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Palo Verde, Unit 3, Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report
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Site: Palo Verde Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2014
APS, Arizona Public Service Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14141A025 (26)


Technical Specification 5.6.80apsPalo VerdeNuclear Generating Station5801 S. Wintersburg RoadTonopah, AZ 85354102-06883-TNW/DHKMay 16, 2014ATTN: Document Control DeskU. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-0001


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) Unit 3Docket No. STN 50-530License No. NPF-74Steam Generator Tube Inspection ReportAttached please find the PVNGS Unit 3 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Reportprepared and submitted by Arizona Public Service Company (APS) pursuant to TechnicalSpecification (TS) Reporting Requirement 5.6.8. This report describes steam generatortube inspection and plugging results from the Unit 3 seventeenth refueling outage.By copy of this letter, this submittal is being provided to the NRC Region IVAdministrator and the PVNGS Senior Resident Inspector. No commitments are beingmade to the NRC by this letter.Should you have questions regarding this submittal, please contact David H. Kelsey,Licensing Section Leader, at (623) 393-5730.Sincerely,d6IO2TNW/DHK/CJS/hscAttachmentcc: (with attachment)M. L. DapasJ. K. RankinM. A. BrownNRC Region IV Regional AdministratorNRC NRR Project Manager for PVNGSNRC Senior Resident Inspector for PVNGSA member of7ýe STARS (Strategic: Teaming and Raesource Sharing) AllianceCallaway

  • Comanche Pea 9 Diablo Canyon 0 Plao Verde 0 Wolf~ CreekAOO I AttachmentUnit 3 -17th Refueling OutageSteam Generator Tube Inspection Report aPalo Verde Nuclear Generaming StaionUNIT3U3R17ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICEP. O. BOX 52034PHOENIX, AZ 85072Prepared by:Reviewed by:Approved by:Douglas Hansen 11-18-13D 9-11ly smgned by Ha-enHansen, Douglas Do,9185B(zy530DN0 cn= Hansen, DouglasB(Z41530) B(74 530)Date: 201405,1308:04,06 0;'00'Leaverton,WarrenL(V59783)Dq~a1ý sntaby L.--e1rtWa-enL(V59783)DNcn-Lea0-eonWaen LVS97U3ReaWo-.I h-s euewd fl,s dacaee,,)Bassett,Allison(Z04427)Oý,114, .g',-d4 -, 9aall-.14Digitally ,,ged by Radplnne, MaDkRadspinner, A ......).DN; cn -RadstinneWMak A(Z76778)Reason System Enginer-nM ark A(Z76778) Leade,Date: 20140514 15:08:38 07T00Commercial Service Date: 1-8-881 of 24 Table of Contents1.0 SUMMARY2.0 SCOPE OF EXAMINATIONS PERFORMED3.0 ACTIVE DEGRADATION MECHANISMS4.0 NDE TECHNIQUES UTILIZED5.0 INDICATION SUMMARY6.0 TUBES PLUGGED7.0 PLUG HISTORY8.0 CONDITION MONITORINGAPPENDIX A -TUBE SUPPORT DIAGRAM, LEGEND, and ANALYSIS CODESAPPENDIX B -SG 31 SUMMARY DATA SHEETSAPPENDIX C -EXAMINATION SCOPE AND HISTORY PLUG MAP2 of 24 UNIT 3STEAM GENERATOR EDDY CURRENTU3 R17 Refueling Outage1.0 SummaryThis report is intended to satisfy the requirements of PVNGS Technical Specifications 5.6.8 for thesubmittal of a Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report. The steam generator (SG) eddy currentexamination for the 17th refueling outage in Unit 3 (U3R17) was conducted during November2013. Mode 4 entry of Unit 3 Cycle 17 was entered on November 21, 2013. These examinationswere conducted due to evidence found during foreign object search and retrieval (FOSAR) in SG 31only. The examination plan is listed in Table I and a map with the scope is illustrated in AppendixC. This table summarizes the examinations performed for each of the various categories,examination types, extents, and the number of tubes or tube locations completed.The examinations resulted in a total of 0 tubes being plugged in SG 31.2.0 Scope of Examinations PerformedThe original examination plan was developed based on the "PVNGS U3R17 Steam GeneratorDegradation Assessment" as revised by the evidence of foreign object wear. Note Section 8 for adetailed description. The plan was developed per PVNGS Procedure 81DP-9RC0I as required byNEI 97-06. In addition, possible damage mechanisms were reviewed along with the specificrequirements set forth in Procedure 73TI-9RCO1 and the PVNGS Technical