NRC-10-0023, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Relief Requests PRR-004, PRR-005, PRR-007 and PRR-010 for the Inservice Testing Program Third Ten-Year Interval

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Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Relief Requests PRR-004, PRR-005, PRR-007 and PRR-010 for the Inservice Testing Program Third Ten-Year Interval
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/22/2010
From: Plona J
DTE Energy
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML100820061 (13)


Joseph H. Piona Plona Site Vice President President 6400 N.

N.Dixie Highway, Newport, MI 48166 481G6 Fax: 734.586.4172 Tel: 734.586.5910 Fa,x:

DTE Energy 10 CFR 50.55a 50.55a March 22, 2010 2010 NRC-10-0023 NRC-10-0023 u.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Commission Attention:

Attention: Document Control Desk Washington Washington DCD C 20555-0001



1)1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 License No. NPF-43 NRC License "Submittal of the Inservice

2) Detroit Edison's Letter to NRC, "Submittal Inservice Testing Program Relief Requests for Pumps and Valves - Third Interval," NRC-09-0064, dated November 3, 2009 Ten-year Interval,"


Response Information Regarding Response to Request for Additional Information PRR-007 and PRR-OlO PRR-005, PRR-007 Relief Requests PRR-004, PRR-005, PRR-010 Ten-Year Interval for the Inservice Testing Program Third Ten-Year Reference 2, Detroit In Reference submitted proposed Relief Requests for the third ten-Detroit Edison submitted Inservice Testing (IST) year interval of the Inservice Program for Pumps and Valves. In an e-mail (1ST) Program Mahesh Chawla to Mr.

from Mr. Mahesh Mr. Alan Hassoun dated FebmaryFebruary 5, 2010, the NRC Requests PRR-004, Residual infOlmation for Relief Requests requested additional information Residual Heat Removal PRR-005, Smooth Running Pump Vibration Pumps Vibration Alert Limits; PRR-005, Acceptance Vibration Acceptance Comprehensive Criteria; PRR-007, Relief from Comprehensive Pump Testing for Centrifugal Centrifugal Pumps; and PRR-OlO, PRR-010, Relief from Comprehensive Comprehensive Pump Testing for Standby Liquid Control and Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps. This was discussed in a subsequent subsequent telephone conversation between NRC staff and Detroit Edison personnel on February telephone conversation Febmary 23, 2010. The additional information information requested by NRC staff is enclosed.

There are no new commitments included in this document. -

questions or require additional information, please contact Should you have any questions Mr.

contact Mr.

Rodney W.W. Johnson of my staff at (734) 586-5076.

Sincerely, C)y(llb~~-

^_^ .t/ 76/^ -

USNRC USNRC NRC-10-0023 NRC-IO-0023 Page 2 Enclosure cc: NRC Project Manager Manager NRC Resident Office Reactor Projects Chief, Branch 4, Region Reactor Region III Regional Administrator, Region III Supervisor, Electric Electric Operators, Michigan Michigan Public Service Commission

Enclosure To NRC-10-0023 NRC-10-0023 Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 Operating License No. NPF Operating -43 NPF-43 Response to Request for Additional Response Additional Information Regarding Relief Requests PRR-004, PRR-004, PRR-005, PRR-007 PRR-007 and PRR-010 for the Inservice Inservice Testing Program Program Third Ten-Year Ten-Year Interval

Enclosure to NRC-10-0023 NRC-IO-0023 Page 1 following is Detroit Edison's response to each The following each NRC request for additional information (RAI):

RAI-PRR-004-01 RAI -PRR-004-01 Request PRR-004 provides Relief Request 6) on pages 27 thru 32 of vibration data (Figures 1 thru 6) provides vibration of location on a pump for vibration measurements.

