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State of Vermont Letter to NRR Director Objecting to Entergy'S July 16, 2015 Pre-Notice of Disbursement from Decommissioning Trust and an Attachment (Petition to DC Circuit)
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/2015
From: Ancel C B, Griffin W E, Recchia C, Zamore P H
Green Mountain Power Corporation, Sheehey Furlong & Behm P C, State of VT, Dept of Public Service, State of VT, Office of the Attorney General, Vermont Yankee
To: Dean W M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15230A048 (16)


WILLIAM H. SOREELL TEL: (802) 828-3171ATTORNEY GENERAL "FAX: (802) 828-3187, TrY: (802) 828-3665SUSANNE R. YOUNGDEPUTY ATI'ORNEY GENERAL http://wivw.ago.vermnont.govWILLIAM E. GRIFFINCHIEF ASST. ATrORNEY SAEO EMNGENERAL SAEO EMNOFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL109 STATE STREETMONTPELIER, VT05609-1001August 13, 2015William Dean, DirectorOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationNuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington D.C. 20555-.0001Re: Docket 50-271; Request for Immediate Objection to Entergy's July 16, 2015 Pre-Noticeof Disbursement from Decommissioning Trust for Non-Decommissioning Expenses

Dear Director Dean,

On July 16, 2015, Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC (Entergy) and the Managing Director ofthe Bank of New York Mellon (the Bank) submitted a "Pre-Notice of Disbursement from DecommissioningTrust." The notice requests "lip to $12,000,000" from the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund forexpenses that include "operational irradiated fuel management expenses." The State. the Vermont YankeeNuclear Power Corporation. and Green Mountain Power Corporation formally request that the NRCi~mmediately provide notice of objection" to the Bank of New York Mellon concerning the pendingrequest. pursuant to the NRC's authority under Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Renewed FacilityOperating License Condition 3 .J~a(iii) and under the Master Trust AM! of Entergy's previous pre~notices of disbursements have been only for what Entergy asserts tobe "legitimate decommissioning expenses." 'This is the first time Entergy has asserted a right to reimburseitself for non-decommissionfing expenses--something which NRC regulations explicitly forbid. 10 C.F.R.§ S0.75 (h)(1)(iv) (disbursements: "are restricted to decommissioning expenses"); see also, e.g., id.§ 50.82 (a)(8)(i)(A) (disbursements must be "for legitimate decommissioning activities consistent with thedefinition of decommissioning in [10 C.F.R.] § 50.2," which in turn defines decommissioning as limited toactivities that "reduce residual radioactd'vity"); General Requiremnents for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities, 53Fed. Reg. 24018-01, 24018 (1988) ("Decommnissioning activities do not include the rem~oval and disposal ofspent fuel which is considered to be an operational activity .... "(emphasis added)).Entergy' s assertion of an ability to reimburse itself for millions of dollars in "operational irradiatedfuel management expenses" appears to be based on the NRC's June 23, 2015 granting of an exemptionfrom the above regulations. See 80 Fed. Reg. 35 992-35995 (June 23, 2015). However, the State ofVermont, the Vermont Yankee Nuclear 'Power Corporation, and Green Mountain power have nowchallenged that decision in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, See attachment. This pending legal challenge states that the NRC' s June 2 3, 2 015 decision shoulidhbe overturned as a violation of theAtomic Energy Act, the Administrative Procedures Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act.Further, as the State has previously noted, regardless of whether Entergy has been exempted fromapplicable NRC regulations, Entergy and the Bank of New York Mellon have independent legal obligationsto not release funds for "operational 'irradiated fuel management expenses." In particular, the 2002 MasterTrust' Agreement and the related Vermont Public Service Board Order do not allow use of the NuclearDecommissioning Trust Fund for spent fuel expenses until the site has been decommissioned, and havespecific provisions: regarding the return of 55% of excess amounts in that fund to Vermont ratepayersthrough the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation and Green Mountain Power. Entergy has not yetsought approval from the NRC or the Vermont Public Service Board to amend those requirements.Applicable Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulations similarly state that "[a]bsentexpress authorization" from FERC--authorizati'on' Entergy has not received-"no part" of the NuclearDecommissioning Trust Fund may be "used for, or diverted to, any purpose other than to fund 'the costs ofdecommissioning." 