IR 05000199/1986003

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Exam Rept 50-199/86-03OL on 861203.Exam Results:Senior Reactor Operator Candidate Passed Written Retake Exam & Issued License
Person / Time
Site: 05000199
Issue date: 01/08/1987
From: Coe D, Collins S, Keller R
Shared Package
ML20207P449 List:
50-199-86-03OL, 50-199-86-3OL, NUDOCS 8701160153
Download: ML20207P458 (22)


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s-FACILITY DOCKET N0. 50-199 FACILITY LICENSE NO. R-94 LICENSEE: Manhattan College Corporation Riverdale, New York 10471 FACILITY: Manhattan College EXAMINATION DATE: December 3, 1986 CHIEF EXAMINER: m- U / S7 DougCoe,gadReact Engineer (Examiner) ' 'Date REVIEWED BY: ) If Robert Keller, Cfiief, Project Section 1C I[787 Date DRP APPROVED BY: IdIlR)d _j M Samuel Col' ins, Deputy Director, DRP 'Date



SUMMARY: One partial written retake examination was administered to one candidate for a Senior Operators license. The candidate successfully passed the v.itten examination and was issued a license.

i i

8701160153 870109 PDR ADOCK 05000199 V PDR

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l SRO I l Pass / Fail i I I 1 I I IWritten Exam i 1/0 I I I I I I i 10ver 11 1 1/0 l I I I I I i CHIEF EXAMINER: Doug Coe, NRC The examination took place in the Region I offices and a copy of the questions and answer key was sent to Br. G. Kane of Manhattan College after the examination was completed. No exit meeting was held. This candidate previously passed three out of five sections of the Senior Reactor Operator written examination. The two remaining sections, H - Reactor Theory and L - Administrative Procedures, Conditions and Limitations, comprised this current examinatio . Changes made to written exam during examination review:

Question N Change Reason L.03 Answers designated for The control room is blocks 5 and 8, may also within the boundaries be provided in blocks 4 and of the ZPR la , respectivel L.04 Add "0R each visitor is The original answer is

given a separate film the minimum requirement,


badge". and the additional answer is common I practice. Also, the question did not define the group siz .


L.09 Delete "following a Question did not ask i period when the reactor... for this informatio Attachments:


1. Written Examination and Answer Key (SRO)


2. Facility Comments l 3. NRC response to Facility Comments i


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U. G. NLICL EAR REGUL.ATORY CO!911 GS 10i1 S E N I O R Rt' AtTI O R O P E R A'l O R I.I C E N Sli E X AMI!Jn1 IliH FACIL11y: .flaltjA] fAi1 Cf!1t.!_,E_  ! _ . . _ . _ _

l<EnCIOR 1 'y PE : <. F h DA i E nDr11 rilS I ERED: 3 6 / 1',9 0 6 E X fd !I NER : .COE, C A N D I D n II- : _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _


Use separate paper for the answer Write answers on one side onl Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheet Points for each question are indicated in parentlieues at ter the questio The passing grade requires at least 70% in each categor Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours atter the examination start % OF CATEGORY % OF CANDIDATE'S CA1EGORY

_MOkUE_ ._19166 ___SGOBE___ _MOkU L _ _________ _______GalEggB L ______________ .oo r,0. oo t!. REACfOR rt!EORY

_?9 99__ 59 99 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . - _ _ -._._.__ _ t . ADMINISIRA~fIVE PROCEDUHES, (20NOIl 't UNS Ait'D L]i'll T n 1 I UNS 40.00 1otaln Final Grade AlI work done on this ex ami na t. i on is my o wri . I have neither oiven nor received ai _ . . . . _ _ _ . - _ . - . - . - . _ . - _ - - - - - _ _ _ . _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ . .

Candidate's Signature " * '



During the administration of this examination the f ollowilia rules apply: Chea t i riq on the examination means an aut omat.ic deni al ot your application and could re+ cull in snare severe penal tI e . Re:u t t oom' Ltipc at e to be. limited und ot il y one condidaLe af a tinne may leav You muut avoid all contacts with anyone'au:. side the ex atni nati on room to avoid _even the appearance or possi b.i li Ly_ ui cheatin . Use, black ink or dark pencil gnt_y to facililate leqtbla r eproduc t t on . Print-your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examinatio Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary).

