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Part 3 of 5, Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Submittal of Geologic Data Reports. Attachment 1: Field Boring Logs in ISFSI Study Area
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/2001
From: Lettis W R
William Lettis & Associates
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
+sispmjr200505, -nr, -RFPFR, DIL-01-005
Download: ML020300433 (222)


ATTACHMENT 1 DIABLO CANYON ISFSI DATA REPORT B FIELD BORINGS LOGS IN THE ISFSI STUDY AREA Explanation During the team core review in 2001, core was grouped by consensus in the following lithologic groups, indicated in the right-hand margin of each log. Lithology Geologic Lithology Composition Group Unit A TOfb.-1 Dolomite B Tofb.4 Very fine-grained Increasing dolomitic sandstone dolomite C Tofb.2 Fine-grained dolomitic Increasing sandstone sand D TOfb.2 Medium-grained sandstone Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-116 of 244 Explanation ROCK STRENGTH CLASSIFICATION SCALE Term Hardness Field Identification Approximate Range of Designator/

Uniaxial Compressive Grade Strength Extremely RO Can be indented with difficulty by thumbnail.

May be friable or <150 psi Weak moldable with finger pressure.

Very Weak RI Crumbles under firm blows with point of geologic hammer. Can be 150 -725 psi peeled by a pocket knife. Weak R2 Can be peeled or scraped by a pocket knife with difficulty.

Cannot 725 -31625 psi be scratched by fingernail.

Shallow indentation made by firm blow of geologic hammer. Medium R3 Cannot be scraped or picked with a pocket knife. Specimen can be 3,625 -7,250 psi Strong fractured with a single firm blow of a hammer/geologic pick. Strong R4 More than one blow of geologic hammer required to fracture 7,250 -14,500 psi specimen.

Very Strong R5 Specimen requires many hard blows of hammer to fracture or chip. 14,500- 36,250 psi Hammer rebounds after impact. Extremely R6 Specimen can only be chipped by hammer >36,250 psi Strong Modified from Brown (1981), Hock (1996). ROCK WEATHERING CLASSIFICATION SCALE Designation Symbol Field Identification Grade Fresh F No visible sign of rock material weathering:

perhaps slight discoloration on major I discontinuity surfaces.

Rings under hammer impact. Slightly SW Rock mass is generally fresh with slight discoloration in rock fabric. Discontinuities II Weathered are stained and may contain clay. Decomposition extends up to I" into rock. Moderately MW Less than 50% of rock is decomposed.

Significant potion of rock shows III Weathered discoloration and weathering effects. Crystals are dull and/or altered.

Discontinuities are stained and may contain secondary minerals.

Strength is significantly less than fresh rock. Highly HW Rock mass is more than 50% decomposed.

Rock can be broken by hand or scraped IV Weathered with knife or pick. All discontinuities exhibit secondary mineralization.

Surface of core is friable and/or pitted due to washing out of highly altered minerals by drill water. Completely CW Rock mass is completely decomposed but rock fabric and structure may still be V Weathered evident (saprolite).

Specimen is easily crumbled or penetrated with pocket knife or geologic pick. Residual Soil RS All rock material is decomposed to soil. Rock fabric and structure completely VI destroyed.

There is a large change in volume, but soil has not been significantly transported.

Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-1 17 of 244 T.J -J a LOG of ROCK BORING'8LAMI A~iB5210 ag J o Projct .00 Nsber80m Location Total Dept PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 1223-007 Ba'row Area:,id.

ftv, c# z t Too & Dianele, ofBorig Eteawalon andl Datum Grmotd Water Dett epth to Bedock HQ 3.5" ID Wireline, Rotary Diamond Core/ Triple Tube Core Barrel S?5-'32' A 4r4--e-r or.&" contractor and ftg Ungtr of Core Barrel an Bit ~- No. of Core Boms Date Started PG&E G.C. Drillers (Glen Lofing -foreman)

IMobile B-40 r 4,O / 7 Ca"in Size and Depth 0,-i/e ; .iM' re -sM, Boehole taulithn Logged By 1 a0'tugej~

~ '~ti~~a" ~10 Description of "pF ~ 4 q~q-e~e ~ .m'fLithologic Description def Discontinuities Remarks 3 ri IB-i ~r 4 42 qv;. jX ~ ~ toe' 34?~~~~~*

r-i 40, "i' Yq8ari'd-'" -~ -,,P .0e 7 9o-2 3';Wealthering:


SW-Spgt. MWY-Moderate.



and RS-Residual Soll. Fracture Spacing: VW' -Very Wide (431. Wi-Wide (1*-31. Mo-Moderate, (0.7-1. OCIC10 (O.-.f3).

and VC-VeryCose

('0. Ij. StrutgM: RBExrrwttlySoon.

S-Wory StrongR4-StOttMR3-Mediuiftt Sron. -Wei. RI-Wry & RO.Exftwene Weak. LMtotgiD*ea0 Rock type. color. udreitr. grain size. aet. Discontinuities-Se-Bedding.

Fa-Fault, Fo-Foliatiots, Jo-Join. Me-Mehaica break. Sh-Shea. and Vs-Vein. Joan descripfiona:

Dip. stabs ~hp (Pl.Planar.

St-Stopped, or Wa-Wanry).

Roughness (Sm.Smoo;ti St-Slightyj Rough. Ro-Rough.

and VP-wry Rough). Aperture (Ft-iled.


Op-Open aWd'r-rgh).

tyeard amfould *ol filing. alicitensidies.

etc. Diablo Canyon ISESI B- 118 of 244 Data Report B, Rev. 1 w-ROCK BORING LOG IProogect N ~tile PG&E DCPP -DCSF Sitng Study 1998 11223-00-7 IIW/C 0 4,m 2 I ;-Uf-9+16 17 18 '9 20 2 2-18 V'30-Page -,-Of 17 I /Af9 WearthemigFr-Freeh.



CW-ConiPleet, and RS-Residual soil. Fracture Spackig VW -Very Wde (ý3I.Wi-Wide(V-3).

Mo-Moderate (o.3-l). C3-C0 A 1%-.7). arnd VC-Vey Close (co. 11. Strength.

RG-Eo'enre Swono RS-Vey Sawn R4-Strong.

RZI-Merdsan Strong R2-Weatc R I-Very Weak. and W0-Ste em.Iy Weak. Lidoog Oescflita Rock type color. arolur. gran size. etc. Orsonlnahes Se-8edding.

PaFastu. Fo-Fohtralon.

Jo-JaWt. Me-Mecharucallareak.


anid %V-Wet. Joint descriptions; olp. Sftace ~hp (PI-Ptana St-Stepped, or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Srn-Ssooth.

S-Slightly Rough. R9s-Rough, and VR-W~ry Rough). Aperture (Fl-Filld.


Op-Ope and Tm-Tight). "yp end amoncut of ifilling.


eOM Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-I 19 df244 I I.1.

ROCK BORING LOG PIpDIO PobNumber PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 11223-00 7 30 _31 32 33 34 375 36 37 q 0 q92 '(3 914 1'q Page 2ý of J17 Dale /2? Weathereig:


SW-Slih. MWV-Moderae.



and AS-Residual 30gl. Fracture SPacvig VW -Very Wide (-Y). Wi-Wie (V3.Mo-Moderate (0.7-I11 C14,050e (0.1'-03!.

and VC-Vary Cloe (4.1. Sreimlft:

A.-ivraenely Strong. AS-Vry Stsi. R4-Slrong.

rn-Medium Strong. R2-WVakal.R-very Weakt and RO-Extreni Wel .* trn-.otgic escnrtO60 Rock type, colo. texture. Wrain siz. e1c. Dmraccninuliies:


Fa-Faut F*-Foraftion Jo-Joint.

Me-Mechanica break. Shr-Shea,.

and V*-V*. Joini descritions:

Dip. Surmac shape (P1-Planwar.

St-Stepeed, or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Sin-Smooth.

%St-lghtly Rough. Plo-Rough, arnd VA-Very Rough). Aperture (Fi-Ffte4 He-Healed Op-Open end Ti-tiight), typ anid wnlitil of*1 % Aoig tkclensides.

etr.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B. Rev. 1 B-120 of 244 I Dee ROCK BORING LOG IProtec PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 flT--O-Page 14 of L7 IIJ ?e-/I Oat zf7 409 .5-0 1-1 5-2 5-3-C--5 x -7 5-8 W~tenri Fr-Fresh.

SW-Sli^t mw-modmrae.

HW"4W CW-Conplefety.

and RS-Residuai soil Fracture Spacing: vw -Very Wide (M.f Wi-Wide tr*-3). Mo-Uoderare (0.7-11. 0-CMoe (0. V403'). ed VC-VeryClose t4.1). St-egMt: R&E- 41reme Strong. AS5-Very Strong. R-Sftoron R-Mediumr Strong. R2.Week. Ri-Very Weak., and RO-Esewreme Weal.k ogcosr'ii~

Rock Mm.. COW~. Iseth,.. grain wie. Mc. Disoninitev.Se-Oding.





&reak. 31,-Shear.

and Ve-Vemn. joint descripini:

ft. SurefSace (PI-PIasar St-Steppe1d.

or Wa-Wavy).

PRougtines (Sm-sn)Ooth.

St-Stightly Rough. Ro-RoAugh and vR-very Rough). Aperture tA-Fifed, leHemated.

Op-Open and Ti-Tight), type and ani'tiLt ot W~illg. elickeimmudes.

etc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-121 of 244-n fig ROCK BORING LOG -Page X-. of -47 Propece rib Number Dt PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 1223-a007

~ e. / ~ ... 0)~ f Description of ~?~' ~ ~'-~~ 3~Lithologic Description

/e Discontinuities Remarks'4 68 49 71 73 74-Jý"vP0, oy (rcoco 2) A,,,- 9 flý Y 4A'ý korcE OfI- -'IY Srrcr c, Ale' n o+, 65:a, 6e, 1, Z _7, k/. A-,-, r, 3.1s 'roll ~S- --1" , 71~ p ot- -43/0% o. r -,4e 7c,'~- ~r1Z~Weattwierg.


SW-Skh4tt MW-Moderate.

HWVNlOV. CW-C 60tletet wwt P.S-Residual SoiL F75Ctur SPflcsI VW -Vfll~de I~Y) WI.WidA (P-31. Mo-odat (Oxl) Ct-Clos (O. -a3). ,dVC-VertrClose tu1r. Strnltt: R&EsOemety g 5-VeryStrong.R4-Str4Fl R3UedwS IFtWelak.

A-Very IWE&Weat n OEstre,,eywea.

Lkhooegic OeSCIP601 Rockt type. color, tasture. Wainm .ee. am OwordkoAw 86'eddeig.

Fa-FauR. FOlatok& Jo-Jolt Me'mhk eo twniatbek, Sh-Shea5 "t WAVS.L J60it dSewotbons:

OpM Staface &Uap* (Pt-Planar.


or Wa-Wavy. elughrmas (SMvkolde SI-StS0Ily Roughs. Rao~ .ett VR-Very Rough). Apeflure (F..Ptttd.


OPpet and r,-Tigta3 Mwe w-4 snOut~l ot mirwlig. skidansides.

et e., -Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-122 of 244 C." /rd-*'/0-.4#.oe A~;1~ J &Yq. 4 e o .#sf.~,.' 4rtf4-dv 75/Y 5'lr14VU* .7 R2.S c 1C I-A, I 6... -'-.5* J S -S. d -S. L -I .4. --r 4" 4-CtL -f 10 i2oý, di- I It m, 112-4---4 ROCK BORING LOG Page r oi 8rNMWNPG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 199 1223-007 Of 1 SA -1 WeafmwkV.


SW-S"~l. MW*Modeasa.

HV-ih~C-orlrl adA-eiulsdFaiueSaag W-eyWie(3.W-ie(.1 Mo-Moderate (0.7-11. Cl-ClO)e($

j (0 431andC.erylos~s~fl Stengt:AB-ntrnay Sftrng, AS-Vory Strong R4-Sbw%' R3-Meffum Stra AZ-Weak. R1 *wry Wealc bnd RO-Extoeffey Weak. Lkho~o*0*crsoW:tl\6 Aock 4yW. color. leduro. gramn seze. eSM. 0iscontmukwute Be-Beddin Fa-Fau*t.

Pc-Foliation Jo-Joiolk Me-MeChanial bre9ak. Sh-Sttear.

and y-Vein Joke t decrptons:

Dip. Surtacs shap (P1-Planar.


of Wa-Wa~y).

Roughness (Sm-Smooth, St-Slight Rough. Ro-Rough.

and VA-Vey Rough). Aperture (Fl-Filed He-Heale.

Op-Open and Ti-rqght).

t"p ar-d amount of ettikg. Sbic mtiesds etc Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 13-123pof 244 76 77 78 815 98S I-'Jan ROCK BORING LOG Pr~o~t Jo NumWe PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 j_1223-a0-7 Date Page 7 of 1.2. (T-ýS SAI/dr Description of Description I& Discontinuities Jdu iee045, g -0Y(6 tq /") icarve hia'sd A i4a qr4,hPwP:

9'~~~hr Ur~6 f JLS -51z I, I r 4n,'~-( ~rf~ 40eraEa64 twwE (7.'~% rR i~,(.-~ -,c1j , -e 7-1 .1 X, A'ý -r, je M., 6 -rI t I, .r-, 7 M, Z- /Qv, J&MV ar,! 6-4 Remarks it..,.,;5J.(>AL'lj, i,8'er 4 r -E;.,

wgate~frqFr-Fsk.SW-Sbght.MVW-Modwate HW.Highty.


and RS-ReSidual VWi. Fracture Spacwig VW-Vmr Wide (>31. Wi-VW*de(1%3).

Mo-Moderate (0O7-l1. Cl-lose" (0.1'-0.3')

and VC-Ver Clos 1-0.11. Strenglth:

AS.E*Sitr~uy Strong RS-Very Strong. R4Slron. R3-Mediwrn Strng. R2-Weali.


and RO-Extrmelyty~al.

Litholog~c OuaCP~tlw Rock type. color. lelUMP. grain size. setc Ousontinukis:


Fa.Fault, Fo-cltialeen.


Me-Medsanmcal break. Sti-Steai.

and Ve-Voi. Joint duscnptons:

Ohp. Surface dwWe (Pt-Planau.


or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Sni-Sinoolth.

Sl-Shghtly Rough. Rb-Rough, and VA-Very Rough). Aperture (Fa.Filed.


op-open and TI~rqw) typ and amontia of inililing.


etc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 13-124 df 244 7-kjq 52 974-17/9 Nr/60 1,01 103 /P4 : Ii 77Z 0 e'. f, -

ROCK BORING LOG'Pmpo~etLo Number PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting!Suy19 1223-zP07.06 -CekeA2 L~Dael.f Description of Description

$F" Discontinuities Page -K Of iL Remarks yte elf 4%,?- ~ X. .Weathering:

Ft Fresh. SWI-Slight.


KW-Highlyý CW-CoinpitetyA and RS.Residuala sodt. FRacure SPalcing:

VW -VOY Wide (>T). W.-Widg (V-3). Mo-Moderat (O.3-r1. 0I.00 (0. V-OA3. "n VC-Vary Ckos (.0. 11. Sftrenh, RS-Edremety Suaig. AS-Very Svorong R4-Sowag, R3-Medar Strong. R2-Weak. RI-Vey Wveak, and RO-Ezwwn*

Weak. UhoogC 081000"~l RAm typ. colot. ewaue. graen siea. atm COaontireees e-8eftg. FA*Paut, Po-Foliaion.

Jojoew. Me-Medluercal breakt Sh-She,. &Wd V*-Vein. JoInt descreptona OiA Surlace shape (PI-Plana,.

St-Stepped, or Wa-Wavy).

Rougfrmes (Sm-Srnoagt.

%Si.Sgy Roughl. Ro-Rough.

MWd VA-Very Rough). Aperture (Fi.Fieec He-Heajr Op-Ope and Ti-Tigin. "yp and wriorat of eihing. shiernsodes ec.Diablo Canyon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. 1 i 13-125 'f 244/06 f07 ('48//1//3//5//7 4 0 T/I8 115 Vo tý4~ /Jo X-A4,rj.

('I s;j5 Sk1O r~joo I i I dL%% ED)

ROCK BORING LOG Pumbe Date PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 1223- 06 ZY' I oir- AMI AJul /-/ 21'23 /2z4 4, * '25 126 IZ7 /2.8 1 29 130 r4~ /317 1 32 1~j34 i35 UZ A"-F" r Description of Description Discontinuities 74 o~rywd 6 S-- -,o -,-Rvr Remarks-2ý o -/0Or-*e4 r. 4" s, j~ 4p- ,* r-/ , Wahearing:





CW-CompMete and AS-Resshtal soil. Fracture SPacoTg VW -Very Wide (s31. Wil-Wide (1'.31. Mo-Modletale (0.7-11. C.CO (Ol-0.31.

and VC-Vsty Clow e0 11. S qtregh R6-Exutfety

&trnM R5-,Vary Wtong R4-Strong R3.eef Strong. F12-Waak.

RI-Very Weak. and RO-Eereniely Weak. Litlc~ogic 7 Rock type. color, eteutwe. grain sim et. elmOscontinuities:


Fa.Fauk. Fe-oliation.


Me-Mechanicat break. Sh-Shear.

and Ve-Vein. Joint descriptions:

Dip. Surfac Shape (Pt-Planar.

St-Stepped, or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Sni-Sunooth.

SI.Slighqty Rough. Re-Rough.

and VR-Very Rough). Aperbtur (Fi-FAKe He-Healed.

Op-Open amd rI-Tihl).

typ itid arhOuV' of irfilog. sflictensides.

etc, Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B- 126 of 244 Page 2.* /0 A iA of I(oý be 5 N I le r-te ?), P -S;R e C-e !), 0-5, 44, of 6 7"' Ir 0, -S /?-, 'r" "'t ; '/' ? (d F4, 0 ROCK BORING LOG Project Job Nmwr Date PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 j1223-oa7 rXI 9zo -e, o Description of ,z Discontinuities

.0 6~4 * ---- -- -F .Yow,4-C.AC*

re A- S.F' 4f0"*64ýý $1W4 ýe W~ep5*~a~ga~elc 4-.4'I -0..$%a.J

(,~@~90JLg, p1 5 12110%136 417 It 0 Mq2.j if-L~ l q4 4/,5%8A -%f1" Page _.L0a, of -LZ Remarks T'ecj'- 2Je.a9 U.....30, sow. S %. of eqkst, ij/40 Cp0,r10 .'.f , SPA-o4 Ale$ *4*irtd, 4 -Mo ~t~~te#r, Weathering:


SW-S~gWK MWN-Moderate.

HW-Hgi". CW-C Fpe", t and RS-Resiua#

soal. Fracture Spacing: VW -Vexy wide (.31. W-Wide (1-4). Mo1-Moderate (0-1-11, Cl-CloW (0. 1-4.31, and VC-Vhsy Close (c.0 V). Strength:

A6-Extrrsety Sorong. S-Very Strong. tM-Strong.

R3-Medsan Strong R2-ftlak.

P1 -eY" Weak. and W-Extrein Weak, Uogi D65cta'P Rock typ. color, teiture. grain size, etc. Oiacontinules:

Se-Beddfng Fe-Fault.


Jo-Joint, M.-Medwaicat 60reak. Sti-Stner.

arnd Ve-VW¶. Joint descripticfll Dip. Suiloc ~hp (Pt-Ptamai.


Or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness fSrrl-Sntooth.

Sl-Sfiglyty Rough. Rlo-Rough, and RVa erRough).

Aperture (F4-F4e. He-Heeled.

Op-pe "nro ig). tWp old 40"0O10' of mimg~nq Slidianaides.

aetc Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-127 c/f 244 q~ e~Lithologic Description fir R, uwf aMR-4 9k&--e 9 iR' r 4 r~~ ~ 7.5"-T -W,- r ie 6I~rL.~4r~~e, CcPtrs"-f e,- A,.-ect --A eqa/jl: 5.7', zq 31 100 W; W I jt.-L W UL1 5ri5 r(I SO, I rd+/A/6 /9 N I-66.;VAi 41X perý _fA ew r-ppr,,5 49, J 1, 415ý-jr 1 So -Ito _j,1A-I-30IFE 0 1 0)815A-1/1 ROCK BORING LOG Pagi Proqet Uob N~*1 ~~ PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 11223-,00 9,6 e.L. of .1L7 Weaaterr Fr-Frnh, SW-Strghtr MW-Modetal.

t4Y.44iahi CW-Comptetely.

and 15As-Rindual sodl. Fractur e Spacaig: VW -Very wide (,3). Wi-Wide (,'.31. Mo-Modrate (0.7-1%. CIC2OS (O.1-C2-).

aidVC-VerY Clse F'O.V7. Sh0tR-ormt h RgAS-VerYStrong.


R34tedear Strong5L A2-Weatc. -Very wea. ai wR0.gwe yw eaVfk. LeIoIgC sir ~ ol Roc tye.colr.tauure gar iz. ec Oucnuiuies:8eSeddftg Fm-PauIL Fo-Foiatlw`

Jo-Joel. M-MeObsorcal breasK Sh-Shear, and Va-Vein. Joint desuvtiafns:

Cup, Surtacesh VF- (P1-Ptanar, St-Stepped.

or WA-Wavy).

ROughmess (Smn-Smooth.

S5aShoty Rough Ro-Rough, anid VA-Very Rough). Aperttwe (Fi-Filed jHs-H4eale Op-01 and ramheS, tyW aMW aitOCUri ofaft-eig sMsttckeni Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 i B-128 of 244-7-V vsv[`ýP'-52/r55 /T'6jI N C.'-, a I-/S'8 / -rg 1460 I 41 162 163 164 '16 5 90BA-11I12...

Page / Z of 1L7.ROCK BORIN-G LOG Project ob0 Number PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 [`1223- oo 7 0 ~ Description of

  • Lithologic Description

/q'PoDisco ntinuities, Remarks 4/A-ix;'F j70 J&4 j,74/-75/78 179 ,oA.4' N 'N IN 'N 1%. N N. S.. 'N 'N N *trl '0 'N 6T r,-, o. r r; ~e A fIDN L.A L WeatheingW Fr-Fresh.





w4d AS-Residual sort. Fracture SPacin: VW -V@Y Wide (.31, Wi-Wide (71-7 Mo-Moderate (0.3-I). 0-tO0e (0.1V-0.31.

and VC-Very Close (<O, 1). Strenogth:

R6-Ezteiel Strong. AS-Very Soron%~ 4-Svong. A3.Medmurr Strong. Ft-Weak. RI -Very Wae*. adWi Exnely weaj. LwieooglCo scripod" Rock tMp. coWa. tejure. gWain size. etc. Disoonittirities:


Fe-Fault Foe Cation. Jo-Jolt. Me-Mechanica break. Sti-Shear.

and Ve-Veem. eioot daesrptons:

Oip. Surtace~dp (P1-Panar.


or Wa-Wasy).

Roughnes (Sen-Smooth.

SL-Slightly Rough. Re-Rough and 'Li-Very Rough~). Aperture (Fi-Filed.


Op-Open and roTight), type end ~untj of osliling.


aet.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B- 129 Of244 lei RI ,Cr, ~~di~' aV,' 6 -44 A-1, Clo4YA'f N 36)C~a.r,?- 'c- 1 (0044 r5e YW, wen I Due-Vo e-irecr1,w,0,'.oq F, ýV ful 4---1 1."00---- 470f Jr IY& S-S,,06-4-, ri, 9 8'S A -I/ .ROCK BORING LOG..%Page Li Proet ~b Nw ber Oal. P4&9 PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 r 1223- 00 7 67 at LZ Tel-/1 A-1'~( , ,> .f Description of ~? '~ ' ~ ~ ~e~Lithologic Description 0' Discontinuities Remarks i~7?.51;* 81 6Z-g I Y lq L+ 19 IeI 7-vaP 4 y., 3r$.4ý r, gP or ri U) OD 0 Ar #16 4, 60 71 1`1 0-}AJ' 7 c~ i; s-~ R 4"T t/'J~ ),5'(/y hA~ A- --~44' e~ra , Juqd"O.1.Weathering:




HYJ.Highly, CW-Conitoefti and RtS-ResidUat SOIL Fratua' Spiscing:

VW -Very Wide (i.31. WI-Wide (V-31. Mo-Moderate (0.7411. C1 (Q. 14 31. and VC-Very Clo~se (411 Strength:

ROS-Estreie Stming. RS-Voqy Strong R4-Strotig A-Modkiun Stron. Rk2-Weak.

A i-very Weak. w4d RD-E*wmey weak. Lmxrqo~olOOaa1PW, Rodktyp "olMW. WesWO. Wain size. .tM D~smoniutmies:

80-1300M Fa-Fault.



Me-Mechnicall bleali. Shi-Shear, andl Vs-Veim. Joint descrilotions:

Dip. SwUMtc ~IP (FlPlana.


or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Sirn-Siniooth.

SI-Slightty Rouigh. As-Rough, and 111-Vry Rouogh). Aperture (Fi-Fdod.


O-pen SWd rTq-iht). "yp NOi -cu d infaning, slitlconsirtsdet Sc.Diablo Canyon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. 1 13-13 0 of 244 w, Li'.7 df ,2-LA pea N I F-WCIW-Ia': P I F;o Ro of t z Ott L 6i.4 Ti f,- I Nc 60 YO i 1 1,60 i 361 ZZ W ProjWc NumIber Osloor 0 PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1995 1223- o o' 7 79S~ ~ .~ ~'c3 ithologic Description

[~Disconrtinuitiesf Remarks f*-_,-ea.jCw4

,,ed A..0 e j., F*s, Ti)A" -A4G ed,-ec. w;-d /,47 2.01 2 03 2P 2 C6 2C' 0 210'S N 141"43 5--160 2-y1r& r F_ Sid LA i 6,e4 W,"&, Z JLe SN P- leT Y4,5-5,/'

Par,A 7*R,0- S, P1o~f, -,%7/ui -~ ~ ~ I' 'A'6~I'.~,P se,~ 7cý-'4 T ,j~s 2 I* LF& eD'-of~.0-5 I-I?Weattersg Fr-Fresh.



HW-Hgh". CW-Compleel,*.

and RS-Resrduaj sod. Fractur Spacing: VW -Very Wide (,r31. W..Vdide (V-7). Mo-Modwrate (0.3-11. 040 (OY0.VO3).

and VC-Very Clos (.0. I') Strengh: RGS-Estrmnely Strong. AS-Very Stoong. RA-Strong.

A3-Medlur, Strong. A2-Weak. RI-Vry Weak. arnd R-ExtreirlOVilisWak.


Roick tMp. col. or, exure. grain mxe. aet. Discontinuities.


Fa-Faun. Poi-Fokrahon.


Me-Mecharrrcal brdir. Sit-Shear, and yea-Vein.

Jonit descripitinS:

Dip. SwIM*C ilSt (PF-Ptarta.

St-Stepped, or Wa-Wevy).

Roiughness (Smn-Smooth.

St-Slighty Rough. RORough. and VR-Very Rough). Aprtr (FFfc H* OP0a an ý and 2IWu"* of inhiing, sickentjdes et Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B- 131 of 244 Xof 1 shr- 1)page.i i i .4 6V.r!w;ROCK BORIfG Ldd ' ' '

ROCK BORING. LOG . Prowet !Job Number PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998,. 1223- oc 7 Dab 5Z20 8 Page IS- of I Weanenmgc Fr-Freoh.



HW-Mpgtyt CW*CorpiemeI, and RS-Residual sod. Fraclutie Spaong: VW -Very Wide IM3. Wi-Wide (V-31. Mo-Mode-ate (0CI.C-ClO1!

(0 1-4.37. and VC.Vwy Close (-0.17. StmenM: RG-Extrnel Strong. R5-Vei-y Siron,; R4-SW4o 11-Medilm Strong. FQ-Weak RI-Very Week. an AO-ESISItr Meak. ueoloc Desc,9A1Ol¶ Rock tMm. coloe. Isitue. grai¶n SI tc. imOfl~cnuilije:


Fa-Fang. Fo-Fotatiun.

Jo-Join Ue-Mecadial" bheak. Sti-Shear, and Wde-Oin Joint descripions:

ftp SUifac ~e (pt-Planae St-Stepped.

or Wa-Wavy).

Roughnes (Smn-Smooith.

SI-Sghtly Rough. Ro.Rough.

and VR-Vaiy Rough). Aperture (Fl-FAWe.


o-open and r~rii-gt).

Mmp and -ill-*l of kq*Ag sidcnsde etc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-132 of 244 2/0 211 2/2 z13 2/6 z/7 z18 2/9 -220 az22 z z3 z z4 Z25 1 01110 U, 2/5 I I 9 5SA -% /11. EagO -06 of 17 7 , 9, =rr-, 1 225 ROCK BORING LOG 2.28 I Ome 229 .232 233 2J4 zJ5 236 237 238 239 4 M Ate ýitAAA:_MOW": Fr-FroSh.

SW-SW4. MW-Moderate.

HW.H9*. CW-CompWeý.

and RS-RosxkW uW. Ftwuts Specog: VW -Yery Wide (.31). W,_W40 (1%y), Mo-Moderate CW;1054 (0.j'.0.3jendVCV4myC1ft*(.0.jj Sftength:

FrEjarwr" SUwV. RS-Very _qrorog, R4.SWx4 R3-Modkon SUong. R2-W4%*. AM"Weak. and F*ExUem*Vftak.'

Uchologic DescrOwn:

Rock ".coloc."UM ate. Wcw&wdm- fle-Seddirig.

Fa-Fauk. Fo-Fohmion.


Me-MeChancal breO. Sh-Shear.

and Ve-Ven. Jowit descrpbons:

Dip. Surbee $MPO (PýPlanw.



ftughness (Sr*Srnooth.

SI-SNhtly Rough, Ro-Rough.

and VR-Vwy Rough). APecture (F-Firled.


OP-Ow am rýrigru).

mm wid &-our4 of wdiwg. sm*wswm wz.I I Pr*,W Pob NW*W PG&E DCPP- DCSF Sifing Study 1998 1 1223-0617 i B-133 of 244 Diablo Canyon ISFSl Data Report B, Rev. I ROCK BORING LOG Proiect )J~Number PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 11223- Oo R-Off 4WA~ " -'Aoy I ate-o >15 Lithologic Description

'ription of ntinuities 9 61BA-tl Page L7.. a#... Remarks j I ., e&4/,y'?,re e., e,.Vi .z4r5-z Y6 ,2q7~ 21/8 v,9 ZSO. 2_S3 2$,4'It 9--i-t + 13,4 c( at .sI, P.r A A '/o(c r,51'.Y f &, -4/04 L.L" 1C'wf*"? S 6..t'r /60 , s f Weatherig Fr F~root. SW-Sfightt IA'Aoderate.



and RS-Residual soil. Fracture Spacing: VW -V~ty Wide (ý3*). A-Wmde (11-3-). Mo-M~oderate (0.37-11, OCWiS (0X-. I*O.andVC-VeWY Oox(xO.1).


AB-Extrren*e Strong R5-Very Smtog RAýStroMg R3Mmediurn Ston. R2-Wieak~

R1 -Vry Weak, and RO-Extremnely Weak. LMSOIO5C eOariti Rock type color, texure, gramn sze. Wt- Ouorrtmuitres.BSe-Bedding.



Jo-Joel. Ma Mecthanrcatlltak.


and Ye-Voit. Joint deacrrtions:

Dip. Suftta ~hW (Pt-Planar.


or WA-Wavy), Roughtiesa (Sm-Smooth.

%Sfightly Rough. Ro-Rough, and VR.Very Rough). Aperture (Fi-Fded.


Op-Op.' and ri-tihil.

typ and atttote't of eld&g slkiensides.

te. Diablo Canyon ISFSI B- 134 #f244 Data Report B, Rev. 1."e.2f55! VV)2 c, 'S- r-A, A ý,c Z4 '? rf- / I Pf LOG of ROCK BORING RA4'f~r2.

%0 A 5101~ ~ *f ~ ~ If GA+A 4or tss ~sA--ýL%.~zi~~

Page -Lof Protect Job Number IBoring Location TttDpo PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 1 2 2 3-ooe -7 Borrow Areaw. ,,~~~A 4 Type 11 Owmtein r of Boraig Elevation and Chatuni Ground Water Depthi o"it to Bedrock HO 3.5* ID Wireline Rotary Diamond Core /Triple Tube Core Barrel 31Z. ~ i Driling Contractor and Rig Length of Core sarret and Bit No, of Core Bome& Date, Started PG&E G.C. Drillers (Glen Lofing -foreman) / Mobile B-40 -IRZ.0 " J1 -f? 7/C) Casing Sine and Depth Borehol inclinatiot ItLogged By eeonpye -~vertical liýW V -1d/:V Description of '/ d ' -% ý /,# 'W 0L/itho~ogic Description

~j' Discontiniuities Remarks 1 3.6 7 8 91 -,10 11 -4 F~ s 12 13 14* 15., N 0, C *-I -r,7 7jp 7- 7-, He, /-.A- ml- '4 Featheirrg.





Z#-Complatal-aid AS-Resaduat sodt. Fracture Spacing: VW -V411Y Wide (-3'). -Wi-Wide (V-Z). Mo-Moderate (03-I'). 0-Co~ 0 .1-" 3'). andVC-VwY Close(-0.l11 Seengio: FVAS-Etnwey Strong, AS.Very Stajrq. R4-Slrong 113-Medium Strong. R2-Weak. At.Wir Weak, and RO-Etarenred Weak. Littotogic oescr1tuor:

Rock pa. color, texture. grain size. etc. Discontavwties:


Fa-Pauk. Fo-Foiiatron.

Jo-Joint Me-Mechanicaltwbeak.


and Vie-Veet.

Joint descriptions:

Dip. Surface ~ Oape ltPana"a -Stepped,.

or We-Wavy).

Roughnaes (St-Setooft.

StShodtty Rough. Ro-Rough.

and VR-Very Rough), Aperture (Fi-Filled.


Op-Ope and Ti-light).

typ of intllig. slicdslidSd W-Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1'~Yt 416M B-13`5 If 244 jt 70;a/I I I yf Red,W0 f-5 , 0. St-S.-C-' AU,-A 14), P/ go It I q/4 Ro P %I..-, ib rid '3-3 a let a N ;L 3 (To~rk-4,*e

/T1"-2 A--04. d X4"".10- crt, F43 .,i TAP-. Ian fd.;10, ,"J%/ &&I zi I 1%4 I,-u ,"JV L" 7.1 S:-e ["'ý.7a t 950, Q-46, S-, Ale, 4 P" 5-- 1,;-,- 1"7 ROCK BORING.LOG

....... ..__-age _.. at LZ Protect N~ at o N PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 r1223- 00 7 ý V'-4?0 0 k% ~ escription of (or~.~; V '.- vq- \'~ *~ Lithologic Description Discontinuities Remarks t-e15--------------fRJF-6#4f-s.P1rKE-r" fr-e r- ~ e i 'r 17 :1c, 7 5, _r ý ,, -4~ r 'se [Ue;"- /.. "rvr l Ad PW ý r. 6ei F- -c 1/~s ~ e t.- q PI. axC L._yVO 1Z 5 , Z- eppw" O A12-~r .3" 0,I 5- ~ F.--f -r. C., w, 'ý x 0 1183O ý15 --f rod-r cr ~i, a ir ;" '27~ st* 11016 v, 0 Data~~He Reorofev ROCK BORING LOG ..--.Page =:L Of /Z 1 PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 r 223- 1,97 ir/"' 8 SDescription of (jr~q~A. q q~' -Lithologic Description re' Discontinuities Remarks nJ C., -R32. 32 ~ ~ R , f 7 2Z? b .',cP X.5 75 71, 0 !r, -i^, AR , r 36 6 s, A -Me, 3 r 6e" rN X; -8 ir r%. 4* *- i-' 4

  • s-. 4W 1 72,- 6-,i-4,erX N~7 S-,ri, tcy 4-,,i& I-A t "kV~---, erw N~~l .bc- c- Ila Wealhering Fr-Fresh.





and RS-Resida sal.rcurSpin:V-VyWde(3.iWdel..Mooeae(.3l.CCoe R o c k- O ." .c l r ac id C -e .Cg ra i s ze , e tc. .DStr e ng th. i rnu i t y St r o g B e- e r S r n .S tO n g .R 3 -M e u rn S tro n g. R2 -W ea lt. R i -V e ry W e a k. a n d A O -E a ra re et W e a k .L h o lo g ic Oe s c nr tltht Roc rye. olo. taltre ~mIra. ec.Disonlruries S-8edin. Fa-FauIt.



Me-MectiarirCal break. Shr-Shear, and ye-Vin. Joint descriptions:

Dip. SurfacO a~p (13t-Planar.


or We-Wavy).

Roughness (Sm.Snsooth.

St-rlightly Rough. Ro-Raugh.

aind VA-Very Rough). APerture (Fl-Filled.


Op-Open and rtVTighl).

type arid AiOi't of e""ii. slickensiaides etc. Diablo Canyon ISESI B-137 c#f244 Data Report B, Rev. I ROCK BORING LOG --IProtecmo Numcber PG&E OCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 r1223- 06 7 Del. /'2 Page Of5L 0 L2-. X 4 1j]0 a Crfrc~v-#4 q ~ ? Description of ~ -'~cS~Lithologic Description

' Discontinuities Remarks 0y -~ W -- 9T me 1-~~, N10 8 Arý R 3W V " t@ t$

  • Ae"',.c',-;*er Pfe.. rf I ~ ~~4~4 ,'5.rA 1.0"ef'-0 Sc-02 Azti -"DR 4-1k cc'4 RI3-'-"p r / l t,/4~r 's-3 £-4 5-5 x, 6 S-~S 7 C, Le 0 321 r7 0, *-/g d.*.eaa-.'

I S -ý " 74&, X, A"Ii ýe 9 ,' i z. SZ / N~i'c Hie '-.rce 3 p0, ~~,6,.-.Weaftreiig-Fir-Fresh, SW-Slogh.




aWi AS-ReSxtual sod. Frachure Spacing: VW -Ve" Wide IM3. Wo-W-de (1 .3'). MO-Moderale (OZtt,. Cl-CboS (0.1-0.3).

andVC-Very Close (40.11. Strerogc R45-5exrnenly Strong. AS.VUy Stronig. R41-Strong.

R3A3-Miurn Stronig. R2-Weatc.

Rl-Vry Weak, anid Ro-r=Xtrenret Wealt. LetilhogiD~C 0eaiMt Rock type. color. testure. grain size. etc. Oisconunbfluis:

Be-Sedding, Fa-Faumi.


Jo-Joki.t Me-Mechanical treak. Shc Sheat. aid Vs-Vee. Joint desaccicens:

Dip. Surface shape (Pt-Pkacrar.


or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Smn-Smooth.

SI.Slih"t Rough. Rlo-Rough.

acid VA-Very Rough). APeflwe (Fi-Fdted He-Healea Op-Open and Ti-Tigiri).

Myw aji ano'unt at wmfttkg. sfidcecsts etc Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 if ~' B-138 o 244eeh 1- -I-- -'7--r7r of 32 (4-I ij I-i I Date i i i I op !-A- 1--/ý 7. , 1-. 7, A- 14 ROCK BORING LOG Page ..3ý of 12, PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 I1223- A0 ,3 'ý4 .65 ;66 "17 '9 -20 71 02 72 73 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-139 of 244 I Ewe 0-rIl-9 C.,-' I F 4 C.. L. I I,' -S. 'I 61/ XC Weatherng-.






Vicd FS-Residual SoN. Fraclure Spacing: VW -Very Widi ('vl. Wi-Wide (11-31. Mo-Moderaul, (03.711. Cl-10" (0.1 .43). andvc-veuy Close (nO. 1). Slrenglhi RG-Ememey Sucing, RS-r wSirong. R4-SImong R3-Mediuna, Strong. R2-Wsaak, R3-Very Weaki. and R0-EsuanulyWeak.

