ML20053C795 | |
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Site: | Crystal River ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/26/1982 |
From: | Mardis D FLORIDA POWER CORP. |
To: | Harold Denton Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML20053C796 | List: |
References | |
3F-0582-24, 3F-582-24, NUDOCS 8206020569 | |
Download: ML20053C795 (3) | |
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MONTHYEAR3F1099-01, LAR 253,rev 0 to License DPR-72,incorprating Requirements from Biological Opinion Issued by Natl Marine Fisheries Svc1999-10-12012 October 1999
[Table view]LAR 253,rev 0 to License DPR-72,incorprating Requirements from Biological Opinion Issued by Natl Marine Fisheries Svc 3F0999-07, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,to Change ITS Proposed in LAR 239,rev 0,increasing Licensed Capacity for Spent Fuel Assembly Storage in SFP & Revise Configuration for Storage of Fresh Fuel.Proprietary Encl Withheld1999-09-16016 September 1999 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,to Change ITS Proposed in LAR 239,rev 0,increasing Licensed Capacity for Spent Fuel Assembly Storage in SFP & Revise Configuration for Storage of Fresh Fuel.Proprietary Encl Withheld 3F0999-06, Rev 1 to LAR 249,dtd 990505,application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Once Through Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program1999-09-0202 September 1999 Rev 1 to LAR 249,dtd 990505,application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Once Through Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program 3F0799-07, LAR 222,Rev 2 for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to ITS for CREVS & to VFTP & Correcting Typo in ITS Section July 1999 LAR 222,Rev 2 for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to ITS for CREVS & to VFTP & Correcting Typo in ITS Section 3F0599-15, Rev 0 to LAR 250 to License DPR-72,changing CR-3 ITS Section 3.3.8, EDG Lops, SR by Revising Note for Surveillance & Deleting Note for Frequency.Conforming ITS Bases Changes,Encl1999-05-17017 May 1999 Rev 0 to LAR 250 to License DPR-72,changing CR-3 ITS Section 3.3.8, EDG Lops, SR by Revising Note for Surveillance & Deleting Note for Frequency.Conforming ITS Bases Changes,Encl 3F0599-16, Rev 0 to LAR 251 to License DPR-72,revising CR-3 ITS Administrative Controls Section 5.8, High Radiation Area. Util Requests NRC Approval by June 30,20001999-05-10010 May 1999 Rev 0 to LAR 251 to License DPR-72,revising CR-3 ITS Administrative Controls Section 5.8, High Radiation Area. Util Requests NRC Approval by June 30,2000 3F0599-01, Rev 1 to LAR 241 for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Wording for SR to Be More Consistent with NUREG-1430,rev 1 & Clarifying Process of Valve Position Verification1999-05-0707 May 1999 Rev 1 to LAR 241 for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Wording for SR to Be More Consistent with NUREG-1430,rev 1 & Clarifying Process of Valve Position Verification 3F0599-02, Rev 0 to LAR 249 to License DPR-72,proposing Alternate Repair Criteria for Axial Tube End crack-like Indications in Upper & Lower Tubesheets of Otsgs.B&Wog Proprietary Topical Rept BAW-2346P,Rev 0 Encl.Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.7901999-05-0505 May 1999 Rev 0 to LAR 249 to License DPR-72,proposing Alternate Repair Criteria for Axial Tube End crack-like Indications in Upper & Lower Tubesheets of Otsgs.B&Wog Proprietary Topical Rept BAW-2346P,Rev 0 Encl.Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 3F0399-01, Rev 1 to LAR 235 to License DPR-72,proposing Repair Roll Process for CR-3 OTSG tubes.Non-proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342 & Proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342P Repts Encl. Proprietary Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4)1999-03-18018 March 1999 Rev 1 to LAR 235 to License DPR-72,proposing Repair Roll Process for CR-3 OTSG tubes.Non-proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342 & Proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342P Repts Encl. Proprietary Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4) 3F0199-04, LAR 243,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,requesting one-time Rev of ITS to Extend Insp Interval for OTSG Tubes to Coincide with Planned Operating Cycle.Rev 0 to Calculation M-99-0017 & Rev 0 to Calculation AES-C-3543-1 Encl1999-01-27027 January 1999 LAR 243,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,requesting one-time Rev of ITS to Extend Insp Interval for OTSG Tubes to Coincide with Planned Operating Cycle.Rev 0 to Calculation M-99-0017 & Rev 0 to Calculation AES-C-3543-1 Encl 3F1198-06, LAR 244,rev 0,for License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TS LCO 3.9.3 to Allow Both Doors in Personnel Air Locks & Single