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FOIA/PA-2016-0148 - Resp #3 - Final. Group B, Records Being in Part
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Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/2016
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ML16172A276 List:
Download: ML16172A268 (90)




NRC: Commissioner Apostolakis' Meetings and Events Page I of 5 Home> Our, Organization> Th~_ Commission> Commissiol}_<;r Georg~ Apostolakis >Meetings and Events Commissioner Apostolakis' Meetings and Events Effective June 2013, Commissioner Apostolakis publishes a monthly list of meetings with external stakeholders such as utilities, nuclear industry representatives and non-governmental organizations.

The list below does not include meetings with the NRC staff. C .S. or foreign government officials or public Commission meetings noticed elsewhere on the NRC website 2014 January

  • February
  • March* April* May* June 2013 December* November* October* September* Awrnst * .lulv *Jun~

June 2014 Date Meeting Location 06/18/2014 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute, Exelon and Pinnacle West Rockville, MD 06/16/2014 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 06/16/2014 Meeting with the International Atomic Energy Agency Rockville, MD 06/11/2014 Meeting with University of Colorado Rockville, MD 06/02/2014 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, MD May 2014 Date Meeting Location 05/29/2014 Meeting with NuScalc Power Rockville, MD 05/28/2014 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 05/23/2014 Meeting with Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Rockville, MD Institute 05/14/2014 Meeting with ERIN Engineering and Research, Inc. Rockville, MD 05/13/2014 Meeting with >luVision Engineering Rockville, MD http:i/'OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Apostolakis' Meetings and Events Page 2of5 05/05/2014 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 05/02/2014 Meeting with The Health Physics Society Rockville, 1v1D 05/01/2014 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD April 2014 Date l\1ccting Lm;ation 04/30/2014 Meeting with NuScale Power Rockville, MD 04/25/20 J4 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company Rockville, MD 04/24/2014 Meeting with San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Rockville, MD 04117/2014 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 04/l 0/2014 Meeting with the Organization of Agreement States and Conference Rockville, MD of Radiation Control Program Directors 04/10/2014 Meeting with Decommissioning Plant Coalition Rockville, MD 04/07/2014 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company Rockville, MD 04/03/2014 Meeting with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Rockville, MD 1£3 ,

March 2014 Date Meeting ) Location 03/25/2014 Meeting with URENCO USA Rockville, MD 03/20/2014 :\1eeting with Luminant Generation Company, LLC Rockville, MD 03/19/2014 Meeting with Natural Resources Defense Council Washington, DC February 2014 Date Meeting Location 02/24/2014 Meeting with \Vaste Control Specialists, LLC Rockville, tv1D 02/24/2014 Meeting with FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Rockville, MD 02/14/2014 Meeting with Exelon Generation Company Rockville, MD 06116/2016

NRC: Commissioner Apostolakis' \tleetings and Events Page 3 of 5 January 2014 Date Meeting Locatio'n 01/28/2014 Meeting with NuclearPro Academy Rockville, MD 01/24/2014 l\.1eeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company Rockville, MD 01/23/2014 Meeting with Residents Organized for a Safe Environment and RockviJle, MD Coalitions against Nuke 01/17/2014 Meeting with Professional Reactor Operator Society Rockville, MD 01/08/2014 Meeting with PSEG Nuclear, LLC. Rockville, MD December 2013 Date Meeting Location 12/11/13 Meeting with TVA Rockville, MD 12/06/13 Meeting with AREY A Rockville, MD 12/04/13 Meeting with Duke Energy Rockville, MD 12/03/J 3 Meeting with The International Atomic Energy Agency Rockville, MD 12/02/13 Meeting with Clean Air Task Force Rockville, MD llC:l -,

November 2013 Date Meeting Location 11/26/13 Meeting with Entergy Rockville, MD 11/20/13 Meeting-with Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Company Rockville, ivID 11/14/13 Meeting with Southern States Energy Board Rockville, MD

!Ea ,

October 2013 Meeting Location %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Apostolakis' Meetings and Events Page 4of5 10/23/13 Meeting with The Babcock & Wilcox Company Rockville, MD I 0116/13 Meeting with ERIN Engineering and Research, Inc. Rockville, MD 10/15/13 Meeting with San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Rockville, MD 10/15/13 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 10/09/ 13 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company Rockville, MD I 0/07113 Meeting with Halden Reactor Project Rockville, MD 10/03/13 Meeting with Honeywell Rockville, MD 10/02/13 Meeting with Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Rockville, MD 111!3 "T September 2013 Date Meeting Location 09/16/13 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute, Electric Power Research Rockville, MD Institute and PricewatershouseCoopcrs August 2013 Date Meeting Location 08/29/13 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company Rockville, MD 08/26/13 Meeting with DC Cook l\uclear Plant Rockville, MD 08/23/13 Meeting with Beyond Nuclear Rockville, MD 08/12/13 Meeting with Natural Resources Defense Council Rockville, MD 08/08/13 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Washington, DC 08/07/13 Meeting with Chicago Bridge and Iron Company Rockville, MD 08/06/13 Meeting with Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Rockville, MD 08/02/13 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, !YID 08/02/l 3 \1eeting with FirstEnergy Rockville, MD lli:I "T July 2013 ... 06/16/2016

~RC: Commissioner Apostolakis' Meetings and Events Page 5of5 Hate Meeting Location 07/26/13 National Nuclear Safety Administration China 07/26/13 Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center China 07119113 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD

. 07/15/13 Meeting with DC Cook Nuclear Plant and Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 07/10/13 Meeting with EnergySolutions Rockville, MD 07/07/l 3 Meeting with Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation Rockville, MD 07/05113 Visit to Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Russia 07104113 Visit to Izhorskiye Zavody Manufacturing Facility Russia 07/03/ 13 Visit to Belovarsk Nuclear Power Plant, BN-800 Sodium-Cooled Fast Russia


Reactor 07/02/13 Visit to Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia 07/01113 Visit to Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Russia Safety IE!I .,

June 2013 Date Meeting Location 06/25/13 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 06/21 /13 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 06/20/13 Meeting with Natural Resources Defense Council and other non- Washington, DC governmental organizations 06/19/13 Meeting with ;-..Juclear Energy Institute and Southern Nuclear Rockville, MD Company 06/04113 Visit to Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant Switzerland 06/03/13 Visit to Paul Scherrer Institute Switzerland 06/03/13 Visit to Swiss Federal >Juclear Safety Inspectorate Switzerland rm .. %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsivc%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Chai~an Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 1 of 18 Home> Our Organization> The Commission> Chairman Gregorv B. Jaczko >Meetings and Events Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events In support of openness and transparency, Chainnan Jaczko is publishing a list of his meetings and other events that may be of public interest. This list includes meetings and events that the Chairman has participated in with various external stakeholders.

'.201-2 j -

- 20-l 1*I 2010 2012 June Date Topic Location 06/15/2012 Commission Meeting with Federal Energy Regulatory Washington, DC Commission 06/14/2012 Meeting with AREY A Rockville, MD 06/13/2012 Meeting with Nuclear Fuel Services Rockville, MD 06/07/2012 Commission Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Rockville, MD Safoguards 06/05/2012 Site Visit to Zion Nuclear Station Zion, IL 06/04/2012 Meeting with Exelon Rockville, MD 06/01/2012 Commission Meeting on the Results of the Agency Action Rockville, MD Review Meeting May Date Topic Location 05/30/2012 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, MD 05/25/2012 Site Visit to Palisades Nuclear Generating Station Covert, MI 05/23/2012 Nuclear Energy Assembly Conference and Nuclear Strategic Charlotte, NC Issues Advisory Committee Conference 05/22/2012 Site Visit to Summer Generating Station Jenkinsville, SC ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 2of18 05/18/2012 Site Visit to Neutron Products, Inc. Dickerson, MD 05/16/2012 Meeti'ng with Southern California Edison Rockville, MD 05/11/2012 Commission Meeting on Potential Medical Isotope Production Rockville, MD Licensing Actions 05/092012 International Workshop on Crisis Communication Madrid, Spain 05/08/2012 Site Visit to Trillo Nuclear Power Plant Madrid, Spain 05/07/2012 Policy Group Meeting on the Multinational Design Evaluation Paris, France Program 05/01/2012 Meeting with Institute Nuclear Power Operations Rockville, MD 05/01/2012 Meeting with Nuclear .Energy Institute Rockville, MD e,

April Date Topic Location 04/30/2012 Meeting with Next Generation Nuclear Plant Industry Alliance Rockville, MD 04/30/2012 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Senior Nuclear Plant Rockville, MD Managers Seminar 04/30/2012 Commission 1\.1ecting on Human Capital and Equal Employment Rockville, MD Opportunity 04/24/2012 Commission Meeting on Part 35 Medical Events Definitions a" Rockville, MD Permanent Implant Brachytherapy 04/19/2012 Meeting with Westinghouse Electric Company Rockvilie, MD 04/16- International Nuclear Regulators Association Meeting Ottawa, Canada 18/2012 04/10/2012 Commission Meeting on The Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Rockville, IvID Commission on AmericaaTMs Nuclear Future 04/05/2012 Site Visit to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station San Diego County, CA 04/04/2012 The Government Security Conference & Expo Washington, D.C.

04/03/2012 Commission Meeting on Organization of Agreement States and Rockville, MD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors 06116/2016

NRC: Chairm~n Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 3of18 March Date Topic Location 03/27/2012 Commission Meeting on License Renewal for Research and Test Rockville, MD Reactors 03/26/2012 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 03/23/2012 Meeting with Mitsubishi Rockville, MD 03/21/2012 Meeting with Alliance for Nuclear Accountability Rockville, MD 03/19/2012 Site Visit to Nine Mile Point Scriba, NY 03/13- NRCaTMs 24th Annual Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, MD 14/2012 03112/2012 Meeting with General Electric I litachi Rockville, MD 03/02/2012 Meeting with DC Cook Rockville, MD rm, February Date Topic Location 02/29/2012 Site Visit to River Bend Nuclear Power Plant St. Francisville, LA 02/29/2012 National Association of Employee Concerns Professionals New Orleans, LA Conference 02/24/2012 Site Visit to South Texas Project Bay City, Tex~s 02/23/2012 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockvi1le, MD 02/22/2012 Commission Meeting on Fort Calhoun Rockville, MD 02/16/2012 Meeting with Constellation Energy Rockville, MD 02/10/2012 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD 02/09/2012 Commission Meeting on Outreach and Educational Effrnts Rockville, MD RcJated to the Safety Culture Policy Statement IE:! .,

January Date Topic Location Admin!FOIA%20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

1\'RC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 4of18 01113/2012 Meeting with Professional Reactor Operator Society Rockville, MD 01/11/2012 Commission Meeting on Revisions to Environmental Review for Rockville, MD Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Licenses 01/09/2012 Consumer Electronics Conference Las Vegas, Nevada 2011 Januarv

  • Februarv *\!larch
  • Apri I
  • Mav *June* JJ.!lx
  • August* September* October* November*

December December Date Topic Location 12/ 17- 21 /2 0 I 1 Trip to Tokyo City, Japan Tokyo City, Japan 12/13/2011 Commission Meeting on NfPA 805 Fire Protection Rockville, MD 12/12/2011 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD 12/01/2011 Meeting with Toshiba Washington, DC 12/01/2011 Commission :vlceting on Equal Employment Opportunity and Rockville, MD Small Business Programs November Date Topic Location 11/30/2011 Meeting with Next/Era/FPL Rockville, MD 11/29/2011, Commission Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Rockville, MD Safeguards 11/11-19/2011 Trip to lndia New Delhi, India 11/l 0--11/2011 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Conference Atlanta, GA 11/04/2011 Meeting the GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Rockville, MD 11/02/2011 NRC Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Regulatory Rockville, MD Conference 11/02/2011 Meeting with Shaw Group Rockville, MD 11/02/2011 Meeting with Westinghouse Rockville, MD Admin/FOIA %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2. .. 06/1612016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's .Y1eetings and Events Page 5of18 11/01/201 l Commission Meeting on the Fuel Cycle Oversight Program Rockville, MD 11/01/2011 Meeting with Fuel Cycle Industry Representatives Rockville, MD 11!:3 ..,

October Date Topic Location 10/31/2011 American Nuclear Society \\linter Meeting \\lashington, DC 10/26, 28/2011 Workshop on the Lessons Learned from Integrated Regulatory Bethesda, MD Review Missions l 0/24/2011 American Association for the Advancement of Science Forum Washington, DC on Fukushima Lessons Learned 10/21/2011 Commission Meeting on North Anna Rockville, MD 10/20/2011 Commission Meeting with Al1 NRC Employees Rockville, MD l 0/18/2011 Commission Meeting on Browns Ferry Unit 1 Rockville, MD 10/ 18/2011 Center for Strategic and International Studies Forum on Washington, DC Fukushima Lessons Learned 10/13/2011 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 10/12-13/2011 Commission Meeting on Summer Mandatory Hearing Rock ville, MD 10/11/2011 Commission Meeting on the Japan Near Term Task Force Rockville, MD Report 10/07/2011 Visit to Browns Ferry and Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plants AL 10/06/2011 Bloggers Wcbinar Rockville, MD 10/06/2011 Commission \1eeting on International Activities Rockville, MD 10/06/20 I I Meeting with PSEG Nuclear Rockville, MD l 0/05/2011 Meeting National Press Club Washington, DC l 0/04/2011 Bloggers Webinar Rockville, MD 10/04/2011 Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, MD 10/02/2011 American Society for Radiation Oncology Conference Miami, FL September 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 6of18 Date Topic Location 09/30/2011 Meeting with Conference of Radiation Control Program Rockville, MD Directors 09/30/2011 Meeting with Dominion Nuclear Rockville, MD 09/27-28/2011 Commission Meeting on Vogtle Mandatory Hearing Rockville, MD 09/19-22/2011 International Atomic Energy Agency Conference Vienna, Austria 09/15-16/2011 Multinational Design Evaluation Program Paris, France 0911312011 Meeting with Exelon, Rockville Rockville, MD August Date Topic Location 08/3112011 Meeting Nuclear Fuel Services Rockville, MD 08/30/2011 Commission l'vfeeting on Inspections, Test, Analysis, and Rockville, MD Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)- Related Activities i 08/29/2011 Meeting with D.C. Cook Rockville, MD 08/15/2011 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 08/10/2011 Meeting with American Nuclear Society Rockville) MD 08/08/2011 Meeting with Boeing Seattl~, WA

  • 08/02/2011 Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Hearing, Washington, DC Review of the NRC's Near-Tenn Task Force Recommendations for Enhancing Reactor Safety in the 21st Century July Date Topic Location 07/28/2011 Meeting on Japan Task Force Report Rockville, MD 07/28/2011 Commission Meeting on Severe Accidents and Options for . Rockville) MD Proceeding with Level 3 PRA Activities 07/27/2011 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 07/26/2011 Meeting with Entergy Rockville, MD ve%2... 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's :\1ectings and Events Page 7of18 07/21/2011 Meeting with Holtec International Rockville, MD 07/19/2011 Commission Meeting on the Task Force Review of NRC Rockville, MD Processes and Regulations Following the Events in Japan 07/18/2011 National Press Club Washington, DC 07/18/2011 Meeting with Wcstinghouse Rockville, MD 07112/2011 Meeting with Southern California Edison Rockville, MD 07/12/2011 Commission Meeting on NRC Actions for Addressing the Rockville, MD Integrated Regulatory Review Service Report 07 /1l/2011 Meeting with NuScale Rockville, MD 07/11/2011 Meeting with Southern Company Rockville, MD 07/06/2011 Meeting with NEI/Exclon Rockville, MD June Date Topic Location 06/27-29/2011 The European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group Conference Brussels, Belgium 06/25-26/2011 Visit to Cooper and Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant Omaha, NE 06/20--22/2011 Intemat]onal Atomic Energy Agency Ministerial Meeting on Vienna, Austria Nuclear Safety 06/17/2011 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems Rockville, MD 06117/201 I Meeting with Toshiba Corporation Rockville, MD 0611612011 Senate Environment and Pub Iic Works Hearing Washington, DC 06/15/2011 Commission Meeting on Task Force Review (60-Day"Status) Rockville, MD Following the Events in Japan

  • 06/14/2011 U.S. Japan Roundtable on Nuclear Energy Corporation Washington, DC 06110/2011 Meeting with Special Assistant to Japanese Prime Ylinister Rockville, MD 06/07-09/2011 Multinational Design Evaluation Program and Nuclear Energy Paris, France Agency Fukushima Forum 06/06/2011 Commission Meeting with The Advisory Committee on Reactor Rockville, MD Safeguards 06/03/2011 Visit to H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Hartsville, SC 06/02/2011 Meeting with AREY A Rockville, MD ... 06/16/2016

... '*.~ ..... - ,......._........ , ... .

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 8of18 06/02/2011 Commission Meeting on l Iuman Capital and Equal Employment Rockville, MD Opportunity rm ..

May Date Topic Location 05/27/2011 Commission Meeting on the Results of The Agency Action Rock vi Ile, MD Review Meeting 05/24/201 I Democratic Governors Association Policy Conference Cam bridge, MD 0512012011 Meeting with American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Rockville, MD Oncology 05/16-18/2011 International Nuclear Regulators Association Meeting Stockholm, Sweden 05112/2011 Commission Meeting on Task Force Review (30-Day Status) Rockville, MD Following the Events in Japan 05/11/2011 Nuclear Energy Assembly Washington, DC 05110/2011 Visit to Indian Point Energy Center Buchanan, NY 05/09/2011 US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Washington, DC 05/09/2011 Meeting with Progress Energy Rockville, \1D 05/06/2011 Meeting with SCANA Rockville, MD 05/06/2011 American Association for the Advancement of Sciences Forum Washington, DC 05/04/2011 House Energy and Commerce Joint Subcommittees Hearing Washington, DC 05/03/2011 Commission Meeting on Emergency Preparedness Rockville, MD 05/02/2011 Public Citizens 40 1h Anniversary Speaker Series Washington, DC April Date Topic Location*

04/28/2011 Commission Meeting on Status of1'."RC Response to Events in Rockville, MD Japan and Briefing on Station Blackout 04/27/2011 Meeting with Toshiba America Nuclear Energy Corporation Rockville, MD 04/26/2011 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD ... 06/16/2016

~C: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events* Page 9of18 0412I/2011 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 04/2112011 Johns Hopkins University Leaders & Legends Baltimore, MD 04/19/2011 Meeting with Constellation Energy Rockville, MD 04/19/2011 Commission Meeting on Source Security-Part 37 Rulemaking- Rockville, MD Physical Protection of Byproduct Material 04/14/2011 Meeting with Blue Castle Holdings Rockville, MD 04/12/2011 Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and its \Vashington, DC Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Hearing 04/04-05/2011 5th Review Meeting of the Convention on Nuclear Safety Vienna, Austria 04/01/2011 Meeting with Westinghouse Rockville, MD March Date Topic Location 03/31/2011 Commission Discussion of Management Issues Rockville, MD 03/31/2011 House Appropriations Energy and Water Subcommittee Hearing Washington, DC 03/30/2011 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Rockville, :tvID 03/30/2011 Senate Appropriations Energy and Water Subcommittee Hearing Washington, DC 03/29/2011 Meeting with American Society of Therapeutic Radiology & Rockville, MD Oncology 03/29/2011 Commission Meeting on Smal1 Modular Reactors Rockville, MD 03/28/2011 Meeting related to Fukushima Accident Tokyo, Japan 03/21/2011 Commission Meeting on Response to Recent Nuclear Events in Rockville, MD Japan 03116/2011 House Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing Washington, DC 0311012011 Meeting with former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD Chairman, Dr. Nils Diaz 03110/2011 >TR.Ca's 23rd Annual Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, MD 03/09/2011 ~RCa's 23rd Annual Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, rvID 03/08/2011 Meeting with GE-Hitachi Rockville, MD 03/08/20)) '\l'RCa's 23rd Annual Regulatory Inform,ation Conference Rockville, MD %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsivc%2... 061I612016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 10of18 03/01/2011 Commission Meeting on Reactor Materials Aging Management Rockville, MD Issues.


February Date Topic Location 02/28/2011 Commission Discussion of Management Issues Rockville, MD 02/28/2011 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD 02/28/2011 State Department Workshop on Nonproliferation Washington, DC 02/25/2011 Visit to GE Hita~hi Wilmington, NC 02/24/2011 Meeting with Babcock & Wilcox/Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 02/24/2011 Commission Meeting on Groundwater Task Force Rockville, l\.ID 02/22/2011 Plant Life Extension Research and Development Workshop Washington, DC 02/16/2011 Meeting with American Uranium Corporation Rockville, MD 02/15/2011 INPO Senior Nuclear Plant Manager Seminar . Rockville, MD 02/11/2011 Meeting with D.C. Cook Rockville, MD 02/09/2011 Washington Press Club Foundation Washington, DC 02/09/2011 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 02/08/2011 Commission Meeting on Implementation of Part 26 Rockville, MD 02/01/2011 Commission Meeting on Digital Instrumentation and Controls Rockville, MD January Date Topic Location 01/28/2011 Meeting with Professional Reactor Operator Society Rockville, MD 01/26/2011 Meeting with ~uclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 01/25/2011 Meeting with Southern Nudear Rockville, .MD 01/24/2011 Commission Meeting on Safety Culture Policy Statement Rockville, MD 01/20/2011 Meeting with Penn State University State College, PA 01/19/2011 U.S. Vice President State and Secretary of State Luncheon for Washington, DC the President of the People's Republic of China %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsivc%2... 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 11 of 18 01/14/2011 Head ofNRC Delegation to Services for Former NRC Chairman Arlington, VA Lando Zech 01It1/2011 Commission Discussion of Management Issues Rockville, JvID rm ,

2010 March* April

  • May* June
  • Ju]v *August* September* October* "\lovemher *December December Date Topic Location 12/21/2010 Commission Meeting on Security Issues Rockville, MD 12/2 I/2010 Commission Meeting on Threat Environment Assessment Rockville, MD 12/20/2010 Meeting with Xcel Energy Rockville, MD 12/16/2010 Commission Meeting on Construction Reactor Oversight Rockville, MD Program 12/16/2010 Meeting with the Safe Energy Coalition Rockville, MD*

12/14/2010 Meeting with Constellation Energy Rockville, MD 12il 4/2010 Meetjng with Cranerz Energy Corporation Rockville, MD 12/09/2010 Visit to l loneywell Uranium Conversion Facility Metropolis, IL 12/08/2010 Visit to Dresden Nuclear Power Plant Morris, IL 1210712010 Nuclear Energy Summit Washington, DC 12/07 /20 l 0 Meeting with Southern Company Washington, DC 12/03/2010 Meeting with Bloomberg News >!' ew York, NY 12/02/2010 Meeting with PSEG Nuclear Rockville, MD 12/01/2010 \1eeting with Toshiba and Westinghouse Rockville, MD 12/0 l /2010 Meeting with Southern California Edison Rockville, NID November Date Topic Location 11/30/2010 Commission Meeting on Security Issues . Rockville, MD 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 12of18 I 1/09/2010 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Annual CEO Conference Atlanta, GA 11/05/2010 Commission Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Rockville, MD Safeguards 11/03/2010 Meeting with US Ecology Corporation Rockville, Jv1D 11102/2010 Commission Meeting on Equal Employment Opportunity and Rockville, MD Small Business Programs 11/01/2010 Meeting with the Association of Device Distributors and Rockville, MD Manufacturers 11/01/2010 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, IvID re ,

October Date Topic Location 10/28-29/2010 Meetings with Representatives from the Integrated Regulatory Rockville, MD Review Service Mission to the United States 10/26/2010 Commission Meeting 9n Security Issues Rockville, MD 10/25/2010 Meeting with Honeywell Rockville, MD 10/24/2010 Head of NRC delegation to the memorial service for former Washington*, DC Commissioner Gail de Planque 10/20/2010 Meeting with the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Washington, DC Nuclear Future I 0/20/2010 Commission Meeting on Medical Issues Rockville, MD 10118/2010 Meeting with Representatives from the Integrated Regulatory RockviJle, MD Review Service Mission to the United States 10/18/2010 Commission Meeting with All NRC Employees Rockville, MD 10/15/2010 Meeting with Synergy Consulting Services Rockville, MD l 0/14/2010 Meeting with the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards Washington, DC 10/14/2010 Commission Meeting on Alternative Risk Metrics for New Light Rockville, MD Water Reactors 10113/20 I 0 The Energy Security Initiative - The Brookings Institution Washington, DC 10/13/2010 Meeting with Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing Alliance Rockville, MD I 0/12/2010 OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency Workshop on Practices and Bethesda, MD Experiences in Stakeholder Involvement For Post Nuclear ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 13of18 Emergency Management 1010512010 Meeting with the Health Physics Society Rockville, MD 10/04/2010 Meeting with Detroit Edison Rockville, MD September Date Topic Location 09/29/2010 Commission Meeting on Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 191, Rockville, MD Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized Water Reactor Sump Performance 09/20- 54th International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference Vienna, Austria 22/2010 09/16- Meeting with the International Nuclear Regulators Association United Kingdom 17/2010 09/14/2010 Meeting with the National Treasury Employee Union Rockville, MD 09/12/2010 Interview with Platts TV on New Reactor Licensing (Video ) \l/ashington, DC 09/08/2010 Meeting with Titan Uranium Inc. Rockville, Nill 09/0112010 Meeting with Partnership for Public Service Washington, DC August Date Topic Location 08/31/2010 Meeting with Representatives from Talisman International Rockvi1le, MD 08/30/2010 Meeting with Nuclear Fuel Services Rockville, MD 08/30/2010 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, IVID 08/30/2010 Meeting with American Electric Power Rockville, MD 08/27/2010 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD 08/25/2010 Meeting with Peninsula Minerals Limited Rockville, MD 08/12/2010 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems Rockville, MD 08112/2010  !\.1eeting with Florida Power and Light Rockville, MD 08/12/2010 Commission Meeting with the Organization of Agreement States Rockville, MD and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors n/FO IA%20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsi ve%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page I 4of18 08/11/2010 Meeting with Representatives of the Organization of Agreement Rockville, MD States and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors 08/11/2010 Meeting with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Rockville, MD 08/10/2010 Goizueta Directors Institute Atlanta, GA 08/02/2010 World Nuclear University Summer Institute Oxford, UK IE:.3-.

July Date To pk Location 07/28/2010 Meeting with AREY A Enrichment Services Rockville, MD 07/28/2010 Meeting with the \Vashington Nuclear Engineering Student Rockville, MD Delegation ..

07/23/2010 Meeting with Employees at the Wolf Creek Generating Station Burlington, KS 07il 5/2010 US Chamber of Commerce Institute for 21st Century Energy's Washington, DC Leadership Council Meeting 07/14/2010 Meeting with Employees at the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power* Vernon, VT Station 07/14/2010 Meeting with Stakeholders and Public Jnterest Groups regarding Brattleboro, VT the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station 07/13/2010 Commission Meeting on the Radiation Source Protection and Rockville, IVID Security Task Force Report 07112/2010 5 lst Armual 1v1eeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Baltimore, MD Management 07/08/2010 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 07/08/2010 Commission Meeting on Proposed Rule on Part 35 Medical Rockville, MD Events Definitions - Pcnnanent Implant Brachytherapy June Date Topic Location 06/29/2010 Meeting with The Shaw Group Rockville, l\1D 06/29/2010 Meeting with Xcel Energy Rockville, MD Admin/FOIA%20Staff/OC10/Dcposit%20Responsive%2. .. 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 15of18 06/29/2010 NRC's 2010 Fuel Cycle Information Exchange Bethesda,~

06/28/2010 55th Annual Health Physics Society Meeting Salt Lake City, UT 06/25/2010 Meeting on Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards - Rockvi lie, ~

Programs, Pcrfonnancc and Future Plans and Integrated Strategy on Spent Fuel Management 06/24/2010 Meeting with the Decommissioning Plant Coalition Rockville, MD 06/22/20 I 0 Meeting with Strategy .fv1atters, Inc. and Southern Nuclear Bethesda, MD 06/21/2010 Meeting with Dominion Rockville, MD 06/17/2010 Meeting with South Carolina Electric and Gas Rockville, MD 06/17/2010 Commission Meeting on Blending Rockville, MD 06114/2010 2010 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting San Diego, CA 06/l 0/2010 Meeting with Physicians for Social Responsibility Rockville, MD


06/10/20 IO Meeting with FirstEnergy Rockville, MD 06/10/2010 Meeting with Westinghouse Electric Corporation Pittsburgh, PA 06/09/2010 Meeting with Entergy Rockville, MD 06/09/2010 Commission Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Rockville, MD Safeguards 06/08/2010 Meeting with Department of V cterans Affairs Rockville, MD 06/08/2010 Meeting with American Association of Physicists in Medicine Rockville, MD 0610412010 Meeting with Westinghouse Electric Company Rockville, MD 06/03/2010 Meeting with Ex~lon Corporation Rockville, YID 06/03/2010 Meeting with Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission Rockville, :vfD May Date Topic Location 05/27/2010 Commission Meeting on the Results of the Agency Action Rockville, MD Review Meeting 05/24-25/20 l 0 U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Beijing, China 05/21/2010 Meeting with American Nuclear Society Rockville, MD 05/19/2010 Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Strategic Issues Advisory San Francisco, CA Committee Meeting 06/16/2016

1 NRC: Chainnan Jaczko s Meetings and Events Page 16of18 05/19/2010 2010 Nuclear Energy Assembly: The New Face of Nuclear San Francisco, CA Energy 05/18/2010 Meeting with Stanford University Palo Alto, CA 05/18/2010 Hoover Institution's Task Force on Energy Policy Palo Alto, CA 05/17/2010 White Flint North Building Groundbreaking Rockville, MD 05113/2010 Panel Session: Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review New York, NY Conference 05/11/2010 Meeting with Mitsubishi \luclear Energy Systems Rockville, MD 05/11/20 l 0 Commission Meeting on Federal and State Materials and Rockville, MD Environmental Management Programs, Performance, and Future Plans 05/l 0/2010 Meeting with Metals Industries Recycling Coal it ion Rockville, MD 05/07/2010 Meeting with University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 05/06/2010 Presidential Distinguished Rank Award Senior Executives Washington, DC Associates Banquet 0510612010 Meeting with Louisiana Energy Services (LES) Rockville, MD 05/05/20 I0 Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Washington, DC Air and Nuclear Safety Oversight Hearing: Nuclear Regulatory Commission 05/04/2010 Commission Discussion of Management Issues Rockville, MD 05/04/2010 Commission Meeting on Human Capital and Equal Employment Rockville, MD Opportunity fC!I ,

April Date Topic Location 04/30/2010 Commission Meeting on Discussion of Adjudicatory Issues Rock ville, MD 04/29/2010 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute and Fuel Cycle Industry Rockville, MD Representatives 04/29/2010 Commission Meeting on Fuel Cycle Oversight Process Rockville, MD Revisions 04/23/2010 Swearing in of New Commissioner Rockville, MD 04/22/2010 Meeting with AREY A Rockville, MD ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 17of18 04/22/2010 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, ivfD 04/ l 9-20/20 l 0 International Forum on Nuclear Safety Challenges in the *Flat, South Korea Mixed, and Open World 04115/20 l 0 Commission Meeting on GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Rockville, MD Accumulation ori Pressurized Water Reactor Sump Performance 04/12-13/2010 Nuclear Security Summit Washington, DC 04/12/2010 Meeting with Pacific Gas and Electric Rockville, MD 04/08/2010 Meeting with Energy Solutions Rockville, MD 04/08/2010 Commission Meeting on Regional Programs Rockville, MD 04/06/2010 Meeting with Bipartisan Policy Center Rockvi11e, MD 04/06/2010 Commission Meeting on New Reactors Rockville, MD 0410512010 Meeting with Southern California Edison Rockville, MD 04/01/2010 Swearing in of Two New Commissioners Rockville, MD 04/01/2010 Meeting with Goldman Sachs Rockville, MD llC! ..,

March Date Topic Location 03/30/2010 Meeting with B&W Modular Rockville, MD 03/30/2010 Commission Meeting on Safety Culture Rockvil1e, MD 03/25/2010 Meeting with Professors from Georgetown University and Rockville, MD University of California 03/17/2010 Meeting with National Institute of Standards & Technology Rockville, MD 03/17/2010 Meeting with Alliance for 1\uclear Accountability Rockville, MD 03/17/2010 Meeting with NC Warn and Beyond Nuclear Rockville, MD 03/16/20 l 0 Joint Meeting of the federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Rockville, MD the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Grid Reliability 03/12/2010 Meeting with delegation from Eastern Idaho Rockville, MD 03/11/2010 NRC's 22nd Annual Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, MD 03/10/2010 Meeting with Studsvik Rockville, MD 03/10/2010 Meeting with Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Rockville, MD 03/10/2010 NRC's 22nd Annual Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, YID ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Chairman Jaczko's Meetings and Events Page 18of18 03/09/20 l 0 NRC's 22nd Annual Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, MD ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page I of 32 Home> Pur Organization> The Commission> Conrn1issioner \\lilliam D. Magwood> Meetings and Events Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events To provide an extra measure of transparency, Commissioner Magwood publishes a monthly calendar of his meetings and visits with external stakeholders such as utilities and non-governmental organizations. The list below does not include meetings with NRC staff or U.S. or foreign government officials or public Commission meetings noticed elsewhere on the NRC website.

  • Commissioner Magwood's Domestic Travel Report
  • Commissioner Magwood's International Travel Report On this page:
  • ::WJ4
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010 2014 Januarv * .Fcbruarx *March *April * \fav *June
  • Jul_y
  • A!:.L@fil August 2014 Date Event Location -

Keynote address at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Organization of 08/25/14 Chicago, IL Agreement States (Planned) 08/20/14 Visit to South Carolina State University (Planned) Orangeville, SC 08/19/14 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD Keynote Address at the 2014 Annual Meeting of The National 08/06/14 Portland, OR Organization of Test, Research, and Training Reactors 08/06/14 Visit to Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 08/06/14 Visit to !\uScale Corvallis, OR 08/06/14 Visit to Reed College Research Reactor Portland, OR July 2014 Admin/F01A %20Staff/OCJO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 2 of32 Date Event Location 07/28114 Visit to Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Jcnkinsville, SC College Station, 07/23/14 Visit to Texas A&M University_

TX 07117/14 Meeting with Representatives of the University of Pittsburgh Rockville, MD 07116/14 Visit to Western Services Corporation Frederick, MD 07/08/14 Meeting with Westinghouse Rockville, MD 07/08/J 4 Meeting with Delegation ofi\uclear Engineering Students and NEI Rockvi lie, MD 07/08/14 Meeting with Honeywell Rockville, MD 07/03/14 Site Visit to Fukushima Dai-chi Fukushima, Japan 07/02/14 Business Roundtable with Keidanren Tokyo, Japan 07/01114 Meeting with Japan Nuclear Safety Institute Tokyo, Japan 07/01114 Meeting with Kansai Electric Tokyo, Japan 07/01114 Meeting with Institute of Energy Economics of Japan Tokyo, Japan 07/01114 Meeting with Tokyo University Tokyo, Japan June 2014 Date Event Location 06/30/J 4 Tour of Ohi Nuclear Power Plant . Ohi, Japan 06/27/I 4 Meeting with Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06/26/14 Visit to National Cancer Institute Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06/25/14 Visit to TRIGA Puspati Reactor Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06/23/14 Tour of Barakah Nuclear Power Plant Abu Dhabi, UAE 06/22/14 Visit to Abu Dhabi Polytechnic University Abu Dhabi, UAE 06/22/14 Visit to Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) 06/18/14 Meeting with NEI Rockville, YID 06116/14 Visit to Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 06/16/14 Address at INPO Reactor Technology Course. Cambridge, MA ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 3 of 32 06/11/14 Meeting with participants in \Vashington Internships for Students of Rockville, :rvID Engineering (WISE) Program 06/I 0/14 Meeting with Institute for Nuclear Power Operators (INPO) Atlanta, GA 06/09/14 Visit to Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Homestead, FL 06/02/14 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, MD May 2014 Date Event Location 05128/14 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 05/27/14 Meeting with Burns and Roe Rockville, IvID 05/2 I/14 Meeting with California Public Utilities Commission Independent San Francisco, CA Review Panel 05/20/14 Meeting with San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace San Luis Obispo, CA 05/20/14 Visit to Diablo Canyon ~uclear. Power Plant Avila Beach, CA 05/19/14 Visit to Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Wintersburg, AZ 05/15/14 Meeting with McAllen High School Student Delegation Rockville, IvID 05/09/14 Meeting with Exelon Rockville, MD 05/06/14 Meeting with Urenco Rockville, MD 05/06/14 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, l'VID 05/05114 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 05/02114 Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, MD 05/01/14 Meeting with NuScale Power Rockville, MD April 2014 Date Event Location 04/09/14 Speaker at Nuclear Nonoperating Owners' Group Annual Conference Charlottesville, VA 04/07/14 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Rockville, MD 0Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 4of32 04/04/14 Visit to Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Spring City, TN 04/03/14 Meeting with local citizens regarding NFS (including Erwin Citizens Erwin, TN Awareness Network) 04/03/14 Visit to Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) Erwin, TN 04/02/14 Visit to Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN March 2014 Date Event Location 03/28/14 Meeting with Russian Student Delegation Rockville, MD 03/24/14 Speaker, Idaho American Nuclear Society Idaho Falls, ID 03/24- Visit to Idaho National Lab Jdaho FaJls, ID 25114 03/20/14 Meeting with Luminant Rockville, MD 03111/14 Speaker, Regulatory lnfonnation Conference Dinner Hosted by Rockville, MD Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP 03/11/14 Regulatory Information Conference Luncheon Hosted by Nuclear Rockville, MD Energy Institute -*

03111- Attendance at Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, MD 13114 03/06114 Visit to Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant Waynesboro, GA 03/04/14 Meeting with Dr. Clare Taylor, Senior Scientist, Halden Reactor Rockville, MD Project February 2014 Date Event Location 02/28114 Remarks at INPO Senior Plant Managers Class Rockville, MD 02/26/14 Address at NEI R&D Summit Washington, DC 02/25/14 Visit to Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant Seabrook, NI I 02/24114 Meeting with Seacoast Anti-Pollution League, C-10 Research and Seabrook, NH Education Foundation, Union of Concerned Scientists, No More Admin/FOIA%20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Rcsponsive%2... 06116/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 5of32 Fukushimas, and Friends of the Coast 02/24/14 Visit to Three Rivers Community College Norwich, CT 02119114 Meeting with ~El Rockvjlle, MD 02/18/14 Meeting with American Electric Power Rockville, MD 02/18/14 Meeting with Exelon Rockville, MD 02/11114 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Rockville, MD 02/03/14 Meeting with Nuclear Innovation North America Rockville, .MD January 2014 Date Event Location 01/28/14 Meeting with Total Protections Carolinas, LLC and Alabama State Rockville, MD University 01/24/14 Visit to Global Laser Enrichment Facility and Global Nuclear Fuel Wilmington, NC America Facility 01/23/l4 Meeting with members of Women in Nuclear, North American Young Wilmington, NC Generation in Nuclear, and African Americans in Nuclear 01/23/14 Visit to Brunswick Nuclear Generating Station Southport, NC 01/22/14 Meeting with representatives of Coalition Against Nukes, Nuclear Rockville, MD Infonnation and Resource Service, Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, Bellefonte Efficiency & Sustainability Team, and Mothers Against Tennessee River Radiation 01/22/14 Speaker at the NET Nuclear Fuel Supply Fornm Washington, DC 01/08/14 Speaker at University of Pittsburgh Nuclear Power Research Pittsburgh, PA Symposium 2013 January* February

  • March *April
  • Vlay *June *July
  • August* September* October* November*


December 2013 ... 06116/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 6 of 32 Date Event Location 12/11/13 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 12/09/13 Meeting with World Nuclear University Rockville, rvID 12/04/13 Meeting with Duke Energy Rockville, MD 12/03/13 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD IC! ,

November 2013 Date Event Location 1I /26113 Meeting with Entergy Rockville, MD 1I 119- Attendance at INPO CEO Conference Atlanta, GA 20113 11114/13 Visit to Po hang Institute of Technology Pohang, Republic of Korea 11/13/13 Visit to llanul Nuclear Power Plant Ulchin, Republic of Korea l l/05113 Speech before IEEJ International Forum on Nuclear Energy Tokyo, Japan 11/04/13 Meeting with Chubu Electric Power Compa!Jy Tokyo, Japan 11 /04113 Visit to Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima Prefecture, Japan l 1/0 I /13 Meeting with representatives of Carnegie Institute for Science, Washington, DC Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Nuclear Energy Institute, Department of Energy, and University of Texas IC3 ,

October 2013 Date Event Location 10/23/ 13 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies Rockville, MD I0/22/13 Presentation to Constellation Energy Nuclear Group Executive Baltimore, MD Leadership Academy I 0/15/13 Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 10/15/13 Meeting with SONGS Rockville, MD ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 7of32 10/07/13 Meeting with Halden Reactor Project Rockville, MD

] 0/03/13 Meeting with Honey\vell Rockville, MD 10/02/13 Meeting with Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Rockville, MO Septem her 2013 Date Event Location 09/28/13 Meeting with thyroid cancer survivors Philadelphia, PA 09/27/13 Presentation to students from The George Washington University Law Rockville, MD School 09/23/13 Visit to Massachusetts Institute 'of Technology Boston, MA 09116113 Meeting with NEI, Southern Nuclear, and Constellation Energy on Rockville, MD Risk-Informed Initiatives '

09/16113 Meeting with NEI, EPRI, and PricewaterhouseCoopcrs on Part 61 Rockville, MD 09/12/13 Visit to Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Quebec 09/12/13 Tour ofDarlington Nuclear Generating Station Clarington, Ontario 09111113 Visit to Chalk River Laboratories Deep River, Ontario 09/05/13 Visit to USEC American Centrifuge Manufacturing Facility Oak Ridge, Tennessee 09/04/13 Visit to Ft. Loudon Daming Facility Lenoir City, Tennessee 09/04/13 Visit to Sequoyah NucJear Plant Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee August 2013 .