6.- Use only the paper provided for answer . Print your name in the upper _right-hand corner of the first page of eacjj section of the answer shee . Consecuti vely number each answer sheet, write "End of Category __" as appropriate, start each category on a new page, wr i te gn l y gra gr g a ui d_g of the paper, and writo "Last Page" on the last answer shee . Number each answer as to category and number, for example, 1.4, . Skip at-least three lines between each answe . beparale answer sheets From pad and place finished ctnswer sheets face

, down on your desk or tabl . Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility 1_i t erat ur . The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the ques t.i on and can be used as a guide ior the depth of cinswer require . Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or no . Partial credit mcay be give Therefore, f-iN5WER AL L PARI S OF 'IllE QUESTIOh e .l 10 DO NOT LEAVE ANY ANGNER DtAN . If par-i of the 2 amination ar e not c l ea. ' .m to 1, i l un t , m.J- quasiions of I hf * _ ,,_ 4f t 1 , t r_

< t i1 .


L itou ..u i t Ent .. i u l irumo t vri t t it. L o v ei _,i i ! l % ! .J el.t s that ! !ie Warl 1- c em arss i sod you have not rutel._d at born at .o assiiltance in c Gitp l e '.11:4 'r I lic t1 5.tini tia t i oll . lbli luu S t be tiOr 6 L dei L Ur I I t tu +'- dus s i suli UI) l su; h:'oi, a nn. . ' e t id .



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' (18. - tJher. you choep'letrJ: yoitr; examination,- you.-whal1:


_ <n . Asaemble your. examination'as f of I ows:


i1) E n ... quest i on u . ot's -to . En am ai ci a ' -~ f I gora r. . t a b l e L ., et _-(3) Answer pagces 'i ricl udi ng figures which are par-t , ot the answe g


- .

. Turn in your, copy of the e:<anii nation and al l pages used to answer the examination question Iurn-in all scrap paper and t'he balance of the; paper that you.'did'

not'use for.aitsweri'ng the question s L. eave the exanaination area, as defined by the examine If after

' leaving, you.are found in this area while'the examination is still in' progress, your license u ay be denied or revoke . _ _ - _ _-_ _.

-. .



- - - .





DUESiION- H.01- (3.00)

.fte following d tu in obtaisied dur i no rep t at:enient os cor e e l ein ei t s following repairs to tiw grid plat l'

Fuel elements replaced source range counts tenth 32 cps cleventh 3? cps twelfth GO cps thirteenth 70 cps Using the graph paper provided (Figure 1-1), show whether the

. reactor would go critical before ot- afher i nc,er ti on oi- the fifteenth fuel element. Assume all fuel el enien t s are identica QUESTION- H.02 (2.00)

Brief1 y describe . the reason for the shape of.the Relative Reg Rod Worth curve in Figure 1- QUESTION H.03 (2.00)

Describe how excess ret.ctivity changes w_, che temperature of the MCZPR increases from 65 F to 120 QUESTION i1.04 (1.50)

Assurne the maximum excesu reactivity MCZPR is instantly added when the reactor is critical at 100 milliwatt Would the reactor be prompt critical, or supercriticalo Justify your answe OUF 5T I Oil H.05 (; 50) Whv is a i n:a l.: t .e . sot et cc used E1.Oj I How does tiie Pe !-fJ a riet_t t. r oi t .: ,;u r 1e u .; f e ..i t ! :C ZI E os a c iui; i ; i ; < >i n - L1.33 (**X** ta IEf ~s att i 11 LOil r Il1UL u 01-1 Nt.X T P s .O A a + 6 I


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QUEGT ION H.06 ( 2.' 00 )

L'r i et l y .dtscribe huiv neuteons ere Ajetec!ej io a. Di 3 propor ti anal. counter .

Do not dtscus2 the Iunct oninq af the o;: t_04 mal circuitr QUESTIOil H. oT (1.501


Describe the Maxitnum Hypothetical Accident for the MCZPR, its effect

-. a n reactor power and tamperature, and whether any Safety Li mi t is exceede QUESTION H.08 ( .75)

A thermal neutron is (Select one): a neutron that experiences no net change in energy after several collisions with atoms of the diffusing media, A neutron possessing thermal rather than kinetic energy.

