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E-mail Dated April 17, 2007, from Robert Jones, Smud, to John Hickman, NRC, Regarding Gel Narrative for Rancho Seco Soil Analyses, Work Order 124326
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 04/17/2007
From: Rosalyn Jones
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
To: John Hickman
Download: ML072000418 (25)


Rancho Seco Page I of I John Hickman - Rancho Seco From: "Robert E. Jones" <>

To: <>

Date: 04/17/2007 12:51 PM


Rancho Seco

John, Follow up e-mail

<<GEL Case Narrative.pdf>>

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Rancho Seco Creation Date 04/17/2007 12:50:10 PM From: "Robert E. Jones" <>

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Table of Contents General Narrative. ..................................... 1 Radiological Analysis......................... 4 Sam ple Data Summary ..................................... .. . .... . . 9 Q uality C ontrol Data ...... ....................................................... 20


CASE NARRATIVE for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Work Order 124326 November 22, 2004 LaboratoryvIdentification:

General Engineering Laboratories, LLC Mailing Address:

.P.O. Box 30712, Charleston, South Carolina 29417 ExpressMail Delivery and Sbippink Address:

2040 Savage Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 Telephone Number:

(843)556-8t71 Summary,-

.Samples from Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating, Staition,* a*vedat.General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, (GEL') Charleston, South Carolina May28, 2004 foi Radiochemistry analyses.

The laboratory received the following samples:

Laboratory Sample Identification Descripion 124326001 #I RELOG 113907001 124326002 #2 RELOG 113907002 124326003 #3RELGi13907003 124326004 #5 RELOG 113907005 124326005 #6 RLUOG 1i3907006 1,24326006 #8 RELOG 113907008 124326007 #9RELOG 113907009 124326009. #2 RELOG 113907002 124326010 #7 RELOG 113907007 GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES. LLC aaMembertof.THE GEL GR2 *VFINC.

P.O. Boxt 307,12-- Chart Ieston,SCj29417. 2040 Savag8 Road (Z94)

Phon ~84)55~817.


Case Narrative:

Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in General Engineering Laboratories Standard Operating Procedures. Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data~review. and reductions arelisted within this narrative.

Iniernal Chain of Custody:

Custody was maintained.for these samples.

Data Package:

The erncol'ed data package contains Case Narrative and Radiochemistry data. The results are reanalyses of'samplýes originally analIyzed'in work order 11390%7 Amy rjangr -


P.O. Box 30712 , Charleston', SC 29417 ,204b0SaVage Road (29407)

Phone (843): 65-8171 o F= ) 766-1,178 - ww*. .



Radiochemistry Case Narrative Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station (SMUD)

Work:Order 124326 Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid.High Rad Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RCModified Prep Method: 'Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 376856 Prep BatchNumber 376855 Dry Soil PrepGL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number-, 376852 Sample ID Client ID 124326001 #1 RELOG 113907001 124326002 #2 RELOG 113907002.

124326003 #3 RELOGt113907003 124326004 #5 RELOG 113907005 124326005 #6 RELOG 113907006 124326006 #8RELOG 113907008 124326007 #9 RELOG 113907009 1200729731i Method Blank (MB) 1200729734 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)'

1200729732 124326001(#1 RELOG. i1,3907001).SampleDuplicate (DUP) 1200729733 124326001(#1 RELOG 1,13907001) Matrix Spike (MS)

SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by.General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure .(SOP). The data discussed in thisnarrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL'RAD-A-035 .REV# 5.

'Calibration information:

.Calibration Information Allinitial and continuing calibration requirements have-been met.

Standards Information.

Standard solution(s).for.these analyses areNISTtraceable and used before the expiration date(s).

Sample Geometry All counting.sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration; standards.

Ou alitv Control (OC) Information:.

Blank Information The blank volume is representative.of the sample volume in this batch.

Designated.QC The followingsample was used for QC: 124326001 (#1 RELOG 113907001).

QC Information All of the QC samples met therequired accep'tance limits.

Technical Info6mation:.


HoldingTime All sampleprocedures for this .sample set wereperformed.within the required holding time.

Preparation Information All preparationcriteria have been met for these analyses.

Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples inthis sample set requiied reprep or reanalysis;,

.Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to documet :any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. An NCR was. not generated for this SDG.,

Manual Integration Manual integration of alpha spectroscopy spectr 1J24326002 (#2 RELOG 113907002) was performed to fully separatecaunts in Regions of Interest which would have been biased.

oualifier information Manual:qualifiers were not required.

Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99,SolidHigh .Rad Analytical Method. .DOE EML HASL-300,0 Tc-02-RRCModified Analytical Batch Number: 376858 Sample ID Client ID 1243,26009 #2 RELOG 113907002 1200729739 Method Blank (MB) 1200729742' Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1200729740 124326009(#2 RELOG 113907002))Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1200729741 124326009(#2 RELOG 113907002) Matrix, Spike (MS)

SOP Reference Procedurefor preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLCas Standard Operating.Pirocedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 1I.

Calibration Inf6rmation:

Calibration Information All, initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met.

Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these 'analyses are NIST traceable and used before~the expiration date(s).

Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Ouality Control (OC) Information:

Blank Information 6

The blank vlirnmeis representative of the sample volume in:thisbatch.

Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 124326009 (#2 RELOG. H 3907002).

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits.

Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for this~sampleset were performed within the required holding time.

Preparation Information,.

All preparation criteria- have been metfor~these analyses.

Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None.of the samples in this sample set requiied reprep or'reanalysis.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedufal anomalies that may, deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. An NCR was not, generated for this SDG.

Manualtintegration Ntomanual integrations were performed on data inthis batch&

Mualiflersinfom n otirn

  • Manual.qualifiers were not required.

Method/Analysis information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid High Rad Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 381079 Sample ID Client ID 124326005 #6 RELOG 113907006 124326010 #7RELOG 113907007 1200739977 Method Blank,(MB) 1200739980 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1200739978 124326005(#6 RELOG 1.13907006) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1200739979 124326005(#6.RELOG 113907006) Matrix Spike (MS)

SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlledby General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standaid QperatingProcedure (SOP). Thaedata'discussed in thisnarrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 11.


Calibration Information All initial and continiiing calibrationrequirementshhave been met&


Standards Information Standard. solution(s) for these analyses are NIST'traceable and.used before'the expiration date(s),.

Sample Geometry All counting sources were,prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards.

Quality Control (0C) Information:

Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch.

Designated QC The following Sample was used'for QC: 12 4326005 (#6RELOG 13907006).

QCInformation All of the QC samples met.the required acceptance -limits.

Technical Information:

Holding Time All sample procedures for.this sample set wereperformed Within the required holding time.

Preparation Information All preparation critefiathave been met for these analysesi Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Sample 1200739979§(#6'ALOG 113907006) was recounted due to the quench number being out of calibration range.

Miscellaneous Information:

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any pirocedural anomalies that maydeviate from referenced

.SOP or contractual documents.An NCR was not generated for this SDG.

Manual Integration No manual integrations were peforimed~on!data-in this batch.

Oualifier information Manual, qualifiers .were not required.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed underNELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in theanalytical case narrative.

Review Validation:

GEL requires all analytical data to-be verified:by a qualified. data validator. In additionall data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging willreceive a third levelvalidation upon completion of the data package.

The following'data validator verified tlieinformation presented in: narrative:






GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for SMUDOO1RanchobSecoNuclear Generating!Station Client SDG: 124326 GELWork Order. 124326 Sample(s) Contained within this report:

Lab Sample ID ClientSample ID Sample Description Collected 124326001 #1"RELOG 113907001

  • NIA 08/12/200313:40 124326002 #2RELOG 113907002 N/A 04/28/2003 14:00 124326003 #3 RELOG 113907003 N/A 03/08/2004 14:55 124326004 #5 RELOG 113907005 N/A 11/19/2003 13:15 124326005 #6 RELOG 113907006 N/A 11/19/2003 10:20 124326006 #8 RELOG 113907008 N/A 02111/2004 13:30
  • .N/A 12/08/2003 14:00 124326007 #9 RELOGG 113907009, 124326*09 #2 RELOG 113907002' N/A 04/28/2003 14:00 124326010 #7 RELOG 113907007 N/A 911=o004 08:25 Where'the analytical method has been performed under NLA certification, the analysis has met all of the requirementsmof'the NELAC standard unless qualified on'the Certificate of Analysis.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Amy Jamison.

