MONTHYEARML24141A1482024-05-17017 May 2024 05.17.24 Supplemental Excerpts of Record ML24088A0252024-03-27027 March 2024 03.27.24 Respondents Motion for Extension ML24067A0882024-03-0404 March 2024 Email Hearing Request from San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, Friends of the Earth, and Environmental Working Group ML23354A0362023-12-19019 December 2023 12.19.23 Respondents Second 28(j) Letter ML23192A0192023-07-0303 July 2023 7-3-23 Petitioners Excerpts of Record Index (9th Cir.)(Case No. 23-852) ML23192A0212023-07-0303 July 2023 7-3-23 Petitioners Excerpts of Record Volume 1 (9th Cir.)(Case No. 23-852) ML23192A0232023-07-0303 July 2023 7-3-23 Petitioners Excerpts of Record Volume 2 (9th Cir.)(Case No. 23-852) ML23192A0252023-07-0303 July 2023 7-3-23 Petitioners Excerpts of Record Volume 3 (9th Cir.)(Case No. 23-852) ML23161A0012023-06-0606 June 2023 6-6-23 Respondents Motion to Extend the Time to File the Certified Index (9th Cir.)(Case No. 23-852) ML23144A2482023-05-17017 May 2023 5-17-23 Motion to Intervene Filed by Pge (9th Cir.)(No. 23-852) ML23136A0132023-05-10010 May 2023 5-10-23 Slompf Mediation Questionnaire (9th Cir.)(Case No. 23-852) ML21067A4142021-03-0808 March 2021 3-8-21 Mandate from 9th Circuit - Public Watchdogs V NRC 9th Cir 20-70899(Filed) ML18337A0642018-11-26026 November 2018 Court Mandate - 11-26-2018 - Foe V NRC - DC Cir 16-1004 ML16314B6872016-11-0909 November 2016 Intervenors Request for Documents and Records from the Nuclear Relation to Geology and Seismicity ML16057A1982016-02-25025 February 2016 Federal Respondents Response to Opposition to Petitioners Motion to Hold the Case in Abeyance 2-25-16 ML16043A4972016-02-11011 February 2016 Petitioners Certificate Parties 2-11-16 ML15012A5462014-12-12012 December 2014 14-1213(D.C.Cir.) Certified Index of Record (Filed) ML15007A5122014-12-0101 December 2014 Petitioners Filing of the Underlying Decision from Which the Petition Arises ML13134A3872013-05-14014 May 2013 Attachment 1 - Elaine M. Keegan Affidavit Concerning Mandatory Disclosure Requirement of 10 C.F.R. 2.336(b), May 14, 2013 ML12137A0242012-05-15015 May 2012 May Hearing File Update ML1030200242010-10-28028 October 2010 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace V. USNRC; No. 08-75058 - Oral Argument Scheduled for November 4, 2010 Before Judges Reinhardt, Thomas & Chief Judge Restani of the International Court of Trade ML0902602302008-12-29029 December 2008 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, Petitioner, V. USNRC, Respondents, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Proposed Intervenor, No. 08-75058 - Corporate Disclosure Statement ML0902602272008-12-15015 December 2008 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, Petitioner, V. USNRC, Respondents; No. 08-75058 - Petition for Review ML0717601352007-05-0303 May 2007 5/3/2007 - Petitioners Reply to Respondents Opposition to Motion for Attorneys Fees and Costs Between San Luis Obispo Mother for Peace V. USNRC and Pacific Gas & Electric Co; No. 03-74628 ML0717601492007-02-14014 February 2007 2/14/2007 - Corrected Petitioners Motion for Attorneys Fees and Costs, Errata Sheet and Additional Declarations; No. 03-74628 ML0703305102006-11-17017 November 2006 No. 06-466; Letter from the Honorable William K. Suter Granting the Extension of Time ML0703304402006-11-16016 November 2006 No. 06-466; Letter to the Honorable William K. Suter Petition for a Writ of Certiorari ML0703304422006-10-25025 October 2006 Corrected Letter from the Honorable William K. Suter for the Extension of Time No. 06-466 ML0703304442006-10-23023 October 2006 Letter from William K. Suter, Clerk Response to the Petition for a Writ of Certiorari Granting Extension of Time ML0703305182006-10-20020 October 2006 Letter to U.S. Supreme Court Docket No. 06-466 Requesting a 29-Day Extension of Time for Filing an Opposition to the Petition for Certiorari ML0703305212006-10-20020 October 2006 Letter to the Honorable William K. Suter, Regarding Pacific Gas & Electric Company V. San Luis Obispo Mother for Peace, Et At. S. Ct No. 06-466 ML0622301182006-07-0606 July 2006 Reply to Petitioners Response to Governments Motion for Extension of Time within Which to