Door in Oeh to Be Open During Refueling Operations1998-11-30030 November 1998 LAR 244,rev 0,for License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TS LCO 3.9.3 to Allow Both Doors in Personnel Air Locks & Single Door in Oeh to Be Open During Refueling Operations 3F1198-01, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,consisting of LAR 240,re Addition of safety-related diesel-driven Emergency Feedwater Pump.Overview of Proposed Mods Presented to NRC on 980921.Addl Info on post-mod Testing Will Be Sent by 9901291998-11-24024 November 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,consisting of LAR 240,re Addition of safety-related diesel-driven Emergency Feedwater Pump.Overview of Proposed Mods Presented to NRC on 980921.Addl Info on post-mod Testing Will Be Sent by 990129 3F1198-13, LAR 221,rev 2 to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Spec (ITS) 5.7.2 by Changing Type of Structural Integrity Assessment Required from Probabilistic to Deterministic.Rev of LAR 221 Due to Latest Guidance in Draft RG DG-10741998-11-17017 November 1998 LAR 221,rev 2 to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Spec (ITS) 5.7.2 by Changing Type of Structural Integrity Assessment Required from Probabilistic to Deterministic.Rev of LAR 221 Due to Latest Guidance in Draft RG DG-1074 3F1098-04, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) Sections,ITS Section 3.4.11,Bases 3.4.11 & 3.4.3 Re PTLR & LTOP Limits1998-10-30030 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) Sections,ITS Section 3.4.11,Bases 3.4.11 & 3.4.3 Re PTLR & LTOP Limits 3F1098-02, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) by Deleting Note Re Number of Required Channels for Degrees of Subcooling Function & Subdividing Core Exit Temp Into Two New Functions in ITS Table 3.3.17-11998-10-30030 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) by Deleting Note Re Number of Required Channels for Degrees of Subcooling Function & Subdividing Core Exit Temp Into Two New Functions in ITS Table 3.3.17-1 3F1098-15, Rev 0 to LAR 245 to License DPR-72,to Change Methodology for Sf Pool B Criticality Analysis.Change Is Necessary Due to Boraflex Degradation in Sf Pool B.Proposed Revs to USAR, TS & Holtec Rept,Encl1998-10-30030 October 1998 Rev 0 to LAR 245 to License DPR-72,to Change Methodology for Sf Pool B Criticality Analysis.Change Is Necessary Due to Boraflex Degradation in Sf Pool B.Proposed Revs to USAR, TS & Holtec Rept,Encl 3F1098-01, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Plant FSAR, Improved Tech Specs (ITS) & ITS Bases to Resolve USQ Re Leaving Valves DHV-34 & DHV-35 Normally Closed1998-10-16016 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Plant FSAR, Improved Tech Specs (ITS) & ITS Bases to Resolve USQ Re Leaving Valves DHV-34 & DHV-35 Normally Closed ML20154C1531998-09-30030 September 1998 LAR 238 to License DPR-72,correcting RCS Leakage Detection Capability of RB Atmosphere Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor Described in ITS Bases & FSAR 3F0898-01, LAR 235,rev 0 to License DPR-72,proposing New Repair Process for Plant Otsgs.Technical Basis for Repair Roll Process Proposed by LAR Is Contained in BAW-2303P,Rev 31998-08-31031 August 1998 LAR 235,rev 0 to License DPR-72,proposing New Repair Process for Plant Otsgs.Technical Basis for Repair Roll Process Proposed by LAR Is Contained in BAW-2303P,Rev 3 3F0898-04, LAR 234,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,adding Three Addl Reg Guide 1.97 Type a Category 1 post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation Variables & One Type B Category 1 PAM Instrumentation Variable to Improved TS Table 3.3.17-11998-08-31031 August 1998 LAR 234,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,adding Three Addl Reg Guide 1.97 Type a Category 1 post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation Variables & One Type B Category 1 PAM Instrumentation Variable to Improved TS Table 3.3.17-1 3F0798-15, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,changing Improved TS for CREVS & Ventilation Filter Test Program.Control Room Habitability Rept,Ts Pages & Commitments Encl1998-07-30030 July 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,changing Improved TS for CREVS & Ventilation Filter Test Program.Control Room Habitability Rept,Ts Pages & Commitments Encl 3F0698-28, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,exigent LAR 228,rev 0,proposing one-time Exigent License Amend to Allow Operation W/Number of Indications Previously Identified as Tube End Anomalies & Multiple Tube End Anomalies in OTSG1998-06-18018 June 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,exigent LAR 228,rev 0,proposing one-time Exigent License Amend to Allow Operation W/Number of Indications Previously Identified as Tube End Anomalies & Multiple Tube