MONTHYEARML0826006362008-09-16016 September 2008 Letter Informing That Dominion Will Not File a Response to Petitioners' August 27, 2008 Request to File New Contentions Unless Otherwise Directed by the Board ML0821808292008-08-0505 August 2008 Letter to Board Transmitting of August 4, 2008 Notification of Significant Licensing Action in the Matter of Millstone Power Station, Unit Number 3, Which the Staff Has Provided the Commission on August 5, 2008 ML0821808302008-08-0404 August 2008 Proposed Issuance of a Final No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination and License Amendment for a Stretch Power Uprate for Which a Hearing Has Been Requested ML0809803902008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of Matias F. Travieso-Diaz ML0809803892008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of Stefanie M. Nelson ML0809803882008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of David R. Lewis ML0809803862008-04-0707 April 2008 Request from Dominion Nuclear Connecticut to File a Petition on April 18th, 2008 ML0809803852008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of Lillian M. Cuoco ML0809803842008-04-0707 April 2008 Certificate of Service from Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.'S ML0809800672008-04-0404 April 2008 Notice of Appearance for Lloyd B. Subin ML0809800652008-04-0404 April 2008 Submittal of Notice of Appearance for Lloyd B. Subin, Counsel to the NRC Staff ML0809804642004-09-10010 September 2004 Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone V. USNRC and Dominion Nuclear Connecticut No. 04-3577-ag; Federal Respondents' Reply to Petitioner'S Objection to Respondents' Motion to Dismiss ML0809804632004-09-0303 September 2004 Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone V. USNRC; 04-3577-ag; Petitioner'S Objection to Motion to Dismiss ML0809804622004-09-0202 September 2004 CT Coalition V. USNRC; Docket No. 04-3577-ag; Order Rescheduling Oral Argument on Motion to Dismiss on October 5, 2004 ML0809803482004-07-12012 July 2004 Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone V. USNRC; Docket 04-3577-ag; Scheduling Order ML17037B7821973-10-0505 October 1973 Letter Regarding Notice of Intent to Intervene Filed with the Commission on Behalf of the Friends of the Earth 2008-09-16
[Table view] Category:Legal-Notice of Appearance
MONTHYEARML0809803902008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of Matias F. Travieso-Diaz ML0809803892008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of Stefanie M. Nelson ML0809803882008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of David R. Lewis ML0809803852008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance of Lillian M. Cuoco ML0809805942008-04-0707 April 2008 Notice of Appearance for David E. Roth ML0809800672008-04-0404 April 2008 Notice of Appearance for Lloyd B. Subin ML0601705152006-01-12012 January 2006 Notice of Appearance & the Respondent'S Acknowledgment Letter, Dated 1/12/06 ML0523405192005-08-22022 August 2005 Notice of Withdrawal for Brooke D. Poole ML0523102012005-08-18018 August 2005 Notice of Appearance for Michael A. Bauser, Esq., Nuclear Energy Institute ML0425701152004-08-16016 August 2004 Entry of Appearance for NRC, Dated 8/16/2004 ML0419504882004-07-0707 July 2004 Notice of Appearance of Nancy Burton on Behalf of the Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone ML0416002242004-06-0707 June 2004 Millstone 2 & 3 - Notice of Appearance for Brooke D. Poole on Behalf of the NRC Staff ML0409901652004-04-0202 April 2004 Notices of Appearance of David R. Lewis and Lillian M. Cuoco on Behalf of Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc ML0326507452003-09-15015 September 2003 09/15/03 - Letter from Brooke G. Smith to Annette L. Vietti-Cook Enclosing a Corrected Certificate of Service for Her 09/11/03 Notice of Withdrawal ML0326507382003-09-11011 September 2003 09/11/03 - Notice of Withdrawal for Brooke G. Smith on Behalf of the NRC Staff ML0307205422003-03-12012 March 2003 Notice of Withdrawal of Cassie E. Bray on Behalf of the NRC Staff ML0300308402003-01-0303 January 2003 Notice of Appearance for Brooke G. Smith on Behalf of the NRC Staff ML0224102862002-08-21021 August 2002 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance for Martin J. O'Neill 2008-04-07
[Table view] |
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. ) Docket No. 50-423 (Millstone Power Station, Unit 3) )
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE OF LILLIAN M. CUOCO Lillian M. Cuoco, being an attorney at law in good standing admitted to practice before the courts of the District of Columbia and the States of New York, Connecticut and Virginia, hereby enters her appearance as counsel on behalf of Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. in any proceeding related to the above-captioned matter.
Respectfully submitted,
/Original signed by Lillian M. Cuoco/
Lillian M. Cuoco Senior Counsel Dominion Resources Services, Inc.
120 Tredegar Street, RS-2 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 819-2684 (804) 819-2183 (fax)
Lillian.Cuoco@dom.com Counsel for Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.
Dated: April 7, 2008