18 C.F.R. § 35.3'2(a)(6) (emphasis added). Entergy's planned use of alleged "excess" fundsalso violates' the requirement that any "excess jurisdictional amount" be "retur[ed]... to ratepayers"--here, through Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation and Green Mountain Power. Id. § 35.32(a)(7).Entergy's cOntractual obligations as well as federal laWs, including'laws Entergy has not beenexempted from, prohibit the release of trust funds for "operational irradiated fuel management expenses" atthis time. And the undersigned have now fled a direct challenge in the' U.S. Court of Appeals for the D. C.Circuit to the exemption request that forms the entire basis for Entergy's claim that it can use the fund inthis way. Unless and until these legal issues are resolved, it would be arbitrary and an abuse of discretion forthe NRC to stand by and dedline to exercise its right to provide "written notice of objection" to the Bank ofNew York Mellon concerning the pending request.Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to your immediate action.William E. GriffinChief Assistant Attorney GeneralVermont Attorney General's OfficePee .ZamorSheehey'Furlong & Behm P.C./30 Main Street, Gateway Sq, 6th Fl, P0 Box 66Burlington, VT 95402Counsel for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporationand Green' Mountain PowerChristopher RecclhiaCommissionerVermont Department of Public ServiceCharlotte B. Ancel " / 6-Vice President, General Counsel 'Power Resoutrces, and COrpo'rate Se~cretaryGreen Mountain Power Corporation163 Acorn Ln, Colchester, VT 05446cc: Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary of theNuclear Regulatory CommissionU.S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission Document Control DeskPage 2 of 3 Daniel H. Dorman, Regional Admini) strator, Region 1, NRCJames S, Kun, Project Manager, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, NRCT. Michael Twomey, Vice President of External Affairs, Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLCChris Wamser, Site Vice President, Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLCGlen Metzger, The Bank of New York. MellonPage 8 of 3 UNTED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THEDISTRICT OF COLO/MBIA CIRCUITTHE STATE OF VERONT,VEWONT YANKEE.NCLEAR ):ad )GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER )CORPORATION "-)VtUNTED STAThS NUCLEAREGULATORY COMMSSION,. andUNITED. STATES. OP AMERICA,RespondentsN) t )))))))PETiTION FOR REVIW.Pursuant to § 189 of toi Atomlo Energ Act 42 U.S.,CI § 2239w, 28: U.S.C.§.§ 23414344; te Adminitmto troeur Act, S U.S.C. §: 551 et seq.; and Rule.1$ of the FedralRuls of Appellate Procedre, the ,petitioners, the State ,of.Vermont the Vermont Yanee Nuclear: Power Corporation, and onret Mountainh erohy. petition this..Court, fbr. review of :the. Uited States.Nuclear Regu~latory .Commission' s ("Commission") Issuance of Exemptions forthe Vermont Yan~ke Nuclear Power Station ("Vermont Yankee") in. Docket No..50-271; NRC-20I "The: Commission issued its approval to the owner/operator of Vermont2015, and notice was published in the Pedant Registr on une 23, 201.5 (80 Fed.:3599% a copy of whi is attached hereto). This filing is within the: 60-dystatute of limitations and :is timely pursuant: to 28 U.SC. § 2344, This Court hasjurisdicto over this matter pursuant to 28 US.C. 2342(4) and 2344-, and is aproper venue pursuant to 28 U.S.C. -§ 2343.' Petitioners have stanuding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2344 and S U.S.C. § 702to bring this Petition. The State of' Veront, its citizens, and its ratepayers areagrieved by the Commission's decision, which affcts: (1) the: license for anuclear power plant locae in the State and (2) the Nuclea DecnmssionigTrust~ Fund. (.De.mmssiondng Fun&V) for Vertmont Yankee which wa primarilyfrnded. by monis Worn Vermont ramteyon, andi in' whicih Verontratepatyers have an inteet in excess tinds reaining after decommissioning. TheVermont. Yoankee Nuclear Power Corporation. and its crent: sole. owner, GreenMountain Power Corporation, are utilities that also :have: a diret interstin properuse of the Decmmssioning Fund. Vermont Yane Nuclea Power Copration,now owned by Green Mountai Power .Corporation, collected the principal