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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 910705
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/10/1991
From: Blaha J
SECY-91-208, WIR-910705, NUDOCS 9107180091
Download: ML20217C730 (29)



s G 302 I

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July 10, 1991 ,

i For: The Commissioners From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JULY 5, 1991 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Comissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D Governmental & Public Affairs E General Counsel F*

Administration G Information Resources Management H*

Controller I*

Personnel J Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Enforcement L*

Consolidation M Regional Offices N Executive Director for Operations 0*

Items Addressed by the Comission P*

Meeting Notices Q

  • No input this week. 'x [.

, James L. Blaha

/ Assistant for Operations, OEDO James L. Blaha, OED0 492-1703 9107180091 910710 ,




lilGHLIGHTS OF WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT Week Ending July 5, 1991 Recent Earthqsake Near Pasadena, California A magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred in the San Gabriel mountains northeast of Pasadena, California at 10:14 am EDT (7:44 PDT) Friday June 28, 1991. The earthquake was felt at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) which is approximately 106 kilometers (63 miles) from the epicenter. A seismic instrument triggered at SONGS Unit 1, but the instruments _at Units 2 and 3 did not trigger. Manufacturers of strong motion seismic instruments generally guarantee the level (often 0.01 g) at which instruments trigger and start recording; however, the instruments may trigger at lower levels of acceleration as well. The peak ground acceleration at the site was probably on the order of 0.01 g. An unusual event was declared at SONGS. Unit 1 was down for maintenance. Units 2 and 3 were operating and continued to operate at full power. A walkdown of all three units disclosed no damage and the unusual

- event was terminated at 12:02 pm EDT (9:02 PDT).

The earthquake was felt at the University of California-Irvine about 46 kilometers (38 miles) from the epicenter. The test reactor located there was shutdown and not manned at the time of the event. A walkdown of the facility disclosed no damage. The earthquake did trigger the seismic scram circuitry for the reactor.

Start of Site Characterization Work at Yucca Mountain The Division of High-Level Waste Management On-Site Representatives were informed by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office that DOE plans to begin site characterization work on July 9, 1991.

The work will include: a renewal of activities in Trench 14 to evaluate calcite silica deposits; work on a new trench in Midway Valley, Trench A, located at the site of the north portal of the Exploratory Studies Facility shaft; and soils work at Lathrop Wells to date the volcanic cones at that site. The staff has reviewed the study plans associated with these activities, end identified no ob-jections to starting work on the activities. DOE also informed the On-Site Representatives that it will have a 100,000 gallon storage facility for water, and expects to use 50,000 gallons per day for dust control. The water will be trucked onto the site from California, thus eliminating the need for a water-use permit from the' State of Nevada. DOE expects that digging will be done for about two weeks before any scientific investigations can begin. Three additional bore-holes will-be drilled at the U.S. Geologic Survey's building. Although they are not part of the site characterization, these will be used'by hydrologists as pro-totypes to test the use of equipment. Dr. John Bartlett, the Director of DOE's Office cf Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, will hold a press conference on July 10, 1991, to discuss the DOE work.

e s

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 Individual Plant Examinations for External Events (IPEEE)

Supplement 4 to Generic Letter (GL) 88-20 was issued on June 28, 1991. This action initiates the requirement for all licensees to perform an Individual Plant Examination (IPE) for external events. The original scope of the IPE, as requested by Supplement 1 to GL-88-20, only included a search for vulner-abilities due to severe accidents initiated by internal events. The additional scope required by Supplement 4 includes examination for vulnerabilities due to:

1. Seismic events
2. Fires
3. High winds and tornados
4. External floods
5. Transportation and nearby facilities, and
6. Any other known external hatard unique to the site.

NUREG-1407, accompanying this GL supplement, contains guidance to licensees on acceptable methods of performing the IPEEE. Initial licensee responses are required to describe their proposed program and schedule for completing the IPEEE, and are to be submitted by the end of December 1991. ~.a NRC has requested completion of the IPEEE within three years, but will consider requests for extensions in schedule on a case-by-case basis.

Recent Earthquake Near Pasadena, California A magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred in the San Gabriel mountains northeast of Pasadena, California at 10:44 am EDT (7:44 PDT) Friday June 28, 1991. The earthquake was felt at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) which is approximately 106 kilometers (63 miles) from the epicenter. A seismic instrument triggered at SONGS Unit 1, but the instruments at Units 2 and 3 did not trigger. Manufacturers of strong motion seismic instruments generally guarantee the level (often 0.01 g) at which instruments trigger and start recording; however, the instruments may trigger at lower levels of acceleration as well. The peak ground acceleration at the site was probably on the order of 0.01 g. An unusual event was declared at SONGS. Unit 1 was down for maintenance. Units 2 and 3 were operating and continued to operate at full power. A walkdown of all three units disclosed no damage and the unusual event was terminated at 12:02 pm EDT (9:02 PDT).