Lalbgic.NCIenihPm Rock "yp. color. lifiture.

grain size. eIC. Discontinuiies; Se.8.ddmig.

Fa-Paut Fo-Foliabon.


Me-Mecttarsc break. Sh-Shear, andl WVeVejointw descriptions:

Dip Surfac ~h P1 -Planar. SI-Slepped.

or Wa-Wav). Roughness (Sm.-Smooth, SI-Slightly Rough. Ro-Raugh.

Mnd VR-Very Rough). Aperur (Fi-Pilied,.


Op-Ope amnd tr~gh). typ an arriku" ol = stickensindes, etc.74 (715 I I ROCK BORING LOG IPmooe rib Number PG&E DCPP v DCSF Siting Study 1998 j1223- 0 a 7 1O0411 Page .4 of JZ.e't* A. Lihlo Description

/1 1?' Dicntini~uities Remarks CL 75 fl., T,', 76 77 78 79 0 ri o rf 8 14 -LI N '9 "I' 4' 4, '.9' A. "a N 0-'4 Dr. N N N I,, N '9 -I N *1 ImoL~eov & DJ;-F COY ~GA4p ~r j, CCf t.: 1',J4 *4;- 96 f,si; tot~Weathering:





CW-Corhpletul, and RS-Rossdual sod. Fracture Spacmg: VW -VeyWide (ý,3)Wi'Wde (r3.MO-Moderale (0.7- 1). 0-Close CO.1. r.O ) an 'C-Very Close (ý0.1. Sthenglt.ý 1`6.Extre'nely Strong. RS-Mery Strong. Rd4-Slrong.

A3-Modium Strong. R12-Weak.

R1 -Vo Wetak. and RO-Exirernte Weak. LVroog' OWtt'0r Rock type. color. texture. grain size. etc. Oisconwaabes:


Fa-Faux, F. 'Fo-Poaton.


Me-Mectarncal break. Sit Shear. and Ve-Vam. Joint descriptions:

Chp. Swfface shtape (Pt-Planar.


or Wa-Watvy).

Roughness (Sm-Smooth.

SI-Slihgiy Rough. Ro-Rlough.

and YR-Very Rough). Aperture (Fi-Fr~led, He-Heated.

Op-Open an Tr-igtg).

type and &nWOUnt of Widtn,n slickensides.

etc.*,~-, -.. ,~-~~Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-140 If 244 16 sELilee 2A7 L! 39;'-I 71,'~(7. e,?* ~V -f f4W 1.1 r-.q7IIz 11/ /3/?'2 Z? 1 -ý o F-e -e~'C0,.A 5-f-.Cl Ir W/ 1 ^0 I F,4K3 7 ýýe q I 1 1 lss,!/ a I C'_ ý V3 S;'S

')WeA-Z/-ROCK BORING LOG Page :? 0 If Project JoaNueter Dao*ein PG&E DCPP -OCSF Siting Study 1998 I 1223- 007 I 5-4 r,-;, r (4. 0 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-141 df 244 Weallieeimg.






and FIS-Residual sag1 Fracture Spacing: VW -Very Wide (u31. wi-wde (13.Mo-Moderate (O.3.1). CICOOO (0 t-0.3). and VC-Very Close (rO1'). Strength:.Rf-Etrmerney Stmnrr AS-Very Strong. R4-Strong.

F13-Medium Strong. R2-Waak. At -Very Weak. and R0*Egreronte Weakt. w scDcrpin Rlock type. color. tesiure. grain size. etc. Oscortrrruiles.






Sti-Strear and Va-Vein. joint descrnptions:

Dip. Surface shape (Pt-PlanaE St-Stepped.

or Wa-Wanvt).

Roughness (Ser-Sinnoottt.

Sl-Skhgtly Rougit. to-ROugir.

and VR-Very Plough]. Aperture (Fin-Prited.


Op-Open and Ti-Trght) type and ain of mtnflerig.


etc.67 5-6 A-Z--) WA46 ROCK BORING LOG PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 r1223- &e, 90 gh-?- 1 Page .. of 2_.IDate Ic8 /109 i 32 .14 "15 ;!7 / 8 "9 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-142 of 244 e".lIog itL N ~- ---L IJ A;, i, !i.,.., jwol-- 4 Weathering:






and RS-Residual soil. Fracture Spacing: VW VeyWide (431. Wi-Wide (1.-31. MO-M~iderate (0.7'-11.

CICIOse (0 V-03). and VC-Very Close (.40.11. Strength:

R15-Extremety Strong. RS.Veiy Stro% R4-Strong.

Rp-edium Strong. R2-Weak. Ri-Very Weak. and RD-raernefy Weak. Lirlhobgic



Rock type, color. l9411 WS grain SIZe. etc. Discommtinuities.


Fa-Fault Fc-Foliation.

Jo-Jomn Me-Atecttanical break. Sit-Sheaw, and VeVein. Joint descriptions:

Dip. Sudact shape (P1-Plnar.m St-Stepped.

or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Sm-Sotootti.

SI-SIugltly Rough. Ro-Rough.

and VA.Very Rough). Aperture (F.-Filled.


Op-Open and Ti-Tigsij.

"~ and ainouM' of witlling.


etc.S 0 I-ROCK BORING LOG PrO~~C ~Jo~Number PG&E DCPP -OCSF Siting Study 1998 j1223- 00 7 132 VZ ~ CIO 3 ,Jirl 133 (0Y--3)andV-Vm~os(-ral Strengft R6-Eatranely Strong, RS-Very Strong. 114-Strong.

3Mdr St ,R 244g. Ri-VeryWekan FO-Exte" We ak. LAhologro cpf Rock type. COWo. Woidue. grine siae. etc. Disoiiuitihwes; So-Bdding.

Fa-FauN. Fo-Folhatw.

Jo-join. me-Mectoica'tl break. Sh-Shear.

aid vL-Veai. joiol descaprobrs:

Di.p Suifacir shimp (PI-Ptanar.

SI-Stepped, or Wat-Wavy).

Roughness (Sns-Saoomh.

St-Slightly Rough. Ro-floagh.

anid VA.Very Rough). Aperture (Fi-Filled.

He-Healal Op-Open anid Ti-rignt).

type and W11001(d od minerig. slideasides.

etc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 13-143 'of 244 1-2 0 121_Page .7.7 '0' 9L&BA -I-S/25 126 127 /78-4130 S) i-u' V I-Q 98 ?,A tvý ROCK BORING LOG Page _Wofj. Protec PoiNumbw Oat* ma"m Vf PG&E DCPP DCSF Siting Study 1998 1223-00 7 1I £79d.~ ~ Description of v ~ ~ '~P ~A*' Lithologic Description

~' Discontinuities Remarks iley N N U' N *1*4*-~ 7~~ JiAu /-V Lj 5 9,6 137 /i 8 139 Lt 1q lif3 Jif 5 11 8q 0 r~'td, CI-1'(T,~ Op4V- ý ww A ;Z7-4'e; k e-#-c-.A rc-. fttCCi'o~c~

4'AJ 41 .L -" ' Id- r' .rd weatfnerm.

Fr-Fren. Sw-Slight.



CW-Comptltel.A arid RS-RAlidual soil Frature Spacong: VW -Very W~de ('31. WýWide (1*-31. Mo-Moderate (0.7-11. apCIOO (0 14-.3). and VC-Very COme (-.0.1). Strength.

R46-Extrenwely Strong. RS-Very Strong. R41-Slrong.

rn3-Mode~m StO"g. R2-Weak. RI-Wry Weak, and RO-,Extremel Weak. LA11010gic 0000r Ito: Rock type, color. teunure. grain site. etc. Disconlinutea:l Be-Bedding.




Me-Mech~anical break. Sir-Shear, and Ve-Woin. joint descrttwns:

Dip. Surface ~~ (Pt-Planar.'



Roughness (Sm-Smooth.

SI-Sightly Rough. Ro-Rough.

and VA-Very Rough). Aperture (Fi-FedW.


Op-Ope and tr.Tqgtr). "yp and art0Wlw of wtirlbng.


etc.0 4?Diablo Canyo 'n ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I 13-144 of 244 cc's I A, P.?Ril Sw'(.4,3;O AL P .,!'f Ti 6 7 5"H L4'1,4 6w/A 73!I Crc a, r- lp: L-10, ~ .~-,rA,0VfA, LI er 51y Z I -Ift 0 AILT 4r jArC4 /* fiel.;j(4 jr,' P-.4 H- ;;--gr I I SIR, 6" C',,qi1Ae&tS 5`8 BA-a/1 , ROCK BORING LOG Page t/ProGet DF S Number Cate 7o.-ig" PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 r1223-C to -f3/A9Er-of 1z A f=9-Z"Weathering:

Fr-Fresh, SW-SlIght.


W-ighty, CW-Comptetely.

and AS-Residual sol. Fractwe Spaitng: VW -Very Wid (.31. Wi.Wide (1"-3') Mo-Modert-e (0.-I7-C1-Clo5e (0 V-0 31. and VC-Vwy Close (<0 t'. Streogh- R6-Extremely Stung. R5-Very Strong. At-Strong.

R3-Medium Strong. R2-Weak. RI-Wry Weak. and RO-Extrenet Weak. Liolog DescOV( Rock ype. color. texste. grain size. etc. Disonji*es:

Fa-Faul. Fo-Folialton.


Me-Mechanical break. Sh-Shear.

aid Vs-Vein. Joint descriplions.

Dip. Surface shape (PtInar. St-Slepped or Wa-Wavy].

Roughness (Sm-Smooth.

St-Slightly Rough. Ro-Rough.

and VR-Very Roughl. ALoeture (Fi-FPed.

He-Healed, Op-Open and T-right, type -n amourt of indlmg.

etc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-145 o (244-o/Si /<-2 X<3 /574 156 /57 /58 160 /6 1 162 463 164 ROCK BORING LOG Page f. -of 1:7 I protect bwne PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 r1223- 00 7 IDote Weatherng:


SW-Slight.MW-Moderate HW.Highly.

CW-Coengtetey.and AS-ResidualSoil.

Fracture SPacing VW -VrY Wide (13'). Wi-Wide (1-3r). Mo-Moderate (O.3-11. 0-Ciflie (0. V-0.31. antd VC-Very Close (40.11. Strengfth AG6-Eatreniely Strong. R5-Very S"rn. Ril-Stroing.

R3-Medium Strong. R2-Weali Ri -Very Weak. and RO-Extremnely Weak. LiOtogic Descr~ipli Rock type. color, bexturie.

grain size. etc. 0.scontiuiutims Se-Sedding.


Fo-Potiation. .Jo-Joi-*.

Me-Mechanical Wreak. Sh-Shear.

and Ve-Vein. Joint descriptions:

Dip. Surface ~hp (Pt-Planar.


or Wa-Waq-).

Roughness (Sin-Sinootti.

St-Slightly Rough. Rol-RougIS.

and VA-Very Rough). Aperture (Fi-Fitted.


Op-Open and Ti-Tightv) type and afInoILM" of W HInttig stidienudes.

etc.Diablo Canyon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B- 146 4f 244"/5 1~66 157 /,'8 170 171 172 /7.3 /174 175 / 77 /78 / 79 LOG of ROCK BORqIkG..&129AJ'

+4- Sr 1 f 4 , Pg W ý0*4F e ., a 'P ~~ .~Q~ LthoogicDesciptin -Description of 2 ~ VýO1q~5'LthlgcDecit Discontinuities Remarks'1 I., -S I. 'Ii 5.4 'i-i I Q 0/- o1 o 16f lee el," '~ 65 ' i~es' 84 arc-$ f-I>VUy ,.c.- 4b

--4*I F'. 'S N 'ii N N t'0 N to '4 A, z2 4'i k g F"'5-! 1 1 41'l R3 GfAr~..4eki C'i.-co, (c 4%t~ 7 ( fb-z. To-1o-2.Q)

~eo r4c /9 F, 4 i,c ouJt eled-a /y Xd--xi "eD*-1.Wclear" r C,14 ' -s I "' Wamw~ngFr-14a

.SW.Sol. UtV-Mideta IW-Hjj.S.Iy.W-Comltttedy.

and RS-Residual sad. FRacure Spacing: V1W Vary Wide (-3'). Wi-Wide (t'-31. mo-Adodiientl(.-

Cl-CloOO hi. 0.y1. antlvc-very Close (.0.11. Strength:

F16-Extraniedy Stron. AS Veiy Strong. Rd-Strong R3-Mediunt Strong. R2-W~k. RI -Vay WeakMI and F*Ar*uty~k 1.aIL0hoogic065wigs":

ROO' Mope. COWo. textMureI.

grain 312e. 111C. D0sCOn~tiuies.





Ma,-Middunua bWeak. Sh-Sties, and Jo-' in.Jet desawitoons:

0,M. surtace ~ip (P*IWtn St-Stepped.

or Wa-Wayp).

Roughness ISM-Smooth.

St-Slighty Rough. Rlo-Rough.

and VR-Wery Rough). APeriur (Fi-FiAd.


Op-Open and To.'right), "yp of eirgilig.

sl*IdIeflCdor (blo Canvon ISFSI B-147 dff244 Data Report B, Rev. 1 PG&E DCPP -DCSF Siting Study 1998 11223-e,&7 "Bot~ow=Am'`a:

3Lr4 4 6.F8 el r' '2 -zo.? Type & mmiernio BOwing IEIWavMhai emd atiw GtudiltleroeDpth Capa soBdeodg HQ 3.5" ID Wireline Rotary Diamond Core / Triple Tube Core Barrel 4 -1 1 g.:: 3 2 2 V, ne-l-_ 0 ýOr~ing Contractor and Rig Langan~ ol Cate Baffel and lit '- No. ol Core lome Date Started PG&E G.C. Drillers (Glen Lofing -foreman) I Mobile B-40 I-~ 9z Aiei -'; Caswig Sao, and Nish IOelle f~trdigldiaoii Logged By 0ats COO@Ntied 14016e -vertical --N N"I 16 7 J170 1 7/173 T3 7~y c~r ~(w IV4I ROCK BORING LOG PMroct 'ft "wsber LPG&E DCPP : DCSF Siting Study 1998 1 1223- 00 7 Page Z of 4Y. ONS6 lftm ,m ~r (uM 2Z..;*j 75 176 1-77 179 -/ -0 1 *2 /84'5.55 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-148 df244 c-.S.-' --.- -'I--jfe, -~ " 70k. *F f 94.9 weaestwg:


SW-Slgh. MW-Moderate.



and AS-Residual sWd. Fractur SPa-W~ V1W Very Wde (s37). W-Wide (I .3:. M0-Moderate (0.3*- 11. CIl in (0.1-03').

end VC-Very Ckose(-O.11.

Strengt: Re-Eatremel "9 FIey Slr ong. RS.Mo strng. RVAMedsi%-Vo

.Rt2-WeaK Al -IV"r Weak. and RO.SsErney Weak. Wtoi 08O0eS*m Rock type, color. Mt~ure. gram sine. aet. OaConhlmtaes:


Fa-Fauk. Fo-.Fotiatiort.

Jo-joed. Me-Mecancal brek. 51-Shear.

and wye-n. joint desoiptionn:

01A Suitac Wowe (Pt-PanacSt-Slapped.

or Wa-Wavyý.

Roughness (Srn-Srootn.

%Sljlgmttt Roug. Re-Rough, and VA-Very Rough). Aperur (Fi-Fatet.


Op-Open a" 1i-T?4J. My- -n Ul0i Of WOW~eg. SlidietSK1eS.

SIC.1*7 /99 170 ROCK BORING LOG Page ,3 of q PMPOiatj NumberDtefo . PG&E DCPP 7 00SF Siting Study 1998 1223- 0a 7 jý9.A -'s ~ J5~q/ ~PDescription of z~ ? '~ q ~Lithologic Description

' Discontinuities Remarks I'90 -- ------8__ __ ___ __ _ 4rC-*a*.;A4C

,,qrt Y C6 ley I Nj k.

  • 9V /14/ V7 $7.ti izJ4 7 ee 8SS-Ir 0etwr:F-rsi WSih.M -oeae WHgry WCnpeey n SRsdalwtFatr pc~:V Vr ie(3.W-ie(4.M-oeae(.~

i tl~ 3' n CeyCoe(O) ters 6EtrmlSrn.R-eySrn.R-tos.

3Mru tog 2Wa.R-eyWaan OErneyWa.tstoio9SptO icotrirs 2eBedig FA-f'4Arilt, Fo-Foito.J o-or .M-"'fnCl ra ~-haadyeVi.Jitds~tlos i.Staei (P-Panr.SIStppd.orWaWay)


I-tih~y ouh.AsRogh ndyRVey ouh) Aselue F-ited H-Haed O-Oenan ~Tsht. yp ad ff-tt at nh~g. trcensdesRet Dibo2Cno SS -4 f 4 Data 1 Reor , ev ROCK BORING LOG PG&E DCPP -OCSF Siting Study 1998 r1223- c'o-7 care-0 Page _4e(_ of f. Nino NM~~/Description 6X4 ft-ee-le 4 ,ee..e row oeer'V p- j*6.~i'1'a 0C '4 .2PAC4k.,e-rrf 0111 f ,riptian of rntinuities 4 Sq3 r. R" -f/ Are .ieCdr p pit 2o6 208 .Z09 '2/2 -2/3 2/4 2 /6-s-Remarksý* 205-I-r, op Z""P1 wesallsqr PR-Fresh.



NW44S"U. CW.Compaeaey Mid AS-Retuaki

$a& FRaUM SPeai#g. VW -Vey Wdae (,Z). Wi-Wie (V-37). MO-Modenaa (0.7-11) CHcNOW AO 1-O.Z. and VC.Vwry CkMs (v0-IT. StianM- AS-ExtreMey Sftrg. RS.Vwy StrVg R4-Stron.

A3-Medsumn Sarong. R2-Weili R I-Wy Weak, and AOEidremevy Weak. Leliolbg MOeCV-b Rock typ. color. tettia. grw ainso. etc. Dmocnbriuiies:


Pa-Fad.L Fo-Foilo.

JO-J0el Me-Mechaica break. Sta-Shear, and Va-Vein. Joint descr0aonh:

Di. Surfac ~ (PI-Ptana.


or Wa-Wavy).

Roughness (Smv-Smooth.

St-Slghtiy Rough, Ro-Rwugh.

ari VA-Very Acugh). Apeiure IFe-FdWe.

He-Neaiodj Op-0pen Mi Th-Tighl).

type and 5lfl0U' of W061%g ilidinsides.

etc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B- 150 of 244 Wif , ' 2/6 J w- i- ,Pr e, --4~r " o., 4 d* -~~A I'.~~~ 4P6Cr, f rif la 1 zC7 711 7 0 H -lfS :r r. glj -~, S', i r;id P'E 5- r; S-phýL/7 2/8 2.19 2zo AV- Rz WIR all-'s),v ?,r" '), 0" -9. -f-- " z I LOG of ROCK BORING 00A- J +,A G,~- -%cc~ckrfk So Paae- 1/I Pngea, Job N-onhr oi L 0lb Dp PCPP 1W51 &"wweiI,Am, 12?3 41 1 vt(ro~cl h&MskV wvi *4ISO I ]Type & Diameterof~onag Eheý -I.- 'mi oCarom Ground 4wae Depab D to WIN Ce Coracioradt

&W Ridirr Lirayho(Cotro Band and Be No of Core Soars Darsin Stae Camag Sure &M. Depth Brhl a .. I )~ DescriDec 2eof Ills -?J ~~' Descnponfiuf eak 01 8 ~~ Lithologic Description , / ic/1niis eak II t F 1 P -I --a t. *I~cA le 6 4 ,o Ior~ Qatbtni, sia ww Cin*'s. rtm&LI an~~iif OziCAW ovyt P4~tA~t llu,-JY1 OUGS~.O x. rA& ysmAt PC-'-.ka";at os pna gtena ehne v &Aaam~ tk M-Y'a ;M1. 54)s+I 1.~*FF cA" a j., P~ I, T'OrA 0 e.~tua 4a,b, PI Sea o.flI5e ~n~~sJl Jole Fil I-S- SI-f eI's~t.4 ~ V~?I, l~ &~a~ae I wlo, Vo- 51* 51-, T. M ji ujol fl-, SI, cj., (66-1c~ P11b Ve~.@, IW, S, v;, Fainrik (.4'. In 5 , lea, $..SI T;. 14646, jt VVn3S_________________________________

I 1. 1 2 3-Weathering Fr-Picsh.



HW.HiW .CW.NCaeplecet), sord RS.Reaiduala sod Fatre Spacing VWNllVftWie

(>--). iW.Wde (1*-y Mo-Moderrate (0 X.ICI.CClanel@

I*.CT). anid VC-VforyClowe('O1.11)


f6Et irme Strong. RS-%We Wrist g. -S"rn. RJ-Medwn~e SarionCg R-1Weak. RI-Very West-, and RO-EtWetnriy Weak Lititoogro Deetriptau Monk typeh. cw inewore. guisi saze. etc Dncontiamasikes Be-Dedding.

Fa-Fauh. fo-Folisaiao..

jo-jonit, Mr-Mechanical break. W51-Shar.

and Ve-cn, Jomntdescriptions Dip, Surfac" Shape (KP1Pana.

St-u.ed or wo-wrty Roughness (Son-Stacloll.

Sl.SlIthily Roush. Ro-Rnugb0.

41nd VR.Very Roush). Aperture (Fi.Filled.


Op-Open and 1T-Tight).

type of infilling.


etw Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-151 of 244 IS t 03

  • c 56.-l klriO 1k, 15.130 I( W0 t-IW t:I.cV i 6.zbj
  • 51. C'I, CS.411.0'-4 t I.Cl ram. a. 0. 8 an 0 mm, -a. A. a-a In 0 A.5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14-1.5-D '4-76-L9-7,;'13 I 1-%3 Aar I V cl 91 I ROCK BORING LOG q~ q-\@ QLithologic Description4 4 ='I, 27q/Io-J2c.vO

___/Description of q'o' Discontinuites

0. it 15 16 17 18 19 Z3 Z4 Z5 26 17'L8 Q 9 OoSA-t/:Z Page z. of j "IOBiL~ " I, 'I.A Remarks 0'A I !A Doo, St M.L. !%*t Woo ý%L 1 ,1 4 w 9- svth~wel wic (Jim rq 0bm (iort*), .tlk Yre (107tilt (I-.sIc ski klk J..2 J(Lto (t;41 1. ae.Wnl." WAR W "A; binw ( nl%) 6tivioo -mi (biki~)Afe-al m luf Westherusq, 1Frresh. SW-SI.5*a. NIW-16oderue.



a&d AS-ftaidaiW soil FraconeSlice"I 1rW .V'ev 164.(>3)W.Wi.Arde (I) Mo.lodaein(03y.I') .Cl-Cme(0 V.0 I aned vc.Vtry Close, (co3 11 &mogh Rii-Exszritor Sdaviv. RS.Veay Swuong 14 Stroga. t. aMad,. Sworang. &:-Weak. R I."ea We0A. and ROý-Evlrea.ely Weak Litholoc Descrption Pock CYP9. color. *.*a& gas %ins u. ecu Dsovsm-lit.



l'o-Folim.a., Soloi.,%g -hfrchjigaW bit*- Sh-Shear avid Ve-Veift Ja6M description Dip. Sutface sAve (PI-Plansir.

Stspped. or Wa.Wr"7).

Rwahikaas (Sm.Sio-adt.

StS.Stslidv losa*. Ito-Pouis.

and VI-ver Rough). Apenwre Ifi-fiIld.


OP-OPM el. anl-T,,hah W~e aid an....,m 01'"RIin-S slickenades.

etc S-ZZv 21; to 1 ocab.aj hItimt 0-Ire o- 4.0S 0q; ?1 30 o10.1: C',)Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I 13-152 of 244 j"VCPP 15FSI &,w,,' Av-. r 1234 h4 W, FijiP1, 1, Op, A. _ O.4OJk Ua~t Sur k .#oyo CAW C6,.1c, L14,4 W-V, o-U, 1 , FS Pr; ftid S~0t~ -l L O, sw.. A1 U. ot11SI. All. £4 i.. O L~~P1-5, 510 51d .ithwJ A Sh MS. P15I, q, 5;1W Vt.G' Fi~t, SI, iFit 4 k ?.0~ I, Or ti.* PISi, OpF I. (Vl.), t0*, it, S I. OPjI- IF.I 41.1 Ice1 Iw V 5.1I01LI4v l-03'II Ii u-IS 0% S-CA)Fr pr AS. 1.3 0 4.11 IW7.Sw W-* 1 50, I-.jc.i -1 M 1 2,1 A& U-0 Skat '1o-11"I Z bO 40.00 it, 18 Ks It in'-.4 0 0 -J C, z 0 C., 0 LA C 40 -C,, ))

Oo 16A.4/L.ROCK BORING LOG 1*aPCP 1SFS1 Nomw~A--mc Page9 _4o r bNumber I ow2q AV~ Z=r C-sol 1A. i-w-*...iLo.

I1IH F II .1,J..1" ..2 M ________ Wemberog Fr-Fmes. SW-Siigk MW-16odwaaI*



amd PRS-ik~&urii~

Fractur S~Ocin VW -VffY Wide (>,). Wi-Wide C 1 '4 161-Moderue(0 3-4). Cl-Cione (0 1'-Q n) and VC-Vory Ci01 (40 1') Sueoaih R-Enrnerwly Swwo R5-VOY Strong. RM.Sioon.

R;).Modim StronS. R2-Weak. RI-Wery WeAL. w4d RO-Eolromdly Weak Luiboogie Desenpuion Rack type. co0". meatue. grain size. ac Danoomemuiies Be-Sodding.

Fa-FoAL Fo-Folinion.

Jo-loim, mN.m.Rohmkca break. Sli-Slirar.

and Ye-Vin, ]cses descriptions Dsp. Surace. shap (MPh-laar.


Of wa-WOAVY).

RkwShms (S-Sn~oo&s 5-Shliody Rough. Ro-Rousih.

ad VA-Vo, Rougs). Apesuare(Fi.Fslkd.


Op-Open and Ti-Taglo).

rMp and aonssis of ~dieag.n stickewnids.

etic Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B- 154 of 244 9 5 97 48 Lt9 I51 -4 T.6 140 PEA Remarks Mumbw DAN ISFS1 &,,.,,,Are.

[" 1223-49 ý z q -3 ýoA 1, -2 ýcx, o 0 Si F, 11 sow.A as---4-(AA shot" 14 51. CI_ 0 G 19 Ct F, -0,--4fiv:55!0ý 5RM 00BA-11i5 a as 75 a S escription of gic Descript on Discontinuffies 40 61 1,2 43 &4 &6 0 48 to 72 73 14 75ý 511. 11ý1`r;I'VOW It, alt-e etr,4 I LS of I., le, Fl. 51, Cý' -W-4 A-Y At, 0', ?1,51,Qp 1.1ityw-V, pi's 1, RIT; L(ate!). S"Or r.(Ah). W, Pl, S" Of a`4' PI-St, 51, of, fti 0001:1141 A- T-10, to'. Pl. S1, Tz .0#, J.0s: 10 Sh, I&tW'.30 MAI., sAAL j,#61oqV As Awc 6V Inkoly 1,04 *0 Oat_ (400 .31 114161 5" 0111011'r 30AW 4e, a*.Jt e-.1 A. 0-10, S" St, of, 5 1. 1- r-, Op T-M" 6-j;.3 "'..4 011 ca" &V slaftJ-4A.

ad a%4WJ M- Cb-I.LW V611 %W;dl 69*~ C.1011 slu'l. ot: 114 -of i6le copatab 6u- -M. %fta V. A.3 *ft'+ r.VA 10 Id 64L we A74-1 Cr,1611..

CAP. -L) in. S1, Or, A01- 16;AM) AAA Stbb,.j LIS 12/00 R, si- I rr a 4.4 rt AV"d1w.;&hc_

'4*11 llj.ýp P..4,y; shAV Zzw S41,41 plaft. R, (WC44.1 sed-i C61 ;IV& lmwji Well ww; '"%$iV4, %&/*a 1.+; ff cl.,%Y cr# cq:4S ov.%'; W S AN.-I c&,W aý_ ý4.) M sI.T. 9 Ti si 1clay "In Ti tj 7, 1-5k..t aq ýdll -to 61.Il'l %IJ 64 51 F"I'a.a 1+ýr.;' za'- JL6 1:1'ilwi 0-t% IS .45 0q- 7 C, tw I I 14. OF M on raftfinSL Fr-Frah. SIM-Sliot MWAloderatc.


cw-compiewy, aw its-Resid.9 soil Frame Spoc;ips VW -Very WWC (>3')L Wi-Wide V-31 MO-Maderm (0 Y- 11 Cl-Cloc PY-0 31 vc-vvyclwe(.O,,)

strao R"-wceA:1[YSV0w&R5-Vff;StMw!j.

101.4-Scren&R3.16tedhon SmoS. X:-WcakiLl-VwyWcAwAX0-EuwWy Weak LidWoSicDceriptow RocktYpecow.

wre.smasim.etc Docorwirojitin Ille-Beticli-S.

Fa-Fwk FýFoliafiw.

kj*int.?.t,.j6kch&n" break Sh-Shm. and Ve-Vein SoirAdwriptwn Dip. Surfaceskap(PI-Plaiw.


OrWa-WWYL "hAes(SmSiAooth.

%Slisbdy R-0. R-R-1h. -W VR-V-y Rowo)..44emmeffi-Filled.


OPOPea &W Iii-Tight).

tV.e and aAmum ofinfillinj.


ew Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B- 155 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG Page 5 of IV 12 13.35 16 '17[we i"ll No. 30 Al- Zecr-. 00M Vr-PP ISFS1 &wsiA, 1213-44 1 -7 ==M -.1 I 19 70 IN 110 Weatheriall.


SW-Sli!FhL WW-bloderace.



and LS^mimcluol mU Fmvurc SPIcing. VW -Vwy Wi& (>;*). wi-Wide (1'-T). Cl-Ckw(0 11-0.1't end VC-Vcry Close (-Q I-) Swe"dk R6-E.De wl. Suml, RS-Very S&oM R4.SwonS R3-Itlediorm Swoon RI-weak, R I-Very weak. ad Ro-Ex"mdy weak Licisowsic Desenpice sock qm cow. sets,,. grain sist tic JoirAdncriptioftDp.S-(--p.(MI4..S,-Sm.&-W-W-VL R.Sl.. (Swsmsoolk Sl-swy Pucuo. PwAovo. &A Vlt-Vmv Roug1t). Aperame M-Fillv& Ille-Hakd.

GOP" MW Tiýrfzhl).

1W and affam o(WINiew sfickcstsidm c1c.B-156 of 244 Page ofý0- I. I fa -t-&SA 1 16 ROCK BORING LOG Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I Page 72 of 10 ROCK BORING LOG P¶C? P I$FSI R Nsn3e -oe, 2c4u 9'S is 464 ~ ~ ~ Dscription of ~ ~ Q- q-~ " ', Lithologic Description s'Discontinuities Remarks If --4 t&p.1 5 27 T 1;%0%1.0 2 ý6.0 2P 295.27a sot 1 ,0 S q4 41 5 16 1 7 418 '19 00 401. o2 03-A -N'30 S-1 2A T1.A~;~0'3II-I A-19 toFr Ck 5twi1 A-ctI ez SAMOjSTOM'e ,a ,P .jovi VV W.lut FtcirY ,J~tt~J $e& Li..IJ 7 L ~L hil9ks F"64-ljjw U&-, J¶/7 /&. r, pl. Si-, o1., AKA- it-;.T.m-ja .,.0,.AA X.., 13".ft-St.

  • , A. &A. s* ,Pt S ,A.6 k l. l. 51 ?,J o,, AsOLk. 6h-xw. P11, ksi.o, AG-J. dif j. .j?, St, SIA, Op, A1i.4 0 5 4.w Pt, SI, Sa C,OpAl.6 I.,ioWP, ?I,-P, 0,, t..I0,.L.

%t, St. a X. 151.0: M6~* LV Sl -w%,bv aw6 0$wai s- z.*' , oPl.'I,'1?L SI, 0,v, Me 9W 4 4 36,Wf l, 6,I.-TwM" 1+5k 1 IV ZZIl$ %ao M. 21:w w-W10~ L 1 123.014ý 56 s6A .41; -0 5S10 ), Iavo 116a~ '~I ilt 01_0# 14 -11 .It.4OIS 14sir 5 1105~ in ErFh wsih 6W lcru.H -ihy WCmle and RSS-ai~dual soil FractureSpcnV NrWie(X.iWd 1*1 o-o mo .I.Ciie( r 1 and VC-Vry Close(<0 I,) Strenlidw R&E-L.met 3 Simon. ftS-Vmt Wtong. RIa-Ssont.

U161-edium Suron.g. ftZ-Weak.

RI-Vvy WedL. and RO.Extre..ey Weak Litholuqce Dsedptine lockrtye.colof.

tcsnre. gaisioac.etc Oiscoflnnunin

PoFohami.o...o-oin, N lcl&tnoical brak. k-Shear. ad Ve-Vent Jouedeocniptsns Dip. Sunface sape (PI.Plavar.


e Wa-Wa-Y))

Roughto~ss (Sm.-SmwooII SI.Slightly Rough.

and VR.Very Rough). Apesre r(Fi.F.illd, Hoe-Healed.

Op-Ope. and r141gb').

type #nd aoaumn of iofilinSo.


etic Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B- 157 of 244 KB 4-,10 1.10 C lo PE ý,' 11 -7 Description of Lithologic Description

// Discontinuities Remarks Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-158 of 244 I .VCFP (5F5t4F,=

,4vc,, r-1211-4cl 1 30 Nov -i rAr- Zox.-.J, = 00CýOA ft.). t*.*w Dw "NO, PI'SI, C'-V V, Or. A- -044-6 C"OkatrAik

.. ?1. 51-f-I @?, c6l 61, op, 51;b, At.St.? 15;29ý00 ShaA IS 33-.30 ,"140 St. Of. Awn -J $I -I.,Ot , A -J M44 an ge"I'S"Or, On-Lk./cl-A 4r.4 1 1ý4 Is..'59110.T.56, wos'.-IT, S"w- 'Ta;ý6-t -To;Ip Sb* 01 1"03 T-1w. st-uh, r., 0. W. ft '%4 Op so, go Sljýý A4, 51, dý, II.S1, Of. SliM 04.1-1*ý PI, S1 36,15-'s+

SS1101, 041 0 "LLJ. 'SI, Op IT-wa-, SM PI, N..r O-Ile , cal, ft, 51, 0 ?a 61CAle 5ýI I zo IF"-Fmho SW-Sligin.



CW-Coonpkttiý and RS-Kesidalwil Frunwe Spacins:W -Vcry Widc(>3').

Wi-WWc (1&.;OL M"jOd"=a,(o..r.jj C1.ý (0.1'an A..,A. LdVC-VwyCkMe(-01')

SW.Vh- M44"91, Stmal. RS-VOY Strong R4-Sww!j.

R3.16sedmm Smanjt. OU-Wak RI-Vtq West. and RO-Exuanefy Wak. Lichokagic Ducriptim.

Rod type. COOK *%WM. grain size. etc Discontmitift Be-Oeddis&



jný)OiK ple4kcimi"I taA. Sh-Shm. wW Wvtin J6*t docripikans Dip. Swfaft Skwe (14-Plaw.

St.Steppat or wiw-vhly)ý Rowgianess (Sm-SnKxd.

SI-SliOdy RmSh. ita-PUxush.

Md VR-VM RWOK Ap"Wffi.Fitled.


Op4*n mw Ti-TiSha).

4" wW awmum of infillin&

slickenai c OOSA-1/5 ROCK B6RING LOG Page T of V I ROCK BORING LOG P P~CF Nw#4nibw Oar Snee n'd F' o 13,,, A r1t223-'f 77 -- c1 .4 __1/~Description of Lithologic Description Z' Disontinuities


?i~~~~ -Ti-F-'e, 0-C4 'or-skd towt 4. 15ý ?I, SI, 0" 0.4." A. %'Wft PI, 51, T.. .0- sh-ý. flj;, %JjItI, CXjA5 Fljr, 5ý,w (ftjj,_:L 47, F 1 Cilt. A0-

  • A"L....iOL-k 4 ~. r-st S. t U., 0.r.?I S. OpAi. s .Ox Li.&trs. PI $,oi.0-& T R. t. 0,0.4$wIa A ,w. F2,sIo,..

Sl.MM.. *A**6**. O...h.d PELA-$*11 Remarks S6 1 ,t 0`611-30 orto; O.13 5 *IJ. th J. ...L.-l.L-L ..L- a. .- Wcsher~ r Fes. S-Sight. &IW-odeate.

HW4Ii~lly. RS.Res~ada so.ilFctSao W.~wd(3.W-d r3.M-t&aa(rl.C-ls

0. Wn VC.Vawy Clos(4 11 Str-ngt R6E%-Eauely SIMSng RS-Vwy Suaeqj R4_SjrM& f leth ..sSuanI1f.2WcakP.

91 Weak. and RO-Ett~mely Weak Litboo gic esrwnto Rtock t. eCOW-e twmrre Suitt sue. etc Dissctmaetaabas Se.Beddhall.

Fa-Emitt.t Fa-Foatian.



Sh-Shma, mwd Va-Va,. hoim delicnt-Pbns 04P. SudAce ShaW (FI-P1rw.

St-5tepped, at WO-W.Wav Ra..ghaesn (Sm-Samoot SI-Slilltly Roegh. Ro-Smagh, and VR-er 1 , Rougth) Apemrwe(Fi.FilleA He-Ha.Iaed.

op-open and rer.irllt).

type Ited aonroet of tafitsiag.

slicheein,id arc Diablo Canyon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. I B-159 of 244 Ooe.A-1/q)

Page q+/- of jo 112 1'13 124 115 126 427 US8 IN9 III 133 134 F AL , -s-. , $Or -.11. 1 $*we--r0, SI.T.,0.4.1.

AU%6ý ROCK BORING LOG Page to of 9U Project DM 111""Mo DCP? 15FSi 3ý A..", Iv-4j P~ ~ ~ 4~ / Description of rj~q# ... ~Lithologic Description Discontinuities WLAWO Remarks 33 LID Liu/Si-we.136 137 139 914 142 143 144 1'16 '47 148 199 L".~I' 'I,"'1IlClI r VL";t JAAMTOA 0. CAP ~ ~ ~ --tYr6 QWj) I;xhi' alla...3, 9.0 F, r) id *ý'j .1 F, M. I 7 31 't,1
4 _-I+4 -6$1t i., OfC soh.Fl,. 1 -~. Or A- ~ F,?I. S-. 00 dL 3Oi~ ?I-w.* S101 1 0 p;~j-a 'r"w .4 ina Irsw to,w 1,se R d.:f N .1.,&e. V, SilOi, o.S.ij I r/7.*W.PiS',c,,.

A....J k.L,1...5 11 6k.0; if t~o4; Bht nS" 1. j1. i$1 I t .I&, .Jn U, 1: S:V* if ilti 1'1 1j 1 , 1 34 ! il 1. %. w__iIL______4!r_-1

-0.$ _1-i Weadmia. frjresh. SW.S6i 5 hi MW-1,'de..a.

HW4I.,h -WC,,.,kirl and Ititp wsit. 10 rFaca Spacing VW .Vary Wide 1. W..Wida (r*-n) i'I"o-Madmg (O-ll 0Cloe (0.I'An1 md VC.Vay clote (<0 Il SWu-gt R6EhXrnmdv w yg ~Sul KS-Son A3Madm Salong, ft2Wak -Vyak. fIlw ekand ROLsmrusiy Weak. Lkloolqic:

acripto. Itock type. callc armnpaeepolls.e Ofcanimkin Se-I &Ao Ps-Fau )'.F lo. so6ioiai~~ci'aoic kek. Sb-Shear.

and W.Vt. law iidces~pui..