4 a neutron that has been produced in a significant time (on the order of seconds) aftur its i ni ti ating fission took plac the. primary source of thermal energy increase'in the. reactor coolant during reactor operatio QUESTION H.09 ( .75)

Which of the following statements best accounts for the fact that irradiated fuel elements are radioactive? (Select one)

, the high-neutron flux activates i mpetri ti tes in the fuel cladding and matrin, therufare vi elding radiattivit after + i ssico, Ihe f 1 wi en praductu or e vary n et t i.r on deficient and thereforo decey inta o.o:- e st anlo elements ei a beta p l o cs deca t... U r u f's ) i M 1 5 Iti fth!, F O d i t s c.t(. t' A 3 + -

. .: v d li e _seun - i .' , t 'f i s m. ir e at; i I '/ d l e d tirader a ti m. .o .t l n a it.i u F l o:. .

(l . i k S S} Ull p f 'O(lt li f I k I'.e k.If U { e ., r ' t.14 I I m U [s v I Uits . :.M t.' v *i f~ v'


f f *.'ll b r LJI i i k CI!


.htd tliei s?t- f s H * t ? L edi n d lo d t ? c < 4 ', I lllO mt ;l u >l.d a l e 431 t ?mUi t l U %13 h0Lt i

e f t 1 1 ' t ", d r.JC sa,.

.*: e** t% IEG Kit il Is;. rlish:O t a i rsi;,* T F in *.4 *r+r

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OUEST10II H.10- ( 2. 00 ) -

For both of the -f ol l owa nn p.atements, 1-i st whether t.h a t en ateunent in



a'. The unit (of measur +d of the " barn" is a measure for the microscopic neutron cross sectio ' Delayed neutr ons have a harder ener gy spectrum at birth I.han neutrons produced;from tho' fission of U-235 by therr ial neutron The raicroscopic crosa section for neutron interaction depends t4pon -

the isotopic composition of the materia) and of the energy of the neutro Thu' reaction rhte for' neutron ab sor p t i on in a given material is inversely proportional to neutron flu QUESTION H.11 (2.00)

One of the equatiuns given on the equation sheet is.a simplitied form of the-In-hour equation and relates reactor period to reactivity for small reac ti vi ty changes made to a crilical mas If_the effective d el ayed neutron fraction is 0.007 and the offective precursor dc) cay constant for all precursor groups is 0.08 per sec, what ieactor period would r esul t il 5.0 cents of positive reactivity were i riser ted into this critical reactor?

Stiow your wor ( * .- * u t. i lo i m u i l E t a ls y 11 a+a***





OUEST1011 'L.01 (3.00)

DE F I NT: saiet y Limil, .

LinutAng S a t tat y System SetLing,


L i mi l:i ng Condi t.i en ior t)per a t i ore ,

and describe the relationship between the .

QUESTIDN L.02 (1.00)

Define channel check as given in Technical Specificatian QUESTION L.03 (2.50)

'On-your separ at e answer sheet complete.the following table by listing the minimum personnel and license level s that 11UST be in each-status for the given event, according to Technical-Specification All blocks need NOT be filled in to correctly answer this questio In control  : At facility  ! On call room (specify bounds)  !

. .

. . Reactor not secured (1)  : ( '2 )  : (3)

. .

__._________._i___.___ _____._ ______ _._ _ _.__.____ Movement of fuel  :

elements or any  : i experiment in the (4) (5) 1 (6)

reactor core  !  :

. .

  • *

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ Whenever the final  :

fuel element i i necessary for  : I attainment nf (7)  : (8)  : (9)

criticality is 1  :

transferred into core  !

UljESf10N *

.od '. ) , , . v f


lee s u itie' tlor (" :: o ns nri * wii al i on owa s i I .m inq r equi r ed 10 ra- provided ior

'l l S ll Cf 'i., iu F r e :- W. Z FR s**+xh Uiil E 4 J il( s f:ni!jiJljill;lf ON i J L X. I f'tdi ** * ? * * /







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_auEsTrou L.os ( 2. 00) -

Se mr al outnade au ent_ i +m (or ser v i t us :- ct r o 1 i si ed in 1:he Manhattan Cullege Emergency Plan as buing m ailable to . assist the Enier u en cy .

