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Operations Rept 51 for Jan-Dec 1998. with
Person / Time
Site: National Bureau of Standards Reactor
Issue date: 12/31/1998
From: Rowe J
51, NUDOCS 9903310140
Download: ML20205B051 (12)


. [ _. __ 1*

UNITED STATE] DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Nation:1 Institute cf Ctandards cnd Technology

'\, . .>. j/ Garthersburg, Maryland 208990001 1

(301) 975-6210 l FAX (301) 975-9427 l

l March 25, 1999 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 l


Docket #50-184 Gentlemen:  !

Transmitted herewith is Operations Report No.51 for the NBSR. The report covers the period January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998.

Sincerely, mm +~

J. Michael Rowe 1

Director, NIST. Center for Neutron Research Enclosure cc: Project Scientist U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Project Manager Non-Power Reactor Directorate f//

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

[hM 9903310140 981231 PDR ADOCK 05000184 i R PDR i 300024 NLST


  • i


Facility License No. TR-5 Operations Report l -- #51 --

January 1,1998 - December 31,1998 This report contains a summary of activities connected with the operations of the l

NBSR. It is submitted in fulfillment of section 7.8(3) of the NBSR Technical Specifica-tions and covers the period from January 1,1998 to December 31,1998.

Section numbers in the report (such as 7.8(3)(a)) correspond to those used in the Technical Specifications.

March 25,1999 b

J. Michael Rowe i Director, NIST Center for Neutron Research l

l l


1 I

  • TABLE OF CONTENTS 7.8(3)(a) Summary of Plant Operations 7.8(3)(b) Unscheduled Shutdowns 7.8(3)(c) Tabulation of Major items of Plant Maintenance 4

7.8(3)(d) Tabulation of Major Changes in the Facility and Procedures, and the Test and Experiments, Carried Out Without Prior Approval by the NRC Pursuant to 10 1 CFR 50.59 7.8(3)(e) Summary of Radioactive Material Released and Results of Environmental Surveys Performed 1 l

1 7.8(3)(f) Summary of Significant Exposures Received by Facility Personnel and Visitors 199 8 0perations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

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, 7.8(3)(c) Summary of Plant Operations l

During th,e period January 1,1998 through December 31,1998 the reactor was critical for 5578 hours0.0646 days <br />1.549 hours <br />0.00922 weeks <br />0.00212 months <br /> with energy output of 111,076 MWH. Towards the latter part of the year, a very small leak, on the order of 0.01 liter per hour was discovered in the vicinity of the thermal column. It was decided to shut down the reactor and search for the leak. After an exhaustive search and testing, the scurce of the leak was not found and the leak had not returned. The situation will continue to be monitored.

7.3(3)(b) Unucheduled Shutdowns

1. There were (4) scrams due to commercial power interruptions. A return to 20 MW occurred twice within the hcur, once after a one day delay because of Xenon buildup, and once after a two day delay because of Xenon buildup.
2. There were (3) shutdowns due to commercial power interruptions. A return to 20 MW occurred in each instance within the hour.
3. There was (1) ceram during startup whan routinely switching the scram setpoint from 13% to 125%, cause unknown. After verifying normal conditions, restart to 20 MW occurred within the hour.
4. There was (1) shutdown due to loss of the confinement building main exhaust fan. A return to 20 MW occurred after verifying proper ventilation performance and with a one I day delay because of Xenon buildup.
5. There was (1) shutdown due to loss of the cold source compressor. The compresse > .s restored and restart occurred after the scheduled refueling because of Xenon builup.

7.8(3)(c) Tabulation of Major items of Plant Maintenance Note: Several of these items are covered by an Engineering Change Notice (ECN).

1. Regenerated IX columa of demin water station 41 times
2. Installed dilution tank at demin water station to allow neutralization of IX column regeneration effluent
3. Replaced proximity detoctors on refueling system conveyor twice i 4. Replaced 11 cells of station battery