Date Event Location 08/29/13 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Rockville, MD 08/26/13 Meeting with DC Cooke Rockville, MD 08116/13 Visit to University of Massachusetts, Lowell Lowell, MA http ://fusion. nrc.govI ois/team/Admin/FOTA %20Staff/OCI O/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 0611612016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 8of32 08/14/13 Meeting with Washington Policy & Analysis, Inc. Washington, DC 08/09/13 Meeting with Edison Electric Tnstitute Washington, DC 08/08/13 Meeting with NEI, SCANA, Southern Nuclear, and Constellation Washington, DC Energy regarding industry use of PRA 08/07/13 Meeting with CB&I Rockville, MD 08/02/13 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, MD 08/02/13 Meeting with FirstEnergy Rockville, MD 08/01/13 Meeting with Electric Infrastructure Security Council Rockville, MD 111!1.,

July 2013 Date Event Location 07/22/13 Address before U.S. Women in Nuclear 2013 Conference Chicago, IL 07/16/13 Visit to Crow Butte Resources Site Crawford, NE 07/l 6/13 Visit to Powertech Dewey Burdock Site Edgemont, SD 07/12/13 Visit to Surry Nuclear Power Station ~urry, VA 07/11113 Address before Government Relations Council of the American Rockville, MD Indian Science and Engineering Society Meeting 07/10113 Meeting A with Representatives ofEnergySolutions Rockville, MD 07/10/l 3 Meeting with Representatives of Japan Nuclear Safety Institute Rockville> MD.

07/02/13 Meeting with Dr. Mtingwa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Rockville, MD (Retired)

June 2013 Date Event Location 06/27/13 Visit to Los Aguirre Nuclear Centre Santiago, Chile 06/27/13 Visit to La Reina Nuclear Center Santiago, Chile 06/26/13 Visit to Ezeiza Atomic Center

  • Ezeiza, Argentina 06/26/13 Presentation at Argentina's Council on Foreign Relations {CARJ) Buenos Aires, Argentina A%20Staff/OCI O/Deposi t%20Responsi ve%2... 0611612016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events *Page 9 of32 06/24/13 Keynote Remarks at Latin American Section American Nuclear Buenos Aires, Society Symposium on Siting of New Nuclear Power and Irradiate * . Argentina Fuel Facilities 06119/13 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Rockville, :MD 06/19/13 Meeting with Washington Internships for Students of Engineering Rockville, ivfD (WISE) 06/18/13 Speaker at A MIT/INPO Reactor Technology Course Cambridge, MA 06/11- Attendance at ENSREG European Nuclear Safety. Conference 2013 Brussels, Belgium 12/13 06/06/13 Visit to Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant and Onkalo Spent Nuclear Eurajoki, Finland Fuel Repository 06/05/13 Visit to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Espoo, Finland 06/05/13 Visit to Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant Loviisa, Finland 06/04/13 Visit to Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant Leibstadt, Switzerland 06/03/13 Visitto ZWILAG Interim Storage Facility for Radioactive \Vaste Villigen, Switzerland 06/03/13 Visit to Paul Scherrer Institute Villi gen,

, Switzerland May 2013' Date Event Location 05/23/13 Visit to Honeywell International Metropolis, IL 05/21/13 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 05/17/13 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Chevy Chase, MD 05/16/13 !Yleeting with NAC International Rockville, MD 05114/13 Meeting with Terra Power Rockville, MD 05/14113 Meeting with Peter Crane Rockville, MD 05/14/13 Meeting with US Ecology Corporation Rockville, MD 05/10/13 Meeting with Carnegie Institute for Science, Institute of Nuclear

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 10of32 05/09/13 Meeting with Alliance for Nuclear Accountability; Beyond Nuclear; Washington, DC Public Citizen; Federation of American Scientists; Harmon, Curran, Spielberg + Eisenberg, LLP; Institute of Energy and Environmental Research; Nuclear Information and Resource Service; Natural Resources Defense Council; Taxpayers for Common Sense; Union of Concerned Scientists; and Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal 05/09/13 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems Rockville, :MD 05106- Visit to Kewaunee Power Station Kewaunee, WI 07/13 05/02/13 Visit to Ft. Calhoun Station Ft. Calhoun, NE rm ,

April 2013.

Date Event Location 04/30/13 Meeting with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Rockville, ~

04/30/13 Meeting with Holtcc Rockville, MD 04/25/13 Meeting with Thomas Cochran Washington, DC 04/22/13 Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, MD 04/18/13 Speech at Edison Electric Institute Spring Legal Conference Williamsburg, VA 04117/13 Dinner with Members of Edison Electric Institute Lawyers' Williamsburg, VA Committee 04/12/13 Visit to Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant Wanli, Taiwan 04/12/13 Meeting with Taiwan Power Company Wanli, Taiwan 04/09/13 Visit to the Siwabessy Multipurpose RTR, Serpong Nuclear Complex Serpong, lndonesia I

04109113 Visit to Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Center (\1RCCC) Jakarta, Indonesia Siloam Hospital 04/03/13 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC) of Tokyo, Japan Japan 04/03/13 Meeting with Keidanren Tokyo, Japan 04/02/13 :vteeting with Kansai Electric Power Co. (KEPCO) Tokyo, Japan 04/02113 Meeting with Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) Tokyo, Japan 04/02/13 Meeting with Japan Nuclear Safety Institute (JANSI) Tokyo, Japan 04/02/13 Remarks to the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan Nuclear Tokyo, Japan Admin/FOIA %20Staff/OC10/Deposit%20Responsive%2. .. 06/16/2016

1 NRC: Commissioner \1agwood s Meetings and Events Page 11 of 32 Project Team 04/01/13 Visit to Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant Omaezaki, Japan rm, March 2013 Date Event Location 03126113 Visit to Zeeland Generating Station Zeeland, MI 03/26/13 Visit to Palisades Nuclear Plant Covert, MI 03/25/13 Meeting with Beyond Nuclear*and other non-governmental South Haven, Ml organizations regarding Palisades Nuclear Plant 03/22/13 Meeting with Edison Electric Institute Washington, DC 03/21/13 Visit to B&\.V and mPowcr I ,ynchburg, VA 03/18/13 Meeting with Florida Power and Light Rockville, MD 03113/13 DC Chapter of U.S. Women in Nuclear Rockville, MD\

03/12/13 Shaw Group Annual Dinner Bethesda, MD 03/ l 2-14113 Attendance at NRC Regulatory Tnformation Conference Rockvi1le, MD 03/l l/ 13 Meeting with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Rockville, MD 03/11/13 Meeting with Korea Hydro and Electric Power Rockville, MD 03/07/ l 3 Meeting Regarding Potential for a Small Modular Reactor at Rockville, MD Hanford 03/07113 Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses Rockville, MD 03/04/13 Attendance at C .S. Nuclear Infrastructure Cpuncil Diplomatic Washington, DC Roundtable Series (Japan and Nuclear Energy)

IE:I .,

February 2013 Date Event Location 02/28/13 Meeting with Carnegie Institution for Sc.ience, Institute of Nuclear Washington, DC Power Operations, Nuclear Energy Institute, Department of Energy, and University of Texas 02/25113 Visit to Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Waynesboro, GA 02/24/13 Visit to Fort Valley State University Fort Valley, GA %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 0611612016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 12of32 02/20/13 Meeting with PPL Susquehanna LLC Rockvi1le, .tvID 02/19/13 Meeting with UBS Investment Research Rockville, .MD 02/15113 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Rockville, MD 02/15/13 Meeting with Honeywe11 Rockvi II e, MD 02/14/13 Visit to Dresden Nuclear Power Station Morris, IL 02/13/13 Visit to Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 02/06/13 Meeting with Electric Infrastructure Security Council Rockville, MD 02/04/13 Meeting with American Electric Powcr/D.C. Cook Nuclear Rockville, MD Generating Station II!:! ,

(January 2013 Date~ Event Location 0113 J /l 3 Meeting with the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Rockville, MD 01/29113 Meeting with the Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 01/28113 Meeting with Southern California Edison Rockville, MD 01/25/13 Meeting with The lnstitute of Energy Economics, Japan Rockvi1le, l\!fD 01/24/I 3 Meeting with Thompson & Pugsley, LLC and AUC, LLC Rockville, MD 01/24/13 Meeting with Babcock and Wilcox mPower Rockville, MD 01 /18/13 Visit to Clemson University Clemson, SC 01/17/13 Visit to Oconee Nuclear Station Seneca, SC 01110/13 North America Young Generation in Nuclear Professional Rockville, MD Development Webinar

  • 01110113 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD 01/l 0/13 Meeting with NuScale Power, LLC Rockville, MD 01107113 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, MD 2012 Jany_~I):'.
  • february *March* Ap1il
  • Yki. * *July* August* September* October* Noveu1ber
  • Dccemher

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 13 of32 December 2012 Date Event Location 12/28/12 Meeting with Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Rockville, MD 12118/12 Keynote address at "International Symposium on occasion of Tokyo, Japan establishment of the new organization," hosted by Japan Nuclear Safety Institute 12/17/12 Meeting with Kansai Electric Power Company Tokyo, Japan 12/15-17/12 Attendance at IAEA Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Fukushima Safety Prefecture, Japan 12/14/12 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Tokyo, Japan 12/14112 Meeting with Japan Nuclear Safety Institute Tokyo, Japan 12/14112 Meeting with Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Tokyo, Japan 12/11/12 fv1eeting with Texas A & M University Rockville, MD 12110/12 Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, MD 12/07/12 Meeting with American Physical Society Rockville, MD 12/07/12 Meeting with Southern California Edison Rockville, MD 12/06/12 ~eeting with Westinghouse Electric Company Rockville, MD November 2012 Date Event Location 11129/12 Meeting with Kenya Nuclear Electricity Project Committee Rockville, MD 11/27/11 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan. Rockville, MD 11/20112 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems Rockville, MD

] J /14112 Visit to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station San Clemente, CA 11/13112 Attendance and participation in the President's Special Session of San Diego, CA the American Nuclear Society \\linter Meeting 11/06-07/12 Attendance at Institute of Nuclear Power Operations' CEO Atlanta, GA Conference 11/02/12 Speech at Bay City Lions Club Bay City, TX 11102/12 Visit to South Texas Project Electric Generating Station - Bay Cityi TX ... 06/16/20t6

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 14of32 11101112 Visit to Texas A & M University College Station, TX October 2012 Date Event Location 10/25/12 Visit to Callaway Plant, Cnit 1 . Fulton, MO I 0/24/12 Visit to University of Missouri Research Reactor Center and Columbia, University of Missouri Nuclear Science and Engineering Institute Missouri 10/22112 Meeting with PSEG Nuclear Rockvil1e, MD I 0/19/12 Participation in NEA Steering Committee Policy Debate on ~uclear Paris, France Safety 'Defense-in-Depth 10/17/12 Visit to A CEA Cadarache Site Cadarachc, France 10/17/12 Visit to Areva MELOX Facility Marcoulc, France l 0/16112 Visit to Flamanville-3 EPR Flamanville, France 10/14112 Meeting with Areva Paris, France 10/04/12 Visit to Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 Jenkinsville, SC 10/02- Speaker and attendee at Institute of Nuclear Power Atl~nta, GA 03/12 Operations/Goi zueta Directors lnsti tute 10/02112 Meeting with Exelon Rockville, MD 10/01/12 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District Rockville, MD IE:l .,

September 2012 Date Event Location 09/27/12 Meeting with Entergy Rockville, MD 09/27/12 Presentation to Nuclear Energy Institute Lawyersa' Committee Washington, DC 09/26/12 Visit to lndian Point Energy Center Buchanan, NY 09/25/12 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD 09/25112 Meeting with Conference of Radiation Protection Program Directors Rockville, .MD 09/25/12 Meeting with San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Rockville, MD %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events ~age 15of32 09/17/12 Meeting with Babcock & Wilcox and mPower Rockville, MD 09/14/12 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Rockville, MD 09/12112 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute, Arizona Public Service Co., Rockville, MD FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co., Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group, and Westinghouse 09/11/12 Meeting with Southern California Edison Co. Rockvillei MD 09/06112 Meeting with Ameren Missouri Rockville, MD 09/04/12 Meeting with Luminant Rockville, MD

[£:11 ,

August 2012 Date Event Location 08/28112- Led U.S. Delegation to Convention on Nuclear Safety Extraordinary Vienna, Austria 08/31/12 Meeting and Organizational Meeting 08/23/12 Visit to Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Solomons Island, MD 08/22112 Meeting with S. Todd, former DOE Official Rockville, MD 08/15/12 Meeting with Honeywell Rockville, MD 08/14/12" Visit to Salem Nuclear Power Plant and Hope Creek Nuclear Hancocks Bridge, Generating Station NJ 08/13/12 Visit to SteriGenics U.S., LLC Salem, NJ 08/10112 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 08/08/12 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems Charlotte, NC 08/08/12 Plenary Speaker, International Youth Nuclear Congress 2012 Charlotte, NC 08/07/12 Meeting with Duke Energy RockviJJe, MD 08/03/12 Visit to Texas A&M University College Station, TX 08/02/12 Visit to South Texas Project 1\uclcar Generating Station Bay City, TX

.July 2012 I Date I Event Location %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 16of32 07/31112 Meeting with Nuclear Innovation Notth America Rockville, MD 07/31/12 Meeting with NRCa's DC Summer Hires Rockville, MD 07/30/12 Meeting with China Power Investment Corporation and NuScalc Rockville, MD Power 07/30/12 Presentation at INPO Senior Nuclear Plant Management Seminar Rockville, MD 07/27112 Presentation to Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation Rockville, MD 07/26/12 Visit to Nine Mile Point Nuclear Generating Station Oswego, NY 07/18/12 Presentation at NRCaTMs Second Pre-College STEM Symposium in Rockville, MD conjunction with Fort Valley State University 07/17/12 Meeting with University of Pittsburgh Nuclear Engineering Program Rockville, MD Representative 07/ 16/12 Meeting with Electric Infrastructure Security Council Rockville, MD 07/ll/12 Meeting with Toshiba Corporation/Toshiba America Nuclear Energy Rockville, MD Corporation 07/10/12 Meeting with students from Winston Churchill High School Rockville, MD participating in PRA summer internships in NRR 07/03/12 Meeting with First Energy Nuclear Operating Company Rockville, MD June 2012 Date Event Location 06/28/12 Meeting with Southern Company, SCANA, and Westinghouse Rockville, MD 06/21112 Attendance at ~uclear Suppliers Group Meeting Seattle, WA 06/19/12 Presentation at American Society of Mechanical Engineers/Electric Tucson, AZ Power Research Institute Radwaste Workshop 06/14/12 Meeting with ASME Presidential Task Force on Response to Japan Rockville, MD Nuclear Power Plant Events 06/14/12 Meeting with AREVA Rockville, MD 06/14/12 Y!eeting with students from Washington Internships for Students of Rockville, MD Engineering (WISE) 06/13112 Meeting with Nuclear Fuel Services Rockville, MD 06/12/12 Visit to Shaw Modular Solutions Lake Charles , LA 06/07/12 Meeting with EnergySolutions Rockville, :MD 06/I 6/2016

1 N'RC: Commissioner Magwood s Meetings and Events Page 17of32 06/07/12 Meeting with NEI Rockville, MD 06/07/12 Meeting with Dr. Kaoru Kikuyama Rockville, IVID 06/04/12 Meeting with Exelon Rockville, MD 06/01/12 Meeting with National Mining Association Rockville, MD 06/01/12 Meeting with Terra Power Advanced Technology Rockville, MD May 2012 Date Event ' Location 05/30/12 Meeting with Debt and Equity Analysts, organized by Morgan Stanley New York, NY 05/30/l 2 Meeting with American Society of Mechanical Engineers New York, NY 05/29/12 Visit to Indian Point Energy Center Buchanan, NY 05/29/12 Meeting and Hudson River tour with Riverkecper Peekskjll, NY 05/25/12 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 05/25/12 Meeting with Westinghouse Rockville, rvID 05124/12 Meeting with Decommissioning Plant Coalition Rockvi1le, MD 05/18/12 Presentation at 13th International Congress of the International Glasgow, Scotland Radiation Protection Association 05/17112 Visit to Hunterston B Nuclear Power Station Ayrshire, Scotland 05115112 Meeting with San Onofre Nuc1ear Generating Station Rockville, MD 05/1O/J2 Meeting with :\1itsubishi Nuclear Energy System Rockville, MD 05/08/12 Visit to Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant Crystal River, FL 05/07112 Presentation at the Annual Meeting of theA Conference of Radiation Orlando, FL Control Program Directors 05/03112 Meeting with San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Rockville, MD 05/02/12 Meeting with Chugoku Electric Rockville, MD 05101112 Meeting with Institute of Nuclear Power Plant Operations leadership Rockville, MD 05101/12 Meeting with 'Jl\uclear Energy Institute and Industry Fukushima Rockville, MD Response Steering Committee le;! .,

April 2012 http://fusi on .nrc .govIo is/team/Admin/F 0 IA%20S ta ff/OCI O/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 18 of32 Date Event Location 04/30/12 Meeting with ~ext Generation Nuclear Power Plant Alliance Rockville, MD 04/20/12 Participation inA Hitotsubashi University and Japan Association of Tokyo, Japan Disarmament Studies Co-sponsored panel, areNuclear Governance in the Post Fukushima Worldii

.04/18-19/12 Participation in Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Annual Conference Tokyo, Japan 04/17/12 Seminar presentation at the Institute ofA Energy Economics of Tokyo, Japan Japan 04/16/12 Visit to Takahama Nuclear Power Plant Takahama, Japan 04/14/12 Visit to Lungmen ~uclear Power Plant Lungmen, Taiwan 04/13112 Visit to National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering Taipei. Taiwan 04105112 Teleconferenc.e with President/CEO of Babcock and Wilcox Rockville, MD 04/04112 Meeting with Leadership from Organization of Agreement States Rockville, MD and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors March 2012 Date Event Location 03/29/12 Teleconference With Chief Nuclear Officer, San Onofre Nuclear Rockville, MD Generating Station 03/28/12 Presentation at Dick Thornburg Forum, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 03/28112 Vish to Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 03/26/12 .Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 03/22/12 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems Rockville, MD 03/22/12 Presentation at Roundtable Discussion sponsored by Center for Washington, DC Strategic and International Studies, aceAfter Fukushima: Where Do We Go from Here?a 03/20/12 Visit to Clinton ~uclear Generating Station Clinton, IL 03/16112 Participation in panel discussion, aceAftennath of Fukushima Dai- Washington, DC ichi Accident,a George Washington University 03112/12 Meeting with GE Hitachi Rockville, MD 03/07112 Yleeting with Babcock and Wilcox Rockville, MD Admin/FOIA%20Staff/0Cl0/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page l 9of32 103/02112 jMeeting with D.C. Cook IRockville, MD February 2012 Date Event Location 02/24/12 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute and Industry Fukushima Rockville, MD Response Steering Committee 02/22-23/12 Visit to Penn State University State College, PA 02/21/12 Teleconference with Chief Nuclear Officer, San Onofre Nuclear Rockville, MD Generating Station 02/16112 Visit to Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant Veracruz, Mexico 02115112 Visit to National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Mexico City, Mexico 02114112 Roundtable discussion at the American Chamber of Commerce Mexico City, Mexico 02113/ l 2 Meeting with Nobumasa Akiyama, Professor, Hitots1.1bashi Rockville, MD University 02110/12 Meeting with South Texas Project Rockville, MD 02/08/12 Meeting with Soon Yeung Chang, Provost Korea Advanced Institute Rockville, MD of Science and Technology (KAIST) 02/06/12 Presentation at Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting Dallas, TX January 2012 Date Event Location 01/25/l 2 Presentation at the IEEE Nuclear Power Engineering Meeting San Antonio, TX 01120/] 2 Meeting with Japan Business Federation Tokyo, Japan 01/19/12 Visit to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima, Japan 01118112 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Tokyo, Japan 01 /18/12 Meeting with Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Tokyo, Japan 01/17/12 Visit to Doosan Heavy Tndustries Busan, South Admin/FOIA %20Staff/OCTO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

1 NRC: Commissioner Magwood s Meetings and Events Page 20 of32 Korea 01/17/12 Visit to Shin Kori Nuclear Power Plant Gori, South Korea 01 /13/12 Meeting with Professional Reactor Operator Society (PROS) Rockville, MD 01/11112 Meeting with Hyperion Power Generation Rockville, MD 01/10/12 Meeting with Oak Ridge National Laboratorya"Briefing on Rockville, MD Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors rm.,

2011 J_anuary

  • Fcbruarv
  • fv1arch *April.* \fav
  • J.un~
  • J.hll..y
  • _!'.\ugust
  • Scpt~mb~r
  • Octobe1~
  • i\ovember
  • December December 2011 Date Event Location 12/2I111 Visit to D.C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station Jenkinsville, SC 12/20/11 Meeting with Errol Davis, Atlanta Schools Superintendant Atlanta, GA 12/20/11 Meeting with Xcel Energy, Inc. Rockvi lie, MD 12/20/ 11 Meeting with Hilda Pinnix-Ragland and Lloyd Yates of Progress Rockville, MD Energy regarding the American Association of Black Engineers 12112111 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute and South Texas Project Rockville, :MD regarding industryaET.Ms Fukushima Response Steering Committee 12/05111 Meeting with researchers from various Japanese universities Rockville, MD 12/0 I /11 Panel Presentation at the Mid-Year Meeting of the Energy Bar Washington, DC Association rca .,

November 2011 Date Event Location 11/30/11 Meeting with Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Rockville, MD .

11/30/11 Meeting with NcxtEra Energy/Florida Power and Light Rockville, MD 11/17/11 Visit to Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 11116111 Visit to Cooper Nuclear Station Brownville, NE %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2. .. 06/ 16/20 l 6

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 21 of 32 11/14/11 Meeting with Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP) Rockville, MD 11/10/11 Attendance at 2011 Annual INPO CEO Conference Atlanta, GA 11/09/11 Presentatio.n at the Women in Government Relationsa£TM Energy, Washington, DC

  • Environment and Agriculture Task Force luncheon 11/02/11 Meeting with the Shaw Power Group regarding Fukushima activities Rockville, MD 11 /02111 Meeting with \\lestinghouse Electric Company Rockville, MD 11/01/11 Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute to discuss Fuel Cycle Rockville, MD Oversight and industry efforts to improve safety afterA Fukushima rm..,

October 2011 D.ate Event Location 10/26/l I Visit to Diablo Canyon Power Plant Avila Beach, CA 10/26/11 Meeting with San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace San Luis Obispo, CA 10/25/11 Visit to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station f San Clemente, CA l 0/24/11 Presentation at the 2011 International Uranium Fuel Seminar Scottsdale, AZ 1O/l3/I1 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute and Progress Energy regarding Rockville, MD industryaE's Fukushima Response Steering Committee 10/06/11 Meeting with PSEG Power LLC Rockville, MD 10/04/11 Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, MD I0/03/11 Presentation to the TNPO Senior Nuclear Plant Manager Conference Rockville, MD Im .,

Scptem her 2011 Date Event Location 09/29/11 Meeting with Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Rockville, MD 09/29/11 Meeting with Dominion Generation Rockville, MD 09/21/11 Visit to the Newport News Shipyard and USS Enterprise Norfolk, VA 09i20/l 1 Meeting with Decommissioning Plant Coalition Rockvi1le, MD 09/15111 Guest Presentation, Carnegie Mellon University's Washington Washington, DC Speaker Series Event 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood 1s Meetings and Events Page 22 of 32 09/15111 Opening Plenary Speaker, 83rd Annual J',;ational Technical \Vashington, DC Association Conference, Howard University 09/13/l 1 Meeting with Exelon Generation Company Rockville, lVCD 09107111 Keynote Presentation, 5th Annual Rad Waste Summit Las Vegas, NV rEI ..,

August 2011 Date Event Location 08/29/11 Meeting with Indiana Michigan Power Company (D.C. Cook) Rockville, MD 08/24/11 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Rockville, Tv1D 08/23/11 Meeting with Energy Solutions Rockville, MD 08/22/11 Presentation at Annual Conference of the Organization of Agreement Richmond, VA States 08/18111 Meeting with Dr. Frederick Gilman, Dean, Mellon College of Science, Rockville, MD Carnegie Mellon University 08/15/1 I Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Nuclear Oversight Rockville, :rvID Committee 08/12/11 Conference call with R. McBumey. Conference of Radiation Control Rockville, MD Program Directors 08/12111 Meeting with J. Schlueter, Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 08/11111 Meeting with American Nuclear Society Rockville, MD 08/08/11 Keynote Address at Twenty-Second \.1eeting of the Mexican Nuclear San Jose de! Cabo, Society the Latin American Section of the American Nuclear Society Mexico 08/05/11 Meeting with Marvin Fertel, Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 08/03/11 Meeting at the Center for Naval Analysis Alexandria, VA 08/01/11 Keynote Address at EUCI Conference on Nuclear Power \Vashington, DC Communications in Planning, Polley, and Crisis rlCl .,

July 2011 Date Event Location 07/27/11 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD ... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's \1eetings and Events Page 23of32 07/26/11 Meeting with Dr. Tom Sanders, Savannah River National Laboratory Rockville, \10 07/26/11 Meeting with Entergy Corporation Rockville, MD 07/21/11 Speech at the World ~uclear University Oxford, England 07/21111 Visit toA Culham Centre for Fusion Energy Oxford, England 07118/11 Meeting with Fonner Commissioner Jeffrey Merrifield, Shaw Group Rockville, MD*

07/18111 Meeting with Westinghouse Electric Company Rockvil1e, MD 0711511 l Visit to Millstone Nuclear Power Station Waterford, CT 07/12/11 Meeting with Southern California Edison Rockville, MD 07112111 Meeting with Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation Rockville, MD 07 /11/1 1 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company Rockville, MD 07/11/11 Meeting with NuScale Power Rockville, MD 07/06/11 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute and Exelon regarding the Rockville, MD industrya's Fukushima Response Steering Committee June 2011 Date Event Location 06/30/11 Meeting with Toshiba America Nuclear Energy Corporation Roc~ville, MD .

06/27/11 Presentation at Annual Meeting of 2011 American Nuclear Society Hollywood, FL Conference 06/23/11 Meeting with former NRC Commissioner Jeffrey Merrifield, Shaw Rockville, MD Group 06/23/11 Meeting with Natlonal Organization of Test, Research, and Tra'ining Rockville, :MD Reactors 06/23/11 Presentation to WISE (Washington Internships for Students of Rockville, MD, Engineering) Interns 06/22111 Keynote Presentation at aceSpecial Summit on New Nuclear Washington, pc Energy a.

06/22/11 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems Rockville, MD 06/20/ 11 Meeting with American Physical Society Rockville, MD 06/16/11 Meeting with former IAEA Deputy Director General Tomihiro Rockville, MD Taniguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology 06/13/11 Meeting with Areva Rockville, MD'OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 0611612016

NRC: Commissioner ~agwood's Meetings and Events Page 24 of32 06/08/11 Visit to PRI Smith Ranch Glenrock, V./Y 06/08/11 Visit to Strata Energy Ross Site Oshoto, WY 06/02/11 Presentation at Credit Suisse Engineering and Construction New York, NY Conference 06/01/11 Presentation at Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Awards Rockville, MD Ceremony r.:. 'T May 2011 Date Event Location 05/26/11 Visit to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Plymouth, MA 05/25/11 Visit to Massachusetts General Hospital Radiation Oncology Boston, MA Department 05/25/11 Visit to *QSA Global, Inc. Burlington, MA 05/23/11 Presentation at Platta's Second Annual Small Modular Reactors Washington, DC Conference 05/ 11111 Visit to Holtec International Manufacturing Division Turtle Creek, PA 05/11/11 Visit to Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 05/10/11 Visit to Beaver Valley Power Station Shippingport, PA 05/09/11 Meeting with Progress Energy Rockville, .MD

.05/08/11 Presentation at Annual Meeting of North American-Young Generation Washington, DC in Nuclear 05/06/11 Meeting with South Carolina Gas and Electric Rockville, MD 05/03/I l Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, ~

05/02/11 Meeting with Safe Energy Coalition Rockville, MD rm, April 2011 Date Event Location 04/29/11 Presentation at 34th Annual National Conference, American Jersey City, NJ Association of Blacks in Energy 04/26/11 Meeting with South Texas Project and Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD Admin/FOIA%20Staff/OC1011)eposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events

  • Page 25 of32 04/21/11 Meeting with members of Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Rockville, MD Directors 04/19/11 Meeting with Constellation Energy Rockville, MD 04/14111 Meeting with Blue Castle I Ioldings, Inc. Rockville, l\.1D 04/11/11 Visit to Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Jenkensville, SC 04/06/11 Visit to Point Beach Nuclear Plant Two Rivers, WI 04/05/11 Meeting with Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services Madison, WI 04/05111 Visit to University of Wisconsin College of Engineering Madison, WI 04/01111 Meeting with Westinghouse Electric Company Rockville, MD March 2011 Date Event Location 03/30/11 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Rockville, MD 03/30/11 Meeting with Ma~beni Group Rockville, MD 03/19/11 Meeting with American Society f:or Therapeutic Radiation and Rockville, NID Oncology 03/23/11 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Washington, DC 03/18111 Meeting with Eastern Idaho Community Leaders Rockville, MD 03/17/l l Meeting with Edison Electric Institute \Vashington, DC 03/09/11 Meeting with GE Hitachi Rockville, MD 03/09/11 Presentation at 2011 Regulatory Information Conference Rockville, MD 03/08/11 Speaker, Regulatory Information Conference Dinner Hosted by Rockville, MD Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP 03/03/11 Visit to Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 03/02111 Speaker, American Nuclear Society - Oak Ridge/Knoxville Section, Oak Ridge, TN March 2011 03/02111 Visit to University of Tennessee Department of Nuclear Engineering Knoxville, TN fC!I ,

February 201 l 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 26 of32 Date Event Location 02/28/11 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company Rockville, MD 02/24/11 Meeting with International Nuclear Energy Development of Japan Rockville, MD 02/24/11 Meeting with Babcock & Wilcox and Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville) MD 02/22111 Meeting with Institute for Energy Economics of Japan Rockville, MD 02/22/11 Meeting with Exelon Corportation Rockville, MD.

02/17/11 Keynote Speaker at Platts Annual Nuclear Energy Conference Rockville, Jv1D 02116/11 Meeting with AUC LLC (Reno Creek Project) Rockville, MD 02/14/11 Meeting with Indian River State College Rockville, MD 02/11111 Meeting with Indiana Michigan Power Authority (Donald C. Cook Rockville, MD Nuclear Plant) 02/09/11 Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 02/07/11 Address at Conference on Nuclear Training and Education, Sponsored Jacksonville, FL by American Nuclear Society 02/04/11 Visit to Chattanooga State Community College Chattanooga, TN 02/03/11 Visit to Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant, Units I and 2 Spring City, TN January 2011 Date Event Location 01131111 Meeting with Dominion Resources, Inc. Rockville, MD 01/28/11 Meeting with Professional Reactor Operator Society Rockville, MD 01/27/11 Meeting with Peninsula Minerals/ Strata Energy, Inc. Rockville, .MD 01/26/11 Presentation at NEPs Nuclear Fuel Supply Forum Washington, DC 01/25/11 Meeting with Southern Company Rockville, .MD 01/25/11 Meeting with Bums and Roe Rockville, MD 01/21/11 Meeting with Edison Electric Institute \Vashington, DC 01/07/11 Tour of North Anna Nuclear Power Plant Mineral, VA 01/06/11 Meeting with Energy USA, Inc. Rockville, MD ... 06/16/2016

t\RC: Commissioner \1agwood's Meetings and Events Page 27 of 32 2010 April

  • I\fav *.June* July* August* September* October* November* December December 2010 Date Event Location 12/22/l 0 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 12/16110 Meeting with Physicians for Social Responsibility, Union of Rockville, MD Concerned Scientists, Greenpeace, Beyond Nuclear, Project on Government Oversight, and the Natural Resources Defense Council 12/08/10 Meeting with Xcel Energy Rockville, MD 12/06/ 10 Meeting with Dean, Ohio State University College of Engineering Rockville, MD 12/03/l 0 Visit to University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 12/02110 Visit to South Carolina State University Orangeburg, SC 12/02/l 0 Tour of U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site/MOX Fuel Aiken, SC Fabrication Faci1ity 12/01/10 Meeting with Southern California Edison Rockville, MD November 2010 Date Event Location 11117/10 Tour of Zion Nuclear Power Station Containment Zion, IL 11/16110 Public Meeting \Vith Braidwood Community Braidwood, IL 11/I 6110 Site Visit to and Tour of Braidwood Station and Surrounding Braceville, IL Communities 11/l 6/l 0 Meeting with Officials from Community near Braidwood Station Braidwood, IL 11/09-10/10 Attendance at Institute of Nuclear Power Operations' Annual CEO Atlanta, GA Conference 11/03/10 Meeting with U.S. Ecology Corporation Rockville, MD 11/02/10 Meeting with State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (China) Rockville, MD 11/01110 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District -, Rockville, MD %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/20 l 6

~RC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 28of32 October 2010 Date Event Location 10/29/10 Meeting/Luncheon with Integrated Regulatory Review Service Team Rockville, MD 10/26/l 0 Meeting with Marvin Fertel, NET Rockville, MD 10125110 Meeting with Honeywell International-Metropolis Works Facilty Rockville, MD I0/24/10 Attended Memorial Service for Fonner Commissioner Gail de Washington, DC Planque l 0/22110 Visit to and tour of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant New Hill, NC I 0/21/10 Visit to North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 10/20/l 0 Meeting with officials from Halden Project (Norway) Rockville, MD 10119110 Keynote Address, Conference on Small Modular Reactors \Vashington, DC l0/l3/l0 Speaker, Nuclear Strategic Issues Advisory Committee Reception Washington, DC (Nuclear Energy Institute)

I 0/11/l 0 Visit to and tour of University of Wisconsin Madison, WI J0105110 Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, MD 10/04/l 0 Meeting with Detroit Edison Rockville, MD 10/02/10 Presentation at Westinghouse Science Honors Institute Churchill, PA 10/01/10 Tour of Mitsubishi El~ctric Power Products AP\VR Simulator Warrendale, PA 10/01110 Tour of Westinghouse Electric Co. AP 1000 Simulator Cranberry Township, PA

[Cl ...

September 2010 Date Event Location 09130110 Keynote Speaker, Nuclear Night, Sponsored by Swanson School of Pittsburgh, PA Engineering, University of Pittsburgh 09/30/10 Visit to Swanson School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 09/30/l 0 Tour of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh, PA 09127110 Tour of Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Columbus, OH 09/27/I 0 Attendance at Ohio Nuclear Workforce Roundtable Columbus, OH 09/23/l 0 \.1eeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockvil1e, MD Adm in/FOIA%20Staff/OCI O/Deposi t%20Responsive%2. .. 06/ 16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Ma.gwood's Meetings and Events Page 29of32 09120110 Meeting with I Toi tee International Rockville, MD 09/15110 Presentation at Local Chapter Meeting of Health Physics Society and Rockville, MD American Nuclear Society 09/13/10 Address at Big 12 Engineering Summit, Sponsored by Big 12 Kansas City, MO Engineering Consortium 09109-10/10 Attendance at Third International ConsultantsafTM Meeting, Tokyo, Japan Sponsored by Japan Atomic Energy Agency 09/08/10 Meeting with Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Tokyo, Japan 09/02/10 Meeting with Idaho National Laboratory Rockville, MD August 2010 Date Event Location 08/31/10 Visit to Oyster Creek Generating Station Forked River, NJ 08/30/10 Meeting with Nuclear Fuel Services Rockville, MD 08/30/10 Meeting with American Electric Power Rockville, MD 08/27/10 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Company and NRG Energy Rockville, MD 08/23/10 Meeting with Strata Energy Rockville, MD 08/13110 ;vieeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Rockville, MD 08/12/10 Meeting with NextEra Energy Rockvi1le, NID 08/12/1 0 Meeting with representatives of the Organization of Agreement States Rockville, !YID and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors 08/11/10 Meeting with GE Hitachi Rockville, MD 08/09/10 Visit to Sterigenics Irradiator Facility Ft. Worth, TX 08/05/10 Visit to Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Waynesboro, GA 08/04/10 Visit to Jnstitute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Atlanta, GA 08/03110 Meeting with Center for Strategic & Jntemational Studies Rockville, MD July 2010 Event Location %20S ta ff/OCI O/Dcposit%20Responsi ve%2... 06/16/2016

1 NRC: Commissioner Magwood s Meetings and Events Page 30of32 07/27/10 Dinner with Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation Washington, DC 07/22/l 0 Meeting with the Natural Resources Defense Council~ Physicians for Washington, DC Social Responsibility, the Project on Government Oversight, Beyond Nuclear, and the Union of Concerned Scientists 07/20/ l 0 Meeting with Areva Enrichment Services, LLC Rockville, MD 07/l 9/10 Visit to The Ohio State University -- tour of Department of Columbus, OH Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering's Scott Laboratory 07/19/10 Attendance at Ohio Nuclear Taskforce Roundtable Columbus, OH 07/13110 Meeting with Elcctricite de France Rockville, MD 07/08/J 0 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute /

Rockville, MD 07/07/10 Meeting with Energy Solutions Rockville, :MD rm ..,

June 2010 Date Event Location 06/30/10 Visit to Red Electrica de Espana Maddd, Spain 06/30/l 0 Visit to Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Department of Nuclear Madrid, Spain Engineering 06/29/10 Visit to Equipos Nucleares, S.A. (ENSA) Santander, Spain 06/28/10 Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) 30th Anniversary Madrid, Spain 06/24/10 Meeting with Decommissioning Plant Coalition Rockville, MD 06/22/10 Meeting with Illinois Emergency Management Agency Lisle, IL 06/21/10 Visit to LaSalle County Generating Station Marseilles, IL 06/18110 Vis it to B& W Nuclear Operations Group Lynchburg, VA 06/17/10 Meeting with representatives of VC Summer Nuclear Station Rockville, I'v1D 06il6/l 0 Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute Rockville, MD 06/10/10 Ylccting with Physicians for Social Responsibility, Union of Rockville, MD Concemed Scientists, Beyond Nuclear, Green.peace, and Natural Resources Defense Council 06/10110 Meeting with FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Rockvi Ile, MD 06/10/10 Meeting with Kansas State Cniversity/Big 12 Engineering Rockville, MD 06/09/l 0 Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Rockville, MD %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsive%2... 06/ 16/2016

l\'RC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 31 of 32 06/08/10 Meeting with American Association of Physicists in Medicine Rockvi Ile, lvID 06/04/10 Meeting with Westinghouse Electric Company Rockville, MD 06/03/10 Meeting with Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission Rockville, MD 06/03/10 Meeting with Exelon Corporation Rockville, MD 06/02/10 Visit to Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Delta, PA 06/01/10 Visit to Terumo Medical Corporation Elkton, MD II:!! ,

May 2010 Date Event Location 05/27/10 Meeting with USEC lnc. Rockville, MD 05/24/l 0 Meeting with Korea Electric Power Corp. Rockville, MD 05/2 L/l 0 Meeting with University of Pittsburgh Rockville, MD 05/21110 Meeting with Dr. Thomas L Sanders, President, American Nuclear Rockville, MD Society 05/21/10 Meeting with Jean-Claude Derian, ArchPartners

  • Rockville, MD 05/18/10 Visit to Waste Control Specialists Site Andrews, TX 05/18/l 0 Visit to Urenco USA Facility Eunice, NM 05/14/10 Meeting with Studsvik, Inc. Rockville, MD 05113110 Visit to Oconee Nuclear Station Seneca, SC 05/12/l 0 Meeting with Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems, Inc. Rockville, MD 05110/10 Meeting with Metal Industries Recycling Coalition Rockville, MD 05/06/10 Meeting with Urenco USA/LES Rockville, MD 05/04/l 0 Meeting with National Mining Association Rockville, MD April 2010 Date Event Location 04/29/l 0 Group Meeting with representatives of fuel cycle licensees Rockville, MD 04/28/10 Meeting with Arizona Public Service Co. Rockville, MD %20Staff/OCIO/Dcposit%20Responsive%2... 06/16/2016

NRC: Commissioner Magwood's Meetings and Events Page 32 of 32 04/27/10 Tour of blood irradiator at local hospital Washington, DC 04/27/10 Appearance at Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Senior Nuclear Rockville, MD Plant Management Course 04/22/10 Meeting with Areva NP, Inc. Rockville, MD 04/22/10 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Co. Rockville, MD 04/22/10 Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co. Rockville, MD 04/20/10 Meeting with Health Physics Society Rockville, MD 04112/10 Meeting with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Rockville, MD 04/05/10 Meeting with Former Chainnan Meserve and Former Senator Rockville, MD Domenici (both representing the Bipartisan Policy Center) %20Staff/OCIO/Deposit%20Responsi ve%2... 06/16/2016

Chairman Allison M.. Macfarlane:

Calendar Date Tl11e Jul-12 01100..n.012 ~nrinn 1n CetEm:S:W Rockville. MD Rccioi:vdle. MO 07/10.'2-012 Staff Briefl!lQ on the furlcilOOs of tN!' Office cl :r..e Set;retafy cl Rockv~le. MO 0111112012 r~;  ;:.:::.:.o"'n':-Wa:-:-:s:-te"°'C"°oo=fld=a""-e----*------<f---------------------t:R::-o:-:c;-'<v""i1'°'1c-.'"'M""O,--------t;S~1.""'~"'B"'*"'ie1""1no"""1"':s"'s,-;-------+----------------!

