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Amend 2 to License SNM-910,authorizing Use of 350 G U-235, 0.21 G Pu-238,378.06 G Pu-239,3 G Pu,175 G Pu-239,U-233 or U-235,350 G U-235 or U-233,3 G U-235,24 G Pu-240 & 2,300 G U-235
Person / Time
Site: 07000920
Issue date: 05/31/1989
From: Rouse L
Shared Package
ML20247Q420 List:
NUDOCS 8906060431
Download: ML20247Q432 (3)





l ' Pursuant to the. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, I i Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in l heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive,' acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, l

I source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s)and at the place (s) designated below;to .

I ' deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This - 1 I

. license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, a l . subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

I l


' Licensee l

l I Rensselaer Polytechnic i

3, 3.' License number SNM-910, I I Institute Amendment No. 2 1 y Troy, New York 12181 _- ^~

i l

e hb 4. EipirEti0n date August 31, 1992  !

3 I

,i sV 5. Docket or *y A 70-920 I i Reference No. 4 -- g I


6. Byproduct, source, and/or A N
7. Chemical and/or physical 4. 8. Maximum amount that licensee l special nuclear material s form
  • pmay possess at any one time I I '

./ ' / I C) 4 der this license -



Qj QR / /)'af

/ ~An\

A.660gramsU-235 l

l Ah Foils @ ' I the U-235 isotope -

ki .tg 't l

I g tF) / O I

I B. Plutonium Pu-238 4 '

J(t BYEndaps0Tatid'Pd8ec7 iwd 4 B. T2i gram Pu I

I i-

! 'r f-) Edd) Toutron so yces p ,;


j C. Plutonium Pu-239

^'W 4iuw .o e[" ,

i r C.7378.06 grams i I m% iCCEncapsulatedPuSe PrM neutronfsen kesA g '

I i g ~ Ag4 g / p

$,/ I I D. Plutonium I

/ D. Encapsulated {dostanter JD1 3 grams Pu l

y/y <y s

>, w> . I g

i E. Pu-239, U-233, y

y/ E. Metal disks  %

QsE. 175 grams total g i or U-235 \ l l

F. U-235 or U-233

$1 i G kX 1 I

1 F. Fuel ioupons D elad- F. 350 grams I

Sintered UO -Th I l pelletsor$ int $ red i UO p -Th0, pellets in zircallby cladded fuel ljg i ,1 l rods jI I

i l

l G. U-235 G. Powder and liquid G. 3 grams j l H. Pu-240 H. Foils H. 24 grams i I i 1. Uranium enriched up to I. Uranium dioxide in I. 2,300 grams U-235 I l 4.96 w/o U-235 SPERT fuel rods 1 I I

9. Reserved, l j l 10. Authorized use: For receipt, possession, and use in accordance with the statements, $

i representations, and conditions specified in the application dated April 10, 1987, I I and sup l I I April 1$.ementsdatedJune and April 20, 1989. 23, 1987; end February 1, February 22, March  ?

9 l s906060431 89933g 1 @I l

I 0 . , . , . ., , .,, ,., ,, . , ,. . .., . , . ,. , ,., , , PDR ADOCK O 3 o0920PNV _--,m I d L- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _- - - - _ - _ - - - _ _ - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - - -


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mmum ==^9 l l NHC Ferm W4A U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSCN p,oc 2 op 2 paces l l

l tsM Ucense number I 0, M e t No. 2 f MATERIALS LICENSE * * ' *

  • l SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET I Docket 70-920 g l MAY 311989  !

( l i i i 11. Authorized place of use: The materials specified in Condition 6 shall be used i l l in locations specified in the application dated April 10, 1987, and l supplements dated June 23, 1987, and February 22, 1989. ,

l l 12. Notwithstanding the quantity limitations specified above, the licensee shall  !

g not possess under this license at any one time more than 1 effective kilogram I i of special nuclear material as defined in Section 70.4(t) of 10 CFR 70. I I I I 13. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 2.3 of the application, the Radiation and g l Nuclear Safety Committee shall inspect and audit each facility at least annually n (not to exceed a 13-month inte va ).pg R { g l l 14. Notwithstanding the statementAri'Section 2.1 of the application, prior to I i implementation, the Director of Radiation and Nuclear Safety shall approve all l l

g changestoprocedures.@)

W 'O A I

15. The Director of the,0fficerof, Radiation and Nuclear Safety shall be responsible for N q I 1 reviewing appropriatethe correctWepersonnel actiexp'ontif' required.osure records to sh determine trends andI reco l a 13-month interva h g

pk g$ [,fp~gThe anriu'al' review,j)all l n j

16. Personnel monitoring devices shall be_colle(ted

.:M r /- \ ts j and read on at( least a monthly basis.

p i c p i I"* M), 9N Pi.#

l, 17.Notwithstandingthe)statementinSection~2rl"ofEtheapplicatio$

1 n, maximum permissible l

i doselevelsshallbethose@plecifi&dyyCFR'20.

