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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 870821
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/25/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-870821, NUDOCS 8708280092
Download: ML20237L410 (30)


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August 25, 1987 For: The Commissioners ,

1 From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0  !


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING AUGUST 21, 1987 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration and Resources Management A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Nuclear Regulatory Research D*

Governmental & Public Affairs E General Counsel F*

Personnel G*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data H Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights I*

Special Projects J Enforcement K Consolidation L Regional Offices M*

CRGR "onthly Reports N*

Executive Director for Operations 0*

Items Addressed by the Conmission P Meeting Notices Q j Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for R external distribution) e --


  • No input this week. -

8708200C92 870825  ! #^

PDR COMMS NRCC T. A. Rehm, ssistant for Operations WEEKLYINFOREPT PDR Office of the Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm EDO 492-7781 <

, HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING AUGUST 21, 1987 Defective Valves-Order Modifying Licenses An Order modifying the licenses of ten users of 30- and 48-inch uranium hexafluoride cylinders fitted with certain Superior valves has been issued.

The Order prohibits the heating, filling, emptying, or delivering to a carrier for transport of cylinders fitted with valves manufactured in Superior Valve Company lot numbers 16 through 22, inclusive. The Order was necessary because cracks were observed in some valves in these lots by the Department of Energy at Oak Ridge.

Pennsylvania Subagreement and Implementing Procedures William Russell, Region I Administrator, and Tim Martin, Director of the Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards, Region I, signed on August 17, 1987, a Subagreement and implementing procedures, respectively, which will enable the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to inspect NRC licensees for, and on behalf of, NRC in the area of low-level radioactive waste packages and transportation activities. Marie Miller, Region I State 1.iaison Officer, delivered the documents to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Radiation Protection for signature by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Resources and Director of the Bureau of Radiation Protection. l l

Soviet Tour of U.S.

Jim Shea, Ron Hauber and Steve Salomon, IP, met in IP's offices with Nikolay Avdoshkin, Third Secretary (Science and Tet!! ' %gy), Embassy of the USSR in Washington, August 18, 1987, to discuss the upcoming Soviet nuclear safety team visit to the U.S. This tour is in exchange for the .i one led by Commissioner Bernthal to the USSR in March 1987. Subjects  !'

discussed included facilities requested to be visited by the Soviet delegation and Soviet participation in NRC's annual Water Reactor Safety Research Information Meeting. October 26-30, 1987.

~ ~

Second_buildico i The Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission will hold a zoning hearing in the l atter part of October to l consider the proposal by the developers of One White Flint j North to build a second building on the site. In view of I

NRC's efforts to cooperate with the County's traffic mitigation plans, approval of the proposal is anticipated.

  • D l


W OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS - 1987 For 5-Day Period of August 14, 1987 - A'ugust 20, 1987 Initial Appeal of-Request Initial Decision Received This Week 17 0 Completed This Week 17 2 Carryovers From 1986 170 53 Received In 1987 540 62 Granted In 1987 373 17 Denied In 1987 185 63 Pending 152 35 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Donald Lewis, Requests a copy of the remedial plan submitted by the Donald B. Lewis utility on August 7,1987, regarding resumption of ,

(87-524) operations at the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant. l Linda Bauman, Requests copies of all records provided by DOL to NRC j Government regarding a named individual and other DOL complainants )

Accountability from the South Texas Project from May 1985 to the )

Project present.


Barbara Lenz, Requests copies of the RFP, winning proposal, contract, Washington and all amendments for contract No. NRC-04-84-102. l Management Group, j Inc. '


Jack Taylor, Requests copies of the 01A report and related records Dallas Times regarding an investigation of allegations involving ,

Herald Region IV with regard to the Fort St. Vrain nuclear power (87-527) plant.

Jack Taylor, Requests copies of two categories of records.related to Q11asTimes awards or bonuses to personnel in Region IV since herald November 1,'1986 with respect to duties or work performed

(87-528) in connection with the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 AUGUST 21, 1987 ENCLOSURE A

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2 i

  • Received, Cont'd Jack Taylor, Requests copies of the 01 report and related records Dallas Times involving allegations concerning the licensee of the Herald Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.


Jack Taylor, Requests copies of the OIA report and related records Dallas Times regarding an investigation of allegations involving Herald Region IV with regard to Kerr McGee's Sequoyah facility.


Jack Taylor, Requests copies of 01's sumary report (Report No. 4 Dallas Times 005) and related records concerning allegations involving Herald the licensee of Kerr McGee's Sequoyah facility.


(An individual Requests records maintained in the NRC concerning his wife, requesting) information 4 (87-532) l John Miller, Requests copies of eight categories of records related to Kenney & Kearney Radon contamination at the National Priorities List Site, )

(87-ti33) U.S. Radium Corporation, Orange, New Jersey.

Claudia Guild, Requests a copy of the WNP-2 plant visit summary report Bishop, Cook, related to the site visit conducted April 7-10,1986, by Purcell & NRR to resolve Generic Issue 83.

Reynolds (87-534)

Linda Bauman, Requests copies of all records related to NRC decisions and Government consideration of the Region IV problems, including recent Accountability considerations of problems in 01A Report 86-10 and Project subsequent overview inspections.


Julia Madden, Requests four categories of records related to contract Delcor No. NRC-10-85-212.

International (87-536)

Neil Albert, Requests copies of all records pertaining to United Zimmerman, Telephone Systems, Harrisburg Pike, Pennsylvania.

Pfannebecker &

Nuffort  !


Leonard Spector, Referral from the DOS of one record regarding the Iranian Carnegie Endowment nuclear program.

for International Peace '




  • Received, Cont'd l h Furia Requests a list of licensees with addresses having zip. 1 Josep(87-539) codes beginning with 08XXX,18XXX, or 19XXX.

Dave Airozo, Requests two categories of records related to low-power McGraw Hill and full-power operation of the Beaver Va11ey-2 plant (87-540) and one category covering records released in response to F01A-85-789.

Granted David Airozo, In response to a request for copies of (1) telephone logs  ;

McGraw Hill of April 1-10, 1987, of Commissioners, ED0's office, and )'

(87-350) OGC; (2) April 1-15,1987 correspondence between Commissioners, ED0's office, 0GC and representatives of ANEC, EEI, AIF, USCEA, INP0, PSC-NH and United Illuminating Co; (3) correspondence and records of telephone conversations between Commissioners, ED0's office 0GC and specified persons ,

and firms about possible nomination of Kenneth Rogers; {

(4) correspondence and records of telephone conversations  !

between Commissioner Roberts and George White from the l appointment date to June 12,1987;(5) public notices of NRC/NUPLEX meetings; and (6) minutes or synopses of NRC/NUPLEX meetings, made available nine records.

i l

l Gregory Palast, In response to a request for records related to the l Union Associates February 18, 1983 meeting of representatives of NRC, LILCO, (87-436) Stone & Webster, et al., regarding the Shoreham nuclear power plant, informed the requester that four records subject to this request are already available at the PDR.

Samantha Ryder, In response to a request for copies of inspection reports Radiation for 1986 and 1987 regarding Precision Materials Company, Technology, Inc. Mine Hill, New Jersey, made available two records.


Patrick Small, In response to a request for copies of inspection reports F01 Services, Inc. dated January 1985 to the present on Hahnemann University, (87-495) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, informed the requester that records subject to this request are already at the PDR in l file F01A-87-360.

Louise Ponce In response to a request for records providing the types (87-507) of contaminated or radioactive materials manufactured or stored or processed at Washine National Sanos, Inc.,

Lodi, New Jersey, informed the requester that the NRC located no agency records subject to this request.

John Costello, In response to a request for three copies of the 50 mile Virginia Power EPZ map for the Surry nuclear power plant, made available (87-511) copies of the requested map.

l l


1 l

4 Granted, Cont'd {

l Donald Lewis, In a request for a copy of the remedial plan Donald B. Lewis (87-524) submitted by the utility on August 7,1987, regarding resumption of operations at the Peach Bottom nuclear power

)i plant, informed the requester that the record is already {

available at the PDR.


Denied Jennifer Puntenney, In response to a request for three categories of Safe Energy records related to specified 01 and 01A reports regarding 1 Coalition of the July 2, 1985 incident and SAFETEAM at the Fermi Michigan Unit 2 nuclear power plant, made available 65 records. 1 (86-245) Denied 59 records in their entirety'containing commercial or financial information and information the disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process, result in j a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and j would interfere with an enforcement proceeding. Denied q portions of 66 records, disclosure of which would result 1 in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. j Stephanie Murphy, In responses to requests for copies of the 01A Nuclear Information investigation report on Region IV, denied portions of j and Resource this record, disclosure of which would result in a Service clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.


David Real, j l The Dallas 1 Morning News (86-840)

Katherine Senter, Sierra Club (86-856)

Steve Culpepper, l Capital City Press l (86-860)



Shelley Nelkens (87-276)

Jack Taylor, Dallas Times Herald (87-522)


5 Denied, Cont'd David Camp, In response to a request, on behalf of_his client, for Riecker, George records related to 01's investigation of allegations that Van Dam & Camp, Barclay International of Midland furnished forged records P.C. for use at the Quad Cities nuclear power plant, informed (87-186) the requester that five records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied 14 records in their entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process and would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Denied portions of one record, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Kenneth Mokoena, Inresponsetoarequestforrecordsrelatedto(a)the l The National processing of 18 specified, applications for import  ;

Security Archive licensesofuraniumfromSouthAfricaand(b)NRC's l (87-297) proposed interim and final rules governing uranium imports, made available 26 records. Informed the requester that additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Informed the requester that records subject to this request have been referred to Federal agencies for review and direct response to him. Denied 29 records in their entirety and portions of two records, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

David Rubinton, In response to an APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of Government five records denied in their entirety and portions of Accountability seven records relating to a request for records Project concerning the dismiss 61 of a health physicist for (87-A-50-87-228) whistleblowing at the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant, made available two records. Denied portions of five records and continued to deny portions of five other records, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process, result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and would reveal identities of confidential sources.

4 l




"Fifth Wheel Trailer"


Contractor shall fabricate and design a fifth wheel trailer.

The trailer will be used as a mobile radioactivity counting laboratory.

Period of Performance: Four months Sponsor: Region V Status: Closing date has been extended to Septenber 3,1987.



" Specialized Technical Training"


Provide technical assistance to the NRC in the implementation of identified needs and/or further development of programs to meet future needs for specialized technical training of NRC inspectors in the area of Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) .

Period of Performance: 36 months Sponsor: Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Status: A cost-plus-fixed-fee type Contract No NRC-26-87-416 was awarded to Resource Technical Services, Inc., in the annunt of $207,211.02 effective August 20, 1987.

1 RFP No.: RS-OIE-87-417


" Specialized Technical Training" I


PIovide technical assistance to the NRC in the implementation of identified needs and/or further develognent of programs to meet future needs for specialized technical training ,

of NRC inspectors in the area of Pressurized Water Reactors (RRs) . l Period of Performance: 36 months Sponsor: Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data i Status: A cost-plus-fixed-fee type Contract No. NRC-26-87-417 was awarded to Resource Technical Services, Inc. , in the amount of $207,211.02 effective August 20, 1987.



ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending August 21, 1987 Beaver Valley Unit 2 Subsequent to the Commission's approval (4-0 vote) on August 13, 1987, the j full-power license was issued for Beaver Valley Unit 2 on August 14, 1987. j Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 2 On Au ust 19, 1987 the NRC issued a confirmatory order for Oconee Unit 2 estab ishing new interim maximum allowable power levels and corresponding 1 changes to the high-flux trip setpoint while the lake is at elevated tempera- 1 tures and the reactor building cooling unit coolers are in a degraded mode. {

The order applies throughout the current cycle which ends January 1988, at which time the Unit 2 low-pressure injection and reactor building cooling 1' unit coolers will have been cleaned, tested, and evaluated and approved for-full-power operation. )

Fermi-2 At DECO's request, a 3-member INP0 team completed a special assistance visit to the plant site on August 11-14, 1987, to review plant operations, primarily in the control room. The INP0 team's observations and findings appear to have validated NRC inspection findings, including those of the recently completed operational safety team inspection relative to weaknesses in communications, operating experience, procedures, training, Technical Specification interpre-tations,. operating shift performance and the corrective action process.-

i l

l' l AUGUST 21, 1987 ENCLOSURE B

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFECUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending August 21, 1987 SAFEGUARDS International IAEA Safeguards at U.S. Facilities In June 1987, the IAEA informed the U.S. that the IAEA intended to select the General Electric low enriched uranium fuel fabrication facility at Wilmington, North Carolina for application of international safeguards starting in 1988.

NRC informed GE of the IAEA's intent to select their facility for application of international safeguards and NRC requested GE to submit a revised Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ) by August 28, 1987. Review of the DIQ and coordination has been initiated and will culminate in submission of the DIQ to the IAEA in September 1987.

LOW-LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendmercs Act, as Amended Below Regulatory Concern Presentation at AIChE Summer Meeting The Nuclear Engineering Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) included an afternoon session entitled " Low-Level Radioactive Wdste Dis-posal Developments" at the summer meeting held in Minneapolis on August 16-19, 1987. NRC stoff presented a stotus report on Commission activities regording radioactive wastes below regulatory concern (Section 10 of the Act). Other speakers at the session included representatives from the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority and US Ecology, Inc., who reported on efforts to develop new sites in Texas and California, respectively. Texas LLW hopes to file an application with the State in mid-1988. An EPA representative cheired the session and provided a status report on the EPA low-level waste standard work. EPA hopes to publish a proposed rule by the end of the year and plans to include a below regulatory concern provision.


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Low-Level Waste Disposal I

LLW Topical Reports l On August 13, 1987, LLWM staff members participated in a telephone conference '

call with State representatives and LLW disposal site operators from the' States +

of Nevada, Scuth Carolina and Washington, NRC Regional office staff and NRC State Agreements Program staff to discuss proposed NRC actions on waste form, J high integrity container (HIC) stability and associated topical report reviews. l The results of recent tests and analyses performed by NRC contractors and topical report vendors on cement waste forms and high density polyethylene <

(HDPE) HICs were discussed, in addition to guidance on the compression testing i of bitumenized wastes. The NRC staff is recommending that the waste loading of cement-solidified wastes be limited by weight, pending the submittal of addi- i tional information concerning the causes of cracking, spalling and atypical cement strength behavior that has been observed in such waste forms. ]

INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL NUCLEAR SAFETY Kerr-McGee, West Chicago, Illinois Mayor Eugene Rennels of West Chicago, Illinois, has organized a public l discussion for the evening of August 31, 1987. The topic is NRC's draft Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement and the proposed action of permanent disposal of the thorium-contaminated soil and rubble on the 1 Kerr-McGee site in West Chicago. Representatives from NMSS's Division of j Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety will participate, together with counsel from OGC. Other participants will be the Mayor, members of the City Council, staff of Kerr-McGee, the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety, and possibly EPA. The comment period on the draft Supplement is open until October 1, 1987, and a related ASLB hearing is presently in abeyance.

Defective Valves-Order Modifying Licenses An Order modifying the licenses of ten users of 30- and 48-inch uranium hexafluoride cylinders fitted with certain Superior valves has been issued.  ;

The Order prohibits the heating, filling, emptying, or delivering to a carrier for transport of cylinders fitted with valves manufactured in Superior Valve Company lot numbers 16 through 22, inclusive. The Order was necessary because cracks were observed in some valves in these lots by the Department of Energy at Oak Ridge.


J 3 j Westinghouse Electric Corporation As part of a licensing action, NMSS representatives toured new expansion facilities at the Westinghouse Fuel Fabrication Plant at Columbia, South Carolina, on August 12, 1987. No problems were identified and the amended ,

license authorizing activities in the new additions was issued on August 14, '


Babcock & Wilcox, Naval Nuclear Fuel Division On August 19, 1987, NMSS representatives met with Babcock & Wilcox representa-tives to discuss licensing actions concerning a recent reorganization, changes in ventilation and contamination control, and a new fabrication process at the Naval Fuel Fabrication Plant. A future site visit with EPA was also discussed. This relates to the closure of two ponds on the B&W Naval Fuel Fabrication Plant site and disposition of contaminated soils.

i l

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Soviet Tour of U.S.

Jim Shea, Ron Hauber and Steve Salomon, IP, met in IP's offices with ,

Nikolay Avdoshkin, Third Secretary (Science and Technology), ~ Embassy of the USSR in Washington, August 18, 1987, to discuss the upcoming Soviet nuclear safety team visit to the U.S. This tour is in exchange for the one led by Commissioner Bernthal to the USSR in March 1987. Subjects ,

! discussed included facilities requested to be visited by the Soviet  ;

delegation and Soviet participation in NRC's annual Water Reactor Safety l Research Information Meeting, October 26-30, 1987. -l International Meeting Notices l

l The fo'llowing international meeting notices supplement those announced i previously: I IAEA Consultants Meeting on Training Requirements in Modern Aspects of Radiochemistry, September 21-24, 1987, Garching, FRG IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Borehole Plugging and Shaft Sealing l l as Related to Underground Disposal of Long-Lived Radioactive Waste, l l September 28-October 2, 1987, Vienna, Austria l

IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on Tracer Applications for Industrial Process Optimization, October 19-23, 1987,'Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia l IAEA Consultants Meeting - Guidebook on Design, Construction and Operation of Pilot Plants for Uranium Ore Processing, October 27-30, 1987, Vienna, Austria IAEA Standing Advisory Group Meeting on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials (SAGSTRAM), November 9-13, 1987, Vienna, Austria IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Safety Aspects of Reactivity Transient Accidents, November 17-20, 1987, Vienna, Austria IAEA Consultants Meeting--Post Irradiation Examination Procedures and Standards, November 24-26, 1987, Vienna, Austria Symposium of Nuclear Reactor Severe Accident Chemistry, June 5-11, l988, Toronto, Canada Eighth International Symposium: Zirconium in Nuclear Industry, '

June 19-23, 1988, San Diego, CA, USA i


J International Agency Vacancy Notices The following vacancy notices for positions at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria have been posted on NRC bulletin -


P-4 Area Officer, Africa Section, Division of Technical Assistance and Cooperation, Department of Technical Cooperation P-3 Nuclear Instrumentation Physicist, Instrumentation Unit, Physics, Chemistry and Instrumentation Laboratory, Department of Research and Isotopes P-2 Assistant Program Officer, Middle East and Europe Section, Division l of Technical Assistance and Cooperation, Department of Technical Cooperation l P-4 Experimental Nuclear Physicist, Nuclear Data Section, Division of I

Physical and Chemical Sciences, Department of Research and Isotopes 3

1 P-2 Budget Analyst, Budget Section, Division of Budget and Finance, Department of Administration 0-1 Representative of the Director General to the United Nations, Liaison Office, New York, Division of External Relations, Department of Administration  ;

P-4 Systems Analyst- Documentation, Section for Data Processing Development, Division of Safeguards Information Treatment, Department of Safeguards P-4 Systems Analyst, Section for Data Processing Development, Division ,

of Safeguards Information Treatment, Department of Safeguards P-3 Chemist, INIS Sectior., Division of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety i P-3 Plasma Physicist, INIS Section. Division of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-4 Statistician, Section for Data Evaluation, Division of Safeguards Evaluation, Department of Safeguards P-4 Nuclear Fuel Specialist, Nuclear Materials and Fuel Cycle Technology Section, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Department of ,

Nuclear Energy and Safety P-4 Legal Officer, Legal Division, Department of Administration P-2 Economic Data Analyst, Economic Studies Section, Division of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety




Meeting with State of Louisiana On Thursday, August 20, NRR and Region IV officials met with state officials in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to discuss NRC's evaluation of the " Reed Report."

A press briefing followed the meeting.

Midwest LLW Compact Comission Meeting Roland Lickus, Region III Director of State and Government Affairs, attended a meeting of the Midwest Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission in Detroit, Michigan on August 17-18, 1987.

Pennsylvania Subagreement and Implementing Procedures William Russell, Region I Administrator, and Tim Martin, Director of the ,

Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards, Region I, signed on August 17, j 1987, a Subagreement and in'plementing procedures, respectively, which will  !

enable the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to inspect NRC licensees for, and on j behalf of, NRC in the area of low-level radioactive waste packages and l transportation activities. Marie Miller, Region I State Liaison Officer,  !

delivered the documents to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Radiation Protection for l signature by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Resources and Director of the Bureau of Radiation Protection.

Irradiation Facility The State of Maryland (Agreement State) has informed SLITP that the Terumo l Medical Corporation of Japan is building an irradiator facility in Elkton, ,

Maryland. The facility will contain 4 million curies of cobalt-60 for the sterilization of medical products in a wet storage pool-type irradiator.


1 i

, Off' e for Analysis and Evaluation of Ope ; tional Data f Items of Interest Week Ending August 21, 1987 1

Reactor Operations Analysis Branch l Performance Indicators: The August 1987 quarterly report covering the period j April through June is complete. The report is being reviewed and will be ready I for distribution to NRC management by the end of the month.

Incident Response Branch On August 18, 1987 the Director, AE0D, the Chief, Incident Response Branch (IRB) and staff conducted a tour of the Operations Center for'the newly appointed Commissioner Kenneth C. Rogers and provided him with training on the emergency l response role as alternate Director of the Executive Team in the absence of the Chairman. IRB Chief and staff also provided emergency response training to John Montgomery in preparation for his new responsibility as Deputy Regional 1 Administrator of the Region IV office in Arlington, Texas-  !

On August 20, 1987 the AE00 Deputy Director, IRB Chief and staff were briefed on the ongoing continuity of Government programs by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in order to continue the development of NRC progt ,s .

in this area. Additional discussions will be necessary to assure appropriate NRC interface with this program and especially with D0E.

Diagnostic Evaluation and Incident Investigation Branch On August 12, 1987 the ED0 approved the new roster of Incident Investigation i Team (IIT) candidates. This year's IIT training course will be held October 20-23, 1987 and October 26-30, 1987 in Charlottesville, Virginia. A total of 25 team leaders and team members will attend, including 10 individuals being trained for nonreactor events. AE00 will request Office Directors and Regional Administrators for specific individuals to attend the course within the next week.

On August 17, 1987 the Diagnostic Evaluation at the Dresden nuclear power station, led by the Diagnostic Evaluation and Incident Investigation Branch Chief and 00A Division Director, began. After 2 weeks of onsite inspection, the team plans to return to headquarters and prepare for a briefing with the EDO, determine the need for further on-site review, and prepare for conducting .

a formal exit meeting at the licensee's corporate headquarters. i Preliminary Notifications The following Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week.

a. PNO-I-87-74A, Northern Westchester Medical Center, Teletherapy Misadmin-istration.
b. PNO-I-87-80A, Veterans Administration Medical Center (West Haven, CN),

Loss of Iridium-192 Seeds During Therapy Procedure (Update).



. c. PNO-I-87-81, Isomedix, Incorporated, Operation of Irradiator Without Required Radiation-Actuated Interlock.

d. PNO-II-87-57, Appalachian Regional Hospital, High Film Badge Reading. )


e. PN0-II-87-59, Branch Coal Corporation, Stolen Troxler Moisture Density l Gauge. j
f. PNO-II-87-59 (Corrected Copy), Dollar Branch Coal Corporation, Stolen Troxler Moisture Density Gauge.
g. PNO-II-87-60, Virginia Electric and Power Company (North Anna Unit 1), i Mineral, Virginia, " Hot Particle" Contamination on Contract Health l Physics Technician. I
h. PNO-III-87-108, University of Missouri, Apparent Radiation Overexposure to Researcher's Hand.
i. PNO-III-87-109, Illinois Power Company (Clinton Unit 1), Bomb Threat.
j. PNO-IV-83-37, Syncor Corporation, Report of Molybdenum-99 Breakthrough on Technetium-99m Generator,
k. PNO-IV-87-38, Arkansas Power and Light Company (Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1), AIT Formed for ANO-1 Reactor Building Temperatures Above Normal.
1. PN0-IV-87-38A (Revised), Arkansas Power and Light Compnay (Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1), ANO-1 Reactor Containment Temperatures Above Normal -- Status {

of Augmented Inspection Team Investigations (Update) j 1

m. PNO-0SP-87-08, Tennessee Valley Authority (Sequoyah Units 1 and 2), Completion j of As-Built Portion of IDI Inspection at Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant. I AUGUST 21, 1987 ENCLOSURE H

Items of Interest Office of Special Projects Week Ending August 21, 1987

1. The Director, OSP was at the Sequoyah site on August 18 and 19 to tour the plant, meet with TVA operations personnel and attend the exit meeting for the as-built verification portion of the Integrated Design Inspection.
2. The Office of Special Projects has completed the as-built portion of its Integrated Design Inspection (IDI) of the Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) system at TVA's Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant. This inspection consisted of in-plant reviews in the electrical, mechanical, civil, structural and instru-mentation and control disciplines. It was conducted to verify that the ERCW system, as currently constructed and installed, is in accordance with applicable drawings and system design specifications.

The staff did not identify major deficiencies in the ERCW system. However, certain specific deficiencies identified by the staff must be corrected and the generic implications of these findings must be addressed by TVA prior to startup of Sequoyah Unit 2. Some of the findings with potential generic implica-tions involve discrepancies in electrical distribution and cable conduit routings, an uncontrolled modification, disablement of system safety features without an appro-I priate analysis, and the absence of ' controls associated with small in-line valves to ERCW components and instruments.

In an exit meeting conducted on August 19, 1987, TVA indicated that the individual deficiencies did not appear to involve any significant safety impact.

The staff will review TVA's proposed resolution and corrective actions after TVA has completed its review and evaluation, l


ITEMS OF INTEREST Office of Enforcement


Week Ending August 21, 1987 The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken the week of August 17, 1987.

_ Licensee Amount Subject E. L. Conwell $750 A Notice of Violation and Proposed I and Company Imposition of Civil Penalty was  !

issued on August 18, 1987. This action was based on two examples of failure to secure, or maintain constant surveillance of licensed material in unrestricted areas.


Radiation Sterilizers, $7,500 An Order Imposing a Civil Monetary Incorporated Penalty was issued on August 18, Menlo Park, California 1987. This action was based on numerous health physics violations. {

(EN87-20A) l ATEC Associates of $400 A Notice of Violation and Proposed i Viginia, Inc. Imposition of Civil Penalty was l Alexandria, Virginia issued on August 19, 1987. This action was based on failure to control licensed material. (

(EN 87-67) J l

Civil Penalties Paid j St Luke's Radiologist, $1,250 The action was based on the failure  !

Incorporated of a technician to thoroughly l review the patient's dose i computation sheet, and :5 a result an excessive dose was administered to the patient. (EA87-113)

Duke Power Company $25,000 The action was based on the failures (0conee Unit 3) to properly implement a start-up procedure which resulted in two High Pressure Injection (HPI) trains and all three Reactor Building Cooling (RBC) units being inoperable.

(EA 87-101)

Florida Power $100,000 The action was based on violations and Light Company involving (1) the failure to take (Turkey Point Units 3 and 4) prompt corrective action for a reactor coolant leak which resulted in boric acid corrosion of reactor vessel head components, and (2) the failure to meet the required prerequisites prior to performing core alteration activities.

(EA 87-97)




Items of Interest j Week Ending August 21, 1987 I

ECGQQQmiG_GbelCE R After several weeks of deliberation, a panel of NRC employees announced its findings concerning the ergonomic seating to be purchased for use at'One White Flint North. -

The Office of Consolidation had determined that the standard line of seating available on the GSA schedule was not suitable for use in the workstations to be' installed in i NRC's new building, and had obtained permission from GSA to ]

seek proposals on the open market. A large number,of ]

offers were submitted, and the panel based.its decision on comfort, back support, and appearance, at well as cost.

The winning proposal.was submitted by Harter Corporation.

Four different types of seating were selected by the panels executive, manager, operator, and side chairs. (The operators' chairs are the ones to be used in the open workstations).

1 Building _stetus Carpet has been laid on Floors 16 and 15, and demountable wall installation has begun on the 16th floor. Installation of ceiling cable is also complete on these two floors and is under way on the 13th floor. Arrangements have.been made to compress the schedule for installing walls and systems furniture so that we can move by the end of the year.

SeGQad_buildios The Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission will' hold a zoning hearing in the latter part of October to consider the proposal by the developers of One White Flint North to build a second building on the site. In view of NRC's efforts to cooperate with the County's traffic mitigation plans, approval of the proposal is anticipated.




ITEMS ADDRESSED BY THE COMtilSSION - WEEK ENDING AUGUST 21, 1987 A. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON STAFF RESPONSE TO RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MATERIALS SAFETY REVIEW GROUP, 10:00 A.M., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1987, C0 fit 11SSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC TTTEiiDANCE) - Memo S. Chilk, SECY to V. Stello, EDO dated 8/17/87 The Commission was briefedb 'y the staff on proposed implementa-tion of recommendations made by the Materials Safety Regulation Review Study Group and by the Congressional committee on government operations on improving the NRC mission to protect the public health and safety at nuclear fuel fabrication facilities.

The Commission commended the staff in taking a leadership role to assist and coordinate with other federal and state agencies to assure safe operation of nuclear fuel / material fabricating industries. The Commission voiced a concern on the staff's conclusion not to pursue certification of radiographer. The staff is to closely monitor industry initiatives and act l

appropriately if the industry fails to adequately protect the public health and safety. The staff should update the Commis-l sion on industry's initiatives to assure qualified radiographer.

The Commission also requested to be notified on the staff's schedule for submitting revisions to 10 CFR Part 20 for Commission review and approval.

Chairman Zech requested the staff to:

1. Submit a cover letter for his signature transmitting NRC's response to the recommendations made by the Congressional Oversight Committee on Government Operations;
2. Brief the Commission on the status of agreements with OSHA, EPA and FEMA (if applicable); and
3. Look into the availability of training for NRC staff through: (a) programs established by NRC materials

' licensees and (b) NRC sponsored courses developed for the Agreement States.

B. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - AFFIRiiATION/ DISCUSSION AND VOTE, 3:30 P.M., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1987, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERETCFTiOD , D.C. 0FFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - Memo S. Chilk, SECY to V. Stello, EDO dated F/17/87 I. SECY-87-202 - Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2, Full Power License Issuance AUGUST 21, 1987 ENCLOSURE P

9 q

l The Commission, by a 4-0* vote, approved authorizing the staff l to issue a full power license for Beaver Valley Power Station, i Unit 2.

Commissioner Bernthal requested the staff to follow carefully l the condition concerning numerous lighted control room j annunciators, and to seek early correction by the licensee. i C. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON PERFORMANCE OF NEW PLANTS, 2:00 P.M., TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1987, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC I ATTENDANCE) - Memo S. Chilk, SECY to V. Stello, EDO dated 8/18/87 l The Commission was briefed by the staff on the status of industry and staff initiatives to improve the performance of ,

new plants coming on line. j The Commission requested the staff to:

1. Assign personnel to assure that the lessons learned are implemented;
2. Promptly disseminate NUREG-1275 to the utilities and l regions; l
3. Develop guidance to the regions on implementing the l lessons learned; and j 1

l 4. Advise the Commission on the implementation of the lessons learned and the performance of new plants coming on line.

Commissioner Bernthal requested the staff to compare the startup problems and new plant experience of foreign reactors with the problems experienced today with U.S. reactors.

Commissioner Bernthal also requested the staff to continue looking at the performance of less complex "old plant designs" coming on line with the performance of more complex " modern plant designs" coming on line to see if differences are apparent as more data becomes available.

  • Section 201 of the Energy Reorganization Act, 42 U.S.C.

S5841, provides that action of the Commission shall be deter-mined by a " majority vote of the members present." Commissioners Carr and Rogers were not present when this item was affirmed.

Accordingly, the formal vote of the Commission was 3-0 in favor of the decision. Commissioner Carr, however, had previously indicated that he would approve this paper and had he been present he would have affirmed his prior vote. Commissioner Rogers did not participate.


1 J


q i





CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. 0FFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - Memo S. Chilk, SECY q to V. Stello, EDO dated 8/18/87 i The Commission met with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) to discuss the following topics:

(1) Safety Goal Policy Implementation Plan, (2) The Integrated Safety Assessment Program, (ISAP), ,

and (3) NUREG-1150, " Reactor Risk Reference Document."  !

Chairman Zech requested the staff to:

(1) Continue its interactions with.the ACRS and comment on the ACRS recommendations relating to implementation of-the Safety Goal Policy State-ment.

(2) Comment on the ACRS recommendations relating to NUREG-1150. j p Commissioner Bernthal requested the ACRS to review and .

cosacnt on BWR Mark I containment performance and capabil- )

ities to withstand a breach of the reactor vessel due to a {

core melt accident. j 1


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