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Motion by State of Ri for Order Requiring Applicant to Produce Data in Addition to Data Provided in Environ Rept
Person / Time
Site: New England Power
Issue date: 10/13/1978
From: Prentiss R
NUDOCS 7811010436
Download: ML20150B620 (8)


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1 BEFOilE THE NIORIC SAFEIY AND LICENSING DOARD Ms wf* i Y 6 l CrrrG In the fbtter of NEW ENGLAND IDER Docket Nos. 50-568 COMPANY 50-569 (IEP-1 and NEP-2)


The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations ("Rhode Island")

herewith noves for entry of an order directing the New England Po ar )

I Canpany ("NEPCO") to produce for staff and intervenors further data and i infomation than is provided in the Environnental Report, as such data and infornation is nore particularly described below. In support of said j 1

notion, Rhode Island states as follows: i

1. The instant proceeding concerns the application of NEPCO for a ,

1 permit to construct two pressurizcd water reactor electric generating stations on land cuned by the General Services Adatinistration bordering Ninigret Pond (a coastal salt pond) in Charlestown, Rhode Island.

2. Ninigret Pond, one of the few such bodies of water in Ihode Island, is a significant natural area with substantial narine and ter-restrial wildlife and recreation potential unique to such bodies of wu +:':r. 'ihe mcspw of a conatal pond i.s rurticularly sensitive t o perturtutions of any sort, and could be significantly inpacted Ly any najor consLtuction activity at or near the pond's perineter. If an "781101 M

a alternative site to that proposed exists which has all the attributes '

of the prinary site other than its proximity to a coastal pond, then such site might be found to be obviously superior to the primary site.

3. Two alternative sites to that proposed by NEILO in its appli-cation are the Westerly and Rone Point sites, so called, described InJ inning at page 9.2-8 of the Environmental Report. The Westerly and 1
Ibme Ibint sites are approximately 4 miles and 16 miles rerroved from the primary site respectively, and are now owned by NEPCO and/or its affiliate (both firms are wholly owned by the New England Electric System) The Narragansett Electric Company.
4. The infornation supplied by NEPCO in its Environmental Report relative to the Westerly and Rome Point sites is very brief and lack-ing in depth or detail. Since the Draf t Environmental Inpact State-nunt ("DEIS") to be issued by staff will in large part be prepared on

, the hisis of the information contained in the Environanntal Report, the DEIS, at the present level of information, will be devoid of suf-ficient data to determine the grounds for NEPCO's determining that these sites are not obviously superior to the primary site, and the validity of that determination.

S. It is in the best interest of all parties, this Cormission, and the public, that the DEIS contain ccrcprehensive detail as to the bases for the applicant's rejection of alternatives to the proposed action such that those bases can be explored and intellic atly com-mented upon preparatory to cortpletion of the Final Environmental Im-pact Statenent ("PEIS") . Such a procedure can significantly reduce 4

both time-consuming discovery proceedings and the time rcquired for the hearings which will ensue follcuing the PEIS's preparation.

6. The information Rhode Island requests be provided for both sites can be divided into two categories, described as follows:

A. The data base conpiled by NEPCO relative to the Westerly and Ibme Point sites including the following categories of infor-nation:

i) Iand use/ zoning ii) Detrography iii) Geology, including soi' types, wetlands characteristics, i bedrock types and structures, seismicity, susceptibility to drilling, etc.

iv) Ilydrology, including surface and grou,d water characteristicr v) Air, noise, and water qualities vi) Types of vegetation on site.

vii) Wildlife on site.

viii) Social characteristics ix) Econamic characteristics x) IIistorical, archaeological, and aesthetic features B. Using the above-described data base, NEPCO's analysis and con-clusions as to the following questions and considerations:

i) Inpacts of excavation at the site and use of the excavated ruterial as fill.

ii) Iand and pond / barrier beach inpacts of alternative cool-ing systems (i.e. , tunneling, pipeline, cooling tvers) .

('?:mterly ul to only) ,

iii) Inpacts on the nurine ecosystem of Block Island Sound of cooling water intake and discharge for a cooling system constructed for the Westerly site (i.e. , a conparison of l

i the inpacts of a Westerly-related cooling systcm with a Charlestown-related cooling system) .

iv) 7.npacts on water resources and wetlands of construction at the hbsterly and Romo Point sites.

v) - Ability of the water supply at the Westerly and Ibtre Ibint sites to support operation of the proposed plants.

vi) Inpact of construction of transmission lines from the Wes-terly and Ibne Point sites as conpared to the Charlestown site.

, vii) A conparative cost-benefit analysis of the Westerly, Prae Point, and Charlestown sites.

viii) Inpact on ground water supply of construction of a generating facility at the Westerly and Icme Point sites.

ix) All studies relative to both open- and closed-cycle cooling system for a Rorre Point facility x) Copies of the following docunents:

Preliminary Site Evaluation Study: Ibne Ibint: North Kingstown, Phode Island. URI: GSO, Dec. 1969.

Rorre Point Investigations: Quarterly Report; June-August 1971. G.C. tetthiessen. Farine Research, Inc., Oct. 1971.

Rone Point Investigations: Quarterly Prc>gress Retyrt; 1

Septembar-November, 1971. G.C. letthiessen. thrine Research, Inc., Jan. 1972.

Fr e Point Investigations: Quarterly Progress Report; D cen'ber 1971-February 1972. G.C. tutthiessen, terine Pe-search, Jrc. , April 1972.