End Anomalies in OTSG 3F0598-01, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to FSAR to Include Description of Use of GL 87-11, Relaxation in Arbitrary Intermediate Pipe Rupture Requirements & NUREG/CR-2913,as Part of Licensing & Design Basis1998-05-28028 May 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to FSAR to Include Description of Use of GL 87-11, Relaxation in Arbitrary Intermediate Pipe Rupture Requirements & NUREG/CR-2913,as Part of Licensing & Design Basis 3F0598-09, License Amend Request 231,Rev 1 to License DPR-72,providing Addl Clarification to Improved Tech Specs 5.2.1, Onsite & Offsite Organizations1998-05-22022 May 1998 License Amend Request 231,Rev 1 to License DPR-72,providing Addl Clarification to Improved Tech Specs 5.2.1, Onsite & Offsite Organizations 3F0498-06, LAR 232,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,changing Scope & Frequency of Volumetric & Surface Insps for CR-3 Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheels1998-04-28028 April 1998 LAR 232,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,changing Scope & Frequency of Volumetric & Surface Insps for CR-3 Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheels 3F0498-02, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,clarifying Improved Tech Specs 5.7.2, Special Repts, to State That Complete Results of OTSG Tube Inservice Insp Shall Be Submitted to NRC 90 Days After Startup (Breaker Closure)1998-04-23023 April 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,clarifying Improved Tech Specs 5.7.2, Special Repts, to State That Complete Results of OTSG Tube Inservice Insp Shall Be Submitted to NRC 90 Days After Startup (Breaker Closure) 3F0398-07, Rev 0 to LAR 227 to License DPR-72,requesting Editorial Change to Improved Tech Specs Re Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheel Insp1998-03-20020 March 1998 Rev 0 to LAR 227 to License DPR-72,requesting Editorial Change to Improved Tech Specs Re Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheel Insp 3F0398-17, Rev 0 to LAR 231 to License DPR-72,proposing Editoral Changes to Improved Tech Specs Safety Limits & Administrative Controls to Replace Listed Titles W/Position of Chief Nuclear Officer1998-03-20020 March 1998 Rev 0 to LAR 231 to License DPR-72,proposing Editoral Changes to Improved Tech Specs Safety Limits & Administrative Controls to Replace Listed Titles W/Position of Chief Nuclear Officer 3F1297-11, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Description of Starting Logic for RB Recirculation Sys Fan Coolers to Ensure That Only One RB Fan Starts on Es RB Isolation & Cooling Signal1997-12-0505 December 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Description of Starting Logic for RB Recirculation Sys Fan Coolers to Ensure That Only One RB Fan Starts on Es RB Isolation & Cooling Signal 3F1297-19, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TSs for CREVS & to Vftp.List of Commitments,Summary of Changes,Reason & Justification for Request,Control Room post-accident Dose Calculations & Analysis Also Encl1997-12-0505 December 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TSs for CREVS & to Vftp.List of Commitments,Summary of Changes,Reason & Justification for Request,Control Room post-accident Dose Calculations & Analysis Also Encl 3F1097-08, Rev 1 to License Amend Request 220,supersedes 970626 Application,Removing Portion of License Condition 2.C.(5) Which Requires Installation & Testing of Flow Indicators in ECCS for Boron Dilution.Description of Changes Encl1997-10-31031 October 1997 Rev 1 to License Amend Request 220,supersedes 970626 Application,Removing Portion of License Condition 2.C.(5) Which Requires Installation & Testing of Flow Indicators in ECCS for Boron Dilution.Description of Changes Encl 3F1087-18, LAR 214,rev 0 to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TS & Bases Pages Re Decay Heat Removal Requirements in Mode 4.List of Commitments Also Encl1997-10-31031 October 1997 LAR 214,rev 0 to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TS & Bases Pages Re Decay Heat Removal Requirements in Mode 4.List of Commitments Also Encl 3F1097-32, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,addressing Methodology for post-LOCA Boron Precipitation Prevention. Revised Framatome Technologies,Inc Document 51-5000519-02, Boron Dilution by RCS Hot Leg Injection, Encl1997-10-31031 October 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,addressing Methodology for post-LOCA Boron Precipitation Prevention. Revised Framatome Technologies,Inc Document 51-5000519-02, Boron Dilution by RCS Hot Leg Injection, Encl 3F1097-04, Application for LAR 217,Rev 0 to DPR-72,addessing Rev to Description of Electrical Controls for Operating Reactor Bldg Recirculation Sys fan/cooler,AHF-1C,as Discussed in FSAR & Improved TS