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Revision 29 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Tables 9.3-1 Through 9.3-7
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Issue date: 01/30/2017
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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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  • TABLE 9.3-1 SAMPLING SYSTEM CODE REQUIREMENTS Primary sample heat exchanger Sample pressure vessels Piping and valves Steam generator blowdown sample and steam sample heat exchangers ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves-sel Code,Section VIII, Un-fired Pressure Vessels, Div. I ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves-sel Code,Section VIII, Un-fired Pressure Vessels, Div. I ANSI B31.1.0* ANSI B31.7** ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves-sel Code,Section VIII, Un-fired Pressure Vessels, Div. I
  • ANSI B31.1.0 -Code for Power Piping, used for design. ** For piping not supplied by the NSSS supplier, material in-spection, fabrication, and quality control conform to ANSI B31.7. Where not possible to comply with ANSI B31.7, the requirements of ASME III-1971, which incorporated ANSI B31.7, were adhered to. 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 8 July 22, 1988
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  • TABLE 9.3-2 SAMPLING SYSTEM COMPONENTS Primary System Sampling Heat Exchanger General 3 Number Type Shell and coiled tube Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow, gpm Temperature, in, °F Temperaturet out, °F Material Fluid Shell ISO 350 14.1 95 125 Carbon steel Component cooling water Tube 2485 680 0.42 652.7 (max) 127 (max) Austenitic Stainless Steel Sample Steam Generator Blowdown Sampling Heat Exchanger General Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow, gpm Temperature, in, °F Temperature, out, °F Material Fluid Sample Pressure Vessels Number, total Volume, ml Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Material Piping Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F SGS-UFSAR 8 Shell and coiled tube Shell ISO 650 6 95 125 Carbon steel Component cooling water 1 75 2485 680 Tube 1500 550 0.40 550 (max) 127 (max) Austenitic Stainless Steel Sample Austenitic Stainless Steel 2485 680 1 of 1 Revision 6 February 15, 1987
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  • TABLE 9.3-3 MALFUNCTION ANALYSIS OF SAMPLING SYSTEM Component Pressurizer Sample Lines or Reactor Coolant Sample Lines Any of the above Sample Lines Sample Heat Exchangers SGS-UFSAR Malfunction or Failure An isolation valve fails to close on containment isolation signal Break in line down-stream of isolation valves Loss of cooling water 1 of 1 Consequence The second isolation valve closes on containment isolation signal, maintaining containment integrity Isolation valves close on containment isolation signal Sample lines can be isolated at the containment. Cooling of samples is not required Revision 6 February 15, 1987 TABLE 9.3-4 CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM CODE REQUIREMENTS Regenerative heat exchanger Letaown heat exchanger Mixed bed aemineralizers Reactor coolant filter Volume control tank Seal water heat exchanger Excess letdown heat exchanger Cation bed demineralizer Seal water injection filters Boric acid filter Evaporator condensate demineralizers Concentrates filter Evaporator feed ion exchangers Ion exchanger filter condensate filter Piping and valves ASHE III*, Class C ASME III, Class C, Tube Siae, ASME VIII, Shell Side ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C, Tube Side, ASME VIII, Shell Side ASME III, Class c, Tube Side, ASME VIII, Shell Side ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ASME III, Class C ANSI 831.1** ANSI 831.7*** ****
  • ASME III -American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Nuclear Vessels. ** ANSI 831.1 -Code for Power Piping, used for design. *** For piping not supplied by the NSSS supplier, material inspection, fabrication, and quality control to ANSI B31.7. Where not possible to comply with ANSI B31.7, the requirements of ASME III-1971, which incorporated ANSI B31.7, were adhered to. **** ASME Section III Code relief was obtained for the Volume control Tank and regenerative heat exchanger relief systems using administrative controls per NRC approval (Section 9.3.7, Reference 3). 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 16 January 31, 1998 TABLE 9.3-5 CHEMICAL, AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS Plant design life, years Seal water supply flow rate: Normal, gpm Maximum, gpm Seal water return flow rates: Normal, gpm Maximum, gpm r.,etdown flow: Normal, gpm Minimum, gpm MaximuJXI, gpm Charging flow: Normal, gpm Minimum, gpm Maximum, gpm Temperature of letdown reactor coolant entering system at full power, OF Centrifugal pump miniflow, gpm Normal temperature of charging flow directed to Reactor Coolant System, .DF Temperature of effluent directed to holdup tanks, OF 40 32 113 12 93 75 45 120 55 25 100 542.7 60 (each) 495 127 (Volumetric flow rates in gpm are nominal values based upon 130 OF and 2350 I psi g) 1 of 1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 22 May 5, 2006 TABLE 9.3-6 PRINCIPAL COMPONENT DATA


