LR-N17-0088, Enclosures 1 & 2: Pseg Nuclear, LLC Quality Assurance Topical Report, NO-AA-10, Revision 86

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Enclosures 1 & 2: Pseg Nuclear, LLC Quality Assurance Topical Report, NO-AA-10, Revision 86
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/2017
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17157B235 List:
Download: ML17164A314 (144)


LR-N17-0088 Enclosure 1 PSEG Nuclear, LLC Quality Assurance Topical Report, NO-AA-10, Revision 86 Summary Of Changes QATR Approval Form Page 1 of 1 PSEG Nuclear LLC NO-AA-10 Revision 86 NO-AA-400-001 Revision 9 QUALITY ASSURANCE TOPICAL REPORT (QATR) Effective:

2/24/17 Date Reviewed by:

ate Approved for Implementation by: Date Peter P. Sena Ill vliP-4 President

& CNO, PSEG Nuctear (Print/Sign)

NO-AA-400-001 Revision 9 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC



Revision 86 Effective Date* February 24, 2017 The following is a description of the changes being made to the PSEG Nuclear Quality Assurance Topical Report (QATR) in revision 86 .. Some of the changes are a result of organizational changes that have taken place at PSEG Nuclear, while others are being made to clarify, update, or correct the content of PSEG Nuclear's QA Program document.

This revision to the QATR will be submitted to the NRG for post implementation review as tracked by Order 80095829 Operation 580. A review, in accordance with HU-AA-1101, determined that formal change management plans were not required for the changes taking place. The key changes to the QATR made in this.revision include:

  • Identification of organizational changes made at PSEG, such as the Organizational Effectiveness Director position in Chapter 1
  • Incorporation of changes to reflect the NRG approval of a Hope Creek Technical Specification change regarding the use of ANSI ANS-3.1-1981
  • Incorporation of changes to reflect the NRG approval of a Salem Unit 1 & Unit 2 Technical Specification change regarding.

the .use of ANS! ANS-3.1-1981

  • Making a title change for the Nuclear Safety Review Board to the Fleet Excellence Oversight Board
  • Some of the changes in these sections are centered on current NRC regulatory guidance or exemptions from previously approved NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SERs). Based on the results of 1 O CFR 50.54(a) / 10 CFR 71.106(b) evaluations, the changes being made to the QATR in revision 86 do not represent a reduction in commitment and thus do not require prior approval from the NRG before implementation.

A more detailed summary of the changes is provided on the following pages. Page 2 of 4

. . I \, NO-AA-400-001 Revision 9 NO-AA-1 O, REV. 86, QATR REVISION


(CONT'D) Revision details

  • 1: CHAPTER 1, ORGANIZATION Specific changes to this chapter included:
  • In the second bullet under Section 2.2.2, the name of the Nuclear Safety Review Board was changed to the Fleet Excellence Oversight Board. -In section 2.2.2, subsection 2 from" ... and reactor engineering activities at the stations; to; " ... and reactor engineering I reactor controls activities at the statiol}s;

... -In section 2.2.3 item 3., second paragraph, the title of the Performance Improvement Director was changed to the Organizational Effectiveness Director.

-In the third bullet of Section 2.4, teXt associated with the function of the off-site review committee was changed from "nuclear safety" to "operational excellence".

-In section 2.2.3 item 6., changed "Nuclear Safety Review Board" to "Plant Operations Review Committee".

-In Figure 1-1, the block for the Nuclear Safety Review Board was changed to the Fleet Excellence Oversight Board. Also in this figure, the reporting relationships and titles of certain groups' matrixed to the NOS Director were updated. [Request#

16-50] 2. CHAPTER 2, QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM Specific changes to this chapter included:

-The text in the second sentence in Section 2.5 was changed from "These programs shall meet or exceed the requirements in applicable federal regulations as well as appropriate industry standards, including ANSI/ANS 3.1-1981 Section 5, and the accreditation standards set by the National Nuclear Accrediting Board." to "These programs shall meet or exceed the requirements in applicable federal regulations as well as appropriate industry standards, as described in Appendix C, and the accreditation standards set by the National Nuclear Accrediting Board." [Request#

16-. . 3. CHAPTER 18, AUDITS/ASSESSMENTS Specific changes to this chapter included:

-In Section 2.1.3 last paragraph, the text was changed from "off-site review committee" to "on-site review committee" since it is now the on-site review committee (along with the Nuclear Oversight department) that is performing the required independent review function.


16-50] Page 3 of 4 NO-AA-400-001 Revision 9 NO-AA-10, REV. 86, QATR REVISION


(CONT'D) 4. APPENDIX C, CODES, STANDARDS, AND GUIDES Specific changes to this appendix included:

-Section 1.1 added words to see section 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 respectively for exceptions to the listed standard.

-In Section 1.3.1 item 1, and Section 1.3.2 item 1, the text in the first paragraph was revised to align with the NRC's regulatory position in Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 2 for the use of ANSI standards ANS-3.1-1981 and N18 .1-1971. -In Section 1.3.1 item 1. e., and Section 1.3.2 item 1. e., the text describing the qualification requirements for members of the off-site review committee was eliminated and replaced with text describing the expectation for qualification of on-site committee members, since it is now the on-site review committee (along with the Nuclear Oversight department) that is performing the required independent review function for the company. -In Section 1.3.2, deleted the entire "Note" following item c., since this guidance is no longer applicable following NRC's approval to allow.removal of ANSI ANS .. 3 .. 1-1981 from the Salem Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specifications.


16-50 & 16-49] 5. APPENDIX D, DEFINITIONS Specific changes to this appendix included:

-In Section 2.77, the title was changed to "Independent Review" to align with ANSI 18.7. The wording was revised to reflect that the independent review function is now being performed by a combination of on-site review committee and Nuclear Oversight independent review activities.

-Section 2.78 was deleted, since it is a duplication of 2. 77. [Request#

16-50] NO-AA-10, Revision 86, Prepared By: Charles J. Brown / Date: Acting QA ProgramlMar;ager('tlSiin Page 4 of 4 I I

LR-N 17-0088 Enclosure 2 PSEG Nuclear, LLC *

  • Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations QUALITY ASSURANCE TOPICAL REPORT (QATR) NO-AA-10 Revision 86 Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations . . . QUALITY ASSURANCE TOPICAL REPORT .(QATR) NO-AA-10 Revision 86 Effective Date: 2/24/17 PSEG Nuclear, LLC Corporate Headquarters 80 Park Plaza Newark, New Jersey 07102 PSEG NUCLEAR POLICY ----------

1. POLICY STATEMENT PSEG Nuclear, LLC, is responsible for assuring that the operation, maintenance, refueling, and modification of the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations are accomplished in a manner that protects public health and safety and that it is in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements.

To carry out this responsibility, Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G) developed and implemented a

Quality Assurance Program (OAP) that was applicable to the design, Js*npw,the.operation phase of its nuclear units.

Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations, vyer?* .


N1,1clea,r, LLC (hereafter "The Company").

.*-, , .. :; , :.

_,, :i -, . , w. . --i .. -... The Quality Assurance Topical Report (QATR) is the highest tiered document that assigns major quality assurance functional responsibilities for the nuclear plants owned or operated by the Company. The QAP as detailed in the QATR provides measures to assure the /"*1<<-; ,i,t>::::( ;-.,
  • 1'-.t.\**'J<.'

';*!*'" ,/t'-o.-..


  • .,,._ . f'

"'.<'** :.*-I'-

  • --?otitroJ qgalJty qf (that 1s, SSCs that provide reasonable can be operated without undue risk to the health and safety of the to ... ari;'extent consistent with their importance to safety. ""'ill>.!'

r.,,, \;,l -..

':: fi Key management and Ch.ief Nuclear Officer (P&CNO), issue Quality Assurance (QA): policy statements.

These policy statements are mandatory throughout the Key policy elements, as they apply to nuclear safety, include the following: . '

__ : ! . 1. Nuclear safety is of the highest priority and shall take precedence over matters concerning power production.

2. The public's health and safety is the prime consideration in the conduct and support of Company operatidns anc:I which could affect , .-, "!.

... . .,__.:\* ;.* :: ...

the health and publib/shall loe

3. The QAP essential part of the Company's commitment to safe and reliable nuclear power operation.

Applicable program requirements shall be strictly adhered to in the performance of

,_---* 2. APPLICABILITY Implementing documents assign more specific responsibilities and tasks and define the organizational interfaces involved in conducting aCtivities and tasks within the scope of this plan. These requirements apply to those organizations and positions, which manage and perform activities within its scope. All Company personnel who work directly, or indirectly, for the Company are responsible for the achievement of quality in their work. Accordingly, all Company personnel and its contractors engaged in supporting nuclear generation activities shall comply with the requirements of our OAP. Page 1 of 1 Revision 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1, ORGANIZATION 1 SCOPE: ..................................

.-... *.-. .................................................................*.......



1 2.1 Organization._**::***********************************************************************************************

1 2.2 Corporate Organization


2 2.3 Station Organization


9 2.4 Oversight of Nuclear Safety ................


12 2.5 Responsibility


12 2.6 *Authority


13 2.7 New Nuclear Development..


14 Figure 1-1 Simplified Organizational Relationship Chart ................................................


PROGRAM 1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................


... , .............................................................................................

1 2.1 General ...... * ..................................................................................


1 2.2 Supplier's Quality Assurance Program ...................................................

2 2.3

  • Planning ..........................................


2 2.4 Program Description



2 Indoctrination

& Training .....................................................................

3 2.6 Program Review ........................................

'. ......................................................

4 2.7 Quality Assurance Manual ................................ , .............................................

4 *CHAPTER 3, DESIGN CONTROL . 1 SC.OPE* ................................*................................................................................



  • ...........

1 2.1 General ............................................................................................................

1 2.2 Design Input ..................

.' .................................................................................

1 2.3 D*esigh Process ..... *; ....................


_ ................


2 2.4 Design Analyses*************.:******************************************************************

.. ************

3 2.5 Design Verification


3 2.6 Change Control ...............................................................................................

5 2.7 Design Errors ...............................

............................................................ ..... 6 2.8 Interface


6 2.9 Vendor Design Control ...........................................................

., ...................

'. .... 6 2.10 Modifications


7 . '. 2.11 Documentation and Records ...........................................................................

7 CHAPTER4, PROCUREMENTDOCUMENTCONTROL 1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................




1 2.1 General ...........................................................................................................

1 2.2 Content of Procurement Documents


1 2.3 Procurement Document Review ......................................................................

3 2.4 Procurement Records .....................................................................................

3 Page 1 of 5 Revision 86 CHAPTERS, INSTRUCTIONS, PROCED.LJRES, AND DRAWIN,GS 1 SCOPE ..................................................................

_ .............

_ ............

.. : .... :****_. .............




,'. ..


1 2.1 General ........................................................

., ... ; ...... ;****** ...


..... 1 ' 2.2 Preparation .and Review ................................... , ...

....... : ...............

,..; ................

2 . 2.3 Procedures and Programs ........... , ..........


,: ....................................

  • CHAPTER 6, . DOCUMENT CONTROL ., , : 1 SCOPE; ............. .... : .................................



............. :. , *1 1 2




1 *** '.:;! ... 2* *** ;; *** :: **

    • '.::.:.,.;:..*
        • * ** :: .......... , **** -1: .* 2.1 General .............................

_ ..............................................................................

1 2 .2 Reviews .......

?.i .*

'.:J .. ::*: .;*::/;9.f;'.'*

J., :. .

.. :*.*:

._:.: .. '.,_; : ... :' ........ , i ..


  • ,*
    • 2.3. Controlled 0pcµrnent$, ....... , ..... , .........

., ....... , .... , ... ,., ...... ::**: *::**** .. : .:;,::_ ...... , ..........

  • 2 2.4 .Control Measures .... , .. , .... , .... ,,., ...... , ..... , .... ,., ...........

,.,.* ..


3 :* 2.5 Document.

C.hanges ................

,,.,,,,,,,,., .... ,,.,,., .. ,., ... ,,, ..... ,, .. :., .* /*.::*.*:.:c*i::*************:

... '..3 ..* ,. .. , .... ** . Hf... .. . * .. . -** ........ ,, . * . * . * . * :.:;-L*: . !t*ti":;:;;-i(J

  • CHAPTER 8,* * *
  • IOeN'TIFlCATION ANO CONTROL:O.FMATERIALS, * .. , 1 "z: . 2.1 :-) 2.2' 2:3 . '2.4 '2.5' 2.6 2.7
  • PARTS .. *AND COMPONENTS . *-* * ::* .. :/ .. **iQii,jC SGOPE:: ..... ::::.:::.:.:::

.. '.:::::.:::

.. ::.:: ... :::::: ..... :.; .. ;.; ......

... :*;o'.r! .


"' * ........ * :":*:,<>*.;.:*,;:,,*

.. _ ;"*: .. 1 ' ..............................................................................................

  • .. ;:*. Genetal :: :: : ::.: .... : : .... : : : .. : .. :. : ... : .. : .. : .........
.......... :.; ... ; .. ;:*.: .. ::: .. ..

............ ;< 1 .. T' .,,.,_-.. b**1*t** * ....... * **, .. * * : .. ::r:* . .-.: .. "

  • "1 racea 11 y ... , .................................................................................. ..............
  • ...

.:: *: ... : : ... : . :: .: : *: :* :** .. : . : .. :*:***: .... :: .. :


2 Transfer of Markings .........................................

... ; ........
.; ... *.;:.;.;:.*


,.:_ .... 2 , Lihilteei*

Life !terns: .. : ..........

... .-.. ....

... : ..

........ :.:* .... 2

._.: **r


... ,,. :i: **;;; *,: .........

.:., :* *::;


  • .: ........ 2 So tware terns ...................................................................................................

2 l ,' ;,* .. :Page 2 of 5

  • Revision 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 9, CONTROL OF SPECIAL PROCESSES 1 SCOPE .................................................
........ * ........................



  • ...... 1 2.1 General ...........................................................................................................

1 2.2 Process Control .................................................................................................

1 2.3 Special Processes


.' ...........


2 2.4 Personnel Qualification


3 2.5 Special Process Records ............................................................ , ...................

3 CHAPTER 10, INSPECTION 1 SCOPE ..............




  • .............

1 2.1 General ...........................................................................................................

1 2.2 Inspection Plans ................


1 2.3 Inspection Personnel and Qualification


2 2.4 Inspection Process ..........................................................................................

2 2.5 In-Service Inspections


3 2.6 Independent Verification



4 CHAPTER 11, TEST CONTROL 1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................



1 2.1 General .................................................................................................................

1 2.2 Instrumentation and Control ............................................................................

4 2.3 Electrical Tests ............................................................ ......................


5 2.4 Mechanical Tests ............................................................................................

5 2.5 Physical and Chemical Tests .. : . .' .... : .................................................................

6 2.6 Surveillance Tests ...........................................................................................

6 2.7 Maintenance or Major Procedure Change ..................................... ................

6 2.8 Software Tests ................................... , ... * ....................................................

  • ..... 6 CHAPTE.R 12, CONTROL OF MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT 1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................



1 2.1 General ...........................................................


1 2.2 Control. ...............*............................................................................................

1 2.3 Labeling .....................................................................................


2 2.4 Accuracy .........................................................................................................

2 2.5 Traceability and Interval ..................................................................................

2 2.6 Certified M&TE ............................................................


2 2.7 Corrective Actions ............................................

  • .......................
  • ........................

3 2.8 Vendor Control ................................................................................................

3 2.9 Commercial Devices ....................................................................................... 3 . 2.10 Calibration Records .......... ..............................................................................

3 Page 3 of 5 Revision 86


.-.*.* ......................

.............................................. ...............................



  • ................................................
... : ... * .............................

1 2.t General .......................................

.................................... , ....... : ...... ..............

1 2.2 Special Equipment and Environments

....................... ..

... : ........................

1 2.3

  • Classification*of Items .......................................
........ : .. : .. : ............
................. 2.4 Special Handling Tools and Equipment

...... : ..... : ..... : .. : ... : .. :'. .. : .........................

2 2.5 Marking and Labeling ....................................

.... .........
.. . .' .... * .. ; ...................

2 2.6 Storage; .................

'* ..............................


    • .y .... 1'. *** *:* ,2 CHAPTER 14, INSPECTION, TEST, AND OPERATING STATUS 1 SCOPE ...............



.: ....... .-.. ::*.:.:.*

.. *'.*: ...... :: .... :.".* .............

1 *.

:::::::::: :::: ::::
,:: :: :: ::::::::'.::
::: ::::: :::::: ::::)::. 2.2 Operating Status ...................................... ..............................
., ....................

2 .. *.. -*,. -. . *, . CHAPTER 15, . NONCONFORMING COMPONENTS".********


':, 1 :2 : 2.1 * : 2*.2 . 2*.3 .. 2A. 'CHAPTER 16 . "CORRECTIVE ACTION * . . . *' *.*\. *_ 1 . SCOPE.*.:

..... ." ... * ........ : ......................

.' .....

.... '.." ....... :* ...

.... -?':.>;'.:


  • ... 1 ,-...

2:2 ConditiorisAdverse t0 Quality* ... :.:: ............

..... '.: ...... :*::: ...


.... 1 2.3 ... -. . .,.f,oJlow,-up


." .......................

3 2.h'. * ,\., .i, ** ::* *** *** 1 ****

      • : **
      • ** : ****** ****** ;.;:r::t:.'.


3 Z.5

  • Documentation and Reporting


...... : ..............

,:_ ... :._:**'.'.*:********'.(.:.::


4 .1:


  • SCOPE: .... ::.:.: ... ::::.: ... : ... : .. : ..... :: .. ::.: ... :.:.: .................

<':.: ... ; ............

>;.;. 1 *. 2 , REQUIREMENTS.:


.: ... :.:.: ....... :.: .............................



.;:. 1 2.1 * *Program ....................
........ : ... : .. ::: .............

_ .. : .............


1 2.2 Administration


..... : .......................... .... .' ...... ; ... * .... ,.:: .. ;.' .. :.* ... ..............
.. 1 2.3 Rec*eipt and Transmittal


..... : ..................
... : ... ; .. * .. :.'::** .. -:*:****;

.. ................

  • . 2 2.4 Storage and Preservation

....... : ................

.. : ........ : ..

.. ... ;*.:!.:; ... : ...... : ........... 2 2.5 *Safekeeping and Classification


.... :: ... .. ; ..............
. 3 2.6 Retention and Disposition ...........................................

.' ..... .... :: .......................

3 2.7 Plant Operating Records ...............

.... ; ...............

.. *****************

3 Page 4 of 5 Revision 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 18, AUDITS/ASSES.SMENTS 1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................



1 2.1 Audits and Assessments

-General .........................

.......... " ............................

1 2.2 Vendor Audits ..................................................................................................

4 2.3 Independent Management Assessment


4 APPENDIX A, AUGMENTED QUALITY 1 SCOPE .....................................................................





1 2.1

  • Health Physics and ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable)


1 2.2 Transport of Radioactive Waste ......................................................................

2 2.3 Fire Protection


2 2.4 Repairs and Alterations



,. 3 2.5 Station Blackout ..............................................................................................

3 2.6 Dry Cask Storage System ................................................

,* ..............................

3 2.7 Emergency Planning ........................................................................................

3 2.8 Security ...........................................................................................................

4 2.9 Support Services .............................................................................................

4 2.10 Structures and Components Subject to an Aging Management


4 Program for License Renewal 2.11 Fuku.shima Dai-ichi Event Based Quality Requirements



... : ................................................................................

1 APPENDIX C, CODES, STANDARDS, AND GUIDES 1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................

'. 1 1 .1 Codes and Standards


1 1.2 Regulatory Guides ..........................................

  • .................................................

2 1.3 Station-Specific Clarifications and Exceptions

............................................... 2 APPENDIX D, DEFINITIONS 1 SCOPE ...........


1 2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ......................................................................................

1 APPENDIX E, SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATIONS (STATION SPECIFIC) 1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................



1 2.1 Ho'pe Creek Generating Station (HCGS) ........................................................

1 2.2 Salem Generating Station (SGS) .. , ...... '. ..........................................................

4 Page 5 of 5 Revision 86

CHAPTER1 1. 2.1 SCOPE This chapter identifies those poQ:ions of the Company organization as it applies to the Quality Assurarice:Program (OAP), and defines the responsibility, and authority for


and verifying its implementation.

The 'resp6nsi6iiity forthe program is retained and

  • executed by the Company


  • 1 __ .. * *


.. ,._*,:, -.. .... _ -; .... Organizational responsibilitles:are.

descrioedfor .assuring*

tnaradiVities affecting*

quality are prescribed and implemented

  • by do.cumenled instructions, procedures, and drawings.

The achievement of quality iri the performance ofquality related' activities

are the responsibility of -_ each individual.

in support of nuclear operations.:

.... , : ** ::*: . , .. ' : '. *The requirements and commitments,contained mar,idatory-andmust be to by,aU individuals and organizations.

    • -i'*: -* :-<>"


  • _, . 1 c ,,. . . . : ., *; .. '" "; <' *'

_()f the

_ functions, .cim:lJhe the qu?lity assurance.


are and procedures, (ReterJe,

.-.. relationship chart.) .


i1 .f:: *t *it* ;. ._ ; , ? ::* ::* ;,

/,. .

of ?l;lthority and responsibility are .est9bffstfod ffohi J1Jghest management level through'

totbe)flipJerD'enting the resp61'1si6lilty, a*uth6.rity, of the -, * .. * * * .

QQ,Gt_:lJli,ented current. .** --' ., ,-:. : ' . <<*' ' ' ' Paget.of 15 The authOrity to

.. C;il!qJity describ-ed hefein may be-delegaterd t9 as: neEe'5$ary to fulfill . the identified

  • resporlsibilities:'-
  • -* '*" * ,. *.. ** : _;" * " k * * ---: The line organization, consisting of corporate executives and station personnel, is the primary source of information and is the only source of direction for plant activities.

Revision 86 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 Page 2of15 Line management is responsible for establishing the QAP requirements in appropriate instructions, procedures and drawings, and ensuring that the achievement of quality receives emphasis in the planning, implementing, verifying, and docl!.menting of quality-related work activities.

Corporate OrganiZation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) is responsible for overall corporate policy and provides executive direction and guidance for the corporation as well as promulgates corporate policy through the Company's executive management staff. President and Chief Operating Officer Reporting to the PSEG CEO is the President and Chief Operating Officer (P&COO}of PSEG Power LLC who is responsible for PSEG Power policy, providing executive direction and guidance for the company, and promulgating corporate policy through Power's senior management staff. Reporting to the P&COO are executives in charge of three subsidiaries, including PSEG Nuclear LLC, PSEG Fossil LLC, and Energy Resources and Trading LLC. Overall responsibility for the implementation of the QAP as described in this document is delegated to the President and Chief Nuclear Officer (P&CNO) of PSEG Nuclear LLC. The P&COO participates in the formulation.of nuclear group strategy and policy; and remains cognizant of the performance of the nuclear stations through: -Periodic attendance at station meetings, receipt of Nuclear Oversight (NOS) audit and assessment reports, station reports, and business-related performance indicators.*

  • -An off-site review committee reports to and advises the P&COO of the results of their oversight .of plant operations related to safe operation of the station and the Company's nuclear program relative to nuclear safety. In lieu of ANSI N18.7-1976/ANS-3.2 requirements, the committee operates in accordance with the Company's written procedures and instructions which delineate committee composition, responsibility, authority, member qualifications, meeting frequency, subjects to be reviewed, reporting requirements, and administrative controls under which the board operates.

The off-site review committee is responsible for notifying the P&CNO of any issues identified by the committee related to the safe and reliable operation of the nuclear facilities.

This committee is referred to as the Fleet Excellence Oversight Board. Revision 86 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 2.2.3. .. , *;*-,,; ...... ; -

President and Cl1i"ef NUc1ear OttiC;r-----------------------. --. The P&CNO of PSEG Nuclear LLC is' responsible*

the safe and * *reliable operatior(ofthe Company's nu dear facilities.

This position providifa executive and' is responsible for setting and implementing policies, objectiyes, expectations and priorities to ensure activities in with the OAP and Reporting to the is corporate level management that indu-des th 1 e Station Vice Presidents, the Vice .-

_the Execative Dire.ctot.

Corporate bpe"r"ations'/the:.Hegulatocy ,ftie Nuclear Training *

.. Gversight (NOS) Director.

Also reporting to .. the P&CNOare select matrixed personnel provioing business support, human resources support,'legal, procurement, and communications support.

. "\ j ': ! ..
,,_, ( j .. ., ""*** The P&CNO regularly assesses the scope, status, adequacy, and -

QA p>r6grahi t9::foCFR50{Appendix B, in support of 'th¢criuclear>>O'peratihg units 'aridlndependenfspenffuel storage in'sta1iatioh , .. *_" ... * ,.* .* , .,.

.. ;;, ..

... '.:l:p* ...

  • r.:: .. . . ..


    • ,. -*-* * *' +:

and *** :* : ' . .

NRC ,-:. * .' ' .

documented, ana d1sserrnnate;d to the senior , ,.

the ;;,scope*;, status; .. and .QA prpgratrtat each of the nuclear facilities.

  • *:;-.ic. ;* ,
  • --r, '1.

overall plant . . ...

... t-: .......

'Jr .* .:,* ... ,. .. ;*!l, ..

-;** _,.*,*f.v .r_..'.




position are . , .. '

for activities at the ,. * :-* stall6tis*:::" Refer'to resp0nsibilities and authorities

.. ,i ;: "** * ,,* ,..',::*


.. i*: L:.1

.!1! \,,"<* ... ....

,..* .. , ,

THe*VicEr:F"fe$idei1t of P&CNO and is . . .


oversight:of'the*'ef'igineering' fuels, and
  • in'slipport of-the *nuclear units . .,.. *. ; '. ": ,; ' ,"_;* 1 1'u,,.., .!-; .;;' !
  • _, "'.: *).*, .:,. Tlrle Director *ef Engineering Seryice_?_

r,epo.rtsto the Vice President of

_for:pr6vi.ding engineering governaiice-ahd oversight, *as:Well.

as in some cases providing direct engineering support and perform functions

.. This organization oversees all engineering tasks, such as*procurement engineering, -Page 3 of 15 . Revision 86 ORGANIZATION Page 4of15 CHAPTER 1 design control, and system, component, and reactor engineering I reactor controls activities at the stations; maintains the plant design basis drawings and documentation; provides direction and control of the implementation of the required ASME code-based plant repair program; oversees implementation and control of special processes required to maintain the nuclear units; facilitates component maintenance optimization and monitors system health to improve overall equipment reliability; and oversees the records management program, ensuring the station's quality assurance records are properly processed, approved, and stored. . . . The N.uclear Fuels Direct.or reports to the Vice President of Engineering and is responsible for providing governance and oversight of the purchase and use of the nuclear fuels required to operate the nuclear units. The Fuels organization is responsible for providing direction and control of the nuclear fuel processes including new fuel receipt inspections, fuel reliability, and spent fuel management; for the plant's reactivity management processes; and for the special nuclear material control processes at the stations.

The Nuclear Projects Director reports to the Vice President of Engineering and is responsible for direction and control of unique activities such as a plant system; structure, or component modification or project. The Projects organization is responsible for ensuring that each project is appropriately planned, monitored, controlled, executed, and closed in accordance with approved processes that support long term asset management and continuous improvement in plant safety and reliability.

In order to centralize .and improve the efficiency within the Company's Engineering function, the Station Engineering Directors also report to the Vice President of Engineering.

Refer to section 2.3.3 for the responsibilities and auth.orities of the Station Engineering Directors.

Matrixed to the Engineering corporate support for information technology that includes the acquisition and enhancement of computer hardware, communication and .software systems, established to support the operational requirements of the nuclear units: The.Information Technology Manager administers the digital technology software quality assurance program and ensures that cyber security and the stability of the computer based local area network, the distributed network, plant process systems, and related digital equipment is properly maintained.

Revision 86

';, ..


  • 3. the *Executive cor.porate

. managehieht regarding the overall performance and reliability of -*. *

  • plant operations and makes *recbilimeiidatio*ns for performance improvement as appropriate.**

Reporting to the Executive Director Corporate Operations:are*the peiformance improvement, fire pr8tection',*

maihtenahte services, arid organizations .

  • 1 --;, :': ***** ! . ( i( l .I ',***:

... , The<Orga)1izational Effectiveness Director reports to the Executive

  • for providing the . -

station perforf\laffcE:r, orga-nization provides direction and controtofthe sfatio'n's learning programs, including

  • the program; .. th.e operating.

experience program, ..

  • ber:ichmqrkihg prog'rams, and human *
  • t6;the:Hrganizational . :-:..:. * "" 1:

area managers and -* ** *' --*

to provide ' . . :-fiiflcti6haHffea'*f6verhan-ce-r:and'.oversiggt arid!to monitor station -(. .. ' . ; .: : ; : ---,

and; dfi\ie fdhctional areas, such ,

  • -


taeiwaste work ma1:1ggertJeht, 1.;:md . . ' . ' *"


' 1
1 fire '*( , *.***** : .. :.:*


  • .* '< .. <
  • such as . '* ,_;:

space activities.

  • : '* * * * < 1 repbrtsrtb the Executive

--<'-.c* ** **1 for providing the .

make repairs and to ,, * *

  • units as scheduled.

The Maintenance'Services ormmi:t;atior:iprovides supplemental

-* * : ;

work; provides , * '"::

used in . .*.. " . ; :

calibration of station ,:;':

  • Yadlatforipfotectibh also provides facilities

' "

the environment from for maintaining the .:.\. * *

  • sile'-s: m'etear.0109lcM

.. *

  • r 1'.:.