Bases1997-10-0404 October 1997 Application for LAR 217,Rev 0 to DPR-72,addessing Rev to Description of Electrical Controls for Operating Reactor Bldg Recirculation Sys fan/cooler,AHF-1C,as Discussed in FSAR & Improved TS Bases 3F1097-21, Application for LAR 221,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,adding Methodology to Monitor Indication Growth in Group of Tubes within Crystal River Unit 3 B Otsg.Ts Pages,Encl1997-10-0101 October 1997 Application for LAR 221,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,adding Methodology to Monitor Indication Growth in Group of Tubes within Crystal River Unit 3 B Otsg.Ts Pages,Encl 3F0997-16, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising EDG Protective Relaying Scheme,As Described in FSAR Chapter 81997-09-12012 September 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising EDG Protective Relaying Scheme,As Described in FSAR Chapter 8 3F0997-25, TS Change Request Notice 213,Suppl 1 to License DPR-72, Proposing New Improved TS 3.4.11 Re Low Temp Overpressure Protection Sys1997-09-12012 September 1997 TS Change Request Notice 213,Suppl 1 to License DPR-72, Proposing New Improved TS 3.4.11 Re Low Temp Overpressure Protection Sys 3F0997-14, Application for Amend to License,Consisting of License Amend Request 218,addressing Analysis Rev for Makeup Sys Letdown Line Failure Accident as Discussed in FSAR1997-09-0909 September 1997 Application for Amend to License,Consisting of License Amend Request 218,addressing Analysis Rev for Makeup Sys Letdown Line Failure Accident as Discussed in FSAR 3F0897-25, Application for LAR 216 Proposing Amend to License DPR-72, to Change Design Basis of EDG Air Handling Sys1997-08-26026 August 1997 Application for LAR 216 Proposing Amend to License DPR-72, to Change Design Basis of EDG Air Handling Sys 3F0897-22, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,TS Change Request Notice 215,extending Frequency of EDG Surveillances During Period of Time CR-3 EDGs Are Being Modified1997-08-0404 August 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,TS Change Request Notice 215,extending Frequency of EDG Surveillances During Period of Time CR-3 EDGs Are Being Modified 3F0797-21, TS Change Request 209,Rev 1 for License DPR-72,adding EDG Kilowatt Indication to post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation to Support CR-3 Restart Issue of EDG Load Mgt1997-07-29029 July 1997 TS Change Request 209,Rev 1 for License DPR-72,adding EDG Kilowatt Indication to post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation to Support CR-3 Restart Issue of EDG Load Mgt 3F0797-10, TS Change Request Notice 213,rev 0 to License DPR-72, Establishing Requirements for Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Sys1997-07-18018 July 1997 TS Change Request Notice 213,rev 0 to License DPR-72, Establishing Requirements for Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Sys 3F0697-08, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,removing Wording for Requirement Re Installation & Testing of Flow Indicators1997-06-26026 June 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,removing Wording for Requirement Re Installation & Testing of Flow Indicators 3F0697-10, TS Change Request 210 to License DPR-72,supporting Operation W/Hardware Changes Primarily Involving Efw,Hpi,Emergency Feedwater Initiation & Control Sys & Edgs,As Well as Associated Licensing & Design Bases Changes1997-06-14014 June 1997 TS Change Request 210 to License DPR-72,supporting Operation W/Hardware Changes Primarily Involving Efw,Hpi,Emergency Feedwater Initiation & Control Sys & Edgs,As Well as Associated Licensing & Design Bases Changes 3F0597-21, TS Change Request 212,Rev 1 Replacing Prescriptive Requirements of 10CFR50,App J,Option a w/performance-based Approach to Leakage Testing Contained in 10CFR50,App J, Option B1997-05-0101 May 1997 TS Change Request 212,Rev 1 Replacing Prescriptive Requirements of 10CFR50,App J,Option a w/performance-based Approach to Leakage Testing Contained in 10CFR50,App J, Option B 3F0397-16, Application for Amend to License DPR-72 Re Once Through SG Tube Surveillance Program1997-03-27027 March 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-72 Re Once Through SG Tube Surveillance Program 3F0297-09, TS Change Request 212 to License DPR-72,adopting 10CFR50,App J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water- Cooled Reactors, Option B1997-02-17017 February 1997 TS Change Request 212 to License DPR-72,adopting 10CFR50,App J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water- Cooled Reactors, Option B ML20129E7381996-09-27027 September 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to CR-3 post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation 3F0996-05, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,consisting of Change