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Operations Rept 39,1986
Person / Time
Site: National Bureau of Standards Reactor
Issue date: 12/31/1986
From: Rozier Carter
NUDOCS 8704130417
Download: ML20206D769 (10)



?&TIONAL BUREAU OF ST4WIRRDS REACIOR Docket #50-184 Facility License No. TR-5 Op.arations Report

  1. 39 January 1, 1986 - December 31, 1986 This report contains .a summary of activities connected with the operations of the NBSR. It is submitted in fulfillment of artion 7.8(3) of the NBSR Technical Specifications and covers the period from January 1, 1986 to December 31, 1986.

Section numbers in the report . (such as 7.8(3)(a)) correspond to those used in the Technical Specifications.

March 20, 1987 ROBERT S. CARTER Chief, Reactor Radiation Division 8704130417 861231 b

PDR ADOCK 0500 4 j R ,/l


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- 7.8(3)(a) Sununary of Plant Operations 7.8(3)(b) Unscheduled Shutdowns 7.8(3)(c) Tabulation of Major Items of Plant Maintenance 7.8(3)(d) Tabulation of Major Changes in the Facility and Procedures, and the Test'and Experiments, Carried Out Without Prior Approval by~

the IEC Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59 7.8(3)(e) Summary of Radioactive Material Released and Results of

-Environmental Surveys Performed 7.8(3)(f) Summary of Significant Exposures Received by Facility Personnel-and Visitors i

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i-7.8(3)(a) Summary of Plant Operations During the calendar year 1986, the reactor was critical for 6626.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> and the energy generated was 132,306 14U. In general, operations were uneventful durirg this period. Certain items of maintenance and repair that affected operations are included in Sections 7.8(3)(c) of this report.

7.8(3)(b) Unscheduled Shutdowns There were sixteen (16) Scrams due to commercial power dips and during storms. In most of the cases the reactor was returned to power at once.

7.8(3)(c) Tabulation of 11ajor Items of Plant liaintenance

1. Replaced pin in BT-3 shutter
2. Replaced couplirrJ of #1 Sec Aux pump
3. Increased #1 Shim Arm clutch magnet gap to .075" from .070"
4. Disassembled and cleanad #2 Shim Arm drive mc<hanism
5. Cleaned and lubricated guide stem for 002 g s holder
6. Replaced coupling insert on #2 Sec Aux pump
7. Cleaned and adjusted #1 and #311CP controller

) 8. Repaired leaks on EF-23 ventilation duct l

, 9. Isolated the following Thermal Shield Valves: #102, 42, 26, 127, 1

132, 135, 2A2, 2G-1, 142 i

! 10. Overhauled #2 Exp Demin Pump pedestal bearing

11. Repaired leak in Exp Demin flow transmitter line
12. Replaced relay in RT-1 control box l 13. Installed roll-up door outside of truck door
14. Replaced motor controllers for #1, 2, 311 cps i
15. Changed Storage Pool IX pre and after filters (4 times) 3

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16. Changed Resin in #2 Thermal Shield IX column
17. Replaced Exp Demin total flw and IX flow transmitters
18. Recaulked frame of B-2 auto closing door
19. Replaced refueling dropout chute tool
20. Replaced right battery bank of "B" Emerg. Diesel
21. Ioad tested 1st and 2nd floor cranes to 125% capacity
22. Installed additional fuel section storage racks in pool
23. Overhauled #2 Sec Pump
24. Adjusted and lubricated North personnel door hanger mechanism
25. Replaced upper and lower "O" rings in all rabbit receivers
26. Replaced #4 MCP notor with spare
27. . Replaced air regulator for SCV1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
28. Installed new clutch assembly for #1 Shim Arm
29. Replaced Reg Rod drive rotor
30. Replaced EF-2 lockout switch
31. Changed #2 Shim Arm position indication
32. Performed maintenance on Power Channel NC-8 l 33. Replaced main +10 VDC power supply for Nuclear Instrumentation
34. Replaced amplifier and mainframe & performed channel calibration on TI-7
35. Replaced amplifier for Emergency Exhaust Flow Indicator FI-19
36. Modernized the Exp. Demin. Flows (FIA-10 & 11) with two new transmitters.
37. Replaced recorder on NC-3 channel.
38. Replaced relay in Tritium Recorder point selector.
39. tbdernized the Helium Gas & C0 2 Holder R/I converters.



40. Replaced alarm actuator card on annunciator panel AN2.
41. Replaced amplifier in Heat 8xchanger lA Secondary Flow transmitter.
42. Cleaned and re-aligned pointer on Emergency Fan Controller SPC-150.~

_43. Replaced Ia3N amplifier on NC-3.