,-*.).:_:: 'i. ;* .. :


,(' .. "I The Outage Services Manager reports to the Executive Director Corporate Operations and is responsible for coordinating refueling outage support and overseeing the in-service testing and inspection

  • Page 5,of 15
  • Revisiqn*a5 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 Page 6of15 program. The Outage Services organization provides suppo*rt to the stations during outages in the areas. of reactor services, turbine services, and inspection services, including non-destructive examination and quality verification independent inspections.

This department also oversees and i? responsible for the independent spent fuel storage installation and dry cask storage related activities associated with spent fuel handling, loading, and cask processing.

4. The Regulatory Operations Director provides direction and control of regulatory functions that support the stations, including licensing, environmental, nuclear security, and emergency preparedness activities required for safe operation of the nuclear units. This position is responsible for developing policies and standardized proces;ses for maintaining the station's licensing basis, and for the preparation.of correspondence and required submittals to the NRC and other federal, state, and locc;il regulatory agencies.

Reporting to .this position are managers for licensing, regulatory compliance, environmental affairs, security, and emergency preparedness.

The Regulatory Operations organization maintains:

-The plant operating licenses and final safety analysis reports, -The biological and .environmental programs for the site, The nuclear security program, including site access controls for, background Investigations, .and fitness for duty, as well as testing and maintenance of security systems, and -The emergency preparedness program, including maintenance of th,e emergency organization.staffing and training, as well as maintaining the emergency response facilities.

5. The Nuclear Training Director provides direction and control of the training functions that. support the stations, including accredited training, management and supervisory training, initial and continuing training, and specialty training.

This position is responsible for developing policies and standardized processes for implementing and maintaining a knowledgeable and proficient station work force. Reporting to this position is a technical training manager, and station training managers for operations and maintenance.

The training program established ensures that those personnel performing activities affecting quality are able to achieve and maintain suitable proficiency in their work discipline.

The training also includes the. administrative controls and OAP r.equirements that will enable worke'rs to understand and fulfill policies and procedurally driven job expectations.

86 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 ---*-------*

6. The-NOS DireCtor provides "directlonand cor1trciToffu-ncffons th8T ____ ----------------audit and assess the* *safe operation of the *nudear stations, the .;*qualify of work performed by s1..i'pportpe*r_sonn*e1, compliance with the OAP-,' r)uclear safety requirements, company policies, regulatory comrhifrnents(goverrimenlar regLilatiohs,:arid vendor quality program oversight.I This'positiori has-been delegated the authority

,* . and has tne:inaeperideri'ce td ihterpret-'qu'ality:requirements, identify tjuality.pfoblerti's' and; trends', an'd :provide recommendations or .

to qlJalitY:


include: ,, , *** ,:::;.',,-

... __ *.* ,!: * .... .* -:'-1 *, *:!'.:.:.*';* . ,_*:; -:_'1.r:*-.. -: ::.;;! * -;-\ *:,..,r::

policies -*'.':_:* *

impletnentatlotr of 1*the independent safety review ft..inetion . -*. -

assessment activities 1 , :** ,:i :;i


',* * ,.*,,:n . .::.*'1 ,'.**. -Jn,itiatirig,stop


or requesting any *atfiEir*I:1ett6hs

':'to'IW'b'fd an safe 1ant ! ' ..* '

'a *-gi'c-0 hifi6Mht th er OAP p




  • .. , .*,

approach to accomplish the oversight of nuc;:lear safety , 'l' within the .. . . . -.NO$otganizatiort

  • and'.ehsuring orientation of all Company ... >* . . , .. -_*

genera1 employee *. *" *' ** ." '"' * '

of audtts ;: 2 , * ** **., ... *

  • w Com an as defined ' i: * '."; *"iWffte/fQAp
i:;.: * *F. P Y .. ';'::,.* -i'.

recommendation of . ,, ,-,

.. .,,, __ ,,,t.,,...,,.-, .............

_._ *-r.,.., ..

-. -* * .....

  • NOS organization of the OAP and the .. Pr9gramforemploy§e . . . ... : i 1 '):; t 1 t h ..

.!1* {.")' "'ti*r

  • 1 + e1.:t:;l ;{Ii J -. i.: . . ..,... . Oyer.see1ngJhe nµcl.ea_r,stat1,0n NOS act1v1t1e*s, mclud1ng day-to-, I' ';: .*.*.

.. 1 .c , ,. ,


selected operation, c.pntractor activities . * * * .*

and the Plant ,. , " , , i * , .. , *:, , -::r:peratiorls of quality assurance . . , i .tuhctlbns at1 immediately notifying them of s'ignificant

  • issues quality Page 7of15 -' Settlifif:f;dispufes oetw'eettNOS-atid othe'f organizations
  • ..:: .i Auditor and --*'

,-*' * * .* --,-

of solutions tor significant conditioris, tp quality * . -. * -1 .. ' * \ ,. ! . . -Overseeing implementation

  • of the independent inspection program Revision 86 ORGANIZATION Page 8of15 CHAPTER 1 described in Chapter 10, including use of independent inspection hold points to verify conformance to applicable codes and standards

-Ver\fying compliance to the QAP by ensuring associated quality activities are conducted thru rigorous procedure use and adherence . ' I' ' Company policies arid organizational structure assure that this management position has suffiCient organizational freedom and independence to carry out its responsibilities.

This management position assures that an appropriate QAP is established, maintained, and effectively executed throughout the nuclear organization.

Reporting to this position is an audit manager, a QA programs manager, an employee concerns program manager, and station assessment personnel.

Certain quality activities governed by this QAP reside and are managed by PSEG organizations outside of the NOS Department.

In order to ensure the associated quality functions, i.e., the Laboratory and Testing Services Quality Assurance Manager, the Procurement Design Engineering Manager, the Warehouse Receipt Inspector Supervisor, and the Non-Destructive Examination (NOE) Independent Inspection Superintendent, can perform their quality functions with sufficient cost and schedule when opposed to safety considerations, a matrixed relationship (i.e., a dotted line reporting relationship) has been established from *these individuals to the NOS Direetor. arrangement bestows the NOS Director with the authority to intervene in an inappropriate decision being made by a member of line management when a quality issue has been factually identified by any of these four entities.

7. Of the management positions matrixed to the P&CNO: . * ' f * -The Business Support Director ensures support to senior management and the nuclear statiops for associated business and This organization is responsible for planning and financial process improvement, business operations records management, and financial actions associated with nuclear unit *decommissioning reporting and trust fund a6tivities.

-The Nuclear Procurement Director ensures that the quality requirements of this QAP' are met in the area of procurement and This includes establishing priorities and providing operational control of the purchase of non-fuel goods and services required for 'nuclear operations.

This organization is responsible for the procurement of safety-related materials and material receipt inspection, inventory control, and parts storage and warehousing.

-The Human Resources, Legal, and Communications management personnel facilitate support as needed by the P&CNO. Revision 86 ORGANIZATION

.... CHAPTER 1 2.3 *'Station Organization:**

    • "' ; *. '. l,: *. i , .. } ".) .' .... ;::. r*, l ',I , *, * -* <

,, ,

Station (SVP) is the se11.ior manager directly ; responsible abtivities*

involving the 'safe; efficient and reliable . qp,exatiqn*

units. These a,ctb1itjes:


management, qiltag$

supporj:,Jrajning' chemistry, .


and other.

  • control. This , :* . 1 its NRG operating

' * ** ::

?P,d ASME code requirements.
  • * * .* In 1 sopporf'.6ftHeSVP}

1 day-to:.,day directiQn and* management oversight : .

riuclear station operational , 'perfOrfu'ah_cg;_is-pfovidedfi:The't6116wf11g:


have station ***-.*,*::***

.. -....** * ' '

fa, matrixed to the SVP: ' ...

  • ,*;. ,,, .-.. _ .** ... ' ..

.: * ,,, 3i"\i .. **'.: :;: v

  • n, *., ... ... , .. :' .. :!:'.

.. .T,,ne.managennebfpositlori tor d'vera11:p1antoperations, i.e., the Plant , ' ":'f '\...; ... -.

... ,_ -.. '7*; .....

Manager, assures the safe, reliable, and efficient of the plant * * *"'

adm in



prom pt reporting of {' * * * *

  • of lant safet -related .. 1.-* 1 ,' ;. ' .;Ji

...-, ,.:: ,,.,. ' .. , * .,._ r.-*i .ti r-* *":11",:*"'

.. ,r,, 1-' :.-f * .-.,,..,

  • p Y ". .
  • inFleme6talion'br corrective actions , ; *. '\
  • l' -1 f
  • \

* J2. *'lf'"t .. , ...... -*;..**, .r* ***'1* ... 1"'*

  • 1"/-' ' . ..


.'?sh *'*'c>fe'a'rl'Cl'res6urces are available . . , .: , ' .. * . . *.

  • responsible for review of activities that reports to, and advises the :Page.9 of 15 -* ., ." '** ..

... 1

.* u . ;* :.: ';;

operation on .matters review safety-related

  • char;lges*to.;Tet:brncal,Spee1ficat1ons.and License Amendments f


\.. ,.* ",,t*,J .


.. ,,f, .. -?"_*'ii corrective .

quality. The comm 1ttee i.. **

safely and that



approval prior to implementation.

  • * * .. * * --Revis.ion 86 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 The committee functions in accordance with written instructions which delineate committee composition, responsibility, authority, member qualifications, meeting frequency, subjects to be reviewed, reporting requirements, and administrative controls under which the group operates.

The committee chair shall have the authority to obtain assistance from outside consultants or organizations if sufficient expertise is not available from within the Company to enable it to perform its review responsibilities.

In performing its independent review responsibilities, the on-site review committee shall keep safety considerations paramount when opposed to cost or schedule considerations.

Also, should a voting member have direct responsibility for prior preparation or technical review of an item being presented to the committee, or where similar conflicts may be likely, that member shall be replaced (if necessary to fulfill the quorum) by another voting member not having such potential conflict.

This committee is referred to as the Plant Operations Review Committee.

2. Management positions for chemistry, environmental, operations, maintenance, on-line work management, radiation protection, and outage management
  • report directly to the position responsible for overall plant operations thereby providing control over those activities necessary for safe operation.and maintenance of the plants.
  • The management position responsible for operations oversees the plant operations personnel and crews that control the nuclear units on a day-to-day basis. This indiv.idual ensures that the nuclear units are operated within the constraints of the plant's operating license. On each crew, the reactor operators have the authority and responsibility for shutting the reactor down whenever it is determined to be appropriate from a nuclear safety standpoint or when an automatic shutdown should have occurred but did not. The management position responsible for operations has the responsibility to determine the circumstances, analyze the cause, and determine that operations can procee,d safely before the reactor is returned to power after a trip or an unscheduled or unexplained power reduction.

2.3.2 The management position for organizational effectiveness is responsible for overseeing station performance assessments and trending, recommending, and initiating solutions for identified gaps in performance.

This individual ensures the station takes steps as needed to resolve identified performance gaps through effective implementation of the station's learning programs.

Page 1 O of 15 Revision 86 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 Reporting posit_iop; for orgClnizational effectiveness

  • is** a staff program specialists that qf the following programs:

corrective action: . *. *****


to the. Vice . .. .

with the SVP. This individuar has ,the responsibility ano ai.itlioJitYJot .c:lay-to-day

§lJP.PQr:t engineering

  • -

..;.'i 1*"-.*. n** -:: .* .. * *

  • PXQG$dure.s.;

services m ** : ..



  • and maintenance
  • .:.. , .. :* *:. .-....

.. }.Jf 1 1-LTn): ... ... **;; _: . .tiP * . .:>.1


,,*.1:r: The reports directly to , > . , . ,,

J?r9giulgate independence . . , , ._ , , ... fr6rri' tHe .. cosfafiCl:'$cbeauliff 1 a"ssfrciated with 1ant . ; 1:,, >-o ' , ,; i .,;oJ ; ..

.. . . p . .. . -....... , .. ,, ___ ,"rem*aih focused on their

, **
*. * *' ..* ,

d$$ign engineetirig

.. * ,,,,,-_ ""'--*

1 . *> * *: * * -1 L :

.. *.* ... :

... * .. **, *.:: ... ,. ' 2.3'.4 :'}' . .

bperatidns\';and human resources

  • * *' *

.. t6 financial, ' " ; i:/i3'art1f 1;tJs'ttatf{l"E1 1;'.'afld:;'persoiinsl:'(§taffirfg associated with .* L ... :: i , :'.+ : *. , ,


>; *:.: , . ,,.,*. . '.; . :.*:.;* -' . ' :::_ l . ., ,. . :*" ' > * *>

  • Page, 11 of 15 Revision 86 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 2.4 2.5 Page 12of15 Oversight of Nuclear Safety In association with the NUREG-0737 Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG) requirements, the Company uses a three-tiered approach to accomplish the oversight of safety which comprises: -A collection of program elements for implementing and/or reviewing areas of quality of plant operations and nuclear safety. These elements include system performance monitoring, review of operating experience information; operability evaluations, and reviews of changes to technical specifications and final safety analysis reports that affect design bases: Specific guidance is contained in applicable procedures and programs.

-An NOS staff that assesses and audits aspects of Company activities within the scope of the QATR relating to safety. This provides for an oyerview of activities affecting or potentially affecting safety. -An on-site review committee that reports to and advises the Plant Manager on all matters related to nuclear safety associated with plant operations; and an off-site review committee that reports to and advises the P&COO of the results of oversight of plant operation relative to operational excellence.

The off-site committee also notifies the P&CNO of any nuclear safety-related issues that may effect operation of the nuclear units. Responsibility Each holder of a position as identified in this Chapter, has the

  • responsibility for the scope and effective implementation of the QAP in their functional area and may delegate all or part of the activities of planning, establishing, and implementing the QAP td other qualified individuals, but retains the responsibility for the program's effectiveness.

The head of each department/functional area performing quality activities is responsible for: -Administering those activities within their organization which are required by this QAP; -Establishing and maintaining clear definitions for the duties and responsibilities of personnel within their organization who perform quality activities;

  • -Planning, selecting, and trc;iining personnel to meet the requirements of this QAP; and -Performing and coordinating the quality activities within their department and ensuring appropriate interface occurs with the NOS department.

Revision 86 ORGAN.IZATION CHAPTER 1 '.-:*** The Company is for ensuring thatthe applicab-le-portion(sf -------------of the properly documented, approved, and implemented .before an activity'within the scope of the QAP is undertaken by the Company or by others. * -;-.. ........

audit, asse.ssment, and inspection .

J:i.axe authority'


from cost and .


to: -


Jn_st_qJl9tiQn, or use is . controlle<:h;ihtil'p.i'oper:

ofa nonco.nformance, deficiency,

  • or unsatlsfactoJ"Y-condition'.-hcfs;occlirred

.. , ; . -ldentify-q'Uality:

problems .. _ -... ...:. initia'te:,_rl?cohim:ehcf, or: provide*solutioris tot1uality problems *

--. -* * --.i----Initiate stop work or request oth'er necessary to ' ' *'aydid plahfcCfnaitiofisot*cf:-sigriificanVviolation of the QAP.

    • ... .
-: *i pf conditions adverse -* ,, ;

.. -,


< ;,, .:* * ;*_ ; ,

of management " /'. 2.6 . Page 1.3 of 15 _ ,

u 1-3_ "' _ _ __ ". :

work to company labor and contracted wJJ.ich ac.t ?§the Company's

  • -' ' *. .

ager;i_ts in ?Ssigned areas. They a**po)ilpany accepted -::


program) under :qyerflJt

  • .

and any and verify ,

the authority for .

Code. Delegation of commercial grade ser:Vices shall be controlled through j:J'rcfouremeni rct't>ctiments and-purchasing' requirements. ' \ /J : When the Company establishing, . orimple'i]lentiri'gahy*

authority to "accomplish Regardless of delegation, the Compqny retains responsibility

.. ! i l Revision 86 ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 2.7 Page 14of15 New Nuclear Development The Company has obtained an Early Site Permit (ESP) from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the potential development of a new nuclear facility at the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Station site. The responsibility for this project is the Site Regulatory Compliance Director.

As part of the application, a separate OAP was established to govern the implementation of the quality criteria necessary to satisfy the 1 OCFR52 Subpart A requirements associated with the ESP. This quality program was written to support the ESP Safety Analysis Report and is contained in a stand-alone Quality Assurance Program Document.

On a limited basis with respect to the ESP project, administrative controls and processes of this OAP (associated with the operating units) will be used in certain areas, such as audits, vendor surveillances, and procurement.

Revision 86


CHAPTER 1 Chart * * * *

  • Figure 1-1 * * , * ., ------* .. President PSEG Fossil LLC (* '. '*' . 'j; \.. , *
  • a; i=xecuH'J.¢_.otti2er . . .. (CEO) -*F>u6iid'Ser\tice*'EntefpriseGrohp (PSEG) .. . . ' . . . . ', t> * ' . : )...' . .... : ,--.,:* ' .. ; ... ' .,,.


08j9ratir:ig Of!icer . , ,c_,., -. _._ .... _ -(P&CQO} .,_ *--. ** * * * * ! : PsE<3::i36wer.'LLc

  • :.* * -l )'.,/ *"' .... i --' ..* ! ,, ... President

& Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO) PSEG Nuclear LLC , .---* ' , * .: ) :.:._7 \' , , , , , , I I President PSEG ER&T LLC . Engineering --Vice President I Fuels r l Projects I .____ __ __, , , , , ,' , , , ,' Information I Technology Station Vice Presidents

' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Station Engineering Directors Plant Managers ' ' ' ' ' I Other Station Directors Legend: I I ' ' ' I Plant Operations Review Committees (PORC) Corporate Directors*

Business Support Humari Resources Procurement Legal Director Nuclear Oversight (NOS) I Communications

.____( ,1--1 ---Manager .... _ -----Employee Concerns Program Manager -----I QA Programs '----'-------'

I I Station Assessment Team Lead I Team Lead Assessors I NOS Audit Manager I Internal Auditors I and Vendor Auditors 1--1 I 1 I I I r--1 I I I I L __ Outage Services NOE Superintendent QV & NOE Inspectors Lab & Testing Services QA Manager Equipment Repair CMS QC Inspector Procurement Warehouse/Inventory Receipt Inspectors Procurement Design Engineers Responsibility Page 15of15 Matrixed Responsibility Explicit Communication

  • For Corporate Operations, Regulatory Operations, and Nuclear Training.


QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM CHAPTER2 1. 2. 2.1 Page 1of4 SCOPE The purpose of this chapter is to define how the Company's QAP applies to those activities such as training, design, procurement, fabrication, installation, modification, maintenance, repair, refueling, operation, inspection, and tests related to structures, systems, and components.

The QAP also applies to certain non-safety related structures, systems, components and activities to a degree consistent with their importance to safety. Policies, directives, procedures, guidelines, manuals, or instructions shall be reviewed, approved, distributed, and revised in accordance with administrative procedures.


General The QAP comprises all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that structures, systems, and components will perform satisfactorily in service. Quality assurance includes quality verification, which comprises the examination of those physical characteristics of material, structure, component, or system, which provide a means to control the quality of the material, structure, component, or system to predetermined requirements.

All persons and organizations involved in activities in support of the nuclear sites and this program are responsible for implementing the requirements of this manual. . . The QAP is based upon 1 OCFR50, Appendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants." The requirements of 1 OCFR50.54, ",Copditions of 1 OCFR50.55a, "Codes 'and Standards," 1 OCFRS0.59', "Chariges,Te.sts, and Experiments," 1 OCFR50 Appendix A, "General Design Criteria fbr Nuclear Power Plants," 1 OCFR50 Appendix R, "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979," are induded in the basis for

  • the QAP. The requirements of 1 OCFR21, "Reporting of Defects and compliance," 10CFR71, Subpart H, "Packaging and Transportation of Radioa*ctive Material -Quality Assurance," and 1 OCFR72, Subpart G, "Licensing Requirements for the .Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, High;-Level Radioactive Waste; and Reactor-Related Greater Than Class C Waste -Quality Assurance" are also included.

The Company is committed to carrying out the provisions of various NRC regulatory guides and industry standards, which further define QAP requirements (see attached Appendix C). Revision 86

  • --*--..


,* Nuclear safety-related activities, including affecting the fire protection of safety-related areas, are to be *accomplished under suitably tontrolled"Conditions; taking*.into the need for ' i 'ptbcedures,:*spe'Cial

  • controls;*:deahliness:;

speci'aJ:processes, test ;

  • tools, and personneLqualificatiorrs*and*.skills necessary to acflieve;tne T.heryerificatio.n of:.qua.lity occurs by . *. ihspeqti<(>n*, testir:\gp_examinatioh;,anctoperatiqnaL;monitoring of SSC ** * :;:: peM'ormahce;'as-yvell'
  • of formal--assessment, audit, ... _*i*. -*-*

1' * :

SU'ffplie*r*s*Quality:Assuranc'e Program ,. : *: .. !.-,: The Company's

!!JC\! each vendor, supplier, or contractor.mainta'ih a 1'qa*a1ity*assorancepr.ogram that satisfies 10 CFR SO Appendix B and the p,artions of: l

,{ .i: :; .. -::'. . t * *:*.';;; ::*

for previously *:": '. ' .

these . , , . __ *... _, .*.. 1,. ..

.. !h.,s_1 tructions, and . **'


"'larined as * .*. '. :.,_:

.. f

.. . ; ,. .. . . . ,-PI? .... .JQ,. ,,.... .._..,., .... , . ., ., , .. r. "-. ,,-*';) ..... , 11*;Y ..... . ., ... " .. . P . ,. **-* *,

ment ualified ' ( ' .. -', *. -I i ...



r*.'* 1\""

.... ..





' q __

'riate rocedures.


  • n--.; n"n':::)

P * ' . ".

, . . __ 2;4 ..;_
_*! ... The Company's total program for providing.

aahiiriisttative cor:itrols and a§.sgrans.e is in many dpcurnents.

The * -, * "< '1 implementation

    • * * , "'-. -, -*--:

instructions are .;

requirements , 1 Une;;-staffr,oaohiinistratiye, and quality -*

,, 'i'

  • lactivities'affectin-g*qUality:are,described in sufficient
  • aetail to'l:fssure quality. ., * * ;*;, ,
  • Revisiqn86 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM CHAPTER2 2.5 Page 3 of 4 Indoctrination

& Training Formal indoctrination and training programs for personnel performing or verifying activities within the scope of this QAP are established and maintained.*

These programs shall meet or .exceed the requirements in applicable federal regulations as well as apprppriate industry standards, as described in Appendix C, and the accreditation standards set by the National Nuclear Accrediting Board. A training organizational element is established and staffed with qualified instructors and is responsible for planning; scheduling, developing and providing training to Company personnel.

The indoctrination and training programs are established by on-site and by off-site organizational units responsible for the performance or verification of activities within the scope of the QAP. Indoctrination, training, and qualification programs are established such that: -Certificate of qualification clearly delineates the specific functions personnel are qualified to perform and the criteria used to qualify personnel in each function.

-Formal training and qualification programs documentation includes the objective, content of the program, attendees, and date of attendance.

-Personnel responsible for performing quality-affected activities are instructed as to the purpose, scope, and implementation of the

  • quality-:related manuals, instructions, and procedures.

-Personnel verifying activities affecting quality are trained and qualified in the prin'ciples, techniques, and requirements of the activity being performed.

  • -Proficiency of personnel performing and verifying activities affecting quality is maintained by re-training, re-examining, re-qualifying, arid/or re-certifying as determined by management or program commitment.

-. Proficiency tests are given to those personnel performing and verifying activities affecting quality, and the acceptance criteria are developed to determine if individuals are properly trained and qualified.

In addition to knowledge and demonstrated abilities, personnel performing or verifying activities associated with this QAP must also be evaluated for trustworthiness and the physical capabilities that are required to successfully perform their assigned tasks. This includes such things as visual acuity, hand dexterity, and their ability to manage fatigue and remain fit to perform their assigned work. Revision 86

________ QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.GRAM CHAPTl;R 2 ------------------------------------------***-----*--

--*-2.6 Program Review 2.7 .. ,*

  • The effe;ictiyehess of the OAF>' and its-implementation is periodically reviewed by various organizations atvaridus le\iels' using various tools, sucll:as focused area self 2assessm'ents;.

devel6pment and trending of <; key*perfot!lifai16e 1:indicat6rs; analysis*reports*, and industry peer . review\'li$\ls>The'fosulfs of theseHeview's-,are.:docuitiented in reports to senior managemedt for

  • and corrective action is initiated . , .. The


;>Q, evaluated and . . . . '. ref*'artecfti' fr

'1 o'i11 ' monitorin . . , . -*". -.-.. P--r, . ,,. ,y -***** ., _,,_ .. * ...... ,9-, -,. .. _.,, .... 9 ... ,.." ... , .. ,.,..... ., ___ .9. '"l g g, *-.-** .*

Eiiifzational elements . * *' * . . '. -*. **'***.*--*

.. ., ,,., .

.... j * " -** : q*-* :' ,. .. 2 -i, J "\ i;-., * *c .;>*i 0* . . ..


.. -... _ ... " , , , ,, , " _,., _ . . .. **. i

.. ;!:;,

    • --*:1:-... * ..


    • .. *n*:*.,.,.


,.._;, . . ... fhis a 'Qualit'tAssu'rafice Manual (QAM)'that contains the , "(;OmpC}r:iy:s;QAB f


is made available to .*. * . ,

Inspector (ANI), and other regulatory autho_r:ities.r:Tb!=l revisions to * * * .'. ! **

i_n : * .*: '* * *,, 1i;; .c t'H;,;,on::::*m-:: ,rrn;npc*.;q,::.;onJ

.2V!1;);;1;1.HYc;J1)* ' ( ) The com an ed and Qualit .* , .*

,!9_ the project. Because ....

QAPD is based on in the OATR. For this reason, the two OAP and implemented


for the ESP project ** * . > :

the QAP for the * .. * ,_:-.( ,--..

content of the oA iR.

resources of the units are needed to ' ..... .. -.. utilized to govern

  • ne.utilizafidn;oftl'fes'ereso'ilitce's*ina'.*man'fi'ertnatmeets the .,. the ermit from the * , ::

bAPD has been placed in a dormant condition under the d6nff6r bf the Director ,,.,


E;lffyct until such time ,* .* ..

it-'a' rriddif" ifs stance on new OAPD to.ali n * ' *

  • 0ltfi 6¥

,_; *:*. :* ... ,,,r,,_ ' * :) g J' *: " * * . i : ' ' l ., .. Page 4. of 4 86 DESIGN CONTROL CHAPTER3 1 2 2.1 2.2 Page 1 of 7 SCOPE The purpose of this chapter is to establish the requirements and control measures for assuring design bases and regulatory requirements are correctly translated into design documents:

The scope of design control covers.all phases of engineering design, including:

identification of design inputs (criteria and bases); identification and control of design interfaces; production of design documents, calculations and analyses; procurement related engineering and design verification.

REQUIREMENTS General The Company has overall responsibility for design and design control activities including, preparing, reviewing, approving, and verifying design documents related to the plant's structures, systems, and components within the scope of the QAP. Additionally, the Company is responsible for reactor core design analysis, core design specifications and design reviews, for nuclear fuel and in-core components.

Qualified personnel perform detailed design activities or review and control design work involving efectrical, mechanical, structural, and instrumentation and control designs. Design activities are conducted to written procedures that include consideration of quality standards, quality assurance requirements, suitability of material parts, equipment, and processes, control of design interfaces, analytical or testing requirements, design basis, and configuration management.

  • Design Input The Company has the responsibility to properly translate applicable safety analysis reports, regulatory requirements, ASME Code requirements, and design bases into specifications, drawings, procedl!res and instructions.

The Company is responsible for electrical, mechanical, structural, instrumentation and control, nuclear engineering*

activities involved in nuclear station modifications, and also maintains a configuration management program.

  • Revision 86


__ _ -... GHAPTER 3 __ _ Design inputs, such as design bases, regulatory requirements, codes, and standc:rtds

  • shalf be identified and ,

_ T,hejr selection shall reviewed and,9pproved by the .


1)1g inpufst1all be specified

!n '.a and'-beFto*'lKe*

level of detail

.... ,-.i .. :* ;J"i.11.-

... ,"': .. *

.... , --.-' ,.,._,,,.,


c:f for rf)aking*

design decisions, 'r ..

.*. ;! . '-* *,.: *.*.. _r, ,.)'}.'.":

,.'*. *. ,-,,* ....

,.!._, __ .->*. J,*,**,-*

design*:verification; ari.9.'.eval.uatirig

qesign changes. 1 **'\{*-}"7;__,,,..,,
;:r:-... ;


....... :1

... *** .... 1=*': I ,*U . :)*-.. _;' Changes from--approvea*.des1gn inputs, mclt;1dm'g_the'reason for the f*, !"*1()1 1;

.... .f.1 ........ -"\_f°; l j ..... ,,,_, * ..._.,

  • 1

"!' ,:.}1 . -changes'shall b'e. 1dent1fied,,approved, aoctJmented, and controlled . .. .


!.: ...

r**; ...


.. :.)!F.F

.'.:."' *,

2.3 Design Process ',,. : .,_ * ,-.,:. * * '* -' The Company is etfanges:;_::pefforms detailed . design *acffvTties, and a0-cun1e11ts*

in accordance witn approved procedures.*

The responsible desigo*:Grg,?i:Jization shall document d_esign activities iD atin1ely manner and to the ,_:,::: ' i '.

design meets , * ;r ***; *.*

  • _,, ,:.: ,ur:,1* ,>.:),>


' $afety ,aiitj for in-service



des'i n . __ .... P. ;l;-ir.->-/--<-,*-

"-'** -* .-, *-

., __

.. _, .. _--*.