Dip. Sairflace ip(PI.lnaow SI-SUmoeo&

OrYN Itamihous (Sa..SmoodS.

SI-SlIl;Ith Rough. RoRanh d V-VM fttqhL Apemture(i-Filld.


Op-Ome and Ti-flta.)

cmp sod awoun of infiI.og slickeridos.

ex.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 13-160 of 244]bi ;P t'l t . 110--Z, : 10 q y A ( # GIf i." V .%L Cfat.A " I ro-s '4.S T., V, Sr. 5 1- 1-, 0, x., 1ý n .", % 1. o Ia. A.. 0. J.;%, I, PI-Ill St. OF-T., Al. sh."i LOG of ROCK BORING sel -Fet ,\ I LftI e-o U Pae 1e ofU JG r ' r r- A! .-ni Tqe&DsmO~t~f~SO'flV44~..

I Ele~sfiammo.

mdmi Io GeOwm WaSWer ,ph Depik 0 SMAi S6. rG ý Hots r:~ Mirisll~lIUdS ci.ww W AS Leegm*me(Com tam~l andI 8 0. (~ U~ Dwite mme Cu"es Siue sad Deph BetNl .auo W Logm U By oeCopm 4o Do P1-B"Lo ~ D~escription of t~t- i" ,~~v~? itoaicDescriptio cr; / Disco nti nu Ries Remarks

.-4.low t..s~3~A',1.5Y

(..~j&l4,1 4 A S1:3.( &I -11t-.2 3 4 5--M1e-c .j'-, 1v'Pw-0*p..if SLdJ4ttO4

+.0 .ee If3@sia.

8 gaaAJ'If --5A^1 3: g-0AXIwamh..j. ? SW.S~ihm.

fWMW cbda. HW44ig~y.

CW.Cqieudy, SeW R$sUu 9W~i.i g34 w Sp~cmmt VW Noy W~c ('7). WoWide (1'r)n M..Modenv (0.7-I1 l.CIM~. (0 :4n1 w~ vc.wn'a (.0s 11 I S-agh, R&6-vvume S-ag.q fS-V-y Sarsmg B4.Spog, R3.3-Medium.

S~ong. 32-Wea. RI.1viy Wesk. vAd RO.Exmewy Weak. LiihAbgty Oescsiiom 3.ak type. 00ut. =.~ iwtwisSeOdiý e&eh-cI ek hSar ~ -~u iei~co dwsessps Dip.= Sw a We~s CPIII. S"sPPd.4 or Wa-WMV)Raulhghass (SO-Smooth.

SI.Sli~htly Rouagh. Ro-Rosagh.

and VF..Yerv Rough). Apertwet (Fi-Filled.


Op-Open &W4 Ti-reight).

type of uNhllive.


91M Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-161 of 244 z 16yT 4"5 pie~, 0'P1, Ko-Vtl T -T- /"A, I- taJ ~aO J. 4'0 Ti 4, C,'(DO"I I ýýIII1W CA m j*1 ,oo'Wi * qf 6 I 11 12-1:. 14 -~34 A 5. I. I r- I 24 %$L.4 ci j.0 L.a.*.L a-j jp_1.5 0 14 ow jclý I R" 11 R1 Cýv 3L,ý ROCK BORING LOG 7Dec Page 9-~ Of L7Iý116 17 8a 1 9 20'17 1ie f2 So8 Wead.esia Fr.Frvs SW.SkjhL MW4%dffm&e HW4IigMv.


and RStu.S.eida "a.l Eaca Spacig VW .Vevy W'idtQ1 Wi-Wide (1'.nl Mc~ladmat (0.3*.1).

0Cl-Caso (0.1' G) w VC."y Claw ('00 S1!weapi 164-I33e fi ndlr S as-ap $go% Saq R44uaa. pJ-Nkdiu Soong. P.2-Weak.

ftI.'AM Weak. waa It.xt-'iaw*

Weak. Lidkiaic DeacipWa:

Reek tyMe COW-. Krime grain Sim. atc bsccaaumvitm Svceddims.

FS-F&Ai. Fo miien. Jojlaing.

Mi lecchmmical brak. WSh-Se. mid Va-Vim. Mdet dnwipeiam Dip Surface sape. (PS1sFaw.


an ~ mmkea(5nSmaaeb S.SI-54WY Rea~kA R-a-30. and YR-V-n RaspL. Apaue e(Fi-ilei 1ýtk-Hald Op- O We aaT.-rgI.

tWe and aMown Of iulNiag alckudmm a. ee Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 13-162 of 244 k 15 j;UL3 -VI R OCK BORIN LOGe P cag o f -~ 27/j\\30 Desciptin o~ Descaription of o'.S~q ~Lithologic Decito

  • Discontinuities Remarks 1.--------

1.4' +-451?1TT7¶

.1.. 1ro 4~.iL' _;A0 Aft -~r-8 I. I. ,..4a .i .c! a..1-2 4' 3 30 .ý2 is 1* Po 0 C1t Ii, ©i./, X Ft.S , r.,v -d4' , " ,.k. a.' P1, sos. 1' , t r; -It., 4 cr.Aft,,51 5 'O -Th""" Q.S's T W"Ietng:FrFrsw.

SWS k JIww V41C, NuW.Ifisf.

C IMINIV4elgy. -d RS-Rn~i&Ww Fracnw SaCcial, VWl yW~(>YX Wi.Wse(1'.fl Mo.Modeus(03.fl.*

cS.cheo.Io-4.1 mdC- " v Ckw, (40. 17. SWIr..g R6.buw1dY SUMS.g RS.Vfl7 Suml. UB4 w.Soag U ediu. $aromit 3.-Weak. fI-Way Weak, and SO zordy Weak. Liiboloic Desaipliew.

Roch qa. coWf. ",..aro. grain sin.. ate. Disu'.eimmokics:


Fa-Fad'. Fo.YMiaa., So.jouis keMechatckaoj break. Sh Shea. sod Wa-Vein. Joins descriiuioan:

Div. Suu~wce shae (P1-Na.. St.Saqped.

or Wa-WaIY) ftoushmi IS..Samooeb.

SI.SI.Shty Rough. Ro.Rmguh.

sod VR.Ww.Y Pýf Apt wour (Fi.Filrd.


Op-Open NWd Ur$1ig Wye wad 40100n0 Of ifardkw$.

slicht"Side. .rc Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 (13-163 of 244 4-I to','p.Tf lo-7 5w1/2.S3 3 4 3,5 A (4 ti5 -g .'3 98'31 g;t)5wiC-1 4 3: 0 h42 5.1.-F.J04: s'w Ct ll V_qe)SI rio 91o-po'st"r;ROCK BORING LOG Page _L f P10 4 ROCK BORING LOG [_`ý t)r-pv TSF-sr COs,%-2j&k Page -I- 'of-7 DT- 24-AOO 6 7 C4ý1 2 3 S4 5 576ýý 9 Wtuboiav.Ft-Froh.SW-S4kMW-k$OduucHW-HiShlv-CW-COmPkftfy.&":Wi-pt44-.iwý&LwWole6it

ýFmcmwmftspKias: "W Very gW VC.vvy Cww*(.m 11 Wemo: IWE- wwly %-$. It$-VwY SWmi. M-Sý.,IL Fi4f.61- SwGwi- R2-Witsk Rt-V"y Wcak- &W RO-Em..dy Wak. LMksk Mw*im: Ro& qVw. COW F" un. ac. Docommum-Sc4aMmljý Fs-Fauk Fa-FolwAw Jýjowk M"Jukwca Oak 9ý%w d V.-W- ).M "-p-ow C* Sf..Mp. M4U.. st-swwt -, w-W-7). Rmsmm (so-smoodL 9-$4mtv R-jk RcýF-Sh- -d VR-V- RcuOL Apwwc(Fi-Fi5W.

Hg4jnkd. Op*pcs mW T.T-SM)L W md somm ofier.11im&

skkmw". m B-164 of 244 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I OOSA -/ LOG of ROCK BORING 0iA3u-- LI1./.i4 *E..l Zs- $e.*l ~cIJ&3 AlfEbt ~~L -53 SAC I*~ k~4 1is Page 1L of q~ ~ ~ :6-, .* j#'CfLihoogc Description of q~~ \Description

//' Discontinuities Remarks-4--4-4-I-4-l-+-l-r 87P G gg F-l-4-4--4-4--4--I-C6.1 ml F; 11 -r~0 ~ -J L-t..L.~~~4iAL .I)I~:.let P~.eL,.

Plri.-.1 -.,e1 To;is 6 (5 0 d-. .J,%aC1C~ -Mg.- 4, ro -oIls S 6.%.kt bP d'Atd I, I-./4-,a *. P1,1 %I -r; yi~e~o* Pt, ,-. 0~# 1, H, 1~ r/ !,7 ,,O-9S, S19o,'-77-Tb 0'lOb W amheriaS Frjue).. SW-Saio. 1W4"bi S-W.Hi5g-C-oorry.

WA M.dROd Soi. FMaM1 SPciM.g VW .AWY Wide ('31 Wi-Wide (1*.3* M"W&Mos orgi acleaw. (. rJY)n and Ye-Va, CIM, (<a l1.tosik r-MyI' Sionsa. RS-Vary Sine..5 ft4.Swag.


SuaMg. E-Weak. Rl-Vary Week. wAd fO-Extronely Weak Lidoologi.c Desail~mge..

okwlnCAR orwre. eain uSie. an: 0,mi qs& b~d Fo.oligginj.).i.

l6Ulja d e-e ealca break. Wsb-Se man W-Vm lois. dampeios.:

Dip. Swfafte ftap e (lFaw iSiepe. raW' Rolaha., (S.S~ut~tb 1-ligh k G-11,0wll.

&Ad VR.Vee, RoushbJ. Aperture (Fi.Fillad.


Op-Opes and Tm-Tight).

  • ,pe or larslliag.


ew-1 B 165- f 244 'Diablo C`anon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 JO):i3 s*Af rite e iae. ~ Lan Tot. Deaeb Type & Dia..... dt Bwieg Ele,.w aaoe .Dzwm Geaad Waace Dethlc Deppi Sama De~iallg Coatacwe OWd Itig s Leas* (Coeftlvelacamd sd a ' No. eIcem Bo.e Dame Stmed All F. Sw lcaaaLge Casing Size and Mph tr 6. 0, j)Q~ .+L_ [aX ad Loe By Da omk _______________0c.-~

0-bk. 'V gil i C.(+ 0 3-'55-20 I.' , 51/1 A I e-j' 4 !a-QI q'A.t..3.ito¶5 10'1 13-4 9 14 CtI C, Pto I-* C.,-V COSA -342, ROCK BORING LOG Page a of :rF5 FT low 8 bec 90,10 -noo I 15 16 17 %a 19 20 :12 ::2 3 4 OL11 C13 I'-Hioly.CW-C.Oq,,.WRS4t,,WWN4-FmcwftSPwin$:VW'VaYWW(ýnWýVrWe(r-jkm"iodom(o.r-ilci-cý(-'-J)6 R,.kjdk. Spow& RZ.VAt*, R3.VWy %Vuk W MEmmdy Wak. LWwbgjc Dwa*im: RO& WP9- OAW W"m Vrim 1,w. cc Decommum:

Br4k"r4 Fa-FeWL FO-FoWim Jo-Jumt. A"Jechwýcw brc*, sjýshw. mew wvcim ý J044 60046m: cop. S. F -shw (FI4%nw. sc-suppe&

ws*y)* A"#nm(Sm-SwAocb.

SI-ShidWy Rwqk A-Rawk. &W VR-V-y FAushL Apwame(FýF&d.

W4101c4t OPOP- -d V-r4k). W wAsff-d Of-fiffim&

fi""9WdS.0c B-166 of 244 Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I 10 E IL'I 0~ 0 U 00I Is jai rnu )p A )1 4: U I 0 C i *1 *rJ. *1 -S 4J 301 I.Sý .24.0 -N 4 J , ois.I 4 '. V s -3 Fi) CD I~ 0.7-I))m It) 7- 1"* U'0 0 0 0 -J I'.4 0 00 '.0 -..0)

WeadmmF Ft-FreskSW4141aWW-Modpw-HW-Moly.CW.CompkxdywWMRai*Wwd.

FrammSpwiWVW-VcrYWWc(>-rLWI-W'Wc(lo-nMO440dam(O-r-l-LCKI-C(a"-431 wWVC-VayC1ow(-0X).

SuaWh: R6-Exuawly Sa=& RS-Vay Skon& R4.Swwq. RI-Medim Saw%. RZ-V1c*L Al-Very Weak md RG-Uwýfy Wc*- LaboWsk Dewdp6m Rack qPc. COW 6"WM Plim sm. ac. 085caftowliew.

sc-scmiftý F&-Faý Fo-FolmuoR.

Jokup, hu-mwba" W=IL Sklqww. and vývý Jok descriptim*

Dip. Swfwc Aapc M-Mww. St-%qw& or WO-Wý7)1 Reaghwu (Sm-SwAmh SI-Shody Rwao. RýRowgk wA VR-Vay RoughL Apaun (Fi-Filled.


OpOpon ad rýVSK OW nd swom ofiafi&ns.


com (1.,,4 ! CRa 11,4ri 2.1 600 a Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B- 169 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG 9' P. O P 40 Desaiplion of ýý 11000'q q /"-ý q 11" /ý010 /4/*4X//;L i t h o I c) g i c D e s c r i p 6 o n 9F DisconUnuffies Remarks Due bc-PP 1SFST-/c-rr-IZ2-3eý-l I jV18101 ot Page 2 C:Tf- A, /7 -of If .r=l--4-110. cb2 16 17 C-18 19 LO 13 toA Z5 -&9 Ate, 4 q J., At le, A0,9 T'00,* P01,0f, Mwt AtIst'sl VV, to; V^1 Me4 ýW-e -1y 7.15 :i 50%q.0 I,(, 'Sl Colo, layA III -yet c4coj.A1,;j, 49 46" z 7 cri oc^v- 40 wk, ?.Slf 104f. 6 olive r0w ly (1.1; (A V, +11'.)'TO A%4!7pl sm of ,q0"r1j 510 P oy IlAp,;l too I) I t-3ý P.Doi -!F%.Ir /4iý,f ý r4 i 4 c'P, Is,- plfpý,Opj

&,x .)0, -scý) t 1, S1, a l, -CA00% Y0,4P0,'F4 T; -4 ýK 4*0,%-S,3tS'1,0F ,lb :10, S 110 P, M 0 0, ox 0 M 419 I I et.51,ýt 17-*'&3A ,k..e,. Lk op'MMOAOX Iý,# 1,ý.% -Vý 0 -'*b I vi V4 co al fl4'o ,5z -= -t a Ac 1 CA A _____ LAP%& $'4r oo ILF 4- p .~ ....... v, I P a x " S , -o ! %A' It I Ll V 4, T 4 O V IIIV: z'13. t. A 'A Oh Vi4

.., -B-171 of 244, I- ý) [I-v--_ 1 12-7-3 4 -i Descrip Of Lithologic Description

// Discontinuities Remarks Page LL & 4 9-i-S F4& 0 1 r_-r 4- 1 I ft*- v t H I ý V;ý, I /c-r r-q5 ver'l v er-/ ý fc, jjU weckýL 0 I i; C,4" 10YR(,IT b..t-.U rf YýOS-, is; 4yc,,.i I "Er 0 -144, W-C Cowýr N N, N q6 Ll 7 q 8 19 15,0 5* JAW veis,01-JeA.


WQ1/Ve -70, SO'- 4M -Pf -0 PjAWe'tJ.-x 36,4S', if 1, P1,- OP, M vi ejvY L P ,,4 4,., 0 F, UJK 0 2-o- OP "A ;m-IM P1, S ,,opt 0-< Toj r i, f 1,-r. Cv or VftL 6.41; -.1 C,,,L 14%5 (D ,61 ýZ" acme, LNO Pt, N\ 46f M Vcj-ý:10 4, 4% S-A 1A 5", z a 4M Si"5604-10\

3;§ 3.8 WJ QL ROCK BORING LOG 11 (06 10Y94F Y C2 ý7J S'3 Ni S"4 f 5 f6 8 r9 ice, 6, ccv" Gry 411vY Div.00 WcmkedWFr.FrcokSW.SNSKMW-ModasuHW4fWy.CW-Cowqk4dy.mdRS.R*%WWmL FacmeSP*Cog:v*-VOYWWc(>I*kWi-wid,(I*-nMa.ý(O.V-llC&-ý(d-r4Ln udw-vayaoswo.n W*9gd%.,R6-FA , Y Shong. &$-Vcry Swung. R4-Swow& RM 1 1 Suoog. R2-Weak. RI-VaY W=L md RO-FA4tmdy Wak. Uthologic Dacreptiow Rack rypc. cWw. wxome. Vain sim m Dtsomkvitin:


FýFvwh. FýFofiotwn.

jojow, w-how1wow twesk. SbSb=r. and ve-vcm. Jaw descriphow.-

Dip. SwOm *W (M4%w. St-Sicppod or WýWWY)Roolhom (Srn-$wA*tk SI-SkghdY Rough. PýRougk md VR.Vcry Rough). Aponum ffs-Filk&


0V0p9U MW M-rlghlý IM MW annount of infiffin&

slick=Wm c1c. Owc4 CmS ij+,jc*i a/4VA/-Diablo Canyon lSFS1 Data keport B, R .ev I NO.Modazle X.IjCj.Chum#L WmbMBFFr.Fmsh.SW.Shot.MW-Modervie.HW4601y.CW.C.pi.wy.mdo--.RWWml.


(0 mw1VC-VcryC$w(-0X)-

Sutn*: R&Eastawly Soong. RS-VaySoong, R4.SMm& R3.Medium Suqegý ILZ.Wcokltl-" Wcall. and RO-Emuctindy Wash. Litboio&Dftcripti"-PACklypa.COIIW.

teetwe. raw me. ese. Nwou- Be-Bedding.

Pa-Feek Fo-Fakums.


Me4jehameat WCBL Wshear. and W-Aran. Jam denwWwws.

NP. Swhw do" 04-natutc.


or W"). Rougkocss ISM-Smooth.

SI-Slightly Roulk. Ro-Rough, and VR-Vcry Rough). Apenwrc (Fi-Filled.


OP-OPec and Ti-TiSlu).

type of infilligg.


99C 172 of 244--a > Descripfion of -INC, Descripdon Discontinuffies; Remarks Diablo Canyon lSFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I Job Number llocing Lactem TOW Del"ll, );LX% -A- Nw Co-c-f ON f)v-o k P."ý 7-1,91 Type & Diamew ofBoringlof Ek" Ground Wince Depth DWA so sadme HO c,,t-- a&--6k Becink & ,cek 30t5io"17' rseST rxe.rde J -4 DrillingCommcurandRil;

--I A_ L_ i-rw Xt S134. (Com, Blem! Old ed N.Lorcervetwas Deft Sbuled Ca,;'CA't I is T-1. -, c- is .'See lot Casing Site and D*h l"mwiel'..

Logg'wft amepaturk" -VIA-ne 56 To, 4' ru"OL. -jr, w t IN-OK J10JO-1 IIX6ý+cSO 6-w", j7 -C-6-*A -ten., 13-Inr _Scf-f &.t 8-01-A V 10: AP-f -ow-to -Fl%,.l spi.plc 6eca.'j'c;+

Trvw'?;ý 1 4~ylft f , CIL-) H.,O.-r, 0.;I I 1L'r IC1177 ;Is 6', 1. R)I;?- 5q (Z43 61LJA 014t;,t 9 4 :')o OIL wo ZA..b -:2 W Fv 96,r F &jet,9 &ej o i -A 6, slw F,,.;.i, LOG of ROCK BORING- krv:ý%Ik 4ýA'12_ Im kt--X- sjlvoý01-kh U^cý ?.-kL3 Jf.V+l 46 Pa e 1 of 2 (4 V: 3 4 7 6 IVA 17 9 i1o 11 55 12-P"a., ra-& +,s-t PA:JVK c'r- %L,.!, Z -, 11, f P, j" f -Tc,4crCAJMSI1dfldX c--'4 -30 a ci., Sit 0j% X., a", Sh S11 lop I ov r.0, 910-, 4J-.L , SI, Tý st, -r; 7sc.4s...

Cs-, 5 1, T; Io-, , St, 0 f. J-6 I "S I. T-i 31'a 7b. 6'. 3j, 0 cJ 0 19 1 .at , (JdL twit, op, -1ccol 31-.1-0 *' We, G C.X Tea '70 -XW, ca-, or -So e ";I.-if 56fF'6,-%.

4 F (I sta 91-5A#v0 S'roPC Y 8.1*-; #,c to.e. 13.1 Cc- t-_ ca Cc) c_ C03 w 41 1% 15.10 14%0%w w 13 14-11S 4 T0,16"PI 0,0T TO-10! pr $I OP ROCK BORING LOG I Pv*'D(,PP Tsps 1,err I ow ýh IA I I rtwwo V>0 k -.&, / .2 Page _?,,. of Bonns Remarks 15 16 17 19 q 0 x 2 3 4 5 6 PL 7 29 -M -j 0 00 00 40 R1_ F12 fen. +,ýa -I Cýlc I as CA..+ o)Wo,%cA "-5 7 Sal, 4ýý dkt.-&W- To? 0,44'ý6 f..SSAMI.

SI-V. GoveSO. 1-30, _'So .6', L^-c , 74, W, wo, $I, of To.ntoocam "St'ap S'n", Of Tce, t= , V, "a, Can C as -,Je 4j. U. ".,Cd&, L4Li. S1, Of To, -to', Pt, S1. co ? Ce-%"eb -L.-t 51, -TO. 0*1 ?1, if,-r, -3'0, 4:)" f I ),;I J;2's-30, ,va, SH101 0160f,51 ý6+150 7, q 23t 5: 31 5:6a, (4 0 6,qý, t4 -i 614 So?,I go 91 1 4, -c) " C-1o St.-J-o, 70 , Wa,'S 9, 10-To. P1, if, Or it Ok OL04: r_4 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I WoWwri%-Fr-Frcsb.Sw-SI*OLWWModnw-Hw.Hit*.CW.Comoddy.siWMRcsi&Wwd.

FracwtSpacarVW-VmwWe(>Y).Wi-W-Wc(l*.nMo-Modm"(O.r.1l.CI4.ý(0.1',0-37 and Vc-Very close Samgft M-E.Vosely Swung. RS-Vay Suong. R4.Swm& R3-Modium Samg. R2-wmL RI-Vay Welk and RO-E.wemdy Weak. Lithologic Dmfiptim Rock qW. c0F" icuorr-punsimcic.

Duco"a"im Be-Bedding.

FýF&wk.Fo-Fo1iaumjojojwL MeMWmic4Wc*k.Sh,9ww.-d

  • Atin. Saw dc-ipdo" Dip. Swf- OW (PI-n-, S,4wpp- or -IV-)Mough-sil-Stwooth U-S&iO* Rough. R-Ro"kwW VR-Very Rowgh). Apaun (Fi-FdW& He4lealod.0p0pew and 'Firight).

IWWW amount ofialiSin&


c9c.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B- 173 of 244 pdon of JP Lithologic Descripfion i ntinuifies Av 04.wc WeLl r..ý444, -ýaj ,..,JS4,e

'"llive of .J;tcj --kr-k Veil-j rA r*" Irp-.1j"N -Z ;%7z v -qYD-L co m 0 4t. a -a IS .4 "A a A CL r S mnj5~ ~ J~e ~ *~ ~- ' .a~9.1 Ir 4 'A 9n tA-i~-~ ~&cd ~iie*~c a Z' St. acj Ii a~ ~ I t I I~ II I* uI .f it1* Ill V& Em I I I i .I --.-.,)& 1-gi6L.))

V 91. 9%1 M 0 7"od DcPP I r-SI:/CT Pob W Date "D F -- -I I ZZ-S--1 I -!:Lo-ý-4 01-Al-5 Page 5- of 5-00-Pyy Description of Lithologic Description Discontinuities 60 4-2 3 64 5 6 97 C 8 9 0 12 73 7 0,45 0, ' PI'l p" P, M V 0 -'0P 56 Y ed fr 11 7 (O!Z 5 A 41% &.- -3 S e+r,^Sw Fr'Jb,-7*', pl,5 i, a?, ,301 V., fý'Oe' -30, je, S^ 14. TO, 76*' R/1-"b P OR'S-,To, TO. rat &r-Ri-I 30'510!'PýfýPq j 5 F.ksw.slism.mW44odcraft.HW-HigMy.CW-Cwrqgdcty.mdRS-RcsidwtWl.

FrWumSpKing:VW-VayWik(>3').WýwWc(l,.nmýmdm,(O.y.i-LC&CkA(#.I,.0.31 Madvc-Voryclo"(4-1).

Uramo., R6-EAUUU*

Uoug. RS-Vay Umag. R4.Suoa& R3.Mcdiwn Stroogý RZ-ftsk. RS-VVY WCA. WA RO-Fwýly Wok. Lj*o1o9iCDCS0i;uw:Rwkqpt.CWW.

axwe. grain sim aL Dbcoodowitim 5ý8cddwg.

F&FadL Fo-Fotaum Jojoint. Mc.M=hwr" brak. Sb-Sbw. and Ve-Van. Joint kKnpboos:

1hP. SWfM MWIPO (Pl4tMW. St.S&qPCd' of WS-W&VY)Roughoess(Sne-Sawodk St,%OdIY Row9k ftoýRovgh, MW VR-V9fY Rough). Apaum (Fi-Filkd.Hc-HedW.OpDpmmWTi-T-BM)."e*ndanmworinftUingshckeesi&-sgw.

Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I 13- 176 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG Remarksý100 C. Description of Discontinuffles j1d", 0/14' T-A flisl v'OP 15 Wadscang:


Sw-ShOt. MW-Modenor NW-Hilkly.


oud Luw"a sa. Froetwe Spacing: VW -Very Wide (-n WI-W'We (1'411 14644odame (0-Y-11 cl-clow (&I*-G.n wdVc-Vhycwwjý9.1'x simo:PA.Extlamlysuao&R$.VýIYSWW*R4.SaWig.R3.MediW*SUOS&it2-WCOLRI-VerYW-W40diM-Enuenbdywc*-

li Dcnp6m Rock Wc DiKooliwA%=:BýBoddaig.F&4"Fo-Fobabco.JýloiKt&4Uchukgbmkgý%w.=WWVm.


DIP. swam shop (Kww. st'%cppod.

Or *404 Roughness (Sm-Stwooth.

SI-Sligkily Rough. Re-lovgb.

sad VR-Vary Rough). Aperture (Fi-fillcd.

Me-Healid-OF-Opm and Ti-Tigbq.

type or. iorilling.

slickensW16 9tc blo Canyon ISFSl Bý I 77-of 244 Los cams SM and Dq-A Dow conwk r-C.4be -CM9#5;VIS Is. 41allol I ow.. I Logged By Remarks=!K; -=ý .-I vv%,'+ C-%15 llo-% Sias FIr"I'61f.

zo'ý C.txt "'01 LOG of ROCK BORING-01-13 EAVA-c-A Icnr js'ps'l C6 te %a AUX Sizslol Pagilwii"', "Phoba scuingLacmion jj&j o'c of: t%" 9 T1.4 T.W Depth of j)cP ?- T_'5 P 5-1 JL 0 Type& Dwncbcr orgoring Ground WAcr Depth Zth HO czýc 4.41 Ekiluagconowwouiltig

-X.V&ixmth orcon: R."w und im Sag =4P. V7 , Dw Started 1ý 0 2 3-T-,( jc--.;-t-:ý'.+ '4" _týo q. a r j. C;tý.Vdt'c let- Avrct. lr,+.,,+ ; ýt IN 1.6 K-l -sf.;f PSI 'fit: qor C.1re. (V 170 fs 1 l9v, 10 '-1 C. 4 17001s 012.d5 '_-scl 0 V. .I-1-4 I JAM 5" 6: 7: 8 9 10-12 7 13-9 f f i 4ý3fe 7. S'fk 16 SO-& C, C00-te +0 .3Le 13 J1.0 32%7 1% 92-At, d., pi, -P Joe 4 6 r 100 Dia Data Report B, Rev. I Diablo Canyon ISFSl Data Report -B, Rev. I B-178 of 244 Daft 1'27-3a -I I til-L110%16 17 8 19.20 Q 2 :Z3 4 0(4- j V-I;? 5 6 7 8 9 30_P'o To, a I ti "M '64 1OX 3b Ae, 1*4 0 X A-0 1141 T; T", ýh VA' %, op 10 yX P1, 5' -cc ra"a" 4.%-, '-.1 lop -V.ýe'w-41" let $-At -443S 1917 ý ' 5?;-U.j P_ý(..- _1 La..vs4ý.

0, die -is -ie p;; 411.1. ýs -#J* 6-ý 7;.., 4 9j R2 T f-3 2 m.ýn 91Aý_ 50..' C I r I S4* fS I PIA w c 19 tW-1-3*0 1 jaý'C-%A '1A "r.,To'ce.'s,ý1 ivit. arlow4m.0 0 OX so, of "D P P1,5 1, T.* P1 15110f, T., ts*, wo, S1,0P -V-t joa all Wcuhcnr4g:

Fr-Fresk SW-SIIK MW-hfodwwcý HW-Hw'*CW-C0MPkdY' sod RS.RaaW sod. FgwwS"mS:

VW Nery W49 (ý3% W,.W'Wc(ll-jlmcýModusic(O.3*-I.L cj4uw(Gx-0.n Md VC-Very CUM (-& 11 SWcWh: R6.Eummdy Sam, KS.VWY Suclý R4-Sgr.V, R3.141dý SU-W R2-Wý*. It I-VIXY VAcak wd R04numdy VA.L Lkh-l-& Dmdpii.. Rk 1YP_ edw. wxwe. vain sim c6c. DiscoMmudsm DýBeddmg.

Fa-FaWt. FýF"ion. JýJwK WMcchwKal Weak Sh-Shcw. aid WVLim low &SýS: Dip. swrwc *w (n-mwA. s,-&qp.& at WýWswy).

AmSham (So-Sm". SI-Sh&ly RwgIL Ro4kagh. md VR.Vay Rwo). As (FFiUa lfc.H"kd.

Opý 10W Ti-rIBU).

IM WA Amow QfWiffiw, slickcasida.

cm Page 2-1-5 12. of 25-=es ROCK BORING LOG Descripflon of Lithologic Descrnipttion Disconfinuides Remarks 3 w 24 T 01-6/3.*ROCK BORING LOG Page 3 Prqda Mu*. DalQVwi No. DIMP T.I~ 0-T 123 210--~ I/ Decuiption of q~*' *~' Lithologic Description v' Discontinuities Or e-CO. c-. .A.. &..30 31' f33 34 (4.1 1 36 1A, ' q3 q3 .Lf4$ I..Ira rs. I.M "V -a '.3 'p It. '-p '-'a a' A '.5-7 51i 1" 54-t.b'ft Remarks R(2 5wJ weakring,-

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Va WmFskS-gh.M-M(r.


Mi-Wiie (l-fl Falu spscwua, &Cj~lbcoge(r-n wAm VC.Vcay Close (4.lJý Sivength:


&mgoep RS-Very Sluo.% R4-Smg. Rj-Mcdium Shoeg 32.Weik. Rl-Vay WeWan.d RO-Eafteely Weak. Lidnoogi esciun Rock eyve. colo. scum. gVain sie. etc. Viscoominuim Be-Bedding.

Pýa-Pkh Po-Fohagco jo-Jeod. Me.AMechm.ic3 Weak Sk-Skew. xait YA.n, Jointdescription;.

Dip Surface Ohape (Pl-fooa.


or W) Roughner (Suu"noo&h St.Stigtaly Rough KsRough4.

nAd Vlt-%fay R040). ApeIIuc (Fie.Neded.

Op-Hpeoe 014MAnd r.-rlght).

qWp sod oA Of infi1ihog.


etc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I 13-179 of 244 S.3,.r,. *aS P, si,D &- ` t ";; 1~, 0f~ -,To,~ '757,$l '.28 .51 ,-r, Teo -*. rlS1 X 3 14c ax.0 -to- PS I re -1c. 140vS cat. c, L.Oc 3 3*q S-a I-o-W -IAbSTV0 C --i 1.'4r6/ pj..4"C 1 rt~~-.ti.-7 T';L)S C ) £ t I. 4 S 4

  • S S to. A I. I. 'p £ S Ij I I I I I I It-AC-1,70/

7@;Wa, S1,ef Diablo Canyon 1SFSl Data Report B, Rev. I B- 180 of 244 Page r%#%Ie n OIL19%- I rg-rici- Dr-PP fobNwba:ý4-W.V414"UP.-T 0154 VC01 rK Z% PEA .1b 0, c. Lithologic Descri tion DescneR of tion DiscontinuAbes Remarks 145 -61(s. S -ý"k 3b; 70, W0751, of, "Pv4.,W c; ef-. q6 57 @11L-41-41.44C14 3b, IV* ell S 1,0 P C7 to, SOK,6? 0 41 el-se-c-k-A-

-7v # 11 -463?%jer 7 kvj, JL6 f"41, I I i i ja-?R-ýf!7 Ll 9 50 H 1,53 54 i6 7 58 <'g I*, v-4, &06ý -Toss" ft's"'atax -To, ANOjvP A, 4514Wý J."k Y%J T, VIP I 6)9? 1- s+. tlAo cfc. I -5,P c. F f I Ov ##It 4-J.0-0 C.4 CIA e, kýVe Im %el,.e., Tit 151 20 I 0;KO 14 -1.1 co-4-4# *-k 'PA. ".A Y-YA 7/3-74 ý0',y rv all (D It c L-41 c -4ft 4, ;1 YC.c-T11 to, iz?.ýWember'ng:&,dLS-Rcsi&WsW.

FtsctumSpwin$:Vw-"WWO(ýnwi-Wmk('*-nma-mod."(O-Y-I.Lctclm(o.1,4n MdVC-VcrYCk"c(<Q.11 StrenrL PA-Examely Swang. RS-VayUvM R4.&mig. IU-Mcdium Uw4. RZ.Wcak. RI-Vay Wed. and lta-Esucmdy Wc.L OCMM4 VW4 SiM CW. OkSCORIWAWO:



ýCWW. F*Tcliadem JO-Jow. W44wbauicd braL Shqw2f. md Ve-Vcim 10im desmPtiow Dip. SwrM aLw (In.p1mm.

sj,ý or %Msvy), XmOmm 4SM-&w*dk.

SIUsWy Rmsk Rý Rwxk md VR-Vay RONOL Apauft JR-Mcd. He.Huk& Ov4pen "d r4-,r'9K rag AM -of MrS114 SikkOW&S.

cu. C --- -3 JLS qwo, yvýof 5-m W2 It 4.K *~~ 0 V0 *% o' -.r d)r -5 0 J? o i 1. 4' -I f.NJ))

L0 LOG of ROCK BORING 0~ C. UY3/4+/- st a Io' Pag ofL~I3 ~4 protct gLocationc&

op 11. It Po.A J&G hi To j-lDcpiqh tJcI'P _7r5FSX -.lo~odao -0 uod l~ier T~c ALMnt"g o Boring B koost a nd Claur Groun We(C ro Deohor It Mai r.Cste"ej

..DdllingCommuelerand Rig Oj KC-4~- > _qec Cs.scoot.ab-t.

.-I ~ o(oIBre.n B Z N ro *c.~4- -01 1)~ All" J. c3-D" UwI casting Siz an Depth~ Borehole Itlodmoatol Logged 13Y hDmecomopleed

<.k.oI-vt Pe ' ~- e-A 16 H6 1_A .__[w.*A 4 q- q~39 <> 4 fDescription of 4~ LthoogicDesripIon

/~' Discontinuities A bo-.-.) bow q.61!~ s~i.~~ a~re~ S.,toe. 3.3 'J~7 2 3 4 5 8-i 9 12 13-14-jto..Jb 4 (MC 754K-~ 4r A-&- .AL(. so +.1b ct o Jot S 1-T07' P1.~ 5,' S10OP me ,si" Pit 5 1~, *7r-.* 7thelet' Pi SI,0P. F.-*C(ouý

-3b, ce '%4. So a erk.a #. U~S, opevsAo C*'- V'hra, a 4 0 ixpC tie 0' ~*1`4-,-p ý ~e A,. 0', " , .* 01P1a0-W0 Remarks fiAvseý ow~w. +_1 SI-A. D-110,4 0 Am ,, 7.D 9) 105 P1 t weathering; Fr-Fresh.


MW-Mod1, .HVW-Highly.


mad RS-Residma satl. Faclwt S018uSU VW -"~P Wide (>3). Wi-Wide (1.7) Mo4.-dmam:

mor.11) 0closaa ex 1 pa.O mod VC.Vesy Close (-0O1-1 Sucao$ R6-Eobremaely Strong. RS.Vesy Strog. £4-Smuorg.

R3-Medsas, Strom& £2-Weak. RI-Virry Weak. Mad RO-iezumuy Wa itho lkogic Deswptison Rockrqc C' *r' Ieatum. -i sta. Icu. Onouste5m Se-Sedding.

ha-FoolS Fo-F@Jlialui Jcomoso Nk-Wechmarew weaok sh.Seo. sd ve-Veoos.

Mailo dMesc irsi NiP. Sufaee Shape (MPI-lai.


me WW-A Roughness (Sm-SMooth1.

SI-SlightlY Roush. Ro-Rougk.

mod VR.Veey Rough). Aperture (Fi-Filled.


OF-p 0 P &ad Ti-1sgI).

type of arsilling.


etc Diablo Canyon ISFSI B- 182 of 244 .IoJJL tIi-e Data Report B, Rev. 1 SWlDSTouEr, L Mcibcoi-t

..i 4 s+L--I ebt 1A6 0 *0 ZN 0 a 6. C Ci Lf ml C-W'-\V ZN-50 50 t'j K,.n bad , I --I-' it' "I 10, I PC*V 5 12%Sw B- 183 of 244 h-ject -0.0-- - a 1,10.C)k-c/z-16. 7 k8 19 ;t 0 '22.13 5 6 7 8 T r 11 It 41 Fe- L.,,Iw. 4L.---s.

ck-4 S+.^c. 0% -M 4. '04* 0 4,_ Qpl.% rittc Wcý , 12%,of,54,01 M.P. ONMAO o-ox -Me. -0 144 ,>euc, P 1, 1, -r, C.Ack, Sir T; 33-, 40 -7cf c-hq ap -M 'X ..40' 79-1 C-). , 5 1, or, OX. 1400 -flae, St. of, OA Ne P1 .SI, ceax .., S 1. ri POX 751. (a..1Vt.-r.-,0,V S .".. 3s. 0" -To, r*, 9-J-.S,,<jjP, uw#ý.c -'W, Sf,,S I, n, 3b, 0*, We' 1511 .1146P. OX 6)17ý BOX P Y 5 C-w

  • c. e 6)P5. 5' tox ci-tc. OY ca( -. 3 1 .49..,f d is %1.4;I" d 10"I 30%A 2 5 0%Wmdmtng.Fr-Fm.sksw.ST.O.-ý-W.;7wý- Facr= specow. vw -very wwe wwwc (,7 M&Madcrw (c,37% 043"cie.1,4n WA VC-Mery CIM (411 SUC09ft M-ExticMI)

Sftc% R-S-Vay Smag. R4-Su=t& R3-Mt"m Saw, 92.WcWc. M-Nery Weak, mad RO-Exacructy WaL LithoWlic DescAptiom:

Rack lypt.COW.

uxture. W= we. coc. DiscommmlxL Ilw-Seddi0j.



)0ý309W, MC-MOCISWAM b=L Sl,,Sbcw.

edd W%& Mid 6elcriwimc D* Swfim dtw (M-num. St-Suppe&

or W~)Unit- (SýSmoak SI-SILtMly Rmgk Ite-ItauSk.

md VR-Vc'rY RouOL Apnim 4fi-Filled.

