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Finding | |
Title | Failure to Provide Complete and Accurate Information Regarding Auxiliary Feedwater System Operability |
Description | The inspectors identified a Severity Level IV non-cited violation of 10 CFR 50.9, Completeness and Accuracy of Information, for the failure of the licensee to provide complete and accurate information in all material respects in operability and reportability review supporting documents. Specifically, on September 29, 2011, the licensee did not provide information that was complete and accurate in all material respects, in that Evaluation Report FAI/11-0655, Evaluation of Potential Cooling of the SONGS Steam Line for the AFW Turbine, used inaccurate information to inappropriately determine that the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump was operable, the condition was not reportable per the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73, and the compensatory measures implemented on May 5, 2011, could be removed. The compensatory measures were improperly removed on October 27, 2011. This violation has been entered into the licensees corrective action program as Nuclear Notification NN 202280026. The failure of the licensee to provide complete and accurate information related to the operability of the AFW system was a performance deficiency. The significance determination process is not suited to assess the significance of a violation of 10 CFR 50.9 because it affected the ability of the NRC to perform its regulatory oversight function and, as such, it was assessed using traditional enforcement. This violation was determined to be a Severity Level IV violation based on NRC Enforcement Policy examples provided in Section 6.9. No crosscutting aspect was assigned because the performance deficiency was assessed using traditional enforcement |
Site: | San Onofre ![]() |
Report | IR 05000361/2012005 Section 4OA3 |
Date counted | Dec 31, 2012 (2012Q4) |
Type: | TEV: Severity level IV |
cornerstone | Mitigating Systems |
Identified by: | NRC identified |
Inspection Procedure: | IP 71153 |
Inspectors (proximate) | G Guerra N Taylor R Lantz J Reynoso G Warnick B Parks M Bloodgood J Dykert |
INPO aspect | |
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Finding - San Onofre - IR 05000361/2012005 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finding List (San Onofre) @ 2012Q4
Self-Identified List (San Onofre)
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