  • . ,,,_, * . . . _, "g . ; . , * '. , . 1,,_

9,$:$Jgn, construction, * * ..._. " .

shall be ; * " -


_,,, -.}, ..

'.*::* i

  • **l 1 .. ? ;_._.

r.R.;i .*;!fY;;

  • ..
... *.:
  • t' , 1.1 1*; * ,
  • 1 _, * * ..



shall be , . *, .-,,

methods, materials, parts, equipment; and areressential to the function of the stru_ctt.ire, system, or selected apct reviewed for suitability of application.

Applicable industry experience, ..

pe made available

.. _., r _, .

pier.s.oJJJl1ek;, .,_ .-...

, * !, . ' .... ' \ ..



(>)::. ,*}1 1' \ ... f'..-.t' i

": '1*,*L .,*i 1 ... : *;*., . ..:* ; .. ... r' . *-I . ,. *

  • 1
  • _; * ; * *,
  • * ; , , . * , I ; . "; :'I * ,,*, _Page 2 of 7 Revision 86 ; ' ' '**

DESIGN CONTROL CHAPTER3 2.4 2.5 Page 3 of 7 The final design output documents and approved changes thereto shall be relatable to the design input by documentation in sufficient detail to permit design verification.

The final design shall identify assemblies arid/or.components that are part of the item being designed.

If materials, parts, equipment; or processes are different from the published supplier information, these differences shall be documented.

Commercially standard (catalo.g items) materials, parts, or equipment, which have been previously approved for different applications, are reviewed for suitability in the design process. Design Analyses Design analyses shall be performed in a planned, controlled, and documented manner. Design analysis documents shall be legible and suitable for reproduction, filing, and retrieval.

They shall be sufficiently detailed as to purpose, method, assumptions, design input, references, and units such that a person technically qualified in the subject can review, understand the analysis, and verify the adequacy of the results without recourse to the originator.

Calculations shall be identified for retrievability by subject including structure, system, component, originator, reviewer, and date or by other unique identifiers.

Computer programs shall be controlled to assure that changes are documented and approved.

Verification shall be required for changes to previously verified computer-programs incl.uding evaluation of the effects of these changes as specified below. Computer programs may be utilized for design analysis without individual verification of the program for each application provided:

-The computer program has. been verified to show that it produces correct solutions for the encoded mathematical model within defined limits for each parameter employed.

-The encoded mathematical model has been shown to produce a valid solution to the physiCal problem associated with the particular application.

Design Verification Design control measures shall be applied to verify the adequacy of design, such as by one or more of the following:

-Performance of design reviews. -Performance of qualification tests. -Use of alternate calculations.

Revision 86

  • -**-------



--.-. --,-,-CHJ}.RIER_3

____ -----------. ,, ... -The results of design verification shall: be doct1mented including the identification of the verifier.

Design verification.shall be performed by comp'eterit'iridiyidual(s) other thah those Wlio*performed the original nut m*ay organization:

This verification may

  • b'e'peHorme-9 bY'the *originator's supervisor, provided the supervisor
  • 'sirig'ulafaesigil"approach; rule.-outc13rtain design ,considerations, did not establish the design inputs.used in the design, _.

competent to .

do not satisfy the intent ji ,,.,, .. _ ** 11' *;r:" "<'J: *<; Verification shall be performed in alimely hianher:*

Design verification, . * .' for performed prior .: tq

co.8 .. $tru.ction, or release to aiiothei:r ih provided ! ** '* *


sh all be . ':./ 2.5.1

  • shall be * , :: "

structure, or "'.;L;.: * .. -* eomputer:-;px9g[a!J1

... , ,_ ,_., .: .,*.-.: , *.*. :*. "* * " , 1G!o *. ..* .i ... *:.:.::'.f;;.-;

  • ,\:.*



        • 1i,, .. ,*,j'*** ... ,., . -,.* ,, __ yv,r1¢te process, the *i '.

For each * .* *'

  • proven ** ; '** :: i , ** 1Snovt121


proven designs ... .:

The original design and associated vei"ifitatioh shatt'@,e.


  • ,,' .. ,f. ..
  • .* ,/ ...

and referenced in subsequent applications.

  • J Cl\
  • ':,* .'*;. '.-).1
*, Design verification shall be required for changes to previously verified .

e'i!altJation*c;)f, fhe* effedscof those changes on the overa!Vdesigh ahd*ori ahyaffected design analyses.

Page 4of7 DESIGN CONTROL CHAPTER3 2.5.2 2.6 Page 5 of 7 Design Reviews Verification consists of a check of design adequacy by such methods as design reviews, use of alternate calculations or methods, or performance of verification or qualification testing. The method, or combination of methods, used to verify a design will be selected on a case-by-case basis Acceptable verification methods include one or more of the following items: -Alternate calculations using alternate methods that verify the correctness of original calculations or analyses.

Critical design reviews providing assurance that the final design is correct and satisfactory.

-Where design adequacy is to be verified by qualification tests, the tests are identified.

Change Control Changes to final designs, field changes, modifications to operating facilities, and nonconforming items dispositioned use-as-is or repair shall be justified and subject to design control measures commensurate with those applied to the original design. These measures shall include assurance that the design analyses for the structure, system, or components are*still valid. A 1 OCFR50.59/72.48 review is performed for changes to the facility.

Changes shall be approved by the same affected groups or organizations, which reviewed and approved the original design documents.

In the case where the original organization is no longer responsible for design approval, then a new responsible design organization shall be designated.

The designated organization shall have demonstrated competence in the specific design area of interest and have an adequate understanding of the requirements and intent of the original design.* Revision 86 I ; ----------


* ---,. 2.7 When a design change is approved, ottier than by to the affested de,sign. gqcuments, me9sµres shaJ!

to incorporate, where_apprbpdate the-chang'e lnfo these documents.



qf a

design *change *is necessary because of ail in*correct design, the design proQess and verification procedure' shall be review'ed and modified as , ,_ , , }*.,** *,.' ' ' J: *.* .. *' --Design Errors The Company detects .deficiencies or errors in design or in the design qualiW:assurance

.-:* ** ... *

< . '*.


--::,r. ;-, * -Other means. -Personnel using the design

  • ,. _,, * ,-' ' :
  • '.'. :*' .. .Company . sHall:coordinate de$i
  • ttefforts am*on the
  • artici :*atin . or anizations.


'". ,;-

and the , . .:;, , *}. H :... ... ,,.,,


';." i."f'" ... .ir'._

  • . re,


".' i l"" ...

  • ' ,

y 2.9 j. ., _ * ---

C!¥§ign organizations.


and _



pesfgn information

--* trarismitt'ea'-ac'fBss1nte1rri:i6esl'$H§n*

&e 1 d68umerited

'ahd controlled . . * .. *'. * ***

and drawings for ,_ '

  • structural material, * *** .;-.*

Engineer and NSSS Suppiier.

tne* purpose of

to'Nerify inclusion of inspection, testing and acceptance criteria.

The Architect Engineer's evaluation of fabricator and erector's detailed designs, drawings, and work instructions are reviewed for reasonableness and completeness.

Audits are conducted by the company for design review systems of architect engineers, nuclear fuel, and NSSS suppliers. ( Page*.6of 7 Revision 86 .* ! * -:.:.':' .

DESIGN CONTROL CHAPTER3 2.10 2.11 Page 7 of 7 The Company assures that: -Architect engineers and NSSS suppliers maintain procedures to assure that their personnel certifying ASME Section Ill design activities are qualified Registered Professional Engineers in accordance with ASME Section Ill, Appendix XXlll. -*Personnel certifying ASME Section Ill design activities are qualified Registered Professional Engineers in accordance with ASME Section Ill, Appendix XXlll. The Company provides qualified personnel to review and approve the resolution of non-conformances relating to electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and structural portions of the plant and to evaluate discrepant modification test results for operating plants. Modifications The Company performs modifications that may affect the function of safety-related structures, systems, or components in a manner to assure quality at least equivalent to that specified in original design bases and. requirements, materials specifications, and inspection requirements.

Documentation and Records The Company notifies jurisdictional authorities of the location of ASME Code related permanent secords. Design documentation and records, which provide evidence that the design and design verification process were performed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, shall be stored and maintained.

Dc;>cumentation of design analyses shall include the following:

-List of any computer calculation and the bases for its use. -List of assumptions and if.1dication of those that must be verified as the design proceeds.

  • -List of design inputs and their sources. -Results of literature searches or other applicable background data. -Review and approval.

-Statement of the objective of the analyses.

Revision 86


__p_fillC_URE.MENT DOCUl\llENT CONTROL CHAPTER4 1 2. 2.1 2.2. 2.2.1 -fj' SCOPE '

idE!lntifies the requirements for preparation, review, retention of procurement documents.

0 i,: I ,'}{. * *,

'*'.* :: ' ,_. .* ,i r,. ' ' * \. . * ' ' ' ' ; .. The Cor;npany, review, and ...

and aptivities

  • ....

.. ..o-.,..,.

__ ..._.. __ .* .. ,-,,.,._ *.*_-1 .,, -**-1_*****'.*

  • _:

at all tiers , ,'-. . .. ,. .. ; , , '**' ; ! I , ... 1_, , * ,,.,! *, '* t., * :._.; .* J. '.: .... I-..* . 11*. .; .l*j. , , , > : , * * *' , 1. * . .-' * ! * *. . .* .

?Ppropi:i9_te and quality d*t*p .*

    • ...


.. ..... J,i

\_.. ;* ,,;; . .,.t*, .r.;* J ,.:-1.-!, ., 1,; i requirements necessary to assure adequate quality.*

These requirements include reference to 10Cf R2.1 applicable . .... , **::: .. ::: .. :r *. ; \!!)'"

of Work * .

i,)f": rf.i * .:* 1 .

¢ocumef,lts desc;;ribeJhe scope of the items or services to ** ; *"*.:c: .. '01 to plant '. -, -**, _;

spetifiea*ih the procurement


..... 7.<t. .*ci'":I . 1-J*;*;:'

... 1-_. .... ,.

i_ *-n * -1 * -.


rjf'*.: 1_. ,-*


.. , __ .... ::. -* 2.2.2 Technical

  • *:,r : '(' ' '\ . . . *: _. : .t; i . ,* ..


.. u:,.:_::-::j--;




The ui cbhttolle'd procedures to; te_9hnl¢?!

._tq :the appropriate specific 1 . dra,:Wing$,.,sp6¢i.D,¢Fitl66s,,

procedures, or *! H *** ... ,_ . .:;. .. ,..J;i.:t

........ -:* iJ\ :r*'i*' instructions, _iriclµding the items or services to be furnished.

  • *-*-* .. --; ., ... _ *** .. ,,'..:

  • *;; r

.. __

.. >_1 ..i * , -< Ther pfocuremer:lt'docµmerits identifyitest,cihspe,ction and acceptance requirements as appropriate, as appropriate c;md. "activities as design, fabrication, special -process *controls, cleaning, erecting, packaging, handling, shipping, and extended storage. Page 1of4 Revisibn86 PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL CHAPTER4 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 Page 2 of 4 Quality Assurance Program Requirements Measures are established, in controlled procedures, to ensure the appropriate technical and quality requirements are established, by qualified personnel, for the material, equipment, and services purchased from vendors, suppliers, or contractors.

Any changes to these requirements require prior approval by the Company. Each vendor, supplier, or contractor has an acceptable quality assurance program, which is consistent with applicable regulatory requirements for the item or service. The Nuclear Oversight Vendor Audit Group (NOVA) maintains a controlled list of evaluated that are audited on a triennial basis. The evaluated list of such vendors, suppliers, and contractors is described in controlling procedures for the appropriate safety classification except for procurement from other licensees that has a NRC approved quality program. Procurement documents require the vendors to incorporate quality assurance program requirements in sub-tier proq1rement documents and allow right of access to the vendors, sub-tier vendors, and contractors facilities and records for inspection or audit by the Company or designated representative.

Commercial Grade Items (items not originally designed or manufactured as a basic component) shall be subject to a Commercial Grade Dedication process before items are approved for related applications within the Company's nuclear units. The process is consistent with the guidance contained in Generic Letter 89-02 and 10 CFR 21 for the supply of basic components.

Non-conformances The Company procurement documents specify the requirements for reporting and approving the disposition of supplier non-conformances.

or requires, approval of the supplier disposition by the appropriate Company representative.

Documentation Requirements The procurement documents shall identify, at all tiers, the required to be submitted for information, review, and approval including the time requirements for submittal.

The Company procurement documents require the. supplier to maintain specific quality assurance documents including retention times and disposition requirements.

Revision 86 PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL . ;*., ! * ' -, . .. CHAPTER4 --*--*--*-*


When or

a laboratory holding accreditation by an accrediting body recognized by the (ILAC) Mutual Recognition'Arrangerrient, (MRA); commercial grade surveys need not be perfqntrep providecl

'each .of the following:

conditiqns are met: 1.

is performed , .


qf, th_eJoJlpyvin,g:

< -. . **. . -:: ' >...--.. ' * * -" ' -* ' .<: '.. . . I*. -1 a.'

by an . i. " * '"'

The accreditation for the Coh1petence of Testing and Calibration laboratories."

  • b. FO'r proci.frement'of calib'ration -the published scope of
  • *,
  • the needed " ' '

arid . . .



'J' .:'.".i --:


scope of accred itaticin eeded testing services including test methodology arid tolerances/uncertainty

.. * *" *! -* *

  • 2:*"-ThEf

! **;:**'. .. * ,,.,. ,'.'.;;_::

their : t! n.' , ... , ..

scope of ,,.l


tahbratic>.n data in the certificate of * , .< ***** '* , .* . -. -' -.. c:

must : ! * * *, * * -; -*t:.:.: * "**11-'f, *:"q'.".i


jfT"J . t* c*n<i -.

..... ,

..,, "' ....... . ......,_,,., p """ .. .,..

t. ..... ;. .... * ..... * . :


  • -* .. , ; .:*f
d. The Company niust be notified of any condition that adversely impacts the laboratory's of .... acQreditation.
  • as necessa ... ,.'

s26n&-llservices wh%h .:*.,c r ,,n, 11

  • toleran;es ' 3. It is validated, at,e.c;;tion; documentation certifies that: .
  • erformed in : * *:.. *, \*l' 1 *;-
--ti?* ., .. , *
* 1.r* . P . .'

and has

  • been w1,ttim tli_e1r s9ope*

and * . * " *-,._ " -. " ' * * .' . ; . * ..

  • c .,_. * '";." i' . ' . b. The's requirements are met_ _
  • Page*.3.of 4 Revision 86 *'

PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL CHAPTER4 2.2.6* 2.3 2.4 Page 4 of 4 Spare and Replacement Parts The procurement documents require the identification of appropriate spare and replacement parts or assemblies*and the appropriate delineation of the technical and quality assurance related data required for ordering these parts or assemblies.

These spare parts and replacement items are at ieast equivalent to the original design requirements or those specified by a reviewed and approved revision.

Procurement Document Review Measures are established in controlled procedures to ensure the appropriate technical and quality requirements are established for the material, equipment, and services purchased from vendors, suppliers, or contractors prior to release for bid and contract award. These documented reviews, including changes to the specification or purchase order, ensure the technical and quality requirements are correctly stated, inspectable, and controllable and have adequate acceptance and rejection criteria and are prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with QAP requirements.

  • Review of the exceptions or changes requested by the supplier are reviewed to ensure they do not change or impact the technical or quality requirements and are incorporated in to the procurement documents, prior to the supplier proceeding, using the same review and approval process as appropriate except for commercial terms and editorial changes. Personnel who have access to pertinent information and who have an *adequate understanding of therequirem*ents and intent of the procurement documents shall perform reviews' required by this chapter. Procurement Records. Records as required by the procurement documents or the QATR are retained in the Company's department files, vendor files, or both locations.
  • Revision 86

:---,INS1"Rl;JG"fl0NS,-PROGEDURES-AND DRAWINGS .. CHhP_IER 5_ 1 SCOPE ,** '? .. ,

by OAP shall be performed as . , ... -. l'"ri"."I.


... *."*'*-****.-

...** ,. *.*.. ,.,,. "'."-'. ' ... -*,*, -... ""i 1* , * ..,, ** * * **.'qirectetl'by*aocUrnented



  • arid drawings use of these alsfrbe pre.scribetfiri cwi"iting

.'*These instructions,

  • and acceptance
  • activity.:***

-* * *---* *-* *--* -*. * -*

... ' -, Those participating in any activity shall be aware of and use the proper and current revision of instructions:*


drawings, and *

  • re.qUjfementsfor perf9rming theactivity

.. Procedures may *.

drawings and

  • 1 :**

i ahd the delineation manufacturers

.. * * *. ihstrueti<:rrls snair*be*'re'aaHs.cavailaole'for use?;,; *'

  • i. ;,) 2*1 01" ,,;

shall be : .. ';: J : ::* * *; ! * , * , ,

p raced u res th at * * " * *,, -: J .* -,;




11'. . * ! , , . . . ..

identity and !\. . .. _


' -**

  • _; *c *: ..
-'-\.j {,)


    • 1Cf ... ;_,;5_.;1, .
  • . .* ::: *" 1 , 10,1*

and:8-xecUti6ri;:OtqUalify.procedures shall * * * ,, '. * "-'..,;.-:

> .. ,. * ..... * * ...


    • .'!----.*.a;,.'..?t*l' t '..,1 :**:'

.:.:::.. * ;J*"' occur based on. industry

  • . * . . . . .,.,.{t,_, .....

.. \.1l *\.-.* .,..._ ....

Prpcedures shall be used by station as well as those under their *'].*


... , : ; _, : .

  • refueling,
  • 1 Ji(,;>* ::;:>1;,,i,;:*:


Temporary procedures may issued to pro\fide guidance in unusual situations*

that are L s, Temporary procedures"reView and-approval, and .*. $lrn11.

they may be '

approved procedure, authorized

  • personnel shall c.ip!Jropriate direction to . . . . .... ..--. *. ,.:,tl:'l minimize personnel injury and damage to the facility arid to protect the health and safety of plant personnel and the general public. Page 1. of 4 INSTRUCTIONS, PROCEDURES AND DRAWINGS CHAPTERS 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 Page 2 of 4 Preparation and Review Procedures shall be prepared, reviewed, approved, and used as prescribed in writing,.

and contain step by step instructions in* the degree of detail necessary'for qualified individuals to perform the required function or task. \Nhere appropriate, these procedures will include checklists containi?g the necessary attributes to be observed or measured.

1 These documents shall include or reference appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determi.ning that prescribed activities have been satisfactorily aqcomplished.

The procedures will be. ind.ependently reviewed and evaluated by other involved company organizations with interface responsibilities and the comments forwarded to the issuing department.

I ' ' Procedures and Programs ' ! I Review and approval of site procedures are performed in accordance with technical specificatiol")

requirements as delineated in the Technical Review or Station Qualifietj Review (SOR) programs.

Technical Review and I 1. Procedures required by a station's Technical Specifications and other procedures which affect nuclear safety, as determined by the manager responsible for station operation,.

and changes thereto, other than editorial or changes, shall be reviewed as follows prior to implem'entation, except as noted in item 5 (below). -Each procedure or !procedure change shall be independently reviewed by a qualified individual knowledgeable in the area

  • affected other than I the individual who prepared the procedure or procedure change.I This review shall include a determination of whether or not add,tional cross-disciplinary reviews are necessary.

If deen:ied necessary, the reviews shall be performed by the qualified personnel of the appropriate discipline(s).

-Proposed change to the approved fire protection program will include a review to! determine if the change will have an adverse effect on the to achieve and maintain safe shutdown, including whether NRC review and approval is required prior to the of the change. I Revision 86

'-"',. ( .

-Review of procedures or those procedures that describe the means for controlling or operating structures,

  • and/or,mtS, the UFSAR, will . *
  • iQClydea rev,iewtg**dete,r;r:ii)9eif; ar,:id approval is . .

to procedure activity.


on 1 o CFR *.

by qualified individual(s), or documentation ev:at!,:iati,cm*is not required.*

  • *.* * *i * * ... :

revieW'aricJ recommend .

't\JF{c-*review; and approval prior to station ciippr6.Jai 0 f6r)mplen1"Ejnt'c:itid.n.d\Jgo:,a@proval shall also be prior to station approval for implementation.


&e' specified in * * ** 0 ;, , .,2 ['., -, : ,

-Wfitteh records ofteviews in accordance with this speeification s.* hall .pe1Pr:.e.


.. ,e,.,<;l * . ** .


  • *..

.... , * .,, *.* i) :: : ' -Ec;iitS>rt?,id

.!yP,qgr,9pbic9I shall be made in '" , * '* * '" '" * ,: ,: ,'


,"i,:.' ..*** ;.;* .... :**: .. *


  • (. '" * : ':

License, or 1f . . . . ..

  • gJioJ to implementation.

' **' * ***."

  • .J' --. r***;i,_ :'.'.*li*

1 and following

,; > :., *. :,::!.* ,::*

  • ' *:.-.-I , * '* ', ; J ..... . ;*.

,:-;.--: ..

.'", i'.) *., *-_ ....... l. ,", _

\ ) . J ! "-; ,! *,. *, .. ; : .: *:: ! 'i *, l* *

  • Revision ,86 .... I . . . , .

INSTRUCTIONS, PROCEDURES AND DRAWINGS CHAPTERS Page 4 of 4 3. Technical reviewers shall be qualified to perform technical reviews based on the individual's training, experience, and knowledge level. Technical reviewers, assigned the responsibility for reviewing 1 OCFR50.59/72.48 reviews and evaluations, shall receive training in this process. Technical reviewers shall be qualified to perform this function and meet or exceed the education and experience requirements of ANSI 3.1-1981.

Personnel shall have expertise in one or more of the following disciplines as appropriate, for the subject or subjects being reviewed:


-Instrumentation and controls.

-Mechanical and electrical systems. -Nuclear power plant technology.

-RadioloQical controls.

-Reactor engineering.

-Reactor operations.

4. Technical reviews shall be documented and records maintained.
5. Temporary Changes Temporary changes to procedures required by (above) may be made provided:

-The intent of the original procedure

  • is not altered. -The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff knowledgeable in the areas affected by the procedures; at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on the unit affected.

-The change is documented, reviewed, and approved in .accordance with 2.3.1 (above) within 14 days of implementation.

Revision 86

1 SCOPE 2 2.1 Measures shall. be established to control and-,coordinate the 'dassification;review; approval, issuance; revision, and change of

  • documents.thatprescribe methods-C)r:proviae the technical and/or quafity--requlrenientsforiactivities and items within the scope of this These measures shall ensure-that;suth documents are for' appr6ved for:release:and 1 use, and distributed

.: ,,, ** to,tf1enocatiort;;w.h-ereitlJeactivity*

is REQUIREMENTS General The Company g9.cumentcootrol that procedures are reviewed an? approved C9mpany has in place programmatic controls, which ensure tnat pr(>9edures are technically and administratively corre&t programmatic controls epsure. that procedures are as needed, when materialJfa W.ll!?r1 :tt;en.llant de$ign is * * :-: 1*r' .. 1 , , . *. * '* *

    • .j Page 1of3 Provisions shall be inff,equently used ***

have been reviewed **within ::tne 1 pfeviousi"'tWo years::;*

th'$iJ,*i'.rijpOffance to safety, _ . .* . _, .*

... -r..,-; bienniql reviews of abnormal emergency

  • *' .rev!ew process .. . .

by 1mp1ementat1on

  • (; *
    • *

,, .. *:.


}'.;l.: Cii .. :

.. *";!! .

      • .'"'*
  • ' ':..;.1 ;.

Process ,

-Operational Experience Feedback Program -Plant Modification Program -Procedure Feedback/Revision Process -Technical Specification and Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Revision Programs -Vendor Information Program Revision 86 DOCUMENT CONTROL CHAPTER 6 2.2 2.3 Page 2 of 3 Reviews The company has also established provisions to ensure that the following reviews are conducted:

  • * * * * * -Inspection, identification of inspection personnel, and documentation of inspection results. -Maintenance, modification, and inspection procedures are reviewed by qualified personnel; knowledgeable in quality assurance disciplines.

-Necessary inspection requirements, methods, and acceptance criteria have been identified.

Controlled Documents Written document control procedures shall be established to provide for the control of approved documents.

Documents that are controlled include, but are not limited to, the following items: -As-built drawings.

-Calibration procedures.

-Computer codes and software.

-Corrective action reports. -Design specifications.

-Emergency operating procedures.

-Engineering calculations.

-Inspection and test reports. -Nonconformance reports. -NOS procedures.

-Operating procedures.

-Purchase orders and related documents.

-Safety analysis reports. -Supplier audit and surveillance procedures.

-Technical specifications (station and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation)

-Temporary and emergency procedure changes. -T apical reports. -Work instructions and procedures.

Revision 86



6 2.4 2.5 *Page 3 of 3 Control Measures The Company docLimerit control process incllide*s the following document control mea*slfres:*'

-*Coordinating and controlling:

fnterface documents.


fdr issLlance in accordance with updatel:F ahd 'cu'rrenfdistribution; lists>': . -; * , --

... :..1

-. *-: -. EstabHsning*,*dottihierit C6ntrol pro'ce_9)..Jres that proper , . . *. . ........ .nf .. ;

.... documents are accessible and are being u*sed. -

li$ts organizations involved with act1v1ties affecting quality. ** *---* -* -Establishing procedural the protection of l I " ' ' '}.J >.<' *.,,,, , , * : ** 1 1 , : ;_I safeguargs information . ,

documents used in * *_.

  • 7* ,:.'.:*: ** _-:'.: :.*

-., :. ld$ntifyihg qualified individuals ororganizations' responsible for preparing, reviewing, including .

-Recalling or

> '* . .... . . *' ., Document Changes .:::>:.:,::*:
  • .-
    :'L ':;/ ::.-*1*1c . ;) r .-: . i The Company changes to documents are reviewed organizations that performed the original U'riJE3ss delegated to another responsible organlzatib"n:.'

Th'e -reviewing*

organization has access to pertinent background oc:tta., or, iDfQr[!tlcitlc;:m upon which to base their approval.

To avoid a required review, the Company document control proce*s's"lnciutjes"rfr(:)visfons to control minor changes. :; :,*r:. * *:'<"--*' \ -:-* .. ,. * ** * * * '* . ,. l. i.i_, ., : } 7 * . * : ' . .* I .* . ' , : . i..' . ;*'." -*......_*

.. *.:. Revisio.r 86 CONTROL OF PURCHASED MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES CHAPTER 7 1 2 2.1 2.1.1 . 2.1.2 Page 1 of 10 SCOPE The Company establishes measures to assure the quality of purchased material, equipment and services conform to procurement document for items contained within the QATR. REQUIREMENTS Supplier Selection General The Company establishes measures to assure that purchased material, equipment, and services conform to the procurement documents for safety related and ASME code specifications as appropriate.

This assurance is accomplished by* controlling both the selection of procurement sources and acceptance of the product at the source and/or upon receipt at the appropriate location.

The Company procedures, which address the procurement process and receipt and storage of materlal and equipment, clearly define the responsibilities ahd interfaces between the line requisitioning organization, engineering, supply and quality assurance . Methods The Company establishes measures for evaluation and selection of procurement sources. For safety-related items, the measures must be completed prior to the award of the contract.

These measures include one or more of the following:

-Evaluation of the supplier's history of providing an identical or similar product that performs satisfactorily in actual use. -Supplier's current quality records supported by documented qualitative and quantitative information that can be objectively evaluated.

-Supplier's technical and quality capability of meeting the applicable quality requirements of. 1 OCFR50 Appendix B as determined by a direct evaluation of its facilities and personnel and the implementation of its quality assurance program. Revision 86

_________ . _____ CHAfTEft 7 ______ _ ANrfSi:RVICES . ---.... _., 2.2 -Review and evaluation of audits, surveys, :and inspections conducted*

by other utilities; or American S6Ciety of Mechanical of a OAP,_the Initial evaluation is of Jf

'the 6¥-the services to be

'ftie(inlilcil1 audit tne* supplier has completed sufficient work ,th9t is -


__ .. . .-C-The Company documents and files*tHe results 'of these measures and* maintains a list of approved suppliers that have been evaluated to determine their ability to provide acceptable products and/or services.

anq/q(ser.Vices do not need to

  • if augmented quality .),ii will be used to , .

Quality; , ",, ,, " * .


using r:c ::

to assure that -,;;

the supplier has the_ appropriate techhical,ability, Qu$1,ity Program, . prcidudion capability, personnel, and performance tcf supply ,tl\e .service.

Thi3.. Company ()ptci,iris commitm,ents to '; * , * * *" ",-...

of the bid '<; -** .. r: , * . ).

and ... ,,_, . .. . . **.:*.' *.,,*.,,,,,.-

2.3 Supplier Control .* \

  • i \.: \ *r i * : .J 2.3.1 ,

11;* --*; -;;-., -".::-: . 1

  • _J<i<..* 11.1:.,, -'?

... * *-,_ . *-,

and to verify supplier performance.

These measures i.oGlµde.the following items: ,, _,_ * -=.

and the , * ,.,,_, supplier_10Mhe and specifications ,contained in the . -prdcLirem ent *documents.>

'. < ,, *: : n , Page -2 of 10 -Establishing a method of document information exchange between the Company and the supplier.

Revision 86 .'"*

CONTROL OF PURCHASED MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES CHAPTER7 2.3.2 2.3.3 Page 3of10 -Establishing the extent of source surveillance and inspection activities.

-Identifying and* processing.necessary change information.

-Requiring the supplier to identify planning techniques, tests, inspections, and processes to be used in fulfilling procurement document requirements.