fundsthat (with interest) eonstitute-the entirety of the Decounis~sioning Thud. .Further,Gree Moutattint Nwer Corportion, and: through it their Veormont ratepayrs, hav.2 dcosmnlssion4ng Thus, e.... ver time th Com..mission ... allows: an imptperlrfroIU the eo mnsstomng Fun~d, it hars Veront Yankee Nucle~ar...Power .Corporation, Gren Mountai Power Corpration, and their Vermontratpayer..s. Finally, Petitione~rs jointly submtted a letter :(dated. June 5, 20i5)' to9 ~the Commission requesting the opportunity for p~ublic participation on Ente~$y'si: oexemption request: and requesting to participate in the. matter before: the+.:::.Commssion isue its decsion. No such opportuntywas granted.:'!iThe. C on acted abused its discretion, nd violated theAtomic nergy the Administrative. Prcdure Act. and th National:Policy .Act In approvin the e~xemptions and foiling to provides.opportunity for Pettoners to participate in the process. Petitioners respectfhllyrequest that: this Court review the Commission's decis:ion, vacate that: decision,and remand the: matter. to the Conxssion.Repethiysumttdi: ~By :its attorneys,;:;! 3 il Kyle Wr LandisMarinelo,,:'!fl.C, CircuitBa No. 55684State of Vrmont109 State Streti~ikylde nondllo~n ve :ilTel.(tOZ) .82830186!i State of Vermaonti Department of Public ServiceStat Stret hr Fl.oor'..VT 056.20-2601Tel: (802) 828-4007:,::DtC. Ciuit.lar Roll No, 50119.NicaLLfhswrhMUR CUTLRP.ICKRRNIAtS AND DORK LIPBoston, M.A 02109* tohcia,kllswoM@wflmettale~aomui!bonniediiple@wllmerh~leoerm4 MO"NT.....P.w...COR..ORAT.ON!'i~ i~ i:ii~ iii !i :: i:.:!!iii~iiiiiii~ i:: i~ ~iiCharlott-a !i¸:: II I: .h Mii:ii:o1iCOlceTo VAI 05446 POCORPORATIONiBy its attorney*.: Sheehey Furlong & Behrn I, C,.Main Strees Gateway Sq, 6th FlBox 66:!ii gThwlirtn VT 05402:pzroh xe)$shehevtcoTel (82.8989$1

  • 'U.S. Nucilear Regulatory.CommissionIssuance of ExemptionsSENTrERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC.:VERMONT YANKEENCLEARPOWER STATION-.. ..DOCKET NO.-50-27.1 .80 Fed. Reg. 35992 (June 23, 2015)
  • 359235992Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 120/Tuesdlay, Julne 23, 2015 /NoticesIi II, Background -----.ii :. i... .request the OMB's approva 1for thle ...collection :summarized. :collection: Title of the Code of-Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 51--ProtectiOn Regulationsfor Domestic Licensing and Related:2. :MB approval nfumber: 3.150-0021,N/A.5. HoW often the collection is requiredor requested: Upon submittal of anapplication for a combined license,construction permit, operating license,operating license renewal, early sitepermit, design certification,decommissioning or license terminationreview; or manufacturing license, orupon submittal of a petition forrulemaking.6. Who will be required or asked torespond: Licensees and applicantsrequesting approvals for actionsproposed in accordance with theprovisions of 10 CFR parts 30, 32, 33,34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 50, 52, 54, 60, 61, 70,and 72.7. The estimated number of annualresponses: 48.7.8. The estimated number of annualrespondents: 48.7.9. The estimated number of hoursneeded annually to cam ply~with theinformation collection requirement orrequest: 48,104.10. Abstract: The NRC's regulations at10 CFR part 51 specifies information tobe provided by applicants and licenseesso that the NRC can makedeterminations necessary to adhere tothe policies, regulations, and publiclaws of the Unitedl States, which areinterpreted and administered inaccordance with the provisions, set forthin the National Environmental PolicyAct of 1969, as amended.III. Specific Requests for CommentsThe NRC is seeking comments thataddress the following questions:1. Is the proposed dollection ofinformation necessary for the NRC toproperly perform its functions? Does theinformation have practical utility?2. Is the estimate of the burden of theinformation collection accurate?3. Is there a way to enhance thequality, utility, and clarity of theinformation to be collected?4. How can the burden of theinformation collection on respondentsbe minimized, including the use of-:automated techniques or : -other ~formsi of i nformation t:e:hnob logy ?NRC Clearance Officer, office bf lnfor~mationSer~vices. ""[FR Doe. 2015-15390 Filed 6-Z22-15; 8:45 am]BILLING" CODE 7593-01-PNUCLEAR :REGULATORYCOMMISSION.I:.No6. 