CY-11-022, Response to Revised Power Reactor Security Rule and Request for Exemption Clarifications

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Response to Revised Power Reactor Security Rule and Request for Exemption Clarifications
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck  File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/2011
From: Lenois J
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
To: Eric Freeman
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML11227A281 (2)



  • EAST HAMPTON, CT 06424-3099 CY-1 1-022 August 10, 2011 License No. DPR-61 Docket No. 50-213 Docket No. 72-0039 Re: 10 CFR 73.55 Document Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Attention: Eric Freeman Mailstop T4-F25M Haddam Neck Plant Response to Revised Power Reactor Security Rule and Request for Exemption Clarifications This letter documents NRC requests for clarification for the Connecticut Yankee letter and exemption request CY-10-017, submitted November 30, 2010 and titled "Haddam Neck Plant, Response to Revised Power Reactor Security Rule and Request for Exemption."

On July 6, 2011, Connecticut Yankee was contacted via e-mail and telephone by Mr.

Eric Freeman of the NRC for clarification of several items on the exemption submittal. Enclosure 1, Section 1 documents the two items Mr. Freeman requested clarification for with Connecticut Yankee's response.

On July 12, 2011, Mr. Eric Freeman of the NRC sent two more e-mails to Connecticut Yankee with a request for clarification of four additional items. Mr.

Freeman requested the clarifications be made and/or appropriate corrections to the submitted exemption request be submitted with a cover letter. Enclosure 1, Section 2 documents the four additional items Mr. Freeman requested clarification for with Connecticut Yankee's response. is a revision to "CYAPCO Haddam Neck Plant, CY-10-017, Enclosure 1, Exemption Request" with corrections.

CY-1 1-022 Page 2 of 2 Enclosures 1 and 2 provide security-related sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information (SUNSI) that CYAPCO is requesting be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. The cover letter when detached from Enclosures 1 and 2 does not contain SUNSI information.

If you should have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me at (860) 267-6426 Ext. 303.

Sincerely, FesSLen°isr Date


(1) Requests for Clarifications (2) Revised Exemption Request 8/10/2011 cc: W.M. Dean, NRC Region 1 Administrator w/o enclosures J. Joustra, Chief, Decommissioning Branch, NRC Region 1 w/o enclosures J. Goshen, NRC Project Manager, Haddam Neck Plant, w/o enclosures E.L. Wilds, Director, CT. DEEP, Monitoring and Radiation Division w/o enclosures