-Reviewing supplier documents that are generated or processed during activities fulfilling procurement requirements.

In-Process Control and Verification Planning The Company and the supplier establish as appropriate, notification points including hold and witness points, and incorporate into the appropriate.

documents based upon the complexity and scope of the item or serltice.

When required by the procurement document or specification, surveillances and evaluations at the supplier's facility are* conducted to verify continued compliance with the quality assurance requirements of the procurement documents.

Qualified individuals or its agents accomplish source inspections at the supplier's facility to verify that the procurement item or service is being supplied in accordance with the requirements ofthe procurement documents.

Such inspections, examinations or tests are accomplished in accordance with written procedures; plans, and/or checklists containing or referencing appropriate acceptance criteria.

Upon acceptance by source verification, the Company furnishes documented evidence ()f acceptance to'the receiving destination of the item, to the purchaser, arid to the supplier.

Programmatic Verification The Company or its agerits verify the effectiveness of the supplier's quality program by survey, audit or surveillance.

Verification is performed at intervals consistent with the importance to safety, and quality of the product or services furnished.

Activities are witnessed or observed and the results documented when source verification is performed.

Revision 86


___ .-


  • ------; -------------*-Tbe.

condw;;ts audits established in Chapter 18 or reviews audits perfonlied

  • by pther]icense holders as .

used to support --the, rri_ajntenance qf:the;list otevajµ9ted



  • **;-

! ** .* .:,1,,,1 ',. *:-1<,l ** ,': !.* ,_T

1'.d**< : .

_ -a<;:t!Y.itiE?$

ear!Y, _89, that subsequent

, *' l * .. *-* , *. " *,* ... ,. c

.., *** "l , , *,,

1 act1v1t1es do_ not prevent The Company's

... :*. * .



'.-,*-*, -* . ,

dq tlit? ..

responsibility for 2.3.4 2.3.5 . -** J' 2.4.1

-;_>:, __

Supplier and-Verification of Supplier Performance Records ,


-..J .

  • 1* ,*\

_. , .

.. .-.:. , .1 *. . " -* ,_ -.*

.. 1.:.! **

1.i} ...

.. : i,\;'\ .if,!-;:i,*!

f-*' 1" -, *; *: tf ;-. 1 *nt


2 ... 1 ; ".* *: -;


  • *
  • 1
  • l.J
  • \ j, t

< !.\ * .,P.,_ . /: ,' 1

!.i* r ..


.( _,_. .-'.\ ot -_'!: L' -.,:*"', . * /'. ,

> h-,*, -::-1*--; ' :f"'* * 'i, *. : . : **

  • changes are subjected to the procurement document except for commercial terms* and cond1t1ons and ediforial cha*nges.
  • \t:"!ii .. )::\+v.c\i

'f;:.l*;q . . . : j -:: ::*:,

_:_,:,** **

1 ':' ;: .>::,_1 i 1

*;:;11 . ;*.' !-I'




r .. 11 ,r. \l't
:t: '.i\*-f j v-'**
  • _*_ ..

¢'9.'fnponents are . Pag.e4*of 10 -

  • "dualified e for in*specting, reieasing, and status of purchased material and equipment.

After receipt inspection, the purchased material is placed in a controlled storage area or issued for installation or further work . Revision 86 CONTROL OF PURCHASED MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES CHAPTER 7 2.4.2 2.4.3 Page 5of10 Acceptance by Receiving Inspection The Company uses approved procedures to accept purchased items and services.

Acceptance of an item or service from a supplier includes certificate of conformance, source verification, receiving inspection or post installation testing at the pla11t location or a combination thereof. Items are inspected during receipt using approved procedures and checklists.

The Company does receiving inspections using procedures and inspection instructions to verify conformance to the specified requirements, using objective evidence to check such features as: complete documentation and visual inspection of: proper configuration; identification; dimensional, physical and other characteristics; freedom from shipping damage; and cleanliness.

Items, which cannot meet the purchase order requirements; will be segregated and controlled as defined in the applicable procedures.

The Company coordinates the review of supplier documentation with the receiving inspection when procurement documents require such documentation to be furnished prior to the receiving in!:?pection.

Source verification and audit activities are factored into the receipt inspection activities as appropriate.

Acceptance by Source Verification The Company considers acceptance by source verification when the item or service is: -Complex in design, manufacture, and test; or -Difficult to verify quality characteristics after delivery; or -Vital to plant safety. Source verification shall be implemented in accordance with plans to perform inspections, examinations, or tests at pre-determined points. Upon acceptance by source verification, the Company furnishes documented evidence of acceptance to the receiving destination of the item, to the purchaser, and to the supplier.

Revision 86



_ _c_tfAPTER_'L


_ ANO SERVICES 2.4.4 Acceptance by Certificate of ,qo11formance ,

cor;ifo,rryl_qJl_ce the,product or service proviqed!*isJn acc:on:lC!nce with .th!?.

is reviewed during cqgipliance.

This .*

standards or '"


with an explanation why and a me.ans to resolve the non-conformances.

A person who is responsible for quaiity* assurance function attests to this >c.ertificate).:--}'.ii' r.:-..*

--*: ,, . _, .. r* .. , ... _, * 'k. :*Jr i::;

,., :.: * :\ >3'.1* :?, \: ;J:::** .. C t.; .

r , 1 i ,!; 1 H .. *: ,**;

is ascertained

-.. -. :. -; .

.. , , ... ) i.>" .; : :_ ,; 1 *"" 1 r :'"L..i*, -.'v ... 2,:.l

'. * .. [". * .r ** :*1* ,,..._ * * * ::: *:......,..., -r * * --* .. 1 * *--* , *. ;, . '**:: *.

-:', __
;.,; .. -Qua!itY the suppliers past performance.

***** .. ';

2.4.5 : ...

  • j Inspection and*

a¢tivities verify. tt)at-the hardl/Jc:tre performs in accordance serve to 5, :. gemonstra_te thcit the hardw,are meets the requii-e'ments stated in a * *

-:.:; i -..L*.;._*, , . ,. . *c ;!" r ;x<:1 ,.cr*L The results of the. source and/or receipt inspections, the acceptability of determination of .

    • (s'dc:iccim'eritEid.,
  • Accept.ance by Post Installation Testing -.! *.. ; .. *'\I :. **,;

.. ::::[,



"*' 1: 'X'*:*:

the supplier **" ,, *

  • and acceptance

,, 1 documehfation':


s.s:itisfactory when performed followingthe:accorrwiishment of at preceding method and When: Page fr-of 10 -It is difficult to verify the quality characteristics of the item without it being installed and in use; or Revision86 CONTROL OF PURCHASED MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES CHAPTER 7 2.4.6 2.4.7 Page 7of10 -The item requires an integrated system checkout or test with other items to verify its quality Gharacteristics; or -The item cannot prove its ability to perform its intended function except when in use. Acceptance of Services Only In cases involving procurement of services only, the Company accepts the service by any of the following methods: -Technical verification of data produced.

-Surveillance, audit, survey, or assessment of the activity.

Review of objective evidence for conformance to the procurement document requirements such as certifications, stress reports, etc. In lieu of the above the Company performs a receiving inspection for items arriving back onsite that were sent offsite for repair, testing, or rework. Commercial Grade Items Where the safety related design utilizes commercial grade items, the following requirements are a permissible alternative for acceptance, to other requirements of this Chapter: . 1. An approved design dqcument identifies the commercial grade item. (An alternate commercial grade item may be applied, provided the cognizant design organization provided verification that the alternate commercial item will perform the intended function and will meet design requirements applicable to both the replaced item and its application.)

2. The Company performs source evaluation and selection, where determined necessary, based on complexity and importance to safety; -Commercial grade dedication plans for use in safety-related applications state responsibility for 1 OCFR21 requirements.

-The Company* identifies commercial grade items in the purchase order by the supplier's published product description.

Revision 86


_____ ____g_tfAPTER 7 AND-SERVICES

---. ----------*---------*----' 2.4.8 ' *-. 3. q,r ,of th __ f::! follo'J'l.'.ing shall be utilized to thafthe item meets the acceptance fb"r' to '.8*} 'Verified for acceptance:

  • .. *

... ...


.. *:***1


-* * -Acceptable supplier/item performance redords. Commercial grade

-, -Source verificatjgrt_, , . _..,. .. : __ ,_. ,_: , . _ _. __

  • l':?I.r * . .--;.;.,. .* : . *. *;:' ./i' *** ... ; *-*-* .( ... _ Special test(s) or 1rispect1on(s) or both. ' "' 4' f



nqt $lJ.Stain.e,d tjµring . . ..!'**-:°' :'-::**. ,._ ... ---..* *-*.-*:-'..,.

  • . \-.* ) r -:-

as -<:fpplic_at51e tc>'tlie' was received and is , ': .. -: '

,, :, *1*::*_'/li_;?

1r ,__1'::*


-,,..: -::-_ -:; ':**

as required by the , :*

m;saf§'.1 cont6.rtn'ance\.vitntti*e*

manufacturer's pubii_sfieci

  • . .
  • _ * 'l ,', . 1 ' ,' ,-': Acceptance of

,* . . '* -For

_ot yv.ith *: .. accrealfatlC5rl:b


.:hod *a .: .shall indude; hiihimurh, all bfth'.e following: -,. "* * -}**. *_, ;::**;

... .. : .. -* .ik ---: ,-1 ....

  • _, ;J:-,-, , ;.,

by one of ,. . * ., ! -,

nized b the * ,,,.,,; _, * (ILAJ) Mutual R:ecoghitioh (."' (_\(:*; ':1r,-, ., ..


Program (NVLAP), * ,, <,:*1: _,, :i*_!, , :;: , , ..

-The American-As:sociation for Laborat9r9tl,}..ccreditation (A2LA) *, ,_ . --* . -r

  • (_ *,, : : *. ,:,.--

,. . . .... .. * .. , . -.: : " 11

.*'. ..

3. The published scope of accredifati6i1 for the calibration laboratory covers the needed measurement parameters, ranges, and uncertainties.
  • .Page 8of10 ReviS,ion J36 CONTROL OF PURfHASED MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT CHAPTER 7 AND SERVICES 1 2.5 2.6 Page 9of10 I 4. fhe purchase documents impose additional technical and pdministrative requirements, as necessary, to satisfy the company QAP and technical requirements.

The technical requirements jnclude the following items included in the calibration/certificate report: . -As-found data. *_ As-left data. -Identification of the laboratory equipment and standards used. 5. 1'he purchase documents require reporting as-found calibration data when calibrated items are found out-of-tolerance.

' I I Pre'sence of Documentary Evidence ' . I . . Doc:umented evidence that material or equipment conforms to proburement requirements is present at the site before use or installation.

This documentary evidence is traceable to the item and be retained at the nuclear power plant site and shall be sufficient to the specific requirements such as codes, standards, or spe'.cifications met by the purchased material arid equipment.

Nor;iconforming material may be issued for use or installation using a conditional release method provided authorization and technical justification for the conditional release is obtained and becomes part of the material's documentary evidence.

Spare or Replacement Items I Propedures control the procurement, storage and issuance of materials and, components including spare and replacement parts. Procurement docluments for these items id,entify the appropriate technical and quality related* requirements.

The Company purchases spare parts and replacement items, equipment and components to at least the original design requirements or those specified by a properly reviewed and approved revision.

the QA requirements of the original item cannot be determined, qualified individuals conduct an engineering evaluation to establish appropriate requirements and controls.

This evaluation insures that interchangeability, safety, fit and function are not adversely or are contrary to applicable regulatory or ASME Code requirements.

The evaluators document their results. 1 Revision 86

7 *-*

.. * ..

.,, -*

,_:; ::
    • ---*-***---

'**'* 1':;"":.:.:*.

2.6.1 -**


  • arigihaVitem*with no specifically
  • prbgtam:reqUirements, or from an Original
  • Mahufa,tturer/Su'pplier(OEM/OES)

Who no longer is on a HSt ofevaiU'ate;C!'scippliers identiC:aF(IJi<e::f6ri1ike) items may be similarly procured from the OEM/OES through the use of procurement plans . .

f ;1. In such cases, the Company engineering
  • re.quirernents

'ano lea$teqµivalent product r:. ,ii;iteri'aces;

  • . interchangeability;*

safety, fit aridtUndi6ri' are not adversely affected or are not contrary to applicable regulatory or ASME Code requirements. . --(:

.. y**!A .-".* _:* **. -* .

  • . *:. ,.,
  • __ * :(c*r;*, ,-,;***.*

.-:; :.1 1 , ,,.,,.tr'3t=-':.;, i*t c.-..

  • *-;.: r. ;:--. =-f * ,_, -.

.'.'...,... -* ---. : .* ,. _-

utiiities who .... ;;:*, !**** _*** ,::

time of their .. *_,

a ualit r* 2.6.2 ** .. : *.. ,. ._,page 10of10 Maintenance or . . ,. ' ... '."*/" .'1: ,\ .. *, -I-; (,,.;'.

' ... \ \I, : r . . .. *, *= -. ... *".!,. ,. ; }):.:"\**

.:..'r : ...... *'. . ' .', .. -.* ..* ,.'* .. : t .* , .. , * * . ,,. * * .r. : r ** . . ,. . ,* .: ** ... :. l *. . HeVisioh '86 IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF MATERIALS, PARTS AND COMPONENTS CHAPTERS 1 2 2.1 2.2 Page 1of2 SCOPE Controls are established to assure that only correct and accepted items are used or installed.

Identification shall be maintained on the items or in documents traceable to the items, or in a manner, which assures that identification is established and maintained.

REQUIREMENTS General The Company establishes measures for the identification and control of materials, parts and components, including partially fabricated assemblies, and assures that only correct and accepted items are used or installed.

Identification is maintained on the items or in documents traceable to the items. Physical identification shall be used to the maximum extent poss.ible.

Provisions are in place to maintain markings, which could be damaged during shipping or handling or deterioration due to environmental exposure.

Provisions are also established to control nonconforming items and maintain parts, material, and equipment in storage traceable to quality assurance documents.

Nonconforming material issued for use or installation on a conditional release basis is controlled in a manner that ensures appropriate follow-up is performed.

Traceability Items within the scope of the QAP shall be identified, so that they can be traced to the appropriate documentation, which provides objective evidence that the technical and quality requirements are met. Responsible organizations document and maintain identification and traceability of items from initial receipt, throughout fabrication, installation, and use of the items such as: subassemblies, components, equipment numbers, part numbers, serial number, heat treatment number, batch or lot numbers. When installed material or equipment is removed for maintenance, repair, or modification, control measures are implemented to ensure proper identification and traceability is maintained.

Before use or installation of an item, the installer verifies that identification has been maintained.

Revision 86

___ " _________

8 PARTS ANb COMPONENTS . . ----------------2.3 2.6 2.7 Identification Methods

  • 19e.n.tifi?.9ti1:m js ,Q,I)

.. i*

is clear, JP,e.l)_tificatjqq the fit,

  • fu,_nctiC;>ri

'* ,g1,:f?.!ity;:.

l_if y ite:r;n .. _ If cannot be *. -*

to the item for identification.

-* * --* ---* *-.. *:.* !:

C.'1 :* * -If physiGal identification-is eittref-impraeticaLor irh'mfficient.tor prpper _::* control, the Company controls an item by physicai separation, procedural control or other appropriate mean*s*. -*:

  • Stored .Items j _ * * ;:-- V" , I I.* ,. '.,_. *:*:* ..
  • .


.. *

< '.:.: :.,, ... ; ;. :. *:, ...

.. :.rc :

    • .. *:(:

-*, '!'.>>' , .. *,;:, '\ ."I ** *! Software Items *--.** .... : :*:. ,\: .... * * .. -:.-.**' ' : : ' ',"t 1:.-* I ' "! * ' ., .' ,: i. ')'-' . . . ' ' *-.' ,* ' P,age2 of 2 Revi?ion 86 CONTROL OF SPECIAL PROCESSES CHAPTER 9 1 2 2.1 2.2 Page 1of3

  • SCOPE Processes affecting quality of items or services shall be controlled, Special processe.s that control or verify quality shall be performed by qualified personnel using qualified procedures in accordance with specified requirements, and are properly documented and evaluated.

These requirements are defined in codes, standards, specifications, or special instructions.

The quality of such processes is assured through reliance on operator skill and in-process control. Examples of special processes include, but are not limited to welding, heat-treating, chemical cleaning, and non-destructive examination (NOE). REQUIREMENTS General The Company organization directing work during repair, replacement, modification, or in-service inspection (ISi) activities is responsible for controlling special processes.

Special process controls are assured through independent assessment and inspection activities.

Process Control Instructions, procedures, drawings, checklists, or other appropriate means control processes.

Process controls specify the prerequisite steps, processing details, conditions to be maintained during the process; equipment requirements, inspection and test requirements, acceptance criteria, and record requirements.

Controlling includes:

-Maintenance and retention of records. -Personnel qualification.

Procedure development and qualification.

-Procedure implementation.

-Qualification of equipment.

Revision 86



CHAPTER9 2.3 ..... *1.::* Special Processes

., . . ' Measures shall be established and documented to assure that special <processes are accomplished unper 1 controllE1d,c9nditibns in accordance . *with applicable,codes;*stan'dards;;applicatiohs'.ctiteria, regulatory

  • _; . u i rerf{e'iiltscand comm rem en ts use*'of qdafjfiecl:perspnhel
and t>'rotedures.

Special drawings, *,




equipment requirements, inspection arid (est requireiner;its, acceptance criteria, and record requirements.

are written and

  • lf1': : ..

.* (l._!J,_:


'.*.:<<, qualified in accordance.with Sp.ecial p.roceS$ procedures are reviewed and c_ipproved as follpyvs: . 'n:: 0 ne;*D t ,--Coatirig and ASME Cocle concrete placement procedures are ** 0

  • organizations.
            • .'.'


,., .. .,,_." ... *r::_'"',.,,ei

  • <*' ' ; :: : ':<<+;;' I ateid ND E ;:fd *.* *:. .. c:.

pany ND E .:: * ! *;<.::'.)'

.. '. *H**:

reviews * *'"' *: *t 1 i *' -:nddritraddr,'il'hdi:SUlJtcfr.ltra6tor; When Jw, may direct contractors Cpmpa_rjy:.special process procedures.

The of Company, is verified by an Authorized there is a specific reason to question requirements are being met, the re-evaluation of the procedure before work may proceed. For special processes not covered by the existing codes or standards, or when the quality requirements of an item exceed the requirements of established codes or standards, the neces15ary qualifications of personnel, procedures and equipment shall be defined in the procedure.

2 of 3 Revision 86

CONTROL OF SPECIAL PROCESSES CHAPTERS 2.4 2.5 Page 3 of 3 Personnel Qualification Company, contractor, and subcontractor personnel performing special processes are trained, tested, qualified, or certified in accordance with a procedure that meets applicable requirements.

When permitted by applicable requirements, the Company may qualify and control contractor and subcontractor personnel.

The Company assures that qualification of Company, contractor, and subcontractor ASME Code NOE personnel is verified by the AIA. When there is a specific reason to question the ability of an individual performing special processes, the Company, or the AIA may require re-evaluation before that individual will be permitted to resume work. Individuals failing any retest will be removed from applicable operations pending re-qualification.

-* The appropriate NOE Level Ill is responsible for personnel and procedure development and qualification to ASME Code requirements for nondestructive examination.

This position holder is qualified and certified in accordance with ASNT SNT-TC-1A I ASNT CP-189 and inay designate deputies for certification of personnel and procedures, and final Company authority of the i_'nterpretation of any NOE indicati.on that has been recorded by a Level II Examiner or by a NOE contractor's Level Ill examiner. . Training and certification of personnel associated with nondestructive examination are carried out in accordance with the requirements of ASME NQA-1 and ASME Section XI. A Level Ill certified person administers all ASME Code examination activities.

Special Process Records * ' ' Special process records provide evidence that special processes were performed in accordance with approved procedures by qualified personnel.

These records are retained by; the Company, the contractor, or subcbntractor, as required by procurement documents.

Records are maintained for currently qualified personnel, processes, and equipment for each special process. Revision 86

CHAPTl;R10 1 2 2.1 SCOPE and executes'ah

'inspection program to verify that systems, and For modification "c:fha 1 86r12fe)tiune are conducted in a mahrier performing such .

to thos§,ass_ociatE?d with constructio11 phase activities.

  • **
  • -


.... *:_\**

.. **,2._...*

  • .,.,, !-4 ** ,

I* * *. ..--. c-** ' " *. ** '. *. *** * '

c 'enC;lentirfs


are not . . . ,*. * ...

... ... P,i1 ,...,-:-v-

    • ,..,,,t:,,, ... ,: .. ,,


-\ '-

/t**"-,; ,. * * -.;:. . , ..* *" *.

  • r* !* *** :* , . . -. inteiided'_tcftjjli.Jte:'oi'"repl'ac_e:-ttt:e clear of the first line i!,.,, ... -..

.,.., ..

,; .. '"'"'



'"r , supe.rvisors for tti,$ qu_ality of wqrk periormecf uiider'their supervision or -_-, .. *._

',*/., ;,_--.;.,'.':*

__ . ':-R'.E'auiR:elvieN'fs


>-*;,.. f * ;:-, -----* .; '*"

'11 ;I, ' . '. *-:>"\ f ) .. ,: ' ,t", .. j' ' *, ,* ; ** * '. {; ,**' . 'i:*** ;* ..

n i "' ._,r' execution of i . :_ * .. -:.;:, -rirns.edie" c

    • an' 'Ualit'"i\;ot*-.

aciizatiohs or other , ..

i}J(4lf ilf


and oy.the'fespoiisibl_e

  • quality-organization
  • ,

-1 r, 1--.. , , * -,,, , .... <;


  • 1--,. *....., " ,.,. '....-'* ';:>'

I,_, \.t \.... l * , * 'I,

  • 1 \_ l ,._) f * , : ,. 2.2 .,*:',';_, -



.. The Com'pany prepari3s dqc;;urnehted plans. These in-spection pians are The " _._ .: _ . . .. --

t'4", .. /.v **: \ . ._.-.i.::



.. .-. , , ..

plans rn?Y be ddGuiilents or an integral part of .**. ,*, _ _ * <*,: **-


codes, . . -,

to develop .-* * *: :: ,

  • *, :-'.ti:,,_,_, -: G

.. -.. -, __ * .. .-. .:-'

and inspection criteria are*

'"'i . , . :F?age,1 of 4 Acceptance criteria.

Activities to be inspected. " Inspection characteristics.

Inspection techniques/equipment (including accuracy requirements).

Revision 86 INSPECTION 2.3 2.4 Page 2 of 4 CHAPTER 10 -Provisions for inspection and test status. -Provisions for the recording of inspection results. -Qualification requirements.

-Responsible organizations.

  • Inspection Personnel and Qualification A qualification program is established and documented to conform to applicable codes, standards, or licensing requirem.ents.

Qualifications and certifications are kept current. Qualified personnel perform inspections.

Inspectors with valid certifications perform inspections for acceptance.

Inspectors are independent of those who perform or directly supervise the activity being inspected.

On-the-Job training inspections shall be performed under the supervision of qualified personnel.

Second line supervisory personnel may conduct inspection of operating activities or other qualified personnel not assigned first line supervisory responsibility for the conduct of the work. Operating activities are defined as work functions associated with normal operations of the plant, routine maintenance, and certain technical services routinely assigned to the onsite operating organization.

Supervisor hold points may be procedurally to inspect the quality of certain stages of work; however, these hold points shall not be used in the place of required independent inspection hold points performed by qualified inspection personnel.

Inspection Process Inspections are performed using approved instructions, procedures, process sheets, travelers, or checklists and applicable drawings.

-Inspections are performed for each work or operating activity where necessary to verify quality. Where. inspection sampling is used to verify the acceptability of a group of items, the sampling procedure shall be based on recognized standard practices . ... -Process monitoring may be used when inspection of processed material or. products is imposs.ible or impractical.

When necessary, to ensure quality throughout the duration of the process, both inspection and process monitoring will be systematically used to verify conformance to requirements.

  • Revision 86
  • --------. JNSPEGT-IG>N;---*--;;.---.

-.. . ----,---*-

-.... ___ CHAETERJ.O

_____ . ___ ____ __ When required iridepende!int inspections must be performed before work can; continue, points c:lre in appropriate documents.

Consen.t ipspection hold points is recorded prior to con'tifiuatioh'of work'. Tliese vvaivers must have *'.... *" * ' * * ., ... -'* . I .._ **'" J * * , "I appropriate justification cfbci.Jmente'd-and bEfapprdved by a designated When inspection is 0 {.{

l* *""'.*

.... ,

    • .;-,* o* o desired,*


  • before Wo'rk' can continue, witness . ROints are Completion of hold and witness points is * * -* '. -:* 1;_-*



..... :. ::);-_:;_:;.

i ::,J i:.:...i;


.. '. . . ,. --'" ._ ..



When corrected ,areas are

$uch im:>pections are documented in the Corrective

-*** ** . -
  • : .. c*:*'., r: * *
  • t . .i;
  • 1 .. . * .. ..
  • f:Jw*.1;*
, * ,-I,
  • Rf requires re-*'" ... ,*.* . ..

are.reviewed to 'f .. , :-.<: .* ,

._qQ$1,lt{r§.lgprds have been ,_ , , ....... , ,-_*

resolved and "" and, as i,rtHnih:ium

  • identif : . . . . ; *, ; . " :,.* *.. , '
  • -** "_: lnS'"e'tfor71Uatir:rE:!coraef:'

,, : .. **. :;) ,i *: : ..

i. :>-'**'*::.:
  • ,c1 M&TE used. " . . . . Reference to action non-t , . . . , * -, .. * ... -. '. ..:ir*'*:_; , *., * .. .L."

_* .::.:::;

-..... . -

of obser\(ation.

  • , '!:";,
  • ' .. .a separate '

' ':-,; :;, *. ;* ,* "re,vlsjc:m'tar:e recorded . . r*. *:: .

rr ..

tn*i: ;'"*:{; ;:: _*

  • **.! ;_ * : ..
) .. .-: 1 .. _ .. ,_: 2.5 : ... ;.. ;--., In-Service ln$pection!:?
  • .:: ! .. ..

f '!(:"r:\A/

'. ...

\* ,: d .,*: *:. *, , r.

1: ; r.,. c .. *

.. : *' ** i fi!'p'rb9Fam

for' of*com pleted systems, * ;,, . .,,

planrle.a'and executed by or for .

operation of the plant to assure that 'plant components

'perform satisfactorily under all operating conditions.

'..Page.3 of 4 Revision 86 INSPECTION 2.6 Page 4 of 4 CHAPTER 10 Inspection methods shall be established and executed to applicable codes, standards and regulations, including baseline examinations and subsequent periodic examinations, which continue through the life of the plant in accordance with applicable technical specifications.

Independent Verification Qualified personnel using approved procedures conduct independent verifications.

Characteristics to be verified and methods to be employed shall be specified.

Verification results and unacceptable conditions identified shall be documented.

Persons other than those who performed or directly supervised the work being verified shall perform verifications.

Personnel must have qualifications of greater than or equal to the activity being verified.

Revision 86 -----------------------------------------

1 t. *' i '* **, 2 2.1 "*; 2.1.1 2.1.2 .Page 1of6 * * -br:9gram* .shall be _estab.1ish&d

  • with .... '1"

ll_, .....

  • .-


,.,, t

/\.',,'} > ::., *.;: .({,*,: ** ** _. *' applicable technical specifications, license cohditi6ns, and design* -documents to cissure that al!

Ie.quir§(j that the.: . . structures, systems, or conipon'ents withl'n'the'*scope of this QAP will ....

_ .. , . . . : . "1 "i ** -* ' '.: Testing Program*., _: . *", ..... '* --The Company establishes and controls a test program to assure that design and pe.rformahce criteria have been satisfi$d and assures that testing does not adversely affect the safe operation of the plant. The test prOgram .includes, as appropriate, procedures to ensure those struC,tu.r¢s, and 9or.n.p9nents_will perform in


):ihq :_qLlalifiea c;pnduct testing.

ba.sed on the cdmplexity bf the modifi,cation; replac*emen_t, orrepair.

The test program covers all tests iri'cluding:

-Dem_onstration of satisfactory performance following plant mair;itenance and modifications or procedural changes. -OperatiOn_al tests. -Production tests. -Prototype qualification tests. -Tests duHng design. -Tests durin'g fabrication.

-Tests required by plant maintenance or modifications.

Test.Procedures The program uses written test procedures, which incfude the requirements and acceptance limits from applicable design documents.

The Company reviews and procedures and changes to test procedures, indudlng changes that alter test sequence, in a similar manner to the original.


  • -......

TEST CONTROL . CHAPTER 11 Page 2of6 The organization responsible for the design of the item to be tested establishes the test requirements and acceptance criteria.

Test requirements and acceptance criteria are based upon specified requfrements;contained in applicable design or other* pertinent documents.

Test requirements include specific characteristics to be tested. The Company specifies specific test methods when they must be employed, uses written procedures or checklists, and documents the status of equipment both before and after testing. The Company may use appropriate sections of related documents, such as ASTM methods, supplier manuals, equipmE;int maintenance . instructions, or approved drawings or travelers with acceptance criteria in lieu of specially prepared written test procedures.

Such documents must include adequate instructions to assure the required quality of work. Test and inspection procedures contain: -A description of objectives.

-Acceptance criteria or limits contained in applicable design or other source documents, such as vendor's literature, engineering drawings or plant specifications that will be used to evaluate results. * -Any special equipment or calibrations required to conduct the test or inspection . . -Instructions or checklists used to verify or document that affected plant systems are arranged in their correct lir:ieup and for restoring the system fo the condition consistent With the normal operating status. -Limiting conditions.