Specifications.3.0 Active Degradation MechanismsThe only degradation noted during the examinations was determined to be wear. Section 8.0contains further discussions relating to this mechanism. Table 2 summarizes the results intocategories and sections B and C itemizes all indications reported.3 of 24 4.0 NDE Techniques UtilizedThe following table documents the site qualified techniques utilized during this outage:BOBBIN ExaminationDamage Location ETSS QUAL ORIENTATON BC BC TECH CommentMechanism NO STATUS DET SIZEWear BWs, VSs, 96004.1 SITE NA Y Y Volt DIFF NoneECs, Rev. 13 QUALIFIED1 ___ 4-2010 , IWear Loose Part 27091.2 SITE NA Y N Volt DIFF NoneRev. 1 QUALIFIED8-2007Rotating Coil ExaminationsDamage Location ETSS QUAL ORIENTATION RC RC TECH CommentMechanism NO STATUS DET SIZEBWs, ECs, 96910.1 SITE NA Y Y +POINT NoneWear VSs Rev. 10 QUALIFIED8-2006I IThe eddy current examinations were performed by Westinghouse Electric Company using the CoreStar OMNI 200 eddy current instrument. Westinghouse Anser software was utilized to acquire thedata along with the Pegasys robotic manipulator. This robot was configured with a single guide tubein SG 31 cold leg.The tubing was examined with Zetec manufactured bobbin coil probes and Zetec rotating coil (RC)style probes. Probe diameters were 0.600" to 0.610". Plus Point RC probes were used for thecharacterization of non-quantifiable or distorted bobbin indications.Fiber optic cable was used from containment to the data acquisition room located at the PVNGSNorth Annex. Primary and secondary analysis was all performed on site. The Primary andSecondary Resolution Analysts, Independent Review Analysts, and data management were alsolocated at PVNGS in the North Annex. Westinghouse provided the data acquisition and primarydata analysis. Anatec International, Inc. provided the secondary data analysis.Each individual from Westinghouse and Anatec International, Inc. who performed data analysis wasrequired to complete and pass a PVNGS site specific Eddy Current Data Analysis Course as well asan associated performance and written examination. All individuals performing data analysis werealso required to have Qualified Data Analyst (QDA) certification. Per 73T1-9RCO0, all certificationrecords are maintained in the Nuclear Information Records Management System.4 of 24 5.0 Indication SummaryA detailed listing of the location and measured sizes of all service induced indications recorded isincluded in Appendix B and C. A summary of these indication results is located in Table 2. Inaddition, Appendix A contains a reference drawing of steam generator support locations and reportlegend.There were no indications that were identified as linear during this outage.6.0 Tubes PluggedThere were no tubes plugged, however, a summary of the total tubes plugged is located in Table 2.Appendix E contains a map that details the plugged tube location along with the previously pluggedtubes.7.0 Plug HistoryA summary of the number and percentage of tubes plugged is also located in Table 2.8.0 Condition MonitoringPer the Steam Generator Program, as defined in PVNGS Procedure 81DP-9RCO1, a conditionmonitoring evaluation was conducted by PVNGS Engineering. The results of the eddy currentexaminations are provided in Section 5.0. An engineering evaluation of the as-found condition ofin-service tubes did not reveal any degradation exceeding the threshold values for structural andleakage integrity. As such, all steam generator performance criteria were satisfied for Unit 3 Cycle17. No tube pulls or in-situ pressure testing were required based on the results of the examinations.Foreign Object Search and Retrieval (FOSAR)On October 9th 2013, during performance of Routine Maintenance Work Order 4197718, InternalInspection and ECTofthe HPFWH, several metallic parts were discovered in the inlet tube side ofthe Unit 3 5A High Pressure Feedwater Heater (HPFWH) by Engineering. Should parts of this typereach the Steam Generator, significant tube damage may occur. After evaluating the potential forpieces similar to the loose parts found in 5A HPFWH to reach the Steam Generators, a decision wasmade to perform FOSAR activities in both Steam Generators, in