L-2009-079, Environmental Protection Plan Report, Minor Revision to Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit No. FL0002208

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Environmental Protection Plan Report, Minor Revision to Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit No. FL0002208
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/07/2009
From: Katzman E
Florida Power & Light Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML091070243 (5)


0 Florida Power & Light Company, 6501 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 FPL April 7, 2009 L-2009-079 10 CFR 50.36.b EPP 3.2.3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 RE: St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Environmental Protection Plan Report Approved Minor Revision to Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit No. FL0002208 The attached minor revision to the Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit is being submitted pursuant to the requirements of Section 3.2.3 of the St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Environmental Protection Plans. The revision was approved on March 11, 2009.

Sincerely, Eric S. Katzman Licensing Manager St. Lucie Plant ESK/CAA Attachment Cooc/

an FPL Group company

St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 L-2009-079 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Attachment Environmental Protection Plan Report Page 1 of 4 Approved Minor Revision to Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit F fridDe artent ofrhrleCh Environ men tal Protection I'rr 1lun

~FLOR A: Boh NTrjI irnz Center

'2600 ft:af; Stone Roaad ~-~ ~

TalIalIwsvu, Florida 3,2399-24I00 NMfTCh t 1, 2009 a _YC, 7R I F(f*L~f) N-fAIk11 l~fr. G3orda~n 1. RJohnstrm Vicrc PrrsidentL 8I, Lwie Plant Florida Flower & Li~ght Conipary 6501&Ocean Fbive Jenisen Beacth, Floridto 34957 RE: 'Florida Poiver &- Light Comipany

'51. U360 Power Plantri, St Lt-tcic. County

-)U~PFilec Nos. FL0u02,2og40"OR]WVMR and FLOOW 2 &O(MO9.IWi IVR

- Approv.-I of Nirior Re~visions D & E, fbir Upratc o JUTtf I Ind 2 ,ard Revisf41 Design Flov, for (QL1i;C-lhTowIh Cno h-'ip Watcr SysatCi Dt'.Ir MiviJohnston:

'TlcJ[)ýcanr~trv.:t roctAAvcd two juihor pcnixit ~i-vkisio applications fo IFloridai Power & ILight Coniplmy (F"P&L-)

S.Lucie Plant- The firs# proposc4I inijucN rvisionnis t0 atlilhorizt Ilie inc~rcaae of' nct liowcr output for Urbils Iand 2 Iky 206 mega1watt. "I'lic~sccond rniior rcvi.3ion reviscs tIhe stated desiign flow fibr Iie onm~c-IhIrotah, cooilitg

,6vaift-r :systein frorn I4 ?J{to 141:97 milllionl ivalon.s per day, The IDeparineant has d .crimined Owi Ihcsoý activitiic qlunaiy as miinor moditicatihnti ofihc QperaTions, at the qt. Locie Plant, pursuant 0o [We< 62-620, 200(24), FIkuida Actmi,6istrijlive Lodtr (I' A (.), and can he quiltoizend by mititor pertnit itvisicis Rnq ~uant' to R'Iule 62-620.325(2).

1I.A.C. This~ hltetr aind attachinern constific' a niinor rvft.-inn 'ko the refemiuccd pnIt.

Fmaawalc iJIL: lxml is revi~sed as staiedI in ilia atoac~hmI p criii pages unle-ssFP-&-L decides lo file a timely, Sttrci crit PCtiiiCin .fb 41n adlniniiru' fnivc. heairing u~nder '.cciort 120.57, F10iidrt stautuks. Thc PrOcedures for petiflirolin brr it lhearing are set forth in the aliachrneni titted "Notice of RIellts,'

Ifyou have ony questions regarding this permit revision, plcase 00I)IfCt IV.-,IC Hiftnis, III_ inuihe Indusirial Wis lewal c~rScaftion at (8 50,) 24 5-858 9.