ISTB-3540 provides the physical location

79. 1STB-3540 monitoring points on the RHR motor/pump Request Figure 17 shows the vibration monitoring Relief Request physical location clearly. Please describe the assembly, but these points do not show their physical EA1, EA2, EA3, ECI, physical location of points, EAI, physical EC1, and EC2 as required by 1STB-3540 ISTB-3540 for vibration measurements.



measurement points requested are:

The physical location of the vibration measurement EA1 EAI - Radial portion of motor in line with upper bearing housing measurement on top portion Radial 0 deg measurement EA2 - Radial Radial 90 deg measurement on top portion of motor in line with upper bearing housing measurement on top of motor upper end bell EA3 - Axial at 0 deg measurement bell EC1 ECI - Radial 0 deg measurement measurement on top portion of pump casing EC2 - Radial 90 deg measurement measurement on top portion of pump casing casing RAI-PRR-004-02 RAI -PRR-004-02 vibration data shown on Figures 1 thru 6 are measured confirm that vibration Please confirm measured as peak and inch/second.


All vibration data shown on Figures 1 thru 6 in PRR-004 All measurements of Peak PRR-004 are the measurements Total Amplitude and all are in the units of inches per second. These measurements measurements are in accordance with the requirements accordance of ISTB-5123(d).

requirements ofISTB-5123(d).

RAI-PRR-004-03 RAI -PRR-004-03 During the Fermi 2 Second 10-year IST interval, the licensee lO-year 1ST licensee requested and NRC staff authorized relief to change "Alert" range from 0.325 in/sec thru 0.7 in/sec to 0.4 in/sec.

change the "Aleli" EA1, EA2 and EA3 points. Whereas thru 0.7 in/sec for EAI, Whereas for the Fenni Fermi 2 third lO-year IST 10-year 1ST interval, the licensee "Alert" range from 0.325 in/sec thru licensee is requesting relief to change the "Alert" 0.7 in/sec to 0.415 in/sec thru 0.7 in/sec for all five points (EAI, (EA1, EA2, EA3, ECI, EC1, and EC2).

(1) the new increased vibration level (Alert Range Please explain and justify that (1) Range from 0.4 in/sec to 0.415 in/sec) is not a sign of degradation degradation of RHR pumps; and (2) the new Alert

Enclosure to Enclosure to NRC-10-0023 NRC-lO-0023 Page 22 Page requested for all Range requested Range all the EAl, EA2, the EA1, ECl, and EA3, EC1, EA2, EA3, and EC2 instead of points instead EC2 points of EA1, EA2, and EAl, EA2, and EA3 points EA3 points is not aa sign is not sign of degradation of of degradation of the RHR pumps.

the RHR pumps.



Relief Request Relief Request PRR-004 RHR pump provides RHR PRR-004 provides differential pressure pump differential trend graphs since 1990 pressure trend 1990 through 10 (Figures 7 through (Figures 10 provided with the provided with Request). The figures Relief Request).

the Relief indicate no figures indicate no evidence evidence degradation. These of pump degradation. pumps do These pumps do exhibit upward trend slight upward exhibit aa very slight in Peak Total trend in Total Amplitude vibration Amplitude upward trend data; however, this upward vibration data; directly attributable long term trend is directly attributable to long term motor bearing motor degradation. The bearing degradation. degradation rate is low and The degradation well within the existing and well existing timeframe scheduled motor PMs. The timeframe for scheduled increasing nominal The slowly increasing vibration readings nominal vibration readings combined with combined the flow-noise induced with the described in problem described induced fluctuation problem in the Relief Request Request increases increases the likelihood exceeding likelihood of exceeding the current current Alert criteria. Detroit Edison Edison is confident confident we can that we accurately track the can accurately motor condition and that any change the motor change in degradation rate in the degradation criteria to 0.415 Increasing the Alert criteria will be evident. Increasing 0.415 provides necessary margin to the provides the necessary vibration levels such that flow-noise induced fluctuations true vibration true unnecessarily trigger fluctuations will not unnecessarily trigger Alert criteria.

