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Renewed License SNM-910 for Rensselear Polytechnic Inst, Authorizing Receipt,Possession & Use of 350 G U-235 & 378 G Pu-238 Per Statements,Representations & Conditions Specified in 870410 Application & 870623 Suppl
Person / Time
Site: 07000920
Issue date: 08/04/1987
Shared Package
ML20078S700 List:
NUDOCS 8708060311
Download: ML20236J849 (4)


i jN mmm--m m-- g l NRC Form 374 1 3 g PAGE OF PAGES l l (5 84) . U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l MATERIALS LICENSE l Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, I l

j Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations y g heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, y i source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to p

! deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This 5 license shall be deerned to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is N E

l subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any '

i conditmns specified below.  ;

Licensee E

I' 3. Ucense nmnber SNM-910, as renewed Rensselaer Polytechnic i Institute Troy, New York 12181 g,,[h[k $'

p1ra"tidnid, ateAugust 31, 1992

~ s v ,

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5. Docket or Reference No.

7 0-920 f 6. Byproduct, source, and/or A\ 7. Chemical and/or physical (.A Maximum amount that licensee hiay possess at any one time special nuclear material  % form -n  !

A. Uranium enriched in b

&o C

hkf a tN iA. Foils M' n e

/gh J

/[k d N' dnder this ucense

(,3 A.'350 grams U-235 the U-235 isotope CT n. ( V B. Plutonium Pt.-238 g b BdE(nc[apsulded-PuBehr?{\


, B. 21 gram PuM

] ht ,

C. Plutonium Pu-239 @. qd"s 9ieiltson_ pour,cesW[/

,C I C.//6? 78 06 grams 3

) D. Plutonium

%g,. Endj(u;1ppsdj neugo3 pot r,ces [UBeF hg,0 GJDbEncap]sulate{d(jNgj M Msimeter' D.'3.00 grams Pu E. Pu-239, U-233, RE? Meta'1 dihkK Ed175 grams total g

}j or U-235 v u (f F. Fuel cou//WG ;yg'g ponsvunclad- J, CQ t F. U-235 or U-233 VW F s O . 350 grams i 0 'W Sintered-00 -Th pelletsorhinthred D, l

G l l W s00 .

5 7zibc-Th0,pelletsMnallbyzcladde@ fuel 3 rods G. U-235 G. Powder and liquid G. 3 grans l, H. Pu-240 H. Foils H. 24 grams j j i I J i 10. Authorized Use: For receipt, possession, and use in accordance with the W statements, representations and conditions specified in the application dated j April 10, 1987, and supplement dated June 23, 1987.

5 g

l 11. Authorized Place of Use: The materials specified in A-H shall be used in )

i locations specified in the application dated April 10, 1987, and i supplement dated June 23, 1987.

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  1. l i  !

4 8708060311 870804 j i PDR ADOCK 07000920 i i C PDR  !

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  1. RJEBAIM5!MEWyaggamammmuetsspmm2paauraznz!ag!svi!rasugagggggraggggggymsm ,


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  • License number l SNM-910, as renewed l MATERIALS LICENSE
  • * * "'I*'


1 l

' b i

12. Notwithstanding the quantity limitations specified above, the licensee shall y p

not possess under this license at any one time more than 1 effective kilogram of special nuclear material as defined in Section 70.4(t).of 10 CFR 70. N y

13. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 2.3 of the application, the Committee shall inspect and audit each


a Radiation and Nuclear facility at least annually Safety (not to exceed a 13-month interval). l 5

14. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 2.1 of the application, prior to N implementation, the Director of Radiation d-Nuclear Safety shall approve N all changes to procedures. b CG l
15. The Director of. the Offic shall be  !

responsible for reviewin o[fjRadiationandNuclearS'Afelyhetermine he personnel exposure records" t N trends and recommending dired. The N annual review shall npt xcegd a 13-month interval.ppropriatecorrectiveactionifreg$ 8

16. Personnel monitoring
  • vic ks 1 at east a monthly basis, g } sbe collected apd g, ()

17.Notwithstcndingth6Ttatementkn e hiicationCmaximum permissibledose1y51ssha:1by 9

g-s[p'^e^cifiior 10 CF2.1(of

20. )

18.Suitableclothing(Ilak.c .hfoiff, N,5 Mecjf c, ft'h'ejob),shall be required for work gith unegg psulat, g. 1(ands,k gt, andtclothing Except shall be monitored w$ertl eating 'rea: 3 al is by approval of the Ditector oi") . An he; mJteclea,rgafety,,bsed.

p6rsons shall Ei n F not exit an area above background. '/ if pepsonal dloth' ngs/gpt' ion,d/ Erb h L fl 19.Surfacecontaminatio'nsurviy'slshallbeconducteddailykhenunencapsulated SNM is used, and decontaminationyshall, commence 2 when survey levels of removable contamination exceed 5,000]dpm/g0 r[m 7p

20. The licensee shall comply with the Annex, " License Condition For Leak -l Testing Sealed Plutonium Sources," August 1987.