File a Petition for Rehearing or Rehearing En Banc, Dated 07/06/2006 ML0622301172006-07-0505 July 2006 Petitioners Response to Us NRCs Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Rehearing, Dated 07/05/2006 ML0622301232006-06-29029 June 2006 Federal Respondents Motion for Extension of Time in Which to File a Petition for Rehearing En Banc, Dated 06/29/2006 ML0622301222006-06-0202 June 2006 Petition for Review of an Order of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Filed 06/02/2006 ML0533202202005-11-17017 November 2005 Federal Respondents Fifth Filing Under Frap 28J, Dated 11/17/05 ML0531801412005-11-0909 November 2005 Federal Respondents Fourth Filing Under Frap 28J, Dated 11/9/05 ML0533202592005-10-11011 October 2005 Federal Respondents Second Filing Under Frap 28J, Dated 10/11/05 ML0503101152005-01-12012 January 2005 Original Mandate Transmitted to NRC, Dated 01/12/05 ML0436502262004-11-24024 November 2004 Letter to Court Clerk from G. Kim Clarification of a Post-Oral Argument Letter, Dated 11/24/04 ML0436502302004-11-19019 November 2004 Letter to Court Clerk from R. Mcdiarmid Information of e-mail Messages, Dated 11/19/04 ML0436502342004-11-15015 November 2004 Letter to Court Clerk from R. Mcdiarmid Oral Argument for 11/19/04, Dated 11/15/04 ML0436502382004-11-15015 November 2004 Facsimile Message to Courtroom Deputy Clerk from G. Kim Oral Argument Schedules 11/19/04 ML0421802322004-07-30030 July 2004 Errata Re Eighth and Final Fee Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Winston & Strawn ML0421702892004-07-26026 July 2004 Final Application of Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp for Allowance and Payment of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses (September 1, 2002 Through February 28, 2003) ML0421004272004-07-21021 July 2004 Notice of Motion and the California Power Exchange Corporation Motion for Authority to Amend Prepetition Claim, Memorandum of Points and Authorities, Declaration of Marc S. Cohen in Support Thereof ML0421004302004-07-20020 July 2004 Notice of Application & California Power Exchange Corporations Application for Payment of Professional Compensation & Reimbursement of Expenses Under 11 U.S.C. 503(b)(3) & (4); Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Declarations of Cohen, Re ML0420302692004-07-12012 July 2004 Ninth Interim and Final Application of FTI Consulting Inc. for Allowance and Payment of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses (April 11, 2001 Through April 12, 2004); Declaration of Thomas E. Lumsden in Support Thereof ML0420203032004-07-12012 July 2004 Exhibits in Support of Motion of the City of Palo Alto for Order Directing Payment of Reasonable Attorneys Fees and Costs Pursuant to Section 503(b)(3)(D), 503(b)(3)(F) and 503(b)(4) ML0420202962004-07-12012 July 2004 Eighth and Final Application for Allowance of Fees and Expenses of Winston & Strawn Llp (August 16, 2001 Through April 12, 2004) 2024-05-17
[Table view] Category:Legal-Correspondence/Maintenance
MONTHYEARML0533202202005-11-17017 November 2005 Federal Respondents Fifth Filing Under Frap 28J, Dated 11/17/05 ML0531801412005-11-0909 November 2005 Federal Respondents Fourth Filing Under Frap 28J, Dated 11/9/05 ML0533202592005-10-11011 October 2005 Federal Respondents Second Filing Under Frap 28J, Dated 10/11/05 ML0503101152005-01-12012 January 2005 Original Mandate Transmitted to NRC, Dated 01/12/05 ML0436502262004-11-24024 November 2004 Letter to Court Clerk from G. Kim Clarification of a Post-Oral Argument Letter, Dated 11/24/04 ML0436502302004-11-19019 November 2004 Letter to Court Clerk from R. Mcdiarmid Information of e-mail Messages, Dated 11/19/04 ML0436502382004-11-15015 November 2004 Facsimile Message to Courtroom Deputy Clerk from G. Kim Oral Argument Schedules 11/19/04 ML0436502342004-11-15015 November 2004 Letter to Court Clerk from R. Mcdiarmid Oral Argument for 11/19/04, Dated 11/15/04 ML0421802322004-07-30030 July 2004 Errata Re Eighth and Final Fee Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Winston & Strawn ML0421702892004-07-26026 July 2004 Final Application of Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp for Allowance and Payment