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Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Revision 9, Chapter 8.0, Electrical Power
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Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/2011
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Download: ML11202A183 (75)


DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 6 June 2005 8.1-1 8.0 ELECTRICAL POWER


Dresden Station, Units 2 & 3, generates and transmits the electric power to the Mid-American Interconnected Network (MAIN), a regional council of the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC). Dresden Unit 1 was shut down in October, 1978, and reference to it is limited only to its active interfaces with Units 2 and 3.

8.1.1 Design

Bases The offsite power system connection, described in Section 8.2, to Dresden Station are designed to provide a diversity of reliable power sources that are physically and electrically isolated so that any single failure will affect only one source of supply and not the other sources. The onsite power systems, described in Section 8.3, are designed to provide electrical and physical independence of redundant power supplies for systems that are important to safety. In the event of a total loss of offsite power (LOOP), auxiliary AC power required for safe shutdown will be supplied from diesel generators located onsite. These diesel generators are electrically and physically independent. Redundant station batteries provide a source of DC power for specific safety related loads.

8.1.2 Offsite

Power Systems - Summary Description Commonwealth Edison Company's transmission system is interconnected with the MAIN region utilities. Electric energy generated at the station is stepped up to 345-kV by the main power transformers (Transformers 2 and 3) and fed into the station's 345-kV transmission terminal ring buses. The 345-kV buses are connected directly to seven 345-kV transmission lines and indirectly to six 138-kV transmission lines via Transformer 81, Transformer 83, and the 138-kV buses (Figure 8.2-1). Additionally, there are three 34-kV transmission lines that are connected to a 34-kV bus that is fed from the 138-kV buses via Transformer 10. The 34-kV lines supply the power for towns and rural areas near Dresden Station.

The 345-kV ring buses also provide power to two reserve auxiliary transformers (RATs), one per unit. Each of these transformers is supplied from separate sections of the 345-kV ring bus. The Unit 2 RAT is fed from the 345-kV switchyard via TR 86 (345-kV/138-kV) and the Unit 3 RAT is fed directly from the 345-kV switchyard.

DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 5 January 2003 8.1-2 Auxiliary power for each unit is also supplied from the unit auxiliary power transformer (UAT), which is connected to the generator leads (see Figure 8.2-1).

Each auxiliary transformer (UAT or RAT) was originally designed to handle the auxiliary power requirements of one unit plus the emergency power requirements of the other unit. Current philosophy does not consider the UAT to be a source for the emergency power requirements of the other unit when the UAT is connected to the generator. When necessary, the RAT of one unit can be connected to the Division II emergency auxiliary equipment of the other unit via circuit breaker switching. Thus, the RAT of one unit can serve as a redundant source of offsite power for the other unit. Under single transformer operation, administrative controls ensure adequate system voltages are maintained and equipment ratings and/or short-time overload capabilities are not exceeded.

8.1.3 Onsite

Power Systems - Summary Description The onsite ac distribution system has nominal ratings of 4160-V, 480-V, and 208/120-V. The station auxiliary power system is designed to provide reliable power to those auxiliaries necessary for power generation and to those auxiliary sy stems important to safety. In the event of total loss of auxiliary power, the auxiliary power required for safe shutdown is supplied from three standby diesel generators located onsite. There is one dedicated diesel generator for each unit plus a swing generator that can be utilized by either unit. For further information about onsite ac distribution refer to Section 8.3.1. For specific ac loads refer to Tables 8.3-1, 8.3-2, and 8.3-3.

Startup auxiliary power is provided through the RATs via any one or combination of the 345-kV and 138-kV transmission lines which connect the station to the offsite system.

In addition to the ac power system, each unit ha s four dc power systems, each with separate batteries (nominally safety related 250-Vdc, non safety related 250-Vdc, 125-Vdc, and 24/48-Vdc), that provide power to dc loads such as motor-driven pumps and valves, control power for equipment such as relays and circuit breakers, and power to the nuclear moni toring systems. Section 8.3.2 describes the dc di stribution system.

An alternate AC power source, with a voltage rating of 4160-V, is provided by the Station Blackout diesel generator system. This system is described in Section 9.5.9. This system is non-safety-related.

DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 6 June 2005 8.2-1 8.2 OFFSITE POWER SYSTEMS The CECo offsite transmission system connections to Dresden Station are designed to provide a diversity of reliable power sources which are physically and electrically isolated. Thus, any single failure can affect only one source of supply and cannot propagate to alternate sources. This section describes the offsite power systems at Dresden Station and summarizes the analyses that were performed to demonstrate offsite power reliability and availability.

8.2.1 Description

Dresden Station is connected to the CECo transmission network via CECo-owned substations and transmission lines. Power is supplied to or from the transmission network through the switchyard. The switchyard is rated at 345-kV and distributes auxiliary power to Units 2 and 3. The switchyard consist of the buswork, disconnects, and breakers necessary to control station power inputs and outputs. Electric energy generated by Units 2 and 3 is transformed from generator voltage to transmission voltage by the main power transformers and is transmitted out to the 345-kV system via intermediate transmission towers. Transmission Systems The transmission lines which interconnect the station and the transmission network leave on two separate transmission corridors and then diverge through the CECo transmission network. The probability of losing the offsite electric power supply has been minimized by the design of the CECo generation and transmission systems. Interconnections to neig hboring systems also increase reliability. 345-kV System The 345-kV system consists of two ring buses (one for each operational unit) and a normally open tie breaker connecting them. It receives the output of the two units and supplies seven 345-kV transmission circuits (see Figure 8.2-1). The seven 345-kV transmission lines leave Dresden on four separate rights-of-way as shown on Figure 8.2-2. Two lines to Electric Junction and two lines to Elwood Energy Center are on double-circuited towers.

DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 7 June 2007 8.2-2 138-kV System The 138-kV system is comprised of four bus sections. The four bus sections are connected by two normally closed circuit breakers and one normally open circuit breaker, as shown in Figure 8.2-1. The system receives power from the 345-kV system and supplies six 138-kV transmission circuits via autotransformers TR81 and TR83 (see Figure 8.2-1). The six 138-kV transm ission lines leave the station on four different rights-of-way, as shown on Figure 8.2-2. Two lines to Joliet Station and two lines to Mazon Station are on double-circuited towers. Transmission Interconnections

Commonwealth Edison Company is a member of the Mid-America Interconnected Network (MAIN).

In general, all electric utilities in Illinois, northern and eastern Missouri, Upper Michigan, and the eastern half of Wisconsin are members of MAIN. Switchyards

Units 2 and 3 each have two independent sources of offsite power available. The normal source of offsite power for Unit 3 is supplied by the 345-kV switchyard through reserve auxiliary transformer (RAT) 32. The alternate source of offsite power for Unit 3 is supplied through the 4-kV crosstie between safety buses 34-1 and 24-1 or safety buses 23-1 and 33-1. The normal source of offsite power for Unit 2 is supplied by the 345-kV switchyard through transformer 86 and RAT 22. The alternate source of offsite power for Unit 2 is supplied through the 4-kV crosstie between safety buses 24-1 and 34-1 or safety buses 23-1 and 33-1. No single bus fault or accidental opening of one breaker will directly result in a complete loss of power to one unit.

An additional source of off-site power is available when the main generator is off-line by backfeeding through the main power/unit auxiliary transformers. The backfeed operation must be manually performed and involves removal of flexible link connections between the main generator and main power/ unit auxiliary transformer. Minor control and protective relay changes are controlled by procedure.

DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 2 8.2-2a The 138-kV and 345-kV switchyards are interconnected by two 138-kV - 345-kV autotransformers (TR81 and TR83), which are connected to separate sections of the 138-kV bus. A 40-MVA 138-kV kV transformer also connects to a section of the bus. There are also transformers between the 138-kV and 345-kV systems at Electric J unction, Lombard, and Goodings Grove.

The output from the 138-kV kV transformer (TR10) is sent to one 34-kV bus. The three 34-kV lines connected to this bus supply power for towns and rural areas near Dresden Station. A tap off one of these 34-kV lines also feeds a standby transformer for Unit 1 (TR13).

DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 6 June 2005 8.2-3 Two sources of dc power for breaker control are provided by the 345kV switchyard system 1 and system 2 125V batteries. Any redundant cables to the switchyard are run in separate conduits. For more information on the dc systems refer to Section 8.3.2. Switchyard Component Separation

The 138-kV and 345-kV switchyards are separated by a distance of approximately 1000 feet. The bus positions for the main and auxiliary transformers for both units are separated by at least one unrelated bus position in the 345-kV switchyard. Incoming lines to the switchyard are separated by at least one bus position. Because of the above separation, a bus section which is damaged by fire or mechanical means can be isolated and will not affect the entire switchyard. The switchyards have not been designed to withstand natural di sasters such as earthquakes and tornadoes.

The main power transformers (MPT), RATs, and unit auxiliary transformers (UATs) for Unit 2 and Unit 3 are separated by a distance of more than 350 feet. The RAT for Unit 2 is 50 feet away from the main and unit transformers. The RATs for Units 1 and 2 are separated by a concrete block firewall. TR 86 is separated from both Units 2 and 3 transformers by more than 1000 feet. Separation of the Unit 3 transformers is similar to that given above for Unit 2. Refer to Drawing 12E-2C for a plan view of the switchyards.

In addition, each of the transformers (MPT, RAT, and UAT) for Units 2 and 3 has a deluge system for fire protection. Provisions have been made to prevent local damage due to fire or mechanical means from affecting more than one component. The transformers have not been designed to cope

with natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tornadoes.

The combined microwave and meteorological tower is located away from the transmission lines and switchyards so that it cannot cause failure of the offsite power sources. Auxiliary Power Connections to the Switchyards

The auxiliary power supply for Unit 2 is split between UAT 21, which is connected to the Unit 2 generator leads, and RAT 22, which is connected to the 345-kV switchyard via transformer 86.

RAT 22 is connected to the 138-kV output of Transformer 86 via a short transmission line and a 138-kV circuit breaker. Transformer 86 is a 345-kV to 138kV auto transformer located adjacent to the 345-kV switchyard and connected to the 345-kV switchyard through the circuit breakers.

DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 6 June 2005 8.2-4 The auxiliary power supply for Unit 3 is split between UAT 31, which is connected to the generator leads, and RAT 32, which is connected to the 345-kV switchyard.

The auxiliary transformers (UAT and RAT) step the generator and transmission voltages, down to the station 4160-V system level. The auxiliary power supplies from the 345-kV transmission system is protected against the effect of unplanned outages by the diversity of seven separate 345-kV circuits, and two major generating units feeding into the 345 switchyard at the Dresden site. Each unit has adequate auxiliary power available from the 345-kV switchyard from the diesel generators.

Protection of the RATs, including their secondary ci rcuits and devices, from lightning and surges is provided by surge arresters applied on the primary side of the transformers.

The failure of any one component in the 345-kV transmission systems would not cause a simultaneous outage of both buses at Dresden.

8.2.2 Analysis

The CECo transmission network has been designed to maintain availability at acceptable levels. Analyses have been performed to demonstrate that electrical failures in the network would not result in unstable operation. Availability Considerations of the Transmission Network The offsite power sources provide sufficient capacity and capability (see Section 8.3) to start and operate safety-related equipment. This ensures that the fuel design limits and the design conditions of the reactor are not exceeded during normal operation and that the reactor core can be cooled and maintained in a safe condition in the event of postulated accidents. Because the sources to the site are normally energized, they are immediately available to the station.

The offsite power sources for the station auxiliary power system provide redundancy, as well as electrical and physical independence, so that any single failure can affect only one source of supply and cannot propagate to alternate sources. While it is highly unlikely that all transmission lines could be out-of-service simultaneously, such an event would not jeopardize safe shutdown of the station because the onsite standby diesel generators would be able to supply the necessary power to the systems required for safe shutdown (see Section 8.3).

One of the functions of MAIN is to ensure that the transmission system is reliable and adequate. Power flow and transient stability studies are conducted on a regular basis using the criteria stated in MAIN Guide No. 2.


DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 6 June 2005 8.2-5 The transmission system at CECo is designed to meet all the criteria listed in the MAIN Guide No.

