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Uprate Calibration Log Scans
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2015
Ecological Associates
Florida Power & Light Co, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15313A404 List: ... further results
Download: ML15314A581 (56)


{{#Wiki_filter:Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B t-~~~~-t--~~~~t-~~~~~-+-~~~-+-~~~~~+--1_o_m_s_k_m~-+-~~~~~+-~~~-+-~~~~~~~~-+-~~~----t ~;~. 50 mS/cm -?- <;, t-~~~~-+~~~~--+~~~~-+~~~~~~+-~~~1--~~~~-+~~~~--+~~~~~-+~~~---11--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.:::'.l t ~w ~ t 1--~~~~+-~~~~1--~~~~~-+~~~-+-~~~~~-1-~~~~+-~~~~~-1-~~~-+-~~~~~~~~+-~~~---1 'X' ~ 4.01 SU r t-~~~~+-~~~~t-~~~~~-+~~~-+-~~~~~-t-~~~~+-~~~~~-t-~~~-+-~~~~~~~~+-~~~----1 ~ 3 Sp. Cond pH 10.0 SU o ~ t-~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~-+~~~~~~-+-~~~1--~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~~-+~~~__,1--~~~~~~~---1~~~~--f .~~ ~ ORP 231 mV to t-~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~-+~~~~~~-t--~~----,1--~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~~-+~~~__,1--~~~~~~~---1~~-'-~--f v ' ~ 6;,,y,- -~ O.OntuDIH20 !.5'rrtv- "?A-5-::0* ~!i:,y{l..f'p d fv010 -5",s. ::::.. f.' (2!!,,,, "' 1* -

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: DO ~s:;z2

g.(oO Sp. Cond 10mS/cm

)tJ.Otg IAC Jn i-;o/! 1¥: ~(..) (AI lA p, t~tJ J o~lzotfl,. 50 mS/cm t/9, -:f o~* j ~ *'?nf,7'~-!.. 11::.. '3 fA*~ LAt:'.3 C(>rJI lf'.l /'/.QJ"'J.., 7.00SU '"*1~ pH ,._r;;-/:,-1!-;;~111 1i :i~ ~At t,,A,b f (l,'\\t ~CJ Ito I f l ....... ~..,. I!' 4.01 SU 5/1*1 41/zzlz.o.J! \\(( '. '/... i f'A"\\,, LA~ Jc-to{'r,* wd &t} ! 1.- 10.0 SU C/;'11 ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp ~~) ~ s: A D-:J Tc &. f i ~t D i't s J.,. ~ Sp. Cond 10 mS/cm P't\\')) h 'Fl -

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ii.~*. ~ ~o l ~S"Yl'.J J"O ~ Pr:, e; ') A l'*. ' i; ~G ,-.r l St) Jj _.. 1(:.,. , ~ 10.0SU ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: s;--. L v/ ! E_ I+ ?.- lJ._if)/ LCL:f- -e Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond tf? l 11..\\ \\ \\ pH ORP Turbidity Temp 11 1.15 EA r LA6 *r hlt:- 02)-ZJ:Jf 3 j)'. 50 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu ,,a JJ '"'f f r I

DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp 'o -'...., !, '. I !.t- ;; Jol n. h t \\\\', ~.o.. \\ri\\ Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A ........ --*---~** **.. lb )?.:) i 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ritu i' 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm 7.00 SU 4.01 SU 10.0SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu '7' ~r~o!a'1--t\\ {l '"r""/f.Jf'ft~a ->r-':.~'f tc1~

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: 51 Lv c.t E--- ! c... l.I f (2;' r2.'"'. DO I 6 [11( (I l) /;17 C-r I LA-!;;. C..- ~~}~~;'i~f.~\\~ 4-- ~,30 f ~1 tZ> <°(", -;~. (~ Vl,t L-vl l 'I"'.,,, ~- lf{tL-10 mS/cm Io'\\ y ~*~:-.) \\'V IO LO '>)..A. VV\\ Sp. Cond t_ ~ L-oa, - "? ct" 1.1i,... 50mS/cm \\:t~( i::r \\" ~')') M )f),Q 1fA..l.-1A.. ' _,,_ ) t tV <'J /: !CJ -z..-(/3 7.00 SU -, t I '"L. r f>,\\> 'J \\l> /, ()t) to" i'.A. pH 0~1

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  • L' PROJECT: 'St-_ LA,,..._(_(. ~-

1.J. 7 1.AA-0 / K-<-~_..... _ DO JC? -Z"f-l i 1"6:?..~ (,4-i; l-A0 C.o-;v f ~~f;~*:;:i;.:)~:;'.... 1:-"** lg ~ ; 2JMZ/g/t 0 p ~~~.:==;:'!".' :::r. ~. <-1 I -~- l~-+'"Z - l I I~'. 'l.-<"ef [fl';;: t-A'3 (J.r""P.Cti-, ()L// 'Jofi, 10 mS/cm !01 ! 0 'P WrY.?! .,..,~ 1o , o~ ::r:s, Sp. Cond {)'//:Zol t"' 'f-tj,

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ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp ~J{*;.:.:

PROJECT: S-( l l.).C\\ f;: DO !i/ '.?> I II Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp 11/?/ {( PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond l -~-11. pH ORP i .JI Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A CoF'-ir ~zjJ1.iit;s~Jf s~*i 1l:. ~ <2, 1L{ fI~ ~f)

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C..Al.. J..( J1o / 7.. 10mS/cm ) b, I 0 1Rt~SS A*l) ;::. TQ !D. 0 CA6. <t}zo lf.. SOmS/cm L1'7,fo Pr-i~ S ?\\D ::; 70 so.o C f:.~t:., 1l 201:?;.A 7.00SU ~.qr::, [?p,S'S p, !)... ..... *.~ .oc.:"~

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: -=::ti:: g '..--..)(..>e. O?P=A-'fC f,--? _/ DO 1/11 / !L oSSG. f?A-1 LA-B .,:; IN ::?t -a&"c* (3.(o l &.'-! ~ p AD.:S 16 'b.t., ' CA G.


I I l I 4/26/7 10 mS/cm C/.Cf7 p AD3 T0 /o.O I Sp. Cond I \\ I '-/ / 20 I'- I I 50 mS/cm 40,, 7 f A-03 TO S0.0 I I f' I f ?,j 26 13 7.00SU

c. '60 PrV~ 10 7,oo pH l

I 3,c,7 f' lf J Zc>f'Z-4.01 SU AD "3 *10 ~.o l l I .p ~O. ()C) I I j 3)2013 10.0 SU )0.0.3 P,-0 ::5. 1"0 \\Y ORP 1 I I 231 mV j I I I 0.0 ntu DI H20 --------- Turbidity I / I I .....----~ 400 ntu -*- ---*---._...,..... ~,.. ~--....., __. __. ~ ~ ~ ~ Temp v -J.- -l-1 7~i>~~!7I.,'...*,,_ . "'.: -./.. '21. s ? 1.i--'" p NI~ ( _A-6 PROJECT: 5 "1°- l v c.1 r.,__ I ~- '7 tJ f' f?t*.J<f. 1."~*r-rv--?"1 VD &ti s '\\" ' f... ~ ~,,fSi.-:j '? t--l I ?' t i J C{, J f>'I /-} )3- ~ 2 1i'Pd )}-./ I I;,zJ\\Ji::f ~~ ;_:-, 8.q 1:)' 0 i' ?-- F a.ct\\ iCL/ft.tN DO 2 /! '-{ /! ? UY!> .kV:? 1"0 ~ 'i:j I !O :.:> I r \\ 1..1h.:.l2.. 10 mS/cm ? '. CJ,()() l Sp. Cond I /D, J ~ )~~ I I l-l q,g I l S JZol?_ 50 mS/cm f ,4-1),) -;u 56.0 I f f I 3iz.o >3 7.00SU {, y I I I &:. A-D3 *rc:i {,00 r I l I pH I I 1..u zon... 4.01 SU '-'1, ot.f ? Ao-J '(OL{.C t ~ -J-Jr J ~lz.613 10.0SU lb,o ~ p Jl*,Oy Tc* f6,(>0 ~ ORP -~ _.......,..,_,........... -**. -.*-*=--*~--** --,. ...... -.. -- ::-;~~..,.._,.. 231 mV

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~~"'-*--~ ~ 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ - -~ Turbidity

  • -,.... ~ -- -.....

. --...~...... -........ ------~--.,. ~ _........- -~ 400 ntu i I \\ J

~d;~JI?~?\\~~~Jl 0~~:~;~. '2 a. '

1-o.c(7 ~I i A L Temp ~/ \\!/ ?

DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B

........ - ~.- ---~---* *--.........,......

-- * ---~--- -----*- ____............... -.,.~.. -.-.. 10 mS/cm ~-- -**----- *--. I \\Y" c,s 1 I ~~ 1- * *..... v...C.i. e_ __ 1-~-\\1- \\- ~-11.. \\ 'v l - ~-\\1 JS:/5' lf\\-i ut-B I 1 i I ~v .[,.- l-- \\ ""' 7 LA...i1 -; [t,:-l p ,.1~ rr~ i ~1\\-r ~~ J1*-'-l'L 1*r4i;- v \\ '"1 '. jO ~ lk'j: l,..l>\\ b 50mS/cm ~*.....,._

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7.00 SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 231 mV I t--1 ! 0.0 ntu DI H20 12/t::f / ' 400ntu ~ v T~-S: z::;~~;z~~?,i </;,'1-°!t1~ \\ o 'I I J. {>!7,,,. 10 mS/cm () <i /20 f1_ 50mS/cm l {) -i, /1--D13 7.00 SU 4.01 SU 10.0SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20

    • u 400 ntu TiJ-t: ~

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7. c:* 5'--l

~,..,,,! ' °/ rl--? /0, 09 L/°!, (,, 5, ~'1 1.-0.~.'7,, PASS ~~J r' C.i4ii:~ FrH1- £\\.I/ ::-r 'TO ~- too <-l-rC~

  • ?rr-s*s f' f {) N:..

C P..c\\ \\7 ---- ~ .~- }/ Cc:JJ,J, t-o JV,00 ~ s J /.../'J 'P C_o)_; b ' 1'"b so.oo -:):$-, l!X\\ I. ~ 1' \\_ ;*} J- * "iQ_" n.,.~\\ *D\\0 i\\ti. ' :) 'f,,/ j$.* ?_c,g,.> - "\\S.

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: sr L* ) c.1 l.i.-? UP IZ{i**C ~,._;[ta_;\\) fH 1q;:~..._) I eL..Cc..-n.:ol."-fi--\\L +- :?.. 'Pel.J.C;'T.'£ DO I/ 8 /2011_ 15yr //IJ--1 LAf:> lN1 W~'i*~~<Zt-

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..., / l I _.: l ! I \\(.i D'L l ! 1 J EA* \\ uq.-e \\ I r ,v 1 N I 1:~~-~i&;~J~;5W}ii, \\ t-f/Zo) '7 /. I 8 )2.6) "l. I 3lt.. DJ3 l t-lf 2.&}'2 I t-3/1o1?:.;>

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l I "" .L- 'b. l '-lS g_*7.;,, ") '. Naki r;: ('J... 10 mS/cm l6,o '7 p ft-DZ":i !o !6.00 I 50mS/cm l-f q, ~- p - A9.:s ~,o so.o I 7.00SU -1.oi f'

f-D"J To 7,()0 I

4.01 SU 3,qg p h A.7 'To Lf,o\\ 10.0 SU C;, tfb ? A;::>:::, 'To. 10.00 11/ 231 mV ....---- ---*-~- *-*-.-=-_.-,*-w...... -

  • **~...... _.........._-~_.., *..,_._,_.....__.....,....,,.,

0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu ' **- **-* ***-..... -.,... -.- -- ----. ______,__,.,._ ___..... ~._,,,....,._..,..,..... - 21.3z. 'P I

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: '5. le.-.._<. i < DO 1-ZZ-IZ &n+. .....____-~ -....----------- - Sp.Cond 2-2 2.- J?. 10 mS/cm SOmS/cm 7.00SU pH 4.01 SU I 'i/ 10.0SU (./, \\. ORP _.. ____ ---**------ **- Turbidity 0.0 ntu_ DI J:i.?.Q

  • -* - **-- - --* - *-***--.ioo nti:r-*- - *-*--*-* *-~- --** -

Temp PROJECT: W1 A'NA'l..c.e.. DO 3-20-/Z. & ' -;2<-{ ? -i I " J;--i t< Sp.Cond I 10 mS/cm 50 mS/cm 16, 13 y A-'Ir.::, 10 1(). Co ,')(), ( ? 1::\\ P.:5 To S-o.o

'.>) 2013 7.00SU

~. ~2-- f' A-f; 5 -r<.i 7,c,q pH 4.01 SU ~. ' ~ p MJ> TO :.--f,O! I 10.0SU (a.D'S"° f {Jr-/} :j /O-fo,oc ORP Turbidity Temp

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: _)'I L u L..\\<... >--.~"'<o"" *** -: ~*=*-~-*-**""* * ;c *. DO 2.* ?:?.-* ! 'l, \\ ~'.Sb ( A--1~ ' t. L-.\\h C-tJ--,.\\,A,w ~:;~:~;~~~:~ ~.~{!~~~~.?* iq,0°c'. /~*t . (,,' **"'., Ol/ I ~1) J 2,. 10 mS/cm I,; *:,) ;;- I ~ ! ;J;;*l \\ l ot:;J2(JJ'2 50mS/cm I,:) I Sp. Cond I~ : 5' " \\ I 11/"J.lj ~ 7.00 SU \\ t) pH I ~ ' l!iq I -.,e I l o ~ J i o 1t 4.01 SU I w ~ 03/ 2-0!.J I l :/ ', 0 I 10.0 SU >V ORP,.

      • *-**"*- -(~/-

j R'D i R-\\f t--~~~--1f--~~~-+-~~~-+~~~-,--,,,,.,.,-..,,+.,~~-,-+..,..,.,.-,-~~--1~~~~-+-~~~~-+~~~-+-~~~~~~~-+-~~~~ ----- - ~ Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp ,~- -~=~ S-r l_-..l c:.. '~ ~/ J-t;kz \\V ~ 1h~lt?.- 6 CjDt; Q<{0'6 ocift> oq /7...-- O')[lf oqu~ -*-- oq :oo GA\\ Li'-~ f, ~lrL [i*.£f;f( -,, :,. :}!£1 -./~f: 't { J" I /-- ct/.:Z.012-- 3/20(').... l/h-012- ' '/ ?:, b.o /7 6--AI LA~

"~[;:'.!,*:;' :,'.*~:.;".J o.o ntu DI H20
    • 400 ritu
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' II o $.57~~ 25 C/$, :;;-1<.£..~ f A 5S MJl-1 10 mS/cm i o 1 L CJ VM> i~'t>) TO )0,oo M p_, 50mS/cm Lflr S°' r/'1-SS A;) "S iO S-D,oO t-"V.... 7.00SU (.;,<if._ ~ M> AA"S ~ '/roO Ml"\\ 4.01 SU

3. 8\\.f

~~>> A-~1 TO 4,oc> l-..\\ v\\I\\. 10.0 SU 10,1) ~ A-5".> M"'S lb /(),<)(.) TV\\.~ 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 - 400 ntu - ~ 2.-;,q

Z.>. 9 f'

111/1 fl1

PROJECT: SI DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A L.Ul-l:; I r, uf 1<rt5'C il 41'1//z_ Jl/ tts-* 1::111 &rrfb frJ {

if11i,. :~ 8. 7--2 Of.Z1 F

kV :> TO g, z_z_ G.A4 I '1 J J i q/Zorz... 10 mS/cm lb.OS' y !l-0,T /~ /().Od C-k J. j i I l q/201z.. l/1,3 p 1 SOmS/cm IW<J "Ft.) 56,0 CAe--. I l I f I i

i.:/?nl3 7.00SU
7. &, 7 F

AV:i *10 7,o o C..fa,-G, I ' I I I I lf f7ntZ 4.01 SU p t\\fJ *~ T(). t...\\.oi c,..4~"- J- .J_,, v J,, J/Jal.3 10.0 SU Cf. e, 7 f 4-V:r 10 *to.oci c~ 231 mV ~ ~------ 0.0 ntu DI H20 -*-- *---... -~- * --~.. -- ~-. -~-- 400 ntu i j., i

  • l X",.~*****::-;:@

1 y,c..j -~u 3 p f'Jt:Jµ E! CAci ¥ ~ t l-G' 4fz1-t.f 12

8. ""' I 0

,~~ f,)... ~;. 1~\\ ~ .. -t~.( [,,,.'-/, 10mS/cm t:J ~ ~: ~i ~ -. ~~-- r 4/ZofZ. A-0 ;::, -ro ~0 .. (.)(_) <;..11_.e.-:, 6--/t'.1..-* ? "'\\V.:J *ro 5-0, CJ (.,..~ {ft(_~~ . -: 1-:) 50 mS/cm I 7, ::,c. 7.00SU i f?C> r3 t~?~ TO 7,0C> ,......... /'\\_ ;" ~.r!f:--t I 4.01 SU 3,q3 p M:J TO "-/,o ! c:J~E, 10.0SU c;.q ) p r.-D.? TC> io,o-o 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: DO i5, i~ 0 c/ <6' 3~ 1? Sp. Cond l J 1.. p, /z.ol'l.- 10mS/cm

o. I<;-'

? -19.. ;l ~ I 09' ;0/ 2-50 mS/cm 7.00 SU 1.00 ? pH I I z_: 1... / D 1//;?...0/ 2-4.01 SU 3.93 rp 10.0SU 9,93 p I 231 mV ORP I Turbidity ~ \\~-- ---- *- --**-* -~ ~------ .. -~~--- ------- 0.0 ntu DI H20 ....,. _ _ __...,,__ ** -~ ,....,......... _.JP *.....,... ,..___,~ ........_..._.~ 400 ntu Temp


{~)~*~' PROJECT: I L UC t ~: \\1*? ( __, p r:::. *0~- I DO Ll, \\ ~ \\\\1.,... \\ (,.\\ l)C\\ c l><-r::. LktCi "'.!"1Jf_. 1£,~l~'.~~'.:~~f~~:':;? z~. 3,30 *-,;--;;. l j;,u""ii It' ,,. r I "T'" v ----( v__ )Y-,Jf ~ \\ \\ rYt/Z.-01Z-10 mS/cm I 0. I l. f' fJA1,'J r-> JO. ~ ~J) { Sp. Cond L / ).,ol. I q/ 2-o} Z.. 50mS/cm Ljq. 2-p Clfuf5. -ro s-o.o y~ I -312013 7.00 SU 7.0Ci. ? ~10.10 7,0(J ~ pH I ttf ZtJ/7 4.01 SU ).q) p ~e. To LI. oJ ~ ~ I '3/zo12 10.0SU f.'1~ 1' 4tL-1Pl lo I D.Oo c.fte. v I ORP I I 231 mV l 0.0 ntu DI H20 c...----***Y-:t-....-*-- *--*-*-*--,.- r--- Turbidity I --**-----\\ * *--------* -~~----- -~ 400 ntu

  • .y*< * *- * > *.__....,,...,.,....-,,-.~ - -----o:!'

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PROJECT: Y\\/).\\) DO Sp. Cond I I pH I l ORP Ecological Associates, Inc . Field Instrument Calibration Records IN~ \\V Meter: Hach A Tii;l:.i;t;~.~t::~ B.... *L!

  • .r..: -

Cf )2bt'2-10 mS/cm "1/ zor L 50mS/cm

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i------1------*-- e----- ----

Turbidity Temp I '<J,' y D jl.~i j i? PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp C I .fa*v..1 CJ t 0 30 I I I \\ jJ J./ ~ \\f ~- - * ----*-__ ~ i I .,.....,,_ ( ; v (~~i~'~":. ' }~~~~2' ' :-*:' ~ 2-5 ' '-fl-( 0 c.. r1. [,,;.,,-'} VJ I i.-U ' c,., 400ntu zs.o 7. Cf 7 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm t:)(),. C 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 16 <OT°) p l */' 'li'7

PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B S.L L u c~i..e__ I )(?<GL+-e__ .(~4\\{~,![i.1,'l,- ::: 4 ~/. I.f.*-'* ,

  • VC'i: r_.,_

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I Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH Turbidity Temp PROJECT: &.\\- ~ l~u c..c-e..- -\\P<-Ct-'-"-' LlV\\..c:~ I~ l ~ ¥'\\...L-Wt..r"""\\c.. fo~LI - L,o vc-l-k DO $/~ltd-IDW t;Af La0 1vll'-J l 1£~~::~?:@a ~ ~- d-0 6.BlR - ~ -A1r t-c e,a..o Vi~ ~... CJ/ Z...Ol z_ 10 mS/cm Jf) * (') i p llb.1 ti 10.00 Sp. Cond 4ct.a.. p Ct/Zo l 7 50mS/cm AW t-c Sd.-oo .,, /-ZOl3 7.00SU

  • -q-, o r p

A'D:1 *f-r1 'f ~ao pH ai /Wl2 4.01 SU... 'Aq, 89 ? f}pJ t-o f O~ 0 \\

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\\I/ .J) IL) /'ZQ l '3 10.0 SU "~ i..f.OV p $DJ f-o !:{-,() i \\/ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu -~ Temp {~~~t:~~~"' [le::; o °'r_ ;Jlf. Bt+ '? kJ/~ J.-Y.f<7

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: I ;) q-]'l PrTt::e_ Po~T DO -rf M} JL I J.l 2 '2. tzA-[ LA-6 t N I ~}~citlii~~;~,: 8. 10

  • 7,c.17 17

/lrD-:J 1Q6. 1D ~ q/2oJ 2 10 mS/cm J6.17 p .A-o "5 TO /0. 00 Sp. Cond "//z.oJL 50mS/cm '-( q. I p PrDY n:;S"o.o 4)z..c13 7.00 SU 7,6'-f p t-rD:i,-o ?.oo pH 1/z.012 4.01 SU 3.g~ e frO-:J TLJ <-/.o l \\/ ' / c/; 2-0l 3 10.0SU q, e,1c: p p,-07 ro 10.00 ORP 231 mV -- 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp '7/t~// 2- /<-/ 2 3 t::::AI LA-13

A/ I r;w~;*;{~,~-,--t~
2. c,. {

2-'7.\\ 2-p 1--J I r-r CA.£., PROJECT: ~+ I, '"', u._,l(n0- I~\\\\ fl v ~-(\\,<: - be-.. \\ ~l,;:,,. v ~ -_ l-(,.:l. \\J cA b::. DO B/&;fl~ o°JAD EA1-IY~ l~( '.~a'~~~* 2;~' ~* :.i

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  • -:r f\\1)_) to (Q.~

Sp. Cond °J l Zr.J I 2--- .if;. l 50mS/cm -:p flbj h so.a q I 2--D \\.~ 7.00SU

  • i-,og...

t:> A "t>~ Tu 1-,o-o pH q I 7...n t /'___, 4.01 SU 10.oe_ -p .Q\\""D) r-v> \\V v \\/ \\ q/1-013 10.0SU 6.'1Cf.-. HQ) +o 4-,0l ,y ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp }~~~~c.. ~{:r7ia~~'1~ C)i),'-{?b rl-t:). 4~ f' Nf A-v £!.f_~

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: S.+< Luct~ Gz~l\\ V\\.U--'\\--t ~ / l ro 1....., l l.' 0-C-v-bo...:\\-+u"'?< ~ 't>.&v-c-Lh DO §{1ol1d-- UJ.,~o £AIL.a-..!? U-r1\\J ~~~r;- :~;~~ J~~:~~~:.~ '?}rao 9. ~-3 p A1>3 h g _30 K...(q

\\=I tJ q !?.l)l "J.-

10 mS/cm

10. t ~ 'P F)D::J k !OLID

\\ Sp. Cond 4q,3


9 I ;::u11 1 SOmS/cm P!"D,I tu '50,l) q/d.ol3 7.00 SU 1*'116 p AP:::> h ":f.... CS() pH q/01-01~ 4.01 SU 3, °tr p ~w *i-b Lf.a1 q/;:w I~ 10.0SU C;'.90 p AO::S ro /O.CJD ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity I I I I \\ I 400 ntu \\/ \\j '..:} }!,{:::"~./,.

J-CJ,£"°c QlS-.4D

'"P Temp

  • ~*.-~
  • w PROJECT: {'ti PrN.4T e e_

Po, 1Lc;?_;r ~ON 1T0;2..11..JC, >.J. CH l'rN. W7-.... ~ B A--rref21 e'S DO l/20 1 J z. ()( ~ "2. 0-n LA'O !NI

~i~;;~:; i~j!~l{


9. 16 p

NG,....j e. C.4t, qhol'2 10 mS/cm ID. 11 p A-D.::5 TC \\0, 0 Sp. Cond I C1/U1Z SOmS/cm /..f 1. 'L p A-'DJ ro $o.O qJZo)3 7.00SU 7.,, p Ao.) To 7.00 pH t::r/'ZorZ-4.01 SU 3.11 -? A:n:!> To <-f.c I "\\/ \\,,.. \\V° .,~ q/zof3 10.0SU q.&7 .p

  • A-1:>3 TC lO.C()

\\...- ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J/ ~ -1. ~ 1~~~7~0r>f:~;1~~:::.;* 28. '-I ?.8. '-IY r j'/oNe_ J.,

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: s~ Lv'--IE° Uf7/Zq're.. 1+2 /) - - ' c..J. ~ -,hn:rS DO /c:;i31 l1z D/I~ "G-A--1 i.Jr..B IN\\ ~2:1:;~S?:~c --. ;, 8."7~ q,63 f A-D :J -ro ti."1~ C,44 7/2o>3 10 mS/cm lb. 0*1 p Prf);J *1c 10.00 C...Pr&. Sp. Cond 7 lzo >3 .5"o. 50mS/cm I p AD:J -ru 56. 0 ~ q /.io 13 7.00SU I. 10 p AO.:> n:> *1.00 GAC..i pH 7 }..013 4.01 SU 3.<'77 p ITf) :; TO '-J.o 1 CA4 I 10.0 SU 6'. Cf I p ._Ir \\V \\... \\V q l. OJ3 A-1J '.) TO ID.C>o CAc. j ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp j,. 1 1 l ~t_;~~©t.~t~~~f~;~-: 4

  • ~r ~- 21.5"(

21.'-lb e NoNe C.A4 PROJECT: ?>A -~ t.{. 3vo\\-rS DO ri... I i;- I 1i.. 11: *23 9~t L../l(fb '1: tJ-S: w~i~:~~~y":f;,:) t,;{3 l.1..u.s*e/'i:z4 1~. ~~th.&o r (0

  • 0,; l/Jraled fo lf."2.°f C~,\\

11-; 'i<.o \\ 16 -:r/2-01_-:; I './ 9,93 ~ &t'karet/ h,10.~c ~> 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond \\ ot-/~13 (1;;. :U flt..hcl n S2). o( ~'D 11-."2-9 50mS/cm So- *z_ p /7-.' ?Ji. 0q/w13 7.00 SU t-. ?,0 _p ~/;' h~t/ /Z' 1.0C >V ') v pH 1'1: ~.:,-- f't ~ \\.z.D 1::; 4.01 SU ~1.XZ f lflnl:1Jra-la/b ii) { >6 / ) V

31-octlzo13 10.0 SU q,.ps-tf7 fJ of;b/'afetf1of0.0. '(75{)/

ORP 231 mV {7 / ./ ~ ~--- 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ ~ Turbidity./ ~"-....... ~ Temp ~ l/ Jl:~tS , l/ t~1~~~{rr::~{f~~:.:i '24/>/'C.. QJ.&~? ~ A)()>J(3 (},X -i.-- //

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: s.- Lvt-1 0 PA=TTP ) -t '2-ao""l'Tai1. I LJ.O /0131J12 i~~~r*-=~,:~~;~~?~~* I DO 675r1 'IZA- ' t-A-i? !NI 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond 50mS/cm ~I 1Tee.. 7.00SU pH ...._f'J ",., - - l ND-r It n D \\2-t::. I :.-1:'.A P!20 ivef2..,__....... y l 4.01 SU DD i--..101'-- (.)$e ' ~ ~ ~ <!.J>t:... I 10.0 SU ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400ntu Temp;{~J~-~ :I. *.~~~: - 4.-a+t~* ~u?r~. ~- - ieue.s. ~s JC'$2. '. c;.?~vr-;G.. PROJECT: Sr Luc.11E: u?ffi'le I r-Z .£3fYT'Te-2.J

4. "' v6LT5 DO fow; J, z.

of:.ol Gr\\ LA-e;i INI "*-~7;S?i? *,kc?" B.13 ft,,*70 p P1 D'J TO 8.13 (..flrc,,

  • . *:;?,1... ---t.;;.


  • ........,,.
  • r,-:-

7/zol? 10 mS/cm te.1 *3 p AD3 ro ; ~ Sp. Cond I 5D. I l7Jw13 50 mS/cm y A-05 'TY> so.o I.AC. t1Ji.o;~ 7.00SU

7. 13 f

k.D.J -;-o C.-1t4 pH -i/7-613 4.01 SU 3.85 p fr)),J 'lo 4.61

CAC, v

"1'/2c13 10.0 SU '1.8~ p A-0 :-5 70 Jc.oo CA4 I ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp l L l .1,, ~~:~~;if;f~{t:l~~~ 22.0 zz.D8 p 1'10 Ne. CAc..

