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06/20/2006 Conversation Record of Response to Questions from Oyster Creek 2005 Annual Assessment Public Meeting on April 24, 2006
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 07/07/2006
From: Marc Ferdas
Division of Reactor Safety I
To: Warren D
- No Known Affiliation
Download: ML061930232 (2)


NRC FORM 699 U.S, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMSSION DATE (9.2003) 06/20/2006 CONVERSATION RECORD TIME 1:30pm NAME OF PERSON(S) CONTACTED OR IN CONTACT WITH YOU TELEPHONE NO, TYPE OF CONVERSATION Donald Warren 0VISIT ORGANIZATION CONFERENCE Public Stakeholder TELEPHONE SUBJECT 0 INCOMING Response to questions from Oyster Creek 2005 Annual Assessment Public Meeting on April 24, 2006. a OUTGOING CONVERSATIONRECORD 1contacted Mr. Warren at hics home on June 20,2006, in order to provide b i wl th responses to his questions. Mr, Warren included Mr. BII Costanzo in our conversation by performing a "3-way"calL The following information was provided on the topics l i d above.

CORlE SHROUD: In 1994 Oyster Creek Identified 2 core shroud horizontal cracks similar to that found by other B W R plants throughout the world, A rep& was performed in 1994, which hvolved installing 10 "tie-rods" around the core shroud, Periodic inspections are performed on internal reactor vessel componenfs, includingthe "tie-rods" in accordance with industry guidance. It should bc noted that approximately a dozen plants worldwide have installed the "tie-rod" repair method to mitigate this issue.

HARDEN VENT: A harden vent was instalted at Oystcr Creek as a result of NRC generic letter 89-16, and provides a means to performed a controlled depressurization of containment during a severe accident if long term decay heat removal capability was last and overpressurization OF containmentwas occurring, Containment would be vented through a harden vent to the main stack which would provide an elcvated and monitored release. The information fram instnunen& Inthe stack would be utilized to pctform dose dculations.

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ACTION REWIRED Provide a response to the additional questions asked by Mr. Warren.

No additional actions, see above for details.


JUL-07-2006 10:01 NRC CONVERSATION RECORD (Continued)


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Emergency operating procedures (EOPs) would direct use of the harden vent and the NRC would be monitoring plant conditions a d AmetGens actions if this w s to occur. 1FlfZpstric-kdid not install a harden vent because they were able to utiliie existing piping at their plant and this was reviewed by the N R C SPENT FUEL WNEIRABILITY: There has been no provisions to enclose the spent fuel pool at Oyster Creek or my other nuclear facility with a reinforced concrete containment burldig Uone does not exist. The NRC,other federal agendes, and licensees have taken and continue to toke extensive actions to enhance protectlan and mitigating strategies.

THERMOILAG 330: Oyster Creek replaced thermolag 330 fire wrap wltb a different h e barrier material or determined that thetmolag was no longer required in some areas of the plant. These chances were made between 1999 and 2001 in response to industry issues and NRC generic letter communications, The NRC performed fire protectian inspections In 2002 and 2005 and did not id&& any issues with Oyster Creekspassive fire barriers.

DRYWELL LINER: I was not able to provide information to Mr. Warren m n i n g his questions on thistopic because rhe NRCs reviews on this are still in progress.

TRITIUM: Due to recent dlscoveries of inadvertent discharges of tritium to the environment, an assessment at all EkelonlAmerGenplants L being performed by the company, The review includes an assessment of systems that handle tritium As part ofthe assessment, ExelonlAmerGen is performing groundwater and surPace water sampllag. The sampllng includw beta and gamma emitters. In addition, the NRC in March 2006 created a task force to evamlne this issue. The task force is comprised of experts from the NRCs regional and headquarter offices, The task force will issue a wr1tte.n report summarizing their &dings later this year. Additional Information on the task force and tritium cllr). be found at

COOLING TOWER;The draft supplement to the Generic Envlronmental Impact Statement will address the issue of a

lased cooling cycle (Le., cooling tower). This document will be issued shortly and will be discussed at a public meetlng on July 12,2006 in Toms River, NJ.

STEAM PACKING EXHAUSTER: A tube failure In the steam packing eshauster r d t e d in a 50-60 gpm leak in May 2006.

The leakage was alf collected into the Oyster Creek floor drain system which is routed to the Radwaste system where it is processed and returned back to the plants condensato system. At all time leakage was controlled and none of the leakage mtered the groundwater. In order to stop the leak the steam exhauster needed to be removed from servlce and that can only ie done when the turbine is removed trom service.

i t the conclusion of our discussion, Mr. Warren asked additionalquestions. I stated that I would have to get back to him ifter I had time to research the answers. The following questlorn were provided:

I. How long has ground water been the source of drywell liner corrosion?

!. What meaSureS have been taken to mitigate the c a m i v e effects of groundwa ter intrusion to the impeded region of the irywell?

1. Above the impeded reglon oP the drywell does Oyster Creek have cracks?

I, Does the corn shroud have vertical and dm-1 cradcs since tle rods instelled?

Vzrs. Justine DeVries, OCFlce Assistant Oyster Creek was a b present when I discussed the response to Mr Warrens


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