of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses (September 1, 2002 Through February 28, 2003) ML0421004272004-07-21021 July 2004 Notice of Motion and the California Power Exchange Corporation Motion for Authority to Amend Prepetition Claim, Memorandum of Points and Authorities, Declaration of Marc S. Cohen in Support Thereof ML0421004302004-07-20020 July 2004 Notice of Application & California Power Exchange Corporations Application for Payment of Professional Compensation & Reimbursement of Expenses Under 11 U.S.C. 503(b)(3) & (4); Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Declarations of Cohen, Re ML0420302692004-07-12012 July 2004 Ninth Interim and Final Application of FTI Consulting Inc. for Allowance and Payment of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses (April 11, 2001 Through April 12, 2004); Declaration of Thomas E. Lumsden in Support Thereof ML0420203032004-07-12012 July 2004 Exhibits in Support of Motion of the City of Palo Alto for Order Directing Payment of Reasonable Attorneys Fees and Costs Pursuant to Section 503(b)(3)(D), 503(b)(3)(F) and 503(b)(4) ML0420202962004-07-12012 July 2004 Eighth and Final Application for Allowance of Fees and Expenses of Winston & Strawn Llp (August 16, 2001 Through April 12, 2004) ML0421004192004-07-0404 July 2004 Appendix of Exhibits in Support of the California Power Exchange Corporations Application for Payment of Professional Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 503(b)(3) and (4) ML0416706302004-06-0707 June 2004 Modesto Irrigation Districts Response to Debtors Objection to Claim ML0416001862004-05-28028 May 2004 Cooley Godward Llps Thirty-Fifth Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period April 1, 2004 - April 12, 2004 ML0416005722004-05-28028 May 2004 Rothschild Incs Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period April 1, 2004 - April 12, 2004 ML0416005602004-05-28028 May 2004 Deloitte & Touche Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses (March 1, 2004 to April 12, 2004) ML0415902522004-05-28028 May 2004 Saybrook Capital, LLC Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for April 1 Through April 12, 2004 ML0415603342004-05-27027 May 2004 Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for April 1, 2004 Through April 12, 2004 ML0415603072004-05-26026 May 2004 FTI Consulting Inc. Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for April 1, 2004 to April 12, 2004 ML0415508302004-05-26026 May 2004 Steefel, Levitt & Weisss Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period April 1-12 2004 ML0415603352004-05-25025 May 2004 Innisfree M&A Incorporateds Fourth Interim Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period January 1, 2004 - April 12, 2004 ML0415902482004-05-25025 May 2004 Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & Mccloy Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for April 1, 2004 Through April 12, 2004 ML0415404112004-05-24024 May 2004 Winston & Strawn Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period April 1.2004 Through April 12 2004 ML0414900892004-05-21021 May 2004 Heller Ehrman White & Mcauliffe Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period April 1, 2004, Through April 12, 2004 ML0415903242004-05-21021 May 2004 Public Policy Advocates LLCs Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for April 1, 2004 Through April 12, 2004 ML0414701812004-05-20020 May 2004 Legc, LLC Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period April 1. 2004 to April 12 200 ML0413203762004-04-30030 April 2004 Saybrook Capital, LLC Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for March 1 Through March 31, 2004 ML0412705072004-04-30030 April 2004 Steefel, Levitt & Weisss Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period March 1-31, 2004 ML0413303832004-04-30030 April 2004 Rothschild Incs Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period March 1, 2004 - March 31, 2004 ML0413303802004-04-30030 April 2004 Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for March. 2004 ML0413203702004-04-30030 April 2004 FTI Consulting Inc. Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for March 1, 2004 to March 31, 2004 ML0413202012004-04-30030 April 2004 Cooley Godward Llps Thirty-Fourth Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period March 1, 2004 - March 31, 2004 ML0413203752004-04-30030 April 2004 Heller Ehrman White & Mcauliffe Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period March 1, 2004, Through March 31, 2004 ML0412700262004-04-29029 April 2004 Winston & Strawn Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period, March 1. 2004 Through March 31. 2004 ML0412700412004-04-27027 April 2004 Keker & Van Nests Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period March 1, 2004 to March 31, 2004 ML0414701802004-04-23023 April 2004 Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & Mccloy Llps Cover Sheet - Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for March 2004 ML0412102292004-04-22022 April 2004 Lecg, LLC Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period 03/01-31/2004 ML0414701852004-04-15015 April 2004 Public Policy Advocates LLCs Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for March 1, 2004 Through March 31, 2004 ML0414102072004-04-12012 April 2004 Keker & Van Nests Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period April 1, 2004 to April 12, 2004 ML0410703992004-03-31031 March 2004 FTI Consulting Inc. Cover Sheet Applications for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for February 1, 2004 to February 29, 2004 ML0409804962004-03-31031 March 2004 Cooley Godward Llps Thirty-Third Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period February 1, 2004 - February 29, 2004 ML0409704632004-03-30030 March 2004 Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for February, 2004 ML0409704442004-03-30030 March 2004 Deloitte & Touche Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses (February 1, 2004, to February 29, 2004) ML0409704382004-03-29029 March 2004 Lecg, LLC Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period February 1, 2004 to February 29, 2004 ML0409703622004-03-29029 March 2004 Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period February 1, 2004 Through February 29, 2004 ML0409805892004-03-26026 March 2004 Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & Mccloy Llps Cover Sheet Application for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for February 2004 2005-11-09
[Table view] |
JAMES L. LOPES (No. 63678)
JANET A. NEXON (No. 104747)
JULIE B. LANDAU (No. 162038)
HOWARD, RICE, NEMEROVSKI, CANADY, FALK.& RABKIN A.Professional Corporation Three Embarcadero Center, 7th Floor San Francisco, California 94111-4065 Telephone:
415/434-1600 Facsimile:
415/217-5910 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
10 11 12 HOWARD 13 RKIE c_'Et 14
&RAHGN Aiod, 15 16 In re PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation, Debtor.
Federal LD. No. 94-0742640 Case No. 0 1-30923 DM Chapter 11 Case Date:
May 9, 2002 1:30 p.m.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 I, Terry Morford, declare:
- 1.
I am the Director of Project Management for Pacific Gas and Electric 3
Company ("PG&E"), the debtor and debtor-in-possession in this Chapter 11 case. I am the 4
project manager for the. work related to the transfer of permits and acquisition of franchises 5
in connection with the implementation of PG&E's proposed plan of reorganization (as 6
amended from time to time, the "Plan"). This declaration is submitted in support of PG&E's 7
Motion for Order Authorizing Expenditures related.to Permits and Franchises.(the 8
"Motion"). Defined terms used herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Motion. I 9
make this declaration from personal knowledge and if called as a witness, could and would 10 testify competently to the matters set forth herein.
- 2.
The contractors described below will assist PG&E with the process of 12 transferring Permits and acquiring Franchises for the New Entities (the "Permit and HOWARD 13 Franchise Work"). While-PG&E has in-house expertise inthis area, the volume of Permit RIE 14 and Franchise Work'and time period for completion of the work requires substantial outside BAtI(
&fRA.HON 15 assistance. The contractors described below will perform their portion of the Permit and 16 Franchise Work at the direction of and under the supervision of PG&E.
- 3.