50-271: NRC÷2015-01 57]Enhtergy Nuclear Operations, Inc,;Vermo0nt Yankee NUClear POwerStationAGENCY: Nuclear RegulatoryCommission.ACTION: Exemption; issuance.SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NRC) is issuingexemptions in response to a January 6,2015, request from Entergy NuclearOperations, Inc. (ENO or the licensee).One exemption permits the use of theVermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station(VY) Decommissioning Trust Fund(Trust) to implement the licensee's planto manage irradiated fuel in accordance.-with the updated Irradiated FuelManagement Plan and post-shutdowndecommissioning activities report(PSDAR); The other exemption permitsthe licensee to make withdrawals fromthe Trust in accordance with theUpdated Irradiated:Fuel ManagementPlan and PSDAR without priornotification to the NRC.DATES: June 23, 2015.ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket IDNRC-2015-01.57 when contacting theNRC about the availability of.information regarding this document.Y~u may obtain publicly-availableinformation related to this documentusing any of the following methods:.* Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go tOh ttp:// and. search ....for Docket ID NRC--2015-0157. Addressquestions about NRC dockets to CarolCallagher; telephone: 301-415-3463;email: Carol, Fortechnical questions, contact theindividual listed in the FOR FURTHERINFORMATION CONTACT section of thisdocument.* NRC's Agencywide DocumentsAccess and Management System(ADAMS): You may access publicly:available documents online in theADAMS public document collection at To begin the search, :select"!ADAMS Public Documents": and then:select "!,Begi'n: Web-based ::Search." /'For lp~roblems with ADAMS,: :iADAMS accession nuimber for ~each,.".document referenced (if that documientis .availab~le in ADAMS) is proi)Vdedi the.first timi-e that a document. is referenced.DR:B You imay examine andpurchase copies of pulbl~ic documents at"F:OR FU!RTHER..INFORMATION. CONTACT:James.Kimt, Office of Nuiclear ReactorR~egulation. U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-4125; INFORMATION:I. BackgroundEntergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.(ENO), is the holder of Renewed FacilityOperating License No. DPR-28 for VY.By letter dated January 12, 2015(ADAMS Accession No. ML15013A426),ENO submitted to the NRC acertification in accordance withSections 50.82(a)(1)(i) and 50.82(a)(1)(ii)of Title 10 of the Code of FederalRegulations (10 CFR), indicating that ithad permanently deased poweroperations at VY and had permanentlydefueled the VY reactor vessel. VY hasnot operated since December 29, 2014.The facility consists of a boiling waterreactor located in the town of Vernon,Windham County, Vermont on the westbank of the Connecticut River,immediately upstream of the VernonHydroelectric Station,II. RequestlActionBy letter dated January 6, 2015(ADAMS Accession No. ML150!3A1 71),ENO Submitted a request for exemptionsfrom 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 10CFR 50.75(h)(1)(iv). The exemptionfrom 10.CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) w~ould....permit ENO to make withdrawals fromthe VY Trust to implement its plan tomanage irradiated fuel in accordancewith the updated Irradiated FuelManagement Plan and PSDAR. Theexemption from 10 CFR 50.75(h)(1)(ivlwould permit ENO to make thesewithdrawals without prior notificationof the NRC, similar to withdrawals fordecommissioning activities made inaccordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8). Bya separate letter dated December 19,2014 (ADAMS Accession No,ML14358A251), ENO submitted an
Federal Re~ister/:VO1. 80, :No. 1i20/:TueSday, *June-23, : 2015/Notices359I I I l l I I I l l I I fManagquiementPlnas require by10CR50.75(h)bb)i). ThelsoA.,a reqtithuiredobriay 10ndF inc2a)idenwas alpnss} osubomittedoningepenber 1 nti 2014AdAcmSmccssionghaben No.mpletedA10.The requirements of 10 CFR50.75(a)(8)(i)() frethric thvie usftrust,exetfrwithdrawals toexeinssfrlgitmateudeommisionin 582actiites onsistenwimeth the odeinitio afdeomisisioningewhich appar inciea 10xCens50., Thideiiionudoesenot inclu mde activitiesasusoite withou irraiated fotielt h R::.mnaemnt Therefore, an exemptionfrm1CF' 5f7omh)1(i0 C iR needed((i(A is nloweedeallo Ends trom use frunst fromrhTrs o irradiated fuel management.wthuThPeuirementtsoo 10 CFR 5.250.7 hfssio) mals on restrictatheouseboord inaerysand iniersntalrexpenses) towdeomissioninegrn expempinseuni finalthTerequirements of 10 CFR pr 0()we507(h")i uther*xmpin parahovided th at,d isbuct lrOseent maynbemdue fri om the *: .: cOTrustenwithout withemmn notiefto the NRC:! ": : :Thserefore :ic tanexemp gtediofrom 10 :CFR :: : : : ::50.75(h)()iv) isre.ped~edto allowsecal EN......... to.use :.fcundstafromsthe