants, bonding agents, patching .mater- aete), adhesion* adhesives: 'ggregates; bonding; bridge des,,; chemical analysts; ials, and general adhesives. chemieýal ta~ck;, dieaiin-h coatinigis: cornpresw.a~it;cnrt Rroperiies$ uses,: prepar* iioiS, mixtures, applicati6n, and handling concrete finishes (hirdened 6onoete); concrete pavemnents; concretes, caecking, requirementsofepoxy resin-systems when applied oand uyed with concrete (rcuig;electýicalpropertie's epoxryresins; Ilsuralstrength; floor.topprigs;,

and mt~rtar. asie.,oresented. Theiadhesiveness' of e-pox4 and i. hmcl f1esh c6lcrees; grout; grouting; history; joinits (junctions); mitalSl miX pro-portioning; mnIxidng; mortars (mnateria;. patching;' plastics; polyrners. Ond resins; thirmal, :and physical prop-rties are givehn The-mbdificatibn of the foib-poputsreak es.acing; shrinkage; skid resislanc; stairwaya;ý temperature;,

going'propertiesto accommodate given reviewed. tensile stf-eng'h:underwater oinstfnctlofi; *vatrproocf6oaiting; wood.

.Problemse encountered in csirfaeeprepa;rctioh r*e reviewed aiid proce-dures and techniques given to insure successful bonding of ihe epoxy to the CONTENTS.

other,materiialS Temperatue: conditioningzof the base material and'epoxy compound are outlined. The, cleaning and maintining of equipment isre-viewed. Procedures to be follbwedin theoapplicationof epoxy compounds Chapter'1 -- Introduction, pg.- 503R1-21

!. , -- Bac.kground in the seveirl use situatiohs are given. Th*' n*pqtdht faciors which insure that the epoxy compound will harden (cure) and therefore perform Its func-' I ,2 -- General tion are disc ussed to'.gethir wi~th a'aidn~.e of the hardeninglrate. Tke aoilr- 1.3 - ScO

genic and toxic nature 0ofepoxies and the chemicals used with)'them inthe indusor create a 'hcard and porecautions wvd taiedroughout ,thIe repo.. Chapter 2'- History of epoxies,.pg. 503R-4 2.1 -- Origin of epoxies 2.2 -- Early attempts at using,: epcx~ses ACI. Cmmittee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and 2.3, -- Development of epoxy 'applications with concrete Commentaries are intended for guidan6ce in designiing, plan- 2.4 - Present: sttus, of epoxies ning, executing, or inspecting construction and iri preparing specifications. References to these documents shall not be ACI503R-93 supersedes ACI 503R489 and beameeffecwve July 1, 1993 made in the, Project. D:ocnuenis. if'items foun d in- these copyright 0 1 93,.American Concrete Institute:

documents ,are dtsited -t be a part of the Project Docu- AIMrihts reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by ments,, they- should be phrased in mandatory, language and any me , inluding thekg of6copies .by .a~ny' phot, pc, o by any eec.

ironic or riechanical devices, prifitedoi Wfittenor oral,*rrecoidmng for ýund incorporated into the- Project,.Documents.

or. visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or'retrieval system or device, unless permissionainnwrItng is.obtamned fromrihe copynrght proprietors.


Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 2 of 28 503R Chapter 3 -- Chemical and, physical characteristics of, Appendix A " Test methods, pg.ý 5031-25 ep~oxy, resins, pg. 0, - A. I ,- Field test for surface Sloundness:andl adhesion 3.1- General', A.2 -- Simplified fiiled tst loiufaed unns 3I. Adhesion properties 3'.3 -- Stuscptibi~ity ýto hemical attack Appendix B - Terminology, pg.ý 53R-28

3. b-Eectriica'l prope irties, 315 ;-'.*b*raesistance CATE INTRODUCTION
  • .3.6 -- Re'siliencte

,3.8 -- hermalexpansion.

  • ,3.9 -- Exothermie reactiqn dluring.cur~e 1.1 -Backgroind 1.1Ai"-*.There aremmay charapteristics ,of.epoxies and 3.1~0- ,.CurYigand aging stresses their uses which maketihem adesi-railea.deivNeifr use,.

31--Termosettng properties wit h con6crete. Some, of tfiese advcan§tagd ,:are.

.1..L1M AdhesIon's- Epoxy tesin* ,avIqexcellent a4-Chapter 4 -,Uses Of ep"oxy r).es.inisiý, p.503R48 heSiy.etquhaities`.ifad Will bond`.tt6 ,fiteArl aall nqi stoiin:

4.1%I General materials. A few of-the termoplastics su.h!,as tnonpolar 4.2 -- Potectiye coating polethylene, present adhesion problemis, andý are excep-4.3 - Decprative, tfions.

.4 -- ' Skid-re~s~stant, coating 1.1..!2 Versatiity h - T'he widoerange of -available' 4.5 Grout '- physical :and';hemical :properties,,of epoxy resin systenis 4.6:-- Adhesive, 4.77- Binder for,,epoxy mortar or.concrete makes, their c6nsideratioi .i'site in ainy sition in-

olving 'repair; "o'ver'rlayi gcoating, rf adverse' envirbnment, 4.8 ,--UnderWdater.'applicati6rn of-concrete. The variey of curing agents,, extnders, dilu-4.9 . Epoxy modifid econcefe; ents,.fillers *iot,,her -modifiers avai abl e Chapter 5 - Preparingsurfaces for epoxy compound lator permit theattainment of special.characteristics for any-,' arcular applicatiodt.

aipplication, 'pg. 50394-1I .1.3" Che6niiIl resistince,--Epoxies ae resistant 5,1 Geijeal

-t 'to"the attack'of acids, oils' alkIalies; arid s6lvents.:

5.2!7, Concfeete surface-evaluatioin 1,.1.1.4 ,Low shrihkage-- C.ompared p o0ther.thIear-5.3 -- RemiVal 6f6concreftefor'iepaits

.5.4 --'Surfface' ,mosnting,resins%epoxies;have lw'autogenwos,,sh inage.ý preP,*ation Formulations ýare available in which, eýffeci, .inrear 5,.5 .. Temperature conditioning shrinkageis as ,low as 0.001 percent...

11.L1.5 Rapid *harden)ing ,- At normal ambienttemn-Chapter 6 - Preparng'epoxy compound and epoxy mix- :pei atures' it'i~s pssibfe :for a mixed r6sin ind 'airdener tures for use, pg. 503RT13: Isystemto go froma' liquid to, a 'solid *stAte in a iatter"6f C"k6.1-Geel ,several minutes, of the time can be- extnded s'ev~eri 6.2, - Temperature conditioning, fmatdiial hoursby chaniging _,'system.

6.3 -- Mixing aNd pr,-po ionihig- S.116 Moisture, res~istance -- A thin coating of'an appropriate ,epoxy system ,can 'provide a,:,high degree of 6.5- Cleaning of equipment impermeabhiity even Twhen' continuously ifunidated in'.

6:6. Catation of solveits and strippers water. Some, though not-'all, epoxy- 'm"atenrials absorb sig-nificant amounts.',of water in ýa mi~it- enivirnmefit.; Selectl Chapter 7 - Applying epoxy comp"ounds, pg. 503R-16, and use epoxy p0roducts (a4hesi'ves, xp~atings, moars) 7.1G-- G eraldconsiderati6i*o* that. have,. low water absorption Waiter' aSorption will 72-Specific appjeliatior not be a problem <if'tie~material hias, less thian"1 percent' 71 Ufide wter applicatio' absorption asmeasured by :ASTM-D 570,and'specified'b ASTM C 881, Chapter 8 - Hardening, pg.. 503R-3I 1.;1.2 - *he-,benefit,of',using.epoxy: resiins are oiote-8.1i Rate of ~hardeieng*:

,8.2 Adjuzsting the ihardlening rate Worthy buitcaution mustalsobe *exerdised. Tefo"llwing discussibribriefly ýsimmri zes' '>ome of the'. preOcitions.

8,3 , Opening&thejobto service necessary. 1

.1'i.2., strain compatib~ility Chapter.9- Handling precautions, pg. 503R124 1.1211 Eox bnds- eyraidlyto a concrete 9.1 -- General hazards. surface and. within a *shOrt time may be considered as' 9.2 .. Safe handling monolithic..'The ,autogenous .shri'nage.strains .,whidh take.

place;some epoxy foriulatins' during curinig !can;cauise.

3 Whatt~o 'do in case of'directicontact

.9,.4 _-Use'of solvents severe strains at the bond line and when combined wit 9.5 .-- Education of personhel1 thermal. stiArais contri~bute significýantly to ýdelam"ination,

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 3 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-,S generally by failure.,in the top;: 1/in: (6'mm) of concrete. ,224, R Causes, Evaluation, and .Repair 'Of: Cracks 'in interface. Concrete 'Structures 1.1;2.1.2 There is.a wide differencein the coef- 503.1 Standard Specification for Bonding: 'Hardened ficients of thermal. expansion between concrete and the Concrete, ýSteel, Wood, 'Bck, anid Other Mater-cured epoxy. Even normal :temperature variations can be ials to Hardened Concrete- with a Multi-Com-the cause of delamiinationi. Filling the "epoxy system with ponet Epoxy Adhesive,

,fillers' such, as silica, reduces the difference in thermal '503.2 Standard Specificationifor Bonding: Plastic expansion in proportion to'the, amount used. The use. of Concrete to, Hardened 'Concrete With a,Multi,-

,a flexible epoxy conpound Will allow theesystem to adjust Component Epoxy Adhesive

ýfor the, differenc in'thermal coefficient of expanion. :503.3 Standard Specification for Producing aý Skid-1.1,.2.2 Theriosettingplastic -The component s Resistan.t SIface o 'iConcreteby the Use, ofa Whidch: fake up the epoxy ýystemrmust be mixed thor- Multi-Component Epoxy Sytem oughly and close. control of temerature rmust be :exer- 503.4 Standad Specification Repairing Concrete R'for cised before and.duriinmiing g. Selection of with Epoxy. Mortars the epoxy formu~lation that-will cure ata given substrate 504R Guide to Joint. Sealants :for Concrete Structures temperature is crucial to the. cure. All epoxies will not 515.1R A Guide to the Use of Waterproofing; Damp-cure on cold: substrates. Proper selection -is the best pr6ofingi Protective, and DecoratiVe Barrier solution. ASTM C 881 specifies three temperature cure. Systes for .Concrete classes, Once curedAthe epoxy Will not melt. However, many systems lose sorne of theii :elasticity at .higher ASTo temperatures and become cheesy since their mechanical C88 1 Specification for Eopxy-ýResin-gase.: Bonding properties chage iicAn*ly bdyond 'theirheat deflec- Systems for-Concrete.

tipon temperaturen _(T).-fhe HbT -is different for each C884 Te*st- Method for Thermal ,Compatibility Be-formulation but for those systems: used in construction,. tweeh Concrete and, an, Epo#y-Resin Overlay itr generally ranges from 60t6.160. F (151tb-71 C). D: 570 'Test Method for Water Abssorption of Plastics 1.,2.3'Slabs on grade -- Slabs on. grade can pre- D'648 Test Method for Deflection Temperature of sent, unique bonding ptoblems if there. is moisture Plastics Under. Flexible Load (1882ý0 Pa1264 psi) present in or under the slab duri'ing;applic'ation and cure of an epoxy (or any oitier imperviIu lymer) maierialt ANSI on the slab.. Rising moisture in the slab caused by Z 129.0 Precautionary Labelingof Hazardous.Industrial capillary action canh.exert forces on ithe. .epoxy- material Chemicals that will prevent an adequatebond from being achieved. K168.1 Guide for. Classifying anid Labeling Epoxy Pro-Even 'if moisture is not present during application, and 'ducts According to their. HaZardous Potential-cure these same forcescan ;subsequently cause loss of'a ities bond that was' weak because of other factors such as, inadequate sUrface,.prepaation; Code of Federal'Regulations 112.4 Safety -'Epoxy compounds areq allergenic. 16.WCFR 1,500 Hazardous Substances: and Aricles;.,Ad-.

and safe handling practices¢ must. be exercised in each ministration and Enforcement. Regulations instance. Solvents used, on fthe job to. clean epoxied ,29 CFR '1910 Occupational Safety and Health:Standards equipment oftea, require fihbre, caution than the epoxy. 49 CFR Transportation',

Previous 'expeririice di'ctates that the ,user be thoroughly

-familiar with the' informationf tontained 'in Chapter 9, Handling Precautiois.

1.13 -- The foregoing captionscanbe satisfied by using The preceding publications may 'be obtained from the the appropriate. epdxy. system -selected on the:basis of a following organizations:.

careftilly prepared listing, and eyaluation of all job and application restrictions (ihose,*which bear'on handling are noted in Chapter' 9) and requirements 'involved. Epoxies' American- Concrete Institute have very selective'properties and it, is unwise to. rely on PRO. Box, 191,50' a general specification or general performance crit1eria. eroit, MI 48219-0150 1.2 -, General 0i16 Race Street 1.2.1 Recommended"references -The documents of the various standardsproducing organizations referredjto. Philadelphia, PA '19103 in this document'ar 1listed, belowwith their serial' desig-nation. American National Standards, Inc.

1430 Broadway American Cohcrete Institute. New York, NY '10018

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 4 of 28 503R-4 *ACI COMMITTEE REPORT U.S. Office of the Federal Register National, Archives and Records Administfation Washington, D.. C. -20408 1.2.2 -- This report is based on those known and most accepted -field practices for the use:of epoxy resins with concrete. It provides the user with an adequate guide for successful. application- and performance. of epoxy resins, to the extent of its coverage. However, the epoxy supplier, should always be consulted cdicernihg each hew variable introduced .by the user' 1.3 - Scope

.13.1. -- The rapid growth of the use: of epoxy com-pound in the concrete indu stry and the, proliferation: of available epoxy systems emphasizes the need 'of this com-mittee report.'The wide range. of epoxies which can be used as adhesiVes on, in, or With concrete limitsthe detail Fig. 2.1 -- Chemical symbol for the familypof epoxies which can be- given herein'. The result is 'n oft6n brief, coverage of ay paticua topic with constant referral of their use. as coatings on floors and' highways. Develop-the, user to the formulator tails of application, and ments, were limited to-the laboratory until about 1953, as performance. Nevertheless, those problemsi'S: Which-are engineers and scientists: attempted to :identify the: basic' geneally enicoumtered in the'use of epoxies with concrete physical properties and probe potenialt!usesI f epoxy are. noted and their ;solutions presented. systems.

1 -3.2 Ephiasis is giyen to the praration of sur- 2.121 Early fieldtes&s-for bonding faces to receive epoxy adhesive', details of compound pre- 2.2'J2.1 First interest in the use, of'.epoxy as an paration, use and -aýpplication,, with notesconcerming rate adhesive industry was-in 1948 when it ofhardening, of compound, and cautions to be exercised was used as a bond for two pieces of hardened concrete.,

when using any .epoxy.,Ranges of physical properties are Epoxy proved-to be a. satisfactory structural :;adhesive with noted as: well as possible uses of the. material. the capability of being stronger than the concrete. it' bonded together.

  • 2 !J2.2'In1954 the Califo ia Highway Departnent, C4HAPTER2 - HISTORYOF EPOXIES became interested, in, epoxies. as' a bonding agent for raised tffic ine markers:.on,concrete highways. The suc-2.! -1 Origin of epoxies cessful utilization of an epoxy asý a bonding agent encour-2-4.1 General- The word "epoxy" is of Greek-deriva-. aged the extension of'research into the field of structural tion. The Greek word "epi,." which means "on the outside repair. of concretej and the eventual application ofdan of," was combined With theý Word "oxygen" which de- epoxy-po1ysulfide 1olymier, as a bonding material for join-scribes the presence,-of the oxygen, atom in the molecular ing niew 'concrete to: old.

structure. In short, the word is a Greek description of the 2*2l23.Earlyfield tests for, surfacing materials. In 1953 chemical symbol for the family Of epoxies (see Fig. 2. 1). the ShellChemical Corp. initiated Bfield tests to evaluate 2.1.2 Discovery of epoxy applications -- The first prac- epoxy systems as surfacing materials on highways, follow-tical application of epoxy resin took place in Germany irg,successful laboratory tests by the company. Favorable and Switzerland in the 1930s with concurrent experiments results encouraged the'pu*suit ofthis'as a solution to an being conducted in,.the United States, although the :basic age-old,'problem of restoration of deteriorated coincrete chemistiy had been knoWn 'for sevetal decades. Thie flist surfaces.

known patefiton epoxy was issued to Dr. PierreCastan in Switzerland, in 1936. Three years later, Dr. S.O 2.3 - Development: of epoxyapplications with concrete Greenlee ofthe: United States explored and developedý ";2.3.1 General -; Epoxy formulations developed until several basic epqxy systems, many of whiih we use today there'were available systems withla comibiriationmbf pro-as adhesives and.,coatings. perties which "made, them, unii'quely suited for usedas an, adhesive with concrete. They had high bond strength, 2.2 - Early attempts at using epoxies characteristics similar to other structural materialsjwhen 212.1 Generali-- Limited piOduction of epoxy resins cured -and long-terh resistance to. aggressive environ-started in the .late. 19Os and commercially produced ments, with easy application characteristics, and low-poy resin adhesive became available in the early i950s. Initial labmorory tests using eppxies on.concrete shrinkage during cure..These properties led to-many dif-ferent*applications, some of which are discussed 'below.

also 'began in hep latea 1940s and were directed toward 1..3.2 Epoxy for bo7nding -- Theý ability of epoxy to

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 5 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R4 bond!. iwo piecesý of concrete generated interest in the The method. has since been extended, using other'epoxy possibility of bonding f-resh onCrete 'to existing concrete. systems.,

Experiments' with the latter situation ,met with limited S*al coats Usingepoxies"of low viscrSity' success until the development of,epoxy 'reSin-pOlysulfide have also been successfully applied', on highway, industfiil systems. Sirice that time' efforts with these and other and cbofimercial stirfaces.

recently developed adhesive systerms have 'ektended their Epoxy polymer concrete as a wearing course desirable.'properties. and 'their-general acceptance by the -- Epoxy polymer concrete wa firt-used as a wearng concrete, industry until they are-now widely used.

course in. the repai' .of popouts 'and ,spalled areas on the

-- _.Epoxy for grodiing surfaces of various concrietebridge-decksin:California in injectionsystems -- ,Epoxy,injection as 14957, on the San Francisco-O kland Bay Bridge, 'and in aameans of performing,, grouting 'and repair was industrial plants, 'and' warehouses. The-, epoxy 'polymer first,used inthe late 1950s, The approach wasto premix concrete. consisted primariyý off the epoxy resin system the epoxy ani then pump the mixed epoxy- system. The and clea6, dr.ywell-graded sand By. 1963,1'eVeral bridges injection of epobxy intostructthral cracks pe*ritted for the in various parts of the United States had been success-

.first time a positive technique for the restoration of the fully resurfaced With-epoxy polymer concrete.,

structural integrity of cracked concrete. In. 1960'a system Epoxy resin specificdtions -- The' U.S. Army,

-was developed utilizing pressure iijection with a mixing Corps of Engineers published the first Federal specifica-

'head at the nozzle of the injection gun' which expanded tion for an.epoxy resin system'in 1959 and ASTM specifi-theapplications of epoxy as:a grouting'adhesive in struc- cation C 881 was first' published in 1978. The-use of the tural- cioncrete. epoxy. systems has since expanded, in many directions, be-2.3.32 Epoxy bolt,grbut.- The, use of epoxy as a cause of requirements f6r 'soluti6n o'f coating, patching grIout to. bond bolts or dowels'.to hardened concrete was and resurfacing problems.

first attempted in the late 1950s. Tiis application,.'came about from- the need to ,grout, bolts in existing concrete, 2.4 -- Present status of epoxies slabs for mounting heavy machinery, Concurrently, epoxy 124.1 Epoxies. are presenily, used with ,concrete in the, grout w* ued tobond.doweis into 'the ends, of:existing form.of catings;. repair 'materials grouts, bonding agentsi concrete slabs as a shear'transfer'mechanism for exten- paints, .adhesives, epoxy mor and polymer cc6riCrete, sion of existing- slabs, segai coats, penetiating seale"rs wearin,g .surfaces,..and as, The use of an epoxy grout'which' could attain high,, admixtures' to portland cement concrete*to make 'epoxy early strieng*,hand *hicih would not isIhnk sig ificantly polymer modified concrete. Thus, the appeal for epoxies during curing solved an old- problem for manufacturing, has beenenhanced, both from an, economy and perfor-plants, ihat, of rapid installationof .new equipment, with mance' standpoint.

minimum delay until. full] operation:

Epoxy grout' has also; been successfully usedtfor instal-lation of handrails, architectural metals, precast concrete CHAPTER 3 - CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL panels, structural 'members (both coricrete and steel), CHARACTERISTICS OF EPOXY RESINS concrete railroad ties, and for numerous other applica-tions. 3.1 - General 213.4 Epoxy :coating materials. Epoxy compounds are generally' two or Epoxy seal coat more parts,. Part A is most often Sthe portion contaihing Epoxy sealcoating was first applied as the epoxy 'resin and Part B is its hardener system. Almost test patches: in industrial plants along the eastern coast in without exception, epoxy s'ystems must be formulated to 1953 and on highways. in 1954. Although there Were vary- make 'them Siuitabie for specific end uses:

ing degrees of success'anid failure with these applications, the 'initial results :were, encouraging to, many observers. 3.2 - Adhesion- properies . to al-Large scale experimenta! applications were attempted in. 3.2. General ý- Epoxies bond well (Fig. 3.1) 1.956 on '-the Wilbur' Cross, Parkway, the TiiboroughL :mosteverymaterial'providing that an appropriate surface Bridge and the.George WashihigtonBridge. The apparent: preparation has' beenfi, given (seeG -Chapter 5)., Because' the suc'cess of.these latter.-applicatidns, led'to orte .elaborate quality'and surfa cconodition ofconcerete is rarely .comn-testing all. across the United States 'by 1958. Tests at that pletely known; tests for adhesion are avised (see Appen-time Were conducted primarily with.coal tar epoxies ap. dix A). Ther are mny reasons why epoxies make good-plied.,s. sseal coats and then given a skid'resistant surface: .Adhesives including, but not limited to, the, following:

by broadc.asting .fine sand or emery aggregate across the surface., This procedure, while successful in, many re- a) They can be in- liquid, form ýand yet. contain no spects, was not" as utopian Aas had been hoped. Then in volatile 'solvent 1962 a thin topping. of Asphaltic concrete'on top of a coal b) They adhere to niost.materials, used.inconstruction.

tar epoxy seal coat was tried-as analternative solution on c) No by-products 'are generated dur-ing curing

a. bridge in New York City Which moved, quite:successfiut. d) Cýuiing shrinkage-ig, 1w

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 6 of 28

'5031R4 46 COMIMITEE 'RIEPOT toxiC.