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Sp. Cond 50mS/cm 7.00SU pH 4.01 SU 10.0 SU ORP 231 mV Turbidity Temp

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: Sr. ;,,/""c.A'-t I +:2 Lv1o/~ .A DO 1-zs-1~ 7'A-r L,Vs ~>JI :~~;;~~}Ji~t *~;:.~?j~f ~ !1ffC/gAZ. )3fi! 0t/<;Js 0 ~ A QI to Y 3 9~t:/t to fC~ n-1-J.:Jo/3 10 mS/cm 9,C)g p Mrrf6 (O.DO l(JJ:, Sp. Cond 01J:;io8 p ADTTt>. l~r~ SOmS/cm S().f}_ s-o.w 0 '7/.;2013 7.00 SU +/zs-F M::s:r *~ "f.oo 1r }{ ) - pH o7-/2Dl3 4.01 SU 329 p ADJ. 1() 4-ol ICVJ/ ~ \\l.I L 01 ):Jo/4 10~0 SU q,g~ p A't:>j '° ID* oO I~ ORP ~ "- I 231 mV ~ / f / "' ,,,/ ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 / ~ Turbidity ___.,,,- '['-....__ _/ ~ 400 ntu Temp ~ 11; 00 ~ J, ~~f}~:;~~~?~-~~~~s :t3-1~ 73,{p/'t_ p -- OQ

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: S-f, /.u _, i.)! /-12 /111a:Pf:,_, DO ()/ /:z3/;~ tfA::r 2k3 ~;J:r

gfi~'~}~~~~I 10/

} n-i)ao13 10 mS/cm ~ v Sp. Cond {) 1 );J.013 H ; 50mS/cm 7.00SU ~? pH 4.01 SU mF I 10.0 SU B2t¥ ORP u / ~,IJ '~ ~ - 231 mV ~ ~--------~ / ' / 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / ~ Turbidity / ~ 400 ntu ~--- /' Temp .lJ il-'00 J,t J; ~f:J}?i}:~:J:'.:~:~\\:::~~~:~ ,;B, ~f°l ;) 3.(1 ° (!__ f ------ nx 27 PROJECT: Do trPre..L. DO ID* ir; CAC.. 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond 50mS/cm 7.00 SU / ~ pH ORP I 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity / 400 ntu Temp

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: DO \\/ \\\\.\\ /\\'Y) n1l\\D ~ t\\t \\ \\,,,A~" I \\!\\ \\ ~ f3. 3'-i 1D* fo(,p -i::: kD~IO 6. "32-10 1-1~ 10mS/cm 10.15 ) kl\\-\\' to If).m ()1L Sp. Cond 1 /\\17 l{C\\.%> ) AD\\ to i)o~ SOmS/cm cf-117 7.00 SU -'7. 1 ~ ') Iii " ru 1.ov J/)AJ J pH 1-1-7 4.01 SU ~. x-ci J A-

17) 4 *D \\

w r-14 10.0SU

q. >r1

) +¥~~,_, tn \\I), DD UL,; ORP L.JI n** ".n ~tlLffi U.,f'\\ Turbidity I \\. / \\.. I \\ I ~ 'IUUOlU Temp v 'V v '</ ~j~~ 1~~i~~~: ~O

  • Ll\\

2fJ,l{5 p /l,frtJ __ ()1U PROJECT: S-1-. 0.<.,,,; t. I +' 2-UA? r.avf e.. DO \\ - '13-1 ~ 1-'.f-: Js- ~A--S:. r~~~,~~.;_'< *. :. "~;;-~*{*:<. % 1~.o~l/'6. tf1: 1~.l). 0t/ Q ~(' p rxm.-n CJi£.?~c..J1, :f,~ C),,P L.t-<8 j;-,_)'1=' ~~~~~$~-)'fff,~~* .,~l ~ ~... ~.,.~1J:'*,:,. r);f Jzt>J:!> 10 mS/cm I .f 10-100 Of 1-:r. b'o )0.('2, !}.,-\\ "t't> Sp. Cond 01--'12013 411. g p nf SOmS/cm 1\\)-:)~ '5' fJ. Do ,,, Cf /!Joi'<. 7.00SU -:J,CD p A-0172> ":/JJo ~ pH o?/9-011, 4.01 SU 5 ~°! f' Ji,m-. w 4.<> I .~.,1- \\µ (1:'13 ,~ \\J OJ/2!JI~ 10.0SU 9,.2~ f' .ADr.-m /{).D0 (<75! v ORP n.~... _ w* .~O Turbidity

  • vv I**-

Temp J; ~ ~ ~~~ .. \\~{; ~:\\~ ~Co.S-0 l j~.53"t p ~ h,Y

e. '11~~.,.~~j~-~1.~J?~*

v...... -::"~ _;~'"<...:*,,. /

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT:._::-, T, Lu,,, J ) -(-:;;. ~h~ DO {1 J bf.!~6 ~ : "/okV f'A-:t LAA r:l/1d ~~~~~i:)l1~ ':J;).b°C/'6{p JJ.:!N/s.'3"6 F A~".\\. *w <J.(a9


0-:r/~13 10 mS/cm /CJ.! 0 'X p A,\\)'.\\ *"TO Io* {) c) ~ - Sp. Cond (') -:,. / JIXJZ (,)'...\\) 50 mS/cm

-o. o p

oq/:;i.o13 7.00 SU -::/-. 0 <., p Afll 'T"'O *+.ocJ ~- pH w n-q/,;Jo/3 4.01 SU _3,gg p A-DSn ~. of .~,, ~ 'I, I (j: "0 ht\\- \\J o I/

).o 14 10.0 SU 1.R-+

p AIJ:)-ra I {) * ():::) ~\\ ORP ..,...,,. -'I J' u. v nttt-91-H"'- Turbidity .o1.nn ntu Temp 1-is-, 13 S:,;/.~M-rl f'A-7 LA-A F//Jti.{ l~~{~:~~t!t ).~.1~~ 2;?..t/;JO<!._ p ,{ ))( J (/ PROJECT:._;;7 ~ - ,,. ;°.{. Ir L.. / Ao~ DO 2/1/13 It \\ Z-S-c; /JrT: /....1<8 L.A).J- ~t'1i'"' *'.tt<;J:"'flithif ~dt~~~>~:~~~~~; !Ao1t/.s.s18 ;).9.-9 I '6. s-C 'P AtfS. *'° J':J.9t; /&.5°t OY ,..,_ ~ ?j.p 01-l2-412> 10 ~Siem /brO~ p At>S. ID JO*OD 1~- Sp. Cond 11.*39 0 "7-12 {) / '2.. 49,IJ p Abr TU s-o, cJ o ( ~ -- 50mS/cm ltJtJ):J-o/2, 7.00SU (o.C/9 p .4 O'J TI) "9--o o ( t:)~.. pH 6 --:y/:2~ I 3 4.01 SU .:1).3-~ 'f _MJf". 10 ~.o I ~ - ./ 1"1-:J.f~ ,; oi/9014 10.0SU 9,,g3 p ,q.Dr-ro /O *CO Iv .... J ORP 231 mV ./ ~ ~ 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ ~ Turbidity / I"'---.

  • nn

"'u Temp I -::/-'.' i.-'('" 'Lnl-M 1'.=NT ~4t*~t:4fj/P1$~.fl:<.1-

2.,2. &t/

r ax ,,,, ""*~$i::'i1Z~Yi '.l}.~"_1r- ,., ** * ** 1+.*r; c

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: 'Z)-+. Lu..,c_)~ I ~2-I.Np~ DO ,) ) I /(!> j".f- '.. 3i> 7 Pr!: l-AA -z rJr ~~,*~;;r~~:~ *t*~t1~ :;>3 o /r. s:}8 I ;);)is I ~.5:?- 'P Al:lr.11> ~'. !;"9 ~- i *1:sl.o o+/:;.1;,3 10 mS/cm

o. "I f7

,4-DJ TO /O. C>O ~ Sp. Cond o-:J J :i.DF3 p ~~ 50mS/cm s-o.w ~ orJ/5).o/3 7.00SU 7.D3 p A'i::s:r \\0 -q... (}() I~ pH I</ J o.J. 01{;J..DI'? 4.01 SU 3,£1'0 (? )tDT ID i.t.o \\ ~- ~

  • J

.Jg'. 0 c;- ...v \\ J of/d-Of~ 10.0SU 9.9/ f Aro-TO /{). 00 1~- ORP v i--- 231 mV ~ -.............. ~ v---- ~ O.OntuDI H~ / i'.... / Turbidity '~ ~ ~l--/ ntu Temp

J} I 1; 11-~-i-) LkJ:. LM

.'.r~J: \\"ff~~;,-~{:%~~~~}~;; ;;J.;). -:j-fl$l.fg' ~ ------- (~JJ<- ~ -i-1-1~ {/ PROJECT: c;-, L u c.t r::- I +-7. UP14Tre_ 'P.>~-== 4.2. "c;i.,:r j DO "2/!3/13 t S-1 \\ ekt LPrr? I,..i ( "@.1:8t:t3\\.:; 8, 2..B g,~'-1 F' A-D "3 'ID 8.z.~ CAc:. t 1/ZDl?:J 10mS/cm 1 I. 12. p A-o-:; 7(.) ;o.oo c.A-4 Sp. Cond p 1f'Z-o/ 3' SOmS/cm 5D. i A-o-::s lo So.o CAC... -~ J 2.oi'-{ 7.00SU

7.... 1, f

A-o -; ro 7.60 c.o..c.. pH 7/;_ot?> 4.01 SU if. I{ p KO ~ T0 '-/.JI C/'tC, \\Y "V v v ?; I 2-D 1'-f 10.0SU CJ. 1~ f A-0-S 10 10.00 CPr:... ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp i-* Jr .),, J, ~~t~i~\\t*~~~f:~~ 2. '-I. er z.'-/.C/'-1 p (VotJe. cAt; p Ao~ 't,.?..:5

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: {YJAl'J f11e/ fi_iLe::f w~ O.vA-t-1M BAIT~:;: ~. '-( \\IC.LT~ DO 2/1z../ 13 /0 I 7J ettl l.fr6 JN I ~rli'fi~;~r~I ~ _,._"tf:.,~ ~~ l -~... B. 38 8.3b 'Y A-0 :i -Jo 8.08 c~ 7/z.013 10 mS/cm JD. oo f N6~e... CAe. Sp. Cond 4 CJ.S 7/"Z.o 13 50mS/cm p A-r.> :s T<-> Gc.o ~ 3/ U> I'-( 7.00 SU 7.o'-{ p /JrD '.) /0 7.oo CA4 pH 7/Z()/:, 4.01 SU '3. 17 p A-o '.) T._. <-/. 6 I CACi w \\V 1 j Z6Jt./ 10.0 SU q, 6"1 f AO :I Tc:J JD. 00 C...<\\~ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp L t i J,. ~~~~1~~~it.~I z. '-1.o

23. ~'1 p

N61'Je.. CAc. PROJECT: j 'f l-0ae ul'~ l r"L B~/ ~ '-f. L ""'L-1"'°) DO 2 /I 3) t 7/ I {?o'Z-- Gtrl Lkf? /l'l( -~--~"'*~~(I H~--

  • ~... :* ~.;, *.

... ::.....,.~~"~**m. ":;:,..;:;_~ 8.19 B.ofj f' .A-o ") TO 8.\\8 C.f\\e-7/ 2..-D ('?, 10mS/cm io.oz.. p ,A1)., ro /D. 60 ~ Sp. Cond p 1/1-01? 50mS/cm 5o.o N6r-Je.... CA::.. 3} 2..0/'-( 7.00 SU 7,o0 p AV? T<-> 7. 00

0Ac, pH 7/i.o(?

4.01 SU 3.q3 p l'rO I (<) '-/. 0 l CA-.::; v \\Y \\!/" 3/2-01'-( 10.0 SU -r.7, ? ,A-o ::s T?:> ro.oo GI; ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J.... Jr 1 i ,,.;,~i;k~ ~~ J...<:;. rO

2. 'f. ~~

p f..JoPJJ-CA-c..

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach 8 PROJECT: ST L.vLle Uy~ i.vz... 13/t'TI"~ ;- t-/. 3 -.}O<.Jf" 5, DO -z./1~/ *? i'-f 56 &Prl t-Af? }NI ~1~~;i;~ :;.. I 8.'2.-6 8,o'b p A-D :J -ro B,z.5 C/t4 l 7/-i..ot? 10 mS/cm q,q" p Av'.:) IO to.o CM Sp. Cond J*b*O 7I'}..D13 SOmS/cm p No1\\.I e.. ~ 1'/Z-ol'-{ 7.00SU

7. '-1 s r

f'rV -s 10 7, DO CA-e.. pH 1/201] 4.01 SU 3.c;o p f\\-P-;) 10 '-/.ol ~ ~ v IY v i / z.c.1t./ 10.0 SU 1'.'b8 p A-0 J -.~ 10.00 Cf¥.l ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J,. %'~~1*~~\\1~~-~::{:;~~~: 'Z '5. '2.- 2 5.1....2.. '? f\\Jo/0 e_ CN-- PROJECT: :;)j-, L11..u 'e... 1~ 2- !JJ 114/'d:tJ.. Ffr,a.e DO 1l1s-\\1) 10:15' fA-.:r J J<fJ, prµ ~!1~~f-~:.~;~~j~;~;*(~ 'J).o'l;/<t,r;~ J.3, 13 "Oh :H. p At-§. TO 9.sS c:::}.R_ 11 : ov I I f) "")-) 1,.~ ;-; 10 mS/cm q, cf'? f' l\\\\)J.17.> io. oo ~. Sp. Cond 11 --;./z_c>1.3 AOJ' ID sv.oo as.<._ SOmS/cm '1)0,;) p JJ.')Z. 0 ?/'1/J14 7.00SU (fJ,9s-p A-DS 111 --:f,O 0 ~~ pH () **:;/~13 4.01 SU _.j, 90 p iD]-P Lf, o i aR. JI!/~ \\/

  • O.

01/:;~11 10.0 SU Cj~ 9 ;z p ff'lYJTrJ Jo.Du f/ ORP \\) ~ 231 mV ./ ./ v-- ~!'---. 0.0 ntu DI H20 / ~ Tlirbidity r ~ _/ ~ 400 ntu Temp v ~ .J.; iti~;~%*~~~ ~"3.J. ~g/;ioor-f' --- (-,)&.. {/

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: ~:;rt* Luc~*i..< 111 1ADr'°"-V ~ q,o~q DO i...,q,,l) ou~<fi? t;A-i L--fl-~ f Nl ~~ q,// f) ADJ to 7~D3Cf /J/L.- ~ ~Lf 10 mS/cm °/.Lt 1.- p rl-D I tD /IJJJo J}tt Sp. Cond 1

51. er p

tln \\ ro flL/ 1'1i 50mS/cm 50.t'"" ~'W\\l 1ltt.! 7.00 SU [;.qq f? ¥1'0\\ tn1.oo 1/)ffa-pH 'il I 1 ~- 4.01 SU ~.c;r f' Ari I hJ Lf.{Jf 10()./ '<,./ \\./ \\ l./ \\lV 3 14 10.0 SU 1*. i1 fl 141;1 ro 10.oa J/lv ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J,r \\V v ~ ~~Y.:~~"'"Jf!6 . *~*"iilf.,~~~-~ \\ ((. ~ -~...,, *~4;.-~f;.'

11).'?J io.~/

F ft Vfl..,{ ~

f 3;1-"t.A?. '.;"lo

? Am -m ~/-/r;" L\\SL '-9-:;. p A-M 7" I O *cTQ ~ 49,.2 p ,4.J{)f 1 D ~ . oO ()X_ Sp. Cond J'/:.n.. 6?/Z.Ol~ 10 mS/cm o?/2.013 50mS/cm

di 0-Z,/2ol1 7.00SU

'":/-, () ~ p .f D-:f -ro f-. o () < ~ pH ~- 9~ .p AD)*~ 2/,.o I ~1£. l)j)2a;1 10.0SU CJ. 90 p A-Of *ro Jo-c>o ( lf. ORP 231 mV V""" o* ) / / / "---- _/_ Turbidity 0.0 ntu DI H20 400ntu Temp !13. -::} (p () e, F -------- ax. r7

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach 8 PROJECT: Si I l.)y~e:_ 1-rL. DO t-19~1 *? 01~2- ~Iii L~PJ 1YVI . 'Mr.. ~. '" -~ '1 1*6jc/ Cf, 111.- p ..;H) I h1 7.64 I'd! I f 1 /I? 10 mS/cm If). /I) r A[} \\ tD ID,{)() NL Sp. Cond 1/1"? ~O*DO v f\\OtQ fi)J, 50 mS/cm ?;/ti.{ 7.00 SU '1.iPO j) 11\\.Dh I 'f IJL pH t?/ /13 4.01 SU ) 13 p l.f~\\ Th i4.01 l)JL ~v ~L) \\l/ "U ?I iL{ 10.0 SU i.OJO p itD1 to w. oo ~U1. ORP 231 mV +- 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J./ J,, ~- -1/ I

  • i"~ d:!

'.II :*, io,~ 20.?O 7J IVNU '/JlU PROJECT: "ST Lvc tE ui'rlAT<- I t-"2. R - *- - I

  • Mo!lf~..., :. 3.8 -../ ()t.-"f s DO 2 1?

6561 ePr1 Ut(!;;;> FIN ,~; 2:;z~e ~.; . * '\\l: fl. f.:,D B. '-13 y A-D *s Tv <3.fPO {,AU 7}Zo 13 10 mS/cm q.e;q p A-0:5 To JD.DO CA4 Sp. Cond 51J. 7. 7/ z.o 13 SOmS/cm p f'rO '.) Te;. 56.0 CAe. I 7.00 SU

7. /0 p

CP4 3J-uii'-{ A-0 -.s le 7,00 I pH f:J/7/\\13 4.01 SU 1--/. 0 z. f> 11.1--D ~' -re '-/. o I CAA '(/ ~"' -,fl "I/ 3 Jui'{ 10.0 SU q.C(7 f' AV 'j "Jo j0.()6 C-ffi ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu J j/ .J; i

-Aif *:*.

~ ~. .. "" 21...3

  • '];.7...30 r


  • -' -*~-

1-.JorJe CAcr

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: -Sr. /,,.!J{,.I~ 1r2-UP~re.. .Jtx--rs ~ t..f. 8 cei1~;::::t:::;;;.,,. 1 DO li l 1 *~ l'fS7 f:.:,A f L/h:77 /NI ~~r~"""~~f'; ~~'.'2'.. ~Pif~1ti!o 8. '-{O $3. 2. '2.. r

  • .l\\-0 *:J

-n:;, &'.'-IO CAG I 10mS/cm 1."'C1 p -r/zo13 .4.n '."> re iO.C:O ~ Sp. Cond I '1'1*8 p 7110 13 SOmS/cm A-0 "3 ro 50.D GA?. 31zoi'-i 7.00 SU ,,Sc p A-o.J To *1.00 CA4 pH ~/20 (~ 4.01 SU

1. tj t-f p

Av:; Toi.../.O/


,!/ (I/ .v .,/ 3/Zat'-f. 10.0 SU 1.1z_ p A-o "J To /{J.00 CA<< ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J,,. .J/ J.,,. L l~~~f~;i!~~~~7; ~* z.'J.i 2-Li.t..J 3> p 1\\Jo 1'-le.. CPf..A. PROJECT: -5 r. 4-tc..i.l. 1+'2-u..:Ydti-DO l414h3 n~:z~ [n~ Fl1 ail. 1 ~tlt~~~~B~J 11q.i)'t/<ii.11{6 11?i.%1*J<g, 2-\\ '? h.o'. vw..t-e.d_ \\-n '?.41.... C\\)I i;c, : 3 3 o-:;/~o/!2.. 10 mS/cm C1,9'9 p l/1,,;;,wtktr' ~ 10. C{) !~9 Sp. Cond tJ --:;-/.2 o!~ fJ~l'hraftt?f hi S"l>*<iL ~;u b {,,:.~ c. SOmS/cm so.5"" p 07>) }).()/.;./ 7.00 SU ?.JI ?J l/P,.. J/ht"d~d lo t* {)( 1? )~ pH flG!lfc) (') '1/tJ.o/':l., 4.01 SU . ~. 91-p f!t1-Ch,,,.dtrl m ~r.J I ~ :v I/ o&


II 1 I ("} -i. l.:::i.o I J.j 10.0 SU 9,9'1 p e~hrafvl n /l>.00 I~ [) ORP ~ ~ / 231 mV ~ / "" I~~ v I 0.0 ntu DI H20 / ~ / / Turbidity ~ ./ [/ ~ 400 ntu Temp J- ~ ~ ~~ ~;t.},_,~;;..t'!E. ~4. ~ ~Pl. 90 p 'fJ-0 tJ~ ()!) C/

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: (.~il'~ i~ ~~/.!...!J,. ~ i?/ c.....iTYil<.... Y'-1 (; ;'-' I 1*qc., ;~ \\jt:_~f)> *;..,, s-* DO 3/2.1 /,; 13C'-t 'f?A-1'6 1NI

<~_iil't::* -

0 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond SOmS/cm ,fa, fyc.-(7~ l uz...c_f r.,,., <--'-'...... ~c.t:'- ~T -:;i) ),....,,...J,,'-Li l 7.00 SU oL-. pH ~-., -...... ~. -- 4.01 SU .. -----~-.. ____ 10.0 SU r---.___,_ ~lmV- ~ ORP .L----' 0.0 ntu DI H20 ------ Turbidity ~ 400 ntu t---_ L.-----" ~r~ - Temp / PROJECT: $-;-- L-~1e 1 ) 1?~ I -r-7 X-CMPrNUO - ) \\?t?.,ot"'- ro Cl'((_..,1pc:.:n ;:;.. l-f. 5" DO /;; / ?, }I~ 17-((p eA1 U'lo IN\\ ~~:~~f4~tO~ 8.n I. i'5 F A-D*s Tc e. n CAG. I* '-/ j t-Ojt.j 10 mS/cm I 0. Io p .AiYJ -ro lo:cc. <..Al... Sp.Cond '-lli.011 (A'L 50 mS/cm

)6.o p

No Ne.. &(jz.o(3 7.00 SU 7.oo ? Jo.Jo 1--.Je. l.Aet pH 7{201~ 4.01 SU "3.5? '1 p AP'5 lo LJ,~\\ CACt \\ [/ \\!/" \\!/

  • ~

10(1011./ 10.0 SU Cf. ctc p A-'() -s CAc{ I ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp t J1 -Ji ~~~~-,,,. '£,,'1. '"),, ~.z-s-l' No1'.J<:.. CAC.t S. I~ 8.08 p

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C ~P-RO_J_E_cr_:_~~r~<_S_*~*~~N-~--~~ ......... o_/ __ P_r(~

  • ~~~
  • -F_T(/2.

~ __ L_~H~

  • llN,.......C_11_J_~~4,,,..,,,t'11~e~
  • YVr~

~o.,,,..,,ie.~~--~ 7

  • -'-~-~-e~
  • . L_

. _r-.z.u

  • ~--~~~--,..-----~---B_A-__

~---~-1~* --y~*~~--------tP:?2~0 DO 5/z:z/,3 , 3 "IS' e,q-1 l-A-6 ~ii*~i~:i~li~~ fl. :t. 2- '1.36 F A1J ~ ) ID e.i '2. Cf'rt,.. kfllU"1PT 1-----+----'==~==--=-~-=.._~'-_-'-_-'-_-+_-_-'-__ ___;; __, ___ ;;;;;;..::.::j;-::.:===:P __ '""'_""" __ ""' __ ~"-='""-'4--1'-0 '-m-S/-cm-+--_::.;:;.. __ -__ +-_-_~_-:_-_-_--1+* --_-=-_'-' _'-_~:::':_=_-:_-=.._~-- '-_-_+_-----1 :;. @. -i5. -.zr. l------4-----4-------1------+-------1-------4------4----1---------4------11;i, Wfl'*.r.lz.= 8.o* Sp. Cond 50mS/cm

>ilTN~--0::.S.z.2 1------+----.i-------+-------+-----if-------+----+-----+-----t-----=~~~~~....--~----tA-031~

s . z~ ~.3~ pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp s~. './ .... -i...---*----* -**-----*-** --*-- ~- -~--- -- ***-*---- L..0c.1e I 'J p(ZB;e. l-r-2 (,/3/ 13 It 0 s e41 '-Ai3 I.. ,I ., J ,11

oj' 2oJ4 7.00 SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400ntu INI


  • . ~;;--*

.-.~:Jf; -l.o:_7' )~~ B.1 S" 7}Z.oi3 10mS/cm '1 /ic:>1 <-/ 50mS/cm I q/Z.013 7.00SU I 4.01 SU 7/2-013 JO/"Z.DJ'-/ 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu ~~~!?: ft:~:~~

f~~ ~f..

r.,.~".1-~1'-;r;~.;v/ 17. 'J A-o.) re:- *7,00 c.Ae, 3.~b p A-0~ -re. '1.C \\ LJlt4. q.B& p f'r'0'.:5-rc::.i 10.00 c.,Ae,,.

*--*------ ---------1

~--I '-1. '-J °""'-T'.:I ?S. il p ..A-D::s 'TO 8.1-S-c.AtA. Jo.o5 p A--D 5 -rO f (). 00 CN.. i-J q. B r ,!h'.) ":') TO 5C..0 LAc.. /.14 p A-p 5 1""C> -,. oc ~

j _ 11 p

A-o 5 10 '-1. o I CP£< 1.B<J p .kv-s TC ID. oo CA::., 21.s~ p No Ne. CA~

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: Sr L\\X.-1 i:;.. OP~n=- )t-2 .._.....A vo.... n; t/; I DO l'ol~l1; loo?> e1t1 lPr0 ~IN ~J"~.>'.&J'.' ~iff'~ ~._, ~-"'6,~., f!I'.*!/.. *:'. ~- 8.13

7. qr..,

p Mi::; TC> 8. I? cA'1 I 4/U>I~ 10 mS/cm io. D'l p An :s ru ({).OO ~ Sp. Cond i/ / -zo ;"1 50mS/cm '-1'1.8 p A-D:s -re so.o cAC. q U>J3 7.00 SU

  • {. {)~

t' A-o-6 ro 7.oa c:At:. pH -, i-013 4.01 SU 1.10 y A-0 :s IC 4.01 CAe... I I/ , II

  • 1V

,v 1d{'U>i'-I 10.0 SU '7. 3~ p /t'O '? TC io.oo CA<.. ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J1 J; Jt ~~f:~~~~~.~ *U.Z. u.ii 1' Nar-le CAti PROJECT: t'Y/,1'1\\f.ff;eL Pcv,;c..,e_-r wQ A-ND.l?e1'h-U 1 '- s~el* 1-'C.. (.<Y J (.<-n ;<{. --t DO tho /13 t17D3 tZ,l'(f CA& iNI ~A~if!/~~~; 8. )6 8.30 D I AV:J /O 8'~1'$ ~ I Cf/VJ1'4 10 mS/cm 10, lo p /.k) ::5 )o /0.00 Gk, Sp. Cond qlzo13 s; I. I 50mS/cm p /lrf) ~ n:.> s-o. 0

CAL, 3/ z..o I'"/

7.00SU fo. ei 7 r A-V.:J TG> 7.oc; c.Ac, pH r/2013 4.01 SU 3.1z. p A-o J TC..> L/.01 ~ ,v- ,v , It 3/2o 1'-( 10.0SU /,qt.{ r W:J (O JO.CO ~ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J; "1 1 Jt ~~~~~~~~~~' t~X*'f.~~z~ * 1~. -, 7 p No Ne. c.Ac.

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: CPrN ((\\./eflf>r<- O.e.NTJ-ilL V'-1DN ITC>/l.1 r>C.. DO c,/16/1? /bDI eAI l-A-0 fNl

v~~.~~7!4ff*.,:.\\ 8.oco
e. ~z.

11/201'"/ 10 mS/cm q,5{ Sp. Cond q/l<J 13 50mS/cm 5o :1 ?i}ia1'-/ 7.00SU ~. 1& pH 1/Z.o/3 4.01 SU '-/. 05

  • ,v
    • v

,v >I/ .. 3/Zoll-J 10.0 SU 1.13 ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp L I ~ ~ '~'.K ;,;;.} /:'l~:: :.

27. 6 27.18 PROJECT: <Sf Lu<:..1E L)f~~ 1-r 2.

DO C,,/z~/ 1~ J '319 Al LA& ,r-11

~/~~ -1 f.j'..~ ~-

. ".'._c,; :?.. :'.,......,..,... ~ 8.ol 8.2.3:> I t...t'z...01'1 10 mS/cm JD. 03 Sp. Cond cl 12613 50mS/cm 50.0

  • ~h6t'-I 7.00SU 7.11 pH 4/ z..o IY 4.01 SU 3.16 v

I/ II I/ I ID/'Z.oi '1 10.0 SU q.13 ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp ,/,, { J,, t ~;~*i~: ~t~~~1l~!

  • 1 z e.o 27. '14 p?'{

p p p r p p p r F r p p p f?,crrte.(L-/ '= '-/. °3 v o '-T 5 AV"S T'-' 8.o(o CA.4 AV:J T6 JD. DO c.f-'\\Ct A-D:> TO ~6.D CAt; A-o-:1 T6 7.6C> CA(( ,q.pJ ro £1.o I cA4. A-0-S ro /o. 06 C+:>,£1 No Ne.. CAG. 8tt17 42.-.I vC.L 1S :: '-/. 2. v vl..r.. i'-\\-17 ') --re, fJ,o/ CAc.. A1)'"5 /0 /(). ()CJ CA£'.; NOl--le. 0¥4. A-o -s -ro 1.00 CAer ,41)-, TO t..J.Cl I (Al( ftrn TO /0. DO CA4 N6N.e. CAl. ~- HAD T0 ftD:J Bi' F~

  • G.37 ro 7&.C

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: ST l-vc:..1 r;: n P/ZftTe 1-t 2.. f?Rrft42."{ VGi.T"S:: 4.3 DO 0/2'5/1'!:> 1335' e.A-r L.)fo ,,...,( ~ 8. (j ( 8. O'S"" F Pro-Y To 8.(;7 CAC... '-I }-z-o IL.f 10 mS/cm q, f;O p A-o::i 'fU /0. 0() CA4 Sp. Cond <f/2013 36.~l!_P.&, p 50mS/cm f!'D.3 -ro so.o CP4 lo~Zc.1'-1 7.00 SU

7. O'-/

r AD'J Tu 7.c.Jo ~ pH .., /101'-f 4.01 SU

3. "I"'

f 11-0 :> (0 4.of CACr v ,11 'll I b(l.oJ'i 10.0 SU '1.(2-p ADJ Tc..> fb.CC cACr ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp -V t-J J; ~tl~~~;)~4ffe~~ 27.o '2-~ ' 1 '1 p NO/J~ CA4 PROJECT:.5r. L""-u<<_ 1-tz_ u,p~ DO ~Jz-;.)13 1<i *.1< 'Z.kc 1-AA nn~ Ji'~~"'~"Y~m s.113

Jfh..fb*-;/g, Z(,, '° AD'S 1n 8.oct lc::0<

t~ ~ /.{}),~ ;10.* ';f; "' ~-Oli:..* _...,._ ,:;:;-*~r ~""""~'. o'I }-u>1i.1 ?/ 3'7- . ~o 10mS/cm /"

T 17> /i>* ao Sp. Cond 0 CJ /.20/3 11!.~

f} An-\\ 'iU ~ 50mS/cm so. (Jc) 10/u1'-I 7.00SU -+.I~ p 4-0TTl> 7.00 l,,i1)C,~ pH tY-J/ 2'J I£/ 4.01 SU 3, 9!1 p A-OJ 7l> '-f. o I l~ll , lj 'LI 0 11-014 10.0 SU 9,CJ/ p bDr l7J /o.rJ u ?'t1. ') ORP ~ ~ / 231 mV v~ ~ --R / v ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / Turbidity y _./ / 400 ntu ~ Temp '/ 1 ~ 1 30 .\\t ~ ~ 95.~ !}S.(pCJ I' ~x. J

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: Sr. LuCt c;:.. 0 i:'IZA-tG I t'Z. e~ HU-.../ -= '-l. ?:> DO 1/z<-1/ 1 ~ 11..1 '~ ~Prl LtH3 Jr-JI ~~~l.:~~q{ "~ 9. 12.. 8. 05 r I Av"'5 T6 '3. fZ.. CA:., i..f 12-D l '-\\ 10mS/cm

10. 1t.t f'

A-0,... *o /D. oo ~ Sp. Cond I 5o, I f q/z..c,13 SOmS/cm A-O:J }O So *O CMt (0/201'-1 7.00SU 7,3, F f\\b:J '" 7,00 Ur& pH i/u 1'1 4.01 SU 3.<<;o p ,4-p::'.5 -ro c..j.c I C...4-c'.1 'I/ \\v \\ 10/zo;<-f 10.0 SU p A-1/ -,- To iO.uCi

CAe, ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J/

i i J,

1/"s<c~,, *c*:.*:;".' *;,;*.