2. MAIN Guide No. 2 stipulates that the generation and transmission system shall be adequate to withstand the most severe of the identified set of contingencies without resulting in an uncontrolled widespread tripping of lines and/or generators with resulting loss of load over a large area.

The ability of the CECo transmission system to withstand the loss of transmission lines connecting the Dresden switchyards to the network has been investigated throug h separate stability studies for each station to demonstrate adequacy of the transmission system. The electric systems in Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana were all represented in lesser detail. Stability Analysis

An analysis was made to determine the response of the external power grid to the sudden loss of both Dresden Units 2 and 3 (the worst case as compared to the loss of only one unit) and the effects on the availability of offsite power. The conclusion of this study was that the external power system would be able to supply the station requirements continuously both immediately after the loss of both units and later when generation on the powe r system is readjusted to make up the lost generation. The design of the offsite power system is in compliance with NRC General Design Criterion (GDC) 17.


DRESDEN - UFSAR Rev. 7 June 2007 8.2-6 The auxiliary power supply from the 345-kV transmi ssion system is protected against the effect of unplanned outages by the diversity of seven separate 345-kV circuits and tw o major generating units feeding into a ring bus in the switchyards at the station (see Figures 8.2-1 and 8.2-2).

As a result of an NRC request, a site-specific analysis was made to determine system voltages under various system conditions, including severely degraded conditions.

Through the analysis CECo determined the following:

A. The maximum expected load terminal voltages occur when the switchyard voltage is maximum and there are no unit loads;

B. The minimum expected continuous load terminal voltages (when not sharing an offsite power source) occur when the switchyard voltage is at a minimum and, except for those loads automatically shed due to a unit trip, the auxiliary bus loads and the Class 1E loads are maximum; and

C. The minimum expected transient load term inal voltages occur under the conditions of item B above, concurrent with the start of a large load.

Periodic studies are performed to ensure that the offsite power system voltage remains adequate to ensure the reliability of offsite power to the Dresden units.

With respect to the requirements of GDC-17, these results indicate that the possibility of losing electric power from the transmission network due to the loss of power generation from a unit is minimal. .

DRESDEN - UFSAR 8.2-7 8.2.3 References

1. MAIN Guide Number 2, "Criteri a for Simulation Testing of the Reliability and Adequacy of the MAIN Bulk Power Transmission System."

DRESDEN - UFSAR (Sheet 1 of 1)

Table 8.2-1

This table intentionally deleted.