which originally no SG inspectionswere planned. These FOSAR activities identified and retrieved foreign material from both SteamGenerators. Steam Generator 2 had no indication of tube wear damage due to foreign material.Steam Generator 1, however, had visual indications that a metallic foreign object (Flexitallic gasketmaterial) caused wear on tube R167C84.As a result of the foreign object wear mark that was discovered during FOSAR activities, EddyCurrent Testing (ECT) was performed in Steam Generator I during 3R1 7 (documented in Section5.0). The scope of the ECT included tubes adjacent to the foreign object that was removed as wellas four other locations in the cold leg where irretrievable potential foreign objects were notedduring the FOSAR inspection.Tubesheet FOSAR was conducted on both SGs using a power cart mounted with a remotelyoperated camera, a video probe and retrieval tooling. The following areas were inspected:5 of 24 o Hot and cold leg top of tubesheet annulus region (Since Palo Verde SGs have a tri-pitchtube bundle, inspections were performed from the 30 degree, 90 degree and 150 degreeangles all of the way around the SG). Approximately 5 tube rows into the bundle wereviewed from the annulus.o Hot and cold leg blowdown lanes (approximately 2 rows deep was viewed from the lane)o In Bundle Inspection in the area of Part 31-15SG31 FOSAR ResultsAs a result of the inspections performed in SG 31, 17 items were logged as foreign objects. The listof items is included in Table 8-1. Of the 17 items, 3 objects were removed. Two small pieces oftube scale/sludge rocks were removed (Parts 31-1 and 31-2). One piece of metallic material that isbelieved to be flexitallic gasket (Part 31-15) was also removed.Of the 14 objects that were not retrieved from SG 3 1:0 4 appear to be graphite material (Parts 31-3, 31-7, 31-11 and 31-12). A retrieval of Part31-3 was attempted, however, the part was stuck in between tubes and the retrievalattempts were unsuccessful.* One object appeared to be a sludge rock (Part 31-4) and attempts to retrieve the objectwere unsuccessful since it was stuck in between two tubes.* One object, Part 31-5 (presumed to be a wire), was identified in the annulus during theinitial inspection, however, when retrieval efforts were attempted, the piece was missing.Inspections were re-performed in the entire annulus using both a cart from the wall ofthe wrapper and using a video probe, however, the piece was never found.0 Eight objects were logged as unknown foreign objects (Parts 31-6, 31-8, 31-9, 31-10,31-13, 31-14, 31-16 and 31-17). A review of these objects reveal that what was loggedas Part 31-10 was actually Part 31-15 from a different angle and that part was retrieved.Three of the unknown foreign objects, Parts 31-6, 31-16 and 31-17, were extremelysmall parts that appear to be either small sludge rocks or a light reflection in bundle.Parts 31-8, 31-9, 31-13 and 3 1-14 are also small objects located in-bundle in areas thatwere inaccessible for more detailed visual inspections. Tubes in the area of Parts 31-8,31-9, 31-13 and 31-14 were inspected during ECT and no indication of wear wasobserved.6 of 24 Table 8-1 SG 31 Foreign Objects IdentifiedID SG Pat ID Ode DWCl"o EWoo Row Cci Leg Lungt Heigt Widlkh Mdg RuiewW Afamnue Medt T#m Cafwltsn n h ? 7 ID IndGcSG: 31 (17 items)31- 319 003_ 3190 31]/1/0 grpie ts 124 3CL. .125 .375 016 L i 00:12:0331-00431 31 9D 31020 sludet ft AN6 29 CL 2$1 211 016 [ 0D:D14:231- 31 90 1 21/201 Be. ft AN to CL 2 .2$ .0, 00:06:38002 331- 10121/201003 31 90 Ugrahi tts 124 33 CL 125 .375 116 fl 00:110:31- 10121/201004 31 90 3 iudge tts 116 29CL .116 116 .116 L L 00:14:1531- 31 90 10/213 U2 tts AN1 48CL 4 M2 .02 E F I 00:0D:00005 3 1 [] ]31- 10121/201006 3190 3 UFO its 33 6CL .05 .05 105 L 00:04:0031- 3 rpht tts 53 8 CL 1 1 05 [J00:05:453- 31 90 ~101201 UFO its 121 38 CL .116 .116 .116 ~]00:10:23 ove in back31 3 1 90 1211201 Is 114 33 CL .116 .116 116 2 1700:08:59 one in back017 319 UFO fl F] F31- 31 90 101211201 UFO tsB 133 46 CL .116 .116 .116 J [ 00:12-00 Pcsbl2009 3 piecs31- 10W211201 ma be g0lket010 3190 3 UFO tts 165 84 CL 075 075 .075 00] F] 00:17:40 uy31- 190 211201319 3 graphite Uts 106 181 CL .116 .15 .116 U U L 00:22:3031- 390 10121/201012 31 90 1 graphite Its 102 183 CL .116 .116 .116 El U U 0024:0031- 190 211201013 31390 UFO tts 95 178 CL .116 .116 .116 A F] F] 00:27:0031- 10/21/201014 31 90 3 UFO Us 134 157 CL .116 ,116 .116 21 U L 00:08:0031- 90 2t42:0115 3 0 U 1ST 84 Q. 3 2 .01 M ] 300 .