He.Hca" OpýOpcm wA Urt0Q. tW 310d w"wAd orwrdlim&

stickcasidm1w, cw%"%ýA JLS qj.-3.1.1 Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I ROCK BORING LOG Page -I- of !5-Remarks Descripfion of isco Uthologic Description


-51 ROCK BORING LOG NumberleSaig 4#' ~ P ~fDescription of ~ rc" ~Lithologic Descdription

~y'Discontinuities Remarks 15W-2 41 44-4.-4-4-l-4-4-l-+

-40x;a IX3 3.%3lo, %u~-u 7 31" 33 ~34 ;'i35 ~37 138 '3 44 IKRI pies.rL'c L..~t-.- C1-N 1b:30'P1,u5i.1,3fPOeX 3,Co, LJ.,I M =*Thol SI ejk, V. 1p, ox-"10". .SI,. " o'i~a&,.S-4.os i ri.., 1 F- 'V". 1 I t. r; Me ouce Ft10D-yeo s I'iA to I-._ S 1-?, ql -q5 +/-i ii-ii-.- 14 F1. As.a J-I II I r waakaiqW Fr-Fmls. SW4UgbZ. MW-Modame.



adRPiu sL ME Spacing VW -VO`Y Wdde("31-WO-WI& e (1-nI Ma-o.Mdag (0i.7 IVL CIW4Y mmd vC.Vay Close (4.f1 Stresgh: R6-Enrtsaidy Suu,. R5.Veay SirOng R4.Svaq. R33-Mdism Sucat. R2-Wek. Rl.Winy Weak. aed RO-E-teady Wak. Lsmbobg& OecpOO,: awk WCp lO'". lealsc. gri un~. etc. Disoamejei:

eSedw.8&D Fa.Fsidfo WMjwj,,cnja.

b'k MmhwwAl 3J,44.. e W.~ini. uW*VM ose dwicus: Dip. Sgqfke IM ( I-naaw.a 5,%ppa 4 orW-W KtOegiMes (5 m-&00-6d.

SI-ligiml 1 PA...go-aeagii.

sad VR-Veay Rewgis. ApaO.m f~t4dk H*4IAled, Op.Opa Ned UTIZgl). CMp Med mawewO onflfmemmg akh~ku,. cia.Diablo Canyon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-184 of 244 01-C /: Page 3 of -5 n,. Zr0 "I.'q.o 4 1.71 570 34%: SANDITO"EL, 1---t +0 bi o. .ýb , a. 5Atb'51 elf--Lc., -L~ ftA~-..4.-..

7 0.6 4;.0 12%~ 6(.6 .9.1-S \J~L(.51.3 qIto , %& p 51.61 so WA-7 *W1 4DOescription of Lithologic Descripfion Discontinuffies Remarks I I& 1 5.0 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B- 185 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG Page 4 of 15 &" N.. A -?3 ApA 2ovi = tC71- =c I 2 7. 1 1 1 1 _P_I 11A I I L I I I 01-C14-46ýrn _47 9M 4 8 49 50--52 7. 53 S4 55 56 57 58 5'9ýO 4 5 0 1-.vo PC I eqt'. 3 5 f Lje(so fbfai..C.

6) tvf)" '9q7 'o tit c /I c we. , 6,me, e,5q .5 Dw;11"tafm4s Sof4-w LQ 15.e c it L__fSL__I*.31ý" 1 Lit's I P e (to ft- 49 -'b CAM 4064rck tat, T.'r-W 40-St.or'
0. I., 3e, A-51,51. Op. 0. _AA. 1., 01 T., A;, c' a. 0 . 36, ir-W. stý 51- P., q, T.'501 n U1 3;. S" uk, 51- t.. Of ýL W) r-, W.. %, dý T.. 4e , P1 -St, S1, Gý, (%.IA ei. 60-11ý to-fl, St
  • 7; "-ýk M, W. ?A' 51. T. .0" i:4-;k pl.vk' S1, Of T., I e. il, Oro or 1. 60, Ift. $1, of. On '30, fl- si, of, S1, reomml ox sA ct 51 1011 z0168 ý-&eVN 5-5D. .01053:-k

'-fo&-44jý SAMPSTONE, 'el ntJ-- 5-i-wJ, 9.Y.0c4c, -11 Sýkj' 'All awAtled-F.

dou-c.k. (*W04.ý-_15 5.0 21r/.11 SW I clý: I tz 14 wt. pw .loft ckv, I 9.SAw9Srmv*.

fift 6 VPj;'_ jfwýj' . we% *--4, Voeq 'em"bi, jnyýLc- Oft- -9.5,46.16&." Sw 0 A.1 t 7 1_1 T.0 4A 118 SAMOSTW*. "cilfti"J, VA1 CWA.W.51, 1 q- 19, WtoberieF Fr-Fmb. SW-ShoK MW-Modmw HW-HigMy.


aW RS4tesidual wd. Frwm Spung: Vw -vay wik (>3*k wiarwc w.n mýmcdmft wr.n ci-chm (ax-an &WVC-VwyCkrA(<&11 SuvmgftR6-EawwWYSUon&RSývcryStm&R4.Suoiq.13.MedimS*mg.R2-W=k.itl-"WcskmdRO-ExacodyWedL LithoWgk Dncripgion:

Rock qp&co6w.

kxwm Pais sizL M Dwostowksm Be-Beddw&

Fs.Fawk FýFdwtim JýJaom W-McchawkM Weak, Sh-Sbcar.

and Ve-Vci'L )OW dc-iPion DiP6 swrace gwpc (M4ww. Swswpped.

or -%vY)RwAosm (S m-SawcO. Sl-ftWly Rougk Ro-Rwsk aad Va-Vay Rouoý A; (Fi. F.U..L Hc-Pka" OpOM W Ti-TigWk IM asd 2"w" *( wMin& stickcn$WcL ew.

0 N Ce') Go0 t ~ ~ -ca~e -1-j0)%j a-'IN U I-)0 0 0x C4ý 0 00 ))

Diablo Weahcnog; Fr4fesh. SW-SWt. MW-Modmw.



and ltrýRcswual ind. Fractwe Spacing: Vw -VuY Wide (ýY). W4-Wide (t-rk Mo-Moderate (o.r.1). 0-Claw (CU"ll-rx dVC-" Clw(<*.l1.

Sarno: R&Exmnc1ySJc;4.

R5.Verysmo, IN-Swog. RI-Mods. Plong. R2-Wcsktl-V"Y WcBkNW i RQ-Ex&wclY Wank. Lkholo& Dw6p6uft:

Rock We. aim armium rain am ew. Dawarnsuam:


Fe-Fak FýFolwuoo.

J.RjM N&44.h.,d b.L SWw. and *,Vci#L JOWMI Roughness (Sov-Smooth.

SI-SliShtly Rough. Ro-Roogh.

and VR.V.,y Rough). (Fi-Filled.


Op-Open &ad Ti-Tigkl).

type of jarolling.


c1c IWO z Canyon ISFS1 187 of 244.Data Report % Rev. I Descripflon of -e/Dýisconfinuities Remarks r .% hoject ý= Job'Nuukw Is".1 Tow 0qM DCPP- Sr 1; ion c,,- *,-,'r Ns_ý " k- It -F 0-h 0611i.g con"actor and Ris G)S Lasthorcoecmcýawswd SIS.Afo.efcarelloxes -a;-. ýU-.d C." C,11(k ej%, FE 75 Ha ý6.4 i 11 Apfil 2-vt can" sin ad Dwk % I somhole wiffiation Lou" ft ;;;Cý-.,+0 1-b/ I r C .2ý G. KI -l'b SI-41 a Pa e 1 of VVNI+ CA4*w5 ZLP C_$A4ý I ý)VLý 5101 -rc, 2 LOG of ROCK BORING wac, Deph Dcplk S .5f T"c&rk- -(s-,i-sTcw f- -Fol 14Q El" i" and Datuto 7-a I 3-A. A.T0 *;dO cjol4n,,c 11-4 L--t' an- If 'C C04 R.ý "= A20 PSI at,ý-b Y, f Jr-4Pcc, 5 7 a 9 c , I 1041:) 3 P11 Sz.11Fri ý14 -h *g A1_0 %iw4,wj =4.ý . rleý11_14 woýi. 's-S, 4$-1o.1, 51,plyCoalser jwj4)*r,, CMg jqAq,.11i

ý'f DJký -ft-j& %...a_c W Ora J-j tj era v 7T 43 T. 40'. S+. S1, Ti : 0 , rl , S 04 ?,ft. 0-, Pp. %I, -r; o W. Pl, sm, r; 51op, lox -,Ta, .7 CJ,,,. %rolo-1-cristsafalvok aiý"o AFT; cam'.51, 'Aot j ( 51q 'c' %.T, ON 5+,VK, $I of. ox 3b. 5.+. vx: 1,P 24ýk_.A'C oý S;ppab --ill W,-l redaum- S, (cocc- eitv 4b.3 D%0 OL IRW- SANDS104

'4 0 00)4 I? 0 Is0 CL L.0 0 0 0 IT))

ROCK BORING LOG 1~;13-A-I page Io 17 April ;OO2001-A ~/II1\N~a

~Description of '3 .~4 Lithokogic Description Discontinuities so- " (.a 1 ,4\30 33: 3': 362 Remnaftc.-00 ftg M.'1 101 CC-i imp -ih-iU pFRmdi WWSlM KW-Momas.


wI and S-Reaakial ud Fracn. 4man VW-Vwry Wif (.3 w " (.Wd tM. Ua4Odorat (0.7-11. cIGmod 9klr43.w%1VC-Vuy~hm(.O&t).Suw0 RS.Eawme Smi% RS-Vayy Mmg, R4Vsbon rn-A@med Skmng mw.*.s RI-Voy Weak. ai 14-Sisswrly Wuk1;1,..

wa iDmas=iw Pndi TIMp olor. MOAMn W- sm.. Or- e-O w~~~d3.- 8*4wh*4; Fa-ftua. F**WLOXm' JWO-S M.4ldudncal break. Si-Slaw. &WdAVeim.

JOW t dswlobu ODp. SwiaS OhWA (1Foww. so-Swweaof.

wa- Mory). RA04%m (Sm-SmoAG.

sa-smoftRmgkPoi Re ww mdvpvMoy Reut). Amtuf conwamId.

Hwmo4Iad op-opm and Ti-r# wI ww aid mi de)g SAI2IA IlLCL c i-t,44 zaom N4 B- 189 of 244 Data Report B, Rev. 1-lb,o*' Pt, so ,op gel~ -k'* I %I , T; "r010"Laj6' 1.1 *1jT S~eo t. of,' 51 -11* Yo6%' P1, "s, I Lj.S1, ap -a Cam~~'-~, 510 -r. -me 0- ' 1 a. W- r- ), 4I t 61 to -r-it.1 c,.(AkJ (cml iaArlicv)

SVC fi~~e to q a-i.wl It.'5.0 25 ýI.' cAf~4+ p L-- ,06 OPC. 9 5wJ 5w'38 39 L11 jL/ 3 c;,q (I ""- ty- ? V --is f Sj_I ROCK BORING LOG Pa"e1Lof£ a;d0~# Description o Lithologicc Description Discotiutie

%0. -4b,5d Pi's$.~of q 8, _3- I d- -;4 -t to PT~ea, 0- ~ C I. , n I,' 0 m 0 .9 ri. 0 0 'p 1I C5 3 11 1%3.' 'to Itto MRS 5 0.L~SLO20%Kai.-t-100 .. CJVZlbkbt SA- o'tV "/,5 tE jL U wellSfU S,~.tL., % If v'SALAIb TZOW9, 5~cd C..j.ll .% .. ) l Olt w ; S-.1546o-0 .. ..toove 4.l e~,,%+ Te~, I t a iJ ,U ~ C e, o ff.* *-'7i* 5t, al Pt a'., teo I cf. a f -Te, o-16%,5t, 51, OF'i-i Remarks C ;,4 Wowayw RrmrP~h. SW-SgII. ---ifts Mmof Mt0Cmwpuiw aid AS-Auid..i 9A. Fracim Sp-VW-VefW9(..n4-W~dm Ciii Mo-Mada4 p.J'11. ce'*Ocre A0. V437. dw Ve.ry 00.(411 WI1 uISugN..Suga.l~.~diw .ek IIryWa'lveLU O~9 Rock rtw oe. m w mrei graa ske. air- Oieaswomod Se-Ud*I- ~afu*&& Fofafem. Jo-Jab. UeMedgeariaal break. Sh.,wea. aid V*460Li .Iak desmodbta:

ft. Suiface ~ (PH"Now.i 1St &W004. -W*-Wbfl. Pout-V. (S-Snaof l, 11. viAw*I NA~Nh &Wd VR.Yey RamighI Aperae i-Fft Mi-Heatled.

Op-Opal &Wd T..T6 tyend -I0W~ at Cdf Awde.ama C40A 1'A,4pJ: 'A- e"~ MIRI Diablo Canyon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-190 of 244 I.754 5-9 _1!-7 i%.a clisse.., J-.-'. Pit, Sf, -i 6roz-C-30, o-V U0 % '51 ) T-ý I ox n'. %+ S1 T., 40 V-+52 JA Page -S I0CM' -TSF57t 123-- I I Apri ~l 2001gN 0 4 ~Lithologic Description X Disconrtin~u~ites 1.1 4 (CAtS Mui4 ?O5%)-4--I .-=fr=-=---------

M ca..I Fr.,P'a O (-/: P2, O -4.. it.k~.s W LU 44. I 4-4-4.-

4 J.-3b-I do. 104a,51,o~O

-"- 0' .U. p59, 0Pb Tho, LaiA, 3IFf, O W,,- op *'To. 70; pile ,1, o Cr.*SLJ Z-,M 6. ** q. I u -1. a Remarks e 1 6Il .-0 ',, jai "oW I,&r 4 Ciar.I 0 194 -L '-' -1:01,r Woagourm PR-AW. S*W-N MW4AadftS K*Kfthi CW.C.,ipI.t owd RSA34uakaa aa Frammepckg VW -vury vMe (.M vwwk (r-37. Ua-Modepaw (Q.7- 1. =310" al3 n ewV-whryim.

Kll-) MbuPAS~s~wwD

%an% R5.Vay Smimig §WftmM. A3-Mmow, Sranig. FMWSak. F1l-VsyWediKmdW-E4AuIwn sa. L~wbI Oesafiw Rodc it VM0 WOit Va" SZ6. 41L OWWIOM' 11"WOM Fe-Fad. fto.FbWMn J3-Jad. Me-MWWWMa Wreak. Sh-Sm0saK

&Wi V&W JON"r "eapObi "~ S'aC 'WW (14-P1iar.


Ot e.Waitn).

ftK-Ms MMSa-Sifaa Sm.Si* Raw^h P&MO*UgW4 dVPRy Aag*t Apwtwo FwwdAd Hwiedui ~o" naw 1-r~v wo idonur of Ved61. 2dwwmia&ls

(/., ca; ~iL Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-191 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG of S Sw'10 V7 I" 04r 41 Ci a&kI- 1-'e C. i~ a~ur 0t, -f t r-1 C'2o%'35 2M, I" 20D C-I%0 N 710 72 73 74. 75.I 6ý63.5 e-5 4. (1 Lb 0 Ce LOG of ROCK BORING-L 2 L... r,$. '2L 1 41'2 Page 1 ofr Countg Sin ad Depth AA-'4 3 .6' G"~~(~A Borehole Inclination LolgW By Description of v'ýo ? d1 qe # 100 / Lithologc Description

/'-/ Di~scontinuities Remarks ISo%o-, T.4,~' ((,A .1-CSi e 10,sS r. slcý -2 3 4*7-9 10~12 13 :114-e I -Lis 0-Y J SIX;, IDI R,41 vm-1s~a -4~j e.4n. i4..W re ste*~.J 4Pu. 116 To se S*,I., -U.. -rN% Si 3CV' i., T %'VrI- , ý.CX' Mitt.c'As WIC P L ,As ikjofl t'I CIA-rpfbý)ii-A-el 4-A Wcathoio Fr-Fftsh.





and Rs-Resisduaa soil. Frsactue Spacing! VW -Vetr Wide (-31. Wi-Wie -. Mo-M.4crate (03-41. Cl-close (OX-0nf and VC.VeryClose 440.q Strength:

6-Exaxweely Su"Lg RS-Very Stross R-Satrun.

R34Aedliw Sanq R2-Weak. RIII-"~ Weak. and RO-Extrecsely Weak. Litholog..



Rodk type. CoOW. suemm vain sier. ctc. Discontisajesujs:


Fa-Faul. Fo-Foliaion.

Jo-Joist &le.NMeclsusical Wreak. 3kSlihar.

and WrVein. Joint deseripesnts:

Dip. Stuuec *hape tPI.pluae.

St-Stepped., or w-1o Roaghaess (Sm.Sssseo.I.

SI-Slightly Rough. Rn-Rough.

and VR.yelp Rough). Aperture (Pi-Pilled.


Op-Open and Ti-Tighst).

type of i rilliN. licknidet.

acc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 13-192 of 244 Type& Dianiete of BaringEssin n Ditu o Cqou WkWe Depths 'bDei4sB _~ Drillial cuserto and Rig LK-e &JO*M~ore.Banclnd Bit J4 No. naCmmcuseot.

oafsoes An rine 5 F.51. 1515!l 40 04 1 10~lClo I-J. -I -J. -J --I ...l-. I 11.10 a S'./ II AD 9d;P~wy 5g* 5.-4e. s MTl, -o Svc ;....- l.s 5 wiots r, e v., St, 7., ~ e$-o r~ J' a 1l.t 4 1-11I M I.Ik 11 P is 5 1.A 26 110, mv], n I S'W 1AW=-1 3 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-193 of 244.OCK BORING LOG N PP r TrST I ]-,-z 3 --I 0 X-rz / 2-Page of Remarks 15 17 %8 19 20 -9 2_1 72 24 Z5 26 Z7 29 u IT 413'. ;rmck, %0#%% CJLý Ott S. j .'n- ;4ý. i's -aft-6) As Ak.4 Tii :X"AL. (a& t.ALAIC M-4Z, soavoc., -rýI Ile 14M 'T 0 %--. 61. to Z15.1, .C.- as -f4- -6 d -k 1-1-S t.'o"t 4A.5 7 3 T.r.,;k.-wfT3 CA S., it, SPPý, T; -%- 6t, Tyk, "16' -J, W. ", S 1,7, , C14', S"Now dt%-,t 111L,(,e x, V, Yt,, Zt. ftý!,WM- SIT;. R s- Ti sit,_ St.- &k44 r., ;L -3 I /6"4L".%Aý "40 Týv% h-, w.,jjr; -,T.,!W, w% SIX; zi Su'-: rA "o slý robft1tit re , 34 Ev.xl ý5vi 1 n 001 Vt." Aý...k_ AGW 11AI'M -f 110r, . Mb ZW aj+_91 Re 51:50 7-k tzt=.,a IM r16-1 gi cl Sl 3zt 202 Wcathwoug:

Fr-Ficsk SW-SlasK MW-Modcrm.

HW-Hig*. CW-CwqkLcly.

and RS-Rcsi" wd. Fracture Speciag: VW Nay WWC (>3,). WiWWc (1*-n MnM0dWSjC (0.3*-11).

CI-Close (0-1*4Ln aadVC.VcryCk=(4.1j Sowg*R&EwcwL4ySumS.05-VkiySmý&R4.&mq.R3.McdmmSwmg.R2-WýA-RI-VayWcaksWltO-EnocmdyWcaL Lid.4"ic Dcscriýý Rock NYPC.OAW.

wow- grain sue. cic. Be-Beddong.

Fa-FaWt. Fo-Foliation, JýJctwL mc-Mcchuhm b=L sh-skar. and vc-vciL low dstmPtions:

ow swrom *w (Mmanw. S1.SwPPc1&

or ýwa")Rougnam (SýSfncdk.

SI-Shody Meet. Ro-Rougii.

and vR.Very ROMO), Apmum (Fi.Filkd, lfc.Hmlc&

Opopw and V-Tig!4 raw mod antoom of iardu% suckemcim atc CIIL.iL.4 JILS Q\ Fe-A-rob M-b-Cr Descrip6on of 01 4e 04' on Disconfinuffies 0 // UthologicDescription 2A of DIPP T'S- FSt Desc Descripfion of Lithologic Descripflon

/d,`e-Discontinuffies in ub 31 Y, t. L.(tj Diablo, Cwyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I 04- E Remarks 01- E /-5-30 32 33 34 38 39 -41 4 0 41 42 7 4 bro-Irot, kWJ f4doo 4 4932.1, c")*W., S1, Ti, tp. !0 On. V --k 'S, -T--, t Sý 1Tk.T 7"Al Alp't or 4 1. XL b6cki j .34.-4 X. %4 MA. NA 1ý4,-1 Jts U'At" e 11.3 P.& Z 6A A- 3V 1cp w 'Vý -A a -.41ý1 Mo QJ C ký6-Page 3 F p 11b Pei 5. S 47), -9 A r so -14wJ MW b6 AL&ýAlql-v

'114 J. -11, r 4.1o- -5 Mr-r C-r.1-4, ýyý-A qpcýtorj F -;ue, CC, -Al S T., 6cr "'St. 4 c iu a T.IID*. VJ4. S11,rc Vl*,- a -6 W. .5A.T J*-Ile'-4 TI, A Wallon NW VC **=. ltawsW IT wr Fr-FreslL SW4W W-Mod"06c.



and RS.R.WW wiL Fba. Spacing: Vw -Vay VVi4cW% wt-widc (1,.n Momodenn, (G.Jr.1-L 0-close OL114-n -VcryClow f<0 Strcng&: R&Eatremady Swom R5.vay S-W U-Swung. RZ-W.A. Iti-Vicry Wesk- and RO-EAwaftly wuk Udi.I.Sic



Rod lype. cetw. gnon size. etc. DiNwatouitim Be-Bedding.

F&-Fauk FýErolissick injoing. Mc.MmMaical tre,14. Sh.Stlege, wd ve.Wift. joial dacriptiaw Do,. Src. shW (pj.pUa, Sý or WýWWY)6 ms (Sm-Smoodk.

SI-Slitinly Rought. RýXouok. am vR-vay Romok Ap. (Fi-Fiwed.

Hc-Hwed. opopen, am rýTogho. tne and wwýw ornriuuqý slikcsid, B- 19.4-of 244 ROCK BORING LOG a-,,, S^-b ROCK BORING LOG k I T., I k' 11 " W,ý 7 MA, V'O. IýC-W Y2. 'jS5 6004w-'.n I-lb f, -T rFcr 119 S'O to rf -r;"a , 51, 7-1' et ý0'1' 1-Zý4 7,' -7;, le J 44' 5S T-1 S %,-T S44, A)6 V. I S' 2 5'3 S'4 -r5 6 S-8 S9-P.10 ob Nuotba--v Ac.It 7evesi-Zocfý' 14-6 AMV)':--1CWV, 6 I 5cý-;1, rot S, 151 040 waaktmg:fr-FfckSW-StiOu.MW-P','-

', HW-H4MyCW.Cow#lndy.sMRS-ResidalsoiL FtactmeeSpocial:

vw -very and VC-Vay Cknc (4 11 Strength:

R6-Exu%=dy Strang. RS-Vay Sorons. JW-Stra% R3.Wb. Svoqý RZ-Wenk. RI-VaY Wak Und RO-E-woody W.L Lithologic Dcumiptiow:

Rock qr. cW". wwntm- Vvia size. c1c. DiKowinwitim Be-SoMing.

FýFswft. Fe-Fatistiort. )a-Joint, Me.Moduo" tweak. ShShw. WW W-Vad, Joint descripiomr.

Dip. Swhcc Shapc IFUUM. S&-Sftppod.

or W&-W-V)Raughow" (Sot-Stooodt.

SI-Slishily Roush. "oush. and VR-Vcry Roush). Aprow, (R-FR14 Jj.-Hiod.

Opopot wA TiMsW rat tout unownt of iprffing.


oft. .CI,---l 61 w3-s q1.1.1 Y-Ltý-Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 13- 195 of 244 bký kepo-At 9, -Re.v'.--l 01 -e 14-Page _6e_ of Remarks 45W is 00 ;sc of 0/d5scrip 0 Lithologic Description

.DZontinu!Rbes w Descripfion of Lithologic Descripflon 1/6_ý Discontinuifies W-A Remarks Z01, rAs_Diablo Caayon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. I B-196 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG Page T 'a- I "a r, 127! 7 I*

' ft. + M. 0 lcf,%Ak V; 3.1 TAc"vr We SIT; 0, fl& S" il, ýZ_ Z:,5ce. W., sk ft I I.-- T14.,-% 4 M-51--s -3i, If 31 epi _k, w;: c:. 1,:ý ir cr 0-q Tof 64 -a-(,2 !,3 ;ý4 ;,5 4o 7 48 re 9 ;0 ;12 ý3 ;Z4 SA,9WTo*JT,-11 clý=70, . IcAp-.4t CA A ro 4F6 **) eG1.19 4- Le- "10YR S/4 ZGW + -f;ýU 3,* --W I cpý 6 a%1.; 2 leflov., I-e-A'ZOO JAVI W"-1.0 1/13 tj c X Iq psi 5'19 R1.J-jt' CL hoýP6 (-r va -2 Y W., cl. 7i; ,.I cuý '--týs-4 LA S T_weathning; Ft-Fink SW-Si .MW.Moknlw HW.HilMy.


w Rs.Rcwml *61 Factwe Spning: VW -VcrY Ws& (M Wi-wift (1*.3,). MoMoch me (OX-11 Cj-.ý (GY401 wW VC.Vbry Close (40.11. SAccagA: R6-Eýucwdy Sven& RS-Vcry Swoo& R4-Sueeg.

R3_Mcdjjwn Shoe& R2-Wc .RI -Vay Wcoh. wW RO-Ex4faedy Week. Uthoink Dmopioa: Rock "L 00W. le.kwr- wMa Stu. qw. Diwoutioutba:


Fa-Fask Fo-Folambou, 19-Joict.

hkjAcchm" brok. Sb-Sbew. mod Ve-Van. Jaw damptumo&

Dip. Swf= sbMw (PI.Maw, St.sftpped.

or vhý"). Roughens fSpa-Sfecoth.

Slaightly Rough. Re-Rough, a" Vit-Very RowghL Ap , ý(Fi-FiUcd.He-Healed.OpOpe-OWr--right),tMa"anmwofinfillingstickcasiks.ew e_%l 't f. 1L,:j ILI& '41selot ROCK BORING LOG 1-,- 1) crf % 5 r,51 Page ,- of :- ý01-c Numb";F 5 ?'6.7 4 5.0 Wa6c6nVFr.FrakSW41ithL.MW.Moduw.HW.IbgMy.CW-CompkWy.=dWRaidvANtL FacowSPOCOW-VW-VaYWWE(ýnWi-Widc(i*-nMýMGdm"(O-Y-ll-ct4ý(0.1-4.31 .d VC-Výy Cl 11- SUUWb: R&Eftmly Skw$. 1U-VffY Shvng. jt4-Sjg. R3-Mc&m S-p1j. R2-W-h. R 1-" Wuk. md RaZwcmcly Wuk. Udwiogic Descrip6m Rmk TM. MOM ftzim- Srsim sim cw- DiscomawAkics:


Fa-Fmk FýFctucwL JýJamk MWh.,d brtL Sh-9,cw. MW Ve-WIM JOW AM Wmm: DiP. Swfw. AW (PI-Mmm S94kpPkL Or W-WWY)Itm#Acs (Sm-SmoodL SIS4Wy Rwigh. RýRmSk mW VR-VaY NOVOý Apauxe (R-Fi" Hc4kakd. 00)PM MW TI-r9SK Wc NW Awmw Of wfiHi0g. slickcasidm csc. A Disc oq/20/01 1-79 Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I B-197 of 244 LOG of ROCK BORINGAL.

01- .-rU "' PaL~eI* eIt 6 , .A , 16.3 .110 _1 9 ae ¶ Prin5.6 So gaN I Srdgoei S.'4- 1$ Ilf 3 15 "1., m Ty~~~~~~~

061 OCuiv eg ~~eadD a und Wmi. Meph oepea or#.r A-%ame1.e4teatAe10 0- 1 Onsioge smeu.-Mfti 9,., +- Ci-..' 5 Q"'w No.J oIc swaxte aýS,, 1 inm m Vois~q' 1150 Q .'rei Lithologic Description 2 3-I 4.5 6 7 a 9 10 11 13-0 41 z 1,lee.p.'.3ZI N" 23 11 0&iA 13 fA', a'S1 SIt SS-ath c to. e.kI ,.' flAd " qa, W ' L.P/ Le&A. W"41---- --- -- 4s 4hA~e 4 -3 as-.d~ Description of Discontinuities Remarks irei W L... 5.-6 Ijc W. At-r 4"t:N~ LAI Als oba f ru& p14 Cell V.

  • t .4 1. a. V -S 3 I-I LotrsI rats roa~. ' I'15J 11 1. 1 1- 1_______II Wka.Miq, P-ralh.SW.SWah tW-koda. NW4Ii~hy.

CW.Compu4i fimRS.Rgudsa md.F.awpegV

%WW .Wd (iMoMiE(.f.

and VC.Way Caim (4. 1. Suagib R6-Ex much Spoog. 3.S."~ Sawig. 345mog. 3j.&ikiun Sum&. 32.Wa&. Il-Viny WIL. id R0-bkamely Wa.Lshp Uoor 99010M RM* ?FPL6s Un~

0-9oumeAah.g l.3ic-S~li VaFadem. F.Fdemea.mj..S Me-Meek. Wkea. 3kS.D.. 4014 *-Vejp. Smi@dinVW0s OW. SAM *A ,l8(MIH.Q1!.S9IftP~

Woii"1 Roug&.ess (Swi-Swooch.

SI-Slighily tough. Ree-Iegh.

sad VR-Vewy Rou~gh). Apenurs (Fi-Filled.


OP-OPes aed Ti-TiMgheJ type of mari~ss. gISHeUCdW-E'" Diablo Canyon ISFSI B-198 of 244 &k- A-6 qII'dI6g Data Report B, Rev. 1 S (.&A 4% I I i j V--l 16 14 IV CL t4 It 6 I cl 4ý 0 (7*1 (ON 9ý0 0 .j 0 z 2 0 0 W.0 C4 f:ýq I\FVIov SVAO ftfýj--p LO to N _ fli I -cl O-L ROCK BORING LOG Page 3ofO PtqUoMV NO.e Description of 00it.oogic Description o Discontinuities Remarks

  • o- -, -FA 'V Sick-!' Aiq6as eaD.
  • 1 g .S -q 0Zj.y4, SI T7VA '. ~ ' 31 0 .~. 5 uC.. Ba SI r; si. r-sAir4 33 V IRV- J62 ivOS.peiw IL-~~OI 17- -b VIAI rati T. A 0& -8~~~ ~ ~ ~ Rt il on 2t" ý%Y. 13 A ' &33. A "35' IýV. 5 .r) Diablo~~~.4 Cayn --"0f4 Data1 ReprtBRe.

If 17-01F Wdt, S1, ri re I d"A -3wV4 $1, T; W-b-L Toole, "'S I, I%, 7-,azý A J'-, 695-,W4 Tj n) A NO $I*" 3 W -to ktg-. 400 wo-b-n4l, 160's'.12)L rSr'ýSj ýobwnbcr ftojer Date 5cmag No. Y?() .I I I+/to 7, 14 ia V, = S, 1A A.X3)56 2'a-ft"'S ljr, ýo Z 3,0., 4.- -y ,T., '7., IV-, W.,S1, V, 1-0 -M-Tailo -2.)0eSj 0.-40 1 to u WchdW F,.Fmk SWVi9h4 MW-Mokmc-HW-Hi9h1Y-CWCaaP,"dY.wALS4tcsWuamj.

FacWtSpsciWVW-VcryWW(>Y)6Wi-Vf4c(l'-nMýModNM40.y-lll.Ct.Cý (C.".an @ad vC-Vcry Clase 00.11. Wc,00: M-Eavernefy StFuM RS-Vary SMw& U-Sucing.

RI-Mcdorm Streog. M-Weak. R I-Vory Weak. oW RO-ExacraWy

%ak. Li"logic Desc4tica:

Ra* W. VcW kum pm umcic. Dtscondtnurbcs.

be-Bcdd-, Fe-F" Fo-Folwakm JýJwK. Mc-Mcchawicai break. Sh-Shcw. wd WWI'- bw description:

DqL Swim *W (MManar. St-SacnwC or WS-W&vY)R (S-SmOctk St-SIMIY R-9h. RO-R-Sk -d At-Vay R-uOX Aperture (Fi-M& He-Rcaled.

OpOpen aW Ti-Ti&)- We WW MWAR O(SOM019.

diCIECISMACL M Diablo Canyon ISFSl "Data Report B, Rev. I ot-fjq ROCK BORING LOG Page -Y- Of C -I-Remarksýj 453; -r-po %-*) Desc Of Uthologic&s Disco Wuilties cripfi;ij qO P'iý2oo psi B-201 of 244 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-202 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG Remarks U 711_ lorciecl DO P T r- S.T- bed Dow Page -,E o f 41' so Description of Li" ogic De 6 n Disconfinuities -ro &A JL '&r..(40 1*2 43 J,5 ,66 67 68 (409 70 72 73 4 4 f4D cl i-'---4rSPtwQST0 V z Ilk* (Aýý U 14 t Y11- br-ý b. (*Vk PLJI as &15 e ck V U-1, tv% Zý dol,-ýktc OMS'16OViý"t In. medw- CR. (T a I Ps)-S2..XýA wr; -c- 40,11 7 M T, cw 06,31, TFIP Mxw lUs% SIMV64 I, T. t I; A rc W- gel u1s. c eAtAll,+ Mv%,, J'" :T.'56* "No'k F.1 7', Is. t Alm A40 cla, ;A-s jdt 11-4 (04 1 7. t" L),-W, P k..AA I 4e, J'kskr, rt+ r., .3;-.w V1, 1 7-.,?tA 'M 4.-J r. 7-"'0-' ":S*', iý. -1; 64"'.6 t. V" C, 5 YL Vj. Cl,-T-j, C-14C"S %+.Ikb, 's, no 2-e, Yw Sýft ie' 3d. W. Cl -1i :1;,3d) P. 1,T-,, Qjý,-S2ý c"Z LOS, pop,:-T YO 90 dAV-1-11 I 'gý' -t -I 4 0%CIA L 0 IMM NO 2&%(AV Wcubmag: Ft-Fictli.


MW-Moderw, HW-Hi;tY.


and lt.S-AcsidW

%od. Fracture Spacing; VW -Very Wide (>31 Wi-WWe (11.n mo-Mo&mc (o.r.1-L Cw1w (&I'An wA VC-Vciry Close (<0- 1). Strcno: M-Extecsody Strong. SS-Very Strong. 11.4-Strong.

R31-Modwas Strong. R2-Wc&k. RI -Vay WeA. and RO-Extersely Weak. Litbologic Descripawn:

Roch; rjVc c0lff. wasm. pass sm. esc. Visconuawsim Be-Bcdclung.



Jo-lowa. W-16ftchasucal bresk. Sls-Shtw.

OW ve-vers, Jamit &Wis- Dip. Swficc sh" (n4unns, St-Supped.

or Wii'-W8wYj6 RaugAft" (SM-socock SI-Slatmly iitousk Ro-Routk WA VR.Vcr7 RoMkL Ajrrsm (FI.Fdlc4, Me.Menlecl.

Op-Open -Tirigkt).

tM aW womw of anfiffing sfickessudes, etc.

ROCK BORING LOG Page &h.. of I obN.bcr .DMa No. bL PP I -Oi Awl A , ii d /Description of __ ~ "Uthologic Description V'DiscontinluitiesI eU-V Ia&Iii9'4 75 g92-C1 i Remarks 42-71'r~,rs i 1,0"51 52-11 IV C. p47 p 6*'VN at C-, a* j' IT. M.. 4 z3e'w.'S%'T ec)fa v3,sO.-i f~n r Weatmin Fr-Freh. MSK~i~ MW-Modowa.


CW mpwiduoy.

&W L soRidu .pcrde SPnwmg: VW Na~y Wi.).~Wde

(>31V.~ -n3 Mo.ftadgvas (O.Y-1 flCIC4o (0.14MT andVC.Vesy Cloac M4I) Swenth: 36E-Ern=1e 7 Stong. R53-'ry SWng R44eang. R3344didm S&aG.% R2.Wak. RI-Voy Weak. ad RO-Ex -omdy es Ushoogi Descnpano Rock l47S. COW. waNS uO size.a. Disconsinta:


~~ ha-Fanh F.o s wiaw, JoJou.M.&becwwialhn.&

S-h4;c. md %~VC- .cia ds~pin.Dp aaesae(1Fac.S.apo.c~~a Roughnes (Sns-SmnoskSl-S4ghy Rough. ft-Rough, md VR-Iary Ranghs). AcWt (Fýji~nd Hc-Heattd.

Op1pe an Ti-rTjhe) tMp ald .an" Of ialilliag sfihe"o4Ms dc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-203 of 244 N 01-q1&-I 6$a\IMoIS7 RD SvJ 05 -f *i.1r U-'1S'2 xt. -us~l, W-'L~l JaLS 41,110S t-C4.ND Ai U.qr -3 910$Lo r 9. 1* -'a S 7 I C-%ý-*-'

Lill'- LO lent-,.. (U~ C- ~A 0. 0 C NE. l -e -, F~ \%%4A M .v A l-K U--CL Po -z '- s NA 0 L4 0~~P -- -z Ipss *.i~s;. w* 1 ;;7SS X\I I t~ I*I NI 3. 1-(j o* )))

o+ 0J --_ _ _ _ -ca *- -jt iIf if h [3 IN Vo 44jj -~~~ ~~~mcl s. .~I 0~ jJ 1 1;-rr CL -1 V~~4VaID Q y YA)))

ROCK BORING LOG Page --Lot I = S-*V E. 0 r F 1 I Date L I pruied Dc P? -f Description of q Uthologic Descripficomm Discontinuities 113 114 its (T410-L, i0yr ch III-It' to* JL& 0-A C69 T. 1.4-4 Cato?, Sopt 10-25; 1ý, 3 F1, It"4; 'Pj W, ", K 2, +;Tý ig hats Sc. .91 4c cc.."c at. C. " p4-,'4 .1'e"I ISIS V17 IT 8 1; 0 .4 jcfi N 1401cj -:c- " .-r- (At 0 -)10, 70, M,4jA*PjA4IJ0,0jK W M. ts I 112 1ý3 134 Sýqm. V114%-I I ---------135 CW-Como"y.ndRS4tai" s6l.FactumSKiag:VW.VbyWi&(13').ArýWWe(t'-3LM*-Modow(O.Y.l'ICI.Cim(ai*,o.n

&jWVC.vayCkrc(ý0.Ij Sumg&: ft-Extrawly Swcm& RS-Vay Swong. U-SwoR& RlwMcdim SWw& IUMI261- Iti-VaY Weak- md RO-Ewftwly WcA. LWMA0&DcScVIiý:R"kwrcW utwe.pussm.eft.

Docostiw4iiwL&-Scddw&F$-FaukFo-FoliauokJýiontbk.h4cdtam=lbrok.Sh,%m.*"*-Ikio-3004405en"SOM DIF. Su,(8",hw(Mft..S9-S.W&

Or WýWawy)Rougbwss (Swi-Smowh.

SI-MigWy Romigh. It*-R*Ogk.

md Vit-V"Y R900). Apenm (Fi-Fdkd.