StartingRunning(0s)0s5s10s10+ min10++ min10+++ minKWHp2-1502-CLPCI 2C944-19647.00 (1)2-1502-DLPCI 2D944.19629.00 (1) 2-1401-BCS 2B1070.08893.00 (1) 2-1501-44CCCSW 2C593.44465.00 l2-1501-44DCCSW 2D593.44575.00 (2) 2-902-63 ESS UPS Panel37.937.9 KW l120/208V Dist Xfmr 29-16.809.00 KVA 2-1103 Standby Liquid Control Heater25.0025.00 KW 2-2301-4 HPCI Turbine Inlet Isolation Valve38.207.802-1402-25BCS Inboard Isolation Valve 2B21.104.002-2400-2BPost LOCA H202 Sample Pump 2B6.100.90 2-83125-2 125V Battery Charger 233.6633.66 KW 731613 Diesel Cooling Water Pump 2132.166.28 KW l2-4611-B Diesel Starting Air Compressor 2B19.905 1206429 Diesel Oil Transfer Pump 28.701.352/3-83250-2/3250V Battery Charger 2/365.6265.62 KW 2-5790 Diesel Vent Fan 281.3030 2-7902Turbine and Radwaste Emergency Lighting27.027.0KW l2-5700-30C1CCSW Pump Cooler C Fan 114.003.002-5700-30C2CCSW Pump Cooler C Fan 214.003.002-5700-30D1CCSW Pump Cooler D Fan 114.003.002-5700-30D2CCSW Pump Cooler D Fan 214.003.00 2-8001-B RPS MG Set 2B69.403.9l2-1501-13BLPCI Pump Flow Bypass Valve 2B0.700.13 2-5747 HPCI Pump 2 Area Cooling Unit14.001.85 2-5746BLPCI/CS Pump Area Cooling Unit 2B19.904.6 Diesel Circulating Water Heater 2/315.0015.00 KW2/3-6699-111/113Engine Lube Oil Circulating Pump (1.00 Hp)6.100.90 l2/3-6699-111/113Engine Lube Oil Circulating Pump (0.75 Hp)4.200.68 l2-1402-38BCS Pump Recirc. Isolation Valve 2B0.700.13 EPN Name DRESDEN STATION UNITS 2 AND 3 DIESEL GENERATOR 2 ELECTRICAL LOAD PROFILE FIGURE 8.3-4 Sheet 1 of 2 Rev. 8 June 2009 EPN Name Starting KW Running Hp(0s)0s5s10s10+ min10++ min10+++ min HPCI Turbine Oil Tank Heater 9.00 9.00 KW2-1501-3BContainment Cooling Heat Exchanger Discharge Valve 2B 1.00 0.33l2-202-5BRecirc. Pump 2B Discharge Valve52.4013.002-1501-22BLPCI Inboard Isolation Valve 28 39.1 10.5l2-1501-21ALPCI Outboard Isolation Valve 2A53.2016.20 120/208 Distr Xbr 29-B 11.3 15.00 KVA2/3-9400-102Control Room Standby AC250.20144.0 l2/3-9400-104Control Room AFU Booster Fan 28.8 7.52/3-9400-100Control Room Standby AFU115.8050.002/3-9400-101Control Room AFU Heater12.0012.00 KW2/3-7505ASBGT Inlet Damper 2/3A 8.20 1.402/3-7504ASBGT Outside Air Supply Damper 2/3A4.00 0.612/3-A-7503SBGT Air Heater 2/3A30.0030.00 KW2/3-5707ASBGT Discharge Damper 2/3A16.704.202/3-A-7506SBGT Fan 2/3A56.8017.2 Xfmr 29 Losses 4.4 4.4KWlIndicates Manual Connection Running Loads (KW)414.0939.01444.02190.02594.002402.002592.0 lIndicates Automatic Connection (0s) - 0 seconds after closing of DG Breaker 0s - 0 seconds after UV reset

5s - 5 seconds after UV reset

10s - 10 seconds after UV reset

10+min - All loads that automatically stop before 10 minutes are shown off and first CCSW Pump is started

10++min - The second CCSW Pump is started

10+++min - Both CCSW with its auxiliaries lll(1) Runnuing horsepower is reduced at T=10+ min and is reflected in the DG total loading.

(2) Running horsepower is 465 hp with 2 CCSW pumps running and is reflected in the DG total loading.