The earthquake was felt at the University of California-Irvine about 46 kilometers (38 miles) from the epicenter. The test reactor lectted there was shutdown and nct manned at the time of the event. A walkdown of the facility disclosed no damage. The earthquake did trigger the seismic scram circuitry for the reactor.

Yankee Rowe 2.206 Petition The preliminary staff response to a petition to shutdown the Yankee Rowe plant from the Union of Concerned Scientists was issued on June 25, 1991. The .

ENCLOSURE A July 5, 1991

response denied the petitioner's request. The petition alleged that the plant 1 was operating in violation of several regulatory requirements relating to pressurized thermal shock. The petition also alleged that operation was inconsistent with the Commission's Safety Goal Policy.

The staff reexamined an August 1990 evaluation and determined that the l petition presented no new information relative to that considered by the staff in reaching its August finding. Operation until the end of tht. current cycle was found acceptable at that time and continues to be the staff position. A final response to the petition is being prepared.

Brunswick Units 1 and 2 - Preliminary Result of the Brunswick Operator Licensing Examination The staff conducted an evaluatinn of the requalification program for licensed operators at the Brunswick site during the weeks of May 27, June 10, and June 24, 1991. The preliminary results of the evaluation are as follows:


- 6 crews out of 6 passed l

- 12 SR0s out of 13 passed j

- 8 R0s out of 9 passed 1 The licensed operator requalification (LOR) training program for Brunswick was determined to be " unsatisfactory" in May 1990, when 3 out of 4 crews failed i the ....C administered LOR examination. The staff is reevaluating the status of I the licensee's trainir.g program in light of the above preliminary results. I Watts Bar Units 1 and 2 The staff (NRR and Region II) met with TVA management at the Watts Bar site on June 27, 1991, to discuss status of the plant as a result of the current work stoppage. TVA stated that its staff is reviewing various historical documents to identify previous process / management problems to serve as reference points for current corrective actions. Current restart actions must address past problems at Watts Bar, according to TVA.

Currently, TVA has instituted the standard electronic work plan program, patterned after the one used successfully at Browns Ferry Unit 2. This new program will replace the old paper-based and non-standard program that very often generated work plans that dispersed ownership and responsibilities.

ENCLOSURE A July 5, 1991

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards l Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 Transnuclear, Inc. (TN)

On June 27, 1991, Materials License No. SNM-1976, issued to Tli in 1987, was terminated at the licensee's request. TN cited the new Fee Schedules published in the Federal Register in April 1991 as the reason for its-request, stating that it had "no choice other than termination of this license." As stated by ,

TN, no licensed material has even been procured or processed by the licensee under this license.

Louisiana Energy Services (LES) Scoping Meeting On June 27, 1991, licensing staff of NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards met with the Superintendent of Schools, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, to discuss the rental of the Homer High School cafeteria for the scoping meeting in the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement of the proposed LES uranium enrichment plant. After the meeting, they met with the .

Mayor of.the Town of Homer and his councilman for economic development to dis-  !

cuss the scoping meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. on July 30, 1991. They also toured the LES proposed site.

1 Start of Site Characterization Work at Yucca Mountain The Division of High-level Waste Management On-Site Representatives were informed by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office that DOE plans to begin site characterization work on July 9, 1991.

The work will include: a renewal of activities in Trench 14 to evaluate calcite silica deposits; work on a new trench in Midway Valley Trench A, located at the i Esite of the north portal of the Exploratory Studies Facility shaft; and soils work at Lathrop Wells to date the volcanic cones at that site. The staff has reviewed the study plans associated with these activities, and identified no ob-jections to starting work on the activities. DOE also informed the On-Site Representatives that it will have a 100,000 gallon storage facility for water, and-expects to use 50,000 gallons per day for dust control. The water will be trucked onto the site from California, thus eliminating the need for a water-use permit from the State of Nevada. DOE expects that digging will-be done for about two weeks before any scientific investigations can begin. Three additional bore-holes will be drilled at the U.S. Geologic Survey's building. . Although they are not part of the site characterization, these will be used by hydrologists as pro-totypes to test the use of equipment. Dr. John Bartlett, the Director of DOE's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, will hold a press conference on July 10, 1991, to discuss the DOE work.

Terminated Research and Test Reactor Licenses One element of the Site Decommissioning Management Plan required the review of previously terminated research and test reactor license files to determine if there was adequate documentation of decontamination to levels currently deemed July 5, 1991 ENCLOSURE B


suitable for unrestricted use. The license file review for 59 research and test reactors has been completed and documented in a letter report provided by Oak Ridge Associated Universities dated June 18, 1991.