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5. Replaced starting batteries on both emergency diesel generators
6. Replaced spent fuel storage pool IX resin (twice)
7. Eisassembled, cleaned and reassembleo cpent fuel storage pool IX column flow distribution tree
8. Replaced spent fuel storage pool pro filters (three times) and after filters twice 9.' Replaced pre and after filters of thermal shield system
10. Replaced after filters of experimental demin system
11. Replaced pre and after filters of primary purification system
12. Replaced RT-1 flow switch and adjusted low flow set point
13. Disassembled #2 Shim arm drive, replaced both thrust bearings, cleaned and lubricated lead screw and ball nut assembly. Reassembled and tested satisfactorily
14. Replaced electro - magnet with new unit on clutch of #2 Shim arm drive, adjusted clutch current to 120 ma, cleaned and relubricated lead screw and ball nut assembly
15. Replaced spark plug of #3 shim arm leak collectivo container
16. Replaced fill, channels and ang,es in all thrae cooling tower cells
17. Cleaned cooling tower basin of sediment
18. Repaired cracks in cooling tower basin by pumping grout into needed areas 19 Reworked cooling tower suction pit curb with new grout material
20. Replaced gaskets of all three cooling tower gearbox inspection covers  ;
21. Replaced let tite on all three cooling tower mctor vibration cutout switches l
22. Replaced blown fuse for #3 cooling tower fan start circuit
23. Process Instrument test panel updated and moved to more convenient location .

( ECN - 441)  !

24. Installed supplemental air valve at BT-1, BT-4, BT-7, & BT-9 control boxes to allow pressurized nitrogen to be used to raise shutter
25. Installed and satisfactorily tested absolute filters for hood #2 & #3 in C-001
26. Satisfactorily tested absolute filters for hood #1 in C-001 ( filters were installed Dec 24, 1997)
27. Installed motor operator to allow opening .,1d closing of C-100 truck door other than manually '
28. Replaced packing of secondary system #123 & #456 strainers
29. Repiped emergency cooling tank level transmitter lines I 30. Replaced # 6 secondary main pump motor bearings after remachining Lot'n bearing 199 8 0porations Report for NBSW (TR-5)

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housing surfaces-l 31. Repaired actuator for SCV-560 ( thermal shield heat exchanger secondary bypass va,lve) ,

l 32. Replaced resin in #2 thermal shield IX column

33. Replaced motor of EF-2 (dilution exhaust fan)
34. Investigated D2O leak at thermal column door area
35. Replaced positioner for DWV-22 (prirnary purification system bypass) i 36 Repaired weld on pick up tool of refueling chute drop wt plug l 37. Replaced air hoses for ACV-7
38. Replaced #2' cooling tower cell bypass valve with new Limitorque valve 39 Replaced gaskets en both sides of DWV-318 (thermal column tank leak detector trap)
40. Replaced valve diaphragm for DWV-316 (thermal column tank drain)
41. Replaced valve diaphragm for old level connection of thermal column tank- (no valve

, number)

42. Replaced 3-way air valve for B-2 auto closure door
43. Replaced all conductivity cells in process room
44. Replaced air dryer on B-2 with higher capacity unit
45. Replaced RT-1 rabbh timer module
46. Rebuilt #1 & #2 secondary aux boostei pumps with new mechanical shaft seals
47. Continued treating leaking theimal shield tubes as necessary )


48. Commenced replacing thermal shield lower ring header valves l 49. Performed regularly scheduled Tech specs and plant PM's
50. The following instrument calibration surveillance tests were performed: )

Channel Title i BTUR-1 Reactor Thermal Power Recorder

, BTUR-1 Reactor Thermal Power Recorder CRA1-2A. Primary D2O IX Inlet Conductivity Racorder CRA1-2B Primary D2O IX Outlet Conductivity Recorder

C!A-4 Storage Pool Water Conductivity Channel CIA-5 Storage Pool IX Outlet Conductivity Channel CIA-6 Thermal Shield Water Conductivity Channel CIA-7 Thermal Shield IX Outlet Conductivity Channel FRC-3 Outer Plenum Flow Recorder I

1998 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

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l- FRC-4 Inner Plenum Flow Recorder l FlA-8A Cold Source D2O Flow Channel A FIA-8B , Cold Source D2O Flow Channel B l FIA-15 Thermal Shield Coolant Flow Indicator FIA-40 Reactor Outlet Flow Indicator Alaim LRC-1 Reactor Vessel Level Recorder LIA-4 Thermal Column Tank Level Indicator Alarm z

LCA-19 Storage Pool Pump Pit Level Control LIA-40 Reactor Vessel Level Indicator NC-3 Intermediate Channel NC-3 NC-4 Intermediate Channel NC-4 NC-5 Nuclear Power Channel NC-7 NC-6 Nuclear Power Channel NC-6 NC-7 Nuclear Power Channel NC-7  !