S3.3 Suscepfibility to chemical attacik 3.. -Epoxies are, consideredma generallyf-resistant to, chemical attack. A general comparison wihi .oncrete is gven i,fT lalle-30.2 Table3.2,- Chemical properties of iepoxy and conicrete Wet-dr cycfi'g 'Excellent Excellent:

chl~dede~in satsExcelen Fair Muriatic acid.(15 percent HCI) 8'6e:lt"ý Poor Foodsý 'iacids (dilute). 'Good, Poor sugar solutio'ns" Excellent Fair Gasoiune. Exceilent Excellent Detergent' cleahing solutis Excellent 'Excellent Alkalies Excellent Good Fig. 3I - Epoxy adhesive when,.properit'iappliedcanform ,Sulfates Excellent Fair a bondwith: greater srength than the concree oO:,which lit is applledl as shoawn:'h&ere ,(courtesy L. kitdie, Consýultig.

'Epoky systems uised'to .,protect concrete from the&ef-fecnd food spillage must,,be rompounded for specific e)TLbong time dimesibrial stability-is good u6tl~iesl.ý for example, 'a.'syse eitstt tcai

)They aeh~~~sl'n opesv strengts, m*ay ,not be ,,rsistat~to all toicentrations of aetic-acid.

g) Appropiate -fomiulations are resistant to:the adion This isecause many orgIanic acids 'hav vprpessures pf weaathering, moisture, acids, ,alauisand ,mosthotheren- lower, than water-and, therefore, as8 spillage evapoiraes, Vironmental' factors. ,the acid solutiion becomes more:.conentrated. Another

,note, if caution relative to, poiential.f faiures is that-13;2.2 Mechanical :protperly comparisons 6f epoxies. and chemical'.resistane' ,tests are often ru' at 77.F (25 C) conicrete Whefeks spillage may. bemuch hotter. Fod acid absorp

. 2..21 Physcablproperties -In Table.3.1 epox; tion by* e poxy,*-reitions ofproemperature. Aid

-streng*hs; nd tensi ielongation are ,he vahies at.Iime. of ,arbsorpiionel*tai50 Ft(665 Cemay bý4ep wo 100tfimes'the mpture: However, even highly elongating epoxy,'binders o epaion'a 77.17 i (25,C). Furthe rer,vegtypie ;acid Vmayhave negligile sire*t*h when eaeilj ,filled.' spillage ually contain plant. sugars.which for a series of organicacid when ioodid.-These acids, usually-Tablie 3.1 - Corparative iechalifical propeities ,of. epoxy pre'sent'ninsmall am~ounts,,; also may become more concen,-

system and-66c'crete: (rated as evaporAfion 6Ufspillag'I oress -Therefore, propeIr seledction of the e60x formnulato iinprAnt to Flexural' Th6sile Comnpiessive Tensile the sues fthe substrate; pr6tection, Follow the r&

strength strength sliength elongation commendatos:.oI the epx mnanufacturer. A typical in-Psi'(MP.,a) -ps (MPa) psi (MPa) percnt:

Str1Jctiral 500-40G10 .300.700 :3000-10;000 ' 001' sialation is shown in Fig. 2.

.concrete (3*44:9)0 (0.148) (20.768.9)

Epoxy 0500-5000 500-7000 0-i2;000 0 150:

compounds (10.3-34.1) (3.ý4-:9)' "(3,442.7)

(typical) resins ýreact J3.2.i22Temperatureeffects' - E'poxy upon: combination to forna thermosetting plastic which thereafter dOesrnot melt. of:a:'cured. epoxy system' generally thn'ge Vei:littleý.With tempetatiresWelil 6beW theý Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT). as%mfeas-ured bvy AS D) 648 1B eginn ingifite region-abou-t i8 F'(10 C), :below tie HbTrigiadty,; creep resistance and chemicalresistance :are averse*y* efecte as temperature, is increased. Above 572 F (300 C) most resins will char, 32 Ji. -Epoxy; mortarfloor toppfing'i a food, proc( ssing.

and &generallyvolatilize. .Thed.'resuting. fumes may :be, 'planht(couts Protec Inustries)

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 7 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-7

.b 313.2 - Epoxies are widely used.for industrial applica-.

tions where,:chemical spillages.'are the, normal environ-mental condition, Consult With the .epoxy' manUfacturer

,xx- ff to determine. which formula should be corsidered.

3.4 ..... Electrical propertieS 11 a 3.4.1 - Epoxies are excellentelectrical insulators. Fig.3.3 A layer.of'epoxy (- adheredto a thiclness.of 3.4.12 -- Special techniques, mustbe employedjto enable concrete (a) an epoxy, formulation to be a conductor.or partial con,*:

ductor of electricity. There are places. where this is b necessary, such as operating room floor surfacings in hospitals, clean rooms andrnanufacturing areas where static dischArge 'cannot be tolerated. Th6 reader is re-ferred to the instructions from manufacturers specializing in such appiications.

3.5. -- Abrasion resistance Fig 3.4 - The ebect of temperature'ihncrease,inan 'dpoxy-3.5.1 -- Epoxies~can be formulated to withstand severe concrete system abrasion, buttconditions of use. have to be understood be.-

fore the. best selection of materials can be made. For example,, will the surface be dry or wet? WHt or cold? a Will abrasion be from rubber wheels,, steel wheels, water-borne, rocks, etc.? For, specifi.c end uses,. the epoxy com-pound manufacturer, should be consulted and&given a full

-description, of'ervice environmental conditiofis,.

36 - Resilience Fig. 3.5-- Effect of terperaturedecrease,in an epoxy-13.6.1 -, Epoxies: can undergo deformbation", and yet.tre- concrete sstem covet; and returni to their original, shape providing that.

their. elastic lirfiit' has not been exceeded. qu 42-137 - Creep 36-The amount of creep' which. will occur depends not 30-

.only on theJoadbut also on how close the setvice-tem- 7; 24-E perature is ,to the Heat Deflection, Temperature (HDT), Is-theý amount; of inorganic filler in 'the: system, and' the' degree of confinerneft of the epoxy, system as it is -' , ' ,coftrele l*aded. n* ~

T 'I -' I I U

i 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 1o 3*.8 -Thernal.expansion A~egiti-bintder rii;P 3.8.1 -- A major difference between epoky: compounds and. concrete lies- in theirt coefficients of therimal Fig.3.6- The effect of changesin'the sand aggregate-binder expansion (see Fig; 316). ratio on the thermal coefficieit of ani epoxy system

.182-- Steel and concrete usually have similar:thermal expansions. Combined as reinforced concrete, the differ- Fig.3.15..

ence. in their coefficients of thermal exparsion does. not 3.8.4 *-The higher.elastic modulus of concrete tends to.

usually become, a problem either in design. or-use, On, the restrain, the movement' of the epoxy, thereby causing se-pother hand the :considerable ,difference in coefficient of vere stresses at the interface upon' temperature ch'anges.

thermal expansion between epoxies and portland cement. Epoxies.. yield understress, ,ind, 4if properly 'formulated.

concrete does require careful consideration, they will accomnmodate relativ.ely larger dimensional

':3'8.3 --. Consider -the factors indicated in Fig. 31'3 where, changes resulting from- thermal.,effects. Also, the coef-.

(a) i§ a slab of concrete'.surfaced with an epoxy (b), Due ficieht of.thermial expansion,of the epoxy c.,Iani be reduced

'to the difference in coefficients of thermal expansion as by the addition of fillers, see Fig. 3.6, with an, increase in the temperatmre., rises,(b) will attitmpt to grow larger than modulus of elasticity .typically resulting.

(a) and, if the concrete -were' as elastic as theepoxy, the 3.8.5 Thermdl eoefifient. of --

result would be- as 'shown in Fig. 3.4, 6bviotisly ekag- The thermal :coeficient' of anm epo:x system will be gerated. Conversely, if the temperature drops; '(b) Will reduced As,. the aggregate c'ontent of the systm is in'-,

shrink 'more than ,(a).and "will produce the A.defm'nation 'creased. as iNicdted in TFig. 3.6.

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 8 of 28 503R-8 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT Fig.'4.) -- Application of a thin epoxy mortarfloor couzing in an area subjeci to abrasionand chemical attack (cour-tesy. Sika Chemical ,Corp.)

Fig. 4.3' Epox groutinig of kiywqys inrapid transit bridge (courtesy 'Adhesives Engineerihg).


-p and applidation0 to add the: maximim quantity of aggre-gate .cnsistent'.,with the intended application, or both.

3.160 - Curing and aging. stresses.

Curi'ng and aging. stresses are developed in epoxies.

These streses can. beiminimized by correct formulaiion.

3.11 - Tiei-mosetting propertfes Epoxy resins are therriosetting plastics,. i e., in the process of hardening, they undergo chemical change and cannot be: reliquified~by heating.

CHAPTER 4 - ijSESOF EPOXY, RESINs 4.1 -"General Epoxy.:resins, meetihg.ASTM C 881 have good adhet-ence to concrete under all conditions whether wet or dry, and have been found useful for a wide variety of applica-tions w:vith concrte` (Fig. 4.1-.4,5). For the best perfor-malice under each.,condition of iiuse, the propertiesof-the epoxy resins ystem. should be tailored to m6e6t thle'spcifi needs ofteach type of applicati6n. Thus, it is? uhlikely that Fig. 4.2-- Afi epoxy sealer and light reflector on th'e :walls of q system consisting, onlyi of an epoxy resin and. piue had-a highway tunnel (courtesy Adhesives Engineering) ening agenitwill find wide'utilif I.jt is for this reason that the. epoxy resin, systems sold c6 mmercially are genrerally 3.9 -Exothermic reaction during cure the. products offormulators Who specialize if frodifying

,EPoxies-develop heat duningtheir~ctire.e Th-e ,temipr-. the, system :,with flexibilizers; :e'k-enders, dilfientsi, and ature rise will depend on mass as welldas formulati6h. To fillers 'to' nieet Specificend-uei.:reqtiiremeiitS. It logictll!'.

keep: this.temperatrterised t aminimum, it is-advisable: follows hati.iis important to adhere .to the formulator's to maintain a highý surface area to volume during ,mixing fecoimendations for use.

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 9 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-9 Fig. 4.4 - Repair of a conicreie bridge railing,uprghi ?courlesy ProSexy Idusfies) 44.2 - Protective. coating 4.2.1 -- Because of.their impermeability to water and their. resistance to attack by most acids, alkalisiand many Solvents, epoxy resin systems have' been widely used as protective coatings for concrete.. Such coatings may-vary

  • , om sealers with films of2,or 3 mi mm) thickness to high-build coatings amounting to over-

. Jlays. When used as a coating it, is essential that the sys-S.tem. be compounded. so as to. avoid or. relieve excessive p.J.. "*i

,7' .. ......

.. shrinkage .and thermal stresses between the. coating and V-7-C

... ...- concrete surface'.in orderto prevent delaination of'the V.. coating. through loss of bond or failuie oftthe concrete.,

4.2.2 -- "Same.of the most severeenyironments for the:

proiective-coating t'pe. of appliations are those,,of the highway bridge deck, industrial floor and, parking. deck surface for the purposeoof preventingpenettration oftacid

,KA fY:rain, chemicals, waterand deicing solutions into the con-

.crete. he coating may be.used.eitheras the we g Sur-face itself or may be covered by, somei type of asphaltic concrete overlay. In either case 'the: coating should'have

.mineral particles imbedded. in the surface to"provide ade-quate skid resistance., for traffic When. it is used as the wearing surface (see Section 4A), and to provide bond when used beneath a -bituminous,6Verlay.

4.2.3 -- Many. industrial environments involve exposure of concrete to acid, alkali,, or. solvents. Floors and: walls located in such areas- as well as Storage vat, can be

..made chemically r.sisantby the use.of the epoxy resins.

4.3 - Decorative coating Epoxy resins serve exceptionally well as tile-like Fig. 4.5- .Repair of a column-base, connection All! exposed coatings* .howeer,. ithey surface chalk in.,outdoor 'expo-lsurfaces Will he epoxy coaled prior,to casting new concrete sure.I te case6: of wall surfaces, epoxycoatingspresent.

(courtesy ;Protex Industries) ahard, glossy surfacý6and -can withsadfstheaibrasive and.

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 10 of 28 603RW10 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT coft6bsive action of deaning materials. Epoxy coatings .areý -lenmsý of therinal expansion..

especiallysuitable for floors, ca, washing areas, and. §uch outdoor locations as pafios-and porches,. because.'oftheir 4.8-'Underwater application good resistance to wear 'and moisture. In this conne.tion, Epoxy resi',formulations available:,which, can they make, an appropriate coating for swimming pools, be used&to coat, :overlay, patch :or grout concrete and serving the additional fi~hction-:of sealing the c&bncrete', .other construction' materials in the, splash, zone. or under-surface to the passage of water. water, inl eithe~r brackish,. fresh .or~salt'water enVirOnments.

4.4 -- Skid-resistant.oating. 4.9 "- :Epoxy-modified concrete Concrete surfaces .can be made highly:.skid resistant byý Most recently, ýepoxy resins when emulsified have the application of a'n*epoxy coating into r which mineral found use .as an.additive to portland cement concr6te and particles are embedded. Typical:appiicba.tions are treads mortars to form "epoxy-modified concrete." These, epoxy of stairways, walkways in certain, critical areas, and high- resin systerns'when added to concrete -can increase adhe÷,

way pavemnent surfaces near toll' booths. As mentioned in sion.0f the concrete to concrete or to steel, iricreaseý Section 4.2.2, bridge'decks'are often,:given such a skid- strength, and reduce permeability. This use.of epoxy resin resistant coating although the primary'purpose for the is relatively new,-but is growing.

treatment is often protection of'the bridge deck itself.

4.5 -- Grout CHAPTER 5 - PREPARING SURFACES FOR Epoxy resins fimd wide application as grouting mater- EPOXY COMPOUND APPLICATION ials,. 'The filing of cracks, e'04her 'to, seal -them from the entrance of moisture or to restore the integrity of a struc- 5.1 General tural member-is onbe.,of the, more, frequent :applications.: 5.1.4,1- The prepairtion ofsUiffaces to riceivceepoxy' Cracks :of 1/4,ih. (6 mn) or less &e*'most'effedti-ely filled ompound, applications mustbe given c l artention as.

with a pourable or pumPable epoxy compound,p'whereas the. boiding capabiity of a prperly sele*c*teepoxy for a an epoxy resin mortar should be used for Wider cracks. .:given application is primarily dependent on proper. sur-Epoxy resins are useful as grouts, f6r setting machine face, preparation. Concrete surfaces to which epoxies are:

base plates, and for groutng, metal dowels, bolts, and to be applied must be newly'ýexposed, clean concrete free posts: into position. in concrete. of' oose. and' unsound materials. All surfaces, must be imeticulously cleaned :aid be' as dry -as possible, and beat 4.6. - Adhesive. properT surface temperature at the time of epoxy applica-4.6.1 -- EpoXy resin is a good adhesive for most mater- tion. When a 'substrate is still mroist after the, cleaning ials used in construction, such as 46onreteimasonry units, .,process, a moisture-isensitive epoxy formula.should'be, wood, glass, and' metals., However, many plastics, such as used.

polyethylene, cannot be effectivey bonded. Typical apt 5.-1.2 . The method'or combination .of methods em-plications, where epoxy resinhas been used 'for .ementing ployed for' satisfactory surface preparati -onwill depend'on' various materialsto harden concrete ýare. the'joining of the type, eXtent and location, of the application., If pre-masonry units,, precast bconcrete bridge deck gitders, paration' Work involves: the rem6oval 6f'oncriete,:sucfihre-wood and.metal signs, plastic traffic' marker buttons, and movail-'should be accomplished by' well coitrolled mech-the setting of dowels in "preformed or drilled hobles in anical means (see 'Section 5.3'.2). Those surfaces. or areas:

concreie. which. do not require, concrete removal in depth. must be detri 4.6.2 - Epoxy resin is useful as the bonding medium satisfactorily' cleaned to remove all substances between fresh and hardened concrete for such purposes mentalito' bond of epoxy compounds. All equipment"for as bonding a concrete overlay toan existing slab. For this supplying compressed air miasti be equipped With 'fficient purpose, it -is essential that 'a formulation be used which oil and:water traps to ;prevenit suace coiitamipnation.

will cure and bond properly under"the moist' conditions from the compressed air-supply::

present in fresh concrete. Epoxy compounds can also be 5.1.3 Prior-to the application.of epoxy resin com-used as shear connectors' for composite construction such pounds,. itis generally considered necessar' to field test, as a metal beam, and cast-in-place concrete slab. the condition of the:prepared concretedsUrfa~d to recei've 4.7 Binder ,for epoxy mortar or' concrete' thebepoxy resin as well ýas theadhesioh of tfe'epcxy resin, conmPound. Methods of field surface evaluation, deter-Epoxy can be used as the s,:sole;.binding , initation of moisture .percolati6n throuigh "the conbrete,.

form a resin miortar .or polymfier.concrete. Such. mixtures and 'ofsurface .prepaation are discussed 'hereinafter.

have been Widely used f& patching' or repairing sdrfaCe defects oif many types of conctete structures, particularly 5.2 - Concrete surface evaluation highway bridges and:pavements. Epoxy mortars' ard con 5.2.1 General.

cretes are also especially adapted to repair of hydraulic :5,2.1.1 Effoits'to.btain good adhesioi 'to'a Weak stru.tures where continued -submersion lessen' the prob- surface are futile since failure of the surface is likely to

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 11 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-1 occur,. ConVersely, poor bonding can' O'cctr Iith'perfectIy Potential surfa~ strength over the area, to be repaired.

sound surfaces if they are iot properly prepared. Sur- This iest method 'is Ialso .considered' adequate to .deect faces should be prepared accordig to Ad specifidcation deficiencies in a prepared concrete:surface. A.though ex-ACI 503.1, 503.2, 503.31ad 503.4: perience with the simplified, method' has not been .as ex-tensive as with the field test method (Section .Ail) it is a) The, surface must. be sttong, dense andi sound. the simpler, less' costly and less time *cohsrinig iest ofi b) The surface should be dry:and cleanjie., free.from the-two and, therefore, 'has the advantage: of enablirig-surface contaminants such asdust, laitance, 6i1 grease, more complete coverage. of a ýsurface -area in a given and curing compounds. length of time. Average values fom the test method of c) The surface mhust-be- at. the proper temperature ýto Section A.2 can be used to assess te adequacy ýof the permit Iproper wetting, by the epoxy application -and 'to surface and the magnitude of stress measured ai failure provide for prompt cu.ring of the epoxy resin compound. of the concrete indicates whether the concrete is su'f-d) Moisture and water vapor may sometimes permeate ficiently sound for the application. -Failure of the port-through the ,concrete to the: surface being: treated, arid land cement cohcrete at stress levels be .loW 1,75 psi (1.2 must be recognized as a potential problem. MPa) generally indicates that. the', surface is suspiciously Evaluate moisture content or outgasing of the con- weak and further investigation of the surface may be crete by determining if moisture will collect at bond lines necessary before full scale application of the epoxy between old concrete and epoxy adhesive before epoxy compound.

has cured. This may be~accomplished by taping h4 x 4 ft (1 X,l:m) polyethylene sheet:to concrete surface. If'mois- 5.3 ;- Removal of concrete' for repairs ture. collects on underside of polyethylene sheet. before 5.3.1 . The removal. of the unsound ordamaged cOn-epoxywould cure, then~allow concrete to dry sufficiently Crete, may be a part of rehabilitation work on sftructures

.to prevent the possibility of a moisture. barrier between involving epoxy applications (s 'eFig.: 1.), Such 'removal old, concrete and new epoxy. should be accompliShed by well cohitolled' mechanical means.