Alert All of the vibration monitoring locations vibration monitoring subject to some locations are subject degree of flow-noise induced some degree induced fluctuation; however, it is highest at the EA1, EAl, EA2 and EA3 points. Including Including the ECI and EC1 and EC2 points in the Relief Request Request considers the slow increase in nominal values values over the provides for consistency next ten years and provides procedural guidance.

consistency in the procedural RAI -PRR-004-04 RAI-PRR-004-04 During the Fermi 2 Second 10-year lO-year 1ST authorized for RHR interval, the relief was only authorized IST interval, RHR pumps BandB and C. For the Fermi third 10-year 1ST interval, the relief is being requested for lO-year IST all the RHR pumps A, B, C, and D. Please justify that the increased vibration measurement measurement requested for all RHR pumps A, B. C, and D instead of only B and C is a not a sign of pump Band degradation.


Vibration from flow-noise fluctuations and the 0.325 Alert level has resulted in early, early, costly and unnecessary RHR pump motor testing and replacement. For example, the testing frequency for RHR pump A motor was doubled in replacement in 2007 in 2005 resulting in a replacement as a corrective action for the several several instances of flow-noise induced fluctuations above the flow-noise induced 0.325 Alert level.

level. However, However, pre and replacement data indicates that minimal and post motor replacement vibration improvement was achieved. RHR pump D has also resulted in in many instances of of triggering Alert level over the last several years. Relief Request PRR-004 seeks to provide reasonable criteria for four pumps to avoid unnecessary testing and costly rework, for all four while rework, while still assuring assuring the the ability detect and monitor for ability to detect for degrading degrading trends. Pump degradation is is addressed in the the response to RAI-PRR-004-03 above.

Enclosure to Enclosure NRC-1O-0023 NRC-10-0023 Page 3 Page RAI-PRR-005-01 RAI-PRR-005-01 In Pump Relief Relief Request Request PRR-005, PRR-005, the licensee licensee is requesting requesting relief for various various pumps pumps at at Fermi 2. The ASMEASME OMOM Code acceptance acceptance criteria of vibration vibration for various various pumps pumps are different for various types of different of pumps, pumps, as specified specified in in various vmious Tables ISTB-5121-1, ISTB-5121-1, ISTB-ISTB-5221-1, ISTB-5321-1, 5221-1, ISTB-5321-1, and ISTB-5321-2.

ISTB-5321-2. The various various pumps m'e (1) centrifugal pumps are centrifugal pumps pumps (except vertical vertical line shaft shaft centrifugal centrifugal pumps); (2) vertical vertical line shaft shaft centrifugal centrifugal pumps; (3) (3) positive displacement positive displacement pumps (except (except reciprocating);

reciprocating); and (4) reciprocating reciprocating positive positive displacement pumps. Therefore, please provide displacement provide the following information related related to each each pump listed in PRR-005.


(1) Type of pump; pump; (2) Description Description of pump; (3) Categories: Group A or B based on its function as defined (3) Pump Categories: defined in ISTB; and (4) Pump operating speed (rpm), because because pump operating operating speed is a critical component component in the vibration vibration acceptance acceptance criteria.


The response response to RAI-PRR-005-01 combined with that for RAI-PRR-005-02 RAI-PRR-005-01 is combined RAI-PRR-005-02 below.

RAI-PRR-005-02 RAI-PRR-005-02 Relief Request PRR-005 PRR-005 lists all the applicable applicable pumps on page page 47 thru 48 and provides measured reference vibration values at points EA1, measured reference EA1, EA2, EA3, EC1, and EC2. (1) Please Please desclibe describe the physical location location of these points, and (2) Please confilID confirm that pumps' pumps' vibration values provided are based based on historical data.


The Table below provides responses to both RAI-PRR-005-01 RAI-PRR-005-01 and RAI-PRR-005-02:

ISTB Pump Operating Vibration PIS No.