07111/2012 Staff "'-'c'"n~E,;:lh;:,""'=R!!U::.:<<~=---,-.,.-..,,.--,----f------------- Ro:>.vi1~. MD 5<3'101iolino iSBl 07111.!2012 Staff Briefing en Detes**ono! Chnirman** Aulbrity. -------+.R<>ciw."""'"°*'",1'-'1e"".M,.,.;;;D--------t;s"°:att""**s.e1;og !SOI O&tagation of ?O'M.-rS, partei, Separation a1

~Unctions 0/11 ~12012 Staff Briefing on j:'reedam c.f lflfotmafun Act ReCO!d:&

Retention and Suos-h.;ne Act 07/23£2012 Staff Brieh;iu C'!1 Fuk~"Shima Les~ns Learned RotkY<11e.MO Sta~ Bnef1no !Sm

~dea1 Rogulabry Comfl'liS--smn ?Q!icy ai:td Gc-.;etNr.Ce Washongloo. DC Congressional H~~ring {CH} i'~ttp f:pOatiupl."llSJ'lrC gqx;dncs!~..1L 1~;'Q'Ml1 Oversl;illl

  • 22WA007.po!

DI\ Waste Confi:der.ce *-** Rock...,111!:. MD S1aft Srietino f:-jS on fncident Response a:id ToL.-r or NRC Roekville. MC Sbff 8Jie.f1n.-g (SB}

r'"""----+~rations Center I07'31i2012 V!sit to NRC Re.ciion II Headauarlers AtianHt GA Srte V1$;I fS'>/t: Stafl Bmrllno- fSB~

I Chattarioo-aa. T!\I Sire Vi** rsv* s1a<< er,.flno 1ss1 Rockville.MO S1:tl BricflrY.> 150'

!Nrodvct1on f('I :r"OIJo Protslerant technot¢otes Rock... me. \110 NOft-Govemrncntal ()roanl7.atior.: rNG~O~l1--------------!

Rock"i!le. MO s...,, {lriotio9 JSBj .

Louis.a Cotmtv. VA Si!o Vi*tt ISVl. lnduslrv 111 Upda~e on recent merge' c1 DiJke Ene<g~ ard Progre!"ls Energu. Roc:J.:il'iUe, MO lnooslry[I)

Leadershio *>r the new 1wdear l'lect. Plant status 1SECY-12*008G- Co~tt Cl>fts l"TOJCci. l....LC. {Cajvert Roci::1Jdle-. MD h.\!I! .:."VMf§ mc..S<N.'rc.adino:rmi~

'Clirts N1Jdear ?laM. Unit 3.) ct .a!.. Petitcn le> Suspend r.0Uer,11ofi$=COmm1s~

Fmal Qec~icns on Re:icior Uzense Appbca~iors Pendng:

Com~etioo of Remanded \'\'as.le Confiderce Proceedi"fl (June 18.2012)

Commis~ion Ueetm:g on lhe Statu5 of LeS!iOi'iS Learned from Rc.:f<viUo MD http i:>Wffl {\'fC gov;read:ry~::!!!);_S;.~Q' Fukustiima Oal...f<:hi Acciden1 <7C>J e':t,ori$~;...OfT'*i:fll.SSIOl"Jtr."l012i 06107i2012 Staff Bnefui;i (SB]

,06'09:12012 Staff e-<iefing on Ger.e-rat Electric Se-para11e>r. ~f lso!opes by Staff Bnehn;i iS!IJ l,...r E~talioo !SILEX; 08/00,'2012 Staff Of'l O\.t.ecview of tie Advisoiy Ccmmmee on Ro<kvdle. MO Sta<r Beefing (SB]

R~'"10r Saferu1~rds Rod<Villl>, MO Arlinaton_ TX.

08/\412012 Presentation Bl All Har,.:ss Meeting y,ift-; NRC SeNOr E.Kect.Jtive

  • Servi:.:c.

CB/1412012 Chakman'$ Seminar on NorrPro!ifemtico .artd AC'ldom ia JA. J Enr\chtreni D6f1412012 Stolf BriefinQ on HU'fdened Vents and Fdle'."f!ld Vents Rocl<.~Je. MO - - StaiiBnei,na!SB!

Rockvili<J. MD laaushv Ill ~~--------!'--------------!

OB.i15'2012 Staff Btiaf1ng  !)rt Sectrlc Separation ol ,sotopcs by RoclNtlle, MO Sb~ l!nef,09 {SB]

Lautt* Excitation /SILEX~

OS/1612012 Meetino with Nu.clear Er.e:1av Institute Vem:r:a stta1eotcs !or BWRs Rockville-, MD 08/1612012 Sfaff Sriefing on Japan Near Term Tasit. force Rot~vU!e. MO Recommer-.d*fon One OSJ2012:lt2 Staff Boefl."!g on Oveme:w of me JJ11f:mationat Atomic Ene~y Rockvile. MO e,OOl"""2~W~2-.D1~2,-j~An~,o":?:


.:.:.:.;~C~;"~"~~~~e::ce~'.~sors::;:,~M~*~e~~'"""'.:-:::::-~-----l-----------~---~------+R~oc~*~kvi~*~l>>~,~M~*O~--~~--*~--+~::!"~a*!<h=**~'o~*~==:>~~~~a*e<r~,e~~~f~:S~E,_l on Gef!-em: Safe:v lssae 191 MD Staff B:le-fma 1sa1

_ _ _-+---~----------j Rc*.:ised: 11i12f2014

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar I Date Ti11e Toair::1> Lot:.!11ion URL V*e'Npo n1s cni NVIA ec11mur11cahon ct *s11.1e5 ~o In.! lnou5try fl]

Comrniss1on: the N1111tO!l~ H ~to1: f're!;P!t\*~ioo SPclion 100 tnbal <:onsurtat ori proce;:;

()Hl:n.':>0' 2 Vi~! tt) 0tf'!'!'a1en C"Xffier~Hni> S~at1:m Morri!i. IL

"'081_2~3~1~2~_1~2__,_v_,,_,.1~to~NRC Re-:J1:m Ill He0dc11..1an~.~,-,----------;r--------------------+L-,-1s"'_1e~."'1L,=------- SJte 11,s11 SV Sta"' ~r1el'il"{J 'SRl 08J24-'2J12 Sta,. 3rieTng oci Cok.srnb1a t;mergenq P*@l'ate:iness E.xerc1.~A: R;)cko1.l!a. MD Slaff Bnefing [SB]

0~"7.?01~ Mcc1W'ig ..i..1Jt- \IRC lnspectcr Generar:s. Otf~ Ser110t SI~"*- ChaHTnan** V1'i1;:.n and 3,illJIS; \ntrcdu..:!O"'ll loQffice (If ~'le Sta~ 3oe*ng 13BJ lr:~cec~r ~ncral Meeting w*lh U.C Cock! s. priorities lot 2012. Reac:.lor fire P*otec;; r-Ja: O"'lal lnduslty I(

.. re Pro1et,1ori A$S:>c1~t1:.r. 605 !.tanaard The1fT'al c:on.cil..ii:.tiv11,.

deg*adatlOn Ory !a$1\ !U~f,ll~.@' M:ll!,,en\at1on co*reelNe (l(;110I"

~C~&~'2~s~12~01~2,--t=Em~*rge_n_c_v~P-~-p-*-re-a-no-,-,~"-,c-,-c,-sc-w""""'nn-c=o~~-m~t-,*-;-:~-uo7*~-.-,-~~cro~'°~'~a~?~rt~o,~'~~""~'~"-------------~H=-oc-o-k-*'~:le~Mu~o----~-~--+S~T-a*-=s,-,.~f,-r-g~:s~B,,.-I Po..,.erPla'1f os:2:112012 M~(n*u w th l\uclear Jnf'O'olil\ t'I'\ N;iirtl'l Ame:t1U 1/.eel ;;11nr1 Grneot" Fma,cial Qua)i'cation f:Jr tJ.e:char11 Plants RtJl'.; Mb-- *-------<l_nd_u_*_tiv--1:11----------+----------* - - -

OS.'lnf.2012 J.1ee~1r.g w th Idaho Nat1cnal LabOrat~ry lmporlari~ of auliit.:ipatcr)* '8'ea1cr.. Vlodi&ling arid i riutahon Roct:villf!I MD Fcder:i! lntera9ency (FJJ S..o-12 09:34ao~1~2-+.M 7e~e~tn~~-w.-~~~L-u_m_m_a_n~tP~c-w_e_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~C~c-m_a_n~ch-e~P~e-*~k7 U~"'~-:-,~&~2~U-pdate~:l~m~p~le~m-*~nt-,,.,--,,-

.*-,~,---1ooR~ocl<\<,,-,-*7.ll*-.7M~D,,---------+1~n7 ac-,-1ry""""(1);--------~

'ukuiliima Ac.t1011'i>. IJTip!emenhn'"1 Cybl!f Sii!!'Ct.Jr11y Program
R1sk-l"iforrT"ed Spoor.cati:")n a.,r:o FreQucnd("!a:

~~rAnt Majot Facil:ty r.J(::9rode~; St311.Js oC new lJmmanl Gerlerat*cri Cor10~1 LLC rJvclear Unils ~ a-.::t 4 Stan Rr1P.fing oi. Er."tC19ericy Core Co:1l n;, Sy~1e1r R11:9ulo)tions. Roc.kv ill-e. MO StitN er efin;J lS9J II 'D CFR 50.46f

":J~9,~07 5'~~~0,~2--+=-:::tre-senis.t1:>11a1 NRC OTl'Jt~ OI N9W Rit!ICIOl"S .:..11 -"iimr.I; R<:1dvJll~.MD M~~tino Mc:c1in9 ""11h Callaway Ene:-gy *:..:a!lawl!IY PJsril perfonNm:e: cauawfl)' RP.f11P.llr-g :lJtag'= 19 fiochille. MD ll"'itjU!iitry JI iplatJS: 5"TH1ll \AnO'ul;:;t Rea::1.!>r P a*1s.. Ac.hors 1r response to F11):ust-1ma. Nationill F"e- :i.r.;:t~c~ on AssoCJ3110J1 ff\.FPA)-3J~

L1cf!onse IJ.. 'Tlendrnent t1cen$-e R~~w~ A:mlicatl~n Sl~ff BOef1J'c; an ln1erna11onal Atorrift" EMrgy Agef'IC.y E.xlraord1oa1Y ~@e-t10Q 09JG7!2l'2 Slaff Rr1iP..fini:i on.fli~nq and E.nvironrr:_,*~*"'lal=R.=,u'"'"'""~'c.,,----+~~--~~~=-..,...--.,.,,....,.---,.~~----t,q;,o~~c"-kv'-'1~0'~~t.1'=D_ _ Slaff Bi*fina 1881 OOIC712J12 Meeting with Mernbf:1~ ufthe NR:-Advis.Ol)' CornlT'1ttel!! Oil lntroduct1:m ~o ACRS: CMitma1 s Vision and Gaal~ R~ckv1J~. ~O Slaff Btt!'fmg [SB]

Raa~.vr SafeQ\.-irds {ACH~)

Uµ~h: vii Sa1* O'l:JfTe N'udetilr ~enerilt1r<g Stiition stl!-i1m Rock1,1!Jle. !V"'.'J ~;ju:i1ry II) q~reralor *ssves t--np ;:\Jo'.!.'" r1i:. *.:r.>*Attijd *1jf-lff.'JQL:.


Ao::;.,vtk?. Mr. Slaff Bnemo tsBi C9i12'201? TMllfy at Scrarc En*1ronrneri1 a.,o' P'J.tiilic 'Nork' cQ,.,,m*tee Qyoers1grt *fea*1:ig* Nuclear Regula~ory Comm1~~ion'~ and Subir;;crrn1i-.te& on Clear Air and f'udea* Sa'~f'I J~l!lt lrrp?e:neJ"J.tatJOn o' Rf!commcriaa~ o,s. f~r E:nt\anCiPg \11..clear heiarno Rc<iclor Siife:V n the 2'1 st Carlu-V os1*~r2012 V !id 1D "JRC Reo101"l I KinQ ar fl*uss10i. PA 091.4!2012 U111dam;e tor m1!ig<!l:inQ stra1@q1es Drdew- and UCS comMoP.nlr., Rock.YUie \ifO No:i--Gm.rerrrner\tal Or9ari:.abon rNGO}

Tier 3 issues: NR::*~ !>low pace m rr::s:ltvin~ knownsalety problem& 1e.9., fire p:otect1 and ~e1111;:11c .afely rnuesJ. Si:atus o* UCS Fret11d;)tn of hfCJrma.':rnn Aci req1.1e$! tor SE.CY*U~0123 w.-tenail Characte'i2'Rlion ar'ld ==-oo..ire Fuel Cycle: F~f".i'.iry*iry Related Rulerneking: ReprocP..<>Srrg R:lllerrrak.n;J:: Revis o-i to

'c*cc-cn-fOC"~e dete,1"11111at1ofl 11roeess:P~.JTOrtJ'!Jlf'

-set:u*1tv rtAl!-s.

!)!'U171L012 Attend lnterra~10-.,;s! A.1u1nic ':ner~y Agenc.y 3enel-3j Vi1$111'\a AVr.trra fn14!!!fn&t1on&I [.nqagcfT\ert [IC]

r:orrfc*ence fdav 1 ol 4l D911 l1201i ..,.es.entatJ:>r\ a1 lrr~emal*OMJ N1; Sa~~ty ::;1oop Farv111 International Eriijiagieme11r [!E) il!p f, ~*li!!~~WS.NC. gov'*~ocslP.llL 1.£2t; ~L 1 l~~ l.!..3:;'~. r-d ..

M~~ling Ytitn lhe Au~lra i<111 Racti.ati:m P*o~i1on ard NutJ@ar 5alo1Y Aaercy

~012 09/lfiJ.O~:i::

09J18i20"2 Alie1"1d lnternati:mal Arom1i:. Ene1yyAoa:ncy General Vienrrcs Aostr*a fl'\ter1ahcnal E'lgageJT"en: Ji:::J

on'ererc:e tdav 2 of 4)

Meetioo w1tt1 the Kcrl!!a lrrs.1itu1@ ol N:..1c:le&r Meellno wt1h the Tu1k1~ti Atomic Fnero-.i AtJlhcrlC'f Vienr.a A1...;stria !n:ematiooal En..-nement 11e*

USi1B,'2D12 Meeii"c wi1h th~ 1--unQaniln A.tomu:. Energy AU1~or1tv Vierira Aw1tri~ ln~mat10<1al En*'"'ll:W1ement llE' 09118!:2011 -------+-V~ie~n~r*~*~A~u~*l~"a~------~"-ln~:e~*nat.=::1~cn~a~l~~~n<>ao:i:;z~*~~*~~il~l~~*~,----+----------~*---

C~'18f2012 Mecl*,~ ..,.ilt- !hrt NatJ:mal Nu~ar S8fei'ty tmd Sereguards V1enra AL.JStn!I ln-:e*natlon.i!rl En!'.)!lgf!Me1't UEl Cnu111ss.1on fCNSNS. Mcx.1CO)

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar O~te Title


oa119Q012 Anend lnt~ni.at1ooi1l P..tcni1c :nergy Agenc,. G~neral Corif~rel'\Oe: j d!IV 3 of 4i J9 119/11117 MaP:~no with and lodustrral Safet:t Agere.)' Q1 Japan Vienro. Au::stna 1nteriah:::a~ Cn;J!lgement [l=J inow J:ipan Nuclear Reout~lrl.)(I Aln'Ont.i~

V1erria. AuSffia 091191201' 09119..'2012 Mca!ina>Mth Rru.~thradzor (Rus.5ial

\.1eetiog witti U>e Slate Office Recubl1c

'°' Nuc~a*r Saftr~ :SUJB, (;z~c.h Vicnria. Austria v1e11{')a A~~tns lrtemal1onal ("111"1.,._mert fiEl lr-.t@*natlonal E"ll9~mcr~ (IE) 09/19r.2012 Meeting v.okh tt--e Rad;cdiori an(I \ Sa'cly,rity ViP.nn;i Ausln<t (STl, <. F1nranid'.)

0911g;2012 Maeling wrth the-0191?1r1s11t1cn f::ir Ec.:mormr;Ctr-cpela1t¢r ti")~ Vienna A us1ria Oe"u'eloornent Nud~ar F"rtt!:rov Aocncv lrnern&honal Cnoaoen-p,nr JIF" 09/1'5*'2~'2 Meeli11u <Mil* the: NB!ional NLCJeac- ~etiu!<rto~ {Soult'< Atrn:.a*- Vienna a 09J\9,'2'J"l2 MeebnQ wilt'- ~hl> SIN't:crato'\ S.a"et,* Aa..thorlly fSSM) lnternu!t01*al Enoagerr.ent [Ii:~

09.i19.'201Z MP.E!:ting --.*1th ~e S"AA:ss N1.dt:ar ~letY-lnspitt.torate lntl!!!rM!iora:I Eng,agel""le"'lt (It=]

ICENS!, Swtro1""°1 C~i2Q.'2012 A!'lend lntrerl"latiarial A.1om1c. Energy Agercy Ct!ri~*::iil I "ltemat1or~l Eogag&Mint [IE]

Conlere-.~ <OM 1. ~' 4)

C9/20"2012 Meeting wtll ltle Federal Mm1s,1ry Of Erviro"lrnel"ll (BMU i'lltemat1anal C,n&JA(lP.M~~I (IF]

Gt>rriilf'IVl 0&:2:>*'2012 Mee:ing wt"l lntil!'rn.!lt1onail A~om1c Er.~*gy Agency Dnx:tor lol~1natiir;:nal :ngo11Qemen1 Jll:]

Gereral 09!2017il1J JJlootniJ wi:r-. 'nrerriatior'Kll A~:')riwc Energy Agerx'j. lJ.ll!ptJt}' Vienna.*1a D1(ecl01 G~nerar fc* Nude-ar E'nerav 09'?0-2012 Veetuii:i ....,l11'1 ln1enari:inal Atomit: F'ncr9)' A;)cncy. Dept.ti' l1)titrtte~ ona1 Engag~rnen1 [IEI

() ClichCraJ ~r M:Jna~emer~

~eeb-i9W11hlnlernarioria"1A"'1""om=-1G~c-o-,.-g-y-A-~en<:V--.-D~e-p-c-ty--+----------------- IM~rt'1~ o'\a.l EP~;:igement [IE:~

Din~c10r Gerieral f!lr Ni..:ll!ar Sa~tv a"'ci Secu*ity IJ9l20f.2C1'_ Me~ling wilh fnlernslionel Atoo1~ E'l11r9y A.g&nc.y. Deputy

.')1rcctor General fer Te..:'lni;.al =oooerat*on

~2 Meelu"19 l!Vllh Jnte;'Miiona:I A10011c E.ii.etciy Agency Dcpu'ty V eana. A\Jstm1 D1recto* ~nll!ral tor Sa!'egt.;:nis

~eetino with lt>e: .,*01r.Ja11 Nvc~er Rem.JlelOf"/ Coml'11$Sion 11["11ernat1:\n~ ~nQactC'ffient rtEl 09/2212012 M~ting with Cm1hbonAgatnsl Nukes A*r monllcmr..g San Onofre t-lucl~ar ~q1;11*atiog Station: Hei!llt"

~11~1.'.1$ cf ~adia1ion Aoreef"'lent :.fa.I~ 1$$lte:~

SW .J"datei: Organ raticn P~f'I! rertcrm~!"l!".e. FJkus.hima Rockville. MD Response $1.atu!:.. s-p G~ncric Safefy Issue 1!;1 :::1c$1.>*t::

Staws. license Rerww~I l-::0"91°":1"~:=2~°°'2--+A°'ffl"°1..,,-0'"""11on--,S'""e-,~.i-oo---------------+s"'E°'C"°Y"'-'-~i2:01as (\.'1*91ma!<:1nc and Pcv.ier Co11pany dJb.'a Rock"illc. MD ... rio : .. ~""W*J."f~drns:*m"opc:.

1Jom111,gn Vi1g:ini.!i P~..ve1 ane Olc:f Domm1r:m. F~e<":tric CoopefBlive  ::rl-ec;-p..,!;;c;zmnii;.~!QrJ1J.'~012*

tr-..larth Al"l"liB f"lo..-.-e-r S\Jlticn unit 3J, B~EDL's Pellhori fu* Review cf C:Ll-"2-141 CS.'2~..'2012 Comtt11s.sion M~@ting on Straleg.r. ~t:gramma'tlc O'Jerv,ew of ~Ot.IC11!llP.:. tJID hllp :iv.'\.vw.rvc.qm:*reac*rg-rrnidQs;-

U...e New Rear.tnr!i. Rusinc~s Line olle::'.1or.~:r;=mun"""'"itr:1012 0!),?5!1012 Operirg rerm1nts al r.,~C Orfice'"o~,~,.-.- **-.-.c-h-Al~l~l-lo_r_,d-,--+------------------- Rcc.kvrlle. MD M~ie~no Ccrrr11~m~nr tu safe\y*s-nd secunty: mPQ'trl:!t Re21cu:r De:s gr\ Rock*,011!\P.t, LI![)

iic.t1'JJhes: ruf!i S~rvu:es _ ceme Rer'IP.w!il 09.'261201' StaH Bnefing en Slat\..$ of J&PBn Near Terl"'"I Task F"o*ee R~ommenda110n Orie rn127f.l012 "'eehnnwith E~mv ln"1S11Vtlt J:.121r.za12 W.eel:i'll)wlth ConCcr~nce cl Rodsalign CQrtrol Progtecr- Ove'Vlew cT me CRC~ pmgram* Particio11lio-n Arri S1.a1e Tobal. Gcvi!rimcn\ [STLJ Dil1c1ors co11mHnka*ior -w~th ~RC O'\ we;riovs aclivitie:s 01:1*12 ioo112012 Mcetiooo with Omaha Pul,)111;: Power D1str1ci R"cov>e""' etlarts st For: :::ailt-O\J'\ Roi:kYdle. MU lfldc'5tl\'ll' 100112012 Masling"'.'1th T~nnB61iii:e Valley Al.thomy CTV,ll.) TVA OpAr~ling l\lu:lear Fleet Brown~ =e"11y ;>~rforroari:e Rock....-ille. MD l""u<lry (I]

  • h11pro*.. e11erit and R:1~h Rei;tuctioo Plans al"d 1-'rogre-s.s TVA f\-.,1:;.1l'I,_...: Con~trw:ticn Ad1Y1~ es lOIO~ilU12 :oM'Tliss on Br cf.nil on Stralet:iii.: Pn.ivrammat*c OveN1ew ~ i-.~;r*.y,'IJ...,.. n*c go ....'fc::idr:np-ni.'t.Jos:-

tile Nude<ti ~i111!11al'.s Users ariu *:Je~r"'l/'fll1Ssronrng and Lo*111. ccl!~tho~:..*w,1m1>>1yn1Tr.:""J."2; Level \Mist& Eus1res$ L ne~

Rockville MD ftoOd "nitigallon sirateg es ~r Fll'elo'\ racil ties: ~LEX $Trt1'.ei1Y Roc(~ii".i MO

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:



Tooics LDC~ticn URL 1Ci'OJ.'2012 M~t1rg w11hARFVA Ov~rv r:w uf a~i1"w";ties 1r thll!I LS. Status of ttie l.. .5. E::.P'? Des19n H.,;;11;.r1lle W' :J lodvsiry (I)

Cer,i"lcaricn t!tfOf't, Stalu o' the Eagle fbck Ennch11~ Fa:: hty.

NRC te'irew 01 tor; m~nrt!.* F.Jcl cy.:lc tiai::k cr<l* is:>l.lcs (e.g.

Ieng lcrm 1rte-i1T1 storage. ret;yclmgi. elc; 1Q,'Q412Q~~ _ i2~~ Bricling on_federsl Enu:loiree V1eWooirt Sur'w'BY Roci.*~~11E1. Mr: s~aff 9ne~rg *sei 10/0412012 Sratt B11fo:fu'lt1 on Oaabla Car.yen 3*lJ Modehna Roe~' lie. 'ID S~ilff 8;1a"rc "Stll 10,'04.'20t2 Pr~$ef"ta:.Ol'I al All Hards M~eting IMth NR;:. Jtli~ 01 Roc:kv He. MC S:>!-ak:ng Erigag~mettJ (SF~


10'0912C1> Staff Flrlefin!:l C'!f'I ;:ire Protccticn Rcick,,.ille. MD St:.l"f B1 ~tna ~sB1 1011112012 Slett ~nehnQ on Rule-nat1nt"ll ard llackfl1

_________,~~~~~~~:~::::"--o~~g=-----------+=~~~~~*~:~~:~:h~h~~:~~~~~~~::-------+------------ -- ~

AH1rrr.at1a, Scsst0r SECY- 12-013?.; (f:;r'te*~ NLJcie-<H oi:~nlJOns Irie. (lmllan Poml Roct.'i1ll~ 'w10 Comrrnssian Mee1mg [CM] lllP .."!\\VMo".[l~~~.:::~~9.lf!9.-*IT\"Cltr;

,Nucle.s* Genera.ti~a Units ( ~ 3) -Frtergy"s Petnion f:Jr COI e.:: D""\!l/~~Ll<Jf\/!1"*1'1)1 :-:

iJnl~rlccLlOJ' RC'.' o~ o* Boar:J' Order Grartir.g Cr:i:ss-E.xarwnal 011 lo New "'ork Sta~e and Enterg";"5 Slay Hequesl 10lt6i20 ~ ~ Meel1nu wrlh Kaiut.h°sran AtOfJ'IK. l:::,era.,. Aaentv Rock..-Hie \tO 10'15i20'2 Meeting w1lh u S Deo~r1n-en1 of C"\erg)' ~*ccE) Ctfice o'  !='1JCure Q:JF.1NRC ::o'.Jp~at1on /\.~C ~uppo*t lo DOE 1;,U1,;rN11*g Y- Roct..vil:e- Mo*

  • r ed~utl lntera;ien::y [Fl]

Hesl7l. Sa'"etv. ~nd SP.eLmN 12 ~'H;;idQn1 Jnd'.1~:ry lll Speaicrng .E~g.agf!oment {Si;:;

RQc!l:v11!e. MU 10116.'2;}12 M.M11ng v.rith Chauman of J::ipt:1, 0 e~ Futust>1roa Nucle~* Rockville. MD Accident hdaDerde*lt lrwf:'sl1<.1a.t1cn Conrn1&& 01 10117:2012 Pre-se-ntahol""' to Nuc.lear l:.nergy 1..-!.hh. . t!! C"l<~c:utive Corr.mi:tee CMirmnn !> -Jis;ion ard .'.l.:JCr'da 1Ci22f2017 MeElu*g will* J.a.p.:.n Nudea;. *Reat..*1at1on A"thontv RocllvilJP.. MO 1r\feffi&hona:l l::.noaaerren~ *1e*

1Ci22.12012 Stil'ff Br1~fi.1u on NeuHonir~-~~====="-------!--------------------f,,'l"'o"'d'"',-"'ill"'e.Ll~~D:C----------+oS=tatf Br1efmo rS81 1C."22!2012 Meetin9 ...,.1!t'i :">S::G NuclP.-ar G~ml:i1;;,I updale o, the .stalus .a' Hoce Creek t:1r.d Salem Mo~~ ~ack*J1llf., MO I '\~LJs:try ll~

Cree~ and S&lieri S~-'ffing; Ri.j!!makmg re,eted tc ~u~tlSh:mrt.

PSEG*~ =anv Site ~ermil ;i,n~l1r...ttior 101'2312012 ANi*ma1ion S@u1on SECY-i2-0096 cExelori Gent"ratiori Co1opar)'. LL::: :umem:k Rt>ckv*le. MD bJlt*. v.v...-...:.nfc 'J.,....*,e~d ng*m*:\*1:.?1,;.-

Gl6**~raling St11tion. Unil:& 1 ar.~ 2). b:e!or.. s and NRC Sl.Mf's i;yKecha1\f,/C'Orr rn 1~ ~ ec n.':!*20 i. 2:

Appeals of LBP-12-ll): SE.CY-12-0t:9B ~~1l"'al R(1k! Dis1ubtJt1cn al S~f! Pl areriat to Ell:emp1 Perrons ari:J to Gerera:l Lacenn~e!i and Re._,isJo,. o' G;:ne1el Lic;tirst- .;iind E:..ernptmris (RIN :31 ~O..

Afi'S\1 10J'3.'7D12 Comm1ssiion Briebng tlfl ttie s11a1~*c Prn9r~mma~1c QveN!i:W h11.P *:*<J.~.,,.-w r.n:.gowrtHi1d1i:nr"1:1rw.

ot tie Spenl h.el SH~ror11e arid Tr~risi:oMllon .and the Fuel t.l'lf!~.r.t~m..-<.Llf"'l1'is.; oi,i1r::::o1~:

==ec11r!1e5 Bustn~ss l.Jnes 1l'23/2012 Ooe"\H'\ORemartsa1Mc:atinqwilht.1R.,,:'.:..:E"'a'-ro"-"S"'6"'er'-'t"'os"'lsc__+---------------------i'iR"'o:..=',,,,:::1lle"',-'"-'JO----------+=s.c.P'*:o.:*:::*:::*""-"-;En'-'m""'°"'"'"m=*"'"-"l:S,_,;:"':1_ _ _ _+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

~a1'.3J2012 Slarr BriefirlQ tin Yl2 ...e$s01'$ l.~ame.d Ro:4V"illc tr") Sta"f 3r~tinc rss1

'Ot'2312012 Prest11;.ation ro 1t:e Nt..*~lea* tnergy lf'lsMote Slt-'l!!h(C ls!ul!'s Ctlaif11an*s. v1;1<:1n ~n~;iaenda Wash n~oi1. DC lrdushy 11:: Speak~ Cngagerr.e:it {SE]

Advlsorv CQUJ"lcil

"'l()f".;512012 Slan &tettng cm J!llriao NR:u Ten'"! Task 1=o!""ce R:>i!:Wclle.tJ!J Sta* Br.,~ns (SB)

Rtu:on11endatror.s ra, Flccd*na r?.1 ci11::12.3' 10/26i20 f2 lnlerviewaf ltie Cen~r kl7"'A,,,=.,-"i="*""n"'l'"'ro"'gre=,L,------+W8=*...,.1-e- **-su-.-.-,c=--eo~,,-.,-(-F""*"'"*k-us""'h-.m-a....,...lc_ss_o_n_*,...1.-a-rno-d"'":""'N"'_

ew ____,,,,,"".,..*-,,"',;-.)iiJ...,IO_n_.~DC~---- Spea(rrg f:::.ngage11erit lSE]

;-~-*-*c_, Molllular R(.'aclOtS io125;20* z Staff ;?.ricfrrg a-. J:1pan Near Term Task Fo~ce Roclt'Ylle. M~

~ec.nmmcnd~i°tiom: 2.' & 2.3 for s~s:srnic:

  • ~'Var.le c.on~den.c;e, PJblic 1* .ar'ci' lr.;tri~J}3rency. NRC j:!r~ce~s Rock~* II@, MD N-on*Gowmnen!al Orgar1za*~n ["1001 f:.::11 public carti-:: l'at;o:"l 10131.'2J1:2 Openin.,, rem:irits al NRR A.II H;;;nds Meetrig Rcck.,.dle, MD $:)e3k.n':l E:rga:oemenl ISE" 11101!261=z,--+~~.;~;,~-l~~~.~.-n~-o-~~~,...,,,D~s~~-,-m-10----------~----~ Rock<dlc. \lD Staff Brefno SB Rod::..,.are ~D Statt Br ISRI 11i01.'2012 Prcsentalion at )eti.Jty Exec;1kwe- *Jir"'C:~r for Re*c".o~ Lln~C:I Re-uoits Nlee-ti:ia 11:0212012 V sit le lhree M le l!land N.J::ll!!ar Gereralu"")l St~ion ~r"IO:inderrv ...cwnsh10 PA Site Va!ii? ISVl ll"lOl-Strv 'II 11'.iO!J.12012 RemarQ at 1.JRC All Fmull.SY~S. ~cethg 11106'2012 S::i~ak. a1. lns1i1u,e cf N.1:;iear PJ°"""L Op~rations* CEO Foc... s1nig On TM Nudear Requla:ory Comm1~5i0t"I Mass.ioo A.llanta GA "lltp *:pbdJup:;,.-s..rirr. QlY'dCtt.YMl 1:;J Y~'LJ Corle10*,;:~ Mainta1r'L1l"IO Cur C:')mrni1rncr.t t:J Safel)o ~311~~9b odl (n1rcduciion to PGS.E. H.1111b0kft B~. Oi~blei CanvOfl Allillnla GA lndu~trv in Rel/ sed
  • 1112*2014

Chairman AIUson M. Macfarlane:

Calendar Oi!lt~ Tlbe ToDi<< Lcca.tion Cateoorv URL 1i.'0012012 Wlcet1ra ***,;1Jh Wo1ld As~1at1on o' Nucfj38" Or>er.tiitors SF CY-1/-0

  • 17 1So1Jlf'.A *n C;alifarn9a Ecls:tn C ~- 4Sao Onofre, MD ~~~"'.':~"' rr: :Jo'J':rt>;:iciwg--m*ld;-:.;-

Nuclear Ge.nerarirg Slat1cnl, D~ck~t t.1:1~. 50-361 aoc 5C-JS2- t p!ler!1un~*ceon-'111§ !i 11~n."!*:2v 12; CAL. Pet1~0,. to ln1ervena. Request to* Het:H*no. a"\~ tilay Aoof1c&hon Uu*"l! 16. 2012))

StaH 3nebno !SS' *-----

Sr.:.!ak1no !::nnaoeM~l'I( tS!=1 1*1131;>0U Stalf Bier~ng on 11i:tbk> C:aryon SetsJT'.JC Ct'iarac;teriz'alior1 Rock.*11lle, MD Elfons

~ ~11:w2c12 Weel1n:r W;t~ Global Laser ~.-~en1 '1enp"'Olifec.'.ll1cn .:15.Pects of SILEX Ro:..otv11ile. MO lndustr.. 11:

~.-,~,,~~~.2~C1~~'-+~M~e-~.1~,n~Q~w~,,~,=1n~.,~;1=~~.=~=r~E~ne~.~Q~,a~od""'E~r-v-1ro_n_m_a_n~l*7 1----+-'J~.~~.'o"1*R~lem(tkl~-C~~~~m~~=~~gy'""'=s-1vd-,-y-------+R~o===<,~;11c""'-~~~J--~-~-~-+~~J,~,.=.G~o~v~*~,.-~-.-01~a~IO~~-*n-~-*7 1~-n~l~NGO"'"""~l-


"11114/~012 =>'.c"'i a1 NRC Semo< Le~ers-~b Meatirq Roc(*11Ue J..A::> Sceao;;1ro Eng~qe-nent [Sf) 1it1412017 Stan Bri@flng en O:J~ra1m,g,:1c,,,e"""""""......,--------+--------------------+'RO'o"=-'.v"'rl=le'-.W~'--------ESO-'IJ°'#* Brie11no rSBl

-~~;~~:~~~~- ~t::,1~::~ ~~~~3~~c:~ rnox1tkt ard ~l(e.i Ox1ae f-uel QtJP.~i~w ;)f USFC fgci!itics ~~~~:'.:~: ~.;-----------+.'~~':"-:~~~rv°"~'."'i;n~o'1"~**~~!1~-------r--------------J 11.115;2012 Slt1ff ~nehng on Pvblic MeeU"i!JS ana ~blic:. El'\Qr, Rac.k.lf'ile. MD s~aff Drie'irg :se1

$1rate:w Rock ... d!A, Mn Staiff 9r1e'ii:a 'SBI 11;1Si'20' 2 Staff Sr~r1nQ Oi Reactor F re: P*otech01' Rockville, MC Slaff Bne'inc :sBI 11119,*20'2 SU.ff Briefing a ... Mater ~1 Cont*ol & Accot.n: no ... ROckvdle. MC Staff Br.efncr tSBI 11119,':.Z'J~:l Staff 6nef1no a"'I E:xl.a.r~ Cvbers.ccltritv Rock.,.dle MD Slarf 81 efnq JSB 111/r'l.?:11"} Pre!Se,tafio" al NRC Olfi;;e of Fe::tecal an-:::t S:ta~e- MJlerrals a-.~ Rockvale \1D En'Jiror1-.1eot<1I MaM;iemer~ i->rogran-s All !*2"lds M1!et1r~

11.:20.'2012 Meeting wiU'i ~rt$1.hist'1 Nucicm Erergy S;isterns Fr~\!U cf  :*w O~t..Pi/\i'P. Des1;in<..:er1rhi:;.l1on 1e.-*!w. Nude-ar Roc.kviile \dD lr.di...stry (Jj

~n.l!t(h' !fl!l/@IN1men~!I. .n _anan l 1/26.'2012 Qpe<;ing Rern*rk" al NHC Nudl' Safety antJ Speakh::J Enga;1emert [$EJ Saft!.::11.Jard!i All Ha:'\a'.s Meet11"C:i Oal(15.-8~5'e 3titetd t:Ju1l:lr"t;.1.¢atf': 5,,pp.f:'! Iris.pee.hen Rockvil,P. Mn Industry :If

'9SC02 at Pc*ry: Oavis*B~sse Uc~n!'P. R!:!nr.wal,01y f"~J Slurage St*:rte~y Across Flee~ and Seis "Tiio:: lss-ue at Peny Jrd~oenuent S~enl Fuel Slcrag.! lm.lalL!iMr. Cul""l.Jlat111e Effects. o~

Regu\ahor. =utcushiin\C!I Ar:li!)M Update- *)ivcrse 3"1.::1 l=leribte Cnir..irvi Str&neQ1es Rack..-tlle, MO hft[; :.'*;.¥M'.f'lrc co ..*':eadm9~~.9_0_t.:


1 *1291201£ M~e-~110 ~1th]snl'i Goun~1I o1 A.d..,13ar~ on Science eind F-eder4!1 kterageru:y rn1


.. ,1JQ12C12 Staff Srietim1011 .........,.rit =>tiol F re A1tctei -------i='-"=======-----------it=RC'c~c,~.°"11!"e°"M7.D<--"~-------hs""1a"'n'=sn8finQ ISBl 110020'2 M6eting 'fl t'i Co'lsortum fo* Adv.a need 5_1rnulalicn of Light CASL Over'I.* ~w. :ma VirtLal ~cac.tor: Reactor ~eek vile. MD * 'ld'ustry [I]

r----+'-IV~al~e_r~-*~*"ct_o_**~f~C_A_SL~.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1"S_in:'.~.f.?'bOn. NRC Eraila~r11en1 Dec.u 12}Qlji'2012 Mee1111~~th lnterna1:10~ A~,m1c Ener9Y Ar;,!rcy end U.S. 1n1~m211cral Engagenenll!El: Federaif S1ate oeoartm~n' on & rnroe er 1J'\1et"l.B\IOMI i!:.~ue., lnte<aoentv !Fii 12104J'2012 Visit Pertorm.1r,ce EvnkJ;itlf:n ~C"T\o Room & NRC Mu:tiole Rock'<'1~e. MD Staff Sr;.mg (SS!