512.,1.2 To insure that the .above conditions will, be 5.3.2 -- a first step ,in most concrete removal opera-met, tensile test methods have been the principal means tions itisý generally*' recommendedtat the peiphef of, for field testing horizontal concrete surfaces. The same the 'required removal area: be, saw 'cut to a: depth 'consis-methods can beI adapted for, use, on inclined or vertical tent with the type of repair. Saw cutting delineates the surfaces. The tests svrve either of two purposes: repair area aand serves. to esefitially (if not. totally) einifminates, edge spalling and. we"esses tat, might.i be

  • a) To provide a converient- means. f&t determining the introduced by outliiiing area wit other types bonding strefigth (adhesion) of'the epoxy comourid to of equipmrnit. It also serves t9b pioduce a shoulder.,

a, siirfate which has been prepared for bonding, or;, against which repair material'can .beplaced and smoothly b) To detect a wpikened concrete ,surface. finished, 'thus producing'a neat appearing repair. The saw."The test methods described' in AppendixA.

are suggested as -being suitable'field tests.

5.2.2* Ev6luation of' surface preparation 5.2..1 Extensive use of'the field test method.

described in Appendix;.A, Section A.1, has shown that where-proper bonding.has been 'obtained on properly prepared portland cement concrete surfaces, -failure usually occursin'the concrete' Such failures"ihdicate:that the bond strength ,ofthe epoxy compound is greater than the tensile strength of poriland cement concr&et and sat-isfractory bonding of the epoxy compound. has .been rde, Monstrated. At the same time, the. magnitude, of stress measured at failure of the concrete indicates whetherthe surface may be weak and requires urther investigation.

An evaluation of the quality, of the. concrete will be required -to properly ,evaluate failures, lower than '175 psi, (1.2 MPa), recognizing that in some. instances lower stress levels. might be expeqted and acceptable. Fig. 5.1 -- *Removal operation of all unsound concrete in The ,simplified field bridge deck down to top steel. Repair was made by bonding.

in Appendix A, Section A.2,;was0test menthod, described riginally developed to the:fresh high early strength concrete.patch to :the old evaluate, the sufficiency of"surface. preparation for, an 'concreteusing an epoxy adhesive :at the interface (courtesy epoxy application and to detect relative differences in, Adhesives Engineering)"

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 12 of 28

-503R-12. ACI COMMITTEE REPORT cut line should be located several inches outside of the surface abraded ýto an: extent that small-, aggregate. par,-

visual limit: of the defect to ihsure that all, defective ticlesare exposed but the surface should not ,be polished concrete is removed and that 'the. ultimate repair is or be utnnecessarily rough and it must be free Of all sur-bonded to.sound concrete. The depth.of saw cut should face containinafits. Care mustbe exercised to .*ssuie: that be at least Y,/ in. (13 ram) for 'epoxy-bonded p.rtland 'any water *usedin cleaning is. itself clean:addialso -that no cement concrete and'f'moiiar repairs; I/to A iln.(6.tl3 contaminants are present: in any compressed air.

mm) saw cUts:are adequate for repairs employing epoxy 5.4.3 Previously coated sufaces --- Surfaces which-have:'

mortars providing that removal of concrete within, the been previously treated with curing membranes, oi!s,,sili=

repair area, may be accomplished without ispailing or cones, paints, coatings (including epoxies) and "other otherwise damagingthe concrete at~the saw ctt treatnients. may be.; encountered. Also, occasionally' a' 5.3.3 - In.preparing. cutouts for popouts or small spalls bond or tack coat-of an epoxy-compound riay hiarden beý-

foIr application 6f'the top" coat can take wholly within a:structural component (iLe., hot involving place, It' is, joints, edges,, Of comeis), very thin edges (9somtimes re- necessary to completely reiove such material&sdiidc the.

ferred'to as feather-edging) mniy be permitted, but'tese best assurance of complete removal is by abrading met-h should be at least -1/4'in. (6 mm) deep thereby providing ods. When there is doubt concerning selection of 'a a shoulder dfsufficient: depth4 to perm.nit- a smooth inish. cleaning method,, it is considered goodpractice toj make High frequency chipping hammers have been successfully a: small trial !installation using one or more' cleaning used to make cutoutsifr, this latter.type of repair. methods, ap'plying. the epoxy cbfi-pound to be used rinthe-5.3.4 - The concrete within the area delineaiedby the, worki and checking adhesion by, one of. the tensile 'test saw cut must be removed to a depth 'sufficientl'toekpose methods described in Appendix A.

sound concrete Over. the entire repair iaea: If doubt exists, 5.4.4 Metal surfaces, concerning the completeness of unsound concrete remov- General -Metal surfaces must be, cleaned al, it is best to ,remove the concrete tQ-what may be a and at the time of epoxy application be free ofdust, dirt, somewhat excessive depth to assure :n..eventuallysound oil, grease, rust, mill scale, weld splatter, and any other repair. Concrete removal should. be accomplished mech- contaminant. Abrasive cleaning methods must be carefull-anically with --medium to lightweight air hammers e.lquip* ly considered. Adequate cleaning and surface profile are.

ped with appropfiate cutting tools;. or, for relatively large, important factors in the abias~ie cleaning selection. The horizontal areas, othei equipment such. as a mechanical method-selected must be capable of &leaning the entire scarif~jng machine may be appropoately ard economi- surface area, .especially when verttical or overhead sur-cally used. faces are, to be cleaned,. Predleaning is: necessary- if oil

.5.3.5 - Upon completion of the -concrete removal and.grease. deposits are on. the surface. Mineral spirits, 9peration, all newly exposed surfaces should be cleaned naphtha (100 F (38 C) minimum: flash poiht)-toluol (tol-by an abrasive blasting method. Wh-enwater is used as, .uene) and xy,11iare satisfactory solventsftior.;tis puýse.

the abrasive blasting,'method the wet Concrete; should, be. Gdod ventilatiori arid adequate safety precautions are allowed to dry (see. 5.211). When' forced drying is necessary When solvenits are used After precleaing and necessary, the surface may be dried with radiant heateis, mechanical cleaning,-any dust or debris created by..the or hot air blowers. mechanical cleaning must'be removed prior to epoxy'ap-.

plication. A cleaned metal surface -isvery susce*tibl*eo 5.4 -* Surface preparation corrosion, particularly in, a humid atmosphere, so the 5.4.1 General.- Proper preparAtiori of any surface to Work should be planned to peminit the epoxy'application receive an epoxy application 'is of primary importance no -as soon as possible after'cleaning to pretvnt flash rusting, matter how carefully other 'of the'application pro- which may occur within minutes.

cedure have been performed: Bond failure can;.be-expec- 5.4.42 Testfor adequacy of metal surface prepara-ted if surface preparation is inadequate. Proper prepa- tion -- The sufficiency of preparation "of'a metal surface ration of a given surface is an art, and a:science and must' .can- be-partially determined by use of the water-break-be given careful attention. free-test. TheAtest is a check of the suiface tension'of the 5.4.2 Concrete surfaCes metal surface. Individual droplets .of distilled Water -are Recommended procedures' -. Those sufaces applied tothe surface with anr.eyedropper. Dependingbio or parts of surfaces Which do'not require*removal of con- the cleanliness of the surface the water Will 'tend `to re-crete in depth. must nevertheless ýbe piecleaned to re- main in a hemispherical shape, or -will immediately move all substances detrimental to bond of epoxy corn- spread. If the surface is not clean, the water will not pounds, such as laitance, curing membranes,.:.dust, dirt, -spread but, will-behave a drop of water on grease, oils, fatty acids and,:other debris., resulting from wax paper or ona -polyvinyil chloride sheet. If the.surface

  • surface.preparation operations. The cleaning; method or is clean and the surface-tensior is, low"the ,water will combination of methods: will typically include abrasive speaid into a thin film, wetting a, rdlatively larger ,area.

blasting techniques such as sandblastiig, Steel shOt There '4r, of course, all degreesý of"Wetting between the

ýbiastirig, high pressure.water blasting 'o*:flam'e blasting. two extremes anythig ' than apparent lw surface Whateýer "prepafations, are Used, the r*sulfs0uld-:be 'rat tension should be sus'ect.

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 13 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-13 Steel.- Epoxy. resins adhere well to steel.',Hazdrds --. Many -of the solvents- and chemi-Steel surfaces should'be-abrasive blasted for good results cals used for preparing metal'surfaces are' toxic, volatile, and should be scrubbed thoroughly after abrading, flammable or all-three. Precautions associated with the Washed Well, and dried. Solvent precleaning is recessary particular materials used slhould be studied and. carefully if oil or grease is Present. Adequate.. adhesion can often followed.

be attained using only. solvent cleaning where there is 5.4.5 Wood Surfaces -- Epoxy resin Very brightmetal.with no mill scale. Surface adequacy should well to wood surfaces. The surface of the Wood should be be checked by. the water-break-free test. free'of sandirig Or filling dust. Such, dust may 'be cleaned,Galvanized metals.-- The surface treatment frofi the wood by wiping' with an alcohol soaked. rag or for galvanized metals is the same:as that given for steel by a*n air jet.

"except that the surface need not be' abrasive blasted i'n- In some woods and in some hu'mid locations this de-less there are signs of subsurfa:ce corrosion; The surface gree of dryness7 may produce crcking of the wood and

,should be scrubbed thoroughly with a solvent (see Sec- therefore be impractical... In such cases, tests should. be made to determine:

tion, washed well with clean water, and dried, A the!lowest acceptable moisture'.con-good water-break-free condition should be obtained. Au ient towhich the wood can be temporarily subjected and.

improved bond can be obtained by etching With muriatic the epoxy formulator apprised of the existeence of mois-(hydrochloric) acid (20 parts by weight concentrated acid ture "in the application to obtain the best.adhesive for the to 80 parts by Weight Water)for 3"or 4 nin. After the job. Before 'application, the Wood surface should be filed etching trfeatment, the surface must be washed with: clean With' a' rough file or raspý Fine-filing or sanding is' not' water and dried. desirable:sihce 'it will tend to fill the wood pores and 5.4.414.51Aluminum -- Adequate preparation, of inhibit thorough. wetting: by the epoxyý Allfiling residue.

-aluminum, surfaces is difficult, to achieve and care must, :must 'be 'removed before, the application of bonding be exercised to see, that cleaning has: truly. been complete. agents.

The NfOllowihg. procedures are designed for field use where, abrasive blasting is not. practical and for large. 5.5 ,-- Temperatriie Conditioning

surfaceS that cannot be immetsed in .acid storage cyl- .5.5t --'The ease.,and effectiveiiess of epoxy application

'inders. The aluminum surface must be scrubbed with a is grieatly influenced by the temperature of surfaces on nonechloiinated cleaner until a good water-break-free test which the epoxy cqmpound is apilied ,Epoxy compounds is obtained and then. etched with proprietary chromate commonly in use today 'react most'favorably when sub-treatment followingmmanufacturer's directions and safety strate' temperatures are in the range; of 0 to 140 F (- 8,to requirements. These treatments are generally plant; 60 C). The 'conditions uder whicih epoxy compounds areI operations. to be employed should be anticipated and provisions Copper and cOpper alloys -- Copper and made. for proper temperature conditioning of the epoxy; copper alloys arervery difficult to bond, especially if high .5.5.2 ý- When concrete and atmospheric temper-atures adhesive strength is desired, primarily because of rapid exceed 90 F (32' C), difficulties may 'be experienced in oxidation.of the copper surfaces. Abrasive blastingis the application of the epoxy compound owing t& acceleration preferred method of surface preparation; followed by of the'reaction and hardening rates. If ambient temper-thorough scrubbing with distilled. water and drying. The. atures are anticipated, work Ah6uld be scheduled' When following procedures 'are recommended asý alternatives the temperature is. l6we-,, such as in the' early morning for field use. houirs. At-temperatures below 40 F (4 C),. difficulties may 5.4*.6.1 Clean the surface with methyl ethyl occur due to deceleration of the reaction rates. The pre-ketone, then wash With acetone. Immerse the metal in oi sence of frost or'ice:crystals may also be detrimental. If wash the surface wih .either: (a) 15 parts by weight ferric, it is.necessary to apply epoxycompounds, at temperatures chloride, 30 parts by weight.concentrated nitric acid, and exceeding 90 F (32 C), the Work,should be supervised by 200 parts by weight clean water; or (b) 20 parts by Weight arperson experienced in applying epoxy at, high tempera-

.ferric chloride, 50 parts by weight concentrated hydro- tlires. Epoxy 'systens forulated for elevated teimperature chloric acid, and 30 parts by weight'clean Water. The sur-, .areavailable.

faces shbuld .be washed or iifmersed'in. either of the*

above two solutions for 2 or 3 min, then rinsed tho-roughly with clean water and dried,primed The 'cleaned as soonpre-as CHAPTER 6- PREPARING-EPOXY .eoMPOUND pared surface should be bonded or AND EPOXY MITURES FOR USE possible. The above concentrated 'acids. should be handled with caution. They emit acrid fuimes ,and can 6.1 - General cause skin buins; Epoxy resins and their hardefners or curing agefi-s are 5.44.62 Copper is also r6eadily cleaned With co-rheatiits in a.cherical reaction. The proportioning of household ammonia (aqueous ammonia) which is more the resin and' hardner i's -ektfeely important 'The two readily handled' safely than are the foregoing acid .mustbe combined in very specific ratios and they musut compounds. The 'suiface must be:washed *s before. be mixed very thoroughly to produce homogeneity within

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 14 of 28 503.R-14, ACI COMMITTEE REPORT the mixed compoundiand insure complete, reaction. Tern- 'When elevated temperature ':sourcesi are, used, care!

perature 6f the components of the epoxy compound can must be taken' heat'the compone*'ts of th'-com-.

greatly affect the mixing, procedure, and teinperatuie pound even locally to tempeiatifres which. might 'cduse conditioning may be required. An itemization of other degradation of the material. The- degfadatifdn tempeer, handling precauftions isgivdn in ChapterO% ature depends upon theý 9pecific comPOund. Epoxy com-ponent materials in .general use in. the, construction 62 - Temperature conditioning of material industry will not be harmed by tqtmperatures, as high as.

In.field Wbirkwhere low ambient temperatures xist"it 150 F (65 C). Care must be taken, however, not to short-..

is helpfil to, raise the" temperature of the: components en the, working life too much, by heating'the' matefial, since both thbe epoxy resin and hardener exhibit a very since the 'temperature of :the mixed compound signifi-.

marked lowering, of viscosity as their temperatures rise. cantly'affedts'the Working iife'o'ipot.lifeodf the matefials.

The lower viscosity makes mixing much easier and faster.

612.1.1 Cooling" When, cooling is required .to A lower viscosiky also' re'duces the tendieny to whip ,ir provide adequate working life, the'following methods can into. the compound' during miing. Components1 that are: be used: store. in. the shade,. store-,in -a refrigerator or above. norm!all temperatures exhibit a shorened working refrigerated room, immerse.containers in aýbath :of cold.

life (pot life) of'fhae mixed compound. In this case, water..

precooling 'of the components before, mixing may be In no case should the material be, cooled 'to,the extefit desirable. that adequate mixing becomes'difficult below about,60 F 62.1 Epoxy. ,compound components (1s C).,

6.2.1L1 Heating -- Several: inethtdse are available for 6.2 Aggregate heating"the adhesive miaterial to a tempeature where ef- 6.2.ý2.i .Heating-"Aggregates for'epoxy mortars or fective, mixing can take plac., A. simpe method is, to concretes are often warmed. before being- added to the storethe components indoors, in _a heated room or ware- epoxy compound to make, mixing easier, toýhelp. curd the house :overnight priorjto using and to remove them from epoxy mortar or concrete: more' quickly, or to, df ve, off the. heated room shortly before use. When such storage, aggregate surface: 'moisture, Aggregates,. like theý epoxy space is not, available, or' a more rapid heating 'is compound components, may be 'wamed by storing in a Irequired, ovens can be used of 6vený'simple heated field heated building,,or by burners or radiatiri.

enclosures can be built. Still anothermethod is to ira- Care must be taken not io heat aggregates excessively merse the components in their containers in water because such heating can limitVthe working life 'of the.

bath. (see. Fig, 6'.1). .epoxy mortar and change the characteristics of the-cured epoxy compound The ianufacturer.'s instrUctions for the

'specific epoxy compound should .be'ollowed however in general, aggregate' temperatures over 120 F, (49 C)

ýshould be avoided. COoling - Aggregate'which has been stored in 'the sun or has been 'dried mayb e consi4derably above normal am'bient temperature'and:short-can' substantialy

'en the 'Workihg life of epo6xy mJ'rt.r or eIpoxy' cIncriete SSpreading the aggregate 0t thin layets the shade Will acelelat6 coolirig.

The aggregate should not be cooled to ihe extenit that when combined with the epoxy mixing becomes difficult

'or: that condensation of moisture- fiom. the air takes place.

6.3 -. Mixing and prOportioiiiiig 6.3.1 Components Of epoxy- The required accuracy of proportioning varies'With each epoxy 'comoihond.' Some compounds can t6lerate' a wider variation but such van-ations should only be!allowed if testdata are available

'that demonstrate the complete efMct'of'ther.variation on both mechanical and chemical 'resistance properties of the cured compound..

Fig. J.I- Heatinga water bath in' which 'canis of ep'oky riesin Methods 6fptoporiioning The mostfacý ahd hardener can be temp'rature coiditionedho6facilitite :cui-at'e 'ethod of propoftidning is the use'o+/-' preprojpor-

,use and proper hardenihg.In' 'background wbrkmen' are tioned, units supplied -by the manufacturer so tha, the brushing,on a'n epoxy grout for' bionding. niwpsltic coihcrete entire contents of both component containers. are mixed tO oan 'old concrete ebijion together,.If suchfpacklaging is'l oti.available, the.compo-

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 15 of 28 EPOXY: COMPOUNDS 503R-S5 nents may be mixed, together in the, ratios specified by ihe'manufacturer. These ratios may be, expressed either byweight or volume.

63.1,2AAutoMatic metering -.- Automatic, metering eituipment is available which is designed seiifically for mietering Opate or liquid :adhesive componeints., These metering devices are either "shot" tYpe where successive specific quantities. of each component are dispensed or, type. where the metering device regulates the flow rate of-the epoxy components in the'proper ratio.

6.3.2 Epoxy. mortar and epoxy concrete -- Epoxy mor-tars are propor0ned by adding the mixed epoxy com,-

pound to a specified'amount of aggregate. This again:can be done either by the use. of premeasured packages or by weight or by volume.

6A4 7 Mixing.

6.4.1 General -- Mixing, of epoxy systems, must pro-duce 'a uniform :and homogeneous mix.

6.4C2 Components of epoxy Thqecomponents of the epoxy compound are first mixed inma manner which pro- Fig. 6,2'- Rotating bucket mixing of epoxy compounds yides stiriang or agitation which.will effectively~put them, (courteSy Protex IndiutrtIies) intoa solution .together.

674.2.1 Batch mixing --. The normal methods of providing te reuired agitation in small containers (one" quat) (One. liter) involve the use' of. s 1atulas,,

palette knives, or si'il!ar-devices. For larger volumes, a mechani-cally driven tumbling type mixer is desirable (seejFig.

6.2) A paint mixing paddle a low, speed*electric' drill (see Fig. 6.3) may be used with the caution thatr, paddle type mixers' introduce air which can reduce, adhe-sionuand.strength if'cured with air still entrapped: Mixing should continue until the compound is homogeneous.

This may take from 2 to 10 min, depending upon the vis-cosity, density and flow characteristics of' the epoxy.

Paste-like materials .may 'also be .mixed on flat.-surfaces' with a. trowel by repeated straight strokes which' tend to drag- one component through the other. Many com-pounds have their" components distinctly pigmented so:

that mixing produces a third c6l&r. This is very helpful in determining when a complete mix has been achieved. Continuous mixing -- Commercial e~quip- 6a) (b) ment is available which will pump the epoxy compound, Fig,. 6.3 -- Mixing of epoxy system."components can be per-components through a. mixing 'head which forces. the: formed using &ablade on 'a drill Shown here are '(a)'pneu-

,components to, blend together (see Fig. 6.4). Mixing. matic and (b) electric drills, (courtesy L. Mitchell, Consul-heads are, frequently used. With two component ai'rleSS' ting Engiineer, and Sika' Chemical,Corfp.)

spray equipment for epoxy coatings and membranes.

