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Finding | |
Title | Inadequate Procedure for Flow Balancing ESW System |
Description | The inspectors identified a finding of very low safety significance and associated NCV of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, for the licensees failure to provide adequate procedures for flow balancing of the ESW System. Specifically, the ESW flow balance procedure did not include acceptance criteria to limit or evaluate minimum throttle valve seat to disc clearance, and subsequent potential for clogging if the clearance was set less than the screen mesh size (1/16 inch) of the upstream ESW strainer. At least one throttle valve in the system (V13-48 for High Pressure Coolant Injection room cooler Train B) was determined to had been set below this screen mesh size. The licensee performed a prompt operability determination for this room cooler and concluded with reasonable assurance that the throttle valve currently had a clearance dimension of at least 1/16 inch. The licensee entered the issue into their Corrective Action Program to correct the flow balance procedure as necessary. Additionally, during the next scheduled flow balancing of the ESW system in September 2014 the licensee will confirm that this valve is open at least 1.2 turns (minimum required for a seat clearance of 1/16 inch). The inspectors determined the performance deficiency was more than minor because, if left uncorrected, it would have the potential to lead to a more significant safety concern. Specifically, material small enough to pass the strainers could choke flow downstream of V13-48 or other throttle valves, thus preventing one or more ESW cooled components from performing their safety-related function. The inspectors assessed this finding for significance in accordance with NRC Manual Chapter 0609, Appendix A, Attachment 1, Significance Determination Process (SDP) for Reactor Inspection Findings for At-Power Situations, and determined that it was of very low safety significance (Green), in that no actual loss of safety system function was identified due to existing system conditions. The inspectors did not identify a cross-cutting aspect associated with this finding because the finding was not representative of the licensee's current performance. |
Site: | Duane Arnold ![]() |
Report | IR 05000331/2014008 Section 1R21 |
Date counted | Sep 30, 2014 (2014Q3) |
Type: | NCV: Green |
cornerstone | Mitigating Systems |
Identified by: | NRC identified |
Inspection Procedure: | IP 71111.21 |
Inspectors (proximate) | A Dahbur A Stone B Jose C Edwards J Braisted J Chiloyan N Valos |
Violation of: | 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Criterion V |
INPO aspect | |
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Finding - Duane Arnold - IR 05000331/2014008 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finding List (Duane Arnold) @ 2014Q3
Self-Identified List (Duane Arnold)
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