Category:- No Document Type Applies
MONTHYEARML21342A1412021-12-0909 December 2021 Enclosure - List of Attendees for the Public Meeting in Tarrytown, Ny, Re Indian Point Units 1, 2, and 3 PSDAR ML21179A0212021-06-24024 June 2021 NRC-2021-000172 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to Request Enclosed ML21144A1932021-05-12012 May 2021 IP-EP-360 Revision 6 ML21144A1922021-05-12012 May 2021 IPEC-EP 21-02 Revision 29 ML20307A1972020-11-16016 November 2020 Notification of Significant Licensing Action - Proposed Issuance of Order Approving a License Transfer Application for Which a Hearing Has Been Requested ML20078L3802020-03-18018 March 2020 Briefing on Agency Practice and Procedure Issues: NRC Expert Evaluation on Gas Transmission Lines, Indian Point ML20010D3552020-01-0909 January 2020 Ti 2515/194 Inspection Documentation Request ML18269A3462018-09-26026 September 2018 LTR-18-0376-OEDO Ticket - Paul Blanch, Energy Consultant, E-mail 2.206 Petition Regarding Violations of Regulations at Indian Point Units 2 and 3 ML18212A0322018-09-17017 September 2018 Records of Decision for the Indian Point Renewed Licenses ML17068A2452017-01-0808 January 2017 Closure Agreement January 8, 2017 CNRO-2016-00024, Entergy - Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 20152016-12-20020 December 2016 Entergy - Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2015 ML16349A2272016-12-0909 December 2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0457 - Resp 3 - Interim, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed. Part 2 of 2 ML16349A2262016-12-0909 December 2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0457 - Resp 3 - Interim, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed. Part 1 of 2 ML16285A3322016-10-12012 October 2016 ROP PI Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs): 14-10 ML16235A1662016-08-16016 August 2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0532 - Resp 2 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed and Are Already Available in Public ADAMS or on Microfiche in the NRC Public Document Room ML16182A0622016-06-30030 June 2016 6/8/2016 - Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Annual Assessment Meeting - Speaker List ML16172A2662016-06-17017 June 2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0148 - Resp #3 - Final. Group a, Records Already Publicly Available ML16172A2682016-06-17017 June 2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0148 - Resp #3 - Final. Group B, Records Being in Part ML16112A3682016-04-29029 April 2016 Enclosure to Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 MSFHI Letter ML15322A0252015-11-18018 November 2015 50 54(p) Review for Indian Point ML15232A3562015-08-20020 August 2015 LTR-15-0430-1 - Oedo Ticket - Plans to Proceed with Construction of the Spectra Aim Pipeline in the Vicinity of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant ML15167A4442015-06-13013 June 2015 Paul Blanch Email Indian Point Existing Gas Pipeline Concerns ML15162A0842015-06-11011 June 2015 GTCC Disposals at the Barnwell Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility from 1998 to Present ML15231A3642015-05-27027 May 2015 FOIA/PA-2014-0204 - Resp 1 - Final, Group a ML15147A4972015-05-20020 May 2015 5/20/2015 - Indian Point Annual Assessment Meeting Attendee Sign-In Sheet ML15070A0862015-03-0404 March 2015 FOIA/PA-2015-0076 - Resp 1 - Partial, Group B, Safety Review and Confirmatory Analysis ML15049A3472015-02-18018 February 2015 Certificate of Service ML15020A1102015-01-16016 January 2015 Consent & Waiver Form ML14322B0052014-11-17017 November 2014 LTR-14-0666-Ticket - Representative Nita M. Lowey Ltr. Request Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Expansion of Spectra Energy'S Algonquin Pipeline - Near Indian Point ML14307B7482014-10-30030 October 2014 Plant Modifications, IP 71111.18, Pipeline Analysis NL-14-133, RAI Data Documentation Package 10-23-142014-10-27027 October 2014 RAI Data Documentation Package 10-23-14 ML14157A3812014-06-0606 June 2014 LTR-14-0315-1-Ticket - J. Capozzelli Ltr. Urges the Commission to Deny Relicensing of Indian Point Nuclear Power ML13242A0232014-04-24024 April 2014 50.54 Review Indian Point Security Plan Revision 14 ML13364A2832013-12-30030 December 2013 Announcement of 2014 Generic Fundamentals Examination Administration Dates-Letter Dated Dec 30, 2013 ML13281A4992013-10-0303 October 2013 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding P-T Limits and Ltop Requirements Vessels and Internals Integrity Branch (Evib) ML13231A2242013-08-19019 August 2013 G20130601/LTR-13-0682-Ticket - Representative Nita Lowey Ltr. Signed Petition by Residents of New York and New Jersey, Urging the NRC to Deny the Relicensing Renewal Requests for Reactors 2 and 3 at Indian Point Entergy Center in Buchanan, ML13200A0362013-07-10010 July 2013 LTR-13-0619 - Mary Saari, Village of Cold Spring, Ny, Ltr. Resolution for Public Health and Safety Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Plants ML13161A4512013-06-10010 June 2013 Certificate of Service ML13156A1882013-06-0303 June 2013 G20130435/LTR-13-0485-Ticket Dorice Madronero, Ny, E-mail/Letter Desalination Plant for Drinking Water within 3.5 Miles of Indian Point ML12300A4682012-10-0202 