No. Pump Name Category Type (1)

Type () Speed Speed Points Points (2)

Category (2)

RHR Service E1l51COOIA E1151C001A RHRerce A VLSC 1800 Fig. 11 Water Pump A RHR RHR Service Service 1800 Fig. 11 E1151C001BB E1l51COOlB A VLSC Water Pump B WaterPumpB E1151C C RHR RHR Service Service 1800 Fig. 11 E1l51COOIC EWt51C001C A A VLSC VLSC Water Pump C C

Enclosure to Enclosure to NRC-lO-0023 NRC-10-0023 Page 44 Page ISTB ISTB Pump Operating Operating Vibration Vibration PIS No.

PIS No. Pump Name Pump Name Category Type Type ((1) Speed Points Points (2)

Category Speed 2)

E1151C D RHR Service RHR Service 1800 1800 Fig. 1 Fig.

E1151C001D E1151C001D AA VLSC VLSC WaterPumpD Water Pump D Emergency Equip Emergency Equip 1800 1800 Fig. 2 Fig.

P4400C001A P4400C001A Cooling Water Cooling Water BB CENT CENT Div 1 Pump Div Emergency Equip Emergency Equip 1800 1800 Fig. 2 P4400COOlB P4400C001B Cooling Water Cooling Water BB CENT CENT Div2Pump Div 2 Pump P4400C02A EECWMakeup EECW Makeup 1800 1800 Fig. 2 P4400C002A P4400C002A BB CENT CENT Div 1 Pump P4400C02B EECWMakeup EECW Makeup 1800 1800 Fig. 2 P4400C002B P4400C002B BB CENT Div2Pump Div 2 Pump Emergency Equip Emergency Equip 1800 1800 Fig. 1 P4500C002A P4500C002A Service Water BB VLSC VLSC South Pump Emergency Equip Emergency 1800 1800 Fig. 1 P4500C002B P4500C002B Service Water Service Water B B VLSC VLSC North Pump North EDG 11 Diesel EDG Diesel 1200 Fig. 2 R3000C001 R3000C001 Fuel Oil Oil Xfer B PD Pump A Pump A EDG 12 Diesel 1200 Fig. 2 R3000C002 R3000C002 Fuel Oil Xfer B B PD Pump A EDG 11 Diesel 1200 Fig. 2 R3000C003 Fuel Oil Xfer B PD PumpB Pump B EDG 12 Diesel 1200 Fig. 2 R3000C004 Fuel Oil Xfer B PD PumpB Pump B EDG 13 Diesel 1200 1200 Fig. 2 R3000C009 Fuel Oil Xfer B PD Pump A EDG 14 Diesel 1200 1200 Fig. 2 Fig.

R3000COlO R3000C010 Fuel Oil Xfer B PD Pump A EDG 13 Diesel EDG 1200 1200 Fig. 2 R3000C011 Fuel Oil Oil Xfer B PD PumpB Pump B EDG 14 Diesel 1200 1200 Fig. 2 R3000C012 Fuel Oil Xfer Fuel Oil B PD PumpB Pump B EDG 11 11 DG 1800 1800 Fig. 11 Fig.

R3001C005 R3001C005 Service Service Water Water B VLSC Pump

Enclosure to Enclosure to NRC-10-0023 NRC-10-0023 Page 5 Page ISTB ISTB Pump Operating Vibration PIS No.

No. Pump Name Name SCategory Category Type (1) (1) Speed Speed * (2)

Points (2)

EDG 12 DG EDG12DG 1800 1800 Fig. 1 R3001C006 R3001C006 Service Water Service Water B VLSC VLSC Pump EDG 13 DG 13DG 1800 1800 Fig. 1 R3001C007 R3001C007 Service Service Water Water B VLSC Pump EDG 14 DG EDG14DG 1800 1800 Fig. 1 R3001C008 Service Service Water B B VLSC Pump Pump type codes:

Pump (1) (CENT) Centrifugal Centrifugal pump (except vertical vertical line shaft centrifugal centrifugal pump)

(VLSC) centrifugal pump Vertical line shaft centrifugal (PD) Positive displacement pump (except reciprocating) reciprocating)

(2) locations are shown on Figures 1 and 2 below.

