NL-04-2413, 2R10 Steam Generator Tube Pull Test Results

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2R10 Steam Generator Tube Pull Test Results
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/2004
From: Grissette D
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML050060198 (266)


Don E.Grissette Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating Company, Inc.

40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.6474 Fax 205.992.0341 4 SOUTHERN£ COMPANY December 21, 2004 Energy to Serve YourWorld"'

Docket No.: 50-425 NL-04-2413 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2R 10 Steam Generator Tube Pull Test Results Ladies and Gentlemen:

During Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 2, Interval 2, Period 2, Outage 2 (2RI 0), the Steam Generator Maintenance Services Group of the Westinghouse Nuclear Services Division performed eddy current testing of two (2) Westinghouse Model F steam generators (SGs), numbers 2 and 3, in parallel from April 19 to May 10, 2004. The SG inspection results were included in the August 13, 2004, VEGP 2R10 Inservice Inspection (ISI) Summary Report.

The 2R10 ISI Summary Report stated that two tubes were pulled in SG 2 (row 11/column 60 and 12/59) for laboratory testing due to the discovery of circumferential crack indications. These tubes were cut below the second support plate on the Hot Leg side.

Welded plugs were installed on the Hot Leg and mechanical plugs were installed on the Cold Leg. The pulled tubes were tested by Westinghouse, and the test results are enclosed as requested by the NRC staff.

This letter contains no NRC commitments. If you have any questions, please advise.

Sincerely, Don E. Grissette DEG/DRG/sdl


Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 2R10 Steam Generator Tube Pull Test Results 74Ac/F

U. S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL-04-24 13 Page 2 cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. J. T. Gasser, Executive Vice President Mr. W. F. Kitchens, General Manager - Plant Vogtle RType: CVC7000 U. S. Nuclear Regulatorv Commission Dr. W. D. Travers, Regional Administrator (W/o enclosure)

Mr. C. Gratton, NRR Project Manager - Vogtle (c/o enclosure)

Mr. G. J. McCoy, Senior Resident Inspector - Vogtle (a/o enclosure)



¶ Prepared for Southern Nuclear Operating Company November 2004 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Nuclear Services

Table of Contents Section Description Page 1 Summary and Conclusion 1-1 2 Introduction 2-1 3 Receipt Inspection 3-1 4 Sectioning Plans 4-1 5 Field and Laboratory Eddy Current Data Evaluation 5-1 6 Ultrasonic (Shear Wave) Data Evaluation 6-1 7 Post Pressurization Eddy Current Data Evaluation 7-1 8 Azimuthal Orientation of Signals 8-1 9 Laboratory Lamb Wave Data Evaluation 9-1 10 Deposit and OD Surface Analyses 10-1 11 Metallography 11-1 12 Tube Material Characterization 12-1 i



AND CONCLUSION During thc Vogtlc Unit 2 2R10 refucling outage, circumfcrcntial oriented flaw-likc indications were reported at the top of tubeshect. The material of construction of the Vogtlc 2 SG tubes is Alloy 600TT. Based on +Pt inspection data, the indications were reported to be within or at the hydraulic expansion transition at the top of the tubeshect (TTS) on the hot Icg (HL) of the SG in all cases. A total of nine tubes in the four Vogtlc 2 SGs were reported with flaw-likc +Pt signals. Ultrasonic testing (UTEC) performed on 8 tubes in SG2 and SG3 corroborated 4 of the 6 +Pt circumferential indications (SCI) and, resolved as NDD, 2 tubes with PVN indications that masked the TSH region. The 2R10 outage was conducted after cumulative service equivalent to -13.4 EFPY (effective full power years). As with all previous inspections, the condition of the Vogtlc Unit 2 SGs as determined from the evaluation of the 2R10 inspection data met all industry and regulatory structural and leakage integrity guidance. Due to the unexpected identification of flaw-likc indications in the Vogtlc Unit 2 stcam generators, two tubes were removed from Steam Generator 2 for detailed laboratory examination. The tubes were located at R12C59 HL and RI 1C60 HL and were cut below the 2 nd tube support plate (2H).

The laboratory examination of the pulled tube sections, performed at the Westinghouse Remote Hot Cell Facility, included visual, eddy currcnt, and ultrasonic inspections, as well as, detailed microchemistry and metallurgical evaluations. Both pulled tubes exhibited a ring of gray / brownish deposit at and slightly above the tube expansion transition. The height of this deposit was approximately 1/2 inch and was approximately 4 to 8 mils in thickness. A dark grayish deposit extending approximately I to 1 12 inch above the collar deposit was noted on both tubes. A relatively thin and uniform gray oxide was noted on all remaining tube surfaces above the TTS region. Evidence of a white / grayish deposit was seen at two of the quatrefoil land to tube intersections on R12C59 HL. No evidence of a deposit at the quatrefoil land to tube intcrsection was noted on R I C60 HL.

All tubing sections were inspected using a 0.560 inch diameter differential bobbin coil probe. The tubes sections containing an area of interest were then cut into 12 inch Icngths with the TTS or TSP intcrsection at their center. These sections were then inspected using

+Pt, 3-Coil, and Ghent probes. After completing the eddy current examination of the tube sections, the two sections containing the TTS regions of (R12C59 HL and RI 1C60 HL) were ultrasonically (UTEC) inspected using techniques similar to those used in the field.


Laboratory cddy currcnt and UTEC inspection efforts were not ablc to reproducc thc field reported flaw-likc indications. Whilc many of the signals indicativc of deposits remain, none of the field signals indicative of tube wall discontinuities were present in the laboratory.

Destructive examination of the TTS region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B was performed to validate the laboratory E/C and UTEC inspection results. No destructive examinations were performed on the pulled sections from RI IC60 HL. Piece 2B containing the TTS region will be available for future NDE development cfforts, if required. Mctallorgraphic examination of the top of tubesheet region of RI 2C59 HL showed no evidence of tube wall degradation. Microchemistry of the oxide deposit at the top of tubeshect and tube support platc showed no unexpected chemical species. Copper and lead were identified both within the oxide deposit as well as on the tube OD surfaces, however there was no indication of lead or copper induced corrosion initiation.

The results of the laboratory analyses of Vogtlc Unit 2 pulled tubes showed that the flaw-like signals reported at the top of the tubeshect do not represent circumferential ODSCC in the hydraulic transitions. Even though it was not possible to determine the root cause of the field flaw-likc signals, the likely rationale to explain the occurrence of the false positives centers on the nature and the non-homogencity of scalc/deposits on the tubes at the top of the HL tubeshect. The plugging of nine tubes on the basis of the TTS circumferential indications should be regarded as a precautionary action and that no results from the pulled tube examination were obtained that would warrant a change in the inspection or cleaning plans that prevailed prior to the 2R10 outage.


SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION Vogtlc Unit 2 is a four loop Westinghouse designed prcssurized watcr reactor. The plant is owned and operated by the Southern Company and has accumulated 13.4 EFPY of operation prior to the 2R10 outage. The steam generators arc Model F with thermal treated Alloy 600 tubing, full depth hydraulic expanded tube to tubeshect joints, and Type 405 stainless steel tube support plates (TSP's) with quatrefoil tube holes. The thermal treated Alloy 600 steam generator tubes arc 11/16 inch in outer diameter and have a nominal wall thickness of 40 mils.

As summarized in the Degradation Assessment (Reference 2-1), the planned 2R10 inspection program was scheduled to be implemented in SG2 and SG3. The proposed inspection program included 100% bobbin examination, +Pt inspection of 50% of Row I and 2 U-bends, and +Pt inspection of the 50% of the hot leg (HL) top of the tubeshect (TTS) expansion transition region.

During the +Pt inspection of the TTS region, OD circumferential indications were reported at a number off TTS locations resulting in an expansion of the +Pt inspection programs to 100% of HL tubes in all 4 SGs. No expansion of the +Pt program to the cold leg (CL) hydraulic transitions was required since the population of tubes with OD circumferential indications did not rise to the C-3 results category (Reference 2-2); the HL-CL temperature differential -50° F is such that even if the HL indications did represent ODSCC, the large difference in the time anticipated to crack initiation in the CL hydraulic transitions supports limiting the inspection to the HL transitions. During the HL +Pt eddy current inspection, a total of nine (9) locations across the four (4) steam generators were identified with OD circumferential indications. There were two tubes identified with potential cracking in SGs 2, 3, and 4 and one tube with potential circumferential cracking in SG 1. Subsequent inspection using ultrasonic techniques, confirmed the reported OD circumferential indications in a number of the tubes. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the +Pt inspection history for the nine (9) location identified with OD circumferential indications at the hydraulic expansion transition. A tubeshect map showing the Row/ Column location of the nine (9) tubes is provided in Figure 2-1. Except for R46C89 HL in Steam Generator 3, all locations arc clustered near the center of the bundle and within the area of the tubeshect where secondary side deposit buildup is more likely to occur due to reduce flow velocities. This area also corresponds to the "cut-out" region of the flow distribution baffle plate.

Due to the unexpected identification of flaw-like indications in the Vogtlc Unit 2 steam generators, two tubes were removed from Steam Generator 2 for detailed laboratory 2-1

examination. Thc tubes were located at R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL and were cut below the 2nd tube support plate (2H). The bare holes were scaled with a welded plug. The removal of the tubes required elimination of the tubc-to-tubeshect weld and TIG relaxation of the hydraulic expansion region, after which the tubes were pulled though the tubeshect. Both tubes were cut approximately 6 inches below the 2nd tube support plate. Both pulled tubes were located within the "cut-out" portion of the flow distribution baffle plate and therefore the pulled sections contained only thc TTS and the 1" TSP intersections.

Following the removal from the stcam generators, the pulled tubc segments were transported to the Westinghouse Remote Hot Cell Mctallographic Laboratory for destructive and nondestructive examinations. The evaluation effort consisted of the following activities:

  • Verification of section identification - All pulled sections were measured for length and visually surveyed for landmark features (e.g. TTS and TSP intersections for comparison with tube pull records.

+ Visual characterization of pulled tube sections - Thc purpose of this effort was to identify and charactcrizc any tube degradation, characterize the appearance of any secondary side deposits, and identify any damage from thc tube pulling process.

+ Eddy current inspection - Full length bobbin examination and +Pt confirmation of all bobbin signals was performed on each pulled section. This information served to precisely locate all indications and to determine any differences from the prc-pull inspection.

  • Ultrasonic inspections - The TTS regions of both pulled tubes were inspected using Shcar Wave and Lamb Wave methods. The Shear Wave method was equivalent to the field inspection method, while the Lamb Wave method was employed based on its reduced sensitivity to OD deposits.
  • OD profiling of tube sections at the TTS and TSP intersections using laser micrometer methods..
  • ID profiling of the TTS expansion transition.
  • Characterization of tubing material by chemistry, microhardness, residual stress, grain size, carbide distribution and Huey testing.
  • SEM and EDS characterization of tube deposits at TTS and TSP areas.

+ Metallography of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B to validate NDE findings.

The results of the various evaluations arc summarized in the following sections. All examinations and testing presented in this report were treated as safety-rclated and were 2-2

performed in accordance with the Wcstinghousc Quality Assurancc program, which satisfies the requirements of 10CFR50 Appcndix B.


2.1 LTR-SGDA-04-83 (SG-SGDA-04-14), SG Dcgradation Asscssmcnt for Vogtle Unit 2, 2R10 Rcfucling Outagc, April 2004.

2-2 TR-1003138, "EPRI PWR SG Examination Guidelines", Rcvision 6, October 2002.


Table 2 Summary of Inspection Results of Locations Identified With Top of Tubesheet Flaw-Like Signals: 2R10 (Spring 2004)

Inspection Results l SG # and 2R10 (2004) 2R09 (2002) 2R08 (2001) 2R07 (1999) 2R06 (1998) 2R05 (1996)

Location SG I SCI - 31% Depth, 51.40 Extcnt: Signal not as - Signal not - Signal not RI IC64 0.30 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil pronounced as prcscnt present the current flaw-Crevice depth of 0.18" and an like signal estimated sludge height of 1.00" to 1.50" by bobbin No UT performed Location stabilized and plugged SG 2 SCI - 17% Depth; 86.80 Extent; Signal Signal R17C68 0.42 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present but present but not flaw-like not flaw-like Crevice depth of 0.06" and an estimated sludge height of 0.00" by bobbin NDD by UT Location stabilized and plugged SG 2 SCI - 22% Depth; 41.80 Extent; Signal not R12C59 0.29 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present. -

NDD Crevice depth of 0.10" and an estimated sludge height of 0.5" to 1.0" by bobbin MCI by UT Tube pulled for evaluation 2-4

Table 2-1 (Cont'd) - Summary of Inspection Results of Locations Identified With Top of Tubesheet Flaw-Like Signals: 2R10 (Spring 2004)

Inspection Results SG # and 2R10 (2004) 2R09 (2002) 2R08 (2001) 2R07 (1999) 2R06 (1998) 2R05 (1996)

Location SG 2 SCI - 38% depth; 48.20Extent; - - Signal not -

RI IC60 0.19 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present. -

NDD Crevice depth of 0.1 " and an estimated sludge height of 2.10" to 2.50" by bobbin SCI by UT Tube pulled for evaluation SG 3 SCI - 27% Depth; 59.5° Extent; Signal not Signal not R14C56 0.22 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present.- present. -

NDD NDD Crevice depth of 0.28" and an estimated sludge height of 1.01" to 1.50" by bobbin SCI by UT Location stabilized and plugged SG 3 SCI - 0% Depth; 56.3" Extent; Signal not R I C65 0.25 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present. -

NDD Crevice depth of 0.1 1" and an estimated sludge height of 1.01" to 1.50" by bobbin MCI by UT Location stabilized and plugged 2-5

Table 2-1 (Cont'd) - Summary of Inspection Results of Locations Identified With Top of Tubesheet Flaw-Like Signals: 2R 10 (Spring 2004)

Insncection Results SG # and 2R10 (2004) 2R09 (2002) 2R08 (2001) 2R07 (1999) 2R06 (1998) 2R05 (1996)

Location SG 3 SCI - 35% depth; 41.8° Extent; - - - Signal not -

R46C89 0.11 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present. -

(Vcry small in amplitude - signal seen on all coils NDD indicating a possible geometric response)

Crevice depth of 0.10" and an estimated sludge height of 0.00" by bobbin NDD by UT Location stabilized and plugged SG 4 SCI - 34% Depth; 64.30 Extent; Signal not Signal not Signal not R14C67 0.34 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present. - present. - present. -

NDD NDD NDD Crevice depth of 0.19" and an estimated sludge height of 0.00" by bobbin No UT performed Location stabilized and plugged SG 4 SCI - 34% Depth; 59.5° Extent; Signal not Signal not Signal not RI IC50 0.21 volts on 300 kHz +Pt coil present. - present. - present. -

NDD NDD NDD Crevice depth of 0.24" and an estimated sludge height of 1.00" to 1.50" by bobbin No UT performed Location stabilized and plugged 2-6

Vogtle Unit 2 April 2004 TTS Circumferential Indications 60 C'2> XXX>&I

(~Kxx~q) 50 40 o 30 20 10

-- I -

0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Column l Boundary tubes -+-SG 1

  • SG 2 A SG3
  • SG 4 Figure 2-1 Tubesheet Mapping Showing the Row / Column Location of the TTS OD Circumferential Indications Reported During the Vogtle 2R10 +Pt Inspection Efforts.


SECTION 3 RECEIPT INSPECTION The general appearance of the pulled tube sections removed from Steam Generator 2 at Vogtle Unit 2 as they were received at the Westinghouse Remote Hot Cell Metallographic Facility arc described in this section. The information presented includes the lengths and locations of the tube sections, along with the general visual observations of the as-reccived condition.

3.1 Description of Tube Sections Received Row 12 Column 59 tube (hereafter referred to as R12C59 HL) and Row II Column 60 (hereafter referred to as RI IC60 HL) were cut at a distance of approximately 94 inches from the tube end and were cut into four sections each for shipment. Each pulled tube section received from Vogtle Unit 2 was measured for length to compare with site length data to vcrify tube piece identity and to provide data to aid in identifying the position of tube support plates. Each tube piece was visually inspected and surface features documented per the discussion provided below. Each pulled tube section was inspected to vcrify azimuthal markings to designate divider plate orientation. Table 3-1 provides a listing of the pieces and their respective Icngths, and areas of interest.

3.2 Visual Observations In addition to visual examination of the tube sections, low magnification photographs of the areas of interest were taken. The areas of interest included those areas identified in the field as having eddy current indications, UT reported indications, as well as those areas with OD surface anomalies or support structures, i.e., top of tubeshect, and tube support plates.

3.2.1 R12C59 HL and RllC60 HL - Freespan Areas - Gencral Observations All tube pieces were categorized as having relatively thin and uniform gray deposit. The gray deposits were the typical surface oxide formed during stcam generator operation.

Minimal evidence of deposit buildup or scale formation was seen on the frcespan regions.

Shallow axial scratches, randomly distributed around and along the tubes, were noted. The 3-1

scratches occasionally were down to barc metal, and appeared to have occurred during thc tube removal process.

In the description of the observations, scratches and grooves arc shallow, axial visual indications on the tube OD surface. The distinction betwecn scratches and grooves in this examination is simply the width of the indication. Scratches are basically singular, narrow indications while grooves have a greater width and at times may consist of multiple scratchcs. As noted throughout the following discussion, reference is made to the fact that the scratch or groove was likely produced during the tube pulling operation. Scratchcs and grooves produced during the tube removal normally arc characterized as being "shiny" (non-oxidized) and exhibiting a "ragged" surface appearancc with evidence of "upset" material. Scratches and grooves produced during steam generator manufacturing are always covered with operational produced oxide deposits and arc usually "roundcd" and more "shallow" in appearance.

3.2.2 Tube R12C59 HL Piece I:

Piece I measured 5.75 inches and is the segment cut from the lower portion of the hydraulic expansion region. This segment was TIG relaxed in order to facilitatc the tube removal process. This piece contained no area of interest and hence no photographs were taken.

Piece 2:

Picec 2 mcasured 26 inchcs and contained thc upper portion of the hydraulic expansion region and the top of the tube shect expansion transition (TTS). Photographs documenting the tube OD at the top of tubeshect and the OD deposit arc presented in Figure 3-1. The photographs were taken at azimuthal locations corresponding to 00 [Figure 3-1(a)], 90°

[Figure 3-1(b)], 180° [Figure 3-1(c), and 2700 [Figure 3-1(d)] locations. Thc TTS was visible approximately 16 inches from the bottom of Piece 2. The lower portion, corresponding to the tube length expanded into the tubeshect, was "clean and shiny".

Based on oxide formnation, the hydraulic expansion transition was visible at and just above the "shiny" region which denoted the region of the hydraulic expansion in contact with the tubeshect. Longitudinal scratches, as well as light circumferential markings, were seen within this region. OD surface deposits were observed at and just above the expansion transition. These deposits were intact and rougher in texture than the deposit observed further up the tube. A brownish deposit, approximately 1/2 inch in height was observed at the TTS region. Above this region a dark grey deposit was noted. No evidence of 3-2

"spalling" or cracks within the deposit was noted. Minimal scratches or "rub" marks were noted. It appeared that this region passed through the tubeshcet holc with minimal interference. The deposit above this region was lighter grey in appearance and thicker.

Photographs presented in Figure 3-1 (c), (f), and (g) were taken at the azimuthal orientation were the +Pt field inspection reported an OD circumferential signal. Visual examination of this area showed no unusual OD deposit condition. Figure 3-1 (h) and (i) illustrates the OD surface appearance at 300 and 600 azimuthal orientation where the UT signal was reported during the field inspection. The azimuthal orientation of the field UT signal was determined to be 450 based on the laboratory evaluation of the eddy current signal characteristics of the OD deposits (Rcfcr to Section 8). Local regions exhibiting minimal or no OD deposit were observed.

Piece 3:

Piece 3 measured 36 inches and contained the first tube support plate (1st TSP) intcrsection. Photographs documenting the general appearance of the deposit seen on the tube OD at the 1st tube support plate intersection arc presented in Figure 3-2. The entire piece is covered with a thin, uniform grayish deposit. The texture of the deposit is relatively fine and no evidence of deposit "spalling" or "flaking" was noted. Evidence of the quatrefoil land to tube intersections was noted at 00 [Figure 3-2(a)], 900 [Figure 3-2(b)],

and 1800 [Figure 3-2(c)] azimuthal orientations. These areas arc visible due to greater buildup of deposit corresponding to the quatrefoil land to tube intersection. No evidence of a thicker deposit was noted at the 2700 [Figurc 3-2(d)] orientation. There were also shiny scratches visible in oxidized areas. Intcrmittent longitudinal scratches, as well as light circumferential markings, were seen along the length of Piece 3. Except for the quatrefoil land to tube intersections, the OD deposit was relatively light over the entire length of Piece 3. A scribe mark showing the divider plate orientation was evident on Piece 3.