Request 209,Rev 0,proposing Listed Changes to CR-3 post- Accident Monitoring Instrumentation TS1996-09-27027 September 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,consisting of Change Request 209,Rev 0,proposing Listed Changes to CR-3 post- Accident Monitoring Instrumentation TS 3F0996-14, TS Change Request 206 to License DPR-72,revising Engineered Safeguards Actuation Sys Automatic Actuation Logic. Certificate of Svc Encl1996-09-23023 September 1996 TS Change Request 206 to License DPR-72,revising Engineered Safeguards Actuation Sys Automatic Actuation Logic. Certificate of Svc Encl 1999-09-02 Category:TEXT-LICENSE APPLICATIONS & PERMITS MONTHYEAR3F1099-01, LAR 253,rev 0 to License DPR-72,incorprating Requirements from Biological Opinion Issued by Natl Marine Fisheries Svc1999-10-12012 October 1999
[Table view]LAR 253,rev 0 to License DPR-72,incorprating Requirements from Biological Opinion Issued by Natl Marine Fisheries Svc ML20212J8871999-10-0101 October 1999 Amend 188 to License DPR-72,proposing Alternate Repair Criteria to Be Applied to SG Tubes with crack-like Indications within Upper & Lower Tubesheet Areas ML20212K9041999-10-0101 October 1999 Amend 189 to License DPR-72,reflecting Transfer of License to Extent Held by City of Tallahassee to Florida Power Corp 3F0999-07, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,to Change ITS Proposed in LAR 239,rev 0,increasing Licensed Capacity for Spent Fuel Assembly Storage in SFP & Revise Configuration for Storage of Fresh Fuel.Proprietary Encl Withheld1999-09-16016 September 1999 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,to Change ITS Proposed in LAR 239,rev 0,increasing Licensed Capacity for Spent Fuel Assembly Storage in SFP & Revise Configuration for Storage of Fresh Fuel.Proprietary Encl Withheld ML20212B6741999-09-13013 September 1999 Amend 187 to License DPR-72,proposing Change to TS Section 3.3.8 & SR & Corresponding Bases Section,Per 990517 Request ML20211N3201999-09-0808 September 1999 Correction to Amend 185 to License DPR-72,replacing Listed Pages of App a Tss.Revised Pages Identified by Amend Numbers & Contain Vertical Lines Indicating Areas of Change ML20211L3821999-09-0303 September 1999 Amend 186 to License DPR-72,correcting Invalid Ref in Section 5.8, High Radiation Area, of Crystal River Unit 3 Improved TS 3F0999-06, Rev 1 to LAR 249,dtd 990505,application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Once Through Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program1999-09-0202 September 1999 Rev 1 to LAR 249,dtd 990505,application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Once Through Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program ML20211C2731999-08-23023 August 1999 Amend 185 to License DPR-72,approving Changes to Improved TSs for Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys & Ventilation Filter Test Program ML20210U8401999-08-16016 August 1999 Amend 184 to License DPR-72,approving Changes to CR-3 Improved TS to Allow Both Doors of Containment Personnel Air Lock to Be Open During Fuel Movement & Adds Provision for Outage Equipment Hatch ML20210S6701999-08-12012 August 1999 Amend 183 to License DPR-72,approving Use of Revised Pressure/Temp Limits Rept & Low Temp over-pressure Protection Limits ML20210S9731999-08-11011 August 1999 Amend 182 to License DPR-72,adding safety-related diesel- Driven Emergency Feedwater Pump as Functional Replacement for Existing motor-driven Pump,Adding TS & Surveillances for New Pump & Deleting cycle-specific TS 3F0799-07, LAR 222,Rev 2 for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to ITS for CREVS & to VFTP & Correcting Typo in ITS Section July 1999 LAR 222,Rev 2 for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to ITS for CREVS & to VFTP & Correcting Typo in ITS Section ML20196K6271999-06-28028 June 1999 Amend 180 to License DPR-72,changing ISI & Reporting Requirements & Several Format & Editorial Changes ML20195J1851999-06-14014 June 1999 Amend 179 to License DPR-72,reflecting Capability of CR-3 Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor to Detect 1 Gallon Per Minute Leak in Approx 14 H Rather than Previously Stated 1 H ML20195C5941999-06-0303 June 1999 Amend 177 to License DPR-72,adding Addl Instrumentation Variables to Improved TS Table 3.3.17-1, Post-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation ML20207E8261999-05-21021 May 1999 Amend 178 to License DPR-72,changing ITS for Reactor Protection Sys & Engineered Safeguards Sys to Reduce Operator Actions Necessary to Mitigate Certain small-break loss-of-coolant Accidents 3F0599-15, Rev 0 to LAR 250 to License DPR-72,changing CR-3 ITS Section 3.3.8, EDG Lops, SR by Revising Note for Surveillance & Deleting Note for Frequency.Conforming ITS Bases Changes,Encl1999-05-17017 May 1999 Rev 0 to LAR 250 to License