Reviewed by

.Page .lof13 f4, 10

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC.29407 - (843) 55688171 7www.gelcom 10 CFR Part,50/61 ,Certificate of Analysis GEL Sample ID: 124326001 Client: Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Client Sample ID: #1 RELOG 113907001 Collect Date:. August 12,2003, Matrix: Misc Solid Receive Date:' October 27, 200,4 Amount of Sample.Received: Report Date: November 22,i2004

  • 2 .. . - ... Zritical Analyte Run Date Qualifier Activity Uncertainty MDA RL TPU Level Units Pu-241 11/03/04 U -3:90E+00 6.12E+00 1V0Ef01 1.5013+01 6.1l3E+00 5.24E+00 pCi/g Note(s): 1. Calculated MDAs are a-posteriori values.
2. Activity concentration net t/- 2 sigma0overallon reference date.
3. Resultsare.statistically positive at the 99.9% confidence level (activity is greater than:three times the uncertanity)

U Indicates the target analyte was:analyzed.for but not detected above the detection limit.

Page 2 of 13 11

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040Savage Road: Charleston SC 29407 -'(843):556-8171 - www; 10 CFRPart 50/61'.Certificate of-Analysis.

GEL Sample ID: 124326002 Client: Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station ClientSample ID: N2 RELOG 113907002 Collect Date: April 28,,2003 Matrix: Misc Solid Receive Date: October 27, 2004 Amount of Sample Received: Report Date:, November-,22, 2004 1 Critical 2

Analyte Run Date Qualifier Activity Uncertainty MDA RL TPU Level Units Pu-24 1 f1/63/04 U 4;69E1-01 751E+00 1.291E+01 'I:50E+01 7.51 EA0 6&2913+00 pCi/g I...

.......... _'- 1-1-1.1-.................... ...............

Note(s): L Caltulated.MDAsiirevi-pdsteriori values.

2. Activity concentration net +/- 2 sigmaoverall.6n teference'date..
3. Results are statistically positive afthe 99.9% confidence, level (activity is greater than th tee tinles,the,uncertanity)

U Indicates the target anal.Vte, was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.

Page 3 of 13 12¸

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 SavageRoad CharlestonSC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 10 CFR Part 50/61 Certificate of Analysis.

GEL Sample ID: 124326003 Client: Rancho Seco Nuclear :Generating Station Client Sample ID: #3 RELOG 113907003 Collect Date:, March 08,2004 Matrix: Misc Solid ReceiveDate: October 27,2004 Amount of Sample Received: Report.Date: ' November 22,2004 2 .Critical Analyte

. ............ . ....... . ................Run

.... Date

........ . .. . .Qdalifier

. . . .." " . . . .Activity-

. . .:.. .. . . Uncertainty

' " - + . . . .MDA

. . . ".""'.....RL"I:"...

........ .... ... TPU

....... Level ..Units Pum24l 11/03/04 U 1.1lE-01 7;66E+00 1.32E+0i 1.50E+0I 7.66E+00 6.42E-t00 pCi/g Note(s): 1. Calculated MDAs are a-posteriori values.

2. Activity concentration net +/-2 sigma overall on reference date.
3. Results are statistically positive at~the 99.9% confidence'level (activity is greater thanwthree times the uncertanity)

U Indicates the tareet analyte~was analyzed for but not detected above thedetection limit.

Page 4-of 13 13

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 SavageRoad Chadeston SC 29407 -.(843) 556-8171- -www~gel.cOrn 10 CFRPart 50/61 Certificate of Analysis GEL Sample ID: 124326004 Client: Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Client Sample ID' #5 RELOG113907005 Collet.Date: November' 19, 2003 Matrix: Misc Solid Receive Date: October 27, 2004:

Amount of Sample Received: ReportDatec November 22,2004 12 I Critical Analyte Run Date Qualifier Activity Uncertainty MDA *RL TPU Level Units Pu-241 11/03/04 3 -.4.72E+01 8,85E+00 1.29E+01 .1.50E+01 9.78E+00 6;30E+00 pCi/g Note(s): 1. Calculated MDAs are a-posteriori values.

2. Activity concentration net +/-2 sigma overall on reference date.
3. Results are:statistically positiVe at the-99.9% confidencelevel (activity is greater than three times the uncertanity)

U Indicates the taraet analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit.

Page 5*of 13 1.4

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 556-8171 -, i0 CFR Part50/61 Certificate ofAnalysis GEL Sample ID: 124326005 'Client: Rancho Seco NuclearGenerating Station Client Sample ID: #6 RELOG 113907006 Collect Date: ,November 19, 2003 Matrix: Misc Solid ReceiveDate: October 27,2004 Amount'of Sample Received: Report Date: .November 22, 2004

' Critical 2

Analyte Run Date Qualifier Activity ;Uncertainty- MDA RL TPU Level Units p

Tc-99 11/16/04 3* 2.36E+00 l1.06E+ý00 l.69Et0O 5.00E+ý-00 lý.06E3+00 8.2111-01 pci/g Pu-241 11/03/04 3' 13.4E+i0, .6.85E+00 1.09E+01 1.50E+01 7.02E+_00 5,32E+100 pciýg Note(s): 1. Calculated MDAs area,-postleriori values.