6,4.3 Epoxy mortar -- The',mixing of epoxy mortar nients and aggregate ;together 'into a homogenobus mass.

requires that'the epbxy binder, thoroughly Wet:each 'and. 6.4.4 Epoxy (polymer) concrete every one of'the aggregate p...tices: 6.44,.1 Order of addition Epoxy polymer con-' Hand mixing:- Although it is difficult to cretes are' a similar manner: to epoxy mortars do, epoxy mortars.can be hand mixed, insmall "'quantities'. with 'one exception. In relatively 'stiff 'mixes 'the finer.

using a:.spatula,6r trowel. aggregate should be added tbothemixeld epoxy binder be- Mechanical,mixing - The moSt, preferred foire thelargetr agate. This order of addition will help method of mixingi is by mechanical mansý. Larger quan- prevet,'the tendency of the rini 1t "bll" by wetting but tities canbe 'mxed inmportland cement- drumtype mortar the. finer aggregate h have more surfce area. The mixers or, a mixing unit that blends the epoxy compo- fin&r aggregate: should'be added. slowly.

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 16 of 28 1503R-16 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT can be abraded with the use 4Of a. grinding wheel, al-though 'the process is generally slow 'if-the buildup of material is large.

6.5.5 Burning Most'epoxy compounds Will burn. if

  • their. t emperature is riised to about 500 F (260 C). Thus, metal tools and containers, which might not be.:damaged by these temperatures caj be cleaned in this manner.. Be-cause the products of combustion, can' ý harfiii if in-haled, ventilation must be provided.

6;5.6 Preventing thebond ,- An alternative techniique.

for maintaining equfipment is to prevent a bond of the cured epoxy to the tools' or containier in the. firstplace.

Rlease agents suchas drysilicone sprays, spy-on films,s and special wax emulsions_ are useful Where, excessive abrasion is, notencountered. Care; should be taken, that the type of release agent.'used does' notccontaminate the epoxy compound and interfere with proper cure, or bonding.

Fig. 6.4 - A continuous mixing head gun being used for, crack injection. Note that a th oplasti s face 'seal: vas 6.6 - Caution on solventsand.stripp'ers first applied, then. through entr ports in the sealer .the gun The common solvents and strippers may be. highly pumps, the aadesive (courtesy Adhesives Engineering) toxic and .flammibl e. The reader ,isreferred to, Chapter.

9 for-a discussion of precautions which must be taken in Avoid segregation -- Just as in pottland handling these chemicals.

cement concrete and asphaltic concrete mixes,- 'care should be taken to avoid segregation of the aggregates prior to adding them to the binder material. If*s*gre- CHAPTER 7'- APPLYING EPOXY COMPOUNDS gation does occur, the epoxy polymer conicrete will not be uniform. 7.1 -- General considerations 6.4.5,Epoxy modified.concrete 7.1.1 -- The applicator' should be. assured, that the Order of addition, - Mixing order, and epoxy to be applied ýhas the.proper'rate of rdening and jmethods vary from one, product toq the -next product. Viscosity for 'the job. 'Bothl are affected 'by ýthe tempera-Each manufacturer's instructions should be carefully ture at: Which the epoxy is, applied (Section'6.2.1),: and followed. both can affect the ultimate thilckniess of the epoxy layer.

The amount of sag'and thickness that Will be achieved in

.6.5-- Cleaning of equipment the adhesive layer also dependspairly on whet'er it' iS 6.5.1 General ,- Except in cases Where 4disposable, mixing equipment is used, special careshould be taen to applied to a, vertical surface, to 'the top of a'horizontal su rface 'or.the ,bottom and, whetier. the surface is flat'or preVent; the cured epoxy compoundifrom bonding to mix-. irregular.

ers' and containers.. There are, five general approachesý 7.1.2 -- Highly porous concretes or concrete made of which are, used, either seiarately or:in combifiation: With very absiorptivi aggregate may absorb enough epoxy to one another. sitave the glue line. Such concfete should be"given afirst

'65:2 Solvents - The'most widely used cleaning meth- seal coat, of the same epoxy adhesive to penetrate into od is to immerse the tools and wash the containers prior the, absorptive, aggregate. Allow the seal to become tack to the epoxy compound gelling with strong semipolar sol- free and' then :apply the second coat. To-assure adhesion vents such as ketones and certain chlorinated solvents most epoxy."manufacturers recommend that subsequent like methylene chloride. Mineral spirits ortoluene may 'coats be applied within 24 hrs. If a longer time. is re-also be used, with,- although not as efficienit quiied before recoating, sandblast' the latco-ot to remove as the above solvents. In'each case .complete cleaning and the gloss' and' 'immediately. apply the next coat.

drying are necessary before reuse. For emulsifiable epoxy. 7.13 - Spray applications aresuitable formany pur-systems, water can be substituted for solvents as a poses, but they do not always estblish a full, uniform cleaning agent. contact- as do brush and -roller applications. The brush 6.5.3 Strippers - Once. the. epoxy 'comPound has and roller methods 'of application, are. preferred. How-cured, commercial strippers may be-used which will ever, they iequir6 mofe time to'aoply.'an. it -is harder to attack the cured epoxy compound. Some epoxy corn- rnaintain the desired thickiess of the epoxy application:

.pounds are' more readily 'attacked by stfii*pe's than on cold surfaces.

others. 7,44 -- Intimate. contact.: is' essential for maximum ef-6.5.4.Mechanical dbrasion -- Cuedl epoxy.compounds fectiveness and all necessa y, measurs Ashoul be iaken, to

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 17of28 EPO COMPOU'NDS 503R-17'-

assure complete weiting. Thorough Wetting by the epoxy may be more difficult to achieve with anmepoxy mortar or concrete than With a plain binder.

7.2 - Specific applicati6ns FLJ -i - 7, 7*.21 Skid-resistant protective aggregate bqOadast,over- General r-Th 'proper'epbxy resminsystem should be',sel' ted for the expected application temper-attfres and in-service environmental conditions. The folloWing aggregates are suitable' to provide skd resis-tance: aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, silica: sand, blast; furnace slag, roofing granules, andtrap rock. Application methods - Two acceptable ways, to apply an aggregate broadcast overiy ,are;".iiin commiorn' use. One method is to apply one coat of Fig. 7.2-- Squeegeeand roll on application of seal coat fol-lowed by skid res'istan layer spread by a hand seeder (cour-mixed resin'first, using brushes, rolles, brooms, screeds,,

or spray equipment, then, Within I to 1i0 mm, broad'as- tesy Sika Chemical Corp.)

ting the aggregate by, had or machine, taking care not to cause "shoving" of the resin. from the impact (Fig.. 7.1-7.3). The aggregate determines the final -texture or-smoothness 2and shouid be- applied at aboiut the rate of 1.5-.14 Ib/yd (0.8-7.3 kg/in').

712.11.2 Mnother method is to apply two or thlree coats of resin Where protective treatment is ie-quired against deicei-s or otler aggresive agents. The:

aggregate is added to the second and third coat: as iný Section T. above; When the epoxy is tack free. the excess (loose) aggregate is removed and the-next coat is applied over the remaining aggregate, encapsulating the:

aggregate. A threeqcoat *system pr-ovides better Protec-tibn. This method-is knbwn as a "seeded system"'

Fig. 7.3 -- Skid,resistant calkined bauxite: being applied by an dutouidtic seeder for improved uhiformity. off ovrage (cbUr-iesy Adhesaies Engineering) Bridges, parking decks and payements Bridge decks, parking decks., and paye-Sments have been treated or surfaced with :epoxy materials, in miany ways, These can be.categorized as:

a) Aggregate broadcast overlays (covered in Section, 7.2:1) b) Epoxy polymer motar ,overlays (coyered in Sec-tion 712.2).

Fig. 7. -- Epoxy seal andskid resistance binder coat sprayed c) Surface and penetrating' sealants (coveed, in onto pavement by automaticmixing,metering and applica- Sections 272.and,722) tion machine followed by sand; broadc'asting* (courtes&'.Ad hesives Efigineering,) 7.2.2 Epoxy-polymer mortar -- The bovelas general: se-

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 18 of 28 503R-18 ACi CoMMITTEE REPoR6R joints, ajoin*t should be..made in the epoxy oyerlay so that, -flexible joint. sealants may be used. Generally speakifgi deep h6les should1 be filled with epoxy mortar and 'properlyý compacted and the patch brought within 'A

'in. (6 mm) of the final grade before the epoxy mortar overlay is applied. The.patching procedures in Section

..' 7.2.14 should be followed. Since. te epoxy mortar mu*s adhere ito any: patching moIrtars :used, the. recommfenda-tions of t*emanuAfturer of the patching mortar must-be followed.

1.212.2 Polymer epoxy mortars, used for overlays dcofisistof a.liquid binder filled With from 4, to 1 parts- (by Weight) of a Jradedaggregateto one part of binder. The voi o6f aggregate use depends on particle shape and v cidharacteristics. A single gradation of fine" aggregate has been-used wiih some resin systems. Single gradation aggregate,-containa a larger volume of voids than graded aggregate. Therefore, to *obtain a .nonporous mortar when (a) using singlegradation aggregate' high resih contents ate re*quired. From 'a theoretical tanidp6int" just enough binder should be used to fill allf'the voids in the aggfe-

.gate rix.. This amout. produces 'optimum 'physical poetelowest' cost, and lowest srnae h ai

nmuiw ount of aggregate used js governed by the. void content of the aggregate. Forýfreeze-thaw dIurability and cemical, resistan ce,. te air voids in the, finished mortar should&.be less than 12 percent.

Tbe thermal coefficient of expansion, of epoxy resins, is, muich igreater than- that ýof concrete, but the thermal coeffic6ient of aggregate is similar to. that- of concrete; consequently the maximum quantity of aggregate cofnsis-tent with freze-thaw durability and workability should. be (b) used to reduce the stresses that "develop between, epoxy mortar and concrete during changes in temperature.

ASTM C 884 can be used, to anticipate problems caused by the differential thermal 'expansioi and cortrac-t6on -of-7.22.3 epoxy The mortars, and portland cement concrete.

binder system. itselfconsists of two or more liquid components 'that are combined and. tho-roughly mixed prior to incorporation of the aggregate..

OnceAhe components are mixed, chemical reactions-start immediately and the"application proceedure must' be fol-lowed to complebi~n. Pot life and'working time Will vary cnsiderably; depending on thie system, the temperature, and.,the handling procedure. An applicator must there-(c) -fore be: thoroughly familiar with the particular system Fig. 7.4 " Mo~rtaroverlay sequence: (a)'epoxy mortar is ýbei*ngTubseddbefore? attempting ar,.application of any large.

dunped,onto primed swface, (b) mortar then troweled onto:

surface,restoringdeck to grade,. (c) epoxy sel,coat is& 71.2A4 For any mortar system to performi itmust s4egee':d onto cured mortar s ,face ,a'sldprooffinish* .:bond strongly and permanentlyyi to the: concrete surface.

of sand broadcast bver fresh epoxy, To-do' this,. it -must completelyr weithe 'surface, leaving no, volidso0r dry areas at:"the ~nterfice, 'To; assure this com-quence for 'installing epoxy polymer mortar, overlays- is plete wetting it is~the uual practiceto apply 'a prime coat shown in Fig, 7.4. iof the, clear binder, system to the prepared -surface, just 7.2.2.! Surface eyaluation and preparation should, bpeior to application of the, mortar. This thin primer may

'follow 'the .,same procedures as set forth, in Chapter 5. applied' with rllerl by .spray equipment, or with Joints, and cracks 'should be evaluated and repaired 'as squees 'if the~surface is r~iatively smooth Broois. and

'outlined in Section 7T2:5: In-the case Of:working-.cracks or large busIhes have also- been used.

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 19 of 28 EPOXYf COMPOUNDS: 503R-19 After the binder is mixed it should be added -- The sealing, of surfaces. for waterproofing'should con-immediately to the: ag&egate in a mortar mixer. In ifimot,ý forrft to ACI 51:5.1R.- Working joints should be sealed in cases the aggregate specified, Will be a clean, dry, proper- accordance with ACI 504R., If there are ciacks that. re-lygraded si lica sand. A very wbrkabile sand'has a :small. quire repair by epoxy compounds before sealing the sur-amount of fines passing the No. 10 (149ý-micron) sieve. face, they should be repaired, in accordance with' appro-and usually has little or no material retained on, the No. priate proyisions of Section 7.2..

8 (2.38 mm) m sieve (see Section, .. A4,1). The, grading 7.2*. aPatching shou!d be uniform between these Iimits., Formulators may, Epoxy patches may be.used.eitherto repair supply, special sands which, they have&found to be opti-ý ,an exposed suifaceor'.toPrepaie a surface to receive an mum for their systems. epoxy 6verlay. For thin 'patches'"a sand shlould be added It-ig impottarifto0conitrol the temperatuie of t6otheZepoky ,thaf has a gradation falling within the. range.

the aggregate, both before mixing and duringthatpart of given' in .Table 7.1. For. patches of 44in. ( mm)or the mixing :cycle that precedes the addition of the binder. greater' thickness the sand should be combined with a, If the mix gets hot.due: to the sun, hot equipment, or coarse' aggregate Whose maximum size is one-third -the frictional heat from mixing, the: curing reactions Will be thickness of the patch or less. The use of-coarse aggre-accelerated and premature hardening may occur. In cool' ,gate reduces the coefficient, of thermial expansion. The Weather the aggregate is sometimes preheated in order' binder to aggregate ratio, parts by Volume,: is generally to accelerate the cure. Once everything, is in the mortaf' less th,n 1.6, depending on the grading' of aggregate.

mixer, mixing should 'continue only long enough to 'get a completely: wetted aggegate anrd iifom mix. Exten-Table, 7.1 -- Sand grading for thin epoxy'patches ding' the mixing time wilI devoyop heat and shorten the,

'timeavailable for-spreadiigi Viscosity will also increae making the system less workable. As ý mixing is

'completefthe mortar should be dumped on the' surfiace:in the area will be applied and soread 'Out into a

'relatively thin layer. This hielps to 'dissipate exothermi6 reaction heat .and extend. Work time.

7.22.7 After the mortar is placed on.the uncured primed surface -and spread-out with rakes or hoes to the approximate thickness desired, a'vibratingizscreed oper-ating on rails .set to give the desired thickness is passed 7.-2,42..The following steps should be followed:

over the mortar. For bridge and parking decks and high- Prepare patch areas' following guide-way pavements the resulting .surface.'is. usually. satisfac- lines given in Chapter 5, extending the newly- exposed tory. Touchup can be. done 'with trowels if necessary. The abiasive blasted suirface beyond the patch 'perimeter by usual practice is-to then broadcast, alight'layer of sand 1ft (300 mm).

over the surface to eliminate any slick spots or restin-rich Prime all newlyý.chi pped or abrasive-areas. This npt onlyimprovestihe appearance, butassures blasted concrete with the neatbinder epoxy. Evenly apply uniform antiskid ceharacteri-stics. Minimum thickness: for 'the 'epoxy to wet all surfaces iniciding 'the-'stee-p sides an overlay applied in this manner is.11/44 in. (6 mm). These and the reinforcement steel. Do~not allow, the epoxy to guides can vary depeiding on requirements of the appli- puddle 'in the low areas of the hole. The epoxy mortar cation and the system used. must be placed before the prime coat becomes tack free.

7.12.8 In areas where it is impactical to use a Place the mixed epoxy patching mater-screed or if a fine finish is desired, the, mortar can be. ialiin the hole. If the depth of the hole ,1is greater than. 6 troweled either by hand or With power'equipment. This in. (150 mm)j place each lift no'thicker thah 6 in. (150' technique approaches an art and the.variatibiis arespeci- dim) and 'allow lift to 'cool before'-placing'the next lift.

tic for 'each formulation. The use of solvents, 'oils, 'ot. Ti,6wling of each lift is not niecessary. On the final lift, other troweling :aids iis.. prohibited, as these mater'ials place'the' epoxy mortar thicker than'the surrounding conri-weaken the'system and ,lead to early failure. creje edges. Compact and screed the surface. For Prompt, cleanup of all equipment and tools is a, must smoother surfaces, trowel the epoxy uitil dhe desired (see -Section 6.5). As epoxy systems cure, ,they become smoothness isqobtained. Follow the epoxy manufacturer's insoluble in praqtic.aly all:common solyents. if solvents recommendationfor the' maximum' depthof lift and, max-are to be used, as recommended by the formulator, they imum Jtime-of application between lifts.' If the -maximum used before the epoxy, cures. If the epoxy 'cures time is exceeded, then the surface of'the previous lift On the eqdipment, cleaning must, be performed With a minay require mechanical abrasion,.

hammer and chisel or with bloWtorch and scraper. 'Cau- All texturing of the epoxy surface tiori in all aispects of'dleaiiuPp is emphasized (see Chapter should be ;accbimplisfied. by he screding or troweling 9). techniques, not by adding sand to the. uncured epoxy

.7.2.3 Sur-face and penetratng sealers for waterproofing mortar. Sprinkling sand on. the surface of the -patch' to

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 20 of 28 503R-20 ACI COMMIT-TEE REPORT proyide added skid properties often shows rubber build-up faster than the surroiumnding surfaces. When a faster cured patching system- is required, select a product 'that has the desired capa-bilities. Heatifig, 0fthe cdnciete surface of the newly placed' epoxy mortar .to shorten the, cure time is often less thancost effective. Curing the epoxy below the maný ufacturer's recommended low. cure itemperatureiwill probably result in failure, Followi* the mfianufacturr8's:

instructions for bestlresults. On vertical or, overhead rtp'airs, s§61t6 an epoxy 'mortar that is capable. of lhgPng lip ?/ to in.

layers (19 to: 25 mm). Carefillyvfollow the epoxy manu-facturer's recommendations for temperature controls and (a) sand gradation.

7.2.5 Grouting and sealing cracks andjoints - ACI 504R describes practices for sealing of joints, including joint design, material available, and methods ,of appliý-

cation. Fig. 7.5 shows 6nemethod fdr~selhihig cracks, Be-f'ore grouting or sealing stru'cturdl cracks it should be, determined ifthe crack is; actiye. and if so, what are the

ýcauses? ACI 224 1.-,R discusses, causes- and evaluation 'of cracks 'jh hardened 0concrete. Cacks. that are active should be treated as described iirt 504R. ;However, most cracks are dormant-andshoiuld be low pressure epoxkyin-jected to fill' the, entire void and return the conicrete,ý including the reinf6rcement' steelto its original monolithic design state.

7.2.5;1. Surface .seal -.- The flirst.step in filling a crack by injecting liquid' epoxy resin adhesiveis to pro-vide 'a surface seal on iall faces 0f the crack so- that, the liquid'resin Will notieakl and flow out 6f'the,:crack prior to gelling and curing. If unexposed faces of the concrete Fig,. 7.54a) Prior to eracq injection holes for entry ports cannot be reached, cr,ck' repair by pressure injection is are,drilled'into debris-filledcracks and vacuumed to remove, c~ntaminants,.(b) injection of epoxy compound is theh per-extremely difficult unless%specia :steps are taken. 'Where the crack 'face cannot, be. reached but where thereý is for/medon each part (courtesyAdhesives Engineering) backfill or Where a slabV'ohgrade is being repaired, -the backfill 'material or !subbase material 'is often an.adequate ' Vacuum drilldholes - entry ports inser-seal initself Thereare tWo methods used to provide this ted ---A/hole is drilled With a vacuum chuck-or core bit seal: over the crack -to a depth of. 1/2 to 3/4 in, (13 to 19 mm).

7.2.5;1.1. Rouhtg - Creating a V-groove by The Mble "diameter vafies amorig dntry port 'nianufactur-ers; Most are typically about 5/8Wi'n. (r6 rm) in routing is not required. unless the surface concrete at the diameter.

edge of the' grade has deteriorated. Routing is then re- It is important to select a vacuum bit thatiS compatible quired to remove the' deteriorated concrete down. to a. in -diameter size with the entry 'port diameter. 'The va-

'sound substrate. Thecrack is ,vacuumed to remove debris cuum bit 'is attached to a vacuum chuck, which. has 'an arid dust. The stuface potts are placed and the routed ýexit port to which a vacuum hose. connecting to a-wet-dry.

void is filled With epoxy lmortar or a 'non-sag epoxy,'ad- vaccuum unit. is attached. As the. being. drilled, all hesiye. ,dust and debris are removed from the hole during the Surface seal- A nOn-sagging, eipoxy drilliig' rocess, leaving, a clean, iuncfitainitated open adhesive 'is applie i:to, the face of the crack completely crack. After drilling, ihe entry portJis placed into the hole

'bridging ihe*,crack. An epoxy adhesive that s'ets at .the. andlhe entjre exposed crack surface sealed and' all:enry desired, interval should be selected. SlowAt6 rapid 'curing ports are .,anchored with .an epoxy'adhesive.

.adhesives'are:,available' inclear or pi'gented formulas.,Ini Bonded fluh fiting _. When-the cracks

some, cases a thenoriplastic adhesive is used where the; ae V-grboved or the concrete' suirface: is,wet, a'method sealingg material isapplied, at an eldvated 'temrnerature.- frequently used is to place.anerintly port called a.tee'over Enptr. ports -- To inject' the adfiesive:,fiater- the crack. The tee is bonded to theeofitrfete surface with ial through :the surfaceý seal,, entry ports must be pro- 'the eip'oy adhesive *at 'the time of covering the entire.

vided. Three methods are: in general use: crack with the surface sealer.