Tustiamn fothrirraiagted fuelmanagemn withoutprio ApRlC ntifton.o h euainithe Darisculas ion mtne* ol oPurisuanotnesar to 10CFhi5e12 the* b}Commisionc mauonl appulct.ion. byd* ~~anydinterestedherso ort uphats own* ~ignitiantive grant excespios frtomsteconsitenplte wihe the ommaton defesethingsd, orthe t followingniiatyserves*f thoe uelingcurpoedb ofthe rulsignilantly sinuaexcssofthsA:..:The ExemnptiOns: are Authorized by: -:;CF 5bvi:0.82(a)(8).i)(A ando 10h CFRCaprinof theAoi funds rg tom the4 Trst oiradiated, frutel Cmangmenithioutsriorunoticento TheNrCfr, inthe samempinmaBierThae EximthdowsPresn moUdueTeunder ligproef 10 CFR "08()8 odecommissioning activitiesreAscstateBaboe, 10CR01nalw the NRC-pcii cs etomtgoranxmtions fro the Tutorirequirementslofa10gFRmpat 50whe nth adexseyimpatinaENs auilthorie bylaw.the NrCsafflgiahsdetermisoined asixpline b0elowanthtegraningt the lYI~censee. puroperosedexemptions wil ot resut0i aF violation)(itofal the Atoic enserg Atofm1954.asamendedrawl therommis Trsi on'regulations. noThereforet the empiNsCarsuhoul riz fedt by law, iecyoB.nd iThe ETemptiton PrsetomUndueRaiktoltheiPuliHealnthand ati:f te styTheaunserlycingpurpoas ae ofil 0 CFRand: 10 e CRev~ lB ]asedl on the sitve-speii cr os esimateportioenofthrcurstfor irradated fyusigtelmanagementh willpote madversel impac thENr'sability tof comtuleted raccdiologicanterincratetedVY Alicense, Furthermbore,exemptonseune fom 10 ostulated(1)ivtoallowitent lienseeitoreasekNocanear weithraal frmaen the typess foramutirrdiaedffueltta managemrentse w ffithouphrio witte notsgificatinto thceae iNCradiological depulcntaminationoftesebecausue, suherwiethdrwl areustillcxmtonstrained byth provsions olan CndRBased ton the aubove, hather areno naewyC .The Exem pt fonsi are Consistent With:for irradiated +i +plhranniiedEND ecomm~isiaton~ingO~ andi: +.fia lhs~fic:ense terinthionfei processadt .-.wil o tophyically: :+ s~ecur teit~i~~:::le orfprotecD.Special nclercumateral.Ths chnetwenabevterueo apporction of the feundsiofro the Tarstifor actiirmtines othe thntdecommssioning actievites thas unoeynprelation to e seurityissue.TeeoeThe uomndefeynse andposecurit is notD.0Specal(8Circumstand 0ceswit75h)(10v CFR to p2aro)iid ae presentblwheneve application of thee reguaioemntino the particular actircumtanes ishenothanecemmssaryito achieveithes sunderyinassrancitate adequmataeent fundstill benarailgcldecommissioning ofpwrractor. VfrmThe toa YTrust foractiviteas othrtadectommissioningwa activitiestschairraiate fuel ma!*n21iagement uTil fiNalrailgcldecommissioning ats.Of VY hasbOctoberm31,l2014,.was approximatelydollars). As required by 10 CFR50.54(bb), END estimated the costsassobciated with the lo~ng-term i!rradiatedfuel management at VY to be $36:4.4 **:mriillion :in.2014 dollars .;i:::!:The +staff:performed an :independent:.cas :e~ flow analyesis o6f the Trust through~:207*5, assumning. ani annuial real: rate oef ;+-return.of two.i percen~t, as iallowe~d _b:y:.. 10.CFR 50.75(e) (1) ii), and determined: thepreojected earnings of~the Tru~st. The staffconfirmed that the current funds, .planned future contributions, andprojected earntings of the Trust providereasonable assurance of adequatefunding to complete all NRC requireddecommissioning activities and toconduct irradiated fuel management inaccordanqe with the updated IrradiatedFuel Management Plan and PSDAR. Thestaff's review and conclusions are basedon END's specific financial situation, asdescribed in its December 19, 2014,
  • 35994.35994Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 120 /Tuesday, June 23, 2015 /Noticesletter. Consequently, the staff conclUdesthat application of the requirementthatfun~ds from the Trust only be used fordecommissioning activities and not for' irradiated fuel manageme~nt is not:nec'essary to :achileve iunderlying.pUrpo~se: of th~e nule and, ?special circu~mstances are pre~sent":"supporting the approval of theexemption request, ..Ini:its :submittal, END alSOI requested"::exemption, from the ofl10written to the NRC ofactivities. The uniderlying :purpose :ofnotfyinig the NRCiprior to withdrawalopportunity for NRC intervention, whendeemed necessary, i~f the withdrawalsare for expenses other than thoseauthorized by 10 CFR 50.75(h)(1)(iv)and 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8) that could resultin there being insufficient funds in theTrust to accomplish radiologicaldecommissioning of the site.As stated previously, the staff hasdetermined that there are sufficientfunds in the Trust to completelegitimate radiological decommissioningactivities