2. Activity toncentration, net +1- 2 sigma over-All on reference date.
3. Results ire statisticailypositiveýat the'99M/o confidencelievel (activity isgreaterthan three times the uncertanity)

Andicates the 1arget analyte was analvzed for but not detected above the;deteetj6 ýli it.

Page:6,bf 13 is

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040oSavage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 10 CFR Part 50/61 Certificate of Analysis GEL Sample ID: 124326006 c!ient: RanchoSeco Nuclear Generating Station Client Sample ID: #8 RELOG 113907008 ,CollectDate: Februiry 11,,2004 Matrix: MiscSolid Receive Date: October 27,2004 Amount of Sample Received: Report Date: November 22,2004 2 1 Critical Analyte Run Date Qualifier Activit Uncertainty MDA RL TPU Level Units Pu-241 11/03/04 U, L.OOE+00 :6:978+00' 1'.2011-1-01 1.50E-4-01 6.97r7+0 5.82E+00. pCi/g Note(s): I. Calculated MDAs area-posteriorivahies.

2. Activity concentration net ÷/- 2-sigma'overall on reference date.
3. Results are statistically positive at the'99.9% confidence leve!.(activityis 'greater than three times h ncertanity)

U Indicates, the target analyte was. analyzed.for but notdetected above the detection limit.

Page 7.of 13 16


  • 2040Savage Road CharlestonSC 29407 - (843) 556-8171,-,www~geltcom 10 CFR Part 50/61 Certificateof Analysis GEL Sample ID: 124326007 Client: Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Client Sample ID: #9 RELOG 113907009 Collect Date: December 08, 2003, Matrix: Misc Solid Receive Date: October 27, 2004 Amount of Sample Received: Rep0rtDate: November'22,2004 Critical Analyte Run Date Qualifier Activity Uncertainty MDA RL TPU Level Units Pu-241 11/03/04 3 1.75E+01 7.99E.+0 L.29E+0l .50E+O1 8.13E+00 6.27E+00 pCi/g I ........... - _ _ _.. . . . .

Note(s):, 1. Calculated MDAs are a-posteriori values.

2. Activity concentration net +/- 2sigmia overall on reference date.
3. Results are statistically positive at the 99.9% confidence level (activity is greater than three times the uncertanity)

U Indicates thertarmet analyte was analyzed forbut not detected above the detectionlimit:

Page 8 of 13

  • 17

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC'29407 - (843) 556-8171 - 10:CFR Part 50/61 Certificate-of.Analysis

,GEL Sample ID:. 124326009 Client: RanchoSeco Nucleiar Generating Station Client Sample ID: #2 RELOG 1139070021 Collect Date: April 28,2003 Matrix: ,Misc Solid Receive Date: October 27,2004 Amount of Sample Received: Report Date: November .22, 2004 Critical Analyte Run Date Qualifier Activity Uncertainty MDA RL TPU Level Units Tc-99 ' 11/02/04 U 5:37E-01 2:40E+00 4.12E-00 5.OOE+00 2.40E+00 2.OOE+00 pCi/g Note(s): 1. Calculated MDAs are a-posteriori values.

2..Activity concentration net +/-2 sigma overall on. reference:date.

3. Results-are statistically positive at the 99.9% confidence level (activity is, greater than three times the uncertanity)

U Indicates'the target:analyte'was analyzed-for but not detected above the detection limit Page 10: of 13 18

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843).55648171: 10 CFR Part 50/61 Certificate of Analysis GEL Sample ID: 124326010 Client: Rancho-SecolNuclear Generating Station Client Sample ID: #7 RELOG 113907007 Collect Date: January 12,2004.

Matrix: Misc Solid Receive Date: November 1-2, 2004 Amount of Sample Received: Report Date: November 22, 2004 Critical AnalyteRun bate

  • D -a2a Run Activity UYncertainty Qualifier,! MDA. I RL TPU Level Units Tc-99 111/1604 3 2.70E+00 l .16E-O0 1.83E+00 5.60E+00 iI.16E+00 8.89E-0l pCi/g Note(s): 1. Calculated MDAs are a-posteriorivalues.
2. Activity concentration-net +/- 2,sigma :overall on reference date;
3. Results arestatistically positive atthe 99.9% confidence level (activity is greater. thin threetimes the uncertanity)

U Indicates the :target analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the detection limit..