2r;.q ZG . ~S' p ~01ve CAc.. PROJECT: 07. /_,/_,/*,,'() l..12 /A'?" ~A ~ DO l':1-h1Jr; l'S:Jfi' r A-r. L-~ i:::::11.11.0 z~:~~~h~~g;,~ ?5'. '31 }. ~;_/ 'P WY. ~ 64/ti>i4 10 mS/cm //).C)O ~ ------- ~ 12 Sp, Cond ltJI/ I,;JDµ/ L.;9,~ r' LM)-r /(/ iV SOmS/cm

  • ro S?J,iJV

/-0 /2014 7.00SU ~~ a::? p 101 ID "4.oo lf?5'P pH tJ ~ /i.i) / Lj 4.01 SU q_c;o p "1)S ru 'f <:> J ~ ' J ,IJ /O )"2. cJ¥ 10.0SU q,.x1 p !f'i\\ TD JO. DO t:'.S.f' ORP 11J v- / 231 mV v ~ _... ~ / ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 / Turbidity v / ~ ~ 400 ntu Temp J; j 1 ,'.1mW3~1f!~f.Y~* J~. --:S. oc., 0S\\t;"°O(_ 7' --- '(-)1/ lj C/

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: Sr-LuGIE:: lJ P12A--re I -r 2- 'Bit tt<-tz.~ -- 'i' ~ .......-~* / DO

  • 7/J.'-1/1~

J Z 3 '-I ePrt LPri3 /NI fl)'i.s.. ~ £"' w. ~.l2-1.~"f (- A-v-:r fO $.IL <.P4 I Z1/ Uil t-j 10 mS/cm /D.O'-{ r A-t>"J 10 /O.CO ~ Sp. Cond

  • -l J 2.6' '1 50 mS/cm 4 er,<('

p .A-D~ n:; ~,VO c.ACi 10/Ul'-1 7.00 SU

  • 7,3~

p A-D:> -ro 7,oc CAC'.1 pH '-/! z.o 1 '1 4.01 SU 3.¥""( p A{):) TO '-f,o I CA~ \\I/ \\" I I 6/ l-6 I~ 10.0 SU 1,r-s-f' ,,4-0 '? 10 /O,oo CAc... ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu i 1 j, J,, ~** "jfi,. S-'&' Temp "' 'li ~ 2(;."' p ~o;.le.. CA~ PROJECT: 5} Luc/(. /-12 t.,A'?/d.( lj)/ual/1/1~ n c,,,_'j: £A.6 ' I-' ""~~.,~~~I $5,J/~

  • -:J.. fR {II Ah~ -to~.() I v

.) I DO 8 -1 z_ -13 /fg t io r JJ> F -1/l /(, ! ~ \\ ?\\ 1bii1'1 10 mS/cm

  • Jo. o J

? LJ,[)-j TC) /~, ()O t:zi I Sp. Cond ~L;/.:;;314 L/9, (, p !IDT IV 5o.cY o < ~/ 50mS/cm 10/-µ14 7.00 SU f-*t *1 /J {+f))TO --:),() 0

  • ~ D,..,

pH ALi/Jo/1 4.01 SU 3,$-=1-p A DT-t""O if, j) I < ~ Iv Jo /2-oA/ 10.0 SU 9r J 2-f' A-DJ-t-o )000< DX / ~ / k7' ORP ~ r-----.... 231 mV 1/ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / I'-... Turbidity / ~ v / ~~ / 400 ntu Temp 'I/ 1lo*. 41 'V 'i Yilfii ** I *. :;;J;,6 ~c.2$":9.L/ .hX

~ *-

1--. ~-r. R-f.r"J t:Ai \\t~ ~\\\\iii(... {/ -

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: SI-t(,(.-<:J,(. / 'PL. ~,..d<_ t:.-1 /I AJ e::i '//-,, 7':L

1..A L~ ~ 4 2 DO 9!>-/~ -/~ !ls
so f'A--r:- l.,4-8 rJJS:: Wt.JJ.rJiJA~"~:: x. /Ji/

x.o/ p Jf)y Jt> ii:o.JJ ~ ~*-12 -I~ I 6'//:i~11 10 mS/cm JO./~ p AfJj w /o-Do ~ Sp. Cond tiC!hp/4 4'9. ~ p IJ./) r IQ ;jz;.a-o ~ 50mS/cm 10 /;ioJLl 7.00 SU +.2.0 p .th)13 ? <OD c:vv pH IJ LJ ! Jr, JL/ 4.01 SU ~c8b. f A-DS ra ~1-01 I~'./ ' ) \\J ' \\[/ /o /_:i.D I~ 10.0SU 9_;z. p AOT rv2.J.() I ax ORP ~11 v ~ ~ 231 mV ;.r ~ ~ !"--.(/ I'\\. / ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 '\\. / Turbidity _/ / l--/ 400 ntu r--.... Temp ..,LJ ~ ~ _; *, _,,;,*. -~.kl*~ _::; '~.-- -~- fl~ 1(}t!.. d.S-. (r;5 p 1-- ~ () (;/ PROJECT: <):f. /_,,,,,~;it 1--t z.. f.WJ' /? i7L C/! I,UJ/tlhq ";~'r. l "'d 'I> pA-Ssi'n?\\- 11/J,.d/l u

  • ,I 4. '2

'/ "'-"L r DO ~ -V>-13 o'}.'.t;() tiA-t: LA6 ~/h.D' . -,-.,1 * -.:;;.~ -.t., ,~{. ;-,;,-*/-*,.... ~, ' '.\\; ~*- ... _;;j;N:.,_t'..Q~s 0 l/9'.0~ ~& *'f O 'Cf g, 2,-;f .p Arif -to ~3g 18.Dt./ IQX_ o;./ hl/14 10 mS/cm JO*/ 3 I' .4-£)J111 JO.(}() D-: Sp. Cond 041~11 49.5' 17 kDT17> ~.ob G, / 50 mS/cm 10/z.t>PI I f' -~ / 7.00SU -J.c)cJ .-'"\\ pH n4/11J14 4.01 SU s_.Jc, r' A-OJ (l) '-/, () 1 <GY ,/ ./ Jo/2()14 10.0 SU 9,. X'c.::/- pJ iJ. fJT TO,;o. ctd ~ ORP ~II ---- v 231 mV ~ lY / ~ I 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / Turbidity v I'--_ ~ __/ 400 ntu Temp - ~ .i,, J; l~i?Plifft." :<&.goc tl.&, :J. q-oc_ p -------- Cl.J (/ (/ -

PROJECT: S-r DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp 4 6. F-/r--l1 1-::' lf L-0 5T I uc::.i ~ <-> 171211--re Jo/ C/ f 3 Ii 06 \\.I ,11 L t Lv( IE: I.) I' ~-re.. I I)' A' iiJ}q/13 011-ft...l II I t Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A 1-r 2.. v 6L.-'T5 ;: 3..q )4. 01/11'1{.,e p B~S'f'JZ-i'"~ 6Af <-Pr6 ,,..1 C30:~ *~f<* / 8.1 <) 8. \\"- ~ \\ 8/2.DIY 10 mS/cm tb.O~ p t.4 f z.o 1 '-/ SOmS/cm 41.e p -L/2-ol S' 7.00SU

7. z.~1 f

'-1/io 1'1 4.01 SU ?.tf2-p

  • ,11 z./-z... 01 s-10.0SU q.g, 3 p

231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu 1 ~I

~: >*. '::

~ 27.(,, 27-~I p .-:r 1-t?.. /} /f' ~:~1A. {§ ~~i~; B. 32 8.31 f "1( LA-I~ J:::/N B lzoi'-f 10 mS/cm /o.oo p 4 i Z..6 / '-/ 50mS/cm '-t°I. '\\ p 7-/zo1 < 7.00SU 7.61 f i-f i z_o l'-'I 4.01 SU 3.~c. p 'I v Z/z...a15 10.0SU Cf.<JD f' 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu l ~

~)~m\\i~~~~f~_*,:~~~ 25. 6 1..S.12...

f' T6 Uh.i b(!A-itc.N. \\)oCT'S : £./, '::. A-D ::5 TC> ~. 1 ') c.A4 Ai> J tu 10.00 C..Ae, .4-0:) TO so.o ~ A-D::; TO 7,~6 c.Ae, A-0 3 1c l.-J.v1 { Ae_ Av j -ru /D.00 CA!, Nc~e.

CAc, u lJ vrS-:..S. C/

AD:J T6 ~,32-c,cic:; f-./oNe CAG. AD :1 TO 56.0 CAC... A-0 ") TC 7.oc CAL; .AO 7 -roL-f.c I CAG. AD'3 To /O.o() LA4 Nc..r-Je (AC,

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT:"S,7 L ul..1 E:. Uf ~-n::. It ?.. VD L l.S -: 3.7 Cut>rNL<ed 'P J4c.(l_ ..,-r:, CPU D$i!Jl-17c.r-->, VO~TS :; '7. 5' DO joj/,, 113 I FJ 2 (£.P, I l-A"& INI l'~~---~ Sl\\11" ~-04' 7.(;, 3 f AP.? 10 -s-. (){;, CA<- I 4/ lo 14 10 mS/cm ? i...:iot-:ie..

CAc, Sp. Cond f'

'-/}7t>J'-/ 50 mS/cm L-J q.~ />rf>:>., 0 s-a.o GAC... 2/ Z.61 <) 7.00 SU 7. 1~ p /tP3 Tu 7,oc cAe.. pH LJ f 2.c I'-/ 4.01 SU ?.1fo p AV:;; Tu '-/. O I CA::1 V/ J....- ,v 1-)'JDI') 10.0 SU q,f'i p /rD ~ Td 10.00 CA<- ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu .),, l l~'/P Temp J.. ,L 2&. ZS 2{:.. 71. p Nol'ie CAG PROJECT: C: f I If 1F I 1Yf2qT(: J1 2 v'CiLTS :: 4.7 DO lo I qJ 13 o7z'-f tA 1 1.A-R fl r-l 1 :~.,;t'"' ' 1%2.':i * - z.... ~ 8.33 e, 14 F AD:J 10 B,33 CAy I 10 mS/cm f' '-I 2.0lt../

o.05 A-OJ' TO J6,00 CA4 Sp. Cond

'"I 2..D I<-{ 50 mS/cm 41'. ~ p A-0 ~ TO c:;-c.CJ CAC:-. 1.-/ 2-01 '> 7.00 SU 7.1~ p Ao j 1 o 7.CJO (.4C. pH '1 fz..01'1 4.01 SU 3.41 f' AP:5 TO '-/,Cl cAC... ...y v

  • -Z.j 2..6 I )"

10.0 SU ti.1-z p IT o "J -re I c. oo CA~ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J. J f J '

  • II!!';

~- ~!':* J_(,,. '1 '2(f,. 31 p ('.lo Ne CAc,..

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: SI 1-u LIE: tJ\\Jl?ATe I tL. Location: eA1 LA:J3 Date: '-//2..-3 / I'-{ Time Start: i(Y ~ Calibrated By: C.. (1 CJ e-r/-1 t;..... Calibration Type: l N. 1 Tl Pt L Battery Volts: L/. I Time End: 1211 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail 1;~ r-'.. '0...... . ::~ :l 2C:..1 l p No NE P-> fZcO IC.L-/ N ... ~-*

. ~

~ ,.;,,*~* *,_ *~ '~

2. "'* 2.

+/- o.2*c Temperature (3(l.<JOl£..L'"{ t-f ~.. -~*~;:~ ~. ':, -;;,: ~:"_' ::;I. ~~~~:~~' :1~. I~;*r.:11~**.r~:*;~* ~~:' ~ ;;--. ~~*.)~:~~(*:.. \\* ~-o?~ z 5. '-( p 25.4 25.37 p +/- o.2*c

2. 5, 40 N.ot-1 ~

DO i: - :.

  • y..* :: i.*;,,*.~";, ' *-~

'>t'*;*.. .:;_° \\;\\

2. "i.2 5 G,3b

+/-0.3 mg/L 8. '-ff., p f\\V'J

6. 3C..