Transcon Infrastructure, Inc. Transcon is experienced with managing and 18 coordinating permitting, licensing and siting efforts on a broad range of utility infrastructure 19 projects, including coordination efforts with local, state and federal agencies. Transcon will 20 perform the following types of services with respect to the Permit and Franchise. Work:
21 (i) project management; (ii) planning and training assistance for all PG&E team members 22 including the Entitlement Agents described below; (iii) assistance with the transfer of the 23 Permits and the acquisition of Franchises, including documentation; and (iv) evaluation of 24 the procedural requirements underlying PG&E's existing permits and licenses.
- 4.
The total estimated expenditure for Transcon's work described above is 26 approximately $9504000, -for the period beginning in February 2002 and continuing to the 27 Effective Date (as defined, in the Plan) or such earlier date on.which the Permit and 28 Franchise Work has been completed. Transcon began limited work in February 2002 to "DECLARATION OF-TERRY MORFORD 1
assist PG&E in determining the scope and timing of the work to be completed and project 2
staffing needs. PG&E would pay Transcon on a monthly basis as work is completed, based 3
on monthly billings by Transcon.
- 5.
Entitlement Agents. -PG&E will also be utilizing 11 individuals who are 5
employed by Corestaff Services, Inc., a staffing agency, for assistance with the Permit and 6
Franchise Work (the "Entitlement Agents"). The Entitlement Agents will be responsible for 7
the acquisition of Franchises and assisting with.the transfer of Permits, including (i) 8 developing a strategy and plan for the timely acquisition of Franchises; (ii) conducting 9
negotiations with the cities, counties and districts as necessary; and (iii) working with the 10 cities, counties and districts in transferring the Permits. In connection with the Permit work, 11 the Entitlement Agents will assist with the portion of the Permits to be transferred by local 12 government (including cities, counties and districts), which comprise the majority of the 13 issuing agencies. Each Entitlement Agent will be.ssignedto a group -of 10 to 20 cities, HOWARD RKE N
14 counties and districts within a given geographical.1ocation.. PG&E is choosing the YRAMIN
- 15.
Entitlement Agents based on their ability to work
,effegtivey with local governments; some 16 have experience working in regulated industries and others have experience working in 17
-technical marketing.
The total estimated expenditure for the Entitlement Agents' work described 19 above is approximately $3 million, for the period beginning April 2002 and continuing to the 20 Effective Date (as: defined in the Plan) or such earlier date on which the Permit and 21 Franchise Work has been completed, PG&E would pay the Entitlement Agents through 22 Corestaff Services, Inc. on a monthly basis as work is completed.-, based on monthly billings 23 by the Entitlement Agents.
- 7. - The Permit and Franchise Work. is essential to the implementation of the 25 Plan. Although the Plan is not yet confirmed, PG&E estimates-that it could take up to 12 26 months to complete the Permit and Franchise Work necessaryto enable the New Entities to 27 operate their respective businesses. In some instances, the timing may vary due to factors 28 over which PG&E has no control, such as electoral approval required for a Franchise
ordinance, or exercise of an agency's discretion in processing a Permit transfer application.
2 Therefore, given the volume of work and the time required, for completion, the Permit and 3
Franchise Work must be accelerated well in advance of confirmation of the Plan in order to 4
assure a timely Plan consummation.
- 8.
Some government agencies will be receiving an influx of Permit and/or 6
Franchise applications, which may stretch agency resources. Thus, in assessing the need to 7
complete the Permit and Franchise Work, PG&E is assuming that typical time periods for 8
processing applications may be extended, particularly for agencies receiving multiple 9
- 9.
PG&E's standard contractual provisions in place with Transcon and the 11 Entitlement Agents (through Corestaff Services, Inc.) do not guarantee future work or any 12 minimum amount of revenue. PG&E also maintains the right to terminate the contracts at 13 any time without cause, in which case PG&E is liable only for work performed to the date of WRD m
14 termination plus costs reasonably incurred by the contractor in terminating any work in Mf(
15 progress.
16 I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States that the 17 foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed at San Francisco, 18 California on April 19, 2002.
TEIk MORFOR 20 WD 041802/1-1419905/988992/vl 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF TERRY MORFORD