as well as to conductirradiated fuel management. Pursuant tothe annual reporting requirements in 10CFR 50.82(a)(8) (v),(vii), licensees arerequired to moiiitor and report thestatus of the Trust and the fundingstatus for managing irradiated fuel.These reports provide the NRC with* awareness of, and the ability to take.. : :': funtdinigdeficiencies. .The re~quested :.:. .exempti~ons.:woUld not allow:: : Y:* *withdrAwal :of funds fro~m the VY Trust.for any other purpose th~at is not ..currently authorized 'in the regulationswithout .prior notification to the NRC.Therefore, the granting of thisallow the :licensee to make withdraWals:from: the Trust for authorized expen~ses::for irradiated: fuel management :without-will still, meet the underlying purpose ofthe regulation. ---..Special citcumstandes, in accordance.with 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2).(iii) are presentwhenever compliance would result in.undue hardship or other costs that. aresignificantly in excess of thosecontemplated when the regulation wasadopted, or that are significantly inexcess of those incurred by otherssimilarly situated. The licensee statesthat the Trust contains funds in excessof the estimated costs of radiologicaldecommissioning and that these excessfunds are needed for irradiated fuelmanagement activities. The NRC doesnot preclude use of funds from the Trustin excess of those needed forradiological decommissioning for otherpuirpo~ses,; such as irradiated fuelm"ranihgementn. The NRC hais stated that.funding for irradiatfed"fuel maniagemientmnay be commingled in- the Trulst,provid~ed the licensee toidenti fy.and account for the radiological :-d fuds sep arately from'the funds :set aside :for irradiated fuel.rmanagement (seoe iNRC Regulatory. Issuesumma~ry 2001-0J7, iRevisioni 1, "10 CFR*Decommikissioning Planiniiig" dated .and .Reguflatory Guiide1.1 84, Revision 1, "10 CFR 50.7.5Reportinig anid-Recodiceepinig for.D~ecommissioning Planning" (ADAMSAccession No. ML13144A840))h Toprevent access to those excess funds inthe Trust because irradiated fuelmanagement is not associated withradiological decommissioning, wouldcreate an unnecessary financial burdenwithout any corresponding safetybenefit. The adequacy of the Trust tocover the cost of activities associatedwith irradiated fuel management, inaddition to radiologicaldecommissioning, is supported by thesite-specific decommissioning costanalysis. If END cannot use its Trust forirradiated fuel management, it would*need to obtain additional funding thatwould not be recoverable from theTrust, or END would have to modify itsdecommissioning, approach and.methods. The NRC staff conclpdes that.: unnecessary atnd undue burden::: ....signi~ficantly :in o 6t hat?' ::.contemplated when the regulation wasadopted.: :: :*Since the underlying purpose of 1.0CPR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 10 CFR50.75 (h)(-1)(iv) WOuld be achieved byEND to use a portion..of the*Trulst for irradiated fue~l maniagementw :ithout prior:NRC. notification, and.compliance the regulations :an undue or othercosts that are s~ignifican~tly ini e xce~ssof.those contemplated when the regulation*was adopted, the special circumstancesrequired by 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii) and10 CER 50,:12{a)(2)(iii) exist and supportthe approval of the requestedexemptions.E. Environmental ConsiderationsUnder 10 CFR 51.22(c)i251, grantingof an' exemption from the requirementsof any regulation of Chapter I is acategorical exclusion provided that (i)there is no significant hazardsconsideration; (ii) there is no significantchange in the types or significantincrease in the amounts of any effluentsthat maybe released offsite; (iii) there isno significant increase in individual orcuimulative public or occupationalradiation exposure;. (iv) there is no significant increase in the-potential..for or consequenices fromnradiological accidents; and (vi) therequirem~ents from which an exemptioniks sought are amoJn.g those identified in:10 CER 51.22(c)(2.5)(vi) ...."'