NC-8 Nuclear Power Channel NC-8 NC-9 Nuclear Safety System PC-3 Normal Exhaust System Pressure Controller PIA-3 Recombiner Outlet Pressure Indicator t

PC-27 Process room Pressure Controller PIC-102 Thermal Column Pressure Controller SPC-150 Emergency Fan Controller SPS-150 Emergency Stardby Fan Controller SPS-151 Vacuum Breaker Controller RM 1-1 Area Monitor - First Floor North Wall RM 1-2 Area Monitor - First Floor East Wall RM 1-3 Area Monitor - First Floor South Wall RM 1-4 Area Monitor - First Floor West Wall RM 1-5 Area Monitor - Second Floor Ceiling RM 1-6 Area Monitor - Second Floor West Wall l RM 1-7 Area Monitor - Fuel Storage Pool Area l RM 1-8 Area Monitor - Process Room East Wall RM 1-9 Area Monitor - Process Room West Wall RM 1-10 ' Area Monitor - Control Room

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. i RM 1-15 C001 Rabbit 1.ab Radiation Area Monitor RM 3-1 Secondary Cooling N-16 Radiation Monitor RM 3-P . Helium Sweep Gas Radiation Monitor RM 3-3 Secondary Cooling N-16 Radiation Monitor RM 3-4 Irradiated Air High Activity Radiation Monitor RM 3-5 Building Exhaust High Activity Radiation Monitor l

RM 4-1 Stack Gas High Activity Radiation Monitor RM 4-2 Emergency Ventilation Stack Radiation Monitor i RM 4-4 MAA Gamma Radiation Monitor BT-4FACS BT-4 Spectrometer Radiation Monitors TRA-2 Reactor Outlet Temperature Recorder l TRCA-3 Reactor Inlet Temperature Recorder Controller l TR-4 D2O HE-1 A Outlet remperature Recorder l TR-5 D2O HE-18 Outlet Temperature Recorder TIA-6 D2O HE-2 Ou'let Temperature Indicator TI 7 D2O HE-2 Inlet Temperature Indicator TIA-8 Thermal Column Tank Outlet Temperature Indicator Alarm TIA-10 Recom'oiner Outlet Temperature Recorder TIA-11 Recc abiner Internal Temperature Recorder TI-13 Secondary Outlet HE-1 A Temperature Indicator TI-14 Secondary inlet HE-1 A and HE-1B Temperature Indicator ,

TIA-15 Stor~)e Pool Water Temperature TIA-16 Therrn : Shield HE Outlet Temperature Indicator Alarm l TI-21 Experii.. ental Demineralized Water HE Inlet Temperature Indicator i TI22 Thermal Shield Storage Tank Inlet Temperature Indicator TIA-23 Thermal Shield Floor Header Outiet Temperature Indicator Alarm

. TIA-24 Thermal Shield Ring Header Outlet Temperature Indicator Alarm TIA-31 Experimental Demineralized Water HE Outlet Temperature Indicator Alarm TI-33 Secondary Outlet HE-1B Temperature Indicator TI-34 Cold Source D2O Inlet Temperature TI-35 Cold Source D2O Outlet Temperature TIA HE-2 Secondary Outlet Temperature Indicator TIA-40A Reactor Outlet-Inlet Temperature Differential Indicator & Alarm - Channel A 1998 Operations Report for NBSR (TR-5)

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I TIA-40B Reactor Outlet Inlet Temperature Differential Indicator & Alarm - Channel B

51. The following instrument service requests (ISR) were completed: l ISR # . ACTION l 1442 Replaced Recorders for Liquid Waste Tanks at Emergency Station.

l 1454 Adjusted Reg Rod Controller.