1'1tCgt"nted" Eng,ayement S'jS\!*\'l Trane~ at lrtem~hon.zl Rcgulio!~OfS: Canferen::;e oo Nt.Jciet:Jr Sec1.1t1ty lnternatior"lcti Enoace-nent flF'I 1?JC41J)~, Meeting with.the lllllr.tQer S::i1c!"t =::o.tnci: ~C§,_N~*~S~'~"~">~--1--------------------+.,R~o-=_<*;~;1_1e_M=D_ __ lntern::i11onal Encaoe'1\1mt I!§_

12JL4.':?J,2 'llkkon1~ ~EirncJ:ks ait lnternal1oriel Regula:or,, Conf~re,::.e Of"I R:o:;; .. \'ille. MJ Intetflalronar Eflga.ge11l!rit [ICJ: ~S-pe-e7k-*ig~-i-.~-~;:--*:-.'p-lla-~-u-p-.,-,_"_c_M_v-;a_o_c-,,~.M~l~,,~3~:~,M~l~,-1*s~\.lrt'tv l:.ncaoei:-nen1 IS~l  ::,3!';1~013.6.DOI Pre&e1ta1Jon al ASMF \Nnrkshcp F0191f\9 !I Ngy,o "Jur:h:ic:r 8t1Tety l.:c'lstrud. 0V'l!'rview cf clJrri!!n! We.1h111.g!(){'I, DC Speil(lrg En9~ge11ent [SE)

NHC prior: I!'!

12105. . 2012 Meel~g wilh 111e Organ~~ion to* tto1~m1c. anc lnlerra: c1al Engagamaril 111:.]

De1,*elc"Jrnen1 Nucli!.ar Cner,:oiV" Aoe"lC

  • 1li"OB!:.Z01:l C:immin oi Meehng wtth thP. Ad>11~ory t:"'.on-nittee on ~eactcr , C:ommi'Oro*o* Me.e1ing ICM]  :"lllp :..w..,v.*. '\!'C HO',:~ending-* °!1~d1w Sa!em1a1D.s .,,ilu**11 ~ *: ;<J;111n1~s.1:rn1'h,20"!2' Rcckv lie, MC Pre:s~nlst1on .it Amer ['.ii'l N..>cleoar S:Jciety DC Cnapter Waste Co"ll1dence. Fuun1m:1.ln1bal impr~~!i*Q*'li r!-f ,ob Rock.1t1;lle, MC Meetmo 1.2i'J5/'20i2 lo.llieot1f1Q \llli1h Vv'e.s11ooho1.1ui New :Jfan1 Corslr.1c.tron:C~l..1mbia Fv!!J >="abr1tatron =acillt\I Rock'-1dle. ~~D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,l~no~"~"'~"~f~*n_,_

12!07,'2012 Staff Sr e.-1n;i on P:nit*F'uku'h ma Ac.t1vltiie.s fer ruel Fa:: lrties Rock,,,.1Ue, "'10 Staff Br efn9 (S8)-*

Paga S of 2S

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar f=-~O~a~l~*~t,~---,.~---,.~~~~~T~it~le:---~---,.---,..,...,-~,--~~+..,--,--,--,---,-~~~~~T~o""-'Dic~*~-,,-~~~co----:-~--f,.,.,--,----,.-~=!!'"'"'"'~  ;*n~-~L-~~--~~-+,,----,.~,,....--'C~*~te~'a~o~*~!-::~~~~f-~~~~~~U~R~l......______ .-

i2101,*20*2 P'!!.Seutation al Du"o~t SLJ11mir. <:arrege ln>tilu110:n lcr Nudea* 1-a~ilmei ano Nau..ral lJ s.aste*s. Se1$rr1c and noodif'9 W:!sii1f'lgl0\"', JC S:J!'akinq Engagemierit fSE]

Science 1211C1'20*2 Meetina 'MlhJaaan t..ucJeM" F"IAcnv Sal~N Oraa11ization 1211c120' 2 Meeting <Mlh Health Physi~s Sm:*e\y 0ff'erv1ew ol' tieattfl Physics S\x.1e*y. V1ewPO rt~S. :.rn medical 11ct:JPC~ 41rd d:lie l1rniti FtJ'(IU1*i11\B Japan lnrcr:iali:>nilt Eri9agement [I EJ. Site V1s1I S~J .

12114'2J,2 Partcipa'.c h il')LklgLr;il N.1:.;e~r Regula1cr)1 Conirn1ss on* 1 Ot\rD Japiin Japan NU1,;h:ac Re~~t1cm Autlloci1y {Jt.JRA.j S1innng Co'nnirttee Meetr"'la 1'2114,'2l12 Meetina with Atomic E'1emv CorrM I J:11c1:1n) 1 c,.,.c J1:1oain lntenau:>na* l:.nca::Jemenr fll:l 12J1S.'2:'.:112 reaj of Ti.£ 6elegal1on. iri~ewa11oria! AtoJTic E.nel'iiJ'I ArJency f\:myama. Ja:1an lnt!n!lti:mAI E:nga:;;iernent (, E) '\ttr;*.:f.J,,"t:111pw~ l'lt<. g1) ...':i.*:n!~1~*.1L 1~.:,5.'P'Jll 1 Pulu;~h1ma Min ste11al C:mlenm:.e on ULK:lear Safety ~da)' ~ of  :!35?,\~r.r:d'


.12i1S.'2012 K.;)nvM"la.

,2i16.'2D12 Heilj ol U.S Deiegahon: ln:erfl:aticra! ~1orr.1e Eneftl'I :-.genty Y..:myame. Jn,t1n rut.ush1ma Ml'l!it&naJ C:>nfere11:~ on Hldear Safely fdi)y 2 ot 3*,

Meel111g 'Ytlitti 1n:e1roet1u11~I Atom*\: Enetyy Agency OepUfi.

Director G8ne*al fer 'l1.i~iear ::ia~ety an""ad Ser;\,l'ity 12l16.'2D12 Mttling with Jn1titU1e for Erw1ronme11tal Protection and lrte1*1i::1t1:>nal Er11;ia~erne11t (-iE]

11. ~~P.~rr.h '11alvl Meelirlg v.oitt1 th~ Dffo:e Jor °'JL<cle;,H Re';!ton {Uni1iea ll"'ter1at1:mal Eng&Jemef11 (IE]

K1rodcml 1:016.'2012,'17:?017 Henri or IJ.S. Oelcgatioo. k~tern.aticna.. 1\1orr1c Energr P..ge11cy f""lr.ushm*a \l\u\iS~e-ri~ C()(lTeinrnc@ Of"! Nuclear Sa1ety (:iay 3 cl

ll 1.21'1ll/2012 Mecnn9 ~111"- Sou~e~ California Ed1Sou (SCE; 015Cv5! SCE'5- October 3. 2C12 :;o,fnnatary Action Le-=-er Rockville. MU Industry ilt respon£~ and s.chadule 1z,*1 :3-'2012 Mel!tinn y.'1lf' :JS. ~nMl!ll Services .A.drr1r1s1ra~.O"l W3:shioa1c11 DC Qvl!!IC"Vtit!W of tuol c~c:le irtSu.i:ry; V*ewpo1t'li c:n tuel c:.,.-:-'e Rocicville. MD 1ndJJt<y '.II c1snt1f2t1\l"I! e'f~cts cl rec.J1atJon ii.*2* 001? IJleet1rg with lns!1~.Jte of Electrical and Electroric.s Englneers IEEE- NRC 'J:irtn~*Sh t> i11 str~n~th-..ning nudtrar sa'ety Ro~kvillB. Mo (IEEE) sl*nCJilrds. Harn"'Dl1 zato, ol IEEE stanctard!. '.ti.'ill" D!hi!r stanaards, as ln~erMhoral Ele:<:l.rOt(!(';M t'"AI CnrrM u.1or-Stancsard~

Jan-13 Rockvill~. MO StaH B**e~no ISSJ 01-'0Zr.201~ Sla!'t B*i~rinoon Fuel Se<vicc5 Rockville. MO 01/0312013 Sla?t Briefing on Japao Near l'erm lir.ik Fo1r;.e Rockville-. Ml> Stafl Bne~ng [SBJ R~omrr~n:lit'100 Ore

~cckvillc, MD Staff 911e6rm rS91 J*io7!201J Meetn~ wtl'l :)"'t'\:Jl"ln Pltblic.: Pa-...*~r D stric~ Reco'1e~ eftor1s :it ~oct C~.~~"".~---------+.~O"'c~e-;-~v'c<o'le~,M=D--------r.ln;cd~u~sw~,wl~ll_,.,--.,.--..,,,=-----t:-.,,,------.,.------,,,.-----1 J~ 108.QO 13 Commission Briefing on For': Cal he Jn ~cc:k.v*le. ML.l Corrm1!.son Mee~ n~ [CMI ht!t .:-,,_~IN/ nn:: IJ~""rcac.1rq-<m/d:i:

collecttof\5:i:.o-m1*, S'itorit-.":'013' J""l/OOl2C 1:3 lleetrn~ W:t~ DO"ninion t..J:u:J!N .and N.l:lesr Developmen~ North Arna Se1sm'c E1.1Ml enC1 Rf!;t.n1uHy: 51atui:. af ('.o!ifirmatory 'tcnville. MO Aciion Leiter Jtem.s.L.1t.ensee Les.5"0r\S Leaned SECY-12-0~ 21 'Ho1*e)'"""ell lritern~1~~.1'~1"~c.=;:(\ot'""*c-*-cp-o""'h-,70 Wo.,--,r~-,-+.R7c-,.,-~v...,l,-le-.70 M°'L>--------+.C:-o-.--m-,-,-.,-n"'M"'"*_*_M_~_,l"'C"'\ot"'l-----t:-,.,,.,,1-r*"'::*"vJw-;.--,-o,-c-o-,.-.-,~-,-,",-ro---,rr-,;"'oo-r.-----t Ura11 u-n C-o.rwer$lonfa: lifY), J\la, 40<l392 =-~n1~1' to* coledions:cuFT'ri ss101V~*12-013~

Re*iew ol lBl">.12-6 rMar. 22. 201211 01/09001.3 Comm*s.aton Brieflrig o--. Ve1ti-ig $y.~1~rnJO br ~ark I and II Roc.:i..v~fe. MD b.!J.P. 1

  • V.~-v_;.l"r1;.gov*r~21d1r"'l.Q.*ftT*{d(:i!;"*

Co111a1r.l"'lents. cottect1ons.-corrn ss1ofll*~-,.~o t3 oi110r2013 ~aft SneftoQ en si:9~t Fuel Pool f-"lres fi:ock"Y1Me. MrJ ~taff Brie fi"9 IS81 fUii-i0,2013 Mee-tng wi1"- Soutl'I Texas :)ri01~r..t (STPj Ph:mt; Orga.11izatbnaJ C'1Bnges. F .Jki1s!TiT1a Roi,;.k111le, MD ln()JSlry[IJ i Rit"spons-e.'Reg1ona1 Su:Jpon Center Slrategy, Ir" Ri:s:>:*s mto-"Tll'e(j Apptoac'1 to Generic .3a1etv [!~ue 191 Re-solu11on:

STP, Un1l9 1 ana Z License Renewal OU10r:ll)13 M~!tmgwithNuScale :'\;l~r Updai:e- r;in N1J5c3le progrP.!:.!';; _ounook for he 2013-2015 Desi[11 MD ln-lry[IJ Cert ~c:a~IOli l\coi1catio11 e'loaaerr.er1l The ettect& 'ilail lfle :-.eave on op@*aion. Rock ... ille. MO it" ?h!- U.S . Ccme!'TIS w1t1' the in1bail li:; te.S(lr"lg pm!:~~~

Sa1Aty Con1:c10L!. 'Work Environn-e'll (oi:ernttw autonomyJ. On-S*le staffing C6 crew rotalK.1'11"'EHiU~ 5 c:1vw-r0Ut~o.,,

01tt4i201 J V1s1~ lo Sci11 Onofre Nucle.r C3enerat11q S~ahon l501\G8) Sal"l CremenlP- CA Sde Vi~n 1sv1 1nauurv II' 01114'i2013 - Me~nng 'With SO~GS l.ll'llOI" reP1esen2bves Sta!f redoctlOl"l!i At SONGS. Crir~arn r0< safi!:Y cl lhe pfar~ han J.1:in Cap1StranJ CA Nor~Governmen1a1 :Jrganl1al'°n ~,Q}

1od ng tn.Jsl and relatiorish1p witti S~ern ::a~fcrnea Ed*so,

~ur *oNOri.,.~1 1roralE!

~evh.~d. 11/12.'2J'4 Page So! 2!>

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar Oa~ Tllk! T<:ir>>ci; Lac*ticn Cate:l'X'll"\r C11' 14'2013 L'lee~ng with SONGS ccas:al co111mviiily 9m srruien\ a1tu:1als.

0 I;.vac:.uat1on z:cl'le'S Crcd*f19 c:.:;>nhctel'\Ce 1r Southe*n ~lf'Orril!I San ~*.1an Capi.straro CA Sta:e 1obal. Local Gov1;11n1n~n11s-L]

Edls'Jln: Reoues.t "a~ forrlal 1lear1na *Mth !!.wt'lm tF!'stimorw 01.114f.l013 L'1t-e:.iriqs wrtt- SONGS env r:mmental ol'l'i: au. and conc.c1.,cd Radiaf1or. mont.1onng:Rcqucs.l fOf IDrrna! hear1,iJ w~-,. swc*n S<n J..ian Caipistra ... o cA*- - --

r.ihz:ens testirrc*iy.Co1lc;erns. aboul 1'-i~C lacking 11ansparertC'.J r.,

reo:~atorv de:is1on-maJcino.S::>!tJGS sM!!!l\I c1.ol!i.r!>

01rst2013 tJl~l!'!fn;jl W:!'l Alliztnc@"1or Nuclea* Respons.i~lity Seis.mir. ~nccH*s* (",atilom D *otcpatc* concerni Co:itJ"l:Ued N:m-GovetN"lenral Organi2B1iori [NCO]

waslc 5tora(Je at \*ie !-ite 01.51201~!)JlY'fl~, Oiablo Canvcn ;;,cll;!a Local Elec1ed Oitic.1al~ Evac.u~bon plan: Seismic: c:oticet'l5 Sa"'I l uis. Obis PO, CA Stim~. Tribal. Loc~I Gcven111$(1l 1.S7L*

01f.'.5t.l013 IJeetng Wl~"'I S.;in _u1s 001.s.:J:. Motf'l~"S fO<t Pe~c.e Th@liigh lr:vel was1e Sfcr3ge or-5.1te: Conc~rt1!. ;il')o:'I pur.1iir. Sa, Luis Obispo,~ N;,n-Gov@fnM&ntal'°n lNGO) pa1tic.:i:.-i:lllio11. ;1borJt OC>@l:'lneu ano 1ra1~~1e"l;.y Cun~rn lhat Uial.lkl Canyor sits en <1cth.*e- fatJl'l 1mes.

0. (, 61201"3 Leciu*e at ~J'tl"r ,Oil ln~~matia na1 5-ecurty a Dd Cooperauon. S*:iinle'>tn, CA /4cadem1a JA:. Speakrf'Q Engagll;!me"ll S(anfcr:S U*we*sitv ----,~~~~-,---,~,----~---,,----~~r::-.,....,.---,,~~~~~~~-l"l!S~~~:1___,__,.,,,...,,..__,,----,,.....~~-,----+-~~~~~--**. -~

J~ 1 161.7C13 Lc::~r~ ;Jt NudeG' Eng111ee;riQ1 Depa1t*n1J:nl. Un~1~1Jy o~ RevJeWC)rnuclear eng1rieerng depirrtmert prog1am. l1 sc1,.ssiian B"rk!:ley. CA. ~c.adc.-nia {A~: Sp~iaking Engageme.,t CalifL1rn1~ B.er11.s.e1 of opeor:Jnrti@s for a ...-iore rotlti!!ll l"K.lciear enguleeririg p1ogram JSE)

  • J""::18J2C13 Tefec.onfete".~e witri Ga!rlcrni~ Energ;.i ComJT'rssion (:CC) )l~~;un or CEC as the stat~*s ;:irr11'ary ener~)' poh.'.:)i aind Kock"' HI!', fJl[I 01a,nm9 a~eni;-1 H"cie 1r Meeting Cle~ru:t 1or Califcr'\!8 ~MHJ~;

"l!'!'ds.: D:pres~mnof interest on tehalt ofCEC le kP.o~!> l1n~~ r:M co'Tlmunic:alion op~n w1~1 I\ ~C J1t2212013 Slaff Bfiefi~ on -;)ff!>1'.~ Ra1igtlon Mcntoino Rockville. MD Statt Br etnq [S!\I 1Jirz3Jj!D1"3 Slaff Bricfmg on 2004 Society fo1 'Jl.tdt>ar Me<hc1ne G1,..1oe

  • Rod'iille. MD S\ott Br efng [58)

R:e-fen13rtt Slatt Br etnq JSBJ 0112312013 S"1aff Bnef,110 ni L.r~rium OioxiOO ard tJiKe:f Oid:te Fuels Rod<volle. MG Q1!24i2013 Slaff 3r1ef1r.o 011 F11tc111~d Ve,..*u, Riv.kvil!P.. Mr: Statt Bnetno ISBI 01/2-tl201J Slaff 3rietirg 011 MU'llmab:::irial DM~r Cv~u81ion Prco-amme Rod;ville. MC slarf Bnsf ng [SBl 01/24i201J with Al JC: LLC Rei<1:::> C~k uranium f8<:CYe~* apph!:illlOfl"Urann.r"l re'COV.el)o R:od:vi:le MD

.l*uns.1ni::1 oroc:.ess Of12~)21') 4 3 Mttt111g wrth Stale't P~r T!!r::hnology COIT' pa(loy China.)

ln1ro1fa:::t10., oT rriPow~r/TenneM*M Vallt!)' A1.otno1iry Rockv*Ue YD

-~an*Upd!lle ero sta~i..1!1 ori tl'lPOwP::r Ar"'r1 :;linr.h Rivet ProJCC!s.* persl)e"t ... es on Vcg':le .;iind Slf1TVT181 ;:::o--.strtJChon l~sues. Key areas o* -.e-:'\ni:al .end rr9uta1ory 1nrova:*o, O">i.Z~.'2013 S:aft" Bnef1n~ on Gr.ams Roci...;;fre"°. MO 01i25!Z013 Mi!i!tJric *"*rtt- Sicar11san Pcl*c>J Centei NRC P[)£l-f'Jk*Js,111t11ml1irt1ve1i Rockvrlle, MD 01/28 12013 Meetina 3t U.S. DeDi;;JlllI"lenl of $1(1f8 -* mnortunili!-5 f"Of ~ntl!rnallonal-relatedcolC\bOrat1on WB!ihir.cf1Cn cc 01;Z:S!2013 ~HUrig with Gen11ral Att;)m11:s Meet .Jl'd Gree~ EMJ S)'s:e1n NRC*s pu:p3!°11;!driess ro fEIY.SWaJ' Rcc:hille. MD lnd.1*:-Ylll aoclJC;.;itihon fo* su:::h di desrar.

Oti'29'2013 weicom~ Re:marlcs iilt Wo~shop on Prob.ab1bs11e rrcod i-'"aza*d ~c-ctvdl-e. MO AS.Se!SMe-nt 01,'29'20t:l Rrierir.J nri OP.5.ign 6aisiio Ttueo"lt  ::tec.kv1lk!-. MO StaH Briefing [SB]

01.'291201;, Meet & Greet wt~ NRc*s: DrY.,r$1'ty \.1an3gsMenr .Ad'ilioory i'.lc.t.kvill~. MD Sp~ak.1ng E.nC,1dQetrent ~S""El C0trur1rt~e :ha-rs 01!3Jf:20tl SIM Bril!!f1na on Vu1ual Comm:.irucation w1m ~ Puhlic Stefl Bneflna 1ss1 01/30(2(\1:3 >Jeetir\!) w rn N1JC' Fncr91 lnsti1ute Cr'diJn"i!Fl.5 Prian: 8fii &en 2013. h~litry Pnont1e19 for 2013* l1~r 1 Rot.kvlll!' MO J-1J~'J!i'l1-na Tep cs. aos1..1re- of G!or.er1c. Safety Issue 19-i; Reec.tor !=ire Pt01f\r.11nn.l-.:fli'>lty Pctspcct1vc en ::1..1"1\ulali\te bo~<<~3~~~20~1~J-+M:-:-*e~~~.~~....,-..,,,.!..,~.~.~"~'e~s~<*~.*-.~v.~1~~.~~~A~u!ho::--r~1fy.,.-~~~~~~t~'i:'i=.~,~B~:~~R~J:::-:~~:i1s~iru;;F~u~ku-*7h-.rn-.-~~c7t10_n_s_*_w_a_s1_e_c_c_n*-c-~n-c-*-:~R-o_t_kv~i!l~o-.M~D~~~~~~~~~l-nd~~-.l-f1~[~l]~~~~~~~~~4-~~~~~~~~- -*~

Bellefante Sllltus.

SE.CV 12-0 .. 46 (Enforcenenl Ortl~$ D 1e:r.:llo!'J lo Cpu:afoig Roc1v1le. MO :oni."fll!!:lcr-, M!!>ll'lg ICM] Mtr. :!VM'Yv rrc. ::rov'l"e.:i.d m-m*,'drx:*

B~*L1,er.sees wuti Wart I and Mail< II Ccrta nrrnm1S arid coM~chC1n$.*C<'nl\t~li.;;,f 1l!1~11013

  • Power Re-ar.lcr LJ:.en!le-es arid Hokjers ~I C:)llSln..c!iO:r P-emr.s.

in Acli~*~ or OP.ferrP.d St;11w; (FA-"':>-C.50 and EA- *2-as1 Pd9rur

'Mlkh Aooeal of _BP-12-1411 Ccrr.m1!s1ar. Brteflng on ~i.itlllc Parucipatiori *r ...,RC Ro:.(v1Ue. MO hnp .-.*.*\~"'1¥1.rr:

101011:.lOU gov:1c.t:111;1-11T,:°rj'oc-Ret:itJlat!lrv Dcci3icn-M.akioa rollec:tium..:t.01*, 1~i:;s *;l 1h:2C13.-"

Feb-13 D2JO 11201 J 80M1\i5s1on :3.riefmgi o, Equal FfT.p!Qyment ~porhx'lity arc Cl)n\rruss ori Me~11~ [CMI 1-ottp '*'w+-°"" riri: IJt".)v:r~a:ii-ir;i-rM.l:::loc..

Small Butti".e-Ss Proomms c.ollc-i:::t1ors.. ccn'Tus.~;o*\/lr!2C*1 3*

R~cl\vlte. tJJ Sta" Buefirc rsa1 02/04;2013 Meellf'lg 'W\ltl A1lerican Elec.lru: PoWl!r 2Q,21iev1ew12C13 priionl~5.; f.l'e:Jc.1cr fire pr~tecU::>()-Nalioral Roclo..-lle. V:> lo'CIU$1f1 UJ

=i1e Prolecuor.A!iosuc1ah~m80S Stal"'da'"d. Oly \:asl :>lo1a11e 111"J!e1-nenlat1or. Cmrecuve Ac.:-crn 1-'to~rarr. :.!!r10fmt1nc.e 07JCS,'2J' 3 ~~!iria w1!h Jntt-mL419on~J ls.otcpe:;

Chairman Al!ison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar D~e n*~ TCK1i1;;s. URL 02:C6.'2013 GuE:.Sl :Spea111.~1 a.I NRC C.,.oe of Gel"leml Counsel Seminar S01eakmc l::.ncac~m~l 1SE" 0210112a13 Comm11~on BtiA-hri!] oi Steam Generator TWe Degra:faMn Rock..,ille. 'il'D COttlmlSS 0'1 Mp..\1~ (CM] ~!P. !:vNM: '\~<.g.:r... 1eac!:~~rf!.1!Qrs.:


0210&'2C13 W.eel:ri;i wi:"'I commi11ee ~o Brdge tf"le G!llP S;;ir OnofTc tloc:lear Ge1eratrng Stahor. G~e.,Mal ra:i1at17r\ N°""Gove1rm1~n!al zatrtir [\IGOl 01nJlect1~n 5ecunt~

)211112013 Vi9r. to l0018n 1'1011"11 EnP.rnv l.cnu::r -------+=--------------=----~---FB~c::l)arlaf1. N"'I" Sit! \/1s1t rsv1 ln<1ustr,- /II 0'/111/013 "1ci::thgwilh lncn::m Poinl inte*v1:1tt.JI ~ooPS Cm!!"Q@nc.y cvacua~ioii z'nP. r.oncr.ns; :on:::em Pust- Wf!!srchester, NY Non-Covr.rimootal Oq:;ia11.i:al*r;:n ;NG6i-iFLJkLJSt-1ff"a u;)gr4Joeio Spent fuel p<.iol haur:b.; NRC ,s bea to

,,dtJStry and 1)ut 1enre-senta.t1*;e 01 the putl]llC 02111.:20~3 Meetingwitr'\ Indian Pr.:1f't lccal ele:ter:tothc:13ls Sup:>or1 for re*ce:N1ng; Cm@rgenc; e ... aie.m1ion 1rire F.corcrnic ~h:liesler. NY S1aie. Trb!ll Lor-Jiii Governmcn! :sT:..I com:ccL.ence~ or lP clos\.lfc, 02=-1""'"12°';°'20°'*""J-+.M°"*-*7bng-wi-.1h-,N7fM---,Y7o--k~R-*l-,*-ol'""*-::l:;:-1*-c.,.tr""ic-t,--Al=lia_n_c_e_ _ _-+.IC'ndcc"'~-,~,Po~;o1-"4f=>=')~c~"t'""1co"-7'llc'-o~-n~ee1~1og-,,..,..-.,-.-,gy-o-e-...---,-s-o-1-:-,_-i-,N,...C!W--,Y 7a-rk-,7,,-Y------- Non.Gcv~mmen1al Orga.rura~tn"L [r..GO~

NY area. Roi@ of bus1res.; leaders. un1ars B'\:f commi..n tr*

leader~ in l! efforl!l. to eCILJcate the public, ED"Jr'W,m11r.: ar.d

~==-+.-:-..,--.,--,--.,-----,,-------:-=--------t-c'i-""'=-*o=-1.l~e.!:£tS Qf IP CIOSlAEI 02112.rzo1"J Mee1ing wnh firen:; a? oogAn11Aticru. 0*931"'.zed tr; EJarcl~ Key ~1..latory ll$ues. tollDWing ft.iku5htma New York. NY nOuS:'Y Ill 07i1]."2:013 Meeliny .,,,ilh 1n'a1c1al .:irg~r'*litucru organized :io~* Morg2n t-Jew York. NY hdus:-y[I)

S~1lev C:2i141'2013 S~ [lr!in~ oo Constr.1:t1nn lnspcc.tlen !Ind COL Licert:;~ ~oc.kv111e. MD Statt ~rootir-.., [SBJ A"nF!n~cnt far Vocrlte and S"rn,,e1 S~es 02.*~40013 Meet111g w1rn ;:i~eo:nrTus*s-~o~,=,,~~~,,°"1~.n~L=iC"',"a1,-,t-,o-n-.cO'"'P"'c";_ _ _,_,10-t-<<>d--,,<"".1io-n-:7~,...-""-""',---""'!"'R-o"'-"~H,...a-d*7 <l*-m~NeCk. and Rockv11le. MO exi;erience,OPC Ci.sre-nr 1ssu12:1i Wl~'l decommiss1omng c*

r.ucle11ppowe.r plbnf5 U.S. Nuclear Waste lAa'\agcmem PrcgrBm"DPC"s riiitiA~11A:~ aM r.e.r-ler113Cfiv t'es *eh.*led to tr-e

...nm1nas1r.a~lon s racerrl stater1erit vi coltey;Dfc*s engagetl'ltti1 wrth Jueat State * .and :::ongrci$10NI s1.akeho1d~rs on ttie Adfl1m1s1ra'o"' s r1>cent s1atemert or r.r.il1t."j,OPr. rc--eng<igell'enl
  • Mth the D1?p11rtmf'!'n1 cl E'\ergy O~ce cf Nu~c:ir Et'e:~gy~ OPC imcrac:ti0fl5 oMth NRC s1aN W15'2013 Mei:tr"IQ witn $0.1thern NuCIAAr 02115!2013 Staff BriefM on 8.5 Jo 02115"013 ._,,ee:liM wilh Horoeyvyell Rockvill~ \10 Staff 13rie'ir.Q :SBI 02/2C'i20" 3 AffirrraMi: Ses5ion SECY-1J..OOOT (f'lte-.::Er11 Lrll!'rgy Sea:>rook t IC (Sc:ab~ooti: Roc~wt!le MD ComrMs!i":an Mee1ing (CM] hltg "'ff"'M' *1*t- 00''-

'51a~ r..iJ. A~pcel of Board Dec1siQn D&tiyirig J.Jlot1on l9r Le-aYe 10 (CJl!e-c:t*c1~::0--nrn1$si:mttr.:i~1::>.*

F~e N,,w Conlention) 02120:2~1:s Co'T\m1s:1 on 8r1ehrig nn UrnniLJ'TI Recoveiy 'd!u _;.,..-,.,.._,. nrl::.9c*J.-readinc-*m1ae-e-

.:ille:: Cl"\S'COnl:TnS!l.r.vVl.r-'2013.-

S.J~queh<lrra htrcdu~tiun.Fu~u!.hima Up~-:e.Spet\t ru~I ROCk'\ldl'O!, >JIO Uudallf;!,$u!.auehil'lna Kea1JJa!OI'\" Uodate:Be'J Bend llndl!lt!!"

r;2i21*-l.Of'J S':.!ll't Brie""n~ Of" ll""idP.pi:maerrt Spent Fuel Sforag't' lnslallattCn Sc:i.rity 02:2*/'2013 Rcrnaci.t. at Afric~l"I AIT' ltis~orv Men~, D nnet RoctlvWIP.. MD 02.'21'20:"'17~-+.M~.~.=tir~g=w~,""tn.--;ld-'eaho":"--'eL-'-~*'"':!"'o"rSl>~ip-'-1n-'-"'N~uc-;lo~_a~r'=F.'"-'n~c*~!lY""=c-,rn-m-,.-,i~on-+.O""v<;-,.,-,.-w"ct lda:iio Lead~r$hrp in Nuclear E11etgy Rccltvllle. MD Sti11e T*1!)21I, Locaicoverrmeit (STLJ Cornt'l*U1on.V1e-wao1nts oo corrr-i.ini::a1io'l wtti p"'ub"'~"c---+----~--------l-~--~--

021270013 StaH Stiefirig Mtiltrr:a~onal Cei.s.1Qn Eva!t.a\.0111-'t:igra;n"Mf! qoc.kv111~. MD Staff B11efing (S8]

PolitvGrouo 02/27J2C13 Pre.wr'l'lat1on al Nuc:lear Energf l"l-Stituie I c:n9 T~rm Nuclear Sub~l.Jue"'rt Li~&nse R~newat. Our Collteetrve-Obl1oat~r!.  ::ipe.all("IQ Enoa~@-1"""1enl [SE): lndt.~fr)i :11 http :;w-,o.w r*'< oi.\,..:ft'.BC O:l*(nv::t:x*

Powf!r Pla:"lt OperR!ionaVSubJe~uerit Ll~e*1se Re1,ewal Forum t-o!loi! c.tion~*con""rn1s!.1C:ri!~.:l~t'di~~f.Q 1Vs-1 J-ll\' i'.>?J7B17Di3 Testimcr't)' al t-tou'Sti E11erqy and Comrri~rc:e Sl.Abcotnrnrttee n!l ~l..t:kar Re9tilatocy Comni1sst011 Poli.CY &nD Govem~nce Enerm1 & P~wer .21r.d Subcciir.mineA on F.'1vironmeot &rd '.'le Ct-alltf'lQeEo 5"concfT"v Joint Hea *inr.i

  • M111r-1J WC4.'20"3 l.ect1.1re ~t '-la-varQ UnN@r!.rtyCenter ft)t ~*c: Environ!T.ent. Sp 2a~11"'g E:ngagem~nl ISEl

FtA1,,1re or Fnmav Ler;tu~e S~1i~s l!Al 03104..,:')1~ riAeetlng wilh Direcic:r :>f H~T'lbt'd Un v@r!-1~ Ce1ter lt:t thP.: f\~C reg1.1l.Jtory prog1am. *rtcitAJ.ngi  ;>osl*f-uk.u~hn'T'Hl mitia!i1fl!'!. Cambtdge. MA Ervk'Qnment

~01=-J-tM'"°ee--,-'brog-w""'i1"°h""'C"°h-a1-rm-on,--,--,E'"m"'*:-:.ri7f"-::'-::c-:-f:::'.h-e-:-V"K'A'"'"1'n-,'"'ic""'E'"'>-:-811l'-y lrtam&tioni!lil C:ngaqement [I=.)

Authoritv 03iOS.'2013 l ecuse at Mas.X11t.;l11,1~ttts ln1*.r.ule o0t l echnology R1si"liJ Sta*s Speakr,~ Enga~emert [SE] .0£aderl*1a in N1X.h:5:sr 5::. e'lc.9 and t:noil"'lll!!:er1n:i SYM;)C>Sium l!Al 1:3-'05'2013 S~ Br e' ng 00 Mult1r11: cnal Des:gn E'llalui:l'tian Pr~grBITTl~ Rockville. MD Poucv GrouD Meetina 03.'J6'2013 Telecr.ri'ernncc wi1h Carrie* ie Jns.tituhcri 101 S:en:e Non-Gc\'ernmonral Org.imz.a~ on !NGO" 03.'1 i.r2013 Affirma1ion Se:is*un S!=CY* 12*0165 (C&lver1 CllUs 3 Nuclear ProJecl. LLC. & Un1Sta:r Rockv1Ue. MD Comrms:;mn Mee!uig lCN']  !:!1.!2..:....Jl.o.,....*.,.*milc<l-:-:._

N~lear Operating S1trv1ce$. LLC (!!rt Clffs Nuciear f"'ov.o~r c.ot1e:c:h".IM;~mt1'1s~iorvt1*:;?01::_.*

Plsri"I. UM 3~. Dod:e:I No 52*016-COL. PAJitinn for Re1r.C'""'* of LBP*1~*19) r'a;J.!-6 cf 25

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar Mee~1r.g .vith he S-.ate Nucle-at RegLJ].&tory lnspeclQrate c1 ~o::<.VJUe. MD*cna.I E-f"lgaQe"ni!'nt r1c(

Uklo'111'\e OJ,'12."201~

03:12/2013 Mee:1no wtl"l tlie NucJ~at S~fetv AuthortJ (ASN. F*a:,i;.e:) R~:...;"J1I~ MD lnlcn'a~ Dn!J1 E.rioa]!!_'Tle~n~tr~llE~'l_ _ _-+---------------1

/{ttcnci NRC. Reg;.ifatory ln'ormatico Ccnfcirence Sess1ori R~c1t*..1UP.. MfJ Staff 3rrefm~ [SB)

Pf<Jbat:iifis11c Flooo Hai.rd AsseurnerltS fOt 1'itJ1:~ar fac:~1be~

4 0~.' 212013 IAeetntt w1".""\ lrtstitU11e ti1 '\Judea' Power Ooefoit1cns nNF01 \1RC'INPO ll"l~ertat::(:!> R:ic1<iJ lie. v::i lndutlrv rn 01.1* i12013 Plen3'Y s.peec.h at JS Nucleitr R~'ilulattry C;.rr1mtss 0

~,oo~=--t.T0oh<r=,7 1.~x~12°'5'"'v~e~.~,.=--------------+=R"'"oc"'k"","-11e'".."~"'~:---------ts='p~*~*"'><i;-ng~E-,,9-*_Q_9':nent *fsE: ~~;i 11pbacupws nrc._qr;.*1;dci::~;\A1 1 ~1-::".-\AI 1 Re-oul.ato*v ln1orn31t1on Cooter~r11:e -~--------+---~~---~----+~"~'*-~~;~~~~~~'~'!__*_~-*~--~

03' 312013 Ve~h'\Q with IM T Jrkis!l. Atomic: Energy /\tr.'"l:>rity (TA.Et< Rock1J:[~- fJ:J lnterf';,t10,iJl Er17iJg~menl (IE}

4 T1~dcey)

Rock ... 11le. MO

)l11::Y.ZCJ13 Allene NRC. Regula1ory l'\fOtrrAr*ol'll ConfP.renc.c Sessler. Sta~ Br1e"i r.g fSBl l~nt =uoi S*fory

!):V,312C 13 Hcsl NRC. Rf;!11ulalury t11fO'ITT1<1l.On-:::onfervri~ie lrtterl'.a: Or'lal Roclr..o,,*illc_ MC


1;, M&1tl1ng 1MCh P lgr1m Wa~c:i an(1 lnst11utll for Rcsearc'l and tJr1n-C",o\rCmmc:nlal Orgaruzaticn (NGO) 5eetir1fl,' 51.lidiil!s 03l11'2C*13 Meeting ..._.;1h P*aine Island l1dian CommLn:ty O'.J/14t201J ~eel.inn w11h1he 'J".rbrlo Assoeta:tinn of "t:c:IE!ar Ooora'.:Prs Rodl.viU@ ~D ln!ernalional Enga~el"'!)en\ r!1:1 03114i2D13 MP.P.iina with Rostekhnadzo*. Russ1ai R:nd<ViUe ~[)

OJl14i2013 Meeting w11h 1)">e ;::~r~I Ag,;n~:~y'°'<o~ro..,N,_u-cl,-*-*r"°'c:--o-n.,.,Uo'°'J"°'c"B-,*l~;Ji,-"m...,.;)--------------------t-:oR:-oc-c~,-v°"lfl,-e-,'<1"'0::------ lri.,emallonal E:.nga"eml!nt [I CJ 0'31'14i2013 Mffi~a wrtt"l 1t"e hi&' t:inB1 IV.Jt!E:ar RCOJb'lor 'So..tth'-=A"'~"-'"'='~l-+--------------------t':'R~oeO,k'-v1'°'ne=-7M_,,D,__ _ _ _ _ _ __.1'-"n"1e'-.-ia=hQ~ EnaaQerne11t fl El 0314,'701!\ MNJing with Nuclear Regulation A.ithoiify(Japan). Office o' R:M.kvillc_ MD ll"'!ten:ihonal" En;,agament (.1:.J N.dea1 Rt:go...olation (United K1rgd:1m). Nvcle~r Si!ft!:!')'

ALl"h'Jlrlty (ASN, Frano.r). l"ltCfT'.tJf O"'J;91 AtoM c. ==-Mtg~;*

03.*15t7l"'.3 H:>s.t Muftinarional Des1~11 Evalua11e>n~Prog,.~mnie Pob.~r Groui: Rod*.,.ille. MD

~t1rn C3l1B.'20l.:J MeP..t1ng w11f'I \IRC A.tomic Sate:y al'\d liech$ing Board Paoel Rod.Vil!.!!. MD St~ B*ietingJS3J on tiiring Fnvironu"l:"\tal Sc1en*.st~s---------l.,.,--=---,,..-,,----~-,.--=:-:--,,.---=----..,,.__.,..,,,.....,.,.~-----

C3/,812013 Meetina with N\lxtE,2 Erll!'fO'/ - Ne)l'1rra Perfurn!llnce: f"Ul'.lJSttrr.A 51ntui:;. Crnrnn1 i;vcnls.. Roc:~ville, MD lndu1ot-v fl1 Oli'1'il'Z013 SteffBnef1noori SDet'il F"i;e.I Pool!io ---+--------~-----------+~'Co"'ok"-v"'~i.,...-"M"'D;,..,,-------+:S:::lalf:::,;B::.:*l:::e~::.o,.~1_.,, J,Sfil~--~~=~l----------------1 03.'20.'2013 P~fl'Scnl at ~'le U.S. Japari Rc~dl.ilbl~ 0:1 N..icl~ar Er.erg; .. u*i:.uih1ma le$S01\$ lear.@od \iVa~h1ngtoi. DC Nun-Gove:nmertal Qrgan1z.at1w-n [N:JO].