Div isiun o F Wa te r R~c'ro nece Management Al~ttaeinants ct;2 Timi Yo-owell, P.FE, k-l)EP West'in Bamlcs.ch

]ton I-liX, F~PL.

ii ~i.c ~4~it4;A;',e~

St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 L-2009-079 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Attachment Environmental Protection Plan Report Page 2 of 4 Approved Minor Revision to Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit NOTICE OF1 lUGHTS A c-Pst wlue stiSM 0tll ihthrclts a'e atf~cTut by this plermit V'eIU io-m ea) :Fo an, ix.itionf adrninisira~iviv prow ediing {fiic!i[t ) i, acorda-iee with Sc.tion 120.57, Florida Statutes. The pefition mt contain the infbrnalion s9d foil1 below ind must he filed (received) in the Office of General Counsel ofthe

!)cuiihnent at 3910 Comnonwteallh 0Bollevard, ,Mail Station 35, iallalassce-, Florida 32399-30(00,, wilhin 14 dapys of teipt of this Pen-nit. A petitioneir, other than the applic.ani, shall mail a copy of h+e lieliliun to the applicant al the address indicated in the ziiachd leiter it the ihnc of filing. Failure so file, a petitirM within this lime, period shall constitul a wal*ier of ;my ri it sricch person may have, o request an adminisihadive

¢lermination (lhearing~) uinder Nectiore l2057* Fkierida Nlaluie.s,.

Tic Pc!ilio, Shall contain the foliuwijig inl:tuadion:

na (a) "L~ti'htl.+ ddress, and itlephone nimfber ofcrach pctitinncr, tic no nic, addres.s and Ic lephnne iml3bcrot t[le pttiiki*ri's itpresientative, if any; the Deprtimint caso identilfication iiunlber and the ciunty in iwhich tlio uetlo lmatllr or activity is ote Wd; (6) A stat.iment of how and[ when u,1cli Il~ilioner reeived notie- of Ihc Deimartrmrent flCi4; (c. A slatevicnt of IkDW vLlch petit ioneq's stostanlial interests are a'fected by the Dcpartment action; (d) A statement of aLL dispttx- is6sses ofrtltU alT facl. 10h arnont, ,rv the petition mttwt so indicte; "

(e) A .tahennln of facts thai like petitiorle mouitluts wn.iTant rev,etra-,l or mndificaiinn of thee iDepartinni actrion; (r) A conciwasterrent of the ulli rnaine -¢cts allqged, as well as 01e rules ind statulcs which entitlt the p.-li!iioir 14iclhef; awl (p) A slalemnirt of the relief souglit by the plitlioujer, s%1"tinjg prCCci'Scy Qic aetiotn that tihe petitioner wianistthe to lake, Ita lictition iz; filed, the adniinittrative hearinh? process is desipted to fonniilate ag*i yarcliol,.

Accordingly, the D013arknwnt'S final a*etikii rt*ty be df01irent from tje. po.; iTio1 t[rken by i! in this ilncnit. Pers0on whlme sulbslanial intereists will be, a5ff*led by any dccxision otthe Depalitiii!ent wit*l regardt tclýc applicaition have 11he!-C611t to ptmition to become a party io (tie lioca-dioig. "111e pelilion tll/ust conform to the reqivenivnIts sp!eieimi above and be ilIed (received) wilIhin 14 days ofireoeipt of his intentI inllthe Office of Genteral C:oui.scl lit the above address of the Depatimnt. Failire to petition withinl the allowed hime frame eonsititues a waiver ofaany Tight slich perzn has to reLicalt a e*arintg vtder Section 120-57, iV.S., and to parIicipatc as Rparty to this proceeding. ALny subsequent jnlervenlicwi will only be at the approval of the presiding officer upon motion filed pursuait oIRuLe 28-5.207, FA.C,