He4kWed. Op4Dpcn 30d rýIIIZMX W Ind 2nww Of MWW& sfickms,*$ý,ý Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-206 of 244 Remarks-LS1. Is I 1col ý r" L R'.., ."-Clr..tj44 21 LOG of ROCK BORING 5 C'"S 6' "ef tl 4Q, -SjgL tp, _)k.JS Sir 7-lb lot lh"m Eg"sion wA Dw- Cate" W&W Dpl. IVA -No. arceic 86'M I By 61-3,614, Cks, WPLj*00* C-1 #".JL die; Description of Discontinuities St.A lie so itaLs 4 I'LAA $I 0 4co VAO C'qVor4eSC.^sC.

rt it?6 2400 q-,'. ec ts;to-. S3 I-c-1 7 10 --14h rA,% a( W_ 3; ..e 70, 10" Wei rý,S%,-r.

V-C. 14. _r-,,0,VVAJNr-F&A-M 1%,Ls be' 10YR313 V. P, brwr%TV "ad Flo ti-%. ý,z KI DDL-OPAXTE

? -hl. Likk6t 01-ifS (001 Pit 314^pe4i _Y4 (#jj/lrjhf el X-51#5,T,' C^ltilc4cc-i.

9 4\n%+6j.1%5 Y Waajbý Fr.FrnkSW-SW MW-M HW4fioly.CW.Cmpktgty..dMiti&Wwd.IFW CspacLwvw.vaywi&c(ý3IWi-vr.dc(,,-rLMýModasgclo.y.1,CI.CUN(G.J,4.31 sadvc-Voych"(.0-11 Savao: R6-&Wmdy Saco$. R-S-VaYSVOW&U.Sbang.

R3_10- -Suwqý RZ.Wnk. RI-VarY Weak aral RO-Ex"camb Weak. LWwWgx:Dna*iaa:R0&lrc-c0l" uscam pain siar. mrDwontia.0im.

9c.8c"n& Fa.Fwjk Fo-Fokajon.

jwjowd, MkjctaaS W.L U49-m -d V&VckL Pm 6-ip- Dip. Surrace sbape m-nwam si-sigpos.

at wa-IN"L R046116ts' Om'Sm*0911-SI-SlightlY R910911. RG-RO"Sh.

4W VR-Very Roagh). Aetnan: (Fi-Filled.


OP-OPce nd Ti-TiCM).

type of jarillisS, slickessidel.

etc. w! 9-MatflolGanyon ISFSl B-207 of 244' Data Report B, Rev. I J* Number Lacuiem r P,1664 P-15 q Remarks.6 +0 IC4 CLja..%1%0 q%() lot; dw-fi 7-7:5?" -a. 420 P coo MAýW Zr- IPP rsru: A L I I I I I f I ------ ýA,-" 01- C.12 Page 7-Of -ýL 1 5 Cowie 1`A 16 W, M, Ca ult U L.12 a13 4, P5 M. Ira- I St., PT I-j" matu. vo6c% 6w U'lle- jod-li q1%ndLS;611- &k4t -?VA*t , z elt tkyj 6-4a ISO psi I'll, bula,"j? A-to Now -L30ps.M: 71 4, 5 z Date..;14L

-(^%CAVi4wx "I Coal 60 W. ,Trr ea, '^k, Ti, St, 1A."Js"t. -T. [- %I L 4 C .1 01. 0 5 w. 10% Wa. Ti,51, Fe 4,tý 56-I'l-H r, Obr-ý- ME I ft darte -.I ý,& ) 6 k,,# ; I-MroksL ýWýWA JIM16191C

  • 10W"j 1ý.nfg wh%, vrýmj- CAL ?4w-Vw .rit.464 h*r. to 50 W." 5 11 it.*V 5w LIM 17, 1 ýq 84Z k M Gnt To LD -'1. 31 uj., N or T. ms o& &%..e Zx ts 4V ( tri~= 45,^r-ftýr;,IL,, T-, W) AL T.. Ur, VJ& T1, 51, re 4 P. cio v% rz.dý 4b-& I jr. Wq,-r, , S to (w.. %.44 bhl, R.. fie Ri ILI K1 31 14*a7 ;j 9 30 51- im mw LL-jr 4 Olt job I (0.1,4n*wvC-v&yob"(4&il.SwqftFoEowm*SmSFks.y&ySvoFWt g6Ft3.Mo*kmSbong.R2-VJS*.Fil-V&yVi"koWPAý.Eom*WoakLOWIDOOMOVOC Rom ww ww "Sam ww Sm @6L%*Mn*w6m

&Hkd*mý Fa-Awk FwFekbM JWJOK MwM*dWmcai koak Sh-Shm wW V*-VW0kWR dNWWbWM 0106 SUd- ~ (PMnww5tS1%Vdd.0rV4h-Vbvy)ft4 so (S-ST40ft 31-%W*y PAmOK P446m4k. WWVR-V-y P-4h). AWtWOF4414 H*44@ý OpOpon wWTI-Tq2M.

WOW w0wa of gdwms odwawm W,'- Vý1;001 cat eAf;w-f1z--

Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-208 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG Description of Uthologic Description Discontinuities Rernaft of 6 7-" 1 Jý' tZ fuYN (V1AiVW' 3CC) ý,Jj 200 f5l' fýýq Pacm A PMi" ROC BORING LOG OCIPP MSIFST-r#,LjS-4*

t-r frý bflftý-TO, Le, AL -1 1-i"..Z, W.,S%, Ti; fU M_ Sifti ctk 4. +wv% t.VL-i t*O-t I W1 S C4 T., W Att-nc of 4 d tM10% S0Wv'19vc4 4%.U ý6 4?'- 16, J 166-;"t ItcAm"wS Skw1MT0we; (Inur.A-Vftaowrq rr-Resh. SWSW& W*Modmmla WWWft CW4w0*ft W4 RSAndual wk FmcMe Spadng: VW 40bry Wia (ý". WwW* (1--n &qommwaw Caj- 11. 04 fM1'4nwwrV*rYcb_1-Q_11.

&Wft FA**" W-I& RS.Very MMrjjjý "Mmijý R"Ae&m Smig. Ft2.WsaK RI-Vwy Weak wW FM*jff&n*Vi*a1L Wowcoondw Rock COW Wdw% Ww =A. 41L Cdwn*wbw 904*ddna F&-F&A Fo*obft% JobM WM00-4CM &VOk Sh Show. ad V&VWL JOW dssaoww 09. SWUCS ~ sl-%ý -Vft W-A PWUPMM ts-smooft SMOLV RADON P44bnk wwvp-v-y nw*ý ftwuo pq'ý Heý opý arw Tir4*. 21dowwww Me.Auk: CA$ 114WIL-1 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-209 of 244 PWZI *11 I'll Remarks ROCK BORING LOG IC 14 Iii Joi Page +/-1 of ..IS is ~q~ePDescription of ~ ~ t' Uthologic Description Discontiruifties Remarks Ll S ---r_-_Mt.Cl"47 (49 So S71i 52 53 64 5.56 57-Sz Rzi 72fY 11m .10 Oi YAISSCV% 4 core w' frgq -POO..I & .. 51111 (d41A 0T. W ', r4-M A S fVbt 91C6 '1-4, W c. L, ( .r.1 1S-5S2.4, lie. Wt f'tP V. ,VJ, TP I .561, . Cc". W4 , i, 1 er..4 a 3?1 Cr, fn 4u;ý L .%t so~,c 4--Amk20 Ct~cwa4dt&

wDt Wk 6d (L,)II (9.Lee to05S-01Drau rd&cv-' -Jk A4 won"i A-Ago ,Fui. SW.940w. U "odinakL $WW4*CW.Compiueug OW ItS44AW iwk A& gu- SPacwi VW *VwV Wide (m.M. Wi-Wi (1-41. Ue-Madwaa te 1 GCHwS Rodt tyme cola. w*aum grui e. ow-. Dlcwmnuwds eae* F~-el F.ad4ia Jo-Js MwMedtimdal bak. Si-Sue,. " %%-Voii Jade d6=000=~ 006 Suanb=' (Pmni. St Swam& -d. aWe-rI. Rashri %e(Sm.Smah sunA nci. A owAui mdvR.vey Pmoý Apsww CFiaded Hweaiead.

Qp(v and T.-1io. evm4s 00 Ci-j cA0 iyAp4 zvl 1" W Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-2 10 of 244)0 6 '5 IC6'& VM8 j-t 114k*PT-*53 5 7,%20%~C C1 C1 IZ&I-1e L M'1. s 7-.71*'-g S / 5 I 'W-PP T-"rsT V Mww TA.r'Mill) (..U lolvoolb I-, 5 Allc*

I 01- G15 Ila ,P,,L Stki SAW-I of PMOO n^t-ie c owea, i ^ P.- A, DOP MKILLUAcia.4 I& (04 110 ; 109 gil too& of T. 11N, SUiýý S1 IA--t 5 aG4*S'rt no I t 4? %'"33- VA Sir. rA sh ,PIS ze W-'T &I rk SV" 4% -&-.' ad ý- T., V16 ,r,*,$ VW5i.' T. 16, tý-* A t-e r..'w , "ýk I Ts" S I, -.a djut A 36, w) VA.ri , I V , S ýAo i- I wký Sw-'M citcJ)PUM e-cYsAAe-I*-V T;-f2' 1510' PS-r SCPA a4-ýr^ I.-W ISO P51 &-0%(e-VQq W, 111, 100 V51 W/' (ck-f -\ I.,' Psr -W,50A rc4-ý-w*aewrgFr*todi.SVI-sw4mwmooraWK^4"cwzwnoewtA&-WRS-PAs"wk FacwmSpaawvw-vwvwwo(-M.VWWWG(I',TLWModsraft(01-11.C"300 PAdL qM CWW.UdUM W*n MS. Wt DownwaxIM 0"00*1% F~ F* Mg-M6dwwv weak Sh Sow. ardv*Abft JcW dnaobww D06 Soft- d F at' 0 dkkandlK W-Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-211 of 244 ff!&4*11 Remarks'Descripfion bt Diswntinuities qj 10 ow 4) cc 0. Liv-li -Ir w cq 14 uo 0 Ildn I rr rT 40 -0 N m V Ln to N in .0 ,07-,N*O-V-C d 0c.4 %'ý I=t% !.A& tL=- =12 hoject Job Wb. earig LWAIM Te"I Deph IXPP r-SM 12tsct- I DcP? MS-rSI jai Type& Da"Mer ofearins 24<.. 4. 1 -I rtk-tý ow mtý G -wMe, D91h Deph % Ek& k lick ac..11414L JW '51 S. /.. VI6, (S.- L-11 WA '" 0 CMIlieSConerecterwAltig O"Ov) 04,JZOJ,%

A orceer Berrel WA SK Me. occom Do." Date Stalted Nil Tareclir, hilluLl 4i'l T 5 co CasM &= wid NOW gwdwk jpchweý Logged By Due c s6 c-Lsini 6 U' cloo KDW 0`1 11 01 A-J m _110 "I Descripfion of scri Disconfinuities; Remarks L De ptio 4Y10 Aup 1* rAWD STO N E dol-iNt lL S1 JýKk ;; VL It- + 14r% S*in (br*1P#v*%1S%-.

%itA4,11) (TO#6-0, ý!ý 6 Mors- ?e4,k4i ve YA. Aý Wv SA_,c as =64*_I.Z 1-2.0 JUAA-A 1U';ct-We. C-(L-, 6-% SI-41*0 LOG of ROCK BORINGqý 11" "' ", '616k Pa e 2 3' 4 5 6 7 NIL a 10'A 12 13 14 15 Mý Simi V% $At* twe. I S1 I "D 3,61 (54.46.*13 1 Sj. .M3JAiY% I It, .10%OSWY\

TI) %V 6*M W* Ic Mr% Suft

  • I-N I.L T ovdd, > %-A, 21, T; jki. To, za-, w.. Al,-r,, In. s 1k, \,k, S1 "V, (w 8%.,(_T Mo ju-AZ 00/0 ,c nor'.. %70fSi 46 ;4%100 YV I Mo M41 410 3.4 1.3 f. 5)Do 2 4.1 -TI.&,%h0w no 54"ý, .1cf, f4. S*,iý, S'Soo 0 340iý, Wet, 34,W) vik, S),T'ý o"itt, fuct%_rOF6_ 7-1; 'ItP, TP, SIM., Yw 36*1 5, 6e(O.-JA 7-6 YLOO-). tSS welluvo'ZO ()5% . 4.50% t.apl Z_Vz'wo PW'wý JD oJO e- kO Nu 1fro JiO"Jam" 11 IQ I W.*,.ing:Ft-Frc$kSw-gighLmw-Modw-HW-Hi$hly.CW.C.mpkwly.wARS.R..i.wicil.


=dVC-VuyCIm(-Uj Skeog&R&Exftwl)rSuw4.Rsvaysm..&it4.$u..,Li-mc&..s"..&RZ-WaLRI."VAk.MdRe-EýumlyWc.L LW.A.5j, ).ýRoatrpcýcalw intum Ww uM ac. Owcowmbu:


F&.ftak Fo.FWwuW joj*wA. Me-Medim" bmk S"kw. wd %%"M. MW deýWwft: DW. Swiece *aW (M= S"Supped, or 14-Wavy).

RO.Shoess (SO-Soccilt.

SI-Sligbtly Roogh. Item-Rough.

and VR.Vccy It"Sh). (Fi-Filled.


Or-Opm ud Ti-TiSht).

type of jarilling.


9w-Diablo Canyon ISFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I B-213 of 244 0)It H Il U a. II Vj)C, 0 -J C, z 0 m U 0))

Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-215 of 244 30.15 Descripoon of Discontinuities ROCK BORING LOG-5 0 t F 32 33 34 35 36 37 ja .39 I L-in Lji win 1ý42 43 44 Page --? Of 7 acting No. Remarks I Pi D(po TSMT One 0, Uthologic Descripflon G V C53ý"uwwdmr, -#j-VA syq/1 caixk-ry) 3%-* tzý-_ JooiiP bttý-J-- zi.q 1&-J 3 L3 46" SM"A4 Cý"tvtln i:iý I, hai-+ 1--' gk-.,3r--ac1 e yz. is to SAA"..&Sw 71;:a vid, qf4. f,*cvl 11,ft 1-k -m ofterIA low-4 Ji- 301, W-, rat ZT., 30ar 4 IMIJ J14ý lo"Yo., vk,6,'n, hiko Mn Sic-; r% T.) W, j I tA., I *kkýr, T VA, or, e 0.66 le- jolbe V5 Lt.-Vol Sk. .S. Vx-, too, N, *,A rT. 3S., T-, M04 w 34mý. T.: 204 via.'$"; I F;c + 1- S w-J... se. Vu -;+%,, ie .% zh 0.. 1 sak I skM, "-,i rK SAW-I-200 fn I q4ý61.j o.741 rws$c Mcit-A To, t"ksl -Ii, $A. c L O's, wit, St. -r; no 341%cni!M dO.IA41 shuft bof- a. -tt-,v tvicetw3i"at CAC03 V4Q: 006, AftjýNd'Zoofsi -CrAc-ý.

7-10 ri ?j0'$(t6, 150 ps i )is 110 ps, '01b rA jw, 162 C-2 10-wjo rck-- 016 2' (,Kciils)1-1 S, Is 4.0 V z ,1.!/S 15 ý07.3141 10Z seý c i k v Uk. SIM 'Irk 0 4-0, 4 AID-5 I 1-r- I So1,W.,S1;T-F,'FAn SlInj-ý45'Iteopo if 45 Weethenng:Tr.FmILSW-SlighLMW-MokmwHW-Highly.CW-CanpMdy.mWRS-R,,i&MsoiL Fraunc Spicier. VW -VcrY Wide 4ý31. Wi-Wide I I-Jr). Mo-Modcriac (O.T. I'L ct-cý (Q. a*dVC-VcrY(1o*:(4.11 St=sL%:R6-E-y Strom RS-Very Sitting. R4-Saaeg.

134udium Strong. RZ.Wcak. R1 -Very Weak. ad RO-Esucinefy Weak. Lithologic



Rocic type. cOW aratuar. grain swar. cw. Discontinuities:


FýFai&K Fo-Ftbh"XW4 h-JOHN. Mc-Mcchanaid tweek. Sh-Skw. and Ve-Veam. )&at d-ip-=: Dip. &a&" ShW (pj-ný. S1,SMppod.

at W-Wft7).

Rougham (Sr*ýSraoodi.

SI-Slightly Rougk Ro4tough.

ad VR-Very RouO). Aperture (Fi-FiUW.


dpOpen oad Ti-Tighl L tYPe Bad Uniount of inGUing. slickeitsideL cat.

i I"ect Pob blutink, o4 14 1 No. Dc PP 175-FST 1 Of ý -týT. I S%, o4ft. T!, sE c6,- v% t% 3) -r-,30** Sl,%4J;, V, rcfý M%61ciý jy"t I rt sw"04 uksi ,r;)rAS1ftf Joel Jiith !*. r-c-kik.

T. 10Vjj"-S r U& P404 fail 4 It op-IL Z. -fop wit SI'l-i T." V M. we 40',"i- -40 1 mivw4 Swa 16nes ('c " I-T,, I a I e5f, lk 4 lrf-bvl &VA .ýý t ý Vk. S11'r, .1-4. V.N -To :Tnw, We, 41,T*., T0.35" Wk's 1-1 wkS? T;, ciso", I go evi 5cp/0 2io ps -Iý-Vl I 969, 2" Fri VAcathariar Fr-Fr%:mkSW-SUSfd.




and XS-Raidlual wil. FracmeSP-ciAVVW'VMWik('r)-Wi-WWefl'.nM*.Modcruc(O.3'-IICI.Ctow(0.1'4-n and VC-Vety Men (-0-11 Sftn0i: R6-Em , 'Y S-a& 23-very Suang. Ra.,Snoag.

R3-Medim Unit& R2-Weak- RI-VaY WCAL and RO-Extiefflely WcaL Lidwlo&


Rock IYPL C" texamr- grew son. c1c. Discontowifim Be-Bod"g.

Fa-F" Fe-Fahation.Jo-joint, Mc.Mcchao" b=L Sh-Shew. &W WVkm Joint ikýnptwa:

Dip. Sectface shape (PI.M., St'skPpd.

or wa-Wa-Y).

Rowoms (Sm4aw", SI-Stishily Rongk Ro-RcSk and VR-Vay Rowoý Aperturc (A-Fitkil.

14c-HeakA OPOPen am Ti-T40d).

qwand annow orinfioiff&

Sikitcasitim etc.B-216 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG Page ýL- of 7 Remarks i'Description of Disconfinuities Diablo Canyon lSFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I V9 11 N 4ý 0 t Cý . 90 0 0. 0 04 1 Cd c;s u 0 c;s IS %of hft H, 10 0 ch M 0 0 w I t Page C. of r;i 1 5 76 Tof" 2clo (w QS7.-Ggýe 0, 11 r 4.uv- ý TOP*120 f3l -zoo 1 0 Lor rof6 9 eq 50.V "6 C; R-s- i ý*Xlopsl Al r. I ftst., " 0 S* %- W A 1, S 1. OPP 510 N -J. --s+ I SA , Op P.60*1 P11151-Ti X_' AAc3;'.AA' so, Fj'- a- 5 c- CL. SO, R, -it St. 01, POP S I, T; W.31"ri 00,616"V, to fe Oda j 0, 0 51, 4tA A 0' 0 15, k- I SO (.S- SO, T--, Va.;4. -1ý0ýr 1ý i r.'ip 56 w-t, S % 17-;., 4 SV-"' 36" SAW I I C4 0 I el so 91 84 I--117 Tofb- Z 8 8 Z3 9 T.;' , 50 4D-l-'- 930 PSI WaAhemw Fr.Fmik SW-ShSht.

MW-Mod"Aw HW-H19My.


aid RS-RaiduW wL FrachweSP80011:

VW Vt" VrWc VY). Wi-Widc(l'-n MdvC-vcrYC$m(-Q.'1 simWh:R6-Exu=WFS"mrRS-VixySwor.1g.R4-Svong.Ri..Mc*mS&mg.R2-WeA.Itl-VaYWcjskmdRO-ExteodyWcWL WW"icDacnplimitmictyrculm scxvýpawsimac.

Dwmhmkim Be-BoddinS.

FýFsvk FýF"iwjo-kw." Weak. SkVww. &W W-Vew J0iw4V=Vu0w'txpsr RmbwutSýSnwo&si-slishdyto-gkRo-lougb.udVR-VffYROuO),(Fi-FiUciLMe-Heated.Op4Dpena"TýTKSM).WgmdawAmtofiahNio&skkewideLcoc.

ROCK BORING LOG' Description of Discontinuities Remarks I B-218 of 244 Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I I I -- I I.Weshcrial:

Fr-Fivik SW-Miow. MW-Moderstr-HW.HWMY. CW-Compkedy.

a" PMAcsiiýt wil. hectwc SPS662: VW Nay WWe (>]I WýWwc 41,41 h4o."Oderm (OS-11 ct4 W. (a 11-DJI &W VC-Vay Clex (4. 11 Sucoo: R6.Etratudy Sun% RS-Very Strong. R4.Su..$.

RI-Modium Sue*& R2-ftak. R1 Aby Weak and RO-Eunnody WCOL Lid~ Desawpucc Roa qpc COW kmim. Vw six. ew. Dbwoziwý Sc-Beddin&

Fa-F" Fo-Fo1jKkm4

ojojnL &k.uKbwicw botak. Sb.Sbew. mod VýVcio. Joint descripsi-Dip. Sucfac *Ape (pj4jaw. Stskppe& or Wa-W*wY)I I I I I I Roughmen (SwSnwo& SMigialy RmSk PýRoujh. and Vit-Viny Rou$k). Apmum (N-FWA-d.


Or-Opm sod Ti-Tight). " &W amount of iardlin& sikkonsi&g.

cc.I I I IP top ýSfsl ROCK BORING LOG-0'S%, ýt *0 %A-c r So, V. si-w WA" E:,0: -ri, re -T4- 1 %,Vtt.) r.,W, Va, 'ar, Uc it So* ra, k G. 40', S1,W4,rl k.0 t Of VAi-1 All 0-1(4WX-ý fe, vj., S I :T-., a I-- Z.9 To td, vA,31r; , le. W-, ^0 S).Vj., I W.P. IS T., I Si V%9 v6f C.D LD-11 0 -Ztiorai It)2 3 4 5 Fj of TO. Icn, 5'.*200- 6411qýt B-219 of 244 Flage -4 of'S.- I DescripUon of Lithologic Descripfion 1/d/ Discontinui0es; Remarks Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I (0 (0 I-' -d. *1 2 0. 0 r 0 C) 0 09 0 X* w 0 G) I I N r r y A.

Na %- Z 144 0 4;47 -60 V- -' ~ -' -, Try -' j ; " n, I a) s. -S q SI 'm t --12 -gl %I u' ~-~ 41 (4') ~ 4 ~A {i14 __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ N O__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ f 0, 1' Np- Inj~ ________i

_____ __V4 it~ _____K___si CY (n to t- co 0) 1f 2 -h Ci r 1 a C)))

LOG of ROCK BORING 0 1 -IZ7-3eq -I Ja ~ns.r Besan LocatftDeth Type A D u nssawofBis~

I Eýrsýd1 Is C~rosse Wine, OWpt Dnhiiti"s477 5 E Rsg I L-!7ý ndB C and Depth Isnation ILogged By Du 0..Completd

.. ~._~.i'_~

ILithologic Description4 r a'NJ 9 a I.'. 'S N 0 N N '5. N ri. '5-, S.Is 3 / esci~on o T Remarks In-O &~3 1A IA 6 32 -34 35 36 37 38'39'gAO /V2 wegiWeashisg.






and MRS-sisdnl sx rctur Spacsing:

V1W .Vtsy Wide (ýr). Ma.Wsde MVY.ho.Modecn(Yit .C-ise,.4J and VC.VaryClose

(<.2. Suseoph di ukwensel eSimwi R5-Yeay Swsung MR44iag R3.Mcdisum Sis&esg R2.Wea. III-Vea Weak. d RO-Ezrwsetoly Weak. LichodogieDescriptius Rock'JIypC h 5055504 Xmin sin. tc. Discontisnuites:





W4e-cmiosal break. Sh-Shcor.

and Ye-Veas Jelude4seeipeasow Dip. Ssaetae shape (fl.Plusar St.Saeuppd.

MWS-W"YiL Roaghosass (Sss-Ssuooth.

SI-Slightly Rough. Rn.Rough.

a.4 YR-Very Rough). Aperture (Fi-silled.


Op-Open mad Ti-Tighip.

type of iuslilling.


atc Diablo Canyon ISFSI C~"" 4-41 A f72 M42 Data Report B, Rev. 1.41)z, /', 0 I-Ifr/, Page

  • S0t I.Ic (01~12 Z 5-' C p. 4'tr (Y'~e S .iltf (V W &pe I.aI 3, Il-]V a vs 6 a s-s 04 5' 5 '-I, 0 I-T 9 io% Is-i S's.N .5 16D ii I I I I I I I I Veoygeq 4 II Ju're -So q VI o neSMot 4 :30 1C,. f. A -AJ :5 f1 1 k,4 k-9' tin'- ~ NhI~te yo uny c <-w.C'.5 WW4l n 0-; so.Wt Zo% --1 Cs "JLol/Ik C V~aO 'Ih In.30,70,~ ~~ 545Mia14 /-S -),&. -P I ItI" 'ID se-day L ISO all A

+ ROCK BORING LOG Page Ij of Dot VLf' 123'Jzqj~j

-~ !4o '~'?&~q ~ *'~ ithotogic Description D? Dscontinuities Remarks J6 CC~' It (Tr. I I iOYft7,.u W i-141 ~So 7e,,,* --, I*'17 qwL. 6l.,a.W %n9 l\ 3% A IvaA p~bMM0 &)4 ~ ~ (~t fl uilIo.) ied"~~e S1, ri le 19 so,~- i. i b0% *-,D-cV r esoc~1a too PC I)*of~ t.q 66^otwL 12,~ -__________tooM ta 1.5 *1 R %C. E-,.w, r4 V ý_ýe A -16 '54,b t. -~~~ 5ea.~w 15fi~ Nd cAL. 15. sP, az (0. ~. id vc-m~. Clse ~i,-C'SL.3L-C.

LW ea the fTw Fr -Ffeadi. SW .-ih t U Mw adiia e." H -4i~ghe lr. C W C o a nid R S- Res OAaI s ad. Fs dRM Spac i V W

  • V wy W ide ( ,x ). w S-i d.W ( 1%7). M ý o ft , ( 0. 7 .11. aci-C s Rod .C W.iu M e ý*r D c ni 5 eS " Fa-Fauli.


..l jo-,M .Me lediwwcal breaK. SlI-Shear.

and v;-% m jon & = M .Di .S U W DiboCanyon 1SF SI B-223 of 244 Data Report B, Rev. .1 Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I Remarks[P,"- 3CC ell 5 jrC.:Z7 Pas -We It- x I I 2-s3e- -1 1 J&5 = 0 j Page S' a-Z -Z, 696 C -iý f S; cqprtof c L-- SeLf 06-7 eb p 0Y C 07 L, 100fS1 CNV 071'ý- lid P51 'or CIV4.go '8, \z (-3 64 5 6 J7 7 -7 o 6 2 3 4 1z; -7 w.ot..,i.g:F,.FrcA$w-&i$hLMW!;;;;;tHW-H-shl"-icwt;;;;.-y.

was! RS-ResWwl soil. FractUrCSPKinig:vw.vyw.&(.3'hvr,.Wi*ct..Y).Mo.Mdse(O.Y.I').Cl-Ckpw(&I'-&31 md VC.Vay Clow (4.11 StnnVk: M-Exacustly Strom RS-Vcry Stren$. M-Strca& R3-Medirn Suang. RZ-Wcak. RI-Very Weak. and RO-Extivaecly Weak Lithologic Descriptiop:

Rock trFe, COW, scaterc. Sma sac. cm Disconaiwisi6cs, Be-Suhlusg.

FýFwA FýFolisucu.

J*-JmK Me-Mechanicei break. Sh-Shear.

wA VeNcia. Met descriptow Dip. Swr= shape (PI.Pianae.


or Wa-WawO Roullksess. (Sew-Sawack SkgM[y loaSk. Ro-Rovo. sees VR.Vcry Rwo). Ape tw (N.Med. Ht-Healed.

OyýOpca asal Ti-righ* W and Morm of infilliM sJackenWes.

c6c..ct" , 1,616 10L,11j-, B-224 of 244 01- :E/5 ROCK BORING LOG Date Boring No. p I I Page -L 0 f-ff 5 7 8 7 9 I1,J- 1 0 i:q t -ý2 4. 3 W4 I :2:31 .136 7 48 9 -J-7 0 (cue 1%,,-1 UV) VD 64 1w, sko P mop tox U1% stjob, t ox 16, L-', P"s- or so, P"t e, ý-,, of WeatherimW Fr-Fiesh.

SW-ShgM. MW-ModeraW.


CWCornpletafyý and RS-Residual sok Racturm Spacingr.

VW 4" Wide 1.7). Wi-Wde (V-31 Mo-Moderste (0-7-11. CýCk"* j0Y-0.M.andVC4#ryCJcsejcMJJ.

SVemgth:R6-EWw*S" RS-VwyS"ng.FWSoong.P.%MsdLNnSW9.Ft2-WeaK Ftl-Vaqftak.

and P10-EAnwn*W*mk.

tMiclogiC08-06M Rock ". coW. tenure. gram ate. stc. DiscointinsAim Se-Geddft Fa-Faun, Fo*ciiabon, Jo-Joint.

Me-Medwiul break. Sh-Shear.

and Ve-Vain. Joirm dewriptiom Dip. Suda- SOMPe (PI.PWw. SI-Stepped.

or Wa-Vftql.

Flougkmss (Sm-Smooth.

SI-ShOtly Rot*. Ro-Roto. wW VPrVery Rought Aperture (Fi-Fi"ad He-tftaj" op-open aw ro-rigm). " and --lr4 of OMWWX skkws4o& W .li7,A cmS 24-1 =I eW;W 44 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-225 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG a 0 0 0: I.3 I-171 0.0 ("I)to 1 f W I- co 0) 0 N ' ~r c- a T- C3 :r S2-c -C -)1-4 0 C-4 -~cn)

ROCK BORING LOG Page 12. of 2-7.IIBaig o~ ~" $ /~Description of f ~. ~9 # ~ ctLithologic Description4 Discontinuities"w" ZFA. Remarks IOYRejgjý ýC4-.(CAIS IiWAg... z'.IV %0 r4 107 199 112 143 "14 115 116 117 118 .119 (ASY CA^4eku ty'.64J A p AK' Ak St-q.k -t, @CoPN.) 9o5 ?I l--C'1o ti0. C0I'e'o* ',,J,@i'C

~ 'TO, A M ai 1o j,t*tO r3 o x 40 60 Ito (00 too 1 00 10D IOU'-.a,eigF.Fw

. SW.SIfiI UW-Modeu.*..

WWHgh~ P-Cm~lM i S-ReSidual Sod. FRadur SPaIC~g: VW -VWy Wide 013*. Wi-Wide (V3.Mo-Modwate (AS 3.11. CS~o (toxa &W2. i VC-*V" Close (..0-11 St-bnPh R6.E-reely SWon RS-Veiy Worng. R4-9"g A3-Muiu Strong. R2.-ati R1-Wry Weak. and A rmnet~ WeAI UthWbgc D~OeSt Rodt M~o. c~Olr. ~Wdw. 9110 smZ. EtC 0iscnliuAis.





Me-M@Ctiwioa A~l. SI,-Shea.

ad -*.Joint dew ions oip. oft=E ~a (PI.Plana.

St-Stepd Wa-Wsvy).

Rot# -es (Sm-S-ooth.

St-Slghgty Roughi. Ro-Rough.

and VA-Very Plough). Aped-ur (Fi-Fihid.


op-Ope w dTi-rxp').

ty NOeMand uf1r"' of infilf Sk(SmLe eWAEV ý./ a/ Z(&.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-227 of 244 2(CAR -t-S'seJe..a (ii)e -e Q0 \j 0%.0 0,-/.L4'1h)MW pmw Ve-y-.L10 R, -go 1'SI -D 0 44 06,40 C W- ;J.I jlý I t.41 156 6,0 I So'"J Z;,tkv Colas J, rotol..Ak WYK && yellow-'V-k.Tý M.S q1%,7/0% .7V0 0"'-Diablo Canyon 1SFS1 Data Report B, Rev. I ROCK BORING LOG I"- -PC??Mun*w 0M 1 2-2--ýý -I I-A -v of Lithologic Descripflon es Remarks-C;ý, ej a, S- I-IRI 2;- --=bG4 Page _7 of L7-Z-2 I-0 I-L4 I'L5 I-L6 117 Its 1ý0 112 t13 014 -4;rte yokovej Sa4s.6ve c AS .60.1 TST 100 100 140 rV cr.sý-,4, T" ;rT JLA Cato, Its 30*.! to-(5- Jýe of, 118 ZVýL, -.4. dt.3%. (to- SS-1 jo.-ue, ft. %I -'--It 4AN., ,'W- tt--% -C.1ý TO 1 APjo 7Td;S'o,*1F1,'

<- Ot, OY Ste J3%, ,*-* Ih-tc- s+.F-r ctpq sEA^ at-W.- 3 'a. A A .-..3 J,6 A e M&3- GY 57j" I.. sczo,, s4,v, a r 17ke iw,3ý -40"L#-ýe ijdk- V. of' &A occa6i"41 Mal 9mn4 .4'.. (CaR nAp-1 4.)A re 180/1, 0 14W te.144 ~t 4F-..e 40-.Cj. ,4&rker j6ý i%*ýj loyck/ well ý"J, W. bcjj a-k taw:"ýipýSo P-f-T cS#j .L(.1.2 ý 5 0 60-Moe its -. A. t, Sp.ý us o I F 1-7 ucý W, oc, .jdLjr SC4ý (,Yk 6.14 A-&a -,X JC6 6n l6b)go 22., b 1AW Sw 4.ýto ,12 WwhcWVFr.FmýkSW,%I*A.A4W-Modemtc.HW-HigWCW.C"ktely.aWRS4tesidualsWi.





Rock WPC. Cc'-wanim. pain saw-cir- Discminvi4mBt-Bcd&&&F*.F&WLF*-Fol"wJolawu.tjk.Mechaa"bmk.Sb-Sbm.&AW-Veim.

Joint descr*iow.

Dip, sw(acc sbapo (nrinow. sts1.PPc4L or wa-wovy).

RQVghAM(SuýSMootb.Sj-S1igh11Y 1tough. Ro-Roush.

and VR-Vcry1tou0).Apuvm(FiFd1cd, He-Hcaled.

OP43PM and Ti.TiSW).

tYP9wA SWAHM ofinfillio&


etc.B-228 (if 244 01--116)86 1* bc C.o im) CA w ha CD L" ((0 t\)p m 0 0 0 a L 0 0 0

(.(K_____ ____~0 m -Cr~7\ . 0'W t ~ -D 0 ~ 0 C b ~ ~ 0 S;3 3* toI I I ii o a, P ICA _ _ _ _ _ __*a rig Ar k~~ q.it1 vp in Er ~~~.~t g p I , OP__ __ _ !6 2.4 4 $ C-T '4" 7 ~L. ~ a S.X ZAI Ia LAsr -- mzzJ ft %S j lit aj A -'I SeJ V -.. 4 16. -.

B-231 of .244 Mt Tr ( tr-. w ROCK BORING LOG T IV DO L: 0 ...........

Description of Lithologic Description Discontinuities Remarks M-1-ýýPage I'L Of Z11 K5 1ý7 68 00 wer-F C.. +. X...ýStl. 0 IM K b IT6 74P, -c.Lýtj-z-,toWcL veAX-t- OX ib > Aft, 0" FI, If. 1, -eke.0'. P1. St.-r;'0j( f,4-,s I-OPIOX -A ir )III S 1, Ti C'

  • 3 E, TQ.C;0 *'-J.' so, op, P41.6 le wf'qu .(.y W.- J` I 5&Y44 AS 5A.A4fte.

A6-t- C 1.7 (&Yee -wl 44-918%jqv )150 to R.1 pasr.ut. &t--01%fM 4U10 too too 1 7ý ropy 1603 1w 112 %13 jj4 li5 %16-ýAlm T17 98 ip, 1 40 5? elm 6Pj-71.R$-'5AP0WTT0"C, :1 ZA-ý' 6-45, Vf vf -6ý,c 4. fiAr L.)d( SWW 40,9 OxIb4it-0 15-ýbr .17t.4 .1 7q. 71 P-%s-htt 6,3bi-r 7q.q I-L;Ll- 'd`-6-+;1 Vý 06-W, 16"pa'-74 XS 50-T CS 13 100 I 6.;,D 5P 171 4 -jo, 0-le, "'Sir QP'Amo Welow":FI-R*!M.SW-Si-%WLM*Mod"&.W*HOýI.C*Cor*ftt".Wd;IS-%Siaolsa ftdUM4-hT.VW-V"Wlfti>ý.4.WýWift(i'-nkio-MoftmtSM--'-'IC4,cloea (0.I1-0.M.andVC-VwCk"(.0.Ij.

S-Vft FrEXU&Vely SIIwIg, FtS.Very Strong. Ra-Suan Fumedium Strong. Ft2-Weak Rl-%"Vftak.

and 00-Extrernely

~. L*WbgiC0m5o*1i Rock ", WW. torture. grain see. 4ft 0sconlinudleir:


F&-FaA Fo.Fok*w%


Me-Me~cW break, Sh-Shew. and WIewt Joint dewrOicom ft S~ OW (PI-Planar.


-Wa-Y" ). Rougf- s (&n-&nooth.

SI.SoWft pm*. no-PAugh.

aid VA-Very Roo). Aperkme (R-AW He-healecL op-oper, and ri-roo). anow, of w4ift Slickernsdift W- .*APccv..A JLS 4jj2,j, Diablo Canyon lSFSl Data Repa .A B, Rev. I ROCk BORING LOG Protests C s~r ~9%? 4~ '~- S~4~ ~'~ ? Uthologic Description f icniute-1 3SIG 4S 2.Jio SP= Mtz, ICC,4 ..1 1;i-e 40 . fi.e ¶.at.z..ehq so so'4c) Cb.. e...ik~i~i .t0i-wi9;dS-935 164 119 117 In zC 0-= U.t9 5w ~ ' 05 r-3t, 5ToIj., "Vni'.+j ~L4) Pw4..% -P ,iC-1-34jr .-. K 6-14A&t.oi-SAre ro. W t ~~o-siqiu,--C-0-.41 Z*-' Oax A

  • Jfe, 0 o!;'OF-&CIj -a ..-o I? S it -r;l-Tea j: O.2o,, s44,St6 PIOX 3b-6 MPe,. o'PIsit Slat I t Itsqts 5 1. Ca *l1,-'T 0%iWes. Ss, o.Of# MO _71. 301 Pit St, slo ?.esw -Fvei.' Ph""' Sobo~pg Remarks aI ',- Ice-Psi ZItu~eh Ln.-i.. 6i&A 0-14 #t4%t Vr*eoiv4 I4P3:7 16L~Weathering Fr.Frnli.SW.SWiOKi.




and RS-Reiidual soil. Fracture Specing: VW .VaY Wide (>' Wi-Widec (1-31. Mo-Moderate(O.rYLl-Cbs' aG-l-&Y).

ad VC.Veey Close (i.~Strrn&

K6.Exuntrdy Strong, RS.Vey Steoug. R41.Siewng.

11J.3Medawn Strong. RZ.Wea&. ftI-Ver Weak. md RO-E~tresety Weak Lilkogoie



Rock type. cOts' Ienuec. grain sine. cie. Distlmninuises Be-Seddoig.

Pa-Fault Fooasion.


Me-Medltanicill break. S-hqear, and eVir.ia. Joint decrcipumens Dip. Surface Shape lMpllaosu.


or WO-wM').

Rersocresi fStra.Snwoll.