Howard Bakt:rr F::irum ~peat;1M.1 Enl'WW'lerrent ~sc1 03.'2712013 Mee~ n;J wt., :;l!'nte-r fer t...u=.Mar Wesle R~gul~nr:t Anaty~s D-..ent1ew cf CN"WRA.S~lu:i gl NRC ,..ctrvities. i{Qi;kv-.lle. MU lncf1Js1ry Ill l~CNWRAl Aor-13

=F!<le-ral lnt~r;tlo!l~rt'.:¥fF"1l Slaff B"ema [SB'

)4102Q013 SlatfSricflfi~ en Seen: Fuel P~ Scoo1no Stud.- Roc"'ville, tJID S1~ff Bf~flna r~t:f

)410212013 Affomat on Seuion SECV-1:J.~010 /Vloti:into Quash Subi;oena l='ited bi' The Snaw Ao:-.ville-, ~Jii5"' Corimi.ssicn Meet1r'IQ lCr.AJ hnp tW-....w.rr:.ilO\olte;it1 rq-1rrfJIJ(..-

(;r:.'.)1.1p. lrc.J *o"***- ,,,n....* *"1trn1~~{'1n.'1.*:'2C13' Carrm1!IS1cn Meehng ¥.1.lh Or9aniziltian of Agreerrel"'tSta!es Con-n!ss1cn i.ieelm1,;1 fCM), Stare. Tribal tittp '.'www.i:_r_~._ga.*1c~a:t 1;J*tf'l":l:f.oc,*

a'ld Corlererice :if ~a:dlat1U11"1 C'1r1tol Pfogram Directors. Inc:.. Local G:JYB-rnrnen: [$ 1Ll c.of!eqi_ons.*ccf'"l'n1t;~ n"l/tto7t. 1~:

D-1'°2120,3 \19@tlng''1 O'l ol' A~reeme'\t Sta~es aro ~:.d:oa:::t*ve \Aaterrals P:il c.y and l:;s.Jt~S of lnt"*esl to 1t8'5i8taEo R:>ck.v Ile. 'l'".J Stetit Tcibril. Gcv()nmool (S-L) 1

~~212on ;;:~~~;~::!Z~~~~-C~~~~;;~~~=~n~ ~~~~~*~'-':-'""*--<-c,~*o-o-*dl-""1-IO-o-on-i~o-to-rr>-*t*c-N1-l,-.g-ut~.ic-ry-.,,-.-tte-,-,------+R-cc-k-,J-lc-.-M~.~---------1-F~.-d-.-,a-J-,n-1*-c.!g-*-,::-v-;lo:'l:-l- - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t

~"Gamzulioons in Vie~ on 0410'3i2013 Remar~s. at NRG Women In I .!!8£!.!!"Shio Luf'tl':_._h*_.n_n_ _ _ _+-- Rock'ldle. MO Soesl<1nc E.rgSiQement~[~S~F'~---->

04..103i2013 . MP.e1ing with Entetgy

  • O'~nk~t;o,..111 che'\;:1es; :i~rformance-:Fu<JJsn rn:a rP.!.pOl"/S@ Rockl/illl! MC lndu>t*y (I) - .

041C312~~3 Staf'" t3rie .. na on &pe:fit~d Transf& o* SDenT F"llCI Rockvdle. MC Sta"f !Jnef:rm ISBI lOvarviaw of EPRI act1vl1.~s on 'penl tuel *es.e-.arcl'\ °"'"'d v:evmo.nt5 on ~:K.n~oit~d trl!l'l.sf@r 04104.?:113 Sl.ltf 8f".efo1J" on Mel.Jical PrCJoram arc ~abef'lt Release RockvHle '<ID S'.<>f! Brofno JSBI C:o'l/04.'2013 s~~ff 8nef11"1CJ 00 lrr:en~e ~e... e*.-.*~1 Rockvil!e LAO---------+;;O".."'.a11~B:..1,e"'t"'*n"'o-!:r:s"'s~11-------+--------------l C4,.04!201J 1etec(':r,ferenc:e w11h Or9arus.1:111on f"1r i:-conom1c Co-operaticn and Oe'lleloe>Mem Fncroy /,geni;v 04.l°0.5.'2013 MIE!ctinQ with _eaders:t*ir:. ***~~rpcrated l.'::.:::Pm1no leeo=e*snio oub~c;ation Roc:k'lille MD 04,*oa.'2013 S:JeiJk c.i Carr~g e 1nrerrriat1onaf Nuclear Po!t:y Corfe.-ence Role of 1e9Jl:1t01s. io ncn-prclifera~"Dr., po!.tt.)' \IVashlnglcr DC  :'J!Q..*..VMW nrc gc.*J re&:l1ng--Pudn:-

=anf!(.lic .,~:-:::..mrri1~'1of\o':>pco:cn.,.:>'20 I 3:5-.

  • ,.cc5 ndt

[.)4,'Q!:J,'2013 L'leetng wth l'lh:~1ra:1on3I Alomir; :<iergy Agency DrrBcto~ Wash.-.g1<:0 r:c lrter,afiooal E,~agemer~ :IE]


Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar on~


Tonics LDCillion Coh>aorv URL C4.'0S0013 P311icipate 1n Atorn'C EnerQy Aige"\::y lntefnemo:-ull Onawa. Canida tn,*m[ Engag;ement [IE]

Conference on 1=.n~t1rve Nud~r Regulatory SystP.m~ (day 1 or 3'1 D4.iJ9/2C13 ~rtlcipa1e 11' lntP.rf'~ional Alcn1c EnerJ'/!'1)Cy lnrernational Oltawa, Cariada Ccrfere11Ce on EfJiei::tive f'.klciear Reg.Jlill!OfY Syslem!. (dal" 2 of1 31 04110/201J ~artic:ipate 1n lniternaf1crutl Ato11i: Etierg:t Ag~ncy lnter<lati:Jnral

'.:;flnf~rP.nC.e tln ~r1cct1"Ue: Nuclear Ftegulator1 Sy:il~m* (Cla!f 3 of 3) lnte*na(1ur~ Enf.)8IJemert 1Sl 04'10ii013 M'ootlng wi!h f1l'lland R.ldlati::in aric :-..ivclcar Safety Authonty Ottawa. COir.a:la lr~*na11or.ail Enqagemer't (1=)

04110;20*3 D411l:W':S Mttt1nc w1lh Jacal"'I Atomic  ;:m~rl'f Carnmtss:ion Rockville. MO lnte:rnaitlOf"lal Cn:Jaoernert r*El 04112:201:'1 Sile visit to 100\,',tli. Fai-f(JI{ -~-----1;;P=*rm=*:::n=oo=-=c*a;:,.:-:,:::"::;,,t;::h*:-:",=ao::::-,------------+.FC:ai':u,:'ic"ihC.c"'=*.c:;:h=,"v"J..;"cA:'"ccv.5,;;;',.;;:;'~u~ ,==~="------ +------------__,

04'12i2Ji:J Sta" B1ie-ring on Evac..iatLon t-ilans Rodev1lt.. MD Srielir1u IS31 S~a:., Bnehna Oil Ur"nil..~ Recoverv ------------tR"°o~c"'K",;"'110:'"""7 M'°'D:--------i:S"'t-atl B1ut11nq Rd!

0411~.'201'3 R~marls a1 A~~ory Committee or1 "J1ed1ci1I Ust:~ 1.1' lfi.:)IOf)es. Rockville. MD S,,eat:.1ng E,gag.emen: ~SFI MeetlnQ 04117.?013 Meet111~ W'llt' G~orgia Womeri*sAc11on for !oJtt".N Om~cticn NiAowteacto*s Vcg'.ie \/.C. Surnru~1. A.P1obo'. Small ~odL.1la1"Yfl!E>. MD Rea~r~."111:-e:j cxidl? plUIOrtll.rl'l 11.1el, Les!.ons leaned trO"T'I FlJk.u'.5h1ma. l;;"'ll1J*r:>l"'ln!:1"11al 1.1:s~1r:e is.tueg, C4i'17'201J Sl~H BrieH'l9 011 San o...otre Nuclear G;nE1ralm9 Sta11or Rm::k.v1lle.MO Ln.:-ense Ameo1rienl n. 1tte: 5C.S9 P*oc@s'SfBBckfi~ Rule

~eckvill~. MD ~5~,<-~~*-no"'i:s"'s~11-------t---------~- ~

C4'nr.:013 Slat! B:1elinci or Posl-.Jom<m U:idates Roc.ll;v~ll!. MD S1Bff81i..m ...... 5131 Lecture. Geo<ge Masar '.Jrivers1ty Filrrfa:ir. Ar.-iual Gortne-r Sa:;eak*ng Engagen~*t! {SE]


~~ff Bt1i!i'ina on Calvert ::r.ff.~ O<der Rock1J1le. MD Stan BriP.fino en :J~CDl'tmissroruri;i Rt"1Ck:111lle. MO Sta¥ Bnef1m.i (S81 COn"'M1!5Ste1ri M-&~hfl\1 Ylith thr O.epartmen!  :"Ir Fri~1gy Offic.,c. of Prcgramrrati; tu;.i cs of  ;\Lrua1 .... 1er~'t ta !he NRC and DOE/NE RtJekv1l'e_ MO C:lmmu.i.ton ~eehng [CM); f'"ejeral hffo ,.,.,,,,....,....,._1'r: ;,ov1rnad:qll-w1rJcx.*

Nuclear Ener::iv 1DOE1'\IFI lt'ileface,c ***Fil col!er".t1011~* *u1t11"111;s*o11!tr;201 Jt r..Aeelirl!J with He:;jfth Physics !::>oc~el)' h~C: schobr&tups ard feho~hiv~ fu"l::f11d urd'e* the ln\egt~teod Ro::.,v1lle. Pl~


Staff Boefing O"ll N.J::legr Fuel Services t..ugn.~nlW tnsoe:'Jon Hoi;11.v*lk-. MC Team ~ei::or1 Co-nmiHD_n_M~ **- **-nQ-o,-tr>e~S-,.-,.,-,-cf~L.-.-.-on-,-L-e-.-.,-.-~-,,-CM--+----------- Roc.k\*-ue. Mr> h-;t:::i i .....,,...w.* ,,.r. QO\'.'readil"la 1-n*cJor;*

lhe t-1.1-<.u!l"H"':'lll Dai*IChl: Atc~en! Ccllcc.1rCr\.j;,., -.pnj.;;c;j. 1)"<*20"'.}f Q.4J22.*2J1:.i. Cum.Lll.a'IN~ effects. cf \IRC *'Nnf't-rP.giJlation.. =ire safety Rock..,1llfl VID NOf'h.Co111Hn*mmtal Olgan,z,et1c:<' [\IGO)

COrr\r.erM Pcs1-Fukushirna up~D,*1l~de=*---------t=R<><--,,"k"""'vi""u~,...,.M"'D:--------~S~-~. Tr_b_*_"-c-oc-a"'"l"'3-o*_*_<n_m_*_r"""'*"'s"rr"'*.-+-------------

Meetir91111i1ti URE\ICO.' l f)ui!.iara Energy Serl'*:e.~ (LES; Qverv1~wci1 Lt::S *'ld s.~tus ofTec.iliry P.!:rcpansion ei¥orts Rockvrlll!. MD lndJs.Ty lll 04..75.1,013 Welcome Rernarh at NRC 6rn!J YcJr ChQcte-n T:> Wc*k Day SDHk1nn 'Ein~mtm1 *se1 S1af'f Rriefina 1~1 04,'29!201?. Prescnlatiori al ltl6 An~1ican 'JtJclear Soc1e:y Jntefra~ c"tal *Re'-C0Mirkmr9 :ic 8ack*E.nd of the NL.Jl;ili:i;V Fr.1-el C~:IB AIMl<M~. NM Hrgt1 Le._ie1Rad1cai:.t1ve 1Nast~ tJ.a-.agen-:ent C<lnl!P.'r~i:c-04,t2'W.1C1:S Sile V si1 IC Sanma Nat1cna~ ...aboratcues Sile V*Sl1 tSVJ:  ::-ROcrnl ln~cragercy [Fl]

Jo413Q/2013 \1ttel1ng:with H~ltei:. tntemati-o.n.!111 '10LTEC S-n<tlJ \olot.11.A~ ReaCto* (Hl~SMUH) A(tivitie~: HI* Roc.k.-...~JP.. L'ID

.STO~M Urder;ircuf"d: M1)x1mom lUMAX1 Canisle;' Stor::irge:

Sv~em S~a"" Sr1ef~tig fs~,,_1______-1---------------t 0S,'(J1,'2D":3 ME'!Ming wilhAme1ica11 Socia:"iy for Rad G':.*01"'1 O~og)' Permanert l-npl:1nt Brnchytherap'/. ASTRO'~ 'T~rg:et Sate1y" Ro;.(v1!5e, MD campamr OS..'C1J'2313 Me&IW'lg wilti Pacific: Northwest l.Olba*attiJ)' (Pl'Jt-IL) FNN:L"s c.ommdmen1 tc 5erve ltlt NRC m1ss*o,: Outlook (II' R~ckv He. MC!

ernerQhi1 l!!ltQl!ncy chalengeB B'li1'5s. l nn9"""r-terl"fl fo*ec35ts for ~N"._andMlier lab role:; as. a. re:sct.r...e to ~RC Rock.vii*. o,\D 0Si01,"2013 St!ifT E!11efri::i on SM Onofre N(1:""J&a1 C'"1!rershna St~oo Rockville MD ----~~=~~~u~:=swLr;e~*~~,,-~,S~B~!l-------+-------------~

C51'01.t201:3 Slaff Brief1na oo Severe Accident C3l.labl$ Ve"t O'ltar Rockville MD Slaff Brie 11n::i TS Bl L:5i02l201J StaH Rriefing oo Program lmJlJO~Etmenls en Stor8Qe: and lfod.v1l:e MD S~ Bie~1g (SS)

T-ansoortat1c'\ COrnN11b1htv os."J21201~ Staff 6d&f1:i;i cin 'Nall@ lrc~ental t:'..11 Peproccss1ng :salts1one) RodcvillP.. MD ~1al1 B*i*fi'g"[S-~~1-------+---------------

air,d Per'a*marte A.~~P.SS.menl 11J12i20M Page *o ol 25

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar 01t1: Titli! Tooic:s. Loc:iition Cate_.,...., URL f:J"'s*"'051'l'=.i20,;;1,.,3-+~"'*rt,...end....,..,.ln-'.e-rn-a"""1,-an-a"'"rN'"'.-c-:-a.-.~-,-:iR""~Qt.1"=-=t.-:1<>-,-s""As-,-oc~ia"'tio-n"'~'°'te_e_'.-ng-+-----------'-"""'~----------b_o..,l-ya.JiP8ri-""'"""""'-'-----~.,.lo-1e<-.,,.-tic-n-*~En_;g:::a~s*!i.l"'<>"<!:*n1L..,,.[IF"'J,...----+------'="- -* * * -


  • ofJ'.

J5'C6/2013 Al!end ln~e1oat1oria1-\l~clear Regulalar~ t.,5~oai1llDfl Mee1ng lnternatic11~l Eng3Qe11fu'1 llC]

ll~av 2 Oi ~;

05'n7."/r:1'.\ Attend lnternat1cna1 \lllC!ea* RP.glJ~lol* Associalion Meet1nai Tckyc, .,1il:lilll 1 *'dav 3 or 31

2f1:,\ Me-1o"tPttJ with 1t'lf!' Ji3l>a!eiir Rea ... lstion A1.t11**. 0*1tv Rock*dle. MD 05.1l912013 \1ec:lingwi!h Nuclear =.ne1g~ Sy~terns (MNES) -1tr0d1.oc& :"\e newChl~f Exec.utlv~ :Jfh:.~r; H.e<:en1 rudear Roekw11le. MC t'\"' rDr"lmi!nt rri J::11pan inc.ll.iding Nuclear RegulBti:in Autn0t11y

.J:' v1ues. US Ad113ncerJ P*1;:1:;s.U1i..ii:~tl Vi.o'a1er Rea:.~or Oesi;m Cert1f cat on af'\d Corrb1~d Lumse i)1,;hv1hes: MNES cecen*.

a=~ vi!;l!!S L:c@nsmg issues. Technical services O~'D9i2013 MeP.ling wilh ShJrfS\l'i<. No1hAmcr1car Cpcrations Ove-vi!t""' ;,f St*.J:ISll k ¥.oaste P*oc&&i.10Q aci~1has 1:-i Lo 5.. Rod..vPle ~D lndu.*lry [I]

Prop~eddrsposail cf w.i!!l,t'I!' p"oducl! at J.S. Eco log~*' 1r 1~.,.,

O!vt:~ll01J Mttting wilh Ui@Mh11:-y ol' Scierec.e a!"ld Tee"~Y 1.n111rnatlonal Ergagemel'l1 [I;=)

(V1e-tnam} and rM V .e:tnam Agency for Radl.itlon and Nudea*

Soile':v 05113i20~3 St!llf Brn~firig :m f-t.ikuh l'""la flacdH'IQ As~~mert Rev11eWSJOver..*1ew ot *.,\'arts Bar anrJ SeQuoyc:ih F'it:1(').:1in9 FitldiN"!!> arid ISiS..Ji!"S R°()('".lcvil!~. MD Roclcvil!e. MD lndi.s1rv rH US! 14i2~13 tlr!!~!ing v..i1t> Ccrcefl"\ed C1tii'!~n. Pers:Jectives on patien\ 1Ele0:1~ "'11h reg~rd tc,. ~*\!!medical use o' Ro~kvllle. MD lSOl:>Off!.

C~l14.'2013 riuri,,~!2~~~._nrc.oQ".'::tocs'Ml 1~1 *wJ11 1

~1."1,o1;..:t;'l7 Dd 1 GS.'16.'2013 Meeh11g wilt' "JA;:: *""ltetr.ill1 n"lal Overview of NAC ln~erna1roral.  :\JAC J11:en.&1r.g ii:.h*11-e~ in 201~: Rot:k'llfll~. MD FLel rerrievab1*ry. high*l:J.Jmu~ \J!-1. l!lnd 1T"Odera1c;r ~;JC-:.t..1;ic;n U5!*712013 StaffB1er1noon Eme1o~nev ~r!!'part!,d'lll'!~S Rccli!.v*le. MIJ SUlff B*1eM1> SS 0.5.!41'7013 6t::1Pf s;cfina on Reccverv qcckvile. MD Slaff B*ieflno Se OS!2Dl2013 Comn1rs~un Bri~firi-.i: u1' H"-' nan Capital and :qual :tockvillc. MD Conin1issi0tll Mee: riQ [:::Mi hLIC ..-""-"'"w.f'll'"J;:. g~s-'.:1?1'.runR:rmiclo:.-:.

t:mplovrnent Cocortul"'1tv

t~,-o"'tJ<,..v~*r,-e.~~"',D~--------+:SW!~~B~ri-*ft,-no-,5"';Rl=>"""--------1~co4~l~r;c~.tJ~o"os"":c'"o"'m._,.,...'=-*,.io._r.1 ..:_,. ~..,0.-1~..._____ -

OS."20/2013 StaH Bnerrno oo Vermonl Y';iinkeP. Ntr.IP::u Power Sl.atiOll 0!\.'"10013 Slaff Bricfmg er NeY.1 Consu .,:t1ori of N~ear P~r Plann. Rm:.kvlle. MD Staff BoefinQ [SB]

O~r11~w cf lVA Operc'lthiJ F~e1. 9ro<nTs Ferry Natw.)lla.I Fi-e Rocj('l'iM°8."MD ln~ustrynJ Protecuoin At:t ec-5 App!teallQn SubJT'i1tal. 95003 lrspcc.t1cn~ '01 BrQrMJS ferry t*h..deat Plant 1Jr-1s 1. 2. ana :); rlood ni;) rJesign ha!!:.@:5 and the Near* Term F:)rt.A A::tions !OI Sequc:yati tJ1.1rJP.Ju =>Ml. :Jnit.; 1 a-.:12 ana 'w\Calt5 88' Nuclear :>tan'. Unil 1 nso-11/(;.1.3 Mc:cringwi{h Cal fa*nia Energ1 CcnTIJ5SICT'I $8" Onof?'@' Nucleiill Gene 1aling Sta1ioci tsslll!:~: GunvTier 2013 Ro::....*.rille. fA.)

peak !-l~cuicirv denarnd imp!Jca:*o-.s al"ld plol"'ninrJ o5f'l1r.201'J S1aff B1iefirn:l on Jaosn Lesson'" l earne:d SU1Tr Br~MO fSRI 05IZ1/20i'} Stnfl' AtW!finQ O'l Li::c-Me Fief'ewal Rm:k*,, lie. W0 S1aff BrK-fmo [SBJ Roch lie. tJD S1aff 31;,,r,no [Sl>I 0~23i2013 T~sllmony at Senate ~rvotO"'ITTM!nl an::i Pubhc. \l\fon;s :FuJl -iE:<irbg on the RtM"iomrnatrcn :>~Allison'111ane lo be a Co.,;ii1ess1onal tle~ring {CH]

oM"'nlntt Hean11Q *----~LQ.~.!f'e Nvclea1 ~e1J1.tlilt:>rv Com,.,.1ss.iori OS/2412013 Site Visit!~ Na ...*al Rc-a:.tof$ Heada.ue1rters 7o~,.~p,=c=;,~a-::,,,~--------r.:w"'a"'*-,i,-n""glon,...-~D"'c,.--------+:F,-co 3riefinQ on N'"o,.,.,a"'1"R=ea=ot 7c-,,..,,1.,.rn"'!o_r_*G_*_o_cr-l"'~"'11:~S"'r-.-v,...,;"'.i"'1s"'v"'J--1I-----

0~2&'2013 Statt 3.rief1r~ on Sim Onofre Nuclea* Ger"ierati1n Station Roc.kv11!e. MC Sta"'" Bneflr o rSBl 05129:20" 3 Co'Timiss on Br1e4irig r>n Rcsutts or the Agef'I\;)' Ad1un Review Cornmii;!:. O"'I J.A~ing ICt.'I) h'.tp .*.*v.w.A.*. Tc uvv*uaUi112*1 ~*~.!!!.&:

Mce1ing coitet:.1*cris:.::.o"T'ltlllS.$tOnf1:":2u* J 05i29.'2l"3 R~"TIG1rks al ~R*c Asian Paahc. AMe-ric:mn.Acht1iory ::::omm1nee Rodvi~le MO Speac*r,g E;9:igttmenl fst::

Lu~cri O!.ti3iti.:>i:1 Meelin.,vwi'lhJol'danNixlearRegu!a~ryCommlssi9')_ _ _---j--------------------r""'od\=*.::*U::.*-"':.D:.:__ _ _ _ _ _ _+ln.::.l*o:-':.;:M:::l,,,,o"'na:::.l.=Ec:,;~o.,.a,.1me::em=en"'l-"ll-"="-1-----1-----

...kln-13!201J Remae"~s a1 Cot.nciJ cf o.edetal Secreumats Mttr nq lmpacf o1 ~'\e l=t..kushima. accd~nton worldwide nu:lear saiet)* Roch.villi: MO federal lmeragenc::,i ;Fl): Spea~u~

rcgL{ation: Ca-,s1deral-or o1 e;irtl' sy~terns n 'ltJclear regula11on. Fn~*l)emt!rtiSLi V1s1I to Fuk.ush1ma llf'l Decemhe: 2012 R'¢r.Jo..i11e MD Staiff Br e:nno rSBl

-* ~o_i;~_v"ill"'e--'M"D"---------"'S"'t;a"~"'e"r.=*c:h""Ou'1:..,,_~B,,.!lc____ _ _ _ _ __.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,

Page~, oT 25

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:


()6,'CJ5i'2013 R@mart:$ at NRC Regton II Co1.1nterp~rt. Meetrng l ;e uYipor1anl tt.Je of 1n.ip~to*s: -hankir_g them fer A11eirila GA Spe:a<1f'g Engagc-11cri.t (SE:)

ttre r hard "NOrk: Pr:lm01ina cne'1 dMr n~I c."

Use of corporate evaloatioos. S;itetycl.Arure Fu'k;ulif"i1ma 1'1H'-'n$ A!lanta GA Industry 11:

learned. C1, 'Je etfecls. al reo.1iat1on.

00.'0712013 Sit~ Vis.It lo V~C<<f&-Ele:tl'lc G~Nratn::i Plant V.,'avries.bOtO. GA iroustty II' s;ic Visll (S'!J_ ___ ~=~-+---------------1 1)6,'0711013 Ml!etirig w1ll'i Vogtle a~a Sisti! an::t Local E:1e~f~::1 Offici!ll!I T::>pics raised by pa1.ic.i:>!lnts re.gartirio V:lgde PJ:\nt ;:aoo ricw At.gu5ta. GA Sta:e Tfibal. L1n.:al G<1*,e-mrnen1 [STL: 06!:1712013 Meet1rg w11h Vo9tle a-ea l\loJ'-3cvernrr~'ltal Orwiii1111..:aticr11t T:.>p1cg ra1s.~ by pa:tici~;uits *1!9QardlngV:>gtle Plant and m?"' t-.1011-Goverrri!l"ital Orgef'1,A11t:if' (NGO) c:t:ns:ru::11on h:~?' ::J?:tl,lOlJ?*.Y~ "l'C tlOV*l10Ci:'Ml. ~~-..16Jll 1

""==~+-~-~==~-~-~~,...---------J=d*oc="*"'cc.r~.~~J~ one area OS.1 ~3'2013 t{emarl\$ a~ NKC 2C1J A*'llY t:311~'ldav Celeblat1Cf1 mav .,..,~act other area~ Ro:~villo. 1'J :l Scear.tna E.noaa~men1 lSE" 31~:!',;517 nftf 1

06 1~0013 Statt8rieriogonS:;JnOnofreNudearGe"ler11~t"-rn=S~ta~t*~=~-+,...----~-~-~~-~-~=--==,...--+H.,-'o'-':-'-A'lo=il"'lo-'-.'-'-/.=iJ=-------+;S='t*=."-'B"'r:-:ie"'fir"'*a..,*-=s=Bl.__=------+-------------

0811dJ2013 Mt"1t~1)Qw1th U.S. OepartmentofEn;~gy -* Pn; trio.w:s 01 mutual .-ih!t<eos1 to tf"le NRC and DOC V\'ashrng!on. DC f='ll!CiH:ll lnlcragcnc.y :Fl) 00.11712C11'3 Slatf 8*1e11na on \l\'.;!IS.1e Cnfl'dP.n~P. Ro:."... il~. MD Sta~ Bneflrc SlJT

~:~~~~ i~==~:~~~~~~~:c~~;~s;~~eT?oo-,p~;r-ra-,S"'t:--;-"°"-----+--------------------+-~c':-'-~:-'~-,::=,=.,:~;,-~=---------t~C-!:'o~:-:~:,':~:fio-fi~*:~'-::::c~::e::c-------+----------------l J6'1912D13 Sriillf'I' E:51ehno or San Cnofrt! NlJc.~ar G@nl!!ratira Sta11cn Roc,;ville. MD Staff Briefirc 'SBl Jel1YJ"l01:l Meet n;i w.tri P\.gwa!ih Onnk!fP.t"IC.f'!,.! nl\ andW:>r1d \lLClcar s::irety in new powe1 c:.ot.n'.ies. IAeA safety R.o;;i.:viJk>. MD Aca.dB1111a [.O..:

Atf<'lirs st.a*1;Jai:e1s. 'IRC r1t1iat1onsto.1p .,,dh 1r.e IAEA L)512t).':2'013 Welc;ome Rernarks. at NRC Smilll B.1.1ii1nes5 S.ct"""'l ~* *nd Ro::li:v,Jle, MC Spc~kin9 Enga1Jer11en11se:

'v'at:trn-.ino (*..-e"lll

.l)!:V"J(J12C13 S6ffi1nar *Mtf-i Net1cin<1l litt:it1J!P.:'> of 1-"k!.allt> ~d a: O'\ doses rro,, diaonos!ir: irnan1nc R;.Ji,;kv I~ MC t-ec:Jeoral lllle:rai:ient.'f *i=11 06l7512C1l Sbff Briefinc en \IRC T'Jv'FW~'MN ls~es R:ick11 llll!. MG S~an Btlf'!"if'l('j :sRI - *.. . -* - -

~~::::.=_'26~:~~~~;~;-+~~~~l~~~~~i!!1i~~~""l~~~:~~=~~.~-~~~~~~-:.~~~~~~~~=~~:;:,~~~;~:~~~~~a-'.n-,,-s~~-.-~-n--+P'-'*=*~*o~"~""~l~~~~~"~'"=c~t1e=*~*------------+.:~~~~"'-:~~~::~-:~~""~~*----------l~~e~~:*=::-;~~~!~~~~~~""--'*F~l.__) ____-+---------------1 06/2712013 0&27i20i3 Staff BriP.finn NRC Fiscal Yc.r 2C 15 ~ll'2:9e~l;---;.,,-----r.,---~:----:--;-----;-;:----,--:--:,,.--,----------'!:R"'>_c"'k<..,l"lo~,

Meeti,gwith Se1r1 Luis Ol11$P¢ C01..1f't<1 Bo.aid ol Sup8rvtsco: 5e.ts.mac.Sii1Tety ct Dlabk:I Canyon M:-:;:,D--------1'S:":-,*tt,,,B:"r_1e_,,!n~'°"'.IO:~S.,,01!'--------t--------------i R:ick*,.. lie, MD S~=ttf Rt:ofng !SB]

Ju~1J Rockv~la MD 07JCS17013 Meeting wi;th N1.1::lear EQQinee1 j,i;;i S~:.rJanl 0..-k!-gatrvn *f\uclea!"ifis9"rch tople1.-, NRC"s ~g.ilalcry role- NKC'~ Rockvdle \-tD i""ltetra:rc:mal acD., t1~s. Supi:o1 ror n.J~l!ar eng1nee'l"1g ee'Jucaoor p*ogra"Tlls Rad".vi11e MD Commi!.s1onMutki:;i :c1J1] hMQ , ...-.ww rir.r. n~-.,.mariil)g-mvd&c

.~1,e::~ O"'l.5 ..:ommi:ssLjJrVt1.'2;!13 07,1*0.*2'J 13 Met:itmg wnti tnergy Sof1.Jhons Low-level waste ru1e"'Oak1n~r Oec.,mm1ssi:ionrn9 "'r.tMtiP.~ 3l 7icn Rockville MO lrdust~* :ll C?/10lX)13 Star ar1efirg :m Diabl:J Car.yoo Se.sm1c Ree1.1aluahon Rockvtlle_ MU C7,'10.'2013 Meffiwig wrth Department~ o' Tceasury and Sl.!11.l! Dinner en the occas100 c1 trie Firth Rour~ of L.S. ChiM Feaera) 1Mer'5~nc..y !Fl]

S:*o:.tcou:: ard Econori.c 01:11'2:013 C:>mmis,!>10"'1 Ml!:P.f1r9 ....,,...., ~RC Adviscry Coilmittee c11 Rockv11I&, MD Commission Lil~!!: nq rCM] http:.~ rv .. t;n*~."eanmg-!n110c.c Reactor Sak-g1..i1rlJs collit!ctl.:Jns*co:imr111s~101v1r'2013 07.*1*12013 Maelmg With New E.f\gland Co~li1~n on Nucl~air Po11t..tion WB!ite confider"ce Vet"'l'IOr"l1. Y91nkee Sp.Ant fJJ~I ~C'JC'JI ~l~lnP.ta.h hf)' Rock.'o'ille, MO Non*Gove*nm~rt~I Or*.1ara~at1ar1 [NGO]

10 cxtcm<ll thre.ats i,cl.i:fir.g s.eismi: frag~ity 07.'~ ~ "2013 MeeMg Wilt' N*fronal Nudcar Security Adm111;~trahon (Cf'1raj RockVllle. MD lnteumicn~J E"n~ge~1r [IE]

\Na!;himJlln, D~ ---+'-ln=\*='°="'~~~~~"'~"c;o'Ir~ll~~,---f---------------1 O/t*.212013 kem.,,-ks. at !-.!RC Advisory Co"nminee on Saleguar::t$ Roc;>:v1Ue. MD Spea~rog Engageq*o>< [SE]


07'1512013 Meetirg wi\J'i \l\,(fe~1 El"\e:gy tnsti1ute D.C. Cook Nucll!a* NR: =orc.e-:m-Fo*ce 1nspeC11on pro;irani at"'l:f rio~si!")le- R"ock.Yllk!. Mr> 1.-1;;fustry It) _

Pl;;n~. and Publ~c Sen: re Eaec1ric and Geis N.J~.~a-r ahellllli\*~ aot:iro;ich~

  • .)7t2:Jr.lQ13 Steff Brien"'\[] Dt'I Prr.i~csed R.Jle lex Pilfl61 Rcitkville:.MD SUllI Bnehna ISB'

'.17'?31?013 Start Sriefh~t>n ln~rT)i;ll\IS~iion Pti:iteduM Rockville. MD Bneflm fSff J?00.."201'3 Staff B*1el'inoon Sari onr..**P.- NlK:leat Gcncra1ing StaUon Rc:::t~v*1e, MD S1att Briehoo !SB' Alin-1J

.oet0112013 Staff Bnefmg Qn Wit5le 1nc1de""ltal 10 Reoroi;:ess1rg And ~OCJi::.Villc, MD .Staff Brieflng {SRj i Sava:rviato Riv@i" Natic nal Laoonnorv l)t.Y01J2D 13 Telei::ol'\fet~r.r..P. wilt\ Stale of Georgia S1111~. l nba!. Let.ii Governmeflt TS. Ll

'<oc.kvllle. MD Sl;iff Bne1inci fSt?.1 Re\llsed. 11112i2Ci14 Pago 12 cl 25

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:


T"""--------~T~.~.i~c-.------------.------.,.L-o-co..,t..,io-"--------.------C-a-t-..,o-,N-----~-~----U-R~L~--* ~

OS.'J2120l3 Mee11*1gwilb firstEoergy Nudsar Upe.ra: nQ Compary lnlrnduc:: on nl New :;::al'l)oratc Executives: Srief Stalus Up"1a~e. Rvr.;lwille \-10 looustry 111 Cu1T1i.Jlahve E..,fJ-1,;t~ of Reg\AaTloo. Status of the t..:l<ustiun~

Snent Fuel .zi.nd M1tr:u111M Str111ec1es Aclion!.

O!i'071.2C 13 ~celing wi!h Omat-a Public Paw?t D1s.tnC1:---------tF~o=~°".~'"'*="1nO:o:':,::'n'<'s:O,,.'f.uo:'.n~"~~~**t;:e=""'~~=------+.:R"oc""~..,,;"11e:-:-M"D,.-----------

OS/0512.013 Affuwost1u:1 Seis,ior SFCY-13..()048 :Pr:ipo.sed Comrr1.s.sion Osder iri R~~pcn5e lD Rockville, MD 'H!!).*.\/'MW.r1rc.gc*., "P.ClldJl'\~-~rrud"o-:

Dec. s1cn ':I)' C.C C11icul\ in Sh1el:iaH~y MeleUurg ~I Ccrp. \I'.  ;.:ale:: or-~-'c.:;mTY11~s1onr1r*t>01'.!!1 tJRCl

'lBI0:5t2013 Meeting wilh Office of Manag;emen! ario Budge~
  • 0Si2(i*=-:,ll:::C~13::--bR:--:ec-'n-a-,r~-,-af°'N'"'R'°'C"°'7A"°l°"'Su_o_e-..,~;,-.,-,"°'M7e-o""ti-no,-------f:-V-:-JS-,o:-:r:-:a:-:nc::::t..,-,, orio,-n"'*,,-.,c-fieoc-,r=-.,:-:r-:::o=*m=:. 0&.A fj.~m*N'_R_C_rn_a_n_a,,,-.,-,--+R~o-c.,.kv~<l~le-M~D---------1-s~:pc-:ol<-;-no~E~,-rn-a-"""-'"-n-!=*5El i08t26i2Q-13 MP..f>.1ing wil.h J">.C (.(')Cl Unit 1 refuel nq cl.rt.age 2l""3 pr1or1~-M nre pro1ec~ori- 4.JF'PA Rnd.villc, MD lnd.15~ry [IJ 08l26l20"3 -e1e-oorfererice-wi--,,t~:-:t.:-,-,ler-r-ov----------+.~,,-~5~~~~:-:~:-~rv"~'"'~"°:0-=-cc:-Ac_l_io_n_P_rc!l~~-11!..R~~o"'rm=*'"'0"'"'------+-R-oc""'k->1°"t1~-.-=-M"'D:--------+-1n""'d-.*;""*rv--;;llll;-----

h1fp :, -~..,M 1"11'1'.' gooJ.'l~~mr-g-rrr-."d:;n; calJecti:ll'\S"COUlW*~~llJI j* t2<J1S' 0&'26*'2:)13 S*.att Br.ef1n~ oo lf'e- ..;o*ri\ ::oii~*~n11on er ~"lE Safety Of Spf'lf"ll l{oc:kv~le. MO S*~ft R*ir.ling [SB)

F u!'I IJ..ii~rr~'ll and Cf'l f'\P.!- SafP.ry o1 Rad)om:t1ve Wa~te Mariac!:!mcnl OB12B."2013 StaH 8ri~fi"lt) un San or10fr;-N:-:-"-c:-l*_a_rt;'°'*-en'"'e-,.,,,-,,..,.,.."l<~S'°un""io-n---t--------------.~--~~~~~~~~~~~:-'°'R~ock~;j"lo".-""""D"-=_ _ _ _ _ _ _-EStall=-=B"-ne"'M'-"'<>_, liS~R~ll~=----- t * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l 0Bi16.'201'3 M8i!t1ng With \\l'hlle tlot.sie 0'¥ce or Sciel'\00 anetTechnolngy Coord1ni1ti'3n on rra:1er:; orst.WJ'\Ce and ieC~klgy Wu1"ir9ton.. o:: =cdcnJI lr.te*age11c:y [Fl]

Polcv CBl29.'20'l3 J.i1el!'"Jnq ,,.,~th So1..tharn Nutlear Ccn::i:.iny. SCAN~. Cto1c.ago A.fl 1Q:JD proJ~ts a: Vogtle aad Su1'1mP.r Roc:kv~le. MD .,auSI')' (II El.ridge and lr()(l. ,a"l;t W8s! nghouse tlectr.c. Cotl)Ct~tl:)fl OB.'2~'201~ SIST Bnef1ng or E:1par1trP.'llt<tl Shielding ~vatua:1ori ot fhe Rni::kv1~e. lJID Slaff Bri&~Og ISB!

RArfinlmr Pm1ec::. ori Prov de;j by!nbal Structu,es

08. 3Jl2013 1

Sl;;rli' Briefing en St;1tu; of J-.pan Near TeN""l Tasll: Fo*ce SC11ffFlti.P:fing (S.B:

ReDJn"met'lctthon Ort~

09'0312C13 ~u.':;~iel~ . ..,.,-,a-o-n~f-~~,~-5"..,*_m_*-----------1------------~ Aoc1<>11l~. !I~

Slaff 3n*fino I S S J _ = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 O!J.103l2C 13 M!!'ting wilh Department Of E nP.r!J)I it.'\:f N ailional Nuclear CcD*dirtat1ori i.n. Bfl~~1pat1cn or lhe !;;EA G&neral ::a-iference W.Hl"lll'\Jh',n, l")f. Ft!d..,1al i*\teragenc~ (Fl]

Secvntv AOP.ncv CoO"dll'\Biiori on inairicrs o' "l:~tion:.l.secunty and LlpCOfflU'IQ IAE.A.