~W36-0131- 10/21/201016 31 90 3 UFO Us 135 4a CL .05 .05 .05 A F] E 00:25:00SG32 FOSAR ResultsAs a result of the inspections performed in SG 32, 20 items were logged as foreign objects. The listof items is included in Table 8-2. Of the 20 items, 6 objects were removed. One piece of metallicmaterial that is believed to be flexitallic gasket (Part 32-18) was removed. There was no evidenceof indications on the tubes surrounding the object. Three small pieces of graphite material wereremoved from SG 32 (Parts 32-1, 32-3, 32-4). A small sludge rock (Part 32-14) broke apart as itwas being retrieved and a very small wire (Part 32-16) was removed from SG 32.Of the 14 objects that were not retrieved from SG 32:* 6 appear to be graphite material (Parts 32-2, 32-9, 32-10, 32-11. 32-19 and 32-20). ARetrieval of Part 32-2 was attempted, however, the part was stuck in between tubes andthe retrieval attempts were unsuccessful.* Part 32-15 appeared to be a small pile of sludge and/or scale and Part 32-17 appeared tobe a sludge rock.* Six objects were logged as unknown foreign objects (Parts 32-5, 32-6, 32-7, 32-8, 32-12,and 32-13). A video probe inspection was performed on parts 32-12 and 32-13 and thepart could not be located, so the initial inspection most likely showed a reflection in asmall amount of water. Parts 32-5, 32-6, 32-7 and 32-8 are extremely small in size(0.05"X0.05"X0.05") and are suspected to be either reflections of light from a smallamount of water on the tubesheet or a small piece of sludge.7 of 24 All of the parts remaining in the SGs were shown by analysis to be acceptable for a two-cycle SG inspection interval before the potential tube wear degradation reaches the tubeplugging limit and by extension the structural limit.Table 8-2-SG 32 Foreign Objects Identifiedio SGPut UD Die DmaX EWAND Ru. Cdalg LfnM .W* WkUh Mddi Rared AMftnmed urns. raw Commnutan n h ? 7 ? ID IndcKSG: 32 (20 items)32- ItWM201001 32 90 3 Wapt ft AN 15 ¶CL 6 .18 A A 9] 1 001121002- 3290 10/19f201 grahite Its 130 167 CL ,18 116 116 F F 1 00165132- 032 32 90 1(im Urn* f AN 174 CL 110 ý08 02 1 00zt185032- 10/191201004 390 3 gre a AN 1S6CL .02 .18 UJ 0 R] I 0021:132- 32 90 10/191201 UFO ft 58 12 CL .05 .05 .05 J [1 _ 1 00:02:45005 332- 32 90 1019201 UFO fts 73 16 CL .05 05 .05 E [] L] 1 00-04:00ow6 332- 32 90 30/19/201 UFO Its 88 23 CL 05 .05 .05 0 U U 1 0-05:55007 3A LL 132- 32 90 11201 UFO Its 147 148 CL 05 .05 .05 F r 7 1 0017:50008 332- 32 90 1 graphite Its 21 202 CL .3 .116 .116 1 0019:55009 3 -1 e 0fl19/5532- 3 10/191201 graphite Its 168 101 CL .116 .116 .116 W ] U 1 00)8:21010 3 L32- 10/191201011 32 90 graphite Its 168 111 CL .116 .05 .116 l F F 1 00-09:0632- 10/19/201012 32 90 3 UFO Its 16 198 HL .05 05 .05 2 F] E 1 00:08:5032- 3290 10/191201 UFO Its 93184 HL .05 .05 .05 ] [] 1 0:070D013 332 3 2 90 lui2°I siudSe ft AN 201 HL D0 .06 .0) El ;z 1 0002.15 ,q wt014 3 rokP32- 1 7 0 /19/201015 32270 3 pile Its 13 131 CL ,2 1 .02 U L L 1 00:02:153- 32 270 lae w*1M #A 15 128 CL 3 .005 00 M ;A I 0003M3016 332- 32270 !0/191201 rktdge Its 15 128 CL .116 .116 .15 l V V 1 000315017 3 rock 1 0:31019 32 270 3 goda ft 2 125 CL 1.5 .125 M0 1l amis 003132- 32 270 10/19/201 graphite Its 2 143 HL .116 .116 .116 [J L 1 00:11:49019 332- 10/19/201020 3290 graphite its 87 16 CL .1 .02 .02 M V V 3 00701100Foreign Object Wear Discovered During U3R17SG 31During U3R17, FOSAR identified one piece of metallic material that is believed to be flexitallicgasket (Part 31-15) shown in Figure 8.1. After Part 31-15 was removed there appeared to beevidence of a mark on tube R167C84, however, since the tube was one row in bundle the view fromthe annulus could not be definitive. An in-bundle inspection was performed in the area of R167C84from 2 different angles. The in-bundle inspection revealed a mark on the back side of tubeRI 67C84 (Figure 8.2). Eddy current testing was performed in the area