Vibration monitoring point locations Figure 1 - VLSC Figure 2 - Centrifugal horizontal

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SIDE VIEW Sll)EVIEW The measured reference vibration values provided in the Relief Request are the 1ST IST reference established during values for the particular monitoring point. These reference values were established reference flow when the pump was known to be operating acceptably.

baseline testing at reference

Enclosure to Enclosure to NRC-IO-0023 NRC-10-0023 Page 66 Page RAI-PRR-005-03 RAI-PRR-005-03 Relief Request Relief Request PRR-005 establishes aa vibration PRR-005 establishes reference value vibration reference value (Vr) of 0.04 in/sec of 0.04 in/sec (Fermi (Fermi selected value) selected value) for for smooth smooth running running pumps. The The relief relief request request lists lists all all of of the the pumps pumps with Vr with above and above and below below values values of of 0.04 in/sec. For 0.04 in/sec. smooth-running pump, For aa smooth-running pump, the measured vibration the measured vibration values at values at all points points (EA1, EA2, EA3, (EAI, EA2, ECI, and EC2)

EA3, EC1, must be less EC2) must less oror equal equal to established established reference value reference value Vr. explain how please explain Therefore, please Vr. Therefore, all of the pumps how all pumps included included in PRR-05 are in PRR-05 are smooth-running pumps defined as smooth-running defined since many have pumps since vibration values have vibration values greater greater than 0.04 0.04 in/sec.



There is no definition There definition of smooth-running pump provided of smooth-running provided in in ASME ASME OM OM 2004, NUREG-1482 NUREG-1482 Rev. 1I or Generic Genetic Letter 89-04. Relief Request 89-04. Relief PRR-005 defines Request PRR-005 smooth-running pumps as defines smooth-running as those having those having one or more vibration reference values at vibration reference below 0.04 in/sec, at or below in/sec, which which is slightly more conservative conservative than thethe three approved requests cited approved relief requests cited in the Precedents Precedents section of the Relief Relief Request Relief Request. The Relief proposes the use of a minimum Request proposes minimum reference reference points and pumps value of 0.04 only for those points PRR-005 which are below 0.04.

identified in PRR-005 pumps identified which are below RAI -PRR-005-04 RAI-PRR-005-04 Please confirm Preventive and Predictive confirm that the Preventive Maintenance Program Predictive Maintenance Program for the specified pumps at Fermi 2 includes such items as bearing temperature trending, beating temperature trending, oil sampling sampling and and analysis, and thermographic analysis including with enhanced enhanced vibration monitOling. monitoring.


Preventive Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Program elements Predictive Maintenance elements for the specified specified pumps are shown in the following table:

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E1151C001A E1l51COOIA RHR Service Pump A Service Water Pump X X X X XX XX E1151C001B E1l51COOlB Water Pump B RHR Service Water X X XX XX XX E1151C001C E1l51COOIC RHR Water Pump CC Service Water RHR Service XX XX XX XX E1151C001D El151COOID RHR Service Water RHR Pump D Water Pump D XX XX XX XX

Enclosure to Enclosure to NRC-10-0023 NRC-1O-0023 Page 7 Page

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E-i 0 Emergency Equip Cooling P4400COOIA P4400COOIA Emergency Equip Cooling X xX Water Div 1 Pump Water P4400CO01B Emergency Equip Cooling Emergency Equip Cooling x P4400COOlB X X Water Water Div 2 Pump P4400CO02A P4400COO2A EECW Makeup Makeup Div 1 Pump X X P4400CO02B P4400COO2B EECW Makeup Makeup Div 2 Pump X X Emergency Equip Service P4500CO02A P4500COO2A Emergency Equip Service X xX xx X X Water Water South Pump Emergency Equip Service P4500CO02B P4500COO2B Emergency Equip Service X x X xx X X Water Water North Pump EDG 11 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000COOI R3000COOI EDG 11 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