e. 3.4 f

~' '.\\.:.~,


~~~ TO Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 5/7 / 13 >/13/13 70.0 7D.C r bracket expected field 13656"3 B 5/201L{ z:'.J. 'JO 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 5D.o p /'J.D/'lt2-. value) l'-{0';10, '-// t>/1t.( t.1/23/ 13 4 /2ot5 z.3.~3 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 ID,&, p AD? 16 '7 ().?:J 4 3Cb27A 1/8/13 4/q/ 1!> I I z.015 2.3,~Z. 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 (;.1z._ e A D;j IC 7.00 pH Exaxol r ?o g 2..l 1::, B/23/ 1? 4./q/ 6 2/Zot"S" Z.3.7Cf 10.00SU 9.80- 10.20 /1:;.15 p AD'"J *n:.> {D.00 t.J.01

3. C/ 'L p

I 30°0'21 L 8/z.3/1~ ct/ct/1~ et Z.61 '-f l3.78 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 LI fJePrf!...JT'-/ r " J el.I'- O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1

1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP

+/- lOmV Notes: Project: 5,.,- l-r-2 J..i/t..:S/1 '-/ 13';T0 I v'-.IG U 17,z,a.. r c. Location: E.41 LA-P> Date: Time Start: Calibrated By: (. {1 LJ -c-ft,,e!-1 Calibration Type: f frJAL Battery Volts:

3. Cf Time End:

75 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail Becci1Ll'/N 'l.J' * ~ \\,; z 7. 'O 27.7Cf e .,.._ ~-. - ~ :.:. +/-0.2"C NONI: Temperature 2(:,.5' 2&.'-17 e U,.') z.r;,. "' (,; f) -;: _. ~* '.'.'./.~ +/- o.2*c (VONe.. "" ;~**** *. ~ C:-NJ.: * <.' .~:.-;:".. *: ~-f* ? .,. " 2 *-1:1 '1 B.ll e,57 p

8. 27 e.z")"

8.2.5 p DO +/-0.3mg/L AP:J TO \\.* \\.l., -~-*. ....i ~ *. i... ~-:-_; ":-;.~. lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol V{/O 7a. o 7o.o p bracket expected field I '.3 6821~

  • td/23/13 er(q/ r?

'6/ Zo 1t..( 50mSfcm 47.5 - 52.5 l-{ 1.1 v A 0 :s. 'fO 5'0.0 value) jL-(0410 '-{ f 1'5/ 14 t..f{Z 3/1'1 '-/ (u1 ~ '}..'-I.{) y 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 70.8 f' AJJ J Tc 7o.o i '36f;i2/,q !>/2.~J 13 i2.jZ{15 'Zf'Zo6 2.'-f. 0$" 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20. 7,oif l' Ao:> lo 7. OD pH Exaxol r2o 82.1 6 8)-Z.'3} I'.) q)q/13

  • 7-/Zct~ 1-'-f* or 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20

&/.'fD f ADJ TO J0.66 4. or 3 . ~I p i3o8z.I C. B/23/ t3 q/'( / 1'3 8/261'-( Z..'1. (;() 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 LI,.,,.,_A-e* ;--f Ciiet.1L W'~i~} O.ONTU 0.0-0.l _,~*~,,, Turbidity

(, -

" ~i~"'y" 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ,1>.<1 ORP +/- lOmV Notes:

'....:...... uaogical n..,.,u.... iates ~......... Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: ~. L..J1.1.., U '717~ 1-r 2... Location: E"A I FIPL.A} 1.o..B Calibrated By: C.. £\\ (_-, Calibration Type: l N ITI A-L. Standard Chemical Information Parameter DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Project: 411 Manufacturer Lot# Exaxol i '3 DBZIG j i.-f O'i JO , 3 o;az.J.Q Exaxol 130821 B 1:308 21 l. -1".f A-Calibrated By: -J': (,..13-A)Qt'.,~ Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range

8. 2. 5

+/- 0.3 mg/L 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20 mS/cm 19.0-21.0 6fn.J13 e:i/q J 13 f?/ 2ol'-t 2Y. 5o 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 "IJ1s/*~ Lj/Z.?,,/l<-J '1/2.015; 2t.f.1't 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 'Z$/2-3/t3 ;2.JzJJ 3 i./U15' 2'-1. S"l:. 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 bi2-3/t? "1/'i/) ~ Z/Zo1~ 24.12 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 8/2.?>J t} '11'1'113 SjZ01'-j 21.j,117 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ... (f' )I. O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 ' ~ 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 +/- IOmV Location: C°ttr FI !J./d l.1/-A Calibration Type: Ti..i; ti J Standard Chemical Information Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range '\\.,-AZJ tp' ~ - ~~ !)4,J +/-0.2'C Temperature t ~

  • .'*r ~ >Jt *

\\<:lhAll~? n_,HU I

**drr 74A' :

' - L/:J-0 . ~: ~.":f 'A!' +/-0.2'C ~ ...,,,~,..., ...~

  • " ~*

~~a*;;l ~ ~.Oi DO -~*... :. 't +/-0.3 mg/L ~. ~ *~'::

  • I,:;..

Specific /2.r:X2/D S-2'3-I~ '1-9-13 oxl'2-iJ1L/ I ::J lJ *. C5 '2 lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity "n rnB'/cm l~. V

  • Ll.V (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 1~10,Jl/ ~ ~'2-3 9-9-13 b.f/Zo!'/ :J'/.. ~l./

bracket expected field 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 value) ..,n n ~ * /~iJJ2//1.,f~2J-I 3 1z-1..-/'S 02/z.01s- ;Ji./..) ~ 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 pH Exaxol 1.?o t21 13 f. 2}-13 7-7-r.i cz!Zot~ ;?IJ,;l f' 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 l1Z o f7 I (!_ ~ tJ 9-f-13 fJf/2cJ4 ~L/. O°I 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ' * :-:--,.. ~~ )"ft . ::.t**,~.~ O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 Turbidity 1~:. -~- *

'~ *~l ;Y ;;i 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP

+ 10mV Notes: Date: (aJ ZZ.11 '-/ Time Start: "...,,,....,. 1 'f '5'1 Battery Volts: 4. S Time End: Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Value Value Fail

17. 9,Ll p

~01'.I~ 27.D 2.7.D p 27.C>'"\\ p 1'1CNe. 8.iB .p .ll..o~ ro 8.25 8.23 8.z3 p 70.0 p

76. 0 5o*'>

f .4-D:J -,-o $().0 7a. (.:;; \\-7 AD :~ "JO (b. 0 7,r.;,7 p A-0:5 re:. 7.oo 10.oL p 4-o v -ro JD.DO 4.c; p L1(\\)~11'-/ <.J.l~uc. Date: -f.-'f-1~ Time Start: 11. 1s-Battery Volts: 4.//Vv/rs Time End: 1z.'.1r Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Value Fail Value Value Fail

J.L/:f._1 '°

.tj;(,41 p I ______

g. JI p

A hi w 'i;, a*=J- ~. ot- .?. ctt-p 1/0. co p //'J,q ,/J ILlP.)7 ft! n;.tJv SQ,Oo '19.9? /> &* 9f' 7 kD'J w <t-C1v q.~ LI f ]J \\\\-'I Tu iu.Oo i;. (} } ~ - 19~ f s-&~ -p L; *~ * *- -.J.,,, lJ,_,,,,t,__ --**-~ -** *- . -~ -

1.c.... u1ugical!.n""u'-iates',....... Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: '3T. LuC..tE u P 124-*e i+ 2 Location: E.<1t LAI'.) Date: Li/z--;f d Time Start: il21 Calibrated By: C. Calibration Type: I NI 'T)AL Battery Volts: t..t.3 Time End: i V-/? Standard Che111ical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard 'Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail p i?lZCOIC.L-/ N ZS. I +/-0.2'C

25. 1(,,

/UC>Ne.. e Temperature 2'-f.(o l,.'-/do :?:> )J.-1,"' 2'-/.1c 3> Bi200~'-}N +/-0.2'C p f-:J c i\\J e. DO 2 3.<13 e.'-11 +/- 0.3 mg/L &.70 p A-D 'J *-r-o 8,. 'it 8.'11 8.t./O p JO mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 '6 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 7o.o 76. 0 p 4') bracket expected field 130.5b313 5/7/ 1~ '5/ 13/ 1 2; e:;/201'-1 Z3.c;=- 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 S-6. 0 e ~oi-.:ie.. '\\I value) 1401-/lb 1-//1)/l'-I 4 t z.3( 1'-i t//ic.15 z:,. 93 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7(. z.. p A-D ::r re;, 76. 0 1 3oc*Z7A 7(e{ 13 Ci/"'t/t~ I { 2-C>f5 l.3.ct' 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 (p.15 p A-P-:S TO 7.c)O ~ pH Exaxol / :& o8z.t 13 a123/ 13 Ci/Cf(13 2/U.t5 z.::s.1z 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 io - 6 t p AP :s r<> 10.00 4, 01


p '1 1;682JC.. IG/'2-?/ 1-> qi q I I~ e/tDl'-f l'3.e,e., 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21 LI,.JeA-fZ.-1 r-y C~J< O.ONTU 0.0- 0.1 ~ Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.4 I - 40.39 ORP +/- JOmV ~ Notes: Project: S-r L\\j<-*E'" ())"~ Ir' Location: Etll fl"'c...O IA-*?, Date: r.../22/ 1'1 Time Start: z.o-;:..S-Calibrated By: I l10~111e... Calibration Type: ii-I in1t~ Battery Volts: '-/. I Time End: i.o 4 *) Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verificati Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail OfZOQ;~-J f'I 2~.8 8 p 2G,. ~ +/-0.2'C Nor-Jc; Temperature ~ 2G. I 2'-*f p \\?1Zoo1t:L-.J N 2". I +/- 0.2'C Z G,. I/ p .,* *~ f'/ONi;:: i B.z(p B.1~ e.z." p DO ~ '2.i.tJD +/- 0.3 mg/L f7 A-DJ To e..i<0 8.2.C:. __.\\ Specific JOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 Exaxol 7o.o 7o.o ? (Use 2 standards to $j2Di'-\\ bracket expected field ,-3es-z1~ ?:,jZ3>Jt3 ""'"~ 2"'1.~3 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 So. to p AP:S *re:. s-o.o value) i'-i 6LJIO Lfj 1s-J1~ '1Jt.=~1"' Y/z.c1S 1S:c3 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 //.C f' A-J> *:> re /o, o l '3D8'2.IA-fj/z:,11.:. 12/i/ 1?. 2/201> 2'-j.b') 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 {r;,qo p .4-0J' -re 7,00 pH Exaxol 13Dh'ZI 13 f?,jz.3/13 &;/q/13 'l/'Zci5 2'-/.'i:i°!:J 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 JO,ol

  • y A-1> :.~ 10 10.00 L-/.01 3.et7 p

) 30'32.I C. eiz.~J 13 t1l"IJ13 8)2014.f '2.'-i.72 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 L-J /'l£i'H?-1 l'f ~ (:.;~. r~," -.or. O.ONTU . 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- lOmV Notes: A-Olle.O 5\\LllC>Ne (',.,fU~-:::,~ TO D-/Z.trll.

I lc,..:u1ug1cal ft1>1>uo.:1ates, 1110.:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Proje~t: : f,u1c..i...e. /-+ 7.- /IA ~k Location: CA-::r L ft 'i3 Date: (.;- z..c.,- 1'-/ Time Start: oLle*~~ Calibrated By: 1. Sand"-rS Calibration Type: h'riaR_ Battery Volts: 3.gvoit'S Time End: !>5.' /') Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail ~.. ~ - '.

  • ~.,,

.?. (). 4>

Jt!'. f) p

_/) }A.Jf./ +/-0.2'C Temperature 62.

                  • :;,*... ;:,. *~'

J-': * * ~':./. . fk,7 ' j;.-;_;;,'" :.*;.*.*.~ ~ L/J.).. yz.J?s /' ~,- rr +/-0.2'C I 7~ ... *... ~* .J.i &3!.~~/a:let(-k

y, 32-

~- 33 14 DO g2c.,3 +/- 0.3 mg/L f

y. "32.

~ *, * .. ~-. IOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 1P.D p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 9/2-,J/0 o'i/u1f -9¥, 3 ~ 1-0** i) bracket expected field t3D ~2.J E. 9-9-/3

2'/.19 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 A~r -ra 57).0i>

value) /Llb.:/iD W/1sl11/ 4-H-lt/ 011/µ1} ;1..t/,?J1 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 16. l, I' .4'br 1o =J-o.oo doi21A ~/23/;3 1z.-z-13 oz/ut> ~.$':*'Ji 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 1* I 5"' r' A'IYf ~ *1.0() pH Exaxol / '1iD~i./ /3 Sh:J/i'?> C/ 13 o:z/2-015-J.1-'13 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 /0* 0 7- .A* lJS-76 It>. oo L/ol 3.99 p f 3f>821 (!__ $/23//3 9-'f-13 os/z.01{ ?-'-J,q I 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21


? L. 1 *,u p,y; ht (It" tit.- O.ONTU 0.0- 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/-lOmV Notes: Project: -I( 1-f -r rLJ_ Location: £.A; LA.6 Date: +-'T-1f Time Start: //.'IS-Calibrated By: :T. 5ArJI)£ e....s Calibration Type: ;:-µ;T[.JI... Battery Volts:.4,..< Time End: I/.'. l./) Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail .. a1.o +/- 0.2'C £11. o?- p Temperature Si\\(,-ttlJ1v -~.

  • ,ik/t p

. 4/1~ :2 +3. !Cf p -~';.., - .... *.Ai.. +/- 0.2'C ~ .. *~--

I 3D

.fi-~*i 'f:,L-Jq f--' .AitrTb >?-3-q. g *3:; '° DO r- +/-0.3 mg/L 8..37- ..,.._C' n c 1n.,. Specific Conductivity Exaxol /50!211> ~-2.J-J,3 'J-9-/3 o.f/LJ11,fli/.. 30 ~mS/cm 09.'-10*5 JO. IQ I Abs-~ 1tJ,{)o 54.0 2)9.9 /) (Use 2 standards to .1 -?ox21 E f?-23-13 ?J-,j-13 o8h.t?>/'-f ::i L/. ;J.Cj ?Jl mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 49.J ,,?? 4tJ *jl) bracket expected field S-cJ,~o value) '71\\mC'I-- ~~" - '7'1" r? d cf 2/ A-9--2.3'-tJ i2.-2-- I 3 02-/2.i15- *21. ~) 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 ~,Cj.c../ {" ADT 10 9 *.:;o pH Exaxol tif)X 2-/ (2., ~ 13 q_ ~-/ i ()2/aY) ;lL/. ~l/ 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 9,7'1 p A-I>> n> ;o,ZJo 4,g I J.r9

.J r'< fJ<JZ/~ ~, 23-1) 9-'9-13 'tJi/2tJ!L/ 2lf. '(). 3 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 3, 90 f'
l. )uvn/11 chd/<-
    • ': ~ -..,.._,

O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 . ~?~~:.. Turbidity /:;_~>'.... : 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- IOmV Notes:

1~'-u*vgical 1 .1...._,:,.,,u~iates~ ***'-* Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: C A. *i::- $+. I

  • d L Location: E At t.. ~h Calibrated By:

-J.~~D~~S Calibration Type: 'l::. 'N ~ 1~ Pr L Parameter Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Project: Calibrated By: Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Lot# Exaxol Exaxol Manufacturer Lot# . -~~l:..... Standard Chemical Information Date Received Date Opened Expiration Date Location: Calibration Type: Standard Chemical Information Date Date Expiration I Received Opened Date -tfr/J,I -.


.,, : *\\.' ~ ...,,,.r,".:; -.. ...; (~* ~~~:.:..


'. ~ \\

  • .~*t1~.J.:'f*':.~:t:.:..~***p:~~~~}i-'~,-{.:;.:_: -

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  • ~

-**~ <.,~... . *: -~ -:;-(-~. ~

  • ~

.... ::-...J.t:; Exaxol Exaxol Current Standard Acceptance Temp. Value Range "i~/cm 9.5 - 10.5 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 .;~*,~l. ~*)

  • ' 0.0 NTU 0.0 -_QJ_.

37.4 NUJ. -1'f.41 - 40.39 +/-IOmV Current Standard Acceptance Temp. Value Range v~ ti!. z_

  • ~

+/- o.2*c +/- o.2*c +/-0.3 mg/L lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ~f~lh'; .. ~~ ~~;,.:.. O.ONTU 0.0 - O.l Jrtfii~ 37.4NTU 34.4 l - 40.39 +/-lOmV Date: ~ - t I - I 4 Time Start: / 2) Z, S' Battery Volts: J..I. ~ Time End: / Z.',)0 Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Value Value Fail iJ1.~v p Lj 2. s-rs-p ~ 1;1 p (!,) /& f. *z 1-x, t Q :i 1- !?

  • =10. -=7-
J... I(:,

lO ; D 2.... _____-/ Date: Time Start: Battery Volts: Time End: Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Value Fail Value Value Fail ~/. /?- p

I 1' I E..:mugtca l""~~u.:1ates, 111.:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Location: £.A I LA \\3 Date: l/fb/('-f Time Start: I /...j '1 lf Calibrated By: {l A{,,. Calibration Type: p-I N Battery Volts: i.-j. ~ Time End: j 5° u'-/ Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Exaxol Exaxol Standard Chemical Information Lot#

  • ~*.

Date Received Date Opened -~.

  • ~

Expiration Current Date Temp. .,.,..}'. -- t 308 l.l./.\\ 8/2'?/t3 -z.:~. '"1 ( 2fZ...or"5 z.~. 13 g/2'>/13 ~. I Standard Value 27.1

2. 7.7 JO mS/cm 20mS/cm 70mS/cm Acceptance Range

+/- o.2*c +/-o.2*c +/- 0.3 mg/L 9.5 - 10.5 19.0-21.0 66.5 - 73.5 Instrument Response Actual Pass or Value Fail Corrective Actions

27. 11 e
e. ".53 r

{D.(D f7 .AiJ ~ ro 10.00 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 7 I 0 2... ,A--P J ;-o 7. oO 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 f b, o? A-o -~ re I o.oo 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39

1----+- ---l--*--- - --- --

+/- JOmV Location: {;, kT L..,1\\ ;:J Date: ~, t I- /l/ Initial Calibration Verification Standard Value ZT7 50.0 4.61 Actual Value z 7.i:/f. so.o 3.1'-f Time Start: /2.'o/S-Pass or Fail p p p Calibrated By: :J. c_.A\\.\\ Di:::.~'> Calibration Type: Tiv -Zri Al-Battery Volts: "7(.c./ Time End: 13 ;;) Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Standard Chemical Information Date Lot# Received ~-'.: *:*_.* ' t'. * .... ~.~* Date Opened Expiration Current Standard Date Temp. Value JOmS/cm 20mS/cm Exaxol 1°!10f21 'P. $°-2~-I' 9-C/-t3 o*z..(2-ot) 2tt.f3 10.oosu !~l)$'2(C... X'--z.Z..-/) i)'.-f.rtL/ o'ihc1L )'.J,ff'if 4.01SU .L.........- Acceptance Range +/- o.2*c +/- o.2*c +/- 0.3 mg/L 9.5 - 10.5 19.0-21.0 47.5 - 52.5 66.5 - 73.5 6.80- 7.20 9.80- 10.20 3.81 - 4.21 +/- lOmV Instrument Response Actual Value 24.5:'-I 4J.1L s~.()cJ '9-f *I Pass or Fail p Corrective Actions Initial Calibration Verification Standard Actual Pass or Value Value Fail ,So.c:ro 0 dV P

  • -:::f-D*OD
  • =:;-o,(K p A \\JI Tu 10. i)O

1--- Li fll"-"n'r11 (li-f,,,,1,t-4,0 /

I l

  • 1 i
  • t l I

.a:.\\OUIOglC3 tt.33U"13 CS, All\\Oo Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: 'f (> L ~ Si. i L\\ ( ',.( I + 2..; L.o /' {1 T IL-Location: ~A r: LAD Date: x-Jr--1'-/ Time Start: !?.'~ Calibrated By: \\. S~1'0iOrJtS Calibration Type: ~Yittfl

s. 9 j/(.;(15 Battery Volts:

Time End: 13.~.J<J Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail ~- /. . *~. " 24-2 ~2.J. ;)_:} f' -------- 6r-i,w)vl7\\1\\ ~ *, +/- o.2*c Temperature ~- ' - ~ - .fl l/.;;;. Jli./.d-3 p

  • ~;*

Jo*.. / ' r.;,.d **Jko * * :.L;]J, (,,, .L/3hZ {J ~ - Sr-,;,,. o M o.:4. :i.t A ~ +/-0.2'C 7. V " R..} °I ~.52 F D DO . bl.S:,;2,? +/- 0.3 mg/L f:\\03 \\"'b '6.\\01 ~. 19 ~,I&' ~.., - I Specific 10mS/cm 9.5 - I0.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0-21.0 f (Use 2 standards to Exaxol cg-/iaA L/f g p 50.CV s-o,o<l bracket expected field 1?082/E s-is-13 ?-'7-1 '2, J1.n 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 AOT 10 s--o..eo value) 1~64/() if -f5',1'i L/-2-!J-...J'/* M/ZiJ/S !;!4,~3 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 -:;o.3 p A f'ft-w 9 () cJ a 1/3o&-i1 A- <i-n - 1~ i2-1--f':I; oi/u,,.-

').J./, ;?Lo/

7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 ":/.,ID ? °4 l'iT m *:;.. e...r?J pH Exaxol .r:? [J 8'21.13 'i{-23-13 9-9-/? 1J2/?..iJJS-'3.4. :2../ I0.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 / 6. ou f? .--- q, 01 5,7*2 '° IJ.<1~ KZ! e 1f-23-/3 ~1~-'~;t. ~7-2:~,...,..- 65/UJ4.~"/,_':.?K 4.01 SU 3.81-4.21 ..J,~2 ~ i~1rt,,,iLcrni~ ~ - ~-1'-f 0.9 NTU 0.0-0.1 v ~ ~ Turbidity

'°17.4 NTU

~ 34.41 - 40.39 ORP ~ +/- IOmV Notes: (' !Jt 11...,. J) d CJ-,.1 }- /1, : 11 -f /IJ 1'117 l'/U d f~r/ t,Yi.. C)'J-/ \\ jJ w_,l.,YJCh ff/.//.,..-/}/}/ ~ /!Project: ~<:-j/)j_,*\\ A.~ "" ,--::fi9 Location: ~A-.:C LA:6 Date: Jl'-/...r-,1</ Time Start: J1.'JD;?IYI ll~ Calibrated By: r s* ft 1.J ~IC.-s Calibration Type: J:A}J:' Battery Volts: Lf -ft; Time End: 0~:1.~--- Standard Chemical lnformatiqn lnstru ment Response Initial Calibration Verification ~~~ ~Parameter Manufacturer Lot# Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or ~ Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail

1~.. ~
23,(~q p

~ .~* +/- 02*c

2 3. (p g3, ~3 p Temperature

~1-~1V J./0. -- .11?. 4'40 L/t/,9S- -f

tke.... *_ ('.}.....-
  • ~*-*

~ - -* +/-0.2'C ,"\\. :** ,-r j'f. !q K 4 0 l'i."Z.:Z... Ao\\10 )(,q(,p ?r '-j{.,, J', qJ' -P DO ',,_' ;,*~- ~- *,. +/- 0.3 mg/L


. -~-* 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity IL/ 6 <j 2~~ f-Z~*IL/ 9-/). 1f../ MlzcrS"" fl4.53 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 ;20,;i. '° ADT -m;;t}. oe>

z. 0. c.r?J

.;;i (). (JV I° (Use 2 standards to Exaxol Nol:l-i, /!J o,/2~1s-bracket expected field f-;if...t'I 9-1J...1tj

J1.'f3 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 57), 1
?J A{)j /() )V c (Ji) value) 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 1.1lff 2-/ A-

?J-2.3~13 /2-2-13 o'l-/ 2.1;,,- )i/.,3& 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20

  • -:J-_c '-f

-P AD j 1() *-4-* Ot> pH Exaxo1 no&;i-:;-8 1J-13 'J- {,,-1'-/ ()/ /z,ol) !J.J./ *. :J'I 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 JO. o I p AIJ)T~ lo* oo L/, o I ).7/ P. !'-Io f Z(p <!... ~-ZK-/lf 9-f),Jl/ 09 /z,1!;" -;JL/,31 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 'L //l.f..IJ/r; fc.1 dndc n lJl .~ ' )* -- : O.ONTU 6*0 ~ [ / I ~........... 0.0-0.1 '"-/~~ * ~*~t' 3t,</ I Turbidity A'Wll.o ~r (13~.?4~ 4-S',ILI IJ-~-1~ ()2.-lzo1<" ~;-,~~~*\\?*: 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 3x. 'l.e A~°'~~ 'f.41-J-rl.\\ 3:}.~ ORP _L--- ~~ -tOmV,,,,,----- Notes:

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project:

  • -~

J\\2 1'117~ I (. Location: '8A.* I L.t\\:"°Q Calibrated By: (*A L., Calibration Type: rN \\ Standard Chemical Information Parameter DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Lot# Exaxol l'-1 Di-fl ~1 Exaxol

3cb.275 i i1 o'b"Z&C...

Project:.~n. Lv (IE l.Ji'~*e I t2 Calibrated By: C.'-°'\\6 Date Received 5//Jlt-f 7/8/ t? t/:!i;/ t'-1 Date Expiration Current Standard Opened Date Temp. Value ZG>* '> Zl. <; 7.~q "r/Jo;) -- 10 mS/cm J., 2i.f * ~ z. 20mS/cm 50 mS/cm 70 mS/cm S/ <.,f 11.f 11/z..,1) 7.00 SU 9""/<.,.f 1 '1 I /z..,.,) 10.00 SU C.,/tS/1'-f q/2.(..;1<) 4.01 SU O.ONTU 37.4 NTU Location: EAi LAl~ Calibration Type: l~I Acceptance Range +/- o.2*c +/- o.2*c +/-0.3 mg/L 9.5 - 10.5 19.0 - 21.0 47.5 - 52.5 66.5 - 73.5 6.80- 7.20 9.80 - 10.20 3.81 - 4.21 0.0 - 0.1 34.41 - 40.39 +/-lOmV Standard Chemical Information Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range f.:J fto o ~ l '-{;; fa

  • l:'j:'..

~ .. 2 £, <-(

  • '* *~.;

i ' A'L~l, ~. +/-o.2*c Temperature ~.. ... 'J. **; *!'."* *. ~.* ~"... -.*.*,, .~r, i*I*** 2't. Lf l *

ii;'.'*.".,.. <!0::*~'~,J.,*, ;,

'i-:,;.. *~,],~~'

..:.'.: \\. *~ ;i:: ~

+/-0.2°C L >C1*; ' "?)'" t ..... ~,.~-


',..",,..,. ".:f* r Z7. 3 l-{ '7. '11 DO +/-0.3 mg/L . ~J~~;..,.. ~"'*.> 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol bracket expected field 1Y 682.t:,8 f3/2'c,Jµ 9/1~/I<./ q/zoi5: 1'1.1. 7 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 value) i t.1 l>'-1, 0 4fr"i ( 1'-f 4/l3/1'1 4 /U:>;'i 2*1.L/) 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 r'-10'12"1 5/1 f f'-1 s I c., f 11..t it f 2LJi) 2'1. 3 c1 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 pH Exaxol I 3 ol<,2113 1 /Sf I°?> c;/r.,.f t'-f If 20;) 2'1* ~2. 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 ll-i D ~ z.<.,, C. BiZtif4 1/t'5/tt.( '1/le; t') Z.'-f. 3 3 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 I %.~".0!~~ O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.l ~.,.. 1;;t.i:- Turbidity Sj~\\ ---**-t-*-------- *-*--*- t~ "];;~J?ef 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ~*. ORP +/- lOmV Notes: Date: /D/(3 f t'-1 Time Start:; D3D Battery Volts: I-/, 7.J Time End: ID57-Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Value Value Fail 1 (,;,,t.f (o fJ f\\16rJ t: 2&. 0 2&. 63 r 2C,.4) p ~01\\J~ /, ? t.-/ p

p. I) J lb 7. '6Cf 6, n fj, Lf ')

p i '1.5 17 AO) ID Zo.b SD.O

,o. u p

5/.() r Ar>-J T6 c;.:::,. O 7, /(:) 17 A-P "J To 7.DO

61. ~ I f

A-D"'.> T<-> iO, 00 L/. 6 i 3.~I p U/'J '-AiLI I,, Ci-<c ue..

t--- -

Date: ID/l-0/IL.f Time Start: i 1.. '"( 0 t/. 2-Time End: \\ :3>iU Battery Volts: Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail 2g.c..f'-f p NC:.;-...1 E 2 7.Z f'

27. l 28, 3c; I) 7.72 17 Ao>,~ 7. cil
7. '?)

7.1lc p 7D,() p e 70.0 5u. i /\\[) 7 7 (; *s-o, o c;q.e p .4-D '.S Tc:..7o. 6 7. 61 p .41) J Tv 7,60 1.77 p /1\\f7J ""f"<;, lt. 1 0C> t-f. DI ~-~(J p -- urJc:.:>re,..,.-1 Crl<O'-

~comgical 11'-ssociates; me. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: St. Wlt"( fl P~?A7e 1-f 'Z-Location: ~ - f"o ( LA{) Date: J t I z} J /<-/ Time Start: 67 <;() Calibrated By: CA l.. Calibration Type: r: I f\\f 1-}. &. 6 'Z'Z.'-f Battery Volts: Time End: Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail ~ f24:.>il'-Yf" i: . ~.. ~r l "5. z 0 r ( ~;. 2c;, zo +/- o.2*c i.Jvi;..t "f." Temperature

  • ~* ~ *

'L,..* 2'1-7 ZL/.0 8 p ~.~ ~-.~~~~-.~~-{,,.-

f. *r'

.... ~ 'E'.:_ 2'5. r7 p 1., s.?, +/-o.2*c .,_:J 0 N-.;- ,_-;C- -- 13.SCO 8,'-f z. TG f3."-/ Z 8,'-f 2.. fj,t-/ 'l.. f' DO '"i +/-0.3 mg/L ~-"Lf r .A--D 5

  • \\i.

~: Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 70,0 70.0 p Exaxol (Use 2 standards to I Y re 2.<c f5 B)2'f.i1'-1 q /1 ')/ f'-f q/zo1 <) z_'-/.01 50mS/cm -47.5 - 52.5 56. e f'tD-:> so.o bracket expected field 70 value) t4oL-/ f O i..f{tS {t<! <-t I 2-3) 1'1 4/20;) V1.0L( 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 la e p A--b ":> 7 (J 7DJ.J - /. > i Lf6Y 2 9 c;-/ t/,..., Sir.I !'I 1/}2c,;;) 1/-f.(2 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 70() p f'J6N~ pH Exaxol ( 3 6 <o2.11::, *-ff ~)I 3 "J/t:,/t"f I (z.01 <) J, '{*DC"( 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 tD. oS f .A-fl ':Y 'LJ iD. 0 0 l/.o i 3.01 p ILf 0810 ( e1 zeltt.f ~t'/t)/t"f q/'Z(,)1) J'-f.0'1 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 l--1 t-Je A-"/Z.. j T'-'J t': 1--k '-;.e_ O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 I Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- IOmV - -- Notes: Project: ~* -r, { _. " (___f r;: u r'1?::t re. 1-+7-Location: t'f)! LAP-. Date: /6j2.8} 'Lf Time Start: j 2'-tS-Calibrated By: (l.D-L. Calibration Type: IN/ Battery Volts: L/. () Time End: ; 31 s' Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail f.?.J I? O()ill */,..; ~*

  • ' 2S'. ~

+/-o.2*c 25:51..( f'-l G.Je. 'h. 7' 251 25.'1 1 p Temperature 25.13 p \\I " 2C:>.O +/- o.2*c ~uN~ ~h... * ~ . *'~. ~* -y -\\ i' "23.K"- 'di~ '(3, i I

  • n....,...{,'-I?) \\S.<-t-J &,<-(c;*

p DO +/-0.3 mg/L r-A-D 5 T 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol f;/ lb fr*l 1f1S-J1--1 1/2cf) -z ~- 1.. 1 Tu S-C., 0 7a.o 70.0 r bracket expected field ) '-(Q;j'l<.:. t3 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 so,z_ p AV -:5 value) it.-f o4 Io L.{/rS/f<.t '5'/C. I Ir../ 'i/lc,,,1) :z_'-(. it. 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 (.,er. <o 17 t'lr-f) 3TO 76 _- (.) 1L-Jo4l c.t C::/l/l'i ~fl:./I~ 11/2-01) 2'1.20 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 7.o'l. I" (t-p 1 TO 7.oo pH Exaxol 1"36f:-21B 1/<.;.'i 11:> >idt't II Zo1 <) 1'-f. 1..I 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 q,77 I' .4V'3TuJ6,00 L/.o; 3.Y3 p i'fC8~C. &/z)./d C({I <;/1'f 4/2.::.1) z~1.11 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21'-/ U<f2lv< . *;;~"~' O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 I "~ l Turbidity . ~i~~'~ 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP ~-- - ***-*--- --~ ~---- +/- lOmV Notes:

l.:..:uaugical *,...,.,udates,.om.:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: S -;*. :_.... v ~-1 f,- l; i' 1'.?.A 1 e. Location: t::: fi I L.t><f) Date: / 6/ Z..c J 14 Time Start: t ~:. *::s L Calibrated By: (, Al< Calibration Type: j N \\ Battery Volts: LI. 3. Time End: J ]_.L./ ~ Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Manufacturer Exaxol Exaxol Date Date Received Opened Lot# Expiration Date Current Temp. Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Standard Value I"""'....:--'---*-'--'- ",.,.;,.,,.--'-'" ---"'"-'*-,;,.._----'-'--~

  • ~_;2::__1_

. c:)'_..,____+/-_0_.2_"C_+-2_. "'-'-(,_L/_(_1--_f/_-+--'-N'-D--'-l'J-=f::__ __ -1 2t,* ) -~. .".. £"/.L*( +/-0.2"C 2,.'/."'? '7 p /'JO)VE. 2~.BO 8, D i +/- 0.3 mg/L

  • 7. '-/ 3 F

A D 1 -re 8. D i f3 * ( I IOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 4.0lSU 3.81-4.21 O.ONTU 0.0-0.l 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 +/-lOmV Actual Value Notes: ~ ~-T 0 i7 re D C?tt I B ~~ "c>J Due.. Tr) DG vf'r1Lu *µ... Po i)O Project: s T. L v (,I""' l) e ~le. I.,.-L. Location: £ft I <..Pr.?::, Date: I 6 / 2 'i5 / t '-( Time Start: // 3 O Calibrated By: Calibration Type: I N I Battery Volts: '-1. ~ Time End: / Z. 6 0 Pass or Fail p Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Exaxol Exaxol Lot# Date Received Date Opened Expiration Date Current Temp. Standard Acceptance Value Range Actual Value Pass or Fail Corrective Actions Standard Value