In 13 cases, adequate documentation of proper decontamination exists in the files. In 16 other cases licenses were terminated and the remaining facilities continued to be covered under a different license. In the remaining 30 cases the facilities are characteri:ed as having " low contamination potential" due to one or more inadequacies in the decommissioning documentation.

The Division of Low-level Waste Management and Decommissioning staff are reviewing the report and developing a plan for appropriate followup actions.

Suspension of Material Processing Operations for Alarm Resolution On July 3, 1991, the process unit shutdown requirements of 10 CFR 74.57 went into effect at Babcock and Wilcox Company, Naval Nuclear Fuel Division, Lynchburg, VA, and Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., Erwir., TN. The regulations specify that if an abrupt loss detection estimate exceeding five formula kilo-grams occurs, processing operations related to the alarm must be suspended until the alarm is resolved. The rule contains provisions for continuing oper-ations if shutdown would adversely affect the ability to resolve the alarm.

Implementation of United States / Australia Agreement International Safeguards Branch staff verified with Sequoyah Fuels Corporation and Allied Signal, Inc., the integrity of Australian seals applied to containers of nuclear material prior to shipment from Australia to the United States (U.S.)

via Rotterdam. Verification upon arrival in the U.S. of seals applied to Australian-origin material is an ongoing activity conducted pursuant to the U.S./ Australian Agreement, with full cooperation of NRC licensees.

Mon TTn,thly Reporting Under the United States / International Atomic Energy Agency EA) Agreement 51;aff of the International Safeguards Branch approved the May 1991 Inventory Change Report for transmittal to the IAEA. This report, prepared by the Nu-clear Materials Management Safeguards System, covers monthly transactions for the five low-enriched fuel fabrication plants in the United States (U.S.)

selected for inspection under the U.S. Agreement with the IAEA or reporting under the Protocol to the Agreement.

Meeting with Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) Fuel Company On June 27, 1991, the Transportation Branch staff met with representatives of the B&W .Je1 Company to discuss changes to the Model B package. The Model B package is used for transportation of fresh fuel assemblies with an enrichment of 4.05 weight percent. B&W desires to increase the allowable enrichment to 5.1 weight percent. Various changes to the package design and confirmatory tests were discussed at the meeting. B&W plans to submit a revised applica-tion later this year.


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Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 Implementation of Performance Demonstration for Inservice Inspections Mandatory appendix VIII, relating to performance demonstration requirements for inspection of nuclear components was incorporated into the ASME Code Section XI in 1990. The nuclear industry subsequently formed an ad hoc group to_ implement this appendix, primarily through provision of flawed test samples for inspectors to be tested upon, to demonstrate their ability to detect and properly classify flaws. These performance demonstration inspections will be l the most modern version of performance demonstration inspections started through publication of I&E Bulletins 82-03 and 83-02. NUMARC requested that NRC provide liaison participation to their " Performance Demonstration Group".

RES staff members have been designated to provide such liaison. A meeting of the group is scheduled for July 10 to brief the NRC staff on their plans and progress to provide facilities and programs for implementation of the new appendix VIII.

Personnel Dosimetry In 1987 the Commission asked the staff to develop a proposed rule to require the use of accredited personnel dosimetry processing for extremity dosimeters when a suitable performance standard became available. The Health Physics Society had developed a draft standard, HPSSC P/N 13.32 in 1986, and in 1987 and 1989,. Pacific Northwest Laboratories (PNL) conducted two studies of this draft standard for the NRC in which volunteer processors were tested against the requirements _of the proposed standard. The results of these tests indicated that the standard was not suitable as a performance standard and recommendations for changes in the standard were made. Appropriate changes were made and a final draft standard is currently undergoing balloting which is expected to be complete in July 1991. PNL has begun to contact volunteer processors to participate in a new study which will involve a set of two tests against this final standard. Testing is expected to begin in August 1991 with the testing completed by approximately September 1992. Should the results of these-tests indicate that the standard is acceptable for use under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for extremity dosimetry processors, a request to initiate rulemaking to require NRC licensees to use accredited extremity dosimetry processors will be sent to the EDO in October 1993.

