IR 05000344/1978024

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IE Inspec Rept 50-344/78-24 on 781003 & 781101-03 During Which No Items on Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Organization & Admin,Review & Audits, Calibration,Lers & Plant Opers
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/22/1978
From: Morrill P, Sternberg D, Woessner J
Shared Package
ML20062G474 List:
50-344-78-24, NUDOCS 7812280358
Download: ML20062G476 (5)












REGI0tl V Report flo. 50-344/78-24 50-344 py Docket No.

License flo.

Safeguards, Group Licensee:

Portland General Electric Company

~121 S. W. Salmon Street Portland, Oregon 97204 Facility flame:

Trojan Inspection at:

Rainier, Oregon Inspection Con uc ed: Octobeg 3, and November 1-3, 1978 Inspectors:

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P. J. ti'rrill, Re' actor Inspector Date Signed J%

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Date Signed A\\N4%gssner, Reactor Inspector



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tfsc, Reactor Inspector DateSig{nedU(2 n0/ CAM P. H. pghnson, Reactor Inspector Date Signed AbW Wa/u


N 6l, Reactor Inspector Date Sfgned


Approved By: -





D. M. Sternberg, CEt'ef, Reactor Project

'/ Date' Sign'1hd




Inspection on October 3, and flovember 1-3,1978 (Report flo. 50-344/78-24)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection. of organization and administration, review and audits, calibration, licensee event reports,



response to IE Bulletin, independent inspection, and plant operations.

The inspection involved 80 regular inspector-hours onsite by five fiRC inspectors.


Results: fio items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.




7812280357 l


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Persons Contacted


Principal Licensee Employees R. Barkhurst, Plant Operations Supervisor D. Bennett, Instrument and Control Supervisor (acting)

  • S. Christensen, Manager, Generation Engineering A. Critchley, Generation Engineering, Senior Designer C. Goodwin, Assistant Vice President
  • S. Hoag, Generation Engineering, Mechanical Group Supervisor
    • F. Lamoureaux, Assistant Plant Superintendent
    • W. Orser, Plant Engineering Supervisor
    • J. Reid, Plant Quality Assurance Supervisor H. Sager, Operations Quality Assurance Supervisor B. Withers, Plant Superintendent G. Zimmerman, Generation Engineering, Licensing and Analyses Engineer The inspectors also interviewed other licensee employees during the

course of the inspection. They included reactor and auxiliary operators, shift supervisors, maintenance personnel, plant staff engineers, quality assurance personnel, and industrial design consul tants.

  • Denotes those attending the exit interview on October 3,1978


at the corporate offices.

    • Denotes those attending the exit interview on November 3, 1978 at the Trojan Plant site.


Plant Operations The inspectors conducted a tour of selected areas of the reactor control room; auxiliary, turbine and refueling buildings; and yard areas. The following observations were made:


The reactor was in mode 5 at approximately 130 F with baron at approximately 1700 p.p.m. and RHR flow at or above 3000 GPM.


Control room operators were knowledgeable of plant operating conditions and the reasons for off normal conditions as in-dicated by the plant annunciators. The control room was manned in accordance with the Technical Specifications.


Radiation controls were established as required.















Plaat housekeeping was adequate.

Y e.

Plant equipment and systems appeared normal for the status of the plant.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Organization and Administration Facility organization and administration were examined during the inspection.

Included were consideration of personnel qualifi-


cations (except for those individuals whose qualifications were l,

reviewed during previous inspections), organizational structure, shift crew composition, and membership and qualifications of the


Plant Review Board and Nuclear Operations Board.


No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Review and Audits The inspector examined records of the onsite (Plant Review Board)


and offsite (Nuclear Operations Board) review committees as well as the audits conducted by the offsite review committee since September 1977.

In addition, audit schedules, the log of identified deficien-cies, and responses to deficient items identified from the audits were examined and discussed with licensee representatives. The


inspector verified that the activities of the onsite and offsite


review committees and the associated audit activities were conducted in conformance with regulatory requirements. The inspector observed


that the licensee utilized consultants to augment offsite quality


assurance personnel conducting audits.


No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.




The following listed components were examined for correct calibration.

The inspector verified that specific requirements had been estab-11shed for calibration and that the frequency of calibrations was in accordance with the Technical Specifications where applicable.

The procedures used for calibrations were examined for proper approvals, acceptance criteria consistent with Technical Specifi-cations, and detailed instructions commensurate with the complexity of the calibration.

Power range neutron flux, high positive rate trip bistable Overpoweras T trip bistable

.l Reactor coolant pump undervoltage





















Loss of flow - single loop Containment high pressure bistable Steam generator pressure at remote shutdown monitoring station The inspector discussed with the I&C supervisor the qualifications of the technicians performing the calibrations.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Licensee Event Report The inspector examined licensee actions concerning the following licensee event report (LER) to verify the previously described scope of the problem and corrective action was talen as described in the LER. The inspector examined selected records and inter-viewed responsible personnel.

LER 78-20, Revision 2:

Piping penetrations not designed to be solidly grouted were found to be solidly grouted.

Subsequent design review and stress analyses shows that there are approxi-mately fifteen isometrics with either excessive hanger stress or pipe stress exceeding code allowable. The inspectors examined licensee internal reports and interviewed personnel performing analysis work (including consultants) to verify the commitments made by the licensee during IE Inspection No. 50-344/78-19.

Subsequently, on November 7,1978, in a telephone conversation between Mr. R. Wehage of PGE and Mr. P. Morrill of the NRC, the licensee representative stated that the safety evaluation (-

by the Plant Review Board and Nuclear Operations Board and/or the modifications of the potentially overstressed piping systems would be completed prior to plant start up. This LER remains open pending completion of the above activities.

(0 pen)

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


IE Bulletin Followup


The inspectors followed up on licensee actions related to a recent IE bulletin. The bulletin had been forwarded, reviewed, and re-sponded to by cognizant members of the licensee's organization.

Inspection findings related to the IE bulletin reviewed during the inspection are as follows:












IE Bulletin 78-04, Environmental Qual.ification of Certain Stem Mounted Limit Switches Inside Reactor Containment:

Licensee representatives had previously informed the inspector-(Inspection Report No. 50-344/78-19) that the limit switch on an isolation valve for the containment hydrogen vent system would be replaced with a qualified switch, and that the


licensee's response to the bulletin would be revised and resubmitted to the NRC.

The inspectors verified the com-pletion of the above commitments and the contents of the licensee's revised response dated October 11, 1978.


No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives on October 3,1978 at the corporate headquarters, and again at the plant site at the conclusion of the inspection on November 3,1978.

During the exit interviews, the inspectors summarized the scope and findings of the inspection.