SO-Sligluly Rough. Ro-Rough, and YR-Very ltorsghý.

Apehture (F-Fillod.


Op-Opei and Ti-Tight).

typAe ad awnan of isfilling.


eac./Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 O'-tI 1Dane qj 2 6foi Page 13 of t 1 r;'iwt ins 4lb 5q 5.j w e:4i .4 4 pii. C iO S .O ji w S C.' 1*OL A,4. Co--.-.. Fivet J% 0eaies 1£-a., 5-rjiu 5.0 I * -, -I 'I /'1 to 14I 1-49L Lý9! I.57.0 241r; ROCK BORING LOG IProject cP- v t~~ppLS~I Dame Page L.of _47, qh 1 1/1 Weatherng:


SW-Sight MW4Aoderue.


MCW~Mpetely end RANSReIdual sod. Fracture Spacoig: MW -A" Wide (M7. Wýif (1'3n wmo-deate (O.-Tft. am"lo (0. I-#3.n mid VC-VM Ctse t(0-11. Strengt: P&%"reel Strong RSWyS Ron .R-Stun. FM-Uedea Strong. Rt2-Weak RI*WrYfWash.

and RO-Erdem*t Wea. LIMIOM 09 0oe5Of Rock tsp. cowo. tadure grain seze. eir. Dwsmstimuwn:

Se-Bedduig Fa-Faut. Po-Pomaw.

Jo-JoiE. Me-Mecwiaal break. Sh-Sheerw Vand -V..,. Joint daaurptio Ok% suoda-e ~h (PI.t-Pna.

se-Sleppetl or Wa-WVft ). Roughness (S71-Stnootts.

St-Sightly Rough. Roý-Rough.

anid VR.Very Rough). Aperture (I-FiFHLd Iime-2aat Op-Ope endrw.gv T gyp. moe d anWmx* d Mf e Siksg sdnsides.

etc.\Diablo Canyon ISFSI \Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-233 of 244 OJIT-5(Nrt f(LALE-04-1. l'~f -6 0 'I, '/,;Icl 7 Vks.L- 0 aa2 263 .705 Vio8 I Amýa6 ROCK BORING LOG IP-Page j_ý Of -7 r N&arew t Wnauk..g:


SW Slagl;. UW.M IM~ HW-MligMY.


and RS-RLsidSI.I soil Fractur Spacing; VW Very Wide (>V). Wi-Wide (cf.MMdre orr l-ama M014.)'.

and VC-Veay Cjwi (49.1). Smtgt: R6-Eueeandy

$Vol% AS-Vay Sweug. 8.4-Sweng.


Strong. RZ.Wkvk. Ri -VY WtAL and ftO-EturmadY WWak Laitblogic Descoiptie":

Rock sype. c*W' namN. Vai sie. 0 Disseeezaaeacs:


Fa-Fook FO-Folistion.

Jo.4o1. Mc44echamicaI break. Sm-Sbex. ead Ve-Veim. Joel de iptem: Dip. Swadace uhape ("&.Pama Se-Seepped.

or W&"W"Y1 Reoghoe (SM.Sri-o0l SI-Shogily Rank Ro-ReOU0.

a" VR-aY Reegli). Apawafi-Filled.


Oppc 3011 r,.r'gM. tMp and amuos of .0 kajs exc.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-234 of 244 CAOQ0F ki 1J6 HVS at 1:ý. J"M S1;;k 3'X I-all I "so -I)CIVe / / 5 F-,j: I' '12Z .5. -I I 10a" 417-710 1 01-i ROCK BORING LOG IPisiedi Page .i.of ____~ UthogicDescription A;&r..4,#

Lbvn Ca..f.'(I- I 4 81"f Decription of .\ isconinuities L.2aL 6 Xa~ 7-)D 8 P3 0 API :13 2 0~3 3 d 3, 4ý?3 7 : ;t3 9--Ta,q', Pt S% 0t j3n 's0b~, topT =T0-e +-I' 110e, MA 0'Ot -b.e-. wa lslc .t .¶ 0< Zro, G*I.t,.Slop'

  1. 0 51,E S* IIt sop .peoP1, S 1, IOPi"SQ 5 C-' '3 0 C.nO I.0 'nO NJ, -n.j C-" 0 I" 0 V-n 0 C-I I,.' n.j 0 Remarks+0f- e4-klr IVC;.L 6ý -3 1- looPps 6),36-'to P5 I weatnemg~

F-Fteod. SW-$WK~. mw-modeale.



&W RS-Reskidal wit. Fracure SPacing:.

VW -Very Wide (ýT). Wi-Wide (1-.31. Mo-Moderate (0.7-11. Ci-loS (0.1.43).


(-0Ar Sftmigl RB-Exdauoey Siai% pS-Ver Soong RP*Sioig Ra3-Medrnu SIMS- R2-VV**. Rl-V ejfak anid Ruiieww g Weak. Wialooic DesC=im Rock "o. color. Mtuis. Wai'w e. eoc. Ouacatfimwlies:

Be-Oeddftg Fa-Paue. Fo-Faliatiori.

Jo-JoKe Me-Mediancal break. Sti-Shear.

and Ve-Verri Joint deariptow.s Dip. Surtace ~h (PI-Planar St-Slepped, or Wa-Wa;;, Roughnesa (aisn-Snoo,.

Sis nogh u A~gh. Ra-Roug and vA-vey Roughi( Aperture (Fi-Fntte.


Op-Opar aid fl-3)gh).

MyW Wid aliruitt dt eddleig. slickeuisdea.

etQ At.1 Diablo Canyon ISESI Data Report B, Rev. I B-235 of 244 f-IlC / D)C.p00 50 9)t gIL K).S:4 -i ii w Oi 1-, Ii 7d'301 vtpIhe;K, Cr'.tutSo-.11 "I$iS,*,(1 L 'SJ~a&4e .em, a r~iao Li-, .$9501'.5 5.0.3,1-T-,r; V 1, .ie, A Pb.Io 50 GB 4mt.f-I-76, &-clo" Is-+-. 151,40 F -&;t;u, -I cot$ t 19298 -loops I& S f0bere r_ I'll f 0 ROCK BORING LOG Page Of 72.2 MMid F tWW I"mN~ Lihloi Decito /DescRemarks)z Y.o1 2 24 4;is~575 1.'I, AIL'Eq c L ýý-e4%wJ I-) W : 7 g 0 -r~. 34..Md I h t1-1A2 -! o L ILL" "tC4%..Ta4' L- " 7a~ (T.4C -% S, 1 'at,. et 61q9 ek~..d es I-;9d~4 Ifofs I Mt TO, 0 IC A~~ TO WebLICt#.

IO.L! Si Io.- t 4 ,0 AU go go ltzeAM so tt.)o AMA qo go too ________-v 1- -'r~: Fe-Fees)..


UW-Modet, HW.High~y.


andRS.Re~s~daiL Feacture Spicing: VW -Very Wide 01fl Wi-Wide (I-n3 M*,o-Mdae (Ox-f'L .CI-CoM(Y0.-O.f i VC.Vcay Close(<0.fl Simms&* R6-Exgimady Sang. ftS-Very Suse.& R4.Skosft R.Medioin Suong. RZ.Weak. RI-1.loy Weak. and RO-Eanimcly Wealk Likologic Deivip~ow:

Rock Wrpe CIOW. tmee. pain size. ec.- Discid UOni -e-Sed*.g.

WmmFan..Fo.Fo~hasin@, k~g.~ M..M5km bmmk3h-4hcr sd 'Je.Vclo.

J*W desulptions:

Dip. S..,focmspe (P ý SiSepd or ft WnWns aughes(S-Scmoodi.

SI-SlightyImi~R ka. Rn-Rang).

21d VR.WorY Rough). ^puet.l (Vri-Filed.


Op-Ouen and rPN11g1 rMp and aMOWof itnfAIM&q tsicande,.

Ce.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-236 of 244 (T.4.G 6 ,-24 n'4.1 N4. '4Ito 4.0 In It tIL..I .

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and VC-Výy Man (4.1). Saftng&: R&Emmndy Strang. R-S-VM Sun,& R4-SUM& R3-mtdi- Un-& RZ-W-k- RI-Wry Weak. and RO-Extrewýr Week. Li*Ak&


Rock tYPL CO'M uxim, grain mr-ek. Discoatinwitim Ba-Bedding.

F*-FwA lr*-FoliafimJýAiat W44ccharucal bmak. Sh-Sbcar.

sad *-Vein- JOW &-viptions:

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C" Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. I B-238 of 244 ROCK BORING LOG a is Description of Iýeco ý/q*,Dcontinuities I Daft q jvý 0 1 r.V 4ý Descrilptilo Of Lithologic Description

/,qeD ontinNfies Remarks'. M fr.&^y ----M all vot to-wo- 1 0-14 ty,40-7 -- r 0 1 --X /2-o Page T c' of J%-13;0;;, ýNumb" 17z-,50, -I.. t-. 6 5 IJ6 187 IS 9 -Ljo 1,127 -ZJ3 1.J4 t16 .117 8 S49 vvy 4-"ýe 3"o-'ej le"h" rv% -%,*,) taftils, *0 IV It. 6h veov Pala 4. 14, Mx flowid%ý b slq447 aue 064&j* t %e'tononcaLco W.I to el,-, 32%ox , moo 1 7%%ýWNIT'*51,6P

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  • W. Fracture Spadng: VW -Vary Wjd& (ýS). V&Wýft (1..31. Moý 1%y-11. (0-I'M NWVC-VM CIOSS Kll. Sk -WýE Aftdal, V-Cý w4k *M*Strong, RS-Vbry Soong. M-Sbrong.FWAedurn SWsR24ftaký RI-i"%*ak.&Wp0.Ewwn"V Rock tpe. oWor. Wftm grain me. agt 0"Conanuum.

gg-9,46% Fa*auft. Fo*oliatjon, Ja is*. L*4bgc Damao-, -Jowk M@44@dWWm1 break WShew. w4 Va.V@jM Jown descnptwW ft sufto MkV8 (PI-Planar.

SI-Stepped or WA-Waq), RmgVwm (SWSMooIh.

SI-SNMIV Rotigh. Ro-Rough.

and W-Very PAUPý APerk" (R-Fill" H*-Hý opopin and ririgm. ww wount of W900% skkenSOM @tC Canyon ISFSI B-239 of 244 Data Report B, Rev. I Diablo ROCK BORING LOG

(.1 .fr. ,;"4 Cd t.j = 0 -& 0 ((w c t'J 0~0 C.) w 0 z 0 I 0 0 715]*1 Il-U Ca 141 la r- c 0) a N CO It l W D to -co 0Y) 0 i- Ci 4' Qi) )H 0 01 C4 LAl N-I A, 0 z 0 m 0 Cl C 0 0 0 Q 0 .0)I ATTACHMENT 2 DIABLO CANYON ISFSI DATA REPORT B GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 B-242 of 244 Date: October 19, 2001 File #: 72.10.05 To: , Robert K. White From: Richard L. Klimczak, Project Engineer


Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Transmittal of January 2001 Ground Water Level Measurements at the ISFSI Site Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Dear Rob,

Attached is a copy of the one page TES Report No. 420DC-01.70 as revised on 10/16/01 to add ground water level measurements performed by TES, on January 23, 2001. A report of measurements taken October 4, 2001were previously transmitted to you on October 10, 2001. The water levels were measured inside boreholes 98BA-1 and 98BA-3 at the ISFSI site. The record of January 2001 measurements was requested in AR A0541736.

This transmittal is per requirements of DCPP Procedure CF3.1D17.

Please let me, or A. Tafoya. know if you have any questions.

Richard L. Klimczak Project Engineer Diablo Canyon Used Fuel Storage Project cc: LJStrickland SLO B3 BHPatton SLO BB AFTafoya SLO B10 CEHartz SLO B0 WPage 245 Market N4C, 422B JISun 245 Market N4C, 422A JYoung 245 Market N4C, 413C DCPP Chronological File DCPP RMS DCPP 11911 DCPP File No. 72.10.05 Diablo Canyon ISFSI B-243 of 244 Data Report B, Rev. 1 Jlemo)*andum Report issued: October 8, 2001 Report 4/-U LL-U1./u Report Revised: October 16, 2001 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Laboratory Test Report Technical and Ecological Services 3400 Crow Canyon Road San Ramon. CA 94583


DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT -ISFSI Water Level Readings On October 4, 2001 water level readings were taken at the ISFSI site and the Lot 7 site. A Solinst Model 101-300 P3 Serial # 20436 water level indicator was used for all readings and is in good working order. The water level indicator is graduated in hundredths of a foot. All piezometer caps were in place before readings and replaced after readings.

All water level readings are from the top of the standpipe.

The readings are as follows: Bore Hole # ISFSI Site 98 BA-1 98 BA-3 Lot 7 Site DCSF 96-1(WLA-1)

DCSF 96-6(WLA-6)

ISFSI Site 98 BA-I 98 BA-3 Water Level 235.60' 217.76' 18.22'(Bottom at 32.00') Dry(Bottom at 23.68')Read on January 23, 2001 205.90' 199.76'All readings were performed with the same water level indicator.

The January 23, 2001 readings were the first set of readings for the ISFST site by TES. The first readings for the Lot #7 site by TES was October 4, 2001.Distribution:

Steve Flaten Al Tafoya....

Robert White Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1 Date: Tested By:_ ______ " 4.1S. Watson , Approved By: (?B-244 of 244 Anton Pirtz J ZO/Z 4 /0 /


DIABLO CANYON ISFSI PREPARED BY VERIFIED BY APPROVED BY DATE Jeff L. Bachhuber Printed Name 'C-~-Ci~ DATE Scott C. Lindvall Printed Name i, Ld DATE William D. Page Printed Name 12/17/01 William Lettis & Associates, Inc. Organization William Lettis & Associates, Inc. Organization PG&E Geosciences Dept. Organization Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-1 of 93 DATA REPORT C 1998 Geophysical Investigations at the ISFSI Study Area (Agbabian Associates and GeoVision)

Table of Contents Page Introduction


C-3 M ethodology


C-4 Results ...........................................................................................................

C-5 References


C-6 List of Figures Figure C-1 Locations of Seismic Refraction Lines and Borings for Downhole Velocity Surveys, ISFSI Study Area List of Attachments Attachment 1 Agbabian Associates Report titled "Geophysical Investigations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant" dated July 31, 1998 and revised September 25, 1998 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-2 of 93 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 DATA REPORT C 1998 GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT THE ISFSI STUDY AREA (Agbabian Associates and GeoVision)


GeoVision Geophysical Services, under subcontract to Agbabian Associates, conducted surface seismic refraction and subsurface borehole seismic velocity surveys in the ISFSI site area in 1998 to characterize the seismic velocity properties of bedrock at the ISFSI site. Their report titled "Geophysical Investigations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask storage facility at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant" dated July 31, 1998, is included as Attachment

1. The relevant surveys in this report are referred to as the "Borrow Area HLW-Dry Cask Site". The GeoVision report also includes results from refraction surveys at the "Water Tank" site, located near a wooden water tank on the north side of Diablo Canyon between the 230kV and 500kV switchyards.

The Water Tank site surveys are not relevant to the ISFSI site and are not discussed except in the GeoVision report. The borehole geophysics program was performed under the direction of William D. Page of PG&E's Geosciences Department.

Jeff L. Bachhuber of William Lettis & Associates, Inc. (WLA) performed intermittent observation and review of the field data acquisition.

The preparation of this data report was performed under the 2000 WLA Work Plan (William Lettis & Associates, Inc., Work Plan, 2000). The geophysical measurements were made during the investigations performed in 1998. These data have been accepted by the Diablo Canyon ISFSI Project by C.E. Hartz (EDMS Item #993500012), 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion III). Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-3 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1


Surface Refraction Survey GeoVision performed four compressional (P) and shear (S) wave refraction surveys along two transverse surface lines BA-I and BA-2, shown on Figure 2 in the attached report. The refraction lines were located in the ISFSI study area (Figure C-1). Three seismic sources were used: a 40-pound sledgehammer, a Betsy Downhole Percussion Firing Rod and a Hasbrouck Golf Shoe S-wave seismic source. Each survey was performed using a 10-foot geophone spacing. S-wave refraction data were processed using FIRSTPIXTM by Interpex Limited. Arrival times were used to plot time versus distance graphs, which were then used to calculate the S-wave velocities of the different subsurface rock layers. The time versus distance plots are included in the GeoVision report. The seismic refraction survey was completed between April 17 and May 1, 1998 by Antony Martin, Alexander Jack, and Richard Funk of GeoVision, with Robert Nigbor of Agbabian Associates as Project Manager.

Borehole Velocity Surveys Suspension velocity measurements were performed in three cased boreholes designated 98BA-1, 98BA-3 and 98BA-4, to measure shear wave velocities and compressional wave velocities as a function of depth (Figure C-i). Suspension compressional (P) and horizontal shear (SH) wave velocity measurements were collected to a maximum depth of 227 ft. An OYO Model 170 Suspension Logging Recorder and Suspension Logging Probe measured horizontal shear and compressional wave velocities at 1.64 ft (0.5 m) intervals.

Data acquisition was performed on June 5 (98BA-1) and June 8 and 9 (98BA-3 and 98BA-4), 1998. Collected data was processed in two different ways: (1) difference in travel times between two receivers (Ri -R2) that are spaced 3.28 ft. apart and, (2) difference in travel time between the source and receiver (S-R1) that are spaced 10.3 feet apart. The travel time plots for the Ri-R2 and S-Ri were compared for quality assurance.

Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-4 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I The borehole velocity survey was completed between June 5, 1998 and June 9, 1998 by John Diehl and Rob Steller of GeoVision under subcontract to Agbabian Associates.

Dr. Robert Nigbor of Agbabian Associates was Project Manager.


Surface Refraction Survey A simple P-wave velocity model was constructed for the rocks in the ISFSI site area using the acquired refraction data. The subsurface geology is modeled using three layers: a thin 1- to 4-foot thick layer of soil and disturbed rock on the surface of the old borrow area cutslope (V, = 1075-1730 ft/sec), a 5- to 25-foot thick layer of "weathered rock" (Vp = 2723-4124 ft/sec), and underlying layer of "less weathered rock" (V, = 4061-6485 ft/sec). Each layer exhibits highly variable velocities, as is expected of fractured and weathered rock. The refraction plots, travel time curves, and velocity interpretations are in the GeoVision report. Borehole Velocity Surveys Suspension compressional and shear wave velocity profiles for the surveyed boreholes are in the GeoVision report. The profiles show good correlation between the receiver-to receiver and source-to-receiver data, provided verification of data quality. Measured P wave velocities range between about 2,395 and 12,917 feet per second (fps), and SH wave velocities range between 1,305 and 6,871 fps. Velocity profiles show a general, progressive velocity increase with depth, with localized velocity variations across distances of several feet that may reflect lithology or rock mass variations.

Geologic rock conditions in the borings are described in William Lettis & Associates, Inc. (2001) Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B. Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-5 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1


Hartz, C.E., no date, ISFSI Site Investigation DCPP, EDMS Item #993500012, 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion III, 12 p. William Lettis & Associates, Inc., Work Plan, 2000, Additional Geologic Mapping, Exploratory Drilling, and Completion of Kinematic Analyses for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Site, Rev. 2, November 28, 2000. William Lettis & Associates, Inc., Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report B, Rev. 1, Borings in ISFSI Study Area.Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-6 of 93 E 1,148,500 EXPLANATION Footprint of 500 kV tower EZJ Outline of ISFSI Pads Boring for ISFSI, number 01-1 + indicated (initial number is year drilled), Diablo Canyon ISFS1 Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-7 of 84 0 50 100 150 20 C tI I I I I I /e Contour interval = 5 feet j Proposed ISFSI Pads cut slope (E 1,149,000(N 636,000 DIABLO CANYON ISFSI FIGURE C-1 LOCATIONS OF SEISMIC REFRACTION LINES AND BORINGS FOR DOWNHOLE VELOCITY SURVEYS, ISFSI STUDY AREA N ATTACHMENT 1 DATA REPORT C AGBABIAN ASSOCIATES REPORT Geophysical Investigations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility at Diablo Canyon Power Plant July 31, 1998, Revised September 25, 1998 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-8 of 93 AGAdA ASSOCIATES engineers and consultants GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS for the DCPP HLW-DRY CASK STORAGE FACILITY at the DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Report prepared for the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Report R9730-6676 July 31, 1998 Revised September 25, 1998 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-9 of 93 GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS for the DCPP HLW-DRY CASK STORAGE FACILITY at the DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company GeoSciences Department 245 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Prepared by Agbabian Associates, Inc. 1111 South Arroyo Parkway, Suite 470 Pasadena, CA 91105 (818) 441-1060 Report R9730-6676 July 31, 1998 Revised September 25, 1998 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-10 of 93 TABLE OF CONTENTS TA BLE O F CO NTENTS .............................................................................................................



3 TA BLE O F FIG URES .......................................................................................................................

4 TA BLE O F TA BLES .........................................................................................................................

5 SUM M ARY ........................................................................................................................................

6 SEISM IC REFRA CTIO N PRO CEDURE .....................................................................................

6 INTRO DUCTIO N .....................................................................................................................

6 EQ UIPM ENT AND FIELD PRO CEDURES .......................................................................

6 DATA PRO CESSING 14...........................................................................................................

14 P-W ave Refraction Data ...................................................................................................

14 S-W ave Refraction Data ...................................................................................................

17 RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................

17 BO REHO LE VELOCITY LO GGING ..........................................................................................

22 INTRO DUCTIO N ...................................................................................................................

22 EQ UIPM ENT A ND FIELD PRO CEDURES .......................................................................

22 DATA PRO CESSING .......................................................................................................

23 RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................

24 SUM M ARY .......................................................................................................................................

35 CO M PARISO N O F RESULTS ..........................................................................................





37 2 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-1I of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Geophysical Investigations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Workplan:

Borrow and Water Tank Site Refraction Studies APPENDIX B: Procedure for Seismic Refraction Method, DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility APPENDIX C: Geophone Elevations and First Arrival Data APPENDIX D: Geophysical Investigations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Workplan:

Phase 2 (Borehole Logging) APPENDIX E: Procedure for OYO P-S Suspension Seismic Velocity Logging Method APPENDIX F: Source-To-Receiver (S-RI) Analysis Of Oyo P-S Suspension Log Data 3 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-12 of 93 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1 DCPP SITE MAP ................................................................................



8 Figure 3 WATER TANK SITE SEISMIC LINE LOCATION ................................




-LINE BA-1 ..............


-LINE BA-2 .............

19 Figure 10 TRAVEL TIME DATA AND AVERAGE SHEAR WAVE VELOCITIES FOR LINE BA-1, SPREADS 1, 2, AND 3 .....................................................

20 Figure 11 EXAMPLE R1-R2 WAVEFORM FILTERED AND TRUNCATED, BO RING BA-98-4 .......................................................................................

25 Figure 12 EXAMPLE R1-R2 WAVEFORM UNFILTERED, BORING BA-98-4 ...... 25 Figure 13 BA 98-3 R1-R2 P- AND SH-WAVE RESULTS ...............................

26 Figure 14 BA 98-1 and BA 98-4 R1-R2 P- AND SH-WAVE RESULTS ....... 27 Figure 15 BA 98-3 R1-R2 SH-WAVE RESULTS ............................................

28 Figure 16 BA 98-1/04 RI-R2 SH-WAVE RESULTS .......................................

29 Figure 17 BA 98-3 S-R1 AND R1-R2 P- AND SH-WAVE SOURCE TO RECEIVER AND RECEIVER TO RECEIVER ANALYSIS RESULTS ...... 33 Figure 18 BA 98-1/04 S-R1 AND RI-R2 P- AND SH-WAVE SOURCE TO RECEIVER AND RECEIVER TO RECEIVER ANALYSIS RESULTS ...... 34 4 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-13 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 TABLE OF TABLES Table 1 P-S LOG DATA FOR BA 98-3 ....................................................

30 Table 2 P-S LOG DATA FOR BA 98-1 ...................................................

31 Table 3 P-S LOG DATA FOR BA 98-4 ....................................................

32 5 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-14 of 93


Geophysical investigations at two sites, the Water Tank and Borrow Area sites, were performed for the proposed DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility between April and June of 1998. These investigations consisted of P- and S-wave seismic refraction and P and S-wave velocity borehole logging. The investigations focused on the preferred Borrow Area Site (Figure 1). The purpose of the seismic refraction survey was to map the P and S-wave velocity structure along two survey lines at each site. The purpose of the borehole logging was to provide a detailed measurement of the P and S-wave velocity structure surrounding two boreholes located at the Borrow Area site. SEISMIC REFRACTION PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION GeoVision performed compressional (P) and shear (S) wave refraction surveys at the Borrow Area and Water Tank sites (proposed locations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility), Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP), from April 17 to May 1, 1998, to assess shallow velocity structure.

This report presents the results of the refraction survey at the Borrow Area. Only preliminary processing was completed for data collected at the Water Tank site. Because it is a secondary site, this information was not needed by PG&E at this time. A site map showing the location of the Borrow Area and Water Tank sites is presented as Figure 1. The work was conducted by Antony Martin, Alexander Jack, and Richard Funk of GEOVision Geophysical Services under subcontract to Agbabian Associates.

Dr. Robert Nigbor was Project Manager, and Mr. Rob White was the liason for Pacific Gas and Electric.

Two refraction lines were completed at the Borrow Area (Lines BA-1 and BA-2) and two lines were completed at the Water Tank Site (Lines WTS-I and WTS-2) as shown on Figures 2 and 3, respectively.

All seismic refraction investigations were conducted in accordance with the Workplan and Procedure approved by PGE and attached in Appendices A and B. The specific energy sources, seismographs, geophones, and survey methods used are described below. EQUIPMENT AND FIELD PROCEDURES Seismic refraction equipment used during this investigation consisted of a 24-channel Geometrics Strataview R24 signal enhancement seismograph, Geospace 8-hertz (Hz) vertical geophones, Mark Products 10-Hz horizontal geophones, geophone cables, a 20-lb sledge hammer and aluminum plate, a Betsy Downhole Percussion Firing Rod (DFR) with 500 or 400-grain black powder charges, and a Hasbrouck Golf Shoe S-wave seismic source (Golf Shoe). A geophone spacing of 10 feet was used for both the P- and S-wave refraction surveys.

Line BA-1 consisted of three overlapping spreads of 24 geophones with 40 feet of overlap and a total length of 610 feet. Lines BA-2 and WTS-2 consisted of a single spread of 24 6 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C- 15 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1



L __________________________________________

(, ((b P 00 p..0 200 400 (feet)/-.. I ... 1.

geophones (230-feet long). Line WTS-I consisted of two overlapping 24-channel spreads with 40 feet of overlap and a total length of 420 feet. All geophone and shotpoint locations were measured using a 300-foot tape measure. Relative elevations of each geophone location were surveyed using a Nikon AP-7 automatic level. The end points of each seismic line were staked and later surveyed by a licensed surveyor to provide horizontal and vertical control.

The first spread of each seismic line was labeled spread 1 and the first geophone of each spread was labeled geophone 1. A minimum of five P-wave shot points were occupied per spread: a center shot between geophones 12 and 13, end shots at geophones 1 and 24, and far-offset shots between 70 and 150 feet off the end of each spread. Where possible, far offset shots were located at a distance far enough from the end of the spread so that all first arrivals originated from the target refractor (bedrock surface).

Occasionally, additional P-wave shot points were occupied between geophones 6 and 7 and 18 and 19 and at additional off-end locations to better define subsurface velocity structure.

Typically, three S-wave shot points were occupied per spread: a center shot between geophones 12 and 13 and end shots at geophones I and 24. The geometry of lines BA-I and BA-2 are presented in Figure 4 and the geometry of lines WTS-1 and WTS-2 are presented as Figure 5. The 20-lb sledgehammer was generally used as the P-wave energy source for shot points inside and at the ends of each spread. The DFR was used as the energy source for end and far-offset shots because the travel path was greater and a stronger source was necessary.

Shallow shot holes were drilled to a depth of between 1 and 2 feet for DFR shots using either a hand auger, motorized auger, or rotary-hammer drill. The 20-lb sledge striking each end of the Golf Shoe was used as the S-wave energy source. Separate seismic records were saved for positive polarity (striking one end of the source) and reverse polarity (striking the other end of the source) shots. The final seismic record at each shot location was the result of stacking multiple shots to increase the signal to noise ratio. Five to 15 stacks were generally sufficient for hammer P- and S-wave shots, whereas I or 2 stacks were sufficient when using the DFR. Paper copies of all seismic records were printed in the field, and data were also stored on floppy disk. Data files were named with the sequential line, spread, and shot number and a ".dat" extension.

The names and locations of all shot points were recorded in field notes. There were several sources of seismic noise (ground vibrations) at the site resulting from plant operations.

The primary source of noise where overhead high-voltage powerlines.

Figure 6 demonstrates the 60-Hz signal picked up by the seismic cable and geophones from the powerlines over the Borrow Area. The presence of the powerlines necessitated the use of a 60-Hz notch acquisition filter during data recording.

The use of the filter only reduced the effects of the 60-Hz noise but did not eliminate it. Other noise sources included wind, nearby generators, vehicle traffic and aircraft.

To minimize noise from vehicles and aircraft, shots were generally not fired until the vehicle/aircraft was out of hearing range. 10 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-19 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 (LINE BA-1 D 171-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 POSITION (feet)LINE BA-2 200 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 LEGEND "7 HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL 13 GEOPHONE AND NUMBER X P-WAVE SHOTPOINT 0 S-WAVE SHOTPOINT 250 270 50 SIO0 1( 0 POSITION (feet)FIGURE -4 SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE GEOMETRY DCPP HLW-DRY CASK STORAGE FACILITY DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT-BORROW SITE PREPARED FOR PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY (------ --I w_ _ _ _--- ___S 100' SPREAD 1 INT. LINE BA-2 1213 24 1-O0' SPREAD 2 -100'6X 12 3 1819 i2 + --100 x SPR x i D loo'-0 1jJ S ii I I INT. LINE BA- 1 ST 1xy 3,- 14)9 24 *--- 100'. -SPREAD 1 --,-(--I .. -J hi 150 -100-50 0

!(INT. LINE WTS-2 LINE WTS- 1 NI x x 5x12XI 3 18)9 , x x x X----70'---


(SW w --n) 0 L*J W-Iljj -1 u--1 D:U E w..-- vv C'I oU 3 GEOMETRICS Str-otmV law SAVED AS 2I0S.T 14:S6:221/Y/9l9l1 LINE NHIBERI C HUP INTEIVAL 11.11 SHMI LK 1.11 PHON IE LOC 1,11 PHOE 24 LOC 231.11 SEIPLE INIENVAL IB! uS RECORD LEI 128 NS HUY I 1S AC* FILl NiCE 6lHZ 001 STACKS I $ISP FILT 0IN OUT FINED WIN 1 2 3 4 0 01 S q 10 11 12 IS IS IFsI 20 21 22 23 24 72 02 _2 2 2 72 2 #2 F 72 72 #272 F2 F2 P2 #2 '2 P2 #2 72 F2 72 n 0...... ...... A. .. ......S....... .. .. 2--- -- --> -- -33 ms Example of 60 Hz filtered ambient noise, showing 30 Hz artifact GEOMETRICS StrxtoVI OW SAMN AS 261.117 14:54:371dAVf/199 LINE MNElE 2 ClOP INTEMIAL 16.1 IlN LK I.11 PHONE I LOE I,.1 PMSe 24 LIK 236.16 SIPLE 162 uS 11ECH1I LI 121 MS liLAY A ES AL FIL All O11T SIAM2 I Uls? FILT 66 IIIT FIXEN) WAIN 1 Z 3 4 6 6 1 S 4 10 It 12 13 14 16 16 IF 1 111 20 21 22 23 24 F2 F2 72 F2 #2 #2 F2 #2 #2 F2 i!2 P2 P2 02 P2 P2 #2 #2 #2 P2 #2 F2 P2 P2 Example of unfiltered ambient noise Figure 6 EXAMPLE OF FILTERED AND UNFILTERED SEISMIC SIGNALS 13 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-22 of 93 I DATA PROCESSING P-Wave Refraction Data P-wave seismic-refraction data collected at the Borrow Area were modeled using the generalized reciprocal method (GRM), as outlined in Palmer (1980 and 1981), Lankston and Lankston (1986) and Lankston (1988). GRM is a seismic-refraction interpretation method designed to accurately map undulating refractor surfaces from in-line refraction data using both forward and reverse shots. The method is related the Hales (1958) method and the reciprocal method (Hawkins, 1961) of seismic-refraction interpretation.

The first step in data processing consisted of picking the arrival time of the first energy received at each geophones (first break) for each shot. The first break arrivals on each seismic record are either a direct arrival from a compressional wave (P-wave) traveling in the surface layer, or a refracted arrival from a subsurface interface where there is a velocity increase.

The first break picks for each shot were made in the program FIRSTPIX" by Interpex Limited. The arrival times for each shot point were saved as ASCII files and, for ease of use, assigned names equivalent to the field file but with a ".pie" extension.

Relative elevations for each geophone location were calculated from the leveling data using Microsoft Excel and were converted to true elevation using the elevation data provided for the ends of each line (PG&E Drawing, see reference).

Geophone elevations and first arrival data for each line are summarized in Appendix C. The seismic refraction data were processed using the GRM program VIEWSEIS by Viewlog Systems. For each seismic line the first arrival and elevation data files were entered into the program and time-distance plots for the forward and reverse shots were generated.

Forward shots are shot points where energy is traveling from geophone 1 to 24. Energy travels in the opposite direction for reverse shots and shots inside each spread (mid-shots) have both forward and reverse components.

The first arrival data for each shot point was then assigned to the layer from which it was refracted.

Three layers were apparent in the seismic refraction data acquired at this site and consisted of a low velocity sediment/decomposed rock layer, an intermediate velocity weathered rock layer and a higher velocity rock layer. The refracted data for each layer were then phantomed (shifted in time) to line up with the travel-time data for the zero-offset end shot to form a single travel-time curve for each refractor along the line. This method was employed for both forward and reverse shots according to the procedures outlined in Lankston and Lankston (1986). Two important parameters used in GRM processing are the reciprocal time and the XY spacing. Reciprocal time for a given refractor is defined as the time required for a ray to travel the refracted path from the end shot at one end of the line to the corresponding shot at the opposite end of the line. The reciprocal time for the forward shot should be equal to that for the reverse shot because theoretically, the same travel path is taken. The XY spacing for a given refractor is defined as the distance at the surface between forward and reverse rays emerging from the same point on the target refractor.

14 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-23 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I After phantoming was completed, GRM processing was conducted.

First, velocity analysis functions were calculated for various XY spacings to establish layer velocity and lateral velocity variations within each layer. These functions are determined by the forward and reverse phantomed travel times, the reciprocal time, and the XY spacing; calculations were made according to the equations presented in Palmer (1980) and Lankston (1988). Time-depth functions (Palmer, 1980; Lankston, 1988) were also calculated for each refractor at various XY distances.

The velocity analysis and time-depth functions for each refractor were then viewed to determine the optimum XY spacing. The velocity analysis function corresponding to the optimum XY spacing is such that the least detail is observed and the time-depth function corresponding to the optimum XY is the one showing the most detail (Palmer, 1980). On each of the seismic lines the optimum XY spacing for the bedrock refractor could not be determined graphically from the velocity analysis and time-depth functions because the depth to bedrock was too small relative to the geophone spacing. Therefore, the refraction data collected during this investigation were first processed using an XY spacing of zero which is the reciprocal method (Hawkins, 1961). An average XY spacing for each layer was then determined from the resulting model and the data reprocessed with these XY spacings to obtain a more accurate depth section. This method of interpretation works very well providing no velocity inversions or hidden layers occur in subsurface geologic materials.

A velocity inversion is a geologic layer with a lower seismic velocity than an overlying layer. Critical refractions do not occur along the top of this layer because velocity has to increase with depth for refractions to occur. This layer is, therefore, not modeled and depths to underlying layers are overestimated.

A hidden layer is a layer of intermediate velocity between two other layers, but of sufficiently small thickness so that refracted arrivals do not arrive at the geophones before arrivals from the deeper, higher velocity layers. Because the seismic refraction method only involves the interpretation of first arrivals, a hidden layer is not modeled and depths to underlying layers are underestimated.

Another possible source of error in estimating depth to bedrock may occur if there is a thick weathered layer. There is generally not an abrupt contact between weathered and competent bedrock, but rather a transition zone where bedrock becomes more competent with depth. In this situation it is difficult to predict which portion of the bedrock the seismic refraction method is imaging.

Finally, due to the location of the BA-I & -2 lines beneath high-voltage powerlines, a notch filter was required at 60 Hz to reduce the level of ambient induced electrical noise. First arrival seismic signals observed in the recorded data exhibited frequencies near 50 Hz. The notch filter may have affected the amplitude level of these signals, particularly affecting weak arrivals at far geophones.

Faster arriving waves might be masked entirely, although this is unlikely.

Figure 7 presents two examples of waveform data from the seismic refraction survey. The first is from Line BA-I, and the second is from Line BA-2. Note that there is much less 15 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-24 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I GEOMETR I CS Str-ctoV I w SAY AS 16314.01T J1l LINE MUIRER 1 CROUP INTERVAL 10.60 SHOT LI W.11I PRONE 1 L01 330.69 PHONE 24 LIC 118.66 SMIPLE INTERhIL 062 uS RECOD LEN 121 NS DELAY I NS AC FL? MOTCH 5I0Z OUT SUACKS 2 DISP FILT 01T OLT FIXE1 1 2 A r 6 6 6 pie:. 12 !31-116 ,i IsA2C2 22 23? 's? Z c .C 7C 3 ?S -14 s4 e2 24 c Line BA-I, Spread 3, Shot @ 610 Ft, DFR 500 grain, 2 Stacks GEOMETRICS ow SAVED S 2161118! 12:5?:I1SYAV/1956 LINE iER 2 GCOR6 INTERVAL 16.66 SHO6 L 2n.11 PHONE I LI 1.01 P3EN 24 LIC 231.N SNPLE INTERVAL 162 .$ RECORD N 12W NS DELAY I NS HA FILl EQTCH 0lHZ OUT STACKS 2 0iSP FILl OUT 0UT FINS CAIN 1 2 3 4 S B ? 8 qI 0 11 12 13 14 162 6 17 10 1q 20 21 22 2 ;24 n nPS n mn f2 Gq GO SS 6 66 6s S C 3 60 6" 64 61 4E; 36 s 18 0 Line BA-2, Spread 1, Shot @ 230 Ft, DFR 400 grain, 2 Stacks Figure 7 EXAMPLE SEISMIC REFRACTION WAVEFORMS I6 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-25 of 93 noise in the travel time data for Line BA-2 which was oriented perpendicular to the high voltage powerlines.

Travel time data and interpreted depth sections for lines BA-I and BA-2 are presented in Figures 8 and 9. Different symbols in the travel time data represent the different geologic layers interpreted in the models below. S-Wave Refraction Data S-wave refraction data was acquired only to determine approximate S-wave velocities of shallow rock and, therefore, only a simple analysis was conducted.

First-arrival times were picked using the program FIRSTPIXTm by Interpex Limited. The positive and reverse polarity records were subtracted in order to enhance S-wave arrivals and attenuate P-wave arrivals.

On many of the seismic records identification of S-wave arrivals was difficult due to noise and weak signals, and it is possible that slower surface wave arrivals were occasionally picked as S-waves. The arrival times for each shot point were saved as ASCII files. Plots of time versus distance were generated for each line and linear fits made to portions of the travel time curves using linear regression.

The velocity of each of the segments on the travel-time curves is calculated as the inverse of the slope of the segment and are valid providing subsurface interfaces are horizontal or parallel surface topography.

