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Discusses Notification Difficulties Encountered in Isomedix, Inc 750613 Overexposure Incident.Proposed Corrective Actions Listed
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/19/1974
From: Gallina C
To: James O'Reilly
Shared Package
ML20008D730 List:
FOIA-85-111 NUDOCS 8507200109
Download: ML20133A536 (3)


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%,,, #..,.. . .. .. JUL 191974 James P. O'Reilly, Director, Regulatory Operations, Region I NOTIFICATION DIFFICULTIES ENCOUTNERED IN ISOMEDII OVEREIPOSURE INCIDENT


Memo from Brunner to O'Reilly dated June 24, 1974 The attach'ed meno delineates reveral difficulties encountered subsequent

- to the initial contact with the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) following an overexposure incident at Isomedix, Incorporated on June 13. Some of the deficiencies are cignificant and are being corrected at present.

Other deficiencies noted are not under the direct control of Regica I and corrective action these areas, where possible, will have to be accomplished in a longer time frams. -

Referencing the summary items as delineated in the aforementioned memo, the following explanations and/or corrective actions are proposedt

. Item No. 1 Investigation of the overexposure incident revealed that the emergency procedures being utilized by the licensee did not call for notification of Region I on a high priority level. The licensee did contact the ambulance and hospital at the time of the incident and was in the process of ==Hng further notifications when the ambulana.e arrived. Due to the confusion which followed with respect to hospital admission, the licensee representative performing the notifications accompanied the exposed individual to the hospital and consequently all further notifications were terminated. In all probability the initial notification to Brookhaven was made by the New Jersey State Police or other State representative. If this is the case, then our coccunications chain did break down at the Brookhaven-RAP level. Upon notification of an incident, RAP is instructed to notify Region I innediately. It has been noted that this co==mications network has broken down in the past and l ve have contacted RAP several times on this issue. The next con-tact will be in writing and will be ferwarded to you for your signature.

Item No. 2 The difficulty encountered by the EDO as described in Item 2 is being corrected at prcaent. Normally the EDO will not have his " beeper" l

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3 Form AIC-Ste (Rev.t.53) ABCM 0244

[D 9, 8507200109 850510 PDR FOIA GLOWACK85-111 PDR.



s R R' James F. O'Reilly .

turned on when he is at home due to the fact that the first ameifismeia= will be via telephone. The EDO will be lastructed l that ones an emergency motification has taken place and he is l notiftad at home that the " beeper" should be turned on at that I patat. In this way, should the answering service receive further safer ==*f== from 11- persmanal and cannot contact the EDO ,

7 due to a busy signal, it saa ring the " beeper" number. The beeper  !

, will them sound at the ED0's residence t=114= him that as soon as  !

he has finished his current phone call, he ehemld immediately re-  :

eestaat the anseerias servies for sa update en information.

With respect to added telephone lines and FTS a - feations with Et,the Regional Offies has 10 i====4=p and entgefag lines which can

, he used during an emergency. Under emergemey conditimes it is not ingerativa to use FTS *a====4-art === oyotama, although this can be used as the primary link to HQ. - '---- - - i.ars paraeanal =ha=1d be L fastrusted to use the phone members 337-1151 through 1159 during an

amargensy if FPS *a -==4 ,=efa== are inoperable. Since these calls esme in en *====ecial lines, as many as three individuals can be on a afagle penses call at one time. Further, if thema calls are answered ,

r at any of the telephones leested in the Seniors' or Brameh Chiefs; adf1*==, additismal personnel con be cut in en the conversation by

going to the appropriate secretary's desk. Commentication modifica-ties in this area is therefore not crittent at this time, prwided I

El perseemel are aumre of its ;_"=414*i .

Item Es. 3 l Diffiamities encountered with respect to HQ perseenel met being i

available are met under the direct control of Region I personnel.

p I *===== with the suggestion that people at Headquarters should be astified as seem as possible seen before complete information is av=11 =k1 =. This will help to =i=4=4== any difficultima en-

- *==ed when EQ astification is attempted. In other words, m i==ef = = difficulties can be sorrestad concurrent to the sequisitima of informatism r=1=*4=g to the incident- . If as com-

--femeig= diffie=1 ties are -e=eed with HQ, than this will provided addiesamm1 time for HQ per=a===1 c)assembleata eeWTemiang 1mearie=, '

Subparagraph e of item 3 wee a definite prgblem in the notification i procedure. The RO:I == ==eing service did'aot have the " beeper" nember for the Emergency Pian =ing Officer (EPO). I did, however, i== art an instructica sheet in the Emergency Duty Officer book which provided 12teria instrustia== om how the EPO was to be notified. I have attached a copy of this insertime to this mano. Review of these instructions will 4=diente that the EPO can be contacted at home or



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..,, a '~s . u James F. O'E J.y

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. by amans of his " beeper" and the ammber of the beeper 1s provided ,

yta=== note that the assuaring service need met directly be involved r la con *==*4== the EPO although this is amesuraged whenever possible t

sa the might in questica I recostaeted the answertag service and cem-fim=d that they did not have the EPO's " beeper" number and they did ebeek the " beeper" operation by ==114== the ammber from their lese-tian. The " beeper" worked as planned. It should alas be meted that

, the EDO instreetion for contaattag the EPO provide a means of sharing notifie=ei = responsibilittee while met requiring direct contact between the .EPO and DO in the early course of am 4=eid==e.

Item Be. 4

. I fully esseur with this ebeervatism imam ==eh as my recostact with the B :I amsuertag service and embeequent cheek-est of the " beeper" speratima wee h==41=d meet effectively and they were will infr.rmed of the facident as it uns escurring and had a dormi1=d reeerd of whatewer cells had been mode. n Eed all notificattem ,.-

" _ w worked as plammed, and had the licensee made i=== dime = notification to Region I, it is essesivable that the EPO emeld have been at the site of the insid==e within 2-1/1 hours of its escurrence. W ifismei=== are currently being made to the Regies I l Emergency Incident e==pa=== Plan and embeegenat trainias sessians will be a==d==*=d by the EPO for all r:-71 perseemel. Following this c **=4=1mg. an energemey drill will be ==had=1=d. The asemario for this drill will be prepared by the EPO and forwarded to yea for your approval as seen an it is a==p1=*=d. This drill will be conducted without any prior ==tifie=*4 =- The reopensibilitime of the EPO are being developed and ggraded at present and will be forwarded to you for your approval

, spea completima.

Dr. Charles 0. c=114==

Emergency F1 - 4== Officer ce: J. F. Stahr l

r I


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