O M:r:M /M ita g'

A S y 16 i 18. Suitable clothing Gib. coats loves,he;tc.,[p kspecific to the; job) shall be required W i feet, an'dclothin shall be monitored when >

l for 1eaving workanwithareaunencapsulated1SNMh whereithe material isiuse HandsF'd QExcept' oval ofbythe app (gs of Director b i Radiation and Nuclear Safety, persons'shall"not exit an(area if personal clothing

'g and/or skin contaminatiorEjevels #

s are above backgrounds' [ll q

E g 19. Surface contamination surveys shall be conductedYaily when unencapsulated SNM is IE E h q used, and decontamination shall commepce when~ survey levels of removable contamination exceed 5,000 dpm/100 cm .

g (

l 20. The a

licensee shall comply with the Annex, " License Condition For Leak Testing Sealed Plutonium Sources," August 1987.

f Ei i E4 i 21. Release of equipment or materials for unrestricted use or from contaminated to II I clean areas shall be in accordance with the Annex, " Guidelines for Decontamination fl 8 of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination d I

of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Materials," August .1987. rd t.

22. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 6.05 of the application, the licensee I: J d

shall comply with 10 CFR 20.203. h1 l 23. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 10.03 of the application, the licensee shall comply with 10 CFR Part 71 and 10 CFR 20.205.

f.j l

i I

! 1 i ,

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, , . , , , ... , , , . .r . . , ~ , ...~ <.ir a r  ? 'i<<1 <: r r

' ' ' 'l l' i NRC Form 374A n U.S. NUCLEAR itEGULATORY COMMISSION PACE 3 or 3 PAGES I i M4 IJcense number I I

MATERIALS LICENSE a 0, Mmm W. 2 l Docket on Reference number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET g 70-920 l l MAY 311989 l l I I I I 24. The statements in Section 13.01 of the application dated April 10, 1987, shall be l considered license requirements, accordingly, replace "should" with "shall".  ;

l I

l 25. The licensee shall calibrate the radiation monitoring and survey equipment at maximum I i 6-month intervals or, if the equipment has not been used during the 6-month period, I I prior to use. I I N I

26. Radiation safety training shall be provided by the DRNS or his designee who has l l equivalent qualifications, g I

i 27. The DRNS-shall authorize and co., rs ntrolitheOR n V Q of special nuclear material to ovemen l

1 I and from storage and between*exp'erimental areas.(TherDRNS shall I I records of special nucleabsiaterial in each storage oN' experimental area to assure l i

I that the limit stated .fn.the condition below is not exc&eded in any one location. i l ed

28. The licensee is hereby exempt from the provisions of 10 CFRi70.24 insofar as this

% I i I i section applies to fthe materials specified in Condition'6.A-H;and provided that no 1 I morethan450gramslofspecialindclearmaterial/excle'dingencapsulatedPu-Be I I

neutron sources, is present in'any'onefroomjat /anyfone time. b l l 29.Documentationgeneratedinaccordan/ 6 NY ce_withithellicensee's

/" I \NA (

appl c [i)ation dated 1

i I i February 1,1989,;: maintained for a period;of ,at leastc5 years. I

30. The licensee is (I) DMexemp)t [

I CT l' hereby f M 74TJTlTrht fromihe provisions # u Mof?10;CFR 70;24 insofar as, this I

sectionappliesto(thematerialsspeqfied n" Condition'6.I. Jwhen the linear

~ y i accelerator is opera ng , 1 M 5 l '/) ts a q

I S g g y br' x

3 s l l u a I q l u I l t u 8 4 I N I I FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l l

l P

( QIgmalSigned Br 8

MAY 311989 '

l lDate: _

. g By: Leland C. Rouse y

y 1

ffi y g 4 f Division of Industrial and gi Medical Nuclear Safety p l g4 -

, pp Washington, DC 20555

  • i l iN

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