Page l l of 13 19


GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC29407-,(843) 556-8171 -

.QC Summary Report Date: November 22,2004 Client: Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Page I of 2 Station 14440.TwinmCities Road Herald, California


Mr. John Newey Worlorder: 124326 Parmname NOM Sample:ual .C Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date fime High 1tad Testing Batch 376856 QCl200729732 124326001 DUP Plutonitun-241 'U -3.9 U -1.61 pCi/g NI.A (0% - 100%) AAK 11/03/04 05:29 Uncert: +/-6.1*2 +1-7106 TPU: +/-6.13 +/-7.06 QC1200729734. LCS Plutonium-241 113 88:j PCi/g 78 (75%-125%) '11/03/04 06:32

.Uncert: +/-8,331

. TPU:

+1.1.1 QC1200729731 MB plutonium-24 I, u- 1.ý08 11/03/0404:58 Unccrt:, +/-6.24 T.PU:> pCi/g QC1200729733 124326001 MS Plutonium-241 306 U -3.9 , 242 79 (75%-125%) 11/03/04 06:01 Uncert: +/-6.12 +¢/-21 4 TPU: +/16.13 +/-29.1 Batch 376858 QC1200729740 124326009 DUP Technetium-99 u 0.537 U 0.988 P.0/g 0 (0% - 100%) NXLI 11/02/04 16:11 Uncert:

TPU: +A2.40ý +/A1.79

+/-2.40 +/-1.79 QC 1200729742 LCS Technetium-99 107 112. ..pCig 105 (75',-125%) 11/02/04 17:18 Uncert: +/-!3.36 TPU: +/4.49 QC1200729739 MB Tcchnctium-99 u 0..00: PCi/g 11/02/04 15:38 Unccrt:


QC1200729741 124326009 MS Tcchnctium-99 200 U 0.537, 197 PCi/ g' 98 (75%-125%)* 11/02/04 16:44 Uncert: +"/-2.40 t/-7.97

+/-'240 +/-9.41 TPU:

Batch 381079 QC1200739978 124326005 DUP Technctium-99 2.36. 2:72" PCi/g' 114, l(0% -o1'00%)ADD 11/16/0419:44 Unce6rt: +/-1.06


TPU: +/-1.06 QC1200739980 LCS Technetium-99 88.9 pCi/g: 113 (75M/-125%) 11/16/04 20:49 Uncert: +/-2.80 TPU: +/-3.84 QC1200739977 MB Page 12.of 13


GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES,.LLC 2040oSavage Road Charleston SC 29407 --(843) 556-8171!- www; QC Summary Workorder: 124326 Page 2 of 2

?armname ____

NOM Samp-l Q ale QC Units: RPDO REC% Range__.Ans Dat--Time High Rad Testing Batch 531079 Technetium-99 U -0.109 :pCil/g Uncerz: 41-0.927 TP*U: +/-0.927 QC1200739979 124326005 MS Technetium-99 103 2.36 114 pCi/g 108 (75%/.425%) 11/17/04 18:50 Uncert: 4-1-1.06 +/-3.'18 TPU: +1-1.06 +/-437 Notes:

The Qualifiers inthisreport are defined as follows:

Indicates that a quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria.

Indicates the analyte is a surrogate compound.

BD Target analyte was detected in the sample as well'as the associated blank.

Flag for results below the MDC or. a flag for lowtracer recovery.

E Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the'instrument calibration range.

H Analytical holding.timc exceeded.

Indicates an estimated value. The.result was greater than the detection limit, but less than'the reporting limit..

,U Indicates the target analyte was analyzed for but not detected abovethe detection limit.

Ul Uncertain identification for gamma spectroscopy.

x Lab-specificqualifier-picase see case narrative, data summary package or contact your project manager for.details..

h Sample preparation or preservation holding time exceeded.

N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply wheni-sample concentraiion exceeds spike cone, by a factor of4'or more.

    • Indicates analyteis a surrogate compound.

^ TheRclativePereent Differen6ce(RPD)ob'tinWd frommhesaniplc'duplicate (DUP)-is evaluated against the acccptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (SX) the contract required detection limit (RL),.'In cases where .either.the.sample or duplicate value is less than 5X theRRL, a control limit of +/- the RLis used to evaluate the DUPresult.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical.method has been performed underNELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

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