St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 L20-7 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-3 89 Attachment Environmental Protection Plan Report Page 3 of 4 Approved Minor Revision to Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit F~LOR1DA DEPARTMENT OF13FNVIONMENTA L.PRcIEI TCT [ON 2600 BLAIR.STONE ROAD TALLAHASSEE~, FLORIDA 323 99-2'100 S-rATEMET41*0r BPIASIS FOR MNOýR, PlRM RVSO VR REPOWETRThIG OF J3ARrow, POW~R uNj P~ernii: NLmbcr. FLOC(22108 Applicat~io r~ite.- Decen be:i 19, 2007 {Revi,4un DŽ)

])hP FI',le Nios.: FLt.000r22O3008-AWWM/R JLamuiay 4, 2008 (Revisiun F)

FL0022)-009IWIIMRAdditionual Infoiruiition; Marcha 18, 2008, October 1, 2008, Jaznriry 21, 2 009 P1Ci111il Wri'lur: fala Non A, Mwi--= and Addms, ofrAppl icant

'Ftixhtl Powecr & Lig-lt Comnpany PoI-fi0016 31x, 14000 J1uno Becach, FTJouida 33408 Foir:

64-51 SOLutb Ocean Drive Icrise.

J~c~cn.,Foida 3314W8

13. Vecyxiption of' N'todificajiioii Rtevi Nim3 CUT (D Flie -No.

I-LQ82-2M 99OXVDM-AR-AR The Dexiiijileiit receie~vda 1-iivor pemrit revison appliealilon requstaitkg (lut mpprovif 1< iacrvisc the nc~p wc a Iput foz Uni isEard 2 by a tio!,t of 706 11tmvi)I (MV1W). at Ilie StI. Lulcki plant, The upwrAijcz piojI onsisis of iipgiy d,,s Io vuiwl wn,l.. Thms upgrudes will iti~ckuid refuhis'lrr11bmeni arid" lit rfeacl ajvt~~sto The sten delia e~ 'arii tor, lbe 0onsite ekClrcijuil sysicnis, and 14-- plant.

Colf rtgN.ySIC3M. 1-he extra -[Wrcalri ouIpul wilil Tesu,13 frorm iinpraved pe~rfrnwriac oftb shteini tirbines, awl fr om, u.5in rtore enrichr-d urpiurni rt lul inthe rvcIlc4Ts. All imroi~cveinenil qclivi~ties Nvill oem-ur within ti t.

cýxistiiig b'urldhigs and Structures tyISSleId WithI U33ilS I and 2. No external cnpmtsirciior activific5 ore required for Ih is pr~frct.

Consiviction acli~vities for this project wiall OCeuLW prIftri'ly Chrit'itg two schedkilad u'mtages per wrilt, with cac~h Ouizagc.kviilag approxilmutly 50 ditys. Consi-isrvuionril acvkities roT [he Unit I uprotc wvill baegin during thc planmid 20 10 Sprillp ouktagC CIVd CGI)eIudC ch11,611 the, 2011 F-4ll14 ta&e. GonStrichri-Y activ itios for ilic Uný( 2.

Ltpro to will1 begin duiring~ the Viaitmed 20 1OF-ill out age andl caneICILe during thie 20 12 Spri igj6 outagev. Cni~ain

£inproven1Lrnts also will be. made whilfe the. tw~il arc operating.

tin iI I Lind 2 use once-Clu~otgh cool igj %vaterfioin the Al lantlic Oce~an ti) nrrenlovc hera" flomn the malin condases va tu crcuatig wteisysem.The condenters are. located ill Ceac]) uInit'secondutry systeal, Mmi-t~steanri is coal-ed Woliquidl waier lvxýfom- beirg re:tirocd to 1tChe &lnm Rtrtr sWemleih c ~im-y loop, Cooling water is puroped from ffic AtIonnti Occin 01101.LIh three. offshore intske ci lzures in~to the plant's Intiake eciwit. Thiz water is lhcýn ptaupcd through the imaia nconchscrs for each unit, IlJeated Wooling w~der is rcleased to lbe oiisite dischmrgc ciinal arsd buek Io the Atlantic Ocean th~rouigh cxisflig of chore pipes