Figure 10 presents the travel time data and average shear wave velocities for Line BA-1, Spreads 1, 2, and 3. Shear wave arrivals were not picked from the Line BA-2 data due to noise and weak signals. No shear wave analysis was done for Lines WTS- I or -2. RESULTS Borrow Area Site For the Borrow Area, the P-wave data were modeled using 3 layers: a very thin I to 4-foot thick layer of soil and decomposed rock, a 5 to 25-foot thick layer of weathered sandstone, and below that a layer of less weathered sandstone.

The velocities of each layer are highly variable as would be expected for fractured and variably weathered rock. The P-wave velocity of the thin upper layer varies from about 1075 to 1730 feet/second.

The upper weathered layer has P-wave velocities ranging from about 2723 to 4124 feet/second and the lower weathered layer has velocities ranging from 4061 to 6485 feet/second.

The average P-wave velocity of the lower weathered sandstone layer is about 5500 feet/second.

There is about a 5-foot discrepancy in the interpretation of the depth to the lower weathered sandstone layer at the intersection of the two lines that most likely results from the variable subsurface velocities and the higher noise levels in Line BA-1. P-wave noise levels were much lower in Line BA-2 and, therefore, results from this line appear to be more reliable.

Given the noise levels in the data, interpreting a layer with P-wave velocity of higher than 7,500 feet/second and depth greater than about 50 feet is not possible.

17 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-26 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 (100 75 I-E 0 6000 0 U S4000 o 2000 0 375 350 325 300 275 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 DISTANCE (FEET) Figure 818P-WAVE REFRACTION INTERPRETATION

-LINE BA-1 550 600 (i COMPRESSIONAL WAVE REFRACTION SURVEY LINE BA-1 50 25 E LU g-, n 0 VELOCITY MODEL LAYER 2 VELOCITY 2723-3173 fVtsec (ave. 3000 4t/sec) LAYER 1 VELOCITY 1730 ft/sec , , , , J A , , ....., , I , .......................................I-J z 0 j-j DEPTH MODEL LINE BA-2 LAYER 1 (SOILIDECOMPOSED ROCK) -- LAYER 2 (WEATHERED SANDSTONE)





-LINE BA-2 19.0 r " eI .100 75 C-a (50 25 0 00 0J C o 6000 (D -4000 0 1 2000 w VELOCITY MODEL S~~LAYER 3 VELOCITY = 4061-6221 ftlsec (ave. 5494 Wtsec) -' / LAýý YER 2 VELOCITrY=

2941ý-4124 ft/sec (ave. 3457 ft/se,) -LAYER I VELOCITY = 1516 ft/sec LAYER 1 VELOCITY=

1075 -0 375 350 325 300 275 z. ti,) z 0 _uJ 210 C w a o0 pg SHEAR V'AVE REFRACTION SURVEY LINE BA-1, SPREAD 2 SHEAR VvAVE REFRACTION SURVEY LINE BA-1, SPREAD 3 Ig wj 0 40 80 120 160 200 DISTANCE (feet)280 320 DISTANCE (feet)(A C a a, (A 'g. uJ I-Figure 10 TRAVEL TIME DATA AND AVERAGE SHEAR WAVE VELOCITIES FOR LINE BA-1, SPREADS 1, 2, AND 3 20 (SHEAR VMVE REFRACTION SURVEY LINE BA-1, SPREAD I C 100 C) 0* 7s 0 W 50 25 0 480 520 DISTANCE (feet)

Only very simple modeling of S-wave data was attempted.

Assuming that subsurface layers are horizontal relative to topography (i.e. parallel to surface topography) then the velocity of each layer is the inverse of the slope of the portion of the travel time curve with arrivals from that layer. Generally, it was not possible to distinguish between S-wave arrivals from the weathered zone and the lower weathered sandstone layer. In fact, it appears that refracted S-waves from the lower layer are masked by the noise levels in the data. The dominant waveforms in the seismic records appear to be surface waves (probably Love waves propagating through the weathered layer). Interpreted S-wave velocities vary from about 1651 to 2772 feet/second and average about 2300 feet/second.

These velocities are somewhat low relative to the P-wave velocities in the lower sandstone unit, so the S-wave velocities are probably indicative of the properties in the upper weathered layer. Water Tank Site The data for the Water Tank Site were stored and not analyzed at this time because this site is not the preferred site. 21 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-30 of 93 BOREHOLE VELOCITY LOGGING INTRODUCTION Suspension velocity measurements were performed in three cased boreholes designated BA 98-1, 98-3 and 98-4, located in the Borrow Area Site to measure shear wave velocities and compressional wave velocities as a function of depth. Suspension P- and SH-wave velocity measurements were collected to a maximum depth of 227ft. Data acquisition was performed on June 5 (98-1), and June 8 and 9 (98-3 and 98-4), 1998. The work was conducted by John Diehl and Rob Steller of GEOVision under subcontract to Agbabian Associates.

Dr. Robert Nigbor was Project Manager, and Mr. Rob White was the liaison for Pacific Gas & Electric Company.

The locations of the boreholes logged using the PS Suspension logging system are shown in Figures 1 and 2, and detailed below. BOREHOLE LOCATION SURVEY LOCATION

  • REF. ELEV. BA 98-1 South end of BA-2 44 372.2 BA 98-4 South end of BA-2 43 374.8 BA 98-3 North end of BA-2 79 322.8
  • reference PG&E drawing "Locations of Exploratory Boreholes, Geophysical Test Runs, and Reference Elevations for Spent Fuel Dry Cask Storage Facility, DCPP" All borehole velocity measurements were conducted in accordance with the Workplan and Procedure approved by PG&E and attached in Appendices D and E respectively.

The specific details of the method as it applied to this site are described below. EQUIPMENT AND FIELD PROCEDURES The OYO Model 170 Suspension Logging Recorder and Suspension Logging Probe were used to obtain in-situ horizontal shear and compressional wave velocity measurements at 1.64 ft (.5 m) intervals.

The acquired data was analyzed and a profile of velocity versus depth was produced for both compressional and horizontally polarized shear waves in accordance with the procedure (Appendix E). All boreholes were logged as 3-inch diameter PVC cased boreholes filled with clear water. At the start of each measurement sequence, the suspension probe was positioned with the mid-point of the receiver spacing at ground level, and mechanical and electronic depth counters were set to zero. The probe was then lowered to the bottom of each borehole, then returned to the surface, stopping at 1.64 ft intervals to collect data. The depth range to 144 ft in BA 98-1 was not available for logging due to abandoned steel casing in the borehole.

This required the installation of borehole BA 98-4 at nearly the same location (within approximately 25 ft) which was logged to the entire depth. Measurement intervals and dates of data collection are summarized below. 22 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-31 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 Upon completion of the measurements, the probe zero depth indication at ground level was verified prior to removal from the casing. DATA PROCESSING The recorded digital records were analyzed to locate the first minima on the vertical axis records, indicating the arrival of P-wave energy. The difference in travel time between receiver 1 and receiver 2 (Ri-R2) arrivals was used to calculate the P-wave velocity for that 3.28 ft (1 m) interval.

When observable, P-wave arrivals on the horizontal axis records were used to verify the velocities determined from the vertical axis data. This rqceiver-to-receiver analysis was augmented and checked by performing source-to receiver analysis.

The P-wave velocity calculated from the travel time over the 10.3 ft interval from source to receiver 1 (S-Ri) was calculated and plotted for quality assurance of the velocity derived from the travel time between receivers.

In this analysis, the depth values as recorded were increased by 6.8 ft to correspond to the mid-point of the 10.3 Rt S RI interval.

Travel times were obtained by picking the first break of the P-wave signal at the near receiver and subtracting 3.9 milliseconds, the calculated and experimentally verified delay for this acquisition system from source trigger pulse (beginning of record) to source impact. This delay corresponds to the duration of acceleration of the solenoid before impact. The recorded digital records were studied to establish the presence of clear SH-wave pulses, as indicated by the presence of opposite polarity pulses on each pair of horizontal records. Ideally, the SH-wave signals from the 'normal' and 'reverse' source pulses are very nearly inverted images of each other. Digital FFT -IFFT lowpass filtering was used to remove the higher frequency P-wave signal from the SH-wave signal. Different filter cutoffs were used to separate P- and SH-waves at different depths, ranging from 800 Hz in the slowest zones to 2500 Hz in the regions of highest velocity.

Generally, the first maximum was picked for the 'normal' signals and the first minimum for the 'reverse' signals, although other points on the waveform were used if the first pulse was distorted.

The absolute arrival time of the 'normal' and 'reverse' signals may vary by +/0.2 milliseconds, due to differences in the actuation time of the solenoid source caused by constant mechanical bias in the source or by borehole inclination.

This variation does not affect the RI-R2 velocity determinations, as the differential time is measured between 23 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-32 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I DATE DEPTH DEPTH AS SAMPLE ISOLATION BOREHOLE LOGGED RANGE (ft) DRILLED (ft) INTERVAL (ft) TUBE (ft) 6-5 and 144.4 BA 98-1 240 1.64 6.56 6-9-98 219.8 BA 98-4 6-8-98 3.3-132.2 150 1.64 6.56 BA 98-3 6-8-98 3.3-200.8 220 1.64 6.56 arrivals of waves created by the same source actuation.

The final velocity value is the average of the values obtained from the 'normal' and 'reverse' source actuations.

As with the P-wave data, SH-wave velocity calculated from the travel time over the 10.3 ft interval from source to first receiver was calculated and plotted for verification of the velocity derived from the travel time between receivers.

In this analysis, the depth values were increased by 6.8 ft to correspond to the mid-point of the 10.3 ft S-Ri interval.

Travel times were obtained by picking the first break of the Sn-wave signal at the near receiver and subtracting 3.9 milliseconds, the calculated and experimentally verified delay from the beginning of the record at the source trigger pulse to source impact. Figure 11 shows an example of R1-R2 measurements on the filtered record for a depth of 64 ft in borehole BA 98-4. In Figure 12, the time difference over the 3.28 ft (1 m) interval of 1.41 (7.06-5.65) millisecond is equivalent to a Sn-wave velocity of 4,755 ft/sec. Whenever possible, time differences were determined from several phase points on the SH waveform records to verify the data obtained from the first arrival of the Sn-wave pulse. Figure 12 displays the same record before filtering with an 2,200 Hz FFT -IFFT digital lowpass filter. RESULTS Suspension RI-R2 P- and SH-wave velocity data for BA 98-3 are plotted in Figures 13. Data from BA 98-1 and 98-4 are combined on the same plot in Figure 14. The SH-wave velocity data are presented at an expanded scale in Figures 15 and 16. The suspension velocity data presented in these Figures are presented in Tables 1 through 3. Suspension S-Ri results are presented in Appendix F. P- and SH-wave velocity data from R1-R2 analysis and quality assurance analysis of S-RI data are plotted together in Figures 17 and 18 to aid in visual comparison.

The R1-R2 data is an average velocity over a 3.3 ft segment of the soil column; the S-Ri data is an average over 10.3 ft, and shows a significant smoothing relative to the RI-R2 plots. S-RI data are presented in tabular format in Appendix F Tables F-I to F-4. Good correspondence between the shape of the P- and SH-wave velocity curves is observed for all data sets. The velocities derived from S-RI and RI-R2 data are in good agreement, providing verification of the higher resolution RI -R2 data. 24 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-33 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1

( _____----- -..... ~ ----...... ... ___ C, I ný m v 4 t..I xI u 1F7 .........H co cu S-)a 60 6LA q. :)00 0 I H D Lx ci Cl U I-0 I? U -2 g?)

DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLE 98-3 Receiver to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERS/SECOND) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 VELOCITY (FEETISECOND)

Figure 13 BA 98-3 RI-R2 P- AND SH-WAVE RESULTS 26 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-35 of 93 0 20 40 60 80 -100 w U. 120 C 0. 140 160 180 200 220 240 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 w I Uj. 35.0 1 40.0 CL IUj 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLES 98-1 & 98-4 Receiver to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERS/SECOND) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000- R1-R2 Vs BA 98-4 SR1-R2 Vs BA 98-1 -R1-R2 Vp B 98-1 -U-- R1-R2 Vp BA 98-4 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 VELOCITY (FEETISECOND) 12000 14000 Figure 14 BA 98-1 and BA 98-4 R1-R2 P- AND SH-WAVE RESULTS 27 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-36 of 93 20 40 60 80 100 -Z 120 fi a 140 160 180 200 220.0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 V) 0: 35.0 40.0 I. L~u a 45.0, 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 240 DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLE 98-3 SH-Wave Receiver to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERSISECOND) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0 0.0 20 ---R1-R2 VS 10.0 40 60 20.0 80 " 100 30.0 m I,,1. I-120 Sa. w 40.0~ w 140 o 16 0 _. ..i .. ... 150.0 180 60.0 200 220 70.0 240 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 VELOCITY (FEETISECOND)

Figure 15 BA 98-3 RI-R2 SH-WAVE RESULTS 28 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-37 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLES 98-1 & 98-4 SH-Wave Receiver to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERSISECOND) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140-- R1-R2 Vs BA -*- R1-R2 Vs BA 2000 4000 98-01 98-04 6000 VELOCITY (FEETISECOND)

Figure 16 BA 98-1/04 RI-R2 S 1 1-WAVE RESULTS 29 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-38 of 93 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 (0 w Uj I 40.0 1 50.0 60.0 70.0 w I ILU LL -I w a 160 180 200 220 240 0 DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTlS) 3.3 1526 0 103.4 3750 10757 4.9 1402 2983 105.0 4026 8867 6.6 1305 2395 106.6 4206 9374 8.2 1600 4153 108.3 3728 9510 9.8 1754 2828 109.9 3860 8749 11.5 1715 3281 1 111.6 2853 9510 13.1 2130 6020 1 113.2 2865 4861 14.8 2667 8497 114.8 3490 5965 16.4 3666 6132 116.5 3038 6907 18.0 3586 7630 118.1 3645 8634 19.7 3547 7812 119.8 3331 8002 21.3 4050 8306 121.4 3566 8412 23.0 3883 8749 123.0 4127 8002 24.6 3837 8522 124.7 4525 9510 26.3. 3837 7373 126.3 3793 10415 27.9 3837 7456 128.0 5335 7542 29.5 3217 7542 129.6 6433 11121 31.2 3707 5859 131.2 4289 9510 32.8 2983 5911 132.9 2969 6696 34.5 2841 6371 134.5 4289 8202 36.1 3771 7906 1 136.2 5009 10757 37.7 4101 7630 137.8 4825 9374 39.4 3081 8101 139.4 3382 8101 41.0 2891 7373 141.1 3095 7906 42.7 3331 8002 142.7 3155 8327 44.3 3528 8002 144.4 3265 8544 45.9 3605 8202 146.0 3147 8412 47.6 3793 7720 147.6 3953 9113 49.2 5608 9794 149.3 4419 9650 50.9 5561 10583 150.9 4140 10064 52.5 3860 8002 152.6 5756 10722 54.1 5126 8867 154.2 5706 11010 55.8 5807 10415 155.8 5584 11802 57.4 3331 8202 157.5 6020 11634 59.1 3750 8989 159.1 5514 11010 60.7 4153 8202 160.8 5584 12619 62.3 4721 0 162.4 5608 11236 64.0 3625 9942 164.0 5167 11084 65.6 3400 9242 165.7 5681 10516 67.3 3331 8306 167.3 6220 12917 68.9 3418 8412 169.0 5632 12151 70.5 3435 8202 170.6 5126 11010 72.2 3217 9374 172.2 5106 12151 73.8 2916 8867 173.9 4971 11236 75.5 4101 9794 175.5 4825 10449 77.1 4050 10757 177.2 4360 10253 78.7 3953 9794 178.8 4026 10003 80.4 3566 8749 180.5 4807 10449 82.0 3155 8202 182.1 5608 10864 83.7 3348 8202 183.7 6465 12062 85.3 4076 8989 185.4 6279 12334 86.9 3728 8989 187.0 5965 11634 88.6 3155 9374 188.7 6220 12062 90.2 5756 10583 190.3 6628 12917 91.9 5378 11717 191.9 6279 12816 93.5 4790 11717 193.6 6249 12619 95.1 3605 9113 195.2 6309 12619 96.8 4345 8101 196.9 6161 12619 98.4 2878 8867 198.5 5911 12427 100.1 3066 9510 200.1 5859 12151 101.7 3837 7906 200.8 5938 12334 Table 1 P-S LOG DATA FOR BA 98-3 30 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-39 of 93 RI-R2 ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) 144.4 146.0 3605 147.6 3686 8412 149.3 3977 8867 150.9 4654 9650 152.6 4345 7720 154.2 3793 8412 155.8 4050 8867 157.5 4206 9794 159.1 4261 9242 160.8 3707 8989 162.4 3837 8867 164.0 3929 8989 165.7 3490 9113 167.3 3232 9113 169.0 3547 9216 170.6 2859 7963 172.2 3848 7525 173.9 4915 11159 175.5 3645 9374 177.2 4971 7906 178.8 5249 8749 180.5 4621 10253 182.1 4076 8412 183.7 4738 8544 185.4 5067 7925 187.0 4772 10449 188.7 4289 8819 190.3 4140 9013 191.9 4419 9942 193.6 4721 9882 195.2 4861 9942 196.9 4233 9650 198.5 4193 9164 200.1 4670 10189 201.8 4843 9823 203.4 5009 10002 205.1 5126 10516 206.7 5468 11717 208.3 6340 12427 210.0 6871 12917 211.6 6595 12716 213.3 6309 12242 214.9 6048 12716 216.5 5807 11887 218.2 5731 11010 219.8 5965 11802 Table 2 P-S LOG DATA FOR BA 98-1 31 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-40 of 93 R1-R2 ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) 3.3 2734 0 68.9 5423 10757 4.9 2625 4525 70.5 4621 9794 6.6 4621 8989 72.2 3185 10415 8.2 2103 4525 73.8 3547 8634 9.8 4050 8412 75.5 4934 8412 11.5 3645 7630 77.1 3977 8412 13.1 3929 7056 78.7 2635 6309 14.8 3793 8101 80.4 2891 4897 16.4 3645 8749 82.0 2853 8867 18.0 3547 8002 83.7 2635 6190 19.7 4464 8522 85.3 3170 7906 21.3 3400 8867 86.9 6190 10583 23.0 3929 9510 88.6 2828 6076 24.6 4404 8867 90.2 3066 7542 26.3 3625 8522 91.9 3547 7456 27.9 4557 8634 93.5 3170 8306 29.5 3645 8412 95.1 3454 6835 31.2 3728 7630 96.8 2224 4721 32.8 4825 8749 98.4 4434 8989 34.5 5965 8202 100.1 4206 8634 36.1 2377 6309 101.7 3666 7812 37.7 3528 7630 103.4 3110 8634 39.4 2878 4861 105.0 3281 8634 41.0 3024 7132 106.6 4494 9650 42.7 4050 9242 108.3 5378 11313 44.3 3248 8306 109.9 6020 12381 45.9 5167 6497 111.6 5292 10757 47.6 4621 6371 113.2 4026 8867 49.2 3052 5561 114.8 4345 9510 50.9 2792 5756 116.5 5249 10757 52.5 3125 6835 118.1 6020 10415 54.1 4557 8634 119.8 6628 12619 55.8 4721 8412 121.4 3686 9374 57.4 5249 9794 123.0 2969 7812 59.1 5208 9374 124.7 3793 8634 60.7 4317 9794 126.3 3977 8634 62.3 4525 9794 128.0 3860 8002 64.0 4721 9794 129.6 3793 7906 65.6 4404 10253 131.2 4345 10253 67.3 5087 9510 132.2 4494 9650 Table 3 P-S LOG DATA FOR BA 98-4 32 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-41 of 93 DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLE 98-3 Source to Receiver and Receiver to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERS/SECOND) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 VELOCITY (FEET/SECOND)

Figure 17 BA 98-3 S-RI AND RI-R2 P- AND S"-WAVE SOURCE TO RECEIVER AND RECEIVER TO RECEIVER ANALYSIS RESULTS 33 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I 0 20 40 60 80 S100 uJ U* 120 a UJ 140 160 180 200 220 240 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 w I 35.0 U' 40.0 . CL lU 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 C-42 of 93 DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLES 98-1 & 98-4 Source to Receiver and Receiver to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERS/SECOND) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 ...-R1-R2 Vs BA 98-04 0.0 --O--S-R1 Vs BA 98-04 -'"S-R1 Vp BA 98-04 --R1-R2 Vs BA 98-01 5.0 20 -*-R1-R2 Vp BA 98-01

  • S-R1 Vs BA 98-01 -S-Rl Vp BA 98-01 10.0 --- R1-R2 Vp BA 98-04 40 15.0 60 20.0 80 8025.0 100 30.0 LU Lu L LLI. 120 35.0 w 40.0 0 II 140 Lu 45.0 160 50.0 180 55.0 200 6 65.0 220 70.0 2 4 0 .... ....... .... .........

...... ..... ... 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 VELOCITY (FEETISECOND)

Figure 18 BA 98-1/04 S-RI AND RI-R2 P- AND S 1 1-WAVE SOURCE TO RECEIVER AND RECEIVER TO RECEIVER ANALYSIS RESULTS 34 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-43 of 93 The results in BA 98-3, which is at the north end of Line BA-2, exhibit a weathered zone down to a depth of about 20 ft, with SH-wave velocities increasing from 1,800 fps to 4,000 fps. Similarly P-wave velocities increase from 3,000 fps to 8,000 fps. From 20 ft to about 145 ft these velocities remain relatively constant.

From 145 ft to 155 ft the rock SH-wave velocities increase to about 5,500 fps where they remain (with some variation) to total depth. Similarly, P-wave velocities increase in the same region to about 11,500 fps. The results in BA 98-1/04, which is at the south end of Line BA-2, exhibit a weathered zone from 5-10 ft. Generally the characteristics are very similar with the 4,000 fps SH wave velocities from 10 ft to 200 ft, increasing to 6,000 fps below 210 ft. The P-wave velocities are slightly higher at 8,500 fps from 10 ft to 200 ft, increasing to 12,000 fps below 210 ft.


COMPARISON OF RESULTS The range of velocities measured in the upper fifty feet of rock at the Borrow Site using the two different geophysical techniques show some differences.

In all cases, velocities measured using the surface refraction technique are lower than velocities measured using the borehole suspension technique.

A thorough review of the data quality and methods of analysis used confirmed that field procedures and analyses fully complied with applicable Quality Assurance procedures described in the Appendices.

Further evaluation of relationships between geologic characteristics observed at the site, such as orientation and weathering of joint sets and bedding, and velocity differences described herein is to be performed by others. QUALITY ASSURANCE These geophysical investigations conducted at the proposed DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility at the*Water Tank and Borrow Area Sites of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant were performed by professional staff of GEOVision Geophysical Services under the supervision of Antony J. Martin, R.GP., and quality assurance of Mr. John G. Diehl, P.E. and Mr. Rob Steller, and project management by Dr. Robert L. Nigbor. Industry-standard or better methods and levels of care were employed for both measurements and analyses.

All work was performed under Agbabian Associates quality assurance procedures, which include:

  • Use of NIST-traceable calibrations, where applicable, for field and laboratory instrumentation Use of standard field data logs 35 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-44 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I

"* Where applicable, use of independent verification of data (for example, comparison of receiver-to-receiver and source-to-receiver velocities for the suspension velocity measurements, see Appendix F) "* Independent review of calculations and results by a registered professional engineer, geologist, or geophysicist.

Antony J' Martin California Registered Geophysicist GP989 GEOVision Geophysical Services Date AC REVIEWED DAW C1Z"'36 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-45 of 93 J .

REFERENCES Guidelines for Determining Design Basis Ground Motions, Report TR-102293, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, November 1993, Sections 7 and 8. Drawing "Locations of Exploratory Boreholes, Geophysical Test Runs, and Reference Elevations for Spent Fuel Dry Cask Storage Facility, DCPP", PG&E file drycask1.dgn obtained via email from DCPP Civil Engineering Dept. 7-29-98 Hales, F.W.,1958, "An accurate graphical method for interpreting seismic refraction lines", Geophysical Prospecting, v. 6, pp 285-294.

Hawkins, L. V.,1961, "The Reciprocal method of routine shallow seismic refraction investigation", Geophysics, v. 26, pp. 806-819.

Lankston, R. W., 1988, "High Resolution Refraction Seismic data, acquisition and Interpretation," Proceedings of Symposium on the application of Geophysics to engineering on environmental Problems, Golden, Colorado.

Lankston, R. W., and M. M. Lankston, 1986, "Obtaining Multilayer reciprocal Times Through Phantoming," Geophysics, v. 51, pp. 45-49. Palmer, D., 1981, "An Introduction to the Field of Seismic Refraction Interpretation," Geophysics, v. 46, pp. 1508-1518.

Palmer, D., 1980, "The Generalized Reciprocal Method of Seismic Refraction Interpretation," Society of Exploration Geophysics.

Procedure for Seismic Refraction Method, DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility (Appendix B) Procedure for OYO P-S Suspension Seismic Velocity Logging Method, DCPP HLW Dry Cask Storage Facility (Appendix E) Workplan:

Borrow and Water Tank Site Refraction Studies, DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility (Appendix A) Workplan:

Phase 2 Borehole Logging, DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility (Appendix D) Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-46 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I APPENDIX A GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE DCPP HLW DRY CASK STORAGE FACILITY WORKPLAN:

BORROW AND WATER TANK SITE REFRACTION STUDIES A Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-47 of 93 Geophysical Investigations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Borrow and Water Tank Site Refraction Studies Proposed CWA #3 and 4 for Contract 4600006633 Workplan Purpose The purpose of the seismic refraction survey is to map the P and S-wave velocity structure at each site. Depending on the results, the survey may only provide the average P- and S-wave velocity of various rock units, or may indicate the thickness of the weathered zone and depth to competent rock. Scope of Work Borrow Site and Water Tank Sites Acquire P- and S-wave refraction data along 3 profiles at each site averaging 230-feet in length to estimate the thickness of the weathered zone and average P- and S-wave velocity of weathered and competent rock. Data Collection Equipment The following seismic equipment will be used during this investigation:

0 Geometries Strataview R24 24-channel, 24-bit seismic recording system & 8-14 Hz vertical geophones for P-wave measurements

  • 4.5-14 Hz horizontal geophones for S-wave measurements
  • 8-14 Hz 3-component geophones for P- and S-wave measurements in lieu of above
  • 2, 12-channel refraction cables with 10 to 30-foot takeouts
  • Betsy downhole percussion firing rod with 250-500-grain 12 gauge blanks a Sledge hammer and aluminum plate 0 Traction plank'S-wave source
  • Hasbrouck golf shoe S-wave source Other miscellaneous equipment will include: "* Hand auger or motorized auger "* Shovel "* Nikon automatic level and rod "* 300-foot tape measures "* Laptop computer "* Diskettes Field Procedures Please refer to GEOVision's "Procedure for Seismic Refraction Method" (Attachment
1) for general procedures.

In the case of deviations or conflicts between the two, this Work Plan shall have precedence. , GTask 3 & 4: Seismic Refraction Survey Workplane CýJ~wRev.

0 04/15/98 Page 1 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-48 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 Borrow Site and Water Tank Sites Each seismic line will consist of single or multiple overlapping 24-channel spreads of geophones spaced 10-feet apart for a total spread length of 230-feet (Figure 2). Vertical and horizontal geophones or 3-component geophones will be used for P-wave and S-wave measurements.

The P-wave seismic source will consist of a sledgehammer striking an aluminum plate or Betsy downhole percussion firing rod. The S-wave source will consist of a sledgehammer striking the side of a traction plank weighted by a vehicle, a heavy weight on the surface, or in a plate in a shallow hole. All geophone and shot-point locations will be measured using a 3004oot tape measure. A Nikon automatic level will be used to survey the relative elevation of each geophone and shot location.

A licensed surveyor will survey the endpoints of each seismic line using control points or coordinates provided by PG&E. A minimum of five P-wave shot points (center shot, forward and reverse end shots and far-offset shots) and three S-wave shot points (center shot, forward and reverse end shots) will be occupied per line. Stacking of multiple shots will be conducted as necessary to improve the signal to noise ratio. At each shotpoint, both normal and reverse polarity S-wave records will be obtained to facilitate recognition of S-waves on the seismic records. The layout of each seismic line (orientation, geophone spacing, shot point locations, number stacks, filenames, etc.) and comments on noise sources, etc. will be accurately documented in field notes. Paper copies of all seismic records will be printed in the field and signed by the field geophysicist.

Data will also be stored on floppy disk. Data Processing Borrow Site and Water Tank Site P-wave refraction data will be modeled using the generalized reciprocal method (GRM). GRM is a seismic refraction interpretation method designed to accurately map undulating refractor surfaces from in-line refraction data using both forward and reverse shots. The first step in data processing will consist of picking first arrivals using the program FIRSTPIX by Interpex, Ltd. The GRM will be implemented using the program VIEWSEIS by Viewlog Systems. For each seismic line the first arrival and geophone elevation data will be entered into the program and Time-Distance plots generated.

First arrival data will then be interactively assigned to various geologic layers (i.e. soil, weathered rock, and competent rock) and the GRM implemented to model the depth to competent rock along the line and velocities of each layer. S-wave refraction data will be modeled slope-intercept method to assess the approximate velocities of subsurface geologic units. If the S-wave refraction data is of good enough quality (generating strong shear waves is very difficult), processing with GRM will be considered.

Task 3 & 4: Seismic Refraction Survey Workplan G E (/5~y 9JgRev. 0 04115198 Page 2 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-49 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I Quality Control Quality control measures will include the following:

0 a 0 0 0 0 S Abide by GEO Vision Seismic Refraction Procedure approved by PG&E The investigation will be supervised by California Registered Geophysicist Equipment will be calibrated and tested as necessary Field activities will be clearly documented All hand or spreadsheet calculations will be checked and verified Abide by GEO Vision QA/QC Program Abide by PG&E QA/QC Program Report The report will include data tabulations, QA/QC information and a discussion of field procedures, data processing, interpretation, and the results of the survey. Interpreted depth sections will be provided for seismic refraction lines at the Borrow and Water Tank Sites. The report will be independently reviewed and approved by a California registered geophysicist.

Registered Geophysicist QA Review Name: Antony J. Martin Name: John G. Diehl Title: Technical Director Title: Vice President/QA Manager Signature:

t " Date: qd(rr/ii a : Q/I4 -'q 6 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I Task 3 & 4: Seismic Refraction Survey Workplan Rev. 0 04/16198 Page 3 C-50 of 93 (1 0-0 LEGEND HF' ', 1L 11 IIý I- 1 1 ,'. ¢. I.JFI,.,.


APPENDIX B PROCEDURE FOR SEISMIC REFRACTION METHOD, DCPP HLW-DRY CASK STORAGE FACILITY B Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-52 of 93 ATTACHMENT 1 PROCEDURE FOR SEISMIC REFRACTION METHOD DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Background This procedure describes a method for measuring shear and compressional wave velocities in soil and rock. The Seismic Refraction Method is applied by generating compressional waves (P) (and sometimes shear (SH)) on the land surface and measuring the travel time of the corresponding waves from the source to one or more geophones.

These measurements are used to interpret subsurface conditions and materials.

This travel time, along with distance between source and geophone(s), can also be interpreted to yield depth to refracting layer(s).

The calculated seismic velocities can often be used to characterize some of the properties of natural and man made subsurface materials.

This is a general procedure and does not address all the details and components of a seismic refraction survey. Please refer to the references provided for additional information.

Objective The specific objective varies depending on the project. It can be simply to reconnoiter subsurface conditions, or to provide detailed subsurface information.

For example, rippability studies require very few geophones and a very simple analysis.

On the other hand, detailed studies require very careful design of geophone spacing, source energy and location, accurate measurement of geophone elevations, and so on. In general, the basic outcome is a measurement of seismic wave velocities.

Detailed studies will also provide a profile of the depth to refractors.


1. Seismic energy source. Four types of sources used by GEOVision include: 1.1. Sledge hammers of various weights 1.2. Mechanical or accelerated weight drop or impact devices, such as the Bison EWG-1 or Geometrics Dynasource Seismic Refraction Survey Procedure G` E PfV i. / DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Rev0 4/15/98 Page 1 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-53 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1

1.3. Projectile

(gun) sources, such as the Betsy Seisgun, Betsy downhole percussion firing rod 1.4. Explosives

2. Multichannel seismograph, such as Geometrics Strataview R24, OYO DAS-1, or equivalent.

GEOVision uses 24 to 48 channel systems for detailed refraction surveys. Seismographs must provide for digital recording, and for signal enhancement (energy) stacking.

Single -12 channel systems are acceptable for simple surveys such as rippability studies.

3. 4 -14 Hertz geophones (vertical for P-wave refraction studies, horizontal for S-wave studies), connected to the seismograph by cable. Geophone and take-out (electrical connection) spacing is determined by the depth of exploration and the resolution required 4. Trigger cable or radio link, to provide a timing signal to the seismograph at the time of source impact 5. Batteries to operate refraction system Figure 1 is a sketch of the field layout for a typical refraction survey. Environmental Conditions Seismic refraction data are affected by ground vibrations from a variety of sources.

These include ambient sources such wind, water movement (such as waves breaking on a nearby beach), natural seismic activity, and rainfall on the geophones.

They also include cultural sources such as vehicular traffic, construction equipment, nearby motors, aircraft, or blasting.

Frozen ground can contribute a high-velocity near-surface path that will obscure the contribution of deeper layers. Such sources should be minimized as much as possible.

Where possible, refraction data should not be collected during high winds or rain, or while vehicles are passing.

Calibration Calibration of the multichannel seismograph is required.

Calibration is limited to the timing accuracy of the recorder.

GEOVision's Seismograph Calibration Procedure or equivalent should be used. Calibration must be performed on an annual basis. Seismic Refraction Survey Procedure GDVia DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Rev 0 4115/98 Page 2 Dialo Canyon ISFSI C-54 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 Measurement Procedure The specific procedure varies according to the objective for the survey, the design of the survey, and the method used to define the planar refractors.

These are described in more detail in other references (1 -6). The most important considerations are: 1. Location of seismic refraction lines 2. Length and orientation of lines 3. Geophone spacing 4. Location of shots (sources)

5. Approach or interpretation method. These can include: 5.1. Intercept-time or crossover method 5.2. Delay-time methods and variations thereof 5.3. Reciprocal methods, including:

5.3.1. Common

Reciprocal Method 5.3.2. Generalized Reciprocal Method 5.4. Ray-tracing methods 5.5. Tomographic methods Of these approaches, the method most often used by GEOVision for detailed refraction surveys is the Generalized Reciprocal Method. This method is acknowledged superior to many other methods for modeling irregular dipping refractors and lateral velocity changes.

The general field procedures are as follows: 1. Check for adequate space to lay out a straight line in accordance with the survey design 2. Locate and position first geophone according to design and such that the location can be repeated or identified independently (the line should be referenced to absolute fiducials at several locations).

.,i Seismic Refraction Survey Procedure GE P ooýWDPP HLvvooy Cask Storage Facilt Rev 0 4/15/98 Page 3 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-55 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1

3. Accurately mark geophone locations.

Locations must be surveyed to within a few percent of the geophone interval, including elevation

4. Lay out geophone cable 5. Place geophones at marked locations.

Geophones must be vertical and well coupled to the ground using the spike provided.

Where rock is exposed the spike may be replaced with a tripod base. 6. Test geophones and cables for shorts or open circuits.

7. Set up source(s) at design locations.

Shot locations must also be surveyed to within a few percent of the geophone interval.

8. Place trigger cable 9. Test seismic source and trigger cable 10. Input survey geometry into seismograph 11 .Test noise level and set gains and filters 12. Proceed with refraction measurements Required Field Records 1) Field log for each refraction measurement describing:

a) Location of each geophone b) Date and time of test c) Tester or data recorder d) Description of source (location, amplitude, number of stacks) e) Any gain or filtering by channel during recording f) Any deviations from test plan and action taken as a result g) File name as recorded on disk h) QA Review Seismic Refraction Survey Procedure GE DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Rev 0 4/15/98 Page 4 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-56 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I Much of the above information will be automatically recorded in the seismograph header at the time of recording (gains, filtering, and survey geometry) and need. not be recorded on the paper log. 2) Diskettes or tapes with backup copies of data on hard disk, labeled with line and measurement designation, record ID numbers, date, and tester name. Analysis and Interpretation Following completion of field work, the recorded digital records are processed by computer and interactively analyzed by an experienced geophysicist to produce plots and tables of P and SH wave velocity versus depth. Again, the specific procedure varies according to the objective for the survey, the design of the survey, and the method used to define the planar refractors.

In general, GEOVision refraction data is processed using.the Generalized Reciprocal Method (GRM), one of the most advanced modeling methods currently available for seismic refraction data. Processing steps consist of loading field records into a computer, picking the travel times of first arrivals, entering shot and spread geometry, phantoming data from all shots on a line to obtain one set of forward and reverse travel time curves for each refractor, and applying the GRM to obtain a depth section (model showing different geologic units and their velocities).

Preliminary interpretations are carefully verified using available geologic and drilling data. If at all possible, GEOVision recommends performing OYO P-S Suspension Logging or Downhole velocity survey in at least one borehole for a high-resolution constraint of the model. If such data is not available, the report will so mention.

Report The final report will include the objective and scope of the survey, discussion of the geologic setting, any limitations of the survey, and any assumptions made. The field approach will be described including a description of equipment, procedures, and data acquisition parameters.

The location of the seismic refraction line will be described along with a site map and the shot-point/geophone layout. Any corrections made to the field data will be discussed, including justification.

The results of field measurements will be described including samples of raw data, and time-distance plots. The methodology for picking first arrivals, and for interpreting the results will be described along with any software program used. The interpreted results based on these methods will be presented along with any qualifications and alternate interpretations.

These will include depth sections and seismic velocities.

_V 44. " Seismic Refraction Survey Procedure GEV DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Rev 0 4/15198 Page 5 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-57 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I Appropriate references for any supporting data will be provided.

The report will be signed by the California Registered Geophysicist responsible for the refraction survey and data interpretation, and QA Reviewed in accordance with GEOVision QA Procedures.


1. ASTM Standard D 5777-95 "Standard Guide for Using the Seismic Refraction Method for Subsurface Investigation" 2. Redpath, Bruce B. "Seismic Refraction Exploration for Engineering Site Investigations", Explosive Excavation Research Laboratory, Livermore, CA, distributed by NTIS, US Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, VA 3. "Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investigations", Technical Engineering and Design Guides as adapted from the US Army Corps of Engineers, No.23, published by ASCE Press, Reston, VA 4. Dobrin, M.B. 1960 Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting.

2 nd Edition. McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc, New York 5. Telford, W.M., et al, 1976 Applied Geophysics Cambridge University Press 6. Milsom, J. 1989 Field Geophysics Open University Press, Milton Keynes IGE (P Vc~~ Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 Seismic Refraction Survey Procedure DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Rev 0 4/15/98 Page 6 C-58 of 93 Registered Geophysicist QA Review Name: Antony J. Martin Name: John G. Diehl Title: Technical Director Title: Vice President/QA Manager Signature:


Date: --//,(/q' D 4-1i:- -9 C-58 of 93 Multichannel seismograph

~Geophone cabl e Seismic energy / cable Figure 1 FIELD LAYOUT OF A MULTICHANNEL SEISMIGRAPH SHOWING WAVE PATHS 1-1 ImSeismic Refraction Survey Procedure G DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Rev 0 4/15/98 Page 7 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-59 of 93............. ......... .................... ..... ......................

..,Direct waves, j * .............................................. .......................................... .. ............

... ...................

....................* .................................. ............

... ............


...... ..................* ........................ ...............


... .................

.................................................... ....................................... ............


... ............

..... ............................. A efridt6d-

........ ....... .............................. ................... ......... . .......................................... ............. ........ ................... ..........I .......-...... . ................................

............I ................. ................................. ......................................... .................M ............Bedrock ............................