Piece 4:

Piece 4 measured 26 3/4 inches and represented the frecspan area betwcn the Ist and 2 nd tube support plates. The OD deposit was relatively thin, uniform, and dark grey in color.

Evidence of axial scratches due to pulling process was noted. This piece contained no area of interest and hence no photographs were taken.


3.2.3 Tube R1IC60 HL Piece 1:

Piece I measured 7.25 inches and is the segment cut from the lower portion of the hydraulic expansion region. This segmcnt was TIG relaxed in order to facilitate the tube removal process. This piece contained no area of interest and hence no photographs were taken.

Piece 2:

Piece 2 measured 28 3/8 inches and contained the upper portion of the hydraulic expansion region and the top of the tube sheet expansion transition (TTS). Photographs documenting the tube OD at the top of tubeshect and the OD deposit arc presented in Figure 3-3. The photographs were taken at azimuthal locations corresponding to 00 [Figure 3-3(a)], 900

[Figure 3-3(b)], 1800 [Figure 3-3(c)], and 2700 [Figure 3-3(d)] locations. The TTS was visible approximately 14 inches from the bottom of Piece 2. The lower portion, corresponding to the tube length expanded into the tubeshect, was "clean and shiny".

Based on oxide formation, the hydraulic expansion transition was visible at and just above the "shiny" region which denoted the region of the hydraulic expansion in contact with the tubeshect. Longitudinal scratches, as well as light circumferential markings, were seen within this region. OD surface deposits were observed at and just above the expansion transition. These deposits were intact and rougher in texture than the deposit observed further up the tube. A brownish deposit, approximately 1/2 inch in height was observed at the TTS region. Above this region a dark grey deposit was noted. No evidence of "spalling" or cracks within the deposit was noted. Minimal scratches or "rub" marks were noted. It appeared that this region passed through the tubeshect holc with minimal interference. The deposit above this region was lighter grey in appearance and thicker.

Photographs presented in Figure 3-3 (c), (f), and (g) were taken at the azimuthal orientations were the +Pt field inspection reported an OD circumferential signal. Visual examination of this area showed no unusual OD deposit condition. Photographs presented in Figure 3-3 (h) were taken at the azimuthal orientation where the UT examination reported a circumferential indication during the field inspection effort. Examination of the tube deposit at this azimuthal location showed an area of minimal to no OD deposit.

Piece 3:

Piece 3 measured 37 inches and contained the first tube support plate (TSP). The entire piece was covered with a thin, uniform grayish deposit. Photographs documenting the general appearance of the deposit seen on the tube OD at the Ist tube support plate 3-4

intersection arc prcsented in Figure 3-4. The texture of the deposit was relatively finc with no evidence of deposit "spalling" or "flaking". No evidence of the quatrefoil land to tube intersections was noted at 00 [Figure 3-4(a)], 900 [Figure 34(b)], 1800 [Figure 3-4(c)], and 2700 [Figure 3-4(d)] azimuthal orientations. Intermittent longitudinal scratches, as well as light circumferential markings, were seen along the length of Piece 3.

Piece 4:

Piece 4 measured 21 5/8 inches and represented the freespan area between the Vst and 2nd tube support plates. The OD deposit was relatively thin, uniform, and dark grey in color.

Evidence of axial scratches due to pulling process was noted. This piece contained no area of interest and hence no photographs were taken.

3.3 OD and ID Measurement Profiles Field ECT data analysis indicated a general lack of tube deformation or geometrical anomalies at either the TTS or TSP regions. This is consistent with expectations for Model F stcam generators such as those at Vogtlc because of the use of hydraulic expansion and Type 405 stainless steel for the tube support plates. Laboratory testing was performed to confirm this analysis and to eliminate hydraulic expansion anomalies as a cause of the eddy current and UT signals.

OD laser micrometry was performed on the TTS and lt TSP regions of both pulled tubes.

The effort on the Ist TSP was undertaken to document any deposit buildup within the quatrefoil land to tube intcrsection and was not related to the circumferential ODSCC indications reported at the TTS region. Tube geometry assessments made from the laser micrometry data may be influenced by the presence of deposits on the outer surface of the tube. The raw data arc collected in the form of radial data obtained from a mathematically averaged centerline for the tube section. Data is taken every 150 and approximately every 0.090" over a length sufficient to fully characterize the region of interest. Diametrical representations of these data were obtained by adding the appropriate radial measurements.

The ID diametrical profile of the tube expansion transition was determined by making a Silastic mold of the tube ID and profiling the mold by laser micrometry.

Figures 3-5 through 3-10 are plots of the OD laser micrometry data for the TTS and 1 't TSP locations for the Vogtlc Unit 2 pulled tubes. For the top of the tubesheet area, the respective figures illustrate both the 360 degree distribution of OD deposit, as well as, the average deposit thickness around the tube. The raw data were in the form of radial 3-5

_-- _ n_

distancc from a mathematically average centcrlinc of the tube section. Figures 3-5 and 3-6 provide data for thc TTS area of R12C59 HL, while Figurc 3-7 illustrates the distribution of OD deposit seen at the tube intersection and the 15' tube support plate. Figures 3-8 and 3-9 provide data for thc TTS area of RI IC60 HL, while Figurc 3-10 illustrates the distribution of OD deposit seen at the tube intersection and the 1 " tube support plate. For the TTS locations, the OD deposit thickness data are presented both as a geometrical plot as a function of axial and circumferential position and as a two dimensional display of the average deposit thickness as a function of axial position. The approximate location of the top of tubeshcet is shown in each figure. For the Is"TSP regions, the data arc shown only as a geometrical plot as a function of axial and circumferential position.

For the TTS region of both tubes, Figures 3-5, 3-6, 3-8, and 3-9, the OD deposit varies in thickness in both the circumferential and axial directions. The OD deposit at the TTS region varies in thickness from less than 50 pm to 200 pm. From the data displayed for the TTS area for both pulled tubes exhibit a "ring" of deposit of relatively uniform thickness above the top of the tubeshect and extending approximately 30 mm in elevation.

Above this "ring", there is an area of reduced deposit thickness extending approximately 10 mm in elevation. Above this area of reduced OD deposit thickness, the thickness of the deposit tends to increase to a thickness similar to that observed at the TTS.

Figures 3-7 and 3-10 illustrate the OD deposit data obtained for the l" tube support plate to tube intersections. Figure 3-7 is the data for R12C59 HL and Figure 3-10 is the data for RI IC60 HL. For R12C59 HL, shown in Figure 3-7, the laser micrometry data clearly indicate a buildup of deposit corresponding to two of four quatrefoil land to tube intcrsections. A deposit thickness of approximately 0.045 mm was noted at the 00 azimuthal orientation and approximately 0.120 mm at the 900 azimuthal position. No evidence of buildup was noted for the other two quatrefoil land to tube intersections. For RI IC60 HL, shown in Figure 3-10, there was no clear evidence of localized deposit buildup associated with the quatrefoil land to tube intersections.

In addition to characterizing the OD deposit thicknesscs at the TTS and I" TSP regions of both tubes, laser micrometry measurements were taken from the ID Silastic mold taken of the tube expansion transition of both pulled tubes. The results are presented as a three dimensional display, as well as, a two dimensional plot based on average ID radius. The ID tube profile R12C59 HL is presented in Figures 3-11 and 3-12, similar data for RI IC60 HL arc presented in Figures 3-13 and 3-14. There were no obvious geometrical anomalies noted. For both tubes, the expansion transitions were located at approximately the same 3-6

distance from the end of Piece 2B, and appeared to be uniform in diameter and exhibited an axial extent of approximately 6 to 8 mm for both expansion transitions.


__ fl Table 3-1 R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL Pulled Tube Scetions Location Section Area of Cut Length Pull Number Interest (Inch) Force (Ibs) 3,618 R12C59 HL I 5.75 (Breakaway) 1,604 2 TTS 25.75 27 3 IST TSP 36.0 27 4 -26.5 27 94.0 (Total) 3, 270 RI IC60 HL I 7.25 (Breakaway)

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 ,42 8 2 TTS 28.5 68 To 27 3 ST TSP 37.25 27 4 21.25 27

==_ 94.25 (Total) 3-8

I II m

Figurc 3-1 (a) Gencral Appcarancc of OD Dcposit Observed at Top of Tubcshcct (TTS) on R12C59 HL - Piccc 2B at 0° Azimuthal Oricntation.


_ :u_

0.500 in I II Figure 3-1 (b) Gcncral Appearance of OD Deposit Obscrved at Top of Tubesliect (TTS) on RI2C59 HL- Picec 2B at 90° Azimuthal Orientation.


I,_ __ _

I II 0 Figure 3-1 (c) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) on RI 2C59 HL - Piece 2B at 1800 Azimuthal Orientation.

I_ II Figure 3-1 (d) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubcshcct (TTS) on R12C59 HL - Piece 2B at 2700 Azimuthal Orientation.


__ n Figure 3-1 (c) Gcncral Appcarancc of OD Dcposit Observed at Top of Tubcshect (TTS) on R12C59 HL - Picec 2B at 3150 Azimuthal Oricntation (Ficld +Pt Signal Rcsponsc).

Figure 3-1 (f) Gencral Appearance of OD Dcposit Observed at Top of Tubcshcct (TTS) on R12C59 HL - Piece 2B at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt Signal Response).


Figure 3-1 (g) Gencral Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) on R12C59 HL - Piece 2B at the 3350 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt Signal Response).


Figurc 3-1 (h) Gcncral Appearancc of OD Dcposit Observed at Top of Tubcshcct (TTS) on R12C59 HL - Piccc 2B at thc 300 Azimuthal Orientation (Ncar Field UT Signal Responsc at 450). Notc: Arca outlined shows minimal or no OD deposit.

Figure 3-1 (i) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) on R12C59 HL - Piece 2B at the 60" Azimuthal Orientation (Near Field UT Signal Response at 45s). Note: Area outlined shows minimal or no OD deposit.


!  :: w I ff U

Figure 3-2 (a) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support Plate (TSP) Intersection on R12C59 HL - Piece 3B at 00 Azimuthal Orientation.


Figure 3-2 (b) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support Plate (TSP) Intersection on R12C59 HL - Piece 3B at 900 Azimuthal Orientation.


I I Figure 3-2 (c) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support Plate (TSP) Intersection on R12C59 HL - Piece 3B at 1800 Azimuthal Orientation.

I I Figure 3-2 (d) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support Plate (TSP) Intersection on R12C59 HL - Piece 3B at 2700 Azimuthal Orientation.

3-16 m -



I.- ...  :- ,i Figurc 3-3 (a) Gencral Appearanec of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubcshect (TTS) on RI 1 C60 HL - Piccc 2B at 0° Azimuthal Orientation.


Figure 3-3 (b) Gcncral Appearancc of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) on RI IC60 HL - Piccc 2B at 900 Azimuthal Orientation. Note: Area outlined shows minimal to no oxide deposit.


Figure 3-3 (c) Gcncral Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) on RI I C60 HL - Piece 2B at 1800 Azimuthal Orientation.

Figure 3-3 (d) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) on RI 1C60 HL-Piece 2B at 2700 Azimuthal Orientation.


- -:nS-Figurc 3-3 (c) Gcncral Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) for R I C60 HL - Piece 2B at 3150 Azimuthal Orientation (Ficid +Pt signal response.

Figure 3-3 (f) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Top of Tubesheet (TTS) for R I C60 HL - Piece 2B at 3250 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal response).


Figure 3-3 (g) General Appearance of OD Dcposit Observed at Top of Tubeshect (TTS) for RI IC60 HI - Piece 2B at 340° Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal response).


Figure 3-3 (h) Gcncral Appearance of OD Dcposit Obscrved at Top of Tubcshcct (TTS) for Rl I C60 HL - Picec 2B at 1300 Azimuthal Oricntation (Ficld UT signal rcsponsc). Notc: Area outlined shows minimal to no OD deposit.


--- - .. sI I

I I II Figure 3-4 (a) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support Plate (TSP) Intersection on RIlC60 HL - Piece 3B at 0° Azimuthal Oricntation.

No Evidence of Deposit Buildup at TSP Land Intersection I I Figure 3-4 (b) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support I

Plate (TSP) Intersection on RIlC60 HL - Piece 3B at 90° Azimuthal Orientation.

No Evidence of DepositBuildup at TSP Land Intersection 3-23

_ n_

Figurc 3-4 (c) Gencral Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support Plate (TSP) Intersection on RIC60 HL -Piece 3B at -8, Azimuthal Orientation.

Iiu Fv(cclnce Platc of DepoODl Buildupat TSPLLandicInterus (TPincscinonRI6 3 ction t10 zmta Oricntation Figure 3-4 (d) General Appearance of OD Deposit Observed at Tube to Tube Support Plate (TSP) Intcrsection on RI IC60 HL - Piece 3B at 2700 Azimuthal Orientation.

No Evidence of Deposit Buildup, at TSP LandIntevrsection 3-24

Figure 3-5 0 )D Dimensional Data Obtained by Laser Micrometry of the Top of Tubesheet Region of R 12C59 HL - Piece 2B Showing OD Deposit Thickness as a Function of Axial and Circumferential Position. Position of the tubesheet is identified at approximately 153 mm.

250 200 150-0200-250 Deposit Thickness (um) 100-

  • 150-200 a3100-150 350-100 50- o0-50
  • -50-0 300

- 225 150 Circ. Position (deg)

U.) I - 0 '

Axial Position (mm) 3-25 COWZ

Figure 3-6 Average OD Deposit Thickncss Based on Dimensional Data Obtained by Laser Micrometry of the Top of the Tubesihect Region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B as a Function of Axial Position. Position of the tubesheet is identified at approxiinatcly 153.

110 0 100 c

0 M

'U 90 0

a) 80 0

0 ._

E 70 0

ua ) 60

= 0 00 n0 50 0

40 0

a W

0 30 0

(U Q

C3 20 w

10 0

130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 Axial Position wrt tube end (mm) 3-26

l M-Figure 3- 7 OD Dimensional Data Obtained by Laser Micrometry of the Quatrefoil Tube Support Plate to Tube Intersection of R12C59 HL - Piece 3B Showing OD Deposit Thickness as a Function of Axial and Circumferential Position.

0.150-0.125i 0.100--

1 0.125-0.150 Deposit Thickness (mm) 0.075 U 0.100-0.125 00.075-0.100 00.050-0.075 0.050 U 0.025-0.050

  • 0.000-0 .025 0.025- 172.7 E 16 3


- 154.4 0.000-145.3 AxigalPos. (mm)

Positi (IdF-Circ Position (deg) 3-27 Cof3

Figure 3-8 OD Dimensional Data Obtained by Laser Micrometry of the Top of Tubesheet Region of RI 1C60 HL- Piece 2B Showing Deposit Thickness as a Function of Radial and Circumferential Position.

250 200 150-0 200-250 Deposit Thickness (um) 100- 0 150-200 0100-150 0350-100 50- HO-5O rn-SO-c

! 300 F225 1 150 Circ. Position (deg)

TTS a x_ r M 4-Axia Ms ~Iito W 6 4? (mm

- W ° N 3-28

Figurc 3-9 Average OD Deposit Thickness Based on Dimensional Data Obtained by Laser Micrometry of the Top of Tubeshieet Region of RI I1C60 H-L - Piece 2B as a Function of Axial Position. Position of the tubesheet is identified at approximately 150 mm.

100 0

90 80 0

00 E

u, 60 E o 50__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

400 300

(~0 20 30 1

poiin010m 0.

14 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Axial Position With Respect to Tube End 3-29

Figure 3- 10 OD Dimensional Data Obtained by Laser Micrometry of the Quatrefoil Tube Support Plate to Tube Intersection of RI 1C60 HL - Piece 3B Showing OD Deposit Thickness as a Function of Axial and Circumferential Position.

0.025 0.015

  • 0.020-0.025 Deposit Thickness (mm) 030.015-0.020 00.010-0.015 0.010-
  • 0.005-0.010
  • 0.000-0.005 0.005 172.7 163.6 154.4 0.000- 145.3 Axial Pos. (mm)

.0 1 1 ,

C0 0 Circ Position (deg) CV, 3-30

Figure 3-1 1 ID Dimensional Data of Top of Tubesheet Expansion Transition of R12C59 HL -

Piece 2B Obtained by Laser Micrometry of Silastic Mold.

-!_Tu~Tbesheet Expansion Ess 877.90o00'1 7.850-l

  • 7.950-8.000 0 7.900-7 .950 7.800  ! 0 7.850-7.900 07.800-7.850 Radius (mm) 7.750
  • 7 7750-7.800
  • 7 7700-7.750 7.700-Unexande Frespan07.650-7.700 7.650 07.600-7.650
  • 7.550-7.600 7.600 300 0 7.500-7.550 7.550 7.500 LO) coc. CD c.' co cc: N a:)


Axial Position (mm) 0c 3-31

Figure 3-12 Location of Expansion Transition for R12C59 HL Piece 2B Based on Average ID Radius Measurements Obtained by Laser Micrometry on ID Silastic Mold.

8 7.9 E

E 7.8 0

0co 2 7.7 7.6 7.5 1 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 Axial Position With Respect To Tube End (mm) 3-32

FI~ -3 ID Dimnsoofa T Op

.D byT~OLascr P 'AnO"

'ub f Tnbens of SilaStic mold.

pd RX iC6 Radius (Mm'm)

Aiso mr~le cor (000

,atdpositionl( m 3-33 coI

Figure 3-14 Location of Expansion Transition for RI IC60 HL Piece 2B Based on Avcragc ID Radius Measurements Obtained by Laser Micrometry on ID Silastic Mold.

8 7.9 E 7.8 E

u) 0:

> 7.7 7.6 7.5 4-140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Axial Position With Respect to Tube End (mm) 3-34

SECTION 4 SECTIONING PLANS Following the receipt inspection of the tube segments, selected segments were cut into sample sizes that were applicable to a particular test. The 0° orientation mark and the top/bottom directions were maintained on each subsection by a small white paint mark. Section labeling was maintained in accordance with the standard laboratory procedure ("Steam Generator Tube Sample Identification," Westinghouse Science and Technology Department Procedure MR 0201, Rev 0, June 18, 2002).

Tables 4-1 through Table 4-5 lists the various evaluations performed on each pulled picce while Figures 4-1 through 4-5 present a description of which samples were used for each test and the locations of each sample on the parent segment. Included in each figure is an insert showing the azimuthal orientation used throughout the pulled tube examination. The 00 azimuthal position corresponds to the field scribe mark designating the position of the SG divider plate.

Chemistry-sensitivc samples were cut using methods that would not contaminate the samplc.

Microstructure-sensitive samples were cut using methods that generated minimal heat.

In general, the ends of most sections were squared off and deburred prior to eddy current testing.

The sections identified as Piece I from each of the two tubes were not tested in any way. These sections were from within the tubesheet region and had been significantly altered by the TIG weld hcat-relaxation procedure that was performed to facilitate the removal of the tube through the tubeshect. Hcncc, sketches of these sections arc not provided here.

In general, sections that contained a region of interest (top of the tubeshect or 1st tube support plate) were then cut to manageable length for additional NDE and other examinations.


.1 Table 4-1 Disposition of Sections from R12C59 [IL - Piece I Section J Area of [ Tests Performed Interest I None + Visual examination only- Piccc I contained lower portion of hydraulic expansion which was TIG relaxed.


