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Responds to 750523 Application for Amend to License 13-10042-01,authorizing Use of Excess Soil Excavated from Trenches to Build Compacted Fills in Topographic Depressions Used for Burial of waste.Up-to-date Application Requested
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/09/1975
From: Nussbaumer D
To: Neel J
Shared Package
ML20238F347 List:
FOIA-87-235 NUDOCS 8709160208
Download: ML20238F526 (2)



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Mr. James N. Neel President and Chief Executive Officer nuclea r Engineering Comp any, Inc.

9200 Shelbyville Road

  • Suite 526  !

P. O. Box 7246 i l

Louisville, Kentucky 40207 i

Dear Mr. Neel:

This refers to your application dated May 23, 1975, which requests an n=endment to Licens e No. 13-10042-01 to utilize excess  !

soil excavated from trenches  ;

in topographic depressions which would beto build compacted fills vaste. used for burial of License No. 13-10042-01 which authorizes your operations at your Sheffield site has re.:ained in effect pursuant to a ticely filedinapplication submitted 1968. fsr license renewal which was application. Final action has not been taken on the ye'ars. The no rmal License No. t. ice frane for a license is five


period of seven years13-100' 2-01 ha s re=ained in effect for a application for renewal.on the bcsis of the timely filed  ;

In light the application of the time which has for renewn; and lapsed the significant since submission of license cmendmentapplication up-to-date request, wewhi:h conrider reflectsit necessary that a complete j your operations, both current cud proposed, at y2ur Shef field site be filed with us.

Fursuant to the provisions of Section 30.32(f), 10 CFR Part 30, 40.31(b), 10 CFR Iart 40, and 70.21(f), 10 CTR Part 70, anprogran entire Environmental at the ShRepor:effield needssit be filed for your neport would serve as the 5 asis for preparation The Environmental of e.n environmental provided inpact for in 10 C FsRt P

s. at cmr. 51. e n t or negative declaration as I

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l Mr. James H. Neel -

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We shall be pleased to dis er s sian/with you the type of information which 1.s needed in the Environmental Report. If you desire a I::c e t in g , please contact cc so that a nutually acceptable date Lay be set. We shell continue review of your application when we receive the Environmental Report.


Sincerely, d

Donald A. Nussbauter Assistant Director Division of Matericls and Fuel Cycle Facility Licensing Distribution:

DANussbaumer BSinger NBassin

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