09f041:to1J St.3fl Bricf1na on lnterria:tionail Safcouard~ Rnr::kv,Jle. MD Sta"" Br1efif'Of°5Bl

,QS1)4i2013 51-iiff 3nef1l"'C :m Enerov Sa'l1nas and P-1 =teduct1on Rockville. M[.) S!a~ Br1~f1rq .. SB)

~oi 3 Telec.onference willi U.S. WI u;or. ~the lntP.*nat!onal Cc:1rdina1iun IJ'l. htarn.alicn.11 negulalcry itatters Rockville, MC S:eder11\ lnten1i1.11:*1;;;11=11 01Q.an1zet10t'S in ViP.nna Qfll05i':?0~3 Eien ri.:i.rwith ldah.> 'l./ctivnal Labora:orv DOE UQt.1 Waler Sustainability Pra;i~~"'"-----~R,::O<l<=v"-i'~l*::..*~'ll:;<D--------~r_,*.::d'"er.::*:..:11:.::n!o::er:.::a:>.o'e::;n"'c,_._~*F_,.IJc__ _ _ _-+--*

OO.'O~i'2:>13 Meetinc'lfith Holti!c Holr~c sm.all modular :-eactor <:tc~ivilies Rocti:viQ.!- \:ID ~nd1..itry [!)

'-'w-=1~0'1"'2""J1"'3-+"',."',"'1.iy=b-"efo=:o:..:1"'h*"H"'c-.-,-e-E-no-oq-,-.-* ....,~c~~-rn-rc-.e-*e<>-C~o-rn_m_'1t_ee-+'lm"'p"1e"'n""**"'.,"tin::..g::...,...,=::;Nud'11:ar Wais-re 1-"c(J;)' Act- \Jut S~p~ W611sl"Yngtnr~ :-JC COl"lgl"~SS:-Orra1 Hearcflg-~CHJ Stmccmmin.P-r. on Ervirnn-nenf ;arid 1he E:;unor1'y 0Si10:2013 Rem3rk;s at NRC l=.qJ.a! l;;;rrploym!'n1 Opportunity COt*r'l~lnt Thtnks. t:> stalfwho s.e1ve ,;u E~... al Emplo:fment Opport*.rf'lll)' Rockv1Ue, MO Spcaki:'o:J Eng!ti}emert [Sf]

ano ACNr$0fY Comrr1ttee Ca"lferef"'c.e Ctx.mSt:>k.its. Chairman's commrlrner't ~ O:i11!1'51IY C9,'111201J '-Jleet1rig: -Nllh Nat cirial ~demy ;fSc1enc.cs 10 tM N3': C'1:11 Acace"nies: lrinovauor Ookt:y For.,1:n. RoC~Ville, MD Non-Gc ...ernmetttel Orga!li:;a~ on ["'GD]

J=.11::iilt'll1c NRr'.: l""'l~C:!'t30ISITl:i to 1df:Mify antt ae-.-~op mrova11ve

CG<:he~ IC NRC m1£~1cm Tereconretprtr:P. ....,*11t-.Jo1cfan Nuclear R1:gula~0>1yCofl'lrr1ss.ion ~cckville. MD 09!"-21'2013 Slatr Briefina Df'l Roc.kv*ll!I!. MO StaH Bri~fing (SB]

09!1212013 ~ilff t511efino en $!if' Cnafre Nocle:w GP.n!:!r.aling Sta110n RockvCJe, Mr.J St..11 B11e~na [SB) 09'161'"1013 Atleno 1nterriet10MI AlOmic Enerv1 Agency Ger"teral ViocPra At.Slt e 1'lternahonal ~gagen-.e'1t PE:

Cor:fc*ence ldCIY .. of 4' Me~l1ngwith 1~ f~d1:1rnl Aull°'ot ~for Nucieru RegtJla!*on i'l.Jnit~d Arab E.m1r11t.@~)

  • J9f16.1:2013 ~E!'eling v.iilh ttie Aw:hii:lban Rad1Btrcn PJctec.bon and \JutJear Vn!*\11a. Austna Saletv Auel'CY

~0~91~16~12~0~1~3-+~lv<s:-s:hng wrlti lhe ~ ...c~sr Safety and SA!:.n!ry G!lmmissioo lrReot.illlc of Korea' Meeting will\ tt'le ~adJai'. on and Ni,d11:ar SalE!ty Aulhor;ty* l~ernat1cna!  :..ngzg&"M!-nl JI[]

STU~- F n~il"ldl

1V..:.1:.:;*"-n1_,,*,_.:,;A:u'"'*.::**:-.------~"'lnlem=-"'a~tcna! Eng,;:i~.!?-e.n:-:tl.~l;;eEc:--\---1--------------1 09Jf7:2J"3 AttenCl IM@rn.l!ltional A~rni~ Ef'ergy Ageoc:~ General Vien"la A"Js.~ri:J lnterna~1c-1iait Eligi!2e11ent flEI Co"lfeu:nce ~ril't\I 7 cf 41 MM.:ling: 'Ni1ti the Off1::~ lot Nvciea1 Re51ulabon tUn1led Y*e*1*1a. A.isina lnierra: cnal Cn~pJQf!ilent !IEI K1r1odom1 Mealing ....,,lfl the f!c:i~ral Mm1st~ of Frwi1onJT1c'l1. CSf.4U V e'\na. Austria lnh:rra~ O"lal EnQag~ment (IE!


C9i17.'2013 lntem!Jf-Q*"Hll Ct1oao~m@m llEl

Chainnan Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar f-,.,-~~~+-,--~,--,--~.,--~-...,,.-~...,....~--,,.-~~~~-+~~~~~~~~~~~-*-* -- - - ~~~+-,~~,--~~~~~~~~-1,--~~~=-~~~~,--~~-i-()9,'16j2Q13 Atterd l'ltetra~0'\91 Ate.m1r. !=~rgy Agency General V.e,na. Auslnai lrtte:rna(Jona( Fngagcmcrt (;E]

r:on'@renc.c (dav 3 o( 41 V enna. Aus.Ina ln~emational En:liloe111ert f!El 09!1&'20"'3 MeetulgW11~11'1e Stale Qrce t:>r Rad1olcgical en::I NJ!:iear Venpa A~hra ll'l~eT1i11(10l\2ll [t'l.;Jegemer~ ~IE]

Safe~ 'Crnat1ol CY.'1111).'2:)*.3 MeeJing wilh lhc Organi.s:a.tion fer E=onom1t: Co-cpe1al10n and Vienna Aust11a Oe*,reloc:nePI Nvciear :ner::i ... Aaenc.Y'

~9r1B."2J13 Meet1og w1lti ft'e .. .eioan Nix.Jear ~l!'Q*Jlati:m ~.J!horitv V~rn~ Aust113 09118.'2013 MP.ering with O'P.: Nur:JP.Ar R~gulalcry Agcn~y ~BNRA 81.ilgaria) 09.i18.'2013 Mttling wJ11'11f\e NucleB* Energy ServKe (VADVJ. Vienna AUS.tria Netherlands; lnlerna1DOal Er"ID&QefY"!'nt llC l:m~roabonal Erir=.nefl"'Ant 111=*

cs.*1912013 A:t~n::f l1"11'Ar'\~liona1At:mlic Energ)' Agency Oerie~ Vu~ms AuStJia lllt1Jrno110n.JI Ent}3Qerrent [IE)

Conterence (dav ii u' "I) 1-c-cg.-*1-912~0~1~3-+IA~ **-t,-no-'.l<iiti th-a: -utM.1sf1 AltiJT'rC Eoerov Ai..1hornv ACK. T urf<ev) Vienna. Ausbia Y1ennil. Auslna 09:~ 9!.2013 Meet1rg wilt* ~h~ IMornati:>:nal Atomic E:iergy Agenc.y Dept.?) Vienna. Austna * 'ltarnalional Engageme,t (IE]

Director General for Nur:.h:a* Safolv ano SIJi::urt\r 09:*9001~ M&e!irg w11t\ '1e Nu~lear Sa,ety Comm s.!.icr ~CNSC. Canadai Vienna. Ausf! a 09!191201~ Mee~ir.g *JJ1tr. 11A lnlcnalionat Alomic E,ergy Agency. O.....r:aft.y ~efma Au!'.tr a lntema1ioral Engagene11t {IE]

Dire<:tor Ge-ie1gl rcr Tf!ctirical Coaoeraban "0~9'~*1=M!=o=1~3--+.tJf88::inq with t!-\e (l"ller!\aO~J Atomic [ne1g}' Agency. Depu:-1 !nll!m.!\ Engag~rlenl [IE]

Direc1or Ge'lctlll fo-r ~.. *JCl-e:Air F!"IP.trrv 09 1 19J2C13 MF.!atn:J wrh tne International Atom..: Ene1v; /..~eil"'cy Oepu!y D1r~t.1<J1 Ge1\e1al tor Manacernent J91T9.12c13 IJ'eetlfl;i w1~"1 tne lnternationol Atomic .Eneryy AOer".r..y. Vi@iir a .Austria Difecior ::ieneral for 5<11~?-QL.&arch.

0912312013 Sfaf1Briefing011 Jili:;iiiiln Ne;o1 lertr' Task rorce Rack111llc. tJIO Sta~ :lo*<mg [SB]

Rttoorrimendi!rl1en On2 109/2!1.'.'.2013 Teleconierence-WJth U.S. M1S$iOn to the lr"lternstional Coo*cfin;)fion en 1n'!.ernat:ional regUatt:i1y nallets: Rock~*le. lfwll'J 09t.26i2013 Meelinowith ttte U.S. c:v~e:rseci..r-:v co::)rdtnsto*  ::aotdlno!iM en t:\lbtrn:n-clll\1v Wii~l11111.rtoo. DC F~crier.iiil htf!lr<!IQ!',::\i p=n 09l'~Oi20H  :"t..'le~tin9with lhei l~rnafi°"'al A1on-u~ FnP.rgy Ag~::)' Dc:>uty Ro::-..*,...iie. f.f'~ lnierrero~::i.I Fngaigi?mcm !IE]


0913C1'202D ~Iliff Br;efo1u r.m Sc.*c1~1 Media* ~oc11.,**ll.~ t!IQ,________1 s"'-"=ff=B"'""'"'~"-'"-""*s=i;;L_1______-+---------------1 Dcl-1J 1(11Ct::t:l*~ St:aff Rri<:fing C'l lhe lrternal'°ra! Alom*t: Energy AgenC:,i * - Rnck.,.lfe. Mn lf'ltet"Jla! onal Pl-}ls11Ca1 P*orechor Adv~cn SefVtte )J!Js.$.lon 10i0'*'2J13 Me~ttina wuti U.5 UeoainmenT of snu@ H.;;int"P of ~ntemational is~ocs Was~inOl"on. QC r ede *ii11 lnteraaenc>1 fF 11 l-'1-"'uro"°2""12:;,3:-.,1~3-+.M;,oe=11n'"g'-w"'1"1h'"'1'"'~e=c=o"'n"'eo.:r"eru:=,,~o-71-::R~ao.°","a1,-;o_n_,,C,-o-n1,-ra""'1""~'"ro-9-ra-m--+.l--cnt,-ro~d,-a~,t,-io~.,~,0~1~1,~.'=c~R'=c°'P°"D~a~r;d. *1 ea:1e-rshi:p 'epres1il"tiiil~ Y-e:s Ro~k"ille \110 State, Tribal, _:>c31 G:>~*e:nmer~ [ST_)

n r~::-:or.i; Train ng f:lr slate Rad at.c'"i Co~trol PrOQr&m statt Sta<e rtpr~se:nlahol' on NRC Vw'Ofk.tng g~ups: Respon1-.P. ti.lm@oWOtk for 1r-!A"mtiona1 incider.ts :lo1en~ t1l i::.t-,t1,iJe::. to r.uc.lea.r p~1 planl eriergercy resJanSt! reqJi1e1Mf"\ts: N.!lianal Qrphan RaclioaciloJei M'aumal D*sDo5~1CJ' fJrccirarn 10.'02 12013 S~a'18i:e.-n9 en Si;ient Fuel Pcol 5tudy iiil'"icl E;.xpe:flted Rock.,,llie. MD Tr.a1~"er RequJatorv 'ra!vs1s 10/04.'201'3 Meetino wi'lh ~iiA! House Natio~I SF.r:.1JriTY S1aff Rock:ville. MD 10.'J9Q013 RBmatk:s at \JRC Al~ Superv{s.ors and Team Leaders. Meet1r.g Jmpe"l::fi"l!l NRC Roc:k.,,ille.MO

,Qt'i1i201J Staff Srrefi:ig on tt>-c Results o' the ln?ernahoM.I Atorr1c. Energ:,o RocJ<Vtlle, MO Ag~ncy lntern.lti:irial Phy~itat Pu;itec O"l 6.d\i1sary Service M1ssi;;:in 1).1111201'.! Remi!rk~ al 111e (xit M~e11ng OT ~"l.e lnl~rnr1UooalAtomic T,,:ink.s ta the IPP.'\S le<>rJJ To- its asses5T1er1t Affirm 1re 1-IRC"s Roc:1>:v1llit. MO Sp1ud:ing Fngagerre'1t [SE]

Cn~rgy Agef'Lc.y lriteriiatinrial Ph.ys.l:al Prcteclian Adv1~\.lry cun*r1 ~1~1~r"' To Sl' COr'lS> de* th~ team's reo:rmrr.e1cfat.icns.

Ser'iir.e 1IPPAS\ Mi:ss10, 10115J2C13 Slillf Bietirio 011 Cvbers~urUv .;;inti Suacly Ctia*r> RW:: Rc-c'kv~lc, MO Sl;fl ~nefl.llQ' 13BI 10121;2c13 Slaff Biefing or lnternatiori.!I Atcri.c Ener;)'" Age"l:y ~cchiHe:MO--------+;.si"'o::;ff;..;B'i'n:::eli:;:ng.2-!l'"S~B:~-------+------------------l ln'.er;t~eo Rf!gulatory Review St!-1'1.' c.e 'Aissro"l to the Undec 1<1rmoom 11)(2212013 RP.ma1k.:;. at NRC Comt1red Feoe"al Camoamn tvenl ~oc.kvtllc-. lAD I 10/2212013 Staff Br*e~ni:.l Qn ~eac.tor f-11e Pro~lion R:oc.j(v111e. MD Revised. 1111212014 P.lge 14 cf .::5

Chainnan Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar D*le Title TC<l:lics CatcooN llRI

!1012JJ2C13 M~b'lgiw1th Bab=:H:k and W.lco~ :BS.WI Ji:com1ng des.1gn cert-icatiori appl1::at1::m tot B&V\rs mPower RocJ-:y1!Je \'tO

riall m
)dutar reactor l-nplementa~10:1 of less.ons learne:f frcf11. v 12 security ir1~1i:Jc:!r.t oil\ Cate~-y 1 fuel ;yc;le 'a; hi-es. B&W$

~o*wratB'*Wl:fe Ml'leh a..HP..t~ 1n1t1al1ve 10t2412C*13 Tele-~nfsrer1ca w1~"l U.S. M*1ia1cn '!:O the lnterna1iona!

Orcl!lni~ions 1n Vil!nM 8taM ~refnci !SOT 10/2812013 Vleehng Mth Non*GoveTWT1E!n~I ~-~J"1izalions N;11vra~ WiJatie Conf1dance: tnloct.en">e"lt ot t-tnan:ral Cuaihfica1ic:ns San Wml"Mnqlon DC Ni:.'.:IO-Gti-..+.ri-nc:t)1.a..10rg.:inizaticn :NGO)

RelictJ~s. O~frmse Council, Umor o* C.cnce*ned SQenUsls, :Jriofrf! NlJdl!i!!.r G~nern~ngi Srauon: Expedi~:1-tM!ifer of Sperr Oeycl'ld Nuc.lear, Alhance fc.r Nudi!ar Acc::>t.ntab1lity, Hatrr.oi. Fuel. Or.nnP.:P. N.1::.l@.!ir .Stilti!lln aM Floocing. OJG J\LJdilof N:RC

":urrari. Spir.lbcr9 and Fi1:.enbc1g LLP. hs.ti~.Jte: for Ener:iy and NEPA. tioncoll'pl ari:e. P\.bl1c P"rbc1pa:li0n Process l:.nv1nmmental Re~earc.h PLbhc C1hz.en. Ft1e""ICI$. 011r-~ E2u*.1.

3'eefii::eac.e. fl.u:~rar lnformahcr o:111;1 ~eS)urc..e ServiCe.

MqyP.r Glib'enstean A Crystal Roc.kvillc. MD 11.ll'~~Y,"20"'3 RIPilBrt:s di NRC Nato"al 0 se,,1hty Emp~'!n! A~r~nll'SS Rt.u;,;lo.vill!;!I, MD Soeak10~ ~~emer.t [SC)

- Mooth E'Jen!

t-ecieral Governm~n1 S""luldown; Upcoming l'JPD CEO R<.ic.kv111P., MO lodu;lr)' :11 Conleq-e.nce: INf"'O lr~Q*n::itionar Fnoacicmcnt 10130.'2J"JJ Re,,arks e1 NA.C ;JtTi!:~ nf If"~ Gh1&" Financial ()ffice( All Rockville. MO Ha'l:fa Mcel1rg Roct.vil!!'!. Mn SpeoJi\ioQ En;iage<J\ert [SE]. CQ*tm11ss on :,up.:'W'll\v..1,rc.QCv.:re.aoirig-'TJlfdoi;..

M"e~ng fC~l  ::il-e-:.~ 0'\!: cHmnss.s.101Ylr'2313.*

0 s:_cv ... 3 C064- Exe1or1 Generaticn Cu .. LlC (l.i1m,ir1c~. RacJ.v1lle. MD Commis.sion Ml!!!ll!!tlf'~ (C~] hhp**.:W"lol."" nrc. no*J *rP.:J.dina-*m1ac.r...

G~f~ll""'l!) S'.!lti:m. UnJts 1 arid 2) l::!oa1d'~ H.eterred Hu~1t1g n  :::>1-e::~ Q'\S ..C.:>rT,ml~*O*Vl~\213.

LllP-13-1 Feb. E. 23*.3\

i1:oii?_o13 Mcct1rg wiU*, '.h~ ln1enatlooal Atomic Erie1w Di;actor ~\las.hmgto-.... DC G&ner~I 11.'J.4t".lQ1~ U S.-..J!!!ipsn fii*areralComIT".iS~ior oti  ::;."~ N.Jr:l~;ir Coopf!o*aJion 'Nas.hingto:'.11. o:: Jn~rnatJ.onal f."lgaQiem4!ri~ ~11:.:  :--eocierel Meet1nn ln~r&aenc)" rFll 11!J4t2013 S1aH B*1er1ni:l or1 Alkal1-S*lica Reae1ion at Se-atr~ok: S~1on Sta!I Sooting iSBI

~oc\;vllle.MD 1 '!0612013 Mee~n;i w*th Honsywe:U St21us.of 1-Jorl!'vwelJ re~ila1 aciw1t1e&. Se:1$m~ aflCI :o.rt'lae3o ~Oci(Ville, MD lndust'l'llJ i:!iSlJ!;'!o~; 10 C1="R °".an 4) ano: lrtctJra1ed Safety /,na~es

.... 101ao13 Site V1Slt10 Seabrook S1a:tt(')n Nue.l~:u P~ovnr Plant ~eb"OOk. NH Sdi!' V1!irt ISV-. Jnd.J!trv Ill

'"'"':'G712013 ~eebni;ji w*t'"l Seacoost A11~-Polh.1t1l.1*~ '..i,:i;;,ll\le, C.10 R~searcfl ASR Oe;gradab0f\Coocern$: ==l1S11'9 Seai tie..,e1-Ui:en£1ng; Seab*ooJ., NH a1~d Eauca~ on Fou11datl;:m, No More l-u\ ancl Fne:"lciS [.me:rge-...:y Manageilentcont.etr'lb CO'\tJr.LlP.d On-site. slnrA19e ot tie C:.a$t

  • of n.1r.Je;ir *MUilP.

11/06/2013 Sit~ vi!> t !:"Jo P11C1rirr \luclair S!ation Sl'\e V il11SV:* lr:fustrv l~l 11.'0Sl2C13 Me:ethg wit11 S'1lgrirn 'IJ,.'atct-i Pil~rirr Coalitrot1, Pd~rirrl F~eeze, P1!grtm eccr.0'1l1c.s a-.:t its ll"rll)at:I on publ ~ s.afpt)' Ptlgrrm's t.Jon-:;:>,*cmment111 CrJooiZ3fion [NGO}

'!Ye 1he :>eople. iml:f Cape ()Q"'mll',1tntJen S?Pnt fuel -nanf:lpemenl- Pool 8 15FSI. lna1P.CluAr..y of

~ffi~RllSN:."!' Dla.1!li1'Q ln:>orlariee or a stron~ re-gufo-tory regime *or1uH.. re ex~n~.ari ct W~sh ngron. DC Speaking Engager"'lent (SF"}

riu-:lsa.r DO~r 11Jl2i2013 Meeln'Q"W1th Attiance for Nuc:IE!'CM Respcris1b1hlty Genenc se1sm1c is.1ues. 1he GallJotria =nerg:y :omMi!>!:.*01 Ro::(1ille. fJl'J Nor1-Gov~1rirT1~n:a! Oq~arii.z:ation INGO) r2r.0.mmcndali::m kl cxpedt.e spent fLel stomge_ 'Wa$1e

'"1_11_1-2l-:20_1_3--+S-l-aff_B<_il>_fi_oo_o_n_5_a_o_::J_n_olre __~-u-cl-ea_r_G_e-,,-.,,-a-~,-,-S-la-~-u-n--+--

Cori"de,i:e Oeci5o!Orl R:Jci<Vllle. ~:l 51<ift ~Klfmn fSR' . -

1-'1"11'-'1~3;"'20"-1"~-l'R"-*""'"'~"ri,,,.s"'a!"-'-'~"R=:-'-F"'ol,_l,.S*'-'n"'ro'=*"l"'u=de'-'**"-hJ'-'Jo'-'M'=e"-'e"'tr_"o.__ _ _-+L.o=o~ki~*a.*~h~*~*~d~to~l~ulfi~li~In~1a~th~e~ao~e"n~c,~**~S.~**~~-"~'"""'"

OrM..l.<_ _ _ _-tR~oc'ok~'Ji"'llc~..,.",_,~,---------+!?..E!:..~kiro Encooe111~111 ISE1 111131'2013 Pilr.1~1cat10f'l in EfY"e"C>e"nr.v Pr@oarecr.es21 B<ereis.e R;:i~k".,*ik. MD 11114.i2013 Ml!l!ting W1h Southern sr"~~s Fne*f31 Board (SSEB"t 1,troduct1on \o SSEB. ib ~cals. and its *n1ss.1on Nucrea""

  • R:>i:k,. lie. MD A :t1*J1t1es in the Scut!"\

Joeomii!'J trio to ... a:mn and Korea: R'-'r,;kvllti. MC:

1111512:>"'3 Teleconference 'Wiiii De-partment of i.J~rnmi-.:J lrip to .* a~:ll'\anCI Korea. SIT' ad Mo::lular Re.B"E'1ors foaeral lnl**a~~nc~ JFIJ *

.. aD811411rd o.>H.A. EN"et:iel"ICv Resl)Ol"l$e. Na1ion.<!I L...!iM 1 tii5.'2J13 M.eetinc with Mirislr.i of t:ne*qy, l{ep1,,.1ti1.c ot Littiu,a""ll...li3 Rock,..1lle_ MC: lnterr.nt10,al Enoaaement UEl 1 t/15.'2:>1J -e5eoorite1ence With F-ederal C:.nergy Regt..lato"y C:)mmiss;i~n Coor()"Mhor 1n general. 1Jpoorr1rQ meeting in 2014 between Rock*;ille. MC F\lCe1 a! lnleraye*1<;)' [=I]

FERC aod NRC I ti15.'201J St&!"' Bt1e'ing :>n Se::..Jrily A~peD:ii er Exl.'lo'dited T'ans.re1 <>;: .._ r-*- - Sta~ Bue'ir.g :se1 Soent F1.iel

, 1*'1B!W13 &Cl'f 8f*e'*110 on JBDiill Rockville ~O S~a<< 811e':na~~Bl_. __ -,.-------il-7--:-,.-.,,-----...,..---,.,----1

~201:i Af"'-rTia.lton Se-ss o-i .SE:CY- 13.0113 ~rnorandum ~-d Ord1;1r Cc~1::.e11111Yi,1 Roct.vill~ 'JO Comrrnss.1on ~tiOQ ICM] _h:lp ':w'lo\O\*'!.Y_c;.gq1.r.r!'adl~:i-r11*~0...f:

  • Re~uniotion cf Yucca MOl.J1lain lJc.e:riMn..i Processl r::Dllec, *-;.o-nro1ss1::in11r.;o.ot :'.S.

11.'15 2013 1 Pre~P.ntallori a~ ~LJc:lea; Wasl~ T~i;J-nu;;i!I ReV'!evt eo~rd ISSlJe.$ !he \!RC is ~delre3,ing re9'"15rd1rg fhl! SIOr.Ag!o \Nashmg10f'. JC Fc-d~ 1 t;i1 lnteragent"' :rr1 Wo*k:shop o,. the lmpa-ct al Conl~iner Oe:i'Qn~ cin :'le and !rallsport ot spe~ t1.1el Managemet"l1 and Ge-ologc Oisoosal ~r Spent F utti in ~'le U.S R~v1.s.ed 1* 11212014

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar 0


Alfonce fer CLea'.'l Ene-rgy. and Georgia 'Women's Action fo* Safel'; iss:ues. of A.~ 1000. P\.ew oon=ern~ iiilbo.1[ Plari~ Vogt!e New 1Ji1ec~*ons

~1i19.'2013 Sp!!~:::°' a'l fl"'.S.tih.Jb!: of r..utle~r Pow!!r Opeiatlo~ Chn:l Workm~ together 10 .cont::l.Je e('!Sur1r.g ' sa'ety is B t.Jp F.)( 0Tfir".Af r:onfereric,,,e'---------------f"""ic"'r"'it.Li"'n"'d._v*nc;.*;cmocc*c=-.1"';m"'c'=*'=----

11.?012013 Meetirg 'J.*1th <orea !"41ro &. N1.iclear Power CLWrc1l sl;,hJs of the ~PR-1400 aD~iieatio=l for de5 gn c.ertifo:alfor. KHNP's. comrr11rne1r 101he d~si:m cef11fit.ation OverYiewof Nahoral A.cadell"~ o'" F' Ar*ninlstt.at1cn D1sc.;u~ ~oclc11~I@. MIJ fl!!:'.f:*Jarit p&.sl f'Jf'irf::irmancc 1 '.'2!;12{.l1~ Reniarks Dt NRC HeadqLJa1crs Operahon Gel'l~ 1 *s Ribbon Cuninc Cer~mon11 1 ";f2MC1! Tele=onr~1\:*1-;1:S with JeparbT1\:'r1\ 01 E""t~rg.y UpcotT'*"9 *-ip lo J;:;ipctn. Waste hc.idental 10 ~\:'pruces.!.1,;:,; Hoekv1t1e-. MD  ;:w~ral lnt@r.tgem:.y 11-11 Ctri.,.r OOE Ac:.l!v;~e~* N'NTRB Wcr<; Pan 61 )r~fr

~lllelT'ek1ra i 1'2612013 MP.P.ling with En!~rgy =)eet R:~gUatory Perorrnarci:: c...~1v1~w Fvku~tu**-,..,- * .,..,,'""*-l*-<""'"t--l=R-o--_,-.,"",11e-.""'~""no--------+-lndul;~71ry-.,,11.,-; ----------+-----------**- -

O\fe'V1ew &.>i'"smic .and floodtllQ Jssuu. Ca..n.ih111r~*., Effects o" Reg.1.latury Ac:: Or\S. Vermon1 Ya"°nkee Der.ommis.s1cnmg Human Ct11P !a MBnaQefl"le"I\ Qrg11.ruzat1cnal Ch.Jr_i~~*



1z,c3:2:>~3 ~:~~~~~w~rt,...h7K~or_e_a_l<U-:<-ut_e_ol=N-u,7.\<>-.a-r-=s-at,...e,...t,-----~ Seout_ K0."Ba ln1etnat1o""lal Eraaae'!l-",c;"l~ll"'Eo;--1----ir---------------l

~3:2J1J Meeling with Kore.) i"l~~(.u{c or Nuc.lear Nono.>rohfera-~10-n-and--+----------------- Seot.I. Koree lnleinat1cn13' enga;i~menl 11~1 C~ntml 1?.'0~..,013 Meeting will* and TOLof :>I 1nter:-.&11ooal Nude.air SP.r.uriry SOOY!, K:>rea lnl@rn.at1:mal En~~3emcn1 (IE)

Acad19-mv 1;2,.'04"201'J Meet1rc w11h Jl"llCO :itates_,E"'m.::b:::a"'""-"'"-Sa"°"c"'"'-1~----+---------- Seoul. l<:.rea Fed~'al 1nt:era:::1encv lf-11 12.')4'201~ Mer.ting with i<orea Nucle.i .. Satety anc ~r1ry Corrrn1.\~1r.n Ser.iuJ. Karc-a lntenaho~ E'"lgagemen! {I=)


12105!2013 Mee,n!I wth .Jaoan NudeAr Rccula:*a~1'c~O'u'Ct~=o~11~lv_ _ _ _ -+--------------

t./\eern:. wti Lm1ted S~=!*-s~E~'"~-b=*~&>~V.n_T_o~k~o_ _ _ _ _.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ --.,.--.,.,.-,...,,..---,,,.-,.-----11:T"':ok,-<v:_o~J:-l""8~'"-----

+TO'o7k~",~*.=,J*~"=-'"'"--------to'F='r:co':'."r~l-°"ln'~lr*~2.":7~~e rt TlEl

.,... .,. ...,. *~* ...... ,, 1 *-

12105001::! Speech BtA!.ah>--Shimbu,, Pnnceton S'ilT'P091tJ11 The imp0t1ance ;_)I ~ritranc1rg n~ernat1crial fOCU$ on1t-e b!ili::-c Tnkyo, Japar S~crking c:,g~l'nE!r,* [5FJ- lntcrnatio""lal 1:!r,c ~f the- h..el c:""de* res$on.s ~aned fro-n f L.;k1Lc:l'\1m.l IEnoeoemP-M (IE:]

  • V0512C13 Al'firM.Ation Session SEC'l'-13-00lSA - Sn,.rthP.w r.atifl.>111 a E01son Cc!"1.-:Jal'\1 (San. Roe.II.vii~. MO Corn11"1n11em hl"!!t*no rCW] hUc :.*.,,.,..,.,.,.. nrr; u:.r."rttStd nu-flll;doc*

Ono'*P. Nuclear Gene*ating Slcthtm. Uo*t!i 2 and 3). C~11z.ens <:allcd1:ms:c.a1111""11s1g*iS-'hfJ1'J; 01rers1gh\ ~etihon 'Qr Re111~wor LB=>- 12-?S i ... a.n. 15 2013);

SoU11'em C&l."Ornia F::lis.on C~mpony*s* Mot*1.m lu Wthdr;m

. ,um:e Amendll'lenl Ret.llJ~~t anti 1o Vac.a1e L31-'*12*4!S !!lind

.~5stx;i3h.itl Petition tor ~ev1ew a.s Moot (Aug. B 2:013); NR;:

Slirfh tJ!ot1on to Ve-cate Ucel"!Sing fbara Drdet" L3P-t2-25 :A~.

l. 2013) andSFCY-13-0085-S::>uthem Ci:lll fo~ora Edi.son :o.

iSa"l ~rlctre ~udea1 311ne<a~1,-.g Station, L..n1ts i9nd 3~ NRC z Staff's tlot10-i 10 va~ale the Ucensif'tg Bca*crs F11!1 lnl1ia.I '_BP* 13-7 (Jl.IJ)e 14 '~1~)

12.'1112013 FaP.IE!t c ...erv1ew: Ope1aling l""lO<lel: Fkrnt ~erkirii'Hlnc~: C1JT1ulelrve Ro-t:kvPle MC lnduSll)I [I]

effoi;l:; of r.adianoll Test1f"lo"y al tlouse-£'lergy And Commerce Suticcn,11ttes on 011Em.~ cf '1RC Marsge!'r'lerrt en~ thr.- Nccci fer leg1slabve W.3ishmgkJr. JC Congress*mal Hea111*~ [CH]

Cn"rgy 6. PO\\o"Elr and S1Jbcomrr1ttee cf* E*\v.*anmeri~ and th~ R~folTI'

,___ _ _.....,~,_~_n_om_w~J_o_;m~H~e~*~r;~oc._,,__ _~---------+-~~~-----~--~-~----------+---~~---

1¥1 eet1rlil Wl~'"l the HealUi Pf\j"SI~ Soc.iety NRC Sd1olat6hips. and 1-elOWS'\l~S rurd'ea ll,,;""ICt!r thf!. lnlegratcd Ro~kVJlle. MD Noo-Coverttm~nral Orgari .z.at1on (1'.GC:

UrnverSlhes. Program :on:lus1c/'IS of ~.. C::cuncal Dn Radetion Pm!E!rJu-::n ~v..'hcre ore the Radiii1ior ?rofees1an;si:1 i""

Progra'n. 201.4 Annual Meetm~ or HPS rr July 20 1 4; Sp1rn! f"Lel PoolStuclJ'. W.u~e ::o'lfldl!'rKe P*opos!!d Rule 12'171201) M~.!Ung~with lin~nr.ial O!Va-i1.z:abons Oc'gan zed b)'" Morg~l'I Key feg.ula'.ary is.sul"!!:. FukuS~-1rra. new reac1cr 1~sues N~""'*Ycx'k NY Slar!ev lo*oor~~s on waste: :onfi::lerce Rock't11le. MO QV06t201"1 C:iommi:ss.iori Cm~fi"l;J on SpP.nT Fuel Pool Safot)I ot"'ld Rm:.k,.-IJe. PJJ Co~-n1s:;1cf'I "4eeling [CM] h~"I ,,*..~w'"A r.r:::~p.rea~r.,g-rfll.'C11')C Coris1::laat1on of Fxped1ted Tra'"ls1er of Spent Fuef to Ory ccllect10rs.-c CM1n~:.1n"h:r.20\1....-

Cask!li 01.'°J6*'2014 Comm15~1on B*u~firlg on i-lcoclng and J!"ler FJ<1reme Weattier Rockville. MO C:l11m~Sli 011 Meeting ICM) h~i2 v.w*11. n*t:.uC.~.f'!!3cina-r1 1 dix:

E*1:'1*s c ollecl *U 11s:c:.-v-nm1ss1:>nflr.£O'i 4r

~"t07'20tJJ Maet.nQ ..vth T'le So(':a:i.I and En*1imnn~f'tal RsHa.r:h lns.11h.Jle Ve'"m0n1 Yill\kee decommiss o**nng aina p.iblic :>airtu;tpafloo: Roctv1Ue Mr:

le.sson~ lAoarnc.d ano be:.: prar:tices fro:n pijiS1 tleccn:n1r.s1crurig:

Vciloe ot social s.c:. e*1;;i:' 1*1 1111ptovin9 rt!gu*atcry ov1c:omes

Chainnan Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar Date Title Lo1::a1ion CateCIOl"'t' URL 01107.?D14' Staff ~r111f1ng :)fl Sec'J*1ty As.pads of F.xpAdi1P.d Train"fet o' Rock.,ille MO Stan Brte*og !SB]

Soeori~ Fue1 01!0B.'2014 Meel1ng wrth PSEG N-tclear SalEIM and Hope Creeot parfornanc:e ;(,drO:JS"cirea!i., Rock.v~le MO ln(l1,.S.l')I (l]

C..J.mLJ011i111e- im~s of r!ol.A~*oci 01IOS.'2D14 Stat"' Brie.flng nn ~e..Jfity A...~fi"!l.I'.~ or FX'pA:::titadTr~MIP.1' o' Roclcv~le MD 1-----+s~'*~*~"~'F~u~*~I__ ---**-* *---* **------ V./as~s -*-*--=.,..,.-,..,-,-.,.-.,.-,,--,.=,--,...,..,...,..-,-.,..----,~~~---<f=--~~~~-------+.-,--~---.,-=--.,.---..,,.=,,...-i---------------t 01.iDE.'2014 Mee11f'g with the Institute 101 Cnerg1 antJ E~'ilrO"l""'le11ral :onf10e1~ce 1npt.11. E:.;pe-cJ;)eQ tra(ISfer of SpE101 f1.1eil pa;.>IE. Ruct.vdle MC ~0111;-GoV't'1nr11enf31 Orgar1z.31l10n !NGO)

A e-search t1 R't burl'!-u~ 11.Jel: low le1Jl!'l 1Na$1t!! 0.ff@r;nc;i Pr~fl!!!i.$10nal on;ni~n Oli10'2014 C;.11m11ssic1 Er1eflng oo NRC Staff"s Recorn"'endahons 10 Rockvdle MC C:omm.i!SIO'll Meeh/"I~ [CMJ r~~::i """W~* 11*'l1*a3ld1na-r.rvdot*

01s.~os111on i-uku:oh1ma NT J f- RecomfT'endahon 1 Of\ c.t!Jec11ars:c.c ~l=ntss1~nf1f*;;:;1y .:;:*

fmpro..,1ra NRC's. RcaJlat:lrv Fr~nu~INOrk.

D1i'1~'2014 ln~ragenqr EMcrgcrcv PrspnrcthAss F'icerd!i.P.

Rock.,.dle. MC 01;1.t. 1201.4 TeJecol"'1erence 'l'Vlth U.S. ~ec&1men: :11 State Rock..*dle. MC: r1td!H1l lnteraaenc. *'Fii 01i15:'2014 Telerorferer.cewilh U.S. M ssron t:J lt'C lnternat1orn1* Coardinabor en intcrnil~icnal *cgulalcry -natlms FedP.r;1l ln1craganc1 :Fl)

Qti17.'2014 'Ae!:ting wi1n Prote!S.Ot'lal R~tto .. Ope:rat!lir S:::iciety Oe1;e1o;>m~s.1ri F.alC.aS'lt,.,,a 1eccrr.r':'lerdatiens O**i!~ the lils1 Hci:kv~lie. MU lntluslry (IJ yecs. Less.on.s. lea-ned frorn San Ono1're Jpefating expeoence 3'"'d ai;:p*ymg lessors learned. Dry c.ask stor:igc. F"Jt.Js"'li11il rt-colT'r"'l"'dafl~s ard ~"18 n1l1ce-ns.ino Dri.)C.8&~

c1;:z;s.1io14 Mee1irig !M"lt'o"'ts Org~ni.z.ed1or a Sate En*,r1ror:irnent ar\~ r~.g1 burn-up fuel"' deC01llTll5S 01*r'lfi' reacto.*,: fJanspor1~t*cri Ror;k.vdle. ML.: Non-Governnental Orgar.u::at10fl lt..IGO j Goah"JOi Aga M~ Nt.Jkes Of !Jrild Bte\j lt..el: RacM110r a r mon1tor1rg Indian Pomt Waste confidence and l.perit tuel .:;torage. 0"0"NM. I=erry SECY-13-0l3f!Al'SECY**3-0138-U.S. Depa:trneru of Ene:*gy Rcck.~*ile. M~ Col'J\miss O'\ Meetif"ag (CM) N'.p .-,,>i'".J.-W.r.rc.wtw.~read1ng*r.., 1';joc.