-Prerequisites for, or be made prior to performing the tests or inspections including any special conditions to be used to simulate normal or abnormal operating ccinditiol)S.

-Data documentation is in compliance with test procedures.

-Equipment to be tested is properly released for testing. -Inspections and tests are done under suitable environmental conditions.

-Proper calibrated inspection and test instruments are used. -Retention control of test data documentation is adequate.


-Test or inspection requirements contained in applicable design documents.

Revision 86



  • _:_Ct1AEIESJ_1


_ Where. test$ _ari_d inspectipns are to be witnessed, the procedure

.. identlhes l181d pbirits qr poihtS inJtietesting sequence to .


?Jppropriate approval for .*;,


Hq19,. t

  • includ_e the following, as applicable:

'!i ,i' ::;,',",*

.. * ...

.';-. .. *,.*=.,)!-:

  • _, -_ .... ! * , * * , -, :c (: * *. *, .. -* ,:caiibfated'in'strrutnenlciitiori in atcprdariee withc.Chapter 12, Control of rvieasu.ring and Test Equipment.

.... * *. * ' ' : *. *.:: :,

to:tie;.tested. . Procedures en$ure thc:it prerequ1s1te steps for equipment testing have been or wiil

;r * ,:,;;.,,,,.,

and .,.;,>*-.-*

  • .. * .. : _;;_. *. * ,,
  • '* **' '*


.... ,<,,,



' * * ** ... ** , "(* *;, * -:r-: > *.

  • 1,

.. .....

.. ;; .

1;-J..::::: , ;. .:. i * .*.,. *:

components ab'd' tacilities""is'pLeifofmea for operation.

Typical irispection items inc!_uci¢:

.. _ . .-::' ,,,:> . _ .

L ..

_;_ *l / * * -' , '1..'<1 Galit5fationtof:lnstrwmer.its.

1 c:-' -,-<.'i: *' , :-.' .: . . .*. ,

.... *. : ..

  • .** ,,i: i' .... ** -, . -. ,; : :-' . . . ;r Page 3*.of 6 ' , . , .*. -2 .... Scheclule
  • , .* *
  • I *
0. J I < *
  • I : ' *:i
  • argtprovlaed*tbiasshre
  • thaf' alfnecessary tests are .and basis. Testing is
  • so plant*is never dependent on the performance of an untested system':,-


  • TEST CONTROL CHAPTER 11 3. Test Results and Records 2.2 Page 4of6 Appropriate Company personnel evaluate test results to assure conformancewith*design and performance requirements.

Inspection and test results are documented in a test report or data sheet. Each report identifies the following:

-Acceptability of the test. -Actions. taken to correct the.deviations noted. -Any deviation of test results from acceptance criteria (non conformance).

-As-found condition.

-As-left condition.

-Completion date and other significant dates and times. -Data sheets completed during the tests. -Documents that provide acceptance criteria.

-Identification of the conditions encountered which were not anticipated.

-Identity of inspector or tester. -Item to which it applies. -Location where testing was performed or where test samples were taken. -Measuring and test equipment used. Person evaluating test results. -Procedures or instructions followed in performing the task. -Test proQedures.

-Test results. Instrumentation and Control The Company tests instrumentation and control channels to assure that they are properly calibrated.

In addition, specific tests are performed at .critical levels such as "set points" in a manner simulating the approach toward the set point. These calibrations are made with the devices in their normal positions if the calibration is dependent upon location or attitude.

Testing determines that a proper response is obtained over the operating range of the device. l_t gives particular attention to verifying independence and dependence, as appropriate, of the elements of the systems. Calibration documentation includes indicating the date and identity of the person that performed the calibration.

Revision 86

_____ _:_CHAPT!;_8j 1 . ____________


  • 1 1 ,-if:'..e 2.3 . ----
  • -----'------*--..... The Company prepares <ma_ docurne.nts inspection and . test procedures and work instructions for instrumentation and electrical
  • . equipm'e'llt'The:se:docU'm'ents atEH<epfcurrent and revised as '

tti'al inspectio'hs

  • and tests are *.
  • information.*

They include as appropriate*:**, * :* * -'L' * * ;i*' * * * ** * -Approvals.

j * .. -. LD'§ta

-'...: . **, ; ......

.. ;:. * * -Identification of test equ'ipment-and*'date for required re-calibration where required for

-Inspection and test acceptqrice limiJ$.,. , *' . -.


_}, *, ..... * , . .Inspection-arid test,equiprhent required. .; ,:::.:-,;.t


.. rr-1*f) '1 1.;t;,*\:-d*-:,

  • ...



  • . ** *

(*:' ._,. :'* *or * * -

system damage during testing , .r;***'


.. '.. * '*" Prereqi!lisites.

u.':1 n:*:: = :::: *; C(*1 i.t.';{1'.l'l{ ... * .:..".**'"'!:

... ;.r-:;***

,;/ :\

... ,;)..., >} "'J1 r'* c.i.* :i. * **

'-'"'"' ";'-;,,,., *:: *" 1' {ii' cr1::;!f:,::v:*;

  • '* .1*;:1 *.*!_:*_ ... , :.)'* . . . .. . . .:: .. ....

J *5 .f>{i1 . . * .. _ ... Gor:it1n41ty short c1rcu1t tes.ts, po.lanty and rotational tests. ,. :: * **

recorders, . transtjucers:*

targets and and alarms, controls and interlocks.

/ *_, -Insulation as specified.

Over potentit:ll Q,ver,potential tests* *!* .. * .*. :

        • . * .***

'-:* .:-1 .. .. *\ .*. Page.5 of 6 . . The Company performs mecrj;arilC5al lests'to**ascertain that electric , . and/qr


or. sy§1erns can.withstand system .** .. ,


such tests to in steam * :: .

or pneumatic interqofi,nedin*g

  • piping or tubing *add assotiated instruments.

Revision;86 TEST CONTROL CHAPTER 11 ,. & * *** * * * * * .-... 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Page 6of6 Pressurized equipment that is part of electrical apparatus such as heat exchangers, circulating systems, actuating systems, and electric and instrumentation containment penetrations are likewise tested if site assembled or fabricated.

Tests are conducted after the assembly is complete even though the components may have been tested previously.

These tests are performed*

in accordance with the applicable codes and standards.

Physical and Chemical Tests Physical and chemical tests, in accordance with the applicable codes, include, as appropriate:

-Chemical analysis of fluids for oxygen or moisture content and purity. -Radiation sensitivity testing fo confirm that radiation sensor and controlling devices is properly functioning.

Surveillance Tests The Company's test program covers surveillance testing during the operational phase to provide assurances that failures or substandard performance do not remain undetected and that the required reliability of safety related systems is maintained.

Maintenance or Major Procedure Change -. The Company performs tests following plant modification or significant

  • changes in operating procedures to confirm that the modification or changes produce expected results. These tests also demonstrate that . the change does not produce an unsafe operating condition.

Software Tests The Company ensures computer programs for safety-related applications are appropriately tested. Software applications are tested in a manner to ensure that the new functionality is operating properly and can be introduced to the production environment with minimal disruption.

When appropriate, periodic in-use manual or automatic self-check routines are prescribed and performed for those applications where computer failures or drift can affect required performance.

Revision 86




_ 1_:: -----2 2.1 . i _.!f i :.* ' --*---*..:......:, --* .* -** ...:....-:r.:l"'..--

  • /!_ --,_, SG0PE ;r : I '-l : . . . '!: -___ ,

tO' assure tools,, gauges, -:in$thim'enlS/

1 anQ aHdJestiijg

Equipment (M& TE) contfoJled, calibrated, ' arid within specified limits. Measures sha1Fal'soi
fe 1 ei-Sfaolished:fof'flie; control of permanently installed instrument and contro-1 devices. ----** -** -* ---* **
'?* ...


' 'f : : :. .. '. . ' -) :* '; . * . . -i i ;' . . ... General .. :: ..


  • .


  • .. ,.. The Company iS' responsible for* the 'governaJic#.:of M& TE. This *-*.1-,, ___ ,_
  • _in'"tervals, t9nd,,equ1valency dec1s1ons, . .


\'.j J'. 1' as well as the resolution of technical isslies regarding M& TE calibration.

2.2 Control ":*s*****


and used. -*, --.;.:.

and ::* : -_::**' -* L-: *-::: .. :* Calibration intervai and rnethod. --. -' -. -Damaged or suspect M& TE. -Environmental restrictions.

-Revision .86 '... .. '

CONTROL OF MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT CHAPTER12 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Page 2 of 3 -Items not requiring certification.

-M&TE selection.

-Out of tolerance resolution.

-Personnel qualifications.

Repairs and maintenance.

-Status and usage history. Labeling Equipment shall be suitably marked to indicate calibration status. Where neither labeling nor coding is practical, procedures shall provide for monitoring of records to ensure control. Accuracy Calibration of M& TE should be against reference standards that have an accuracy of at least four times the required accuracy of M&TE . . Calibration of reference standards will against hierarchical standards more accurate than the reference standards calibrated.

When this is not possible, standards must have an .accuracy that assures the M& TE is within the required tolerance, and that the basis for acceptance is documented and authorized by responsible management.

Traceability and Interval M& TE is calibrated against and traceable to certified standards having valid relationships to nationally recognized standards.

Where national standards do not exist, provisions are established to document the basis for calibration.

Calibration intervals are established for all M&TE and the Company program. specifies how. this interval is established.

Certified M& TE Certified M&TE is required where.measurements with* specific accuracy/tolerance requirements are delineated:

-Calibration of other M&TE. -Environmental monitoring.*

-Safety-related and applicable ASME applications.

-Technical Specification related applications (including balance of plant systems).

-Verification of design parameters.


.. ,_ -*-.* -* **-**" _.,

wileh'mecisdreh1ehts do not-reqcirre


specific accuracy (9.uch as rulers, tape 2.7 2:8 * -. J i.' .. : . measures, levels) provide Calibration is not required for electronic

,'. . , Corrective Actions

, "';'

i I . -. " . ..;. . ,. ----* *" ... -* ,. . l . '* 1 . When M&TE is found to be*out.:.of'-tolerahce;;an;-evaluation is made of its previous uses to determine corrective actiOf"1.

equipment is identified inadvedehVu_se; 1 D_e\fl.ces that are cdn$isteritly foLirid 01.,1t *of are repafred or

  • **:_,:';li:3:-:"


  • i_\;r;**
  • .*r _:_: Vendors supplying calibration services are on the Company's approved suppliers list. \': r.*:u
  • I*. * ':. * * *_ , '*

the procurement

  • ' **** ; :'
  • 10 *' : 1 r.

taken b the y ,* . ' .* . ..


-: <:;9ntrpl are. not r,equired fqr rulgrs, measures, le:vels, provides adequate accuracy.

' ! '.*.< . c.alibration data. _ Caflbration procedure used. . -Calibration results . . *,, ::c._*

-.*' 111'. >:.,'


' ....... * -* ,, \,:*-*


.. ,, __ : ,,, , -Last calibration date:, , ...* *. r ;

0' 1'\".; * * ' _,'

  • _/, T ,*" O O 0 ..

r:f,-: ::_:,*: i *, .. ** ,;** * * ,'

.... . . .

... , .... .

  • Page.3 of3 Serial number,. -Standards used. ). Revis,i_on 86 HANDLING, STORAGE AND SHIPPING CHAPTER 13 1 2 2.1 2.2 Page 1of2 SCOPE The Company est?blishes measures to control and.specify special protective conditions in accordance with an item's design and procurement requirements, as necessary, to prevent or deterioration of materials, components, and systems during handling, . packaging, preservation, storage, and shipping.

REQUIREMENTS General The Company uses written procedures or for cleaning, packaging, shipping, storage, preservation, and to specify detailed requirements for access to storage areas, housekeeping, and removal of items from storage. Procedures include provisions for inspection, examination, testing and documentation.

These procedures specify special protective conditions necessary to prevent damage, deterioration or loss before and after receipt of materials, equipment, special nuclear material, and radioactive wastes. Procurement documents or the vendor's quality program specifies the establishment of controls, to assure through the use of shipping procedures to provide protection during loading and transit and inspections that items are delivered in acceptable condition.

Special Equipment and Environments When required, the Company: -Provides special equipment and special protective environments.

-Specifies special equipment (such as containers, shock absorbers and accelerometers).

-Specifies special protective environments (such as inert gas atmosphere, specific moisture content levels. and temperature levels). -Verifies the maintenance of special equipment and special protective environments.

Revision 86 2.3 Classification of Items Levels and methods of storage are classified to minimize the possibility

  • .
  • of orcdnta!Jlination c;>f items. This is based on *
  • tlie importance to safety and :

()fJhe "This. classification:

considers thE;i manufacturer's

,,::ii;: : ::, ** .** 1* * * :. .

  • .. :;: _ r .:*:G\

.. :-. , .. The Company packages, ships, receives; stor$s, arid handles items ' according:

to established manufacturers:retJuirements or the ... . . . . * : . . : . ** .. -. -----. ..

  • _f-l--" -

.:,_ ...

,..,:..--"' * -When

()(':assembly contains:

items of different levels, the Company classifies it to the highest level designated for any of the items contained.

'*'* *** , 2-4 *:**." ** .,. , * ..

  • . ,; * * * * *: * ; '

and equipment using*

at 'sp¢cified


.. Corpp?_iiy handli':19 procedures

  • * * *. * < :*. * :;._.


m tfie1r-2'.S presence of spec1al'env1ronments Of the need-for special controls.


  • and maintained in storerooms and warehouses procedurally by an*. ipventmy sibri's for , *.,_**;;1,.*b wh_en ...... : ,, . gI:;>Rhcasle.
  • _[)1sposal;of cornmqd1t1eswhose shelf life has expired 1s \ ., : * **

... f-1i'5.f'\-

'., *.*.


  • .
  • * * * * ** adaressea

.. *'};'.

    • ,*. *
  • ,::, .

Periodic monitoring is performed to assute areas are . . : . * .. t'

>;\. " ;.


Access to


and good housekeeping practices shall be enforced at;all times 1n the storage areas. Fire protection measures commensurate with the type of storage area shall be provided and maintained.

Revi.rion 86 INSPECTION, TE&T AND OPERATING STATUS CHAPTER14 1 2 2.1 Page 1of4 SCOPE Measures shall be established and documented to identify inspection,

  • test, and operating status of structures, systems, and components in the scope of this QAP. Such measures shall provide means for assuring that required inspections and tests are performed and that the acceptability of items with regard to inspections and tests performed is known throughout pr6curement, installation, and operation in order to preclude inadvertent bypassing or altering the sequence of such inspections and tests. REQUIREMENTS General The Company uses markings, tags, stamps, routing cards, labels, forms, inspection records, or other means to identify the operating status of plant equipment.

This identification helps avoid inadvertent bypassing of the inspections and tests required prior to its use. In cases where documentary evidence is ngt available to confirm that an item has passed required inspections and tests, that item shall be considered nonconforming.

An operability determination for the nonconforming item with timeliness commensurate .with the potentral safety significance of the issue is The operability determination is focµsed on whether the non-conforming item is capable of performing or supporting its specified functions of prevention as described in the current licensing basis and will result in the determination of continued plant operation.

If operability is assured based on this prompt determination, plant operation can continue while an appropriate corrective action program is implemented to restore qualification of the non-conforming item. Control procedures describe.the use of such tags, stamps, routing cards, labe,ls, forms, inspection records, and otller methods. The authority for application and. removal of tags, markings, labels and stamps is specified.

Tagging, labeling, color-coding, physical separation, or using a*n inventory system identifies acceptable or unacceptable items for installation.

The Company: -Clearly identifies and documents all temporary connections, such as jumpers and bypass lines, and temporary set points of control equipment to allow restoration before placing the item in service. Revision 86


.. ----*-.

14 *--*-*-**

... ____ _ ,,., .. Conditionally releases items for subsequent correction of any non-conformances.

      • ' * , .. *** ** .-,. * "."i. '

_an evaluation and ; . . '

.* . * ....... ' l .* **, ' r I ' ** ' * * ,' 2.1.1 ,.:: 1 h .. 'H*: '. t?.L. l 2.2.1 *'-),' 1 Page*2-0 of 4 an;iteri).

acceptable or .. : unacc8'pfa.ble*

  • ' *u L "* * -*,
  • calibration status,* 'c
oµtqf caflqfaffon.
    • :*-, 1. r; *. ".:,;;B**

!:1 C* f!, f ; J e

.. :

  • *

(*;:ri.1 ..

Procedures . The Company uses maintain personnerand re-actor safofy'aifcf fo avoid'."LlnaµtBofiz¢a operatiorrof equipment.

These procedures such as or tc;:iggihg,to secure a:nd-_id,entify equipment in a controlled

.\ .... .... . -,. ! .-.-**


TEST ANO OPERATING STATUS CHAPTER 14 2.2.2 2.2.3 Page 3 of 4 Preparation for Work After permission has been granted to take the equipment out of service, measures provide for protection of equipment and workers. The Company clearly identifies the status of equipment and systems at any location where the equipment can be operated.

The Company enforces strict control measures for such equipment.

The operating staff can easily identify equipment, which is in other than normal conditions.

In addition to the requirements of the technical specifications, conditions to be* considered in preparing equipment for maintenance or surveillance testing include, for example: -Electrical hazards. -

into closed vessels. -i;:stablishment of a path for decay heat removal. -Handling hazardous materials.

-Hazardous atmospheres and ALARA considerations.


of emergency core cooling. -Shutdown margin. -Temperature and pressure of the system. -Valves between work and hazardous materials.

-Venting, drai11ing, and flushing.

When entering a closed system, the Company prevents the entry of extraneous material and removes foreign material before re-closing the system. Appropriate personnel inform control room supervision of changes in equipment status, including temporary modifications, and the effects of such changes. Temporary Modifications The Company controls temporary modifications, such as temporary bypass lines, electrical jumpers, lifted electrical leads, and temporary trip point settings wfth approved procedures.

These procedures include requirements for the period of time when the temporary modification is i'n effect They also include a requirement for: -An independent or concurrent verification by a second person of the proper installation or removal of the temporary modification, or -A functional test which conclusively proves the proper installation or removal of the temporary modification.

Revision 86 INSPEGl'.IQN,-TE:ST-AND--OPERAIING-SIAIUS_ . .--:---7-c---cc-_:_

___ 7 c __


_ 2.2.4. 2.2.5 . : :;--*, The Company maintains a log qr _gt!Jer.

evidence for _. current status of such temporary modifications.

The Company reviews .te1J1porary rnodif!catiqns their;continued need and,proptiety.

    • . .,.,.-., .. **-.,. * --*:*1:_-., .* :--* , . *:. ' {': . ; *.

? : .... * : ... '_, *: *. ' *i*: 1; . *.:* *'*'

gng_ Te!?_ts .. . : ; .. *_:if! " " "

.. *1
  • . -.. )-*,-_.*,:;* . .-

..* ,, ,

p,e}g_ent1fied either on ..

tl'H:i 1 components where it is necessarY to assure'that required post ma-intenance

., , .

been .. satisfadorily, p.$.d9.r;m.e,dJo that equipment


is not Q.r:

_.n::. ,::."" ,'., . Return to Service When


  • rgftfrhW<:ftB


operating and document its fuhQtional return to normal * * -* . A$sl,iring_

inoperative status, .

Return irig val'(es','


df sWifcti es' terpropef start-up or ... ,

equipment All equipment; activity can be proven to be iii their correct aligr([Tient byfunctional testing without adversely affecting

/ s *::* ., .. ; .. ,, ! . ,, *:**-,***

,, ... "'/ j* ,; ' I ' Page .4: of 4 Revision86 NONCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS OR COMPONENTS CHAPTER 15 1 2 2.1 2.1.1 Page 1of4 SCOPE Controls shall provide for identification, evaluation, segregation when practical, disposition of nonconforming items, and for notification to affected.organizations.

Items that do not conform to specified requirements shall be controlled to prevent inadvertent installation or use. REQUIREMENTS General Nonconforming items are processed in accordance with the corrective action program and/or documented procedures.

The Company uses written procedures to identify and control items, services or activities that do not conform to requirements.

These procedures address the: -Disposition of nonconforming items. -Documentation of identified nonconformances.

-ldentificatiori of nonconforming items. -Notification of affected organizations.

-Operability determination of the SSC with the identified nonconforming condition

-Segregation of nonconforming items. Implementation of these procedures prevents the inadvertent use, operation, or unauthorized installation of nonconforming items. Supplier Nonconforming Items The Company and its suppliers establish and document measures for the identification, control and disposition of items and services that do not meet procurement document requirements.

These measures provide for: -A review of nonconforming items. -Company disposition of supplier recommendations.

-Maintenance of records for supplier nonconformances.

-Supplier notification to the Company of a nonconformance.

These notifications include a supplier recommended disposition (e.g. as-is" br "repair")

and technical justification.

The supplier submits nonconformahces to the Company for approval if:

  • The item does notconform to the original procurement requirement even though the item can be restored to a condition such that the capability of the item to function is unimpaired, or Revision 86 (
  • '
  • I .. 2.2 *.l*-. 2i3' 2.4 2.4;1 * ', r' _;r *-*-**.**

.. The supplier cannot correct the nqricQ,pfprl}1ance by continuation of the original manufacturing process *or by rework;: or. ' , *' . . '*. : The; slipplier*

has*Viof'ated a requirement in supplier dqctfrrfents; approved by the Company, or * ;** **

technical' or. material requirement.

1. -Verification of disposition for nonconformances.
  • " :;, :*
  • 1dentlficatiori
    • The Company identifies nonconfon:ning items by marking, tagging, or *. *
  • Whidi"ao:non:1dvetselyraffe*cfthe*end use of the item. ' ::
  • tfi8' identtiflQatiofi fs
eagily recoghiZabie*.
  • * *, ).-.

..... \;* }: .. ,,_, ... * *., **_;}; ;-:-:: : * *

.. __ .:*-. *. 1 .... . . * .. : . * .> S'<e''g*;,.,_r.'e"'g'


I o"' .. **n> ** . . . . . . . . . . ***." -,
1*, ..



  • of nqhconformmg, items b*e proposed and approved * ** ... '. '*:: :_,._; * '

processing, ... , ' .,,. * .

shall be controlled

. ,. C'. '.* . ;*
: ,*, '>

by authorized . 2.4.2 personnel. , : ',*I l*j.

  • 1


.. :(';J z;;* '::' .. va ua ion_ ..... ,* * .. ,-:'" .. ,, -_

  • '**;*

tt, :>.:>1:j

  • .* *: >-'.

nonconformances in , * :c ..

  • E Code requirements , . .

and accepts or provides technical

.. 9f)16nconfqrmances dispositioned

  • .as tepair.Qln.-!Se-asfis/'.

.. *,, "! **.1 :** *page 2*of 4 Revision 86 NONCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS OR COMPONENTS CHAPTER15 2.4.3 2.4.4 Page3 of4 For items under a contractor's direct control, the Company may delegate to the contractor the authority to perform a technical evaluation of nonconformances, if the contractor has an acceptable procedure for handling nonconforming items. Where the Company delegates such authority, the contractor is responsible for establishing that: -All actions fall within the requirements set by the Company. -An accepted nohconformance meets the design intent. -ASME Code items meet the requirements of the ASME Code. -Personnel performing the evaluation meet the requirements of section 2.4.3 below. When a technical evaluation has not been delegated to a supplier, the Company makes a technical evaluation of all pertinent data relating to the nonconformity, including the cause, where known, and the corrective action either taken or planned to preven.t recurrence per the corrective action program. The Company retains the responsibility for the satisfactory resolution of supplier nonconformances.

Personnel Personnel having expertise in the pertinent discipline determine whether a nonconforming item may be accepted "as-is," may be repaired to a11 acceptable condition, or must be rejected.

These personnel have adequate competence and knowledge necessary to make this evaluation and have access to pertinent background information.

Documentation The Company identifies nonconforming items and documents their disposition (e.g., use-as-is, reject, repair, or rework). Each disposition is technically justified and traceable to each item. Appropriate documentation is retained.

  • Nonconformances to design requirements that are dispositioned as "use-as-is" or "repair" are subject to design control measures commensurate with those applied to the original design. The Company technically justifies dispositions designated "use-as-is" and "repair" to assure that the final condition of any nonconforming item meets applicable code requirements and will not adversely affect the safety, operability, or maintainability of the .item, or of the component or _system in which it is installed.

The "as-built" records, if such records are required, reflect the accepted deviation.

Revision 86

,., , 'If the the item may _. be:.relepsed for.Jn.$.taJlation OI'.) a.

bc:isis. The * :Company.c!qqwrnents t,h.e_:

for the ;. ; *conditionc:il th$jte111; a.iitl:.iiiake?.

it documentation. . .., -*-. ' . . 'i ' . -* : .*:


.\.1 ..

} , ::i

\;:**,!. . .-* t -!. -2.4.5 Repaired, Reworked; or Scrapped *Items '. *_1 *

  • using
  • cntena:
  • 1tems*tHathave been-corrected' are re-inspected or re-tested as required by the approved
.c. :1,, .... . . . * *.+ ;. .. :* ** Ttiel$rei:a the .. ' .. i.*:. ,c'. . ff()dcon'f6fffiancett:wheh'.ifh'as.b:eenidetehrrifr1ed;thalthe corrected

,,, " 8' ...** **

T.he (;oQ1pany qisc?rds,9,r.

traDM$n> tQ tr§inipg usage a *'"!: . ,. *.. , * . .:;1 I ** J \. I *' *, ,':: ,": ! ', .. :1 '.*:.-nr *(c ... :Y* ,-; . ., .... ,.* -: ,f _ ... ,1 *, . ,. *Page4ot4 Revis.ipn 86 CORRECTIVE ACTION CHAPTER 16 1 2 2.1 2.2 Page 1 of 4 SCOPE This Chapter describes the Company program to identify and correct conditions adverse to quality. REQUIREMENTS General The Company implements a Corrective Action Program to promptly identify and correct items or occurrences that are adverse to quality or might adversely affect the safe operation of a nuclear generating station. These items or occurrences are screened for reportability, operability, Part 21, and industry operating experience.

The Company makes a thorough investigation of occurrences and identifies corrective action to prevent recurrence of an event, as appropriate.

Events may include reactor trips, failed equipment, personnel errors, and procedural infractions.

Measures are taken to as:?ure that the cause of any significant condition adverse to quality is determined and to implement corrective action to prevent recurrence.

Conditions Adverse to Quality Measures are established to assure that cqnditibns adverse to quality are identified, classified as to significance, evaluated to determine cause and corrective

actions, to determine the existence of trends, and effectively corrected

.. Examples of conditions adverse to quality are provided in procedures.

Examples include failures, malfunctions, adverse trends, deficiencies (including programmatic), deviations, defective material, design errors, equipment, and nonconformance to specified requirements.

An independent review body reviews violations, deviations and reportable events that require a report to the NRG in accordance with regulatory requirements and company procedures.

This ,includes the review of res.ults of any investigations made and the recO',mmendations resulting from such investigations.

These include items such as: -Ev$nts, as defined in applicable site technical specifications.

-Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal or expected performance of plant safety-related structures, systems, or components.

-Violations of applicable codes, regulations, orders, technical specifications, license requirements or internal procedures or instructions having safety significance.

Revision 86 CQRREGTIVE ACTION CHAPTER 16 -------.) ,:-**

Conditions A.dve.rse to Quality* ,:* . In cases_ofsignificc;,int

__ c:;onditions adverse td qd<i:l1fty"the root cause of Jt]e _co_ntjition and dqcu-mentec{

resol_ution determined

ati 1 d c6rrebfive ci'ctioH to preclude recurrence.

Tti§'irrlphlct*oFS'ct6fr'88'ndTff6Hs on completed and related items and activities is evaluated.

Follow-UR reviews are then ..: *--.. ' /f: .... ,.* :j.," :., ;fl. tr:.;'>:s'.-1:



  • ."'V' *****ci: performed

_to veri_fy the effective.

1. Procurement -*** *-** ,, ;:/Tne,1 for the ,. :): * * < .

timely , , * ,_,

vendors and *" .. ;-*, * *1 * *,, __ ,

in their .:* . . --



  • . _ ** ' ,. '* ':. '.j ' ;

process, the -.,e:;r * .,.. ._,, --. ::. ,

used to: ., ; ::: .-*;.

an ces. _,*. . .

  • _:u _ -.

the cause ' : ! 1.. ;_ '::-:. *. !

... ;it:' c: 1.;**-h*t'

.* . * ' -. *,

.. prevent recurrence.

appropnate . !


* '
: *\ .. :

t t .. __

*i \, L:: r 2::;:*
1 ;
; l\J1 * * * . _, ;,", .; an a _c ions , * * .. ,;'.. .
* .. .,,. *
  • ,,; , .. -** :.-':_ -'.

of ... *.** .. ,, .. , ..

man *" " ' *

!modifies the design * * * * ' "'

    • anC::r:vetifitafi6n"pro{ret:1ures,:a*s:C!,RPropriate.

In cases of si1fnfficarir6r recurring the Company follows -... error), determine the cause*

and the OAP to prevent similar types Qfi defi,cjericie_s.(or from recurring.

    • Page 2 of 4** Revision :86 ' t * *
  • CORRECTIVE ACTION CHAPTER 16 2.3 ':*.* 2.4 Page 3 of 4 Verification and Follow-up The Company screens identified issues to verify suitable categorization and moves those that are not found to be conditions adverse to quality out. of the corrective action program. Resources are then applied to resolve issues based on significance.