July 5, 1991 ENCLOSURE C

t 4

4 Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 Diagnostic Evaluation and Incident Investigation Branch On July 3, the Director, AEOD, the Regional Administrator and the designated

- Team Manager contacted the Executive Vice President, Nuclear Generation, PASNY, to discuss the purpose, evaluation process and schedule for the planned diagnostic evaluation of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant. The onsite evaluation periods for the DET are scheduled for September 16-27, 1991 and October 14-18.-1991. ,

AEOD/T91-07 A report evaluating the safety significance of two partial loss of station power events at Prairie Island Unit 2 on December 21 and December 26, 1989 was issued. The events followed inadvertent reactor trips caused by faults in the control rod drive motor generator sets. The partial losses of offsite power were caused by circuit breaker problems in the substation (switchyard). This evaluation focuses on the incremental plant risk that resulted from these-problems. It is estimated that these events were of' low risk significance because of'the redundant ways of providing electric power between units at Prairie Island. The corrective actions taken by the licensee appear to have

~been adequate. Therefore, no further ar. tion by AEOD other than the ongoing monitoring of this type nf event is suggested.

Preliminary Notifications

a. PNO-II-91-40, Browns Ferry Unit 2, Browns Ferry Generator Tied To Grid.

ENCLOSURE D July 5, 1991

a Office of Governmental and Public Affairs Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 US-Soviet Meeting on Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation-The annual meeting of the US-USSR Joint Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy took place in Moscow. The accomplishments of the Joint Coordinating Committee on Civilian Nuclear. Reactor Safety (JCCCNRS)--one of the components of the Agreement on Peaceful Uses--were reviewed during the meeting by Harold Denton and Nikolai Ponomarev-Stepnoy (Soviet Co-Chairman of the JCCCNRS). Separately during the visit, Mr. Denton discussed other matters of ,

mutual interest with key Soviet JCCCNRS officials._ Victor Sidorenko, First  !

Deputy Director of the Ministry of Atomic Power and Industry; B. Nikipelov, l

- First Deputy. Minister for Nuclear Industry / Fuel Cycle & Waste; Nikolai Ponomarev-Ste>noy, First Deputy Director, Kurchatov Institute; Vadim Halyshev, Chairman of tie State Committee for the Supervision of Safety in Industry and Nuclear Power; and Nikolai Shteinberg, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety i Supervision.

I ENCLOSURE E July 5, 1991

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Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 Significant FOIA Requests Received by the NRC for 5-Dey Period June 28 - July 3, 1991 Request for documents regarding Westinghouse reports. (Claudia Guild, Winston and Strawn, F01A-91-266)

Request for three categories of records regarding shutdown and low power operations. (Tsege Redda, Southern Technical Services, Inc., F01A-91-267)

Request for the two most recent INPO reports on Pilgrim. (Ann Waitkus-Arnold, Citizens at Risk, F01A-91-268)

Request for all air emissions data reviewed by NRC inspectors at Nuclear Metals, Inc. between the period 1958 and 1982. (Marvin Resnikoff, Radioactive Waste Management Associates, F01A-91-269)

Request for a copy of solicitation number RFP RS-NMS-91-001 and the contract and modification regarding NRC-02-91-001 which was awarded on or about June 1991. (Gail L. Kondo, KPMG Peat Marwick, F01A-91-270)

Request for three categories of documents regarding below regulatory concern.

(Maxine McIntosh, City of New York Community Board No. 6 Manhattan, F01A-91-272)

Request for a copy of the Chemetron Corporation Site Characterization Report concerning the Newburgh Heights, Ohio - Bert Avenue site. (Gregory DeGulis, Janik and Bell, F01A-91-274)

ENCLOSURE G July 5, 1991

Office of Personnel e

items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 RES Interns Tour lhe OPS Center On July 2, 1991, the interns and their mentors from the Office of Research took a tour of the OPS Center, Af ter the tour, they had a " brown bag meeting" to discuss issues of mutual interest, Future intern meetings will be scheduled on a monthly basis.

Special Workgroup to the National Response Team Trainina (pmmittff On July 2, Carolyn Bassin participated in a Special Workgroup to the National Response Team Training Committee. Composed of training experts, the workgroup addressed issues for the curriculum and training grant portions of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act (HMTUSA). The Department of Transportation has the lead on this legislation and is responsible for designing the implementation plans for HMTUSA.

Recruitment Activities for the Wrek of June 23-29 June 26: Society of Women Engineers, San Diego, CA.

June 27 30: Organization of Chinese Americans Conference, Houston, TX.

Arrivals Mechanical Engineer (PET) NRR CHENG, John KHANNA, Meena Reactor Engineer (Intern) (OPfT) Rill Summer Management Intern (OPfT) OC McELROY, Letitia STINSON, Narvaez Health Physics Intern (OPFT) NRR IRM WASHINGTON, Tanya Summer Clerical (OPfT)

Retiremen11 ACRS GILBERT, John Administrative Officer (PFT)

HUBBELL, Harold Chief, Storage & Distribution Sec. (PFT) ADM ACRS THOMPSON, Betty Administrative Assistant (PFT)

WILBER, Howard Administrative Judge (Tech) (PFT) ASLAP Denartures TAYLOR, Marlene Sr. Health Phycisist (Pf1) R1 Engineering Aide (Coop) ACRS THACH, Christopher l



t Office of Consolidation Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 Second Building Status During the week the developer began meeting with officials of the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission to work out an agreement, as directed by the Planning Board, on the construction schedule and number and type of moderately priced dwelling units to be included in the apartment building adjacent to the NRC site.

