Category:Licensee Event Report (LER)
MONTHYEAR05000263/LER-2024-002, Low Pressure Coolant Injection Inoperable Due to Motor Valve Failure2024-08-27027 August 2024 Low Pressure Coolant Injection Inoperable Due to Motor Valve Failure 05000263/LER-2024-001, Reactor Scram, Containment Isolation, and Cooldown Rate Outside of Limits Following Technician Adjustment of Wrong Component2024-04-25025 April 2024 Reactor Scram, Containment Isolation, and Cooldown Rate Outside of Limits Following Technician Adjustment of Wrong Component 05000263/LER-2023-003, Condition Prohibited by Technical Specifications Due to Inoperable Main Steam Line Low Pressure Isolation Switch2023-12-0404 December 2023 Condition Prohibited by Technical Specifications Due to Inoperable Main Steam Line Low Pressure Isolation Switch 05000263/LER-2023-002, Reactor Scram and Containment Isolation Due to Valve Responses During Main Turbine Control Valve Testing2023-11-13013 November 2023 Reactor Scram and Containment Isolation Due to Valve Responses During Main Turbine Control Valve Testing 05000263/LER-2023-001, Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Exceeds Technical Specification Requirements Due to Stem Scoring2023-05-17017 May 2023 Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Exceeds Technical Specification Requirements Due to Stem Scoring 05000263/LER-2022-001, Loss of Control Room Envelope Operability2022-07-0707 July 2022 Loss of Control Room Envelope Operability 05000263/LER-2019-002, Two Manual Primary Containment Isolation Valves Found Open Resulting in a Condition Prohibited by Technical Specification2019-08-0909 August 2019 Two Manual Primary Containment Isolation Valves Found Open Resulting in a Condition Prohibited by Technical Specification 05000263/LER-2019-001, RHR Decay Heat Removal Pump Start Permissive Logic Hardening Error2019-06-13013 June 2019 RHR Decay Heat Removal Pump Start Permissive Logic Hardening Error 05000263/LER-1917-006, Regarding Loss of Reactor Protection System Scram Function During Main Steam Isolation Valve and Turbine Stop Valve Channel Functional Tests Due to Use of a Test Fixture2018-01-12012 January 2018 Regarding Loss of Reactor Protection System Scram Function During Main Steam Isolation Valve and Turbine Stop Valve Channel Functional Tests Due to Use of a Test Fixture 05000263/LER-1917-005, Regarding Diesel Generator Emergency Service Water System Automatic Transfer to Alternate Shutdown Panel2017-09-20020 September 2017 Regarding Diesel Generator Emergency Service Water System Automatic Transfer to Alternate Shutdown Panel 05000263/LER-1917-004, Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection Steam Stop Valve Failed to Open During Test2017-08-16016 August 2017 Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection Steam Stop Valve Failed to Open During Test 05000263/LER-1917-003, Regarding Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Exceeds Technical Specification Limits2017-06-14014 June 2017 Regarding Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Exceeds Technical Specification Limits 05000263/LER-1917-002, Regarding Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure Time Outside of Technical Specification Requirements2017-06-13013 June 2017 Regarding Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure Time Outside of Technical Specification Requirements 05000263/LER-1917-001, Regarding Reactor Scram and Group II Isolation Due to 11 Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) Removal from Service with 12 RFP Isolated2017-06-13013 June 2017 Regarding Reactor Scram and Group II Isolation Due to 11 Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) Removal from Service with 12 RFP Isolated 05000263/LER-1916-003-01, Regarding HPCI Declared Inoperable Due to Excessive Water Level in Turbine2017-05-25025 May 2017 Regarding HPCI Declared Inoperable Due to Excessive Water Level in Turbine 05000263/LER-2016-002, Regarding Inadequate Appendix R Fire Barrier Impacts Safe Shutdown Capability2016-09-30030 September 2016 Regarding Inadequate Appendix R Fire Barrier Impacts Safe Shutdown Capability 05000263/LER-2016-001, Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection System Cracked Pipe Nipple Caused Oil Leak2016-05-18018 May 2016 Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection System Cracked Pipe Nipple Caused Oil Leak 05000263/LER-2015-006, Regarding Reactor Scram Due to Group 1 Isolation from Foreign Material in the Main Steam Flow Instrument Line2016-01-21021 January 2016 Regarding Reactor Scram Due to Group 1 Isolation from Foreign Material in the Main Steam Flow Instrument Line 05000263/LER-2015-007, Regarding Loss of Residual Heat Removal Capability2016-01-21021 January 2016 Regarding Loss of Residual Heat Removal Capability 05000263/LER-2015-005, Regarding Use of the Reactor Water Cleanup System to Lower Level Without Declaring an OPDRV with Secondary Containment Inoperable - Extent of Condition Review2015-10-0202 October 2015 Regarding Use of the Reactor Water Cleanup System to Lower Level Without Declaring an OPDRV with Secondary Containment Inoperable - Extent of Condition Review 05000263/LER-2015-004, Regarding Past Inoperability of Turbine Stop Valve Scram Function Exceeded Technical Specification Requirements2015-08-21021 August 2015 Regarding Past Inoperability of Turbine Stop Valve Scram Function Exceeded Technical Specification Requirements 05000263/LER-2015-003, Regarding Use of the Reactor Water Cleanup System to Lower Level Without Declaring an Operation with a Potential to Drain the Reactor Vessel (OPDRV) with Secondary Containment Inoperable2015-07-13013 July 2015 Regarding Use of the Reactor Water Cleanup System to Lower Level Without Declaring an Operation with a Potential to Drain the Reactor Vessel (OPDRV) with Secondary Containment Inoperable 05000263/LER-2014-010-02, Regarding Physical Security Plan Inaccuracy Revealed Past Security Vulnerability2015-07-0101 July 2015 Regarding Physical Security Plan Inaccuracy Revealed Past Security Vulnerability 05000263/LER-2015-002, From Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Regarding Loss of Shutdown Cooling Due to Improperly Landed Jumper Wire2015-06-29029 June 2015 From Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Regarding Loss of Shutdown Cooling Due to Improperly Landed Jumper Wire 05000263/LER-2015-001, Regarding Operations with a Potential to Drain the Reactor Vessel (OPDRV) Without Secondary Containment Operable2015-06-16016 June 2015 Regarding Operations with a Potential to Drain the Reactor Vessel (OPDRV) Without Secondary Containment Operable 05000263/LER-2014-011, Regarding Two Emergency Diesels Inoperable Due to Human Error2015-02-26026 February 2015 Regarding Two Emergency Diesels Inoperable Due to Human Error 05000263/LER-2013-007-02, Regarding Unanalyzed Condition Due to Inadequate Flooding Procedures2015-01-27027 January 2015 Regarding Unanalyzed Condition Due to Inadequate Flooding Procedures 05000263/LER-2014-008, Regarding Opening Identified in Fire Barrier2014-07-14014 July 2014 Regarding Opening Identified in Fire Barrier 05000263/LER-2014-007, Regarding Non-compliance with Technical Specification 3.4.9 - Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature Limits2014-06-12012 June 2014 Regarding Non-compliance with Technical Specification 3.4.9 - Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature Limits 05000263/LER-2014-006, Regarding Secondary Containment Doors Opened Simultaneously2014-05-23023 May 2014 Regarding Secondary Containment Doors Opened Simultaneously 05000263/LER-2014-005, Regarding Appendix R Fire Door Failed to Latch2014-05-19019 May 2014 Regarding Appendix R Fire Door Failed to Latch 05000263/LER-2014-004, Time to Energize Loads Greater than Surveillance Requirement2014-04-11011 April 2014 Time to Energize Loads Greater than Surveillance Requirement 05000263/LER-2014-002, Regarding Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Did Not Indicate Closed During Testing2014-04-0808 April 2014 Regarding Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Did Not Indicate Closed During Testing 05000263/LER-2014-003, Regarding Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Dual Indication During Testing2014-04-0808 April 2014 Regarding Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Dual Indication During Testing 05000263/LER-2013-007-01, Regarding Unanalyzed Condition Due to Inadequate Flooding Procedures2014-03-28028 March 2014 Regarding Unanalyzed Condition Due to Inadequate Flooding Procedures 05000263/LER-2014-001, Regarding Primary System Leakage Found in Recirculation Pump Upper Seal Heat Exchanger2014-03-14014 March 2014 Regarding Primary System Leakage Found in Recirculation Pump Upper Seal Heat Exchanger 05000263/LER-2013-008-01, Regarding Both Secondary Containment Access Doors Briefly Opened Simultaneously2014-03-12012 March 2014 Regarding Both Secondary Containment Access Doors Briefly Opened Simultaneously 05000263/LER-2013-003-02, Regarding Inadequate External Flooding Procedure2014-01-28028 January 2014 Regarding Inadequate External Flooding Procedure 05000263/LER-2013-006-01, Regarding Unanalyzed Condition for Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Pumps Train Separation2013-12-19019 December 2013 Regarding Unanalyzed Condition for Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Pumps Train Separation 05000263/LER-2013-000-08, Both Secondary Containment Access Doors Briefly Opened Simultaneously2013-11-0808 November 2013 Both Secondary Containment Access Doors Briefly Opened Simultaneously 05000263/LER-2013-007, Regarding Unanalyzed Condition Due to Inadequate Flooding Procedures2013-10-28028 October 2013 Regarding Unanalyzed Condition Due to Inadequate Flooding Procedures 05000263/LER-2013-006, Regarding Unanalyzed Condition for Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Pumps Train Separation2013-10-18018 October 2013 Regarding Unanalyzed Condition for Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Pumps Train Separation 05000263/LER-2013-003-01, Regarding Inadequate External Flooding Procedure2013-09-26026 September 2013 Regarding Inadequate External Flooding Procedure 05000263/LER-2013-004, Loss of Normal Off-Site Power as a Result of Switch Gear Fault2013-08-12012 August 2013 Loss of Normal Off-Site Power as a Result of Switch Gear Fault 05000263/LER-2013-003, Regarding Inadequate External Flooding Procedure2013-07-30030 July 2013 Regarding Inadequate External Flooding Procedure 05000263/LER-2013-002, Regarding Essential Bus Transfer During 2R Transformer Testing2013-07-23023 July 2013 Regarding Essential Bus Transfer During 2R Transformer Testing 05000263/LER-2013-001, E SRV Low-Low Set Tailpipe Dp Root Valve Found Closed2013-06-0707 June 2013 E SRV Low-Low Set Tailpipe Dp Root Valve Found Closed 05000263/LER-2012-003-01, Regarding Automatic Reactor Scram During Maintenance on 4160V 12-Bus Ammeter2013-01-18018 January 2013 Regarding Automatic Reactor Scram During Maintenance on 4160V 12-Bus Ammeter 05000263/LER-2012-005, Regarding Partial Group II Isolation During Removal of Original Steam Dryer2013-01-11011 January 2013 Regarding Partial Group II Isolation During Removal of Original Steam Dryer 05000263/LER-2012-004, Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection Inoperable When Inverter Is Out of Service2012-11-30030 November 2012 Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection Inoperable When Inverter Is Out of Service 2024-08-27
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LER-2002-001, Re Mechanical Pressure Regulator Failure Causes Reactor Scram |
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2632002001R00 - NRC Website |
No Committed to Nuclear Excellen Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC March 15, 2002 10 CFR Part 50 Section 50.73 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-263 License No. DPR-22 LER 2002- 001 Mechanical Pressure Regulatory Failure Causes Reactor Scram A Licensee Event Report for this occurrence is attached. This report contains no new NRC commitments.
Contact Doug Neve, Licensing Project Manager, at (763) 295-1353 if you require further i lmation.
Jeffrey S. Forbes Site Vice President Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Enclosure c:
Regional Administrator - IlIl NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC Sr. Resident Inspector, NRC Minnesota Department of Commerce 2807 West County Road 75
- Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9637 Telephone: 763.295.5151
While operating at 100% power at 1735 on January 21, 2002, a turbine control valve fast closure (load rejection) signal resulted in a reactor scram. All rods fully inserted and all safety systems functioned as designed. The primary cause of the scram was failure of the main turbine pressure control system. A detailed review of plant computer data revealed that the mechanical pressure regulator (MPR) had been behaving erratically for several days prior to the scram. This erratic behavior eventually caused the MPR to take control from the electric pressure regulator. This initiated rapid cycling of the turbine control and bypass valves which tripped both protection system sub-channels on reduced hydraulic oil pressure at the control valve acceleration relay.
Investigation determined that failure of the MPR was caused by a damaged rate feedback bellows. Following repair of the MPR, and completion of other unrelated maintenance, the unit was returned to service at 1327 on January 27, 2002.
NRC FORM 366 (7-2001)
(If more space is required, use additional copies of (If more space is required, use additional copies of (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Forn 366A) (17) investigation after replacement of the bushing assembly revealed an abnormal temporary spiking behavior in the MPR piston.
The erratic behavior of the MPR piston was determined to be a faulty rate feedback bellows. The bellows was found to have a 2-inch crack, another smaller crack, and a pin hole. Discussions with General Electric confirmed that these defects would affect the dampening characteristic of the MPR and cause the erratic behavior which led to the scram. An undocumented modification made to the rate feedback bellows in 1973, in which clamp bars were soldered to the bellows to adjust its spring rate, may have contributed to this failure.
The root cause of this event was determined to be failure to perform adequate preventative maintenance on the MPR.
Corrective Actions
The rate feedback bellows was replaced with a new bellows obtained from another plant. The new bellows meet the original design specifications (without the clamp bars).
Other MPR components were inspected and cleaned. Oil samples were obtained and found to meet specifications. As a precaution, the MPR steam pressure sensing lines were flushed. Linkages and switches were inspected and checked. It is believed that none of these other components contributed to failure of the MPR.
In the future, the MPR piston position will be monitored and trended by the system engineer using the plant process computer. Existing preventive maintenance practices on the MPR will be reviewed and improvements made where indicated.
The affect of the loose primary valve stop adjustment found during the investigation of this event will be investigated for possible impact on the plant transient analyses.
Failed Component Identification General Electric Force-Restored Pressure Regulator, Rate feedback bellows GE Technical Manual GEK-17955, Dwg 945D 604, rev 0 (modified)
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