Face Point Investigations: Quarterl[ Progress Report; March-

/;tj 1972. G .C . I .'c. t thiessen . Tarino R enech, Inc., Aug. 197?.

Ibac Point Investigations: Quarterly Progress Report; June-August 1972. G.C. Fbtthiessen. Parine Research, Inc. , Nov.1972 Rame Point Investigations: Quarterly Progress Report; Septem-bar-Novenbar, 1972. G.C. fetthlessen. turine Research, Inc.

turch 1973.


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7. If the above-describad information is supplied as an addition to the Environmental Report, the staff will be able to prepare a DEIS which comprehensively treats alternative sites, which might well be feasible locations for the proposed action. Rhode Island and other parties will then be in a much nore advantageous position to analyze NEPCD's site-selection process and conclusions, and provide neaningful corments to staff for its use in preparing the FEIS.

WHEldTORE, for all of the foregoing reasons, the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations noves that the New England Ibver Company be ordared to provide, as part of its Environnental Report, the infonra-tion and data described in the paragraph No. 6 herein.

Respectfully sulxnitted, TIIC STATE OF IU10DE ISLAND AND l PIOVIDENCE PIANTATIONS l By Its Attorney' s r~ , \


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IC Daniel Prentiss Chief Icgal Counsel Phoda Island Departannt of Environnental Management 83 Park Street Providence, RI

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a j I certify that I served a true copy of the foregoing document i.

upon all parties of record in this proceeding as such parties are 4

listed on the attached service list.

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t ),; j , ff ii IMthleen M. Luz -

., Aininistrticive Secretary i


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Ibbert K. Gad, III, Esquire J. Peter Doherty, Esquire Ibpos and Gary Special Assistant Attorney General 225 Franklin Street State of Rhode Island and Boston, bbscachusetts 02110 Providence Plantations 55 Pine Street New England Pou2r Conpany Providence, Rhode Island 02903 ATIN: Mr. James E. Tribble Vice President V. Jam 3s Santaniello, Erquire 20 Turnpike Ibad Town Solicitor Westborough, bussachusetts 01581 Town of West Greenwich l bbnning, West, Santaniello & Pari Mr. C. Robert McIran, President 711 Industrial Bank Building Charlestown 'Ibwn Council Providence, RI 02903 Town llall Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813 Mr. Frank G. Cole, Project Bhnager United Engineers Constructors Ms. Both Paul Milham 30 South 17th Street Chairman P.O. Box 8223 )

Aquidneck Island Ecology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 108 North Chanplin Place Newport, Rhode Island 02840 Mr. James T. Kaull The Providence Journal and Archibald B. Kenyon, Jr., Esquire Evening Bulletin

'Ibwn Solicitor 75 Fountain Street i Town of South Kingston Providence, Rhode Island 02902 I 51 Tower 11ill Ibad Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879 Energy Advisor Office of the Governor John P. Toscano, Jr. State House

' Solicitor Providence, Rhode Icland 02903 I 23 Canal Street Westerly, Rhode Island 02891 Wallace Stickney l U.S. Environnental Protection Agency Mr. Eric D. Schneider JFK Federal Building Ms. Claudine C. Schneider Boston, Massachusetts 02203 56 Central Street Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 Sanford Gaines, Region I Office U.S. Envirornental Protection Agancy Rhode Islanders for Safe Power JFK Federal Building c/o Mary 1snn Scott-Ketner Boston, obssachusetts RD5 700 Ministerial Road Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879 Mr. Richard A. Poirier, President' Rhode Island Association of Ihnte Ionata Conservation Carmtissioners Governor's Energy Office Pole 95 Stillwater Poad 80 Dean Stnet S"tithfield, Rhode Taland 02917 Provideux, .:a.6 Elcmd 02903 Vincent J. Naccarato, Esquire Robert Ostrum 'Ibwn Solicitor, 'Ibwn of Westerly General Services Administration Washington Trust Building - Suite 209 Washington, D.C. 02407 Westerly, Phode Island 02891

. l 1

l Mr. John Scanlon,' Executive Mr. Erhard J. King, President Director New England Council for Save the Bay, Inc. Economic Developtrent 655 Main Street 1032 Statler Office Building East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Dr. Samuel Seeley, President Mr. Henry Shelton j Concerned Citizens of Rhode Island Coalition for Constner Justice Box 525 428 Dexter Street I Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813 Central Falls, Rhode Island 02863 Mr. Richard G. Schoon Executive Vice President Greater Providence Chamber of Cormerce 10 Dorrance Street

Providence, Rhode Island 02903 J

Mr. Harold Ward Chai. nan of the Board Conversation Inw Foundation of Rhode Island 286 Doyle Avenue Providence, Rhode Island 02906 Edward H. Newinn, Esquire Solicitor, 'Idan of Richnend 42 Granite Street Westerly, Rhode Island 02891 Barry Capalbo, Esquire ,

Solicitor, Town of Hopkinton 1 Hopkinton, Rhode Island 02883 '

i Mr. Raynond L. Thorp, Jr.

Chairman for Intervention l The Taxpayers and Voters of Charlestown Bradford, Rhode Island 02808 i

Dr. Robert L. Conrad Physicians Concerned Alcut Nuclear Power 130 Kenyon Acenue Wakefiold, Rhcde Island 02819 James D. Thornton, Esquire Thornton & Thornton, Inc.

Truatces c"

  • Thor:ns Dpan Teld Tnst l Washington Trust Building Westerly, Rhode Island 02891 i




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