DRESDEN STATION UNITS 2 AND 3 DIESEL GENERATOR 2 ELECTRICAL LOAD PROFILE FIGURE 8.3-4 Sheet 2 of 2 Rev. 8 June 2009 EPN Name Starting KW Running Hp(0s)0s5s10s10-min10+ min10++ min3-1502-CLPCI 3C944.19649.00 (1)3-1502-DLPCI 3D944.19621.00 (1)3-1401-BCS 3B818.54889.00 (1) l3-1501-44CCCSW 3C593.44465.00 l3-1501-44BCCSW 3D593.44575.00 (2) 3-903-63ESS UPS Panel50.5050.50 KW l120/208V Dist Xfmr 39-16.809.00 KVA3-1402-25BCore Spray Inboard Isolation Valve20.603.9 Rx. Building Emergency Lighting16.5018.36 KW Post LOCA H202 Sample Pump 3B6.100.903-1501-13BLPCI Pump Flow Bypass Valve 3B3.300.603-1501-3BContainment Cooling Heat Exchanger Discharge Valve 3B0.900.333-5746BLPCI/CS Pump Area Cooling Unit 3B19.904.603-2301-4HPCI Turbine Inlet Isolation Valve47.607.803-1402-38BCore Spray Pump Recirc. Isolation Valve3.300.603-5747HPCI Pump 3 Area Cooling Unit14.001.853-2501ACAD Air Compressor69.425.0 HPCI Oil Tank Heater9.009.00 KW2/3-83250-2/3250V Battery Charger 2/365.6265.62 KW2/3-7503BSBGT Air Heater 2/3B30.0030.00 KW2/3-7504BSBGT Outside Air Supply Damper 2/3B3.90.62/3-7507BSBGT Fan Dischage Damper 2/3B20.04.32/3/7506SBGT Fan 2/3B56.80202/3-7505BSBGT Inlet Damper 2/3B10.501.83-7902Turbine Room 3 Emergency Lighting13.6813.68 KW3-5700-30CCCSW Pump Cooler C Fan 215.703.003-5700-30CCCSW Pump Cooler C Fan 115.703.003-5700-30DCCSW Pump Cooler D Fan 115.703.003-5700-30DCCSW Pump Cooler D Fan 215.703.003-83125-3125V Battery Charger 333.6633.66 KW3-4611BDG Starting Air Compressor 3B19.905.003-3903DG Cooling Water Pump 3131.359.28 KW l3-5203DG Fuel Oil Transfer Pump 38.701.35 DRESDEN STATION UNITS 2 AND 3 DIESEL GENERATOR 3 ELECTRICAL LOAD PROFILE FIGURE 8.3-5 Sheet 1 of 2 Rev. 8 June 2009 StartingRunning(0s)0s5s10s10-min10+ min10++ min KW HP 3-5790 DG Ventilation Fan 3 81.30 30.00l3-8001-B RPS MG Set 3B 69.40 3.9l3-1501-22A LPCI Inboard Isolation Valve 3A 39.1 10.5 3-202-5ARecirc. Pump 3A Discharge Valve51.00 13.00 3-1501-21BLPCI Outboard Isolation Valve 3851.30 16.20 Xfmr 39 Losses 2.5 2.5 KWlIndicates Manual Connection Running Loads (KW)392.0919.01413.02161.02106.02562.02385.0l Indicates Automatic Connection (0s) - 0 seconds after closing of DG Breaker 0s - 0 seconds after UV reset

5s - 5 seconds after UV reset

10s - 10 seconds after UV reset

10+min - CCSW pump is started with its auxilaries

10++min - CCSW Pump is running and other loads starting after 10 minutes are shown here

10+++min - Both CCSW pumps are running and other loads starting after 10 minutes are shown here llEPN Name (1) Runnuing horsepower is reduced at T=10+ min and is reflected in the DG total loading.

(2) Running horsepower is 465 hp with 2 CCSW pumps running and is reflected in the DG total loading.

DRESDEN STATION UNIS 2 AND 3 DIESEL GENERATOR 3 ELECTRICAL LOAD PROFILE FIGURE 8.3-5 Sheet 2 of 2 Rev. 8 June 2009 StartingRunning(0s)0s5s10s10-min10+ min10++

min 10+++ minKWHP2-1502-ALPCI 2A944.19633.00 (1) l2-1502-BLPCI 2B944.19638.00 (1)2-1401-ACS 2A1070.08877.00 (1)2-1501-44ACCSW 2A593.44575.00 (1)2-1501-44BCCSW 2B593.44465lAux PT Indicating Lights, Meter and Relay0.40.40 KW2/3-6600-ADiesel Generator Starting Air Compresser 2/3A19.905 120/208 Distr Xfmr 28-16.809.00 KVA2-1201-7Cleanup System Return Isolation Valve13.202.602-1201-1Cleanup System Inlet Isolation Valve39.305.202/3-5203Diesel Transfer Pump 2/38.701.352/3-5790Diesel Generator Vent Fan 2/381.3030.002-1402-25ACore Spray Inboard Isolation Valve 2A20.603.902-1501-13ALPCI Pump Flow Bypass Valve 2A0.700.132-2252-81APost LOCA H2 & 02 Monitoring Sample6.100.902-7902Rx Building Emergency Lighting21.521.54 KW2-5746-ALPCI/CS Pump Area Cooling Unit 2A19.904.602-1501-3AContainment Cooling Heat Exchanger Discharge Valve 2A1.00.33 l2-1402-38ACore Spray Recirc. Isolation Valve 2A0.700.13 120/208 Distr Xfmr 28-213.0017.32 KVA2-4321Condensate Transfer Jockey Pump28.806.75 120/240 Distr Xtmr Inst 2A and 2B65.0086.60 KVA2-5350-MSOPMain H2 Seal Oil Pump47.4013.502-83125-2A125V Battery Charger 2A33.6633.66 KW2-5350-SOVPH2 Seal Oil Vacuum Pump10.301.802-4611-ADiesel Generator Starting Air Compresser 2A19.905.002-5758AMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler A10.302.002-5758BMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler B10.302.002-5758CMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler C10.302.002-5758DMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler D10.302.002-5758EMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler E10.302.002-5758FMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler F10.302.002-5758GMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler G10.302.00 EPN Name DRESDEN STATION UNITS 2 AND 3 DIESEL GENERATOR 2/3 ELECTRICAL LOAD PROFILE, UNIT 2 LOADING FIGURE 8.3-6 Sheet 1 of 2 Rev . 8 June 2009 StartingRunning(0s)0s5s10s10-min10+ min10++ min10+++