Table 4-2 Disposition of Sections from R12C59 HL - Piece 2

[See Figures 4-1, 4-1 (a), and 4-1 (b)]

Section Area of l Tests Performed Interest 2 TTS

  • OD Macro Photography
  • Bobbin Coil and +Pt Inspection 2A None None 2B TTS
  • Ghent and Delta Coil Inspection
  • UT Shear Wave Inspection

+ UT Lamb Wave Inspection

  • SEM and EDS Examination
  • OD Taped at TTS
  • 9,000 psi ID Pressurization
  • +Pt Inspection
  • SEM and EDS Examination 2B11 None None 2B2 TTS
  • OD Taped at TTS

+ Axial Split at 900 and 270° 2B2A TTS

  • SEM and EDS of Tube Surface
  • SEM, EDS, and XRD of OD Deposit 2B2AI TTS + Metallography @3230 (Met #2664) 2B2A2 TTS None 2B2A2A UTS
  • Metallography @900 (Met #2665) 2B2A2B TTS + Metallography @600 (Met #2666) 2B2A2C TTS
  • Metallography @30 0 (Met #2667) 2B2A2D TTS
  • Metallography @0 0 (Met #2668) 2B2A2E TTS + Metallography @3000 (Met #2669) 2B2A2F TTS
  • Metallography @270'(Met #2670) 2132B TS + To be used for Chemical Cleaning Qualification 2133 None None 4-3

'I Table 4-3 Disposition of Sections fromn R12C59 IlL- Piece 3 (See Figure 4-2) l Section Area of Tests Pcrformed Interest 3 Is'TSP

  • OD Macro Photography

+ Bobbin Coil and +Pt Inspection 3A Frccspan None 3B I"' TSP

  • SEM and EDS Examination
  • 9,000 psi Pressurization
  • SENI and EDS Examination 4-4

Table 4-4 Disposition of Sections from R12C59 HL - Piece 4 (See Figure 4-3)

Section Area of Tests Performed Interest 4 Frecspan

  • Visual inspection only 4A Freespan
  • Tensile test 4B Freespan
  • Split ring residual stress measurement 4C Freespan
  • Split ring residual stress measurement 4D Freespan
  • Huey test for sensitization 4E Freespan
  • Hucy test for sensitization 4F Freespan
  • Metallography for grain size and carbide distribution (Met #2663) 4G Freespan
  • Bulk Chemistry 4H Freespan None 4-5

II Table 4-5 Disposition of Sections from RIIC60 IlL - Piece 1 Section Area of l Tests Performed Interest I l Nonc

  • Visual examination only - Piccc I contained lower

_ l l portion of hydraulic expansion which was TIG relaxed.


Table 4-6 Disposition of Sections from R11C60 HL - Piece 2 (See Figure 4-4)

Sample Support Tests Performed 2 TTS

  • OD Macro Photography
  • Bobbin Coil and +Pt Inspection 2A None None 2B TTS
  • Ghent and Dclta Coil Inspection
  • UT Shear Wavc Inspection
  • UT Lamb Wave Inspection
  • SEM and EDS Examination Note: No destnrctive examination perfonned. Piece 2B (l 2inch in len-th) availablefor additionalevaluations. if needed.

2C None None 4-7

Table 4-7 Disposition of Samples from RI 1 C60 I L - Piece 3 (See Figure 4-5)

Section Area of Tests Performed Interest 31' TS P

  • OD Macro Photography
  • Bobbin Coil and +Pt Inspection 3A Frecspan Nonc 3B lStTSP
  • SEM and EDS Examination 3C Frccspan Nonc 4-8

Table 4-8 Disposition of Samples from R11C60 HL - Piece 4 (See Figure 4-6)

Section Area of Tests Performed Interest 4 Freespan

  • Visual inspection only 4A Freespan
  • Tensile test 4B Freespan
  • Split ring residual stress measurement 4C Frcespan
  • Split ring residual stress measurement
4) Frcespan
  • Huey test for sensitization 4E Freespan
  • Huey test for sensitization 4F Freespan
  • Mctallography for grain size and carbide distribution (Met #2662) 4G Freespan
  • Bulk Chemistry 4H Freespan None 4-9

II-Lup 700 00 I . 1800 25.125" I Sec Figurc 4-1 (a)

.t 11.875' Top of 2B tubesihect I hydraulic 14.6 925" expan1sion transition 8.75" 2A Figure 4-1 R12C59 HIL - Piece 2 Sectioning Plan 4-10

700 HI 2B2 -* SccFigure4-1 (b) 0.5"9 n5.75" Figure 4-1 (a) RI 2C59 HL - Pice 2B Scctioning Plan 4-11

2700 3000 3240 00 30° 600 900 2B2A I III

. - I.+ I.* .

1 I

. . a a a Notc: Arrow indicates longitudinal section examined 270 0° 900 1U < 90UEIE.

I up.-

700 00 1800 1800 2B2B Figure 4-1 (b) Scetion Diagram of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B2 Sectioning Plan 4-12

700 00 1, 18O0 12.0" 35.0" 1"S Tube 3B Support Plate Intersection 9.0".

23.0" 3A Figure 4-2 R12C59 HL - Picce 3 Sectioning Plan 4-13

IU rIup 1..

  • 7O0 00 T 1800 4G
  • Bulk Chemistry

- 4* Metallography

_ 413

  • Scnsitization 26.125" 4D + Sensitization 4C +- Split Ring Rcsidual Strcss 4B +- Split Ring Residual Stress 4A - Tensile Figure 4-3 R12C59 HL - Piece 4 Sectioning Plan 4-14

!70° IT .

8.5" 27.5" 12.0" L1D Top of tubesheet hydraulic expansion transition 13.0" 7.0"9 2A Figure 4-4 RI I1C60 HL - Piece 2 Sectioning Plan 4-15

II 8.5"

70° 00

-IT q1800 2C 36.0" 12" ISt Tube Support Plate 3B Intcrscction 24.1a 18.125" 3A Figure 4-5 R I C60 HL - Piece 3 Scctioning Plan 4-16

1.875" 4,

700 00 1.0" 4 Bulk Chemistry U 180° ]

0.5" Metallography 0.5" 0.5" Sensitization 210.875" 0.5" v Sensitization t

2.25" Split Ring Residual Stress 2.25" Split Ring Residual Stress A 4- Tensile 12.0" r i, Figure 4-6 R I C60 HL - Piece 4 Sectioning Plan 4-17

SECTION 5 FIELD AND LABORATORY EDDY CURRENT DATA EVALUATION 5.1 Introduction After initial visual inspection of the tube sections, the ends of the tube sections were squared-off and deburred to facilitate eddy current inspections. Two tasks were defined for the eddy current inspections:

  • Rcview and reevaluation of field data for R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL
  • Acquisition and analysis of bobbin coil, +Pt, 3-Coil, and Ghent probe laboratory data Data arc presented and discussed as appropriate to each of these tasks in the following sections.

In the following descriptions of the cddy current and ultrasonic inspections, the 00 locations of each specimen was a consistently maintained orientation related to a tubc-pull grinding mark at the bottom of the tube piece; 900 ct al. arc expressed clockwise of 0° whcn looking in the direction of the primary flow.

5.2 Eddy Current (EC) Data - General Practices Prior to the tube pull, the steam generator tubes were examined in the steam generator using eddy current (EC) inspection techniques. A 0.560-inch diameter bobbin probc was used as for the primary inspection and was supplemented by +Pt probes where indications were identified by the bobbin coil at the expansion transition at the YTS. For the two pulled tubes R12C59 HL and R I C60 HL the entire length of the tube from the tube end to above the second support (above where the tubes were cut) was inspected prior to the tube pulling processes with the +Pt probe. Data were collected at test frequencies of 10, 160, 320 and 630 kHz for bobbin probes and at 20, 100, 200, 300 and 600 kHz for +Pt probe.

Furthermore, the field data werc reevaluated as part of the tube examination. Bobbin calls were made using 160-630 kHz Mix data channel from the differential mode. The +Pt probe contains three coils: I) a mid-frequency +Pt coil which forces directionality to any indication, 2) a mid-frequency 115 mil diameter pancake coil, and 3) a high frequency 80 mil diameter pancake coil. +Pt probe indications were usually identified with the +Pt coil using 300 kHz differential mode data.


-- .11 The eddy currcnt re-evaluation of lhc field data and thc laboratory examinations werc calibrated in a similar fashion. For the bobbin coil teie voltage for all frequency channels except the 630 kHz, Mix and the 10 kHz channel was set to 4.0 volts for the 20% OD calibration holes and the phase to 40 degrees for the through holc. The 10 kHz channel was set to 4.0 volts on the support ring. The rotating probe data were adjusted such that all channels exccpt the trigger and low frequency locator channels were set to 20 Volts on the through wall notch.

After the tubes were pulled and shipped to Wcstinghouse, eddy current inspections were conducted in the Hot Cell area of the Remote Hot Cell Metallographic Facility. The inspections were conducted with a bobbin and rotating +Pt probe configurations similar to the styles used in thc field. All tube sections were inspected with the bobbin coil. The rotating probes were used only for tube sections containing the TTS or ISt TSP locations.

In all cases the eddy current data were collected using tlie R/D Tech TC6700 tcstcr and Westinghouse ANSER software. The laboratory bobbin probe and rotating probe inspections utilized calibration standards used during the field inspection FMST-10-03 and EP5-006-02 respectively. Prior to the +Pt examination of the tube sections containing the tube support (TSP) crevice regions and the top of tubeshiect (TTS) conductive material was attached to the outside of the tubes to act as fuducial marks in the eddy current data. The conductive material was in the shape of a large "L" with the leg nominally located at 0 degrees and the bottom portion oriented toward 90 degrees. Thus the azimuthal location of the rotating eddy current probe indications can be determined allowing tlie destructive examinations to be focused to the precise areas of interest.

Table 5-1 presents a summary of ficid and laboratory eddy current data obtained for the TSP crevice and the TTS regions of the pulled tubes. The laboratory data presented arc for the bobbin and +Pt probes used during the field inspection. Note that during the field inspection the TTS regions were inspected multiple times. The results reported in the Table 5-1 arc for the final inspection results stored on Reel 169. The azimuthal locations of the indications shown on Table 5-1 arc based on a detail review of the deposit signals seen during the laboratory review and comparing these signals with the field produced signals. A detailed discussion of this effort is included in Section 8. Included in Section 8, arc Figures illustrating the location of both theI +Pt and UT signals and the relationship of thesc signals with respect to the tuibelanie orientation.


In the field data analysis and laboratory review of the field data, circumferential indications were noted at the TTS of both R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL. None of the ficld indications were confirmed during the laboratory eddy current ceffort regardless of the rotating probe used.

The field eddy current response of the quatrefoil tube support / tube intersections (TSPI) of R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL showed no indications in the field data analysis or the laboratory data review. Further the laboratory examination found no indications in these tubing locations. During the laboratory examination the locations of the TSPI region of R12C59 HL, its position on the tube was identified through the prcsence of OD deposits by both the pancake and bobbin coil examinations. No such deposits were present at TSPI of RIIC60HL.

The following presents selected supporting eddy current data for the above observations.

5.3 Laboratory Reevaluation of Field Eddy Current Test Data R12C59 HL at TTS During the 2R10 field eddy current inspection program, the top of the tubeshect was inspected using the +Pt probe. Figure 5-1 shows a data display for the 300 kHz +Pt coil with the phase established such that circumferential indications produce a positive vertical defection. Figure 5-2 shows a data display of the +Pt Mix response for the indication and was used in the laboratory review of the field data to size the indications (Table 5-1). The extent of cracking was detcrmined to be 40 degrees around the circumference.

Rl2C59 HL at TSPI The original bobbin and +Pt probe field calls for the region of tube R12C59 HL at TSPI was NDD. The laboratory review did not alter this conclusion, only a Mix residual was identified at the TSP location. No +Pt indications were identified.

RI IC60 HL at TTS During the 2R10 field eddy current inspection program, the TTS was inspected using the

+Pt probe. Figure 5-3 shows a data display for the 300 kHz +Pt coil with the phase established such that circumferential indications produce a positive vertical deflection.

Figure 5-4 shows a data display of the +Point Mix response for the indication and was used 5-3

.11 in thc Laboratory review of thc field data to sizc thc indications (Table 5-1). Thc extent of cracking was detcrmined to bc 38 degrccs around thc circumfcrcncc.

RI 1C60 HL at TSPI Thc original bobbin and +Pt probc field calls for thc region of tube R12C59 HL at TSPI was NDD. The laboratory review did not alter this conclusion, only a Mix rcsidual was identified at the TSP location. No +Pt indications were identified.

5.4 Laboratory Bobbin and +Pt Probe Inspection and Analysis The discussions that follow will center on the analysis of the laboratory eddy currcnt results obtained with the +Pt and bobbin coil configurations used in the field. Notc that all sections of tubing had artifacts of the tube removal. The responses from thcse artifacts presented no issues with the analysis of the data and are not highlighted below.

R12C59 HL - Picce 2B at TTS Eddy current inspection of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B at the TTS in the laboratory did not reproduce the +Pt response seen during the field inspection. No flaw signals were seen.

Iigure 5-5 shows the circumfecrentially sensitive channel of the 300 kHz +Pt response. No circumferentially oriented indications evcrc identified. Figure 5-6 shows the +Point response with the phase oriented so that axially oriented discontinuities respond in the positive direction. Short axial indications arc found within the expanded portion of the tube adjacent to the expansion transition and werc likely related to the tube pulling process an(l not indicative of operational degradation. Figure 5-7 shoows the pancake coil response indicating the presence of deposits on the outside of the tube. No flaw signals were seen.

The signal responses observed were indicative of OD deposits. The distribution of the deposits is similar to that seen in the field and was used to detcrmlinc the azimuthal orientation of tile field +Pt indication, sec Section 8.

R12C59 HIL - Piece 3B atTSPI During the laboratory eddy current inspection of R12C59 HL - Piece 3B at the jIt TSP region, no bobbin coil or +Pt probe response suggestive of tubing discontinuities were identified. The bobbin coil, however did show tube removal artifacts and the presence of a deposit associated with the TSPI location (Figure 5-8). A pattern was identified by the pancake coil inspection indicative of deposit formation in two of the quatrefoil region of 5-4

thc tube support platc. Figure 5-9 shows the 100 kHz pancake coil response for this region of the tube.

Tube RI 1C60 HL - Piece 2B at TTS Eddy current inspection of R I C60 HL - Piece 2B at the TTS region in the laboratory did not reproduce the +Pt response seen during the field inspections. Figure 5-10 shows the circumfecrcntially sensitive channel of the 300 kHz +Pt response. Figure 5-11 shows the pancake coil response indicating the presence of deposits on the outside of the Tube. The distribution of the deposits is similar to that seen in the field and was used to determine the azimuthal orientation of the field +Pt indication, see Section 8.

Tube RI lC60 HL - Piece 3B at TSPI During the laboratory eddy current inspection of R I C60 HL - Piece 3B at the 1st TSP region, no bobbin coil or +Pt probe response indicative of tubing discontinuitics were identified. No responses were identified that are suggestive of deposit formation quatrefoil region of the tube support plate. No graphics are presented since no discontinuities or deposit signal responses were seen.

5.5 Ghent and 3-Coil Probe Laboratory Data and Analysis In addition to the +Pt probe two other rotating coil configurations were used to collect data on the TTS regions of R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL during the laboratory eddy current inspection efforts. The first was the Ghent probc which is a driver pick-up coil probe with two inspection volumes one sensitive to circmferentially oriented discontinuitics and the other sensitive to axially oriented discontinuities. No indications were identified at any of the locations of interest. Figure 5-12 and 5-13 show the response of the probe in the vicinity of the TTS of R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL, respectively. Only responses from the deposits above the transition can be observed.

The second probe used in the laboratory inspection effort was a 3-Coil probe. This probe has a 115 mil diameter pancake coil and two coils which arc stood on edge to yield preferential sensitivity to axially or circumfcrcntially oriented discontinuities respectively.

No indications werc identified at any of the locations of interest. Figure 5-14 and 5-15 show the response of the probe in the vicinity of the TTS of RI 2C59 HL and RI 1C60 HL, respectively. Only responses from the deposits above the transition can be observed.


Ii Since the results of these inspections with the Glient and 3-Coil probes yielded no additional insight into the presence of the TTS indications beyond those of the +Pt probe, their results were not included in Table 5-1.


Table 5-1 Summary of Field and Laboratory Eddy Currentand Ultrasonic Inspection Results Field Eddy Current Field Data Review Lab. Eddy Current Ultrasonic Location Bobbin +PtA Bobbin +PtA Bobbin +Point Field Lab Coil Coil Coil Volts Volts Volts Volts Loc.* Volts Volts  % Loc.*

_ __ I%! / % / extent I%!I  % / Extent /%/ / % / Extent /Extent First NDD NDD NDD NDD N/A NDD NDD N/A N/A N/A Support R12 C59 _

Top of N/A .19/22/410 N/A 0.23/30/370 3240 N/A NDD 42/800 00-900 NDD Tube sheet CSI First NDD NDD NDD NDD N/A NDD NDD N/A N/A N/A Support Rl I C60 Top of N/A .16/38/480 N/A 0.18/24/400 3270 N/A NDD 34/20° 130° NDD Tube sheet CSI _

A Final inspection Reel 169

  • Location determined from laboratory reference and deposit pattern (See Section 8)

NDD - No Detectable Degradation CSI - Circumferential Single Indication DI - Distorted Indication PI - Possible Indication N/A - Not Appropriate 5-7

Figure 5-1 Plot of the 300 kHz +Pt coil field data from Vogtle Unit 2 S/G 2 of R12C59 HL showing an indication at the hot leg top of tube sheet (TTS). The +Pt response is adjusted so that response from a circumferentially oriented discontinuity is in the positive vertical direction. The indication is thus interpreted as originating from a circumferentially oriented discontinuity.

Arrow denotes location of indication.

5-8 CQ%

U Figure 5-2 Plot of the Mix +Pt coil field data from Vogtle Unit 2 S/G 2 of RI 2C59 HL showing an indication at the hot leg top of tube sheet (TTS). The +Pt response is adjusted so that response from a circumferentially oriented discontinuity is in the positive vertical direction. Arrow denotes location of indication.



Figure 5-3 Plot of the 300 kHz +Pt coil field data from Vogtle Unit 2 S/G 2 of Ri IC60 HL showing an indication at the hot leg top of tube sheet (TTS). The +Pt response is adjusted so that response from a circumferentially oriented discontinuity is in the positive vertical direction. The indication is thus interpreted as originating from a circumferentially oriented discontinuity.

Arrow denotes location of indication.

5-10 C\9

U Figure 5-4 Plot of the Mix +Pt coil field data from Vogtle Unit 2 S/G 2 of RI IC60 HL showing an indication at the hot leg top of tube sheet (TTS). The +Pt response is adjusted so that response from a circumferentially oriented discontinuity is in the positive vertical direction. Arrow denotes location of indication.


Figure 5-5 Laboratory +Pt coil response from the TTS region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B. +Pt response adjusted so that circumferentially oriented discontinuities are positive). No indication seen. Arrow denotes location of field signal.

5-12 Cl?-Z

Figure 5-6 Laboratory +Pt coil response from the TTS region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B. +Pt response adjusted so that axially oriented discontinuities are positive). Arrow shows the location of axial indication. Indication is believed to be associated with tube removal process. Note the indication is indicative of an axially oriented discontinuity located on the expanded side of the expansion response.


Figure 5-7 Laboratory 100 kHz Pancakc coil response from the TTS region of RI 2C59 HL - Piccc 2B. Signal rcsponsc indicative of OD deposits. Pancake response adjusted so that circumfecrntially oriented discontinuitics arc positive.


a 6 V~ 7.1? 2 3 h 41 1.26 1 3 I 11Kz 1: S

_REEI 1211 OISN iJ 5jj1CE i;ll

_ 7,j tJUKITT jj INLET-;

338' III f*s e.7. DEG 20 NKD *so 0.62 DEC ZI r HDD 6.83 61 K6 hir 12 8.75 lxhKh le C 3 FS 8 33 BS 5 S

_ _ _Fr_ May 21 63:62:43 2004

.... 16.3 DEC 276 NOD .5 3.35 DEC 180 HDD GBE_.560_BLUE REQUE"Cl

UCNlrN - 294

_CHTX: 4 F3 10 lE RTE 2 z F6 Figurc 5-8 Laboratory bobbin coil response from the TSPl region of R12C59 HL -

Piece 3B. Periodic response in left most strip chart is an artifact of the tube removal. The Lissajous patterns are for the deposit associated with the TSP location.