October 2012 LTR-12-0629 - Joan Agro Concerns Resolution for Public Health and Safety Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Plants ML12278A4262012-09-24024 September 2012 LTR-12-0560 - Catherine Howard (Dominican Sisters) Concerns Resolution for Public Health and Safety Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Plants ML12256A9902012-08-23023 August 2012 LTR-12-0500 - Marie Haughney Concerns Resolution for Public Health and Safety Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Plants ML15153A2142012-06-20020 June 2012 LTR-15-0270 - Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Letter Investigation of Fire at Indian Point Energy Center (Enclosure) ML12172A3702012-06-20020 June 2012 List of Exemptions, 1968-2012 ML12163A3522012-06-11011 June 2012 Annual Assessment Meeting Attendee List ML12056A0522012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 6 - List of Power Reactor Licensees and Holders of Construction Permits in Active or Deferred Status ML1131306672011-11-0909 November 2011 Lr Hearing - NIA-93 ML11327A0462011-10-28028 October 2011 Attachment 1 to NL-11-118 - Response to Request for Additional Information (Non-Proprietary) ML1127100332011-09-28028 September 2011 ROP Tabletop Examples and Results ML11230A0242011-08-18018 August 2011 Lr Hearing - NIA-096 2021-06-24
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USDA Forest Service RWU NE-4153 Illinois Plant Information Network RWU NE-4153, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio, USA Delaware, OH Home Project Home ILPIN Last updated: January 23, 2002
Anantha Prasad Illinois Plant Information Network (ILPIN)
Taxonomic, biologic, geographic, and ecologic information on 3209 Illinois vascular plant taxa.
Species Descriptions Background Species List by County (includes Distribution Maps)
ILPIN was designed to provide many different types of information about ALL of the vascular plant taxa found in Illinois. At this site, you can search on a species (by scientific or common name), and retrieve all the information we have compiled on the species, as well as a map of its known distribution among the counties in Illinois. Over 130 variables were evaluated for each species, though seldom will all variables have data. This is a start, but a tremendous amount of information still needs to researched and/or compiled. The variables are presented in the input form, used in the compilation process, and described in the document, input form descriptors.
ILPIN was developed by Louis Iverson (liverson@fs.fed.us), currently employed by the USDA Forest Service, 359 Main Road, Delaware, OH 43015. Data were complied from numerous sources by David Ketzner and Jeanne Karnes, at the Illinois Natural History Survey. Nomenclature for taxa follow:
Mohlenbrock, R.H. 1986. Guide to the vascular flora of Illinois. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL.
Work was conducted and sponsored by the Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 E. Peabody, Champaign, IL 61820. Funding was also provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The work was primarily done during the period 1984-1992; this current effort is to make the data more readily available via the web. Thanks to Anantha Prasad (USDA Forest Service) for preparing the Javascript for this site.
Please realize that the database is far from complete; much of the information just is not available.
Common names are not available for all species, and many species have more than one common name. Here, only one (if available) is given; other common names are presented in the data for http://www.fs.fed.us/ne/delaware/ilpin/ilpin.html (1 of 3)12/2/2008 10:49:26 AM
USDA Forest Service RWU NE-4153 Illinois Plant Information Network individual species.
Citation for this database:
Iverson, L.R., D. Ketzner, and J. Karnes. 1999. Illinois Plant Information Network. Database at http://
www.fs.fed.us/ne/delaware/ilpin/ilpin.html. Illinois Natural History Survey and USDA Forest Service.
Other publications about ILPIN (reprints available from Louis Iverson):
Iverson, L.R., A. Prasad, and D.M. Ketzner. 1997. A summary of the Illinois flora based on the Illinois Plant Information Network. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 90:41-64.
Iverson, L.R., and A. Prasad. 1998. Estimating regional plant biodiversity with GIS modelling.
Diversity and Distributions 4:49-61.
Species Descriptions (includes Distribution Maps):
The species list has links to the species description and the maps that show the county distribution of the species.
Select species by Genus (Netscape > 4.0 or InternetExplorer >4.0):
A B C D E FG H I J K LM N OP Q RS T UV W XY Z OR you can browse the entire species list of 3209 taxa (~ 850 KB) by clicking HERE If you are using an OLDER browser peruse all the species by clicking HERE (~ 413 KB)
List Species by County:
You can list the species by using a county map or an alphabetized list of counties.
List species using county map Send any web-page related comments to Anantha Prasad http://www.fs.fed.us/ne/delaware/ilpin/ilpin.html (2 of 3)12/2/2008 10:49:26 AM
USDA Forest Service RWU NE-4153 Illinois Plant Information Network http://www.fs.fed.us/ne/delaware/ilpin/ilpin.html (3 of 3)12/2/2008 10:49:26 AM