minKWHP2-5758HMain Steam Insolation Valve Unit Cooler H10.302.002-5700-30ACCSW Pump Cooler A Fan 114.003.002-5700-30ACCSW Pump Cooler A Fan 214.003.00 2-5700-30BCCSW Pump Cooler B Fan 114.003.00 2-5700-30BCCSW Pump Cooler B Fan 214.003.00 l2-8001-ARPS MG Set 2A69.403.9l120/208 Distr Xfmr FP-211.3015.00 KVA Diesel Circulation Water Heater 215.0015.00 KW2-6657Engine tube Oil Circulating Pump Motor (1 Hp)6.100.90 2-6660Engine Lube Oil Circulating Pump Motor (0.75 Hp)4.200.68 2-5600-TGOPTurning Gear Oil Pump - 45.002-5620-ATurbine Bearing Lift Pump 2A -9.002-5620-BTurbine Bearing Lift Pump 2B -9.002-5620-CTurbine Bearing Lift Pump 2C -9.002-5620-DTurbine Bearing Lift Pump 2D -9.002-5620-ETurbine Bearing Lift Pump 2E -9.002-83250-2250V Battery Charger 265.6265.62 KW2/3-3903Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump 2/3132.165.97KW l2-5601-TGMTurbine Turning Gear Motor 51.002-1501-22ALPCI Inboard Isolation Valve 2A39.110.5l2-202-5ARecirc. Pump 2A Discharge Valve50.4013.002-1501-21BLPCI Outboard Isolation Valve 2B53.2016.20 Xfmr 28 Losses3.93.9 KWlIndicates Manual Connection Running (KW)371.0885.01397.02160.02150.02609.02407.02491.0 lIndicates Automatic Connection (0s) - 0 seconds after closing of DG Breaker 0s - 0 seconds after UV reset

5s - 5 seconds after UV reset

10s - 10 seconds after UV reset

10-min - All loads that automatically stop before 10 minutes are shown off 10+min - CCSW Pump 2A is started 10++min - CCSW Pump 2B is started with its auxiliaries

10+++min - Both CCSW pumps are running and other loads starting after 10 minutes are shown hereEPNName DRESDEN STATION UNITS 2 AND 3 DIESEL GENERATOR 2/3 ELECTRICAL LOAD PROFILE, UNIT 2 LOADING FIGURE 8.3-6 Sheet 2 of 2 Rev. 8 June 2009 StartingRunning(0s)0s5s10s10-min10+ min10++ min10+++