of Part 31-15 and confirmedvolumetric degradation on three tubes (R167C84; R166C85; R168C85) which were adjacent to thearea where the part was retrieved.No other wear was discovered in SG 31 during FOSAR inspection or during eddy current testing.8 of 24 Figure 8.1 Part 31-15 before Retrieval- Flexitallic GasketFigure 8.2 Back side of Tube R167 C84 Wear Scar after Part 31-15 was RetrievedSG 32No foreign object parts wear was found in this steam generator during FOSAR. Since this was aplanned skip cycle and the FOSAR inspection found no evidence of wear, eddy current testing wasnot performed in SG 32.Potential Loose PartsSG31There were no reported Potential Loose Parts (PLPs) from the eddy current testing performed in SG31. Since ECT did not identify wear or even PLP in the area of parts 31-8, 31-9, 31-13 and 31-14, itis reasonable to conclude that the required conditions necessary to produce wear with a significantwear rate do not exist in these locations.9 of 24 SG32Since this was a planned skip cycle and the FOSAR inspection found no evidence of wear,eddy current testing was not performed in SG 32.10 of 24 TABLE 1EXAMINATION SUMMARYSCOPE DESCRIPTION SG 31Exam Description Extents ScopeCOLD LEG TEC-FDP 66BOBBINHOT LEG TSC-FDP 66BOBBIN** HOT STRAIGHT na 0RC** HOT U & SQUARE BEND na 0RC** COLD STRAIGHT na 0RC** COLD U & SQUARE BEND na 0RCNotes:1. ** These RC examinations were performed to evaluate bobbin coil indications.11 of 24 TABLE 2INDICATION SUMMARYDAMAGE STEAM GENERATORMECHANISM31WEAR0%- 19% 020%- 29%30%- 39% 0> 40% 0PLUGGED (0)Possible Loose Parts (RC)PLI0PLP 0PIUGGI D (0)Volumetric IndicationsSVI/MVI 3*PLUGGEDPREVENTATIVE (0)PLUGGED(0)TOTAL PLUGGED /% (66 / 0.5%)NOTES1. *These SVIs were located adjacent to the PLP removal area.I12 of 24 APPENDIX ATUBE SUPPORT DIAGRAM,LEGEND, and ANALYSIS CODES13 of 24 PVNGS Steam GeneratorREPLACEMENTSWWJWýýýý2 ýýýICenter of 08H to 08CRow I -17.415Row 2 -19.736Row 3 -22.056Row 4 -24.377Row 5 -26.698Row 6 -29.019I14 of 24 LEGENDROW:COL:VOLTS:DEG:IND:PER or PCT:CHN:LOCN:Indicates the row number of a given tube.Indicates the column number of a given tube.Indicates the peak-to-peak voltage of a given indication response.The measured phase angle of a given indication response.Indicates the analysis code or PCT for percentThe percent through the tube wall of a given indicationIndicates the channel used to make the callGives indication location at INCH1 to INCH2 relative toknown landmarks such as supports, vertical straps, andbatwings. Typical location codes are as follows:#1 Vertical Strap ................................ VSI#1 B atw ing ......................................... B W I#1 Support Plate in Hot Leg .............. 01H#7 Support Plate in Cold Leg ............. 07CTop Tube Sheet Cold Leg .................. TSCTube End Hot Leg .............................. TEHTube End Cold Leg ............................ TECCRLEN:CRWID:CEG:BEGT and ENDT:PDIA:PTYPE:CAL:L:COM:Indicates the flaw length, used to identify the length of a wear indicationIndicates the flaw width, typically used for cracks onlyIndicates the flaw length, typically used for cracks onlyIndicates the beginning and of the test; together they documentthe examination extentDocuments the probe diameterDocuments the probe typeIndicates calibration numberIndicates the leg the examination was conducted fromThis comment field is utilized to document comments15 of 24 Analysis CODES:A bsolute D rift .................................................................... A D IBulge .................................................................................. BLGD ented Buff M ark .............................................................. D BMD eposit ............................................................................... D EPD ent .................................................................................... D N TD ata Q uality A cceptance .................................................... D Q AD istorted Support Signal W ith Indication .......................... D SIDistorted Top of Tubesheet With Indication ..................... DTIG eom etric Indication .......................................................... G EOID Chatter ........................................................................... ID CIndication N ot Found ......................................................... IN FIndication N ot Reportable .................................................. IN RM ultiple A xial Indication ................................................... M A IM anufacturer Burnishing M ark .......................................... M B MM ixed M ode Indication ...................................................... M M IM ultiple C ircum ferential Indication ................................... M C IM ultiple V olum etric Indication .......................................... M V IN o D etectable D efect ......................................................... N D DN o D iscontinuity Found ..................................................... ND FN on-Q uantifiable Indication .............................................. N Q IN o Tube Sheet Expansion .................................................. N TEO bstructed .......................................................................... O B SO ver Expanded ................................................................... O X PPrevious Bobbin Call ......................................................... PBCPossible Deposit ................................................................. PD PPositive Identification ........................................................ PIDPositive Identification V erified .......................................... PIVPossible Loose Part w ith Indication ................................... PLIPossible Loose Part ............................................................ PLPPrevious RC Call ................................................................ PRCPossible Support A nom aly ................................................. PSAPossible Support Indication ............................................... PSIPerm eability V ariation N oise ............................................. PVNRetest Bad D ata .................................................................. RB DRetest Identification Check ............................................ RICRetest w ith M agnetic B ias RC Probe ................................. RM BSingle A xial Indication ................................................ SA ISingle C ircum ferential Indication ...................................... SC ISingle V olum etric Indication ............................................. SV ISenior (Lead) A nalysis Review .................................... SRSludge ................................................................................ SLGTo Be Plugged .................................................................... TB PV olum etric Indication ........................................................ V O L16 of 24 APPENDIX BSTEAM GENERATOR 31SUMMARY DATA SHEETS17 of 24 SG -31 Listing of All Data for U3R17 FOSAR SG EC -All ProbesPalo Verde 3 U3R17 PVNGS3 20131101 11/12/2013 11:23:23S. --- -----+- ---+ ----+- -- ----,- --I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN....----------- ---- ---- ----+--- -------... ---..--- ---- ------- ---INCHI INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE------- ----+----------.-- --- ----+CAL L IDXI--- --+-- ---1 C 37-------UTIL1 UTIL21-------0_12012012212211911912112112312311811812012012212212412411911912112112312313113113313337373737383838383838393939393939393940404040404044444444NDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNODNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNODNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDTSC FDP .600 ZPAHFDPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFOPTSCFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTEC.610.600.610*600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610*600.610*600.610.600.610.600.610NBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZIZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZIZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZ5036463849354732455652344833446055575358545956615864zTSC FDP .600FOP TEC .610TSC FDP .600---- -----4-- ------------ ------I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCH1-- -----------+----.