St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 L-2009-079 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-3 89 Attachment Enviromnmental Protection Plan Report Page 4 of 4, Approved Minor Revision to Industrial Wastewater Facility Permit Florid~a Powver & Light Comprnly Pervi-.i Numbiler FL00022Ctt 81, -14~Civ o-- Pu l;ur .M~

itia of jl~l ovd dilruiers- Cii ttlation of mohln, woler i~s provided by eig~ht circul-alinpg wziltr puitpq (fowv for exti unit)

  • oca,;d at ihbe biiakc. No chavl;.. to the ec cnymients are, pwposed fo,, thli,: project.i After ibeurat roe is (~npleted, thc coling ivaur flow rae. wilt Tr~nain unaikagecl, althmigh tLe lernpenraWC 7;Se. aciross the conidenw".r isLuitki1patcd lo y29F ~w v-,r eiee~

cvahhions- rli;mdiecd that 4111s i lte~a rise wilt,Tenaini kithin the i'\i:;iihtherrmal rnixing zot~imissaWih in the NPDES peroit. Undor nurmal operatinlg conJ,1ioins, thc pVnnit limits1 LthtcmIPrj1mtC weOfOX diFC1IargCL1 CGOling waici lo II 3T~ or 301P ab~ove. abicag, ivlkil*ý,eze~ is less, Whten conducti.ng n intmianre on coridickncs and/orr circulartin waltipunips, t he tcmuperawre is liimited to 11 7'f or 321F above amienbtn %V1chtfv,-i~Ie~. Mused on Floi ida Pomei aindlLight's rurout 6,r Sýý I -eic Fllnt, titled "Effects of E--ctimod Walletn Trei ertwore on thec lairinefibata arthc ý1. Lueie PIlntiArrcti dakd July 1980, a diSehargC epr~e~ ~ ra31 iti~crcaic above amrbivifl is not e cxprtcd to rcsult inm~y incm-urable thermal or biologicall impa d on the Ath ntifi Oceanui

$hine ihexrc will be no fficrevisc in L-re coolin~g wtt flow~~ rates Ps a. msul of LChr liriject, thci~e will be no chalnge

  • In tle euinrd ratp-3 viatIi min ipiflgervict of aquatit, lie in the. coohirg wvater systerm.

FlftJ I i ~(EIII F Q IFik N.ýo, T'jLQO22j&99'- AVBOMR)

Nkhilv vollecting 4-OflrlnattiOn for Othe St, Lku;ic qs~1te pzoject, FIT Lvcalmnc' kowaut INt the ci,ýGla iinfg wVacitp(unpI per nnni'nee curves Car Unliz, 1, vl 2 wcrc, not lhe saine as kid b-cen pe vio'usly believed. 'Th dcsign flow for the pinmp perfunnance, cur v (Or .1hc~aiwulatiiig wiler Pump -on Unit I is ]21000 gallons per nminul (gprn), whike for 111Ce Ullit 2 pkifilps rlik ,,Lml flow is 122,650 gpnm There arc four citculating ýv wt~v pIumps for each ullit. 111 avdiiic,c iCnoh u, it has Ltwo i cae6ct"oIinp wat cr pitmp sand ea cptunp ij)I ia,. AciV~ "o 11~(X 1pm.h rn~axirnm design flow foy all 12 pinmps is 1;0,-2,600 glpit, or 1,487 MOiD

'11) existinig NIDE~S 1"erinit slate,' 1,hf 11,lXMInMi design flow for it i 12 ptorgi is 1,478 NIGL) Ih [-Lop 1)mnt received a niuinm IJriniit rcisior oppttatios rcqLLsfin~g thatt the destig i ow be colreoted to 1, A ")*Y MODL.

This constitutcs Xevislons D) attd E (Riev. ]B) to the pemlni t All ehanuigt to the Ipermitn are noted in Re~v, F by und~crlinc or stirike-through whc~e clunges have beert infide Jbý thi:s reision.