minKWHp3-1502-ALPCI 3A944.19629.00 (1)3-1502-BLPCI 3B944.19642.00 (1)3-1401-ACS 3A1070.08901.00 (1)3-1501-44ACCSW 3A593.44575.00 (2)3-1501-44BCCSW 3B593.44465.00 lAux PT Indicating Lights, Meter and Relay0.400.40 KW120/208 Distr Xfmr 38-16.809.00 KVA3-1201-7Cleanup System Return Isolation Valve13.202.63-1201-1Cleanup System Inlet Isolation Valve23.203.9 2/3-5203Diesel Transfer Pump 2/38.701.35 2/3-5790Diesel Generator Vent Fan 2/381.3030.00 3-1402-25ACore Spray Inboard Isolation Valve 3A21.104.00 3-2400-APost LOCA H2 & 02 Monitoring Sample Pump 3A6.100.90 3-4710-ADrywell Air Compressor26.803.10 3-1103Standby Liquid Control Tank hater25.0025.00 KW 3-5746ALPCI/CS Pump Area Cooling Unit 3A19.904.60 3-1501-3AContainment Cooling Heat Exchanger Discharge Valve 3A0.90.33 l120/208 Distr Xfmr 38-213.0017.32 KVA3-4321Condensate Transfer Jockey Pump28.804.6 120/240 Distr Xfmr Inst48.7064.95 KVA3-5350-MSOPMain H2 Seal Oil Pump47.4013.53-83125-3A125V Battery Charger 3A33.6633.66 KW3-5350-SOVPH2 Seal Oil Vacuum Pump10.301.803-4611ADiesel Generator Starting Air Compresser 3A19.905.003-5758AMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler A8.701.503-5758BMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler B8.701.503-5758CMain Stem Isolation Valve Unit Cooler C8.701.503-5758DMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler D8.701.503-5758EMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler E8.701.503-5758FMain Steam Isolation Valve Unit Cooler F8.701.503-83250-3250V Battery Charger 365.6265.62 KW 125Vdc Alternate Battery Electric Heaters15.0015.00 KW 120/208 Distr Xfmr FP-311.3015.00 KVA EPN Name DRESDEN STATION UNITS 2 AND 3 DIESEL GENERATOR 2/3 ELECTRICAL LOAD PROFILE, UNIT 3 LOADING FIGURE 8.3-7 Sheet 1 of 2 Rev. 8 June 2009 StartingRunning(0s)0s5s10s10-min10+ min10++ min10+++ min KW Hp-Diesel Circulation Water Heat 3 15 15.00 KW 3-6657Engine Lube Oil Circulating Pump Motor (1 Hp)6.1 0.9 3-6660Engine Lube Oil Circulating Pump Motor (0,75 4.2 0.682-5600-TGOPTurning Gear Oil Pump 1-45.003-5620-ATurbine Bearing lift Pump 3A-9.003-5620 BTurbine Bearing Lift Pump 3B-9.003-5620-CTurbine Bearing Lift Pump 3C-9.00 3-5620-D Turbine Bearing Lift Pump 3D-9.003-5620-ETurbine Bearing Lift Pump 3E-9.002/3-3903Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump 2/3132.7065.97 KW l120/208 Distr Xfmr 38-311.3015.00 KVA3-5700-30ACCSW Pump Cooler A Fan 114.003.003-5700-30ACCSW Pump Cooler A Fan 220.803.003-5700-30BCCSW Pump Cooler B Fan 114.003.003-5700-30BCCSW Pump Cooler B Fan 214.003.003-8001-ARPS MG Set 3A69.403.9l3-5601-TGMTurbine Tuning Gear Motor

-51.003-1402-38ACore Spray Pump Recirc. Isolation Valve 3A0.700.132/3-6600-BDiesel Generator Starting Compressor 213E19.905.00 3-1501-13ALPCI Pump Flow Bypass Valve 3A0.700.13 3-1501-22ALPCI Inboard Isolation Valve 3A39.110.5 l2-202-5ARecirc. Pump 3A Discharge Valve51.0013.003-1501-21BLPCI Outboard Isolation Valve 3B15.3016.20 Xfmrr 38 Losses 3.8 3.8 KWlIndicates Manual Connection Running Loads (KW)403.0914.01430.02189.02181.02638.02435.02518.0l Indicates Automatic Connection (Os) - 0 seconds after closing of DG Breaker Os - 0 seconds after UV reset

5s - 5 seconds after UV reset

10s- 10 seconds after UV reset

10-min - All loads that automatically stop befor 10 minutes are shown off

10+min - CCSW Pump 3A is started

10++ min - CCSW Pump 3B is started with its auxiliaries

10+++min - Both CCSW pumps are running and other loads starting after 10 minutes are shown here (1) Running horsepower is reduced at T=10+ min and is reflected in the DG total loading.

(2) Running horsepower is 465 hp with 2 CCSW pumps rinning and is reflected in the DG total loading.