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 21 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-21 Interrption in seal---- Another' system the injection takes' place from. the, bottom up through of providing entry, is to omit, the*,seal' from a portionof adjacent ports. Care must b&etaken riot to erf*tap air or the'crack. This method can be used when special gskei water .in the crack during ihe-filling process.

devices- are available that cover the unsealed portion of Makingz sure-ihe crack,is filled During the crack and allow injection of the adhesiVe.'directly into injection operations ittis very difficult to be sure that the.

the crack without leaking. crack is completely filled. Personal experience0of the ap- Mixing the surface seal ahnd-injectionadhesives plicator and. low pressureipumping technques are,,very

-- This is done either by batch or continuoC: methods. important, Ultrasonic -testing' methods ,to :determine In batch niixing eepoy components are premixed ac- whether the crack has been filled have been perfected cording to the manufacturer's instructions, usually with but the limited digseminati'on of this technolngy'restricts the use -,of a mechanical stirreri like a paint mixing the'availability of this control method. The only practical paddle. Care. must be taken to mix only the.amount of method widely available isby drilling concretetcores. One epoxy that can be--used before the material begins to gel. or the other 'of 'these methods is absolutely necessary When the epoxy material beginis, to gel, its flow char- when assurance of a ,sound structural bond 'is required.

actefistics change. and piessure injection becomes. more Order'Of injection - The crack must anid more difficult. In the continuous mixing system the always be -filled through successive ports starting With the two liquid epoxy components pass through positive lowest one. Injection 'must continue through one port.

displacement metering pumps, prior to passing through. until the epoxy adhesive starts flowing oit of the adjacet

ýan automatic mixing head. This 'system allows 'the use of port in %asteady stream without air or, water. ,:this.

fast;-setting adhesiVes that have a short pot life. point, the first ýport must 'be capped ýoff and injection Pumping the injection adhesive - To fully started on the port Which has begun'to show adhesive.

filitthe crack Withcmixed injection adhesive, some nieans 712.5.6.2 Location of ports' -' Entry .ports should of proViding-pressue and flow is ,required. The following, be spaced far enough apart toassiure that, when the,'adhe-methods are typical. siveý'material shows at.the: djaceutv'port it hascompletely 7.2.5A41 Pressurepoi- A fteouently used meth- filed to' its 'fill d'eot., Normally'theI would be.

od is~that of forcing,:the material with air pressure, from spaced about as far apart as- the depth of penetration, a standard paint pressure, pot through hoses -into the desiredý entry port. The injection adhesive may:be a:dis- container within the paint pot. quired ---. A useful technique, in helping' to indicate Cduilking gun; 'air br,hand a~tudted--A whether the crack is filled is to estimate the theoretical common method,'isAot use . caulkidng gun cartridge filled' void by measuring-the widthiof the,crack and the dimen-.

with mixed adhesives. siohn of the, concrete memlber. Inijection pioceeds until Pumps,--Anothermethod .is to p-mp 'the theoretical amount 'has; entered the crack. plus an the, injection.components, separately through positive. dis- allowance (50, percent add itional: has proved suitabl'). If placement pumps; The resin*and curing agent can be.ei- the theoretical amount cannot .be injected, the cause ther gravity-fed or force-fed to the:. pumps. The pumps should be detetmiihed, Thepossibility of undetected voids force the individIualeloxy comPonents-through the hdses of undetermined size conhecting with a. crack' must be to a hand-held mixig chamber that p'operly mikes the. recognized and the gross amouht of rriaterial to be in-material into the finished curable adhesive. Thismethod jected determined and limited.

ofpumreping-and mixing eliminates problems caused by 71285.6.4 Maintainingpressure -- If'puimpin'g short pot life. pressure cannot: be maintained in a crack that is other-72.5.5 Injecting 'the adhesive -- The mixed adhesive wise apparently full, the reason should be, determined.

enters the injection port through a 'connection, fitting. Inability to mainitain pressure indicates that the 'adhesive.

appropriate to the' type of port fitting Which has been triaterial could be leaking out through a broken seal or attached to, the conicrete. The adhesive is iinjected into vent'hole, or could bedra-inig into connected craikS, or the crack through successive"adjcentý'pois' Care must be 'passing through the member into. voids on the other taken to -inject the adhesive at such a rate that the pres- side.

sure required to inject does not exceed that pressure 7.2.5J. Removing the surface seal After. the iri-which the surface seal can ,tolerate. or Which might "jected adhesive has cured. the surface seal should be: re-damage the structure. Low pressure pumping, typically' in moved by grinding or whatever means arenecessary. Fit-the range of 14. to 21 psi (1 -to l1/2 MPa), is'desirable to tings and::lioles at' entry. portsshould be painted With an properly alloW the entire fissure to be filled. epoxy patching compound. Horizontal surfaces -- In a horizontal properties -- Ideally, the adhesive member, such'as 4 floor, inj ection proceeds 'from, one end used should be comp unded for prssure i-jecti!n into of the crack to the other; throukghadja'cent ports. When cracked concrete. It shtuld be ptumipiabl6, be :readily as-possible, the c¥rack is injected fromt h bottbo 'of the similated into small :cracks by capillary acion, and should horizontal, concrete member filling upward. have the'caability o bonding to'wei concrete above 3:3 Vertical surfaces, -- in vertical surfaces F (1 C). On dry concrete, suifaces it 'shouldalsobe cap-:

Section Z03 EC 7521_9 Page 22 of 28 603RW22 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT able of wetting out a. layer of dust or. coh)rete fines that should b*e use~d. The..compound -should be worked,,into

,might exist inside Athe crack. Itshouldialso, be capable of :the surfaces thoroughly with a brush. Fo.r, horiontal

,maintaining a low Vis§csity when pumped into colder -surfaces:an epoxy':should be~used which is'0so formulateed (0 F [-18 C]) concrete andf6liy cdure _at the owest sub- .as to be,,absorbedto a greater depth. Itcan be applied by strate temperature during; the curing period. The best brush,. roller, or spray.

bond is obtained to dry crack surfaces.' The surfaces should be pushed firmly to- Cbntaminated cracks -. Cracks Which have gether, and clamped in place, if thereis any. likelihood of been contaminated with oils, grease, food particles or ,moVement in the first--several hours. Prdvision should be chemicals present special problems. Unless thecrack can made to prevent any leakage from 'the joint. during: the be cleaned sufficiently, to allow adequate, adhesive pene- hardening 'period.

-tration and, bond, pressure grouting will not be, an j'.218 Reflectorzed traffc' points -Sometraffic pa.ints effecltive repairprocedure. are, :essentially pigmented adhesives ýfor bonding glass, Dirt or fine particles of concrete also prevent perie- beads or ieflecting ,aggregate. These, applied to tration. They mustbe larger. cracks by'.flush- cleani dry surfaces tdirig a_'pefiod When traffiCd can be ing with- water,, followed by di'yihig or blown out using kept off the pavement for a period sufficient for the compressed air. epoxy to attain soime. strength -- usually a minimum of 7.2.6 Bonding fresh concrete:to hardened concrete about 3 hr. The normal coverage should be. about. 100 ftW/

7.2.61 General gal. (2.5 m2/L). About 6 lb (2.7 kg) of glass beads should be, eenly distributed, over 1.:00 ftz'(9.3 i 2 ) of"fresh paint. -- Epoxy bond coats must be-manu-factured specifically ,fr the purpose of bonding ,fresh 17.2`9 'Coatings to prevent c'homical 'attack r- When portland cement cohcte6t to existing hardened oncrtete. epoxies are'used as coating, they .Ahuld.'be used in accor-They 4§should be thixotropic (to ayoid pooling) and able, to dance. withACI 515.1R.

hold at leas a 15 mil (0.4 mm) film without sagging. AI- 7.2,10 Bonding concriete,to steel -- BWfore applying though an epoxy bond coat. will provide satisfactory adhe epoxyto steel., tlhe steel inust be, prepared as detaile'd in sion prior to the time the film ,is tacky to the finger, it Section 5.4. The epoxy should, be applied to.the steel if usually is desirable to 'delay placement of new concrete Ait is to. be: bonded .to'fiesh concrete, and the concrete until somedegree of tack, has developed. (Note: When placed 'while',the epoxyis still, tacky, as in Section 7.216.

vibrators afetused,it is essential to0all*w therepoky bonid If the steel is to 'be ýbonded to' hardened concrete, the coat to: reach an appreciable tack, since vibration can, 'b *epoy should beapplied to'-both' surfaceds. .The materials emuisifying a fluid epoxy bond coat, displace: it from the, should be clamped or held 'togther ,with jat suffi'ient existing concrete to. the detriment of the bond.) If, inad- force to. prevent- movement .duing haidegiingI Excessive vertently, the epoxy bond ,coat reaches a. soft rubber-like force should be avoided 'to hi-event

'intrloliction of

.stage"(no tack) prior to the placement. of the new port7 stresses when ihe'clamps are removed. Provision should land cement concrete, a second application ofthe ,epoxy be made to prevent: epoxy -from running out of the j'oint.

bond coat is required. Also a. highly viscous bond coat 7.2.1i Bonding&doncrete to aluminum n- Aluminum may not adequatiely pienetrate 'the base concrete and surfaces should be`prepared as inSection5.4.4. The same evertual bond :strength will be 'ruuce* The onrcr&ee procedures. are .used 'as in bonding cncrete to steel. It should be a non'bleeding mix of not more 'thah' 2 in. ,should beNfite, however, that :'luminumis'.susceptible (5.0 mm):slump for best results,, to attack by the alkalies of-cohcreieas well as by calcium Formed concrete -- The concrete 'surface 'chloride 'if it is. present. Such attack.can"be prevented in should be prepared as in Section 5.4; Forms suitablefor most circumstances by insuring a pinhole-free film, onthe placement of the new concrete should be made in a way ,aluminum surface; TWO coats should first be applied to that permits .them to be.assembled and put in place with- the aluminum and allowed to :'set' before applying the in the time limit, imposed by the.gel time of the epoxy coat that bondsit to the concrete. The Secoind and third bond coat. Theý epoxyshould be mixed in the proportions coafings should be ýapplied while, the, previous one is still recommended. by the manUfacturer,, and applied with ,ja tacky. Uncoated aluminum must never be allowed to stiff brush roller or spray equipment Sufficient force 'come into contact with rpinforcihng steel.;in concrete, 'be-should be used to assure thorough:and complete wetting cause it sets up :a 'galvanic couple that results in corrosion of'the concrete and exposed aggregate. Coating of the of metal -followed by fractanre' of the .concrete..

reinforcing steel improves adhesion and pfovides added 7-.2.12 Bondingcoticiete,to:other metals.,- Other me-protection. The forms should then be placed, and filled tAls'to be bonded 'to concrete should be p]repared.'as in' with portland cement concrete, in. 'the usual mannei, Section .5.4.4. Precautions should be, taken 'to prevent Epoxy should be ap-before ihe epoxy becomes iack-free. galvanic couples (setion ,7.12. f).

7.2.7 Bonding'htrdened hardened'concrete plied, intimately to the surface., Fresh concrete, or Before bonding, both surfaces should be hardened concrete with a freshly appliedd epoxy coating, thoroughly cleaned -and both should .be dry (see Chapter brought, into'contact with ithe prepared surface 5). Epoxy compound should be applied to::both surfaces. while the epoxy is still tacky; An eXail'le of bonding con-If the surfaces are vertical, thixtr*pic, epoxy compound crete to metal is. shown in. Fig. 7.6;

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 23 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 593R-23 Fig. 7.6 E-mbedment of center line lighing in runway Holes were cored, mixed epoxy poured iherein and the light qnd junction boxes set and grouted (courtesy Adhes ives Engineering) 7.2.13 Bonding concrete, to wood- ",For'surface Piepa- :several weelki For use with portland :cemenht concrete, ration, see Section 5.4.5ý The-epoxy should be applied4to the six following classes of epbxy compoundsare desig-both lthe wood surface and the coencrete* surface iff the, nated'in ASTM C 881.

'wood is to býeh onded'to hardeened con rete. If it is -to be.

bonded tofresh, concrete, the epoxy:should be applied. to Tvpe ,I through V the wood surface. The wood should be*.protected against Class A: For use below 40 F (4.5 C) absorption ofmoisture during the concreting operation Class B: .For use between 40 and 60,,F (4.5 to 16 C) so 'that. no dimensional changes will occur in it-at this, Class c: For use above 60 F (16 C) time. Because of high'volume chiangeson alternate cycles of wettifig a.d drying some woodsg are n0s.§uitable for Types VI and VII bonding to concrete. Class D: For use betWeen 40 and 65 F (4.5 and 7.2.14 Bondig concrete to, plastics Bonding concrete to plastics, presents special problems. Tests should be Class E. For use between 60 and 80 F (15.5 and made to determine how bond can .best be .obtained, and, 26.5 C) consultations :held With the manUfacturers. Class F: For use. between 75 and 90 F (24.0 and 32.0 C) 7.3 - Underwater applications With mostffrmulations bonding can. be achieved best The.temperatures indicated for each class refer to the

,under dry c rnditions. When dewatering and surface :diryý :temperature ofthe concrete substrate. The use of these ingof thes-oncrete is not possible, special epokies should materials :outsid*e thei desi-nated .temperAture range is be chosen. Some, can be applied directly-to surfaces while, discussed, in Section 8.2..

they.are underwater. Prepration'lshould include trial ap- 8.1.2 T-The, most important factors influencing the rate plications- by the user and subsequent: testing of bond of hardening,; other' thani the composition. of the com-

'fesults since application techniques are, critical in most :lotondarý temperatiire of the concreteý substrate, the. air cases. temperature, and the temperature attained by the mixed compound. As soon asý the epoxy resin and hardener are mixed together the. hardening, reaction begins-. If the mix-CHRAPTER 8 -- HtARDbE'NIN'G ture, is allowed to remain min a mass, the, heat of, reaction canndt escape 'and;.consequently,tiie temperature of the 8.1 -- Rate.-of hardening mass increases, accelerating the' reaction.. As soon as the 8.1.1 - Epoxy compounds areavailable with ai Wide epoxy compouhd has been spread, it rapidly, acquires, the range of hardening rates; varyVa ing from a few minutes to temperature of the surface onto:. which-it wa's spread and

Section Z03 19R Page 24 of 28

A-ICOMMITTEE COM MITEC 752R REPORT S03R244 ,A i is greatly influenced by the tempiratire. ofthe air to direct sunlight prior to, durg, And ."after applicition of which exposed. the mixed compo-und.

8.13-= Tol obtain the desired reactio i is Use ofice bathtO. lower the temperaturedof important first to. select ;the proper class oftcompound; the components before mixing.

second; to adequately mix the compound, While maintain- 8.2.33 Rapid spreadingiof the mixed compound-in.

ing:a minimum-thickhess'of material by*proper selection a thin, film.

of a mixifng c6ntainer; third, to spiead the mixed com-pound on a 'surfaCe having a tempeture within the 8.3 -- Op-eningtllejobto servie desired range; and finally, to expose to air temperatures The strength requitrements of the epoxy compound within the desired' range. will differ with each end use. In mahy insta*ces, theý surface f-r the cured epoxy. compound: is.. not accessible 8.2 -, Adjusting thehardening rate, forý evaluation of the degree of hardness and strength 8.2.1 ,- Natural. environmentai conditiois Will nIot attained. Therefore, it is*, necessary: to" rely' on the always be such that' theconcrete ,surfices (to a depth of ,supeMsor's judgtnentý,and' ep'eridnce.-and on the,'manu-about:3 in. or 7.5 nm) and thle.air and ,epoxy tempera-. factuite's data as.'to the,'anticipated strength. For some tures are Within the optimum range, f6r the- application" purposesi it is necessary for the epoxy compound to Preheating or cooling the surface tO a satisfactory tem- achieve almost full strength before opening the project to.

perature, preheating or cooling the epoxy compound.con- servicean.d the time required.mightbe only a few hours stituents before mixing, or both will then be' necessary. at summer. temperatures.

Preheating the epoxy, compound will increase..its:*hard-

'ening rate thereby shortening the period available for, appiicati6n. Excessiveý.preheating miaylshorten the appli- CHAPTER 9 - HANDLING PRECAUTIONS

,cation period to theextent that proper aploi cation ca.nnot be accomplished thereby rg`ulin" in` 'oorb6nd.Precool-9.1 - Ge-heral 'hazards iing the epoxy ormpound will increase its viscosity consis- 9,-1.1 Just as there are proper,-safe practices for tent with the, amount of temperature, reduction. The handling lime, acid, porand cement, etc., there are also

-more viscous. the material, the more. difficult it iis to precautions. Which should be observed' when handling

.properly apply. Excessive precoolirng can increase the ,epoxy resins and materials used with them..

S9.1.2 A number of different basic epoxy

,Vic'Sosity'Ato the extent that the mixed epoxy compound resins can be cannot completely Wet the surface -thereby resulting in combined With an even greater iuinber of cutiing. agents, poor bond. The foimulator's recofnmerided ternierature flexibilizers, fillets and other chemii~als to: produce

'`ranige'for miixing the epoxy compound-should be followed several hiuidired'hdifferent end*ý rod 'ts with varidus com-for .all, field rapplications.

binations of 'their unique prop.rties. This- versatiiity, 8.2.2 Accelera'ion of.hardening raie - An accelerated which makes the, epoxies so useful, also contributes to hardening rate will be needed: When, the. concrete surface handling problems 'for the user (and,. indeed,. the manu-and air tempeiaturesare 'uiaVoidably below the proper facture$)"- of epoxy products. On the one hand; a few temiperatufe range for the class of epoxy 'cofripounds epoxy formulations are nonhazardous; on the other hand, chosen for the project. Many methods and combinations there are a few formulations'which are extremely hiaar-of'methods can be devised, but most are impractical for dous; and in between are compounds with varying large -areas over thick concrete. The following are degees, of hazard.

methods used; for a ccelerating, the hardening rate: 9.1.3 -. Two typical health problems which: may be en-82121,i Infrared .heaters wtopreheat the concrete c'untered When epoxy' materials re' carelessly handledl surface and also to heat the epoxy c'mpouftd after it is are:

spread, Skin irritation; suchý.as 'bums, rashes, and An/'inclosure heated by circulating warm air, itches.'

8.2.23 'Clear Polyethylene film."'placed over the 9%1.32: Skin sensitization, which is an allergic reac-completed j`b, tion similar to that caused in. certain people by wool,

&2.24 Heated oaggregate.-mixed with the prepared strawberries, poison ivy, or allergens.

compound in. producing epoxy. -mortar or concrete; 9.1.4'-- It'should. be noted that sensitization reactions In any'event, uniform heating [notvover 125 F (51 C)] may sometimes occur immediately, but at other times is essential, and dii~et;tflme. heating is'prohibited. they occur only after long periods of continual exposure.

8,2,3'Deceleraiionof hardlening rqte A decelerated

- Workers should be aware, of th&e possibility of'delayed hardening. rate: is: needed whenthe concrete surface and sensitizaatidn a ,d not" assume that they -arIe immune.

air temperaturs are inadvertently above the proper. tem- 941.5- The variety of th~eepoxy compounds marketed perature range for the class of epoxy compounds chosen today make Iit .essential that the labels and Material

'for 'the project. The following methods.have .been used to Safety Data (MSDS)*she~ets., be read and' understood by decelerate the, hardening rate: those: people work ing with:the products. Code.of Federal 8.2.3.i Prototion of the application area; from Regulations (CFR) '16, Part, 1.500 reguiates .the labeling

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 25 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-25:

of hazardous substances including epoxy compounds. concrete applications. are usually solvent free. However, ANSI standards: ANSI Z 129.1 and. ANSI K 68.1 solvents may be used as a convenience, for cleanup of provide fuirther guidance' regarding .classification, and equipment. and areas on which, epoxies might be spilled.

precautions. Thl.e .solvents 'used Will re-quifre' additiontal 'precautions 9.1.6'-- Many epoxy resin formulations are classified as depeniding, on, the characteristics of the type used. It is "Corrosive"' o#"fan al"i 49 CFR Transportation generally' "true that'soliv§ent* should-ffnot be Used to remove Subcapter C "ýHazardous Materials Regulatio'n's."I Pack- epoxY products fiom thee lfin. They tend 'to'dry the skin aging, labeling,, atnd shipping. f0r. such materials is con- and may. themselves cause dermaifitis. AdditionallyJthey trolled 'by' 49 CFRITransportation. dissolve the epoxy compoun ancarry it into more jitit-matecontact wiih the skin, 'thuS aggrayating ihe dermatit-9.2 - Safe, handling. !c problems whichalready exist due to. skin :contactwith Safe handling of epoxy materials can be accomplished the epoxy compound. The 'following hazards might be en-countered in the use of s61veits and should be 'taken into 9.2.1'- Working inf a well-ventilated area. As with most consideration. it may be emh'asized that' when using a, chemicals, materials should be stored below eye level. solvent, the combined' hazards of both the solVent and 9.2.2 --,Disposable suits and gloves, available from the epoxy compound are encountered.

many suppliers of work garments; are suitable for this 9.4.1..1 Flammability and exploSion hazard -- Many

use. Gloves should be tested.for resistance to resins and solvents having low, flash points"'are tot, recommended

!solvents. Disposable ]ubber o.r plastic gloves are'rec6mi-.. and should be avoided,. Cleaning'solvents.such as ketones mended and shouldb*e discarded after each use., Glves are red label materialsard,.present a fire hazard. If used, should be tested foir resistance to resins and solventis adequate ventilatibn should be proVided, equipmaent Cotton gloves, if used, should never 'be reused if they should be 'grounded and smoking or other fire initiating have become soiled With epoxy compounds. devices Should be barred fromh the.area 6f use. The chlor-9.2-3 -'- Careful attention' to personal cleanliness and ,inated solvents, While.not representinga .fire hazard, will protection. Safety eye-glasses or goggles :are :strongly present: a toxicological problem if a person smokes in

.recommended bothwhen handling epoxy compotunds and their presence or.if a fire Occurs in the immediate area.