(H1gtrle'J&l Wasta R&posJto1y): Sta'e of t-lev~a ~1ltioo fer coller.t1v,""'l1~1&t !l'V'tf*2D~4-Cia*ifica: on ~r t~~v!mbl!r '! B. 201::! R@!.t!r1 Orne* and Rll!la'lec Star: RcqJi*cmcrt~ fl-JOU' 27 2013: *Five Fiut1~s'Mot1or.~1 Ret..vr,~t.Nra~.cir1ol r~rru*ar11J1.1f"'1 iJmJOdi::

i(Nov. ;JJ :2013) 01!2712014 St3'ff SneM~ oo Sullc flower M:in:a1;1ern2n1 a11d Grid Stab*My A:oci.;.*~Je, MD S:att Bricfirg :ss1 01.'26'201~ Meetir"Q witr. Total: Prolee11of'S and Alabama Stale \Jr"1versity 0 ~c1.1ss me TO(af P:o1echonS N.1::-earPro A-ca:1emy atAS.J. Ro1.:kv11!e. MC Industry fl) At.:adt!r1a lAJ ASLJl CJUP.r'l'. Cl':\n1$. IO AS.J St3ff Brie"ir.a "SBI Cammif.is101 M~ling ICM] J-C).-'1,'f,n-v. 1*,rc.r.iuwr~adi11a*J 11ldoc*

c.cUec.1-ar s,.- c.cri*n1s s. *o nm ;"1. O1 41 01 Te5timo'l.y :n Se.tale FM r!)nment anc.I P1Jbli: ~l\i'c:r'(.s !='ull :iM Ovar,;!gh1 He.ar1r9 NRC's lmrAementation of IM F'lJk.tJ!>him£1l W;;i!:;ningtori. DC Subcurnmrttee o,, Clea, Air a*d NLd~ar Safety Hear ng t.l::!J'-Term Tai~~ Fon:;e Re1=:C:r"l'1lendabor.s an:J otller Achons tc: 1*1-'yrmm 'it' c., 1 cgnm*1;;~ror.-\'.fl" rn-9TI1~n*i l:.nJiilnc.e aid 'J/'<ii n1.~:111 N..t~feilr s-.rety rr:a~airlar11~."~e>:--nonv=>>pee;;:,es.hlml 0 4 13112014 Mt!-P.~ng iNltl"I F'riit!-na!. t:f :,!!! Far1h. A~10C ccnstrlJcfion and p-.Jnhc. panici:rnlion, Re!ogt.l.etion :'.)! spen1 Rockville Mr.

fuel s.toJage, R.egulabon cf -sptnt fue.I reproces::s*rig, Lrcers1ng anc te:n1r.g er MOX. t.1eol 1111he US Po:s51ble pp ere ol ra1e1g:}

  • hinh lt!v~ wasl~

Fel>-14 ----,--=--.,.--o--=,----=-----,-----=-----,----,--t-------,----,----,-,-~====----,.-----+=---,-~~-=---------*--*---- --*-**--**--**----*-----t--------------i 02103J.2C14 TelecO~fererice 'A<J1h Federal Energy ~eg..1l9tory ComlT'issii:xi Preparancn.5 "o~the combhed NRC.iFER:C Comm1!.Sion RockY'ille ~D Fede*al lnteragenc)' ~Fl]

Me,t1r9 CL;r'ent and rutvre "\Umbers ot 1'.:.1:le21r P)i.wr p*~nts

[p~nn~ n~w ~.1i.rfa hr.P.n:;~ 'P.1'\ewai:~

l2IOJJ2tt4 Stz,ff Briefing on High Burn-!Jp_f'-'c"'e~l--,--,------ * , Slotte**e~~ll?_BJ __ .. *-------+-*- .... _..... -*-*-- .. - * - -

J2101.'2V1oi J.leel n;r w th Nucle-3* lnoov300r. \lorth Amenca lrdLnU)r (I]

l2!05:2014 Speech at Olatts 10n- Annual Nuclear Paltcy Canferenc!! SpeakiniJ EngatJemeri! (SE: h*~2* :i11i"W'<A.'. n*c:. OO'll *ii oo ;;t~

ri*::/arg 1m1z.J~1a'1ICOmn** s.r.ior.*i::r*m '1\- a6r'!on.

!'1 ;);.f a~lan.e *~ r:s l* "nQ(lv=~ C*ei ~Ches. t\lml 02/0512014 Tr1le:anlcrnricc ..-.*111' ln3Uh.J~ ot Nuclear Po\Nef Oa:;erations Ful<LlStlliT'a ndu!!:try respo'!.!:i~: Pl11r.s: fn* 11pcr:im:n11 lAFA wnshin.910r. OG lrdcsl<y jl]

Cunv~11tit>tt t:*l \3t.\;J~u1 Sa'ely meeting, World A3socialion uf Nuc.lear Oo~ra.tcr' aclwJht£. Fcc11s \tf8a$ for 2:)14 Pl!!ll.,~ a~.!loeJ.!~d ~th Nu.Scale ~m211J rno-ct..ilar re~~r des~n. Roc.kv111e \.'ID lro.siiy Ill lmpatt$o 0 6 :.,,e Departr"!~nl of £:.nergy Fund1r'lg Opp::>r1unr1y A."1.riounce1T1en~ ::1.n-ard or the f\.uScalc .schedule lot .sllt:n ss~r of ii De!>iQn O:tt1f1ee1t1or Appll\4t1on. NuSc.ale Oe~igir1 Sve-~ fie Hevrew'd<ifl*ds ~nd pre--app*icatJor e*!J~l!lmenr 02/0612014 °'re.~enta!*or. at NRC Eanl"' Science Vveell: Event Rockvi;le \i1D 021061~014 Staff Bnefrna t:f"I ~RC Slaff l*ltt::lf\a~:Of\al Assiarrrie1ts RocJ...viHe "\U) Staff Brefno ISBI P:Jge 17 a* 2S

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar Oat~


  • ~~-cT;'-it=..&e-.,,-...,..----,,,....--==,,..--+,,....,..,-----~--'"'o"'"'~"**~*-----,------------..,-------._f..,-_-~---~---..,-~-~-,-'1..;;;o;eat~'J,io~n~~~~-=--=--=--=--=--=.i:_-=._-::-:::::~:i,'*i.r..~n~>r;;jv:::::::::::.:=ii:::::::::::.::-_-u=RL;--

Mee~1rg ....,u.. ::itegi'1t6d Regulalory Ri!v~Serv1:E (IR1<.S1 Reintorc~g the *JTlPQ~a11c:e ot.inlieirnshonal sate~ cooo!'r311on Roc);villll, MD lnte~1orial 1:::;.11gaigemll!rr: :1EJ

!ti11~11:m leam A.pprecaabcr fc* ltie 1-q:RS ll!!am*setrorti. to ;tlentiry acod prai::~ ~!!. !ll'l:f ways to s.1re"li;,1Mn NRc*s progr:ii-i. The NFIC s stron:"J $ll~Ort f:u lt'.D IR RS aroa:arn Stafftir1ehng (S91

~ernario:! at lntegrateci RagLJl.'lllcry Re11*e*"'* Se1vic;~ (IRRS, R:e.-itorcir:g ttae- impartllnc.e cif rlit~rMf) safety ::0:1perat1cn Sp~at.i~ Engagerr-enl lSE]. lnlB;-'laUonal

~1ssion Ed Meel"W"ig ApptR-r.1nt1r:n for ll'c IR ~.S tea1T.'u: effo*1s 1o l(.lenHy g:oo:1 En~ager1en1 fll:t pacti::es and w~ 10 strengthen \IR.c*, :i-rogram: Tt-.e :-JRC">

5trona s.uoaort lor :he IRRS cir:i.:::irani Meeling with the Cenlt!1 for Strategr.: and tn1ern3!1onal Studies A taing!!' ol m.*dear reguia!ory i:>Si.Jl;!ti., CSIS fuh.. r~ prc,rec:l 111 (CSIS1 Japain of\ overs g"lt oJ r'UClea~ 1egulatu*y aiQ\'ll":C1eio. lliiitJeio 1elated lo ove;s1;:iM. to~ri m ll'le U.8. ar.d Ja~a:n U2i12!2D1~ SECY*13 ...DQ98- :row Ru~c Resources. Ire. (Maistand Ro:~:.nlle. l>ft!J Commrssrc:;n IA~~lin9 (CM} r.~~;i;.;W\w..* r1rr. .OO'v..*m;:i rfing-r.-1,i~oc F1eparr.iol"' Are;:i). A';)peal Li>' NR~ Sl<ifl a1:f Crgw t;u;.e cl LDP* ~r~.:*ccr:t!mS.Sio.11 V!r 2(*"":4l 13-6 {M*y 10. 2013) and b~CY*1,*012C * -erne"e~ Valloy Autho1ty CSe:iUDyal'i Nt.dear f'ltert Units 1 a.nd2). Teone!;.see Volley AOIMroty'< Aop0<1I o! LBP-13-8 (Julv 30, 2013) aro Bbe Ri£lgc Er:\111ronme:itcl D1:1f~r\s,~ Leagt.e's PehhO('lo K:ir :""tteMOClJlory

'Revi~"" ~*f .. BP* ,::3-S (JLifv 3C. 201a1 l:.ccrtci'Ot: cna11~.,,9'!S facing the- nee!* Currerr 11a11*e1 lru::lL.~11)' [I]

c:lnd1llons: Nuclear p*ofrlal:l1'ty s.hoYriri by plart ~"\Cl siu: Risk recLlato"Y riecJtre1nert!

O.C Coo< Jr1t 2 Cyi:Je 21 Reh.Jl!!!f1"'lg Outage 2D1'3 \Nra~u~

2014 Poor ti~!.. rue Protec.t1t;rt - ~.a.tio!t31 Fire =>rotec~ oii

~..,gsoc1et1~n ~,.,_~PA) 805. Cone=~ ve Ait.h011 PrQ'iJtam oer':>TTniln;.e

>2i19J2Q'\4.* ~'"°*-**'"".n-o.,-,1t"°h7U'°'.s~.-:ll'°'*-..,,,n-m-e-n7l <>"1"S~<A""1-~-------~R~ana~ II!! c~ lnrcrr'a~.o.,,al lssu@"!

D2t'2!:Jf.l01t. Speech at /t1tlertr lnaLJStiy Congress Africa ..Ef'f.eciivl!! Regulat1c:rt ThP. r..o{'"'larstone of "'udea* Fu-.wr ln\i!"national e-,~~rner~ {iE.] Speaku'!g t\11£.::*Ao~.r\l'C:. Qo'.l***~boLll-D~P.lopmcn: EogartJeme,t lS!:] r1rc.Ng:lfllzalir..nlc:on*n1 !fa 0*1*;;;:.rnri'lo- BHtsor:

rn5u;fpr!a:~i;. ..1esllrro~,..~P~tr~hu l"tPl l1"17~i20* 4 Meelinc With U.S. Ambassador lo Sou'lf' Afnca CJoe To"'-'1. South Ahic:B *~al ~nter~rir.v rF 1 02J26t20*4 Sile'Jisitto Koebe<<i Nt.Jt:~O!r Pnwer Plar"t ------+-----:::.-:::,-:::,-:::,-:::,-:::,-:::,-:::,-:::,-:_-:::,-:::,-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_----l"..,.,'-".e"'s"'1e-~n~_.=c~aco=.'=s"'ov\l'="';..rik::d:-----f;c,n:!:1'.:"*mat:;,;:,::ioo:no:;l;Ee~~.':':M~o::;11"n"'F'°'Sih; Y~"~*t~rs'i-.v,_,,_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 thr-14 03*'06.'2014 S1Bff Bl'lehn'ii 01,., ;;i:c Q.lJkjsrce :ion Re.-.pondlflg ta Pt.bl1c. StllH Bnehrlg [Sil:

Co-nml!f11s c3:osrio1~ Staff 3:r1af1rg on Spel'l~*.o.F,:**_,,l,_,Sec=u"'r-'*t'~--------+------ Ro: ...*1iUe. M~

OJ.'0612014 Star' B1i~fo,i::i on Pa'tis"lt ReleiJSe Ro::.<Vl1~. t.IJ  ::Sta" ~it!finc rsa1 03.'07"2014 C:1mrTWSS10, Mee!ing wi1h the Ac1'11sory Committee on Rlla\.'.1U" C::-111mi~i;oon Mc-cling (CM)  !.!.!.!Q.2_~v,,_* '°l't. !lQ\r*reaano-r-:i 1r1ff-Safe'.TUafOS co 1!ec1'f:ni::r:o-nnliso;i:mttr.~O 14-*

03." 0/201~ Jacan Nutlea:r K~Lf.a: 0*1 4.1.l,'lO(ity (JNRA)

  • NRC Steer nq Rockville. Mr. lnl;*o,:al C-l"gag~ml!nl llE]

Comm11tt'e M~etino 03!1112014 Plenary Speech~ US "'11.dear R.eguiatn'Y Corl"niss1c:n Co.ntlnoed Learrimg The nest Derense- a~a nst an U""i:~rtaio Rock.vclli;i MD ' gcY.a:>out*

R~a1ory l"llforma~on C:onfereoce f..,tur~ r)roofgan11;11ttnn:con*m1;s.1on*c.tJnnn-$llhs.ori-rnacfarlane!test*rrw1*y-:s.i!t!1*d~s.hlrrl 03111J2C14 Attend tiRC keg-.J14T!)ry lnfcrmati011 Ctir."'<!rence Ses.sian. ln~er1alinnn.I Fn3agemert [IE) ln~e'M1iona1 ReculfllM!i Q&A Panei (f.J/11/2014 Meeting w;~t Finlaod Rad1abor. a1~d N~ear Satety AJJlh:inty 03Ji1;2:01'1 Ane-nd NRC Hegul;,tory lf'.fc* Cn-i.krcr<:e Sess.1an. Rockv1ne. MD 1"lte-1Mt1oral Ct'; :;i,m:I PE:rspectlores en Spe,,t =-I.Ji!~


.11terna1ion.!1I c~ement flE' D3i1V2314 Meeong Vw1th1t'ie Crgams.:11ionfcr E:ccno"Tiii:; :v-o~r~o'l aod ~ocl<vile, MD lntcrn.a'ao,.al Eng.agemc1l {IE)

DeYelr.omcnt Nucle3f Eriera'll AcenC\o" 03.l12.'Z01~ Meetirx:J wilh th~ Jord;oan NI.dear =:r:eaulatorv Comm1s.s1on lnlema11of'lal Enaao~Me:)[ rJEl ln1emat1cnal =noecP.:menl nr:]

03*'12'2014 Mee'lina wllti rhe ?res1denf ~I the Con ..*e ...ti:m on N1.1Cle~r R0Ck'a11Ue. MD sa,.tv 1.)'.j.'12:1201.. Me-cmg with 1te Not-0~~1 Nucleoi.1 SaiJel)' .-.nt1 Safe:gua:ds Ro:'(viUe. tt:.i Ca1T1rn1ssio11 tCNSNS. "1eit1CO) 031*3'201"' Me91JnQ'NIU" Sl~l/en1an Nuclear Safet)' Adm1fl1strdt1Qri lf'l'k!-rra~*cn.:11 F='n9agament (IE:J URSJV*

0311~r.t01.i Meet1rg will"* Of'ice fo* Noclear Regula~ er\ (United Krn9:=-om) lnle-rr.a'.*o 'lal E~a9E"meml (I E:.J ln1ernational Enaaoerne-n1 f!Fl J3f1'312C1~ MH'Jng with 1."'oe Nutiear Reg1Jlarcry l*1.1tncr1ty ot O*e- Sbvak lntcmalional Fri9:13Dt"T1en1 {I:)

'----~R~loo=-1ub~I-~-----------------~~---------~.---------'--~-------~ -~-------~----.._---~------~

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:


~~'-f"-fl;:;"":.:':..:'""-""'"'*th"-B"'*:.iOV:::O;:;Od:..:;.Nu:=le"ar=--~---------+'"i~P.o"re"'d'-"'""'""'ts'------------------t:,:R::.00::.-'oo"°'il~"-""';c~=--- ~o..,.Govetr*rrc,tai 01aan1zalJCr [NGOl f03118/201< 4 MeebaQ.withNRCCon-.murWcabcn~s,.,C,_,oc;'-"-'ct"IT------t,--,-----..,..,-*------,---,...,-----t'RO'o"c"'kV~il~lo~._,,l,l=J--------+.;S;.ot*"-~"'.Rf"""'*ccfrnc.onoul~.S=B~l=-----+-------------1

  • 03118.'2Ci1t. Seminar .vith PRcific Northwest Nsticnal L.zibornto-:v Nuclea-non-:.lro*tvre~ on andcorpo*d{e resoons1b,l1lv R:>CkYJlle. MU Feoera111,lereae-.:*' Tll 00/1912C,.tl Meefing"Mltl Alli<i1"1C-e fer Nucie.,r ~ourif;it".ility, Be)'ood hnpor.ance Qfoialtii:J'J~ with n~P.mahOral cc;untl!'*paft'$ W~!i"ll~glon. DC N:ln*GovetnnerilAI Orgari1zat1c11 ~NGO]

Nuclear: ffiends or the ::art'\* .El"lto*e.~~n~ :JI rinanriftl qualificahons.

G*cre:ni:e21:~; Harmon. Cwran Sp1elben~ arid E1senbe1"9 i.LP: Sari :Jnofrf'! Nuc.lear Gerpe1at.ino 5\aticn :~ssoru leal"oed.

1ns1itulefnr FN'!rgy aria =:nvin;:nn1ema1 Researc.t-: \latu*al Oconee Sta'. on iilnti'!foodJJlg: C""<:P. chhc lru.-pector Resa;.1rce:; Delerse Cou~ctl: ~\#CJeOU" lnforrriat1nn ~d Gl!ft"'leral ai001t <Cf NP.C Na~ 0191 ErvU"On'Tle:ntal Po~ej' A:;[

Resource Servtee; P\J;>kc C ta:en f'\Oflcompl1.1nce* events a'. *~'a:r1t: J11ole.t1on t>*O( Pl.!1'1:

i-1)'1to!je"ll !'.lx~osions. and sever& OiC~ld~n*s: Mb'ed oxitlP.: fl1c-I C1iJ11.ilat1ve enect!. cf regU:&!.t:1"\: Fubhc. i::arti;i\.la~ on proce5s Res1ructurif191l'r?ugh b~nkruptc:y ct c_,e-rgy

  • u?.HP. arid Rm.:kvilla, MD lnd*st)' [I) it'S ~lis1d~ar es ;nclud- ney lum1nant Tl'\P.o Part 50 ticenWt! for COl'T'iin;:ne P@ek Rockv-ile. MD S1Aff BrlcfinQ SBl --

~-~-~-rR~ocJo.'"7-'~**~*~*~M=D~---~~~---15~**~~~6~*~~~~'"".-,.,1s~*e~*-""'"'..,,....~----1cc~..~-----,-~...,..,~----1 Kockv1~. MD :o-n11*U10n Me-elrn9 lCM} t*ng :.'v.'Vl.V1 r-r*;..a!2":{~.a.d,n:Hrt"idnc-ir:dlee1tons o:orrm1ii1CT.J1*:201~;

0:\/,4i2D14 Meeting wilh lhl! O"'ll:':ll Atomic =:ne1gy Agerio;.'i Vienna". Aus1.*1a lnt.t!rra! onal Enga1,1e-menl (It::]

Du~~or Gercral fol .Safecuartb lriterr.ilt1cna! [r"8oel'net'I! llF1 C3i2412J,.. ..,,eeting wilt> l11!8rN11t1onal A1cmic E~1'9Y Agercy. Depi..l.y lnternatiO'l;1I ~rgagerneri1 [I EJ OirectDf Gener;;JI for t-Juc.lear Safety and~S="="~vr_*;r;~-----;------

DJ..'24/2014 Meetifli:;i wifh \lerir,nal Nudea* S1oic1J;ii'I' Adm*n151r!ltlOl'l(Cl"iLnA:

Par11c.spil!il: ;n*lhe 1he $tX1h Revieih ~e:C6f19 01 tlie Co1,tractmg P*l!t;@i'l'la~ on !)1 ihP. 1J S. Nat O'l~l Rt!!a~r1 Vi~na. /\ustrii::l lrterntalional En;)i1gemer.~ :IE]. $-pe-a7~1-l'IJ-t----------- -

Par1ies 10 the :::cn...-ention en Engagemen1 [SE]

Nudl!'er Safefy lrir-!mational En~crrenl ne:

-0~512014 03i77/7C14 SW1Rric:finQISBl =~---~--------- -

Soea.):u'oa "Errr:HO.srre'lt ISEl ti.tt1JM!lt1:m Seu1on SF.::Y 14-0033 - Fk>nda Powei ~ L1g"1 Co. \SI l ucte P~aN, Uoil Rock.\'1fle. MD t-np :.°v."WY.*.mc Q:)\* ..rgadw.g-(n1/duc.

2J, Dockel "10. 5~389. Wlotiein r:> Stay ~estart P~11d1l'l;J ~i;9.trM1SS1cr~*~*:;>0'4:

Co""1:11JS O"'li or Hear1n9 Rcgan:iiriQ" De Fia~1c Amerdr-'l!/'\I <:if

Joetat;rtQ I i~!lns.e OJlarcri 10. 2t',41 o.-.."02.'2014 V !id to NRC R.~~iDl'l I Headquarters Sitt Vis1!. *svt, Sta"f 01*e"na SFt

-)ce =oorom~ Simpl1hed Borling 'w\mcr Re;,~~or des1QP" Roc.k"dle. Mn lndUStl)l [IJ c:er11freaft0r rulern<tking StafT k5rteling-ari Planne-d Actions undo:* F\.lia...Shrr.a N~.!r Tenn RtX;kv~le. ._.D StlJff 81 etriq (SB]

Tas11; ;:ott:~ ~eccmmendi;Jl\cn 2. '. Se smrc 04t0412C1.C S~c.h .a~ STGl.;:bal 14:t-i Sc1enr.a & -c<: tmolo~'t O~r.i1ew 'Cf 'JRC roles. and ~r!lsponsit>ih: es on;J hQN rhe $pHtin~ En;iagerru:!nt ~SEI Ccrte:e1"'1Ce' Com!T'I s.s.k>r l""lJik~s dccis on~

Rr-ncre ol irrtematiori;111uue~ RoCk\l'illa. MD Federal h1teraO& 11-11 Teleconferenr.e wi\n Sc...,N;1t" CeJ~fornia :;a11on SPJl"I Oro'*e Nucl~ar Uet"'.eraling Station r:IP.c.omrris5-10rim~ p*1en.~ Rad.vii~. MD

,..,._,.,,.,,,,_,..,....-t,~~~--,.,.~-::--,.--::----------~a~n<l=..=COCT'=c~rn=u~~'"'~*~*~n""'"""""'-'"m=.e~n:~---~----~---+-----~~------+..~~~-~-~- **~---..---------*~

C4,on7.'2-:J1od Staf B1ie-fing on watts Dar u ....~ 2 ------t~---,-------~.,--------i"'R"o=:c*c.o"c;:*l=-*.._,IJl~D,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _-+=S"'l*:cHcoRocri=.cfi7 ~ng"'-'IS==8.~1-------+----------------I

()4t01."lD 14 vwl1h SoU1hern N,Jt:lc:ir Oper411irJQ Company Ge!'tP.JAI .... pd.ate or ai;;.tivtTtes at tt'e Sciu1he~n C:>mpany ope:rahng Rci:kvtllt!. MD Industry [I) ii1e:; and corisuuc~ 01!'! .st Voa11e 04'Jll2014 n,e. 'WOf"< cl lfi.SN. 1he French u*.s.t10..te f:>r RacJ1ok1~ Ro-:'4.v1lle. I.II:)

i-'fOtedicn and Nur.1P.DI Safe~ and its. ~wroach t:J. f-\IU.s.hima.

  • Les!ons. l ~a*ncd: Status c! SONG3leisons1umed refH"11.

Waste lsola1lO!'I P1!c: P~I tnr..idert: :::-reedorn of lnfor11ahon Act loro~u: -ivdt:>aen l!XDlosioris feceral 'F~l * -----+-----------

~e,,.arks al Tre 3ule1n uf the ~to11n:. SdenU!ls and !'tl'iMe1cm Dis;:...11ss*u*1 of the usei o' sc:ie-nce n tr,e regulata-y and potiq Princeton. '\IJ So:t~~k.r"lil Engil-;Jeme,..1 [Sf:]. A.c.?IQe-M*a U1"ivP.n1ty Sympos.ium "Spoa~1ng ](..nalMe<Sge tr.r Pc:wer" <.:urt1n"IJnit1es IAI Pat_ie 19 ~f 2!:i

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar nzte Title

~--,-~~~~~~~~--.,,T~~~O.~C5::--~~~~~~~~.,--~~~~~L-~....,.,~.o-n~~~~--.~~~~---,c~-7----~-* .. URL

~~~~~~~~+.S~C~C~Y~-1~~~co"""'1~:--~A~e-1m~.-.~,~a*,e*r~a1i~on"--<.-1r-c-.7<A~e-ro-1-es-1~~~-+~~~~-="-"'""'...._~~~~~C~u-,~~m~-,~ioo....,.M~e~ *.~,n~9~[~~M~J~~~~-4~ht-tp-,-~-v-,,.-.,-,,-c-oo-,-.. r~c~ao~.n-g-,-"-"~~x--*~~-4 Radiograph)' aocl Ries.emch Rea::tor}, Join: De~and for Hearing £_01J.~c11.l~*o:;umrr1?¥'Y"J*:*.'2D14 er Dt>rial o1 _1r;ell!iie Renewal and lrd1re-ct l.1c:e:ns.e T*an5.fer Regsrdrng ~erolest Rad1ogr,a)hJ' and"I Re~Ot fzi11:ihty Operating license No. R-sa ~Aug. i3. 201:!.)* Jtunl ~WP.r 1c

~md OP-!'Tland ior H~aringori Or:fer Proti1b'11n{i Oper.alJOr of AerQre3t ~du='graphy and R~Sl!'i!ll1~h Reac1ar Fac1lit)' :;lp!!rettrg l* No. ~-9a (A.J~. 1:3, 2U13l NRC 51.a!" Motion to Sevef lh!: D~msnd tar H~.!lring or: Denial er :...1CA"l!ilA RR~ lmn the OP.mAnd. rcr on lndrrcc~ Li::erise Transfef Regarcllng Ae1cte~: Rad og*aphy arid Re.5-l!Pil"C~ Reac.lcr (A.IQ. 21 20~3}

J4f10.*2014 :oMrl.'S:illlr Me~llf'lO wit~ Organrzaticn :>r A.g*ee.nient Staf!'!I. Rac1oactl\'e IJat~iats l"'Olrcy El'l'\rl l!;.~1.Je!il ol lnf~tcs:I to 17'-C Slates Ro:'(;itte~ MD Cor-in*U~" Me~bl'll!t ICM]: s~ate. -,;~al. nnr v.~.r..... nr;. J:1V*'r~n1h:l-r1-ihfuc and C:>nJerenc.e ~r Rai::iiati~n C~ntro1 Prcg*am Oirec1crs. Inc local Go.-*e1nment :ST ) collcc.tior.s:corr1'11ss cnrtr.:2C 1*1'
Odt10/2011l Meetin'iil ~lh0t~~i"zst1cn of l\qrcernen~ ~l~tes ?ind lntroduchOI" to
Jrcen~ ;JA.S and CRC=>O loadcfs.hia; 10 CfR Ro:;1.'ilille. MO ~1a.te Tribal. Loe.a! Govern*mmt (511 J t:on*~rence -:r =..::.801at:on ::om:ot P*ogram D rectors. lnr. Pan 35. ""Med cal Use of Byprcd.Jw.1 Ma1~1ial'" I 10 CFR Pari ~7 "Pto~~ICBI PrOOK.t1cn CJf Syprt1d.1c.l Mater a!* R*..11i!o; GAC,')is.l..Jse-d Source$ \No1k1r9 G*oup Rei:icrts: Pol1ey Statement!'; ~n Agree-li'oen1 S~e Progra-n'i. Fcdcr<il Coora1r11:~0, tor lric1de,ts

=DA re.:11 ewer <ieJ1so Tape '1~ a mEttlcal device. Tr;;unirig. 10 CFR Pa"61 04110:*,:_,i.( "':"'clcconference wi1/l f>J.J.::lea* Er1~1av )rsti't\.~e lrl(lr.JSlrv*111-04110.'2014 Mee1111g with 11"8 :iecc~l'Tl*:li:i1Co1ng Pl.ant Coa11t1.or Curtent iMuP.r.. fer dec.omrrissioning planls S..Jc.h w. 5tora9e dl'ld Ruck~* Ile. W~ lndO>ll'Jll:

Uansporfatior'I anti c.oriscl1d~WIJ *~errm g,to""≥ ;Jjan\ DY.rers

tet$pecWes on v.inUt 1
or1it1d~111:c. Uevelopment o< g1.o1Mncl! l:ir th~ condt.ct of decomm1:s.s10l'\rno ~ctrvrh:P.i:;

04il1.'2014 MeetiniJ ~h the :Ji:.c:.upPnOnal S~t~ty and Keallt-Admr11st~a.11on

~oiu11b1i1 Generat11g ~"ta:10" QpeTi!tmQ and R@'Ql.lato:y ~och*il!P. ~r. lnd..:~lry (IJ Performance. Cu-ntila1i11P., F~P.~1~ :.r R~gL.llation. Po~! FLJ-<-.Js1i113

  • Re:sa:inse. C\rbet Sec..-tlv Recn.ilationSi Ful<.JJstirma t=X~emal f1Qcd1r'9 and $01~m1c hazatds re- Roc.kvi~e -.,o lndt.Sll)' (l) evalu.a11ons* C1Jmul.z1Uve lmpacas; R sk lflf~rmerl At:11vilie!!i, NRr:


~*~5'2014 Slatt a*1eM~on Comi:r~:.: tl211!ll"r!ats and uran um RR-e:nvP.ry Roc.kvJ!le.MD Slatt 5, efng [SR]

Sites Underaomn De~o*rt'l ~£iol"'1f'Q 1)4;2112014 ~!!lefoi~ wth 0sr'\S~bkl County Regi:onaJ l;.m@rq~ Plernitrg EvRCLIMion'I fflr r.a::ioc Coa in the eve"'lt of errergem;y. Ro~ RockYil!ei. MD Non-Gov@r.i-nental Org&i .za1rcn ~!'IJGO]

f.:.Ol'tln"1ttee P*Qf'im Ta!!:k force ot The Fede, al En1~1 ga*M;;y*a~ml3"n1 Agsr.c;y and Massacht.*ser.~ ::;met~er.ey Uanagem@n1 AQellcy rVIEMA.).

Go~rnor Du'ial Pa:'l~<.*~ letter*~ NRC 0412112014 StaN Briefirn cri Qffsrtv :.Jmver ~rd Rodc...-ll~. MD

>41731.,014 Speect* at United S!ate.S :r~fQy A&sor:iahon Annuill OtscU!! on cl how a le<:t.ri cal/~gt.iator; agency opcr:1te3 in a \f'lasti1ng":o'"\. DC  !"Ill{> a*.V.,IN*.fVC.OQ\l:abC>ul.

M!!mr>erEh1i: Me-elmg & 1-lubhc. Pohty F:>rutr ~ol1c.y iP-nvircnmcnt nrc;o1qar11 ... ttt1011i\:yrTrnss-or.:cc.mrr1*aPi.sor*

madar:a,e-,e?.!trncny..s~~h~!.'"l;ml Basic :ieolomr overview aeil*ed tcward ChildrP.n R:ockv~Je, MD San Onr.ft~ N.i::lcar \>t-J'erati~ StatiDn deccr"1-n:15~10~1111,1 plans Rocic-.iilta. MD inci'U!itry UJ "77=="'"'"t,,--.,.,..,.,-====-:-;;--""":".,.--,.--,-. .-c--ra-1_d_c_arm>_~.!"~lY eno~gement

()4126,'2)1.4 Attend lnterna-:10"\91 N1lc:!P.;u Rc:1Liatms /\!'.50C1atJ.on Mcetirig Berlm (Jermar.y ltda~ 1 o'3t 0-4129.2014 Atterld 1nternat10rla1 f\iu:.lea* H.egula\OtS A~!.od2111icn Meeti">;J Serl n. 3erm.any lnletni! Cngager-ieru [IE}

lfdiY 2 otJ!

[)413011014 Ar.e'ld l11terncl!:ionsl ~.1:l~a* RegtJb1or~ Mei:l1*1;:, lnlernat1cnal ::nga~en'!-er'il PEJ lldo' 3 uf 3J MOY*14 CS..'0212014 Aff1rmal.ion Scss. on St;.~Y- 14-0020. E~!lon Gl!n*rauon Co .. '-LC ;Byr:m Nuclear R:Jt:k.* 11C. ~J Conlmi°5~1cn Mea:hng [CMJ ~~-*'-~\~*.i."'\o\*..r:r:- .:J01o*!r~~~1!\()-t"'"1!dor..

Station Unit~ 1 anct2: Bral(tM)('.od ~.:iticn. U'11'.:; 19fld2; col1i:ic11ori t..'t.OM~S!l.:O""llltr,20 14.

- F.,,.,.. r:mmc11tal Lai..v .:nil Policy Cen1e1 Re~1,.1est& for a Protective Slav Rtdatlfl(I :o LSP-1"3**2

.. -- fh9 2014 HPS Ann.Jal Meelrig. 4.JRC Sc,..clar5t"Vp'5o and Rn(".k*.'ille. Mr.


F<l'IQvfShl~9 FYnOl!'d urdir :'le lnlegtEll~ UnitJ~rs'1ies Program~
  • Federal Tr&*Jel Rf!!~Uie11cr.s 10 Professro'l11I Cwht11::!*1Ces..

Sup:iort fer the NRC \'\aste C"rf1dience Genem: !::.n'lironrr~'°ltal lmpiict S1arerne11t (GE1SJ a"li:1 Propos.eo!

j§102J2C 1" Meetin111 w th N~~ onal Spent F-ueJ Collaborat:ve Ttie rn1!.!.IOn cf the NM.ion.e.t Spent f"!..litl Callabor.alrve. Nutfear Rotkv11>e ~O Non-Go\l"efn'tlenl'al Orgari1za1ior. ["IGOI waste marai; 1r.1:wgh oor:sem base\! spent fvel sror;;1ge-s.olutU:>ri~

Revised. 1 lr l:t:/~01-4 :Jage20 of 25

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar 05.10512014 Sta'l Briet1ng onSe1s-ni:: RcCYllh.Jab:.>rs. NHI Terri T.ask ror:e Rec.o"l'\rr.t"nda11ori 2.'

JS 105rZOf,.Q ~ce11n9 ""1lt Tennt'ISi.ff: vaney .Auther:,* Wans Bar Unfl 2 Sta~. Cnostruct1cn Status. Sc;t.e-dLle fo* t-"e-1 Rcd.~llle. MD lndust;r{I]

LO!ld:: Challenges. Outre3Ch P*09ra,..., 810"""1.s f-erry S*!I!"

EX'c:~lc.!l~ Plan Status cf co*...~,~lru~o""'t-1o_n_a-nd"'"o-ll@-,.-,-on-s-~~l"'"t=""'*""';-.n-,..,-.-"e-r-gy-- ~o~kY~le. ~D lndusliy \I]

ser....ces emielimen: l!!icQ1tv 1n New P.&?'-JCO 05.I07,2oi4 1 ~sll-n:>1l'( at Comm t-e-e on Enetgy t:1rd f..omcre*i;i:. l"r."'l :: **V'J.'W rr * ::it:iv;.aticL1:-

s-..iticornn-1tte!- on Ener[J~ and P:iwer tie.oiu('ig r1r'*.,, ~r. z.a~ c,!:::.?M11'.ljssign:r.Ornf1"1.;:l1ti;;p*1-


r_i::,.:o8.'2J":4 ~or'!'l*russ:1en Bne1rq on SubseQlle:nl L-it=eose Renewa' Ccmmiss oil M~11og Jt:Ml lnlp :/v."AW i:c,9')V~J~adinctfl"!'l 1 t'JOC C.('ll1.,ct1cn1::cunrn1ssbnr11*::0 1 4

  • 1)5.'091201.d Commis:f on ri.A~t1ngi with ~,e AdY1J.Dry C~mmine:c O'l the RocJrvrll~ \\0 COffifT\1ss1on Meelmg [CM] 'lt1D*.*.'W\\'IN nrc.ccv-r?.adiog r-nfd'?s;-

t.\edeal u ieS 01 l!.OIODe~  ::.l'c.-c* o*ls:.; mmLSSHln.-11.'~J-:~.:

05.1:)9"2014 1 elecorf11'ence °WClh U-e Institute for N\lclitar JJ~wet Op@rat:>rS Cnrwc-n1Hlf' o, !\.v;;.!~~r S9fety. Up1=tirnrng lra-.el :.1i Afizcnol Roch1lle. MO l1u.lus1.)- :11 JSl131201'4 L'leelmg .,..-1\ll :he: S\llolY t-eCll!!Ulf Nuc.5eer Safe)' hs.:Jectori:tl~ Roc.k.'olitle, MD ENSI, Sw'<ei.,..,1

~ \.'!ee:-ng with the Nu."'.h!'ar 5=net9y h\Shlvle-. Ou~~ l:.nergy ar1d Nur.iear =.n1i1i1~ lrislitute. Over.o1ew. Nuclear Energy lns.tlwt~ Roclc;v1lle. MD l'~""'Y Ill Exel~n Subwat..1e'lt Lice~ R@;lewal W"rking G1cup :J**'!1vH!'W Su~ouer.r L1C.ense R&new:il U.S. l'l;fuslry Perspec:l1ve Qvprv1ew: ;)uk~ Enera~ Corpofa~on 0_.erview. [Kf!5ol"'

Ccrpornt1co Ov~:v1ew SLn-naiy of SECY-14-00'" 5, ~orgo rt'i1 Slaff ActnritieJ; re Regula:o'Y Considerahors fQr Po.....,ll:r RBa=t:>r SuM!!quent Ue.~nse: Ri::newal *. O...e1v.ew Of I ec:"l!'u.:a.I

ans1der;.1ii0rs for Suo!:ie~nl L1ce:nc qieriewal s~tA"';

Rew e*Ns: Sun1tr.a-y of Ntl Ccn-n~rm: on lt...~tics R<:1ls.ed 111 SECY 14-QO*s 05t*3'2014 C:halr Mutlinational Oe!.rg:n C11alLidt O"li Pr:>grntr.rn~ PQh(,,')' lmcrillianal E.rit,i~ement tl::J Gco11c Mee1il'1CI

°Wi4i2o=,-:-4-tC"'t-a-*'°r'::'3r"'d'"'M"'ul-;:1,'°"ho-n-a"'ID"'°e-s~;,.-n°"e~'t'.ak.Jatia n :.>roQ*arnrne 1:3e1f'll!sda. VJD Conk:Hnce (D;w 1 cf 2~

05115.r2G14 CN1r :Jr~ Muh1nal1ona1 Llesigii Evalu<ltion Prng1amrr!' 9e1tiesdi1. M.O Confer!neie (Dav 2 of:>)

051161201L Slaff Brietino t..'1"'1 Waste Confideoce 0...:;)19i2014 Mo&ti,!J with lilt AJ~a."l::.e lor ~i..clcar}oi [rw1r01"1""1erual Mon11ori-.;1 a1cun::f Vcg~e Sieil.m1c COl'\C'ems ~ocl<.,..ille, MO over Vai}t1e anO" di~C\ISSIOn ct O"i~rall Safety S~Pcara:i.; Pu;,1 i::.

2nya\jl>J"menl. Upda:es onVJIPP & rtrplic.atrors for w~ne storage.

CS.70'2014 Visit io Piilb Vl!'flilP Nt.JCIOOt 1"3encfa~*nc S1a~ii:11 -u11a:;,ar'. AL l~nd~u~*~bv~*~~fc,.s~;~I*~~~**~~IS~v_.*...__ _ _=-+ - - - - - - - - - - - - _

C5i21'2014 Spe-eeh al Nuc!eiJJ' F'ncr~v [f)sliluh:. Nvct7e=a~r;-~,-oe""'r9"'1,-*A'"'s--s-em--t"'ty,_...,r'!"',;-,c-"-""'"'-"-c-;';-c-u-***--nccl*.Nc;:;R:;:C--a-n"'o-,.,.,-u,--tri-*-p-n~"'r"11~-_.-.--r,..,d,-n"':-e1-v"'s1"'s.- 1s"c~o"':'nc""so 7

a"'1e~."=A"'Z~-------t.Spea11;*nQ Engagement [SF~: :1dustry [ij h;tp.::*ww.ii.* i;c:.?r"*~bcur-

uch as. Fuli
.ui111ma. plan( Jterlt'lrfl"a'l:e, and r~w reai.:tor wOC'k 1:c:vrca"l1r:!lltbnlconin*1>>10n:c-t.r1-n-allfS:ir)-

'T1ciC!or1:J1)t;;;leshrn:)r,y-'5pee-c"es httrl Dcmcrstrat1;;1n or eq*J prnenl ard operating C'.l"C)CcdUtes ai an Phoeri>c. AZ lr.duslry :11: Sile \f<S;: [511]

it'k:-IT'e,t cf 1ndus1rv r~ponse t.a~a~d1ty tar reach.Jr ioss o1 al1$ite i:iowef.

05/771:2014 ~et111::1 w,t"l De-Dartment o1 fnP.rg-~* Coard "l~ti::i.n on re~Qi!l~*~to'"'"-Y-"""'""'Lt"'.r"s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

o5J27i2014 I eteconfttence With NuclearSafc:Jy Conm115s1on {CNSC.

Car-ada.1 05'2a;20<4 "t'H'tt Nuclea1 Re;1wla1ory CoMmiss. o:\ anr.l 'F°c::feral Ene1~y Roe.;kvll!c, MD :or*"m ~s1or Meat1:1lil JCMJ~ Federal. Mtp :1<A'\\'h.r:r: Joy:n.:ad n::i-ur.*'doe:*

Re-aulabrv Comm1!.!.1an Vef"!linQ lnlera"1m;-y r=-n c.cllet;llt.."IP!.Ji.;.cl'Pl-n1r.s. on.lrr.-'.:!C 1t.:*

C5i2.9!2.01'1 Com'T'tin1on Briefing en Human Raiiab1lity P:ogrzrn Ac!'l\'iOes Co1l111n1cn \11~eling [CM) tT;,.:lwv.-w n:~ ooyire-aj"t"'\!)-rn!:ioc anCI Ana)f~~i;; i:c\lec.110 M.:c.~m1o:i~ *.,~rr..-2Ui ~1 Pi:tr,tsl :J1scu~1on at George Mas:m Univer.$lty Sct>oc-1 cl PL.blic.Geopel!hcs ol Eiergy Arl.n9Lcn. VA Sp~a"1rg E.n9age"J\el'IT [SE:: A.cadetr1B Pol1c:v Annual Awards and ~er.oa1it1an Gala The Ctiari:Jl"l!l o ... *iamics .o.~tPo~"~*~*---------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - + A )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

06i"02J20t4 Sl<lff BneMo on NRC Pcs~*Fa.~\Jshinia A.coarriphshr'1"1'!:,f; R(lCl<1'1lle. MD Staff 131eh~ 1531 06/03120i4. Comrr.i!.sion Brier.-1w on lhe Hes1.1hs-af1he Ag:en::y A.c6on Rockville, MD ComlT'1.">r.ioo IJ\eet*ng [CM]  !!!!L'.."'ww.nrr. 91.t~**mnc1rg-rn111.h1Y..

Review Meetlf'(] .ro\ler:;'n r..r..10,*J"11 :2o*t.4.'

OOJ04i2014 Test111t0fl)" til .Sena\IP Environment and P1,1blic Work& t-vll Oversight 1-.P.aring. NRC s I 11phsmenlat1cn of the- fu'(U~tl na Wcslul"'~'.on. UC l'lltp :*:*w...w r1- ,Jpv:abpt.t*

~cmnu:t~!' Heating Near-Tenn Ta5k Force Recorntr'!'n::il!ll1ons and crier A~Hn~to n,c.*01yar1z~ltoe11t;:iomrn1s-s10N"c:t:imir~t1ll*">U""?*

EnJ1a.nce encl Ma11"ta1n Nuc::lear Sa"ety n*ac';;trlane-~~~' n~ny-spni£:thi?S..f'tlml The impcrt;)N mle of res1den~ 1niptc:t;, Th.a:\kiniJ rhem 1or Usie. IL 1-~--+----~--~-~~--~------+=l"'~°':;;;.-'~"'""d=-w=or.::k::..:.Prornc'tina ~pendoc1 PQIN

()8.'JS.'2014 MeeMqv...i11'l f'\Juc.lcat E.rergy l1'lformai!1on S~Mce Decarnrmssio1ll11ii$sue-s. Safety culture ,c\nd ngcncy (:foe~iti1UyY. L1Sle. ll ~--+.w-,-~..,~~-,-n-M-~-ntal~O~r-ga-N-,-.-,,o-,-.[-~~G~0]-1-~ - - - - - - - - - - - -


]Pub ht en2a?F:men~ 1d!-es Revise::!. *.111212C14  ?.age2*. or2s

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar on: iitte ,.------,,-:TC"o:'=c;i.:~s-~---,----~-----=L"io"°c"'at::;io""~..__ _ __. <:i1te""""' _ _ _ _,.**.,R.::.~-----~

C6i05.'2014i Meet1rig ~*,n* Mich gar, Sare Energy f-u~ .. r@'. Beyond N\JC.1Mt Repair'WCrl< al Fet1sadei .Sa~ cvltvre i'1 P;,ii~eiidM: aerto"ll ..,a.rbar '-11 No11.(ic:r.rernmenta.I Orqai:r7:iti::>n IN:;O)

DDt"lt Was~e M1c.higan COa!lllon for a NueJegr-Free Grea! Radtoactrve waste ccncems: Eritergy'S ~~r1111Alk:ir o"work Lakes. Sierra Cl1.b os.r;v;ooi4 Site l/\~t to D.C. Cook Nucti:sar Geieta11n!:I S1m1on 05-0l2014 Remari .st NRC Reg1or JV S! T"1-c- impor1al'! role- of reS.fd@:nt1r&*s: '""hilnk1r.!J thQm for SpeaJr.ll"lg Fngagcrneiit IS-=J the r hard wo*k: rrom0111'1Q "*"~n dooJ cal cv

JJ'1112014 SpMr..h a~ NRC F1.-P.I r.ycle lrio*maliur Exchange Colee.five ot:lig!lt*cns fa- satefy :tr:tur ~ no1'-P'Dhfe*.i100 1n R!)CIMlle. rt:l Speaking E:.ngilg.eM@"nl ts::.1 http *-'*N".--v~ 1*1;;:.;;im1:abcu:.

rcgLJatirrg the rlMi <:yL'.lf: l'lduscry r1*~.e.t ()n.'=~rr'!'.n!~ion:o.cli1TH~:irLi:.~m f!:..o01.::';Hl~:!g'~*"tE"~: r1;,ny-~p.:.,c:1'l~s.ht1T1I 06i1:Z.o;i014 Telec.onference wi1"1 lJ.S M:Ss:,.;:m *.1:1 the lr'llerna11oneJ Rock-'dle, MD C6113..'2Q14 Meebno wit"' _.,artrnenl o' !=ner:i't' New tech'loloQ!es 4M 1trp.l::t ~n N~£;--------....-B~*l~I"'~"'~*~*M_D_ _ _ _ _ _ ___,F~*"~'~'"~l_t,_,1o~*r"'°ao~*e_,~ov~*t~F~ll_~----+------

00t11J*:l0'4 Meeti1"'9 wi1h tt-e 0*9::1n1s.a\1or fo1 Econ:.mtc. Co.:ipl!! on eOO Roc.kviJJe '-'O ln1ern.;1\1c"'llal Crgagemer.111~1 De-..-e\o:nnent Nu.. k-ar Ere*gy Agency, e!'Xt 1Jie i1lefl"a~1on;t1 Ato"1-c. :nefo\I ll,oe1cv 00i16-r:?J14 Statt Br-e-~ng on use ot Probabiiis.~c Risk .A.s::;.t~~me11t n Roc:kY1lle. MO R.eoul<M.orv f..nalvsis 3l"ld B"'ac"k"'r.t:.:A-"'.:::'*""";;:.';,.p..:*oce=s:::s:=;**=----+~----- ~-------------+=---=--

00..'16.'2014 T-a1ccori"erem::~ with U.S. bttoBrtTr.eil o! ["l!'ra" Co:ir01rat 0*1 ur\ rec:u!a.torv*s Rctk.viUe, MD r11de1al lf"Jtera."J~ncy [Fil 00.'16f20l4 Starr 8ri1tfhcr on t.ft1t1Qat1na Straceo1es lmc!l!me'ltation ---+----------------* ----r.Rc'o_,cl,_.v_,*l,ol~~*M""'lJ_ _ _ _ _ _ __,r.s,..ta_H~!l~ne~n;J !SB~

()6,'17*'201... Comm1s..s1on 13neflng bf'l ?hi"! s~*atcg1-1: Programm;,tic Ovi!:rvLeV'f Rotk~iH!'. MD Ct)IJ1n'11SS*r~o~n~M"'".~.,~,r-g"":c=fl=-J-----r.-hn-p-,-,www--.,,,-c.-go-**"'":r-ea-d""1n-9-*tm/(I(\( ..

of the :Joefetll"'Q Rro:brs 8.J5*1'14:$$ line c~1lu*-;1m~s;c::)mrn1sstorvtr*io1.::i.

06r7f.2014 Mecrno w 1h US. Dea~rtmeri1 i;;' S1a!e Co~rdiri.a1.1on on internauoioal reo*,.1latorv miltte*s 'Nashir.oto,, 08 Feder~l ln*e1ao01>ty l~ll _ _ _ _ _+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 QG.f1BQ014 ~e!;!!tf'l~ W1~"\ l'.'...1o;teat E"'ll~r~y lr~tit"'tfl F'ukus.1111a. top1C3o'. Clnlula1ive El'fe!r:ls rrl Rt-g:ul~11or:r.h~lo: R:ockv1Ue, 'MD lndJ>'Y [I)

Pnor?hza110r il"l ti.a* ve JGl1o/lC14 Comrr.1r..sicm 81ie6ng 0111'!FPA SC5 i:;re P*o~lion Rnc.kvillc. MD Coft'lrr1u1on MeeM~ [C\111 ht!L* ***.A.'\l."f\'.NC go~*-~eac1r.g-r,.,,,*d~;

o;oU2c;t1:::inslco1T1m ~tVJd'* 1'7014" 311ie- T~Ur of N1,.1dear ruel SeN1Ce~

00.:1312014 ~eei1ing\"iith E:wn C1t1, Aclicn Netw-..H1'. ano Merroi:;c'I NfS releas~~. '.'iilllcly prob* ems. ha£a<l!Jous *Naste ~ tu*1al pits: Erwir. "TN \Jo*l<3o'l&rrirnentai Ori:~anizaUon fNCOI 51alP. :1r1ven*t1 *r ')en'le' lnpart.:mce cl leuac)" docurre'l.t:i to National Ac.ademy of St....1~oce~ (NA.S: t:an~er S~J:ly: Re*_, ewvr?~-year license rer\eWal f'll!ed@d; S*nlo:f'\OlA ~::.1ivity. ca~uukes. karsr & e~8'n1 ot affsite ccnh:nni1*atta,: DOE Supptemert Anatys1s. ATS OR P.JDlic Mea1::i ..\sse~-s:rn<eil"lt t'o NAS 5eJec.tiOl'l er '\ffS for pilot ECAt..ts desire fer s1m spe<:iflc ns Meetng '1.'tlt' Tennessee 0"'~ of ronslarKf t5ec1.1rrty. Stb'.2 ol R~olu~cal health pr~9rilfTI~. frwh ~N St;a~e. Tribal. Local Cn,,.arnmcnt {SiL:

Tcnnes~e E11t5cQeo..:y Manaqeme-it A'!jl!'iC\i' Tel'\l'IC!S!.ee /\~r 11criilur11*igi p10igrarn*: Local $et:urltyarc ernetgEnt:y Di'I sror of :::cns~rvahon - ""1talth Unicoi Coi.nt)' l"eS'10nsB aiuelo :::oiim1S11ty felat1cris \A'rt:h Nahonal Fuel


06.'24r.l014 Sit~ To1,r nl Watts Bilr L'*ut 2' Sonno C!N. T~ --------+;:8..::t!:;..V;.ci~si°"'tr:"'S""""vt*-"ln"'d.=.**::.:l"l'\_.:lf,__ __

00.'25!201"1 llecln~ wt.,, Waste :;O,tro1s01~c1ahst! Regvlalo*y 1ssve~ su*rouN:S:rig \W!i!t.I! 5t:>1ed at ~M Waste Rodv1llo;:, MD Irie-us.try ~I)

Con1ro1 ~~iafisl:s site; futµrP. polcn~ a! fo* addi1io11al ca:~or10s otwa'ite ~o be ~u::ired al the ~it.*~----------+o----~----

0012f.).1',,!Q14 Stefl BriP.fing on Near Te*m Tasll. F:>ru Reeommendalionz. 1. ~oc.kvillc. MD Floodioo Re~valuat1cris ,--+,,.-,.-,.....=--------+.-,-~~- --------+----------*-

06.l.26i20i4 ~eeting~thASME ASIJ:t: slcind':91rds rela1ive to PrO!'.l!lbilE.t1c. Ris.ll Ass-assnie-nt. How Rcc;J1;v11!e. MO lnd.Jst}" [I) risk .aues.arr.e"lt~ ~e n :iud~a1 ~o""'er ;>lanrs 10 improve se1~1')* 11rd irnpove de<:1S1t.1"\ rn.aking. Future tole ,r r*sic rn hg01 of

~~.,..,..,.,....+,--.,.- ~,,.-.,----,,:...,,--...,.------------1~F~u<~us'°""~~~~~;;-:'"""c:-:-7::::-::-""':::--""":::-:::-:::;:c--:--:-:c----+.,~c:--.:-~-,-------t;.,,,...,,-.,;;----

Ofu.,7:2:l1"4 M~IK'IJ W*th Amere.,, CCallaoNB\:l


Calla""~ t->!.ar'\t ooer.atim anl reaul111ocv r.er1a1ma:-\Ce~---1"'R"'>="'*""V'°"lle;:..;;ll;,,J,__ _ _ _ _ _ _+=l"'°""=:':.::lry,_..,,111,~---=~----+------- - - - - - - - i 0Ei30.'201"1 Oper'lrnQ Rem.8rk51 al NRC Offlc.r cf ~esearch Semi'lar or. Rock" Ii!. W.C. Spea.1r.tn9 Engagenent (S:::l r a.kt1$1'>1f'T"r11 'il~te:r Issue:;,

F~ood t-azij'rd r~erJa!uat1oni Rc,s.k~"~~"~*M=C--------i-ln_<"'~'lll~-----