DPR-72,changing CR-3 ITS Section 3.3.8, EDG Lops, SR by Revising Note for Surveillance & Deleting Note for Frequency.Conforming ITS Bases Changes,Encl 3F0599-16, Rev 0 to LAR 251 to License DPR-72,revising CR-3 ITS Administrative Controls Section 5.8, High Radiation Area. Util Requests NRC Approval by June 30,20001999-05-10010 May 1999 Rev 0 to LAR 251 to License DPR-72,revising CR-3 ITS Administrative Controls Section 5.8, High Radiation Area. Util Requests NRC Approval by June 30,2000 3F0599-01, Rev 1 to LAR 241 for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Wording for SR to Be More Consistent with NUREG-1430,rev 1 & Clarifying Process of Valve Position Verification1999-05-0707 May 1999 Rev 1 to LAR 241 for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Wording for SR to Be More Consistent with NUREG-1430,rev 1 & Clarifying Process of Valve Position Verification 3F0599-02, Rev 0 to LAR 249 to License DPR-72,proposing Alternate Repair Criteria for Axial Tube End crack-like Indications in Upper & Lower Tubesheets of Otsgs.B&Wog Proprietary Topical Rept BAW-2346P,Rev 0 Encl.Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.7901999-05-0505 May 1999 Rev 0 to LAR 249 to License DPR-72,proposing Alternate Repair Criteria for Axial Tube End crack-like Indications in Upper & Lower Tubesheets of Otsgs.B&Wog Proprietary Topical Rept BAW-2346P,Rev 0 Encl.Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20206H2731999-05-0505 May 1999 Amend 176 to License DPR-72,allowing 1 Time Extension of SG Tube Insp Interval Specified in ITS to Allow Insp to Coincide with Planned Refueling Outage ML20206C9051999-04-27027 April 1999 Amend 175 to License DPR-72,requests Proposed Changes to Updated Final Safety Analysis Rept & Licensing Bases,To Reflect Revised Methodology for B Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analysis ML20205R8961999-04-20020 April 1999 Amend 174 to License DPR-72,in Response to Util Request Dtd 981030,in Which FPC Proposed to Delete Note Re Number of Required Channels for Degrees of Subcooling Function & to Subdivide Core Exit Temp (Backup) Function ML20206D1711999-04-13013 April 1999 Amend 173 to License DPR-72,approving Changes to FSAR & Requiring That Changes Be Submitted with Next Update of FSAR Per 10CFR50.71(e) ML20205N6391999-04-0808 April 1999 Amend 172 to License DPR-72,specifies Criteria for Evaluating Growth of pit-like Intergranular Attack SG Tube Degradation Identified in Tubes in B once-through Steam Generator 3F0399-01, Rev 1 to LAR 235 to License DPR-72,proposing Repair Roll Process for CR-3 OTSG tubes.Non-proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342 & Proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342P Repts Encl. Proprietary Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4)1999-03-18018 March 1999 Rev 1 to LAR 235 to License DPR-72,proposing Repair Roll Process for CR-3 OTSG tubes.Non-proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342 & Proprietary Rev 1 to BAW-2342P Repts Encl. Proprietary Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4) 3F0199-04, LAR 243,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,requesting one-time Rev of ITS to Extend Insp Interval for OTSG Tubes to Coincide with Planned Operating Cycle.Rev 0 to Calculation M-99-0017 & Rev 0 to Calculation AES-C-3543-1 Encl1999-01-27027 January 1999 LAR 243,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,requesting one-time Rev of ITS to Extend Insp Interval for OTSG Tubes to Coincide with Planned Operating Cycle.Rev 0 to Calculation M-99-0017 & Rev 0 to Calculation AES-C-3543-1 Encl 3F1198-06, LAR 244,rev 0,for License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TS LCO 3.9.3 to Allow Both Doors in Personnel Air Locks & Single Door in Oeh to Be Open During Refueling Operations1998-11-30030 November 1998 LAR 244,rev 0,for License DPR-72,proposing Changes to Improved TS LCO 3.9.3 to Allow Both Doors in Personnel Air Locks & Single Door in Oeh to Be Open During Refueling Operations 3F1198-01, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,consisting of LAR 240,re Addition of safety-related diesel-driven Emergency Feedwater Pump.Overview of Proposed Mods Presented to NRC on 980921.Addl Info on post-mod Testing Will Be Sent by 9901291998-11-24024 November 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,consisting of LAR 240,re Addition of safety-related diesel-driven Emergency Feedwater Pump.Overview of Proposed Mods Presented to NRC on 980921.Addl Info on post-mod Testing Will Be Sent by 990129 3F1198-13, LAR 221,rev 2 to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Spec (ITS) 5.7.2 by Changing Type of Structural Integrity Assessment Required from Probabilistic to Deterministic.Rev of LAR 221 Due to Latest Guidance in Draft RG DG-10741998-11-17017 November 1998 LAR 221,rev 2 