'acids. Involuntary habits such as. face scratching:or eye- Vapor hazard --,,Most,solvents. have some, glass adjustment should be avoided. Foir similar"reasons, 'degree of volatility and the vapors -can be 'toxic: when

handling important tools, eating. or smoking should not inhaled Avoid. usinig, §'sovenis Which may be harmful.

done' obe untilt.he, ndiv.dual ha washed up. : ien weaý- 9:4413 Contact hazard -- Some cleanup solutions:

ing soiled gloves, the workers should ,avoid touching door contain phenols orother very aggressive chemicdls w~hich handles and otherequipment' which may subsequently-be ,can. cause bums or other serious effects when contacting touched by a person not wearing gloves. ,any part, of the body directly or indirectly. Use:"such 9.2.4 Federal regidatiOns -- CFR 29, Part 1910 (OSHA materials with great care following the recoiimnendations Standards) regulate handling of hazardous substances of the supplier.

including epoxy compounds. "9.4..1.4 Dispose of spenit solvenftsin accordance with local and federal regulations.

9.3 -- What to do in case of direct contact 9.3.1 To the clothing -- Remove soiled clothing at, 9.5 - Education of personnel.

once and changeto 'clean garments. If the 'soiled garment No amount of equipment will "substitute for worker cannot be thoroughly cleaned, it shoild be destroyed. ed'ucdAtion:, Those involVed in Using' epoxy materials 9.3.2 To the body -- Shower immediately ,withi 'soap should be thoroughly informed' of the characteristics and and water'to remove. pilled epoxy c6mpouinds f*ro ie 'hazards ofthe particular i'rnferiAls they must handle. Not body. Avoid c Ontact Vwith the genital areas until after the only label instructions bu a* the manufacturer' s. iter-hands are carefully,.cleaned of all epoxy-. ature and MSiDS sheets-should be reviewed and pertinent 9.3.3 To the eyes'- Flush out With large amounts; of information passed on Ito eeach workeIr. 'The hand)ling of water for at least 15. min,, followed by immediate medical ,epoxy materials is not a dangerous occupation as long-as attention. (Safety goggles Will usually preent getting .reasonable care. is taken .and' personnel and equipment chemicals into eyes:) are kept clean. Instances 'of sensitization' are rareb -6it-the 9.3.4 Oiher places -- Do not use' solvenits .other than possibility of abum, a damaged eye, or other loss-of-time soap and water or water soluble proprietary cleaners. accidents makes'knowledge and *bservance of safe hand-Most solvents merely dilute the epoxy compounds, aiding ling practices absolutely 'essential. A sensitized person them, in vpen etating-the skin.. At ihe same time, solvents must. not be 'allowed to c ntinue working. with epoxY tend to .cIdry.oute skin and any subsequent exposure is materials,.

more likely to cause problems.

APPENDIX A-TET METHODS 9.4 - Use of solvenit 9.4.1 General The epoxy compIourids considered fdr Al1 - Field test for 'surfaice ýsoundness anid adhesion

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 26 of 28 503R-26 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT A.! -- Clean a portion of the area to which the epoxy use. -A -2 0z (50 gni) portion of this material, compound-is to be applied-according to prescribed clean- should have, aWorking life of 20-25 mri at 70-90 F (20-ing methods'. The area 'seleCted for. tesiing 'should 32 C).*Apply a. small amount ,of the mixed adhesive to represent, the..worst-of surface conditions within the-area the 'c0re'd.isc and'to thebonding face of'thepipe capby to ,be repaired,. The test area should be',large enough. so spathla. desired, the b'eonding face ma he- heated that -the cleaning equiPment and methods of cle,_ning to to facilitate §preiin of the H6weveri Hosiye:, the qpedi&sip~lreadn .9d-theives be employed in- full scale, operation, may 'be used. This cored disc- shoul~d nev~eyrbe heated directly. Place-the pipe avoids. the possibility of attaining a degree of cleanliness cap -on the-cor4ddisc. Direct a flame from a, small gaso-in a small test area 'which could 'riot be' matched later line blow-torch. (an electric., heatlamp or a -portable gas with the, equipent to be used on a 'continuing basis; The radiant-heater may be used as alternatives) into-the inter-surface muist be. thoroughly dry before undertaking Step ior of the'ý pipe- cap in such a- way that no 'direct,- heat A.12. reaches the cored, disc' or the' paviement bond. line, and A.12 .. Mix materials and appiy a.testpatch according heat the pipe cap to'.about 160. F (70 C)..:(This ~tempera-to applicable procedures of Chapters' 6 and 7 usingthe ture can readily ýbe, checked with a, surface pyrometer.)

epoxy compound-to be used in'the work.. The test patch Under these 'conditions the adhesive, should harden in -

should coveit enough of the surface: to include all the less than. 1 minute. The bonded cap 'will be ready for typical surface conditions found ih the largert areas to be 'testing, as soon'as it-has cooled to air temperature.

covered. For example, in a warehouse sUbjecied to Con- A.,lS -- After cooling the pipe cap and core, test the siderable forklift truck traffic, the test patch should span core by applying tehsion -to'itusing a testing-device simi-a line to include the wheel tracks where:appliedl oad and larto the one-:shown in Fig: A.4 and A.5.. To prepar the wear are most severe, -and the center areas where.deposi- testing device; screw the lower '.hook into the threaded tion of oil and traffic soil is heaviest. pipe cap and attach to the loop on-the lower portion -of A.1.3 -- After the.-test, patch has hardened, core-drill a Dillon dynamometer. Screw the upper hook, which has through the coating and d6wn barely intothe subsurface. a threaded shafi into the loading ann at the top of the by-means-,of h electricdrill fitted with a.carbide-tipped rig, andattach ,to the .loop on the upper portion of the or,diamond core bit (Fig. A. I)The, core bit should be of" dynamomreter-'--en fo-e-i-- pplied*,the axis of the:dy-such size as io produce a cored disc 2 ini.(5 ,cm) in. dia- namometer must coincide with the axis of the pipe Cap meter which will have the appearance of-a smarllisland of extended. Rotate the loading' ann sthat the threaded coated Material (Fig. A.2). shaft and its, connections are lifted, placing the pipe cap A.1A - Bond a standard l/z in. (3.7 cm) diameter pipe (and core) in tension. Tensile load should be applied at cap, the 'bottom surface of which has been mnachined the approximate rate of -100. lb (45 kg) every 5--sec. 'The smooth and sh*ulder-cut to provide a. 2 in. (5 cm) dia- tensile load is indicated on the Adynamometer gage.

meter surface .(Fig. A,.3), to the cored disc using nearly Record the load At 'which the pipe cap and connected any commercially available, room ternperaiure. rapid core is separated -from. the conci'ete, surface and convert curing epoxy compound adhesive. Mix the epoxy compo- to uniit stress.. Note the type of fa)lure ofwhich there ,are nents according to the supplier's recommendations~just three, possibili,,ties or combinations thereof:

NKIt rg'.A4"- ".orea:aisc ajter ,.rig: A.,J -- Ma~ctne jacea pIpe cap Fig. A. I - Portdble cabide-tippedcore ready for.the aitachment bonded-to- cored, disc with epoxy com-drill in ,psiiibn for ding cap ,poun-d

Section Z03 EC 75219 Page 27 of 28 EPOXY COMPOUNDS 503R-27 17.

-- ~-- -

-I a.-..


S I' ' . -* " ,

  • Fig.A.6 -aTypical failure in concrete; Fig.. 4,--, Mechanical testing device Fig. A.5 - Functionalsketch of mech- dark spots on cap and in aggregate in-for pulling bonded pipe cap in tension anical testing "deoce dicate split aggregate a) Failure in the concrete (cohesive concrete failure)- portion should be large enough ýs 'So that the cleaning b) Separation of the epoxy compoun4 from the con- equipment inhtended for ihe:full scale application can be crete surface (adhesive failure): used in a stndaird cleaniing opetiion. Provision should c) Failure- in the epoxy compound (cohesivexresin -fail, ,be made for conducting the test -atý the rate of at least

-ure) one jtestqper 1f00 ft (9.3 m2 ) of ar'ea to be repaired The surface to be tested, must-,be dry before proceeding with

  • Record the-percent of eah.type of failure:along witf Step A2.2.

the load required to'bring,`about the failure; 'A properly A.2-2 -- Cut:i ini. lengths ofl in. aluminum T-section 2 boriding-surf*ae at the.bottom of formulated epoxy compoundd applied to a properly pre- to provide -a one ihn pared surface should-result in a concrete. failure as shown 'the flange. Drill, a hole in the stern of each T-section -for in Fig. A.6. When the pipe cap and core have been sepa- subsequent attachment of the testing device.. Thoroughly rated from the surface, the hole created by the test-:can clean the aluminum surface by abrading with .crocus or easily be repaired using:eitheran epoxy resin compound emery cloth being, careful to water wash and dry before, or the remaining epoxy adhesive if there is a, surplus. using. Bond the aluminum T-section to the concrete sur-When -the strength of a concrete surface is to be tested face using a fist setting epoxy comrpound mixed juct prior alone, Steps All throughAI.3 may be eliminated, ex- to its use -in, accor&nce with the supplier's recom-

,cept that a small area must be cleaned for bonding the mendations. quantity of. heThis, is accomplished by applying a small epoxy pipe~cap, directly to the-concrete -surface. Tests should .be Icompo nd Ito the concrete surface performed in several areas- which represent the, worst followed 'immediately by working the T-section into the conditions, and which giveia statistical estimate'of results epoxy:in a manner toiestablish th6rough contact between to be expected. the epoxy, the concrete and: the aluminum T-section, Upon completion of this opefation, score around the per-imeterof the T-section to remove excess epoxy which has A.2 - Simplified field test for -urface soundness squeezed out so that the bonded.area Will be the desi-ed A.2.1 -- If this test is being employed to ascertain the *one square inch.

need for suiface preparation and detecting relative dif- A.2.3 -- The f6llowing day, or as soon as the epoxy has ferences in.-potential surface strength over an area to be set, attach a testing device, similar to the. one shown in repaired, skip to Steps, A.2.2 and A:2.3. If the,- test is Fig. A7 to the aluminum T-secfion or the-mechanical de-employed to, ascertain* adequacy of surface, preparation, v-ice described in Step A.1,.5,. Apply tension at an uninter-clean the. ai-rea, or portions thereof if f:a, large atea, ac'- rupted;' uniform- rite. The teilsile-o6ad 'is indicated on the

ýcrding to the brescribed cleAing methods, portions of dyp4ammeter gage. Rec0od-the *6ad at Which each T4sec-large areas to. be test, cleaned should, be sufficient in tion is separated from. the concrete- surface 'and express number to be, representative of the ýtotal area and each it, asunii stress. Niqte thetype-of failure, ýas~in Step A 1.5,

Section Z03 EC:75219 Page 28 of 28 503R428 -AC1 ,.COMMITTEEE REPORT Ektender.- A nionreacting liquid' substance added to epoxy compounids to extend pot life, increase flexibility, and lower the cost, Flexibilizer:' A. substance, which will react. with epoxy

.ompounds to impart flexi.iliy .

Filler:.A finely divided material,, such as mica' or talc;.

incrorp6rated in an epoxy formulation to increase the hardness and lower the cost.

Hardener:, A substance4formulated so .that when mixed with an epoxy resin -it will cause the epoxy toqso!idify and harden.

Ionic: An adjective used to describe substances that. form ions. jUpon dissolving, each molecule of the ionic substance:splits ito two or more ions. The ions always camr.ranelectrieal, charge,ieither positiVe or nega-.

.tive; The 06sitive and negative charges are'always equal,.

so that the"oVerall efedtrical charge, is neitral.

MAi.: ýOne-thousandth of an inch.

Non-ionic: An adjective used to describe substances that dissolve. without formation of ions. (See ionic)

Non-polar" Used. to describe molecules characterized by a uniform distribution of electrons:. so that there is essentially no6 electrical .charge, sepaation ýifi the, mole-cule. (see semi-Opolar)

Overlay: To apply a mortar to suIfficient 'hickness, usu ally *4 in. (6rkm) or more, to, form a new suuface.

(see' semi-polar)

Pot'.ife:- The period of time'during which' he .epoxy compound .is in a-,suitable condition for use, Resin motrtar: A combination of epxy 'resin and fine aggregatein'a .c6nsistency suitable for ti oeling..

Fig A 7 -. Tension frame for pulling T secfions bondhed. to Rout: To.deepen'and widen..a crack Wtprepare it for a surface (courtesy George W Whitesides Cod; Inc.), patching or sealing.

Semi-poldr: An adjective used to describe molecules that are intermediate between non-polar and poiar types.

APPENDIX B - TERMINOLOGY Non-polar molecuiles 'are charactedized by a. iniform dis-tribution of electrons such that' theret is essentially. no Ambient? Usually:used to describe temperatute;- mean- electrical 'charge, separation in the molecule. Polar imle-ing-'the same as the' su-oiindings. Ambient 'usually', but cules. are cha racterized by a nonunifo distribution of not always, implies a temperature that is in the range of electrons such that. there is a 'difference in electrical 60 to90 F (15 to32 C). potential from one end of the molecule. to the other. Po-Broadcast: To toss granular material, such as ,sand lar molecules tend :to have higher' sol*ent* strength 'than over a horizontal surface so 'that 'a thin, uniform layer is non-polar molecules.

obtained; Stripper."A liquid coimpound formulated to remove Delamination: Loss of adhesion and separati6n be- coatings by chemical and/or solvent adtioh.

tween coatings or betaeen a coating and its substrate'. Subs~taie: The uncoated surface upon which'a coating Diluent: A. liquid .ether which 10wers 'the viscosity o.f is applied.

epoxy formulations and which reacts -chemically with Thetnoplastic plastic. A, plastic that, generally.does not them. retuire~curifig"agents and can be'dissoiveddina solvenit0or Epoxy concrete: A combination of epoxy resin and fine melted without permanent chemical change.,

and coaise' aggre*gatedin *ahconsistehicy :similar to portland Therrnosetting plastic: A plaitic that, ofce*'curte, can-cement concrete.

not be melted or dissolved, in a solventwi4th6ut under-Epoxy grout: A. fluid epoxy compound used to fill going. drastic .chemical change.

cracks,. set dowels, etc., in a manner si'mila-r fo conven-tional grout.. ACI '503RM93w*'Wudtitted to letter ballot of the commitee.,and was aporoi'ed' Epoxy mortar: ,:See resin mortar. according to ih iiute.- ball1ting procedures.

PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 Attachment E - Bond Test Data Use additional sheets as required.

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PCHG-DESG Engineering Change 0000075219R0 Intentionally Left Blank - Information was removed during final review of EC product.

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Section Z06 EC 75219 Pagec 1 of

]eNEWPORt Virtuyal C'.hart Recorder Te~mperatu'r~e & Relative ,Humidity i Web Server'

.Get Alarmssby ,Email or TextIMessage I- No Sp'eCia*l Software Requ ired iTHX-SD: Record Years of jilt, Data on Popular'SD Cards ETHERNET RES STOY WILT Ci IWJP

'Is~everI cif I

The NEWPORT) iTHX transmitter let's you monitor and record Temperature, Relative Humidity and Dew Point over an Ethernet network or the Internet I with no special software except a Web Browser.

The iTHX serves Active Web Pages to display real time readings, display charts of temperature, humidity, and dew point or log data in standard data formats for use in a spreadsheet or data acquisition program such as Excel or Visual Basic.

The virtual chart viewed on the web page is a JAVATM FCC-B Applet that records a chart over the LAN or Internet in MADE IN THE U.S.A. LISTED UCE real time. With the iTHX, there is no need to invest time and money learning a proprietary software program to log or chart the data.

EF 75219 Page 2of4


Section Z06 Soerver MicroServer iTHX Adjustable Charts A second probe can be added at the Chart scales are fully adjustable on time of purchase or in the future.

the fly. For example, the chart can NEWPORT offers a choice of display one minute, one hour, one industrial probes in 2" and 5" lengths, day, one week, one month or one and a wand style for ambient indoor year. Temperature and humidity can applications. A simple DB-9 "Y" be charted across the full span connector is available for adding a

(-40 to 1240C, and 0 to 100% RH) second probe to model iTHX-W and or within any narrow range such as iTHX-SD. No connector is required to (20 to 300C). add a second probe to the DIN rail When a second sensor is added, mounted iTHX-2.

users can select a chart that records Award-winning Technology channel 1, channel 2 or the The NEWPORT iTHX is simple to difference of the two channels. install and use, and features NEWPORT's award-winning iServer technology that requires no special software except a Web Browser.

The iTHX connects to an Ethernet NEW iTHX-SD with SD Flash

' Recording; 0 0 T-eperature 108.2 F ON 50.8%

III 60I 1 0.1 H1e1dite Network with a standard RJ45 Memory Card and LCD Display connector and sends data in The NEWPORT model iTHX-SD with standard TCP/IP packets. It is easily LCD display, adds several valuable i0 I J.

configured with a simple menu using features in addition to the backlit a Web Browser and can be local display of temperature and password protected. humidity.

From within an Ethernet LAN or over The iTHX-SD comes complete with the Internet, the user simply types its a removable 2 GB SD Flash Memory IP address or an easy to remember card that can store up to seven name such as "Cleanroom5" or years of readings taken at ten iTHX-SD Adjustable Chart "ServerRoom" in any Web Browser, second intervals.

and the iTHX serves a Web Page with the current readings.

The data recorded on the SD card

-Display and Chart Two Channels can be read with a standard card The iTHX transmitters come complete reader or remotely over an Ethernet with a temperature and humidity network or the Internet.

probe for measurement of a single location. With the addition of a second With data being recorded on the SD probe, the iTHX transmitter can card, a failure on the Ethernet measure and display temperature, network will not interrupt the data humidity and dew point in a second recording.

location up to ten feet away. Alarm Relays The iTHX-SD features two 1.5 Amp relays. With the easy Web-based

__ Title _ Email Alarms setup page, the two relays can be All NEWPORT iTHX models that are programmed for any combination of Temperature 76.37 OF temperature or humidity, and high or Humidity 59.66 % on a LAN that is connected to the Internet can trigger an alarm that can low set points. The relays can also Dewpoint 59.99 OF be programmed to remain latched be sent by email to a user or a distribution list anywhere in the world, and require a manual reset if a limit CH2 Temperature 75.29 OF is exceeded.

CH2 Humidity 47.73 % including text messages to cell CH2 Dewpoint 53.42 OF phones and PDA's. Battery Backup

  • Ma~in Men-* Typical Applications The iTHX-SD comes with a universal The iTHX is great for monitoring 100 to 240 Vac power adapter.

Reading 2 Sensors on iTHX-W temperature + humidity in A standard 9 Volt Alkaline battery applications such as: clean rooms, (also included) allows the device to The transmitter can display and computer rooms, HVAC systems, log data for up to 2 days without chart absolute measurements in pharmaceutical and food processing external ac power.

both locations, or a differential and storage, hospitals, laboratories, measurement between the two semiconductor fabs, electronic locations. The second probe assembly, warehousing, museums, requires no change to the basic manufacturing, green-houses, farm iTHX transmitter hardware. animal shelters, and many more.


Section Z06 TeEC Tmperature 7521 . + n9IiDMkaity 3a Sensor Specifications LCD Display (iTHX-SD)

Relative Humidity (RH) 16 Digits 6mm (0.23")

Accuracy/Range: +/-2% for 10 to 90%;

+/-3% for 5 to 10% and 90 to 95%; SD Flash Memory Card (iTHX-SD) -Reedingp~on

[=tP, w Unitfa Display CGhaor ="-Ox DisplayForn tf0UE Offset100

+/-4% for 0 to 5% and 95 to 100% 2GB card: 8 months of data storage R000U0 De~sotdpnldtnnd Unit% 0,sptay edt ti 7 Non-linearity: +/-3% at 1 second recording intervals or 7 Syntdt, End CDsat n ay Fonnat 00 Offset 00 Hysteresis: +/-1%RH years at 10 second intervals otignont rReading 3 Log owt estdnoepnt UnitC Dhiplay 9 End0tht0er[

Response Time: 8 seconds, tau 63% =On Oiedy Fnnnnatr0_OEC Repeatability: +/-0.1% Relay Outputs (iTHX-SD) SamplhngRitel Resolution: 0.1%, 12 bit Two Relays 1.5A @ 30 Vdc Temperature (T) iTHX-SD Sensor Configuration Accuracy/Range* I R.., Iey R-04Y2 Wand Probe: +/-0.50C (+/-_IF) for Ai 0

50 to 45 C (41° to 113°F); +/-0.5 to 10C OEdO .- odnt F0m.1,_a.j N0.00 FA -

Etoegn~nt Status 1f40 Stats. 10 1k DEVICE SETUP

(+/-10 to 2°F) for 00 to 50C and 450 to Ne.U20th N..Dit.N.. l on.""Wt e~nnlt bpl" Fep,,t R.p.n ee. f"`el.

fft EndEtIt o00.e 700C (320 to 41OF and 1130 to 158°F) od* set PolintHighLoll ,

St Poit Highnte Tempr...