APPENDIX C GEOPHONE ELEVATIONS AND FIRST ARRIVAL DATA c Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-60 of 93 Position Elevation First Arrival Time (milliseconds) (feet) (feet above MSL) File Name/Shot Position (feet) 1018.datlO 1019.dat/-100 10110.dat/I15 10112.dat/230 10113.dat/330 0 324.2 0.0 32.3 43.6 58.8 76.3 10 325.5 5.4 36.0 40.5 58.3 76.0 20 326.5 8.6 39.3 35.6 56.5 73.8 30 327.5 12.0 43.4 30.4 53.9 71.6 40 328.7 15.4 45.1 25.8 51.6 69.1 50 330.2 19.0 47.3 23.3 49.8 67.0 60 330.6 21.9 49.9 18.6 47.0 65.3 70 331.5 24.6 51.5 15.9 44.3 62.8 80 332.2 27.3 52.4 13.3 41.4 60.1 90 333.1 30.4 53.6 9.5 38.6 57.5 100 333.8 34.1 55.4 6.0 36.1 55.6 110 334.8 37.1 57.4 3.6 35.9 55.4 120 335.6 40.0 60.3 2.8 32.6 54.1 130 336.4 42.1 61.5 6.4 30.5 50.6 140 336.9 43.5 62.8 11.3 27.3 48.0 150 337.5 45.0 63.8 14.5 23.8 45.3 160 338.2 45.8 64.0 20.0 19.4 42.1 170 338.9 47.8 65.1 22.8 16.9 40.4 180 339.4 49.4 66.8 24.0 13.1 38.9 190 340.0 51.4 69.1 26.1 11.3 37.9 200 340.7 53.9 71.0 28.4 9.4 35.1 210 341.3 55.5 73.0 30.8 7.6 33.8 220 341.5 57.0 73.9 32.1 4.1 31.4 230 342.3 58.5 75.3 35.8 0.0 31.5 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I BORROW AREA LINE BA-1, SPREAD I P-WAVE DATA, Data Collected April 1998 C-61 of 93 BORROW AREA LINE BA-1, SPREAD 2 P-WAVE DATA, Da~ta Collected Aeril 1998 Position Elevation First Arrival Times (milliseconds) (feet) (feet above MSL) File Name/Shot Position (feet) 10212.dat/305 10214.dat/190 10215.dat/90 10216.dat/520 10217.dat/420 190 340.0 32 0 27 72.8 200 340.7 29 4.8 29.5 71.1 210 341.3 27.8 7.8 31.1 69.8 220 341.5 25.1 8.3 33.3 68.5 230 342.3 23.1 11.9 36 67.4 240 342.9 22 13.9 38.3 66.8 250 342.7 19 18.4 40 65.9 260 343.1 16.5 22.3 41.4 64.5 270 343.9 12 24.3 43.5 62.6 37.3 280 344.2 8.5 26 44.9 61.6 35.4 290 344.3 6.1 28.9 46.4 60 33.8 300 345.2 3.5 32.8 47.9 57.9 32.1 310 345.5 3 34.1 50.1 55.8 30.1 320 345.8 7.8 37.3 53.9 28.3 330 346.1 11.6 39.3 51.4 26.6 340 346.2 14 40.8 48.6 23.9 350 346.1 16.3 42.6 46.8 22.1 360 345.6 18.4 44.4 45.1 20.6 370 345.1 21.1 46.1 42.6 18.9 380 345.0 22.8 48.6 41.5 15.5 390 344.8 24.5 50.6 39.9 11.9 400 345.4 26.8 53 38.8 7.6 410 345.0 29.9 56 36.4 4.1 420 344.8 31.8 56.9 33.6 0 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-62 of 93 BORROW AREA LINE BA-I, SPREAD 3 P-WAVE DATA, Position Elevation First Arrival Times (milliseconds) (feet) (feet above MSL File Name/Shot Position (feet) 10311.dat/380 10312.dat/280 10313.dat/495 10314.dat,610 10316.dat/710 318.dat1555110319.dati435 380 345.0 0.0 31.6 37.9 88.5 51.9 23.9 390 344.8 5.5 33.0 36.0 87.6 50.1 20.4 400 345.4 9.4 36.6 34.6 87.0 49.0 15.6 410 345.0 13.9 38.8 33.0 56.6 86.8 46.6 11.4 420 344.8 16.0 41.5 31.9 55.4 86.3 45.9 8.5 430 344.7 20.0 44.6 31.5 54.8 85.3 45.1 4.4 440 344.2 23.9 48.1 27.8 51.1 81.9 41.3 4.4 450 343.5 28.3 50.3 25.0 48.6 79.0 38.8 10.0 460 343.2 .3.5 51.6 20.3 47.6 76.8 36.5 14.5 470 33.1 32.1 54.9 16.5 47.6 76.6 35.3 19.4 480 342.9 33.8 57.5 10.5 46.9 77.4 31.4 26.4 490 342.0 36.0 59.6- -5.0 43.1 75.9 25.5 27.6 500 340.8 38.3 60.3 4.3 39.3 73.1 21.3 29.1 510 339.6 41.6 62.6 8.8 35.4 70.6 16.3 31.8 520 338.7 44.1 64.5 10.9 29.8 6C5.6 13.3 530 337.6 45.9 65.5 14.8 26.1 62.9 10.1 540 336.8 47.0 66.1 19.0 23.1 61.1 7.0 550 336.0 49.0 C8-.3 -23.3 19.8 58.5 -4.3 560 335.5 51.4 -70.6 27.3 16,9-q 56.3 3.8 570 3 3 4.9 52.9 71.6 29.9 13.8 53.6 7.5 580 334.0 54.6 729 331085.96 590 333. 0 56.4 75.0 7.4 49.6 11.6 600 332.3 58K.4 714145814.9 610 331.8__ 60.6 77.5 0.0 1 45.6 21.0 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-63 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 BORROW AREA LINE BA-2 P-WAVE DATA, Data Collected April 1998 Position Elevation First Arrival Times (milliseconds) (feet) (feet above MSL) File Name/Shot Position (feet) I 2019.datI230 20111.daV251 20112.dat175 20113.datl115 20114.dat/55 20115.dati0 20117.datl-100 0 377.6 53.4 50.5 40.1 26.9 17.1 0.0 27.9 10 376.4 51.2 48.3 38.1 24.6 14.4 4.8 31.1 20 373.1 49.9 46.5 37.0 23.4 12.6 8.5 35.1 30 369.3 47.5 44.1 34.1 21.1 9.0 11.8 36.4 40 366.1 44.4 40.3 30.9 17.4 6.3 12.6 36.3 50 363.2 42.2 38.1 29.3 16.1 4.0 14.8 37.3 60 360.0 40.5 37.0 27.5 14.3 4.0 17.6 38.8 70 356.9 39.4 36.0 26.5 12.3 7.4 19.9 41.0 80 354.6 38.9 34.9 25.5 10.4 9.9 22.0 43.5 90 352.0 37.4 33.8 24.3 7.9 12.3 24.9 45.9 100 349.3 34.7 31.1 21.3 5.6 15.1 26.7 47.4 110 346.5 32.5 28.9 19.4 3.4 15.1 26.5 47.3 120 344.0 31.2 27.1 16.9 2.5 18.1 29.7 50.5 130 341.0 29.0 25.1 15.4 4.1 20.0 30.8 52.0 140 338.5 27.5 24.3 14.4 7.4 22.4 32.9 53.4 150 335.8 24.9 21.8 11.8 9.6 23.6 35.4 55.9 160 333.2 23.3 20.0 6.9 12.8 26.5 38.2 58.5 170 330.9 22.1 18.9 3.1 15.6 28.5 39.8 60.5 180 328.4 19.0 15.9 3.3 16.0 27.9 39.3 61.0 190 326.1 18.5 15.6 4.6 18.4 31.0 42.2 63.5 200 323.5 15.1 12.9 8.3 20.3 32.5 43.4 64.8 210 321.6 14.5 13.3 11.4 23.9 35.6 47.2 69.4 220 319.2 9.3 13.1 17.3 28.6 40.4 52.2 74.3 230 316.8 0.0 10.3 19.8 31.3 42.5 54.2 76.1 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-64 of 93 APPENDIX D GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE DCPP HLW-DRY CASK STORAGE FACILITY WORKPLAN:

PHASE 2 (BOREHOLE LOGGING) D Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-65 of 93 Geophysical Investigations for the DCPP HLW-Dry Cask Storage Facility Phase 2 Work Plan Proposed CWA #5 for Contract 4600006633 Workplan Purpose The purpose of the borehole logging is to provide a detailed measurement of the P and S-wave velocity structure surrounding up to three boreholes located at the borrow area hillside site. Scope of Work The following tasks will be performed in three boreholes located at the borrow area hillside site. Task 1: Perform borehole logging using the P-S Suspension method (reference GEOVision's "Procedure for OYO P-S Suspension Seismic Velocity Logging Method") Task 2: If the results of the P-S suspension logging indicate questionable or inconsistent data, perform borehole logging using the Downhole Seismic Method (reference GEOVision's "Procedure for Downhole Seismic Velocity Logging").

Data Collection Eguipment The following seismic equipment will be used during this investigation:

Task 1

  • OYO P-S 170 Digital Logging Recorder
  • OYO P-S Suspension Logger probe, including two sets horizontal and vertical geophones, seismic source, and power supply for source and receivers
  • Winch and winch controller, with logging cable
  • Batteries to operate OYO 170 and winch, or generator for the winch Task 2
  • OYO Model 170 Digital Logging Recorder or equivalent

-Downhole probe, including horizontal and vertical geophones, fluxgate compass for orientation downhole, and system for locking probe against the side of the borehole

  • Downhole source, either traction plank per procedure or Hasbrouck Golf Shoe
  • 16 and 20-pound sledge hammers with impulse switches to trigger recording
  • Geophone for surface recording to check trigger time

Winch and winch controller, with logging cable (may not be used)

  • Batteries to operate OYO 170 and controls for downhole probe Other miscellaneous equipment will include:
  • Laptop computer
  • Diskettes
  • Various cables Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-66 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 Equipment Calibration The OYO P-S 170 recorder shall be calibrated within 12 months prior to use in the field and labeled in accordance with the Agbabian Associates Quality Assurance Program and the GEOVision "Calibration Procedure for GEO Vision's Seismic Recorder/Logger".

The 1 2-month calibration interval was instituted in the Agbabian Associates Quality Assurance Program Section 12.1 (Revised Sept 25, 1997) in recognition of the consistent accuracy demonstrated over many years of by-yearly calibration checks. Instrumentation within the piobes (geophones, fluxgate compass, seismic source) does not require calibration for this procedure.

Field Procedures Please refer to GEOVision's "Procedure for OYO P-S Suspension Seismic Velocity Logging Method" and "Procedure for Downhole Seismic Velocity Logging".

In case of deviations or conflicts between the two, this Work Plan shall have precedence.

Up to three boreholes will be drilled and cased by others. The depths and locations of the boreholes will be determined following preliminary evaluation of the results from the Refraction Survey performed previously at the site. The depths should be at least 5 meters greater than the desired measurement depth in order to accommodate the length of the P-S Suspension probe. Logging will be performed in uncased boreholes if the boreholes can be maintained in the uncased condition.

Otherwise, upon completion of drilling, the boreholes will be cased with 3" ID PVC, and grouted according to the method recommended in ASTM D 4428/D 4428M-91.

Disturbance to the borehole walls will be minimized.

P-S Suspension measurements will be performed in the boreholes at 1 meter intervals or less. Downhole measui'ements will be performed at 1.5 meter intervals.

Prior to performing downhole measurements, each borehole will be emptied of fluid. Paper copies of all seismic records will be printed in the field and signed by the field geophysicist.

Data will also be stored on floppy disk. Data Processing Data processing and analysis will be accomplished according to the referenced procedures.

The results will be compared between the P-S Suspension logging, Downhole logging, and the refraction survey conducted previously at the site. Quality Control Quality control measures will include the following:

0 Abide by GEOVision's "Procedure for OYO P-S Suspension Seismic Velocity Logging Method", and

  • ASTM D 4428/D 4428M-91 "Standard Test Methods for Crosshole Seismic Testing" approved by PG&E (for grouting methods only)
  • Abide by GEO Vision's "Procedure for Downhole Seismic Velocity Logging".
  • The investigation will be supervised by California Registered Geophysicist
  • Equipment will be calibrated and tested as necessary
  • Field activities will be clearly documented Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-67 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1
  • All hand or spreadsheet calculations will be checked and verified
  • Abide by Agbabian Associates QA/QC Program
  • Abide by PG&E QA/QC Program Report The report will include data tabulations, QA/QC information and a discussion of field procedures, data processing, interpretation, and the results of the survey. Interpreted velocity profiles will be provided for each borehole.

The report will be independently reviewed and approved by a California registered geophysicist.

Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-68 of 93 APPENDIX E PROCEDURE FOR OYO P-S SUSPENSION SEISMIC VELOCITY LOGGING METHOD E Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-69 of 93 PROCEDURE FOR OYO P-S SUSPENSION SEISMIC VELOCITY LOGGING METHOD Reviewed 311011998 Background This procedure describes a method for measuring shear and compressional wave velocities in soil and rock. The OYO P-S Suspension Method is applied by generating shear and compressional waves in a borehole using the OYO P-S Suspension Logger borehole tool and measuring the travel time between two receiver geophones or hydrophones located in the same tool. Objective The outcome of this procedure is a plot and table of P and SH wave velocity versus depth for each borehole.

Standard analysis is performed on receiver to receiver data. Data is presented in report format, with ASCII data files and digital records transmitted on diskette.


1. OYO Model 170 Digital Logging Recorder or equivalent
2. OYO P-S Suspension Logger probe, including two sets horizontal and vertical geophones, seismic source, and power supply for the source and receivers
3. Winch and winch controller, with logging cable 4. Batteries to operate OYO 170 and winch The Model 170 Suspension P-S Logging system, manufactured by OYO Corporation, is currently the only commercially available suspension system. As shown in Figure 1, the System consists of a borehole probe suspended by a cable and a recording/control electronics package on the surface.

The suspension system probe consists of a combined reversible polarity solenoid horizontal shear-wave generator (SH) and compressional-wave generator (P), joined to two biaxial geophones by a flexible isolation cylinder.

The separation of the two geophones is one meter, allowing average wave velocity in the region between the OYO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure Page 1 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-70 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I geophones to be determined by inversion of the wave travel time between the two geophones.

The total length of the probe is approximately 7 meters; the center point of the geophones is approximately 5 meters above the bottom end of the probe. The probe receives control signals from, and sends the amplified geophone signals to, the instrumentation package on the surface via an armored 7 conductor cable. The cable is wound onto the drum of a winch and is used to support the probe. Cable travel is measured by a rotary encoder to provide probe depth data. The entire probe is suspended by the cable and centered in the borehole by nylon "whiskers." Therefore, source motion is not coupled directly to the borehole walls; rather, the source motion creates a horizontally propagating pressure wave in the fluid filling the borehole and surrounding the source. This pressure wave produces a horizontal displacement of the soil forming the wall of the borehole.

This displacement propagates up and down the borehole wall, in turn causing a pressure wave to be generated in the fluid surrounding the geophones as the soil displacement wave passes their location.

Environmental Conditions The OYO P-S Suspension Logging Method can be used in either cased or uncased boreholes.

For best results, the borehole must be between 10 and 20 cm in diameter, or 4 to 8 inches. Uncased boreholes are preferred because the effects of the casing and grouting are removed. It is recommended that the borehole be drilled using the rotary mud method. This method does little damage to the borehole wall, and the drilling fluid coats and seals the borehole wall reducing fluid loss and wall collapse.

The borehole fluid must be well circulated prior to logging.

If the borehole must be cased, the casing must be PVC and properly installed and grouted. The best method is using a tremie tube to pump grout from the bottom. Any voids in the grout will cause problems with the data. Likewise, large grout bulbs used to fill cavities will also cause problems.

The grout must be set before testing. This means the grouting must take place at least 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> before testing.

Calibration Calibration of the Model 170 digital recorder is required.

Calibration is limited to the timing accuracy of the recorder.

GEOVision's Seismograph Calibration Procedure or equivalent should be used. Calibration must be performed on an annual basis. 117 OV°YO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure GEfNJEJ I Page 2 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-71 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I Measurement Procedure The entire probe is lowered into the borehole to a specific measurement depth by the winch. A measurement sequence is then initiated by the operator from the instrumentation package control panel. No further operator intervention is then needed to complete the measurement sequence described below. The system electronics activates the SH-wave source in one direction and records the output of the two horizontally oriented geophone axes which are situated parallel to the axis of motion of the source. The source is then activated in the opposite direction, and the horizontal output signals are again recorded, producing a SH-wave record of polarity opposite to the previous record. The source is finally actuated in the first direction again, and the responses of the vertical geophone axes to the resultant P-wave are recorded during this sampling.

The data from each geophone during each source activation is recorded as a different channel on the recording system. The Model 170 has six channels (two simultaneous recording channels), each with a 12 bit 1024 sample record. The recorded data is displayed on a CRT display and on paper tape output as six channels with a common time scale. Data is stored on 3.5-inch floppy diskettes for further processing.

Up to 8 sampling sequences can be stacked (averaged) to improve the signal to noise ration of the signals.

Review of the displayed data on the CRT or paper tape allows the operator to set the gains, filters, delay time, pulse length (energy), sample rate, and stacking number in order to optimize the quality of the data before recording.

Typical depth spacing for measurements is 1.0 meters, or 3.3 feet. Alternative spacing is 0.5 meter, or 1.6 feet. Required Field Records 1) Field log for each borehole showing a) Borehole identification b) Date of test c) Tester or data recorder d) Description of measurement e) Any deviations from test plan and action taken as a result f QA Review OYO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure GE~Nz~vzPage 3 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-72 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1

2) Paper output records for each measurement as backup showing depth and ID number 3) List of record ID numbers (for data on diskette) and corresponding depth 4) Diskettes with backup copies of data on hard disk, labeled with borehole designation, record ID numbers, date, and tester name. An example Field Log is attached to this procedure.

Analysis Following completion of field work, the recorded digital records are processed by computer using the OYO Corporation software program PSLOG and interactively analyzed by an experienced geophysicist to produce plots and tables of P and SH wave velocity versus depth. The digital time series records from each depth are transferred to a personal computer for analysis.

Figure 2 shows a sample of the data from a single depth. These digital records are analyzed to locate the first minima on the vertical axis records, indicating the arrival of P-wave energy. The difference in travel time between these arrivals is used to calculate the P-wave velocity for that 1-meter interval.

When observable, P wave arrivals on the horizontal axis records are used to verify the velocities determined from the vertical axis data. In addition, the soil velocity calculated from the travel time from source to first receiver is compared to the velocity derived from the travel time between receivers.

The digital records are studied to establish the presence of clear SH-wave pulses, as indicated by the presence of opposite polarity pulses on each pair of horizontal records.

Ideally, the SH-wave signals from the 'normal' and 'reverse' source pulses are very nearly inverted images of each other. Digital FFT -IFFT lowpass filtering are used to remove the higher frequency P-wave signal from the SH-wave signal. The first maxima are picked for the 'normal' signals and the first minima are picked for the 'reverse' signals. The absolute arrival time of the 'normal' and 'reverse' signals may vary by +/- 0.2 milliseconds, due to differences in actuation time of the solenoid source caused by constant mechanical bias in the source or by borehole inclination.

This variation does not affect the velocity determinations, as the differential time is measured between arrivals of waves created by the same source actuation.

The final velocity value is the average of the values obtained from the 'normal' and 'reverse' source actuations.

In Figure 2, the time difference over the 1-meter interval of 1.70 millisecond is equivalent to a SH-wave velocity of 588 m/sec. Whenever possible, time differences are determined from several phase points on the SH -wave pulse trains to verify the data obtained from the first arrival of the SH -wave pulse. In addition, the soil velocity GQ OYO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure

_GE ~Page 4 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-73 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 calculated from the travel time from source to first receiver is compared to the velocity derived from the travel time between receivers.

Figure 3 is a sample composite plot of the far normal horizontal geophone records for a range of depths. This plot shows the waveforms at each depth, clearly showing the S wave arrivals.

This display format is used during analysis to observe trends in velocity with changing depth. Once the proper picks are entered, PSLOG automatically calculates both Vs and Vp for each depth. The program allows spreadsheet output for presentation in either charts are tables or both. Standard analysis is performed on receiver 1 to receiver 2 data, with separate analysis performed on source to receiver data as a quality assurance procedure.

Registered Geophysicist

-Date .o&QA Review Date 0 (9 ý%


1. Guidelines for Determining Design Basis Ground Motions, Report TR-102293, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, November 1993, Sections 7 and 8. 2. The P-S Velocity Logging Method, R.L. Nigbor and T. Imai, Xli1 ICSMFE, 1994, New Delhi, India /XIII CIMSTF, 1994, New Delhi, India GE 09 t 2A OYO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure Page 5 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-74 of 93 OYO SUSPENSION P-S VELOCITY LOGGING SETUP Cable Head 7-Conductor cable OYO PS-160 Logger/Recorder Diskette with Data Upper Geophone Lower Geophone Borehole Fluid Filter Tube Source Source Driver Weight Overall Length -25 ft Figure 1. Suspension PS logging method setup GE-401117/

Diablo- CanonISSJ

-7,o 9 OYO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure Page 6 Diabto Canyon RSFSI Data Report C, Rev. I f i'C-75 of 93 Figure 2. Sample suspension method waveform data showing horizontal normal and reversed (HR and HN), and vertical (V) waveforms received at the near (bottom 3 channels) and far (top 3 channels) geophones.

The arrivals in milliseconds for each pick are shown on the left. The box in the upper right corner shows the depth in the borehole and the velocities calculated based on the picks. OYO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure GE -0 izz Page 7 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-76 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 Figure 3. Sample composite waveform plot for normal shear waves received at the near geophone in a single borehole GE ~OYO P-S Suspension Velocity Logging Procedure GE Page 8 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-77 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 GE 0z'zz geophysical services a divsion of Agbabian Associates P-S SUSPENSION VELOCITY FIELD LOG SITE: DATE: CLIENT: JOB: AUTHOR: PAGE 1 OF CONTACT: _OFFICE_ PHONE: PHONE: CONTACT: _OFFICE_ PHONE: PHONE:__________







GEOVision geophysical services 1785 Pomona Road, Suite B, Corona, CA 91720 Ph (909) 549-1234 Fx (909) 549-1236 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-78 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. 1 GE (fW7lc?,l geophysical services a dLision ofAgbabianAssociats SITE:_ _ _ _ __ CLIENT: DATE: AUTHOR: JOB:__________






GEOVision geophysical services 1785 Pomona Road, Suite B, Corona, CA 91720 Ph (909) 549-1234 Fx (909) 549-1236 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-79 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I GEOVISION SUSPENSION LOGGING FIELD NOTES SITE: DATE: CLIENT: JOB: -AUTHOR: PAGE OF DEPTH jDEPTH JUNFILTERED IFILTERED JCOMMENTS METERS FEET FILE NO. FILE NO. ICASING, WATER, ROCK, ETC 0.5 1.64 1.0 3.28 1.5 4.92 2.0 6.56 2.5 8.20 03.0 9.84 3.5 11.48 S4.0 13.12 --- 4.5 14.76 5.0 16.40 115.5 18.04 6.0 19.69 6.5 21.33 .R 7.0 22.97 S7.5. 24.61 13.0 426.65 "18.5 27.89 9.0 29.53 ._I 9.5 31.17 10.0 32.81 0.5 34.45 S18.0 36.09 11.5 37.73 L_!12.0 39.37 12.5 41.01 13.0 42.65 t:13.5 44.29 14.0 45.93 14.5 47.57 .Ji 15.0 49.21 15.5 50.8-5 52.49 16.5 54.13 17.0 55.77 J. 17.5 57.41 18.0 59.06 _18.5 60-70iI Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-80 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I GEOVISION SUSPENSION LOGGING FIELD NOTES SITE: DATE: CLIENT: JOB: --- AUTHOR: PAGE OF iDEPTH JDEPTH JUNFILTERED jFILTERED


-lMETERS IFEET FILE NO. IFILE NO. CASING, WATER, ROCK, ETC 19.0 62.34 19.5 63.98 20.0 65.62 20.5 67.26 21.0 68.90 21.5 700.5544 22.0 72.18 22.5 73.82 23.0 75.46 23.5 77.10 24.0 78.74 .A24.5 W038 25.0 82E.02 25.; 8.66 26.0 85.30 1 26.5 86.94 -27.0 88.58 27. 90i.22 ._J 28.0 1-86 28.5 93.50 Dat29.0 95.14 2 q9.5 996.78 30.0 98.43 J.30.5 100.07 31.0 101.71 31.5 103.35 ý132. 104.99 32.5 106.63 T333. 0 108.27 -+ 33.5 109.91 j3ý4. 0 111.55 .34.5 131 35.0 114.83 JL35.5 116.47 t 36. 118.11 36.5 119.75 [37.0 , 121.39 Diablo Canyon ISFSI C-81 of 93 Data Report C, Rev. I GEOVISION SUSPENSION LOGGING FIELD NOTES SITE: DATE: CLIENT: JOB: -AUTHOR: PAGE OF DEPTHS jIDEPTH 'UNFILTERED FILTERED jCOMMENTS METERS FEET FILE NO. FILE NO. CASING, WATER, ROCK, ETC 37.5 38.0 38.5 39.0 39.5 40.0 42.0 4305 42.0 42.57 44.5

  • 45.0 45.5 46.0 47.0 47.5
  • 48.'0 48.5 49.02 -49.5 50.0 51.0 51.5 52._0 52.5 5ý3.0 53.5 54.0 54.5 55-08 L157,48 123.03 124.67 126.31 127.95 129.59 131.23 132.87 134.51 136.15 137.80 139.44 141.08 142.72 144.36 14t6.00 147.64 1.49.28 150.92 152.56 154.20 155.84 157.48 159.12 160.76 162.40 164.04 165.68 167.32 168.96 170.60 172.24 173.88 175.52 177.17 178.81 180.45 182.09 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-82 of 93 APPENDIX F SOURCE-TO-RECEIVER (S-R1) ANALYSIS OF OYO P-S SUSPENSION LOG DATA Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-83 of 93 DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLES 98-1 & 98-4 Source to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERS/SECOND) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 R1-R2 Vs BA98-04 --0-S-R1 Vs BA 98-04 --0-S-R1 Vp BA 98-04 ---R1-R2 Vs BA 98-01 --
  • R1-R2 Vp BA 98-01 .-- S-R1 Vs BA 98-01 --S-RI Vp BA 98-01 ---R1-R2 Vp BA 98-04 .... ...7 .0 20 40 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 VELOCITY (FEETISECOND)

Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-84 of 93-0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 u w I 35.0 w 2 3: 40.0 LU 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 60 80*1 R ILl U. 3: I-I w 0 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 I i DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW SITE BOREHOLE BA 98-1 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 6/9/98 Table F-1 R1-R2 ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FT/S) Vp (FT/S) 198.5 4193 916 4 200.1 4670 10189 203.4 5009 10002 205.1 5126 10516 206.7 5468 11717 208.3 6340 12427 210.0 6871 12917 211.6 6595 12716 213.3 6309 12242 214.9 6048 12716 216.5 5807 11887 218.2 5731 11010 219.8 5965 11802 1.S-RI ANALYSIS AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTlS) Vp (FTIS) 198.72 4527 9699 200.36 4629 9754 202 4682 10000 203.64 5124 10575 205.28 5407 10640 206.92 5675 11419 208.56 5819 12380 210.2 5971 12321 211.84 6095 12061 213.48 6077 12118 215.12 5886 12005 216.76 5886 11921 218.4 5852 12118 220.04 5852 12175 221.69 5836 11625 223.33 5971 12175 224.97 5937 12118 226.61 5903 121751 Table F-1 Page 2 of 2 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-85 of 93 DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW SITE BA 98-4 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 6/8/98 Table F-4 S-RI ANALYSIS AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FT)RI-R2 ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FT/S) Vp (FTIS) 3.3 2734 0 4.9 2625 4525 6.6 4621 8989 8.2 2103 4525 9.8 4050 8412 11.5 3645 7630 13.1 3929 7056 14.8 3793 8101 16.4 3645 8749 18.0 3547 8002 19.7 4464 8522 21.3 3400 8867 23.0 3929 9510 24.6 4404 8867 26.3 3625 8522 27.9 4557 8634 29.5 3645 8412 31.2 3728 7630 32.8 4825 8749 34.5 5965 8202 36.1 2377 6309 37.7 3528 7630 39.4 2878 4861 41.0 3024 7132 42.7 4050 9242 44.3 3248 8306 45.9 5167 6497 47.6 4621 6371 49.2 3052 5561 50.9 2792 5756 52.5 3125 6835 54.1 4557 8634 55.8 4721 8412 57.4 5249 9794 4039 4055 4104 3946 4137 4274 4310 4478 5255 4928 4104 3916 4008 4204 4769 4813 5150 4682 4256 3355 3093 3399 3468 3422 3344 3445 3732 3829 4537 4725 Table F-4 Page 1 of 3 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 S)6959 6458 7803 7153 7687 8512 9035 9321 9156 9406 9196 9156 8729 9196 9156 8477 8996 8512 7079 6519 6095 5988 5971 6540 6732 6959 7357 7546 9156 9763 C-86 of 93 10.07 11.71 13.35 14.99 16.63 18.27 19.91 21.55 23.19 24.83 26.48 28.12 29.76 31.4 33.04 34.68 36.32 37.96 39.6 41.24 42.88 44.52 46.16 47.8 49.44 51.08 52.72 54.36 56 57.64 m IS)

DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW SITE BA 98-4 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 618198 Table F-4 I R1-R2 ANALYSIS IDEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FT/S) 59.1 5208 93741 60.7 4317 9794 62.3 4525 97194 64.0 4721 9794 65.6 4404 10253 67.3 5087 9510 68.9 5423 10757 70.5 4621 9794 72.2 3185 10415 73.8 3547 8634 75.5 4934 8412 77.1 3977 8412 78.7 2635 6309 80.4 2891 4897 82.0 2853 8867 83.7 2635 6190 85.3 3170 7906 86.9 6190 10583 88.6 2828 6076 90.2 3066 7542 91.9 3547 7456 93.5 3170 8306 95.1 3454 6835 96.8 2224 4721 98.4 4434 8989 100.1 4206 8634 101.7 3666 7812 103.4 3110 8634 105.0 3281 8634 106.6 4494 9650 108.3 5378 11313 109.9 6020 12381 111.6 5292 10757 113.2 4026 8867 Table F-4 Page 2 of 3 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-87 of 93 S~S-R1 ANALYSIS AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FT/S} 59.28 5508 9856 60.92 5365 10098 62.56 5365 9763 64.2 4882 9626 65.85 4928 10674 67.49 4682 9626 69.13 4769 9763 70.77 4725 9406 72.41 4747 9406 74.05 4578 9364 75.69 4459 9952 77.33 4346 9364 78.97 4008 9364 80.61 3589 8408 82.25 3977 .8879 83.89 3515 9763 85.53 3312 9904 87.17 3112 9035 88.81 2901 8957 90.45 3029 8548 92.09 3377 8340 93.73 3801 8047 95.37 3725 8142 97.01 4071 9196 98.65 3787 9321 100.29 3916 8340 101.93 3801 9238 103.57 3962 9626 105.22 4104 10098 106.86 4187 10249 108.5 4256 10300 110.14 4498 10404 111.78 4769 10564 113.42 4928 10842 DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW SITE BA 98-4 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 618198 Table F-4 R1-R2 ANALYSIS I S-RI ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FT/S) "14A Q AQAr , I 17I. U 116.5 118.1 119.8 121.4 123.0 124.7 126.3 128.0 129.6 131.2 132.2 5249 6020 6628 3686 2969 3793 3977 3860 3793 4345 4494 Vu-Iu 10757 10415 12619 9374 7812 8634 8634 8002 7906 10253 9650 115.06 116.7 118.34 119.98 121.62 123.26 124.9 126.54 128.18 129.82 131.46 133.1 134.74 136.38 138.02 139.01 5024 4882 4187 4478 4221 3946 3843 3718 4023 4187 4023 4120 4221 4204 4204 4239 10957 10564 10198 10098 9952 9364 9115 8766 8918 9196 9321 9196 9075 9035 8803 9115 Table F-4 Page 3 of 3 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-88 of 93 DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW AREA HILLSIDE SITE BOREHOLE BA 98-3 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 618198 RECEIVER TO RECEIVER (R1-R2) SOURCE TO RECEIVERk (S-RI) ANALYSIS ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS)55.8 57.4 59.1 60.7 62.3 64.0 65.6 67.3 68.9 70.5 72.2 73.8 75.5 77.1 78.7 80.4 82.0 83.7 85.3 86.9 88.6 90.2 91.9 93.5 95.1 96.8 98.4 100.1 101.7 103.4 105.0 106.6 3331 3750 4153 4721 3625 3400 3331 3418 3435 3217 2916 4101 4050 3953 3566 3155 3348 4076 3728 3155 5756 5378 4790 3605 4345 2878 3066 3837 3750 4026 4206 I U413 8202 8989 8202 0 9942 9242 8306 8412 8202 9374 8867 9794 10757 9794 8749 8202 8202 8989 8989 9374 10583 11717 11717 9113 8101 8867 9510 7906 10757 8867 9374-*1 4478 4682 5365 5074 5049 4703 4328 3759 3552 3576 3576 3552 3652 3589 3540 3759 3652 3732 3801 4137 4609 4747 5074 4714 4703 4619 4071 3829 3333 3732 3872 4137 8692 8879 9196 9450 9279 9279 8803 9364 9115 8879 9279 9904 9810 9450 9279 9196 9035 8879 8803 9364 10049 10404 10300 10249 10300 10510 10098 8879 8879 9196 9904 10000 56 57.64 59.28 60.92 62.56 64.2 65.85 67.49 69.13 70.77 72.41 74.05 75.69 77.33 78.97 80.61 82.25 83.89 85.53 87.17 88.81 90.45 92.09 93.73 95.37 97.01 98.65 100.29 101.93 103.57 105.22 106.86 Table F-3 Page 2 of 4 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-89 of 93 DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW AREA HILLSIDE SITE BOREHOLE BA 98-3 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 6/8/98 RECEIVER TO RECEIVER (RI-R2) SOURCE TO RECEIVERk (S-RI) ANALYSIS ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTiS) 1flR -'17) 0 .109.9 111.6 113.2 114.8 116.5 118.1 119.8 121.4 123.0 124.7 126.3 128.0 129.6 131.2 132.9 134.5 136.2 137.8 139.4 141.1 142.7 144.4 146.0 147.6 149.3 150.9 152.6 154.2 155.8 157.5 159.1 3860 2853 2865 3490 3038 3645 3331 3566 4127 4525 3793 5335 6433 4289 2969 4289 5009 4825 3382 3095 3155 3265 3147 3953 4419 4140 5756 5706 5584 6020 5514 M) Iu 8749 9510 4861 5965 6907 8634 8002 8412 8002 9510 10415 7542 11121 9510 6696 8202 10757 9374 8101 7906 8327 8544 8412 9113 9650 10064 10722 11010 11802 11634 11010 108.5 110.14 111.78 113.42 115.06 116.7 118.34 119.98 121.62 123.26 124.9 126.54 128.18 129.82 131.46 133.1 134.74 136.38 138.02 139.66 141.3 142.94 144.59 146.23 147.87 149.51 151.15 152.79 154.43 156.07 157.71 159.35 4120 4221 3843 3946 3801 3692 3962 4364 4703 4383 4537 4714 4769 4221 4247 4619 4170 3843 3916 4071 3552 3492 3552 3829 3872 4170 4547 4847 5037 5202 5508 5323 9115 9279 9196 8879 8583 8110 7744 6821 7055 8175 7410 7863 8583 8512 8918 9196 8879 8583 8110 7984 8240 8110 8142 8306 8803 9717 10249 10300 10729 11196 11573 11508 Table F-3 Page 3 of 4 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-90 of 93 DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW AREA HILLSIDE SITE BOREHOLE BA 98-3 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 6/8198 RECEIVER TO RECEIVER (R1-R2) SOURCE TO RECEIVER (S-RI) ANALYSIS ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS) AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FTIS)0-t 5608 5167 5681 6220 5632 5126 5106 4971 4825 4360 4026 4807 5608 6465 6279 5965 6220 6628 6279 6249 6309 6161 5911 5859 5938 162.4 164.0 165.7 167.3 169.0 170.6 172.2 173.9 175.5 177.2 178.8 180.5 182.1 183.7 185.4 187.0 188.7 190.3 191.9 193.6 195.2 196.9 198.5 200.1 200.8 Ilolu 11236 11084 10516 12917 12151 11010 12151 11236 10449 10253 10003 10449 10864 12062 12334 11634 12062 12917 12816 12619 12619 12619 12427 12151 12334 160.99 162.63 164.27 165.91 167.55 169.19 170.83 172.47 174.11 175.75 177.39 179.03 180.67 182.31 183.96 185.6 187.24 188.88 190.52 192.16 193.8 195.44 197.08 198.72 200.36 202 203.64 205.28 206.92 207.58 5365 5464 5370 5421 5282 5365 5282 5074 4882 4747 4714 4813 4928 4952 5049 5163 5242 5738 5675 5803 5886 5836 5706 5628 5337 5176 4928 4588 4488 4527 11839 11908 11599 11196 11573 11839 11573 11075 11016 10957 10674 10842 11196 11381 11839 12005 12335 12795 12716 12795 12623 12335 12262 11638 11908 11573 11135 10785 10785 10404 Table F-3 Page 4 of 4 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. 1 C-91 of 93 DCPP DRY CASK SITING PROJECT BORROW AREA HILLSIDE SITE BOREHOLE BA 98-3 VELOCITY DATA ACQUIRED 618/98 SOURCE TO RECEIVER (S-R1) ANALYSIS AVG DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FT/S)RECEIVER TO RECEIVER (R1-R2) ANALYSIS DEPTH (FT) Vs (FTIS) Vp (FT/S) 3.3 15260 4.9 1402 2983 6.6 1305 2395 8.2 1600 4153 9.8 1754 2828 11.5 1715 3281 13.1 2130 6020 14.8 2667 6497 16.4 3666 6132 18.0 3586 7630 19.7 3547 78122 21.3 4050 8306 23.0

  • 3883 8749 24.6 3837 8522 26.3 3837 7373 27.9 3837 7456 29.5 3217 7542 31.2 3707 5859 32.8 2983 5911 34.5 2841 6371 36.1 3771 7906 37.7 4101 7630 39.4 3081 8101 41.0 2891 7373 42.7 3331 8002 44.3 3528 8002 45.9 3605 8202 47.6 3793 7720 49.2 5608 9794 50.9 5561 10583 52.5 3860 8002 54.1 5126 8867 1853 2182 2438 2754 2977 3422 3468 3759 4071 4120 4087 3492 3843 3692 3787 3801 3829 3422 3552 3552 3492 3576 3887 3787 3456 3916 3829 4071 4858 5309 6300 6603 7744 8110 7863 7923 7984 7630 7630 7357 6561 6358 6959 6867 6732 7055 7984 7803 9115 8957 9035; 9364 8729: 8918 9115 8879 Table F-3 Page 1 of 4 Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I C-92 of 93 10.07 11.71 13.35 14.99 16.63 18.27 19.91 21.55 23.19 24.83 26.48 28.12 29.76 31.4 33.04 34.68 36.32 37.96 39.6 41.24 42.88 44.52 46.16 47.8 49.44 51.08 52.72 54.36 DCPP BORROW AREA BOREHOLE 98-3 Source to Receiver Analysis VELOCITY (METERS/SECOND) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 -30.0 w I-35.0 Iu 40.0 w IUi. 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 VELOCITY (FEET/SECOND)

Diablo Canyon ISFSI Data Report C, Rev. I p U. I-9LL w C-93 of 93