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Response to Friends of the Earth Interrogatories Served on 780925.DL Gilliland,Rw Darmitzel & Rl Sharpe Affidavits & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Vallecitos File:GEH Hitachi icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/1978
NUDOCS 7811010236
Download: ML20197B111 (10)


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- i In the Matter of )

) Decket No. 50-70 .


) Operating License (Vallecitos Nuclear Center - ) No. IR-1 General Electric Test Reactor) ) (Show Cause)

LICENSEE'S ANSWERS TO F0E'S INTERROGAT'ORIES SERVED SEPTEMBER 25. 1978 General Electric (GE) hereby responds-*/ to Friends of the Earth's (70E's) interrogatories , served September 25, 1978, which were received by counsel for GE on September 28, .

1978, as follows:

1. Detrimental effects from radiation in the piping materials in systems required for safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the mmem"m postulated seismic event have not been observed during the 21 years since the GETR's construction.
  • / GE is furnishing these responses in the hope of expediting this proceeding. In doing so, GE has purposefully limited its obj ections only to the most obvious cases, and unless otherwise noted, GE does not concede either (a) that the infor ation sought by any of the subj ect interrogatories is relevaat to any of the three specific issues identified in the Cocnission's i

Memorandum and Order, dated February 13, 1978 (Cf. Tr. 36-87),

to which the inquiry in this proceeding is lisiEed, or (b) that this information is even reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Cf. 10 CFR


l S 2. 740 (b) (1) . -

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2. Ti:e original piping design for the piping required for safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the taxicus l postulated seismic event was based on the code noted in response to Interrogatory 6. The new piping restraint designs were based in part on ASME Section III values; specific references used are enumerated in EDAC report 117-217.05.
3. No.
4. No erosion ha's been observed in the pipe or pipe walls required for the safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the mavdmum postulated seismic event, nor have significant amounts of corrosion been found.
5. The original piping specifications are described in the specifications for the construction of the General Electric Test Reactor at Pleasanton, California, September 1957, R. M. ? arsons Cocpany. Piping corrosion is not normally a design factor for aluminum piping carrying demineralized water at low temperature; allowances for corrosion for the original piping design are not known.
6. The code employed for the original piping design for GETR was American Standards Association, Code for Pressure Piping, ASA 331.1-1955.

-3 i


. 7. Piping drawings applicable to those systems required j


'for safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the maxi =an J i

i postulated seismic event are available for inspection and copying by Friends of the Earth at General Electric's

! office at Vallecicos Nuclear Center. GE requests that l

4 1

Friends of the Earth contact Mr. W. T. Crawford at the I l

Vallecitos Nuclear Center in order to =ake the necessary a

arrangements for such inspection and copying. Reproduction i

i #acilities will be made availabla at the GE offices tor 1 l

l' l

copying at GE's customary rate.

l 8. The rigid-body motion was considered in the analysis of potential sliding and tilting of the reactor building. \


! The model for the rigid-body motion is described in l EDAC reporr 117-217.03 which has been forwarded to all parties.

9. Yes.

1 10. The original piping was designed to the code referenced in response to Interrogatory 6. Installation stress lead cacacities in the GETR pipes are not known to have been measured, and this comparison with design values not nade, i 11. The GETR piping restraints required for safe shutdown ,

4 of the GETR in the case of the naximun postulated seismic event that have been, or are being, installed are designed i

l l


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to assure that piping stresses are within allowable

[ values for a 0.8g peak ground acceleration and. a one meter surface offset. The'value of offset and vibratory ground motion at which these components would exceed their material deformation capacities has not been determined.

12. See response to Interrogatory 11.
13. See response to Interrogatory 11.
14. Sea responsa to Interrogatory 11.


15. The flexible connections, at the locations where the fuel flooding system piping penetrates the GETR conen +nment , are provided in order to prevent loading ,

the piping during a seismic event. This is the only piping that penetrates the containment which is required for the safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the maximum postulated seismic event and is described in EDAC report 117-217.08.

16a. The original piping supports for systems required for safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the naximum postulated seismic event have been supplanted by new restraints which have been or are being installed.

These are described in EDAC reports 117-217.05, 117-217.06, and 117-217.07 previously sent to'all parties.

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. -5 16b. See response to Interrogatory 16a.


, 17. .The original piping mounting and supports were fabricated  !

n  !

and installed prior to the issuance of 10 C.F.R. 50,  ;

Appendix B.

18. The piping support anchors for the piping systems required for the safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the mav4== postulated seismic event are described in l l

EDAC reports 117-217. 05, 117-217. 06 and 117-217. 07 previously senti to all parties. ,

19. The proposed modified piping supports will be installed prior to reacton startup.
20. The new piping supports adhere to the Quality Assurance a

requirements the Safety Analysis Report, NELO 12622 which has been. forwarded to you. 10 C.F.R. 50, 4

Appendix 3 was a guide in formulating the above quality assurance requirements.

21. The modifications that are planned in relation to systems required for the safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the maximum postulated seismic event are described in the July 20, 1978 submittal (Darmittel to Stallo) copies of which were sent to all parties.