Also during the week, the developer obtained an agreement in principal from the State Highway Department on disposition of a parcel of real estate involved in the widening of Rockville Pike at Randolph Road (northbcund right turn lane).

Last week, the developer's urban design and transportation consultant submitted drafts of a parking reduction agreement and a traffic mitigation agreement to the developer's legal staff for review. The developer's architect and zoning attorney met with the Directer, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, to request expeditious review cf the TWFN construction permit application.

ENCLOSURE 11 July 5, 1991

Region 1 Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991

1. Oyster Creek Requalification Program The 1990 Oyster Creek requalification program was determined to be satisfactory with significant program weaknesses identified. In 1990, seven of twelve reactor operators and nine of nine senior reactor operators passed the requalificat ion examination. All four crews passed the simulator portion of the examina. ion. Significant program weaknesses included failure to establish a.,d impirN-t appropriate standards of in the evaluation process f ailurc to identify poor quality procedures and utilize the requalification program to improve the quelity of the operating procedures end failure to evaluate reactor operators in all positions allowed by their licenses.

In the 1991 Oyster Creek requalification program evaluation, four reactor operators and eight senior reactor operators were examined. They comprised one shift crew and one staff crew. The written and JPM portions of the examination were adminic+ared in April 1991 at Oyster Creek. The simulator portion of the examina amin'stered in June 1991 at the Nine Mile Point Unit 1 simulator cordance with an exemption to 10 CFR 55.45 granted by NRR on 1.

There was significant improvement in the 1991 requalification program evoluation. Ten out of twelve operators passed the entire examination.

One staff SR0 failed the written examination and subsequently passed an NRC retake written examination in June 1991. One staff SR0 failed in the simulator for an improper emergency classification. The NRC retake exami-nation for this individual will be conducted in the future. Both crews passed the-simulator portion of the examination. The failures were due to individual weaknesses rather than to progran weaknesses.

The licensee corrective actions to the program weaknesses identified in the 1990 requalification examination were determined to be acceptable based both on inspection of the corrective actions and the interaction of the NRC and facility e,: amination teams during the conduct of the 1991 Oyster Creek requalification program evaluation.

2. ABB Combustion Engineering Thomas T. Martin, Regional Administrator, and ilerry Roth, Project Engineer, visited the ABB Combustion Engineering site at Windsor, Connecticut on July 2.

Mr. Martin discussed with the new Vice President-Nuclear Fuel, Mr. Robert Suidek, plans for the facility, toured facilities in which NRC licensed activities are conducted, and reviewed with the licensee its actions relative to two recent reportable events.

ENCLOSURE N July 5, 1991


3.- Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation An enforcement' conference was held with the licensee on July 2 to review plans for corrective action to address NRC concerns relative to the security-program. In particular, the issues discussed were the entry of.

-false information by a member of the security force into an NRC-required record, and the licensee's failure to recognize the falsification.

ENCLOSURE N July 5, 1991

J ,

Region =11 Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 1 1. - Nuslear Fuel Services,.Inc.

On July 2,_the Director.-Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards, other Region I_1.and NMSS representatives, met with NFS management:at the site to review the licensee's progress in regard to the Criticality-Safety Performance Improvement Program and discuss an assess-ment of NFS's overall performance.-

On_ July 1,.1991, representatives of Region II, NMSS, and the State of Tennessee met with NFS to discuss the status of the decontamination and

-decomissioning of the ponds and the plutonium facilities.

2. Carolina 1 Power and~ Light. Company On July'3,-representatives of.the Carolina Power and Light Company were in the Region II Office to_ attend an Enforcement Conference on a recent event at'their-Harris Nuclear Power: Station involving a-reactor protection *

' system trip breaker failure.