2 =i:ýjSH SRTFI TF


1 decnat TA0O00F tO 000001 00o Industrial Probe: +/-0.50 C (+/--IF) for LO S etfoInt S-t o -n. S. P Lo.iLj0 ý

-* 'W,'tSD jod o O DL_ _ 000...

0 50 to 45 C (41 to 113°F); +/-0.50 to 1.50C EndCh.-Nte Display 0' 0 EndCha--t, Ox Disply [3 0'

4 n HtnidirnI h C1, l nRDF2FDenjonF decinat I DBS000F 00 04 00 - 000001

(+/-10 to 2.7 0F) for -40 0to' 5C and 450 to 1240C (-400 to 41OF and 1130 to 2550 F) Terminal Serner TCPNUDP47 SeehTypen7;ZoZ Numbi ketSke-: Per

  • Note: extended temperature range is for Ind. probe only, the iServer's iTHX-SD Alarm Relays Re.mteIPAdd.eO Remote Access (Tunneling) neonteP=o3 IenoteA operating temperature is 0 to 700C Response Time: 5 to 30 seconds, Embedded WEB Server MainMenu tau 63% Serves WEB pages containing real-Repeatability: +/-0.10C time data and live updated charts iTHX-W and iTHX-2 Configuration Resolution: 0.1°C, 14 bit within definable time intervals Probe Physical Dimensions Environmental Wand Probe iTHP-W Operating Temperature:

Probe length: 019 mm x 198 mm Unit: 0 to 700C (32 to 158 0 F)

(0.75" x 7.8") I Temperature 23.0 C Battery: -20 to 550C (-4 to 131 OF)

Cable length 152mm (6") with DB9 Connector Humidity 47.3% ac Adapter: 0 to 400C (32 to 104'F)

Cable operating temp: 00C to 800C Dewpoint 11.0 C Storage Temperature:

(32 0 F to 176 0 F) Alarm Relayl ON -40 to 85 0 C (-40 to 1850F)

Industrial Probe iTHP-5, iTHP-2: Alarm Relay2 OFF Power Probe length: 016mm x 137mm or Recording ON Input: 9 tol2 Vdc: iTHX-W, iTHX-SD; 51mm (0.63" x 5" or 2") ee~rhr2 IS ..ned. ýjý6et1 10 to 32 Vdc: iTHX-2 Housing material: SS316 Safety Qualified ac power adapter:

Cable length 3m (10') or 0.9m (3') Readings on iTHX-SD Nominal Output: 9 Vdc @ 0.5A Cable operating temperature: Input: 100 to 240 Vac, 50/60Hz

-400C to 125°C (-40°F to 2570 F) included: iTHX-W, iTHX-SD Software Switching Power Supply sold iServer Specifications OPC Server; macro for datalogging separately: iTHX-2 Interfaces in Excel program; compatible with Battery: 9Vdc, Alkaline iTHX-SD Windows operating systems Ethernet (RJ45): Fixed or auto- Packaging negotiating 10/1 OOBASE-T, '- - :;; -' '- -I- - 1-7 V - - I iti L*

Material: Steel metal case with wall Auto MDI/MDIX: iTHX-SD; mount bracket: iTHX-SD; Valox 364 1OBASE-T: iTHX-W, iTHX-2 fid, ad, le*

IES re.OLrn.j PBT case with wall mount bracket:

I, EMS ItfimlelS Sti Va. Ole Sensor: Digital 4-wire (DB-9):

  • 10155W SlItOPI .Sfl*

a CEOIPISaDIe nil a.

ode lea iTHX-W; Polycarbonate case with iTHX-W, iTHX-SD; removable I, snow i-moe.

rnamle en,,


see fled add en DIN Rail mount: iTHX-2 8 position screw terminals: iTHX-2 S 5401W*51* as Na. tea, -

Protocols ~ OS4NI.4t ~dl *ld Ole TCP, UDP, SNMP, SMTP, NTP, e lenne *5ePs fflEeS 0015,5 file bad eta.

0d5 lea. -, NIST Traceable Calibration

... X~,letedr< -. . - Certificate available.

ARP, ICMP, DHCP, DNS, HTTP, In compliance with IS09001:2000, and Telnet: iTHX-SD; Datalogging Spreadsheet ISO10012-1.1992(E),

TCP, UDP, ARP, ICMP, DHCP, DNS, HTTP, and Telnet: iTHX-W, iTHX-2 I ANSI/NCSL Z540-1.1994 and MIL-STD-45662A. I 3

ULmecunz.uto Mechani6YfiIcations P-age 4 al 4 IT E



iDRN-PS-1000 Io 24Vdc Supply i Mounts to 35mm DIN rails mo Switching Power Supply powers up to 7 units Model No. Description Price Model No. Description Price iTHX-SD iServer MicroServer'" for Temp + Humidity and Dew- iTHX-2 iServer MicroServer'" for Temperature + Humidity point, LCD Display, 2GB SD Flash Memory Card, and Dew Point 295 2 Relay Alarm, Battery Back-up 395

  • Standard Industrial Probe 137mm (5"), Cable 3 m iTHX-W iServer MicroServer'" for Temperature + Humidity and (10 ft), Stripped Wire Leads. No Entry required N/C Dew Point 295 -2 Industrial Probe 51mm (2"), Cable 0.9 m (3 ft) with
  • Standard 203 mm (8") Wand Probe, Cable 152 mm Stripped Wire Leads. Substitution for 5" Probe N/C (6") with DB9 Connector. No Entry required N/C Accessories

-2 Industrial 51 mm (2") Probe, Cable 0.9 m (3 ft) with iTHP-2 Industrial Probe 51 mm (2"), Cable 0.9 m (3 ft)

DB9 Connector. Substitution for Wand Probe 15 with Stripped Wire Leads. 1 115

-5 Industrial 137 mm (5") Probe, Cable 3 m (10 ft) with iTHP-5 Industrial Probe 137 mm (5"), Cable 3 m (10 ft)

DB9 Connector. Substitution for Wand Probe 25 with Stripped Wire Leads. "1 125 Accessories iDRN-PS-1000 Power Supply (switching), 95 to.240 Vac input, iTHP-W-6 Replacement 203mm (8") Wand Probe, Cable 152mm 24 Vdc output @ 850 mA (powers up to 7 units) 150 (6") with DB9 Connector 100 RAIL-35-2 2 m (6.5 ft) section of 35mm DIN rail 15 iTHP-2-DB9 Industrial 51 mm (2") Probe, Cable 0.9 m (3 ft) with DB9 Connector"1 115 Common Accessories Price iTHP-5-D89 Industrial 137 mm (5") Probe, Cable 3 m (10 ft) with iP-PC Polyethylene Probe Cap, for wet environments N/C DB9 Connector"1 125 iP-SC Porous Stainless Steel Probe Cap, 5um porosity, DB9-Y DB9 "Y" Connector Adapter for 2 Probes with DB9 for dusty and pressurized (< 35 psi) environments 25 Connector 25 CAL-3-HU NIST Traceable Calibration Certificate. Three (3)

DB9-CA-3 Extension Cable, 0.9 m (3.ft) with DB9 Connector 15 Humidity Points of 25%, 50%, 75%, one temp-erature 25'C, for new units 150 Ordering Examples for iTHX-SD with LCD display, SD card, 2 relay alarm, battery back-up and wand probe: iTHX-SD = $395. CAL-3-DUAL Same as CAL-3-HU, for new units with 2 probes 175 For dual channel iTHX-2 with additional industrial 5" probe and 10' cable: CT485B-CAL-KIT Calibration Kit, 33% and 75% RH Standards 75 iTHX-2 + iTHP-5 + iDRN-PS-1000. $295 + 125 + 150 = $570.

For Calibrated Replacement Probe, with Certificate: iTHP-W-6-CAL-3-HU. $100 + 50 = $150.

-1 Other lengths of cable (up to 40 ft) are available, please contact our Sales Department.

  • Volume discounts are available.


Section Z07 EC 75219 Page 1 of 13 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES Prepared by the International Concrete Repair Institute March 2004 Guide to Using In-Situ Tensile Pull.Off Tests to Evaluate Bond of Concrete Surface Materials (j) Guideline No. 03739 Copyright © 2004 International Concrete Repair Institute All rights reserved.

0 International Concrete Repair Institute 3166 S. River Road, Suite 132, Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: 847-827-0830 Fax: 847-827-0832 Web: E-mail:

A )




ONAL EC 75219 Page 2 of 13 About ICRI Guidelines Producers of this Guideline The InternationalConcreteRepairInstitute (ICRI)was Task Group Members founded to improve the durabilityof concrete repair Ken Lozen, Chair I

and enhance its value for structure owners. The identification,development, andpromotionof the most Paul Carter promising methods and materialsareprimary vehicles Robert Gaul for acceleratingadvances in repairtechnology. Working Peter Kolf through a variety offorums, ICRI members have the Kevin Michols opportunity to address these issues and to directly Jeff Travis contributeto improving the practiceofconcrete repair A principal component of this effort is to make carefully selected information on important repair Evaluation Committee subjects readily accessibleto decision makers.During Larry Olson, Chair the past several decades, much has been reportedin the literatureon concrete repairmethods and materials Paul Carter Kevin Michols as they have been developed andrefined.Nevertheless, Rick Edelson Michael Moran ithas been difficult tofindcriticallyreviewed information Robert Gracey Larry Mrazek on the state ofthe art condensedinto easy-to-useformats. Peter Kolf Oon-Soo Ooi To that end, ICRI guidelines are prepared by Peter Lipphardt Claus Petersen sanctioned task groups and approved by the ICRI Ken Lozen Steve Stokowski Technical Activities Committee. Each guideline is Tracy Marcotte Matthew Thomas designedto addressaspeciticareaofpracticerecognized Jim McDonald Jeff Travis as essentialto the achievement of durable repairs.All ICRI guideline documents are subject to continual review by the membership and may. be approvedby the Technical Activities Committee.

Contributors Robert Gulyas Alex Vaysburg Technical Activities Committee Rick Edelson, Chair Acknowledgments 0

David Akers The task group wishes to acknowledge the following Paul Carter original task group members for their initial efforts Bruce Collins in preparing this document:

Bud Earley Neal Kanaya Garth Fallis Tom Kline Tim Gillespie Keith Pashina Fred Goodwin Scott Greenhaus Bob Johnson Ken Lozen Synopsis This guide is intended to provide a recommended Kevin Michols method ofevaluating the tensile bond of cementitious Joe Solomon and polymer concrete surface repairs using in-situ drilled core tensile pull-off tests. This guide out-This document is intended as a voluntary lines equipment and material requirements, the guideline for the owner, design profes- test procedure, reporting, and acceptance criteria.

sional, and concrete repair contractor. It is Appendixes discuss the importance of bond to not intended to relieve the professional successful surface repairs and summarize factors engineer or designer of any responsibility for affecting bond tests.

the specification of concrete repair methods, materials, or practices. While we believe the information contained herein represents the Keywords proper means to achieve quality results, the Acceptance criteria, bond, bond failure, cohesive International Concrete Repair Institute must disclaim any liability or responsibility to failure, composite system, concrete substrate, failure mode, pull-off strength, pull-off test, 0

those who may choose to rely on all or any repair composite, surface repair, tensile bond, part of this guideline. tensile load, trial repair.


Section Z07 EC 75219 Page 3 of 13 INTERNATIONAL CONCRETE REPAIR I N S T I T U T E if Contents

1.0 Purpose and Scope

.......................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Overview of Test Method ................................................................................................................ 1 3.0 Equipm ent and Material Requirem ents ................................................................................. 1 4.0 Test Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 2 4.1 Test Site Selection/Surface Preparation ............................... 2 4.2 Test Specim en Preparation .................................................................................................. 2 4.3 Loading and Testing ............................................................................................................. 3 5.0 Test Report ...................................................................................................................................... 4 6.0 Acceptance Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 5 6.1 Establishing Required Pull-Off Strength Prior to Repairs .................................................... 5 6.2 Time and Frequency of Tests on Completed Repairs .......................................................... 6 6.3 Evaluation of Test Results on Completed Repairs ............................................................... 7 Appendix A: Importance of Bond to Successful Surface Repairs .................................................... 8 Appendix B: Factors Affecting Bond Tests .................................................................................... 10 0


Section Z07 EC 75219 Scin,7E751Page 4 of 13 INTERNATIONAL



1.0 Purpose this guide is responsible to determine appropriate safety and health practices prior to performance and Scope of the test, This guide has been prepared to aid and assist the facility owner, concrete repair designer, contractor, 2.0 Overview and repair material manufacturer by providing a recommended method of evaluating the tensile bond of cementitious and polymer concrete of Test Method To perform the tensile pull-off test:

surface repairs using in-situ drilled core tensile " the test site and surface are prepared; pull-off tests. Typical applications include, but " a core bit is used to drill through the prepared are not limited to, a prepared concrete substrate, concrete substrate or the repair material/existing partial depth repairs, overlays, encasements, and concrete substrate composite system; composite systems.

  • a rigid disc is attached to the top of the drilled The repair of concrete surfaces involves the core with a high-strength adhesive; construction of a composite system that will " the testing device applies a perpendicular tensile differ from the existing concrete substrate. The load to the core through the rigid disc; and new composite system (Fig. 1) consists of the
  • tensile bond strength is reported as failure load following elements: divided by cross-sectional area of the core, and

" existing concrete substrate; type of failure mode is also identified.

  • bond interface between existing concrete substrate and repair material; and-

" repair material. 3.0 Equipment Composite System and Material 0 Requirements

" Coring Machine/Core Bit--Coring machine shall be capable of coring perpendicular to the test surface without exerting any load onto the drilled core. Core bit shall be diamond-tipped.

" Rigid Disc-Disc shall be minimum 2.0 in.

L Bond interface LRepair material (50 mm) in diameter with adequate thickness to distribute the applied force without disc Existing concrete substrate warping. For steel, a 2.0 in. (50 min) diameter Fig. 1: Elements of a composite system disc shall be a minimum of 0.8 in. (20 mm) thick; a 3.0 in. (75 mm) diameter disc shall The recommended test method creates a tensile be a minimum of 1.2 in. (30 mm) thick. For stress throughout the composite system that aluminum, a 2.0 in. (50 mm) diameter disc shall evaluates the soundness of the existing concrete be a minimum of 1.0 in. (25 mm) thick; a substrate prepared for repair, and/or the bond 3.0 in, (75 mm) diameter disc shall be a minimum strength of the repair material, and/or the tensile of 1.5 in. (38 mm) thick. Thickness of larger-strength of the repair material. The test will also diameter discs shall be increased sufficiently identify the location of failure and quantify the to prevent disc warping. The diameter of the failure stress of the repaired concrete composite drilled core shall match the disc diameter.

under a tensile load. The test method may also be used " Adhesive-Forbonding a rigid disc to the drilled to evaluate the adhesive strength of bonding agents. core, use a paste or gel adhesive that achieves The recommended method of in-situ tensile pull- a tensile bond strength to the test surface and off tests involves hazardous materials, equipment, disc that exceeds the tensile strength of the and operations (for example, core drilling to avoid existing concrete substrate or repair composite.

0 embedded post-tensioning tendons, electrical conduit, etc.). This guide does not address the safety issues associated with the method. The user of

" Pull-Off Testing Device-The,minimum capacity of the device shall be at least twice the loading required to meet the acceptance GUIDE TO USING IN-SITU TENSILE PULL-OFF TESTS TO EVALUATE BOND OF CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIALS 03739-1

-1, EC 75219 Page 5 of 13 INS RNATIONAL tItI CONCRETE REPAIR 1,; I N S T I T U T E criteria (refer to Section 6). Fora 2.0 in. (50 mm) diameter core, the required device typically has 4.2 Test Specimen a capacity of at least 1500 lb (7500 N). The Preparation device shall be capable of applying a uniform force to the test specimen, which develops a 4.2.1 Coring stress of 5.8 +/- 2.9 psi (0.04 +/- 0.02 MPa) per s. . PreparedConcreteSubstrate-Drilla circular The device shall be capable of recording the cut perpendicular to the surface and into the failure stress to the nearest 10 psi (0.07 MPa). prepared concrete substrate to a minimum The coupling used to connect the disc to the depth of 1.0 in. (25 mm) or one-half the core device should be designed to safely withstand diameter, whichever is greater. For a 2.0 in.

the maximum tensile force, and to transmit the (50 mm) diameter core, the minimum depth tensile force parallel to and in-line with the core shall be 1.0 in. (25 mm), and a 3.0 in. (75 mm) axis without introducing bending, eccentricity, diameter core shall be 1.5 in. (38 mm). The or rotational forces to the test specimen. The core is left intact.

device shall be calibrated in accordance with

  • Repair Composite-Drill a circular cut manufacturer recommendations. perpendicular to the surface, through the Other Equipment-Thermometer, calipers, repair material, and into the existing substrate.

and measuring device. The cut should extend to a minimum depth of 1.0 in. (25 mm) or one-half the core diameter, 4.0 Test Procedure whichever is greater, into the existing substrate.

For a 2.0 in. (50 mm) diameter core, the minimum depth into the existing substrate 4.1 Test Site Selection/ shall be 1.0 in. (25 mm), and a 3.0 in. (75 mim)

Surface Preparation diameter core shall be 1.5 in. (38 mm). The core is left intact.

4.1.1 Test Site Selection

" Location should be sound and free of 4.2.2 Test Speciman Cleaning C) delamination/debonding; and Remove all standing water. Clean the test surface

" Location should avoid embedded items of any debris from the drilling operation and allow (for example, reinforcing steel, post-tensioning to dry.

tendons, electrical conduits, etc.).

4.2.3 Rigid Disc Attachment 4.1.2 Test Surface Preparation After Coring

" Clean to remove all surface contaminants and Attach the rigid disc to the top of the drilled core loose or deteriorated concrete; and using an adhesive (refer to Section 3, Equipment

" Prepare the test surface in accordance with project and Material Requirements). The surface must requirements and equipment manufacturer be clean and the disc centered over the drilled recommendations. For irregular test surfaces, core. Cure theadhesive per the manufacturer's preparation methods must provide a surface that instructions. Do not allow the adhesive to run down allows firm and uniform seating of the testing the side of the drilled core into the annular ring.

device in a proper orientation to the test specimen. Ifthis occurs, discard the test specimen and prepare Note that some manufacturers recommend another. At temperatures below 68 'F (20 'C),

grinding or planing of concrete surfaces prior it is permitted to gently heat the disc to no more to testing. While this operation can optimize than 120 'F (50 'C) to facilitate the spreading and proper seating of the testing device and may curing of the adhesive. Do not heat the disc/core be desirable for repair composites, it prevents with a direct flame. A hairdryer is often used.

meaningful results when testing a prepared Allow sufficient time for the adhesive to cure.

concrete substrate (because the prepared surface has been removed). 4.2.4 Rigid Disc Attachment Prior to Coring 4.1.3 Rigid Disc Attachment Refer to Paragraph 4.2.4 for attachment of rigid As an option, the rigid disc may be attached to the test surface in Paragraph 4.1 prior to coring in ()

disc to the test surface prior to coring. Paragraph 4.2, as long as coring will not adversely 03739-2 GUIDE TO USING IN-SITU TENSILE PULL-OFF TESTS TO EVALUATE BOND OF CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIALS

Section Z07 EC 75219


% ,I N S T IT u'r F


.4 Existing concrete substrate Fig.2: Test specimen preparation(composite system) affect or damage rigid disc installation. Refer to must bear uniformly on the test surface to Paragraph 4.2.3 for attachment of the rigid disc. produce a perpendicular tensile load (that Refer to Fig. 2 for schematic of test specimen is, without eccentricity);

preparation. Apply a tensile load at a constant rate of 5.8 +/-

2.9 psi (0.04 +/- 0.02 MPa) per second to the test 4.3 Loading and Testing specimen in a direction perpendicular to the (9 Attach the pull-off testing device to the rigid disc. The reaction frame of the testing device concrete surface and parallel to the axis of the drilled core (Fig. 3);

Testing device

- Reaction frame Repair -Drilled core material 0 Bond interface Core diameter (D)

Existing concrete substrate Fig.3: Test setup (composite system)


Section ,I',r'r-.A-,,ONAL Z07 EC 75219 Page 7 of 13 l CONCRETE REPAIR INSTITUTE j~disc.,*__.__Rigid f t

~Repair Bond Interrface material Existing concrete substrate Failure Mode 1 Failure Mode 2 Failure Mode 3 Bond failure at Cohesive failure of Bond failure rigid disc repair material (100% A/B)

(100% B/C) (100% B) t f Failure Mode 4 Failure Mode 5 Failure Mode 6 Partial bond failure and Partial bond failure and Cohesive failure of cohesive failure of repair material cohesive lailure of existing concrete substrate (60% A/B, 40% B) existing concrete substrate (100% A)

(60% A/B, 40% A)

Fig.4: Pull-offfailure modes (composite system)

Record the failure load and the mode of the Mode 6: Cohesive failure within the existing 0

failure (Fig. 4). Record the failure mode as: substrate.