The Company verifies completion of co_rrective actions for maintenance, repair, refueling, operation activities, completion of corrective action taken for assessment deficiencies (including programmatic), and performs assessments of site corrective action. The Company tracks and verifies completion of cqrrective action taken for independent audit and assessment findings and approves the completion of corrective actions.

  • Trending and audit/assessment results are evaluated to assure that corrective measures are implemented effectively and that actions to prevent recurrence are effective as appropriate

.. The Company also requires contractors and vendors to follow-up on co"rrective action commitments within their quality programs.

The Company regularly reviews and analyzes records to: -Assure that the causes of a nonconformance and the corrective action have been clearly described_

.. -Assure that authorized Company personnel have evaluated the overall effect resulting from the use of nonconforming items. -Determine whether .corrective measures will preclude recurrence.

Evaluation and Qualification Persohnel performing the evaluation function are responsible for considering the cause and the feasibility of corrective action to assure that the necessary quality of an item is not deteriorated.

Where it is determined that the cause cannot be corrected immediately, the due date of corrective action will be determined during the review ahd evaluation.

Evaluation may indicate the need for investigations to assure that corrective measures are considered*complete and may also indicate that the nature of the deficient condition is minor and does not require corrective action. Qualified personnel are responsible for determining the root cause(s) of an event and developing recommendations to preclude recurrence.

These personnel report the results of their determination to appropriate station personnel and Company management.

Revision 86 CQJffRECTIVE ACTION * *------------* ----*--**--*--

    • cHARTER.16

)' Documentation and Reporting

    • r".;:,

}'ii .*. :

..... --. *: ,,,, ;):,i

.. ;

-, *,, ;;-,, -, . ' .... . .J"he:Gornpar:ly:doc.umE:1nt$



.:*: .... _. i.

action taken, and repcirtsJ.h?$'$

of .


}n_dependent reviews adVerse to quality are ** ;;:1'* '.'

Oversight c* **::* ***

of a significant

.. ... .. "';, :*:

require Repdrtsare made is required.



agency, when * * ' ' .:.

description of the circumstanees:tt)'ft1elp'tpfe¢1Li'<:le'a1sim'il'a!:'eventobdUrring at another _,,.**


  • _,1, .;,***:

! .. :,* :_; .V


_.*t' *::-1,,;

l'L:*:** .. * .. _, __

r-.j '}'. .. *


>.(::* ..

.. *i

... i*-i-.1.*:

.__1r;.7 -1.=* *. :****

.... ::J'*:

.**-Ur-* . .

,:: t ,;.__;* ,*L':f*:***::*:


  • *.
  • .:'*:.IJ')(.";i(..<:


  • .. 1*': -*.' . -. <.; .. ':; ,.* -

,; L l ,\" :, ; ****1 ...*. : .. l .. '** .. -Revision 86 '.*

QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS CHAPTER 17 1 2 2.1 2.2 Page 1 of 3 SCOPE The Company establishes and implements a program, which.defines requirements and responsibilities for identification, generation, collection, compilation, storage, maintenance, retention, and retrieval of records necessary to provide evidence of quality in design, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, and operating activities.

REQUIREMENTS Program The records program provides for: -Administration.

Receipt and transmittal.

-Retention and disposition.

-Safekeeping and classification.

-Storage and preservation (includes temporary and permanent records) Administration Authority and responsibility for record control activities are delineated in procedures.

Records are administered through a system, which includes an index of record type, retention period, and storage location.

Distribution of records shall be controlled in accordance with written procedures.

Measures are established for replacement, restoration, or substitution of lost or damaged records. Records are legible, accurate, complete, identifiable, and retrievable.

Records are considered valid and complete when dated and stamped, initialed, signed, or otherwise authenticated

.. Corrections, revisions, or supplements to completed records are revfewed and approved by an authorized individual in the originating organization.

Such changes are dated and stamped, initialed, signed, or otherwise authenticated including the use of electronic approval and authorization.

Revision 86

QUA.hlT-Y-ASSURANCE-RECORDS CHAPTER 17 Records may be electronic the process . for managing and-storing documented inpri::>b'edures that cmnRlywith applicable regulations.

Media used for the retention of *

  • mlcfoform;Compact disk-.
  • _o:, * < <:\rid videotape, computer I * *I*;*.

' ..

' ;:::* . ., :E:m8P&fA1c r&8Bfcfg of a re¢9rds appro"ved.


  • ': .-:_. * ,, * *-* .'*

... .. management position


__ .. ___ :....

-* *-:* .. -*":"! : .... --=-:;:.._ -t ..

  • ---The.formatused must be capable accl.J.rate, -complete docum_ents dt,Jring the required period. Eledronlc.

and to assure that only those persons authorized graht the approvals.

2.3 Receipt and

., *u

,, * . . *-.-.'.

__ _ A forreceipt rn*,estEI.PIJ:Sbed.

Re_ceipt control


to final

.'e*lt>eatiefnsw s l<srefil's

.** 1sn*ecMo';)ffansfer te.ceirds

  • Re'coras*:transterredJrori\"..Cdm

... ,aii :de*.**attrn'emtfiles:to a final stora ;* e ** . -* .. _.,:*;; .. .,. ..

.. *:');'.",:

.. ::-.::;)/*,
    • -. *;* .. ,._


.. ,..*: .. .__,,, : -* ::* ... :

... 1ocatibrtare 1;a1so TJnder:st.rch s:

'stem of recer

  • t confrc>l"of

., 2.4 !( *' .i* *" Attachment in bintjers, folclers, or envelopes for storage in steel file cabinets or on shelving in containers. . -Control and a*ccountability of records removed. *. Page*z:()f 3 *

  • Revision 86 .. < .. L--:: :-

QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS CHAPTER17 2.4.1 2.5 2.6 2.7 Page 3of3 -Damage from natural disasters such as winds, floods, and fires. -Following manufacturer recommendations for special recording media. -Protection from environmental conditions such as high and low temperatures and humidity.

Protection from infestation of insects, mold, or rodents etc. -Special processed records such as radiographs, photographs, negatives, microfilm, and magnetic media to prevent damage from excessive light, stacking, electromagnetic fields, temperature and humidity.

Temporary Storage .

are established for temporary storage of records when required by an organization's procedures for activities such as for processing, review, or use. These measures require that these records are stored in a 1-hour fire rated container and that a maximum allowable storage time limit is specified.

_, Safekeeping and Classification iyleasures are established to prevent access to records by unauthorized personnel.

These measures guard against theft and vandalism.

are classified and retained in accordance with applicable r_egulations.

Retention and Disposition Record retention periods are established to meet regulatory, UFSAR, and License requirements.

The most stringent retention period is impiemented when multiple requirements exist. Plant Operating Records Required plant operating records are grouped into two retention periods; 5-year and lifetime.

These type of records are those that are specified by applicable regulations, standards, codes, and licensing basis documents.

Methods of control, identification, permanent storage, and retrieval of these records are specified in administrative procedures.

Revision 86 ------,

-.CHAPTl;R 18 1 2 2.1 -*-------------**--'---=--*-----.

-** --_____ ..;....;;...::;-.

........ . ----__ ,

......... --. . SCOPE '-. *. j ;. l "

,' ,. { .. ' .. A dofaJmerited',:

comprehensive system consisting ofregulatory audits and . performance assessments of the Company.,l:frlq its vendors are conducted . to verify Audits and *

  • assessments are procedures or _

of ASME NQA-1 to anfffo'a'.s*s*dJre completion of required .


and determine

,, . .,. ;'r. * * :

ti -,--..

.. ,c,q!**:.:J<;



REQUIREMENTS Audits and Assessments


. i
    • 2.1.1

.. . , . ; .:*.-f'. ; .xeguency:,.

po ion o", 1s ocumen t,'t!._: :*

  • erat1 . 1 .. requenc1es
.:.: *.

perform'abce of'the area.

Audits (ifom§ t ...

.. of;,A;pg,ehdlxJ3), audits may be their CI6e 1 HM&;5ased on the E' .. , 1-, 1 ; {9lJ9YXil;l.9 t9,ri&Eif.i9.:;;


'* ei 1 r,; a bot, *::<J. ,-!,/;' v':i,:o,, '.y*;: ;.:,e **: 1 *' *, -, * **

the audit interval is For example, audi.ts'*an a 24-mQnth a maximum time betWeen (12-montn)

"'; . .)

  • *" c ;*: * *
  • _ ; , '*
  • 2. ..


month is

'_:, -*' * .. '*

from the ongmal . * . *


audit ti ,* ,

than scheduled, this early completion date become's the new start date for the 12 or 24 month audit inten/al.

Item 1 (above) applies to supplier audits and evaluations as well, except that a total combined interval for any three consecutive inspection or audit intervals should not exceed 3.25 times the specified interval.

  • Page 1 of 6 :"Revision
  • 86 .* .:o AUDITS/ASSESSMENTS CHAPTER 18 2.1.2 2.1.3 Page 2 of 6 For scheduling purposes and with appropriate adjustments for approved extensions, audits shall be tracked on a calendar month basis such that an audit must start no later than the end of the same calendar month the audit was last started. An audit is considered to have been started when the first day of auditing field time begins. Planned assessments of station activities supplement the scheduled audits and qre conducted to monitor overall station performance.

Scheduling of internal assessment activities is flexible since assessments are primarily on-going to monitor day-to-day evolutions or .to review emergent events or conditions (e.g., reactor transients, significant quality program failures, etc.). The management position responsible for NOS, or designated staff member(s), approves the conduct of these activities.

Audit and assessme,nt schedules are reviewed semi-annually and revised accordingly to assure that coverage is appropriately maintained.

Preparation A documented plan or an agenda identifies an audit or assessment scope, requirements, audit or assessment personnel, activities to be evaluated, organizations to be notified, applicable documents, and schedule.

An approved checklist or procedure for each scheduled audit or assessment identifies the quality and technical elements of the area or items to be evaluated.

Audit plans, agendas, checklists, and procedures as applicable are prepared in advance under the direction c:if a certified Lead Auditor (LA). Independent assessments will be led by individuals who meet the requirements of ANSl/ANS-3.1--1981 paragraph 4.4.5. Personnel Experienced and qualified personnel perform assessments and audits and are familiar with written procedures, standards, and processes applicable to the area being evaluated.

Assessment and audit personnel shall have. sufficient authority and org'anizational freedom to make the assessment and audit process meaningful and effective and shall not have direct responsibilities in the areas to be assessed or audited. They have access to the plant records necessary to fulfill their function.

The LA shall organize and direct audits and ensure the teams collectively have the required experience or training for the activities to be evaluated.

Assessment Team Leads will organize and facilitate internal station evaluations and assessments.

Technical Specialists Revision 86

  • ----______
    • CHAPTER18
j. 2.1.4 -----------*.;.*: .. -ioi::

-. ** *.-J**


---*-*-.-. *.""." -" -*-*.-----*-*-*-*** . , _ provide additional


... * . . *' .... _ ... , : . * *. ..* . * -*** Autlit'arid' as1s*essmeFit.p$rsonnel=(inCluding.members of the on-site Have =sufficienrauthority and organizational


.. including , . . . lrflfued'nite(unreffered

'cltccess ersonnel, .. * ..

615* ecti! evidence .. **

  • This i .. : * * * *.--,. .. ..
  • 1*9;.i-(.;,,:.",,.***o**,..,


  • ,
    • '*-*.****i...,.*, X ... ,.,. ,._ ..... * -. c accessNnust:tig;:aecom'

'Hance witb a licable '.. ;, '.;)t,:'.

'.* _.

fdtection . ;'I r 1;c:.*pc

i ,ig ___

' '* ** : '**. , __ ; ., -*..i* Performance

.._. .* : ! .

krid\rlid'lt§ to assess s ecific *.'

impact and -. . '* 1. . . * * :. * * *' * * ,

  • c;::,;


,.,."';*>-v-t importance relative to safeJy, reliability, with respect to rfsks and t:oris&quences.

pnd can be . focused on most in nee{dbf are strudute8

  • . _ *, *:

reviews of ** ,*.t;:* .:.:, .. *

  • evaluations of * '* *.

.* -standards.*

.*-* .** l>

.... ' ,. ** *<7 ***

  • I* **1*' '*'*"'-' r y ,g_, .. Jl .. ,. , . *-'" '<" .. g . "* . . ry t5he the content and program the .. requirements of 1 o CFR 37, 1 adci i ** ...... , . ( .-.: * * * ... ,

.:. :._ * 'ffalit"Efssurance durin

  • I* ** ' ** -

.. ,i ..

,. .. , .. , ... .,.,,dq,,," ...... ,_Y. , .. * . g . ** . , * :_ .. *: *

  • .; ' F , ..... \ * ,., '*

.. 8'(" "*

,_,*;...-... -*"'-'*

.. , .. *, .. * **. * .. *** ' . * . . :*: .* .. : i*

audits and ! *, f,' ,; : * * 'l.:,


  • basea'6n'.tfie'
01lfieiwork bein done to .. * . * *.
  • the qua , .,_ * .-t, ,

." ,_. r * .* ,...'"(>"'J"*..r-.


/!' Qojecthie st.fall be to , *'* . * ,_ .. ,

9u61J,ty; pfio.9r:.?m implemented.

Any *.

sh al I be . captured m the COIT)P,?lDY'S corrective act,pn progra,m . ...... .. . Page. 3-of, 6 Revisi,<;m 86 AUDITS/ASSESSMENTS CHAPTER 18 Page 4 of 6 The Company establishes programs for reviews and assessments to:

  • Verify that activities covered by this QATR are performed in conformance with the requirements established,
  • Review significant proposed plant changes or tests,'
  • Verify that reportable events are promptly investigated and corrected, and
  • Detect trends which may not be apparent to the day-to-day observer.

These programs are, themselves, for effectiveness as part of the overall assessment process as described herein. The Company uses self-assessment (performed by or for the group, responsible for the activity being assessed) and independent assessment (such as that performed by the Nuclear Oversight organization) to monitor,overall performance, identify anomalous performance and precursors of potentip.I problems, and verify satisfactory resolution of problems.

Persons responsible for carrying out these assessments are cognizant of day-to-day activities such that they can act in a management advisory function with respect to the scope of the assessment.

Both self-assessments and independent assessments are accomplished using instructions or procedures that provide detail commensurate with the assessed activity's complexity and importance to safety. The Company's nuclear stations maintain an on-site review committee (referred to as the Plant Operations Review Committee or PORC) to review overall plant performance, and site management on matters related to nuclear safety. This committee functions in accordance with the standards specified in Appendix C. The Company periodically performs independent reviews of matters involving the safe* operation of its nuclear'power plants, with a minimum of one such review being conducted for each generating station each year. The review addresses matters that plant and corporate management determine warrant special attention, such as plant programs, performance trends, employee concerns, or other matters related to safe plant operations.*

The review is performed by a team consisting of personnel with experience and competence in the activities being reviewed, but independent (from cost and schedule considerations) from the organizations responsible for those activities.

The review is supplemented by outside consultants or organizations as necessary to ensure the team has the requisite expertise and competence.

The team's results are documented and reported to responsible management.

Revision 86


-*-CHAPTER 18 2.1.5 ' Reporting,

\"",* 1.*:.;--:

-"An 1 aQdiftepqrt iri'clGCles

'the descriptiof:i' ofifhe audit scope, *ideinHficatiorFohRe team: an'd tt5ersbnffeFcoritaeted during audit * -


on effectiveness


The LA shall sign the audit report for which he or ..

' ,-4 .. , ' -*, ---*

reports arev*.1fitten:*ir format idehtifyi__rig

'sm.irces for the conclusions the personnel The--,,

content of the

,;. . ..;.;_,---;w

....... : ... ..,_:.;,;.,:;";','-:.,.., ,;.-

  • final report is approved by NOS'supervis1ori
  • resp6ffsible for the team. ,, , .,,...


.. **---. . * .. ::__, -*-* * * **, _

to the *

  • ro riate --_

area -__ . ,, ;' '.'"'

rJ uirin rom t

.. ...


.. ,,.1,** *<<-*t:.* __.;t ... , .,J., );.""--

  • .,, q g p p -'.. *
  • rrranagement of the ____ .. , _____ . _ -, _ drrgc;tecktnh:>i:r:-fi:theUnab§


  • osltfort res*:*o'hsible for NOS to the ,.


rrence, and a scRe'dule toFfm 'le'ITientfrf these actions/

6nses to audit and *-1 * ' ----,. * ---': -Vw;,,, ri-*.__9;,.._,,_,,;t!'

_,, ;.;,* -,,._. --, *"*;.;** ,----,-, P, ',,_, -**-1 . **.** .. *;,,: .*

' --; '*' -

  • r0'cedural re uirements.
. -'.:' '.'?* --* :

__ ,. -*_. *--: 2*\

has been I . ! c.,; .'

is properly -,._;, ".

  • r--: .;_: , ' c_,_** ,:._--;:i

--' <-*;. , .. ****

.... ;,_.1* ... -....

... -; ....... .... -Page-5-of 6

AUDITS/ ASSESSMENTS CHAPTER 18 2.1.6 2.2 2.3 Page 6of6 . Records. Audit and assessment results are documented and reports are generated and retafned.

Assodated docum'entation is on file at the appropriate location.

Personnel qualification recor.ds for assessment and audit team members are established, maintained, and reviewed.

Vendor Audits Audits or surveys of vendors and their sub-tier suppliers are performed to a pre-established schedule.

Audits are performed on a triennial basis. Documented supplier performance is performed in accordance with approved procedures as an acceptable alternate to the performance of the annual evaluation of suppliers.

The management position responsible for the audit program (or designee), shall review and approve the audit I survey schedule and checklists, and sign reports. Schedules are reviewed semi-annually and revised accordingly to assure that suppliers are assessed, audited, or surveyed as required.

Audit program requirements are imposed on suppliers by appropriate contract or procurement documents.

The Company's active participation in nuclear industry audits provides an alternative means to fulfilling its responsibility for exami.ning supplier activities.

With regard

  • to fitness for duty services that are provided by *Off-site contractors as well as for Health and Human Services certified laboratories, they are audited on a nominal 12 month frequency.

Independent Management Assessment-A periodic audit (not to exceed 24 months) of the status and adequacy of the QAP is performed by an independent organization to assure that the Company's quality assurance management and nuclear oversight process is. being accomplished in a manner that meets 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and other applicable requirements.

The management position responsible for NOS submits the results of this assessment to the P&CNO. Revision 86



1 . ' . SCOPE .* .. ;.,' '. ..

'* .. r*.:;;*; * .. -,.'. :*,*,,,.

,.i *i(-***. -*... , . "'*.' ., ........

It Gornp?flY'.s pc)licy to

'a'highdeg'fe*e of *availability and ,

and safety of the lied in a raded as

  • safety related. The Company calls this appl[catipn A.Llgmented Qqality.

Quality includes systems tha_t c;ire

. * ' -:1hEf'require-ri1ents bf*AsME-CI;ode Sectio'ns:


Boilers," N ---, *

  • This 2,. :.'. *. **** .*...*

or in other :'.-. !-.-* _ .. *; \'

ser\iides fcr.'Which.tlie Com *arr .has rriade*-fo'

  • tfrato or desi n basis-.... *" _,._,,,.,.,;-., .. , .. ,* .* ,.**c.:****


.. ,,_p,,. Y .. _.,_.,, .. **._. .. *.-.* .. , ,.,_ .. 9_., .. '* " .. ,rf., ' . ,. g * * -,, *r but are not t .* , 1 *': * , .. -* :(:' *-

such as the Dry* Cask Storage{Sysfoms a.nd the Storage lns!a!l_ati9n, to services such_ as Security bc:tckground AL]grrierited qua.lity may alsq qe usedJorpl$ht availability reasons where' special controls are required to be' irripleriiented to assure reliability.

2.1 .. Page.J1 of 6 Health Physics and ALARA {As Low As Reasonably Achievable)

The Company develops, documents, and implements a radiation protection program sufficient to ensure compliance with the provisions of 10 CFR 20. The Company uses, to the extent practical, procedures Revision '86 I *,} ; * * *;

.AUGMENTED QUALITY APPENDIX A 2.2 2.3 Page 2 of 6 and engineering controls based on sound radiation protection principles to achieve occupational doses and doses to the public that are. as low as reasonably achievable.

Controls for radioactive waste management systems include those augmented quality measures that provide for the reasonable assurance needed to protect both the health and safety of the public and that of plant operating personnel.

Transport of Radioactive Waste When the Company contracts with vendors to transport radioactive waste in NRC approved shipping packages, it meets the requirements of 10 CFR 71, Subpart H. The Company assures that this service is procured from an organization with a QAP and if applicable, includes a NRG licensed transport system.* Loading, surveying, closure,

  • placarding, and inspections are conducted in accordance with written procedures and instructions.

Transport casks and trailers are inspected before release in accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) 49 CFR requirements.

Shipping manifests, including final radiation surveys, are completed and retained.

Radioactive waste shipments not meeting the requirements for NRG approved packaging, shall meet the requirements of DOT 49 CFR. Fire Protection 10 CFR 50 Appendix A, General Design Criteria (GDC) 3 requires that the-Company's nuclear facilities have an established fire protection program that provides fire protection features such that the adverse effect of fires on structures, systems and components important to safety is minimized.

The QAP established for these fire protection SSCs ensures that design, procurement, instruction, procedures; drawings, inspection, installation, testing, maintenance,*operations,*nonconforming Items, corrective action, records, audits an'd administrative controls meet the applicable Quality Assurance guidelines as described in the applicable edition of Branch Technical Position (BTP) *9.5-1 for each company site. Engineering determines what fire protection SSCs protect structures, systems, and components important to safety. Engineering also establishes the requirements for the design', procurement, fabrication, installation and/or modification of these fire protection SSCs. Routine testing of fire protection systems assures reliabiliti All other fire protection equipment and supplies will be of commercial quality, in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines.

Revision 86 AUGMENTED QUALITY APf>ENDIX A 2.4 2.5 ,.., , .. . ----------



_ *,' .. I ;. .** ** ' , .. _' . .Jhe, requirernents

__ of,ASM.E:Po.cte II, __ y, an,d IX shall be imposed as appiica!Jle forJIJe !repair. Pr alt_er:atlon ofjqb specific work scope. Repairs and alterations performed under the R Certificate Of * ; Atifndi-izMH:fr{shall rfit:jefth'e,:

requffements of the N¢w Jersey * *

  • 1 12:go and tne NMionay86ard:

1n*spection Code '*'

hotecfin Company; written procedures and *i'nsWG'Ctibns!':;'

  • ,-* : * ; -* * -* *. * * * .\ 1**()rn'R?f:fy equipment to
  • by* to CFR 50:63;:. Quality Assurance
  • Regulatory Guide *" * .

and : * *

  • 'a;t'er G,lassiffed('ii19J1:t*5afety related" in r pfbpUred as commercial items tO used inr ... -_: .... ;_.. . . 0 of Station . " ' ..

is maintained.

}):_ 2.6 2.6.1 ::* * ,. ; **


?PG 9AP ciccordance witH the * * ** ..

        • '"; ..... * ..
TR * * ,,._. -" ':-->>

B components 1n components are treated with augmented qualify tenets. . " ' .. *.,'.*:

J( .'.,. '".Ii .;*

I I by the * , ' .: . :.

4 until the ISFSI . . **:.;, .. ;* "l .. :

1** y.* , *

., .,

for Emergency

.. 'Pre':"'are**desci:ibed Tifaii-Emef' ehc**:'Plari'that meets the .}* .. ' '*: . *" ( 'J:\'J1' consideration . .

tor assessing

  • Page 3of 6 *and'hionif9'rjng of .a.

ta as identified per .: : , *, :

  • 1.-' '.:. .(**'
  • l *J i ' . *: ',' _; : l Revision.86.

AUGMENTED QUALITY APPENDIX A 2.8 2.9 2.10 Page 4 of 6 INPO 10-007, such as event classification instrumentation.

Security Requirements with respect to equipment and records for Security are controlled for each station by an NRC approved Station Security Plan that is prepared and implemented in accordance with the requirements contained in 10 CFR 73.55. Augmented quality requirements should be applied to items and services associated with Security Background

Ghecks, and Cyber Security Critical Digital Assets. Support Services When the Company procures support services from suppliers, it is in accordance with written procedures and instructions.

Although it is not necessary that these suppliers have a QAP approved by the Company, i.e., need not be on the approved suppliers list, they must provide a QAP that has the appropriate controls to address the regulatory aspects of the product or service they are

  • For support services associated with. radioiogical monitoring in the environment, suppliers should provide a copy of QAP that includes the necessary program elements of Revision 1 or 2 of Regulatory Guide 4.15, and should routinely provide data summaries sufficiently detailed to permit evaluation of their promam for services in areas such as: Meteorology Offsite Dose Calculation Radiological Environmental Monitoring Structures and Components Subject to an Aging Management Program for License Renewal For the period of extended operations associated with station license* renewal:
  • 1. The Com_pany implements the requirements of QATR Chapters 1 througfr 18'for safety-related structures and components subject to an aging management program. 2. The Company implements the administrative controls, corrective actions, and confirmation processes described in QATR Chapters 6, Document Control, and 16, Corrective Action, for related structures and components that are subject to an aging management program. Revision 86 AUGMENTED QUALITY APPENDIX.A

*---2.11 2.11.1 Regarding reliable Spent Fuel Pool at both and Hope Creek qenerating per NRC Order EA-12-05( ... (..

rr1r ! ....

.t . "Pt.*.;

! ,.:; .. , 1 : .. ';

level in ,. i ;: ,,_; ,

pppls .

nuclear facilities. . * ' . -. * * ..... '.

t :* \l J 1 ... -;.} **.!


! i . ;;*i:: .

.;::.* f/. . , ;

  • -.. i \* ** ;*; .-,

WUI be assigned :.1-'.*'

-.A*-1' ..




  • *. '-.: u , , _ .. , *'*.* augn;ienfed:


  • as apf:>foP.f"iatef;, Trfe requirements
  • -* -":'<q-* --

T J **

1":"* 1i'*', t -;


..* ijj;._'--;: *}* for tfie . . . . . .. .,, .. , >.,. . , . * . . _ , . . ...

r t-::i'1"'-


mpdific9tioq bf th Routine testing bf the Spent Fu'el Pool instri.imentati6ri-systems will assure reliability.

  • * .
  • "
r . .:; 1 ft'1 ... ;.( ....

\*1* .. r,-,-._ "iJ_/*1

.. , c" ' * :_, -*: 1 *\ 3.

assure .' i ' '.;,; i ' .. : .... I reliability r :**'*'*' :1*, , .. 11, and .. ,_" .. .

cond1t1ons . ... ::--:. ,, 1:>_ > . 1 . , , IT.ftt>:

desi n . I . ': .':


,*1,.'. . . g . . **---. ,::

-.,... ... *.



  • . -, '.* The HGVS.

valve is connected

  • to tne.firstisolati'On valve; * -. ** -*; * ' *tu:: ::_**:r, ,<;:, n

\ should be *'.J t * *<

following a , .. * -* : * *' * ,,:;: . i+-,;,



  • )rii* .. ,c* 0 -Aqaitiohally, ljCVS to meet the " .. ,;,.i :< r ;\ : :o ..

so that ** *. 1 _, _ _._. J;_;.' c'.' ,,.,j 1.x*:

systems. . :*I

f)Jr.i ;
.. : r i P}3
  • 1*'
  • .*1 c ... * ;; .. _,;
}: i . .-'":* ;:.:.-*--:J.

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_: '? * ..... _i .: **

1 : : * * ;

  • _ __,-0.t;.-

.. :

__ . ; r n::;.; ,::--, . , 1* * : .-** **Jtj J: * ' **** .... *l * .i..._.,. . ! ; :11 .'

  • Revision .86 .. . -. ! ;.*

AUGMENTED QUALITY APPENDIX A Page 6 of 6 2. Severe Accident Water Addition (SAWA) components including

  • instrumentation should, as minimum, nieet the quality design requirements of the plant, ensuring HCVS functionality.

-The connection point is designed to the' same quality requirement§

  • of the connected system up to the first isolation valve. -The SAWA piping system beyond the first isolation valve should meet the quality requirements of Order EA-13-109.

Portable equipment supporting both a FLEX function and a SAWA function should meet the limiting quality requirements of Order EA-12-049 and EA-13-109.

Portable equipment supporting a SAWA function only should meet the quality requirements of Order EA-13-109.


SAWA non-safety, permanently installed equipment and piping systems must be installed to meet the requirements of Order EA-13-109 and must be installed so that they do not degrade any existing safety-related systems. 3. Design quality requirements and supporting analysis documentation should be auditable, and controlled in accordance with the Company's records management and document control system. 4. HCVS equipment should be initially tested or have other reasonable.

means used to verify that its performance conforms to the design and operational

-Validation of source manufacturer quality is not required.

-The HCVS maintenance program should ensure that the HCVS equipment reliability is being achieved in a manner similar to that required for FLEX Standard industry templates (e.g., EPRI) and associated bases may be developed to define specific maintenance and testing. Revision 86

-. *: .. *. . . . -------AUDFr-'FREQBENG-¥---*-*

  • ___
  • __ . -* -___ :.:._ .* Aee.ENQIX 8 __ . f."":'.

.. -;** .":: : . .-: _;; ; ...*

.. --:.

(_ :' ,** :_;*f -l ntern\31 ,C!!Jd its bg .cq,rjpµ not to exceed 2 4 months or Chapter 18 of this OAP. Audits shall include the following safety.:.related areas* as* applicable:

  • i, -......
    • .. ;If.? . ;r '.i; , . b J.; *:. 1 .. '
  • c!:.!* .:: l .. *'t. . '< . **. *AOolt .. .,-* __ *. i l '-*. '""i::.
      • ;,-: ..*

--* '*** .2;::;'.7.




