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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re BWR Containment.Forwards App D Documents.Apps C & D Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/29/1987
From: Grimsley D
To: Tye L
Shared Package
ML20209E138 List:
FOIA-87-10, RTR-NUREG-1150 NUDOCS 8702090230
Download: ML20210B759 (4)



\e ee.e / INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST JAN 2 91987 DOCKET NUM8ER;51 Ur appeceami NEOUESTER Mr. Larr_y Tye PART 1.-RECOftDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checked boxes)

No agency records subject to the recuest have been located.

No addnional agency recorde subsect to the request have been located.

Ager cy records subsect to the request that are identifed in Appendix ( are already available for pubisc inspectx>n and copying in the NRC Pub'ic Document Room, y 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subsect to the request that are identded in Appendia 9 are being made available for public inspectw>n and copying in the NRC Public Document y i.oorn,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC. in a folder under the FOIA rumber and requester name.

The nonpropnetary versaan of the proposaus) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staff is now being made avalable for public inspection and coymg at the NRC Public Document Room 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a foider under this FOIA nurnber and requester name.

Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records placed in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington. DC.

Agency records subject to the roouest are enclosed. Any applicable charge for copes of the records provided and payment procedures are noted in the comments section.

R , cords subsect to the request have been referred to another Federal agency (ies) for revew and direct response to you.

In vow of NRC's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated PART fi.A-INFORMAT'ON WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Cert. sin information in the requested recorda is being withheld from public d6sclosure pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described in and f . - easons stated in Part II, sec-tions 8. C, and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made availabl< ror pubis wection and copymg in the NRC Public Document Room.1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOIA number and requester name.

Comments 8702090230 870129 PDR FOIA TYE87-10 PDR 0

StG TU E. DIRECTOR. Dys A 0F p LES AND RfCCRCS f)% F- ' 4/smdre,

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'1. 11/3/86 " Transcript of Commission Meeting (Public) Re: Briefing on GE Containment Program," Accession number: 8611070306, (84 pages).

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'F01A-87-010 APPENDIX D Records Maintained in the PDR Under the Above Request Number

1. Undated Double space paper on " Severe Accident Safety in Boiling Water Reactors with Mark I Containment" (7 pages)
2. Undated Belgium Paper by R. Bernero, NRC, "US Appraisals and Actions on Severe Accident Risk" (8pages)
3. 5/29/86 Memo from R. Bernero to DBL SES Personnel, " Thoughts on Dealing with Performance of BWR Containments in Severe Accidents" (2 pages w/ attachments:
a. Section A.A (1 page)
b. Severe Accident Containment Policy-BWR (1 page)
4. 6/18/86 Memo fromand with IDCOR R.BWR Bernero, to Group Owners H. Denton, Director, on BWR NRR, Containment: (1 "page Meeting) w/ attachments:
a. Memo from R. Bernero to H. Denton dated 6/9/86, subject:

BWR Mark I, II & III Containment Performance During Severe Accidents (1page)

b. NRCSevereAccidentPolicy(16pages)
5. 8/27/86 Memo from R. Bernero to J. Sniezek subject: CRGR Briefing on BWR Containment Performance. (1 page) w/ attachment:
a. Slides for briefing (19 pages)
6. 9/3/86 Memo to T. Speis, F. Miraglia, T. Novak, D. Ross, J. Partlow, E. Jordan from R. Bernero, subject: Generic Requirements for BWR Containment Response to Severe Accidents (2 pages) w/ attachments:
a. Chronology (1 page)
b. Letter to All BWR Licensees and applicants for BWR Licenses (2pages)w/BWRContainmentPerformanceDuringSevere Accidents (6 pages)
7. 9/8/86 Memo to M. Hodges from F. Congel, subject: Post-Accident Doses Off-Site from Noble Gases (2 pages) w/ attachments (10 pages)
8. 9/11/86 Vugraph Paper by R. Bernero, subject: Discussion of a Generic Letter on BWR Containment Peformance, (13 pages)
9. 9/15/86 Memo to T. Speis and D. Ross from R. Bernero, subject: Generic Requirements for BWR Containment Response to Severe Accidents (1 page) w/ attachments (2 pages)
10. 9/22/86 Memo to T. Speis, Z. Rosztoczy, F. Congel, J. Murphy, from R. Bernero, subject: IDCOR/BWROG Report on BWR Accident Mitigation Capability (1 page) w/ enclosure
a. Evaluation of BWR Accident Mitigation Capability Relative to Proposed NRC changes, August 1986(279pages)

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l F01A-87-010 APPENDIX D (continued)

11. 9/23/86 Vugraph Paper by R. Bernero, subject: ACRS Subcommittee on Containment Performance (16 pages)
12. 9/23/86 Memo to Z. Rosztoczy from F. Congel, subject: Dose Consequences from Containment Venting (2 pages) w/ attachments
a. Memo for F. Congel from Z. Rosztoczy, subject: Dose Consequences from Venting Containmant, dated 9/1/86 (1 page) w/ attachments (5 pages)
13. 9/25/86 Memo to R. Bernero from T. Novak, subject: Review of Generic Requirments for BWR Containment Response to Severe Accidents (2 pages)
14. 9/18/86 Draft Technical Report A-3825R, Prevention and Mitigation of

~ Severe Accidents in a BWR-4 with a Mark I Containment (105 pages)

15. 10/7/86 Memo for BWR Owners Group and Facilities from M. Thadani, subject: Sumary of September 11, 1986 Meeting On Generic Requirements for BWR Containmer's (1 page) w/ attachments:
a. NRC-BWROG Meeting on Containment Requirements 9/11/86, attendees (2pages)
b. Discussion of a Generic Letter on BWR Containment Performance 9/11/86(29pages)
16. 11/3/86 Vugraph Paper by R. Bernero - Assurance of BWR Pressure SuppressionContainmentPerformance(10pages)
17. 11/7/86 Memo to T. Speis from R. Bernero, subject: Draft Reports

" Prevention and Mitigation of Severe Accidents in a BWR-4 with a Mark I Containment" dated September 1986 and Prevention and Mitgation of Severe Accidents in a BWR-6 with a mark III Containment (1 page)

18. 11/13/66 Memo to M. Hodges from F. Congel, subject: Post-Accident Doses Offsite -- Additional Information (2 pages) w/ attachment (4 pages)
19. 11/24/86 Nemo to R. Bernero from T. Speis, subject: IDCOR Evaluation of BWR Accident Mitigation Capabilities (2 pages)
20. 12/4/86 Memo to E. Beckjord, J. Taylor, W. Parler from R. Bernero, subject: Generic Requirements for BWR Containment Response to Severe Accidents (2 pages) w/ attachments:
a. Draft letter, undated to all BWR Licensees and applicants for BWR Licensees, subject: Proposed BWR Severe Accident Containment Requirements (Generic Letter 87-) 3 pages w/ enclosures, BWR Mark I Containment Performance During Severe Accidents (44 pages)
21. 12/9/86 Memo to R. Bernero from G. Lainas, subject: Post-Accident Offsite Doses from Elevated Venting of Noble Gases During a Severe Accident (2 pages) w/ enclosure (1 page)