to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Spec (ITS) 5.7.2 by Changing Type of Structural Integrity Assessment Required from Probabilistic to Deterministic.Rev of LAR 221 Due to Latest Guidance in Draft RG DG-1074 3F1098-04, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) Sections,ITS Section 3.4.11,Bases 3.4.11 & 3.4.3 Re PTLR & LTOP Limits1998-10-30030 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) Sections,ITS Section 3.4.11,Bases 3.4.11 & 3.4.3 Re PTLR & LTOP Limits 3F1098-02, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) by Deleting Note Re Number of Required Channels for Degrees of Subcooling Function & Subdividing Core Exit Temp Into Two New Functions in ITS Table 3.3.17-11998-10-30030 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Improved Tech Specs (ITS) by Deleting Note Re Number of Required Channels for Degrees of Subcooling Function & Subdividing Core Exit Temp Into Two New Functions in ITS Table 3.3.17-1 3F1098-15, Rev 0 to LAR 245 to License DPR-72,to Change Methodology for Sf Pool B Criticality Analysis.Change Is Necessary Due to Boraflex Degradation in Sf Pool B.Proposed Revs to USAR, TS & Holtec Rept,Encl1998-10-30030 October 1998 Rev 0 to LAR 245 to License DPR-72,to Change Methodology for Sf Pool B Criticality Analysis.Change Is Necessary Due to Boraflex Degradation in Sf Pool B.Proposed Revs to USAR, TS & Holtec Rept,Encl 3F1098-01, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Plant FSAR, Improved Tech Specs (ITS) & ITS Bases to Resolve USQ Re Leaving Valves DHV-34 & DHV-35 Normally Closed1998-10-16016 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,revising Plant FSAR, Improved Tech Specs (ITS) & ITS Bases to Resolve USQ Re Leaving Valves DHV-34 & DHV-35 Normally Closed ML20154C1531998-09-30030 September 1998 LAR 238 to License DPR-72,correcting RCS Leakage Detection Capability of RB Atmosphere Gaseous Radioactivity Monitor Described in ITS Bases & FSAR 3F0898-04, LAR 234,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,adding Three Addl Reg Guide 1.97 Type a Category 1 post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation Variables & One Type B Category 1 PAM Instrumentation Variable to Improved TS Table 3.3.17-11998-08-31031 August 1998 LAR 234,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,adding Three Addl Reg Guide 1.97 Type a Category 1 post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation Variables & One Type B Category 1 PAM Instrumentation Variable to Improved TS Table 3.3.17-1 ML20238F4031998-08-31031 August 1998 Amend 170 to License DPR-72,approving Requested Change to Reflect Frequency & Scope of Insp as Specified in Topical Rept WCAP-14535A 3F0898-01, LAR 235,rev 0 to License DPR-72,proposing New Repair Process for Plant Otsgs.Technical Basis for Repair Roll Process Proposed by LAR Is Contained in BAW-2303P,Rev 31998-08-31031 August 1998 LAR 235,rev 0 to License DPR-72,proposing New Repair Process for Plant Otsgs.Technical Basis for Repair Roll Process Proposed by LAR Is Contained in BAW-2303P,Rev 3 3F0798-15, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,changing Improved TS for CREVS & Ventilation Filter Test Program.Control Room Habitability Rept,Ts Pages & Commitments Encl1998-07-30030 July 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,changing Improved TS for CREVS & Ventilation Filter Test Program.Control Room Habitability Rept,Ts Pages & Commitments Encl ML20236Y5661998-07-30030 July 1998 Amend 169 to License DPR-72,revising Improved TS to Allow Operation W/Number of Indications Previously Identified as Tube End Anolmalies & Multiple Tube End Anolmalies ML20236S5381998-07-20020 July 1998 Amend 168 to License DPR-72,revising Improved TS Safety Limits & Administrative Controls to Replace Titles of Senior Vice President,Nuclear Operations & Vice President,Nuclear Production W/Position of Chief Nuclear Officer 3F0698-28, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,exigent LAR 228,rev 0,proposing one-time Exigent License Amend to Allow Operation W/Number of Indications Previously Identified as Tube End Anomalies & Multiple Tube End Anomalies in OTSG1998-06-18018 June 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,exigent LAR 228,rev 0,proposing one-time Exigent License Amend to Allow Operation W/Number of Indications Previously Identified as Tube End Anomalies & Multiple Tube End Anomalies in OTSG ML20248M1921998-06-0808 June 1998 Amend 167 to License DPR-72,approving Requested Changes to Reflect Current Refueling Outage Schedule for Performing Required Rco Flywheel Insp 3F0598-01, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to FSAR to Include Description of Use of GL 87-11, Relaxation in Arbitrary Intermediate Pipe Rupture Requirements & NUREG/CR-2913,as Part of Licensing & Design Basis1998-05-28028 May 