~~~~~: ~t==~~~~;1~~~~~e~!~~u~*~*~IL=:*~c*~n~**~R~*ne~wal~-----+G"'e-ne-ra"'"t-*J-pda=1e-c-1-,1f""a.,,:::-:-.,rt:"°'u7pc=om=-=,"ll-=-."uc-e-n7*e-1-=e-no,--w>1-,--1.:~~:~~~~,;,~:!1~:.""'~7.~'C--

Sta" B11ef1rQ TSAI lnous1ry [I) r@CIU& 2016 S/.atl.l!:. o1 Con!:.1rl.Jciion Projects. c.xlendin9 ':he site Sl.Ul~1J1rv of R-oekvil!P.. MO lndU>1'y (IJ lhe AP1:l00. Small Modular ~eaitto~ f-'laru Rl!!pon Re,ources: AP 600 certitic:31tan exte,s Oi tP.qlleSt 07JiOi2014 S1an 8.neflo9 01 KewBunee E1"18rQl!ir(;y t'lannin~ [..cempi.lon Roc:.kvillc. MD Staff er;onn~ r-!ill ReQ1..1e&t O?l 11i2':>"!4 l\leetmg wilti Nabori~ S!lletv CO\lritil Upd31@ on key HRC rsdialionpro:ecbo""ll e11;l1v t*$s. .ncJudmg B&iUimorE!'.MD http :.\w.wnrr. QO\i"'!>bou\*

r .Jlemaking. rcs.eon:::h. secu1if)I. a"'ld lnre1ra'3onal enga!?@m~nt ~rc.or;pn1..Zat*or.ic:v:-111'".tss orvc:ornrr"l-~-.;.01:

rPaLfarlane..,es.,1JT'Ci'h'-S.fl~t~!..r,tml ~

Pog<J2 ol 25

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar Dale ntl* Torilcsi Lo-cation Cateaorv UP.L o7rtS.:':l1A Co'l'lmissron Br1e"lr.g :)n N.Jclc-ar Power Pl:mt Comm1ii;:-,;.,*Mwlmg (CMJ h~!.r.,:~v.w....* n*i:.oo .... ra<1ir'fim1-rtilf(JC<.::

Oe:ommi1is1on:no <cllr:c1u:..m. *c:c.,,m1s.s1:>cnftr.'2:)14.:

07t1 /.'2014 Aff'lrnati:1o11 Ses!iion sccv~14*0055- Petrtians to Sllspend Rl!.actor Licensir.g Rockv Ile MD Cnmmis!; a'1 Mccung (CMJ h*~p :/y..w n*c oovuead1ng-rml<:1cc-Decis1r.:ns ~erd!*.vr.I n~ct~mn~ P'ursuarr ~o c.cllec;f1or,s.=o"'Tlm*S.1>1:>rVl1*i!J.14..


07117.'.2014 Ci.l1nm1ss-on Bi efng on Radiahon Souri:.e P1otec110on af'd

~O f-.1= .R. § £ 802(0' L".l.~9.o~"~"'~u'\J~m~l*~do~o~*~el=*l~-------;-c=---:-,.,.-=,---------+::----...,.,.---:--=,,------t:----,--,--,,.,,-.,-,--.,.--,---:-;-----1 H~i::kv*lle. MC Commiiss10!'\ Mee\1ng (CMI r,*1p ~.,,,.,....,,_. .1**fC:lcJ*f1Q*fn.\"dcc.

8ei:i..rr.v ct"ll':'r:-lt *r*,'i:,_0*1 ....... .., -~Jtr.'?~14.'

Rcckvllle. MC Slaff Bre,.na ISBl Rcc;kv*lle, MC'e-n.1a IAl S~a'i Bnefina :m Global Laser Err1c.h.1lenl Rockville. MU St!lff EJr e-tna rsm 07/21.'2014 P1"4*iT man:!~e...,~nt ~1rr.s. NRC orgar11za11onal 9ssess:nent A~la"lte..GA lnCL.Sll~ rJ WoiidAswc*Olt1of' o* 1'.uoear Ope1ai1ors P.Jblic E11111;1ilemen1 Visit lo Rel!l1or, ll ~sa.;1qU-.rters af*d ~~*l"lart::s. al Al .... -ll..,t1~ Retnfort:ernern of Commiss100 -suppon for ~egro"lai Stilft, ogen Atla~tai.CA Meeting ~rd colla?:crati\'2 work envircn11~nl. arm CttNrnan*s 01:1eri d;,or er;;..,

Soulhocn. NC C7,~3'2014 Meetm9wlh Slale Nud~r ~eipulatory ln!pl!:t~r-81e of L.<reme Rock~*me. VID c:11231zOti4 Wll!it!t1rio 'Nllti Jacan N.i-::lea1 Rect1laUor AuthoritY" Rock11!1le \.10 St01tt FJr.e;i)nQ rss1 CPA P1.1br1c lrvctveIT'ent: ExBn="les ftorri 1he Superlur"d ?rcgrr!m Rockville ~D Fede-al ln1era;ienc:y [FlJ 01.*2:i.'701.ll COC'l'Wl'lission s*i~tingon Hurnan Si1;:11tal ood E~al .irrp. *w..."v!. "\,,:rn;i.n1ng-*nvnoc-ErnDl~Y"JTient 0J:p0*t1,.S'11IV collechcr.i. o;omn,t.SS*Ol'\J'IT.)il14.

Te!accn*e-rencc w~ti NLIC.l"eat Enerav lnsmute National Academv of Sc.1enc.6!S. R.eoor1 Fukvstwm~ Ac:ti" ries Rockville \!D Jrdu'5t'"' ."[I Ei.:pre~if'g appr~::.*iJ'*.011 to the \J'RC staff fm the ;mpcrtant Spe.iik:l"lQ triqag-e;inent [SE.]

COt"tri::i...ib01lS tho&"Y make e\fe*v daiv Fc:fo1al lnlcmaencv IFI' Dl.'3112014 <.:omm,ss.on l3r1ehng on the St.a~.Js :iir Ln33Clft! _earned from Rockvilie MD "1trO'l/W./fVv*.nr~*~!!t~~lflJl*~rnlCIOC-n-~ ::'ukushima 11='11-ic.hi ,ti.r.ckjcnt

      • - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - f " : : * " ' > l . , . e . _ . - : ' _ , .o..' ... ~:"..,::o..,m""ni""'"'"ion-..11-.r*..


Aun-14 05.12Sl2C 1'- Telec:ol\IP.:renc.e Wflh U.S. Dccartrrento1 Sb\e R:anoe or i"lternatic11al issues Rodwif..e MD Federal lnt@raaenc~ If-I" D!l/25"2C14 Tr.:le::ante:nmr..u wtll* l11stitu!c lo' Nuc.lea1 Power  ::iperaiiOni lod;srry [I]

08!25.1201.!. Staff Bnl!'fmg or' l1ea!ct\ent or Act~ :.0'T1il<)nlll!n:s ...Jnd911h:~ Rockville, MO Staff B*1e~n9{SBJ M~n':Rnarw:::c Ru!lc SECY*14-00f2. Cont1nc.rco Storage of ~petil NueJe~r F~; Rcc.k'.<d!e-, MO Cnm~tS...~ion Wh:~t?Hl~ [C:M] http ,J\Jw\'M' rvt:..CO\'.'-e.BCIJ'g-rm,"cig;;-

SECY*14*0020. SCl*M 01rec1 final Rule. SE::"l-14-00:"S.  :.::)IJ~ct1ons'c:'.)n1[T'1S,SIClf1/tr:201~:

r.on~*nuc:1 Storage Ordai. SE.CY-"4-0061, Direct F1ral Rule SHINE U.S. t:...3"H Des.1grt :e-rtiheation recert pos1~v~ .1111c.h1~vemenle.. l'~u.i-y [I)

ARl:VA's. 11ew pro:tucts Cill'ld ser-*rCe'-. lm1P.i;.: ng in 1.P.c.hncrcsy

  • 06J27/2014 Re!T"arr.s ::1t Am~rican Nucleai Society 81.)- l"tlemncnal Jpdate Oil NRC activil-e-s. ki pre-pare- 'o" p1;1tenl1al I cens1rg of C.l-1c;;ago. IL SpHkmg Ertgagemer\t [SE] hnc :.~...vNt.nrc.go\*:abm.t Con1coer11,;e on l.s.01;>pes domeshc rneda:al iso\Opl!I pr~~11on lui*llM: d1~c.1.ns1:m of NC*U' 1.1~n~p!1pr/cO"llllHSS1.}l'\..CV11'jT- aJI .SOfl.

\/RC'li *ole 1f'\ 11'1.erl"u!ltio~al rnedcal1sol.O(le !ir..pol~. i.,,~.lud.n:J lhP. fT'!;n;f.,rlane;les,1rrc'ly-~peGches. "Ltml

<l:Jcnty's ~oort licefiSing mand;ite ano non-pro! fe:ahon


08t2?.'2J"4 Rena!'ls. al lh~ Cri1iiT'll.Li;1!1i.ln of Ai;rreem8fl1 Si3tesAnnu&I Overvie-YI' c' N"<C actW1t1es ....,th ~'le Ag*eement Sta:e-s. i"Ll~a..1d1nQ Shicaqo. IL 511~1P.. Tri~. t cr:~I Govt-rn"Tienl !STq.

Mee~rwJ .JpdalH on c.urren1 r .Jlem.eking a:ctivitie!i and St,gge91ed ar~a"So Spe.Bbng Engagenenl [S::J for h,M'\~r coor:~ralian 09104.'~()14 Stat" Sr1ef1rc on Fresi.Jllii.ed' 1t\efrnal Sh<>C'k Evah.1ati:m!. Rockvil~ MD S1ef1 Bne~no rss1 09i04.t2014 1e1eeantere-nce INlth t.J.S. Oecartment ot State Ra"lae ci1 trill!r"Llilllk>MI i!t!>UP..5 Rcc~.. 1le. MO Federal ~,teraoe:ic~ [ ..'/]

09i0~.?014 Mee111a 'Nilh tJ S 0eD-"'1'1mP.:rt of r=ncrQ'I Coorctil'\3lkm on 1'lalters of rnufual io1erest C:oe..,v chas<l:Mo Federal hteracto.i:v r=*n 09iOB."2014 Te~ronference*wit/i Worl:J Asst:t.:ii;lt1cr1 ;)r Nucl~ar Oper&tors Ra11ge orm1erriatl:m.aTreg*.Jlatory issues Ro:,\riUe. M!.::l lntetnsit1ono.I F.nQag~ment (IEt C9iOa"2014 Sta""' Bneflf':Q ;in P~1110. Export and lmpcr1 or Nud!'.!H Ro:<villc. ti) Staff 3'oof"'V [SB]

~CJJ*ome-nl ana MB!eoa\

l."9o'Oat2014 Meellng with DC Cook'Ame1ic3n Ele::tnc Pc-.ver U,il .. Cycle 26 Re\relinl) Ol.ltaQe.- =ai1120!4: 2314 Pncrl'flet.. 1.-.0USlty Ill Fire ~ctect1cn - r-..atronial t-*re :.>rct~ 011 Ai$0t1;ttior: (l\'PJ..}

BO!i implemei1ahon: Corrective Action Prcqram Pertor"l"\arice:

f1.t~'-r:it1rna :"loroar--e~~

09!0!J:r201.c Staff Bre."nO Or'\ lr.$riecJr.r Gene<l\I Auc:111 o"l.AtJ1ra R;>ckvlle,MD Sta,. Briefiro *se1 09to9r.2014 Ml!Afing ..,llh General Elec:trc Hiiac,.,, Glcba: er Enrichmnet lnoustry [I]

-*-- --------~------

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:


--~~~~--,~~~~~~~~--,T~o~o"-.~~~~~~~~-,,---~~~--,L-o-o~at-10-n~~~~-,,---~~~-..,c~.~t~~,o-,N~~~~~-r-~~~~~~U~R~L,---~~~ * *~

09JCSl2014 Remark1. al NRC ~qLi.ill t:mployrnerit Qppar...miry Counsl!'lor E:-.pression of apprec1a~ oo ror EEO Cou.,,9ebrs: re*terat100 of Rocl< ... ~le. MC Spcalti"l~ Er'gagerne~ ISE; RefT~her 1 raining rnpO'lance -:>r operi, 'r31'1sparent WOI~ envuorirnent a"l1 tree

1is.::uss1on of concerr.s fh~rnilrh al NRG .:'.)ffice al Enbr<.;em~nt A.nn.r.,rCOunterpa!1S t:;xp<en1on ~t apptec.a!*on tot statt vYh;i. wort u11rie e.'-fOt'~men! Rockw11le. MD Speakn~ Erg*gemen! !SF)

Meemg program* diak>gtie ~Tfh stan Of\ current ComfT'issionlago?-ncy torK:irifics 09109!2014 09110.12014 Commt:i;:i;i", Mi:eting a~ Straleg11,; P"og,1a1una1~ Ow'iefVMM' of l Comrnk~ion M~ling (r.M] "'lttp :_*www nrc.gc*,:re.:n::J1rn: *rtl/dt..t*..

the ~ewRH~lors Bus1nM~ Linr: .,,11* -o:r1*u... :~)IY10"11S.S.10'\l'lr'"'l-014:

09i10l2010i Meetinci ¥1.ri'lh Alomie L*HtrQ'f Reat.lato-v Boa.rd ll"IOia) 09;1or.?Ol4 L1cel'lSee toJTimu""U~\tarW!fl'Qag!rnerit wilf"i iiub!1r.. Lcen.l!iei@ Rock'11lle. MD lf'LdJStry ~I}

I:.:ln'VT"lun1caticn.*e,gageme11 wnh N::iOs'l$ee commt.niutran:e,g!'lgeme'll with. slate anr! :1ovetrrne"\t; Pct:-tii;.eaati;,n ~ "11.1t>l1r;. n11"!~ti*1us lllieetino <A.lit'- GO\'ernmef't of u:.e*Reoubflc. of Kon:* Rock .... tlle \llD IJIHtil"g Yl.*11"' the l\:xleiar Raellatioo Studies ll:::iaro 'Jaticnal NAS report on* LeSSOf'IS Le.arn~::l lrcm the ~ukush*m;1 N.1~1ea* Rock,,.illc. \110 A:aaertues of SC.e"l:-;e AcciOcn~ for lmpr.>v1nt1 Saf~ty of US. Nu~!.:t" ?lams*

Roc!(ville \o10 'ltlp :.'f.'WW nrt.:.m.?Y;readir1u-1~vdoi;

.::il ~=-- on~;c..JmlTllS'i10f\/1r*:;:o1.t.

Comm1S$1:i11 Mee1lflQ (CM: *mp* s"NW'f." nrt:..!lC'J*r~-~r.Q:~tnJoi:.v

-::).1 P::".'tlf'L'f:l:f'.:-.mm1~sicl1-V1r*:?014.:

09!17/2014 Mee,**c v.1tn J.S. Deoartnefir"01 State 09.'1 /'20~4 Mee~r:g with \li.,Scal~ PcWI!:' lnltoOucti:>ns: Pl1.1M a!iisric.a~e-d '1'1'111 lhe: NuS:ale rcac,01 ::tos.ign Roc~ ... me ~D 09.'"'712014 Tdeconfererce with N.u1:leaJ ::neu;;iy lnslttute A *1i:.ansas Nucle&f'of;e**y~Uow ftoOOirog f1nd1ng. Public lndJstry ~II involvement op~or1wnties Scl.lf""...e Se:cunt,- le;i1!1*a1ion: N:>nh A ...M fuel f'a1lur~ Fuku~hima lc.-s~cM lcarred aci-..11ies

"'0""91'"'*""812"'0"1"4,---tc*oc-m-m-,-.,.""';nn--::R:-r,-io"fing_o_c~M 7a-MgC--ir-o-o7 t"'o1'"'L_o_w_*~-e-"e""'t"'W;'"'a-s7 te--t-------------------c---l=Rockvi:l:-e"'o,i"o;o---------t:c:-*o-m-m,...,..-.,-n"'"M:-e-,el,..,e-,g'lr""~M=-l----+!l!f""ll-,;..,..:v.,-w-,.-.,,-,_-g-o*""'*:-*ee-o-m-.g-*r-m-,10-o-o--- - - 1 Hioh-Le*,,re[ 'Nd~1e. and Spe11t t't*.fde!af f"u~1  :.~11,~:::1iilnS.iC:Jmm1!i.!i.ioni11'2014i Os.*~8i201' lv'eet ng Nil~.Jrall Hes.01.Seies: De:lense Cc.Jncil The EPA draltClea.n ro.ve1 t-ila"'I (Cr-ir.i) ;\l"lrl 1mpli~~ti,">n!. fnc US Rocli...,i1lc MD n1.dcE1r reactor CDe:r*mons a'ld mgulat:on: Waste CorifQel"~~Cort11'ued' Sto~age l1na~ rlJe:makir"lg. The s1a1~~ cf 1--u<l.Ui"ltr:"lil safety 1rnproll'emM'lts .Arod :onsoJ,d:iilP.d ulf!rnaki"'itJ; Changes :o NRC's security iru::~r.litin [)r:ll!}l'tiM. ThA FPA Advarad Notice: of Proposed R..1la11iiking {ANPR} on tha rev Sl'Ot! o* 4:l CrR 190: C111zen rad.a11on mo111'1ar n;1 a(opereh"llg n1.1c.lear pQW!'l'r rear.:or-i;.

J9f19J2014 Staff 6t1efJM 01"1 :ioer1cd*C S~tv R~ .... j~ Rtickville. MD .Slatt Br1ehng l::itl!

)9122i2014 J\Hend Industry B~akias1 .at lnterp1o:iticr1al Ato111ii:,; En"tg.; *11.lemefiiorial Enaagetr.iP.nt (IF]. lrtdu~tty (t)

Aoe11c,,. Gererel Co11fer@11c.e "Mii"' US Deleaal1t1Jl J9Q.212014 AtleM Cpe!'lhg Sess1cn :>f lnternatl:>naf Abm1c Energy A-Oency GPµr;il CrJnt~cnce 09t'22i2014 Meeting with the F~ctera1Al.Ahority1c* Nuch:"' Rtog,,...laircn JUTted A1ab Er.i.rar&~)

[)9(22i2ai4 Meehng:a11C1 with ~l!lnkhstanAlornic Energy Agency Vienna. Au~lr1a 09/'2,'20~4 M~ng....,ilh Nudear Ene1gy Reguleto-y A9erq o~ lndo..,e:s1a International Eng.agemel"lt ~!=)

Vienrm. A.ustr*a lnb.>rnatrural ErVJageMe'\1 ~El .Speak1rg Encaceiutnl 181::1 Rt!-n~rts. a1: 1he J"\te:rnatioria:r Atomc Energy Agency Scie11t1ric OiS<.;USS1:.>ll of l~e imoorrar.ctil of a hahs111::: appma:h 10 1he Vt~na Aus!r a lnternat1orsl Engager'"l~nl [IE] Speak11"Q furllf'1 enhllect Radio.ac1i111!! War.le-; Mae'Jng lhe Chilleflge - nuc:lear 1ue1 c~le-. includi~ a de~eloped s1ra~egy on IT'anagii:g FngagoitonqSE]

Sc1e~ .and Tect1nc:lc9y ro* Sat~ aid Sti~tainzible Solutions radioadive wasle at It'~ oul!iP.i n1 A '\ui.[ear program addressed the ::::"UCial role er ~,e regit.a*~r 1ri wa.:1te n1an:at'Jerr.e-'lt, 09/24.'2014 MeeJi1.g with The A.us1ral1an Q'ad1al o., P~l~c\io1'1 Gf'\d Nuclear lf'lt~rl!l:cnal :l'gage"Tll!nl (lq Sa~t\'.~~111...-y 09i2<..12014 MeetiC"tg an~ ~tgnirg 'IMlf'I the Fecieraf for Nt..n:lear Contrcl !Be!01uml l-o"'9""l2""4""'2~01~4,.-l.;oM:cee""lin"'*,=a..,"i\h.,.A"'1~m~o-n,..ia-n""N'"u01""'ca-r""R,..e-01ut..,nt..,-ory-*"""'.~-u""11--o..,:i~;-----t----------- ...-._* *-** - - - - ********-----t;-;y-::,.-=-nr::-:*:-::-.~.,-us""'tr...,ra----------t':-:1n'"'1e"1r-,o"°:-on-o~cn-,~,-**-,-q,e11-e-n71f""IE,.;ol,------t--------------i 09i24Q014 M~e1ing an:J S*gl'ling witl* the Sta1ee Qrlice 1or '\U,;C1ttar SaflSty Vierra Au!tr~ lnterre;ona ::.<'lgBge-nen1 [IE{

lrSUJB. C..i::e;, Republ11:1 CSi2'1'2014 .. Meeting iif'ld Signing \M1t- th~ 1\ati:m.~ Nuciear Regu!a:cr \/~rr.a Austria lnte1ra~ en.a: E.nwage-nent [JEl l!SOl.lhAfi1ca) l;\i:251201i4 Meeting 'Al'i1h lo~emaOOral Atomjc Eoergy Agerc:;y Des;V.y cnal C.ngage"\'\ent [IEI 1--~~~-FD~irec'-=t~c....G~~*~n*~*~~w~*~N~u~o~~*~*~S~*~~~,~~*~*~d~S~*~'"~"*'~.__,,,,_..,...~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~c---1~~--:-...,..,..-~~~~~~~-+.--,---...,~. .~~~-..,,=---~+-~~~~~~~*--~-~~

OS.'25"2014 L'leeMg 'Mlti Alomic E;netCJ'\' Agency Director Vil:!rrta Au;tria 1r11en~"'41 anal EnQagemcn! (Ji=:f Gem:ral Fie'"' ~ed.

  • 11121201.ll Page24 :if 2!.i

Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane:

Calendar Tr;> icti C.ate D IJRL 00*25;2oi4 Meellngw1th lmematianal A~m1.1: Erie*gy Ag":"~* nepuly V1oone. Austria lnte*11auonal [!lgagemen~ :1E:

)~c:_;lor General fa* S01feqoaJds

~-------- *------------~------------~-----------*** - ~-.

Page- 25 of 25

William C. Ostendorff Indian Point July 30-31, 2013 **

  • I Ac~!yity I Cori-tact



j Time Tuesday, July 30, 2013 --

Outside of Scope ITcF15am lI Meet w/Riverkeeper:

Deborah Brancato Phil ~fusegas and Westchester Marriott in Salon Ill Room I

  • ¥¥"~-¥**--**

12:15pm Meet w/Congressional Staff at EOF: (EOF Conference Gerri Shapiro and Susan Spear, Senator Room)

Gillibrand; Virginia Noriega, Res. Lowey; I Joe O'Brien, Rep. Engel; Cody Peluso and Rachel Hartfor~!J~~nator Schumer l J:OOpm 1 AR: on Site

__ I _§_adging at ~QF {at EOF Walpole} -----

        • "~*-*

J:OQ:J:15pm 1:15-1 :40pm j RP Briefing in EOF and distribution of I Dosimetry and discussion of Dry Cask

.-.. ,,,~ ..........

1:40-1:55pm (Glander)

Travel Time to Unit 2 HP1 entrance

  • -**** ....-..... ,~,,,,,,,_,,,,, ___ ..........

1:55-3:45pm Observed dry cask storage pickup

-~~- .. µ~~

"~m--~ ****-~ --

(Tour Group: Scott Stevens. Rad Protection, Spent Fuel; Don Mayer, Special Projects; Dan Gagnon, Security Mgr; Reid Tagliamonte, RP Mgr; Tim Salentino, Maintenance Mgr) 3:45-4:00pm Exit RCA and return to Generation Support Bldg ****"*H**'*'*

4:00R~- Leave Site ...,.,-~- ....

4:30pm Meet w/ AREA of NY Westchester Marriott in Attendees: Arthur Jerry Kremer and Salon Ill Room Richard Thomas, NY AREA; John Ravitz, Business Council of Westchester; Robert Stahl and Dominic Marzullo, Utility Workers Union of A---;.,;; I nr:il i

Outside of Scope 1~2 I

G:\Travel 12(23/2015 10:26

7:00-7:30am Meet w/Westchester County Deputy Executive and Chief of Staff 8:00-9:00am g w n ergy o 1scuss ne 1 g Fuel Stack Up Evolution, Site Spent Fuel Status (criticality reanalysis, ISFSI), Unit 3 fuel move process). (Entergy Ventosa, Dinellie, Site PV; Mayer, Dir Special rojects; Woodby, Eng'g Mgr; Walpole, censing Mgr; Gagnon, Security Mgr; iele, EP; in OCC then TSC, McCarthy, 9:00-11:ooam-- 1 T~~r~f ~;~~ ~/~~~~;g~~~ntosi DineTii-.- + - - - - -

I Gagnon, Mayer, Wooby, Walpole, Miele in OCC then TSC, McCarthy in Unit 2 CR .

  • Enter !PEC PArF (tour of PAFF; personnel access facility)
  • Exit PAFF and turn left and go to BRE 1Z.

Tour BRE; bullet resistant enclosure 12

  • Show B.S.b trailer and equipment .  !
  • Walk down southern most roadway, point out 'j Unit 3 fuel path, and new south security fence. Stop at 1

Unit 3 fuel handling door, turn around and go to Unit 2 diesel alley way

  • Enter plant and go to llnit 2 control room.
  • Go up to the 72 foot elevation and go onto the j roof and show them defensive positions on the river front from the roof.
  • Show appendix R EOG
  • Show post Fukushima locker 1
  • Go back up the stairs by the GMPO office onto I turbine deck and bring them to the new CAS (central alarm station)
  • County attendees:
  • Seamus Leary, Deputy Commissioner, Emergency Management, Orange County
  • Adam Stiebeling, Commissioner, Bureau of Emergency Services, Putnam County

/* Jennifer Wacha, Deputy Commissioner,

.__. .___ I Depa_rtment of Emergency Se::.v.ices ---------!-----*-------*-------.;

11 :OOa-12:00pm Debrief a.~.9. Working Lunch (lunch is ~5) --

Outside of scope

Page 84 of 90 Wict1heid pursuant to e:~~mption Outside cf Scope of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Note: Due to highlighting on the page, the one responsive entry was unreadable; it has been typed into the page as it appears on the copy provided to the FOIA Office.

September 2015 October 2015 September 11, 2015 SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 Friday 6 7 8 910 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 45678910 1112 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FRIDAY 11 OL1tside of Scope 9:30-10:00am Paul Blanch DropTn-(Amy): your office Ovt&ide of Scope 5

"-'""'--*-*--***. ~--**~~-~-' *'*'***--*--*-*---*----- *************----*-"'""-"*-*---*-*---*------*---***..... ,.~-*** ..*-*--*--

6 1----t--*-------*----*---**.---..-.. . . _____

Ostendorff, William 1 12/24/2015 10:01 AM


OFFICE SUBJECT FILES Box 17A of 25A Outside of Scope

Box 13/250 Chairman Jaczko's Office Files

  • Omside of Scope Trip: New York OL1\s ide of Seo pi!

Box 21/250 Chairman Jaczko's Office Files Outs;de of Scope Travel: New York, NY Outside of Scope

Office Files for Commissioner William D. Magwood, IV 2010*2014 Box4B of9 Subiect Outside of Scope Indian Point Rivericeeper- May 2012 Outsfde of Scope

Office Files of Commissioner William 0. Magwood, IV 2010. 2014 Box 18A of 23A Travel Outside of Scope May 29-30, 2012- Indian Point Energy Center, American Society of Mechanical Engineering Outside> of Scope