---- .----+..4 ---. ----+----+- ----FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1-+- -.----+ .-----...+-....--INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE-+-.... 4----...----..-+----. .-2 C 59.....---- --- ---CAL L IDX-..- -+- -..- --..--...- --.. ..UTILl UTIL21-+--- ----1ST Max SG -31 Listing of All Data for U3R17 FOSAR SG EC -All ProbesPalo Verde 3 U3R17 PVNGS3 20131101 11/12/2013 11:23:234 +- .... .... --÷ -+-- + .... ...... +--------------+----+---+- -- +- --+I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCHI INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTILl UTIL21..-... ........----------- ------------+- ---- + ----.----.----- + -- --....+------ ----+---130 45 NDD TSC FOP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 62130 45 NDD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 57132 45 NDD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 31132 45 NOD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 42134 45 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 27134 45 NDD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 41131 46 NDD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 30131 46 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 43133 46 NOD TSC FOP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 28133 46 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZI 2 C 40135 46 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 26135 46 NDD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 51130 47 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 63130 47 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZI 2 C 60132 47 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 29132 47 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 39134 47 NDD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 25134 47 NOD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 38136 47 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 67136 47 NOD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 64131 48 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 65131 48 NOD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 61133 48 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 66133 48 NOD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 62135 48 NDD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 68135 48 NDD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 63164 81 NDD TSC FOP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 70..-F-----------+...+ --.--------......------------+---..-+ ---..........+- --+---- --- +---I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCHI INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTILl UTIL21..- ÷ ------------+ ..----.. .-4 ÷ + -----÷+....+--......-÷----+÷+--- --+ --------+--- +2ST Max SG -31 Listing of All Data for U3R17 FOSAR SG EC -All ProbesPalo Verde 3 U3R17 PVNGS3 2013110111/12/2013 11:23:23------ ---- ----- -- ---- -- -- ..-- ---- ------------ ------------I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCHI INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTILl UTIL214- ..+ ..- I----.-+.... ----+ --+-- -- ----+---- +---- +---- ----. .---+ --+ ---+----+- --- --+"00164166166163163165165167167162162164164166166168168163163165165167167169169162162818181828282828282838383838383838384848484848484848585NDDFDP TEC .610 NBAZ1NDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDD.35 98 SVI.15 133 NQINDDNDDNDDNDDTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFDPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFDPFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTEC.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1716769662336152424372235162314252134172272693120332 C 6521 .32 P3 TSCP1 TSC.28.35-...-F- ---- --------+----+ --- +--------+ -----+-- ---4-- --t-- --. -......-------... ---. --- +I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCH1 INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTIL1 UTIL21-....----------+---- ----------- ---- -- ---- ----.+---+- -----+------+- --+--- +3ST Max SG -31 Listing of All Data for U3R17 FOSAR SG EC -All ProbesPalo Verde 3 U3R17 PVNGS3 20131101 11/12/2013 11:23:23+ .... -- -------- - ....