Regenerative Heat Exchanger Number 1 Heat transfer rate at design conditions, Btu/hr 10.28 x 10 6 Shell Side Design pressure, psig 2485 Design temperature, F 650 Fluid Borated reactor coolant Material of construction Austenitic stainless steel

Normal Maximum (Design) Purification Heatup Flow, lb/hr 37,050 59,280 59,280 Inlet temperature, F 555 542.7 542.7 Outlet temperature, F 298 294 369 Tube Side Design pressure, psig 2 82 5* Design temperature, F 650 Fluid Borated reactor coolant Material of construction Austenitic stainless steel

Normal Maximum (Design) Purification Heatup Flow, lb/hr 27,170 49,400 29,640 Inlet temperature, F 130 130 130 Outlet temperature, F 495 466 520 Letdown Orifice Design pressure, psig 2485 Design temperature, F 650 Normal operating inlet pressure, psig 2185 Normal operating temperature, F 290 Material of construction Austenitic stainless steel 45 gpm 75 gpm Number 1 2 Design flow, lb/hr 22,230 27,050 Differential pressure at d esign flow, psig 1900 1900

  • Associated pipe design pressure for Pipe Schedule SPS48B is 2825 psig, based on CV141 setpoint pressure. Per the design code, maximum allowable accumulation for pressure relief is 110% of ASME pressure vessel design

pressure (Reference Calculation S-C-CVC-MDC-2348).

1 of 12 SGS-UFSAR Revision 29 January 30, 2017

TABLE 9,3-6 (Cont) Number 1 Heat transfer rate at design conditions (heatup), Btu/hr Design pressure, psig Design temperature, OF Fluid Material of construction Flow, lb/hr Inlet temperature, OF Outlet temperature, OF Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Fluid Material of construction Flow, lb/hr Inlet temperature, °F Outlet temperature, °F Mixed Bed Demineralizers Number Type Vessel design pressure: Internal, psig External, psig Vessel design temperature, °F 3 Resin volume, each, ft Vessel volume, each, Design flow rate, gpm Minimum decontamination factor Normal operating temperature, °F Normal operating pressure, psig Resin type Material of construction 14.8 X 106 150 250 Component cooling Carbon steel Normal 203,000 600 400 95 125 492,000 95 125 water Maximum 320,000 95 125 Borated reactor coolant Austenitic stainless steel 37,050 290 127 2 Flushable 200 15 250 30 43 120* 10 127 150 Heat up 59,280 380 (max) 127 Maximum 59,280** 380 (max) 127 Cation, anion, or application-specific Austenitic stainless steel

  • Qualified for 180gpm during Low Pressure RHR Letdown operation (Ref. VTD 328295, sht. 002) ** Qualified for 88650 lb/hr during Low Pressure RHR Letdown operation (Ref. VTD 328295, sht. 002) 2 of 12 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I I TABLE 9.3-6 (Cant) Resin Fill Tank Number Capacity, ft3 Design pressure Design temperature, °F Normal operating temperature Material of construction Reactor Coolant Filter Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Flow rate: Nominal, gpm Maximum, gpm Material of construction Filtration Requirement Volume Control Tank Number Internal volume, Design pressure: Internal, psig External, psig Design temperature, °F Operating pressure range, psig Normal operating pressure, psig Spray nozzle flow (maximum), gpm Material of construction Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, OF Shutoff head, psi Normal suction temperature, OF Design flowrate, gpm Design head, ft Required NPSH at 150 gpm, ft Material 1 8 Atmospheric 200 Ambient Austenitic stainless steel 1 Replaceable assembly 200 250 120 150* Austenitic stainless steel Percent retention of particles above 25 micron 1 400 75 15 250 0 -60 15 120* Austenitic stainless steel 2 Horizontal centrifugal 2800 300 2670 127 150 5800 10 Austenitic stainless steel
  • Qualified for 180gpm during Low Pressure RHR Letdown operation (Ref. VTD 328295, sht. 002) 3 of 12 SGS-UFSAR Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I

--TABLE 9.3-6 (Cont) Positive Displacement Charging Pump Number Type Positive Design head, ft Design temperature, °F Design pressure, psig Design flow rate*, gpm Suction temperature, °F Discharge pressure at 130°F, psig Material of construction Maximum operating pressure, psia Chemical Mixing Tank Number Capacity, gal Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Normal operating temperature Material of construction Boric Acid Tank Number Capacity (each), gal Design pressure Design temperature, °F Normal operating temperature, °F Material of construction Number (two per tank} Heat transfer rate, each, kW Material of construction 1 displacement with variable speed drive 5800 250 3200 98 127 2500 Austenitic stainless steel 3125 1 5 150 200 Ambient Austenitic stainless steel 2 8000 Atmospheric 250 Ambient Austenitic stainless steel 4 7.5 Austenitic stainless steel sheath Batching Tank and Batching Tank Heater Jacket Number Type Capacity, gal Design pressure Design temperature, °F Steam temperature, °F Initial ambient temperature, °F Final fluid temperature, °F Heatup time, hr Tank material of construction Panel coils, material of construction

  • At 130°F, 2500 psig 4 of 12 SGS-UFSAR 1 Cylindrical with steam panel coils 400 Atmospheric 300 250 32 >80 3 Austenitic stainless steel Carbon steel Revision 14 December 29, 1995 Table 9.3-6 (Cont) Batching Tank Agitator Number Fluid handled, boric acid, wt percent Service Tank volume, gal Operating temperature, °F Operating pressure Material of construction Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Number Heat transfer rate at design conditions, Btu/hr Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow rate, lb/hr Inlet temperature, °F Outlet temperature, °F Fluid Material of construction Seal Water Heat Exchanger Number Heat transfer rate at design conditions, Btu/hr Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow rate, lb/hr Design operating inlet temperature, °F Design operating outlet temperature, °F Fluid Material of construction 5 of 12 SGS-UFSAR 1 12 Continuous 400 165 Atmospheric Austenitic stainless steel 1 4.61 X 106 Shell Side 150 250 115,000 95 135 Tube Side 2485 650 12,380 545 195 Component Borated cooling water reactor coolant Carbon Steel Austenitic 1 2.49 X 106 Shell Side 150 250 99,500 95 120 stainless steel Tube Side 150 250 160,600 143 127 Component Borated cooling water reactor coolant Carbon steel Austenitic stainless steel Revision 6 February 15, 1987 Seal Water Filter Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Maximum flow rate, gpm Vessel material of construction Filtration Requirement Boric Acid Filter Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow, gpm Vessel material of construction Filtration Requirement Boric Acid Transfer Pump Number Type Design flow rate, each, gpm Design pressure, psig Design discharge head, ft Design temperature, °F Temperature of pumped fluid, °F Required NPSH at 75 gpm, ft Material of construction Boric Acid Blender Number Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Material of construction Cation Bed Demineralizer Number Type Vessel design pressure: Internal, psig E.xternal, psig Vessel design temperature, °F Normal operating temperature, °F Normal operating pressure, psig Design flow, gpm Resin type Material of construction TABLE 9.3-6 (Cont) 1 Replaceable Assembly 200 250 325 Austenitic stainless steel 98 percent retention of particles above 25 microns 1 Replaceable Assembly 200 250 150 Austenitic stainless steel 98 percent retention of particles above 25 microns 2 Two-speed horizontal centrifugal 75* 150 235 250 70 6 Austenitic stainless steel 1 150 250 Austenitic stainless steel 1 Flushable 200 15 250 127 150 75 Cation Austenitic stainless steel *Because of the severe duty from pumping boric acid, the minimum required flow, which is verified by the In-Service Testing Program for pumps, has been set as 45 gpm. 6 of 12 SGS-UFSAR Revision 14 December 29, 1995
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  • TABLE .9.3-6 (Cont) Chemical Mixing Tank Orifice Number pressure, psig Design temperature; °F Design flow, gpm of construction Numl:Jer Design pressure, psig Desi:gn temperature; °F Design flow, gpm Material of construction Debo;rating Demineralizers Number Type Vessel design pressure: Internal, psig External, psig Vessel design temperature, °F Normal flow, gpm Normal operating temperature; °F Normal operating pressure, psig . Resin type Material of Number Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow, gpm Particle retention Fluid Material of construction, vessel Type No. l Seal Bypass Orifice Number Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow, gpm pressure at design flow, psi SGS-UFSAR 7 of 12 1 150 200 2 Austenitic steel 2 150 200 3 Austenitic stainless steel 2 Regenerable 200 15 250 127 127 150 Cation, anion, or Application-specific Austenitic stainless steel 2 2735 200 80 98 percent above 5 micron Reactor coolant containing up to 4.0 weight percent boric acid Austenitic stainless steel Replaceable Assembly 4 2485 250 1.0 300 Revision 21 December 6, 2004 I

,..__ TABLE 9.3-6 (Cont) Number Design temperature, °F Design pressure,3psig Volume, each, ft Normal operating pressure, psig Normal operating temperature, °F Material of construction Recirculation Pump Number Type Design flow, gpm Design head, ft Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Normal operating temperature, °F Material of construction Gas Stripper Feed Pumps Number Type Design flow, gpm Design head {TDH), ft Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Normal fluid temperature, °F Material of construction Number of Units Design flowfunit; gas stripper feed, gpm Evaporator condensate, gpm Evaporator concentrates (batch flow), gpm Decontamination factors (design): Gas stripper Evaporator Concentration of concentrates, boric acid, wt percent concentration of distillate Material of construction

  • Unit No. 1 has only two CVCS Hold-up Tanks. abandoned in place. 8 of 12 SGS-UFSAR *3 200 15 8500 3 130 Austenitic stainless steel 1 Centrifugal 500 100 75 200 115 Austenitic stainless steel 2 canned 30 320 150 200 115 Austenitic stainless steel 1 30 30 40 5 Approx 106 (for gas) Approx 10 (for liquid) 12 <10 ppm boron as H3B03 <0 . 1 ppm oxygen Conductivity <2.0 pmhosjcm pH = 6.0 to 8.0 Austenitic stainless steel The No. 12 Tank has been Revision 14 December 29, 1995 TABLE 9.3-6 (Cont) Number Type Design temperature, °F Design pressure: Internal, psig External, Design flow, gpm Normal operating pressure, psig Normal operating temperature, °F Resin type Material of construction Number Volume, each, gal Design pressure Design temperature, °F Material of construction Number Type Design flow, gpm Design head, ft Design pressure, psig °F Material of construction NPSH, ft Number Type Design pressure: Internal, psig External, psig Minimum decontamination factor for ions removed Design flow, gpm Normal operating temperature, °F Normal operating pressure, psig Resin type Material of construction SGS-UFSAR 9 of 12 2 250 200 15 30 50 130 Anion Austenitic stainless steel 2 21,600 Atmospheric 150 Stainless steel 2 Centrifugal 150 200 150 200 Austenitic stainless steel 15 4 Flushable 250 200 15 10 30 130 75 Cation Austenitic stainless steel Revision 26 May 21, 2012 Table 9.3-6 (Cont) Concentrates Filter Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow rate, gpm Retention for 25 micron particles Material of construction (vessel) Concentrates Holding Tank Number Type Volume, gal Design pressure Design temperature, °F Normal operating temperature, °F Material of construction Concentrates Holding Tank Transfer Pump Number Type Design flow rate, gpm Design head, ft Design temperature, °F Design pressure, psig Required NPSH at 40 gpm, ft Material of construction Concentrates Holding Tank Electric Heater Number Heat transfer rate, kW Material of construction Ion Exchanger Filter Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow rate, gpm Retention of 25 micron particles Material of construction 10 of 12 SGS-UFSAR 1 Cage type 200 250 35 98 percent Austenitic stainless steel 1 Cylindrical, heated 1000 Atmospheric 250 150 Austenitic stainless steel 2 Centrifugal canned 40 150 250 100 8 Austenitic stainless steel 1 3.0 Austenitic stainless steel 1 Cage assembly 200 250 35 98 percent Austenitic stainless steel Revision 6 February 15, 1987 Table 9.3-6 (Cont) Distillate Filter Number Type Design pressure, psig Design temperature, °F Design flow rate, gpm Retention of 25 micron particles Material of construction 11 of 12 SGS-UFSAR 1 Cage assembly 200 250 35 98 percent Austenitic stainless steel Revision 6 February 15, 1987 Fluid Relief Valves No. Letdown line (HP) 1 Water-Steam Mixture Seal water return 1 Water line Charging pump's 1 Water discharge Letdown line (LP) 1 Water Volume control 1 Hydrogen, tank nitrogen, or water Boric acid batch 1 Steam tank heater Holdup tanks 3 Nitrogen, water SGS-UFSAR TABLE 9.3-6 (Cont) Fluid Inlet Set Temperature Pressure psig Constant 385 (max) 600 3 150 150 3 130 2735 15 127 200 15 130 75 3 250 20 0 130 12 3 12 of 12 Building 50 50 75 12 12 0 3 Capacity gpm 98,000 lb/hr 180 100 200 350 320 lb/hr 235 Revision 23 October 17, 2007 I
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  • Component 1. Letdown Line 2. Normal and Alternate Charging Line 3. Seal Water Return Line SGS-UFSAR TABLE 9.3-7 FAILURE ANALYSIS OF THE CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM Failure Rupture in the line inside the reactor containment See above. See above. 1 of 1 Comments and Consequences The two remote air-operated valves located near the main coolant loop are closed on low pressurizer level to prevent supplementary loss of coolant through the letdown line rupture. The containment isolation valves in the letdown line are automatically closed by the containment isolation signal. The closure of these valves prevents any leakage of the reactor containment atmosphere outside the reactor containment. The check valves located near the main coolant loops prevent supplementary loss of coolant through the line and isolate the Reactor Coolant System from the rupture. The check valve located at the boundary of the reactor containment prevents any leakage of the reactor containment atmosphere outside the reactor containment. The two motor-operated valves outside the containment are automatically closed by the containment isolation signal. The motor-operated isolation valves located inside and outside the containment are automatically closed by the containment isolation signal. The closure of these valves prevents any leakage of the reactor containment atmosphere outside the reactor containment
  • Revision 6 February 15, 1987