1 I

21. Release of equipment or materials for unrestricted use or from contaminated to clean areas shall be in accordance with the Annex, i d j

" Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for ]

Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Materials," August 1987.

22. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 6.05 of the application,  !

the licensee shall comply with 10 CFR 20.203.

23. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 10.03 of the application, i the licensee shall comply with 10 CFR Part 71 and 10 CFR 20.205.


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) Nd =wgaMN L em==m'imm----------n---mmy NRC Forse N4.; 3 og 3 ,,oc, p U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION { PAar a .

License numtar l SNM-910, as renewed a MATERIAL $dCENSE l SUPPLEMENTS 9Y SHEET

  • *"'*"** "$.j'.20 N

_._'_.d _i..g i. N p

4 m ,

'M. The statements in CedtIon 13.01*of the application dated April 10,. 1987, i

g i shall be considerec license requirements, accordingly, replace "shov1d" p

, with "shall".


25. The licensee shall calibrate the radiation monitoring and survey I j

- =

t equipment at maximum 6-month intervals or, if the equipment has not been used during the 6-month period, prior to use.

['l) l


3  : 260 Radiation safety training shall be provided by the DRNS or his designee 0 -j who has equivalent qualifications. E a ',

27. The DRNS shall authorize t rs and conkro1*R R E c e .the movemenk


material to and from storag(jnd'between experimental'arpas. The DRNS


gil l shall mainta'n inventorysrctords of special nuclear materj$1 in each p storage or v.(parimental3 fee to assure that the limit statehin the g


< condition below is not exceeded in any one location. P L

Il 63 \N d p/

h 20. The licensee'is herqbyf the provisions of 10 Fl

] ,'.and insofar as8 bere provided that this sectMn appli$sM'5,0kgpamQf'S' thant4 o

p this lic se al, e

e excluding encapsulat;/d Pu-Bn neutrp(sources, is} esent in any one room

,y l , at any one time. 3 1"" - ;r (f) W l, f f gg j,&

&e g ,'%.$g n ,;


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\Y [* d s g')Q l

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[ AUG 0 41987 &Asinai ssg,4 3y,

,i Date: [, By: bIUR %tr( \  ;

Division o# Industrial and Pedical j

Nuclear Safety c a r7 4 Washington, DC 20555 .

M )

j ,

-om--m . rem.a,aamm-saw-LICENSE CONDITION FOR LEAK TESTING SEALED PLUT0NIUM SOURCES AUGUST 1987 A. Each plutonium source shall be tested for leakage at intervals not to exceed 6 months. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test has been made within 6 months prior to the transfer, the sealed source shall not be put into use until tested.  ;

1 The test shall be capable of detecting the' presence of 0.005 microcurie of B.

alpha contamination on the test sample. The test sample shall be taken from the source or from appropriate accessible surfaces of the device in which the sealed source is permanently or sem1 permanently mounted or stored.-

Records of leak test results shall be kept in units of microcuries and maintained for inspection by the Commission.

C. If the test reveals the presence 'of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable.

alpha contamination, the licensee shall immediately withdraw the sealed source from use and shall cause it to be decontaminated and repaired by a person appropriately licensed to make such repairs or to be disposed of in accordance with-the Commission's regulations. Within 5. days after determining that any source has leaked, the licensee shall file a report with the Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, U.S. Nuclear .

i Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, describing the source, test results, exte failure, and ,nt of contamination, corrective action taken.apparent or suspected cause of sourceA copy to the Administrator of the nearest NRC Regional Office listed in Appendix D of Title 10, Code of Feder.a1 Regulations, Part 20.

D. The periodic leak test required by this condition does not apply to sealed sources that are stored and not being used. The sources excepted from this test shall be tested for leakage prior to any use or transfer to another person unless they have been leak tested within 6 months prior to the date of use or transfer. j i

l i


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