Pump A EDG 12 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000C002 R3000COO2 EDG 12 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

Pump A ______

EDG 11 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000C003 R3000COO3 EDG 11 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

PumpB Pump B ____ ___

EDG 12 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000C004 R3000COO4 EDG 12 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

Pump B PumpB EDG 13 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000C009 R3000COO9 EDG 13 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

Pump AA________

EDG 14 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000CO10 R3000COI0 EDG 14 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

Pump AA EDG 13 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000COll EDG 13 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

Pump B PumpB EDG 14 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer R3000C012 R3000C012 EDG 14 Diesel Fuel Oil Xfer X x X

Pump B PumpB EDG 11 DG Service Water R3001C005 R3001COO5 EDG 11 DG Service Water X x X x X x X

Pump EDG 12 DG Service Water R3001C006 R3001COO6 EDG 12 DG Service Water X x X x X x X

Pump EDG 13 DG Service Water R3001C007 R3001COO7 EDG 13 DG Service Water X x X x X x X

Pump EDG 14 DG Service Water R3001C008 R300lCOO8 EDG 14 DG Service Water X x X x X x X

_____________Pump Pump _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Enclosuretoto Enclosure NRC-10-0023 NRC-10-0023 Page 88 Page RAI-PRR-007-01 RAI-PRR-007-01 Please provide Please provide the the current CUlTent classification classification (Group (Group AA oror Group Group B)B) for for each each of of the the pumps pumps associated with associated with this this relief relief request.




The table The table below below indicates indicates thethe current CUlTent pump pump classifications classifications in in accordance with ISTB-2000.

accordance with ISTB-2000.

Pump No.

Pump No. Description Description ISTB-2000 ISTB-2000 classification classification E1102COO2A E1102C002A RHRPumpA RHR Pump A A*


E1102COO2B E1102C002B RHR Pump B RHR B A*


E1102COO2C E1102C002C RHRPumpC RHR Pump C A*


E1102COO2D E1102C002D RHRPumpD RHR Pump D A*

E1151COO1A E1151C001A RHR Service RHR Water Pump Service Water Pump A A*

E1151COO1B E1151C001B RHR Service Water Pump B B A*


E1151COO1C E1151C001C RHR Service Service Water Pump C A*


E1151COO1D E1151C001D RHR Service Water Pump D A*


E4101COO1 E4101C001 High Pressure Injection Pump B P4400COO1A P4400C001A Emergency Emergency Equip Cooling Water Div 1 Pump B P4400COO1B P4400C001B Emergency Emergency Equip Cooling Water Div 2 Pump B P4500COO2A P4500C002A Emergency Emergency Equip Service Water South Pump B P4500COO2B P4500C002B Emergency Emergency Equip Service Water North Pump B R3001COO5 R3001C005 EDG EDG 11 11 DG Service Water Pump B R3001COO6 R3001C006 EDG 12 12 DG Service Service Water Pump B R3001COO7 R3001C007 EDG 13 13 DG Service Service Water Pump B R3001COO8 R3001C008 EDG 14 14 DG Service Service Water Pump B B

T4100C040 T4100C040 South South CCHVAC CCHVAC Chilled Chilled Water Water Pump Pump A A

T4100C041 T4100C041 North CCHVAC CCHVAC Chilled Chilled Water Water Pump A A

A * -- These A* These pumps pumps could could bebe classified classified as as Group Group B B based based onon very very low low run-hours per run-hours per month, month, however however sincesince they they are are run run periodically periodically for for various various non-test system non-test system operations operations they they were were conservatively conservatively classified classified as as Group Group A.