II lIe

_I X f7V 2 S t V 4.21 I C8 I100I1 3

Khz 26 IROLw.11 a2ue s -

Ctit:3339148 AI: se 4/0.09n I.8ICTSET-e GRD 184 CIRC-2.191 I I TIOWS3


- csr Wv6MMOM

_ r n -fl - _ti l

.l W -

IS/6t IN__l 2_.1UIIITI

.4_.03 2;11 . INLET

l' nrr s ns lDTF:l.89 V jF0O74__

l T T RX<JIlT 274j CIR 5TEF'18-LIP C.,l DII. IN

,5n .


i.lSc. TRIM Ypp 1.31 U1S 131 ex

. M

_ - L 6-_ , .41.. 0 .-

IN, 'I , , VIAMA; tI'RWm

,Z11- MMMII "-M --,I"-W Eft-It -


__ F-

_ l _

Figure 5-9 Laboratory 100 kHz response from the TSPI region of R12C59 HL - Piece 3B. Notc the two bands associated with the deposits within thle quatrefoils.


U Figure 5-10 Laboratory 300 kHz +Point coil response from the TTS region of RI 1C60 HL - Piece 2B. +Pt response adjusted so that circumferentially oriented discontinuities are positive. No indication seen. Arrow denotes location of field signal.

5-17 C I+


I II Figurc 5-l 1 Laboratory 100 kHz Pancakc coil response from the TTS region of RI IC60 HL - Picce 2B. Signal response indicative of OD deposits. Pancake response adjusted so that circumfercntially oriented discontinuitics arc positive.


Figure 5-12 Laboratory 300 kHz Ghent probe response for the circumfecrntially sensitive coil configuration from the TTS region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B.

No indications noted.


II Figure 5-13 Laboratory 300 kHz Glicnt probe response for the circumfcrcntially scnsitivC coil configuration from the TTS region of RI I C60 HL - Picec 28.

No indications notcd.


Figure 5-14 Laboratory 300 kHz 3 Coil probe response for the circumfcrcntially sensitive coil configuration from the TTS region of R12C59 HL-Picec 2B.

No indications noted.


if Figurc 5-15 Laboratory 300 kHz 3 Coil probe response for thc circumfcrcntially sensitive coil configuration from the TTS region of RI IC60 HL - Piecc 2B.

No indications were noted.


SECTION 6 ULTRASONIC (SHEAR WAVE) INSPECTION 6.1 Scope of Ultrasonic Inspections and Description of Techniques After eddy current inspections two tasks were defined for the ultrasonic inspections:

  • Review and reevaluation of field data for R12C59 HL and Ri1IC60 HL
  • Acquisition and analysis of ultrasonic data from the TTS regions of both tubes using a shear wave mode The top of tubeshect region of both pulled tubes were examined with a rotating multiple-element style ultrasonic probe under hot cell conditions. The probe and calibration standard used to establish system sensitivity were the same as that used to perform the ultrasonic inspection in the field. The probe has three individual focused transducer elements mounted in a single probe body. The first transducer is a high frequency, spherical focused clement that directs sound in the radial direction. This transducer is used for attenuation measurements and to detect thickness changes characteristic of pitting or wear damage. The second transducer is a spherically-focused search unit that directs sound around the circumference of the tube and is sensitive to radial-axial oriented discontinuitics. The third transducer is spherically focused and directs sound energy along the tube axis at a 450 angle. This search unit is particularly sensitive to flaws oriented in a radial-circumfcrcntial direction. The ultrasonic transducers arc interfaced to field style ultrasonic instrumentation. A Paragon (Wcsdyne) ultrasonic/cddy current data acquisition system was used to collect the data. The ultrasonic portion of this system utilizes a R/D Tech 8-channcl pulscr-receivcr and the eddy current instrument is a R/D Tech TC 6700.

Based upon the encoder output from the positioning system, data were collected at I-degree intervals around the circumference. The system is capable of acquiring either the ultrasonic RF or rectified RF data. For this inspection only the rectified data were acquired.

The hot cell probe delivery system consists of a mechanism to grip the UTEC probe to hold it in a fixed position. The tube sections were then mounted in a rotary table attached to a motor-driven lead screw. The rotation of the lead screw is monitored by a rotary encoder to provide axial position information of the tube section. The rotary table contains a motor and an encoder to give the azimuthal orientation of the tube section. The delivery 6-1

II system is intcrfaced to a computer which is used to control the tube location. Thc tube is moved rotationally and axially in a controlled manncr to produce a helical motion with a pitch of 0.004 inches with respect to thc UTEC probe. The computer provides trigger pulses to the PARAGON data acquisition system so that the PARAGON acquisition software gathiers UT and EC information every onc-degrce and 2 degrees respectively around the tube circumfcrencc. A rotational speed of about 20 revolutions per minute is used during the examination. Once the data is captured, it is graphically displayed showing angular position, axial position and signal amplitude. Data from each transducer element is displayed separately for evaluation. The PARAGON system allows the data to be displayed in a variety of formats. To enhance signal interpretation, color plots of where the signal amplitude deterniines the different colors are used in the analysis. The data is displayed showing axial and angular positions as well as signal strength for all indications.

A single reference tube standard was used to calibrate the UT system. The reference tube (UE-001-96) was used to calibrate the sytcrn in the field. This standard is used for setting the systcm sensitivity and the transducer offset, respectively.

In the UT analysis, a pseudo-color "C scan" plot of the data from each ultrasonic channel is presented on the computer screen and reviewed. In the discussions for the ultrasonic results that follow the data for the appropriate ultrasonic and/or eddy current channels are presented in lihe figures. As an example of the type of displays that are available for the three ultrasonic and eddy current channels are found in Figure 6-1. The displayed in this figure is for the calibration standard. Ultrasonic indications that arc knowvn to be from scratches as a result of the tube pull or loose debris are identified as spurious and may be identified in the graphic presentation. Ultrasonic indications believed to be relevant are further evaluated. The entire scan width represents 3600 (the circumference unwrapped) while the spacing between scan lines represents pitch (axial) travel. The rotational pitch of the probe used during hle examination was 0.004 inch.

Signals detected with the radial aim search unit (Channel I) arc measured for angular extent (ratio of the measured UT signal length to the measured length of a 3600 scan multiplied by 360°). The axial UT length is obtained by counting the scan lines and multiplying by the inspection pitch. These functions arc performed automatically by the PARAGON software. Data interpretation and flaw characterization is accomplished by reviewing the displays of each transducer. The displays arc compared and conclusions drawn concerning the characteristics of the discontinuity detected. By which transducer a discontinuity is detected has a significant implication related to the orientation of the 6-2

discontinuity. Thc radial-aim search unit is designed to be sensitive to planar discontinuities such as wastage and pitting. Experience has shown that this search unit can also detect IGA (intcrgranular attack) and, in rare instances, measure the radial depth of cracks. The circumfecrcntial-aim search unit is sensitive to radial-axial discontinuities such as OD stress corrosion cracks and can be used to measure the axial extent of a wastage edge. The axial-aim is excellent for the detection of OD radial-circumfecrcntial cracking and can be used to measure the circumferential extent of a wastage edge.

6.2 Ultrasonic Inspection Data Evaluation - Field and Laboratory For the field inspection, the UTEC probe was inserted into the tube from the tube sheet, while for the hot cell inspections, the probe was inserted from both ends of the tube. Table 5-1 in Section 5 presents a summary of key UT observations for the Vogtle tubing. The areas of interest were the TTS of R12C59 HL and R 1IC60 HL. Review of the field ultrasonic data from R12C59 HL and R1IC60 HL confirmed possible tubing discontinuities, however, no such indications were found in the laboratory. The results of ultrasonic inspection data of the TTS region of both pulled tube will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

RI 2C59 HL - Piece 2B at TTS During the laboratory UTEC inspection of R12C59 - Piece 2B at the TTS region, the ultrasonic data displayed numerous responses originating from both inside and outside of the tube. Figure 6-2 shows a display of the ultrasonic response from the 2B section in the laboratory and Figure 6-3 shows the field inspection results. The pattern of OD responses believed to originate from adherent deposits is quite similar between the two inspections.

However, the field responses shown in Figure 6-3 that had been interpreted as originating from a discontinuity in the tube wall arc absent from the Figure 6-2 data obtained in the laboratory. In Section 8 the deposit responses arc used to identify the azimuthal location of the field UT indications.

RI I C60 HL - Piece 2B at TTS During the laboratory UTEC inspection of R12C59 - Piece 2B at the TTS region, the ultrasonic data displayed numerous responses originating from both inside and outside of the tube. Figure 6-4 shows a display of the ultrasonic response from the 2B section in the laboratory and Figure 6-5 shows the field inspection results. The pattern of OD responses 6-3

It believed to originate from adherent deposits is quite similar betwcen thc two inspections although more is missing in the laboratory examination than was observed in the field.

The response shown in Figure 6-4 does occur at the location where the Figure 6-5 field response had been interpreted as originating from a tube wall discontinuity. However the laboratory responsc is interpretable as originating from OD deposits rather than in the tube wall discontinuity. A discussion of the howv the OD deposit response was used to identify tile azimuthal location of the Field UT indications is provided in Section 8 of this report.


Frl E dit Vie,, fVindov I leip Figure 6-1 UTEC response to calibration standard UE-001-96. C-Scans are shown for all ultrasonic transducers and also the 100 kHz pancake eddy current coil.


U Figure 6-2 Laboratory UTEC ultrasonic results for the TTS of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B.

Note the presence of the deposits on the tube OD are the prominent feature of the inspection.


Figure 6-3 UTEC result from the field examination of the TTS region of R12C59. The locations of the indications are identified in the C-Scan.

Note that the imagzes are inverted with respect to Figure6-2 the overallpattern of the deposit response strongly correlateswith that of Fi-aure6-2.

6-7 Cfl

Figure 6-4 UTEC laboratory ultrasonic results for the TTS of RI 1C60 HL - Piece 2B.

Note the presence of the deposits on the tube OD are the prominent feature of the inspection.


U Note Figure 6-5 UTEC field result for the TTS region of RI 1C60. The locations of the indications are identified in the C-Scan.

Note that while the imagzes are invertedwith respect to Figure 6-4 the overallpattern of the deposit response strongly correlateswith the deposit signals seen in Fi-ure 6-4.

6-9 a

SECTION 7 POST PRESSURIZATION EDDY CURRENT DATA 7.0 Results As part of the destructive examination efforts of the pulled tube examination, Piece 2B and Piece 3B of Tube R12C59 HL were pressurized to approximately 9000 psi. During prior pulled tube examination efforts, ID pressurization has been employed to enhance the detection of tube degradation. It was anticipated that pressurization of the ID would result in sufficient tube expansion to cause adherent deposits to gpall-off'hnd / or the Spcning-up"of any tube degradation. After the pressu rization, the tube sections were visually and eddy current inspected. Thc eddy current inspection was a repcat of the +Pt probe examination conducted initially. Little deposit 9palling" was observed and no degradation became apparent in either the visual or eddy current examinations. The following discussion is provided.

Post Pressurization Eddy Current Test Data for the TTS Region of Tubc R12C59 HL -

Piece 2B The post pressurization eddy current +Pt response of the TTS region identified no indications. Figure 7-1 shows the 100 kHz Pancake Coil response. The deposit response mimicked that observed prior to the pressurization as shown in Figure 7-2. ID pressurization to 9000 PSI did not result in 9palling"or cracking of the OD deposits.

Visual and SEMnalyscs showed no obvious change in the appearance of the TTS deposits.

Post Pressurization Eddy Current Test Data for the TSP2 Region of Tube R12C59 HL -

Piccc 3B The post pressurization eddy current +Pt response of the TSP region identified no indications. Figure 7-3 shows the 100 kHz Pancake coil response. Thc line of deposit on the lcft side of the image, 100 azimuthal orientation, in Figure 7-3 is less pronounced than the response seen prior to pressurization, Figure 7-4, indicating that this region of the deposit had spalled off the tube during the pressurization. Backscatter Energy Mc montage images at the 100 azimuthal orientation arc presented in Figure 7-5 comparing the OD deposit appearance before and after the pressurization effort. Evidence of Mpallcd" deposit can be seen. Results of the SEMnd EDS analyscs of both the OD tube surface and ID deposit arc presented in Section 10.


1I I V I

  • 8 V 3.Z' R 8 10 Khz 25 RTWI2-.4S3') SUmE-200.9 O TSt71- GRID 73 RSC 12 C1 _

2: 5 4 I I IS crt:47e/iom W1I 22.I/0.Mi6, C1FC-Z.14 I TICK5W - - _. _ --


/IfKL LINEoF cscWpLT . vT COD 84 cr _S/6 Il2Uiil 2, , NLET iELTA-. V R It S_13 1 6 _ C ST2Il- C.wZ.IV D iI UE rtL 3I11 A~~ EXExr(T TJ1EH~r.~

FIXCIR-OF, .I .", '., ' ':' ,- -' .........

Vpp 2.S2 DEI 12D 0e 4I Figure 7-1 Post Prcssurization 100 kHz Pancakc Coil Eddy Currcnt Rcsponsc of the TTS Rcgion for R12C59 HL - Piccc 2B.


Figurc 7-2 Laboratory 100 kHz Pancake Coil Eddy Current Response of the TTS Region of RI 2C59 HL - Piece 2B Prior to ID Pressurization.


Figure 7-3 Post Pressurization 100 kHz Pancake Coil Eddy Current Response for the TSPI Region of R12C59 HL - Piece 3B. Note the Deposit Response Seen on the Left Side of the Image is Less Pronounced When Compared to the Response Shown in Figure 7-4. This Response is Indicative of Less Deposit.


li 11S3:7I1V[ II5V 4.I 11I112S6 C I Kh I.. . .



- ;SPEED rOe0 n-3 thii Vpp 1.SI DES 131 e6 IAJ iN _ 5 I I-

.71 asl.6

- .1

  • a i r-- j Figurc 74 Laboratory 100 kHz rcsponsc from thc TSPI region of R12C59 - Picce 3B prior to ID prcssurization. Notc the two bands associated with the deposits within the quatrefoils.


a) OD Deposit Prior to Prcssurization b) OD Dcposit Following Pressurization Figure 7-5 Backscatter Me Mtage Showin g the Appearance of the OD Deposit at the 4trcfoil Land to Tube Intersection at the 100 Azimuthal Orientation For R12C59 - Piece 3B Before and After ID Pressurization. Notc:The Change in Appearance of Deposit. Notc: Thc areas identified as 6, 7, and 8 arc regions selected for EDS analyses (Rcecr to Section 10).


SECTION 8 AZIMUTHAL ORIENTATION OF SIGNALS One of thc key issues associated with the Vogtle 2 pulled tube examination is the physical location of the field +Pt and UT signals. The axial location is easily detcrmined by referencing the indication relative to the expansion transition. The azimuthal location is more difficult. In the laboratory, the metallic strips fastened to the OD of the tube sample serve as fuducial marks in the eddy current data allowing the circumferential position of an indication to be precisely located. The lack of eddy current or ultrasonic response seen during the laboratory efforts when compared to those in the field, presents particular difficulty in identifying the azimuthal location of the underlying discontinuity rcsponsiblc for the eddy current or ultrasonic response. It was observed that the laboratory 100 kHz pancake coil eddy current response to deposits above the TTS yielded patterns similar to the field inspection results. A detailed comparison of the field and laboratory deposit distributions confirmed that there was sufficient similarity betwvecn the patterns that the physical orientation of the field responses could be determined in the laboratory. The location of the field +Pt indication was then carried out by determining the location of the

+Pt indication relative to the deposit response found in the 100 kHz pancake coil response, and relating this response to the pattern found in the laboratory and ultimately to its orientation relative to the marks placed on the tube during laboratory NDE inspections.

The investigation began by reviewing the field eddy current data from Reel 169 for both R12C59 HL and RI lC60 HL.

8.1 Orientation of TTS Signals in R12C59 HL Initially the eddy current responses for both the +Pt and 115 mil diameter pancake coil were aligned so that when plotted the azimuthal location of the respective responses in the images corresponded. Figure 8-1 shows an eddy current plot for the 200 kHz +Point coil response for the region above the TTS of R12C59. Note the cursor has been placed on the indication. Figure 8-2 shows the 100 kHz pancake coil response for the same portion of the tube. The cursor is placed at the location where the pancake coil should have responded to the indication. The deposit pattern has a number of features that are potentially useful in locating this position in the laboratory. To begin the deposits occur in two bands one associated with the TTS and another slightly above the TTS. The edges of these bands have unique configurations. Specifically the deposit band at the TTS displays 8-1

'N a local minimum in its height at the location of the +Pt indication. This minimum can then be used to orient both the field UTEC inspection results and the data obtained in laboratory.

Figure 8-3 shows the laboratory 100 kHz pancake coil response for R12C59 section 2B in the laboratory. The cursor has been place at the minimum in the deposit width identified in the field. This orientation corresponds to approximately the 324 degree location.

To obtain the orientation of the UTEC indications, the field and laboratory eddy current data and the UT data for the deposit morphology arc compared. Figure 8-4 shows the UTEC eddy current response for the field inspection presented a color C-scan. Further in Figure 8-5 the ultrasonic response to the deposits also identifies the minimum in the deposit width. Coupling theses results suggests that the field ultrasonic indications occurred at an orientation away from the +Pt indication at an azimuthal orientation of between 0 and 90 degrees.

8.2 Orientation of TTS Signals in RlI C60 HL The location of the +Pt indication in Rl IC60 HL is conducted in a similar fashion. The field data were reviewed for both the +Pt and 100 kHz pancake coil response (Figures 8-6 and 8-7 respectively). Features in the deposit response were then chosen to correlate with the laboratory and UTEC inspection results. The deposit pattern of RlIC60 is qualitatively similar to that of R12C59 in that there arc two bands of deposits at and above the TTS. For RI 1C60 there is an isolated deposit response in the space between the bands.

This response occurs at almost the same azimuthal location as the +Pt indication and is easily recognized in the laboratory and UTEC data (Figures 8-8 and 8-9 respectively). The

+Pt indication is then estimated to be located at an azimuthal orientation of 327 degrees.

The ultrasonic response Figure 8-10 shows that the indication is not coincident with the

+Pt indication but rather is at an orientation of 130 degrees.

8.3 Conclusion A pictorial representation showing the orientation of the field +Pt and UT signals based on the results discussed above is presented in Figure 8-11. As discussed earlier, during the field tube pulling effort, a notch is based on each pulled section at the orientation corresponding to the divider plate. This orientation becomes the 00 orientation during the laboratory evaluation and is consistently maintained. As shown previously in Section 3, 8-2

and also in Figure 8-11, the 900 ct al. are expressed clockwise of 00 when looking in the direction of the primary flow. As shown in this figure, both +Pt signals are located approximately at the same azimuthal orientation, i.e., 3240 / 3270 and are oriented towards the open columns. The UT signals are rotated 900 to 1500 from the location of the +Pt signal. Although, once again, it appears that the azimuthal orientation of the UT signal corresponds to the open column between tubes.


I '

M Figure 8-1 C -scan showing location of the field +Pt indication at the TTS in R12C59 HL. The cursor is located at the position of the reported field indication.


Figure 8-2 Thc field 100 kHz pancake coil response at the TTS of R12C59 HL with the coil display aligned with that of the +Pt (Figure 8-1). The cursor is located at the position of the +Pt indication. This location corresponds to the minimum in the width of the deposit band at the TTS.


'II Figure 8-3 Laboratory 100 kHz pancake coil response of the TTS region of R12C59 HL - Piece B showing both the deposit pattern and the response of the metal foil. The cursor is placed at the approximate location of the minimum in the deposit width.


Figure 8-4 Field 100 kHz response of the UTEC the pancake probe near the TTS of R12C59 HL plotted as a color C-san. The cursor indicates the approximate location of the minimum in the deposit width.

8-7 Ca2 Ani

Figure 8-5 UTEC field result for the TTS region of R1 2C59 HL. Note the locations of the indications are identified in the C-Scan. Note also the lack of deposit response in the upper right region of the C-scan which corresponds to the minimum width highlighted in Figure 8-4. Since the minimum width location corresponds to the field +Pt indication, the UT indications are not coincident.

8-8 "I ...


1421 SV D V I.7iF 2 C20OKh Cup 28 q!22t e-tQ-1 l OFGET Ve 4- o SC _JJ iSi I COL L _

142 3:

1 2. 5 C'Iii S 221 CIR 2.tG I TCrnIsaN II T IrE. lass



tCif. cDit.IBffRTr mt A? ... - __ S 3U _N11 IiLET

  • w CeLIr o ees MW
  • FW .>31 e=.v

~7-1cl 1 rtSm-Ie-dr1" C" -Jote 1teI J I OF 1817481:1 zj r


/~~ Tj TElt I _TEN, . It WM

/ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 'SPEED 6.34. s TRfse iiii I

v o) a - 2 Z .C 2 N I_-


-i i

I 3e3 227.4 Figure 8-6 Location of the field +Pt indication reported at the TTS in RIlC60 HL.

