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Us Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards & Technology (Nist), Response to Request for Additional Information on License Amendment Request - Gamma Spectrum Analysis Report
Person / Time
Site: National Bureau of Standards Reactor
Issue date: 08/19/2022
Apex-Gamma, US Dept of Commerce, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML22350A064 List:
Download: ML22350A069 (1)


8/19/2022 3:02:34PM Page I of6 J,Apex-Gamma Analysis Report for 19-Aug-22-200004 20.82 gram primary from 8-19-22 after dreain and refill of vessel GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Sample Identification  : 19-Aug-22-200004 Sample Description  : 20 .82 gram primary from 8-19-22 after dreain and refill of vessel Sample Type  : Primary Coolant Sample Size  : 2.082E+01 grams Facility  : Reactor_HP Sample Taken On  : 8/19/2022 2:00:32PM Acquisition Started  : 8/19/2022 2:01:18PM Procedure  : Misc_Contaminant_Point_Source_at Operator  : ncnrhp Detector Name  : RXHP02 Geometry  : Point_at_8cm Live Time  : 3600.0 seconds Real Time  : 3600.9 seconds Dead Time  : 0.02 %

Peak Locate Threshold  : 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)  : 112 - 16384 Peak Area Range (in channels)  : 112 - 16384 Identification Energy Tolerance  : 1.500 keV Energy Calibration Used Done On  : 6/15/2021 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On  : 7/17/2019 Efficiency Calibration Description  : 20190717_HP02_Point at 8cm Eft Cal Sample Number  : 357429 Certificate Name  : 18-0088 Certificate Date  : 7/1/2018 12:00:00PM PEAK ANALYSIS REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on 8/19/2022 3:02:00PM Peak Analysis From Channel 112 Peak Analysis To Channel 16384

8/19/2022 3:02 :34PM Page 2 of6 Analysis Report for 19-Aug-22-200004 20.82 gram primary from 8-19-22 after dreain and refill of vessel Peak Energy ROI ROI Peak Net Peak Net Area Continuum FWHM No. (keV) start end Centroid Area Uncertainty Counts (keV)

M 1 35 . 90 150 - 185 1 58 . 97 3 .4 3E+02 58.23 l.19E+03 1. 33 m 2 40.79 150 - 185 1 80.58 l .13E+02 42.17 8 . 98E+02 1. 34 3 80 .0 3 347 - 364 354 .01 2 .74E+0 2 57.89 3 . 36E+02 1. 48 M 4 92 .6 2 403 - 429 409 .64 2.31E +0l 17.29 l.81E+02 0 .4 4 m 5 95 .7 5 403 - 429 423.47 2 . 97E +0l 18.06 l.62E+02 0.45 6 133 . 53 579 - 601 590.46 l.91E +0 3 10 1.4 5 3 .41E+0 2 1. 54 7 176.01 770 - 786 778.23 4.54E+O l 42 .11 2.53 E+0 2 0.58 8 366 . 88 1615 - 1628 1621.98 l.41E+0l 24.40 9. 7 9E +Ol 0.23 9 427 .77 1882 - 1902 1891.16 l.37E+02 41.86 l. 66E+02 1. 22 10 463.40 2040 - 2057 2048 . 66 5.64E+0l 33 . 64 l.39E+02 0.53 M 11 600 .7 4 2650 - 2686 2655 . 90 4.63E+Ol 17.66 7.25E+0l 2 . 00 m 12 604 . 8 7 2650 - 2686 26 74 .15 9.07E+0 l 22 . 64 8.2 1E+Ol 2.00 13 635 .70 2804 - 2818 2810.48 4.34E+0l 19.68 3.71 E+Ol 1.16 14 661 .6 0 2910 - 2939 2925.02 l.55E+03 81.06 3 .7 4E+0l 1. 71 15 696 . 57 3 072 - 3088 30 7 9.62 6.46E +0l 22.53 3 . 89 E+0 l 0.84 16 795.99 3511 - 3526 3519 . 26 4.31E+0l 19.70 3.57E+0l 0 .7 8 17 117 3 . 20 5178 - 51 98 5187.63 l.45E +0 2 26.83 l .98E+Ol 1.88 18 1332 . 35 58 7 9 - 5903 5891.62 l .4 9E+0 2 25 . 47 6.36E+O0 1. 39 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000sigma PEAK EFFICIENCY REPORT Peak Analysis Performed on  : 8/19/2022 3:02 :00PM Peak Energy Net Peak Net Area Peak Efficiency No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Efficiency Uncertainty M 1 35.90 3.43E+02 58.23 8.56E -0 3 l.63E-03 m 2 40.79 l . 13E+02 42 .1 7 l.07E-02 l . 63E - 03 3 80 . 03 2 .74E+0 2 57.89 l.93E-02 l.6 3E-0 3 M 4 92 . 62 2.31E+0l 17.29 l.97E-02 l.59E-03 m 5 95.75 2.9 7E+Ol 18.06 l.98E-02 l.57E-03 6 133. 53 l. 91E+03 101.45 1. 86E - 02 1. 32E-03 7 176.0 1 4.54E+0l 42 .11 l.64E-02 l.24E-03 8 366 . 88 l.41E +0l 24 .4 0 9.52 E-03 8.66E -04 9 427.77 l.37E+02 41 . 86 8 . 35 E-0 3 7.63E-04 10 463.40 5.64E+0l 33.64 7.7 9E -0 3 7.21E-04