3. Tennessee Valley Authority - Browns-Ferry On July 3,'the NRC released TVA from Hold Point 3 allowing operation of Unit 2 up to 55 percent power level. -The Power Ascension Test Program is continuing with: completion scheduled for the end of August.
4. General Electric =(GE)-Nuclear Safety Event

.NRC-i? continuing onsite review corrective action activity and

.the licensee' _s completion of! actions prior to-restart. The licensee began

'functi(nalJtestingsof somel portions of the systems shut down since-the >

LMay 28,-1991,. event in' preparation for restart. On July 3,.1991, the-licensee requested and obtained NRC-approval =to_ move small amounts of-material from a. tank in the; nitrate ~ waste system into tank V-103,-as part ,

of the functional testing process._ On July 5, 1991, the licensee submitted a letter certifying that all items' identified by the NRC as conditions of


restart are c'ompleted.
5. Carolina Power and Light Company - Brunswick

.On June'~30,- 1991~, during the-transfer of Unit 2's generator voltage-Lregulator from auto to manual control, a voltage transient occurred,

  • .which resulted in the loss of the:E4 bus on undervoltage. The #4 diesel generator auto started and re-energized the bus. . A 1/2.qroup 1 and-2

, isolation occurred and a group'3:and 6 isolation occurred. On review, the licensee determined that one' containment isolation valve (2-G16-F004, dry _-

well floor drain outboard valve) failed to close. The licensee later-attempted to isolate the line by closing the inboard valve (2-G16-F003).

It failed-to isolate on the first attempt; it closed on the fourth attempt.

July 5, 1991 ENCLOSURE N

- - - a .. - . : .. . - -..- . - - . . . .- . - .. -

The licensee is investigating why the ASCO solenoid valves-failed to initially operate. One valve was sent to their evaluation center for examination. The other valve will be sent to an independent evaluation lab. These. valves had been___in service for approximately two years. The  ;

initial results of the-licensee evaluation center has determined that the valve seats were tarnished (colored substance on seat), small particles were inside the valve (brush material, approximately 6 to 7 mils) and tread sealant material was inside the valve. The licensee is continuing the review of the valves and inspecting the instrument air system. The following actions have been completed:

1. - The failed valves were replaced.
2. All similar valves were stroked; no similar failures were noted.

3.- The stroke surveillance on all similar valves has been increarm ' to weekly (24 valves).

4. A review of surveillance trends shows general increase in stroke time trends.

ENCLOSURE N July 5, 1991

Region 111 Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 Prairie Island Indian Community Transportation Regulations The Prairie Island Indian Community has adopted transportation regulations which potentially affect the Prairie Island Nuclear Power Station. The station's principal access route is'a country road which crosses the Indian reservation.

The regulations require application for a license at least 180 days prior to a radioactive material shipment and a license fee of $10,000 or more.

Northern States Power considers the regulations not enforceable and is discussing them with the Indian Community and appropriate government agencies.

The Indian Community has not attempted to enforce the regulations, i

l l

l ENCLOSURE N July 5, 1991

Region IV Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991

1. Houston Lighting & Power Company (HP&L) Enforcement Conference Mr. Don Hall, Group Vice President, Nuclear, and other members of his staff attended an enforcement conference meeting in the Region IV office on July 2, 1991. The purpose of the conference was to discuss three apparent violations of failing to maintain reliable the anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) mitigation system actuation circuitry (AMSAC), which is contrary to 10 CFR 50.62. These examples of failure to maintain the Units 1 and 2 AMSAC systems reliable were identified by the resident inspectors.
2. Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 1 and Unit 2 The Deputy Regional Administrator attended the ANO awards ceremony on July 2, 1991, to present license certificates to the Arkansas Nuclear One licensed operators.

ENCLOSURE N July 5, 1991

1 Region V Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1991 1 WNP-2 On July 2,1991, WNP-2 management inet with Region V management to present their plans to improve their " Operator Training Program." This included their plans to upgrade their E0P's (emergency operating procedures), and their corrective actions plan for licensed operator training. During the meeting, Region V management stressed the importance of licensee management completing a critical assessment of the reasons for the deficiencies identified in the licensed operator training program.

ENCLOSURE N July 5, 1991

c' NRR MECTING NOTICES Q Js21y 5, 1991 y,



Pate NUMBER IDCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NPR CONTACT General Electric Co. Meeting with BWROG to NRC/GE/ E.H. Trottier 07/09/91 50-354 discuss seismic and radio- BWROG 8:00-2:00 175 Curtner Avenue '

Bldg. J. Room 2050 logical a=;pects of Generic Sa.o Jose, CA Letter C-8, etc.

07/09/91 50-206 Southern CA. Edison Meeting with Southern NRC/SCECo J. Bradfute 07/10/91 Irvine Opert. Centre California Edison Co.

9:00 9975 Toledo Way to discuss issues for the Irvine, California ECCS Technical Specificatioc; License Amendment request.

One White Flint North Meeting to bring the NRC NRC/PDI C. Serpan 07/10/91 Nonc staff up to date on the 10:00 Room 6B-11 plans, progress and schedules of " Performance Demonstration Initiative".

One White Flint North Meeting with NRC to dis- NRC/VEPCO L. Engle 07/10/91 50-338 cuss licencing issues.