The cursor is located at the position of the reported field indication.


11 Figure 8-7 The field 100 kHz pancake coil response at the TTS of RI IC60 HL with the coil display aligned with that of the +Pt (Figure 8-6). The cursor is located at the position of the +Pt indication. This location corresponds to the isolated response between the deposit bands above the TTS.


Figure 8-8 Laboratory 100 kHz pancake coil response of the TTS region of RI I C60 HL - Picce 2B showing both the deposit pattern and the response of the metal foil. The cursor is placed at the approximate location of the isolated response between the deposit bands.


Figure 8-9 Field 100 kHz response of the pancake coil on the UTEC probe plotted as a color C-scan plot for RI IC60 HL. The cursor indicates the approximate azimuthal location of the isolated response between deposit bands.

8-12 C7-7Z

U Figure 8-10 UTEC field result for the TTS region of RI IC60 HL. Note the locations of the indications are identified in the C-Scan. Since the isolated indication of Figure 8-9 corresponds to the field +Pt indication, the UT indications are not coincident.

8-13 C-z

Figure 8-11 Pictorial Representation of the Azimuthal Orientation of the Field +Pt and UT Signals. As Discussed in Section 8, the Azimuthal Orientations of the Signals Were Based on the Topography of the OD Deposit.

The Location of the +Pt Signals are Shown in Red. The UT Signals are Shown in Green.

Direction of Tubelane and Divider Plate 7


SECTION 9 LAMB WAVE MODE ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION 9.0 Introduction Thc lack of degradation and NDE responses expericnced during the laboratory examinations in the vicinity of where both ultrasonic and eddy current inspection yielded field indications gave impetus to identifying options for discriminating indications of the type found with those of true degradation. The assumption is that since both the eddy current and ultrasonic indications disappeared after the tube was removed from the stcam generator, the reported field indications were tied to the deposit morphology. This is supported by the observation that the ultrasonic indications correspond to edges of adherent deposits situated within the expansion transition. Ultrasonic response from deposits is routinely observed in field inspection; however, response characteristics normally allow these signals to be discriminated from degradation responses. The unique feature of the Vogtlc tubes is that indications occurred in the geometry change associated with the expansion transition and this exasperated the signal discrimination. The coupling of the phenomenon formed a unique circumstance that allowed the resulting field signals to be misinterpreted as degradation.

The assumption is that the primary inspection will continue to be eddy current based, with those indications displaying the characteristic of the TTS of R12C59 HL and RI I C60 HL being ultrasonically examined to detcrmine whether the indications originate from degradation. While the analysis (Section 8) showed that the UT and EC indication originated from different azimuthal orientations, the fact that the ultrasonic examination identified an indication suggests in the future the two phenomena could overlap and a tube be incorrectly removed from service. As an adjunct to the ultrasonic examination using the shear wave mode, an alternate modality involving the use of plate modes was examined. From an implementation standpoint the plate mode techniques strongly rcsemble the existing techniques in that an ultrasonic transducer launches a wave into the tube wall though a coupling media. The difference is that the frequency of the wave and its incident angle on the tube surface is chosen so that the entire tube wall is excited. The particular mode intended for this application goes under name of Lamb waves for infinitc plates. The attractive feature of some of these modes is that the energy is confined within the tube wall such that the wave has little interaction with what might be adherent to the tube surface. Since the assumption is that the adherent deposits arc the origin of the unwanted ultrasonic responses the use of an inspection modality that does not intcract 9-1

I :U_

with this phenomenon could providc a mcans of verifying the origin of the ultrasonic response.

9.1 Lamb WVave Implementation Ideally the plate mode inspection would have been carried out using a probe similar to the UTEC probe but with the axially oriented transducer aimed at an angle to yield the appropriate plate mode. However, due to scheduling considerations such a probe could not be built in the time allotted. Consequently a probe was used that launched the wave from the outside of the tube. Figure 9-1 shows the probe mounted on the outside of the calibration tube. The probe consists of a wedge with a transducer mounted on a carriage whose orientation can be adjusted with respect to thc tube surface allowing optimization of the incident angle of the sound for the desired inspection mode. Once adjusted, the carriage was locked into place on the wedge and the inspection conducted. In this position the ultrasonic wave should interact strongly with discontinuities and weakly with deposits. For the guided mode inspection to be a viable discrimination tool there should be little or no response originating from the adherent tube deposits.

9.2 Results The probe was slid onto the calibration tube which contained two circumfecrcntially oriented notches. The notches were 20% and 50% of the wall thickness and approximately 1/2 inch in length. The sensitivity of the instrumentation was adjusted such that the 50% notch yielded a response of approximately 3/4 the display sensitivity.

Figures 9-2 and 9-3 show the response for the 20% and 50% notches respectively.

After recording the notch responses the probe was slid onto the unexpandcd end of the TTS sections of R12C59 HL -Piece 2B and RI IC60 HL - Piece 2B until it reached the deposit bands noted in the eddy current examinations. Figures 9-4 and 9-5 show the response of these tubes section. No response consistent with degradation was observed on either tube section.

Based on the lack of response from the adherent deposits associated with the TTS tube sections supports further investigation into the use of Lamb waves (guided wave modes) as a viable tool for separating deposit response from degradation.


Figure 9-1 Ultrasonic probe used to perform the "Lamb wave" inspection shown on calibration tube.


- I AL

.gss1 .0 111 I A

AMP MPL 35.'- 1853


~18.8 7dO4Olb53 5231;Ai ~~~5

_51e,5 L4O1V '-1 ,

AI Figure 9-2 Lamb wave mode UT data showing response from 20% calibration notch.

Note the response from the end of tube on the right side of the image.


Figure 9-3 Lamb wave mode UT data showing response from the 50% calibration notch. Note that the end of tube response has been shadowed by the presence of the notch.


AMP MPL 25.E 1631 L:L

.X Figure 9-4 Lamb wave mode UT data showing response from R12C59 - Piece 2B.

The observed response does not suggest the presence of degradation.


I . ._,"7 a MPL AMP 1O.; 2106 K


~INW3FPU ALLUJr.,JLi,. -u a', .11 lI 1 E1W Ewg-Anu 1r 5 xb 1.90 'lyb 19.77 ! Izb 1.77 AnV 0.8 I SweM 20 1[As1ang9  ! NL 277; -

Figure 9-5 Lamb wave mode UT data showing response from RI IC60 - Picc 2B.

The observed response does not suggest the presence of degradation.


SECTION 10 DEPOSIT AND SURFACE ANALYSIS In an effort to charactcrizc the physical appearance and to identify the various elements or chemical compounds present on the surfaces of steam generators tubes removed from Vogtlc Unit 2, analyses were performed on the deposits by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The results of each of these efforts arc presented in this section.

10.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

The physical appearance and chemistry of the deposits found on the OD surface of the Vogtlc Unit 2 tubes RI 2C59 HL and RI 1 C60 HL were determined using surface sensitive analytical techniques, i.e., Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The SEM utilizes a focused bcam of electrons that is scanned across the specimen surface under high vacuum. The bencfit of the SEM over stereo or optical microscopy is its depth of field at high magnification which allows high rcsolution examination of rough surfaces. EDS is the most common method for local chemical analysis. EDS is based on x-ray fluorescence resulting from the bombardment of the surface with an clectron beam. EDS is usually performed in a SEM where examination of the topography is being performed. EDS analysis determines the composition over a depth of 1.5 to 2 pm with a spatial resolution on the order of 1 pm. The technique will detect Na and heavier elements present in concentrations greater than approximately 0.1 atom %.

EDS has relatively poor energy resolution, and therefore, some difficulties can be encountered in separating elements with closely spaced characteristic x-ray lines, e.g., Pb, S, and Mo. The analysis is usually semi-quantitativc and is routinely utilized to identify the chemical constituents of scales and deposits. The EDS method is useful in identifying deposit or tube surface contamination if such is present and can analyze for elements down to atomic number 11. Data obtained from the various deposit and tube surface analyses arc presented in tabular form, as well as, SEM images with EDS spcctra's.


11-10.1.1 Scanning Electron licroscopy (SEM)

Rl2C59 HL - Piece 2B - Ton of Tubeshect OD Surface Scanning clectron microscopy (SEM) and cncrgy dispersive spcctroscopy (EDS) were performcd on surface deposits at selected top of tubeshect locations of R12C59 HL Picce 2B. The areas selected for the examination were the azimuthal orientation corresponding to the reported +Pt and UTEC indications identified during the field inspection effort. The character of the OD deposit is illustrated in the reflected clectron images and in the backscattcrcd images. A reflected electron image presents a better view of the physical topography of the examined surface with an almost three-dimensional quality. A backscattcrcd clectron image differentiates betwcen arcas of different composition, because elements with higher atomic numbers appear brighter in this image. Furthermore, cracks are often better visible in the backscattcrcd clectron image.

SEM micrographs of the TTS region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B at the 3240 azimuthal orientation arc presented in Figure 10-1. This orientation corresponds to the position where the +Pt indication was identified during the field inspection. Both a backscattcr energy mode and a reflective energy modc montage arc shown in this figure. The montage shown in Figure 10-1 represents approximately I inch of the OD surface. The approximate location of the expansion transition as noted on Figure 10-1 is based on the results of the lascr profiling of the ID silastic mold discussed in Section 3. The light colored areas or "rub marks" seen in the backscattcr energy modc display arc related to handling the tube sections in the Hot Cell glove box and arc not considered representative of the as pulled OD surface. Figures 10-2 and 10-3 arc additional SEM micrographs showing specific topography features of the deposit. Also shown on Figure 10-2, are areas where EDS analyses where performcd. Additional discussion of the EDS analyses arc presented in Section 10.1.2. As can bc seen from these figures, the OD deposit seen in this area appeared relatively uniform with no evidence of cracking. The only difference noted from the SEM micrographs is the topography of the deposit at and slightly above the TTS expansion. The deposit near the expansion transition appeared to be composed of small crystallites and exhibit an amorphous structure. The deposit one inch or so above the transition did not exhibit the amorphous appearance, but rather a smoother and more dense surface. Figures 10-2 and 10-3 illustrate the deposit topography. No unusual physical features were seen at the 3240 azimuthal orientation.


Figurcs 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 arc SEM micrographs of the TTS region at thc 450 azimuthal orientation. This orientation corrcsponds to the position where the field UT signal was reported. Both a backscattcr energy modc and a reflected energy modc montage arc presented these figures. Figures 10-5 and 10-6 arc additional SEM micrographs showing specific topography features of the deposit. As discussed earlier, the light colored areas or "rub marks" seen in the backscattcr energy modc display arc related to handling the tube sections in the Hot Cell glove box and arc not considered representative of the as pulled OD surface. The montages shown in Figure 10-4 represents approximately I inch of axial length along the tube above the TTS expansion transition. The deposit seen in this area appeared relatively uniform with no evidence of cracking. The general appearance of the deposit at the 45 azimuthal orientation is similar to that seen at the 3240 location. That is the deposit near the expansion transition appeared to be composed of small crystallites and exhibit an amorphous structure (Figures 10-5 and 10-6). The deposit one inch or so above the transition did not exhibit the amorphous appearance, but rather a smoother and more dense surface. Area 6B in Figure 10-5 and area 6R in Figure 10-6 illustrates this observation. Close examination of the Reflected Energy Mode montage (Figure 10-6) identified small areas near the top of the tubeshect, where it appeared that the OD deposit was thin or non-existent. The polishing marks on the tube OD surface can be seen through the deposit. Area 3R, shown in Figure 10-6, illustrates this condition.

RI 1C60 HL - Piece 2B - Top of Tubeshect OD Surface Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were performed on surface deposits at selected top of tubesheet locations of RI 1C60 HL - Piece 2B. Similar to R12C59 HL- Piece 2B, the areas selected for the examination were the azimuthal locations corresponding to the reported +Pt and UT indications identified during the field inspection effort. The character of the OD deposit is illustrated in the reflected clectron images and in the backscattered images. Figures 10-7 and 10-8 are SEM micrographs of the TTS region at the 3270 azimuthal orientation. This azimuthal orientation corresponds to the position where the field +Pt signal was reported. The montage shown in Figure 10-7 represents approximately 1 inch of axial length along the tube above the TTS expansion transition and exhibits a similar topography as seen on R12C59 HL at this location. No unusual physical features were seen at the 3270 azimuthal orientation. The white colored areas or "rub marks" seen in the backscattcr energy modc display are related to handling the tube sections in the Hot Cell glove box and are not considered representative of the as pulled OD surface. Figures 10-8 and 10-9 arc additional SEM micrographs of selected areas shown in Figure 10-7. Shown on Figure 10-10-3

i jUL 8 arc areas where EDS analyses were performcd. Additional discussion of the EDS analyses arc presented in Section 10. 1.2.

Figurcs 10-10, 10-11, and 10-12 arc SEM micrographs of the TTS region at thc 1300 azimuthal orientation. This orientation corrcsponds to the position where the UT indication was identified during the field inspection. Both a backscattcr energy mode and a reflected energy mode montage arc presentcd these figures. As discussed earlier the light colored areas or "rub marks" seen in the backscattcr energy mode display are related to handling the tube sections in the Hot Cell glove box and arc not considered representative of the as pulled OD surface. The montages shown in Figure 10-10 represents approximately I inch of axial length along the tube above the TTS expansion transition and exhibits a similar topography as seen on R12C59 HL at this location. Figures 10-11 and 10-12 are SEM micrographs of selected areas shown in Figure 10-10. The general appearance of the dcposit at the 1300 azimuthal orientation is similar to that seen at the 3270 location. That is, the deposit near the expansion transition appeared to be composed of small crystallites and exhibit an amorphous structure. The deposit one inch or so above the transition did not exhibit the amorphous appearance, but rather a smoother and more dense surface.

Close examination of the Rcflected Energy Mode montage identified small areas near the top of the tubeshect, where it appeared that the OD deposit was thin or non-existent.

Figure 10-13 is a Reflective Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing a local region within the expansion transition which is apparently void of deposit. The polishing marks on the tube OD surface can be seen in this area. This condition is similar to that seen on R12C59 HL - Piece 2B at the 450 azimuthal orientation where the field UTEC call was reported.

R12C59 HL - Piece 3B - 1" Tube Support Plate Montages of the OD deposit at the Ist TSP of R12C59 Piece 3B at the 100 azimuthal orientation is presented in Figure 10-14. Both a Backscatter and a Rcflective Energy mode montages are displayed. Additional SEM micrographs arc presented in Figures 10-15 and 10-16 to further illustrate the appearance of the deposit. Figures 10-17 and 10-18 are similar SEM micrographs at the 1000 azimuthal orientation, although limited Reflective Energy mode SEM micrographs are presented. Included in these figurcs are areas where EDS analyses were performed. The results of these analyses arc discussed later in this section. It is evident from these figures that deposit buildup has occurred betwecn the quatrefoil land and the OD tube surface, while little to no deposit buildup was seen at the other two quatrefoil land to tube intersections. During the laboratory eddy current 10-4

evaluation (Scction 5), buildup of deposit was identificd for two of thc four quatrefoil land to tubc intersections.

RI IC60 HL - Piecc 3B - I"5 Tube Support Plate Montages of the OD deposit at the 1st TSP of RI IC60 Piece 3B at the 100 azimuthal orientation is prcsented in Figurc 10-19. Both a Backscattcr and a Reflective Energy Modc montages arc displayed. Additional SEM micrographs arc presented in Figures 10-20 and 10-21 to further illustrate the appearance of the deposit. Included in these figurcs arc areas where EDS analyses were performed. The results of these analyses arc discussed later in this section. It is evident from these figures that little to no deposit buildup has occurred at the Ist TSP of the RI1C60 HL tube. During the laboratory eddy current evaluation (Section 5), the lack of deposit buildup was also noted.

10.1.2 Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

The OD deposit areas selected from the TTS region of the R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL for the EDS analyses were the azimuthal locations where +Pt and UT indications were reported during the field inspection. A limited EDS evaluation was also performed on the deposits associated with the quatrefoil land to tube intersections. The objective of the analyses was to determine if there was any unique deposit chemistry in these areas when compared to the TSP intersection deposits. Detailed tabulations of the results of the EDS analyses of the OD tube deposits arc presented in Tables 10-1 through 10-7, while the actual areas analyzed arc presented in Figures 10-22 through 10-35. The first group of elements listed in each table (Ni, Cr, Fe, and Ti) is associated with Alloy 600 and feed water iron transport. When the nickel concentration is high, little deposit is usually present. When the iron concentration is high significant amounts of externally born deposits arc present. Thc second group of elements (Mg, Si, Al, Ca, and Mn) listed can contribute to cohesiveness and morphology of the tube deposits. The elements in this group do not directly contribute to corrosion degradation but help to provide a more dense deposit structure for the concentration of deleterious elements. The next group of seven elements (S, P, Na, K, Cu, Cl, and Pb) found on the OD surface of the deposit is the group in which each element can possibly contribute to corrosion degradation under unfavorable circumstances. The last group of elements, carbon and oxygen, arc likely evidence that the majority of the elements, except for copper and lead, arc present as oxides or oxygen /

carbon containing compounds.



R12C59 HL - Piece 2B - Top of Tubeshect OD Surface EDS analyses for the TTS region of R12C59 HL at the 3240 orientation (field +Pt signal) and 450 (field UT signal) arc presented in Tables 10-1 and 10-2, respectively. The analyses showed that "bulk" or average composition of the surface deposit was a mix of iron, chromium, and nickel oxides. Low to trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, titanium, copper, lead, and manganese werc detected. No significant differences in the elements identified or the levels detected were seen between the two azimuthal locations evaluated. Figure 10-22 present SEM photographs and EDS traces of the OD surface deposits analyzed at the 3240 orientation, while Figure 10-24 present results at the 450 orientation. The results summarized in Tables 10-1 and 10-2 can be related to the various figures by the numerical number assigned to the EDS result for each analysis location. Thc figure captions provide further details regarding the location and deposit description.

Figures 10-23 and 10-25 arc backscattcr EDS area maps showing the distribution of various elements. This analysis technique is often utilized to identify non-uniform distribution of chemical species within a given region. The results for the 324° azimuthal orientation is presented in Figure 10-23, while Figure 10-25 presents the results at the 45° azimuthal orientation. For all of the EDS area map displays, the top left image is the area analyzed, while the remaining images represent the distribution of various elements within the area analyzed. A higher concentration of a given element within the area analyzed is represented by the less black or "lighter" regions. No appreciable difference is noted in the results presented in Figures 10-23 and 10-25. The local region of apparent higher Pb, S, P, and CI seen at the 450 azimuthal position (Figure 10-25) is likely related to the pulled tube section contacting "lead" shielding during remote handling in the Hot Cell glove box.

RI lC60 HL - Piece 2B - TTS EDS analyses for the TTS region of Rl IC60 HL at the 3270 orientation (ficld +Pt signal) and 130° (field UT signal) arc presented in Tables 10-3 and 10-4. The analyses showed that "bulk" or average composition of the surface deposit was a mix of iron, chromium, and nickel oxides. Low to trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, titanium, copper, lead, and manganese were detected. No significant differences in the elements identified or the levels detected were seen between the two azimuthal locations evaluated.

Figure 10-26 present SEM photographs and EDS traces of the OD surface deposits analyzed at the 3270 orientation, while Figure 10-28 present results at the 130° orientation.


The rcsults summarized in Tables 10-3 and 10-4 can be related to the various figures by the numerical number assigned to the EDS result for each analysis location. The figurc captions provide further details regarding the location and deposit description.

Figures 10-27 and 10-29 are backscattcr EDS area maps showing the distribution of various elements. This analysis technique is often utilized to identify non-uniform distribution of chemical species within a given region. The results for the 3270 azimuthal orientation is presented in Figure 10-27, while Figure 10-29 presents the results at the 1300 azimuthal orientation. As noted earlier, the top lcft image of the EDS area map display represents the area analyzed whilc the remaining images represent the distribution of various elements within the area analyzed. A higher concentration of a given element within the area analyzed is represented by the less black or "lighter" regions. No appreciable difference is noted in the results presented in Figures 10-27 and 10-29, except for the apparent higher concentration of Cu and Ni seen at an area corresponding to the azimuthal orientation where the field +Pt signal was reported. This is shown in the Cu and Ni image displays presented in Figure 10-27.