e. 2.%

+/- 0.3 mg/L ~' Z.<0 p tH/ :> Tu °3' Z ('.i <,5. L (5 -... - ---11----~1---~-----1-- 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 B/Z.~/1'-i 1/1)/t'f 1/161) 2-'-(.?/1 50mS!cm 47.5-52.5 t.f'1."i p AD::5 ToS"o.O ]O,o i'io4 t6 '1 t5)1'-/ 51&.i/l'-f 4/2.615 '1'1.':>~ 70mS/cm 66.5-73.5 &1*. '-{ P A-D:S 7D 70.0 S/tll'-/ '='/r.,/N /t/2-01-f 1"-1-3-Z.. 7.00SU 6.80-7.20 7.o<) P J'r-D') I +/- lOmV Actual Value z ?.'*( '&- Pass or Fail p p p

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach A Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: S-r. Li;Llf.-._ \\.) (1ZAi e I..f 'Z.. Location: E°AI L..AB Date: ; 6/2.Ui /'-/ Time Start: i ) 36 Calibrated By: Cp.. L1 Calibration Type: /NI Battery Volts: Y.~ Time End: /t-i f.:> G Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail

i_ *~}~ _.!£:*... -*.. *.:'.,

';)~". _.).,'r.'. *1~* ;*~ *:-. ~.~,:~ -~,-' *.. --. *1'6. z_ +/- o.2*c

  • 2B. IS p


28. 0.

Temperature b jl.o(.11lL*/ 1..f 27.c~ 2 7.10 p 1i*:;~;(;t~~:.'~~: ~*.. "*~';.~:~.~~~ "r~~J-~~il.,T;:~,.'

  • 0 p

28.\\ +/- 0.2°C 1tJ. oq 1vC;'-\\e._ l"o 1 -,~*~;:;* ~ "...,,._,:*~;~~- ' '. * *~ :~*-~}::*~...,Yi 15.i.'-I '(J, (l:, r 10 8.z.i ~ . 11 8.16 p DO ,.._ ~--.. 8.1..I +/-0.3 mg/L .~05 Specific i' lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 70.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol "f/206 5*1.2 7ou bracket expected field I Lf M:f2.G, 15 Bittii/1-/ ct/1'5 / 'i 1.'-/. ?1 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 ,4-05 Tc.;, so.o value) jL( 04 { D c.-fl /") (,..., '-i/?-3/1<-f 4/z.c1) L.t.f.31 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 (o'l '") p AO~ '1c /D.. 0 J464Z.<f 511 I l'-\\ "S/G.l IY 111201~ 1ll. /<) 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 (,,. 3 I e A--0 :') -n.. 7.00 pH Exaxol J 36<02.113,*, e; 13 Sf~{ I'-/ i/u;) 1-'1. /lo 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 1.1c:: 1:> .AD :5 /C / 0, 00 1-/.0 i 3.7 2 F il./O~UC 8/Z.6/ tt.J "1/ 1t,f 1 '-I °l/2ct<5' 1...i.f, 1;0 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ~ 1-l f'..' ~kr~ rr-/ '-tve-U'-- O.ONTU 0.0 -0.1 Turbidity -... ~~ ' 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- IOmV Notes: -+' H?rD T~ c. f..i *w L.. e r> r{ e Le urrz.o<-..J te-- P/*'- T<.> ~. ~1'.?.,,.-n0 *...J Due: 11::.. iT Hf'Ni,...L '$ 1?..(L(ll75 ~ *'f-e_ f'r'O I tv L,.HI utA. Project: ;sr. Ui,~; q_ /-t*-Z.. I./.Jf).dh. Location: &1>-r Lr;-6 Date: /2 - 1~ *- lr/ Time Start: IC :_<;"/ Calibrated By: S, SA A! 0 t;£.S Calibration Type: _r-",vj TJ,,JL Battery Volts: 4,_J Time End: I :"). _' 2,"°L Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail .~* ! -r ' ;tl,J +/-o.2*c l<~*/1 f1 J "1-j

;_ ':}_(;./1 f Temperature

. '.;i"';. O!i-2

  1. a r ""' "f"flP*...

if;,(,; -11. (,f p ..,,\\.:fL. .:*iii +/-0.2°C c

.~gi/ '.,. *-.

'C'p* -.... . ' ">: ' ~;-,} ~ ~l _*::~~-s~(.f... *"'* ~

23-3;) lf, ~1-

"1-8'3 3 -5:/- ~-~3 6.<03 p DO ~ .. *3_... ~- . ~ ' +/-0.3 mg/L F A IYJ JD ,~..... ~-. Specific -10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 s-o.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 1'I082&.fo 0'7h.c15" ;l;).3S-p S'O *CO bracket expected field 8-1..'?-14 CJ-/S-1'-/ 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 5D.~ A-t>S -P sc:i

  • cJV value) tL/OLf /0 J./-6-llf 5"-{.,-1t.../ 02f /do1) ):J.;}3 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5

(~tJ, s jJ A-bT w ?-o *<hi 7-D*o 9-tJ.D p /'laL/2-9 S--1-11 ~-~-IL/ !/ /zol<) b)_)./1 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 -=J-3L. F ADJ" Tb 9 -oo pH Exaxol

3or,z1/P '1-"6-1 "'> <;i-{r!'i 01/2.o/~ /2J..,q 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20

/~*b -() p .lf.O ( 5.1-7 p

qoFzf.rtl 'i{-2.R-!Lf q..,.,,,4 Of/2¢1) ;,,q1 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 1.;N tt..;,* rr {'le.c/L

,~,t~~., O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity ~ ~ ..,.,.f<!f*"".:!!:' ' 34.41 - 40.39 ~ 37.4 NTU ORP ~ +/- IOmV r----_ Notes:


  • 11 i

I £A.UIOglC3 n.33U'-13teS, un:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: C::,7 C:u,_,-tr {)f'~T~ /-;-7.- Location: ep.1 l-A-R Date: ID) 3D/ Ii.I Time Start: 1'1/q, Calibrated By: CPrC... Calibration Type: vJN ~ Battery Volts: q:v Time End: I yy '1 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail . *' 27.7-it. Z..L. p PJ~~'"/N +/- o.2*c No,..Je. Temperature v1.1 /i.(. II p . Z7.o +/-o.2*c 27.0fo p ~Ne.. ~. &.i-\\' B.~'1 p '8: '1 I DO I 24.11 +/- 0.3 mg/L AfJ '$ I(> ~- '11 t*'il 'P


~-.. Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 7cP p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol "'1/1)/l'f 1/Uii') 70.0 bracket expected field t'-fDZ-z~g l3iiz11'1 14.1'-( 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 5D.O p pcN.e.. value) ILJD*..JIO t-j tslt'-1 1-J/?..~/IL/ t.//2'.>i ') u.*;1 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 '11: I p Ao'J 1070,() it.1 o'12-q ; 1 Iii 5/ (pf t'-1 II/ tc1 ') Z5:1'i3 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 /, o") p A-1/J T07,00 pH Exaxol 13ll'-27B 7/3113 5/t:>/l'-f i/2oic;' '?. G..15 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 P/. er 'ii

  • p A-O:::> To jO.~ '-f, c, I

',5. "6 2-. p JYD~-32'-C. -<Bfi.-.:,f l'i ~lr~/l'i q/Zc:>1) 1-11.S-1 4.01 SU 3.81-4.21 U l..Jt: rrt-n-1 C/-IL.s.:4 O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- lOmV Notes: Project: ~'i. L~1' t ,.,. z_ wi01cd'Q.. Location: £4-I lAb Date: f2. -/f, - !<../ -- Time Start: /~:2.1 Calibrated By: T. SAND1;;JZ.-S Calibration Type: TAJ ; ti ti,..Q Battery Volts: ~. I Time End: /l :.'),j-S;-. LlAL-1 ~ I ""'"2 u_.Jjtandard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail '~: '

  • '. J.(,, g

p .;IG,k°

J~ SS-p

!R-o8'2-Lflv +/- o.2*c Temperature ~*-. . )/i?t:. -t.A-.P .LJ'f, *z_ ~L./,/2- {/ +/- o.2*c .,~. cg, i.. '?..- (p I 9(7 f\\r~J Th,£ L.. 'Z.. p DO ~ -,~.

  • ,~--:~*,*...,....

.,..,.* :;:'c ; 2:S-,Jt) +/- 0.3 mg/L p= ~- -Z.:L. ~,"2.L. Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol i4bf-U,, 'B '7-IS-- 1Lf o~ Jw1~ J:J.~ p ~o - {F'D c;o.m bracket expected field 8-'2.~-14 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 .LfCJ, 1-

  1. DJ 'TU

)~. (J7) value) J4D'fll> 1.f-15-1!./ ~-~-14 oi.f /Utf' :JJ. ~1-70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 &C/.3 p 1\\-b) 10 -:j.o.oo IL/(),;; :;'1 .Lj'"-I -I 'f s--{;-J'/ 11/z.c1~ :;:;. :;io 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 '1* 'LI F A-:bJ -ro :J. *O I 7-6-0 '"=l--Oa ?° pH Exaxol i~fob21B 1-~-13 5'-/., -Ji O!/za/~ J/).. f}.'f 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 /0 *00 r' IL/6 f2..~~ <i-'2$-14 9-1s--1tf o9hoir- ~:J..o9 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 l.i° fl ttWI fl.f ());I k LJ.o/ 381 p O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 ./.--- / : Turbidity / ~ / :. ~:J[~?';~;; 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP / ..... I'--.. / +/-IOmV Notes:

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: *:51. Luc.1E 0?i2A-1e l;-2... Location: "!CAI l A-1::i.. Date: 1111erJ 1'1 Time Start: 6735 Calibrated By: CAIA Calibration Type: r I,...i Battery Volts: 3,5 Time End: 68CO, Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail 1'1. *3 B{2-C61t..c.. '/,.-> +/- o.2*c I '1. 2. '1 i' t-JoNrL Temperature ~*** .,~ I '7."11 e ~... l..

  • ii:(,S-p 1-r.4

+/- o.2*c j4, '-/I ~61:-'e. ~ --* *. ff&,~ q.'1) r-- p DO z2. "er +/- 0.3 mg/L />t C> ~ TO 'iS'-hS" fi,b 1 8.<o-Z 10 mS/cm 9.5. 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0. 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol il-f69UB 'b)ZB/ l"I "'f / 2.o;) 70.0

  • 70.0 p bracket expecicd field tt/6/1'-f

.2.3. c I 50 mS/cm 47.5. 52.5 51, 9 p .A-1) '5 10.)o. o value) if..f0'-1 {0 i1/15/1<-f ~/l./JI-{ 4 (201 <) 2-~. u<& 70 mS/cm 66.5. 73.5 (., '9' L/ f' fr D ::) 7o 76, c;. i 'foi..f 2- '1 G/1/ 1'1 5/f;, / t'-1 11/zo.) 1..2.fl/;;, 7.00 SU 6.80. 7.20 --r. "Lf p +~ *:). I<.;) 7. CO pH Exaxol j '50&2 7 l'?;, 7/tJ,) I~ 5/re,,/ 1'-f 1 / Z,OJ <) z:z.'6 5 10.00 SU 9.80. 10.20 '°(, If '1 p A- 0 J r u {O. t...0 i-j.b/

3. &3' p

/'1 U'bU C ~1vo/ 1'-f '7/15/1~1 '1 /2-01 'r Z.2. "i 'Z-4.01 SU 3.81

  • 4.21 O.ONTU 0.0. 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41
  • 40.39 ORP

+/-lOmV Notes:<.f'.e..o Do

  • t"~IC.C De'-FC.IU' 0.-t..I B>'A-71--'C-.

e'.,A(.,.<. 'T I l"-,-e_ 'f?e. A--f) '9. 4. Project:

) :. L u c 11C FPL

\\J-..; I:'\\ T <:,:. 'i"cS.7 1 N (1 Location: i=:A I L.~ 13 Date: 11 ~'/;_0 ; s Time Start: 11 2. S Calibrated By: C. (-, c ~TH E' L.. Calibration Type: INtTI *~ I.... Battery Volts:

3. '1 Time End: f I ~-1(."

Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail 13 iz..c (* iLL.>.J N

2. "'1. 9

+/-o.2*c 2 't/1 'l p N6NE Temperature

2. s*. o

+/-o.2*c 2 'i:te j? N C)I~ ZL/. I & B. 3'1 I (~. 31 8, s-~ p DO --.~.v..- +/-0.3 mg/L

7. '-f l~

A ll'J. TC 8.!R --~---.... 10 mS/cm 9.5. 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0. 21.0 Exaxol (Use 2 standards to 50 mS/cm 47.5. 52.5 bracket expected field value) ----**---- ---...~-- --... 70 mS/cm 66.5. 73.5

    • --- --.. - * -~ **............. -... -......__

__....,_... ___.,.., ___ ~.. __

  • ----*----*.. -~. * -*~--......................... --... ~...,... _.. *--

7.00 SU 6.80. 7.20 -*- ---* pH Exaxol 10.00 SU 9.80. 10.20 4.01 SU 3.81. 4.21 - ** ----~ --*-* --

    • ... ~., -

"_;.,-,,,,-.*......., O.ONTU 0.0. 0.1 - Turbidity ";[~*:,?~--=~~~~:*:~ 37.4 NTU 34.41

  • 40.39 ORP

+/- lOmV Notes: ~P_ PL !l.( er\\ t2-. *A"71~1~ ~ lt~--rC(l_ {jn... i f3 >21-rTl G.'-' l)ue. To \\(_\\) Fo (2._ Du.

  • 1*
  • t I

-"'"u1ug1ca.n.33uo,;1a es,...... © Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: y l-cJ(.,,1 t: rJ f' AA IC-I /'Z.. Location: t?:".AI 1-A.6 Date: 1/zc,f r< Time Start: i{)D{ Calibrated By: c_. (_ 16 e.-h-eJ Calibration Type: IN I Tl /)rt.- Battery Volts: 4 z... Time End: /637 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail

  • -~..


21. o~

? B fZOo ILL'/~ c

1: o.2*c

~o,ve... p Temperature

  • -~

2L/. ") 2 '-/.if&,

21. -Z..I u

1.1. -z..

1:0.2*c e

Nor-JL 21.*z_( f?. B<O DO

!: 0.3 mg/L g.77 F

.AV-S TU B.8(o B.Bl.f Br'bz p Specific 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol i/t.o/ 1') 1/ t.ol (;;. '-17. e, r=, 70.u 70. () p bracket expected field J ') 6 i I :,13 l/1:5(1'> '2.2.7..( 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 A-P3 -r-o So.o value) lt-f 6'110 i1 / 1'5 J /"{ t.1/ '2'3/ H t..f /7..01'-> 'Z-'2-.11 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 /6.4 p AD-:S -ro7o.6 IL.{ to *-ie <'... io(3D/ 1'-i 1/1?;/1'5 5/7..olb iz....i.:~ 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 c;,. 9 'D p AD"J TO 7.40 pH Exaxo1 IY tc.'Z-e.B (C>{ 30/ 1--I 1/ 1'3 /1< 5/Zb\\(., iz.1s 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 1.Cfl.. p A-0 3 10 (0*00 lj,ol 3. ~" ? IL/ 6 cc,2 to C 9/2$/ 1'f q/1>/t'-f 1/2.01 <) J.-2, (6 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21 LI /\\/~Ir-/ CK<l-i.i-O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/-10mV Notes: Project: (f,,}/b,,-all oYI rt~&. Location: EJ?:c L-/!6 Date: /j-.J-/S-Time Start: //-'Z.s J Calibrated By: '), SA..VOetZ-<; Calibration Type: Battery Volts: '-/, J, Time End: j f.'.t}6 J Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification ~ Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail \\ p sf~ ' !2?,i-/

1:0.2*c fl5,'fl

/_3,L(( p Temperature iv*,

1:0.2*c 9.3, ~1 ')(.~ q

~. '1 %' ~ f\\. Horaiou-\\1.> ~.ll'\\ ~.49 $:')0 f/ DO

!: 0.3 mg/L l~3l0 1.

10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific rl)S tt-z -1;;- 1-t 5 *I~ I - ,µ., ~ /J (l//µJ/~ l;.t.~. (j 'J Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxo1 }57)//Z~ 01/?.c~ /:J l~_tb/°aled fo ~*~ o *:ro.oc: S-C-* 00 p bracket expected field 1/-/S-/.<;" /-26-1~

J3.)f4 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 s-o.3 value)

/~04/() ~-1~-l'I s-:-~ *14 ot/k.v~ l'l3. -::f;;l 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 £,q,o p fVD~IE?I £.-:Jc, cc ':J(),()Q ::jo.o p F-1 /IFJ.'if (!_, JG*3o--P/ 1-1~ ~JS: (;~ J J}()/ C: !H 1-R 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 '1.~D "F r*,, O,;litdvd ~ -:u>o t,oc. 'J,00 pH Exaxol 1 111 o~ o /[) -.2JD** J'-/ I+~ *-/) '"~l~J~ J3.13 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 Jo.02 f' tVlb~ald /401Jo

a.~~ r'

Jl/!t>28A fo-~0--1~ L/-2-1) }f/zrSI) ;z;, :;,;i. 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 L/J Uk!/ ;,.,, {ij~tk... 1,c/ 5_,f9 -*~ ~........ O.ONTU 0.0- 0.1 ~ Turbidity ..:.I*. /v i..---- r---. ,~. / ~

.: *!.i:;r,:1.:0~1 *. 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40:39 ORP

__./ +1~ Notes:

kcological Associates; Inc. .oA.J n k'ttuA Q.4 F" Id I 1e nstrument c lib a ration R ecor d fi s or: H ach BQ uanta w ater Q r M ua 1ty eter P.roject: F, 1 I A){,/ C, I ) y IZA-TC: I -+--i-Location: V,Pr ! /,.A-~ Date: iiZt>/Jc:" Time Start: a/33 Calibrated By:>c.rhel Calibration Type: JN !"11~~ Battery Volts: 4,5 Time End: t!Y-.5" Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Ran2e Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail PJlfJ()/U... :../,.) '**>.. ;;:;~~ . ~~/';;-~.:~:~*~ ~~ ~...* .~ *=i ~ -'.* 21.o 2...0.t:{fo p ~--r;{ ::>~ !*..:. :~;' i,:; +/- o.2*c f0C;N(2.. Temperature '22.t '22. ~9 p

  • - ;;*}<-

~.. ;_,~., ~***>~s;~;?-~~

  • * ~*~:.~t.. :,.;~! ~~~: *~~*~

/...... i-;.4 Z.3.07-p M tJJV">Y I J ~ +/- 0.2°C /..JD/-ie. .... Id*; ~* "'*.J~"l*J:' 8.{L.l 8.71 'P ~ :7{ 8.73 p DO . 2.l.'f3 +/-0.3 mg/L .+O~ -ro 8.7'-/ '~*I. -.... : *. *: lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 76.D JD.O bracket expected field Ho BzG:. e B *W-H CH5*'"' q/'Z.61') -~.*2-1 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 50. s p A-0 "$ -ro 50. () value) j'-j () '-f I D 4( 1'7f l'i 5," _lt.f 4/z..<:>1) 22.(b 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 (o "l. 2.. p A-P ':'\\To 7c.o l'//D z,8 C... 1~1'30/f'i t/*3( 1) t;/2-011<:- 72-. (1 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20

7. LD p

.40'J TV 7. 00 pH Exaxol JL/ /01-~ ;3 f1Jj3oj I~ 1/13(1') ~/Zol(,;, zz_.1 -~ 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 /6.05 p A-o*::s TO /6.00 l.f, D ( 3.'11 p it/ o }( z& c s/i <o/1tj '1/r> I 1'1 q/1-.o/5' 'Zt... o3 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 LI,_, ~IT'-/ C;u,,t.. '-' *.. :;;.(: O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity -~... .. '~: 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- lOmV Notes: Project: ST LcC.1E: U rf-.A-re 1-t-"2-Location: r.;-ft I LAB Date: 1/i.z./1c;'" Time Start: (2./D Calibrated By: (l. G. oe..-t'J,,e..1 Calibration Type: fJNAL Battery Volts: I.{. I Time End: ; 2 Lf I Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp.

  • Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail fu...ok:.(...J t->
  • -z.(c *I

+/-0.2"C 1 G:i.Dfc p e000e Temperature ..... ~"' 2~.37 ? Be.ooj!.(....J~ ~- '"""l:'1~~Jt;.:,'~~; 2S.1 y 23.l( -*.:~,* )'. ~r.;.* .*.. "',£. ~- ~.):, +/-0.2"C ~'.5. 13 Not--:>12... -~- '

  • >. : : -.-~tb.'}(:*: **,~~*'.:.::~* :'":.. *.,, ".. i-p~;. ~.'. 25'.3°1 8.1<1.

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B t-~~~~-t--~~~~t-~~~~~-+-~~~-+-~~~~~+--1_o_m_s_k_m~-+-~~~~~+-~~~-+-~~~~~~~~-+-~~~----t ~;~. 50 mS/cm -?- <;, t-~~~~-+~~~~--+~~~~-+~~~~~~+-~~~1--~~~~-+~~~~--+~~~~~-+~~~---11--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.:::'.l t ~w ~ t 1--~~~~+-~~~~1--~~~~~-+~~~-+-~~~~~-1-~~~~+-~~~~~-1-~~~-+-~~~~~~~~+-~~~---1 'X' ~ 4.01 SU r t-~~~~+-~~~~t-~~~~~-+~~~-+-~~~~~-t-~~~~+-~~~~~-t-~~~-+-~~~~~~~~+-~~~----1 ~ 3 Sp. Cond pH 10.0 SU o ~ t-~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~-+~~~~~~-+-~~~1--~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~~-+~~~__,1--~~~~~~~---1~~~~--f .~~ ~ ORP 231 mV to t-~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~-+~~~~~~-t--~~----,1--~~~~-+~~~~---1~~~~~-+~~~__,1--~~~~~~~---1~~-'-~--f v ' ~ 6;,,y,- -~ O.OntuDIH20 !.5'rrtv- "?A-5-::0* ~!i:,y{l..f'p d fv010 -5",s. ::::.. f.' (2!!,,,, "' 1* -

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g.(oO Sp. Cond 10mS/cm

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: s;--. L v/ ! E_ I+ ?.- lJ._if)/ LCL:f- -e Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond tf? l 11..\\ \\ \\ pH ORP Turbidity Temp 11 1.15 EA r LA6 *r hlt:- 02)-ZJ:Jf 3 j)'. 50 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu ,,a JJ '"'f f r I

DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp 'o -'...., !, '. I !.t- ;; Jol n. h t \\\\', ~.o.. \\ri\\ Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A ........ --*---~** **.. lb )?.:) i 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ritu i' 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm 7.00 SU 4.01 SU 10.0SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu '7' ~r~o!a'1--t\\ {l '"r""/f.Jf'ft~a ->r-':.~'f tc1~

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: 51 Lv c.t E--- ! c... l.I f (2;' r2.'"'. DO I 6 [11( (I l) /;17 C-r I LA-!;;. C..- ~~}~~;'i~f.~\\~ 4-- ~,30 f ~1 tZ> <°(", -;~. (~ Vl,t L-vl l 'I"'.,,, ~- lf{tL-10 mS/cm Io'\\ y ~*~:-.) \\'V IO LO '>)..A. VV\\ Sp. Cond t_ ~ L-oa, - "? ct" 1.1i,... 50mS/cm \\:t~( i::r \\" ~')') M )f),Q 1fA..l.-1A.. ' _,,_ ) t tV <'J /: !CJ -z..-(/3 7.00 SU -, t I '"L. r f>,\\> 'J \\l> /, ()t) to" i'.A. pH 0~1

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  • L' PROJECT: 'St-_ LA,,..._(_(. ~-

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PROJECT: S-( l l.).C\\ f;: DO !i/ '.?> I II Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp 11/?/ {( PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond l -~-11. pH ORP i .JI Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A CoF'-ir ~zjJ1.iit;s~Jf s~*i 1l:. ~ <2, 1L{ fI~ ~f)

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: -=::ti:: g '..--..)(..>e. O?P=A-'fC f,--? _/ DO 1/11 / !L oSSG. f?A-1 LA-B .,:; IN ::?t -a&"c* (3.(o l &.'-! ~ p AD.:S 16 'b.t., ' CA G.


I I l I 4/26/7 10 mS/cm C/.Cf7 p AD3 T0 /o.O I Sp. Cond I \\ I '-/ / 20 I'- I I 50 mS/cm 40,, 7 f A-03 TO S0.0 I I f' I f ?,j 26 13 7.00SU

c. '60 PrV~ 10 7,oo pH l

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  • -,.... ~ -- -.....

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1-o.c(7 ~I i A L Temp ~/ \\!/ ?

DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B

........ - ~.- ---~---* *--.........,......

-- * ---~--- -----*- ____............... -.,.~.. -.-.. 10 mS/cm ~-- -**----- *--. I \\Y" c,s 1 I ~~ 1- * *..... v...C.i. e_ __ 1-~-\\1- \\- ~-11.. \\ 'v l - ~-\\1 JS:/5' lf\\-i ut-B I 1 i I ~v .[,.- l-- \\ ""' 7 LA...i1 -; [t,:-l p ,.1~ rr~ i ~1\\-r ~~ J1*-'-l'L 1*r4i;- v \\ '"1 '. jO ~ lk'j: l,..l>\\ b 50mS/cm ~*.....,._

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    • u 400 ntu TiJ-t: ~

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f-D"J To 7,()0 I

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  • **~...... _.........._-~_.., *..,_._,_.....__.....,....,,.,

0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu ' **- **-* ***-..... -.,... -.- -- ----. ______,__,.,._ ___..... ~._,,,....,._..,..,..... - 21.3z. 'P I

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: '5. le.-.._<. i < DO 1-ZZ-IZ &n+. .....____-~ -....----------- - Sp.Cond 2-2 2.- J?. 10 mS/cm SOmS/cm 7.00SU pH 4.01 SU I 'i/ 10.0SU (./, \\. ORP _.. ____ ---**------ **- Turbidity 0.0 ntu_ DI J:i.?.Q

  • -* - **-- - --* - *-***--.ioo nti:r-*- - *-*--*-* *-~- --** -

Temp PROJECT: W1 A'NA'l..c.e.. DO 3-20-/Z. & ' -;2<-{ ? -i I " J;--i t< Sp.Cond I 10 mS/cm 50 mS/cm 16, 13 y A-'Ir.::, 10 1(). Co ,')(), ( ? 1::\\ P.:5 To S-o.o

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: _)'I L u L..\\<... >--.~"'<o"" *** -: ~*=*-~-*-**""* * ;c *. DO 2.* ?:?.-* ! 'l, \\ ~'.Sb ( A--1~ ' t. L-.\\h C-tJ--,.\\,A,w ~:;~:~;~~~:~ ~.~{!~~~~.?* iq,0°c'. /~*t . (,,' **"'., Ol/ I ~1) J 2,. 10 mS/cm I,; *:,) ;;- I ~ ! ;J;;*l \\ l ot:;J2(JJ'2 50mS/cm I,:) I Sp. Cond I~ : 5' " \\ I 11/"J.lj ~ 7.00 SU \\ t) pH I ~ ' l!iq I -.,e I l o ~ J i o 1t 4.01 SU I w ~ 03/ 2-0!.J I l :/ ', 0 I 10.0 SU >V ORP,.

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Z.>. 9 f'

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PROJECT: SI DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A L.Ul-l:; I r, uf 1<rt5'C il 41'1//z_ Jl/ tts-* 1::111 &rrfb frJ {

if11i,. :~ 8. 7--2 Of.Z1 F

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  • l X",.~*****::-;:@

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Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: DO i5, i~ 0 c/ <6' 3~ 1? Sp. Cond l J 1.. p, /z.ol'l.- 10mS/cm

o. I<;-'

? -19.. ;l ~ I 09' ;0/ 2-50 mS/cm 7.00 SU 1.00 ? pH I I z_: 1... / D 1//;?...0/ 2-4.01 SU 3.93 rp 10.0SU 9,93 p I 231 mV ORP I Turbidity ~ \\~-- ---- *- --**-* -~ ~------ .. -~~--- ------- 0.0 ntu DI H20 ....,. _ _ __...,,__ ** -~ ,....,......... _.JP *.....,... ,..___,~ ........_..._.~ 400 ntu Temp


{~)~*~' PROJECT: I L UC t ~: \\1*? ( __, p r:::. *0~- I DO Ll, \\ ~ \\\\1.,... \\ (,.\\ l)C\\ c l><-r::. LktCi "'.!"1Jf_. 1£,~l~'.~~'.:~~f~~:':;? z~. 3,30 *-,;--;;. l j;,u""ii It' ,,. r I "T'" v ----( v__ )Y-,Jf ~ \\ \\ rYt/Z.-01Z-10 mS/cm I 0. I l. f' fJA1,'J r-> JO. ~ ~J) { Sp. Cond L / ).,ol. I q/ 2-o} Z.. 50mS/cm Ljq. 2-p Clfuf5. -ro s-o.o y~ I -312013 7.00 SU 7.0Ci. ? ~10.10 7,0(J ~ pH I ttf ZtJ/7 4.01 SU ).q) p ~e. To LI. oJ ~ ~ I '3/zo12 10.0SU f.'1~ 1' 4tL-1Pl lo I D.Oo c.fte. v I ORP I I 231 mV l 0.0 ntu DI H20 c...----***Y-:t-....-*-- *--*-*-*--,.- r--- Turbidity I --**-----\\ * *--------* -~~----- -~ 400 ntu

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PROJECT: Y\\/).\\) DO Sp. Cond I I pH I l ORP Ecological Associates, Inc . Field Instrument Calibration Records IN~ \\V Meter: Hach A Tii;l:.i;t;~.~t::~ B.... *L!

  • .r..: -

Cf )2bt'2-10 mS/cm "1/ zor L 50mS/cm

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i------1------*-- e----- ----

Turbidity Temp I '<J,' y D jl.~i j i? PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp C I .fa*v..1 CJ t 0 30 I I I \\ jJ J./ ~ \\f ~- - * ----*-__ ~ i I .,.....,,_ ( ; v (~~i~'~":. ' }~~~~2' ' :-*:' ~ 2-5 ' '-fl-( 0 c.. r1. [,,;.,,-'} VJ I i.-U ' c,., 400ntu zs.o 7. Cf 7 10 mS/cm 50mS/cm t:)(),. C 7.00SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 16 <OT°) p l */' 'li'7

PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B S.L L u c~i..e__ I )(?<GL+-e__ .(~4\\{~,![i.1,'l,- ::: 4 ~/. I.f.*-'* ,

  • VC'i: r_.,_

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I Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH Turbidity Temp PROJECT: &.\\- ~ l~u c..c-e..- -\\P<-Ct-'-"-' LlV\\..c:~ I~ l ~ ¥'\\...L-Wt..r"""\\c.. fo~LI - L,o vc-l-k DO $/~ltd-IDW t;Af La0 1vll'-J l 1£~~::~?:@a ~ ~- d-0 6.BlR - ~ -A1r t-c e,a..o Vi~ ~... CJ/ Z...Ol z_ 10 mS/cm Jf) * (') i p llb.1 ti 10.00 Sp. Cond 4ct.a.. p Ct/Zo l 7 50mS/cm AW t-c Sd.-oo .,, /-ZOl3 7.00SU

  • -q-, o r p

A'D:1 *f-r1 'f ~ao pH ai /Wl2 4.01 SU... 'Aq, 89 ? f}pJ t-o f O~ 0 \\

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\\I/ .J) IL) /'ZQ l '3 10.0 SU "~ i..f.OV p $DJ f-o !:{-,() i \\/ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu -~ Temp {~~~t:~~~"' [le::; o °'r_ ;Jlf. Bt+ '? kJ/~ J.-Y.f<7

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: I ;) q-]'l PrTt::e_ Po~T DO -rf M} JL I J.l 2 '2. tzA-[ LA-6 t N I ~}~citlii~~;~,: 8. 10

  • 7,c.17 17

/lrD-:J 1Q6. 1D ~ q/2oJ 2 10 mS/cm J6.17 p .A-o "5 TO /0. 00 Sp. Cond "//z.oJL 50mS/cm '-( q. I p PrDY n:;S"o.o 4)z..c13 7.00 SU 7,6'-f p t-rD:i,-o ?.oo pH 1/z.012 4.01 SU 3.g~ e frO-:J TLJ <-/.o l \\/ ' / c/; 2-0l 3 10.0SU q, e,1c: p p,-07 ro 10.00 ORP 231 mV -- 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp '7/t~// 2- /<-/ 2 3 t::::AI LA-13

A/ I r;w~;*;{~,~-,--t~
2. c,. {

2-'7.\\ 2-p 1--J I r-r CA.£., PROJECT: ~+ I, '"', u._,l(n0- I~\\\\ fl v ~-(\\,<: - be-.. \\ ~l,;:,,. v ~ -_ l-(,.:l. \\J cA b::. DO B/&;fl~ o°JAD EA1-IY~ l~( '.~a'~~~* 2;~' ~* :.i

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  • -:r f\\1)_) to (Q.~

Sp. Cond °J l Zr.J I 2--- .if;. l 50mS/cm -:p flbj h so.a q I 2--D \\.~ 7.00SU

  • i-,og...

t:> A "t>~ Tu 1-,o-o pH q I 7...n t /'___, 4.01 SU 10.oe_ -p .Q\\""D) r-v> \\V v \\/ \\ q/1-013 10.0SU 6.'1Cf.-. HQ) +o 4-,0l ,y ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp }~~~~c.. ~{:r7ia~~'1~ C)i),'-{?b rl-t:). 4~ f' Nf A-v £!.f_~

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: S.+< Luct~ Gz~l\\ V\\.U--'\\--t ~ / l ro 1....., l l.' 0-C-v-bo...:\\-+u"'?< ~ 't>.&v-c-Lh DO §{1ol1d-- UJ.,~o £AIL.a-..!? U-r1\\J ~~~r;- :~;~~ J~~:~~~:.~ '?}rao 9. ~-3 p A1>3 h g _30 K...(q

\\=I tJ q !?.l)l "J.-

10 mS/cm

10. t ~ 'P F)D::J k !OLID

\\ Sp. Cond 4q,3


9 I ;::u11 1 SOmS/cm P!"D,I tu '50,l) q/d.ol3 7.00 SU 1*'116 p AP:::> h ":f.... CS() pH q/01-01~ 4.01 SU 3, °tr p ~w *i-b Lf.a1 q/;:w I~ 10.0SU C;'.90 p AO::S ro /O.CJD ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity I I I I \\ I 400 ntu \\/ \\j '..:} }!,{:::"~./,.

J-CJ,£"°c QlS-.4D

'"P Temp

  • ~*.-~
  • w PROJECT: {'ti PrN.4T e e_

Po, 1Lc;?_;r ~ON 1T0;2..11..JC, >.J. CH l'rN. W7-.... ~ B A--rref21 e'S DO l/20 1 J z. ()( ~ "2. 0-n LA'O !NI

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9. 16 p

NG,....j e. C.4t, qhol'2 10 mS/cm ID. 11 p A-D.::5 TC \\0, 0 Sp. Cond I C1/U1Z SOmS/cm /..f 1. 'L p A-'DJ ro $o.O qJZo)3 7.00SU 7.,, p Ao.) To 7.00 pH t::r/'ZorZ-4.01 SU 3.11 -? A:n:!> To <-f.c I "\\/ \\,,.. \\V° .,~ q/zof3 10.0SU q.&7 .p

  • A-1:>3 TC lO.C()

\\...- ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J/ ~ -1. ~ 1~~~7~0r>f:~;1~~:::.;* 28. '-I ?.8. '-IY r j'/oNe_ J.,

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: s~ Lv'--IE° Uf7/Zq're.. 1+2 /) - - ' c..J. ~ -,hn:rS DO /c:;i31 l1z D/I~ "G-A--1 i.Jr..B IN\\ ~2:1:;~S?:~c --. ;, 8."7~ q,63 f A-D :J -ro ti."1~ C,44 7/2o>3 10 mS/cm lb. 0*1 p Prf);J *1c 10.00 C...Pr&. Sp. Cond 7 lzo >3 .5"o. 50mS/cm I p AD:J -ru 56. 0 ~ q /.io 13 7.00SU I. 10 p AO.:> n:> *1.00 GAC..i pH 7 }..013 4.01 SU 3.<'77 p ITf) :; TO '-J.o 1 CA4 I 10.0 SU 6'. Cf I p ._Ir \\V \\... \\V q l. OJ3 A-1J '.) TO ID.C>o CAc. j ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp j,. 1 1 l ~t_;~~©t.~t~~~f~;~-: 4

  • ~r ~- 21.5"(

21.'-lb e NoNe C.A4 PROJECT: ?>A -~ t.{. 3vo\\-rS DO ri... I i;- I 1i.. 11: *23 9~t L../l(fb '1: tJ-S: w~i~:~~~y":f;,:) t,;{3 l.1..u.s*e/'i:z4 1~. ~~th.&o r (0

  • 0,; l/Jraled fo lf."2.°f C~,\\

11-; 'i<.o \\ 16 -:r/2-01_-:; I './ 9,93 ~ &t'karet/ h,10.~c ~> 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond \\ ot-/~13 (1;;. :U flt..hcl n S2). o( ~'D 11-."2-9 50mS/cm So- *z_ p /7-.' ?Ji. 0q/w13 7.00 SU t-. ?,0 _p ~/;' h~t/ /Z' 1.0C >V ') v pH 1'1: ~.:,-- f't ~ \\.z.D 1::; 4.01 SU ~1.XZ f lflnl:1Jra-la/b ii) { >6 / ) V