44. Replaced recorder on Reactor Vessel Level (LRC-1).
45. Replaced recorder on Helium Gas Holder Level (LRCA-5).
46. Replaced neutron detector on 1E-6.
47. Replaced meter relay control module in Process Room Tritium Monitor.
48. Replaced G1 tube in Liquid Waste Monitor.
49. . Replaced the amplifier for remote readout for the Stack Monitor (BM4-1).
50. Replaced recorder on Reactor Inlet Temp.
51. Replaced count rate meter in N-16 tbnitor.
52. Replaced fuses and drive relays on Regulator Rod.
53. Replaced main Reg Rod bearing and synchro bearings.
54. Repaired Reg Bod controller (DIAT).
55. Replaced digital indicator on Nuclear +10 VDC power supply.
56. Replaced flow alarm switch on Thermal Column Flow (FCA-7).
57. The following Technical Specification surveillance test were performed:

LIA-40 Reactor Level Indicator TIA-40A Reactor Delta Temperature Indicator NC-8 Nuclear Power Range Channel NC-7 Nuclear Power Range Channel k

Ri-3-4 Irradiated Air Monitor BTUR-1 Reactor 'Ihermal Power NC-4 Nuclear Intermediate Range Channel RM1-1-10 Area Radiation Monitors FR-3 Reactor Outlet Plenum Flow FR-4 Reactor Inner Plenum Flow IN-4-1 Stack Air Monitor RM4-4 N Criticality ?bnitor R14-4 S Criticality tbnitor LRC-1 Reactor Level Recorder NC-3 Nuclear Intermediate Range Channel C-3 lbrmal Exhaust fbnitor PC-27 Process Room Fan Controller SPC-150 Dnergency Fan Controller SPS-150 Emergency Standby Controller SPS-151 Vacuum Breaker Controller R1-3-5 Normal Air Fbnitor NC-6 Nuclear Power Range Channel NC-9 Nuclear Interlock Trip Test Rft-3-1 N-16 Ibnitor NC-1 Nuclear Source Range Channel NC-2 Nuclear Source Range Charmel Mi-3-2 Fission Products Monitor TIA-40B Reactor Delta Temperature Indicator LIA-40 Reactor Level Indicator FIA-40 Reactor Outlet Flow Indicator k

7.8(3)(d) Tabulation of Major Changes in the Facility and Procedures, and the Test and Experiments, Carried Out Without Prior Approval by the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59 Relevant Engineering Changes are summarized below.

EW-281 Replace Secondary Cooling System meters with new horizontal meters.

This was part of the instrumentation modernization during the 20 IU conversion. It does not involve an unreviwed safety question.

EW-285 Install 7/8" Flexo-Rabbit System for transfer of samples from Rabbit Lab to counting labs in B Wing.

This has no effect on the operation of reactor and therefore its failure would not involve an unreviewed safety question.

EW-306 Replace the ejector in the Helium Sweep condensate line with a pump.

This is a change to improve the recovery of D2 O from the l

Helium Sweep System. It has no effect on the operation of I the reactor and therefore its failure would not involve an unreviewed safety question.

EW-319 Provide an annunciator to signal when a rabbit enters or leaves RT-5 irradiation terminal.

There is no design change to that previously used in this or l

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other rabbit tubes therefor its failure would nct involve an unreviewed safety question.

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7.8(3)(e) Summary of Radioactive !!aterial Released and Results of Environmental Surveys Performed.

The gaseous waste released was 450 curies of tritium and 1087 curies of Argon-41, while 2.15 curies of tritium and 14 millicuries of other beta-gamma emitters were released into the sanitary sewer.

Environmental samples of the streams, vegetation, and/or soil, and air showed no significant changes.

7.8(3)(f) Summary of Significant Exposures Received by Facility Personnel and Visitors

1. None to visitors.
2. Dosimetry results for this reporting period indicated that no facility personnel received significant exposures.

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j h* National Bureau of Standards

\,# % s/ Geithersburg, Maryland 20899 4res Of March 20, 1987 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regional Administrator, Region 1 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406


Docket #50-184 Gentlemen:

' Transmitted herewith is Operations Report No. 39 for the National Bureau of Standards Reactor. The report covers the period January 1, 1986 to December 31, 1986.

Very truly yours, y

Robert S.' Carter Chief, Reactor. Radiation Division Attachment cc: Director, Division of Reactor Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Was.hington, DC 20555 ci :q i,.:,

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