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,proposing Changes to FSAR to Include Description of Use of GL 87-11, Relaxation in Arbitrary Intermediate Pipe Rupture Requirements & NUREG/CR-2913,as Part of Licensing & Design Basis 3F0598-09, License Amend Request 231,Rev 1 to License DPR-72,providing Addl Clarification to Improved Tech Specs 5.2.1, Onsite & Offsite Organizations1998-05-22022 May 1998 License Amend Request 231,Rev 1 to License DPR-72,providing Addl Clarification to Improved Tech Specs 5.2.1, Onsite & Offsite Organizations ML20217P0321998-04-29029 April 1998 Amend 166 to License DPR-72,approving Changes to FSAR & Requiring That Changes Be Submitted W/Next Update of FSAR Pursuant to 10CFR50.71(e) 3F0498-06, LAR 232,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,changing Scope & Frequency of Volumetric & Surface Insps for CR-3 Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheels1998-04-28028 April 1998 LAR 232,Rev 0 to License DPR-72,changing Scope & Frequency of Volumetric & Surface Insps for CR-3 Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheels 3F0498-02, Application for Amend to License DPR-72,clarifying Improved Tech Specs 5.7.2, Special Repts, to State That Complete Results of OTSG Tube Inservice Insp Shall Be Submitted to NRC 90 Days After Startup (Breaker Closure)1998-04-23023 April 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-72,clarifying Improved Tech Specs 5.7.2, Special Repts, to State That Complete Results of OTSG Tube Inservice Insp Shall Be Submitted to NRC 90 Days After Startup (Breaker Closure) 3F0398-07, Rev 0 to LAR 227 to License DPR-72,requesting Editorial Change to Improved Tech Specs Re Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheel Insp1998-03-20020 March 1998 Rev 0 to LAR 227 to License DPR-72,requesting Editorial Change to Improved Tech Specs Re Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Flywheel Insp 1999-09-08 |
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Power C O R P O R A f ' O 88 May 26,1982
- 3F-0582-24 File: 3-0-3-e Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
Crystal River Unit 3 Docket No. 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Technical Specification Change Request No. 96 Intake Canal Acceptance Criteria
Dear Mr. Denton:
Florida Power Corporation hereby submits three (3) originals and forty (40) copies of Technical Specification Change Request No. 96, requesting amendment of Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-72. Included with this request are proposed replacement pages.
Change Request No. 96 more clearly defines acceptable intake canal dimensional requirements to assure minimum emergency cooling water flow. The proposed dimensions are also less restrictive than the current Technical Specifications and will reduce the frequency of which the intake canal must be dredged.
Florida Power Corporation has determined that the requested action is a Class til amendment per 10CFR170.22, in that it involves a single safety issue. Accordingly, the license amendment fee of Four Thousand ($4,000) Dollars is enclosed.
Also enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Service for Technical Specification Change Request No. 96 to the Chief Executive of Citrus County, Florida.
Very truly yours, Mdl David G. Mardis Acting Manager i
O Nuclear Licensing gCs 7p Enclosures EWF:mm 8206020569 g (u 'c,q sco # @
General Office 3201 Thaty-fourtn street soutn. P O Box 14042, st Petersburg. Ferida 33733 e 813-866-5151
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE David G. Mardis deposes and says that the following has been served on the Chief Executive of Citrus County, Florida, by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:
- Chairman, Board of County Coramissioners of Citrus County Citrus County Courthouse Inverness, FL 32650 One (1) original copy of Technical Specification Change Request No.
96 requesting amendment to Appendix A of Operating License No. DPR-72.
David G. Mardis Acting Manager, Nuclear Licensing SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS
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WG.AC Notary' Public Notary Public State of Florida at Lar,geJ.j /FM My Commission Expires: /4/
STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS David G. Mardis states that he is the Acting Manager, Nuclear Licensing of Florida Power Corporation; that he is authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the information attached hereto; and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.
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%vid G. Mardis Subscribed and sworn to before me, Da(
/9ft a Notary Public in and for the State and County above named, this
?04 oe hsy;dd{ v!
vtmWU Notary Public Notary Public, State of Florida at Large.
My Commission Expires:
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