...The :Director, Division: Of DperatingRdactorRegulationt,.has determined thaapproxa!: of exeption:reques.t .involve~s no. significant hazads ..consideration because allowing'ensee :to use with~drawals fromn theTrUst, in acod~rdance with the updatedIrradiated Fuel Management Plan andPSDAR, without prior notification to theNRC at the permanently shttdown andde fueled VY power reactor, does not (11involve a significant increase in theprobability or consequences of anaccident previously evaluated; or (2)create the possibility of a new ordifferent kind of accident from anyaccident previously evaluated; or (3)involve a significant reduction in amargin of safety. The exempteddecommissioning trust fund regulationsare unrelated to any operationalrestriction. Accordingly, there is nosignificant change in the types orsignificant increase in the amounts ofany effluents that may be releasedoffsite; and no significant increase inindividual public or .with c~onstruction, so there is nO ::exempted regulation does not concernthe source term (i.e., potential amountof radiation in an accident), normitigation. Thus, there is no significantincrea~se iin the pqtential for or ..con~sequiences: from radiological.accidents. The requirements for using..dec~omm~issioning trust~funds forl...decommissioninig activities, and forprior written nqti~ce for otherwith~drawals. fr om-which-thie .exemptionis sought involve recordkeepingrequirements, reporting requirements. orother requirements .of an administrative,managerial, or organizaitional nature.Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR51,22(b) and 51.22(c)(25), noenvironmental impact, statement orenvironmental assessmetit need beprepared, in connection with theapproval of this exemption request.IV. ConclusionsAccordingly, the Commission hasdetermined that, pursuant to 10 CFR Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 120/Tuesday, June 23, 2015/Notices3553599550.12(a), the exemptions are law, will not present an undue riskto tehe publ]ic health and saifetyi and are:! i consistent with :the common01 defenise: iand:.. se:g c irity. Als~o,:s~peciail:::!::: ..cifrcustn cestae p~i resentfo .iiiTherefore,hexeemptions f romte rqiemfents uofn1Dat5ehd1)ivatoR avllow wiyanthdrwas 1taFrom the VY TerReusatfory irradiatedofuemanagemien wuithu, pir.RATheg exemptoriiions are effetine ReponofiJuesig 2015. fNularRacoRegulation.[FR Doc. 2015-15473 Filed 5-22-15; 0:45 amlBILLING CODE 7590-01-PNUCLEAR REGULATORYCOMMISSION[NRC-201 5-0033]Information Collection; PhysicalProtection of Category 1 and Category2 Quantities of Radioactive MaterialAGENCY: Nuclear RegulatoryCommission.ACTION: Renewal of existing informationcollection; request for comment.Mail Stop: T-:5 P53, U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission, Washinigton,*D:C-20555-0001. -.:: ...::additioefial direction on iniformationi and: submitting icommentsisee "Obtining Information andSubmitting Comments"ithTrembaineionel Ofieoinformation.ColmisioeWashingtone DC N-20555-0001; telephone:in 30-45628 emCail:tI.Othaaiaining ofinformation and thia.vbainaleingnformation.rltd otiaction by any of the following methods:* Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to and searchfor Docket ID NRC-2015-0033.* NRC's Agencywide Documents*Access and Management System(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in theADAMS Public Documents collection at g-rm/adoms.html. To begin the search, select"ADAMS Public Documents" and thenselect "Begin Web-based ADAMSSearch." For problems with ADAMS,please contact the NRC's PublicDocument Room (pDR) reference staff at1-.800-397--4209, 301-:415::4737; or byemnail to. Thesupporting statement and :burdenestimates are available in ADAMS underAccessionNos.: ML15114A468 andML15114A470.* NRC's PDR; You imay examine andpurchase copies of public documents atthe NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One-White Flint North, 11555 RockvillePike, Rocville,[I Maryland 20852.* NRC's Clearai-ce Officer'. A copy ofthe collection of-information-and relatedinstructions may be Obtained withoutcharge by contacting the NRC'sClearance Officer, Tremnaine Donnell,Office of Information Services, U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone:301-415-6258; email:INFOCOLLECTS.Resource@NRC.GO V,B. Submitting CommentsPlease include Docket 1ID NRC-2015-0033 in the subject line of yourcomment submission, in order to ensurethat the NRC is able to make yourcomment submission available to thepublic in this docket, ". "Sidentifyingoer iniformation that :.'The iNRC poJsts all comment : ::![: :.;.::submissions at http~i;:// '.: :i::the commienit: submissionis into ADAMS.Th NRCfi~fi does 0no~lt ruinely editin, 'comentsum issiotdheNs to rem dinform those: personus not toincludeidentifying or contact infor~mation thatthey; do not want "to be pubibclydisclosed in their comment submission.Your request should state that the NRCdoes not routinely edit commentsubmissions to remove such informationbefore making the commentsubmissions available to the public orentering the comment submissions intoADAMS,II. BackgroundIn accordance with the PaperworkReduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.chapter 35), the NRC is requestingpublic comment on its intention torequest the OMB's approval for theinformation collection summarizedbelow.1. The title of the informationcollection: 10OCFR part 37, PhysicalProtection of Category 1 and Category 2Quantities of.Radioactive Material.apprO Val number: 3150-0214.3. Type of suibmission:? 