31-octlzo13 10.0 SU q,.ps-tf7 fJ of;b/'afetf1of0.0. '(75{)/

ORP 231 mV {7 / ./ ~ ~--- 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ ~ Turbidity./ ~"-....... ~ Temp ~ l/ Jl:~tS , l/ t~1~~~{rr::~{f~~:.:i '24/>/'C.. QJ.&~? ~ A)()>J(3 (},X -i.-- //

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: s.- Lvt-1 0 PA=TTP ) -t '2-ao""l'Tai1. I LJ.O /0131J12 i~~~r*-=~,:~~;~~?~~* I DO 675r1 'IZA- ' t-A-i? !NI 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond 50mS/cm ~I 1Tee.. 7.00SU pH ...._f'J ",., - - l ND-r It n D \\2-t::. I :.-1:'.A P!20 ivef2..,__....... y l 4.01 SU DD i--..101'-- (.)$e ' ~ ~ ~ <!.J>t:... I 10.0 SU ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400ntu Temp;{~J~-~ :I. *.~~~: - 4.-a+t~* ~u?r~. ~- - ieue.s. ~s JC'$2. '. c;.?~vr-;G.. PROJECT: Sr Luc.11E: u?ffi'le I r-Z .£3fYT'Te-2.J

4. "' v6LT5 DO fow; J, z.

of:.ol Gr\\ LA-e;i INI "*-~7;S?i? *,kc?" B.13 ft,,*70 p P1 D'J TO 8.13 (..flrc,,

  • . *:;?,1... ---t.;;.


  • ........,,.
  • r,-:-

7/zol? 10 mS/cm te.1 *3 p AD3 ro ; ~ Sp. Cond I 5D. I l7Jw13 50 mS/cm y A-05 'TY> so.o I.AC. t1Ji.o;~ 7.00SU

7. 13 f

k.D.J -;-o C.-1t4 pH -i/7-613 4.01 SU 3.85 p fr)),J 'lo 4.61

CAC, v

"1'/2c13 10.0 SU '1.8~ p A-0 :-5 70 Jc.oo CA4 I ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp l L l .1,, ~~:~~;if;f~{t:l~~~ 22.0 zz.D8 p 1'10 Ne. CAc..

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp Sp. Cond 50mS/cm 7.00SU pH 4.01 SU 10.0 SU ORP 231 mV Turbidity Temp

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: Sr. ;,,/""c.A'-t I +:2 Lv1o/~ .A DO 1-zs-1~ 7'A-r L,Vs ~>JI :~~;;~~}Ji~t *~;:.~?j~f ~ !1ffC/gAZ. )3fi! 0t/<;Js 0 ~ A QI to Y 3 9~t:/t to fC~ n-1-J.:Jo/3 10 mS/cm 9,C)g p Mrrf6 (O.DO l(JJ:, Sp. Cond 01J:;io8 p ADTTt>. l~r~ SOmS/cm S().f}_ s-o.w 0 '7/.;2013 7.00 SU +/zs-F M::s:r *~ "f.oo 1r }{ ) - pH o7-/2Dl3 4.01 SU 329 p ADJ. 1() 4-ol ICVJ/ ~ \\l.I L 01 ):Jo/4 10~0 SU q,g~ p A't:>j '° ID* oO I~ ORP ~ "- I 231 mV ~ / f / "' ,,,/ ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 / ~ Turbidity ___.,,,- '['-....__ _/ ~ 400 ntu Temp ~ 11; 00 ~ J, ~~f}~:;~~~?~-~~~~s :t3-1~ 73,{p/'t_ p -- OQ

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: S-f, /.u _, i.)! /-12 /111a:Pf:,_, DO ()/ /:z3/;~ tfA::r 2k3 ~;J:r

gfi~'~}~~~~I 10/

} n-i)ao13 10 mS/cm ~ v Sp. Cond {) 1 );J.013 H ; 50mS/cm 7.00SU ~? pH 4.01 SU mF I 10.0 SU B2t¥ ORP u / ~,IJ '~ ~ - 231 mV ~ ~--------~ / ' / 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / ~ Turbidity / ~ 400 ntu ~--- /' Temp .lJ il-'00 J,t J; ~f:J}?i}:~:J:'.:~:~\\:::~~~:~ ,;B, ~f°l ;) 3.(1 ° (!__ f ------ nx 27 PROJECT: Do trPre..L. DO ID* ir; CAC.. 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond 50mS/cm 7.00 SU / ~ pH ORP I 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity / 400 ntu Temp

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: DO \\/ \\\\.\\ /\\'Y) n1l\\D ~ t\\t \\ \\,,,A~" I \\!\\ \\ ~ f3. 3'-i 1D* fo(,p -i::: kD~IO 6. "32-10 1-1~ 10mS/cm 10.15 ) kl\\-\\' to If).m ()1L Sp. Cond 1 /\\17 l{C\\.%> ) AD\\ to i)o~ SOmS/cm cf-117 7.00 SU -'7. 1 ~ ') Iii " ru 1.ov J/)AJ J pH 1-1-7 4.01 SU ~. x-ci J A-

17) 4 *D \\

w r-14 10.0SU

q. >r1

) +¥~~,_, tn \\I), DD UL,; ORP L.JI n** ".n ~tlLffi U.,f'\\ Turbidity I \\. / \\.. I \\ I ~ 'IUUOlU Temp v 'V v '</ ~j~~ 1~~i~~~: ~O

  • Ll\\

2fJ,l{5 p /l,frtJ __ ()1U PROJECT: S-1-. 0.<.,,,; t. I +' 2-UA? r.avf e.. DO \\ - '13-1 ~ 1-'.f-: Js- ~A--S:. r~~~,~~.;_'< *. :. "~;;-~*{*:<. % 1~.o~l/'6. tf1: 1~.l). 0t/ Q ~(' p rxm.-n CJi£.?~c..J1, :f,~ C),,P L.t-<8 j;-,_)'1=' ~~~~~$~-)'fff,~~* .,~l ~ ~... ~.,.~1J:'*,:,. r);f Jzt>J:!> 10 mS/cm I .f 10-100 Of 1-:r. b'o )0.('2, !}.,-\\ "t't> Sp. Cond 01--'12013 411. g p nf SOmS/cm 1\\)-:)~ '5' fJ. Do ,,, Cf /!Joi'<. 7.00SU -:J,CD p A-0172> ":/JJo ~ pH o?/9-011, 4.01 SU 5 ~°! f' Ji,m-. w 4.<> I .~.,1- \\µ (1:'13 ,~ \\J OJ/2!JI~ 10.0SU 9,.2~ f' .ADr.-m /{).D0 (<75! v ORP n.~... _ w* .~O Turbidity

  • vv I**-

Temp J; ~ ~ ~~~ .. \\~{; ~:\\~ ~Co.S-0 l j~.53"t p ~ h,Y

e. '11~~.,.~~j~-~1.~J?~*

v...... -::"~ _;~'"<...:*,,. /

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT:._::-, T, Lu,,, J ) -(-:;;. ~h~ DO {1 J bf.!~6 ~ : "/okV f'A-:t LAA r:l/1d ~~~~~i:)l1~ ':J;).b°C/'6{p JJ.:!N/s.'3"6 F A~".\\. *w <J.(a9


0-:r/~13 10 mS/cm /CJ.! 0 'X p A,\\)'.\\ *"TO Io* {) c) ~ - Sp. Cond (') -:,. / JIXJZ (,)'...\\) 50 mS/cm

-o. o p

oq/:;i.o13 7.00 SU -::/-. 0 <., p Afll 'T"'O *+.ocJ ~- pH w n-q/,;Jo/3 4.01 SU _3,gg p A-DSn ~. of .~,, ~ 'I, I (j: "0 ht\\- \\J o I/

).o 14 10.0 SU 1.R-+

p AIJ:)-ra I {) * ():::) ~\\ ORP ..,...,,. -'I J' u. v nttt-91-H"'- Turbidity .o1.nn ntu Temp 1-is-, 13 S:,;/.~M-rl f'A-7 LA-A F//Jti.{ l~~{~:~~t!t ).~.1~~ 2;?..t/;JO<!._ p ,{ ))( J (/ PROJECT:._;;7 ~ - ,,. ;°.{. Ir L.. / Ao~ DO 2/1/13 It \\ Z-S-c; /JrT: /....1<8 L.A).J- ~t'1i'"' *'.tt<;J:"'flithif ~dt~~~>~:~~~~~; !Ao1t/.s.s18 ;).9.-9 I '6. s-C 'P AtfS. *'° J':J.9t; /&.5°t OY ,..,_ ~ ?j.p 01-l2-412> 10 ~Siem /brO~ p At>S. ID JO*OD 1~- Sp. Cond 11.*39 0 "7-12 {) / '2.. 49,IJ p Abr TU s-o, cJ o ( ~ -- 50mS/cm ltJtJ):J-o/2, 7.00SU (o.C/9 p .4 O'J TI) "9--o o ( t:)~.. pH 6 --:y/:2~ I 3 4.01 SU .:1).3-~ 'f _MJf". 10 ~.o I ~ - ./ 1"1-:J.f~ ,; oi/9014 10.0SU 9,,g3 p ,q.Dr-ro /O *CO Iv .... J ORP 231 mV ./ ~ ~ 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ ~ Turbidity / I"'---.

  • nn

"'u Temp I -::/-'.' i.-'('" 'Lnl-M 1'.=NT ~4t*~t:4fj/P1$~.fl:<.1-

2.,2. &t/

r ax ,,,, ""*~$i::'i1Z~Yi '.l}.~"_1r- ,., ** * ** 1+.*r; c

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: 'Z)-+. Lu..,c_)~ I ~2-I.Np~ DO ,) ) I /(!> j".f- '.. 3i> 7 Pr!: l-AA -z rJr ~~,*~;;r~~:~ *t*~t1~ :;>3 o /r. s:}8 I ;);)is I ~.5:?- 'P Al:lr.11> ~'. !;"9 ~- i *1:sl.o o+/:;.1;,3 10 mS/cm

o. "I f7

,4-DJ TO /O. C>O ~ Sp. Cond o-:J J :i.DF3 p ~~ 50mS/cm s-o.w ~ orJ/5).o/3 7.00SU 7.D3 p A'i::s:r \\0 -q... (}() I~ pH I</ J o.J. 01{;J..DI'? 4.01 SU 3,£1'0 (? )tDT ID i.t.o \\ ~- ~

  • J

.Jg'. 0 c;- ...v \\ J of/d-Of~ 10.0SU 9.9/ f Aro-TO /{). 00 1~- ORP v i--- 231 mV ~ -.............. ~ v---- ~ O.OntuDI H~ / i'.... / Turbidity '~ ~ ~l--/ ntu Temp

J} I 1; 11-~-i-) LkJ:. LM

.'.r~J: \\"ff~~;,-~{:%~~~~}~;; ;;J.;). -:j-fl$l.fg' ~ ------- (~JJ<- ~ -i-1-1~ {/ PROJECT: c;-, L u c.t r::- I +-7. UP14Tre_ 'P.>~-== 4.2. "c;i.,:r j DO "2/!3/13 t S-1 \\ ekt LPrr? I,..i ( "@.1:8t:t3\\.:; 8, 2..B g,~'-1 F' A-D "3 'ID 8.z.~ CAc:. t 1/ZDl?:J 10mS/cm 1 I. 12. p A-o-:; 7(.) ;o.oo c.A-4 Sp. Cond p 1f'Z-o/ 3' SOmS/cm 5D. i A-o-::s lo So.o CAC... -~ J 2.oi'-{ 7.00SU

7.... 1, f

A-o -; ro 7.60 c.o..c.. pH 7/;_ot?> 4.01 SU if. I{ p KO ~ T0 '-/.JI C/'tC, \\Y "V v v ?; I 2-D 1'-f 10.0SU CJ. 1~ f A-0-S 10 10.00 CPr:... ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp i-* Jr .),, J, ~~t~i~\\t*~~~f:~~ 2. '-I. er z.'-/.C/'-1 p (VotJe. cAt; p Ao~ 't,.?..:5

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: {YJAl'J f11e/ fi_iLe::f w~ O.vA-t-1M BAIT~:;: ~. '-( \\IC.LT~ DO 2/1z../ 13 /0 I 7J ettl l.fr6 JN I ~rli'fi~;~r~I ~ _,._"tf:.,~ ~~ l -~... B. 38 8.3b 'Y A-0 :i -Jo 8.08 c~ 7/z.013 10 mS/cm JD. oo f N6~e... CAe. Sp. Cond 4 CJ.S 7/"Z.o 13 50mS/cm p A-r.> :s T<-> Gc.o ~ 3/ U> I'-( 7.00 SU 7.o'-{ p /JrD '.) /0 7.oo CA4 pH 7/Z()/:, 4.01 SU '3. 17 p A-o '.) T._. <-/. 6 I CACi w \\V 1 j Z6Jt./ 10.0 SU q, 6"1 f AO :I Tc:J JD. 00 C...<\\~ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp L t i J,. ~~~~1~~~it.~I z. '-1.o

23. ~'1 p

N61'Je.. CAc. PROJECT: j 'f l-0ae ul'~ l r"L B~/ ~ '-f. L ""'L-1"'°) DO 2 /I 3) t 7/ I {?o'Z-- Gtrl Lkf? /l'l( -~--~"'*~~(I H~--

  • ~... :* ~.;, *.

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0Ac, pH 7/i.o(?

4.01 SU 3.q3 p l'rO I (<) '-/. 0 l CA-.::; v \\Y \\!/" 3/2-01'-( 10.0 SU -r.7, ? ,A-o ::s T?:> ro.oo GI; ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J.... Jr 1 i ,,.;,~i;k~ ~~ J...<:;. rO

2. 'f. ~~

p f..JoPJJ-CA-c..

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach 8 PROJECT: ST L.vLle Uy~ i.vz... 13/t'TI"~ ;- t-/. 3 -.}O<.Jf" 5, DO -z./1~/ *? i'-f 56 &Prl t-Af? }NI ~1~~;i;~ :;.. I 8.'2.-6 8,o'b p A-D :J -ro B,z.5 C/t4 l 7/-i..ot? 10 mS/cm q,q" p Av'.:) IO to.o CM Sp. Cond J*b*O 7I'}..D13 SOmS/cm p No1\\.I e.. ~ 1'/Z-ol'-{ 7.00SU

7. '-1 s r

f'rV -s 10 7, DO CA-e.. pH 1/201] 4.01 SU 3.c;o p f\\-P-;) 10 '-/.ol ~ ~ v IY v i / z.c.1t./ 10.0 SU 1'.'b8 p A-0 J -.~ 10.00 Cf¥.l ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J,. %'~~1*~~\\1~~-~::{:;~~~: 'Z '5. '2.- 2 5.1....2.. '? f\\Jo/0 e_ CN-- PROJECT: :;)j-, L11..u 'e... 1~ 2- !JJ 114/'d:tJ.. Ffr,a.e DO 1l1s-\\1) 10:15' fA-.:r J J<fJ, prµ ~!1~~f-~:.~;~~j~;~;*(~ 'J).o'l;/<t,r;~ J.3, 13 "Oh :H. p At-§. TO 9.sS c:::}.R_ 11 : ov I I f) "")-) 1,.~ ;-; 10 mS/cm q, cf'? f' l\\\\)J.17.> io. oo ~. Sp. Cond 11 --;./z_c>1.3 AOJ' ID sv.oo as.<._ SOmS/cm '1)0,;) p JJ.')Z. 0 ?/'1/J14 7.00SU (fJ,9s-p A-DS 111 --:f,O 0 ~~ pH () **:;/~13 4.01 SU _.j, 90 p iD]-P Lf, o i aR. JI!/~ \\/

  • O.

01/:;~11 10.0 SU Cj~ 9 ;z p ff'lYJTrJ Jo.Du f/ ORP \\) ~ 231 mV ./ ./ v-- ~!'---. 0.0 ntu DI H20 / ~ Tlirbidity r ~ _/ ~ 400 ntu Temp v ~ .J.; iti~;~%*~~~ ~"3.J. ~g/;ioor-f' --- (-,)&.. {/

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: ~:;rt* Luc~*i..< 111 1ADr'°"-V ~ q,o~q DO i...,q,,l) ou~<fi? t;A-i L--fl-~ f Nl ~~ q,// f) ADJ to 7~D3Cf /J/L.- ~ ~Lf 10 mS/cm °/.Lt 1.- p rl-D I tD /IJJJo J}tt Sp. Cond 1

51. er p

tln \\ ro flL/ 1'1i 50mS/cm 50.t'"" ~'W\\l 1ltt.! 7.00 SU [;.qq f? ¥1'0\\ tn1.oo 1/)ffa-pH 'il I 1 ~- 4.01 SU ~.c;r f' Ari I hJ Lf.{Jf 10()./ '<,./ \\./ \\ l./ \\lV 3 14 10.0 SU 1*. i1 fl 141;1 ro 10.oa J/lv ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J,r \\V v ~ ~~Y.:~~"'"Jf!6 . *~*"iilf.,~~~-~ \\ ((. ~ -~...,, *~4;.-~f;.'

11).'?J io.~/

F ft Vfl..,{ ~

f 3;1-"t.A?. '.;"lo

? Am -m ~/-/r;" L\\SL '-9-:;. p A-M 7" I O *cTQ ~ 49,.2 p ,4.J{)f 1 D ~ . oO ()X_ Sp. Cond J'/:.n.. 6?/Z.Ol~ 10 mS/cm o?/2.013 50mS/cm

di 0-Z,/2ol1 7.00SU

'":/-, () ~ p .f D-:f -ro f-. o () < ~ pH ~- 9~ .p AD)*~ 2/,.o I ~1£. l)j)2a;1 10.0SU CJ. 90 p A-Of *ro Jo-c>o ( lf. ORP 231 mV V""" o* ) / / / "---- _/_ Turbidity 0.0 ntu DI H20 400ntu Temp !13. -::} (p () e, F -------- ax. r7

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach 8 PROJECT: Si I l.)y~e:_ 1-rL. DO t-19~1 *? 01~2- ~Iii L~PJ 1YVI . 'Mr.. ~. '" -~ '1 1*6jc/ Cf, 111.- p ..;H) I h1 7.64 I'd! I f 1 /I? 10 mS/cm If). /I) r A[} \\ tD ID,{)() NL Sp. Cond 1/1"? ~O*DO v f\\OtQ fi)J, 50 mS/cm ?;/ti.{ 7.00 SU '1.iPO j) 11\\.Dh I 'f IJL pH t?/ /13 4.01 SU ) 13 p l.f~\\ Th i4.01 l)JL ~v ~L) \\l/ "U ?I iL{ 10.0 SU i.OJO p itD1 to w. oo ~U1. ORP 231 mV +- 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J./ J,, ~- -1/ I

  • i"~ d:!

'.II :*, io,~ 20.?O 7J IVNU '/JlU PROJECT: "ST Lvc tE ui'rlAT<- I t-"2. R - *- - I

  • Mo!lf~..., :. 3.8 -../ ()t.-"f s DO 2 1?

6561 ePr1 Ut(!;;;> FIN ,~; 2:;z~e ~.; . * '\\l: fl. f.:,D B. '-13 y A-D *s Tv <3.fPO {,AU 7}Zo 13 10 mS/cm q.e;q p A-0:5 To JD.DO CA4 Sp. Cond 51J. 7. 7/ z.o 13 SOmS/cm p f'rO '.) Te;. 56.0 CAe. I 7.00 SU

7. /0 p

CP4 3J-uii'-{ A-0 -.s le 7,00 I pH f:J/7/\\13 4.01 SU 1--/. 0 z. f> 11.1--D ~' -re '-/. o I CAA '(/ ~"' -,fl "I/ 3 Jui'{ 10.0 SU q.C(7 f' AV 'j "Jo j0.()6 C-ffi ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu J j/ .J; i

-Aif *:*.

~ ~. .. "" 21...3

  • '];.7...30 r


  • -' -*~-

1-.JorJe CAcr

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: -Sr. /,,.!J{,.I~ 1r2-UP~re.. .Jtx--rs ~ t..f. 8 cei1~;::::t:::;;;.,,. 1 DO li l 1 *~ l'fS7 f:.:,A f L/h:77 /NI ~~r~"""~~f'; ~~'.'2'.. ~Pif~1ti!o 8. '-{O $3. 2. '2.. r

  • .l\\-0 *:J

-n:;, &'.'-IO CAG I 10mS/cm 1."'C1 p -r/zo13 .4.n '."> re iO.C:O ~ Sp. Cond I '1'1*8 p 7110 13 SOmS/cm A-0 "3 ro 50.D GA?. 31zoi'-i 7.00 SU ,,Sc p A-o.J To *1.00 CA4 pH ~/20 (~ 4.01 SU

1. tj t-f p

Av:; Toi.../.O/


,!/ (I/ .v .,/ 3/Zat'-f. 10.0 SU 1.1z_ p A-o "J To /{J.00 CA<< ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J,,. .J/ J.,,. L l~~~f~;i!~~~~7; ~* z.'J.i 2-Li.t..J 3> p 1\\Jo 1'-le.. CPf..A. PROJECT: -5 r. 4-tc..i.l. 1+'2-u..:Ydti-DO l414h3 n~:z~ [n~ Fl1 ail. 1 ~tlt~~~~B~J 11q.i)'t/<ii.11{6 11?i.%1*J<g, 2-\\ '? h.o'. vw..t-e.d_ \\-n '?.41.... C\\)I i;c, : 3 3 o-:;/~o/!2.. 10 mS/cm C1,9'9 p l/1,,;;,wtktr' ~ 10. C{) !~9 Sp. Cond tJ --:;-/.2 o!~ fJ~l'hraftt?f hi S"l>*<iL ~;u b {,,:.~ c. SOmS/cm so.5"" p 07>) }).()/.;./ 7.00 SU ?.JI ?J l/P,.. J/ht"d~d lo t* {)( 1? )~ pH flG!lfc) (') '1/tJ.o/':l., 4.01 SU . ~. 91-p f!t1-Ch,,,.dtrl m ~r.J I ~ :v I/ o&


II 1 I ("} -i. l.:::i.o I J.j 10.0 SU 9,9'1 p e~hrafvl n /l>.00 I~ [) ORP ~ ~ / 231 mV ~ / "" I~~ v I 0.0 ntu DI H20 / ~ / / Turbidity ~ ./ [/ ~ 400 ntu Temp J- ~ ~ ~~ ~;t.},_,~;;..t'!E. ~4. ~ ~Pl. 90 p 'fJ-0 tJ~ ()!) C/

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: (.~il'~ i~ ~~/.!...!J,. ~ i?/ c.....iTYil<.... Y'-1 (; ;'-' I 1*qc., ;~ \\jt:_~f)> *;..,, s-* DO 3/2.1 /,; 13C'-t 'f?A-1'6 1NI

<~_iil't::* -

0 10 mS/cm Sp. Cond SOmS/cm ,fa, fyc.-(7~ l uz...c_f r.,,., <--'-'...... ~c.t:'- ~T -:;i) ),....,,...J,,'-Li l 7.00 SU oL-. pH ~-., -...... ~. -- 4.01 SU .. -----~-.. ____ 10.0 SU r---.___,_ ~lmV- ~ ORP .L----' 0.0 ntu DI H20 ------ Turbidity ~ 400 ntu t---_ L.-----" ~r~ - Temp / PROJECT: $-;-- L-~1e 1 ) 1?~ I -r-7 X-CMPrNUO - ) \\?t?.,ot"'- ro Cl'((_..,1pc:.:n ;:;.. l-f. 5" DO /;; / ?, }I~ 17-((p eA1 U'lo IN\\ ~~:~~f4~tO~ 8.n I. i'5 F A-D*s Tc e. n CAG. I* '-/ j t-Ojt.j 10 mS/cm I 0. Io p .AiYJ -ro lo:cc. <..Al... Sp.Cond '-lli.011 (A'L 50 mS/cm

)6.o p

No Ne.. &(jz.o(3 7.00 SU 7.oo ? Jo.Jo 1--.Je. l.Aet pH 7{201~ 4.01 SU "3.5? '1 p AP'5 lo LJ,~\\ CACt \\ [/ \\!/" \\!/

  • ~

10(1011./ 10.0 SU Cf. ctc p A-'() -s CAc{ I ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp t J1 -Ji ~~~~-,,,. '£,,'1. '"),, ~.z-s-l' No1'.J<:.. CAC.t S. I~ 8.08 p

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C ~P-RO_J_E_cr_:_~~r~<_S_*~*~~N-~--~~ ......... o_/ __ P_r(~

  • ~~~
  • -F_T(/2.

~ __ L_~H~

  • llN,.......C_11_J_~~4,,,..,,,t'11~e~
  • YVr~

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  • -'-~-~-e~
  • . L_

. _r-.z.u

  • ~--~~~--,..-----~---B_A-__

~---~-1~* --y~*~~--------tP:?2~0 DO 5/z:z/,3 , 3 "IS' e,q-1 l-A-6 ~ii*~i~:i~li~~ fl. :t. 2- '1.36 F A1J ~ ) ID e.i '2. Cf'rt,.. kfllU"1PT 1-----+----'==~==--=-~-=.._~'-_-'-_-'-_-+_-_-'-__ ___;; __, ___ ;;;;;;..::.::j;-::.:===:P __ '""'_""" __ ""' __ ~"-='""-'4--1'-0 '-m-S/-cm-+--_::.;:;.. __ -__ +-_-_~_-:_-_-_--1+* --_-=-_'-' _'-_~:::':_=_-:_-=.._~-- '-_-_+_-----1 :;. @. -i5. -.zr. l------4-----4-------1------+-------1-------4------4----1---------4------11;i, Wfl'*.r.lz.= 8.o* Sp. Cond 50mS/cm

>ilTN~--0::.S.z.2 1------+----.i-------+-------+-----if-------+----+-----+-----t-----=~~~~~....--~----tA-031~

s . z~ ~.3~ pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp s~. './ .... -i...---*----* -**-----*-** --*-- ~- -~--- -- ***-*---- L..0c.1e I 'J p(ZB;e. l-r-2 (,/3/ 13 It 0 s e41 '-Ai3 I.. ,I ., J ,11

oj' 2oJ4 7.00 SU 4.01 SU 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400ntu INI


  • . ~;;--*

.-.~:Jf; -l.o:_7' )~~ B.1 S" 7}Z.oi3 10mS/cm '1 /ic:>1 <-/ 50mS/cm I q/Z.013 7.00SU I 4.01 SU 7/2-013 JO/"Z.DJ'-/ 10.0 SU 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu ~~~!?: ft:~:~~

f~~ ~f..

r.,.~".1-~1'-;r;~.;v/ 17. 'J A-o.) re:- *7,00 c.Ae, 3.~b p A-0~ -re. '1.C \\ LJlt4. q.B& p f'r'0'.:5-rc::.i 10.00 c.,Ae,,.

*--*------ ---------1

~--I '-1. '-J °""'-T'.:I ?S. il p ..A-D::s 'TO 8.1-S-c.AtA. Jo.o5 p A--D 5 -rO f (). 00 CN.. i-J q. B r ,!h'.) ":') TO 5C..0 LAc.. /.14 p A-p 5 1""C> -,. oc ~

j _ 11 p

A-o 5 10 '-1. o I CP£< 1.B<J p .kv-s TC ID. oo CA::., 21.s~ p No Ne. CA~

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: Sr L\\X.-1 i:;.. OP~n=- )t-2 .._.....A vo.... n; t/; I DO l'ol~l1; loo?> e1t1 lPr0 ~IN ~J"~.>'.&J'.' ~iff'~ ~._, ~-"'6,~., f!I'.*!/.. *:'. ~- 8.13

7. qr..,

p Mi::; TC> 8. I? cA'1 I 4/U>I~ 10 mS/cm io. D'l p An :s ru ({).OO ~ Sp. Cond i/ / -zo ;"1 50mS/cm '-1'1.8 p A-D:s -re so.o cAC. q U>J3 7.00 SU

  • {. {)~

t' A-o-6 ro 7.oa c:At:. pH -, i-013 4.01 SU 1.10 y A-0 :s IC 4.01 CAe... I I/ , II

  • 1V

,v 1d{'U>i'-I 10.0 SU '7. 3~ p /t'O '? TC io.oo CA<.. ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J1 J; Jt ~~f:~~~~~.~ *U.Z. u.ii 1' Nar-le CAti PROJECT: t'Y/,1'1\\f.ff;eL Pcv,;c..,e_-r wQ A-ND.l?e1'h-U 1 '- s~el* 1-'C.. (.<Y J (.<-n ;<{. --t DO tho /13 t17D3 tZ,l'(f CA& iNI ~A~if!/~~~; 8. )6 8.30 D I AV:J /O 8'~1'$ ~ I Cf/VJ1'4 10 mS/cm 10, lo p /.k) ::5 )o /0.00 Gk, Sp. Cond qlzo13 s; I. I 50mS/cm p /lrf) ~ n:.> s-o. 0

CAL, 3/ z..o I'"/

7.00SU fo. ei 7 r A-V.:J TG> 7.oc; c.Ac, pH r/2013 4.01 SU 3.1z. p A-o J TC..> L/.01 ~ ,v- ,v , It 3/2o 1'-( 10.0SU /,qt.{ r W:J (O JO.CO ~ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J; "1 1 Jt ~~~~~~~~~~' t~X*'f.~~z~ * 1~. -, 7 p No Ne. c.Ac.

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: CPrN ((\\./eflf>r<- O.e.NTJ-ilL V'-1DN ITC>/l.1 r>C.. DO c,/16/1? /bDI eAI l-A-0 fNl

v~~.~~7!4ff*.,:.\\ 8.oco
e. ~z.

11/201'"/ 10 mS/cm q,5{ Sp. Cond q/l<J 13 50mS/cm 5o :1 ?i}ia1'-/ 7.00SU ~. 1& pH 1/Z.o/3 4.01 SU '-/. 05

  • ,v
    • v

,v >I/ .. 3/Zoll-J 10.0 SU 1.13 ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp L I ~ ~ '~'.K ;,;;.} /:'l~:: :.

27. 6 27.18 PROJECT: <Sf Lu<:..1E L)f~~ 1-r 2.

DO C,,/z~/ 1~ J '319 Al LA& ,r-11

~/~~ -1 f.j'..~ ~-

. ".'._c,; :?.. :'.,......,..,... ~ 8.ol 8.2.3:> I t...t'z...01'1 10 mS/cm JD. 03 Sp. Cond cl 12613 50mS/cm 50.0

  • ~h6t'-I 7.00SU 7.11 pH 4/ z..o IY 4.01 SU 3.16 v

I/ II I/ I ID/'Z.oi '1 10.0 SU q.13 ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp ,/,, { J,, t ~;~*i~: ~t~~~1l~!

  • 1 z e.o 27. '14 p?'{

p p p r p p p r F r p p p f?,crrte.(L-/ '= '-/. °3 v o '-T 5 AV"S T'-' 8.o(o CA.4 AV:J T6 JD. DO c.f-'\\Ct A-D:> TO ~6.D CAt; A-o-:1 T6 7.6C> CA(( ,q.pJ ro £1.o I cA4. A-0-S ro /o. 06 C+:>,£1 No Ne.. CAG. 8tt17 42.-.I vC.L 1S :: '-/. 2. v vl..r.. i'-\\-17 ') --re, fJ,o/ CAc.. A1)'"5 /0 /(). ()CJ CA£'.; NOl--le. 0¥4. A-o -s -ro 1.00 CAer ,41)-, TO t..J.Cl I (Al( ftrn TO /0. DO CA4 N6N.e. CAl. ~- HAD T0 ftD:J Bi' F~

  • G.37 ro 7&.C

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach C PROJECT: ST l-vc:..1 r;: n P/ZftTe 1-t 2.. f?Rrft42."{ VGi.T"S:: 4.3 DO 0/2'5/1'!:> 1335' e.A-r L.)fo ,,...,( ~ 8. (j ( 8. O'S"" F Pro-Y To 8.(;7 CAC... '-I }-z-o IL.f 10 mS/cm q, f;O p A-o::i 'fU /0. 0() CA4 Sp. Cond <f/2013 36.~l!_P.&, p 50mS/cm f!'D.3 -ro so.o CP4 lo~Zc.1'-1 7.00 SU

7. O'-/

r AD'J Tu 7.c.Jo ~ pH .., /101'-f 4.01 SU

3. "I"'

f 11-0 :> (0 4.of CACr v ,11 'll I b(l.oJ'i 10.0 SU '1.(2-p ADJ Tc..> fb.CC cACr ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp -V t-J J; ~tl~~~;)~4ffe~~ 27.o '2-~ ' 1 '1 p NO/J~ CA4 PROJECT:.5r. L""-u<<_ 1-tz_ u,p~ DO ~Jz-;.)13 1<i *.1< 'Z.kc 1-AA nn~ Ji'~~"'~"Y~m s.113

Jfh..fb*-;/g, Z(,, '° AD'S 1n 8.oct lc::0<

t~ ~ /.{}),~ ;10.* ';f; "' ~-Oli:..* _...,._ ,:;:;-*~r ~""""~'. o'I }-u>1i.1 ?/ 3'7- . ~o 10mS/cm /"

T 17> /i>* ao Sp. Cond 0 CJ /.20/3 11!.~

f} An-\\ 'iU ~ 50mS/cm so. (Jc) 10/u1'-I 7.00SU -+.I~ p 4-0TTl> 7.00 l,,i1)C,~ pH tY-J/ 2'J I£/ 4.01 SU 3, 9!1 p A-OJ 7l> '-f. o I l~ll , lj 'LI 0 11-014 10.0 SU 9,CJ/ p bDr l7J /o.rJ u ?'t1. ') ORP ~ ~ / 231 mV v~ ~ --R / v ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / Turbidity y _./ / 400 ntu ~ Temp '/ 1 ~ 1 30 .\\t ~ ~ 95.~ !}S.(pCJ I' ~x. J

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: Sr. LuCt c;:.. 0 i:'IZA-tG I t'Z. e~ HU-.../ -= '-l. ?:> DO 1/z<-1/ 1 ~ 11..1 '~ ~Prl LtH3 Jr-JI ~~~l.:~~q{ "~ 9. 12.. 8. 05 r I Av"'5 T6 '3. fZ.. CA:., i..f 12-D l '-\\ 10mS/cm

10. 1t.t f'

A-0,... *o /D. oo ~ Sp. Cond I 5o, I f q/z..c,13 SOmS/cm A-O:J }O So *O CMt (0/201'-1 7.00SU 7,3, F f\\b:J '" 7,00 Ur& pH i/u 1'1 4.01 SU 3.<<;o p ,4-p::'.5 -ro c..j.c I C...4-c'.1 'I/ \\v \\ 10/zo;<-f 10.0 SU p A-1/ -,- To iO.uCi

CAe, ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J/

i i J,

1/"s<c~,, *c*:.*:;".' *;,;*.

2r;.q ZG . ~S' p ~01ve CAc.. PROJECT: 07. /_,/_,/*,,'() l..12 /A'?" ~A ~ DO l':1-h1Jr; l'S:Jfi' r A-r. L-~ i:::::11.11.0 z~:~~~h~~g;,~ ?5'. '31 }. ~;_/ 'P WY. ~ 64/ti>i4 10 mS/cm //).C)O ~ ------- ~ 12 Sp, Cond ltJI/ I,;JDµ/ L.;9,~ r' LM)-r /(/ iV SOmS/cm

  • ro S?J,iJV

/-0 /2014 7.00SU ~~ a::? p 101 ID "4.oo lf?5'P pH tJ ~ /i.i) / Lj 4.01 SU q_c;o p "1)S ru 'f <:> J ~ ' J ,IJ /O )"2. cJ¥ 10.0SU q,.x1 p !f'i\\ TD JO. DO t:'.S.f' ORP 11J v- / 231 mV v ~ _... ~ / ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 / Turbidity v / ~ ~ 400 ntu Temp J; j 1 ,'.1mW3~1f!~f.Y~* J~. --:S. oc., 0S\\t;"°O(_ 7' --- '(-)1/ lj C/

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT: Sr-LuGIE:: lJ P12A--re I -r 2- 'Bit tt<-tz.~ -- 'i' ~ .......-~* / DO

  • 7/J.'-1/1~

J Z 3 '-I ePrt LPri3 /NI fl)'i.s.. ~ £"' w. ~.l2-1.~"f (- A-v-:r fO $.IL <.P4 I Z1/ Uil t-j 10 mS/cm /D.O'-{ r A-t>"J 10 /O.CO ~ Sp. Cond

  • -l J 2.6' '1 50 mS/cm 4 er,<('

p .A-D~ n:; ~,VO c.ACi 10/Ul'-1 7.00 SU

  • 7,3~

p A-D:> -ro 7,oc CAC'.1 pH '-/! z.o 1 '1 4.01 SU 3.¥""( p A{):) TO '-f,o I CA~ \\I/ \\" I I 6/ l-6 I~ 10.0 SU 1,r-s-f' ,,4-0 '? 10 /O,oo CAc... ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu i 1 j, J,, ~** "jfi,. S-'&' Temp "' 'li ~ 2(;."' p ~o;.le.. CA~ PROJECT: 5} Luc/(. /-12 t.,A'?/d.( lj)/ual/1/1~ n c,,,_'j: £A.6 ' I-' ""~~.,~~~I $5,J/~

  • -:J.. fR {II Ah~ -to~.() I v

.) I DO 8 -1 z_ -13 /fg t io r JJ> F -1/l /(, ! ~ \\ ?\\ 1bii1'1 10 mS/cm

  • Jo. o J

? LJ,[)-j TC) /~, ()O t:zi I Sp. Cond ~L;/.:;;314 L/9, (, p !IDT IV 5o.cY o < ~/ 50mS/cm 10/-µ14 7.00 SU f-*t *1 /J {+f))TO --:),() 0

  • ~ D,..,

pH ALi/Jo/1 4.01 SU 3,$-=1-p A DT-t""O if, j) I < ~ Iv Jo /2-oA/ 10.0 SU 9r J 2-f' A-DJ-t-o )000< DX / ~ / k7' ORP ~ r-----.... 231 mV 1/ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / I'-... Turbidity / ~ v / ~~ / 400 ntu Temp 'I/ 1lo*. 41 'V 'i Yilfii ** I *. :;;J;,6 ~c.2$":9.L/ .hX

~ *-

1--. ~-r. R-f.r"J t:Ai \\t~ ~\\\\iii(... {/ -

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A PROJECT: SI-t(,(.-<:J,(. / 'PL. ~,..d<_ t:.-1 /I AJ e::i '//-,, 7':L

1..A L~ ~ 4 2 DO 9!>-/~ -/~ !ls
so f'A--r:- l.,4-8 rJJS:: Wt.JJ.rJiJA~"~:: x. /Ji/

x.o/ p Jf)y Jt> ii:o.JJ ~ ~*-12 -I~ I 6'//:i~11 10 mS/cm JO./~ p AfJj w /o-Do ~ Sp. Cond tiC!hp/4 4'9. ~ p IJ./) r IQ ;jz;.a-o ~ 50mS/cm 10 /;ioJLl 7.00 SU +.2.0 p .th)13 ? <OD c:vv pH IJ LJ ! Jr, JL/ 4.01 SU ~c8b. f A-DS ra ~1-01 I~'./ ' ) \\J ' \\[/ /o /_:i.D I~ 10.0SU 9_;z. p AOT rv2.J.() I ax ORP ~11 v ~ ~ 231 mV ;.r ~ ~ !"--.(/ I'\\. / ~ / 0.0 ntu DI H20 '\\. / Turbidity _/ / l--/ 400 ntu r--.... Temp ..,LJ ~ ~ _; *, _,,;,*. -~.kl*~ _::; '~.-- -~- fl~ 1(}t!.. d.S-. (r;5 p 1-- ~ () (;/ PROJECT: <):f. /_,,,,,~;it 1--t z.. f.WJ' /? i7L C/! I,UJ/tlhq ";~'r. l "'d 'I> pA-Ssi'n?\\- 11/J,.d/l u

  • ,I 4. '2

'/ "'-"L r DO ~ -V>-13 o'}.'.t;() tiA-t: LA6 ~/h.D' . -,-.,1 * -.:;;.~ -.t., ,~{. ;-,;,-*/-*,.... ~, ' '.\\; ~*- ... _;;j;N:.,_t'..Q~s 0 l/9'.0~ ~& *'f O 'Cf g, 2,-;f .p Arif -to ~3g 18.Dt./ IQX_ o;./ hl/14 10 mS/cm JO*/ 3 I' .4-£)J111 JO.(}() D-: Sp. Cond 041~11 49.5' 17 kDT17> ~.ob G, / 50 mS/cm 10/z.t>PI I f' -~ / 7.00SU -J.c)cJ .-'"\\ pH n4/11J14 4.01 SU s_.Jc, r' A-OJ (l) '-/, () 1 <GY ,/ ./ Jo/2()14 10.0 SU 9,. X'c.::/- pJ iJ. fJT TO,;o. ctd ~ ORP ~II ---- v 231 mV ~ lY / ~ I 0.0 ntu DI H20 ~ / Turbidity v I'--_ ~ __/ 400 ntu Temp - ~ .i,, J; l~i?Plifft." :<&.goc tl.&, :J. q-oc_ p -------- Cl.J (/ (/ -

PROJECT: S-r DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp PROJECT: DO Sp. Cond pH ORP Turbidity Temp 4 6. F-/r--l1 1-::' lf L-0 5T I uc::.i ~ <-> 171211--re Jo/ C/ f 3 Ii 06 \\.I ,11 L t Lv( IE: I.) I' ~-re.. I I)' A' iiJ}q/13 011-ft...l II I t Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach A 1-r 2.. v 6L.-'T5 ;: 3..q )4. 01/11'1{.,e p B~S'f'JZ-i'"~ 6Af <-Pr6 ,,..1 C30:~ *~f<* / 8.1 <) 8. \\"- ~ \\ 8/2.DIY 10 mS/cm tb.O~ p t.4 f z.o 1 '-/ SOmS/cm 41.e p -L/2-ol S' 7.00SU

7. z.~1 f

'-1/io 1'1 4.01 SU ?.tf2-p

  • ,11 z./-z... 01 s-10.0SU q.g, 3 p

231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu 1 ~I

~: >*. '::

~ 27.(,, 27-~I p .-:r 1-t?.. /} /f' ~:~1A. {§ ~~i~; B. 32 8.31 f "1( LA-I~ J:::/N B lzoi'-f 10 mS/cm /o.oo p 4 i Z..6 / '-/ 50mS/cm '-t°I. '\\ p 7-/zo1 < 7.00SU 7.61 f i-f i z_o l'-'I 4.01 SU 3.~c. p 'I v Z/z...a15 10.0SU Cf.<JD f' 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 400 ntu l ~

~)~m\\i~~~~f~_*,:~~~ 25. 6 1..S.12...

f' T6 Uh.i b(!A-itc.N. \\)oCT'S : £./, '::. A-D ::5 TC> ~. 1 ') c.A4 Ai> J tu 10.00 C..Ae, .4-0:) TO so.o ~ A-D::; TO 7,~6 c.Ae, A-0 3 1c l.-J.v1 { Ae_ Av j -ru /D.00 CA!, Nc~e.

CAc, u lJ vrS-:..S. C/

AD:J T6 ~,32-c,cic:; f-./oNe CAG. AD :1 TO 56.0 CAC... A-0 ") TC 7.oc CAL; .AO 7 -roL-f.c I CAG. AD'3 To /O.o() LA4 Nc..r-Je (AC,

Ecological Associates, Inc Field Instrument Calibration Records Meter: Hach B PROJECT:"S,7 L ul..1 E:. Uf ~-n::. It ?.. VD L l.S -: 3.7 Cut>rNL<ed 'P J4c.(l_ ..,-r:, CPU D$i!Jl-17c.r-->, VO~TS :; '7. 5' DO joj/,, 113 I FJ 2 (£.P, I l-A"& INI l'~~---~ Sl\\11" ~-04' 7.(;, 3 f AP.? 10 -s-. (){;, CA<- I 4/ lo 14 10 mS/cm ? i...:iot-:ie..

CAc, Sp. Cond f'

'-/}7t>J'-/ 50 mS/cm L-J q.~ />rf>:>., 0 s-a.o GAC... 2/ Z.61 <) 7.00 SU 7. 1~ p /tP3 Tu 7,oc cAe.. pH LJ f 2.c I'-/ 4.01 SU ?.1fo p AV:;; Tu '-/. O I CA::1 V/ J....- ,v 1-)'JDI') 10.0 SU q,f'i p /rD ~ Td 10.00 CA<- ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu .),, l l~'/P Temp J.. ,L 2&. ZS 2{:.. 71. p Nol'ie CAG PROJECT: C: f I If 1F I 1Yf2qT(: J1 2 v'CiLTS :: 4.7 DO lo I qJ 13 o7z'-f tA 1 1.A-R fl r-l 1 :~.,;t'"' ' 1%2.':i * - z.... ~ 8.33 e, 14 F AD:J 10 B,33 CAy I 10 mS/cm f' '-I 2.0lt../

o.05 A-OJ' TO J6,00 CA4 Sp. Cond

'"I 2..D I<-{ 50 mS/cm 41'. ~ p A-0 ~ TO c:;-c.CJ CAC:-. 1.-/ 2-01 '> 7.00 SU 7.1~ p Ao j 1 o 7.CJO (.4C. pH '1 fz..01'1 4.01 SU 3.41 f' AP:5 TO '-/,Cl cAC... ...y v

  • -Z.j 2..6 I )"

10.0 SU ti.1-z p IT o "J -re I c. oo CA~ ORP 231 mV 0.0 ntu DI H20 Turbidity 400 ntu Temp J. J f J '

  • II!!';

~- ~!':* J_(,,. '1 '2(f,. 31 p ('.lo Ne CAc,..

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: SI 1-u LIE: tJ\\Jl?ATe I tL. Location: eA1 LA:J3 Date: '-//2..-3 / I'-{ Time Start: i(Y ~ Calibrated By: C.. (1 CJ e-r/-1 t;..... Calibration Type: l N. 1 Tl Pt L Battery Volts: L/. I Time End: 1211 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail 1;~ r-'.. '0...... . ::~ :l 2C:..1 l p No NE P-> fZcO IC.L-/ N ... ~-*

. ~

~ ,.;,,*~* *,_ *~ '~

2. "'* 2.

+/- o.2*c Temperature (3(l.<JOl£..L'"{ t-f ~.. -~*~;:~ ~. ':, -;;,: ~:"_' ::;I. ~~~~:~~' :1~. I~;*r.:11~**.r~:*;~* ~~:' ~ ;;--. ~~*.)~:~~(*:.. \\* ~-o?~ z 5. '-( p 25.4 25.37 p +/- o.2*c

2. 5, 40 N.ot-1 ~

DO i: - :.

  • y..* :: i.*;,,*.~";, ' *-~

'>t'*;*.. .:;_° \\;\\

2. "i.2 5 G,3b

+/-0.3 mg/L 8. '-ff., p f\\V'J

6. 3C..


e. 3.4 f

~' '.\\.:.~,