No piping replacements are necessary to sssure safe shutdown of the GETR in the case of the na:ci=um postulated seismic evenr. -.

l l .,_

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22. GE does not plan to take photographs for verification of primary and secondary pipe and support locations ,

.. the original counting design, and pipe and support i modifications. However, photos of selected equipment i may be taken after modifications related to systems i

required.for the safe shutdown of the GETR in the case i

i of the maximum postulated seismic event have been s


j 23. No. The only access points for photography are the 4

i doors / hatches provided for maintenance and personnel i

i operations.


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i UNITED STATY.S OF AMERICA MUCLEAR REGut.ATORY CDPMIS$10N fs, 1 Docket No. 50-70 In the Mattar of -


) Operating License ,



Vallecitos Nuclear- Center - (Show Cause)

General Electric Test Reactor AFFIDAVIT OF OWIGHT L. GILLIUUED 4

Dwight L. Cill11and, being duly sworn, deposes and says as fo11cus:-

1. That he is employed as Manager, Reactor Irradiations.. General Electric Company,. Vallecitos Nuclear Center, Pleasanton, California, and' that he is .

duly authorized to answer the interrogatories numbered 1 through 7 and I 4 10 through 23 propounded by Friends of the Earth under data of September 25,.

ifv78 on behalf of the Licensee.

2. That the above mentioned and attached answers are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. ~ .
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M VMMfA c. cxcre, Os2gnt L,. Gifli1and D['


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Subscribed and swont to before me- this third day of October,1978.

!.A k- s - } N-, A"J firginia C. Capaciro My C.:snission expires "2m5 3.1981.


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No. TR-1 (Show Cause_


('laliecitos Muclear Cantar -

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Retere V. Darwit:el. being duly sworn, deocses vid says as follows-Irradiatica Processing Operation,

1. That rm: is. ewleyes as. Macacpr ifornia, .

General Electric 6:m:s:3y, Vallecitos ,ticlear- Cantar,. Pleasanton, Cal Nderiend to executa the- foregoing answers tn the inter-and thae he is .M 7 }

recateries. preocuriced by Friends. af the Earth under date of Seprmne 25.19 I 3, on behalf of the Licznsee, T. That tw. above Moned and attached answers art trae and cvn m- *-

to the best of his knowledge and belief.

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My C:x=ission expim 54rth 3,.1981.  !


s In the Matter of )

} Cocket No. W-70 OEMERAL ET.ECTRIC CDsPtaY k 1

) Cperatine License h 58 Vallecitos fluetear Center - ) No. IE-l' "

,5(enerai Electric Test Reactor) ) (Show Cause) N

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/#FICN/IT OF ECLAsic !.. SHARPE rm;-

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l " .1 Raf and L. Sharpe, being duiy swor% denoses and says 35 (017cw5:

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1. That he is moleyee by the Engineering Deefsten Analysis ccupany, ~e Inc., as Chafr:an of the Board and Senior Consultant, 480 california i]

Avenue, Suite Xo. 301, Palo. Alte, Callfernia. ;7 l

2 [p@

That he is duty authorized to answer the Interrogatcrf es ntm!bered 2 - [g' ' '

8, 9, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, and la creocunded by Friends of the  !

Ear .n under date of Septacer 25, 1978 en henaIf of the Licensee. _

3.  !

Tht ?.5.a above-eentioned and attached ans' arcs are true and cerd to '

the ::est of his knculedge and belief. ,

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.- ) Docket No. 50-70 GENERAL M CTRIC COMPANY )

) Operating License (Vallecitos Nuclear Center - ) No. TR-1 General Electric Test Reactor) ) (Show Cause)

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that the foregoing has been served as of this date by personal delivery or first class cail, postage prepaid, to the following:

Edward.Luton, Esq., Chairman Lawrence Chandler, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Con:=ission Con: mis sion Washington, D. C. 20555 1717 E Street, N.W.

Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Ms. Barbara Shockley U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Com=ission 1890 Sockman Road Washington, D. C. 20555 San Lorento, California 94580 .

Dr. Harry Foraman Docketing & Service Section Director of Center for Office of the Secretary ,

Population Studies U. S. Nuclear Regulatory  !

University of Minnesota Commission Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Washington, D. C. 20555 Rep. Ronald V. Dellu=s, M.C. Atomic Safety and Licensing Attention: Ms. Nancy Snow, A. A. Board Panel General Delivery, Civic Center Station U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Oakland, California 94606 Coc=ission Washington, D. C. 20555 Andrew Baldwin, Esq.

c/o Friends of the Earth Atomic Safety and Licensing 124 Spear Street Appeal Board San Francisco, California 94105 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cocsission Daniel Swanson, Esq., OELD Washington, D: C. 20555 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cccmission '

Washington, D. C. 20555 '


  • Edward A. Firestone, Esq.

General Electric Cocpany g Ghorge L. Ecgar ~

Nuclear Energy Division Attorney for 175 Curtner Avenue General Electric Co=pany ,

San Jose, California 95125 l (Mail Code 822) j Dated: October 6, 1978