  • * .* .
  • a. The urnt the

_speq1ficat1ons and applicable license cond1t1ons:

  • -i.)\ !:: ......

., ...... .:.3





  • re. .

.. , : *;1 **:;\5 .. '".Lr . :. * ,,.\, , ** ** t_ .. FREQUENCY 24 Months 24 Months f. The fire equipment and program implementation, inqiuding of with the agministraJive controls arfrrimplerlientqtion of QA, criterl? as they apply to features and safe

'An inaepenqent fire 24 Months protection specialist meeting Society of Fire Protecti9h Engineer member grade (or equivalent) qualifications shall serve on the audit team. g. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) and its 24 Months results. _,

of 3 Reyh:;ion86 AUDIT FREQUENCY APPENDIX B h. The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) and implementing 24 Months procedures.

... i. The Process Control Program (PCP) and implementing procedures 24 Months for the solidification of radioactive wastes. j. The performance of activities required by the Company QAP for 24 Months effluent and non-radiological environmental monitoring.

k. Randomly selected procedures**

to ensure that the programmatic control processes used to assure that procedures are technicalfy and administratively correct prior to use are resulting in timely and accurate procedure revisions.

24 Months ** Includes a representative sample of "routine" plant procedures (as defined in section 13.5 of the Salem and Hope Creek UFSARs) that are used more frequently than every two years. L The Security Plan and implementing procedures (10CFR73.55(m) and 1 OCFR50.54(p

)(3)). (Audit frequency can be extended to 24 months if an independent assessment finds that there has been no 12 Months change to personnel, procedures, equipment, or facilities that potentially could have adversely affected this program in the first 12 months of the 24 month period.) m. The Emergency Plan and implementing procedures (10CFR50.54(t)). (Audit frequency can be extended to 24 months if an independent assessment finds that there has been no change to personnel, 12 Months procedures, equipment, or facilities that potentially could have adversely affected this program in the first 12 months of the 24 month period.) n. Independent review/assessment activities. (This audit can be 24 Months performed by, and when it is scoped into, the NIEP audit.) 0. The conformance of Independent Spent Fuel Storage lnstall.ation operation to provisions contained within the technical specifications and applicable license conditions and results of actions taken to 24 Months correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systems, components, or methods of operation affecting nuclear safety. (Reference NUREG/CR-6407 and 10CFR72, Subpart G.) Page 2of3 Revision 86

_:_:_Af>_PENOIX B p.-

  • A.n * 'f -independent individual who is knowledgeable of and practiced with mee'fing the'pertofmarice' objectives arid 'fequirerrfents of the access -....... :

program* or, ttie;:pr:ograrµ,

sA,alJ ?4 MontMs serve oh the audit team. (If the AA pJogr$,hJ:is*n_ot).JD.der;Jhe . . , 1 or observation..,of Co'mpany personnel, it must audited ori a norninaL1,2 month frE;lquency.)* .

i --_ __;_<)i __


  • :'--J<_i_

! .... ;:*

  • 1 <i-:1 .. * . .


-;:i_; *q. Personne(Access Data-System{PADS)

(-10CF-R7'3.56(n)). (If the PADS

__ -,, :--.. _., _ .2.4 _rylont_hs observation.of.Com ate*:** ersonnekitmusrbe auaifed'<<)h'a nom'inal '. *. w:*i':' 12

  • Y;P

'_" ___ ., ;} .. ,::: 1';, :*: ... , * *. *1 j :' ** ** ,,,. r. Station Black J* 1 r

' * ;1

-[:. *' . i .* <-f3 .: __ . _ ___ _ _ , :(-: i<:'.;';X

.... s :r:.

\ /' J.::tU s.

-** * ----* -------24-Months

  • . : . .-: f Q tiJ*: r t .. 1 1-i : ,... ,. :i *r . . . . . .

1 'l ) .... '7 }' '\ -' '

l't'1f !


.. , f

-,..i* . ;: . -:

1 u. Cy_ber * ::j_ ". ,

J 11, *
, ;2.: : .. 12 mhritns . ,
  • 44*=f\'1Pnths or faciliti$s that thi_s * °' .. ;1_ ;,:, ., ;_ ; the-first 12 months of the*24 month period:) ,i ,*_:j; .. .,,.f * * .*.* " --"'------__ .. -*-*-**-* *** -**-*-. -----
    • -r . -, **-* -. . .the.N:atiJ>baLBO.$r.9

__ ., 12 _Months lnspectiqn JN.a!G),.

_3, R<?paif$ and.Alterations

  • {NBIG . ,-:.;. ,..,-** ... i_;, .',

--. ;;*:* .*; * .. ;*,' .. i . -; *: .... Page3:of 3 Revision 86 CODES, STANDARDS AND GUIDES APPENDIXC 1 1.1 Page 1of10 SCOPE The QAP takes into account the need for special controls, processes, test equipment, tools, and skills necessary to attain the required quality and the need for the verification*

of quality by inspection and test. The codes and standards listed below represent a listing of quality assurance codes and standards used to define the quality assurance program. Codes and Standards A general listing of quality assurance related codes and standards, such as: ASME B&PV, ANSI, AWS, and IEEE used throughout the Company at each nuclear station can be found in the applicable statiqn_-specific Updated Final Analysis Report (UFSAR). The UFSAR should be referenced to identify station-specific commitments with respect to these codes and standards

.. This QAP complies with the quality requirements of the following codes and standards unless otherwise.noted in sub-section 1.3: -ANSl/ANS-3.1-1981, "Selection, Qualification and Training of Pe*rsonhel for Nuclear Power Plants." (Refer to Sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, item 1., of this Appendix for notes oh use.) -ANSl/ANS-N18.1-1971, "Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel." (Refer to Sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, item 1., of this Appendix for notes on use.) -ANSI N18.7-1976/ANS-3.2, "Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants." (Refer to Sub-sections 1.3.1, item 5., and 1.3.2, item 3., of this Appendix for notes on use.) -ANSl/ASME NQA-1-1994, "Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications."

  • Part I, "Basic Requirements and Supplementary Requirements for Nuclear Facilities" .
  • Part II, "Quality Assurance Requirement$

For Nuclear Facility Applications", and

  • Part III, "Nonmandatory Appendices," limited to Appendix 2A-1, "Nonmandatory Guidance on the Qualifications of Inspection and Test Personnel/

Appendix 2A-3, "Nonmandatoi-Y Guidance on the Education and Experience of Lead Auditors,"

-17 A-1, "Nonmandatory Guidance on Quality Assurance Records," and Appendix "Nonmandatory Guidance ori Audits." The Company complies with this rionmandatory guidance as long as it does not conflict with federal regulations or other required industry standards/guidance.


The qualificatio!l of Non-Destructive Examination (NOE) personnel can be in accordance with ANSl/ASNT CP-189 rather than through SNT-TC-1A as specified in NQA-1-1994 Supplement 28-2. Revision 86 CODES, -STANDARDS AND GUIDES . ;;_ APPENDIX C ---------------------

..... _ ..... __ .... .... ..

.. *'* ... 1.2 Regulatory Guides -: *

  • tne1.applitable
    • static!.in-specific lJ FSAR'shou Id-be referenced to identify Guides listed * *
  • 1 *
Tlie-oAP;.alsh corn plies wiJh*the tegulatory positions of the .


'pr9grainmatic quality .

  • reqUirem'ents Unless;'bthetWise:notedqn
'scifosectidn) 1*.3
1.8, "Personnel

<;::-.. :_.;_; *' . ,,;,',

for Nuclear : .: -' :-.. i :,


, 1 ** i 1 ,_ .* """"* *** 1.31.,.i'.'.B.Orifrol.:ofFe.rrite.CO.htenfin s,tainless:ste.-e1-we1d Material" : ... ; :...-* ;!-:".-, , .. : ': .

).!* *
  • I t_J i 1 )(}:

_)*:* ./ .. -1 .33, Page 2:of 10 Revisioh86 . , .. _. 'J .

CODES, STANDARDS AND GUIDES APPENDIXC 1.3.1 Page 3of10 Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS) 1. UFSAR, Conform9nce to Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 2, April 1987-: "Quali.fication and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants." HCGS complies with the Regulatory Guide 1.8 regulatory position for use of ANSl/ANS-3.1-1981 requirements for positions equivalent to shift supervisor, senior operator, licensed operator, and shift technical advisor,.

and for use of N18.1-1.971 for the training and qualification requirements for the remaining station positions identified in the standard, except as noted below. a. The management position responsible for operations shall either hold a Senior Reactor Operator License (SRO) or have held an SRO ljcense for a similar unit (BWR) or have been certified at an appropriate for equipment senior operator knowledge.

b. Licensed operator qualifications and training shall be in accordance with 1 OCFR55. c. The managemen*t position responsible for radiation protection shall meet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975. d. The management positions at the corporate and site level responsible for Nuclear Oversight and the management positions responsible for engineering that report to a management position responsible for engineering and technical support, which corresponds to the Engineer in Charge, must meet _or exceed the qualifications qf ANSI/ANS 3.1-1981.
e. Members of the on-site review committee shall meet or exceed the qualifications described in Section 4.7 of ANSI/ANS 3.1-1981. 2. UFSAR, Conformance to Regulatory Guide_ 1.26, Revision 3, February 1976: "Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water, Steam, and Radioactive Waste Containing Components of Nudear. Power Plants." HCGS complies with Regulatory Guide 1.26, with _the clarifications outlined below. a. The Company does the need for the assurance of the specified operation of certain non-safety-related structures, systems and components, such .as fire protection systems, radioactive waste treatment; handling and storage systems, and Seismic Category II/I items. Such assurance is documented through the specification of limited quality assurance programs (described in Table 3.2-1, footnotes 22, 50 and 52). In addition; items designated "R" in Table 3.2-1 will be included in the QA program during operations to the extent required by Regulatory Guide 1.143. Revision 86




APP-ENDIX C ; , ... ,; ...

.. :...._._,.:....._.l . ..:.+ :'":. __ . ..: ...... ,. ---

.. .. -_.,..:.-;


b. The exception to Position C.2.b is that since the reactor * * -

dq' not'peffcirm any-spfety'function and -**'si_rice:,fEJ:iiufe:'oHhe{reaetdrcbO!anf due to seal or cooling * -* * , -.: \i-ktef>>taHUre'd6es'-hof.ilavi3:

the -. *. ,., . . .-. :

  • and Reactor ..
  • water to the seal . .. ; * ' * * 'c601ers:are o::t) L*-*c : * , .. .. .... ./ -** ,:. ",' '. '*,.,. : : * :i *; .:

.... : r;


! . z-....

... . _,. ___ ,.,_, .. ,_.

1.26 requires -

fJ.mGtio11 oJ the sfaridtf' .diesel -e'rierators Grci'u. C. HCGS's .,._.-... , .. ,,,-______ y_ ...... ,,._g, ...... _, ____ ,.'"_,_ .... 1 ** ., ,_ .. --.. Y _ . P. * .-'. -,,-,r' (Hle'!Sell*g§'rierafd'fJcoSffn'ghwateFsystems 1 aredassified as Quality .-. *;* -piping_ (such . -,_ *J\


'" * * " ' *:

  • Jf /Jtl.


in sectiofi,ffoftlieRer:'u1al6'*:*:-_-GUiae 1 ra:rernot

.. covered b

  • this --" / *: :ic:; r QA programs and >, , .* >1 .: . *::, . , .. ):.


audits, t*;;<' ;.: ,.,-".-" ....


.;-t , *:::' >



devices. 1'*

and .. ,,..__ ' '*"*"' * * "

in and com onents


J: -,-.._*,

,_-.*_-_;ri: ,

to gesign, -__ __ . . *_. . .,.

inei:and its auxilia /'*.** '.'J. ,*'. . :! ** r: Page4.of10

  • _ *:Revision 86 -.. : ::,: ,-'

CODES, STANDARDS AND GUIDES APPENDIXC Page 5of10 e. NUREG-0737, Item ll.k.3.25 extends the requirements of Position C.2.b by requiring demonstration that the consequences stemming from a loss of cooling water to the reactor recirculation pump seal coolers is acceptable following a loss of power for at least 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. NED0-24951 (Reference 5.4-4) confirms that the HCGS design meets the requirements of NUREG-0737, Item ll.k.3.25.

3. UFSAR, Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.29, Revision 3, September 1978: "Seismic Design Classification." HCGS complies with Regulatpry Guide 1.29, subject to the exceptions and clarifications*

listed in the HCGS UFSAR. ' . 4. UFSAR, "Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.31, Revision 3, April 1978: Control Ferrite Content Stainless Steel Weld Metal." Although Revision 3 of Regulatory Guide 1.31 is not applicable to HCGS, per its implementation section, HOGS complies with it, subject to exceptions and clarifications listed in the HCGS UFSAR. 5. UFSAR, Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978: "Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)." NQA-1-1994 contains quality assurance requirements similar to those in the ANSI N45.2 series. The administrative control elements from ANSI N1'8.7 are included in this QATR. a. Regulatory Position C.1, the Company uses Appendix "A" of RO .1.33 as guidance in establfshing:

the types of procedures required for plant operation and support. b. Regulatory Position C.2 is no longer: considered valid, as the referenced standards and guidance have now been incorporated into ASME NQA-1-1994, or are specifically addressed in this QATR. c. Regulatory Position C;3 applies sinqe,the company uses independent review.* However, the ANSI N18.7-1976/ANS-3.2 subjects for independent review; includi,ng the paragraph 4.3.4 independent review items, such as Technical Specification changes, license amendments, arid Emergency Plan changes; the paragraph 4.5 independent review of audit reports; and the paragraph 5.2.11 independent review of SCAQs, shall be performed by the on-site review committee.

Review of these subjects by the off-site review committee is not required.

Additionally, the ANSI N18:7-1976/ANS-3.2 paragraph 4.3.2 guidance oh independent review committee composition, meeting frequency, quorum, and records are not required to be met. This criteria will be procedurally established by the Company as Revision 86

to and quality

...... ;:, ** !,*.:J,, .....


... * .. * .,


.. §. . . *. . ; .. . . . ',H I;,.* . ' ' : , * / ,i d::


C.4, the Company ., >';,,-..

.. l? i=JµqittopJQ.§'.!?P.P as described in . . . * *

  • Ar;ipen' *d1*x* * -"8"***0f*-th1*s*

Q. f\IR* *** ,,. .. * * . * *, .* *" ff,._ ... * .. *>, *' .

  • L * ',. "* **
  • 1.3' *i * ,* .-.. ":.'. '. ' ' "--' * : . : **e. \rfffiefa:*of'cdmpliahce C.5, the Company has appropriate.equiYC!!ent require,ments within this QATR. , * ! , .,...,l ttfo text "a summa <* '** 1' .;>


  • ry * * " *  : * ' '.** :. ')J to the a conso.1rdated

.; .** ,*::*.:::

.-* _ *

.. --:F_' ,.,; ,.,enables:'eleetron18:sorts*'amdJextsear:ches that serves to ,. . . . . . AcciGlent:EiY; ineerecr*Safef herei*c1eanu

  • s-stem ';: .. 1-icGs UFSAR. ., ' ui,;
  • '; :::: '.":

by D Gen e,rato rs.

  • Althou* ff Re* uratt?r ':,GtJide;.,1':137*:is:'n6Ka*:

-licable to HCGS er its .... : ., .. 9_ ......


  • * , 'p
  • irif Jertl'eritEjUbn::se5;3ti6h;:J:tGGS cbtil oit, sub*ect to exce tion

\;'.;' ':. * * , t

,-* '**1

-* *; ':r: _;! ":*'

1*; :-,;,c:.:,*;<.'

Guide 1.142, *;. .. :c *-"1*, * : . "' ..

Concrete Structures for ry_ '

  • . * .:; *


Vessels and . ,, '. 01.' ., ... * .

1 h1 not to _e\* ;il" l*" , f /1 ..-** ,,, * * *,... "f' , -i ' *,* t:-'r*:

Sec,ti6n 3.8.4, *; '" :*: .. * .. " . *.

Category I structures , * , * * . -:be,\de$igneCI*

as augmented by ,; ..


Seisnii<i,Category I structures are *. **. ,.

.. Qn .. ,. ,_. * * .. ".

of-10 CODES, STANDARDS AND GUIDES . APPENDIX C Page 7of10 a. A review of the design of the HCGS Seismic Category I structures indicates that there is no impact due to differences in the structural acceptance criteria between ACI 318-71 and ACI 349-76 as augmented by Regulatory Guide 1.142. See.Design Criteria Comparison Table 1.8-4. b. The ioad combinations used are in conformance with the following SRP sections except that the 0.9 load factor on dead load as required by ACI was not used: Structures SRP Section Primary Containment Internal Concrete Structures . Other Seismic Category Concrete Structures

c. Based on parametric analyses, an adequate design margin exists *to compensate for the effects of the reduced dead load factor. 9. UFSAR, Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.143, Revision .1, October 1979: "Design Guidance for Radioactive Waste Management Structures, and Components Installed in Light Power Plants." Although Regulatory Guide 1.143 is not applicable to HCGS, per its inip!ementation*

section, HCGS complies with it, subject to exceptions and clarifications listed in the HCGS UFSAR. 10. UFSAR, "Conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.120, Revision 1, November 1977: *Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants." HCGS complies with Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.120 with the exceptions discussed in the HCGS UFSAR. Since most of the guidelines in Regulatory Guide 1.120 have been incorporated in BTP CMEB 9.5,1, Revision 2, dated July 1981, the exceptions are only for those items that are not found in BTP CMEB 9.5.1, Revision 2. See Section 9.5.1 for an evaluation of SRP 9.5.1 and additional exceptions.

Also, see Appendix 9A for an evaluation of the HCGS design against the requirements of 1 OCFR50, Appendix R. 11. Applicable Section XI ASME Code Years and Addenda for the Hope Creek In Service Testing (IST) and In Service Inspection (ISi) Programs:

a. IST: OM Code -2001 with 2003 OMb Addenda b. ISi: 2001 Edition with 2003 Addenda Revision 86 CQOES,,STANDARDS AND GUIDES APPENDIXC 1.:3:2 *:.* .. "."'!': . ' -----

--* --*** ..

_* * .,

.. ." .........

  • f  : ... ' *:..'" *,r_ ., ,; , 1-; Regulatory.

Guide* :1 ;8, of Personnel for .' Nuclear.Pc)WerRlants(

.. AgrilJQ87.

Salem complies Hegu)gtoci:Gui.dE;}:1.1*


position for use of

  • AN$ II AN s:3;'a '." ri equ ival,ent to shift . . i; , J:* * *

.. for the tra1nmg and . *

.. station positions .

intbe stahdara:

ex,Cept. as*n,oted below.

operations shall either -.

license for a similar un!t (PWR) or have simulator for .-.. . . b. L1cel)::;ed operator shall be 1n --., ac.cordan*ce With, 106t=R55.

I ' ' en*,:*: *:'fr ;;! ;



Reg(Jlatory Guide 1.8, *.

  • ' u '), site level . "'l: -,:-. *1 .;;,* -;* '+r,,*ma , . r:esR.O * :"on,ena1(leenng and technical . '\ '" **


", :: '-, ' ( , * . .-; :*

.. *.:: ,;: :.J;* .. Charge! must * -::: 3;: <,. 1

.3.1-1 gs1 . * . ., -.r :: *'r,'.:..::-r.j"" {** 'Vc'

  • ., ,, l.!,.: .i., * ,-' .'

':. .. :*' :. I*", ,., e.-*Members of.the or;i;.:sifo review:cohilmittee.shall' meet or exceed I *" ... \ j .... ' *: -

> l

.* ** 1

! :d i*L.:;,*:.,:J


... *1* ,, .: *ti *.;;.

-,. r*.! . -.... ",.:--..... , 1 r"-*,***""'

  • .. lj,,,.ttfe,gUalifications'ldescrfo@dfo;Sectidfi?4;:Z of ANSI/ANS 3.1-.. ,. . ,. *

... 1

.. **

... : ..

i *: . . 1*----. r _.-.... -.... . . * .:Jr*1 B!.G **;r.,,.1* .

  • .* * *

brtent In S\ainless v . .-: :.*'.:*,:;{

  • .. i* ".: , :

Guide 1.31 , , .::. ,, *:; . ;-, i:. :'/"

in the SGS UFSAR. 'r:*'*** <.'. . ,, ,., .... i i.; -:Page 8-of: 1 O , . ..., ., . *,' *:. . ) ' ; . .. ,,-.,,-, ;_, ..* *: .* ,, ... \ ",

.. j Revision 86 *' : .

CODES, STANDARDS AND GUIDES APPENDIX C Page 9of10 3. Regulatory Guide 1.33, "Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation)." NQA-1-1994 contains quality assurance requirements similar to those in the ANSI N45.2 series. The administrative control elements from ANSI N18.7 are included in this QATR. -* ..... , " a. Regulatory Position C.1, the Company uses Appendix "A" of RG 1.33 as guidance in establishing the types of procedures required for plant operation and support. b. Regulatory P*osition C.2 is no longer considered valid, as the referenced standards and guidance have now been incorporated into ASME NQA-1-1994, or are specifically addressed in this QATR. c. Regulatory Position C;3 applies since the company uses independent review. However, the ANSI N18.7-1976/ANS-3.2 subjects for independent review; including the paragraph 4.3.4 independent review items, such as Technical Specification chariges, license amendments, and Emergency Plan changes; the paragraph 4.5 independent review of audit reports; and the paragraph

_5.2.11 independent review of SCAQs, shall be performed by the on-site review committee.

Review of these subjects by the off-site review committee is not required.

Additionally, the ANSI N18.7-1976/ANS-3.2 paragraph 4.3.2 guidance on independent revievy committee composition, meeting frequency, quorum, and records are not required to be met. This criteria will be established by the Company as needed to support

  • management expectations and quality requirements.
d. In lieu of compliance with Regulatory Position C.4, the Company establishes audit topics and frequencies as described in Appendix "B" of this QATR.
  • e. In lieu of compliance with Regulatory C.5, the Company has established appropriate equivalent requirements within this QATR. f. Regarding section 5.1 of ANSI N18.7-1976, the text "a summary document shall be complied by each owner organization to identify the sources, to index such source documents to the req.uirements of this Standard and to provide a consolidated base for description ofthe program", is being interpreted by the Company as an electronic database, i.e., the Document Control and .Records Management System (DCRMS), that contains all the.source documents required to implement the QAP and enables electronic sorts and text searches that serves to provide the consolidated base for description of the program. g. Regarding section 52.15 of ANSI N18.7-1976, third paragraph, the text "unusual incident" is interpreted tc:i mean "reportable incident." Revision 86





.. , . ff Rr Absorption UnitS Of Light:.waier::co-oled PJ'ants, " The Salem

_atmo?P.h.ere clean\Jp wfii.¢ti fall within *the scope of .. * * * * ** * ** * ..


  • *Primary, Systems:.
1. Cooler Units __ ;

. _,_,;::,!:'...-i

  • ,;..., .1

.. ,, * , :

Unit .: *;:;*:<! ***\)t:


.... * " -':*'"*

,,.* .. ;1" .. ,1<.:.u;.

.. ,:,..., ::: .*.:; 3 ..

Exhaust Units , -'-* ,., ---\.. . ' , I_ ***"¥*" . .. * . *_.

  • __ ,-,-. . All of these the regulatory guide in . . . ,; , . :' *,. *.

areas?wfiere,.cil!ie?sY,sterns are at variance with ** ,. . :; * .. * **

in the sGs* uFSAR. *** * *** *-.;._. **s'.' i 1

tor standb

  • Diesel "" *.* *.* , *. .1:; :.:

i: subject to ... * *' * * * ) * * * ' * ""\rerifie"atib\T the fuel oil -*.*' .*1'...:-. . :-. ;..-.,.. . ,; f:*,r.,-*;-,".:/*t:

tt1 , . . . . .., . 5. esig*:* n*atecr witH 1 * .,.i'



.... -_;"',,.1w<,l,_.,,,1,' * ** _ *. L ::'. ; ,.*

  • i*,.;
    • :,.;i

.. :. _: .*

d_es1gn m:eets the. intent*0f

.,Augmented quall.ty . a's§G'radBe' fo . ensU re' tfi'at the , _ _,**,1*; .



  • ' ., . ., ..

.*'!Guide is maintained.

  • 1 '**': * * *' .-. *;
  • .... .. . ... . .7.


.. APCSff 9\5:'" t-.Appendix A "Guidelines 1 *::*. i., ,I ,! .. ! j <_i:j:':'\'J*.ll'.


j \;,}


'/ l *' * .... , ... *****"

Docketed Prior to July ii';* .:i *-:* -. ,r._ . . . ,j ** ;**:*:: :**'.',

.. . v >; *t ;: .. :'l' . : ' :*:

of Section c APC$B 9.s-1. :* .... *-. . ., . :* .. * **1** ** :_ *: 1 _,".*::\


for the Salem * ** . * ,, ...... .. (ISi) Programs:

  • ' :,

Addenda * . *.i .: J .. ; t:* .'1 *


.*1: 1



i . ., , J*i]O; i *i,.JSJ*1r.;


Un1t1.,and Urnt 2) _.I, -'1* '-_ ... ":--,."\ ......


  • . .1 ....


.. . . * :*G:* , :<<Botitainment ISie; Y: 2Q.04)Sdition*(Bot1J Unit 1 & Unit 2) ; ;: Page 1o.*of1 o Hevision 86 DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 1 SCOPE 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Page 1of20 This Appendix consists of definitions for words or phrases found in the QAP and provide a common basis for understanding those words or phrases that may have a different meaning when used elsewhere.

All words and phrases are subject to review and revision, as circumstances require. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Approval Approval as used herein means by signature or initialing and date by an authorized individual.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections I, IV, VIII, & XI Refers to ASME Section I -Power Boilers,Section IV -Heating Boilers,Section VIII -Pressure Vessels, and Section XI -Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Ill, Division 1 and Division 2 for Concrete Containment Refers to ASME Section Ill, Division 1 and Division 2 for Concrete Contafnment; ASM.E Section Ill; ASME Code; ASME; or Code. Audit A planned and documented activity performed to determine by investigation, examination, or evaluation of objective evidence the adequacy of and compliance with established procedures, instructions, drawings, and other applicable documents, and the of implementation.

An audit should not be confused with surveillance or inspection activities performed for the sole purpose of process control or product acceptance.

Audit Team Leader An individual who meets the certification requirements of Lead Auditor per NQA-1 (or equivalent), and thus is qualified to pian, perform and direct an audit, report findings, and evaluate corrective actions. An Audit Team Leader (ATL) is appointed to lead all audit activities.

Auditor An individual qualified and authorized to perform any portion of an audit through the examination of quality assurance practices and verification of whether requirements are being met, including Audit Team Leaders, technical specialists, and others such as training and management representatives who have no direct responsibility for the area they are to audit. Revision 86

.. APPENDIX:D 2.7 ': -* 2.8 .* : " ' \ ,._!: Augmented Quality *.

_to or services for ,

commitment, . 1-qrJpr*

to be .

.. r:e t.§li_?l?,iUty.

,, .. ,.;.,. ,, . .

  • Inspector .


("\;_ . t

'1 *r* * --


_. . .. Authorized (ANI). An of an , ... ... _ .* . -. '* . *' -. . * .... _ .. , -

... 1,,.-_,.,,.f"i; . '* " Authcfrized Inspection Agency (AIA) who has quEilifications for and has -**_*

  • properly accredited,for Division -tor Qivision,2

.. . . . **. -.. .

c *.! *
.. * 'j" * * :

empl,oyee of an ,* *. ,,_ **** '.-:-1 ,. *, >


accredited for . A$ME$,¢'6Hqrtx1f

'H 7 it'/i
:*,;;i*' . ".; ;( ;
2:10 'i(J'.:;

.. * **** '1. *:*b ;,*)(),. * .. ._.. , *** 1 ,,... ' . , ':c

aft\tn'ere0Hhecessa . to assure .* .. \ ,.,, .,..., ** ,. * * , , *.

  • 1 ... <

.. 1.e*' :.-*:11**'->

'r * *\,-,*.{*";'.*

8.c:.,i _!-:.*'1.' '.'" *"i,:'

r* <\


  • ry __ ,
  • 1 * ** * *; * ** ,, ; , * *' "* *
  • refss'i'.iteA3'¢>Jfnda , (2) the
  • a ;afe shutdown 99ndition, or (3) the . . ofac¢idents which .could ex osures '*** ' .. * ...

f Th.e tbtal of dr:awings; specifi.PC?tidJ1s*,

quality and otherrequirenients tHaJ describes the task or:i.'.wh)g@_a prospective*._.

, .. , ji;:-<:

>,1-.,:c;i" ;i:;*_,,.

_, 2.13'*:*;

* *
  • 1 ..
"' -,
* *.,_,


.. ::J:r;;1 ,:if* .. :,.*i 1 * , ... }:J.\.-meth6d--of

  • asstiriiigi accuracy 9f:gauges and used for rrfe'asutlng and'testing'bY comparing with recognized standards. . ; .. *, .. 1-:: .. * ... P:ager2 of 20 * .Revision 86 ! . . (/

"DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.14 Certificate of Compliance/Conformance (CoC) 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 , 2.21 Page 3 of 20 A document signed or otherwise authenticated by an authorized individual .certifying the degree to which items or serv.ices meet specified requirements, such as those in purchasing requisitions.

Certified Personnel Personnelwho have passed a formal training program and a formal test for special processes such as welding, plating and nondestructive testing. Certified Standards Standards of measurement whose accuracy can be traced to standards*

at the National Institute of Standards and Technology or. established standards.

Certified Material Test Report A document attesting that material is in accordance with specified requirements including the actual results of all required chemical analyses, tests and examinations.