~~~ TO Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 5/7 / 13 >/13/13 70.0 7D.C r bracket expected field 13656"3 B 5/201L{ z:'.J. 'JO 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 5D.o p /'J.D/'lt2-. value) l'-{0';10, '-// t>/1t.( t.1/23/ 13 4 /2ot5 z.3.~3 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 ID,&, p AD? 16 '7 ().?:J 4 3Cb27A 1/8/13 4/q/ 1!> I I z.015 2.3,~Z. 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 (;.1z._ e A D;j IC 7.00 pH Exaxol r ?o g 2..l 1::, B/23/ 1? 4./q/ 6 2/Zot"S" Z.3.7Cf 10.00SU 9.80- 10.20 /1:;.15 p AD'"J *n:.> {D.00 t.J.01

3. C/ 'L p

I 30°0'21 L 8/z.3/1~ ct/ct/1~ et Z.61 '-f l3.78 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 LI fJePrf!...JT'-/ r " J el.I'- O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1

1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP

+/- lOmV Notes: Project: 5,.,- l-r-2 J..i/t..:S/1 '-/ 13';T0 I v'-.IG U 17,z,a.. r c. Location: E.41 LA-P> Date: Time Start: Calibrated By: (. {1 LJ -c-ft,,e!-1 Calibration Type: f frJAL Battery Volts:

3. Cf Time End:

75 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail Becci1Ll'/N 'l.J' * ~ \\,; z 7. 'O 27.7Cf e .,.._ ~-. - ~ :.:. +/-0.2"C NONI: Temperature 2(:,.5' 2&.'-17 e U,.') z.r;,. "' (,; f) -;: _. ~* '.'.'./.~ +/- o.2*c (VONe.. "" ;~**** *. ~ C:-NJ.: * <.' .~:.-;:".. *: ~-f* ? .,. " 2 *-1:1 '1 B.ll e,57 p

8. 27 e.z")"

8.2.5 p DO +/-0.3mg/L AP:J TO \\.* \\.l., -~-*. ....i ~ *. i... ~-:-_; ":-;.~. lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol V{/O 7a. o 7o.o p bracket expected field I '.3 6821~

  • td/23/13 er(q/ r?

'6/ Zo 1t..( 50mSfcm 47.5 - 52.5 l-{ 1.1 v A 0 :s. 'fO 5'0.0 value) jL-(0410 '-{ f 1'5/ 14 t..f{Z 3/1'1 '-/ (u1 ~ '}..'-I.{) y 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 70.8 f' AJJ J Tc 7o.o i '36f;i2/,q !>/2.~J 13 i2.jZ{15 'Zf'Zo6 2.'-f. 0$" 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20. 7,oif l' Ao:> lo 7. OD pH Exaxol r2o 82.1 6 8)-Z.'3} I'.) q)q/13

  • 7-/Zct~ 1-'-f* or 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20

&/.'fD f ADJ TO J0.66 4. or 3 . ~I p i3o8z.I C. B/23/ t3 q/'( / 1'3 8/261'-( Z..'1. (;() 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 LI,.,,.,_A-e* ;--f Ciiet.1L W'~i~} O.ONTU 0.0-0.l _,~*~,,, Turbidity

(, -

" ~i~"'y" 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ,1>.<1 ORP +/- lOmV Notes:

'....:...... uaogical n..,.,u.... iates ~......... Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: ~. L..J1.1.., U '717~ 1-r 2... Location: E"A I FIPL.A} 1.o..B Calibrated By: C.. £\\ (_-, Calibration Type: l N ITI A-L. Standard Chemical Information Parameter DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Project: 411 Manufacturer Lot# Exaxol i '3 DBZIG j i.-f O'i JO , 3 o;az.J.Q Exaxol 130821 B 1:308 21 l. -1".f A-Calibrated By: -J': (,..13-A)Qt'.,~ Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range

8. 2. 5

+/- 0.3 mg/L 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20 mS/cm 19.0-21.0 6fn.J13 e:i/q J 13 f?/ 2ol'-t 2Y. 5o 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 "IJ1s/*~ Lj/Z.?,,/l<-J '1/2.015; 2t.f.1't 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 'Z$/2-3/t3 ;2.JzJJ 3 i./U15' 2'-1. S"l:. 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 bi2-3/t? "1/'i/) ~ Z/Zo1~ 24.12 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 8/2.?>J t} '11'1'113 SjZ01'-j 21.j,117 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ... (f' )I. O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 ' ~ 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 +/- IOmV Location: C°ttr FI !J./d l.1/-A Calibration Type: Ti..i; ti J Standard Chemical Information Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range '\\.,-AZJ tp' ~ - ~~ !)4,J +/-0.2'C Temperature t ~

  • .'*r ~ >Jt *

\\<:lhAll~? n_,HU I

**drr 74A' :

' - L/:J-0 . ~: ~.":f 'A!' +/-0.2'C ~ ...,,,~,..., ...~

  • " ~*

~~a*;;l ~ ~.Oi DO -~*... :. 't +/-0.3 mg/L ~. ~ *~'::

  • I,:;..

Specific /2.r:X2/D S-2'3-I~ '1-9-13 oxl'2-iJ1L/ I ::J lJ *. C5 '2 lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity "n rnB'/cm l~. V

  • Ll.V (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 1~10,Jl/ ~ ~'2-3 9-9-13 b.f/Zo!'/ :J'/.. ~l./

bracket expected field 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 value) ..,n n ~ * /~iJJ2//1.,f~2J-I 3 1z-1..-/'S 02/z.01s- ;Ji./..) ~ 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 pH Exaxol 1.?o t21 13 f. 2}-13 7-7-r.i cz!Zot~ ;?IJ,;l f' 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 l1Z o f7 I (!_ ~ tJ 9-f-13 fJf/2cJ4 ~L/. O°I 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ' * :-:--,.. ~~ )"ft . ::.t**,~.~ O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 Turbidity 1~:. -~- *

'~ *~l ;Y ;;i 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP

+ 10mV Notes: Date: (aJ ZZ.11 '-/ Time Start: "...,,,....,. 1 'f '5'1 Battery Volts: 4. S Time End: Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Value Value Fail

17. 9,Ll p

~01'.I~ 27.D 2.7.D p 27.C>'"\\ p 1'1CNe. 8.iB .p .ll..o~ ro 8.25 8.23 8.z3 p 70.0 p

76. 0 5o*'>

f .4-D:J -,-o $().0 7a. (.:;; \\-7 AD :~ "JO (b. 0 7,r.;,7 p A-0:5 re:. 7.oo 10.oL p 4-o v -ro JD.DO 4.c; p L1(\\)~11'-/ <.J.l~uc. Date: -f.-'f-1~ Time Start: 11. 1s-Battery Volts: 4.//Vv/rs Time End: 1z.'.1r Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Value Fail Value Value Fail

J.L/:f._1 '°

.tj;(,41 p I ______

g. JI p

A hi w 'i;, a*=J- ~. ot- .?. ctt-p 1/0. co p //'J,q ,/J ILlP.)7 ft! n;.tJv SQ,Oo '19.9? /> &* 9f' 7 kD'J w <t-C1v q.~ LI f ]J \\\\-'I Tu iu.Oo i;. (} } ~ - 19~ f s-&~ -p L; *~ * *- -.J.,,, lJ,_,,,,t,__ --**-~ -** *- . -~ -

1.c.... u1ugical!.n""u'-iates',....... Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: '3T. LuC..tE u P 124-*e i+ 2 Location: E.<1t LAI'.) Date: Li/z--;f d Time Start: il21 Calibrated By: C. Calibration Type: I NI 'T)AL Battery Volts: t..t.3 Time End: i V-/? Standard Che111ical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard 'Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail p i?lZCOIC.L-/ N ZS. I +/-0.2'C

25. 1(,,

/UC>Ne.. e Temperature 2'-f.(o l,.'-/do :?:> )J.-1,"' 2'-/.1c 3> Bi200~'-}N +/-0.2'C p f-:J c i\\J e. DO 2 3.<13 e.'-11 +/- 0.3 mg/L &.70 p A-D 'J *-r-o 8,. 'it 8.'11 8.t./O p JO mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 '6 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 7o.o 76. 0 p 4') bracket expected field 130.5b313 5/7/ 1~ '5/ 13/ 1 2; e:;/201'-1 Z3.c;=- 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 S-6. 0 e ~oi-.:ie.. '\\I value) 1401-/lb 1-//1)/l'-I 4 t z.3( 1'-i t//ic.15 z:,. 93 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7(. z.. p A-D ::r re;, 76. 0 1 3oc*Z7A 7(e{ 13 Ci/"'t/t~ I { 2-C>f5 l.3.ct' 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 (p.15 p A-P-:S TO 7.c)O ~ pH Exaxol / :& o8z.t 13 a123/ 13 Ci/Cf(13 2/U.t5 z.::s.1z 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 io - 6 t p AP :s r<> 10.00 4, 01


p '1 1;682JC.. IG/'2-?/ 1-> qi q I I~ e/tDl'-f l'3.e,e., 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21 LI,.JeA-fZ.-1 r-y C~J< O.ONTU 0.0- 0.1 ~ Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.4 I - 40.39 ORP +/- JOmV ~ Notes: Project: S-r L\\j<-*E'" ())"~ Ir' Location: Etll fl"'c...O IA-*?, Date: r.../22/ 1'1 Time Start: z.o-;:..S-Calibrated By: I l10~111e... Calibration Type: ii-I in1t~ Battery Volts: '-/. I Time End: i.o 4 *) Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verificati Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail OfZOQ;~-J f'I 2~.8 8 p 2G,. ~ +/-0.2'C Nor-Jc; Temperature ~ 2G. I 2'-*f p \\?1Zoo1t:L-.J N 2". I +/- 0.2'C Z G,. I/ p .,* *~ f'/ONi;:: i B.z(p B.1~ e.z." p DO ~ '2.i.tJD +/- 0.3 mg/L f7 A-DJ To e..i<0 8.2.C:. __.\\ Specific JOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 Exaxol 7o.o 7o.o ? (Use 2 standards to $j2Di'-\\ bracket expected field ,-3es-z1~ ?:,jZ3>Jt3 ""'"~ 2"'1.~3 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 So. to p AP:S *re:. s-o.o value) i'-i 6LJIO Lfj 1s-J1~ '1Jt.=~1"' Y/z.c1S 1S:c3 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 //.C f' A-J> *:> re /o, o l '3D8'2.IA-fj/z:,11.:. 12/i/ 1?. 2/201> 2'-j.b') 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 {r;,qo p .4-0J' -re 7,00 pH Exaxol 13Dh'ZI 13 f?,jz.3/13 &;/q/13 'l/'Zci5 2'-/.'i:i°!:J 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 JO,ol

  • y A-1> :.~ 10 10.00 L-/.01 3.et7 p

) 30'32.I C. eiz.~J 13 t1l"IJ13 8)2014.f '2.'-i.72 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 L-J /'l£i'H?-1 l'f ~ (:.;~. r~," -.or. O.ONTU . 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- lOmV Notes: A-Olle.O 5\\LllC>Ne (',.,fU~-:::,~ TO D-/Z.trll.

I lc,..:u1ug1cal ft1>1>uo.:1ates, 1110.:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Proje~t: : f,u1c..i...e. /-+ 7.- /IA ~k Location: CA-::r L ft 'i3 Date: (.;- z..c.,- 1'-/ Time Start: oLle*~~ Calibrated By: 1. Sand"-rS Calibration Type: h'riaR_ Battery Volts: 3.gvoit'S Time End: !>5.' /') Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail ~.. ~ - '.

  • ~.,,

.?. (). 4>

Jt!'. f) p

_/) }A.Jf./ +/-0.2'C Temperature 62.

                  • :;,*... ;:,. *~'

J-': * * ~':./. . fk,7 ' j;.-;_;;,'" :.*;.*.*.~ ~ L/J.).. yz.J?s /' ~,- rr +/-0.2'C I 7~ ... *... ~* .J.i &3!.~~/a:let(-k

y, 32-

~- 33 14 DO g2c.,3 +/- 0.3 mg/L f

y. "32.

~ *, * .. ~-. IOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 1P.D p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 9/2-,J/0 o'i/u1f -9¥, 3 ~ 1-0** i) bracket expected field t3D ~2.J E. 9-9-/3

2'/.19 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 A~r -ra 57).0i>

value) /Llb.:/iD W/1sl11/ 4-H-lt/ 011/µ1} ;1..t/,?J1 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 16. l, I' .4'br 1o =J-o.oo doi21A ~/23/;3 1z.-z-13 oz/ut> ~.$':*'Ji 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 1* I 5"' r' A'IYf ~ *1.0() pH Exaxol / '1iD~i./ /3 Sh:J/i'?> C/ 13 o:z/2-015-J.1-'13 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 /0* 0 7- .A* lJS-76 It>. oo L/ol 3.99 p f 3f>821 (!__ $/23//3 9-'f-13 os/z.01{ ?-'-J,q I 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21


? L. 1 *,u p,y; ht (It" tit.- O.ONTU 0.0- 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/-lOmV Notes: Project: -I( 1-f -r rLJ_ Location: £.A; LA.6 Date: +-'T-1f Time Start: //.'IS-Calibrated By: :T. 5ArJI)£ e....s Calibration Type: ;:-µ;T[.JI... Battery Volts:.4,..< Time End: I/.'. l./) Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail .. a1.o +/- 0.2'C £11. o?- p Temperature Si\\(,-ttlJ1v -~.

  • ,ik/t p

. 4/1~ :2 +3. !Cf p -~';.., - .... *.Ai.. +/- 0.2'C ~ .. *~--

I 3D

.fi-~*i 'f:,L-Jq f--' .AitrTb >?-3-q. g *3:; '° DO r- +/-0.3 mg/L 8..37- ..,.._C' n c 1n.,. Specific Conductivity Exaxol /50!211> ~-2.J-J,3 'J-9-/3 o.f/LJ11,fli/.. 30 ~mS/cm 09.'-10*5 JO. IQ I Abs-~ 1tJ,{)o 54.0 2)9.9 /) (Use 2 standards to .1 -?ox21 E f?-23-13 ?J-,j-13 o8h.t?>/'-f ::i L/. ;J.Cj ?Jl mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 49.J ,,?? 4tJ *jl) bracket expected field S-cJ,~o value) '71\\mC'I-- ~~" - '7'1" r? d cf 2/ A-9--2.3'-tJ i2.-2-- I 3 02-/2.i15- *21. ~) 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 ~,Cj.c../ {" ADT 10 9 *.:;o pH Exaxol tif)X 2-/ (2., ~ 13 q_ ~-/ i ()2/aY) ;lL/. ~l/ 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 9,7'1 p A-I>> n> ;o,ZJo 4,g I J.r9

.J r'< fJ<JZ/~ ~, 23-1) 9-'9-13 'tJi/2tJ!L/ 2lf. '(). 3 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 3, 90 f'
l. )uvn/11 chd/<-
    • ': ~ -..,.._,

O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 . ~?~~:.. Turbidity /:;_~>'.... : 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- IOmV Notes:

1~'-u*vgical 1 .1...._,:,.,,u~iates~ ***'-* Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: C A. *i::- $+. I

  • d L Location: E At t.. ~h Calibrated By:

-J.~~D~~S Calibration Type: 'l::. 'N ~ 1~ Pr L Parameter Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Project: Calibrated By: Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Lot# Exaxol Exaxol Manufacturer Lot# . -~~l:..... Standard Chemical Information Date Received Date Opened Expiration Date Location: Calibration Type: Standard Chemical Information Date Date Expiration I Received Opened Date -tfr/J,I -.


.,, : *\\.' ~ ...,,,.r,".:; -.. ...; (~* ~~~:.:..


'. ~ \\

  • .~*t1~.J.:'f*':.~:t:.:..~***p:~~~~}i-'~,-{.:;.:_: -

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  • ~

-**~ <.,~... . *: -~ -:;-(-~. ~

  • ~

.... ::-...J.t:; Exaxol Exaxol Current Standard Acceptance Temp. Value Range "i~/cm 9.5 - 10.5 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 .;~*,~l. ~*)

  • ' 0.0 NTU 0.0 -_QJ_.

37.4 NUJ. -1'f.41 - 40.39 +/-IOmV Current Standard Acceptance Temp. Value Range v~ ti!. z_

  • ~

+/- o.2*c +/- o.2*c +/-0.3 mg/L lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ~f~lh'; .. ~~ ~~;,.:.. O.ONTU 0.0 - O.l Jrtfii~ 37.4NTU 34.4 l - 40.39 +/-lOmV Date: ~ - t I - I 4 Time Start: / 2) Z, S' Battery Volts: J..I. ~ Time End: / Z.',)0 Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Value Value Fail iJ1.~v p Lj 2. s-rs-p ~ 1;1 p (!,) /& f. *z 1-x, t Q :i 1- !?

  • =10. -=7-
J... I(:,

lO ; D 2.... _____-/ Date: Time Start: Battery Volts: Time End: Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Value Fail Value Value Fail ~/. /?- p

I 1' I E..:mugtca l""~~u.:1ates, 111.:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Location: £.A I LA \\3 Date: l/fb/('-f Time Start: I /...j '1 lf Calibrated By: {l A{,,. Calibration Type: p-I N Battery Volts: i.-j. ~ Time End: j 5° u'-/ Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Exaxol Exaxol Standard Chemical Information Lot#

  • ~*.

Date Received Date Opened -~.

  • ~

Expiration Current Date Temp. .,.,..}'. -- t 308 l.l./.\\ 8/2'?/t3 -z.:~. '"1 ( 2fZ...or"5 z.~. 13 g/2'>/13 ~. I Standard Value 27.1

2. 7.7 JO mS/cm 20mS/cm 70mS/cm Acceptance Range

+/- o.2*c +/-o.2*c +/- 0.3 mg/L 9.5 - 10.5 19.0-21.0 66.5 - 73.5 Instrument Response Actual Pass or Value Fail Corrective Actions

27. 11 e
e. ".53 r

{D.(D f7 .AiJ ~ ro 10.00 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 7 I 0 2... ,A--P J ;-o 7. oO 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 f b, o? A-o -~ re I o.oo 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39

1----+- ---l--*--- - --- --

+/- JOmV Location: {;, kT L..,1\\ ;:J Date: ~, t I- /l/ Initial Calibration Verification Standard Value ZT7 50.0 4.61 Actual Value z 7.i:/f. so.o 3.1'-f Time Start: /2.'o/S-Pass or Fail p p p Calibrated By: :J. c_.A\\.\\ Di:::.~'> Calibration Type: Tiv -Zri Al-Battery Volts: "7(.c./ Time End: 13 ;;) Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Standard Chemical Information Date Lot# Received ~-'.: *:*_.* ' t'. * .... ~.~* Date Opened Expiration Current Standard Date Temp. Value JOmS/cm 20mS/cm Exaxol 1°!10f21 'P. $°-2~-I' 9-C/-t3 o*z..(2-ot) 2tt.f3 10.oosu !~l)$'2(C... X'--z.Z..-/) i)'.-f.rtL/ o'ihc1L )'.J,ff'if 4.01SU .L.........- Acceptance Range +/- o.2*c +/- o.2*c +/- 0.3 mg/L 9.5 - 10.5 19.0-21.0 47.5 - 52.5 66.5 - 73.5 6.80- 7.20 9.80- 10.20 3.81 - 4.21 +/- lOmV Instrument Response Actual Value 24.5:'-I 4J.1L s~.()cJ '9-f *I Pass or Fail p Corrective Actions Initial Calibration Verification Standard Actual Pass or Value Value Fail ,So.c:ro 0 dV P

  • -:::f-D*OD
  • =:;-o,(K p A \\JI Tu 10. i)O

1--- Li fll"-"n'r11 (li-f,,,,1,t-4,0 /

I l

  • 1 i
  • t l I

.a:.\\OUIOglC3 tt.33U"13 CS, All\\Oo Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: 'f (> L ~ Si. i L\\ ( ',.( I + 2..; L.o /' {1 T IL-Location: ~A r: LAD Date: x-Jr--1'-/ Time Start: !?.'~ Calibrated By: \\. S~1'0iOrJtS Calibration Type: ~Yittfl

s. 9 j/(.;(15 Battery Volts:

Time End: 13.~.J<J Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail ~- /. . *~. " 24-2 ~2.J. ;)_:} f' -------- 6r-i,w)vl7\\1\\ ~ *, +/- o.2*c Temperature ~- ' - ~ - .fl l/.;;;. Jli./.d-3 p

  • ~;*

Jo*.. / ' r.;,.d **Jko * * :.L;]J, (,,, .L/3hZ {J ~ - Sr-,;,,. o M o.:4. :i.t A ~ +/-0.2'C 7. V " R..} °I ~.52 F D DO . bl.S:,;2,? +/- 0.3 mg/L f:\\03 \\"'b '6.\\01 ~. 19 ~,I&' ~.., - I Specific 10mS/cm 9.5 - I0.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0-21.0 f (Use 2 standards to Exaxol cg-/iaA L/f g p 50.CV s-o,o<l bracket expected field 1?082/E s-is-13 ?-'7-1 '2, J1.n 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 AOT 10 s--o..eo value) 1~64/() if -f5',1'i L/-2-!J-...J'/* M/ZiJ/S !;!4,~3 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 -:;o.3 p A f'ft-w 9 () cJ a 1/3o&-i1 A- <i-n - 1~ i2-1--f':I; oi/u,,.-

').J./, ;?Lo/

7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 ":/.,ID ? °4 l'iT m *:;.. e...r?J pH Exaxol .r:? [J 8'21.13 'i{-23-13 9-9-/? 1J2/?..iJJS-'3.4. :2../ I0.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 / 6. ou f? .--- q, 01 5,7*2 '° IJ.<1~ KZ! e 1f-23-/3 ~1~-'~;t. ~7-2:~,...,..- 65/UJ4.~"/,_':.?K 4.01 SU 3.81-4.21 ..J,~2 ~ i~1rt,,,iLcrni~ ~ - ~-1'-f 0.9 NTU 0.0-0.1 v ~ ~ Turbidity

'°17.4 NTU

~ 34.41 - 40.39 ORP ~ +/- IOmV Notes: (' !Jt 11...,. J) d CJ-,.1 }- /1, : 11 -f /IJ 1'117 l'/U d f~r/ t,Yi.. C)'J-/ \\ jJ w_,l.,YJCh ff/.//.,..-/}/}/ ~ /!Project: ~<:-j/)j_,*\\ A.~ "" ,--::fi9 Location: ~A-.:C LA:6 Date: Jl'-/...r-,1</ Time Start: J1.'JD;?IYI ll~ Calibrated By: r s* ft 1.J ~IC.-s Calibration Type: J:A}J:' Battery Volts: Lf -ft; Time End: 0~:1.~--- Standard Chemical lnformatiqn lnstru ment Response Initial Calibration Verification ~~~ ~Parameter Manufacturer Lot# Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or ~ Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail

1~.. ~
23,(~q p

~ .~* +/- 02*c

2 3. (p g3, ~3 p Temperature

~1-~1V J./0. -- .11?. 4'40 L/t/,9S- -f

tke.... *_ ('.}.....-
  • ~*-*

~ - -* +/-0.2'C ,"\\. :** ,-r j'f. !q K 4 0 l'i."Z.:Z... Ao\\10 )(,q(,p ?r '-j{.,, J', qJ' -P DO ',,_' ;,*~- ~- *,. +/- 0.3 mg/L


. -~-* 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity IL/ 6 <j 2~~ f-Z~*IL/ 9-/). 1f../ MlzcrS"" fl4.53 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 ;20,;i. '° ADT -m;;t}. oe>

z. 0. c.r?J

.;;i (). (JV I° (Use 2 standards to Exaxol Nol:l-i, /!J o,/2~1s-bracket expected field f-;if...t'I 9-1J...1tj

J1.'f3 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 57), 1
?J A{)j /() )V c (Ji) value) 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 1.1lff 2-/ A-

?J-2.3~13 /2-2-13 o'l-/ 2.1;,,- )i/.,3& 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20

  • -:J-_c '-f

-P AD j 1() *-4-* Ot> pH Exaxo1 no&;i-:;-8 1J-13 'J- {,,-1'-/ ()/ /z,ol) !J.J./ *. :J'I 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 JO. o I p AIJ)T~ lo* oo L/, o I ).7/ P. !'-Io f Z(p <!... ~-ZK-/lf 9-f),Jl/ 09 /z,1!;" -;JL/,31 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 'L //l.f..IJ/r; fc.1 dndc n lJl .~ ' )* -- : O.ONTU 6*0 ~ [ / I ~........... 0.0-0.1 '"-/~~ * ~*~t' 3t,</ I Turbidity A'Wll.o ~r (13~.?4~ 4-S',ILI IJ-~-1~ ()2.-lzo1<" ~;-,~~~*\\?*: 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 3x. 'l.e A~°'~~ 'f.41-J-rl.\\ 3:}.~ ORP _L--- ~~ -tOmV,,,,,----- Notes:

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project:

  • -~

J\\2 1'117~ I (. Location: '8A.* I L.t\\:"°Q Calibrated By: (*A L., Calibration Type: rN \\ Standard Chemical Information Parameter DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Lot# Exaxol l'-1 Di-fl ~1 Exaxol

3cb.275 i i1 o'b"Z&C...