Enclosure to NRC-10-0023 Page 9 RAI-PRR-007-02 RAI -PRR-007 -02 In order to use the modified Group A test for pumps cUlTently currently classified as Group B,B, the the Group B pumps must be re-classified re-classified as Group A pumps. If any of the pumps associated associated with this relief request are cUlTently currently classified as Group B, please confirm that youyou reclassifying them as Group A pumps.



Detroit Edison has re-classified all of the pumps associated with Relief Request PRR-007 currently classified Group B pumps as Group A pumps.

that are cUlTently RAI-PRR-007-03 RAI -PRR-007 -03 It is not clear what flow rate is being used for the design flow rate stated in ISTB-3300(e)(1)

ISTB-3300(e)(1) for the pumps. If the design accident flow rate is being used, then some of the pump quarterly test flow rates are outside of the +/- 20% band allowed in ISTB-3300-(e)(1).

quarterly ISTB-3300-(e)(1). Please provide provide the design flow rates for each pump.


provided in Relief Request PRR-007 Column 3 in the table provided accident flow rate PRR-007 lists the design accident Efficiency Point synonymous with design flow rate. Column 4 in the table lists Best Efficiency which is synonymous (BEP) values from the pump curve for each pump. The referencereference flow rates shown as quarterly test flow rates in column 2 in the table are at or above 80% of design flow and are as close to the BEP points as possible to ensure data may be trended.

RAI-PRR-007-04 RAI -PRR-007 -04 1, 2, and 4. These Section 8 of the relief request has indications for footnotes 1,2, The table in Section footnotes do not appear in the relief request package. Please provide these footnotes.


provided on page 56 of 79 of Reference The information was provided Reference 2. The footnotes are as follows:


relationship from 4500 gpm - 8000 gpm (reference VMR4-3.2) 11 - Curve shows linear Q-P relationship VMR4-3.2) 2 - Curve shows linear Q-P relationship relationship from 1200 gpm - 2600 gpm (references (references C1-6858 C1-6859)

Cl-6858 and Cl-6859)

Curve shows linear Q-P relationship 3 - Curve (reference VMB9-19) relationship from 200 gpm - 420 gpm (reference VMB9-19) 4 - Notes for each system substantiating Design Accident Flow Rates as follows:

Enclosure Enclosure to NRC-10-0023 NRC-I0-0023 Page 10 10 RAI-PRR-007-05 RAI-PRR-007-05 Please verify that vibration monitoring will be performed as part of the quarterly testing.

vibration monitoring


All quarterly testing at Fenni Fermi 2 includes includes vibration vibration monitoring. As stated in Relief Request Request continue to perform PRR-007, Detroit Edison will continue monitoring as part of normal peliorm vibration monitoring quarterly quarterly testing.

RAI-PRR-010-01 RAI-PRR-OIO-Ol Please confirm that the pumps will be re-classified as Group A pumps.


associated with Relief Request Detroit Edison has re-classified all of the pumps associated PRR-010 Request PRR-OlO that are currently classified Group B pumps as Group A pumps.

cUlTently classified RAI-PRR-010-02 RAI-PRR-OIO-02 provide the equipment number for each SLC pump and each Fuel Oil Transfer Please provide Transfer pump.


information is provided below:

requested information The requested C4103COOIA - Standby Liquid Control pump A C4103C001A C4103C001B C4103COOIB - Standby Liquid Control pump B R3000C0011 - EDG 11 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump A R3000COO R3000C002 - EDG 12 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump A R3000C003 - EDG 11 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump B R3000C004 - EDG 12 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump B R3000C009 - EDG 13 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump A R3000C009 R3000CO 10 - EDG 14 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump A R3000C010 R3000CO 11 - EDG 13 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump B R3000C011 R3000C012 R3000C012 - EDG 14 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pump B