R12C59 HL - Piece 3B - 15t TSP EDS analyses for the 1st TSP region of R12C59 HL at the 10° orientation and 1000 orientation arc presented in Tables 10-5 and 10-6. The analyses showed that "bulk" or average composition of the surface deposit was a mix of iron, chromium, and nickel oxides. Low to trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, titanium, copper, and manganese were detected. No significant differences in the elements identified or the levels detected were seen between the two azimuthal locations evaluated. Figure 10-30 present SEM photographs and EDS traces of the OD surface deposits analyzed at the 100 orientation, while Figure 10-32 present results at the 1000 orientation. The results summarized in Tables 10-5 and 10-6 can be related to the various figures by the numerical number assigned to the EDS result for each analysis location. The figure captions provide further details regarding the location and deposit description. The results summarized in Tables 10-3 and 10-4 can be related to the various figures by the numerical number assigned to the EDS result for each analysis location. The figure captions provide further details regarding the location and deposit description.

Figures 10-31 and 10-33 arc backscatter EDS area maps showing the distribution of various elements. This analysis technique is often utilized to identify non-uniform distribution of chemical species within a given region. The results for the 100 azimuthal 10-7


orientation is presented in Figurc 10-31, while Figure 10-33 prcsents the results at the 1000 azimuthal orientation. As noted earlier, the top Iceft image of thc EDS area map display represents the area analyzed while the remaining images represent the distribution of various elements within the area analyzed. A higher concentration of a given element within the area analyzed is represented by the less black or "lightcr" regions. No appreciable difference is noted in the results presented in Figures 10-31 and 10-33. For both locations, the deposit seen at the quatrefoil land to tube intcrsection is predominantly an iron oxide with low levels of nickel and chromium.

RI IC60 HL - Picce 3B -st TSP EDS analyses for the 1t TSP region of RI IC60 HL at the 100 orientation is presented in Table 10-7. The analyses showed that "bulk" or average composition of the surface deposit was a mix of iron, chromium, and nickel oxides. Low to trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, titanium, copper, and manganese were detected. Figure 10-34 present SEM photographs and EDS traces of the OD surface deposits analyzed at the 100 orientation. The results summarized in Table 10-7 can be related to the various figures by the numerical number assigned to the EDS result for each analysis location. The figure captions provide further details regarding the location and deposit description.

Backscattcr EDS area maps showing the distribution of various elements at the 100 azimuthal orientation arc presented in Figure 10-35. This analysis technique is often utilized to identify non-uniform distribution of chemical species within a given region. As noted earlier, the top left image of the EDS area map display represents the area analyzed while the remaining images represent the distribution of various elements within the area analyzed. A higher concentration of a given element within the area analyzed is represented by the less black or "lighter" regions. As shown in the Figure 10-35 images, the deposit seen at the quatrefoil land to tube intcrsection is predominantly an iron oxide with low levels of nickel and chromium.

SEM and EDS Analyscs of After ID Pressurization of R12C59 HL Piece 2B (TTS) and Piece 3B (15' TSP)

In an attempt to enhance the ability to detect the presence of any tube degradation and to remove OD deposits for subsequent chemistry evaluations attempt Piece 2B and 3B from R12C59 HL were pressurized to 9,000 psi. As discussed earlier, there was no obvious change in the appearance of the deposit at the top of the tubeshect based on light optical 10-8

and eddy current evaluations. In addition, only loosc deposit was removed via the carbon tape during the pressurization of the TTS region. SEM micrographs of thc TTS area of R12C59 HL-Picce 2B following pressurization to 9,000 psi is shown in Figure 10-36. No evidence of cracking or "spalling" of the deposit was seen. The loosc deposit collected on thc carbon tape is shown in Figure 10-37. Shown on Figure 10-37 arc the regions where EDS analyses were performed. SEM micrographs and EDS traces for the arcas analyzed arc presented in Figure 10-38. The analyses showed that "bulk" composition of the surface deposit was predominantly iron with low levels of chromium and nickel. Low to trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, silicon, titanium, lead, and manganese were detected. Local regions of higher levels of copper and aluminum were also noted.

In addition to pressurizing the TTS region of R12C59 - Piece 2B, the 15' TSP region (Piece 3B) was also pressurized. Backscatter Energy Mode montages showing the pre-pressurized and post pressurized appearance of the deposit at the quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 orientation) arc shown in Figure 10-39. Shown in the post pressurized montage, are areas wherc the deposit had "spallcd" and collected on the carbon tape. EDS analyses of the deposit collected on the tape arc shown in Figure 10-39. The results are similar to the EDS analyses reported in Table 10-5. Backscattcr EDS area map analyses arc presented in Figure 10-41. Thc "spallcd" oxide deposit was predominantly an iron/nickel/chromium oxide based on the elements identified during the EDS analyses.

The apparent Cd ,CI, and S concentration seen in Figure 10-41 is likely due to remote handling in the glove box.

SEM and EDS Analyses of Ring Section Removed from R12C59 HL Piece 2B2A (TTS)

In order to further evaluate the TTS region of R12C59 HL at the azimuthal locations where field indications were reported a 1/2" ring was cut from Piece 2B for further evaluation.

The Y2" ring was cut at the 900 and 2700 azimuthal locations. The section containing the reported field indications was flattened. In order to collect the OD deposit for EDS and XRD analyses, Piece 2B2A was wrapped with carbon tape prior to flattening. A light optical micrograph of the OD surface of Piece 2B2A after flattening is shown in Figure 10-42, while the oxide collected on the carbon tape is shown in Figure 10-43. Detailed surface SEM analyses were performed at azimuthal positions representing the regions were the field +Pt and UTEC signals were reported. Figure 10-44 is a montagc of the OD surface of R12C59 - Piece 2B2A at 3240 azimuthal orientation following the removal of the oxide deposit. The area shown is the expansion transition region. Figure 10-45 arc higher magnification SEM micrographs of selected areas shown in Figure 10-44. No 10-9

A-unusual surface conditions werc noted. Results of EDS analyscs of sclectcd areas shown in Figure 10-45 are presented in Figure 1046. The predominant elements detected were iron, nickel, and chromium. Low to trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, silicon, titanium, lead, and manganese were detected. Local regions of higher levels of copper and aluminum were also noted on the tube surface. Backscattcr EDS area map analyses arc presented in Figure 10-47. No unusual conditions were noted.

Figure 10-48 is a montage of the OD surface of R12C59 - Piece 2B2A at 00 azimuthal orientation following the removal of the oxide deposit. The area shown is the expansion transition region. Figure 10-49 arc higher magnification SEM micrographs of selected areas shown in Figure 10-48. No unusual surface conditions wcre noted. Results of EDS analyses of selected areas shown in Figure 10-49 arc presented in Figure 10-50. The predominant elements detected were iron, nickel and chromium. Low to trace amounts of aluminum, zinc, magnesium, silicon, titanium, lead, and manganese were detected. A local region of higher copper concentration was also noted on the tube surface.

10. 2 X-Ray Diffraction In an effort to identify the various elements or chemical compounds present on the OD deposits removed from the top of tubeshect expansion region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B2A, analyses were performed on the deposits by X-ray Diffraction (XRD). A deposit sample was removed from the surface of Piece 2B2A by attaching tape to the tube segment while the tube segment was bent. The tape was inverted and an X-ray diffraction analysis was performcd on the exposed deposit. The exposed deposit surface separated at the tube surface, and the topography of the tube surface was replicated on the exposed deposit.

Prior to removal of the OD deposit from Piece 2B2A scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) was performcd. The results of the SEM/EDS analyses are used to supplement the XRD analysis to more completely charactcrize the deposits and arc discussed later in this section.

The composition and the crystal structure of deposits formed on steam generator tubes reflect the solution environment in which the deposits rcsided. Knowledge about the solution environment will in some cases help elucidate the local corrosion processes that occurred in the vicinity of the deposits.

The XRD system used in this work was a Scintag XDS 2000 equipped with a high purity germanium detector. A scan range from 50 to 1100 20 at a step size of 0.02 degrees and a 10-10

scan ratc of 0.33 degrees per minute were used for data acquisition. Cu Kca radiation was used. The X-ray energy window on the detector was set to exclude Cu KO radiation and X-ray fluorescence from iron in each sample.

The tape used to remove deposits for XRD analysis was Scotch 2090 manufactured by 3M.

Portions of the tape wcrc cut to fit into the standard 0.75-inch diameter sample holders and mounted on glass slides.

The experimental patterns were subsequently analyzed using the Scintag program, DMSNT SEARCHMATCH that determined the best matches between the experimental patterns and known phases in the JCPDS X-ray Diffraction Library. Possible matches identified by the computer were then examined manually for match quality. Furthermore, additional phases suspected of being present in the deposits, although not identified by SEARCHMATCH, were also examined to determinc their possible presence.

The X-ray diffraction pattern is shown in Figure 10-51 and a summary of the weight percent of each phase detected is presented in Table 10-8. A background pattern from the tape with no deposits is also shown in the Figure 10-51. Detection limits for the analyses that were done were estimated to be in the I to 3 percent range for typical well-crystallized material.

Magnetite was one of the primary constituents of the deposits. The peak positions in the x-ray diffraction pattern suggest that there was also some nickel substitution in the magnetite inverse spincl structure. Nickel substituted magnetite is commonly found as the major component of most secondary deposit samples.

As shown in Table 10-8, bohmitc, calcium sulfate, and calcite were detected on the deposit removed from the TTS region of RI 2C59 HL. Bohmitc (aluminum oxide hydroxide) was also a major component of the deposit at the tube interface. Bohmite has been observed in past sludge analyses at the Vogtlc units and at other plants. The relative intensity different bohmite peaks indicated that the bohmitc crystals were most likely thin and oriented in a preferred direction within the deposit.

A peak was observed at 3.04 angstroms (between 29 and 30 degrees) that is possibly due to a mixture of calcium phosphate phases. A great number of calcium phosphate phases have a major peak at this location, but a definitive match was not found for any calcium phosphate library phase. This is also the main peak for lead oxide, Pb 2O3 . Either phase is 10-11

.I consistent with the SEM/EDS analyses of the deposits on this tube. Metallic copper was identified, as well as a peak at approximately 44 degrees indicated the presence of Alloy 600 or another similar nickel-alloy phase. The identification of Pb 2 03 is not believed to represent a compound that was present during plant operation. As noted throughout this report, the pulled tube sections inadvertently came into contact with "lead" blocks which are utilized in the Hot Cell remote handling glove box for shielding purposes.


Tablc 10-1 EDS Analyses of TTS OD Dcposits for R12C59 Piece 2B at 324° Azimuthal Orientation (Ficld +Pt Signal)

Area Scanned (Refcr to Figures 10-2, 10-22, and 10-23)

Element 7B-EDSI 7B-EDS2 7B-EDS3 7B-EDS4 8B-EDSI 8B-EDS7 8B-EDS8 8B-EDS9 Average Ni 6.04 0.56 0.92 5.20 1.59 Cr 2.70 0.61 1.08 0.79 0.65 Fc 19.72 3.76 4.86 18.79 4.59 75.15 0.93 15.98 Ti 3.44 - - - -.- - 0.43 1.67 1.31 3.49 0.48 0.43 Si 5.34 2.26 1.85 9.66 11.98 - 3.89 Al 6.86 3.14 32.32 12.34 7.54 0.42 7.83 Ca 1.73 0.32 3.02 0.24 0.48 12.77 2.32 P 0.94 - 1.74 - 0.34 Mn 2.68 0.79 2.31 6.07 14.83 1.65 3.54 Cu 5.04 67.32 0.06 94.70 1.47 0.53 21.13 Cl S . . ,,,- . : .. -, . - . -,.... . _ . . ,. . . ;_. ,. .. -';:' .- " ' . .- . . .

0 40.24 19.97 48.42 43.16 0.21 22.92 54.84 55.91 35.71 C 3.60 1.27 3.41 2.44 0.50 0.45 6.31 8.28 3.28 10-13

Table 10-2 EDS Analyses of TTS OD Deposit for R12C59 Piece 2B 450 Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT Signal)

Area Scanned (Refer to Figures 10-5,10-24, and 10-25)

Element 7B-EDS2 7B-EDS3 7B-EDS4 7B-EDS5 7B-EDS6 8B-EDSI 8B-EDS2 Average Ni 25.31 20.21 0.30 12.57 0.28 8.38 Cr - 16.90 1.94 - 4.72 - 3.37 Fc 2.93 12.29 3.41 4.58 17.68 7.92 8.13 8.14 Ti - - - - - 13.63 0.69 2.05 IMg . - 1.31 - 1.20 0.36 Si 18.61 1.30 0.49 4.66 3.08 4.02 Al 13.35 2.18 0.54 6.64 3.37 1.58 3.95 Ca 8.46 0.27 - - 6.91 - 2.23 P - - 1.45 4.00 0.78 MIn 0.72 0.04 1.25 3.18 . 0.74 Cu 4.86 52.14 94.43 7.25 0.26 70.95 32.84 Pb --- - - - --

C l--------

S .

0 51.36 34.73 19.78 0.41 39.15 49.01 17.14 30.23 C 5.28 1.44 1.45 0.28 4.63 7.16 1.51 3.11 10-14

Table 10-3 EDS Analyscs of TTS OD Deposit for RI 1C60 Piccc 2B at 3270 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt Signal)

Arca Scanned (Rcfer to Figurcs 10-8, 10-26, and 10-27 )

Element 7B-EDSI 7B-EDS2 7B-EDS3 7B-EDS4 7B-EDS6 7B-EDS7 7B-EDS8 Avcra Ni 47.62 11.84 46.50 3.34 1.42 1.79 0.91 16.2 Cr 9.74 2.05 3.22 0.40 0.58 0.43 - 2.35 Fe 11.62 50.89 7.46 10.49 11.01 9.76 22.55 17.68 Ti - - - -

M - - - 1.31 3.46 3.70 1.21 Si 0.79 1.89 0.27 7.13 8.68 1.45 4.29 3.50 Al 0.58 1.85 - 27.15 12.89 2.88 9.91 7.89 Ca - 0.64 _ 2.03 1.86 0.31 7.88 1.82 p - 0.52 - 4.28 .69 Mn 9.70 1.37 1.17 1.75

_ _ .... ; Iv

, . __ __:.,;-f.':;':E.

Cu - 1.99 55.43 0.98 8.34 Pb .- -

CI - - - -

S 0.38 1.11 0.17 0.38 0.25 0.33 0 28.85 28.78 33.24 46.17 46.86 23.23 41.11 35.46 C 0.80 1.67 3.15 3.31 2.85 1.46 2.97 2.32 10-15

Table 10-4 EDS Analyses of TTS OD Deposit for RI IC60 Piece 2B at 1300 Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT Signal)

Area Scanned (Refer to Figures 10-11, 10-28, and 10-29)

Element 6B-EDS2 6B-EDS3 Average Ni 5.82 0.12 2.97 Cr - _

Fe 50.52 1.36 25.94 Ti -

Mg -

Si 3.02 1.51 Al 1.61 26.91 14.26 Ca 1.05 3.18 2.12 P 1.3 0.65 NIn Cu Pb Cl .

S 0 33.45 56.26 44.86 C 4.54 10.87 7.71 10-16

Table 10-5 EDS Analyses of I"t TSP OD Deposit for RI12C59 Piece 3B at Quatrcfoil Land / Tube Intersection (100 Azimuthal Orientation)]

Area Scanned_(Refer toFigures 10-15, 10-30,_and 10-31) _____ ____

Element 6B-EDSl 61B-EDS2 6B-EDS3 6B-EDS4 6B-EDS5 6B-EDS6 7B-EDSl 8B-EDSl 8B-EDS2 8B-EDS3 Avrg Ni 14.98 43.12 -0.29 7.17 -2.73 9.95 42.47 -12.07 Cr 7.16 12.53 -- 13.97 - 0.06 0.60 7.42 - 4.17 Fe 42.90 10.58 5.85 74.61 74.08 0.61 68.64 20.43 20.61 1.16 31.95 T gi - - - - - - - __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __

Si ---- 0.94 - - 0.56 -- 0.15 Al 1.34 0.37 - -- 86.53 0.56 0.33 -- 8.91 Ca - - 0.80--- - - - - 0.08 P --------- 13.17 1.32 Mn 0.35 0.38 0.47 0.90 0.69 -0.18 0.02 -1.92 3.96 Cu -- 90.93 -- 4.09 0.61 45.27 -- 14.09 Pb --- ----

Cl--- -------

S---- ------

0 30.88 31.39 1.01 23.7 1.29 6.27 25.59 20.92 28.08 52.05 2.1 C 2.38 1.62 0.95 0.5 1 1.85 2.50 1.64 1.94 1.41 8.88 2.37 10-17

Table 10-6 EDS Analyses of 1" TSP OD Dcposit for R12C59 Picec 3B at Quatrefoil Land / Tubc Intersection (100° Azimuthal Orientation)

Arca Scanned (Refer to Figures 10-18, 10-32, and 10-33) l l Element 7B-EDS1 7B-EDS2 8B-EDS2 9B-EDS1 9B-EDS2 9B-EDS3 IOB-EDS4 Avcrage Ni 2.24 89.23 9.97 2.99 0.94 1.06 17.77 17.74 Cr 0.05 - - - 0.61 0.56 14.64 2.27 Fc 69.99 8.69 88.30 56.72 55.28 48.25 28.36 50.80 Ti - - - - - -

MN;g 1.23 0.12 Si 0.79 1.49 1.49 - 0.54 Al - 2.81 3.00 0.53 0.91 Ca 8.78 0.71 0.65 - 1.45 P - - 0.23 - 0.02 Nin 0.45 3.12 4.24 0.95 1.25 Cu 1.60 4.07 0.4 0.87 Pb - - -

Cl tS - = - - - --

Cd - - - - - -

  • 's _-

's . .................

_ e * , . n , *_

........ ' r .. . '... -. . X ' -.. .t!r .t - . . . .

0 25.60 0.70 1.28 28.53 31.01 32.49 34.49 22.01 C 1.67 0.58 0.45 2.99 2.44 2.74 2.31 1.88 10-18

Table 10-7 EDS Analyses of 1"TSP OD Deposit for RI IC60 - Piccc 3B at Quatrefoil Land / Tube Intersection (LO!

Azimuthal Oricntation)

T Area Scanned (Refcr to Figures 10-20, 10-34, and 10-35)

Element 4B-EDSI 4B-EDS2 4B-EDS3 4B-EDS5 5B-EDSI 6B-EDS1 7B-EDS1 Average Ni 16.14 47.56 14.04 6.31 16.83 17.69 10.65 18.46 Cr 14.13 11.29 7.35 1.66 12.69 11.31 7.74 9.45 Fe 28.23 7.34 39.64 42.02 28.73 31.19 11.58 26.96 Ti 0.74 - 0.74 - 0.60 0.70 0.36 0.45 Mg - - - - - - - -

Si 0.39 0.49 0.20 0.54 0.56 0.31 0.23 0.39 Al 0.54 0.37 0.42 0.78 0.50 0.53 12.96 2.30 Ca - - - 1.15 - - 0.24 0.20 Mn 1.03 0.28 0.60 0.29 1.07 0.99 0.54 0.69 Cu 1.96 0.28 Pb - _

Cl .

C~d Cd - . -.. -;. - ...,. .

0 35.85 31.03 33.37 38.98 35.76 34.33 45.60 36.42 C 2.94 1.64 3.64 7.89 3.25 2.94 5.99 4.04 10-19

- I Table 10-8 Scmi-Quantitativc XRD Phase Compositions of Deposit Removed from the TTS Region of R12C59 HL - Piece 2132A.