Director J ur' i n g an e.'n et genc L i s t_ iour of thes QUESTION L 06 ( .30)

The MCZPR Security Plan provides the physical protection system that will meet applicable regulations for transporting Special Nuclear Material of low or moderate strategic signifigance. TRUE or FALSE?

QUESTION L.07 (1.50)

What reacti vi ty condition and assumptions are made in order to consider the MCZPR " shutdown?"

OUESTION L.08 (1.50)

What administrative _ action must he taken for a licensed reactor oper ator prior to recuming licensed dut-ieu af ter a period of greater than four months away ~from the faci 1ity?


QUEST 10N L.09 (1.00)

According to the MCZPR Technical Specification surveillance requirements, how often must the linear power thannel be tested for operability?

( e 4 x .* 6


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01JESIION 'L.10 (2.50)

Ac c or di t eq tu Techn2ca1 bpetiticat. ions or the Radiation Sa ! e t. s I L,n u a l ,

nhich indtviduals and/cr groups of individuel_,, by title, .au x, i. ausbesize


t.h e following: Aray core con i i qur ation chang Any change in experimental a p p ar a t u:. Proposed operations and procedure Taking the " reactor-on" switch to "on" with fuel present in the. tank., Transfer of radioactive waste out of the Leo Engineer ing 1)ui l d i ng .

QUESTION L.11 ( .75)

Whose authorization (highest authority) is required pciar to restarting the reactor if a Safety Limit violation has occured?

QUEST 10N L.12 ( .75)

To whom, by title, does the Reactor Operations Committee del ega te


authority for the enforcement of the ALARA concep QUESTION L.13 (1.00)

Who, by title, may authorize volunteer evnergency worker s to incur radiation exposure in excess of 10CFR2O limita during an emergency?

uuESTIGN L. 14 (1.00)

Who noty or aril. a s e t ne m escurted access to I he - Loni r o n 1 ed At c e.,s nreas?


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. .

Where mi = m2

.(density)1(velocity)i(area); = (density)2(velocity)2(area)2

_________________________________________-__---_-_-------___---_--- --------

PE = mgh = PE +KE2+P22 v where V = specific KE = "{2 PE3 + KEy+P)V3 2 volume P = pressure




Q = mcp(Tout -Tin) Q = UA (T ave -Tstm) Q = m(hi-h2)


(p _ p)Em ---

t T= = (0 - p)

P = Pg 10(SUR)(t) P = Pg e /T SUR = 26.06 T P P X egg


_____________________________________ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

. delta K = (Keff-1) CR 3 (1-Keff1) = CR 2 (I-Eeff2) CR = S/(1-Keff)


(1-Keffl) (1-Kef f) x 100% -

M= 'SC ~ = K 1-Keff2) eff


= A e (decay constant)x(t)


decay constant = in t (2) = 0.693 t

A 1 o -

1/2 1/2


Water Parameters Miscellaneous Conversions

1 Curie = 3.7 x 10 dps 1 gallon = 8.345 lbs I gallon = 3.78 liters I kg = 2.21 lbs 1 ft = 7.48 gallons I hp = 2.54 x 103 Btu /hr

3 Density = 62.4 lbm/ft 1 MW = 3.41 x 10 Btu /hr Density = 1 gm/cm# 1 Btu = 778 ft-lbf Heat of Vaporization - 970 Btu /lbm Degrees F = (1.8 x Degrees C) + 32 Heat of Fusion = 144 Btu /lbm I inch = 2.54 centimeters 2 1 Atm = 14.7 psia = 29.9 in Hg g = 32.174 ft-lbm/lbf-sec 1 ft H 2O = 0.4335 lbf/i __________-___-_-__-________-_-__-___________--______-.____-__---------- --




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E.? ANSWERS - t1ANHATTAN COLLEGE --86 /12 /03-COE , ,

,, s ,



nl1GWER 11. 0 1 (3.007 eee gr aph C1.03-for conrect sealing of I /t1

[ 1. 0.1 for correct plotting

[1.03 for correct answer (cri ticali ty will occur AFTER the 15th element)

REFERENCE MCZPR experinieret " Approach to ' Cri ti cali t y"


