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Certificate of Compliance 5971,Revision 3,for Model GE-200
Person / Time
Site: 07105971
Issue date: 09/30/1980
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19340B073 List:
NUDOCS 8010210027
Download: ML19340B074 (3)




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l Forr9 NRC 618.,



to c R 71 [1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE For Radioactive Materials Packages l

l 1

-1.f al Certificate Number 1.(b) Revision No.

1.(c) Package identification No.

1.(d) Pages No. 1.le) Total No.' Pages l


3 USA /5971/B( 1F 1


. 2. PpE AMBLE 2.fal This certifecate is invec'to satisfy Sections 173.333a.173.394,173.395, and 173.396 of the oepartment of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations #G CFR 170189 and 14 cFR 103) and Sections 146-19-104 and 146-19-100 of the oeoartment of

. Transportation oangerous Cargoes Regulations (46 cFR 146-149), as amended.


The packaging and contents cescribed in item s below, meets the safety standards set forth in Suopart C of Title 10. Code of j

Federal Aegulations. Part 71, " Packaging of Radioactive Materials for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive M.*terial Under j

Certain Conditions /'

i l This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance wi > eny reavirement of the regulations of the U.S. oepartment of Transportation or otner applicable regulatory. agencies, including thw government of any country through or into which the package well be transported.

3. This certificate is issued on the batis of a safety analysis report of the package design or application-3.tal Prepared by (Name and address):

Title and identification of report or application; l

General Electric Company-General Electric Company application dated P.O. Box 460 February 20, 1980, as supplemented.

Pleasanton, CA~ 94566 l

3.(ci oockei no. 71-5971 4 CCNDITioNS.

This certificate is conditional upon the fulfilling of the requirements of Subpart o of 10 CFR 71. as applicable, and the conditions specified


' in item s below.

l S. oescription of Packaging and Autnorized Contents. Model Number, Fissile Class, other Conditions. and



Packaging (1) Model flo. :

GE-200 (2) Description

-.A-steel encased lead shielded shipping cask.

The cask is a double-walleo steel circular cylinder, 20-1/4-inch-diameter by 53 inches high with a central cavity 7-5/8-inch-diameter by 37 inches high.

Approximately 5-7/8 inches of lead surround the central cav.ity.

The cask is equipped with a cavity drain line and. lifting device.

Closure is accomplished by a silicone rubber gasketed l

and bolted steel' lead filled plug.

For additional shielding, lead-filled-t stainless steel liners'may be inserted in the cask cavity.

A protective

-jacket consisting of an upright circular cylinder with open bottom and a


protruding box-section diametrically across the top and vertically down the m

. sides attaches to a square pallet.

Dimensions of the pr 'ective jacket are 65-3/8 inches high by-37-5/8 inches wide across the box section.

The outer cylindrical diameter is 26-3/4L inches and.the pallet is 47-1/2 inches square.

The maximum weight of the packaging is approximately 10,000 pounds.



.-. 1 m

-Fage 2 - Cert'ificate'No. 5971 - Revision No. 3 - Docket No' 71-5971


i f



Packaging (continued)

(3) Drawings

' The packaging is constructed in accordance with the following General

' Electric Company Drawing Nos.:

6120136, Rev. 5 10603852, Rev. 3 693C293, Rev. 3 212E236, Rev. 3 985C540, Rev. 2

'693C292, Rev. 5

-706E788, Rev. 2 12904702, Rev. 0 (b) Contents (1) Type add form of material (i)-_ Byproduct and special nuclear material in the form of fuel rods, or plates, fuel assemblies, or meeting special form requirements of 10 CFR 971.4(o); or (ii) Solid nonfissile irradiated metal hardware, reactor. control rods (blades), and reactor start-up sources.

(2) Maximum quantity of material per' package Radioactive decay heat exceed 780 watts and 500 grams U-235 equiva-1ent mass.

(U-235 equivalent mass equals U-235 mass plus 1.66 times U-233 mass-plus 1.66 times ~Pu mass.-)

Plutonium in excess ~of twenty (20) curies per package shall be in the form of metal, metal alloy,-or reactor elements.

(c) -Fissile. Class 11 Minimum transport index to be.shown on label

- Contents 5.(b)(1)(i):

2.3 6.

1 Shoring shall'be providedLto minimize-movement of contents during accident conditions of transport.

- 7.-

eat 1the, time-of delivery of_the loaded package'to a carrier for transport,~ the; packageLcontents shall be dry and the fissile material unmoderated (H to X atomic ratio.less'than-2).-


Priorito each shipment the silicone rubber lid gasket shall be inspected' This rgasket shall be replaced if inspection shows any defects' or everj twelve (12)

! months,1whichever occurs first.

Cavity drain'line shall be sealed with appropriate sealant applied to threads of pipe plug.


o Page 3 - Certificate flo. 5971 - Revision flo. 3 - Docket No. 71-5971 9.

The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR S71.12(b).


Expiration date:

June 30, 1985 REFERENCES General Electric Company' application dated February 20, 1980.

Supplement dated:

August 26, 1980.

FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportatien~ Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety S ? > 01980 Date.

l l