Project:.~n. Lv (IE l.Ji'~*e I t2 Calibrated By: C.'-°'\\6 Date Received 5//Jlt-f 7/8/ t? t/:!i;/ t'-1 Date Expiration Current Standard Opened Date Temp. Value ZG>* '> Zl. <; 7.~q "r/Jo;) -- 10 mS/cm J., 2i.f * ~ z. 20mS/cm 50 mS/cm 70 mS/cm S/ <.,f 11.f 11/z..,1) 7.00 SU 9""/<.,.f 1 '1 I /z..,.,) 10.00 SU C.,/tS/1'-f q/2.(..;1<) 4.01 SU O.ONTU 37.4 NTU Location: EAi LAl~ Calibration Type: l~I Acceptance Range +/- o.2*c +/- o.2*c +/-0.3 mg/L 9.5 - 10.5 19.0 - 21.0 47.5 - 52.5 66.5 - 73.5 6.80- 7.20 9.80 - 10.20 3.81 - 4.21 0.0 - 0.1 34.41 - 40.39 +/-lOmV Standard Chemical Information Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range f.:J fto o ~ l '-{;; fa

  • l:'j:'..

~ .. 2 £, <-(

  • '* *~.;

i ' A'L~l, ~. +/-o.2*c Temperature ~.. ... 'J. **; *!'."* *. ~.* ~"... -.*.*,, .~r, i*I*** 2't. Lf l *

ii;'.'*.".,.. <!0::*~'~,J.,*, ;,

'i-:,;.. *~,],~~'

..:.'.: \\. *~ ;i:: ~

+/-0.2°C L >C1*; ' "?)'" t ..... ~,.~-


',..",,..,. ".:f* r Z7. 3 l-{ '7. '11 DO +/-0.3 mg/L . ~J~~;..,.. ~"'*.> 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol bracket expected field 1Y 682.t:,8 f3/2'c,Jµ 9/1~/I<./ q/zoi5: 1'1.1. 7 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 value) i t.1 l>'-1, 0 4fr"i ( 1'-f 4/l3/1'1 4 /U:>;'i 2*1.L/) 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 r'-10'12"1 5/1 f f'-1 s I c., f 11..t it f 2LJi) 2'1. 3 c1 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 pH Exaxol I 3 ol<,2113 1 /Sf I°?> c;/r.,.f t'-f If 20;) 2'1* ~2. 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 ll-i D ~ z.<.,, C. BiZtif4 1/t'5/tt.( '1/le; t') Z.'-f. 3 3 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 I %.~".0!~~ O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.l ~.,.. 1;;t.i:- Turbidity Sj~\\ ---**-t-*-------- *-*--*- t~ "];;~J?ef 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ~*. ORP +/- lOmV Notes: Date: /D/(3 f t'-1 Time Start:; D3D Battery Volts: I-/, 7.J Time End: ID57-Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Corrective Actions Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Value Value Fail 1 (,;,,t.f (o fJ f\\16rJ t: 2&. 0 2&. 63 r 2C,.4) p ~01\\J~ /, ? t.-/ p

p. I) J lb 7. '6Cf 6, n fj, Lf ')

p i '1.5 17 AO) ID Zo.b SD.O

,o. u p

5/.() r Ar>-J T6 c;.:::,. O 7, /(:) 17 A-P "J To 7.DO

61. ~ I f

A-D"'.> T<-> iO, 00 L/. 6 i 3.~I p U/'J '-AiLI I,, Ci-<c ue..

t--- -

Date: ID/l-0/IL.f Time Start: i 1.. '"( 0 t/. 2-Time End: \\ :3>iU Battery Volts: Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail 2g.c..f'-f p NC:.;-...1 E 2 7.Z f'

27. l 28, 3c; I) 7.72 17 Ao>,~ 7. cil
7. '?)

7.1lc p 7D,() p e 70.0 5u. i /\\[) 7 7 (; *s-o, o c;q.e p .4-D '.S Tc:..7o. 6 7. 61 p .41) J Tv 7,60 1.77 p /1\\f7J ""f"<;, lt. 1 0C> t-f. DI ~-~(J p -- urJc:.:>re,..,.-1 Crl<O'-

~comgical 11'-ssociates; me. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach B Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: St. Wlt"( fl P~?A7e 1-f 'Z-Location: ~ - f"o ( LA{) Date: J t I z} J /<-/ Time Start: 67 <;() Calibrated By: CA l.. Calibration Type: r: I f\\f 1-}. &. 6 'Z'Z.'-f Battery Volts: Time End: Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail ~ f24:.>il'-Yf" i: . ~.. ~r l "5. z 0 r ( ~;. 2c;, zo +/- o.2*c i.Jvi;..t "f." Temperature

  • ~* ~ *

'L,..* 2'1-7 ZL/.0 8 p ~.~ ~-.~~~~-.~~-{,,.-

f. *r'

.... ~ 'E'.:_ 2'5. r7 p 1., s.?, +/-o.2*c .,_:J 0 N-.;- ,_-;C- -- 13.SCO 8,'-f z. TG f3."-/ Z 8,'-f 2.. fj,t-/ 'l.. f' DO '"i +/-0.3 mg/L ~-"Lf r .A--D 5

  • \\i.

~: Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 70,0 70.0 p Exaxol (Use 2 standards to I Y re 2.<c f5 B)2'f.i1'-1 q /1 ')/ f'-f q/zo1 <) z_'-/.01 50mS/cm -47.5 - 52.5 56. e f'tD-:> so.o bracket expected field 70 value) t4oL-/ f O i..f{tS {t<! <-t I 2-3) 1'1 4/20;) V1.0L( 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 la e p A--b ":> 7 (J 7DJ.J - /. > i Lf6Y 2 9 c;-/ t/,..., Sir.I !'I 1/}2c,;;) 1/-f.(2 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 70() p f'J6N~ pH Exaxol ( 3 6 <o2.11::, *-ff ~)I 3 "J/t:,/t"f I (z.01 <) J, '{*DC"( 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 tD. oS f .A-fl ':Y 'LJ iD. 0 0 l/.o i 3.01 p ILf 0810 ( e1 zeltt.f ~t'/t)/t"f q/'Z(,)1) J'-f.0'1 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 l--1 t-Je A-"/Z.. j T'-'J t': 1--k '-;.e_ O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 I Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- IOmV - -- Notes: Project: ~* -r, { _. " (___f r;: u r'1?::t re. 1-+7-Location: t'f)! LAP-. Date: /6j2.8} 'Lf Time Start: j 2'-tS-Calibrated By: (l.D-L. Calibration Type: IN/ Battery Volts: L/. () Time End: ; 31 s' Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail f.?.J I? O()ill */,..; ~*

  • ' 2S'. ~

+/-o.2*c 25:51..( f'-l G.Je. 'h. 7' 251 25.'1 1 p Temperature 25.13 p \\I " 2C:>.O +/- o.2*c ~uN~ ~h... * ~ . *'~. ~* -y -\\ i' "23.K"- 'di~ '(3, i I

  • n....,...{,'-I?) \\S.<-t-J &,<-(c;*

p DO +/-0.3 mg/L r-A-D 5 T 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol f;/ lb fr*l 1f1S-J1--1 1/2cf) -z ~- 1.. 1 Tu S-C., 0 7a.o 70.0 r bracket expected field ) '-(Q;j'l<.:. t3 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 so,z_ p AV -:5 value) it.-f o4 Io L.{/rS/f<.t '5'/C. I Ir../ 'i/lc,,,1) :z_'-(. it. 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 (.,er. <o 17 t'lr-f) 3TO 76 _- (.) 1L-Jo4l c.t C::/l/l'i ~fl:./I~ 11/2-01) 2'1.20 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 7.o'l. I" (t-p 1 TO 7.oo pH Exaxol 1"36f:-21B 1/<.;.'i 11:> >idt't II Zo1 <) 1'-f. 1..I 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 q,77 I' .4V'3TuJ6,00 L/.o; 3.Y3 p i'fC8~C. &/z)./d C({I <;/1'f 4/2.::.1) z~1.11 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21'-/ U<f2lv< . *;;~"~' O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 I "~ l Turbidity . ~i~~'~ 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP ~-- - ***-*--- --~ ~---- +/- lOmV Notes:

l.:..:uaugical *,...,.,udates,.om.:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: S -;*. :_.... v ~-1 f,- l; i' 1'.?.A 1 e. Location: t::: fi I L.t><f) Date: / 6/ Z..c J 14 Time Start: t ~:. *::s L Calibrated By: (, Al< Calibration Type: j N \\ Battery Volts: LI. 3. Time End: J ]_.L./ ~ Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Manufacturer Exaxol Exaxol Date Date Received Opened Lot# Expiration Date Current Temp. Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Standard Value I"""'....:--'---*-'--'- ",.,.;,.,,.--'-'" ---"'"-'*-,;,.._----'-'--~

  • ~_;2::__1_

. c:)'_..,____+/-_0_.2_"C_+-2_. "'-'-(,_L/_(_1--_f/_-+--'-N'-D--'-l'J-=f::__ __ -1 2t,* ) -~. .".. £"/.L*( +/-0.2"C 2,.'/."'? '7 p /'JO)VE. 2~.BO 8, D i +/- 0.3 mg/L

  • 7. '-/ 3 F

A D 1 -re 8. D i f3 * ( I IOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 4.0lSU 3.81-4.21 O.ONTU 0.0-0.l 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 +/-lOmV Actual Value Notes: ~ ~-T 0 i7 re D C?tt I B ~~ "c>J Due.. Tr) DG vf'r1Lu *µ... Po i)O Project: s T. L v (,I""' l) e ~le. I.,.-L. Location: £ft I <..Pr.?::, Date: I 6 / 2 'i5 / t '-( Time Start: // 3 O Calibrated By: Calibration Type: I N I Battery Volts: '-1. ~ Time End: / Z. 6 0 Pass or Fail p Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Temperature DO Specific Conductivity (Use 2 standards to bracket expected field value) pH Turbidity ORP Notes: Manufacturer Exaxol Exaxol Lot# Date Received Date Opened Expiration Date Current Temp. Standard Acceptance Value Range Actual Value Pass or Fail Corrective Actions Standard Value

e. 2.%

+/- 0.3 mg/L ~' Z.<0 p tH/ :> Tu °3' Z ('.i <,5. L (5 -... - ---11----~1---~-----1-- 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 B/Z.~/1'-i 1/1)/t'f 1/161) 2-'-(.?/1 50mS!cm 47.5-52.5 t.f'1."i p AD::5 ToS"o.O ]O,o i'io4 t6 '1 t5)1'-/ 51&.i/l'-f 4/2.615 '1'1.':>~ 70mS/cm 66.5-73.5 &1*. '-{ P A-D:S 7D 70.0 S/tll'-/ '='/r.,/N /t/2-01-f 1"-1-3-Z.. 7.00SU 6.80-7.20 7.o<) P J'r-D') I +/- lOmV Actual Value z ?.'*( '&- Pass or Fail p p p

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach A Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: S-r. Li;Llf.-._ \\.) (1ZAi e I..f 'Z.. Location: E°AI L..AB Date: ; 6/2.Ui /'-/ Time Start: i ) 36 Calibrated By: Cp.. L1 Calibration Type: /NI Battery Volts: Y.~ Time End: /t-i f.:> G Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail

i_ *~}~ _.!£:*... -*.. *.:'.,

';)~". _.).,'r.'. *1~* ;*~ *:-. ~.~,:~ -~,-' *.. --. *1'6. z_ +/- o.2*c

  • 2B. IS p


28. 0.

Temperature b jl.o(.11lL*/ 1..f 27.c~ 2 7.10 p 1i*:;~;(;t~~:.'~~: ~*.. "*~';.~:~.~~~ "r~~J-~~il.,T;:~,.'

  • 0 p

28.\\ +/- 0.2°C 1tJ. oq 1vC;'-\\e._ l"o 1 -,~*~;:;* ~ "...,,._,:*~;~~- ' '. * *~ :~*-~}::*~...,Yi 15.i.'-I '(J, (l:, r 10 8.z.i ~ . 11 8.16 p DO ,.._ ~--.. 8.1..I +/-0.3 mg/L .~05 Specific i' lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 70.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol "f/206 5*1.2 7ou bracket expected field I Lf M:f2.G, 15 Bittii/1-/ ct/1'5 / 'i 1.'-/. ?1 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 ,4-05 Tc.;, so.o value) jL( 04 { D c.-fl /") (,..., '-i/?-3/1<-f 4/z.c1) L.t.f.31 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 (o'l '") p AO~ '1c /D.. 0 J464Z.<f 511 I l'-\\ "S/G.l IY 111201~ 1ll. /<) 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 (,,. 3 I e A--0 :') -n.. 7.00 pH Exaxol J 36<02.113,*, e; 13 Sf~{ I'-/ i/u;) 1-'1. /lo 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 1.1c:: 1:> .AD :5 /C / 0, 00 1-/.0 i 3.7 2 F il./O~UC 8/Z.6/ tt.J "1/ 1t,f 1 '-I °l/2ct<5' 1...i.f, 1;0 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 ~ 1-l f'..' ~kr~ rr-/ '-tve-U'-- O.ONTU 0.0 -0.1 Turbidity -... ~~ ' 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- IOmV Notes: -+' H?rD T~ c. f..i *w L.. e r> r{ e Le urrz.o<-..J te-- P/*'- T<.> ~. ~1'.?.,,.-n0 *...J Due: 11::.. iT Hf'Ni,...L '$ 1?..(L(ll75 ~ *'f-e_ f'r'O I tv L,.HI utA. Project: ;sr. Ui,~; q_ /-t*-Z.. I./.Jf).dh. Location: &1>-r Lr;-6 Date: /2 - 1~ *- lr/ Time Start: IC :_<;"/ Calibrated By: S, SA A! 0 t;£.S Calibration Type: _r-",vj TJ,,JL Battery Volts: 4,_J Time End: I :"). _' 2,"°L Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail .~* ! -r ' ;tl,J +/-o.2*c l<~*/1 f1 J "1-j

;_ ':}_(;./1 f Temperature

. '.;i"';. O!i-2

  1. a r ""' "f"flP*...

if;,(,; -11. (,f p ..,,\\.:fL. .:*iii +/-0.2°C c

.~gi/ '.,. *-.

'C'p* -.... . ' ">: ' ~;-,} ~ ~l _*::~~-s~(.f... *"'* ~

23-3;) lf, ~1-

"1-8'3 3 -5:/- ~-~3 6.<03 p DO ~ .. *3_... ~- . ~ ' +/-0.3 mg/L F A IYJ JD ,~..... ~-. Specific -10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 s-o.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 1'I082&.fo 0'7h.c15" ;l;).3S-p S'O *CO bracket expected field 8-1..'?-14 CJ-/S-1'-/ 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 5D.~ A-t>S -P sc:i

  • cJV value) tL/OLf /0 J./-6-llf 5"-{.,-1t.../ 02f /do1) ):J.;}3 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5

(~tJ, s jJ A-bT w ?-o *<hi 7-D*o 9-tJ.D p /'laL/2-9 S--1-11 ~-~-IL/ !/ /zol<) b)_)./1 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 -=J-3L. F ADJ" Tb 9 -oo pH Exaxol

3or,z1/P '1-"6-1 "'> <;i-{r!'i 01/2.o/~ /2J..,q 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20

/~*b -() p .lf.O ( 5.1-7 p

qoFzf.rtl 'i{-2.R-!Lf q..,.,,,4 Of/2¢1) ;,,q1 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 1.;N tt..;,* rr {'le.c/L

,~,t~~., O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity ~ ~ ..,.,.f<!f*"".:!!:' ' 34.41 - 40.39 ~ 37.4 NTU ORP ~ +/- IOmV r----_ Notes:


  • 11 i

I £A.UIOglC3 n.33U'-13teS, un:. Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: C::,7 C:u,_,-tr {)f'~T~ /-;-7.- Location: ep.1 l-A-R Date: ID) 3D/ Ii.I Time Start: 1'1/q, Calibrated By: CPrC... Calibration Type: vJN ~ Battery Volts: q:v Time End: I yy '1 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail . *' 27.7-it. Z..L. p PJ~~'"/N +/- o.2*c No,..Je. Temperature v1.1 /i.(. II p . Z7.o +/-o.2*c 27.0fo p ~Ne.. ~. &.i-\\' B.~'1 p '8: '1 I DO I 24.11 +/- 0.3 mg/L AfJ '$ I(> ~- '11 t*'il 'P


~-.. Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 7cP p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol "'1/1)/l'f 1/Uii') 70.0 bracket expected field t'-fDZ-z~g l3iiz11'1 14.1'-( 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 5D.O p pcN.e.. value) ILJD*..JIO t-j tslt'-1 1-J/?..~/IL/ t.//2'.>i ') u.*;1 70 mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 '11: I p Ao'J 1070,() it.1 o'12-q ; 1 Iii 5/ (pf t'-1 II/ tc1 ') Z5:1'i3 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 /, o") p A-1/J T07,00 pH Exaxol 13ll'-27B 7/3113 5/t:>/l'-f i/2oic;' '?. G..15 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 P/. er 'ii

  • p A-O:::> To jO.~ '-f, c, I

',5. "6 2-. p JYD~-32'-C. -<Bfi.-.:,f l'i ~lr~/l'i q/Zc:>1) 1-11.S-1 4.01 SU 3.81-4.21 U l..Jt: rrt-n-1 C/-IL.s.:4 O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- lOmV Notes: Project: ~'i. L~1' t ,.,. z_ wi01cd'Q.. Location: £4-I lAb Date: f2. -/f, - !<../ -- Time Start: /~:2.1 Calibrated By: T. SAND1;;JZ.-S Calibration Type: TAJ ; ti ti,..Q Battery Volts: ~. I Time End: /l :.'),j-S;-. LlAL-1 ~ I ""'"2 u_.Jjtandard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail '~: '

  • '. J.(,, g

p .;IG,k°

J~ SS-p

!R-o8'2-Lflv +/- o.2*c Temperature ~*-. . )/i?t:. -t.A-.P .LJ'f, *z_ ~L./,/2- {/ +/- o.2*c .,~. cg, i.. '?..- (p I 9(7 f\\r~J Th,£ L.. 'Z.. p DO ~ -,~.

  • ,~--:~*,*...,....

.,..,.* :;:'c ; 2:S-,Jt) +/- 0.3 mg/L p= ~- -Z.:L. ~,"2.L. Specific lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol i4bf-U,, 'B '7-IS-- 1Lf o~ Jw1~ J:J.~ p ~o - {F'D c;o.m bracket expected field 8-'2.~-14 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 .LfCJ, 1-

  1. DJ 'TU

)~. (J7) value) J4D'fll> 1.f-15-1!./ ~-~-14 oi.f /Utf' :JJ. ~1-70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 &C/.3 p 1\\-b) 10 -:j.o.oo IL/(),;; :;'1 .Lj'"-I -I 'f s--{;-J'/ 11/z.c1~ :;:;. :;io 7.00 SU 6.80- 7.20 '1* 'LI F A-:bJ -ro :J. *O I 7-6-0 '"=l--Oa ?° pH Exaxol i~fob21B 1-~-13 5'-/., -Ji O!/za/~ J/).. f}.'f 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 /0 *00 r' IL/6 f2..~~ <i-'2$-14 9-1s--1tf o9hoir- ~:J..o9 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 l.i° fl ttWI fl.f ());I k LJ.o/ 381 p O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 ./.--- / : Turbidity / ~ / :. ~:J[~?';~;; 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP / ..... I'--.. / +/-IOmV Notes:

Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: *:51. Luc.1E 0?i2A-1e l;-2... Location: "!CAI l A-1::i.. Date: 1111erJ 1'1 Time Start: 6735 Calibrated By: CAIA Calibration Type: r I,...i Battery Volts: 3,5 Time End: 68CO, Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail 1'1. *3 B{2-C61t..c.. '/,.-> +/- o.2*c I '1. 2. '1 i' t-JoNrL Temperature ~*** .,~ I '7."11 e ~... l..

  • ii:(,S-p 1-r.4

+/- o.2*c j4, '-/I ~61:-'e. ~ --* *. ff&,~ q.'1) r-- p DO z2. "er +/- 0.3 mg/L />t C> ~ TO 'iS'-hS" fi,b 1 8.<o-Z 10 mS/cm 9.5. 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0. 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol il-f69UB 'b)ZB/ l"I "'f / 2.o;) 70.0

  • 70.0 p bracket expecicd field tt/6/1'-f

.2.3. c I 50 mS/cm 47.5. 52.5 51, 9 p .A-1) '5 10.)o. o value) if..f0'-1 {0 i1/15/1<-f ~/l./JI-{ 4 (201 <) 2-~. u<& 70 mS/cm 66.5. 73.5 (., '9' L/ f' fr D ::) 7o 76, c;. i 'foi..f 2- '1 G/1/ 1'1 5/f;, / t'-1 11/zo.) 1..2.fl/;;, 7.00 SU 6.80. 7.20 --r. "Lf p +~ *:). I<.;) 7. CO pH Exaxol j '50&2 7 l'?;, 7/tJ,) I~ 5/re,,/ 1'-f 1 / Z,OJ <) z:z.'6 5 10.00 SU 9.80. 10.20 '°(, If '1 p A- 0 J r u {O. t...0 i-j.b/

3. &3' p

/'1 U'bU C ~1vo/ 1'-f '7/15/1~1 '1 /2-01 'r Z.2. "i 'Z-4.01 SU 3.81

  • 4.21 O.ONTU 0.0. 0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41
  • 40.39 ORP

+/-lOmV Notes:<.f'.e..o Do

  • t"~IC.C De'-FC.IU' 0.-t..I B>'A-71--'C-.

e'.,A(.,.<. 'T I l"-,-e_ 'f?e. A--f) '9. 4. Project:

) :. L u c 11C FPL

\\J-..; I:'\\ T <:,:. 'i"cS.7 1 N (1 Location: i=:A I L.~ 13 Date: 11 ~'/;_0 ; s Time Start: 11 2. S Calibrated By: C. (-, c ~TH E' L.. Calibration Type: INtTI *~ I.... Battery Volts:

3. '1 Time End: f I ~-1(."

Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail 13 iz..c (* iLL.>.J N

2. "'1. 9

+/-o.2*c 2 't/1 'l p N6NE Temperature

2. s*. o

+/-o.2*c 2 'i:te j? N C)I~ ZL/. I & B. 3'1 I (~. 31 8, s-~ p DO --.~.v..- +/-0.3 mg/L

7. '-f l~

A ll'J. TC 8.!R --~---.... 10 mS/cm 9.5. 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20 mS/cm 19.0. 21.0 Exaxol (Use 2 standards to 50 mS/cm 47.5. 52.5 bracket expected field value) ----**---- ---...~-- --... 70 mS/cm 66.5. 73.5

    • --- --.. - * -~ **............. -... -......__

__....,_... ___.,.., ___ ~.. __

  • ----*----*.. -~. * -*~--......................... --... ~...,... _.. *--

7.00 SU 6.80. 7.20 -*- ---* pH Exaxol 10.00 SU 9.80. 10.20 4.01 SU 3.81. 4.21 - ** ----~ --*-* --

    • ... ~., -

"_;.,-,,,,-.*......., O.ONTU 0.0. 0.1 - Turbidity ";[~*:,?~--=~~~~:*:~ 37.4 NTU 34.41

  • 40.39 ORP

+/- lOmV Notes: ~P_ PL !l.( er\\ t2-. *A"71~1~ ~ lt~--rC(l_ {jn... i f3 >21-rTl G.'-' l)ue. To \\(_\\) Fo (2._ Du.

  • 1*
  • t I

-"'"u1ug1ca.n.33uo,;1a es,...... © Field Instrument Calibration Records for: Hach C Quanta Water Quality Meter Project: y l-cJ(.,,1 t: rJ f' AA IC-I /'Z.. Location: t?:".AI 1-A.6 Date: 1/zc,f r< Time Start: i{)D{ Calibrated By: c_. (_ 16 e.-h-eJ Calibration Type: IN I Tl /)rt.- Battery Volts: 4 z... Time End: /637 Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Corrective Actions Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Value Value Fail

  • -~..


21. o~

? B fZOo ILL'/~ c

1: o.2*c

~o,ve... p Temperature

  • -~

2L/. ") 2 '-/.if&,

21. -Z..I u

1.1. -z..

1:0.2*c e

Nor-JL 21.*z_( f?. B<O DO

!: 0.3 mg/L g.77 F

.AV-S TU B.8(o B.Bl.f Br'bz p Specific 10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxol i/t.o/ 1') 1/ t.ol (;;. '-17. e, r=, 70.u 70. () p bracket expected field J ') 6 i I :,13 l/1:5(1'> '2.2.7..( 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 A-P3 -r-o So.o value) lt-f 6'110 i1 / 1'5 J /"{ t.1/ '2'3/ H t..f /7..01'-> 'Z-'2-.11 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 /6.4 p AD-:S -ro7o.6 IL.{ to *-ie <'... io(3D/ 1'-i 1/1?;/1'5 5/7..olb iz....i.:~ 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 c;,. 9 'D p AD"J TO 7.40 pH Exaxo1 IY tc.'Z-e.B (C>{ 30/ 1--I 1/ 1'3 /1< 5/Zb\\(., iz.1s 10.00 SU 9.80- 10.20 1.Cfl.. p A-0 3 10 (0*00 lj,ol 3. ~" ? IL/ 6 cc,2 to C 9/2$/ 1'f q/1>/t'-f 1/2.01 <) J.-2, (6 4.01 SU 3.81 -4.21 LI /\\/~Ir-/ CK<l-i.i-O.ONTU 0.0-0.1 Turbidity 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/-10mV Notes: Project: (f,,}/b,,-all oYI rt~&. Location: EJ?:c L-/!6 Date: /j-.J-/S-Time Start: //-'Z.s J Calibrated By: '), SA..VOetZ-<; Calibration Type: Battery Volts: '-/, J, Time End: j f.'.t}6 J Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification ~ Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail \\ p sf~ ' !2?,i-/

1:0.2*c fl5,'fl

/_3,L(( p Temperature iv*,

1:0.2*c 9.3, ~1 ')(.~ q

~. '1 %' ~ f\\. Horaiou-\\1.> ~.ll'\\ ~.49 $:')0 f/ DO

!: 0.3 mg/L l~3l0 1.

10 mS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific rl)S tt-z -1;;- 1-t 5 *I~ I - ,µ., ~ /J (l//µJ/~ l;.t.~. (j 'J Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 (Use 2 standards to Exaxo1 }57)//Z~ 01/?.c~ /:J l~_tb/°aled fo ~*~ o *:ro.oc: S-C-* 00 p bracket expected field 1/-/S-/.<;" /-26-1~

J3.)f4 50 mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 s-o.3 value)

/~04/() ~-1~-l'I s-:-~ *14 ot/k.v~ l'l3. -::f;;l 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 £,q,o p fVD~IE?I £.-:Jc, cc ':J(),()Q ::jo.o p F-1 /IFJ.'if (!_, JG*3o--P/ 1-1~ ~JS: (;~ J J}()/ C: !H 1-R 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20 '1.~D "F r*,, O,;litdvd ~ -:u>o t,oc. 'J,00 pH Exaxol 1 111 o~ o /[) -.2JD** J'-/ I+~ *-/) '"~l~J~ J3.13 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 Jo.02 f' tVlb~ald /401Jo

a.~~ r'

Jl/!t>28A fo-~0--1~ L/-2-1) }f/zrSI) ;z;, :;,;i. 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 L/J Uk!/ ;,.,, {ij~tk... 1,c/ 5_,f9 -*~ ~........ O.ONTU 0.0- 0.1 ~ Turbidity ..:.I*. /v i..---- r---. ,~. / ~

.: *!.i:;r,:1.:0~1 *. 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40:39 ORP

__./ +1~ Notes:

kcological Associates; Inc. .oA.J n k'ttuA Q.4 F" Id I 1e nstrument c lib a ration R ecor d fi s or: H ach BQ uanta w ater Q r M ua 1ty eter P.roject: F, 1 I A){,/ C, I ) y IZA-TC: I -+--i-Location: V,Pr ! /,.A-~ Date: iiZt>/Jc:" Time Start: a/33 Calibrated By:>c.rhel Calibration Type: JN !"11~~ Battery Volts: 4,5 Time End: t!Y-.5" Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp. Value Ran2e Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail PJlfJ()/U... :../,.) '**>.. ;;:;~~ . ~~/';;-~.:~:~*~ ~~ ~...* .~ *=i ~ -'.* 21.o 2...0.t:{fo p ~--r;{ ::>~ !*..:. :~;' i,:; +/- o.2*c f0C;N(2.. Temperature '22.t '22. ~9 p

  • - ;;*}<-

~.. ;_,~., ~***>~s;~;?-~~

  • * ~*~:.~t.. :,.;~! ~~~: *~~*~

/...... i-;.4 Z.3.07-p M tJJV">Y I J ~ +/- 0.2°C /..JD/-ie. .... Id*; ~* "'*.J~"l*J:' 8.{L.l 8.71 'P ~ :7{ 8.73 p DO . 2.l.'f3 +/-0.3 mg/L .+O~ -ro 8.7'-/ '~*I. -.... : *. *: lOmS/cm 9.5 - 10.5 Specific Conductivity 20mS/cm 19.0 - 21.0 p (Use 2 standards to Exaxol 76.D JD.O bracket expected field Ho BzG:. e B *W-H CH5*'"' q/'Z.61') -~.*2-1 50mS/cm 47.5 - 52.5 50. s p A-0 "$ -ro 50. () value) j'-j () '-f I D 4( 1'7f l'i 5," _lt.f 4/z..<:>1) 22.(b 70mS/cm 66.5 - 73.5 (o "l. 2.. p A-P ':'\\To 7c.o l'//D z,8 C... 1~1'30/f'i t/*3( 1) t;/2-011<:- 72-. (1 7.00 SU 6.80 - 7.20

7. LD p

.40'J TV 7. 00 pH Exaxol JL/ /01-~ ;3 f1Jj3oj I~ 1/13(1') ~/Zol(,;, zz_.1 -~ 10.00 SU 9.80 - 10.20 /6.05 p A-o*::s TO /6.00 l.f, D ( 3.'11 p it/ o }( z& c s/i <o/1tj '1/r> I 1'1 q/1-.o/5' 'Zt... o3 4.01 SU 3.81 - 4.21 LI,_, ~IT'-/ C;u,,t.. '-' *.. :;;.(: O.ONTU 0.0 - 0.1 Turbidity -~... .. '~: 37.4 NTU 34.41 - 40.39 ORP +/- lOmV Notes: Project: ST LcC.1E: U rf-.A-re 1-t-"2-Location: r.;-ft I LAB Date: 1/i.z./1c;'" Time Start: (2./D Calibrated By: (l. G. oe..-t'J,,e..1 Calibration Type: fJNAL Battery Volts: I.{. I Time End: ; 2 Lf I Standard Chemical Information Instrument Response Initial Calibration Verification Parameter Date Date Expiration Current Standard Acceptance Actual Pass or Standard Actual Pass or Manufacturer Lot# Received Opened Date Temp.

  • Value Range Value Fail Corrective Actions Value Value Fail fu...ok:.(...J t->
  • -z.(c *I

+/-0.2"C 1 G:i.Dfc p e000e Temperature ..... ~"' 2~.37 ? Be.ooj!.(....J~ ~- '"""l:'1~~Jt;.:,'~~; 2S.1 y 23.l( -*.:~,* )'. ~r.;.* .*.. "',£. ~- ~.):, +/-0.2"C ~'.5. 13 Not--:>12... -~- '

  • >. : : -.-~tb.'}(:*: **,~~*'.:.::~* :'":.. *.,, ".. i-p~;. ~.'. 25'.3°1 8.1<1.

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