ANSWER H.02 (2.00) [

The curve slopes steeply in middle because this is an area of higher neutron flux than at the coro perimeter [1.0 The reactivity worth of the reg rod in thus higher in this central. region and cauces a greater change in count rate for each increment moved. C1.O]

HEFERENCE ilCZFH experiment " Approach io Criticalit,y" ANSWER H.03 (2.00)


From 65 to the tutn-around t unp er a t.ur e (110.6F), excess reactivity increases with lumperaturo [1.01, then it begins to decrease with temperature increase. L1.O REFERENCE Tech Spec 3.1.3.A basin



ANSWER H.04 (1.00)

Supen i.r a i i cal l'O.'.J l he - i.4.o: i n.t eso ..(..


m r . % c t . s .- 1 t ,> t . 4 'l !. i o - 1 I o I' *

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dHSWERS '- MANHhTT AN COL.LEGE -Ti6 /12/ 03- COE , D. . -

EGWfiR 11.' O'S (2.30) Tu pe vi si bl e neutron t i to; ~ 1eveje on riur:te%r i r a st r ufnen t s; duririq starLup L1.03 Pu decays to U ared ul pha - L o.5 Alpha reacts, with Ite LO.h3 iu nive (carbon) and 1 neutro [0.53 REFERENCE NRC systems suar.uul , PWR, West i nyhouse desi gr e , pg. 2.1-28 Tech Spec pp. 16-18 ANSWER H.06 (2.00)

Neu t.r on s interact 6-si t h EllO which then ejects an alpha particle EO.5 Due to its high charge the alpha causes many ionization events in the BF3 gas EO.5 Since the ions are wi thiri a strong electric iield, they move toward the pole of opposite-charge, tr eating additional ' ions- as they g CO.53 'ihe resulting ions reach the anode / cathode and become a pulse of electric current in the external circuit which can be detected and counte EO.53 REFEFENCE NRC sysleins menual, PWR, Westinghouse design, pg. G .1 --37

FSAR pg. 7-3 ANSWCR H.07 (1.50)

1) Rapid inser t1on of maximum reactivity E0.53 2) Puner and temperature increase to a maximun, oi (147KW) and (221F). [0.53 3) Tlio only Sofety t_1mit (fuel clad temperature) is not exceeded ( 122Of")

CO.5J PEF Erd' UCE led. .;>.c t ...1 l~5nR n >n nia i ; Fi

bz._ BEOGIgB,_IdE981 PAGE 10



-86/12/03-COE, _

.. -


AIGWFR H.oS ( ./3)

- REFEREHCE L'. a H!ar ni r , Intro to twic E gr , 1975 pg. 59 ANSWER H.09 ( .75) REFERENCE La Marsh, Intro to Nuc Engr, 1975, pg. 69 ANSWER H.10 (2.00) T F F

) F E0.5 each]

REFERENCE t.ot tar sh , intro to Ntic Engr , 1975, pp. 44,49,73 ANSWER H.11 (2.00)

1 = (beta -- rho) / (r ho X l amo a) => . Ot'7 - (.05 X .007)/(.05 X .007 X .08)

= Z37.5 sec

[O.5's i Ot' i ~ f )r r s_'C t Ot]41d ll.Ote


. i .r ( ur r e'rr l-. use t>f b e l ci eritt l amtm L 6. b 1 : er c uitveir -u oi. ef cueil a lo e iia L v . ". . J 6 ur- eis a ' h used Iinval uiiwer PEF liRFi ICE La t i. r ., t i , Isil r u


!t, i nti . E'e s o r , 6 5 , '. . . p . l' :O


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L t_00t:181n18011 R EBOCEQUBE L GQUQlllOUS_QUD_LidlIOllOUS PAGE 11



f'NSWERS "-- +1ANHATTAN COLLEGE -86/1 2/03-COE, , -


AflSWER L.Ol 3. Oi o Sately L 1 oni t - Limits; upon t mpos -t an t pr oces', var 2 abl es whi c h . pr ottcc t the integrity of physical barrizern which prevent the release ut radi cac t i vi t E1.0]