9:30 50-339 Room 14H-20 One White Flint North Meeting with Arizona NRC/APS C. Thompson 07/12/91 50-528 Public Service to discuss 9:00-12:00 Room 8B-11 licensee desire to change l from a four-hour " coping" design to a one-hour alternate AC design for station blackout.

1 P

8 85 m


i D c. '

j t-1


o, i


Meeting with Niagara Mohawk ,NRC D. Brinkman

'. 07/15/91 50-220 One White Flint North Power Corporation to discuss 1:00-4:00 Room 10B-11


' licensee 0s May 14,. submittal regarding torus wall thinning- '

i at Mine Point, Unit 1.

j 07/16/91 None One White Flint North Meeting to discuss the re- NRC/NUMARC S. Lee 1 8:30 Room 8B-11 solution of NRC staff comments-on fatigue evaluation.

07/16/91 50-282 .One White Flint North Meeting with Northern NRC/NSP Masciantonio 9:00-11:30 Room 6B-13 State Power Co. to discuss j'

4 status of ISFSI Project at Prairie.

One White Flint North Meeting to disucss the NRC/EPRI T. Kenyon 07/17/91 669 issue of physically-based 9:30-12:00 Re c-2 IF-22 12:00-4:00 Roca 4B-11 source tem.

'l Onn White Flint North Meeting with General Elec- NRC/GE E. Kendrick 07/18/91 None tric on fuel and control j- 9:00-12:00 Room 10B-13 blade designs.

One White Flint North Meeting with Tennessee NRC/TVA P. Tam 07/18/91 50-390 Valley Authority on Watts j 1:00 50-391 Room 13B-9 Bar current status and i future plans.

1 i

One White Flint North Meeting with Carolina NRC B. Mozafari

! 07/18/91 50-400 Power & Light Co. to 4

9:30 Room 13B discuss licensing status lE at Sheraton Harris.

l P l !5 m f K>


4 E

4 h,

r. _3_

One White Flint North Meeting with GPU Nuclear NRC/GPUN A. Dromerick

-g 07/24/91 50-219 Corp. to discuss matters

$ 10:00-5:00 Room 16B s related to the Oyster Creek Contar"-ment Reliability.


(- H. Richings 08/07/91 None One White Flint North Meeting with BWROG on BWR NRC/GE/

l 8:30-4:30 Room 6B-11 Thermal Hydraulic Stabil- BWROG/ORNL ity.

1-i i

l' i'



  • Copies-of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the
respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms.

A listing of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424.

5 i P

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! - J l

! %; July 5, 1991 y i f2 n j e, - .NMSS Meeting Notices

! G; Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety l 53

! Docket Attendees /

i- Date/ Time Number Location Purpose Applicant NRC Contact i

'7/17- 72-10' OWFN To meet with Northern NRC J. Schneider States Power for update NSP on ISFSI status at f' Prairie Island l 7/18- M-32 West Valley, NY Preliminary discussions NRC, DOE G. Comfort on Sludge Mc5ilization CNWRA, DOE and Wash Systea Addendum Contractors to Supernatent' Treatment System SAR 7/24 70-731 OWFN To discuss UNC's ground- NRC 5. Soong water and soil sampling UNC program and rr.diological assessmen'. for decocen-issioning of septic leach field area

' Division of Low-Level Waste Management and Deconmissioning l


! Docket Attendees /

i date/ Time . Number Location Purpose Applicant NRC Contact

'EE f2 7/15-17 Rockville, MD LLW Regulatory Workshop URC P. Lohaus 8

!5 m

  • A3 g

, - . .- _. .. . . _ . . _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ __- _J

E;. Division of low-level Waste Management and Decommissioning (cont'd)

E2 .

Docket- Attendees /

(n Date/ Time Number Location Purpose Applicant NRC Contact  :

Gs' 7/22-26 Seattle, WA Attend TCC & LLW Forum NRC J. Kennedy 51 ,

. Meetings and Site visit Compacts  :

to Hanford Host States i Other Federal Officials 7/29-8/l Chicago, It Attend Int'l Symposium NRC M. Tokar ,

on the Next Generation of LLRW Management 8/01-02 Cambridge, MA Present lecture on LLW NRC P. Lohaus Regulations at MIT

! t 8/26-28 Salt. Lake City, UT Visit Envirocare NRC M. Fliegel License Application l Site .

9/20 Hunt Valley, MD Attend Annual ACURI NRC N. Orlando Meeting  ;

Division of Safeguards and Transportation Docket Attendees /

NRC Contact j Date/ Tine Number Location Purpose Applicant  !

t j~

7/10-12 Brookhaven, NY Annual US Support NRC C. Emeigh j Program Meeting with  ;

IAEA Management [

i 7/15-16 Erwin, TN Discuss Safeguards NRC R. Burnett  !