Phase Wcight %

Magnetite 35.6 FC3 04 PDF 19-629 Tcnoritc 0.0 CuO PDF 41-254 Cupritc 0.0 Cu 2 0 PDF 5-667 Copper 12.2 Cu PDF 4-836 Kaolinitc 0.0 Al 2 Si 2 O5(OH) 4 PDF 29-1488 Nickel 8.0 Ni PDF 4-850 or Alloy 600 Lead Oxide 8.7 Pb 2O3 PDF 23-331 Hematite 0.0 Fc2 O3 PDF 33-664 Quartz 0.0 SiO 2 PDF 33-1161 Bohmitc 22.5 ALOOH PDF 21-1307 Calcium Sulfate 7.9 CaSO4 PDF 45-0157 Calcite 5.1 CaCO3 PDF 5-586 10-20

~Cd 4 C~ 0-00

-- C) C-bo 4- - - 0 S O ~N ¢ =0 0

to Q =d:

Cd f , c -

Y~~ ~-

  • Y~~ Ef *t

_  ; o E 0 00

_ ~c) Ec /


_ 4

a) Arca 1B b) Area 2B Figure 10-2 Backscattcr Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piece 2B at areas noted in Figure 10-1. The areas outlined represent regions where EDS analyses were performed. The results of the EDS analyses arc provided in Table 10-1 and Figures 10-22 and 10-23. The white areas seen on the above SEM micrographs arc the result of remote handling in the glove box.


c) Area 3B d) Arca 4B Figurc 10-2 (Cont'd) Backscattcr Energy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piccc 2B at areas designated on Figure 10-1. Thc results of the EDS analyses arc provided in Table 10-1 and Figures 10-22 and 10-23. The white areas seen on the above SEM micrographs arc the result of remote handling in the glove box.


c) Area 5B f) Area 6B Figure 10-2 (Cont'd) Backscattcr Encrgy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piece 2B at areas designated on Figure 10-1. The white areas seen on the above SEM micrographs arc the result of remote handling in the glove box.



I a) Area I R b) Area 2R Figure 10-3 Reflccted Energy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Picec 2B at areas designated on Figure 10-1.


c) Arca 3R d) Arca 4R Figure 10-3 (Cont'd) Rcflected Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piece 2B at areas designated on Figure 10-1.


c) Arca 5R d) Area 6R Figure 10-3 (Cont'd) Reflected Energy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piece 2B at areas designated on Figure 10-1. The white areas seen on the above SEM micrographs arc the result of remote handling in the glove box.


ot 0


~ 0 0 CD 0

PI; 0


°D O - 0

-l I-t 0

tO' 400 CD 000 W CD 0

c, of UCCX0 -

o CD CDF 00D .

CD. _


a) Area 2B b) Arca 3B Figure 10-5 Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piece 2B at 450 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-4. Results of EDS analyses are shown in Table 10-2 and Figures 10-24 and 10-25. The white areas seen on the above SEM micrographs arc the result of remote handling in the glove box.


c) Area 4B d) Area SB Figure 10-5(Cont'd) Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piece 2B at the 450 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 104. Results of EDS analyses are shown in Table 10-2 and Figure 10-24. The white areas seen on the above SEM micrographs are the result of remote handling in the glove box.


f) Area 6B Figure 10-5 (Cont'd) Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Picce 2B at the 450 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-4. The white areas seen on the above SEM micrograph arc the result of remote handling in the glove box.


a) Area 2R Figure 10-6 Rcflccted Energy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piccc 2B at the 450 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated on Figure 10-4.


o3 Et O 0

q (Z

0-Q I mI' 0j 0

¢- -


, CO it o o 0

o - 0 U C\

- 0 0

0 0

c) Arca 4R d) Area 5R Figurc 10-6 (Cont'd) Rcflccted Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R12C59 HL Piece 2B at the 450 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated on Figure 10-4.


c) Area 6R Figure 10-6 (Cont'd) Reflected Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI 2C59 HL Piece 2B at the 45° azimuthal orientation and at areas designated on Figure 10-4.


0 D

CDj CJ r 8  :=

-. 0o

_D CD g 0 0 -

o rn C-1 cr 06 O o P:

D r(n 0 p0 00 0 0


-t -

0D 0o CD 0

-t 0

CN v Or

- 3- 0 0 0 0 c/n 0

o b-r -' 0 o

-t oo 0 C-0 3 p, O


a) Area IB b) Area 2B Figure 10-8 Backscatter Energy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on R I C60 HL - Piece 2B at 3270 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 7. Results of EDS analyses arc shown in Tablc 10-3 and Figures 10-26 and 10-27. White areas shown arc related to handling in the Hot Cell glove box.


c) Arca 3B d) Area 4B Figure 1O-8(Cont'd) Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 3270 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-7. White areas shown arc related to handling in the Hot Ccll glove box.


c) Area 5B ) Area 6B Figure 10-8(Cont'd) Backscattcr Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI I C60 HL Piece 2B at 3270 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-7. The white areas seen in the above micrographs arc related to handling of the pulled tube sections in the Remote Handling Hot Cell Glove Box.


a) Area IR b) Arca 2R Figure 10-9 Rcflective Energy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 3270 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figurc 10-7.


I c) Arca 3R d) Area 4R Figure 10-9 (Cont'd) Rcflcctive Encrgy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 327° azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-7.


c) Area SR 1) Arca 6R Figure 10-9 (Cont'd) Reflective Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Pice 2B at 3 270 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-7.



-m a) Backscatter Energy Mode b) Reflective Energy Mode Figure 10-10 Montage of OD Deposit from TTS Region of RI 1C60 Piece 2B at 1300 Azimuthal Orientation (+UT signal location).

The location of the expansion transition is based on the results of laser profiling of the ID silastic mold. Additional SEM micrographs of the areas noted are shown in Figures 10-1 1 and 10-12. Areas identified as (6) and (7) are regions were EDS analyses were performed.


a) Area 11B b) Area 2B Figure 10-11 Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 130° azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-10. Results of EDS analyses are shown in Table 104 and Figures 10-28 and 10-29.


c) Area 3B d) Arca 4B Figure 10-1 I (Cont'd) Backscattcr Encrgy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI I C60 HL Piece 2B at 1300 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figurc 10-10.


c) Area 5B Figure 10-1 1 (Cont'd) Backscattcr Encrgy Mode SEM micrograplis showing OD deposit on RI I C60 HL Piece 2B at 130° azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-10.


a) Area IR b) Arca 2R Figurc 10-12 Rcflcctivc Energy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 1300 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-10. Rcecr to Figure 10-13 for additional SEM micrograph of point identified as (7) in right micrograph (b) Area 2R.


c) Area 3R d) Area 4R Figure 10- 12(Cont'd) Rcflcctivc Encrgy Modc SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 130° azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-10.


c) Arca 5R Figure 10-12(Cont'd) Reflective Energy Mode SEM micrographs showing OD deposit on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 1300 azimuthal orientation and at areas designated in Figure 10-10.


-- a _

Figure 10-13 Reflective Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing local region of "missing deposit" on RI IC60 HL Piece 2B at 1300 azimuthal orientation. Area shown is identified as (7) in Figure 10-4.


a) Backscatter Energy Mode b) Reflective Energy Mode Figure 10-14 Montage of OD deposit from 1I TSP of R12C59 HL Piece 3B at 100 azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-15 for additional SEM micrographs of areas shown. Areas identified as 6, 7, and 8 are regions where EDS analyses were performed.


a) Area IB b) Area 2B Figure 10-15 Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at Ist TSP of R12C59 HL Piece 3B at 100 azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-14 for area location. Results of EDS analyses are presented in Table 10-5 and Figures 10-30 and 10-31.


c) Area 3B Figure 10-15 (Cont'd)Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at Ist TSP of R12C59 HL Piece 3B at 100 azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-13 for area location. Results of EDS analyses are presented in Table 10-5 and Figures 10-30 and 10-31.


a) Area I R b) Area 2R Figure 10-16 Reflcctivc cncrgy mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at It TSP of R12C59 HL Piece 3B at 0° azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-14 for area location.


c) Arca 3R Figure: 10-16(cont'd) Reflectivc, energy mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at Is' TSP of R12C59 HL Picce 3B at 0° azimuthal orientation. Rcefr to Figure 10-14 for area location.


a) Backscattcr Energy Mode b) Reflective Energy Mode Figure 10-17 Montage of OD deposit from It TSP of R12C59 HL Piece 3B at 1000 azimuthal orientation. Refcr to Figure 10-18 for additional SEM micrographs of areas shown. Areas identified as 7, 8, 9, and 10 arc regions where EDS analyses were performed.


a) Arca lB b) Arca 2B Figure 10-18 Backscatter Encrgy Modc SEM microgmph showing OD dcposit appearance at lst TSP of RI 2C59 HL Piccc 3B at 1000 azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-17 for area location. Results of EDS analyses arc presented in Table 10-6 and Figures 10-32 and 10-33.


c) Arca 3B d) Area 4B Figure 10-18 (cont'd) Backscattcr Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at Ist TSP of R12C59 HL Piece 3B at I00u azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-16 for area location. Results of EDS analyses arc presented in Table 10-6 and Figures 10-32 and 10-33.


c) Area 5B f) Area 6B Figure 10-18 (cont'd) Backscattcr Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at 1st TSP of RI 2C59 HL Piece 3B at 1000 azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-17 for area location.


a) Backscattcr Energy Mode

__________ ' * '- . . Ai~.4':~ - . , jl b) Reflective Energy Mode Figure 10-19 Montage of OD deposit from I"t TSP of RI IC60 HL Piece 3B at 10° azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-20 for additional SEM micrographs of areas shown. Areas identified as 4, 5, 6, and 7 are regions where EDS analyses were performed.


a) Area IB b) Area 2B Figure 10-20 Backscattcr Encrgy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at 15s TSP of RI 1C60 HL Piece 3B at 100 azimuthal orientation. Rccr to Figure 10-19 for area location. Results of EDS analyses arc presented in Table 10-7 and Figures 10-34 and 10-35.


c) Arca 3B lFigure 10-20 (Cont'd) Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at 15" TSP of RI IC60 HL Piccc 3B at 10° azimuthal orientation. Refcr to Figure 10-19 for area location.


a) Area I R b) Area 2R Figure 10-21 Reflective Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at Ist TSP of R IC60 HL Piece 3B at 100 azimuthal orientation. Refer to Figure 10-19 for area location.


c) Area 3R Figure 10-21 (cont'd) Rcflcctive Energy Modc SEM micrograph showing OD deposit appearance at It TSP of RI 1C60 HL Piece 3B at 10° azimuthal orientation. Rcecr to Figure 10-19 for area location.



Cu 79f M.

fe 63E;0 477 4.

31E I15 0D 6


" .cap 6 4 5

Cr n>


.Cii-6 7 CuXcm 8' 9 key a) 7B-EDSI b) 7B-EDS2 Figure 10-22 SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Tracc of OD Dcposit from TTS Region of Rl2C59 Piccc 2B at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal location) 10-65



Al Al 8800- 2600, 0o A 2080- Si 7040-5280- 1560- Fe 3520- o 1040-1760- 620-ip Ca C CC Ci C FeM CJU Ca Cr, Mn "I\ Fe Fe H , He

§ I-, A_ 11+

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV 0 i 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 keV c) 7B-EDS3 d) 7B-EDS4 Figure 10-22 (Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elcmcntal Trace of OD Deposit from TTS Region of RI2C59 Piece 2B at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal location).


Cu Fe 8550-6840-5130-3420-Cu 1710- Fe Fe FeA 1 11- l _ _

w --

0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 keV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV mm e) 8B-EDSI f) 8B-EDS7 Figure 10-22 (Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Trace of OD Dcposit from TTS Region of R12C59 Picce 2B at 3240 Azimuthal Oricntation (Ficld +Pt signal location).


0 S I

Co Fe Mn Fe U

i g) 8B-EDS8 h) 8B-EDS9 Figurc 10-22(Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Tracc of OD Deposit from TTS Region of R12C59 Piece 2B at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal location).


Tubesheet Expanded Region TTS Expansion Transition SEM Micrograph Showing OD Deposit Area Analyzed Figure 10-23 Backscattcr EDS Area Maps Showing Concentration of Various Elements Identified on the OD Surfacc at TTS of R12C59 - Piccc 2B at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal location).


I a) 7B-EDS2 Figurc 10-24 SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Tracc of OD Deposit from TTS Region of Rl2C59 Piccc 2B at 45° Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT Signal Location).


b) 7B-EDS3 c) 7B-EDS4 Figure 10-24(Cont'd) SEM Phlotography and EDS Elemental Trace of OD Deposit from TTS Region of RI 2C59 Piccc 2B at 450Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT Signal Location).


Cu 2000-1600- 720-CU Fe 1200- 540- c 800- 360 C 400CC1a 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9keV 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 keV d) 7B-EDS5 c) 7B-EDS6 Figure 10-24 (Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Tracc of OD Dcposit from TTS Region of RI 2C59 Piece 2B at 450 Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT Signal Location!.


Co 14 I

F" I tI

_I I I

I 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 keV t) 8B-EDSI g) 8B-EDS2 Figure 10-24 (Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Trace of OD Dcposit from TTS Rcgion of R12CG59 Piece 2B at 450 Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT Signal Location).


Figure 10-25 Backscattcr EDS Area Maps Showing Concentration of Various Elements Identified on the OD Deposit at TTS of R I 2C59 Piece 2B at 450 Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT Signal Location).


a) 7B-EDS1 b) 7B-EDS2 Figure 10-26 SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Tracc of OD Dcposit from TTS Region of RI 1C60 Picec 2B at 3270 Azimuthal Oricntation (Ficld +Pt sigal location).


Al co la Hi c) 7B-EDS3 d) 7B-EDS4 Figure 10-26 (Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Trace of OD Deposit from TTS Region of RI 1C60 Picce 2B at 3270 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal location).


0 27501 Al 2200 2680-1650 2010- Cu 1100- M~ 1340-Mn Fe F 550- Co 60 CM ps Cr PNC 0- 0 0 2 3 4 8 9keV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV c)7B-EDS6 f) 7B-EDS7 Figure 10-26 (Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Trace of OD Deposit from TTS Region of RI 1C60 Piece 2B at 3270 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal location).


g) 7B-EDS8 Figure 10-26 (Cont'd) SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Tracc of OD Dcposit from TTS Rcgion of RI I C60 Piecc 2B at 3270 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt signal location).


Figure 10-27 SEM Photograph and Backscatter EDS Area Maps Showing Concentration of Various Elements Identified on the OD Deposit at TTS Region of RI IC60 Piece 2B at 3270 Azimuthal Orientation (Field

+Pt Signal Location). Note region of higher copper and nickel concentrations.


Fe AU 1400 1120 Fe a Fo 6 6 Imm keV a) 61-EDS2 b) 6B-EDS3 Figure 10-28 SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Trace of OD Deposit from TTS Region of RI I C60 Piece 2B at 130° Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT signal location).


c) 6B - EDS Area Map Figure 10-29 SEM Photography and EDS Elemental Maps of OD Deposit from TTS Region of RI 1C60 Piece 2B at 1300 Azimuthal Orientation (Field UT signal location).


a) 6B-EDSI b) 6B-EDS2 Figure 10-30 SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit from ISt TSP region of R12C59 Piece 3B at quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation).


Fe 4550- 2450, 3640- 1960-0 2730- 1470-CU 1820- 980-910 F C 490 CF CCa Fe C 0

910 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9keV c) 6B-EDS3 d) 6B-EDS4 Figure 10-30 (Cont'd)SEM photography and EDS clemcntal trace of OD dcposit from 1st TSP region of R12C59 Picce 3B at quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation).


Fe Al 2950- 17860 2360- 14280 1770- 10710.

Cr 1180- 7140 l

590 0 Mn Fe la 3570 Ie Cu Cu 0- _

0l I I I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV I 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 keV U.

c) 6B-EDS5 1)6B-EDS6 Figure 10-30 (Cont'd)SEM photography and EDS clemental trace of OD deposit from Is TSP region of R12C59 Piece 3B at quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation).


Fe 2600-2080-1560 o 1230-1040- 820-0 520 - Al 410- c A ClCr IllCU CuCrn 0 7 keV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 g) 7B-EDSI h) 8B-EDSI Figure 10-30 (Cont'd)SEM photography and EDS clemental trace of OD dcposit from IstTSP region of R12C59 Piece 3B at quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientationI.



Fe I

i) 8B-EDS2 j) 8B-EDS3 Figure 10-30 (Cont'd)SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit from 1' TSP region of R12C59 Piece 3B at quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation).


Figure 10-31 Backscattcr EDS maps showing concentration of various elements identified on the OD surface of deposit at 1 " TSP region of R12C59 Piccc 3B at quatrefoil land tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation) 10-87

2050- FM Hi 1640-1I 1230-0 820 Fe MnFe 40 H IN H U 1 ~ 4~ b ( ~ Ke 3 keV To 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 KeV a) 7B-EDSI b) 7B-EDS2 Figurc 10-32 SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit from I"' TSP region of R12C59 Piece 3B quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100° azimuthal orientation!.


21' Fe UN "II 9 keV c) 8B-EDS2 Figurc 10-32 Cont'd) SEM photography and EDS elemental tracc of OD dcposit from Ist TSP region of R12C59 Piccc 3B quatrefoil land to tubc intcrscction (100° azimuthal orientation).


Fe 0

0 Ca Fe Al Si Cr Un Fe Cu

- A} AN I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 keV i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV d) 91-EDS I e) 9B-EDS2 Figure 10-32 Cont'd) SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit from 1It TSP region of RI 2C59 Piece 3B quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100° azimuthal orientation).



0 Cr AlSt Mn I I Fe DAl P 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 keV 1 2 3 4 5 keV 0 9B-EDS3 g) 1OB-EDS1 Figure 10-32 Cont'd) SEM photography and EDS clemental trace of OD deposit from 1" TSP region of R12C59 Piece 3B quatrefoil land to tube intersection (1000 azimuthal orientation).


Figurc 10-33 Backscattcr EDS maps showing concentration of various clemcnts identified on the OD surface at lst TSP region of RI2C59 Piccc 3B at quatrefoil land tube intersection (1000 azimuthal orientation).

10-92 P

M 1:

11 II AISI In TniTn EII 5

I a) 4B-EDS 1 b) 4B-EDS2 Figure 10-34 SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit from 1" TSP region of RI IC60 Piece 3B quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation!.


c) 4B-EDS3 Figure 10-34(Cont'd) SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit from 1" TSP region of RI IC60 Piccc 3B quatrefoil land to tube intersection (10° azimuthal orientation) 10-94


1160, 870 0 C

580 290 Fe AI 51 Alst C1 Ca TI "I "I

-o o .

I u


. I- -- I -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV 9 keV d) 4B-EDS5 c) 5B-EDSI Figure 10-34(Cont'd) SEM photography and EDS clemcntal trace of OD deposit from Ist TSP region of R I C60 Piecc 3B quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation),


0 Cr Cr fe ui II AMi I1 f) 6B-EDSI g) 7B-EDSI Figure 10-34(Cont'd) SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit from It TSP region of RI IC60 Piccc 3B quatrefoil land to tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation).


Figurc 10-35 Backscattcr EDS maps showing concentration of various clcmcnts identificd on the OD surfacc of dcposit at 1 " TSP region of RI IC60 Piecc 3B at quatrefoil land tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation).


n-Figurc 10-36 SEM micrograph of TTS arca of Rl2C59 HL Piccc 2B following ID pressurization to 9,000 psi at 00 and 2700 azimuthal orientation. No evidence of cracking or "spalling" of the deposit is seen.


Figure 10-37 SEM micrograph of OD surface deposit removed from the TTS region of R12C59 HL Piece 2B after pressurization to 9000 psi. Rccr to Figure 10-38 for EDS analyses.


Fe Cu Al M

Si Cr Cu 2 3 4 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV I


a) IA-EDS2 b) IA-EDS3 Figure 10-38 SEM photography and EDS clcmcntal trace of OD deposit collected on tape from the TTS region of R12CC59 HL Piece 2B during ID pressurization to 9,000 psi.10-100 9

t i

21' Fe 2300-1840-0 920-Ca Cu 460- Cr Cu 4 6 6 7 8 9 keV c) I A-EDS4 d) IA-EDS5 Figure 10-38 (Cont'd)SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit collected on tape from the TTS region of RI 2CC59 HL Piece 2B during ID pressurization to 9,000 psi.10-101

U As w ma Cr I

c) IA-EDS6 f) IA-EDS8 Figure 10-38 (Cont'd) SEM photography and EDS elemental trace of OD deposit collected on tape from the TTS region of R12C59 HL Piece 2B during ID pressurization to 9,000 psi.10-102

a) Prc-Pressurization b) Post Pressurlzation Figure 10-39 Backscatter Energy Mode montages showing the OD deposit at the quatrefoil land to tube intersection for R12C59 HL Piece 3B (100 azimuthal orientation). Note the areas where the deposit has "spalled" during the pressurization and collected on the carbon tape. EDS analyses of the deposit collected on the tape is provided in Figure 1040. The 6, 7, and 8 shown on the pre-pressurization micrographs represents regions where EDS analyses were performed. Refer to Table 10-5 for the EDS analyses results for the pre-pressurization condition.10-103

2150 1720 1290 Cu 860 1, Ca Cu 3

I I a) lA-EDS I b) 1A-EDS2 Figure 10-40 SEM photograph and EDS clemcntal trace of OD deposit collected on tape from the l' TSP region of R12C59 HL Piece 3B (100 azimuthal orientation) during ID pressurization to 9,000 psi.10-104

Fe Cu Al Mn 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keV c) 2A-EDSI Figure 1040 (cont'd) SEM photograph and EDS clemcntal tracc of OD deposit collected on tape from the It TSP region of R12C59 HL Piece 3B (100 azimuthal orientation) during ID pressurization to 9,000 psi.10-105

Figure 10-41 Backscattcr EDS maps showing concentration of various clemcnts identified on the deposit removed from the l" TSP region of R12C59 Piecc 3B at quatrefoil land tube intersection (100 azimuthal orientation) during pressurization to 9,000 psi.10-106

- e q

0 Q our 0- t7~


<3 F


_ 0 s

. 5 0 -.


0. 0 CD:

B r 3-3 U

Figure 10-43 Light optical photograph showing deposit removed from the TTS region of R12C59 Piece 2B2A. The surface shown represents the interface between the deposit and the OD of the tube. The azimuthal orientations shown represents the location of the UT signal (00) and the +Pt signal (324°).10-108

I I a) Backscatter Energy Mode b) Reflective Energy Mode Figure 10-44 Montage of OD surface of R12C59 Piece 2B2A at 3240 azimuthal orientation following removal of deposits. Refer to Figure 10-45 for additional SEM micrographs of areas shown.10-109

a) Area 2B b) Arca 3B Figure 1045 Backscattcr Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD surface R12C59 HL Picce 2B2A at 324° azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Refer to Figurc 10-44 for area locations.

10-1 10

c) Area 7 Figure 10-45 (Cont'd) Backscattcr Energy Modc SEM micrograph showing OD surface R12C59 HL Piece 2B2A at 3240 azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Refer to Figure 10-43 for specific area locations. Results of EDS analyses are presented in Figure 1046.10-111

a) 8B-EDS1 b) 8B-EDS2 Figure 10-46 SEM photograph and EDS elemental trace on OD surface of R12C59 HL Piece 2B2A at 3240 azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Refer to Figure 1045 for specific area locations.10-112

8450- 2400- Fe 6760-5070-3380- 960 Cu 480 1690-II 4..-

0JI0 AS 2 3 Cs 4 5 Cr Mn Fe 6

Fe I 7

A 8

Cu 9 keV 0 1 AISICa 2 i 6 Crn 6 7 Fe t

8 C

9 keV 0

I c) 8B- EDS3 d) 8B-EDS4 Figure 10-46 (Cont'd) SEM photograph and EDS clemental trace on OD surface of R12C59 HL Piece 2B2A at 3240 azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Rcfer to Figure 10-45 for specific area locations.

10-1 13

2650iX 2120 Al Si 1690-1060- lMg Ca Mn 530-

, CCu Cu n JA 2 3- 46-- I I I . I o 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 keV e) 8B-EDS5 Figure 1046 (Cont'd) SEM photograph and EDS clemental trace on OD surface of R12C59 HL Piccc 2B2A at 3240 azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Refer to Figure 1045 for specific area locations.

10-1 14

1)7B-EDS Area Scan Figure 10-47 SEM photograph and EDS elemental trace on OD surface of R12C59 HL Piece 2B2A at 3240 azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Refer to Figure 10-45 for specific area locations.10-115

-.- -I I a) Backscatter Energy Mode b) Rceflective Energy Mode Figure 10-48 Montage of OD surface of R12C59 Piece 2B2A at O0azimuthal orientation following removal of deposits. Refcr to Figure 10-49 for additional SEM micrographs of areas shown.10-116

a) Area lOB b) Area 1B Figure 10-49 Backscatter Energy Mode SEM micrograph showing OD surface R12C59 HL Piece 2B2A at 00 azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Refer to Figure 10-48 for specific area location. Results of EDS analyses are presented in Figure 10-49.

10-1 17

a) 14B EDS2 b) 14B-EDS3 Figure 10-50 SEM photograph and EDS elemental trace of OD surface on Piece 2B2A from R12C59 HL at 00 azimuthal orientation following removal of OD deposits. Refer to Figure 1049 for location of EDS analyses.

10-1 18

Figure 10-51 X-ray diffraction pattern of deposit from deposit removed from Piece 2B2A of R12C59 HL TTS region.10-119

SECTION 11 METALLOGRAPHIC EXAMINATIONS 11.1 Procedure A 1/2 inch ring section containing the tube expansion transition from the top of tubcshect region of R12C59 HL was cut and split at 900 and 2700. The half ring section containing the reported field +Pt and UT indications was flattened to remove the OD deposit and visually examined prior to metallographic mounting. As discussed in Section 10, no evidence of degradation was noted on the flatten section. Following the completion of the OD deposit microchemistry effort, longitudinal sections were cut from the flattened ring section for metallographic examination to verify the lack of tube degradation and to determine if any other anomalies existed which could have contributed to the reported indications. The specimens were mounted and polished, etched in a Nital solution, and viewed with a light microscope. Low magnification photomicrographs were used to document the observed condition and if necessary, higher magnification was utilized to more clearly document the observed condition. Longitudinal mounts were prepared at the following azimuthal orientations: 2700, 300°, 3240, 00, 300, 600, and 900. Additional mounts were prepared to verify that the metallurgical conditions, i.e., grain size, carbide distribution, and microhardncss, of the pulled tubes were consistent with vintage thermal treated Alloy 600 material. These results arc presented in Section 12.

11.2 Results The metallographic examination of the TTS region of the Vogtlc Unit 2 steam generator tube R12C59 showed no evidence of corrosion degradation or other surface anomalies. No appreciable evidence of intcrgranular penetration was noted on the OD surfaces examined.

Typical etched photomicrographs of the areas examined arc shown in Figures 11-1 through 11-4.

Longitudinal sections shown in Figure 11-1 were cut from Piece 2B2A at 600, 900, and 324° azimuthal orientations. The 3240 location represents the azimuthal orientation where the field

+Pt signal was reported, while the 600 and 90° sections represent the azimuthal orientation where the UTEC signals were reported. Higher magnification micrographs of the various locations shown in Figure 11-1 arc presented in Figures 11-2, 11-3, and 11-4. In all cases, the only degradation seen is one to two grains deep of intcrgranular corrosion. This is typical of general secondary side corrosion observed for Alloy 600TT tubing material removed from operating plants.


a) 3240 Azimuthal Oricntation (+Pt Field Indication) b) 90° Azimuthal Oricntation c) 600 Azimuthal Orientation Figure I I-I Longitudinal Mctallographic Sections Through the TTS Region of RI 2C59 HL- Piece 2B2A1. Rcecr to Figures 11-2 through I 1-4 For Etched Photomicrographs.


Figure 1-2 Etched Mctallographic Sections Through the TTS Region of R12C59 HL - Picec 2B2AI at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt Indication). Rcfcr to Figurc 11-I (a) For Location of Noted Area.



-- ,.7;:

0.005 In l- -

A_ Li, . IL, 11 Figure 11-2 (Cont'd) Etched Metallographic Sections Through the TTS Region of R12C59 HL

- Piece 2B2AI at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt Indication).

Refcr to Figurc ll-1(a) For Location of Noted Arca.


Figure 11-2 (Cont'd) Etched Mctallographic Sections Through the TTS Region of R12C59 HL

- Piece 2B2AI at 3240 Azimuthal Orientation (Field +Pt Indication).

Refcr to Figurc 11 -1 (a) For Location of Noted Area.


'ML Figure I 1-3 Etched Mctallographic Scctions Through the TTS Rcgion of R12C59 HL - Piece 2B2Al at 900 Azimuthal Orientation. Rcecr to Figure I 1-1(b) For Location of Noted Area.


Figure 11-3(Cont'd) Etched Mctallographic Sections Through the ITS Region of R12C59 HL

- Piece 2B2A1 at 900 Azimuthal Orientation. Refer to Figure 11-1(b) For Location of Noted Area.


  • II Figure 11-4 Etched Mctallographic Scctions Through the TTS Region of R12C59 HL -

Piece 2B2A1 at 600 Azimuthal Orientation. Rcecr to Figure 11-1(c) For Location of Noted Area.


Figure 11-4 (Cont'd) Etched Metallographic Sections Through the TTS Region of R 12C59 HL

- Piece 2B2AI at 600 Azimuthal Orientation. Refer to Figure 11-l(c) For Location of Noted Area.


'It Figure 11-4 (Cont'd) Etched Mctallographic Sections Through the TTS Region of R12C59 HL

- Piece 2B2AI at 600 Azimuthal Orientation. Rccr to Figure 1 -l(c) For Location of Noted Area.


SECTION 12 TUBING MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATIONS 12.1 Introduction The material characterization tests were performed to determine the tensile, bulk chemistry, microstructural, modified Huey test, microhardncss, and residual stress characteristics of the as-removed tube materials. The following sections detail the procedures and the results of each test performed.

12.2 Tensile Tests Procedure The tensile properties (i.e., yield strength, ultimate strength, percent elongation) for R12C59 HL -

Piece 4A and for RI I C60 HL - Piece 4A were determined by a room temperature tensile test of a full cross section tubular specimen approximately 12 inches in length. The full cross section tubular specimens were fitted with snug-fitting stainless steel plugs (mandrels) machined in accordance with ASTM Standard Method E8 to provide a minimum 2.000-inch gage length as prescribed by ASME SB-163. The crosshcad speed was maintained at a 0.05 mils/minutc rate until fracture.

Results Figures 12-1 and 12-2 show the strcss-strain curves for the two tubes. The results are consistent for thermal treated Alloy 600 steam generator tubing of this vintage. The yield and ultimate strength values measured for the Vogtlc Unit 2 tubes arc similar to the values listed in the Certified Materials Test Report (CTMR). The CMTR values for the respective heats arc included on Figures 12-1 and 12-2.

During the preparation of the tensile test specimens dimensional measurements were taken to verify uniform wall thickness. OD and ID measurements were taken every 450 on both ends of each specimen. For both pulled tubes, all measurements showed the OD to be 0.688 inch and the ID to be 0.607 inch. This resulted in a uniform wall thickness of 0.039 inch.


12.3 Nlicrostructure Procedurc Thc microstructurc of thc pullcd tubing was cxamined to detcrminc thc grain size and the general distribution of the carbide precipitation. Transverse metallographic mounts were prepared from Rl2C59 HL - Piece 4F and RI lC60 HL - Piece 4F and were evaluated for grain size and carbide distribution. The specimens were etched in a 5% Nital solution and examined by optical microscopy for grain size rating per the ASTM procedures. The samples were also examined for carbide precipitation by Scanning Electron Microscopy following polishing and etching in a 2%

brominc-methanol solution.

Results The grain size for R12C59 HL is shown in Figure 12-3, while the grain size for RI lC60 HL is shown in Figure 12-4. The ASTM grain size for Rl2C59 HL is 8.0 and the ASTM grain size for RI 1C60 HL is 9.0. These grain sizes arc typical of thermal treated Alloy 600 tubing produced for Model F steam generators.

Representative SEM micrographs showing the carbide distribution in the R12C59 HL and RI 1C60 HL tubes arc presented in Figures 12-5 and 12-6. The carbide distribution seen for both tubes is typical of thermal treated Alloy 600 tubing of this vintage. The carbide precipitates arc predominantly intcrgranular with a low density of intragranular carbides. Based on prior laboratory test results, this microstructure has generally shown good resistance to stress corrosion cracking.

12.4 Bulk Chemistry Procedure The chemical composition of the base metal of both tubes was detcrmined by quantitative chemical analysis. The radioactivity of each section was reduced by several cycles of immersion in a room temperature solution of 35% HNO3 + 4% HF (by volume), plus surface abrasion with silicon carbide wheels. Quantitative analysis was performed using a combination of inductively coupled plasma, graphite furnace atomic absorption, inert gas fusion, and combustion methods.


Results The results of the chemical analyses for R12C59 HL and RI IC60 HL arc provided in Table 12-1.

Included also are the CMTR values for the respective heats. Thc CMTR values represent the mill analysis for the heat. The slight differences noted between the CMTR and pulled tube chemical analyses arc within the expected variability based on industry experience.

12.5 Modified Hue) Tests Procedure It has been Westinghouse practice in the manufacture of thermal treated Alloy 600 heat transfer tubing to ensure that the material was not sensitized. Westinghouse, along with the industry in general, adopted a modified Hucy test (ASTM A262 Practice C) as the principal tool for the evaluation of grain boundary chromium depletion in Alloy 600. The test was modified to a single 48-hr exposure in boiling 25% nitric acid. This modification was necessary to enhance the sensitivity of the test for detecting chromium depletion. In view of this historical practice, it has been Westinghouse experience that thermal treated SG hcat transfer tubing in Westinghouse PWRs is not sensitized, and therefore not prone to in-scrvicc degradation in faulted secondary environments due to this condition. This experience notwithstanding, in order to complete the assessment of the Vogtlc Unit 2 tubing materials, the sensitization level of R12C59 HL and RI I C60 HL tubing was detcrmined using a modified Hucy test (48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> in 25% nitric acid).

Two 1/2 inch rings were cut from each pulled tube and subjected to the test.

Results The results of the test arc presented in Table 12-2. The results are consistent for thermal treated Alloy 600 steam generator tubing and show that the Vogtlc Unit 2 pulled tubes arc not sensitized.

The average weight loss observed for R12C59 HL specimens was 38.0 mg/dm 2 /day, while the specimens for RI I C60 HL exhibited an average weight loss of 30.3 mg/dm 2 /day. Grain boundary chromium depletion is considered present if the weight loss is greater than 300 mg/dm 2 /day.


'El 12.6 Microhardness Procedure Microllardncss tests arc used to providc information such as general hardness, vcrification of specific hcat treatment, random hardness variations, and hardness gradients caused by localized cold work. Microhardncss measurements were performcd across the tube wall for both R12C59 HL and RIlC60 HL. Vickers hardness measurements were performed in accordance with Westinghouse Procedure MR 8111, Revision 1. Vickers hardness is determined by dividing the applied kg-forcc load by the surfacc area of the indentation in square millimeters, computed from the mean of the measured diagonals of the indentation. A 500-g load was used for through-wall (OD surface to ID surface) measurements.

Results The results of the microhardncss tests are presented in Table 12-3. No localized hardness variations were noted and the results arc consistent with tubing of this vintage.

12.7 Residual Stress 12.7.1 Split Ring Technique Introduction The hoop stress was measured by a split tube method per Westinghouse Procedure MCT-003, Revision I. The procedure was used to measure the nct-section residual hoop stress for the pulled tubes. The resulting calculated residual stress assumes a linear distribution of residual stress through the tube wall and is an approximate average value of the stresses over the whole specimen surface. When the tube is split, a change in strain is observed on the OD surface and is inversely related to the residual strain in the tubing. Multiplying the observed strain by the elastic modulus (E) provides a value for the average residual stress.


Procedurc Two ring specimens from cach tubc were tested for residual hoop stress. The specimens were:

Rl2C59 HL - Piece 4B and 4C, and RI IC60 HL - Piece 4B and 4C. The length of the ring specimens was 2.25 inch. The residual stress was determined from change-in-diameter measurements.

The OD of the tubing was measured prior to and following the cut. The tube section was slit axially along one side of the tube and the hoop stress was calculated from the diameter changes of thc tube. The residual stresses were calculated from the average of the four readings for the wall thickness values and the measured diameters with the following cquation:

CR [2]W[Do Df where: UR = residual stress E = elastic modulus v = Poisson's Ratio W = average wall thickness Do = average OD before splitting Df = average OD after splitting Results The experimental data arc presented in Table 124. The calculated residual hoop stress range from 495 psi compressive to 295 psi tensile for R12C59 HL and 1404 to 1804 compressive for RI lC60 HL. These values arc within the range of residual stress levels expected for thermal treated Alloy 600 tubing produced by Westinghouse for Model F steam generators. Data obtained during the development of the thermal treatment process showed macro residual hoop stress levels from 0 to 3 ksi based on split ring methods.


.!11L Table 12-1 Chemical Composition of Vogtle Unit 2 Pulled Tubes Element R12C59 HL - Heat NX 2609 R1 C60 HL - Heat NX 2613 Analysis [ CMTR Analysis CMTR C 0.032 0.028 0.035 0.031 Ni 72.622 73.94 72.376 74.14 Fe 9.0286 9.42 9.4611 9.53 Cr 14.535 15.84 14.639 15.65 Mn 0.168 0.27 0.192 0.25 Mo 0.179 0.204 Ti 0.18 0.22 0.202 0.24 Nb 0.125 0.157 -

Al 0.211 0.24 0.24 0.33 Si0.106 0.23 0.334 0.11 Pb 0.023 0.029 S 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001 Cu 0.209 0.27 0.246 0.29 P 0.010 D 0.011 Co 0.049 0.06 0.058 0.07 Mg0.015 0.017 lN V 0.026 0.031 B 0.003 0.003 12-6

Table 12-2 Modified Huey Results Specimen Identity HNO 3 Material Condition Corrosion rate

% (v t.) (mg/dm'lday)

R12C59 HL Piece 4D 25 Alloy 600 TT - As pulled 36.8 RI2C59 HL Piece 4E 25 Alloy 600 TT - As pulled 39.2 RI I C60 HL Piece 4D 25 Alloy 600 TT - As pulled3.3 RI I C60 HL Piece 4E 25 Alloy 600 TT - As pulled 29.2 12-7

flL Table 12-3 Results of Vickers Microhardness Measurements (500 gram Through-wall Measurements)


0.006 181 R12C59 HL 0.012 179 Piece 4F 0.018 174 (Met #2662) 0.024 177

@ 1800 0.030 186 Avg. 179 0.006 191 RI IC60 HL 0.012 179 Pieec 4F 0.018 174 (Met 0.024 170

@1800 0.030 172 Avg. 177 12-8


W (INCH) Do (INCH) 4B 0.0409 inch 0.6897 inch 0.6895 inch -495 psi R12C59 HL 4C 0.0409 inch 0.6897 inch 0.6898 inch 295 psi RI IC60 4B 0.0413 inch 0.6881 inch 0.6876 inch -1404 psi HL

______ 4C 0.04 12 inch 0.6880 inch 0.6874 inch -1804 psi 12-9

Figure 12-1 Stress - Strain Curve for R12C59 - Piece 4A 120000 100000 -

80000 -


U) 60000 -


co 40000 - CMTR Data Heat NX 2609 Pulled Tube 0.2% YS = 52.7 ksi 0.2% YS = 53.8 ksi UTS = 108.5 ksi UTS = 109.9 ksi 20000 -  % El = 37.4  % El = 38

, Reduction of area= 34 0-0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Strain (in/in) 12-10 p

Figure 12-2 Stess - Strain Curve for RIIC60 - Piece 4A 120000 -

100000 -

80000 -

(I, 0~

U) 60000 -


40000 - CMTR Data NX 2613 Pulled Tube 0.2% YS = 52.3 ksi 0.2% YS = 51.1 ksi UTS = 107.2ksi UTS = 107.1 ksi 20000 - %EI=36.2 %EI=40

% Reduction of area= 38 0 -

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Strain (in/in) 12-11

'It Figurc 12-3 Photomicrograph Showing Grain Sizc of RI2C59 HL - Piccc 4F (Met #2663) 2% Nital Etch - ATSM Grain Sizc Number of 9.


Figurc 12-4 Photomicrograph Showing Grain Sizc of RI1C60 HL - Piccc 4F (Mct #2662) 2% Nital Etch - ATSM Grain Sizc Number of 8.


atJ Figure 12-5 Scanning Electron Micrographs Showing Carbidc Distribution of R12C59 HL -

Piccc 4F (Met #2663) Brominc-Mcthanol Etch. Carbidc Precipitates Obscrvcd Mainly on Grain Boundaries and Minimal Intragranular Precipitates.


Figure 12-6 Scanning Electron Micrographs Showing Carbide Distribution of R 1C60 HL -

Piece 4F (Met #2662) Brominc-Mcthanol Etch. Carbide Precipitates Observed Mainly on Grain Boundaries and Minimal Intragranular Precipitates.