LSSS - Settings +nr automatic protective devices E0.5 Set so that safety limits are not reached. EO.53 LCO - lowest functional capability of equipment required for safe operation of facilit LO.S] Ensures LSSS equipenent and other equipment required for safe operation maintains operability. CO.53 REFERENCE 10CFR50.36 ANSWER L.02 (l.00)

A qualitative verification of acceptable performance by observation and comparison of channel belaavior with other independent channels or cystem REFERENCE Tech Spec definitiens sect 1.0 l


ANSWER L.03 (2.30)

(1) 1icensed RD (2) licensed SRO in Leo Eng. Old (3) Health physicist (4)

(5) 2 persons, one with at least an RO license, in 2PR lab (6)


( 6' ) e equi r ren.en h or por i b one t , plus a R. :ac i on 7,op er v i ;,ur L O . E. "achl (C r - . . a,- .t . 4 L .s ;, i ,, )

REFEnEiKE l e. h S p . ...

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- L:. GDMitilSIBOID'E_EBOGEDUBEQ3_GQhDillQUS_6UD,_Lidl10110t@ PAGE. 12

  • ~*


NSWERS -- NANHATTAN COLLEGE- - 86/1 ?/ 03-CDE , li. . * -

A145WER L.04 (i.00)

Each ye oup of vi si Loru wi11 have body geunun bedoes distribut..d within the group (1 badge per 10 visi1. ors). '1he escart stia] 1 wear o special (i1m budge worn only while escortiny v i s i t. or s . ;, L1.oJ REFERENCE g' IS '"''






Radial. ion Safety Nanual pg 2-7 g, Sc gm rCf v s -



L;\,n .ls av . '

-) u ANSWER L.05 (2.00)

St Josephs Medical Center

" " " "

ambulance service Manhattan College Security Dep NYPD Fire Dept. of NYC NRC [any 4, 0.5 eath]

REFERENCE MCZPR E plan, pg 16 ANSWER L.06 ( .50)

t FALSE REFERENCE MCZPR Security P1an pg 9 ANSWER L.07 (1.50)

The re-n Lot' is shutdown if it is subcritical b >' a t. leaut one dollar LO.751 in the reference core condition and tina reactivity utu t.h of all e<pur1ments i s, accounte E O. 'S J PFFEl&NCE Tecir St a n pg 1- .



. . .

b::. Ohd191S18011ME. EBOCEQL)6LiS1 ,,,GgdQ111QUgi ONQ_!=1011011g05 .PAGE 13


',- hNStJERS - MANILA f fr.f J COLLEGE -86/12/03-COE, .


n!!GWEli L . OEf (1.50s Cer t i f i c a t i on sinun t be made to the NRC that hic knowledue aied understandingt of facility operation and adini n i s t r a li an are satisfactor REFEREt1CE LOCFRUS.31(e)

ANSWER L . Oc/ (1.00)

[t C A Prior to each reactor star tup M1 1='

'1 . , p "n -4 '- ' ' -

ccctor h h ... ...:_- ! ~ ..a !h_ H !*w . U Jrb REFERENCE lechnical Specifications 4.2. ANSWER L.10 (2.50) ROC and Reactor Administrator (Rn> ROC and RA liOC and RA Rtra c tor Supervisur

- Health Physicist REFERENCE Tech Spec 4.1.3, 6.1.1, Rad Sa f ety 11anual pg. 6-1

/,r bWl? R L.11 ( .7Si Hi eC ffFEf/[ N! I li>tli 'ip o pit . /, - 1

- -

, 7 . . .

-_ ,


. _ .

k__8Dt!IUISIBGIlk/E_E60CEDUGES 2_CQ*JDITIQUS ,0NQ_,(ItilIGIlgGS PAGE .14 NSWERS " MANiin rTAN COLLEGE- -86/12/03-COE,D.- - ' -




- -

(,IISWER L.12 ( .7M)

~ihe Radiation Shf et:y Of f i cer-

-REFERENCE Radicttion Safety't1anual 'p g 3-?

ANSWER L.13 (1.00)

Ernergency Di rector REFERENCE 11CZPR E pl an pg. 12 ANSWER L.14 (1.00)

1) all faculty / staff mernbers authorized unescort ed access and LO.53 2) students designated in writing by the Facility Director CO.33

' REFERENCE 11CZPR Securi ty Plan pg. 6 Y