4. The farm number, if applicable:Standard Fingerprint Form, FD-258.5. How often the, collection is requiredor requested: One time for initialcompliance notifications andfingerprints for the revieWing 6fficials;and as needed for implementationnotifications, event notifications,notifications of shipments o:fradioactivemateri~al, and fingerprinting of new6..6 WhoqyvwIlbeq re~qu~ired. or asked torespond: Licensees that are authorizedto possess and use category 1 orcategory 2 quantities of radioactivematerial.7. The estimated number of annualresponses: 103,983.8. The estimated number of annualrespondents: 1,5.00 (300 NRC Licensees+ 1,200 Agreement State Licensees).9. The estimated number of hoursneeded annually to comply with theinformation collection requirement orrequest: 138,570.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (1932.4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />sreporting + 85,644.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />sSUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NqRC) inviteS publiccomment On the renewal of Office ofManagement and Budget (OMB)approval for an existing collection of.information. The information collectionis entitled, "Physical Protection ofCategory 1 and Category 2 Quantities of.Radioactive Material,"DATES: Submit comiments by August 24,2015. Comments received after this datewi~ll be considered [f it is practical .to doso, but tho Commission is able to ensureconsiderat~ion only for comments *:received on orbefore this date. .. .....ADDRESSES: You may[ submit commentsby any of the following methods:*Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to* and searchfor Docket ID NRC--2015--0033. Addressquestions about NRC dockets to CarolGallagher; telephone:. 301-287-3422;email: Fortechnical questions, contact theindividual listed in the FOR FURTHERINFORMATION CONTACT section of thisdocument.* Mail comments to: TremaineDonnell, Office of Information Services, i iii:iiiiiii:ii~ii~i ii~~iiiUN.!! I iii TED STATES OF APPEALSi i i~i:i i iiiiii ii~ii~iii iiiii~l iiiii!ii iFO R i ii!iiii!:i~~i!ii !l :!~ iii!!ii: ~i:!i~! !iiDii: I STRi:ii.i! ii I C T~!ii !=! O:~lEii!i~iiii C O LU MBi IATii C!11!:7 I R CU~i ~:!ii:! ITi~iiii ~! "Petitioners"V.UNITED STATES NUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION, andUNITED STATES OF AMERICA,))))))))No.RespondentsCERTIFICATE OF SERVICE[ .....i hereby certify that I. have on this..13th day of August 2015..served a .copy of theOffice. of the Attorney General of the United states* [. U.S. Department :of Justice.:...: .".".-.Pennsylvania -: NW .:=:"i:i:: " : ... .:":"i:::.iJames Kim, Project -Manager""... ":" ""-..."Office of Nuclear Reactor RegulationU.s. Nuclear.Regulatoray Commission,Washington, DC 20555-0001 A. Louise Lund..Division :of Operating Reactor Licensing,* .i:::-..: .::Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.. i. .:i.i ...:.: .: .. :.:.iWashinagton, DC 20555-000 1 *.. .Anne BolandDivision of .Operating Reactor Licensing,Office .of Nuclear Reactor* Regulation*Washington, DC 20555-.0001Office of.CommissionAppellate AdjudicationU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-000 1Office of the SecretaryATTN: Rulemakings & Adjudications StaffU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-000 1Andrew AverbachOffice of the General CounselU.S. Nuclear.Regulatory CommissionWashingtonD 20555-01Rothschild .: ...:": :* "-Office of the General Counsel* -:" .U.S. Nuclear* Regulatory Commission.. * ... W ashington, DC 20555-000:1::.*...-". ""'" ...':" "" M arian zobler ::* .: " : ." ::. ... .. ...... ,- .Office of the General- Counsel...." ."U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-0001Catherine ScottOffice of the General CounselU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-00012 Edward WilliamsonOffice. of the General CounselUS. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555-0001Site Vice PresidentEntergy Nuclear Operations, Inc,:- ~Vermont Yankee Nuclear *Power Station:. -" .*.. Governor Hunt Road. :* .~Vernon, VT 053'54 "... ... .. ... ..Bonnie L. Heiple3