+ ---- ------- + ---.. .+- ......+ ......+--- -- +- --+I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCH1 INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTIL1 UTIL21-+ +....----.+--------+---+-+ .... .... ....-------.-------- +- ..+..- .+--+-+-+-- ------016416416616616816816316316516516716716916916816813313313513513213213413413613613313385858585858586868686868686868787156156156156157157157157157157158158NDDNDD.27 273 SVINOD.12 68 SVINDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDNDDTSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ17 .32 P3 TSC9 .26 P3 TSC.22.30FDPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFOPTSCFOPTSCFOPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFDPTSCFOPTSCFOPTSCTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDPTECFDP.610.600.610600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600.610.600NBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZNBAZ1ZPAHZ2113271030192012281129832726847145115481350165219491 C 18FOP TEC .610 NBAZ12 C 17--- ---- --- -+ --- .----. ------- ---- -------- -+ --- ---4-- ----+- -----I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCH1 INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTIL1 UTIL21-...--- +----+----.----..---+----+----- ---.....- -------+ -- ----.. --+----+-- ----+-4ST Max SG -31 Listing of All Data for U3R17 FOSAR SG EC -All ProbesPalo Verde 3 U3R17 PVNGS3 20131101 11/12/2013 11:23:23+ ....-+----- -+ ----+ ......+-- ... ------ +-- -+ ....-- -----+ ---- +I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCH1 INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTIL1 UTIL21S-F------ -+..----+- -- ----+----+ -------- +-----+---+---+-+-- +- ------- +---135 158 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 53135 158 NOD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 1894 177 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 4194 177 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 1296 177 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 4296 177 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 893 178 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 4093 178 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 595 178 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 4395 178 NOD FDP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 797 178 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 4697 178 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 992 179 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 7392 179 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 6994 179 NOD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 4494 179 NOD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 696 179 NDD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 4596 179 NDD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 1093 180 NDD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 7493 180 NDD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 7095 180 NDD TSC FDP .600 ZPAHZ 1 C 7595 180 NDD FOP TEC .610 NBAZ1 2 C 71S..------------- ----------+....----..----- ----+..----+- +-+- +--+----.+--- ---I ROW COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CRLEN CHN LOCN INCHI INCH2 BEGT ENDT PDIA PTYPE CAL L IDX UTIL1 UTIL21S..-- ------------ ---------------+--....-------- -----..+- -+--+----. +--- ---Tubes: 66 Records: 1325 ST Max APPENDIX CEXAMINATION SCOPEANDHISTORY PLUG MAP23 of 24 SG -31 Cold Leg Eddy Current Inspection Plan for FOSAR Foreign ObjectsTest All Indicated Tubes (66) from FDP to TEC with Bobbin and TSC -3" to FDP +3" with +PT -CRDR 4474012Palo Verde U3R17 PVNGS3 3RSG* 53 Stay Rod* 66 Plugged Tube* 66 Tube Tested with Bobbin and+PT in U3R17MO0bN).1701651601551501451401351301251201151101051009590858075706560555045403530252015105___ t _ I __ II -~-5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200-T --------- -------- --_________ *1 I--135130125120115110-~10510095-90170165160155150145140__II--7_____I___ -~_ _t -__ __ _lii ______ _______--A85__ ___ 8070S____--- ---60-- ----- 554540-4 35---- _______ -r--* ___ -F'1'.i25201555 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200Wesbnghs E.ect4c, ConpanyLLC-STMax 11/1212013 115017