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Notice of Meeting with American Electric Power Company to Present Results of the Nrc'S Review of Two White Performance Indicators Conducted in Accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002 and to Discuss D.C. Cook Plant Performance
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/2004
From: Eric Duncan
Download: ML041100699 (2)


April 19, 2004 NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT LICENSEE MEETING THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE Name of Licensee: American Electric Power Company Name of Facility: D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant Docket Nos.: 50-315; 50-316 Date and Time of Meeting: May 12, 2004, at 1:00 p.m. EDT Location of Meeting: Lincoln Charter Township Hall 2055 W. John Beers Road Stevensville, Michigan Purpose of Meeting: The purpose of the meeting is to present the results of the NRCs review of two White performance indicators conducted in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002 and to discuss D.C. Cook plant performance.

Category: This is a Category 1 meeting. The public is invited to observe this meeting and will have an opportunity to speak with the NRC after the licensee presentation and followup discussions are completed, but before the meeting is adjourned.

NRC Attendees: S. Reynolds, Acting Director, Division of Reactor Projects E. Duncan, Chief, Division of Reactor Projects B. Kemker, Senior Resident Inspector, D.C. Cook I. Netzel, Resident Inspector, D.C. Cook J. Lamb, Project Manager, NRR Others as designated Licensee Attendees: M. Nazar, Senior Vice President J. Jensen, Site Vice President M. Finissi, Plant Manager Others as designated NOTE: Attendance at this meeting by NRC personnel, other than those listed above, should be made known to Eric Duncan via e-mail (ERD) or by telephone

((630) 829-9628) by COB on May 5, 2004.

Approved by: __/RA/_______________

Eric R. Duncan, Chief Branch 6 Division of Reactor Projects

Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting Distribution:

B. Sheron (BWS), Associate Director for Projects Licensing and Technical Review, NRR L. Marsh (LBM), Director, Division of Licensing Project Management, NRR B. Boger (BAB2), Director, Division of Inspection Program Management, NRR D. Weaver (DWW), Region III Coordinator, OEDO W. Ruland (WHR), Project Directorate, Division of Licensing and Project Management, NRR Project Manager, Project Directorate, Division of Licensing, Project Management, NRR S. Reynolds (SAR1), Acting Director, Division of Reactor Projects, RIII P. Hiland (PLH), Acting Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Projects, RIII C. Pederson (CDP1), Director, Division of Reactor Safety, RIII R. Caniano (RJC1), Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety, RIII DRP Branch Chief SRI, D.C. Cook DRS Branch Chiefs (JFL, DEH, RDL, KXR, AXV)

R. M. Lickus (RML2), Regional State Liaison Officer, RIII PMNS RIII Public Affairs (RJS2, VTM)

J. Kweiser (JRK1), ORA P. Buckley (PLB1), ORA