E2 Issues and Site [

f2 Familiarization l S$

C f

x3 5

t w . - - .. . , . . - . . - , . - - n. - ~ - - - - - - - - . - , -

E! Division of Safeguards and Transportation (cont'd)

G m Docket Attendees /

Date/ Time Number Location Purpose Applicant NRC Contact TG

$ Milliamsburg, VA Fourth Plenary NRC C. Emeigh 7/15-19 Session of Large-Scale Reprocessing (LASCAR)

New Orleans, LA Annual Institute of HRC C. Emeigh j 7/29-31 Nuclear Materials

-!!anagement (ININ)

Meeting Division of High-level Waste Management Docket Attendees /

Location Purpose Applicant NRC Contact

j. Date/ Time Number 1

None i



- - ~ ., .- - _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ - -


E July 5, 1991 lG Region I Meeting Notices l: y,

~ II; Docket Attendees /

j3 Date/ Time Number Location Purpose Applictrt NRC Contact l


', 07/15/91 50-219 Forked River, NJ SALP Management Mtg. Selected NRC Staff Ruland  ;

i 1:00 p.m. GPU - Oyster Creek Members & Licensee t i

07/17/91 50-286 Region I SALP Board Meeting Selected NRC Staff Haverkamp


l 9:30 a.m. PASNY - Indian Pt. 3 Members ,

i i i -

07/17/91 50-286 Region I SALP Board Meeting Selected NRC Staff Haverkamp i 9:30 a.m. NYPA - Indian Point 3 Members 07/18/91- 50-272 Region 1 Management Meeting Seiected NRC Staff White '

10:00 a.m. 50-311 PSE&G - Salem Members & Licensee t

i G

i P

a c

9 F4

- i

, n -. ,. .,.

s . .



S 07/09/91 Crystal River, FL SALP Presentation Same as above Ebneter 9:00 a.m. FPC - Crystal River 07/10/91 Miami, FL Meeting with FPL to Same as above Ebneter 9:30 a.m. discuss startup schedule at Turkey Foint 07/12/91 RII Office Enforcement Conference Same as above Ebneter 11:00 a.m.- TVA - Browns Ferry 07/24/91 RII Office VEPCO-North Anna Same as above Ebneter 9:30 a.m. Self-Assessment Mtg.

07/25/91 Columbia, SC Management Meeting RA, Regional Staff Ebneter (NYD) Westinghouse Electric Corp. and Licensee Nuclear Fuel Division 1

07/29/91 RII Office Management Meeting RA. Regional Staff Ebneter 10:30 a.m. Duke Power Company - and Licensee Catawba 07/30/91 RII Office Management Meeting RA, Regional Staff Ebneter 10:30 a.m. Duke Power Company - and Licensee f All Sites iO P

'8 E

i A")


9 EE Region III Meeting Notices E-m Attendees


Docket Applicant NRC Contact Number Location Purpose c; Date/ Time

  • Licensee, Regional Norelius 030-02649 Region III Cleveland Clinic 07/15/91 Foundation - Administrator and members Enforcement Conference of Region III Staff Licensee, Regional 50-315 Region III American Electric 07/16/91 Power Company, Administrator and members 50-316 D. C. Cook - Management of Region III Staff Meeting Licensee, Regional Greenman 50-456 Site Commonwealth Edison 07/18/91 Company, Braidwood - Administrator and members Systematic Assessment of of Region III Staff Licensee Performance Presentation Licensee, Regional Hiller l Corporate Office Commonwealth Edison l 07/19/91 Company, Corporate Administrator and members Engineering - of Region III Staff Engineering Priorities, Management and Staffing l IDNS, Regional Lickus 07/26/91 Region III ASME Administrator and members of Region III Staff Licensee, Regional Greenman 50-282 Site Northern States Power 7/30/91 Company, Prairie Island- Administrator and members 50-306 Systematic Assessment of RIII Staff of Licensee Performance Presentation

" Greenman Region III Detroit Edison Company, Licensee, Regional

[2 08/01/91 50-341 Fermi - Management Administrator and members S? Meeting of Region III Staff 55 m


Regicn IV Meeting Notice E!

C; - July 5, 1991 u, Attendees /

Docket Applicant NRC Contact Number Location Purpose C6 Date/ Time S

G.Konwinski URF0 fleeting with Power Resources, INc., to 7/9/91 --

discuss West Highland amendment which 9:00 encompasses a significant increase in area that will be mined and requires an environmental assessment.

P.Michaud URF0 Meeting with Plateau Resources Limited to 7/15/91 --

discuss decommissioning and reclamation of 9:30 Shootaring Canyon facility.

B. Beach 7/19/91 50-267 RIV Enforcement conference with Ft. St. Vrain 9:00 9


E m