8/19/2022 3:02:34PM Page 3 of6 Analysis Report for 19-Aug-22-200004 20.82 gram primary from 8-19-22 after dreain and refill of vessel Peak Energy Net Peak Net Area Peak Efficiency No. (keV) Area Uncertainty Efficiency Uncertainty M 11 600.74 4.63E+0l 17.66 6.23E-03 5.61E-04 m 12 604.87 9.07E+0l 22.64 6.19E-03 5.56E-04 13 635.70 4.34E+0l 19.68 5.93E-03 5.20E-04 14 661.60 1.55E+03 81.06 5.73E-03 4.90E-04 15 696.57 6.46E+0l 22.53 5.49E-03 4.68E-04 16 795.99 4.31E+0l 19.70 4.90E-03 4.04E-04 17 1173.20 l.45E+02 26.83 3.57E-03 2.90E-04 18 1332. 35 1.49E+02 25.47 3.23E-03 2.57E-04 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000 sigma NUCLIDE /DENT/FICA TION REPORT Nuclide Library Used  : \\apexserver\ApexRoot\Reactor_HP\Library\RXSYSTEM.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (µCi/grams) Uncertainty CO-60 0.99 1173.22

  • 100.00 1.47E-05 2.96E-06 1332.49
  • 100.00 1.66E-05 3.13E-06 SB-125 0.85 176.33
  • 6.89 1.45E-05 l.35E-05 380.51 1. 40 427.89
  • 29. 33 2.02E-05 6.44E-06 463.38
  • 10.35 2.52E-05 1.52E-05 600.56
  • 17.80 1.51E-05 5.92E-06 606.64 5.02 635.90
  • 11. 32 2.33E-05 1.08E-05 671.66 1. 80 CS-134 0.73 563.23 8.38 569.32 15.43 604.70
  • 97.60 5.41E-06 1. 44E-06 795.84
  • 85.40 3.72E-06 1.73E-06 801.93 8.73 1365.15 3.04 CS-137 1.00 661.65
  • 85.12 l.15E-04 1.15E-05 CE-144 1.00 80 .11
  • 1. 60 3.20E-04 7.28E-05

8/19/2022 3:02 :34PM Page 4 of 6 Analysis Report for 19-Aug-22-200004 20.82 gram primary from 8-19-22 after dreain and refill of vessel Nuclide Id Energy Yield(%) Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (µCi/grams) Uncertainty CE-144 1. 0 0 133 . 54

  • 10 . 8 0 3 . 43 E- 04 5 . 38 E- 0 5
  • = Energy line found in the spectrum .

- = Manually added nuclide.

? = Manually edited nuclide.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.500 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold = 0.10 Errors quoted at 2.000sigma INTERFERENCE CORRECTED REPORT Nuclide Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Comments Name Id Activity Activity Confidence Uncertainty


CO- 60 0 . 999 1. 56 E- 05 2 .1 5E- 06 SB - 125 0. 855 1 . 8 4E- 05 3. 7 6E- 06 X XE- 133 0 . 936 CS - 13 4 0.7 3 4 4. 72 E-0 6 1.l 0E- 0 6 CS - 13 7 1 . 00 0 1 . 1 5E- 0 4 1.1 5E - 0 5 CE- 1 4 4 1. 0 00 3 . 3 5E- 0 4 4 . 33E - 05 X Ho - 1 6 6 0. 89 5

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 2.000sigma

8/19/2022 3:02 :34PM Page 5 of6 Analysis Report for 19-Aug-22-200004 20 .82 gram primary from 8-19-22 after dreain and refill of vessel UNIDENTIFIED PEAKS Peak Locate Performed on  : 8/19/2022 3:02:00PM Peak Locate From Channel  : 112 Peak Locate To Channel  : 16384 Peak CPS(%) Peak Tolerance Peak No. Energy (keV) Peak Size (CPS) Uncertainty Type Nuclide M 1 35 . 90 9 . 53668 E- 02 8 . 48 m 2 40 .7 9 3 .140 5 1E-0 2 1 8 .6 5 To l. Sm- 153 Sm- 1 5 3 M 4 92 . 62 6 . 411 23 E-0 3 37 .4 6 Tol. AC - 228 U- 235 m 5 95 .7 5 8 . 23794 E-0 3 30 . 46 To l. PA- 234 8 366 . 88 3 . 90 4 32 E- 03 86 .7 9 15 696 . 57 1.7 9349 E- 0 2 17 . 4 5 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 2.000sigma DA TA REVIEW COMMENTS REPORT Creation Date Comment User No Data Review Comments Entered .

8/19/2022 3:02:34PM Page 6 of6 Analysis Report for 19-Aug-22-200004 20.82 gram primary from 8-19-22 after dreain and refill of vessel