Mode 1: Adhesive bond failure of disc to the " Calculate area of the drilled core by measuring prepared substrate (without repair material) or the diameter of the core along two perpen-repair material (composite system). dicular axes to the nearest 0.01 in. (0.25 mm)

Mode 2: Cohesive failure within repair material. and averaging the two readings; and Mode 3: Bond failure of repair material to the

  • Calculate bond or tensile strength in psi (MPa) existing substrate. as tensile load/area of drilled core (Fig. 5).

Mode 4: Partial bond failure of repair material to the existing substrate and partial cohesive failure within the repair material. 5.0 Test Report Mode 5: Partial bond failure of repair material The test report should contain the following:

to the existing substrate and partial cohesive

  • project information; failure within the existing substrate. " equipment and materials used, including type ofpull-offtcsting device and type/size of core/

rigid disc; TBS = Tensile Bond Strength

  • age and conditions of existing substrate and P = Pull-off force at failure = 1150 lb. repair material; D = Diameter of core = 3.0 in. " location of test, weather conditions, and concrete A= Area of core surface temperatures;
  • failure load or stress to the nearest 10 psi (0.07 MPa);

A = _LD-.. 3.14 x (30) = 7.06 in. " calculated bond or tensile strength to the nearest 4 4 5 psi (0.035 MPa); and TBS A- 1150 A- 7.06 -= 165 psi

  • mode of failure.

Refer to Fig. 6 for sample test report. 0 Fig. 5: Sample tensile bond strength calculation 03739-4 GUIDE TO USING IN-SITU TENSILE PULL-OFF TESTS TO EVALUATE BOND OF CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIALS

Section Z07 EC 75219 Page 8 of 13 1AN1INTER NATIONAL WKCI N NCONCRETE REPAIR TINITiT U T E In-Situ Tensile Pull-Off Test Results Project no.: Weather:

Project name: _ Temperature:

Project address: Testing device:

Structure type: Core/rigid disc size:

Owner: Surface preparation method:

Engineer: Repair material type:

Contractor: Age of repair material:

Applied Core Core Tensile Date Test Gage force dia. area bond Failure Remarks no. reading (P) (D) (A) strength mode no.____ readin__p) O)_(A (P/A)

(9 Fig. 6. Sample test report 6.0 Acceptance be shown on the repair drawings or described in project specifications whenever pull-off testing Criteria is used as a basis for assessing surface repairs.

Trial sample repairs should be undertaken for each type of designated repair far enough before 6.1 Establishing Required the related work is scheduled to allow curing of the repair materials and completion of evaluation Pull-Off Strength Prior tests. Pull-off tests should not be performed until to Repairs at least 3 days after repairplacement for polymer-based materials and 7 days or more after repair placement for cementitious materials. Pull-off 6.1.1 Trial Repairs tests may be performed at earlier ages if the design Time and Frequency of Tests strength of the repair material has been met.

Significant variance exists between the abilities Testing at later ages may be desired for slower of concretes of different composition and quality strength gain repair materials and when curing to resist pull-off stresses. It is recommended that occurs in cold weather, but not later than 28 days trial repairs be made to evaluate the capacity of after repair placement. Pull-off tests should be the existing concrete substrate and the repair performed at ages consistent with anticipated materials to resist pull-off stresses. If the trials project schedule requirements. Trial sample demonstrate that the strength of the existing concrete repairs should be carried out using the same 0 substrate and repair are not adequate, the advis-ability of making the repair should be re-evaluated.

concrete removal and surface preparation methods, and the same material formulation and Ifpossible, the amount and location of tests should application methods as those to be used in the GUIDE TO USING IN-SITU TENSILE PULL-OFF TESTS TO EVALUATE BOND OF CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIALS 03739-5

EC 75219 Page 9 of 13 SJ 1c; Vonc0,CONCRETE REPAIR icy~ EN~

work. New trial sample repairs should be carried typically developed based on an approximate out if any changes in materials and equipment calculation of shear demand, th 'e assumption C0 occur during the course of the work. that shear capacity of the bond line will exceed Trial sample repair areas should be chosen, to tensile capacity, knowledge of bond values known the extent reasonably possible, to encompass the. to be achievable with specified methods and majority of the positions and orientations of the materials, and knowledge of performance of other surfaces to be repaired. sinilar repairs.

During the trial repairs, perform testing of a Experience demonstrates that bond strengths minimum of three test specimens for each trial of 250 psi or greater can be achieved with repair area. available surface preparation and repair Required Pull-Off Strength Based techniques in moderate to good quality concrete on Trials substrate materials. Test values of less than Requirements for the pull-off strength established 250 psi that fail consistently within the existing by the trials should be based on achieving an concrete substrate may be an indication of an average of 90% of the average trial speciman test inferior or low-strength concrete substrate.

results. Perform an additional speciman test to Many specifiers use an acceptance criteria replace any specimen test with a result less than lower than 250 psi in recognition of surface 75% of the average pull-off strength of the trial preparation techniques that may be restricted specimen test results. in some manner, a repair application for The required pull-off strength should not which higher bond strength is perceived to be exceed the tensile strength of the existing unnecessary, and possible data inaccuracies substrate or repair material, whichever is lower. related to bond test procedures or equipment, etc.

Legitimate test values (that is, those for which Revision of Pull-Off a high confidence in test methods and equipment Strength Requirements is present) lower than 175 psi that fail at the bond If unexpected job conditions are encountered, line or superficially within the existing concrete including lower/higher strength of the existing substrate may indicate a partially damaged concrete substrate to be repaired, acceptance or contaminated bond surface. Where high 01 criteria may have to be adjusted to meet specific bond strength is judged to be critical, investi-project conditions. gation of the bond surface, assessment of exist-ing concrete substrate strength, or selection of 6.1.2 IfTrial Repairs are not Possible alternative surface preparation techniques The requirement for trial repairs depends, to a should be performed. For repairs in which bond certain extent, on the size of the project and the strength is perceived to be less critical, some time available prior to repairs. If trial repairs are specifiers allow acceptance of bond strengths not possible, the following guidelines based on for cementitious materials as low as 100 psi. A field experience may be helpful. minimum pull-off strength of 200 psi is Structural performance of bonded repairs generally required for polymer materials.

generally relies on the transfer of shear stresses across bond lines. These stresses may result fr-om shrinkage of the repair material with respect to the existing 6.2 Time and Frequency of substrate, differential thermal cycling between the repair and existing substrate, external loads Tests on Completed, Repairs applied to a structure, or other phenomena. While Pull-off test should not be performed until at least limited test data are available, there is no well- 3 days after repair placement for polymer-based established correlation between tensile bond materials and at least 7 days or more after repair capacity and shear capacity of a bond line. Further, replacement for cementitious materials. Pull-off accurate calculation of bond line stresses under tests may be performed at earlier ages if the various loading conditions can be complex if all design strength of the repair material has been factors, including shrinkage and thermal volume met. Testing at later ages may be desired for changes, are considered. It should be recognized, slower strength gain repair materials and when therefore, that calculation of aprecise tensile bond curing occurs in cold weather. 'Pull-off tests value necessary to satisfy structural requirements should be performed at ages consistent with trial U

is not realistic. Consequently, acceptance criteria is repair testing.


Section Z07 EC 75219 Section Z07 EC 75219 flisLCONCRETE REPAIR IN S T IT U T E

( For overlays and large repair areas, a minimum of three individual specimen tests should be

" check for proper disc adhesion, positioning, and alignment; performed for each 500.0 ft2 of repair. For " check alignment of testing device to assure smaller repair areas, a lesser frequency of testing that load is being applied parallel to axis of may be more appropriate; however, a minimum the core and axis of core is perpendicular to of three specimen tests should be performed the test surface; on the project. Additional guidance regarding " retest specimens that did not meet minimum frequency of sampling can be found in ASTM E requirements; 122, "Standard Practice for Calculating Sample " use values of acceptable specimens from Size to Estimate, With a Specified Tolerable Error, original test with values derived from retest the Average for a Characteristic of a Lot or to detcrmine adjusted average; and Process." Test surfaces should be selected at " accept if adjusted average is above required random. Refer to ASTM D 3665, "Standard pull-off strength and no specimen tests below Practice for Random Sampling of Construction the minimum required strength.

Materials," for guidance regarding random sampling criteria. At -least one specimen test 6.3.3 Test Results That should be performed near a randomly selected perimeter edge or saw-cut joint.

Consistantly Do Not Meet Acceptance Criteria When test results consistently fail to meet the 6.3 Evaluation of acceptance criteria, a re-evaluation of project Test Results on conditions should be performed. This assessment may include the re-evaluation of the required Completed Repairs pull-off strength (average/minimum strength criteria), failure modes, repair/substrate materials, (9 The acceptance criteria should be interpreted based on the analysis of failure modes (Fig. 4).

construction procedures, etc.

6.3.1 Acceptance of Test Results For all modes of failure, accept pull-off test results if "For criteria developed by trial repairs:

Average Strength: Average pull-off strength of the specimens isabove the required pull-off strength (90% of average trial specimen test value).

Minimum Strength: No specimen tests below 75% of the average trial specimen test value.

"For criteria developed without trial repairs:

Average Strength: Average pull-off strength of the specimens is above the required pull-off strength.

Minimum Strength: No specimen tests below 75% of the required. strength.

6.3.2 Test Results Below Minimum Strength Requirements For tests that fail to meet minimum strength requirements:.

test specimen may be faulty if the adhesive fails, adhesive does not completely fill the interface between the disc and the test 0 surface, the disc is off-center, or the disc is not aligned in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the core; GUIDE TO USING IN-SITU TENSILE PULL-OFF TESTS TO EVALUATE BOND OFCONCRETE SURFACE MATERIALS 33-03739-7



The key requirement of a successful repair is Appendix A an adequate bond between the repair material and existing concrete substrate, which remains intact Importance of Bond to throughout its service life. At the present time, practical answers to the problems of bond may Successful Surface Repairs depend only on a short-term bond testing rather than long-term performance. An initially achieved The Composite System adequate bond is only an indication of conformance with the specified parameters. There is no well-Concrete surface repairs and overlays are composite defined relationship between initial bond strength systems. In composite systems, the bond between and the longevity of a repair. Longevity is influenced the individual components is critical for overall by many factors, including substrate surface viability. The durability of the bond in such preparation and texture, shrinkage of the repair systems can be defined as a lasting, interfacial material, and service conditions.

coexistence of new and existing phases. Assuming the properties of the components are good, any improvement of the bond will improve the Factors Affecting Bond properties of the composite system. Adherence between the repair material and existing concrete substrate in a composite system is a case A Good and Lasting Bond of adhesion between solids, formed as a result of the setting and hardening of a semi-liquid Achieving an adequate lasting bond between substance (the repair material) placed on the repair materials and existing concrete substrate is surface of a second substance in solid state (the a critical requirement for durable surface repairs existing concrete substrate). Being semi-liquid, and overlays. The basic requirements for good repair materials flow into the existing substrate bond are simple:

surface irregularities of a solid, coming into

" absence of weak layers or contamination at the interface; and intimate contact with the substrate and, as a result, interacting with its molecular forces. Factors that Cj)

" intimate contact between repair material and influence the formation of a bond and the degree existing concrete substrate.

of adhesion include: existing substrate properties, The bond at the interface between the repair repair material properties, surface preparation material and existing concrete substrate, or methods, concrete placement and curing methods, phases, is likely to be subject to considerable and environmental exposure.

stresses from internal forces (volume changes, freezing-and-thawing cycles, etc.), and external forces (force of gravity, impact, vibration, overall Differing Concrete Surfaces structural response, etc.). The stress conditions that The chemical and physical properties of existing develop at the bond line will vary considerably, concrete surfaces are complex, and a great deal depending on the type, use, and exposure of of variability in these properties may occur through-the structure. For example, the bond on a bridge out a repair or overlay area. Consideration of these deck overlay may be subject to shear stress in properties is necessary to develop a recognition conjunction with tensile or compressive stress of methods and procedures that promote the induced by shrinkage or thermal effects, and to development of good bond with repair materials.

compression and shear from service loads. Concrete surfaces are dissimilar in many It is essential that the repair or overlay materials properties, which include, but are not limited to:

achieve a strong bond to the existing concrete " porosity; substrate and that subsequent stresses not be severe

  • absorption; enough to cause debonding. Repairs that have bond
  • roughness/texture; lines in direct tension have the greatest dependence " degree of microcracking ("bruised" layer); and on chemical bonding (adhesion). Repairs that are " hardness.

subject to shear stresses at the bond line are Concrete surfaces can change with time as a result of:

U capable of stress resistance not only by chemical bonding mechanisms, but also by mechanical

  • external mechanical forces such as those bonding (that is, aggregate interlock) mechanisms, associated with concrete removal and surface which add greatly to shear bond capacity. preparation operations; 03739-8 GUIDE TO USING IN-SITU TENSILE PULL-OFF TESTS TO EVALUATE BOND OF CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIALS


Section Z07 EC 75219 ./,.Page 12 of 13 INTERNATIONAL



  • interaction with the exterior environment. For instance, carbonation causes physical changes References ASTM D 3665, "Standard Practice for Random in porosity, water absorption, and hardness; Sampling of Construction Materials,"ASTM Book and cracking can result from shrinkage and of Standards, V. 04.03.

thermal effects; and ASTM E 122, "Standard Practice for Calcu-

. interaction with the interior environment. For lating Sample Size to Estimate, With a Specified instance, moisture and chloride ingress causes Tolerable Error, the Average for a Characteristic electrochemical changes that may lead to of a Lot or Process," ASTM Book of Standards, corrosion of reinforcing steel.

V. 14.02.

A properly prepared concrete substrate Austin, S.; Robins, P.; and Youguang, P., 1995, facilitates the development of sufficient bond "Tensile Bond Testing of Concrete Repairs,"

between the existing concrete substrate and repair Materials andStructures, V. 28, pp. 249-259.

material (refer to the ICRI Guideline No. 03732, British Standard BS 1881, 1992, "Recommen-

"Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface dations for the Assessment of Concrete Strength Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer by Near-to-Surface Tests," Part 207.

Overlays," and ICRI GuidelineNo. 03730, "Guide Bungey, J. H., and Mandandoust, R., 1992, for Surface Preparation for the Repair of "Influencing Pull-Off Tests in Concrete,"

Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Magazine of ConcreteResearch, V. 44, No. 158, Steel Corrosion"). pp. 21-30.

The most important characteristics of the Canadian StandardAssociation CSAA23.2-6B, prepared concrete surface with respect to achieving "Method of Test to Determine Adhesion by good bond are its roughness, soundness (that is, Tensile Load."

absence of contaminants and damaged paste or Collins, F. G., and Roper, H., 1989, "Evaluation aggregate), cleanliness, and moisture condition of Concrete Spall Repairs by Pull-Out Test,"

prior to the application of the repair material. The Materials and Structures, RILEM, V. 22,

( most important factors during and after repair material placement are the selection of a suitable pp. 280-286.

Hindo, K. R., 1990, "In-Place Bond Testing repair material and achieving proper installation, and Surface Preparation of Concrete," Concrete proper consolidation, and adequate curing. Each International,V. 12, No. 4, Apr., pp. 46-48.

of these factors is mainly dependent on work- Li, S.; Frantz, C.; and Stephens, J. E., 1997, manship. The primary factor outside the control "Application of Pull-Off Test to Assess the of a repair program is the quality of the existing Durability of Bond between New and Old Concrete concrete substrate intended to receive the repair, Subjected to Deicer Salts," Innovations in Non-aside from issues related to damage that may DestructiveTesting ofConcrete,SP_-168, S. Pessiki be caused by concrete removals and surface and L. Olson, eds., American Concrete Institute, preparation. Tensile pull-off testing has been Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 267-294.

found to be an effective tool in evaluating the Long, A. E., and Murray, A., 1984, "The integrity of the existing concrete substrate and Pull-Off Partially Destructive Test for Concrete,"

the quality of workmanship exercised in the In-Situ/Nondestructive Testing of Concrete, execution of a repair. SP-82, V M. Malhotra, ed;, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 327-350.

Mathey, R. G., and Knab, L. I., 1991, "Uniaxial Tensile Test to Measure the Bond of In-Situ Concrete Overlays," NISTIR 4648.

McLeish, A., 1993, "Standard Tests for Repair Materials and Coatings for Concrete-Part I:

Pull-Off Tests," TechnicalNote: 139, CIRIA.

Petersen, C. G., 1990, "New Bond Testing Method Developed," Concrete Repair Bulletin, V. 3, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 6-8.

Q U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1999, "An Evaluation of Equipment and Procedures for Tensile Bond Testing of Concrete Repairs,"

Technical Report REMR-CS-61, June.


I Section Z07 EC 75219 Page 13 of 13 CONCRETE INTERNATIONAL (0 REPAIR INST IT UT E LoadRate:Load must be applied at a uniform Appendix B rate. Abrupt starts and stops, such as those that occur by a series of discrete hand cranks in some Factors Affecting test apparatus, are undesirable. Further, load application should be at a moderate rate that does Bond Tests not impart any impact effects nor creep effects.

Several test methods have been proposed to Load Alignment: The objective of putting a evaluate bond properties of composite repair and bond plane into a uniform tensile stress state has overlay systems. These include the following: been a challenge where the principal concern

1. Tensile bond tests has been to minimize load eccentricity. Load

" Canadian Standard Association CSA eccentricity in a pull-off test depends on the A23.2-6B, "Method of Test to Determine normality of the core drilling (relative to the Adhesion by Tensile Load;" and substrate) and accuracy in positioning the rigid

" British Standard BS 1881, 1992, "Recom- disc on top of the core. For instance, if the mendations for the Assessment of Concrete eccentricity induced is 0.06 in. (1.5 mm) in a Strength by Near-to-Surface Tests," Part 207. depth of 2.0 in. (50 mm), corresponding to an

2. Slant-shear tests angle of 1.7 degrees, this leads to an increase in

" BS 6319, Testing of Resin Composites maximum stress at the core periphery of 20%

for Use in Construction,Part 4: "Method (Austin, Robins, and Youguang 1995).

of Measurement of Bond Strength (Slant- CoringDepth: Studies have shown (U.S. Army Shear Method)," British Standards Institute, Corps of Engineers 1999) that a shallow coring London, 1984. depth beyond the bond line into the existing

" Kriegh, J. D., 1976, "Arizona Slant Shear concrete substrate can cause significant stress Test: A Method to Determine Epoxy Bond concentrations at the periphery of the test specimen Strength," ACI JouRNAL, ProceedingsV. 73, near the bond line. The greater the coring depth, No. 7, July, pp. 372-373. the lesser impact on the test results. Based

3. Twist-off shear test on available data, a minimum depth of 1.0 in.
  • Naderi, M.; Cleveland, D. J.; and Long, A. E., (25 mm) into the existing substrate (beyond the 1986, "Bond Strength of Patch Repair bond line) is recommended for 2.0 in. (50 mm)

Mortars for Concrete," Proceedingsof the diameter cores, and 1.5 in. (38 ram) for 3.0 in.

RMEM International Symposium on (75 mm) diameter cores.

Adhesion between Polymers andConcrete, Core/RigidDiscSize andRigidDiscStiffness:

Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 7 0 7 -71 8 . In general, larger-diameter cores and discs provide However, the most widely used field test has a more representative sampling. While 2 in, been the "pipe cap" pull-off test described in (50 mm) diameter cores have been widely used ACI 503R Appendix A and refinements of that for many years, some prefer larger, up to 3 in.

test, such as the State of Virginia test method (75 mm) diameter, cores. Larger core/rigid disc VTM-92 and commercial adaptations. size may be more appropriate for thicker repairs Pull-offtensile bond tests are gaining inpopularity and/or testing of concrete with larger size because of their relative simplicity and ability to aggregates. In all cases, it is imperative that the meet most of the requirements for in-situ bond rigid disc adhered to the surface of the test evaluation of concrete surface repairs. specimen have sufficient rigidity to distribute the The most important aspects of the tensile pull- applied load uniformly across the surface of the off (bond) test are: test specimen.

  • load rate (that is, both the rate of load application These factors must be controlled to minimize and the uniformity ofthe rate of load application); the variability of the test results and the influence

" load alignment (that is, axial with a core of stress concentrations. Controlling these important specimen to be tested and perpendicular to the factors can be challenging in field conditions. In surface to be tested); particular, proper selection of a commercially

  • coring depth; and available testing device has a significant impact of
  • core/rigid disc size and rigid disc stiffness. test results (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1999).