  • Change Order A formal award to a vendor or contractor covering revision( s) to the original Purchase Order or Change Order, involving but not limited*to quantity, technical requirements, quality assurance requirements or scope of work. Characteristic Any property or attribute df an item, processor service that is distinct, describable and measurable, as conforming or nonconforming to speCified quality requirements.

Quality characteristics are generally identified in specifications and drawings, which describe the item, . process or service. Code A recognized standard for using or processing materials, or for the skill involved' in use or processing.

See ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel* Code, Section Ill or Section XI, whichever is applicable.

Cognizant Engineer The engineer assigned a specific task or area of responsibility in the design or testing of a component or system. Revision 86 2.22 . . , .. , *!_-' *1;* Commercial grade items that are intended for safety-related end use .

per 10C.F13-2j) are required to is; a pfoCess that identifies . *: ',( (-:'* 1 "* ; ! ( '*," f'"'** ;-I 'ft_,.., *** * *;, *f :*-f* "'"1,

'*-1*_;:-:il '****

.. * * '* . -t*,-;:: .. ; "' *, -* * * *

  • me item's**critical'*characterist1cs thatmust be provide reasonable assurance .the item its safety funGtio_n.
  • * ** * ' ' " t
  • l ..... "' .* ".' * .

1:"* .'r* '! . *\,,_, :_,. :*;, '. ,

requir.ern.eots unique to nu dear facilities; other than nudear facilities; arid was from** the rilanufadurer/supplier on th_e basis set forth, publishecd

      • .-
  • _,:: .. re .

2.24** .. *._. * "* *** .. ..

... n*.**.'*t*

... *,* ... ,.:_._* ... ii* .... :. >_*_, '._ .. ,._'.' 1*,* ., ... ., ' .. * * *

  • I ' o' * * ."
  • F ' ( ) ' I : *j l '. .;:.. {_\ .-rt' ;:.\:,

' *, . -...* -. . _ . ,::.:__L


ASME Code items suc:h as concrete containments, piping

pdrnps, storage

.:.'. which*W.ilJbE.tGombiried'.Y\tith con;ipoheiits f6 form an assembly or

  • *.* ,
  • . An


'iro; 'riate) to an item for

.* . au *,() j: ,:* :*, . :i_.

failures, malfuhctio'hs,

  • 2.27 Construction


  • ';J ..

and accept a . .' . ower:: 'eneratin



It can also 1 *. : G ;* *' 1 t

,::i-:; l, (h Lt** : . . . . .

  • * * * '. ;'.,: *"i * ...
i:*c: < .**** * *** .,.

'analog , _ ... , *. **



.... v ... *.. )i.:j.f\-,..!zi!*

  • . . contfol a digital system. Tli1s definitiqi:i appHes unless
  • _ * ,.., .... : . ** * ,..... *


relating . ,::, ..

  • inspection and ,

of items.

'ill oiv .. 2) operations required to buiid the coinponenl'ahd

its"part:s::lfi"t§e<iordance with the . , , De$ign wrich have been prepared:
, ... : , *, . "' . .*** .Page4of20 86 I" .c,-

DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.28 Contract (including purchase order) 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 Page 5 of 20 A binding agreement between two or more persons or companies.


    • **
  • Any organization under contract for furnishing items or services.

It inclutjes the terms.vendor, supplier, subcontractor, fabricator and tier levels of these where appropriate.

A "Code" contractor is a contractor holding a valid ASME Section Ill Certificate of Authorization.

Corrective Action Measures taken to rectify conditions adverse to quality, and, where necessary, to preclude repetition.

Critical Characteristics Those important design, material, and performance characteristics of a commercial grade item that, once verified, will provide reasonable assurance that the item will perform its intended safety function.

Dedication An acceptance*

process to provide reasonable assurance that a Commercial Grade Item used as a basic component will perform its intended safety function.

and, in this respect, is deemed equivalent . to an item designed and manufactured under a 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Program. Department When a responsibility is given to a department in this Manual it is meant that the department head has the responsibility.

Design Change Ariy change in design that may affect functional requirements, operating conditions, safety-, regulatory-, reliability-, and ASME related requirements, performance objectives, plant reliability or design life and would require that affected documentation be changed. Deslg_n ControllS.

Methods for assuring that basic design requirements are formalized and translated into design documents with proper review to assure the scheduled release of a valid design. Revision 86

.APPENDIX D 2.36 Design Criteria, Stcite111ents of the form, function and interface requirements within well

  • * * * -* ,. *,: *: * * ,, , 2.37 Design Requirements
  • conditions, **

objeCtives,, d'esigh \margins and design ."tl t:",* J°J',J ..\

  • 1L,'i*-'*


f t . *'*,,.*! .*.:* . '". liU('.:Jr;i91Uded fdh>i:z;e, weight, ruggedness, ., .


.. environments, safety margins and r;5. 2.38. '- . ';,


/*: ci 2.40 2.41 An analysis of interface control, inspectability, maintainabiiity,'and cqnf,or:rnan,ce to applicable . * . . . *

.* :1*,.....,,p:.:

}!"*!] *.'i;'**'* . * * :.

  • codes, standards, regulations desi'grv<<irifefia:.;

' _, . * .. . . Destructive Test . *:,' ':1:. '..:

rri$t$rialor,1the behavior of an ';_

pie or item. Deviation

  • : 1 *. , ** :->-" -1'h\;:qpq_cqofqp;nance.

-:qepart1:m3 qf specified

'. .


. . i .. *.. . ' >' ! Any written or pictorial information specifying, reporting or certifying activities, reqf.Hrl3rHlrntsi

'procedures or results . ; *;, Page 6 of 20 -Revision 86 DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.43 Dry Cask Storage System 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 Page 7 of 20 A physical system, either a cask or canister in its shielding overpack, which holds the spent fuel from a nuclear reactor and is considered a component of the ISFSI. The system is licensed by the NRC and is operated and maintained in accordance with the NRC issued Certificate of Conformance and approved Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). ' ' . Examination Specific actions by qualified personnel using qualified procedures to verify that items and fabrication processes are in conformance with specified requirements.

This term, when used in conjunction with qualification of personnel to perform quality-related activities shall mean a written examination.

Fabricator An organization involved in the manufacture of equipment.

For ASME Se.ction Ill Division 2, the fabricator is an NPT Certificate Holder. Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) A finalization of the preliminary safety analysis report prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission prior to issuance of an operating license. Flow Chart A representation of the sequence of activities such as procurement, fabrication, processing, assembly, inspection and test, or the sequence of individual operations within one or more of those functions.

Hold Point A designated stopping place during or following a specific activity at which inspection or examination is required (usually to verify an important quality function such as foreign material exclusion) before further work can be performed.

Hold points can be performed by either job or independent inspectors as identified in associated procedures or work instructbris'.

lns*pection Hold Point (IHP) These are similar in nature to a hold point. .IHPs should be performed by individuals who have remained independent of the activity being inspected.

Typically independent quality verification inspectors perform IHPs as prescribed in associated procedures or work instructions.

Revision 86

  • Pt;flNIJIONS .APP.l:NOl)J D 2.50 Important To Safety .*, '... .

'*: . . " Page;s of 20 DEFINITIONS APPENDIX"D 2.55 In-Service Inspection 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 Page 9 of 20 A mandatory program of examinations, testing, inspections and control . of repairs and replacements to ensure adequate safety in.maintaining the nuclear power plant and to return the plant tci service in a safe and expeditious manner. Inspection

' A phase of quality verification that, by means of examination, observation or measurement, determines the conformance of materials, supplies, components, parts, appurtenances, systems, processes or structures to predetermined quality requirements.

Interface When two or more*organizations have responsibilities for accomplishing an activity, the functional relationship that one '?rganization has to the others in completing the activity is called "interface" relation.

One example of interface is when on organization must perform a step, which is a prerequisite to another organization accomplishing*

its function.

Interface can also rnean that several organizations accomplishing similar activities are under the coordination control of one organization.

Interface control* Consideration that components and structures are geometrically and functionallypompatible and those materials are compatible with both process and environment.

  • Item Any level of unit assembly, including structure, system, subsystem, subassembly, component, part or material.

When ASME Code items are referenced, this mean.s products cc>'nstructed under a certificate of authorization and material.

Jurisdictional Boundaries The physical limits of an ASME Code item, which are identified to determine the applicability of ASME Code rules for that item. Revision 86 2.61 Lifetime Record ... *:. 2.64 Mater:ial o' :-,,,.,i*'tiJ**.,_:.;

... ; .* .*.

  • -.. * ..

t s as.machine i' :'I .!

cern ent.) ry' Page *1 O of 20 When ASME Code material is this refers to metallic materials manufactured to.'a SA, SB, or SFA Specification or any other material speCificatibn permitted by Section Ill ot:fhe AsrvfE _Code. For Division 2, this refers to metallic as\iveil as to rfonmetalilc materials, conforming to the spetifications permitted in Section Ill of the ASME Code. . .'Revision 86 .. -; :::1 f : **.* . .

DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.65 Material Supplier 2.66 2.67 2.68 An* organization supplies material produced and certified by Material Manufacturers, but does not perform any operations that affect the material except when agreed upon by the Certificate Holder who uses the material in ASME Code construction or when so authorized by a Quality.System Certificate (Materials).

The Material Supplier may perform and certify the results of tests, examinations, repairs, or treatments required by the material specification that were not performed by the Material Manufacturer.

Measuring and Test Equipment (M& TE) Equipment used to quantitatively generate or measure physical or electrical parameters with a known degree of accuracy for the purpose of calibration, inspection, test, or repair of plant mechanical, electrical, or instrument control equipment.

Modification A change to an item made necessary by, or resulting in, a change in design requirements.

A planned change in plant design or operi;ition and accomplished in accordance with the requirements and limitation of applicable codes, standards, specifications, licenses and predetermined safety restrictions.

National Standards Standards maintained at or issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or other institutions, and the values for natural physical constants and conversion factors recommended by NIST. 2.69 NOE Administrator Chief Level Ill (NOE) for the Company. 2.70 Non-compliance A failure to comply with a regulatory requirement.

Page 11 of 20 Revision 86

* -__ -[)l;_El_Nll'.IQNS-------.--.APPENDIXD 2.71 Non conformance A h6nE:o'rifor"mance is' a deficiency-in characteristic, documentation, or *

  • the.q(Jality system, or component
  • 1: * ' "" --

Sor:ne examples of * *

  • nonG:qhfQrliiiog cond_itiohsJnclude the following:


i, *:* ; * -n":*;: , :. . ._ * ,o:A$.:'builteg0iprne1;1t,;-rriodified.

equipmerit, .. does not meet . ' ' ,.. : .. *_,;._;*,,:;,

  • or test* --. (
  • Physicardefeets. . . .. : ......


: . , '." * -.. * :

codes or standards

\h,§ 1_Y.F::8.1\B..igr; documents.

2.72 Record

._ , .:,.

f does Progt;:i'in Facilities. ,,, . As'ME: secHorf n 1.

  • Nofir:."+0 i§\-§*$2'ffiBam§afW'

'the AsM t:. ci5aE1: *:"

  • 1{Jr


/:!. .. * * ..

  • *
    • t\:t-';,-.;

1* *1 bn*b ;:*.

. v*,;:),:, *


2.75 .Page; 12 of 20 Assurance that the health and the er\'vironment are agaifisfr,?dioactivlty' o'riginating from the nuclear fLiel or special' nuclear

(!-;_::_:_ . . .. *. '

l.(;J Nuclear Steam.Supply System (NSSS) . -. . . That portiqn of the nuGJear steam from main coolant and steam generation systems, fuel hc;mdhng equipment, emergency core cooling system* and other safeguards, associated

electrical equipment, instrumentation, spent fuel handling and radioactive waste disposal system. Revision 86 .*:;";-::**

DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.76 Objective Evidence 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 Page 13 of 20 Any documented statement of fact, other information or record, either quantitative or qualitative, pertaining to the quality of an item or activity, based on direct observations, measurements or tests that can be verified.

Independent Review Independent review is the review and investigative function required by plant technical specifications and/or safety analysis reports. Independent review requirements at PSEG Nuclear are Sf,:ltisfied by a combination of the on-site review committee and Nuclear Oversight independent review activities. (Not used) Operable/Operability.

A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall be operable or have operabilitywhen it is .capable of performing its specified function(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its functiqn(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).

NOTE: Licensed operators determine safe operation of the plant. Operational Tests Tests that are performed during the operations of the plant to verify continued satisfactory performance of safety-related structures, systems and components.

  • Revision 86



.. ----_.-.. , __ -,_ .--*-* * ... *---*--------*----.,---.



_ 2.81 'i.: ***. *?t'.oi'.:, ,. *.. -* Personnel Access Data Systerri' (PADS) . * ;

i -'<::* , *

  • _* .. r1*:1r(,..:i:


.. ::.*) :,,: 1_*;._ . * . _,._ . ;

qsed by the .. '** aam*E3stic'commerciar'n'uciea.f' Bwerr':rnd'usr*

snare information

m; a'ccess to nuclear power plants. -This-system is.'interi'aed to meet regulatoryreqµ_irer:nents mandating tlJat certain* information be .... ... -. , --*-****;.--

... _ . \.

to p6vver re9,ctor bY'f'etaifi'iii'g' certain access *

... , ... *.

1' *' '* * '** *: ::.

inc1uaing/cc5'Qiputer:_p9ints used in

  • surveiilances. . -{ :,), ;: .. *;.
2.83 Safety Analysis Report (PSAR)

Re 'Lilato'**


  • i-idr:tqJssUance".oflhii site'con*struction that and fhsfalratic5h are co}nplete 'to verify desigh and SYSt8rtl 1.flihCtlO_n'.S*. .
  • ,., 2. g.51 .; **


.. :: .. 1


  • if.

S:iocuh)eht an activity is to be It rnay includermetllooi;>'to be*emplbYed, equipment or materials to be used, acce#t/reject eriteiia and sequence of operations.

2.86 Proprietary Designs Designs engineered, produced arid sold by manufacturers in . accordance with their criteria and warranty.

DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.87 Purchase Requisition 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 Page 15 of 20 The basic document describing a material, component or service that is converted into a purchase order for procurements.*

Quality Assurance All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that an item or a facility will perform satisfactorily in service. For the ASME Code, Quality Assurance comprises all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that all items designed and constructed are in with the applicable ASME Code. Quality Assurance Program (QAP) The Quality Assurance Program is the method for complying with the provisions of 1 OCFR50 Appendix B for nuclear power plant systems, structures, and components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulateq accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public. The Quality Assurance Program is defined in the Quality Assurance Topical Report and implementing procedures.

Quality Assurance Topical Report (QATR) A NRC approved regulatory document that describes quality assurance program elements for the operational phase of nuclear power plants. This term is synonymous with Quality Assurance Program Description (QAPD), Operation Quality Assurance Program (OQAP), and Quality Assurance Manual (QA,M). Quality Control See Quality Verification.

Quality-Related Activities which influence quality of safety-related items or work related to those systems, structures and components as identified in the station UFSAR, Section 3.2, including training, designing, purchasing, fabricating, handling, shipping, storing, cleaning, preserving, erecting, installing, inspecting, testing, operating, maintaining, repairing, refueling, or modifying.

Quality Verification Those quality assurance examinations and actions that provide a means to control and measure the characteristics of an item, process or facility to determine or establish conformance to acceptance standards and specified requirements.



__ -----------'-R:e'ceipt inspection*

2.94 .. An ,which are in .satisfactory condition, . . ' *'*-**}' ,f--_.1' :**

and. that required docufoe.hfafi6il'accurately retleets*tneiteril(s) received.

Visual and physical in?pection will be

!o determine the acceptability of the item(s). * * *

,,p {":,


2:95' ,

,:;r," £. *1;-,' *1-u .. r *. :c<<!. .:1*"' ....... . ,,i.** .c.*, .. :r, ** .q,.

  • Furnishes with regulations or requirements.
  • Is


2.96 .. , ...

  • _ Re'* r RPE :.*:. u"\ * *

'";:,*0/\su .**" . . . .

  • sate1*'is

"""y,,c, c6mplieswi_th ASME , ... }.:,, * . r t.Ci:'i'.*.

,)flj**i f .._., J .. :i;=;,. 1 C

    • ,2 Request For

_ i:.-...

  • .Y) f 'L8
_; 2 .. 98 mage,to,_sqpp!iers or contractors to bid on a specific task for SU 0MSOffi or **:' 1' ., ... , 1 gervices and
  • 6 of 20
  • delinei.ates the specificati6ns;(appllci3!5l¥ 1 cQ'ogs and standards, as wei1 as,* any is the basis;gf ,.,, initiating a.Purchase Requisition:
  • .. * . :.--1 :.
-; . -i *.
:.** . , .. -*.' _-1 DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.100 Rework 2.101 2.102 2.103 2.104 2.105 Page 17 of 20 The process by which a nonconforming item is made to conform to a prior specified requirement by completion, re-machining, and assembling using previously approved procedural requirements. (For ASME Section Ill, rework is same as repair.) Safety-Related . Structures, systems, components (SSC's), procedures and controls that are relied upon to remain functional during and following design basis events to ensure the integrity cif the reactor coolant pressure boundary; the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential offsite exposures to members of the public. Seismic Classification Plant structures, systems and components important to safety which are designed to withstand the effects of a safe shutdown earthquake and remain function a.I. if they are necessary to assure: The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, or The capability to shutdown the reactor and maintain it in a safe condition, or The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents, which could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to the guideline exposures of 10CFR100.

Significant Condition Adverse to Quality A significant condition adverse to quality is one which, if uncorrected, could have a serious effect on safety or operability.

Source Inspection Inspection carried out at a vendor's plant prior to shipment of purchased items.* Special Process A process, the results of which are highly dependent on the control of the process or skill of the operator, or both, and in which the specified quality cannot be readily determined by inspection or test of the product. Revision 86 2.106 ***. ; r i* : APf>l:NP.IX:.D Specification .A concise se,t gf;r.equirement?:to:l;>.e

.. .PY c:i p,roduct, material or

_fiJsq, procedure by .*which* '' if*

are satisfied.

,. , .... 2.107

., * *"' 'ii * ":*:* :. *>:., r* * ... , 1. '.C::} ,. -***,, _,.
  • .> ) .-'.-, Is where infbiJn,ation,is as.sembled that is.'6a'paiJler'offully describihg 1 an *: *1 * * ,-** * * '-", .

Supporting facts . 1

  • __

of ' ,, . '. .. :

completed quality :::, ::-}

,/t.: ....


  • T . , seY.$tal level. plateaus to 100%" power.
  • 2:1'1.i!::b,;;
  • t9,,rm of stopping . . . . . . .. * . . . ' . . * .. "



...... * ... *J .... -qi/,-.; .. >:' . .:* . . . . .;t.,<1-A".11:$JWiJTi'P9sea 3 b"y?a "66' aiaeHartment or genera1 :;'.7 *:: 1

... f. r-L' *, ,

/\. :

Nos personnel.


.. i ..

. ;ci /1 ..

or activity 2.111 conforms tq Cln*examinat1on of m'ci1niJtaCturing' and of

  • ..

A do.ct.imented evaluatlOn of an organization's abilitY, to perform activities as verified by a determination of the adequacy of the organization's quality program and by a review of the implementation . * *Revision 86 ; _1;.:;_ ** -..

of that program at the location of work. DEFINITIONS APPENDIX D 2.113 Technical Review (non-conforming item) 2.114 2.115 2.116 2.117 2.118 2.119 Page 19 of 20 A determination as to whether a nonconforming item will be accepted "as-is", reworked, repaired to acceptable condition or rejected.

  • * ** Technical Specification The design and performance criteria and operating limits and principles of an operating license to be observed during initial fuel loading, critical testing, start-up, power operations, refueling and maintenance
  • operations.

Test Determination of the physical and functional properties of an item by subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, environmental or operating conditions.

  • Test Plan An outline, narrative description or flow diagram indicating the tests to be performed, the methods to be used and the points in the process where they are to be executed.

It may be in the form of a test procedure.

Traceability The ability to trace the history, application, or location of an item or like items or activities by means of recorded identification.

UFSAR Abbreviation for the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, which is the document submitted by the Company to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with 10CFR50.71.

Use-As-ls A disposition which may be imposed for*a nonconformance when it can be established that the discrepancy will result in no adverse conditions to safety and that the item under consideration will continue to meet all engineering functional requirements including performance, maintainability, fit and safety. Revision 86



._* _________

..... ____ .. APPENDIX D 2.120 Variation:; . .,.*' , .. , . . . A nonconformance.

Departure of a characteristic from specified

_,,,, .. * ... ;

.. : . . .. : ..... , ... ,,,.:'.":

.-.,. '. .. c 2.121 Verification

-** ,,* .. * .. :;i.;.;_




testing; checking, *auditing, or ., ' -, .. ' .... r '<oth*erwise*determining

  • and *documentihg*wbether items, processes, '.,:. '-.

Two '1 *:,

follows: ..

1l .. *= :_1 Concurrent Verification is also known as "apart-in-action" because the vefrificatio.11 is

clone concurre.t.itly as the implemente¢\

'.: * .. ,, c: -** '*.

verif.y the ..

  • actiofo(C:6ncurreb"tl "art'fr6rrf eacff.otner:as'-tne eiform the '. .. : '", ;c* :**j'f; 1 ,,1 IJ'.".);

.. !'.

'tt 't,,e.!.,)



t;.:.? Y. p -.

-Goiic'urrent verification shoulcf oe."used.'foi'.

ariy 'action that if performed in-Correctly,*

could to personnel activfty that) .... '"* *. * *. ):*** .. *******:**...

  • -::, ,., .. ,. . : *. . * ""'* ,, :. *}. .tt."Ji :;: .*: .....* }'*e* (..! .,. * *:, .. * .* . . " _ _ ..

aftei"'§ . ,, .. . , . . .. )

  • i111por:t?ot to but would '**

,,,,.,* .*.* . In a sequential:

operation, a notification to the G.qn1pany, or its authorized agent, a phase of work is cjidoilihMA:M reached, so that : .* .; ; : ; .. -*1-. ';

  • to verify ,::.r*:.:-:.1i'1'


may be ,i,, '9" '  ;:',:>.

of monitoring the 2.123 *,Rage 20 of 20 Work Instructions . Actions to be completed by personnel while they are performing specific*.

tasks in areas such as material controls and identification and fabrication, installation, or maintenance of equipment.


APPENDIX E 1 2 2.1 2.1.1 Page 1of4 SCOPE 1 OCFR50 Appendix B requires a quality assurance program be established in writing and executed for activities affecting the related function of designated structures, systems and components to an extent consistent with their importance to safety. REQUIREMENTS Hope Creek G.enerating Station (HCGS) Items on the HCGS Q'-List, and the DCSS I ISFSI Category A, B, and C SSCs, are subject to the applicable controls of this QAP. HCGS Q-List a. Activities and Services:

1. Safety-related activities delineated in Regulatory Guide 1.33, Appendix A (see Regulatory Guide for further breakdown of activities).

Procedures that govern important to safety activities have a "Q" suffix added to the end of the procedure number and/or have a "Q" quality code in the document control arid records management system. Procedures associated with 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 activities should use an "F" or "R" quality code respectively.

2. Other safety-related activities, such as design control, procurement, and audits; which satisfy* the requi'rements of the operational QAP as described in this manual. 3. Modifications to Site Gradi'ng.
b. Structures, Systems, and Components:
1. Seismic Category I and other structures, systems, and components as indicated to have QA requirements in Table 3.2-1 of the HCGS UFSAR. 2. Seismic WI designation*

('meaning those portions of SSCs whose continued function is not required but whose failure could reduce the functioning of any Seismic Cat(3gory I plant feature to an unacceptable safety level) is incorporated on the following design document types: Drawings -Area drawings Concrete unit masonry details Control roqm-ceiling layouts . Floor plans . Heating & ventilation duct layout Miscellaneous steel drawings Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID's) System isometrics Revision 86

.. SlJRP.Ll=MENTAL APPLICATl.ON.S(S.TATION SP;EClflG) . . ..:;. 2;1.2 .. Indices -** Equipment index .. .-' , , .... -.:Spetifieatiqb?:

... *.::-. ... :*;.*;,<" ... :*.1 *

  • 2;"' * . ,-: * .. * : .* , ,

vessel*(RRV) and drywell piping equipment . . .

),_ l:;' :'.;:};

t ("'::.

f* -The-Seismic)Llli9


lngicesis p[ the detairot tne::erocu""h1'ent;;-a§.oece-S$a:cy;,tcfdeti1Jff;'ai*.1tems/bouridai"ies

.. :.A _

Qt ..

that " * * **

oflfleseismlc wt oiX"IJfo§ram:" * * * *-* '* ()

c 1* '}:jfJ.f -; : ... . The Seismic"tl!I'identifjcatiori on spe<::ifications consists of adding a "Q" suffix to the speCification number. ' .L::"i .. ) J;}

r. i'. ::* Seismic rt/I are further delineated in c:.i ;-. . . :...;*" F?:&IID'si*r**" ""' -*>*,**;.
  • .... 'te*1suon's:*'.stem (FPS)


aria*i ah'.iw1Kt':15;;r,, 1 * .;:,;11*-' ' .* .. '. n°1'.'. < , '* ;<"'::::'.* . C*" "';, .* , ._:-;:,".

drawings i . ,\.,. ...


... {!}:) *t:"*

.... ,.... *-* .. 1

.. ._ *,r;.(* -\!;3 1 ': ..

?in J_, tJ'\ _,>' \' * , ' : 1 <,,

f 0 0 ',;.J

... .... ,

'\-r' >,) .'.,,} j I*:' 1 ,. _,. > -*' * * ., * * .. * ""--" * "*" +' . i::.<:]t11pmeHc'Ir11.:.1ex

.. 1 a.:. . .

"* .. ., ..... ,_ ., .<'fv} ; ,

  • u '(ii;;i: *'




'** i c, ( k: .r::d . ..



b. FPS-QA on drawings and indices is to define "F" Ad to *the drawing number of of.-the FPS-QA program.


... * <

  • Deiuge water spray, and,sprinkler system ... Revision 86 ' .


APPENDIX E 2.1.4 2.1.5 Page 3 of 4 -Fire and smoke detection system -Fireproofing of structural steel -Horizontal fire pumps -Hose racks for Wet standpipe system -. Installation of carbqn dioxide system -Portable extinguishers

c. FPS-QA identification system incorporation onto specifications consists of adding an "F" suffix to the specification number. d. Fire ProteCtion Systems, including emergency lighting and communications, are further delineated in UFSAR Table 3.2-1. "R" -Designated Systems a. The letter "R" shall be used to identify items of the Radioactive Waste Management System which protect the health and safety of the public, and plant operating personnel from uncontrolled discharge of solid, liquid, or gaseous radioactive waste to the environment.
b. The radwaste management systems classified as quality group R shall be designated by the use of R-flags on piping and instrumentation diagrams.

Quality group R standards shall be those provided in Regulatory Guide 1.143. Radwaste Management Systems are further delineated in UFSAR Table 3.2-1. Quality Classifications for SSCs of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation

a. The following documents list the "important to safety" (i.e., Quality Category A, B or C) and "not important to safety" quality classifications of the Dry Cask Storage System (DCSS) and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) structures, systems, and components (SSCs). ,. . . 1. DCSS Final Safety Analysis Report (Certificate Holder's):

-Table 2.2.6 of HI-STORM 100 FSAR (Docket 72-0048) -Table 8.1.6 of HI-STORM 100 FSAR (Docket 72-0048) 2. PSEG Nuclear, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation 10 CFR 72.212 Evaluation Report Revision 86

---1------1 --!

APPLICATIONS (STATION SPECIFIC) -APPENDIX E 2:2. 2.2.1 c_:,l ,., _ '-*J a. The

  • actlx1ties and services to which the QAP applies during dpgfations:'

-* *, '

_-, __ \ * *-* --.. * -* .. -... ,_ ,,: .. -.

irrR.e:Qylatory Guide 1 ;33, -i . .torlf'1tther breakdown of activitif;;}s ) . . ...... *.


... }-:**' :,*_**,_.: . *.;;-.. , .. ,. . .*... . . '; , ,.

have a Q suffix '

have a "Q" quality

  • system. 2. Modifications to Section 3.4 oi-the SGS """ !,' '.; _ ,. E>' _,;ii iu

,_-,7 'X> :_, Y.: l}c.n::

.* :!':* . **:*
  • ,. *-* .,*:;.:.c control, procurement, '1' , ._, * * '*i*"

operational OAP as '"-;, > ;>>i (L*'..

rue ures*:l .. rS 's* .,. .*. . ponen s C1j-) o<'T *"i *-

-. .

to the NRG are ""' \;; 6

  • ..... *. ',,.

an . 2. The Qlqs_s, : .. , .... J\l, . , systexn.s; and-*. Jnponents id_entified in L"-.*' tBb*r,

  • -r1. t-:. 3.

.?PPIY systems, and .. ***

  • If 2.2.2 Spent Fuel sto.ra lnslanatiOn
  • ,.,,..., -1 * :.* -'. :O --:

t6 safety" (i.e., aµality of -** ,.,._.,


ccimtfon6nts (sscs ). -" ; ": _; : _;;. q Holder's):


.. .J3, ..


-., ..

t ,:.' :'!

... Page4 of 4--T*able 2.2.6 c>f H1:.srcfR.rvf1ob FSAR,(Docket 72-0048) . *-., .. -Table 8.1.6 of HI-STORM 100 FSAR (Docket 72-0048) 2 . .PSEG Nuclear, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation 10 CFR 72.212 Evaluation Report Revision 86 ' .. -:
