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Amend 3 to License SNM-95 for PA State Univ
Person / Time
Site: 07000113
Issue date: 11/04/1998
From: Emeigh C
Shared Package
ML20195B885 List:
NUDOCS 9811160305
Download: ML20195B888 (3)


. . .


, MATERIALS LICENSE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code l of Ftderal Ragulations, Chapter l, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations he:etofore made by the licensee, a licence is hereby issued authorizing the licensee 'a receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license sh;ll be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.


1. Pennsylvania State University 3. License Number SNM-95 Amendment 3 University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
2. 4. Expiration Date June 30,1998, Timely Renewal v:(g Rpr~ (5. Docket No.70-113 r.v ' )EReference No.
3) 's
6. Byproduct Source, and/or T7. Chemical and/or Physical  ! 8 ., Maximum amount that Licensee Special Nuclear Material (o Form 'May Possess at Any One Time f.d g-g 0;

, - ?p ' >'tJnder This License jrh. s; A. Uranium enriched in < A. Anyi (T ". 'h- , A. (132 grams U-235 the U-235 isotope '--

g B. Uranium enriched in D

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".f1 y 4 g Bd1,100 kilograms UO 2.

the U-235 isotope Q@ B?417 Silherh Pa ii 4415 fuel elements Y' Elernentsy!@'

4' vf 44 O'O containing 2 to 6.95 w/o U-235, UO enriched

' .b and 2 fuel elements IY#E containing UO2 enriched to 7.5 w/o U-235 C. Uranium 233 C. Any C. 3 grams U-233 D. Plutonium 239 D. Encapsulated D.180 grams Pu-239 Pu-Be sources

! E. Plutonium 239 E. Plated alpha E, 5 microcuries Pu-239 sources or fission foils F. Naturaluranium F. Cylindrical F. 2,500 kilograms U metal slugs canned in aluminum l G. Source material G. Any G.10 Kilograms H. Depleted Uranium H. Solid metal rod H. 31,752 grams 9811160305 981104*

PDR ADOCK 07000734 g C eq

NRc FORM 374A u.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY Commission PAGE 2 of PAGEs License Number SNM-95 MhTERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-113 Amendment No. 3

9. Authorized place of use: The materials specified in Conditions 6.A,6.C, and 6.F shall be used in the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor Facility and the Academic Projects Building located at University Park, Pennsylvania, The material specified in Condition 6.8 shall be stored in accordance with the statements, representations, and conditions specified in the application. The authorized examinations and tests may be performed in the Academic Projects Building or the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor Facility. The materials specified in Conditions 6.D,6.E, and 6.G shall be used in locations specified in the application.
10. Authorized use: The materials specified in Conditions 6.A through 6.G shall be used in accordance with the statements, representations, and conditions specified in the application dated May 7,1992, and supplements dated March 22, August 5, and October 5,1993; September 4,1997; and October 8,1998; except as modified by~oth'Kconditions .

e in this license. The licensee is authorized to possess, store, and transfer to arioth6r licensee [b'u't hot use, the materials specified in Condition 6.B.

Storage of the fuel elements sh'all be in accordance with ' statements, representations, and conditions specified in the application.<Up to two fuel elements may'b'oremoved at one time from the storage vault for physical measurements or for examination and test, tag as necessary for accountability purposes.

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11. Insertion of cource or spkcial nuclearJnaterial cove: red by this !! cense into a nuclear reactor is not authorized. W p @ $ f

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12. Sections 19,24,25, and 26 of Sup'plement B of the application dated May 7,1992, shall not be incorporated into this licens'e.


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The authorizailons to use the'r'adioactive materials, iss'u'e d by the University Isotopes Committee, shall be granted for a 1-year period.tFor cgntiguirig work, a new request is to be approved by the University Isotopes Committee prior to the' expiration of an existing authorization.

14. The minimum technical qualifications for members of the University Isotopes Committee shall be a bachelor's degree in science or engineering and at least 3 years' experienco with radioactive materials or possession of a medical degree. The minimum qualifications need not apply to the member from the University Administration.
15. Refresher training which covers radiation safety procedures shall be conducted on an annual basis (maximum interval 15 months) for all employees and/or students who use radioactive material.
16. Notwithstanding the statements contained in Section 10.1 of Supplement B of the application dated May 7,1992, the licensee shall comply with 10 CFR 20.104.
17. Suitable clothing (lab coats, gloves, etc., specific to the job) shall be required for work with unencapsulated SNM. Hands, feet, and clothing shall be monitored when leaving an area where the materialis used. Except by approval of the University Health Physicist, persons shall not exit an area if personal clothing and/or skin are contaminated above background levels.
18. Smoking shall be prohibited in laboratories where unencapsulated SNM is used.

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License Number SNM-95 MATERIALS LICENSE Docket or Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-113 Amendment No. 3

19. The maximum " start-up" or " driving force" used in conjunction with the subcritical assembly shall not exceed that of a 5 curie Pu-Be neutron source.
20. Surface contamination surveys in laboratories shall be conducted daily when unencapsulated SNM is used. Routine radiation surveys shall be conducted monthly in areas where radioactive materials are used and/or stored.
21. Release of equipment, facilities or packages to the unrestricted area or to uncontrolled areas onsite shall be in accordance with the attached " Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Material" dated April 1993. Notwithstanding the statement contained in Supplement D, page 4, item 5, of the applicitl6n?these guidelines shall be used for release of solid waste under this license .f to the County solid wasle,> authority.
22. Sealed plutonium sources sfiall be subject to the leak tesOng and actions specified in the attached

" License Condition forq,Leak Testing,

, .;. (Sealed Plutonium Sources," dated April 1993.

23. Plutonium alpha sources 5 hall be siIbject to the acb;ns spechied in the attache


Condition for Plutonium Alpha Sourcis " dated Ap'il r 1993.

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24. Notwithstanding the stateJpents la Sectior s 16srid 17,of Suphlement B of the application, the licensee shall comply witg0 CFRfaid; kpgj0 FR'20 305.

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> M s (O 25 The licensee is hereby exem'p"ted from the requirements 6f 10 CFR 70.24 to the extent that this section applies to the storage o[ Pathfinder SuperheatfiIel Elements.

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D:te: ///Y/'Il' LW O. Ca By: Charles W. Emeigh, Acting Chief Division of Fuel Cycle Safety i

and Safeguards, NMSS Washington, DC 20555 Attachments: As stated