1455 Repaired RM4-1 Channel.

1456 Repaired Storage Pool Level Control.

1457 Repaired NGIV-7 Closed Pushbutton.  ;

1458 Reset FR-20 and FR-21 Flow Cl.annels.

1459 Repaired Storage Pool Level Control.

1460 Repaired NGIV-4 Closed Pushbutton. I 1462 Replaced Detector in RM1-15 For C-001.

1463 Repaired NGIV-7 Closed Pushbutton.

1464 Replaced RT-1 Rabbit Tip Flow Switch.

1465 Adjusted NC-5 Console Indication. '

1466 Repaired NC-3 Period Drawer.

1467 Recalibrated RM1-2, C-100 North.

1468 Repaired Storage Pool Level Control.

1469 Replaced Process Instrument Test Panel to Address Switches Not Locking in Position.

1470 Repaired FIA-8A Flow Transmitter.

1471 Recalibrated Reactor Inlet Temperature Controller.

1472 Repaired Storage Pool IX Conductivity Channel.

1473 Returned Cold Source D2O Outlet Temperature To Normal.

1474 Repaired Purification IX Conductivity Recorder.

1475 Recalibrated LIA 2 Channel.

1476 Verified Proper Operation Of Rundown Circuit.

1477 Calibrated Erratic RM4 2 Channel.

1478 Replaced LIA-2 Level Detector.

1479 Repaired NC-5 Servo Deviation Meter.

1480 Repaired Purification IX Conductivity Recorder.

1481 Investigated Problem With FCA-7 Flow Controller.

1482 Repaired FRC-4 Flow Recorder.

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l# 1483 Repaired SCV-560 Controller.

l 1485 Replaced K-104X Relay For Reactor ON Lights.

j 1486 , Recalibrated RM1-7, Storage Pool.

. 1487- Repaired Pulser Pacer in Nuclear Instrumentation.

l -1488 Calibrated Erratic RM4-2 Channel.

! 1489- Repaired Tritium Monitoring System.

1490 Recalibrated FRC-4 Flow Channel.

l 11491 Repaired FIA-8A Flow Transmitter.

l 1492 Repaired Wiring in HE-1 A & -1B Flow Channels.

.1493 . Replaced Failed TR 2 Reactor Outlet Temperature Recorder.

1494 Investigated Problem With NC-3 & -4 Console Meter indication.

1495 Recalibrated Tritium Monitoring System.


-1496 Repaired Shim Arm No. 4 Indication.


1497 Repaired D2O Flow to Rabbit Tip.


-1499 Repaired Storage Pool Contuctivity Channel. 1 i

1500 Repaired 42 VDC Power Supply.  ;

1502 Repaired Purification IX Inlet Conductivity Channel.

1503 Repaired Purification IX Conductivity Recorder.

7.8(3)(d) . Tabulation of Major Changes in the Facility and Procedures, and L

the Test and Experiments, Carried Out Without Prior Approval by l the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59.

l L Ttiere were no significant changes to procedures or test and experiments during this period.

The following facility changes were completed this year, all of which are considered minor; i

( ECN 356B Two N-16 secondary cooling radiation detectors and associated equipment were moved severai feet, and radiation shielding installed to compensate for L increased background radiation levels due to installation / operation of neutron guide NG-1. There is no change in detector functionality. There are no unreviewed safety questions.

ECN 440 Modify the annunciator system alarm reset pushbutton to also reset any scram l

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function together with the scram reset pushbutton, when both buttons are l depressed simultaneously. This improves the reliability of the scram reset

. yvithout introducing any unreviewed safety questions.

ECN 441 Move the Instrument Test Panel to the front of the Control Room console, add the capacity to the panel to test new rundown functions, and modify the logic of the rod drop test circuit. This change improves the panel and adds flexibility during testing. There are no unreviewed safety questions.

l ECN 443 Installation of new voltage regulators for process loop instrumentation. This change updates and centralizes equipment, and improves cabinet space  !

utilization. There are no unreviewed safety questions.

ECN 444 Replacement of temperature and conductivity transmitters for light and heavy water systems with up-to-date transmitters as part of the on-going instrumentation upgrades. All functions remain the same. There are no unreviewed safety questions.

ECN 447 Replacement of outdated recombiner outlet pressure transmitter with up-to-date transmitter as part of the on-going instrumentation upgrades. There are no unreviewed safety questions.

ECN 450 Add remote indication in the Control Room of Thermal Shield System pH to improve system performance. There are no unreviewed safety questions.

7.8(3)(e) Summary of Radioactive Material Releasea and Results of Environmental Surveys Performed.

The gaseous waste released was 332 curies of tritium,812 curi as of Argon-41,0.042 curies of Cl-38, and 0.033 curies of Br-82. There were 1.19 curies of tritium and 122 microcuries of other beta-gamma emitters released into the sanitary sewer.

Environmental samples of the streams, vegetation, and/or soil, and air showed no j significant changes.

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7.8(3)(f) Summary of Significant Exposures Received by Facility Personnel

. and Visitors.

1. None to visitors.
2. Dosirnetry resul+.s for this reporting period indicated that no facility personnel received significant exposures.

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